This document appears to be a supplement for repairing reels from 2003. It contains diagrams of reel parts labeled with numbers between 400-670. The diagrams show the internal components and assemblies of different reel models to aid technicians in repairs.
This document appears to be a supplement for repairing reels from 2003. It contains diagrams of reel parts labeled with numbers between 400-670. The diagrams show the internal components and assemblies of different reel models to aid technicians in repairs.
This document appears to be a supplement for repairing reels from 2003. It contains diagrams of reel parts labeled with numbers between 400-670. The diagrams show the internal components and assemblies of different reel models to aid technicians in repairs.
This document appears to be a supplement for repairing reels from 2003. It contains diagrams of reel parts labeled with numbers between 400-670. The diagrams show the internal components and assemblies of different reel models to aid technicians in repairs.
Part N o. Des cription Part N o. Des cription Part N o. Des cription
TT 0002A Handle B olt Plate T T 0582 Pus h “ Low ” B utton S haft T T 0619 Lever S haft B ody W as her TT 0040A Pre-Load S pring T T 0583 Handle A s s em bly T T 0620 Lever S haft B ody TT 0042A B earing T hrus t W as her T T 0584 Cover S crew T T 0621 Pre-Program K ey Pin TT 0069 “ E ” Lock T T 0585 Pre-Program Dial T T 0622 Pre-Program K ey TT 0091 Pus h B utton S hield T T 0586 Lever Hub Cover T T 0623 Pre-Program S crew TT 0092 Handle B olt Plate S crew T T 0587 Drag Control B utton T T 0624 Pinion G ear (B ) TT 0093 S lide Plate S pring T T 0588 Drag Control B utton S pring T T 0625 Pinion S haft TT 0094 S lide Plate T T 0589 Drag Control Lever T T 0626 Cros s Pin (B ) TT 0107 Drive S haft S pring “ B ” T T 0590 Lever Click S hoe T T 0627 A lert R atchet S crew TT 0148 Handle B olt T T 0591 Lever Click T T 0628 A lert R atchet TT 0206 Friction W as her (C) T T 0592 “ E ” Lock T T 0629 S pool TT 0209 G ear S elect Cros s B ar T T 0593 Lever Click Cover T T 0630 Drag Plate S pring TT 0211 Drive S haft S pring T T 0594 Lever Click Cover S crew T T 0631 Pres s ure Plate (A ) TT 0212 Friction W as her (A ) T T 0595 Lever T hrus t R ing (A ) T T 0632 Drag W as her S crew TT 0213 Drive S haft S crew T T 0596 Quadrant A nchor B olt T T 0633 Drag W as her TT 0343 Pus h B utton S hield S crew T T 0597 Lever Quadrant T T 0634 Pres s ure Plate S pring TT 0474 Drive S haft S hield T T 0598 Lever Quadrant B us hing T T 0635 Drag Plate TT 0475 Drive S haft T hrus t W as her T T 0599 R ight S ide Plate (B ) T T 0636 Drag Plate S crew TT 0478 Friction S hoe S pring T T 0600 Drive S haft Holder S crew T T 0637 Pres s ure Plate (B ) TT 0479 Dial Click S hoe T T 0601 R ight S ide Plate S crew T T 0638 “ O” R ing (A ) TT 0480 Dial Click T T 0602 Cros s Pin S upport S pring T T 0639 Cooling S hield TT 0483 Dial W as her T T 0603 Plunger Cros s Pin (B ) T T 0640 Cooling S hield W as her TT 0484 “ E ” Lock T T 0604 Plunger Cros s Pin S upport T T 0641 Cooling S hield S crew TT 0485 Lever T hrus t R ing (B ) T T 0605 R ight S ide Plate (A ) T T 0642 B earing S pacer TT 0512 Cros s Pin (A ) T T 0606 Free S pool Detent T T 0643 One-Piece Fram e TT 0524 W aterproof R ing T T 0607 Pres s ure S pring T T 0644 Left S ide Plate TT 0528 S tand S crew T T 0608 Detent B us hing T T 0645 Left S ide Plate S crew TT 0529 A nti-R evers e R atchet T T 0609 R ight S ide Plate (B ) S crew T T 0663 B earing S pacer TT 0531 S et Plate S crew T T 0610 Plunger Holder S crew T T 0664 Harnes s Lug S crew TT 0532 S et Plate T T 0611 Plunger Holder T T 0665 Harnes s Lug TT 0533 Dog S pring T T 0612 Plunger S pring TT 0534 Dog T T 0613 A lert Plunger TT 0555 S tand W as her T T 0614 Drive S haft Holder TT 0556 S tand T T 0615 Drive G ear (A ) TT 0646 R od Clam p B olt (acces s ory) TT 0567 B earing T hrus t W as her (B ) T T 0616 Drive G ear (B ) TT 0647 R od Clam p (acces s ory) TT 0570 B all B earing T T 0617 Drive S haft TT 0648 R od Clam p N ut (A ) (acces s ory) TT 0575 B all B earing T T 0618 Cros s B ar S top TT 0649 R od Clam p B olt (S ) (acces s ory) (150320)