Cetop 3 DHI - DHO - DHU
Cetop 3 DHI - DHO - DHU
Cetop 3 DHI - DHO - DHU
. .
sealed solenoid 햴 with manual overri-
de and with coils certified according
the North American standard C UR US:
• DHI for AC and DC supply;
DHU DHI A B • DHU for DC supply with improved
• DHO for DC supply with high perfor-
connector 햵 햴 햳 햲
Moving parts are protected, lubricated
and cushioned in oil.
. Shell-moulding casting 햲 machined by
transfer lines and then cleaned by ther-
mal deburring.
Optimized flow paths largely cored with
extrawide channels to tank for low
A B pressure drops.
Interchangeable spools 햳 available in
a wide variety of configurations.
1 MODEL CODE DHU and DHO valves can be supplied
with optional devices for control of swit-
DHI – 0 63 1/2 /A - X 24 DC ** /* ching times.
Directional control valves size 06 Synthetic fluids Standard electric/electronic connectors
DHI-0 = AC and DC supply WG =water glycol
DHU-0 = for DC supply PE= phosphate ester 햵 able to satisfy the requirements of
DHO-0 = for DC supply, high performances modern machines for electric interfa-
Valve configuration, see table 2 Series number ces characteristics.
61 = single solenoid, center plus external position,
spring centered Coils are fully encapsulated (class H).
63 = single solenoid, 2 external positions, spring offset Voltage code, see section 6
67 = single solenoid, center plus external position,
00 = valve without coils (only for DHI and In DHI and DHU, coils are easily repla-
spring offset
70 = double solenoid, 2 external positions, without DHU). ceable without aid of tools.
71 = double solenoid, 3 positions, spring centered X = without connector Rugged execution suitable for outdoor
75 = double solenoid, 2 external positions, with detent See note 2 at section 5 for available connec- use.
77 = double solenoid, center plus external position, tors, to be ordered separately
without springs Surface mounting ISO 4401 size 06.
Other configurations are available on request. Coils with special connectors, see section 10
(only for DHI and DHU) Max flow up to 60 l/min for DHI/DHU
Spool type, see table 3. XJ = AMP Junior Timer connector
XK= Deutsch connector and up to 80 l/min for DHO.
Options, see note 1 at section 5. XS= Lead Wire connection Max pressure: 350 bar.
Note: configuration 63, 70 and 75 are available only with spools type 0/2, 1/2 and 2/2.
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
0/2 1/2 2/2
8 90 09 91 19 93 39 94
49 16 17 58 1/9
See note 3 at section 5.
Assembly position / location Any position for all valves except for type - 070* (without springs) that must be installed with horizontal
axis if operated by impulses
Subplate surface finishing Roughness index flatness ratio 0,01/100 (ISO 1101)
Ambient temperature from -20°C to +70°C
Fluid Hydraulic oil as per DIN 51524 .... 535; for other fluids see section 1
Recommended viscosity 15 ÷ 100 mm2/s at 40°C (ISO VG 15 ÷ 100)
Fluid contamination class ISO 19/16, achieved with in line filters at 25 μm value to β25 ≥ 75 (recommended)
Fluid temperature -20°C +60°C (standard and /WG seals) -20°C +80°C (/PE seals)
Flow direction As shown in the symbols of tables 2 and 3
Operating pressure DHI Ports P,A,B: 350 bar;
For versions with proximity swit- Port T: 120 bar
ches (/FI/NC and /FI/NO versions)
maximum counter pressure DHU, DHO Ports P,A,B: 350 bar;
allowed on T port is 5 bar Port T 210 bar
Rated flow See diagrams Q/Δp at section 7
Maximum flow 60 l/min for DHI and DHU; 80 l/min for DHO, see operating limits at section 8
4.1 Coils characteristics
Insulation class H (180°C) Due to the occuring surface temperatures of the solenoid coils, the European standards
EN563 and EN982 must be taken into account
Connector protection degree DIN 43650 IP 65
Relative duty factor 100%
Supply voltage and frequency See electric feature 6
Supply voltage tolerance ± 10%
Certification C UR US
1 Options
A = Solenoid mounted at side of port B (only for single solenoid valves). In standard versions, solenoid is mounted at side of port A.
WP = prolonged manual override protected by rubber cap (standard for DHO models) - see section 12 .
L1, L2, L3 = device for switching time control, installed in the valve solenoid (only for DHU and DHO models).
Not available for valves with connectors E-SE. For spools 4 and 4/8 only device L3 is available.
F* = with proximity switch for monitoring spool position: see tab. E110.
3 Spools
- spools type 0/2, 1/2, 2/2 are only used for two position valves: single solenoid valves, type DH*-063*/2 and double solenoid valves type
DH*-070*/2 and DH*-075*/2.
- spools type 0 and 3 are also available as 0/1 and 3/1 with restricted oil passages in central position, from user ports to tank.
- spools type 1, 4 and 5 are also available as 1/1, 4/8 and 5/1. They are properly shaped to reduce water-hammer shocks during the swiching.
- spools type 1, 3, 8 and 1/2 are available as 1P, 3P, 8P and 1/2P to limit valve internal leakages.
- spool type 1/9 has closed center in rest position but it avoids the pressurization of A and B ports due to the internal leakages.
- Other types of spools can be supplied on request.
External supply Power Code of spare coil
(1) Coil can be supplied also with 60
Voltage Type of Colour of Hz of voltage frequency: in this
Valve nominal voltage consumption
code connector coil label
± 10% (2) DHI DHU case the performances are redu-
6 DC 6 DC SP-COU-6DC/ 80 SP-COU-6DC/ 80 brown ced by 10 ÷15% and the power
9 DC 9 DC SP-COU-9DC /80 SP-COU-9DC /80 light blue consumption is 55 VA.
12 DC 12 DC SP-COU-12DC /80 SP-COUR-12DC /10 green (2) Average values based on tests
14 DC 14 DC SP-COU-14DC /80 SP-COUR-14DC /10 brown preformed at nominal hydraulic
18 DC 18 DC SP-COU-18DC /80 SP-COU-18DC /80 blue condition and ambient/coil tempe-
24 DC 24 DC 33 W SP-COU-24DC /80 SP-COUR-24DC /10 red
rature of 20°C.
28 DC 28 DC SP-COU-28DC /80 SP-COUR-28DC /10 silver
48 DC 48 DC SP-COU-48DC /80 SP-COU-48DC /80
(3) In a cycle, where solenoid is ener-
110 DC 110 DC SP-666 SP-COU-110DC /80 SP-COUR-110DC /10 black gized/deenergized in 1 second (1
125 DC 125 DC or SP-COU-125DC /80 SP-COU-125DC /80 silver Hz), the average power consump-
220 DC 220 DC SP-667 SP-COU-220DC /80 SP-COUR-220DC /10 black tion is 7 W; for longer cycles, the
DHI 24/50 AC power consumption is lower.
24/50/60 AC SP-COI-24/50/60AC /80 (1) - pink
DHU 24/60 AC When solenoid is energized the
48/50 AC inrush current is 6 A at 12 VDC and
48/50/60 AC SP-COI-48/50/60AC /80 (1) - white
48/60 AC 60 VA 3 A at 24 VDC corresponding to
110/50 AC 110/50/60 AC (4) SP-COI-110/50/60AC /80 (1) yellow
- power consumption peak of 72 W.
120/60 AC 120/60 AC SP-COI-120/60AC /80 white
230/50 AC SP-COI-230/50/60AC /80 (1)
These current peaks persist for a
230/50/60 AC light blue
230/60 AC 230/60 AC SP-COI-230/60AC /80 -
period shorter than 100 msec and
12 DC 6 DC SP-COU-6DC /80 SP-COU-6DC/80 brown they must be considered when
E-SE 7 W (3) electric circuit is designed.
24 DC 12 DC SP-COU-12DC /80 SP-COUR-12DC /10 green
110/50 AC 40 VA (4) When solenoid is energized, the
110RC SP-COU-110RC /80 SP-COUR-110RC /10 gold
120/60 AC 35 VA inrush current is approx 3 times the
230/50 AC 40 VA holding current. Inrush current
230RC SP-COU-230RC /80 SP-COUR-230RC /10 blue
230/60 AC 35 VA values correspond to a power con-
sumption of about 150 VA.
External supply Power External supply Power
Voltage Type of Voltage Type of
Valve nominal voltage consumption nominal voltage consumption
code connector code connector
± 10% (2) ± 10% (2)
12 DC 12 DC 110/50 AC 40 W
SP-666 32 W 110 DC
24 DC 24 DC 120/60 AC 35 W
DHO or SP-669
110 DC 110 DC 230/50 AC 40 W
SP-667 40W 220 DC
220 DC 220 DC 230/60 AC 35 W
7 Q/ΔP DIAGRAMS based on mineral oil ISO VG 46 at 50°C DHI - DHU DHO
Flow direction B B
2, 3 A A C C
2/2, 4, 5, 9* D D D D A
6 A A C A
7 A A A C
8 C C B B
Flow rate [l/min] Flow rate (l/min)
Inlet pressure [bar]
DHU-*/L1 –– 60 60 DHO-*/L2 –– 80 80
The elasticity of the hydraulic circuit and the variations of the hydraulic characteristics and temperature affect the response time.
Coil type SP-COUJ, SP-COURJ Coil type SP-COURK Coil type SP-COUS, SP-COURS
AMP Junior Timer connector (not available for COU) Lead Wire connection
Protection degree IP67 Deutsch connector Cable lenght = 180 mm
DT-04-2P male
Protection degree IP67
Note: The above coils are available only for voltage supply 12, 14, 24 and 28 VDC. For the characteristics refer to standard coils features - see sect. 6
DHI-06 DHI-07
DHU-06 DHU-07
Mass: 1,8 kg
Mass: 1,5 kg
DHO-06 DHO-07
The connectors must be ordered separately
SP-666, SP-667 (for AC or DC supply) SP-669 (for AC supply)
SP-666, SP-667 SP-669
Ø Counterbore
GAS Ports Mass
Model Ports location [mm]
A-B-P-T [kg]