Maslim 2016.276-283
Maslim 2016.276-283
Maslim 2016.276-283
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All content following this page was uploaded by Achmad Farajallah on 02 April 2016.
Abstract. Sumatra is part of Indian Ocean population of leatherback turtles. Data of leatherback turtles
from Sumatra is unavailable. This study aims to determine the genetic diversity and analyze connectivity
pattern of Sumatran leatherback turtle populations based on haplotype variation of control region
mtDNA. We used 14 samples from 2 locations in Sumatra (Lohknga and Panga). Haplotypes have been
determined by DNA sequencing. Four haplotypes were found from Sumatra. Interestingly, two of four
haplotypes are new haplotypes that only found in Sumatra. Sumatra population that has high genetic
diversity is Lhoknga, h=0.6 and π=0.0078 followed by Panga h=0.5 and π=0.0026. Connectivity pattern
of Sumatran leatherback turtles showed that migration path of this populations reaching to Indian Ocean
and South China Sea. South China Sea is important location as interaction place for leatherback turtles
from Sumatra and Papua, Indonesia. Sumatran Leatherback turtle is important population of leatherback
turtle. It needs good management to protect these populations. Sumatran Leatherback turtles need
further studies to obtain the annual population data.
Key Words: migration, new haplotypes, DNA sequencing, mtDNA, haplotype.
Material and Method. Sample of leatherback turtle was collected from the nesting area
in Panga (Aceh Jaya) and Lhoknga (Aceh Besar). Tissue of leatherback turtles was
collected from flipper (Dutton & Stewart 2013). Fourteen samples from Panga and
Lhoknga were collected and preserved in absolute alcohol.
DNA isolation used standard phenol/chloroform by modifying the method of
Sambrook et al (1989). DNA amplification was performed using polymerase chain
reaction (PCR). Primers used were LCM15382 (5 'GCTTAACCCTAAAGCATTGG-3')
(forward) and H950g (5'GTCTCGGATTTAGGGGTTTG-3 ') (reverse) to amplify 832 base
pairs (bp) fragment of mtDNA control region (Abreu-Grobois et al 2006). PCR reaction
was performed at 25 µL using Gotaq Green Mix Master. PCR consists of initial
denaturation 94ºC for 5 min; 35 cycles of 94ºC for 30 seconds (denaturation), 58ºC for
30 seconds (annealing), and 72ºC for 60 seconds (extension), and final extension 72ºC
for 9 min. The amplicons that showed a single band on polyacrylamide gel were
sequenced using previous primers. Sequencing was performed by 1st Base (DNA
Sequencing service).
Alignment was conducted using Mega v 5.1 (Tamura et al 2011). Arlequin 3.5
used to calculate the haplotype diversity (h) and nucleotide diversity (π). Analysis of
molecular variance (AMOVA) was also calculated to determine the population structure
(Excoffier & Lischer 2010). Superimposed phylogeny on the geography map was
performed using Network (
Variable sites
053 092 093 115 157 168 199 203 212 292 312 430 537 588 616 673 720 721 725 738 739 741
Dc1.1 A C C A A A A A G A T T C A A G A C A A C C
Dc4.1 . . . . . . G . A G . . . . G . . . . . . .
Dc4.2 . . . . . . G . A G G G T C G A . . G . . .
Dc4.3 T A A T G C G G A G . . . . G . T T . T G T
Table 2
Genetic diversity of Sumatran leatherback turtle populations compared with Papua populations
Populations n h π
Sumatera (Panga) 4 0.5 0.0026
Sumatera (Lhoknga) 6 0.6 0.0078
Papua Jamursba Medi* 31 0.187 0.0008
Papua Warmon* 9 0 0
*Dutton et al 2007.
South China Sea is the connecting location between Sumatran and Papuan D. coriacea.
The connectivity pattern of Sumatran Leatherback turtles was supported by the D.
coriacea nesting beach that found in Terengganu (Malaysia). The migration path of
leatherback turtles nesting in Papua also showed the movement to the North Pacific
region and the South China Sea (Bailey et al 2011). The availability of jellyfish in Malacca
Strait and South China Sea (Omori & Nakano 2001) and ocean flow were also important
factors for the movement of D. coriacea. In addition, according to some public reports, D.
coriacea were captured in the Malacca Strait area.
Figure 3. Distribution of leatherback turtle haplotypes around the word using MJ network
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