Blood Magic

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Blood Magic - A Comprehensive Guide

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What is this mod about?

Have you ever picked up a magic mod for Minecraft, and thought that it was too tame? Was
there not enough danger involved when creating your next high-tech gadget? Bored with all of
those peaceful animals just staring at you without a care in the world? Well then, I am glad you
came here!

Blood Magic is an arcane art that is practised by mages who attempt to gather a vast amount of
power through utilizing a forbidden material: blood. Even though it does grant a huge amount of
power, every single action that is performed with this volatile magic can prove deadly. You have
been warned.
For the best experience, you should install JustEnoughItems to find your way through the

Authors: WayofTime - Owner, Arcaratus - Contributor, BBoldt - Artist, CyanideX - Artist,

TehNut - Author, Yulife - Artist

Current Minecraft Version: 1.12.2

Current Blood Magic Version: 2.4.1-10

Curse Link:

Discord Link:

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Before getting into Blood Magic (BM) you need to have a few things in place:

● Explored the world

● Have a base of operations
● Armor
● Food Supply
● Redstone

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● String
● Gold
● Diamonds

The above items will help you get started. The deeper you dive into BM, the more resources you
will need.

BM is mostly based around a Tier system due to most of the progression being locked behind
each tier of the Blood Altar. This guide will cover each tier and explain to you what
tools/items/rituals/etc are available at each tier.

At the end of the guide, there are tables which will give you all the details about each Tier such
as how much Will each gem will hold or how much LP a Blood Orb can Hold.

Tier 0
Before you get your Blood Altar you will need to do a little bit of leg work.

Demonic Will
To get started with BM, you need to gather a few Demonic Wills. There are 2 ways to obtain
Demonic Wills:

1. A hostile mob has been snared and is killed when white particle effects appear.
2. Killing a hostile mob with a Sentient weapon (more on this later).

Since you are just starting in BM, you do not have access to Sentient weapons. Craft a few
snares. These are made with string, Redstone and iron (this recipe may be different in your mod
pack). A single craft will give you 4 snares:

You can place the snare in your offhand, and a weapon in your main hand to make things
easier. Right-click with a snare in your hand to throw it.

Once you have hit a mob with a few, wait until white swirling particles start to appear. These
may not appear after the first snare; snares will not damage the mob:

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If a mob dies from another source, such as falling or fire damage while it has the white swirl
particles, it will still drop Demonic Will.

Once these white swirls appear, you can safely kill the mob and it may drop a Demonic Will.

You will notice that the Demonic Will does not stack and that each Demonic Will has a quality
attached to it. These can vary but are currently not important, even if you get a few with low
stats (like 1.3) you can still use them. However, anything below 1 is not worth keeping. For now,
collect as much as you can with the number of snares you have and then head back home

Note: Mobs with higher health will drop Demonic Will with higher Will Quality, Endermen will
have more than spiders, etc.

Hellfire Forge
The Hellfire Forge is used to craft recipes that require Demonic Will and other things (more on
that later):

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The 4 left outside slots are used for crafting materials, it does not matter where these items go.
The 5th middle slot is where your crafted item will appear, the far right side of the forge GUI has
a bar that will fill up with Demonic Will when you start to craft. The right-hand slot is your fuel
slot (Demonic Will in this case).

When crafting the Demonic Will will not be consumed but it will lose its “Will Quality”. when you
first start crafting you might notice that you have all the required ingredients but the Forge will
not start the crafting process, this could be because the Demonic Will you are using does not
have a high enough “Will Quality”

The above craft will not work as the Demonic Will has less than 1 “Will Quality”

Use the forge to craft a Petty Tartaric Gem, make sure your Demonic Wil has more than 1 “Will
Quality” otherwise your craft will not start.

You can use JEI to find out how much Will is needed to craft certain recipes, you will also notice
that some recipes have 2 values:

The minimum is the minimum amount of Will needed to start the craft and Drained is how much
Will shall be drained from your gem after the crafting has completed. Think of this as a

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requirement and a cost, you may require a certain amount of Will but the cost of the craft is

Petty Tartaric Gem/Lesser Tartaric Gem

Crafting Snares and hunting mobs is a chore and is not the best way to collect or to even store
your Demonic Will. The Petty Tartaric Gem is an entry-level way of storing up to 64 Demonic
Will. This gem can be kept in your inventory, (no need to be on your hot bar) each time you kill a
mob that can drop Demonic Will (using the snare) and when you pick up the Demonic Will it will
be consumed by the Gem. The Gem will consume and store the “Will Quality” in each Demonic
Will, each gem holds 64 Will.

Make 2 of these and put one into the Hellfire Forge. Keep the other one in your inventory, if you
have any Demonic Will in your inventory throw it on the ground and pick it up again, these will
get sucked into the gem.

Now you can store Demonic Will without cluttering up your inventory and now we can use a
Petty Tartaric Gem to craft a Sentient Sword to collect Demonic Will without having to craft

The Lesser Tartaric Gem is the next tier and it's gonna require a Diamond, a Block of Lapis
Lazuli, a Block of Redstone, and a Petty Tartaric Gem, and it's gonna require 60 Will in your
gem (nearly full), and 20 Will shall be consumed from it. While the Petty Tartaric Gem can store
64 Will, the Lesser Tartaric Gem can store 256.

Sentient Sword
Snares are not the best way to collect Demonic Will, they can get expensive and very annoying
to use. Put the spare Petty Tartaric Gem (craft one if you haven't already) into one of the 4
outside slots of the Hellfire Forge as well as an Iron Sword. Add fuel (if you have a Gem with
Will in it then you can use that) and you should get the Sentient Sword.

This sword has a few unique features that make it much more powerful than any old iron sword.
Killing mobs with this sword will make the mobs drop Demonic Will (no more snares). If you
have a gem then the Demonic Will will be deposited into it, if the gem is full or absent then
normal Demonic Will will drop.

Before you go attacking mobs with this sword you will want to throw it on the ground and pick it
back up again, for some reason this makes the sword a little more powerful. You can also right-
click with the sword.

Currently, the sword is good as it is but as you upgrade your gems and collect more Demonic
Will it will get more and more powerful but the Demonic Will must be in your inventory in a gem.

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Tier 0 Tier 1 Tier 2 Tier 3 Tier 4 Tier 5 Tier 6 Tier 7

Will 0 16 60 200 400 1000 2000 4000

Damage 6 7 7.5 8 8.5 9 9.5 10

Attack 1.6 1.6 1.6 1.6 1.6 1.6 1.6 1.6


The sword can also be enchanted and enchanting looting on the sword will increase the amount
of Will dropped.

Will Automation
There is a way to automate Will collection, this will require a few more advanced items that you
might not be able to get your hands on early in the game. Using the Sentient sword and a
mechanical user as well as some sort of mob farm you can set up a system that will
automatically hit mobs with the sword and have them drop Demonic Will

You will need to check the Mechanical User to ensure the Sword is repaired. This will hit mobs
with a sword without you having to lift a finger, you will only need to ensure that the Will is being
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picked up. To store the Will in a Tartaric Gem, make sure to drop it on the ground and pick it up
again with the Gem in your inventory.

Tier 1

The Blood Altar

The Blood Altar will require a Demonic Will, Gold, Stone and a furnace to craft (this may vary
depending on your mod pack). Once crafted you can place it down in the world, it is a good idea
to have a whole room dedicated to this altar because as you progress through the mod the Altar
will need a bigger and bigger “base” as it goes up in tiers.

There are 6 Tiers to the Blood Altar and at its biggest, it will be 17x17x 8 in size.

Tier one is simply the Blood Altar on the ground, there is nothing else needed to upgrade this

In order to make any use of the Blood Altar, we will need to fill it with blood. Blood is referred to
as LP (Life Points) and it's what you spend in the Blood Altar to craft items. There are a few
ways to fill your Blood Altar, you will use the altar for the rest of the mod it’s a good idea to go
over all the ways you can generate LP.

Note: You do not have to stand right next to your Altar when trying to fill it up with LP.
If you have The One Probe installed you can look at the Altar and hold Crouch to see how much
LP is in the Altar.

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You will also notice that the Altar will fill up with red liquid the more LP you store in it. All tiers
can only hold 10,000LP. To increase the capacity of the altar you will have to make Runes of

Later on down the line, you will be making lots of Slates, these are crafted by putting stone in
the Altar (right-clicking) with the required amount of LP. This can become very tedious but can
be automated:

Above is set up with one chest as the input (Right) and one as the output (Left). The output has
a filter to only withdraw Blank Slates. This is a very simple method but can also get a little out of
control, you need to ensure you have enough blood in the Altar for the amount of stone you put
into the input chest. The Altar will pull out a max of 64 of the stones in the chest and craft all the
blank slates at once. Hoppers can also be used for input. Note that, though multiple inputs can
be inserted at once using this method, the LP cost of converting all inputs will need to be
consumed before any will actually be converted. For example, if you insert an entire stack (64)
of stone at once, the stack of blank slates will be produced, all at once, only once the LP
requirement for 64x the cost of a single slate has been consumed, which naturally takes quite a
while. Because of this, it may be wise to avoid inserting too many inputs at once, lest the
process be interrupted (by premature item removal or running out of LP) and the LP cost of
multiple products be wasted.

Pumping out/into the Altar

You can also pump Life Essence1 out of the Altar, the Altar has 2 tanks, one I/O tank (for code
reasons) and the visible tank (you see when looking into the Altar).

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The I/O tank exists so pipes are not super overpowered, without the I/O tank you could just
have a buffer tank with a couple million LP worth of Life Essence and have an Altar full of speed
runes do everything pretty much instantaneously. The I/O tank will be drained into and filled
before LP stays in the main tank of the Altar the I/O tank can also be expanded with runes of
capacity. The I/O tank makes it so there's no set value for transfer speed into the crafting tank
but that it is modifiable and you have to actually think and plan rather than just plug in the tank
that's connected to a super sacrifice Altar.

Altars can be pumped out of but without any modifier runes this will be at a rate of 20mb/t, and
later on, the displacement rune will increase the amount of LP transferred per operation, each
rune multiplies this by 1.2x, stacking multiplicatively. One rune will be 24LP, next would be
28.8LP 20 runes would be 767LP per operation.

1. Life Essence is not the same as Blood, the Blood you get from cows or NPCs in the
smeltery (from Tinkers’ Construct mod) is not the same as Life Essence and can not be
put into the Altar

Sacrificial Dagger
This is a very basic way of generating LP, with the dagger in hand you can right-click to start
stabbing yourself, this will slowly fill the Altar up, each stab will get you an un-upgraded base of
200 LP (200mB of liquid ) at the cost of 1 full heart (2 health). This is not very much but if you
have food or healing potions handy it could be very beneficial.

Warning: Stabbing yourself by spam clicking the dagger CAN and WILL kill you, some packs
have a gravestone mod installed and there is a known bug that if you do kill yourself there
maybe no gravestone. Please do this with an empty inventory or be very careful.

There are a few other ways to generate LP:

● Coat of Arms (Chest Armor)

○ The Coat of Arms will give you passive LP generation while engaging in combat.
● Blood Letter’s Pack (Chest Armor)
○ This chest piece will slowly bring you down to half health which will be converted
to LP
○ Both of the above items will store LP within them, to put this LP into your Altar
just hold it in one hand and shift right click the Altar.

Blood Orb
Any LP we generate (by stabbing ourselves or fighting monsters) is ported directly to the Blood
Altar and currently, that is only useful for us if we want to craft within the altar, but that's not
where blood magic ends.

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Crafting a tier 1 blood orb can be done by filling up the altar with 2000 LP and then right-clicking
the altar with a Diamond. You will then need to right-click it with it in hand so it will bind to you, a
few more mechanics come into play as well as new toys and gadgets. Unbound blood orbs will
not collect LP.

The Weak Blood Orb converts the Life Essence contained within an altar into a stored form of
energy. This stored Essence cannot be turned back into a physical liquid and will be stored in
the owner's network (personal network). Other items, later on, will draw LP from this personal
network to perform certain tasks. This tier of the orb is capable of storing up to 5,000 LP. This
number can only be raised by using higher tier orbs, or by placing some of the Rune of the Orb
around the Blood Altar. The capacity of the network is based on the highest blood orb that has
ever been bound to you.

You can transfer LP into the orb directly by right-clicking while having it in hand, or by right-
clicking it into the Blood Altar, this will gradually draw all the blood out of the Altar until either the
orb is full or the Altar is empty.

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You will notice that the blood orb is used as an ingredient for crafting but you will get the Blood
Orb back after each craft and it also has no durability. Therefore, there is no benefit to making
more than 1 of the highest tier Blood Orb your altar can support the creation of.

There is no limit to how many Altars you can make.

Runes are used for a few things in Blood Magic and are a key component when it comes to your
Blood Altar. These runes are only used to upgrade your Blood Altar, each rune modifies your
Altar in a different way. Think of runes as a way to customise your Altar to your own needs.

As you only have access to the first tier of the Blood Altar and Blood Orb you will only be able to
craft a few of the many runes. These runes are crafted with the Blood Orb, don't panic, you will
get the blood orb back and it has no durability.

Before you can craft any runes you will need to craft a few Blank Slates, you can craft these by
right-clicking Stone into the Blood Altar. In order for this craft to be successful, there has to be a
minimum of 1000 LP in your Altar. These slates don't take long to craft and you will need a total
of 16 in order to make 8 Blank Runes.

You can also use the Blank runes to craft Speed runes. Crafting things and filling your Blood
Orb will be 20% faster (40 > 48 > 56 > 64 > ETC) for each speed rune making up the base of
the Blood Altar.

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Lava Crystals
Now that we have LP in our personal network we can put it to some kind of use. The Lava
Crystal can be placed into a furnace, placing it into the furnace will remove ~750LP from your
network, this will act as a fuel source but with a big difference. Each smelt will cost 50LP. If you
run out of LP you will gain a nausea effect (this will not stop unless you either take out the lava
crystal or add LP to your personal network) and the smelting will stop.

Each time you remove the Lava crystal from the furnace and place it back in the Lava Crystal
will remove a further roughly 750LP (varies randomly) from your personal network, this can
drain your network very quickly and sometimes completely drains the network so be careful.

Fill up your network, bind the Crystal to yourself and put it in a furnace and don't take it out.

For many other mods which include solid fuel (e.g. coal) generators, the Lava Crystal can be
used as a consistent source of energy fueled by LP!

Divination Sigil
Now that we can store LP in our blood orb we can use the Divination Sigil to see how much LP
is in our personal network.

Using the Hellfire Forge craft Arcane Ashes (Coal, Redstone, Gunpowder and white Dye along
with Demonic Will). These ashes are used in certain crafting recipes and can be a little
confusing when looking them up in JEI:

There are 2 components in this crafting recipe, first right click with the Arcane Ashes (this can
be made in the hellfire forge) on the floor, this will draw a few circles on the floor with triangles in

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Next right-click the circle with Redstone, this will change the pattern:

Lastly, right-click the pattern with a blank slate (these can be crafted by putting Stone into a
Blood Altar with at least 1000LP in it). The pattern will levitate off the floor (this means it’s
crafting) and a Divination Sigil will pop out.

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To use this simply right click with it in hand, this will tell you how much LP is within your
personal LP network (how much is in your Blood Orb).

The Divination Sigil can also give you more information about items when you have it in your
hand. If you look at the Blood Altar (with the Divination Sigil in hand) on the left of the screen
you can see what tier your Altar is and how much LP the Altar has in it:

You can also use it on other Altars such as the Incense Altar, this will tell you the level of
Tranquility and the Bonus %:

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Incense Altar
We have a simple way of generating LP via the Orb and stabbing ourselves but this is still a
very simple and long-winded way to generate LP, we can boost the power of our dagger and get
bonus LP by simply using the Incense Altar:

To start out, you'll need to create the Incense Altar. Once you've done so, you can place it down
on a 3x3 square of whatever material you'd like. Once you've done so, if you hover over the
Incense Altar with The Divination Sigil in hand, it should tell you that your Current Tranquility is
0, and your Current Bonus is +20%. If you look at a Sacrificial Dagger now that you've been in
proximity to the Incense Altar (in a range of 5 blocks on both axis), you'll notice that it's now
glowing as though it was enchanted, but it’s not the Dagger itself that has changed: it’s you. You
have been “Incensed”. The Dagger will just make this state visible if you have it in your

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Be careful the next time you go to self-sacrifice, as it will remove 90% of your health the first
time you use it, however it will also give you an additional 20% LP per heart. So at the base,
with 10 hearts, it would take 9, and give you 2160 LP as opposed to the 1800 LP it would have
normally given. You'll also be given the Soul Fray debuff, which prevents you from using this
supercharged self-sacrifice again for 20 seconds - attempting to do so will yield very little LP.
The debuff can be removed early by milk, for those that don’t like to wait.

For now, a Tier 1 Altar will do the job, we can't really increase the amount of tranquillity just yet
so we will have to wait until we have a tier 2 Altar, use it whenever possible and try to fill your
Blood Altar and Orb as much as possible.

You have already created a Divination Sigil that will give you some more information about your
Blood Altar and your Incense Altar, but there are also other Sigils you can make that can make
life a little easier. These sigils will all use LP from your personal network, if you have 0 in your
network they will use your health instead and can kill you.

Sigil Name Sigil Effect Sigil Cost

Water Sigil This Sigil when right clicked will create a water source block 100 LP

Lava Sigil This Sigil when right clicked will create a Lava source block 1000 LP

Alchemy Arrays
We have used Arcane ashes to help us create our Divination Sigil but we can also use these
ashes to make arrays. These are buffs that work when you walk into (or for some, near) them.
Right-clicking the ground with Arcane Ashes (these have about 20 uses) will give you a Blank
Alchemy Array, this is the base of all the arrays (this step also define the orientation of certain
Arrays, such as Movement and Teleportation):

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A few notes about these circles:

These can be placed against walls but it will look weird:

These circles are also NON-SOLID objects so you can walk and fall through these.

Now to fully use these arrays you will need to add other activation ingredients to these circles to
make them work. The first ingredient is the Reagent and defines the type of Array you’re
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creating. The second is the Catalyst, which activates the effect. Whenever you break the Array,
you’ll get the ingredients back.

Please ensure you are putting the item into the array in the RIGHT ORDER or these arrays
WILL NOT WORK. If you do put an item into the array in the wrong order it will store and not
craft the items but you can get these back by breaking the array. The durability of the Arcane
Ashes will be wasted, however. You can also do this for most functional arrays, once you’re
done with them.

In-game, the Sanguine Scientiem compiles the following list of Arrays in the Alchemist chapter
(the only (known) missing entry is The Attractor Array). Please note that we talk here only about
the Arrays that have a permanent (and stationary) effect. The Arrays used for crafting (Sigils,
Living Armor...) are spread among the other sections.

Burning Furnace Array

Using a Coal (Reagent) and a Redstone (Catalyst) in a Blank Array, you’ll be able to supply up
to 6 Furnaces stuck to the Array in fuel. This operation is not free: when you are in a 10 block
radius of the Array, it will take you a ½ heart to cook 2 items if possible. The process can kill you
if there are a lot of items to cook and if you are unable to either remove them or recover your
lost hearts.

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Movement Array
By simply adding a feather (Reagent) and then redstone (Catalyst) to a blank array it will create
a Movement array. This will send items or entities flying in the direction of the array when they
come into contact with it:

Placing the array down in front of you will point the array in that direction. Things will fly further
forward if they are air bound (jumping onto them or throwing items on). This boost will give you
a little step up so be careful when putting this in tunnels that are 2 blocks high.

Updraft Array
This array is very similar to the movement array using a feather (Reagent) and glowstone dust
(Catalyst) in a blank array, this array will propel you around 5 blocks into the air:

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Please note that you will take damage if you fall onto a hard surface after the initial bounce.
Unlike the Movement Array, initial height before landing on this array will not affect bounce
height. This does allow it to be used as something of a fall cushioner, aside from the couple
hearts lost on final landing after the bounce.

Skeleton Turret Array

We all know skeletons have superior aiming skills in Minecraft (well, not really, but Infinite
Arrows is still a strong argument), so it only makes sense to have these guys guarding and
shooting enemies for you in a radius of 17 blocks. This array is made by adding an Arrow
(Reagent) and then a feather (Catalyst) to a blank array. This will create a trap:

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Now all you need is a skeleton to walk over it, this will trap the skeleton and make the trap
skeleton treat you as friendly: it will spontaneously attack any nearby hostile mob (except

It is a good idea to protect them with a wall or a fence and also to keep a block over their heads
so they do not burn in the sunlight, a name tag might also be a good idea so they do not
despawn. If you push a trapped Skeleton out of the Array, it will still act as a friendly sentry and
remain perfectly static, even when someone hits it. If another Skeleton walks through the Array,
it will not be affected and remain hostile because the first one is still possessed by the spell, so
you can’t use one Array to trap more than one Skeleton.

Bouncing Array
Adding a slime ball (Reagent) and Redstone (Catalyst) into a blank array will give you the
Bouncing Array, this will act like a slime slab Walking into it has no effect and falling on it from
more than 1 block will make you bounce like on a Vanilla Slime Block. If the fall is less than 1
block, the Array will slowly drag you to the ground (once your feet are on a solid Block, you are
still able to jump normally through the Array, which will pull you down in response).

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Be aware of fall damage!

Teleportation Array
Drawn by an Ender Pearl (Reagent) and activated by a Redstone (Catalyst), this Array allows
you (and the mobs) to teleport to the Teleportation Array (activated or not) it is pointing. A few
restrictions, however, the targeted Array must be on the same y-level, on the same x-line (or z-
line, depending on the orientation) and at most 20 blocks away. If the targeted Array is active
and has a target too, staying on it more than a half a second after the teleportation will make
you teleport again.

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On this image, the 2 Arrays on the left are active while those on the right are not. Only the set
up below will work for a one-way travel from left to right (no matter if the right bottom Array is
active or not). If the right top Array was placed correctly and active, one can use this set up to
go back and forth.

Turret Array
A variant of the Skeleton Turret Array summoned by a Bow (Reagent) and an Arrow (Catalyst).
To be effective, you must place a Chest below the Array and supply it with Arrows (no matter
which ones) and it will shoot any hostile mob in a sphere between 3 and 31 blocks radius (and
with a better aim than the Skeleton Turret, in my opinion).

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All the Creepers on the Planks are cold Gunpowder. The one on the Stone can’t be aimed

Range size comparison between the Skeleton Turret (Spruce Planks) and the Turret (Oak

Shard of Laputa
By combining Redstone (Reagent) and a Block of Lapis-lazuli (Catalyst) in a blank Array, you
will be able to move the earth in a spherical radius between 4 and 8 blocks up above itself with
a random offset between 1 and 5 blocks plus twice the radius of the effect.

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The Array with the Reagent, ready for activation, in front of a possible result.

Fast Mining Array

Using a Mining Reagent (this is made in the hellfire Forge) (Reagent) and an iron pickaxe
(Catalyst) will create a Fast Mining array. When walking into it you will take about half a heart of
damage but you will be given a Haste 3 potion effect. This has a 10 block (on both axis) radius:

The Mining Reagent recipe and the Fast Miner Array

Every 30 seconds this array will damage you again (half a heart) and refresh the potion effect.
This also works for combat!

Attractor Array
This simple array will attract mobs to it from a fair distance : 10 blocks on both axis. This array
can be made by 2 pieces of rotten flesh into a blank array:

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This array works great for mob farms if you don't want to have running water, play around with
how close or far you need this array to be, putting it behind any kind of mob killing machine
should work well. However, even if the mobs run toward the Array, they still keep a sort of
survival instinct which prevents them from falling in any deep, painful and/or deadly hole on their
way. However, if the Array is placed above a hole and if there is no gap between it and the last
solid Block, the mobs won’t notice it and fall in.

Alchemy Table
The alchemy table will be used a fair bit in this mod, it's used for crafting various ingredients and
it can also be used to double ore and even make potions. The snag with this table is that it
requires LP from a Blood Orb and crafting also takes time.

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As you progress further and further into the mod you will have access to more and more crafting

With the Weak Blood Orb you will have access to a limited number of Recipes:

● Plant Oil
○ Crafting Ingredient used to make Saltpeter, Basic Cutting Fluid and later on
● Cutting Fluid
○ Can be used in the Alchemy Table with various ores to craft 2 dusts of that ore
(ore doubling)
● Explosive Powder
○ A rudimentary form of a grinder, will turn Cobblestone to gravel and gravel to

The Alchemy table can also be automated, depending on what you would like to extract from
the Alchemy Table will depend on what side you will need to attach pipes from. Blood Orbs can
be extracted from the top of the table, the “completed item” slot can be pulled out from the
bottom of the table and the sides of the tables would be the rest of the ingredients around the
completed item slot.

Weak Ritual
Now that you have your personal network setup with a good amount of LP, there are a few other
useful rituals you can do. Rituals are essentially a structure that cost LP to activate and perform
a certain task.

As you only have access to the Imperfect Ritual Stone you will be limited to what rituals you can
perform. These rituals can not be accessed remotely. Each weak ritual is set up and activated
the same way.
Each ritual consists of an Imperfect Ritual Stone and a block on top of it, to activate the ritual
simply have enough LP in your network and right-click the Imperfect Ritual Stone. If you do not
have enough LP in your network you will take damage or die.

Turn Day to Night

Placing a Lapis block on top of an Imperfect Ritual Stone and right-clicking it will drain 100 LP
from your personal network and turn Day into night instantly.

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Strong Zombie
Placing a block of coal on top of an Imperfect Ritual Stone and right-clicking it will drain 5000 LP
and summon a strong Zombie (this zombie has 1 armor).

Make it rain
Placing a source block of water on top of an Imperfect Ritual Stone and right-clicking it will drain
5000 LP and will summon a Thunderstorm.

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Fire Resistance 2
This ritual is different from the others, you will need to place an Imperfect Ritual Stone
underneath bedrock (this can be done in the nether), once placed you can right-click the
Imperfect Ritual Stone and you will gain fire resistance 2 for 1 minute.

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Tier 2
Before you jump into tier 2 of the Blood Altar it's a good idea to have a few things in place:

● Demonic Will
○ Have a few gems filled and stored away
● Personal LP network
○ Fill up your personal LP network (5k currently)
● More than 1 Altar
○ You can have more than one altar, and more than one blood Orb.

Tier 2 is a rather quick tier so you probably won't spend too much time in it. This does not mean
there are no fun tools to play around with.

Blood Altar Upgrade

Upgrading the Blood Altar to Tier 2 requires 8 Blank Runes, you can also use a few speed
runes but since we only have 8 runes to play with and not much LP it seems a waste to craft
extra Slates for Speed Runes.

Tip: Over-speeding your altar can result in running out of blood if you're depending on self-
sacrifice partway through rituals to provide sufficient blood.

These 8 Blank Runes must be placed underneath the Blood Altar, Right below the Altar should
be left empty:

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The Tier 2 Altar looks different but still can only hold a maximum of 10000 LP.

Tier 2 Runes
With each new tier of Altar, you will be able to use more and more runes, as we are only on tier
2 we only have 4 runes to play with (the corner runes are required but any bonuses will not be
applied until your Altar is at least level 3). Since we have access to the Tier 2 Altar and the
Apprentice Blood Orb we can craft more runes.

These runes will require a lot more LP, blank slates can be put into the Tier 2 Altar with at least
2000 LP in it. This will turn the slate into a Reinforced Slate.

Rune of Self Sacrifice

Now stabbing yourself over and over again and waiting to regen can be a real drag, now with
the rune of Self Sacrifice, you can increase the amount of LP you get from stabbing yourself by
10%, additively.

Rune of Sacrifice
This rune will increase the amount of LP you receive from killing a mob with the Dagger of
Sacrifice by 10%, additively.

Apprentice Blood Orb

With a new tier Altar comes a new Tier Blood Orb, before we can craft the Apprentice Blood orb
you will need to have 5000 LP in your Altar (Stabbing yourself with food is the best option).
Once you have the required amount of LP you will need to put a block of Redstone in the Tier 2

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Blood Altar (Right-clicking). After some time the Redstone Block will turn into your Apprentice
Blood Orb.

This blood orb will hold 25000 LP and has a filling speed of 100 LP. You will need to bind this
orb to yourself just like the previous tier.

Dagger of Sacrifice
The Dagger of Sacrifice is used to sacrifice creatures for Life Essence. The amount varies per
creature and can be further increased through the use of Runes of Sacrifice.

The Dagger of Sacrifice must be used within about three blocks of the Blood Altar. When used
on a valid target, the target will instantly be killed and its Life Essence will be drained into the
altar. Creatures that are considered children cannot be sacrificed. The amount of essence
varies per creature:

● Animals (Cows, sheep, etc.) = 250 LP

● Hostile Mobs (Creepers, Zombies, etc.) = 500 LP
● Villagers = 2,000 LP

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Do note, however, that the Dagger only acts as a weapon when in range of the altar. Otherwise,
it will be no more effective in killing mobs, and their Life Essence will not be transferred to an

Incense Altar (Wooden Paths)

The Incense altar will help you when filling up your Blood Altar. With the apprentice Blood Orb
you can now craft Wooden Paths. You will need to make 36, and place in a 3x3 square in each
cardinal direction from the base of the Incense Altar. These blocks can be one higher or one
lower than the previous level, as long as each side matches the pattern. Now, you can start
adding different types of blocks to the 3x3 squares in each corner.

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You can add these materials on the same level as the path blocks, and as much as 2 blocks
higher. There are several materials you can use, and they each have different tranquillity types
and values. The amount of actual Tranquility you get from each tranquillity type is a logarithmic
scale, meaning the more of, say, Earth Tranquility you have, the less value each additional
Earth Tranquility block will add. To get the most out of your altar, you'll need to vary the
materials and types you use. While it’s not too hard to hit the +60% cap with farmland and
grass at Tier 1, especially at higher incense altar tiers expect to need to mix it up.

As you gain Tranquility, the bonus your altar gives you will increase, to a maximum of 60%
using just wooden paths.

Tranquillity Type Block Value

Crop Potatoes 1

Crop Carrots 1

Crop Wheat 1

Crop Nether Wart 1

Earthen Dirt 0.25

Earthen Grass 0.5

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Earthen Farmland 1

Fire Fire 1

Fire Netherrack 0.5

Lava Lava 1.2

Plants Leaves 1

Tree Logs 1

Water Water 1

Water Flowing Water 1

Water Life Essence 1.5

The orange and purple wool are areas that you can use any of the above materials. Remember
to keep using the Altar!

More Sigils
In the previous tier you Altar which means you are able to craft Reinforced Slates at the cost of
2000 LP each. This can also be automated but you will need to have a decent flow of LP.

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Sigil Name Sigil Effect Sigil Cost

Air Sigil This Sigil when right clicked will propel you 50 LP
forward. Maintaining the right click will allow
you to “fly” while draining LP

Void Sigil This Sigil when right clicked will void liquids 50 LP

Sigil of the Green Grove This Sigil when right clicked will act like Bone 150 LP
Meal, this sigil will send additional grow ticks to
nearby plants

Sigil of Elasticity When used this sigil will give you a Bounce 100 LP every 5
Buff, this will negate all fall damage. seconds

Sigil of Winters Breath When active will grant you Frost Walking, this 100 LP every 5
will turn any water you walk on into ice. seconds

Seers Sigil Right-clicking a Blood Altar will show the

following additional information- the current
progress of the item inside the Blood Altar, the
LP Consumption rate of the item inside the
altar and the current Charge.

Sigil of the Fast Miner When used this sigil will give you an increased 100LP every 5
Mining Speed. seconds

Alchemy Table
With the Apprentice Blood orb you will be able to craft a few new things in the Alchemy Table.
You can still use the Apprentice Blood Orb to craft any recipes that were available with the
Weak Blood orb. Each potion costs LP to produce.

● Neurotoxin
○ This is used later on when you have the Magicians Blood Orb (more on this later)

Now that you have the apprentice orb the Alchemical Table can also be used to make potions,
now this process is slightly different to traditional means but it also does have its advantages.
These are not potions per se and are more like flasks with multiple uses. Each potion still needs
its ingredients but instead of putting them in one at a time (Nether Wart > Redstone>Glowstone)
you can put them in all at once.

The base of each potion will first need a Potion Flask, this will require the Apprentice Blood Orb
and at least 100LP in your network.

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This flask is the base of all potions and once a potion is brewed it will have 8 uses! Now that you
can create a base it's time to start making potions. These potions are all the exact same as
vanilla potions but they have 8 uses.

The following initial potions will last 2 minutes, with the exception of the Regeneration and
negative effect Flasks, which only last 22 seconds.

Ingredients Effect

Ghast Tear Regeneration

Golden Carrot Night Vision

Magma Cream Fire Resistance

Water Bucket Water Breathing

Sugar Speed (+20% Speed)

Glistering Melon Instant Health

Spider Eye Poison

Ink Sac Blindness

Fermented Spider Eye Weakness (-4 Attack Damage)

Blaze Powder Strength (+3 Attack Damage)

Feather Jump Boost

Clay Slowness (-15% Speed)

Redstone Haste (+10% Speed)

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Glass Bottle Invisibility

Poisonous Potato Saturation

Slime Block Bounce

String Cling

Cake Flight

Beetroot Deaf

There is one potion that you can't make as you will have to progress to tier 3

Weak Blood Shard Health Boost (+4 max Health)

This is covered later in the guide.

These potions can also be combined with Simple Power Crystal and Simple Lengthening Potion
to make these potions more powerful and last up to 5:20 (or up from 22 seconds to 1 minute).
Blood Magic also lets you combine flasks so one flask could have more than one effect on it,
just by placing the flask into the Alchemy table as well as the desired ingredients!

Tier 3
New types of demonic will, bigger gems and more LP storage.

Blood Altar Upgrade

In order to upgrade the Blood Altar to Tier 3 you will need 20 runes, these can be blank or any
of the previous runes that were available. These runes can be replaced a little later on so opting

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for blank runes, for now, will get the job done. You will also need 4 blocks of glowstone or 4 sea
lanterns, either work.

The blocks below the pillar can be anything they will not affect the Altar, also the 2 blocks below
the glowstone can be anything as they also do not affect the Altar. Make sure you use your
Divination Sigil to double-check you have built the altar correctly.

Tier 3 Runes
Now that we have access to the Tier 3 Altar, we also have access to Imbued Slates! These are
crafted in the same way as the other slates, but they cost 5,000 LP each to craft. With these
new slates also come with a few new runes that will help increase the LP storage of our Altar
and also increase the Altars transfer rate.

Rune of Capacity
Currently, the Altar can only hold 10,000 LP so crafting more than 2 of these at a time will be
very slow.

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Luckily we can craft Runes of Capacity, this will increase the amount of LP the main tank of your
Blood Altar can hold by 2,000 LP additively.

Rune of Displacement
With no runes, the Altar will fill up blood orbs and slates at a rate of 20LP per second. This can
be increased with Runes of Displacement, which increases the transfer rate of the Altar by 1.2x
per Rune. This makes filling orbs a little faster.

Magician Blood Orb

Another Altar Tier means crafting another Blood Orb, the Magician Blood Orb can be crafted by
placing a gold block into an Altar with 25,000 LP (you may need to add a few Runes of Capacity
around the Altar, around 8).

You will need to ensure you have the required amount of LP in your Altar otherwise the orb will
not craft and you will lose any blood that was in the Altar. Alternatively, you can combine
Regeneration effects and the Incense Altar to refill a too-small altar tank part-way through the
craft, though the timing can be finicky.

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This blood orb can hold up to 150,000 LP and also enables you to craft a few new items.
Remember to bind this orb to yourself by right-clicking it.

Incense Altar (Stone Brick Paths)

The Incense Altar has already been upgraded once with Wooden Paths, now that you have
access to the Magician's Blood Orb you will be able to extend the Incense Altar out again with
Stone Brick Paths.

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This will give you a further 64 spaces in which you can place more Tranquility Type blocks. The
maximum bonus you can get at this level is 120%

Common Tartaric Gem

You will have noticed that you have a fair few Tartaric gems in your inventory (if you have been
killing mobs) and that these small gems although they hold 256 will, it’s still too small. By placing
the Lesser Gem into a Hellfire Forge along with a block of Gold, a Diamond, an Imbued Slate
and using another full gem we can upgrade these gems to Common Tartaric Gems.

Ensure you do this process with empty gems as upgrading these will remove any Will stored in
them. Once you have crafted one, you can transfer any will you have in any lesser gems by
simply holding them and holding right-click.

These new gems hold up to 1,024 Will, this also means that your sword will do more damage
when it is full:

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Tier 0 Tier 1 Tier 2 Tier 3 Tier 4 Tier 5 Tier 6 Tier 7
Will 0 16 60 200 400 1000 2000 4000
Damage 6 7 7.5 8 8.5 9 9.5 10
Attack Speed 1.6 1.6 1.6 1.6 1.6 1.6 1.6 1.6

This damage increase will only happen if you have a gem in your inventory with over 1,000 Will.
You will not be able to stack gems as the sword will only count the highest amount of will in your
inventory in 1 gem.

At tier 5 (1,024 Will), dropping the sword on the ground will consume 100 will and spawn a
Sentient Specter. This spectre is an animated version of the Sentient Sword and it will follow
you around. It can be picked up by shift right-clicking or killing it. If wounded, it will take some
time to heal outside of battle. The spectre will attack anything you fight - whether you attack or
are attacked - except for creepers. Note this also applies to players. Enchantments are retained
through this method, and the sword will not lose durability in battle this way. This will also work
with the Sentient Pickaxe.

As you are able to craft Imbued slates you can also craft a few more useful Sigils:

Sigil Name Sigil Effect Sigil Cost

Sigil of the Blood Lamp Right-clicking will throw an 10LP

orb of blood that can be used
as a light source

Sigil of Holding Store 5 Sigils within it. While N/A

in hand, press H (by default)
to open the Sigil’s inventory,
Shift + Scroll wheel to choose
a stored Sigil

Sigil of Magnetism Attracts nearby items 50LP per 5 second

Sigil of Elemental Affinity Provides protection from 200 LP every 5 seconds

Falling, Burning and

Sigil of the Claw Grants a climbing buff 100 LP every 5 seconds

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Most of these sigils will require other sigils to craft and all of these can be crafted using an
alchemical array.

Demon Crucible
The Demon Crucible is crafted in the Hellfire Forge. Its main use is to release Will into the Aura.
Each chunk has an Aura and each chunk holds up to 100 Will. The only initial way to fill up the
Aura is via the Demon Crucible.

Once you have put down your Crucibles you will need to place a Tartaric gem into the Crucible
by right-clicking the Crucible with the gem in hand. This gem should have at least 100 Will in it.
Slowly but surely the Gem will empty into the Aura.

It’s a good idea to show chunk boundaries (F3 + G) that way you can set a Crucible in each

Demon Crystallizer
The Demon Crystallizer can be crafted within the Hellfire Forge. Once you have set up the
Demon Crucible you can put down a Demon Crystallizer in the same chunk as the Crucible. The
Crystallizer will slowly draw out the Will in the Aura and will form them into a Crystal. These
crystals will appear as one big crystal and slowly get bigger and bigger finally forming a crystal
with 7 spines. These can then be broken off (with a pick axe) and collected, but don’t do that!
There is an easier way to collect these crystals, you're better off not smashing the cluster with a
Pickaxe. Instead, if your inventory is holding at least 1000 points' worth of Will (in Tartaric
Gems), then you can harvest a cluster by right-clicking with an empty hand. You will get the up-
to 7 "secondary" crystals but leave the "senior" (straight upright) crystal intact. So you can keep

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harvesting crystals from a single cluster so long as you keep Crucible-infusing Will into your

Because the central upright crystal takes 90-100 Will from the Aura to form, it’s significantly
more expensive than the secondary spires, which normally cost 50 Will. There are reasons that
you may need to break the central spire, but only do so when you’re ready.

These crystals are normal will crystals they can be used for various crafting recipes and it is
highly recommended that you set up a few of these Crystallizers in order to farm up as many of
these crystals as possible.

Demon Will Aura Gauge

Releasing Will into the aura and figuring out what aura has Will can be a tricky process if your
crucible gets moved or destroyed. As soon as you can afford to craft one, you should make
yourself a Demon Will Aura Gauge. This will show you how much of each kind of Will is in your
chunk's Aura. A little panel with 5 bars is displayed (by default) in the top left corner of your

Note: If you don’t see it at first because your The One Probe display sat on top of it, you can go
in the Config folder where you can modify the HUD Display to avoid overlaying.

Having the aura values visible takes a lot of the guesswork out of crystal growing. They are
displayed by pressing the “Sneak” button (Shift by default).

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This will overlap when you are using the Divination Sigil, so it's a good idea to either keep the
Aura Gauge in a bag when not using it or just put it away in storage until you need to use it.

Will Crystal
When growing these crystals there are a few things you should watch out for. To spawn a new
Crystal Cluster in a Demon Crystallizer, you need to get the atmospheric aura to 90-100 points.
Depending on how odd a number of points you have in the aura, it may not be possible to reach
this range by burning another crystal. If burning a crystal would overshoot 100, the crystal
instead just sits in the Crucible, doing nothing.

What works in this situation is to burn a Tartaric Gem. Which will be extracted until the aura hits
100 points or the Gem is emptied or you take it out of the Crucible, whichever happens first.
Thus, topping off the aura value from a Gem is a surefire way to hit the sweet spot for new
cluster spawning.

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An easy way to charge a Tartaric Gem is to place it into a Hellfire Forge (in the rightmost, "fuel"
position as usual) and burn crystals in a Crucible in the same chunk. The Gem will soak up all
available aura (of its own type) from the aura, or until it's full, or until you take it out of the Forge.

Once you have a comfortable handful of crystals, you don't need a Demon Crystallizer to grow
secondary ones. You can use the Hellfire Forge and a bunch of Will to craft 4 crystals into a
Crystal Cluster, which you can place on the ground or anywhere else as a normal block, where
it will grow secondary crystals if atmospheric aura and time permits.

Transfer Nodes
Blood Magic has its very own item routing system. This system is no match to an Applied
Energistics network or a Storage Drawer system, but it doesn't need to be, it's simple and it
works. Before jumping into item routing you need to understand the concept of each system.
Each system has a “Brain” (Master Routing Node) the brain talks to each node and ensures
they are all communicating. These brains can only reach so far. Each brain can act as a
separate system. In order to set these systems up you will also need a Node Router, this will act
as your “wrench” and help configure each network.

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When setting up an item routing system you will need to pull items into the system (Input
Routing Node) so that it can output (output Routing Node) the items back into another location.
Each system will also need a Brain (Master Routing Node).

How things work

To connect Nodes together you need to right-click the Master routing node and then any
input/output node you wish to connect to the network. Once linked successfully you will get a
message and a white line that connects to the 2 nodes you have connected:

These lines only appear when you have the node router in hand.

Input and Output nodes will always connect to all the inventories that are stuck to them (up to
6), this can be configured when right-clicking the nodes and Selected either U (Up), D (Down),
N S W E in the GUI.

Using Item Filters (Far left slot of the GUI), items can be filtered by NBT Data, Mod type,
Precise items, Ore Dic and Liquids. Liquid filters will only transport 1 bucket of liquid at a time
and only work with liquids that have a bucket form. Each item put into the grid will be a ghost
item, so it won't take it out of your inventory. You can also select how many (# Box) of that item
you wish to leave in(Input Node)/give to(Output Node) the inventory (0 means no limit) and what
priority each inventory has (Toggle with the < and > arrows)

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Nodes linked to a Master Routing node will talk to each other, other nodes linked to other
separate Master Routing nodes will not talk to each other.

Basic System
A very Basic system would be putting items from one inventory to another. First, we need 2
chests and a Master Routing Node, the Master Routing node does not have to be to close1 to
the other nodes but it makes linking easier.

Next, we need to have a Node that will take the items out of the connected chest and that node
will need to be connected to the Master Routing Node. Once connected the Input Node will
automatically pull from any chest in its vicinity.

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The final node is the output node, this will take the items out of our network and place them into
the new chest (on the right). This will also need to be linked with Master Routing Node.

This is a basic system and only costs a little will to run.

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1. Nodes do not have a range limit but if you are stretching them over long distances it best
to keep the chunks loaded that have the nodes, this works in theory but in reality, is very
untested and could cause issues.

Living Armor
Living Armor is rather special in Blood Magic, unlike most amor it will upgrade itself and level up
while you are wearing it depending on what you are doing. These bonuses can level up and
become more powerful and you can enchant it.

It's very important to know that you will have to wear all the armor in order for it to work.

Crafting the armor is as simple as throwing Binding Reagent and Iron armor (legs/helm/etc) into
a blank array. Also, you can repair it with a binding reagent in an anvil.

There are a number of “upgrades” you can get for this armor and getting them will depend on
what you are doing. Initially, the armor has 100 upgrade points, as you run around you will gain
traits, these all have 10 levels and each level costs upgrade points.

Generally, after running around, you will get “Quick Feet” the first level of this will cost you 3
upgrade points. As you run around more or do different tasks you will gain other traits, after a
while you will have a load of random traits and you will find you have quickly run out of upgrade

Holding Shift+M (by default) will show you the progress of these upgrade, this can help you find
out what traits are close to levelling up. Remember as you level up these traits they will cost
more and more upgrade points. Some of these traits will give you more bonuses as you level
them up to higher levels.

For now, you are going to have to live with whatever random “Enchants” you get as changing
these will require the next tier Blood Altar.

So what upgrades can you unlock, how much does each cost and what do you need to do to
unlock these?

Quick Feet

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Increases player movement speed and bonus health are listed in 1/2 hearts. There are
additional bonuses to sprinting at higher levels not listed below. Trained by movement.

Level 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Bonus Speed 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 70% 90% 110% 130% 150%

Upgrade Points 3 7 12 26 42 60 90 130 180 250

Dwarven Might
Increases mining speed while mining consecutive identical blocks. The table does not show an
increase of how quickly it kicks in. Also gives a speed buff after breaking a block, lasting longer
(around 7 seconds at level 9) per level. Trained by mining.

Level 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

Bonus Speed 20% 40% 60% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%

Speed Buff ? ? ? ? ? Speed 2 Speed 2 Speed 2 Speed 3

Upgrade Points 5 10 18 35 65 100 160 180 240

Poison Resistance
Will cure maximum allowed poisons and needs to cool down before curing again. Trained by being
inflicted by poison.

Level 1 2 3 4 5

Poisons Cured 1 2 3 3 4

Seconds to reset 1200 800 600 300 100

Upgrade Points 2 6 14 25 40

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Tough Palms
Provide a bonus to self-sacrifices. Trained by sacrifices.

Level 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Bonus Life Essence 15% 30% 45% 60% 75% 90% 105% 120% 135% 150%

Upgrade Points 7 13 22 40 65 90 130 180 250 350

Body Builder
Provides knockback resistance and bonus health is listed in 1/2 hearts. Trained by consuming

Level 1 2 3 4 5

Knockback Resistance 20% 40% 60% 80% 100%

Bonus Health 0 0 0 4 10

Upgrade Points 3 7 13 26 42

Tough Skin
Provides protection. Trained by taking damage.

Level 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Protection 10% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 75% 77% 80% 83%

Upgrade Points 5 10 18 35 65 100 140 190 250 300

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Provides increased health, listed in half hearts. Trained by restoring health.

Level 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Bonus Health 4 8 12 16 20 26 32 38 44 50

Upgrade Points 5 12 20 35 49 78 110 160 215 320

Fierce Strike
Provides additional attack damage for melee attacks. Trained by dealing damage with Melee strikes.

Level 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Bonus Damage .5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 4 5 6 7

Upgrade Points 5 12 20 35 49 78 110 160 215 320

Trick Shot
Provides additional arrows while shooting with a Bow. These arrows are always standard arrows and
cannot be picked up. Does not use additional ammunition. The main arrow will land as expected,
and additional arrows will spray randomly. Trained by using bows.

Level 1 2 3 4 5

Bonus Arrows 1 2 3 4 5

Upgrade Points 20 50 90 160 290

Grim Reaper's Sprint

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Provides rebirth on death. Displays "A shadowy force pulls you from the brink of death!" and heals
completely when faced by death if not on delay. Trained by dying.

Level 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Rebirth Delay in Minutes 60 50 45 40 30 25 15 10 5 1

Upgrade Points 20 50 130 270 450 580 700 800 900 1000

Solar Powered
Provides healing and protection while in the sun. Also provides fire resistance on a cooldown.
Trained by healing.

Level 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Seconds elapsed per regen 10 9 8 6 5 4 2 1 1 .5

Protection under the Sun 2% 4% 6% 8% 10% 13% 16% 19% 22% 25%

Seconds between Fire Resist 180 150 120 105 90 75 60 30

Seconds of Fire Resist 45 60 90 105 120 150 180 300

Upgrade Points 5 12 20 35 49 78 110 160 215 320

Provides increased experience rewarded and is trained by gaining experience.

Level 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Bonus Experience 15% 30% 45% 60% 75% 90% 105% 120% 135% 150%

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Upgrade Points 7 13 22 40 65 90 130 180 250 350

Strong Legs
Provide increased jump height and reduced fall damage. Values provided in additional height in
blocks. Trained by jumping.

Level 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Jump Increase .5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3.5 4.5 5.5 6.5 7.5

Fall Damage Protection 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 75% 80% 85%

Upgrade Points 3 6 11 23 37 50 70 100 140 200

Soft Fall
Reduced fall damage. It is trained by taking fall damage.

Level 1 2 3 4 5

Fall Damage Protection 20% 40% 60% 80% 100%

Upgrade Points 2 5 9 15 25

Charging Strike
Boosts hit damage and provides additional knockback while sprinting. Trained by dealing damage
done from sprinting attacks.

Level 1 2 3 4 5

Bonus Sprinting Hit Damage .50 .75 1 1.25 1.5

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Bonus Sprinting Hit Knockback 1 2 3 4 5

Upgrade Points 3 7 15 25 40

True Strike
Boosts critical hit damage. Trained by damage done while critical hitting.

Level 1 2 3 4 5

Bonus Critical Strike Damage 50% 75% 100% 125% 150%

Upgrade Points 5 12 22 35 49

Gift of Ignis
Provides Fire Resist when taking fire damage. Trained by taking fire damage.

Level 1 2 3 4 5

Seconds of Fire Resist 30 30 40 50 60

Seconds between Fire Resist 300 300 240 180 120

Upgrade Points 2 6 14 25 40

Step Assist
Allows you to walk up 1 block without jumping.

Level 1

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Upgrade Points 20

An Elytra Living Armor Upgrade Tome is created by combining a book with an Elytra in an anvil
(with the book in the first slot and the Elytra in the second) for 30 levels. The upgrade provides Elytra
flight while holding down the jump key.

Level 1

Upgrade Points 20

Trained by taking 500 durability damage on the Living Chestplate. Restores 1 durability on a random
piece of equipped Living Armor every 200 ticks.

Level 1

Upgrade Points 15

Nocturnal Prowess
Trained by doing melee damage. Initial activation requires at least 3 minutes of Night Vision while in
light level below 10. Gives Night vision and bonus damage while light level is below 10.

Level 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Bonus Damage 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 4 5 6

Night Vision Level 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

Upgrade Points 5 8 15 20 34 45 70 100 150 200

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Bound Tools and Weapons
These tools and weapons are simple to make, by placing “Binding Reagent” and a Diamond
Sword/Axe/Pickaxe/Shovel into a blank array you will be able to craft tools/Weapons that have
no durability. These weapons run off LP, once you have crafted one of these weapons they will
be inactive, shift right clicking them will activate them, as long as these Weapons/Tool are active
they will be draining 20 LP every 4 seconds.

These tools also have secondary uses, hold right click and letting go will clear a 11x11x11 cube
above you at the cost of 10,000 LP. The bound sword has a different use.

● Bound Sword
○ This sword has no right click function but when a mob is killed with this sword
they have a chance of dropping a Weak Blood Shard (the chance can be
increased with Looting), whenever you damage a mob, LP will also be drained

Weak Blood Shard

These shards become really important later on in the mod (as of Altar T4) but they can also be
used to craft a few potions and decorative blocks such as Blood Stone Tiles. The only way to
get hold of these is to kill a mob with the Bound Sword (while it's active).

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This is only a small chance but you will need a fair few to progress further into the mod so get
farming and make sure that you keep your LP network topped up.

Tome of Peritia
The Tome of Peritia is a great little book that will hold experience for you, but instead of holding
it in liquid form or shard form like most mods, the experience is held in the book that can be
recalled when needed. Simply by shift-right clicking the tome in your hand, you can store a level
of experience into the book (or down to the level if you have a partial level). Right-clicking with
the tome will grant you up to the next level if there is enough experience stored in the book. The
total experience, as well as the equivalent level stored, is displayed on the tooltip of the tome.

Ritual Diviner
Before jumping into more advanced rituals it is highly recommended that you craft the Ritual
Diviner. This tool will help you build all the Standard Rituals and takes the guesswork out of
building each ritual. Remember this Diviner is only for basic Rituals! However, it can be
upgraded to a Ritual Diviner (Dusk) for more advanced rituals.

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Holding the Ritual Diviner in hand and hold Shift while right-clicking will cycle through all the
available rituals, you can then hover over a master Ritual stone which will then show a ghost
layout of the ritual. This is where each specific ritual stone should be placed and what type of
stone should be used.

As long as you have normal ritual stones in your inventory you should be able to hold right-click
the Diviner will automatically place the correct ritual stones in the correct locations. The Diviner
also has no durability so no need to worry about it breaking. The Diviner will make green
particles appear on the master ritual stone, this just confirms a stone placement, when there are
no more particles the ritual has been completely built.

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The alternative is not worth the hassle as these rituals have to be set out in a certain way in
regards to structure and what type of stones you use. Doing this manually is simply not worth it.
Also, it is currently not possible to make Dusk stones without the Ritual Diviner.

Weak Activation Crystal

Successfully building a Ritual is only one part of the puzzle, in order to turn these rituals on you
will need a Weak Activation Crystal. You will only ever need to make one of these crystals
(unless you lose it), these are simply made by putting a Lava Crystal into a tier 3 Altar with at
least 10,000 LP in it.

Each Ritual will cost a certain amount of LP if you try to activate a Ritual without the required
amount of LP in your personal network you will get an error message. Many rituals with
ongoing effects have an LP cost after activation, either based on action or time and running your
personal network dry with an active ritual will cause it to stop functioning and may cause nausea
or simply kill you.

Check how much LP you need for the ritual and fill up your personal network (via the blood orb)

Master Ritual Stone/Ritual Stone's

Another key factor for all Rituals (this includes Standard Rituals and Advanced Rituals) is the
Master Ritual Stone, crafted with Ritual Stones, Obsidian and a Magician's Blood Orb (or a
higher Tier).

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This stone is the base of ALL rituals without it you will not even be able to build a Ritual. This
stone is the centrepiece of each ritual, it’s what you use to turn on, turn off, and to activate the

These ritual stones will also react to Redstone, applying a Redstone signal to the ritual stone
will turn off a ritual. Applying a Redstone signal to the stone itself without a ritual will simply do

There is an inverted version of the Master Ritual Stone (conveniently called Inverted Master
Ritual Stone), this behaves just like the regular ritual stone but you will need to apply a
Redstone signal to turn rituals on.

Applying a Redstone signal will only turn off the ritual, this does not mean you will need to
spend the LP to reactivate the ritual. Once the Ritual is activated it can be turned on and off at
will. Only deconstructing the ritual and building it another location will require reactivation.

Ritual stones are the other building blocks of rituals, each Ritual has a different arrangement of
Ritual Stones in a very particular pattern, these also have to have the right markings on them.
There are 6 types of ritual stone (Earth, Wind, Fire, Water, Dusk and Dawn) but in the current
version of the mod, you can only craft 5 of the 6. These can be crafted by “painting” (right-
clicking the stone with the Inscription Tool) the ritual stones with their corresponding Elemental
Inscription Tool (these are crafted in a Tier 3 Blood Altar).

As you can only craft 5 of the 6 Ritual stones you will need to use the Divining Rod to build your
Ritual, this means the crafted Ritual stones are only really good for decoration.

Standard Rituals
Now that you have the Divining Rod, Ritual Stones and a Weak Activation crystal you can
create Rituals. Each Ritual will have a cost to activate and a running cost or cost per action.
This depends on the ritual and will vary. If you do not have enough LP in your network these
rituals will start to drain your health and can/will eventually kill you if you can't turn the ritual off
fast enough or fill up your network quickly.

All Rituals can be modified in the configs and with the Ritual Tinker, some of the below rituals
can be modified to run off different types of Will, unfortunately you will not have access to these
other types of will until you upgrade your altar to Tier 4

Ritual of the Full Spring

Activation Cost: 500LP

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Cost per water source created: 25LP
Once activated this ritual will spawn a water source block on the Master Ritual Stone. By default
this will spawn on top of the Master Ritual Stone.

The location of where the water spawns can also be defined, it needs to be within a vertical
range of 2 blocks and a horizontal range of 2 blocks.

Serenade of the Nether

Activation Cost: 20,000LP
Cost per lava source created: 500LP
Once activated this ritual will spawn a lava source block onto the Master Ritual Stone, this will
flow so be careful where you are building this ritual. This Ritual can also be augmented with
different types of Will:

Type of Will Effect on Ritual

Raw Will This will decrease the cost of each lava source spawned. Raw Will also
allows the lava to be spawned straight into a container (such as a tank), this
container must be within a 9 block radius of the Master Ritual Stone

Steadfast Will Fire resistance will be applied to any player within range of the ritual, this
range can be configured but it must be with a 9 block radius around the
Master Ritual Stone

Corrosive Will Entities that have fire resistance (Blazes and Zombie Pig men) are damaged

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severely, the range of this can also be augmented but it must be within a 9
block radius of the Master Ritual Stone.

Vengeful Will Entities within range have Fire Fuse applied to them. This will make the entity
act like a rocket, first it will be lit like a fuse and then be launched into the air.
The range of this can also be altered but it must be within a 9 block radius of
the Master Ritual Stone.

Ritual of the Green Grove

Activation Cost: 1,000LP
Very similar to the sigil, the ritual will look at the 3x3 area two blocks above itself and attempt to
grow each block with a 30% success rate every second

Using the ritual tinker the ritual can be increased to handle up to 81 crops in a 5 block radius of
the Master Ritual Stone (but in the current version, you can’t define a new “Growth” area). This
ritual can also be set to consume different types of Will:

Type of Will Effect on Ritual

Raw Will This will perform all operations at an accelerated rate, consuming 0.05 Will
per successful growth and increasing its speed relative to how much Will is
in the Aura

Steadfast Will This allows you to set an area around the ritual that will be automatically
tilled and hydrated. Additionally, any seed that is within this range will be
planted on a nearby block if possible. This costs a small amount of
Steadfast Will, and its effects do not scale with Will in the Aura

Destructive Will This will increase the effective maximum range of the ritual, meaning the
more Will you have the more crops/plants a single ritual can handle.
Thankfully, the ritual does not drain any Destructive Will, however if your
Will drops and the ritual's maximum range is lower than what you set it at,
the ritual will not work at all until fixed

Corrosive Will This may shift the fundamental nature of the ritual. When supplied and the
new range is properly set, any mobs that enter in the ritual's area of
influence will have the "Leech" effect applied. Every few ticks, the plants
near the mobs will be damaged and the mob will be damaged
proportionally. Fertilizing with mobs directly can prove beneficial! Every 10
seconds that the debuff is applied per mob, 0.2 Corrosive Will will be

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Vengeful Will This will consume 0.05 Will per successful growth and will increase the
chance that a given operational tick will be successful on the plant. By
default without Will, it is 30%, but for instance if you have 100 Vengeful Will
the rate will increase to 80%

Interdiction Ritual
Activation Cost: 1,000LP
This ritual will repel all non-player mobs by about 2 blocks from the Master Ritual Stone (by
default). Mobs within this range are not affected by fall damage, though that safety net wears off
as soon as they are pushed away.

The Push area can also be defined, it needs to be within a vertical range of 9 blocks and a
horizontal range of 9 blocks.

Ritual of Containment
Activation Cost: 2,000LP
Cost per mob pulled per tick: 1LP
Pull mobs into the centre of the ritual and suspend them in mid-air. the default range of the ritual
is a 3 block horizontal radius from the bottom of the master stone to the top of the top-most

This range can, of course, be altered but it needs to be within a vertical range of 9 blocks and a
horizontal range of 9 blocks.

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Ritual of High Jump
Activation Cost: 1,000LP
Cost Per Launch: 5LP
This ritual causes Entities that walk on the Master Ritual Stone to be thrown into the air, they will
land safely on the Master Ritual Stone and be thrown up again but not landing on the Master
Ritual Stone can lead to death. Sneaking over the Master Ritual Stone will not cause entities to
be propelled upwards.

The block that launches entities into the air can also be configured, this block needs to be within
a vertical range of 4 blocks and a horizontal range of 4 blocks.

Ritual of Magnetism
Activation Cost: 5,000LP
Cost per ore: 50LP
This ritual is useful for ore collection, as it will pull ore blocks from the ground and place them
within the ritual. This ritual will bring up ore to the surface every 40 ticks. The default radius that
this ritual operates is 3 blocks in each cardinal direction, giving an area of 7x7 blocks centred on
the Master Ritual Stone.

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The placement of these blocks can be configured but the location needs to be within a vertical
range of 3 blocks and a horizontal range of 3 blocks.

Because the ritual currently does not have any Will augments, you can only increase the radius
of effect for the ritual by placing a valuable block directly underneath the Master Ritual Stone. If
an iron block is used the radius becomes 7. If a gold block is used, the radius becomes 15.
Finally, if a diamond block is used the radius expands to 31, meaning any ores below the ritual
in a 63x63 area will be slowly pulled up into its 3x3x3 volume above the Master Ritual Stone.

Ritual of the Satiated Stomach

Activation Cost: 100,000LP
Cost Per Operation: 20LP
This Ritual will search the inventory above the Master Ritual Stone for food. It will feed any food
it finds to players in a 33x33x33 area centred on the Master Ritual Stone. This Ritual only
applies the saturation of the item consumed. It will prevent a player's hunger bar from
decreasing, but will not fill it back up.

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The chest location can be configured but it needs to be within a vertical range of 2 blocks and a
horizontal range of 2 blocks Master Ritual stone. The area of which the ritual effects can also be
configured but this needs to be within a vertical range of 24 blocks and a horizontal range of 24
blocks of the Master Ritual Stone.

Call of the Zephyr

Activation Cost: 1,000LP
Cost Per item: 0LP
This ritual will require a chest on top of the master ritual stone, any items that are dropped with
a 5 block radius of the Master Ritual Stone will be instantly placed into the chest.

The chest location can be configured but it will need to be within a vertical range of 2 blocks and
a horizontal range of 2 blocks of the Master Ritual Stone. The area of which the ritual pulls the
blocks can also be configured but this needs to be within a vertical range of 9 blocks and a
horizontal range of 9 blocks.

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Le Vulcano Frigius
Activation Cost: 500LP
Cost block replaced: 25LP
As soon as this ritual is activated it will spawn 5 blocks of cobblestone, each time a block of
cobblestone is broken a new one is put in its place at a cost of 25 LP.

This ritual can not have its area modified, this seems to be a bug with the current version of
Blood Magic

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Crash of the Timberman
Activation Cost: 20,000LP
Cost per block Felled: 10LP
This ritual will cut down any trees it finds in a 10 block horizontal radius and a 30 block vertical
radius of the Master Ritual Stone. A chest can be placed on the master Ritual stone where all
the saplings, wood and apples will be deposited. For each block that is cut down 10LP will be
drained from your personal network. This ritual will not replant saplings.

The chest location can be configured but it has to be in a 2 block radius of the Master Ritual
Stone. The area of which the ritual places the blocks can also be configured but this can only be
a maximum of 29 blocks away from the Master Ritual Stone vertically and 14 blocks

Laying of the Filler

Activation Cost: 5,000LP
Cost Per Block Placed: 50LP
This ritual will need a chest to placed on top of the Master Ritual Stone, anything placed inside
the chest will be placed within the ritual.

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The chest location can be configured but it has to be in a 2 block radius of the Master Ritual
Stone. The area of which the ritual places the blocks can also be configured but this can only be
a maximum of 6 blocks away from the Master Ritual Stone.

Ritual of Suppression
Activation Cost: 5,000LP
Cost Per operational tick: 2LP
This ritual will suppress all liquids in a set radius, liquids within a 10 block radius of the Master
Ritual Stone will be replaced with Air. When the ritual is turned off the liquid will return to its
original place. This ritual is named The Dome of Suppression in the hand book but in the
Diviner, it is the Ritual of Suppression.

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Currently, there is no way to set the suppression area beyond the default 10 block radius.

Tier 4
More Rituals and LP automation

Blood Altar Upgrade

In order to craft the Tier 4 Altar you will need to craft 4 Bloodstone Bricks, these can be crafted
by combining a Weak Blood shard with stone, you will get 16 per craft (this could be different in
your mod pack), you will only need 4 unless you are planning on making more altars.

Just like the previous Tier, you will need to go out one block and down one block from the altar,
surrounding the Altar in an 11x11 ring, the 3 corner blocks do not matter and can be anything
you want. You will also need to build 4 pillars on each corner 5 blocks high with the top being a
Bloodstone Brick.

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The tier 4 Altar will need 28 blank runes which can be replaced with any rune that will fit your
needs. Ensure you use the Divination Sigil to ensure you have built the Altar correctly.

Tier 4 Runes
With the Altar upgraded to Tier 4 you will now be able to craft Demonic Slates, these are crafted
by placing a Imbued Slate into the Altar with at least 15,000 LP. Remember that not having
enough LP in the Altar will still drain the LP but will not complete the craft until you give it more

With the Demonic Slate you will be able to craft 3 New Runes for your Blood Altar:

Acceleration Rune
Unlike most runes, the Rune of Acceleration works best only when paired with other runes, and
its effects only increase to a limited amount. What this rune does is it increases the number of
processing ticks that can occur in a given period of time, specifically when it comes to the
Displacement Rune and Charging Rune. For each rune added, the number of ticks before the
next processing tick decreases by one. For instance, by default the Displacement Rune
displaces liquids at a rate of one operation per 20 ticks - with 10 Runes of Acceleration, this
would occur at a rate of one operation per 10 ticks. Obviously the maximum number of
Acceleration Runes that presently matter is 19 - if you have this many, the Displacement Rune
and Charging Rune will both activate their effects each tick.

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Rune of Augmented Capacity
The Rune of Augmented Capacity functions similar to the Rune of Capacity in the sense that it
increases the capacity of both the main tank and the I/O tank of the Blood Altar, so each time
you add one of these Runes to your Altar, you will see 1% of the new total capacity of your main
tank drained by the I/O tank. Of course, this phenomenon is impacted by the Displacement
Runes. However, multiple runes on the same altar will begin to resonate with each other,
increasing the capacity exponentially the more there are. One rune by itself will apply a +10%
increase to the capacity of the altar, however this functions multiplicatively with other Runes of
Augmented Capacity: if there are two runes, it is a +21% increase, three runes is +33.1%
increase, etc. Unfortunately, this multiplicative effect does not stack with the Rune of Capacity,
meaning you will still only get the +2kLP bonus per rune.

Charging Rune
The Charging Rune is one of those beauties that will completely change the operation of the
Blood Altar to something that can be seen as more useful for one-stop crafting. By syphoning off
the LP from the Blood Altar slowly, the Charging rune begins storing "Charge," an internal value
of the Blood Altar that can be seen using the Seer’s Sigil. If the Blood Altar has enough Charge
when it gets something to craft, it will use the required Charge up immediately and craft the item
instantaneously. If there is not enough Charge, the Charge is all used to increase the progress
of the item at a 1:1 Charge:LP ratio. The maximum amount of Charge that can be stored in the
Blood Altar is a function of the number of Charging Runes that it has multiplied by the current
capacity of the altar, but the capacity of the altar only comes into effect if it is greater than 20k:
below, each Charging Rune can stock 1000 Charge while above, each one contains an amount
of Charge equals to 5% of the LP capacity of the Blood Altar. Without Acceleration Runes, it will
convert LP into Charge once every 20 ticks (one second). So if you were to design a Blood Altar
with this rune, careful consideration will have to be made for all of the synergistic relationships
that it has.

Rune of the Orb

In this Tier, after obtaining your Master Blood Orb, you will be able to craft the Rune of the Orb,
which increases by 2% additively the maximum capacity of your Blood Orb. It doesn’t seem
much in the low Tiers, but with the Archmage Blood Orb (Tier 5), each Rune of the Orb placed
on your Altar will give you a bonus of 200,000 LP.

Master Blood Orb

The Master Blood orb is created by placing a Weak Blood Shard into a Blood altar with at least
40,000 LP in it.

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You will need to ensure you have the required amount of LP in your Altar otherwise the orb will
not craft and you will lose any blood that was in the Altar.

The Master Blood Orb can hold up to 1,000,000 LP. You must bind this orb to yourself by right
clicking it while in hand, this will do 1 heart of damage.

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The Teleposer is a block that will act just like a teleporter but with the only limitation being that
you need to apply a redstone signal and it needs to be linked to another Teleposer.

You will need to craft a few Teleposition Focus first, this can be done by placing an Ender Pearl
into the Tier 4 Blood Altar with 2,000 LP. This can then be crafted together with gold and more
ender pearls to make a Teleposer, you will need 2 of these for this to work.

Place down the first Teleposer, this will act as the primary Teleposer, this means once this is set
up this block (the first one) will be given a redstone signal to send whatever block you have
above it to the next Teleposer:

Place down your second Teleposer wherever you want to teleport the block (a chest in this
case). Next you will need to use a Teleposition focus to bind the Teleposers. With the
Teleposition focus in hand right click the first block and then do the same with the second block,
once done right click the first Teleposer with an empty hand and place in the Teleposition focus.

Hit the button and watch the chest move to the other block. This is a very simple way to show
what the Teleposer can do, you can also have 1 block on each block and they will also swap

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With the Teleposition focus you will only be able to teleport 1 block above the Teleposer, this
can be upgraded to a 3x3, with the Enhanced Teleposition focus and 5x5 with the Reinforced
Teleposition focus.

Teleposers don’t have a range limit or a dimension limit, this does mean they can be used to
transport blocks back to base that normally can not be picked. By default Spawners and
Bedrock are turned off in the configs. To disable this you will need to edit the Blood Magic config

blacklist {
# Stops listed blocks and entities from being teleposed.
# Use the registry name of the block or entity. Vanilla objects do not
require the modid.
# If a block is specified, you can list the variants to only blacklist
a given state.
S:teleposer <

Incense Altar Upgrade (Worn Stone Path)

The Master Blood Orb will enable you to craft Worn Stone that will enable you to extend the
path around your Incense Altar:

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You will now have an extra 96 blocks to place modifiers. This should make it easier to fill your
Altar. The maximum bonus you can get at this level is 200%

Ritual Diviner (Dusk) / Ritual Dismantler

The Ritual Diviner you currently have will give you access to basic rituals, with access to the
Tier 4 Altar you can craft the Dusk version of the Ritual Diviner. This Diviner will allow you to
craft Greater Rituals and basic Rituals.

The Diviner acts just like the previous version, shift right clicking scrolls forwards and shift left
clicking scrolls backwards. Hovering over the Diviner will tell you more about the ritual and
holding shift while hovering over it will tell you what runes are needed and what direction it will
face. You can also set the orientation of the ritual (north, south west and east) by left clicking.

Ritual Tinkerer
The ritual tinker does what the name implies, it will allow you to tinker with a ritual. Rituals can
be modified in a few ways but not every ritual can be tinkered with. Rituals can be modified to
consume Will and they can have their range increased amongst other things.

To fully grasp how the ritual tinkerer works this guide will cover examples with rituals, to find out
more about these rituals please jump to this section that will give you more details such as
activation cost and the rituals use.

With the ritual Tinkerer in hand you can right click to cycle through the ability of the Ritual
Tinkerer, the ritual will need to be active in order for it to give you information, you will also need
to right click in the air not pointing at any blocks:

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Right clicking a Master Ritual Stone with the Ritual Tinkerer while on information mode will give
you more details on the Ritual and will also tell you what effects different types of will have on a

Not every ritual will show you what different types of Will do.

Consume Will
To modify a ritual to consume Will you will need to have a Will Crystal in your hotbar and then
you can right click the master ritual stone with the ritual tinkerer, this will force the ritual to use a
particular will from the Aura. Without the will in the Aura the ritual will continue as normal.

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You can also add more than one type of Will to a Ritual and you can always add more types of
will but this will require BOTH or ALL types of will that you want to add to the ritual.

You can also remove will usage from any ritual by right-clicking the Master Ritual stone with no
will in your Hotbar.

Not all rituals can be modified to consume will.

Define Area
Some rituals can have their area of effect move or changed and can also have their chest
location moved. Shift right-clicking the Master Ritual Stone of an activated Ritual will either give
you Chest location or Area (some give you an option to set will effect location, depending on the
ritual). To select which one of these properties cycle through them by shift right-clicking the
master ritual stone while on Define Area mode, once the area of effect shows up on screen you
can start to select your first Location by using right-click, you can do the same to select the
second location.

The best example of this is the Gathering of Forsaken Souls, this ritual has an area of effect
around the ritual but this can be changed to just effect above, below the ritual or next to the

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You will need to mark out an area using 2 opposite positions. First, the Master Ritual Stone
needs to be right-clicked (as this ritual does not have a chest requirement you will only be given
one option to modify: Area) then the first marker of the area need to be right-clicked, a message
will pop up confirming that the first marker has been set, next you will need to right-click the
second marker, this need to be opposite in a diagonal pattern (like 2 corners of a square).
These marks should be one level above the bottom, this means mobs in this 1 layer that we
have marked out will take damage, setting the area on the floor will not work as there are no
mobs in the floor:

Above you can see a Blue and a Purple stained glass, these are the 2 markers I have set, this
whole level is where the ritual will effect, this till damages mobs but only in this area.

If you are trying to move the chest location you can simply put down any block to act as a
placeholder for where the chest will be and then right-click it twice (remember to first right-click
the Master Ritual Stone in Define Area mode and select chest location), then simply replace the
placeholder with a chest. For some reason, you are not able to right-click a chest as it just
opens and it does not save the location.

All the rituals in this guide will state whether or not they can be modified and what effects they

There are other rituals such as Call of the Zephyr that will collect items within its range. This can
be changed to a max 9 block vertical and horizontal radius, below you can see how big this area
is and how to define this area.

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The purple block and the blue block are at different heights like 2 diagonal corners of a cube.
Remember this when you are marking out big areas, the tinkerer will tell you after you have
selected 2 blocks if the blocks you have selected are too far away from the Master Ritual Stone.

Demon Will Crystal Cluster

Demon Will Crystal Clusters are crafted in the Hellfire Forge with 4 Demon Will crystals, a
greater or a Grand Tartaric gem must be used, the gem must have at least 1,200 will in it, only
100 Will will be drained.

These clusters can be placed on any surface and as long as they are given the corresponding
type of Will in the Aura they will grow. These will act like the crystals that grow on the crystalizer.

Corrosive, Destructive, Vengeful and Steadfast Will

Up until now the only type of Will that is accessible is normal Demonic Will, there are however
more types of will. Corrosive, Destructive, Vengeful and Steadfast Will are the other types of will

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that can be acquired, these other types of Will can be used in Rituals and can also be used with
the Sentient weapons.

Before getting into how and what we can do with these other types of Will you will need to
create some. In older versions of the mod, you had to plop a few Crystallizers down and wait for
a different type of will to spawn. This now DOES NOT WORK.

Resonance of the Faceted Crystal

The only way to create these crystals is via the Resonance of the Faceted Crystal ritual, once
built you will need to activate the ritual (this costs 20,000) and then put a Demon Crystallizer on
top of the ritual stone. Next, you will need to ensure you fill the Aura with Will, this will slowly
cause the Crystalizer to grow a normal demonic Will Crystal.

Once the crystal has grown 5 or more spires, the ritual will break off a crystal and place a new
type of crystal on the floor on top of one of the 4 aspect stones around the Crystalizer. This will
happen again and again but there is no guarantee that all 4 crystals will grow at the same time.
The best thing to do is to wait until all 4 crystal wills have fully grown.

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One of these rituals is more than enough and simply waiting for the crystals to grow to their full
7 spire size is recommended, even letting these crystals grow full 2 or 3 times is highly
recommended. Keep the aura in the chunk full of normal Demonic Will, this will ensure the
process works.

Growing crystals in the Crystallizer and via the ritual is very slow and killing mobs for Will is also
painful (unless you automate it), Will is needed more and more in rituals and for other things.

Each of these new Will Crystals is worth around 100 will.

Gathering of Forsaken Souls

Once you have enough of each type of will in crystal form you will need to create 1 Crystal
Cluster of each type of will. These can be crafted in the Hellfire Forge and require a Tartaric
Gem. These clusters can be placed on anything and will grow if there is the right amount of that
type of Will in the Aura but at a VERY slow rate.

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The Gathering of Forsaken Souls ritual will grow these crystals at an accelerated and cheaper
rate by killing mobs, there will still need to be Will in the Aura but since mobs are being
damaged the cost of growth will be greatly reduced and sped up. Note that the ritual has to kill
the mobs, not just damage in order to be effective. Once the ritual is built it needs to be
activated at a cost of 40,000LP, this ritual does have a running cost of 2LP per tick and mob it
damages. Once activated it needs to be supplied with mobs ABOVE the ritual (this can be
changed and redefined with the ritual tinkerer).

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Once set up and running the ritual can have some of the spaces filled, don’t cover the ritual but
it can be filled it so it runs flush with the ground.

Once filled in Will Crystals can be placed on the ground on the ritual, the more that are placed
the better as long as you can keep the aura filled.

As the ritual runs the crystals will grow fully at an accelerated rate at the cost of a little Will in the
Aura and LP. It's very advisable to wait for these crystals to fully grow (7 spines) so you can
right-click these (with a Tartaric gem with at least 1,000 will in it) to pop off all the spines but
leaving the main spine.

If you run out of Will or LP the ritual will stop. It is important to know that when the mobs die to
this ritual they will still drop items, it’s very advisable to collect these items to reduce lag.

Crack of the Fractured Crystal

Now that you have automated Crystal growth with all the different types of Will you can also
automate the breaking of the Crystals (the act of right-clicking them). Breaking these crystals
manually is not the most effective way, also if these crystals are not being harvested you are
wasting LP and Will.

The Crack of the Fractured Crystal ritual can be placed below (or above, depends on where
your mob farm is ) the Gathering of Forsaken Souls ritual by placing the Master Ritual Stone a

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few blocks Below (or above) the Master Ritual Stone of the Gathering of Forsaken Souls Ritual.
It is strongly advised you place your mob farm for the Gathering of Forsaken Souls Ritual
ABOVE the ritual, as the Crack of the Fractured Crystal fits nicely below the Gathering of
Forsaken Souls Ritual

The Crack of the Fractured Crystal ritual will cost 40,000LP to activate and cost 50LP operation
(operation being breaking of each crystal cluster), once activated the ritual will break shards off
crystals without removing the centre shard. These shards will drop onto the ground and will
need to be picked up, there is another Ritual for this but it's cheaper and more efficient to use
other mods.

Merging Rituals (for later, with the Veil of Evil)

Because of the similarity between Gathering of Forsaken Souls and Crack of the Fractured
Crystal, one can merge them to use less Ritual Stones, either by using the previous set up and
make the 4 Dusk Ritual Stones merge or by reversing it to merge the whole bunch of Fire Ritual
Stones. With this second set up, one can also merge a not fully implemented Ritual: the Veil of
Evil, which force the spawn of hostile mobs and could replace the mob farm if only its activation
was effective… The merge is possible because the top of the Veil of Evil is made of 4 Dusk
Ritual Stones in the same way as the bottom of the Gathering of the Forsaken Souls.

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Here, you can see the 3 Rituals merged, with the Crystal range of the CFC and the Crystal
range and the Damage range of the GFS. For now, the Veil of Evil seems to have an infinite
range, however ineffective. So you can keep the idea of merging Rituals for this setup or others
(do not try to merge the Master Ritual Stones, they can only handle 1 Ritual in a row), but this
set up will still need a mob farm until the Veil of Evil is fully implemented. [The veil of evil does
work you just need to use a tinkerer to set an area for it to effect]

Demon Pylon
We can release different types of will into the aura by placing will crystals that were grown via
the Resonance of the Faceted Crystal ritual or by simply using standard Will. Setting up multiple
Demon Crucibles can be expensive, it does let you control what chunks have Will in the Aura.

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The Demon Pylon acts as a beacon for Will in the Aura, pulling the Will from neighbouring
chunks (those chunks that are directly next to it in the four cardinal directions, not diagonal) into
its chunk. The Pylon will attempt to equalize the Will in its chunk with its neighbour so that the
Pylons chunk has as much Will as its highest neighbour for each Will type. This process only
happens one way, however: if the neighbouring chunk has less Will in it than the Pylons chunk,
the Will will not transfer the other direction.

Filling the Gems/Aura

With these new types of will, you will be able to convert normal tartaric gems into gems on that
will type. You can also combine Grand Gems in a crafting grid but these will require a nether
star. The other method is by placing the crystal of the Will type you want in the gem into a
Demon Crucible, then you can place an empty Gem into the far right slot of the Hellfire Forge,
this will force the gem to pull out the Will type you have burned into the Aura, You will need to
keep adding that type of Will into the Aura via the Crucible.

A good idea is to fill 1 gem up at a time with each of the different Will types and once you have
all 4 you can have 4 Crucibles with gems and keep pumping in any let over Crystals into the

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Will and Sentient Armor/Tools/Weapons

These 4 new types of Will do come in useful, not only can they be used to augment Rituals but
they can also be used in Sentient/Armor/Tools/Weapons, in order for the Sentient
Armor/tools/Weapons to use the desired type of Will you must have a gem with the highest
amount of Will of the type you wish to use:

Certain types of Will can give general bonuses and more specific bonuses with the Sentient
Sword. To enable these you will need to right-click with the Tool/weapon in hand while having
the desired gem in your inventory, the Tool/Weapon will change colour depending on the type of

Sentient Axe/Shovel/Pickaxe
Using a certain type of Will with any of the Sentient Tools will give them a small buff to their
speed and damage stats. If you are carrying more than 1,000 will you can drop your
Tool/Weapon on the floor and it will follow you around and fight for you.

The will effects for all the tools are the same, the only difference is the tools attack damage with
no will:

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Sentient Axe 9
Sentient Shovel 4
Sentient Pickaxe 4

Raw Will

Tier 1 Tier 2 Tier 3 Tier 4 Tier 5

16 60 200 400 1000
Damage Added 10 11 12 12.5 13
Block Breaking Speed +1 +1.5 +2 +3 +4

Corrosive Will
When attacking mobs add Wither and a Poison Effect

Tier 1 Tier 2 Tier 3 Tier 4 Tier 5

16 60 200 400 1000
Poison Time 25 50 60 80 100
Poison Level 0 0 0 1 1

Vengeful Will
Lowers Attack Speed, Adds Damage and increases movement speed

Tier 1 Tier 2 Tier 3 Tier 4 Tier 5

16 60 200 400 1000
Attack Speed -3 -2.8 -2.7 -2.6 -2.5
Damage Increase 0 0.5 1 1.5 2
Movement Speed 5% 10% 15% 20% 25%

Steadfast Will
Increases Damage and grants absorption after mob death.

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Tier 1 Tier 2 Tier 3 Tier 4 Tier 5
16 60 200 400 1000
Damage Increase 25 50 60 80 100
Absorption Time (seconds) 10 15 20 25 30

Destructive Will
Increases Damage, reduces Attack Speed

Tier 1 Tier 2 Tier 3 Tier 4 Tier 5

16 60 200 400 1000
Damage Increase 2 3 4 5 6
Attack Speed Reduction -3.1 -3.1 -3.2 -3.3 -3.3

Sentient Bow
The Sentient Bow’s arrows will have different effects depending on what type of Will you are
using to “power” the bow. You will still need to have arrows in your inventory.

Will Effect

Corrosive Applies poison

Destructive Creates an explosion

Vengeful Applies slowness, fires with increased velocity.

Steadfast Applies levitation

No Will Fires with a lower velocity

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Sentient Armor
Different types of Will also buff the Sentient Armor by giving them different Effects and changing
their Armor rating. The sentient armor will give extra protection depending on how much will you

Raw Will
Gives extra protection

Tier Tier 2 Tier 3 Tier 4 Tier 5 Tier 6 Tier 7 Tier 8

30 200 600 1500 4000 6000 8000 16000
Armor Rating 0 0.25 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.75 0.85 0.9

Destructive Will
Gives + to Attack Damage and - To attack Speed

Tier Tier 2 Tier 3 Tier 4 Tier 5 Tier 6 Tier 7 Tier 8

30 200 600 1500 4000 6000 8000 16000
Attack Speed (-) -2% -4% -6% -8% -10% -12% -14% -16%
Attack Damage (+) +3% +6% +9% +12% +15% +18% +22% +24%

Vengeful Will
Gives a speed boost depending on the amount of will

Tier 1 Tier 2 Tier 3 Tier 4 Tier 5 Tier 6 Tier 7 Tier 8

30 200 600 1500 4000 6000 8000 16000
Speed % 5% 10% 15% 20% 25% 30% 35% 40%

Steadfast Will
Gives Knock Back Resistance and extra Amor rating

Tier 1 Tier 2 Tier 3 Tier 4 Tier 5 Tier 6 Tier Tier 8

30 200 600 1500 4000 6000 8000 16000

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Knock Back 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1 1 1
Armor Rating 0.25 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.75 0.85 0.9 0.95

Corrosive Will
Will remove Wither and Poison instantly.

Sentient Sword
Steadfast Sentient Sword
Steadfast Will gives your sword the ability to grant you absorption.

Tier 1 Tier 2 Tier 3 Tier 4 Tier 5 Tier 6 Tier 7

Damage 6 6.5 7 7.5 8 8.25 8.5

Attack Speed 1.6 1.6 1.6 1.6 1.6 1.6 1.6

Absorption Time(sec) 10 15 20 25 30 35 40

Each Tier has a Will requirement:

Tier 0 Tier 1 Tier 2 Tier 3 Tier 4 Tier 5 Tier 6 Tier 7

0 16 60 200 400 1000 2000 4000

Note: Each trigger of absorption grants a temporary half heart, stacking to 5 temporary hearts. Time
is renewed for each trigger, and at the expiration of absorption up to two temporary hearts will be
removed. The remaining temporary hearts will persist until damaged, but will still only stack to 5
temporary hearts with additional triggers.

Vengeful Sentient Sword

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Vengeful Will increases your movement speed with the sword in hand.

Tier 1 Tier 2 Tier 3 Tier 4 Tier 5 Tier 6 Tier 7

Damage 6 6.5 7 7.5 8 8.25 8.5

Attack Speed 1.9 2 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.4 2.5

Movement Speed +5% +10% +15% +20% +25% +30% +40%

Destructive Sentient Sword

Destructive Will gives your sword an increased amount of damage and reduces the swing speed.

Tier 1 Tier 2 Tier 3 Tier 4 Tier 5 Tier 6 Tier 7

Damage 7.5 8.25 9 9.75 10.5 11.25 12

Attack Speed 1.4 1.3 1.2 1.1 1 1 1

Corrosive Sentient Sword

Corrosive Will gives your sword a type of Poison with each attack, the higher the tier (amount of Will)
the higher the Poison Level and the longer the poison effect lasts for.

Tier 1 Tier 2 Tier 3 Tier 4 Tier 5 Tier 6 Tier 7

Damage 7 7.5 8 8.5 9 9.5 10

Attack Speed 1.6 1.6 1.6 1.6 1.6 1.6 1.6

Poison level 1 1 1 2 2 2 2

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Poison Time(sec) 1.25 2.5 3 4 5 6 7.5

Greater and Grand Tartaric Gem

The last 2 sizes of the Tartaric Gems can hold 4096 and 16,384, in order to craft the Greater
Tartaric gem you will need to combine the previous tier with a Demonic Slate, Blood Shard and
a Will Crystal in a hellfire Forge, this process will require 1,000Will and consumes 100 will.

These are the last 2 tiers of gems and 16,384 is the most amount of Will you can carry in one
gem. Filling these gems with all 5 types of Will.

Remember Sentient weapons, tools and armor will latch on the Will of which you have the
highest amount of in your inventory.

Spectral Weapons and Tools

Sentient tools and weapons are great and adding different types of will to them can give them
huge benefits but they can also help protect you. Having a Tartaric Gem with more than 1,000
will and then dropping ANY Sentient Tool or Weapons will bring the weapon to life!

These Weapons and Tools have 20 health and will follow you and even fight for you! If these
Spectral weapons and tools will run out of combat to heal. These weapons and tools will keep
their enchants.

These Tools and Weapons can be picked up again by shift right clicking them.

Sentient Armor
As you can only customise the armor after having a Tier 4 Altar, it is best to wait until you have
access to high amounts of Will and all the Rituals before crafting the Sentient Gem.

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Living Armor will gather upgrades and you can also customise what upgrades you want to keep
or remove. Sentient Armor is not crafted, but you will need a full set of Living Armor as well as a
Sentient Gem to gain access to it. Once crafted this Gem can be right clicked which will turn all
of your living Armor into Sentient Armor.

Sentient Armor is like a buffed version of Living Armor that can be repaired with Will. It will also
keep all the enchants that were on your Living Armor. Early game Sentient Armor might not be
much good as you will not have access to huge amounts of Will but it will certainly help if you
are in a pinch.

Sentient armor really comes into its own when it is combined with other types of will rather than
just normal Will.

Having Access to the Demonic Slate gives you access to other Sigils:

Sigil Name Sigil Effect LP Cost

Teleposition Sigil This Sigil will need to be linked to a Teleposer 1000 LP

(shift-Right click on the Telposer), once the sigil is
linked it will allow one way travel to the Teleposer.
These sigils can only be linked to one Teleposer.

Sigil of Haste When used gives player Boost Buff : a mix 250 LP/Further 250
between Speed II, Jump Boost II and Step Assist. LP every 5
You can add the Boost effect to the actual Potion seconds while
effects Speed II and Jump Boost II to run even
faster and jump up to 4 blocks (only 2 with Boost or
Jump Boost II alone)

Sigil of Upon right click, the Sigil of Supression will remove 400 LP every 5
Suppression all liquids within a five block radius for as long as seconds
the user is in that location. Once moving away from
the liquid or deactivating the sigil, the liquid will
return after a short delay.

Transposition Sigil Upon shift right clicking a block with the 5000 LP per Block
Transposition Sigil, a lightning bolt will strike the
block, making the block disappear and storing it in
the sigil. When the sigil is right clicked again there
will be another bolt of lightning to release the block

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at the position clicked. The initial shift click to store
a block costs LP, with no further cost to keep the
block stored or to re-summon the block. 1

Sigil of Ender This Sigil prevents teleporting. It has an effect 200 LP every 5
Severance range over an area of 11 x 11 x 11 centered on the seconds and
Player. This allows a Player to easily attack the sneaking up from
Enderman, with a ranged weapon, without him
jumping all over

Sigil of This Sigil compresses 9 items of a kind until you 200 LP every 5
Compression have less than 64 of them in your whole inventory seconds
into its block form if possible. Since the LP cost is
only taken every 5 seconds, you can wait for
having a lot of items to compress, then activate the
Sigil for only 1 second : that way, it will only cost
you 200 LP every 5 uses or so.

Sigil of the Phantom Bridge

When active, this Sigil creates a 7x7 platform of Spectral Block centered at the Player. Spectral
Blocks outside of the platform will vanish if you move 10 blocks away from them. These blocks
can be broken instantly with a hit but will be replaced immediately by another one and 'Right-
clicking' on one with another block will place it against the Spectral Block. This can be used to
build in mid-air. Crouching will create a layer below you. Activating this Sigil costs 100 LP every
5 seconds until deactivated.

This Sigil does not create Spectral Blocks while the player is jumping or falling, unless the
player is sneaking. Sneaking while standing on a platform will spawn a new platform one block
lower. This can be used to descend safely. Combining a Sigil of the Phantom Bridge with an Air
Sigil provides the user an alternative to more traditional flight mechanics.

By default Bedrock and Spawners are not able to be picked up, this can be changed in the

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The following Rituals are all the remaining Rituals that can be crafted and activated. These
rituals do require LP to activate and some have a running cost. Some of these rituals can be
modified with the 4 different types of Will.

All of these rituals can be activated with the Activation Crystal.

Cry of the Eternal Soul

Activation Cost: 2,000,000LP
This ritual fits perfectly around the Blood Altar (if positioned correctly), once activated this ritual
will transfer LP from your personal network back into the Blood Altar, this ritual does come at a
cost. For every 1 LP transferred back into the Altar 2LP will be drained from your personal
Currently, this Ritual is not fully implemented : you can spend 2,000,000 LP to activate it, but
nothing else will happen and you won’t be able to define the area.

Reverence of the Condor

Activation Cost: 1,000,000LP

Once activated this Ritual will grant you a flight Buff (Fall damage negation included) for 1
second within an area of 41x41x61 around the master Ritual Stone. Going outside of this area
will drop the buff, this ritual will not protect from fall damage.

Assembly of the High Altar

Activation Cost: 500LP
Cost block placed: 250LP
Why bother building Altars by hand when you can get a Ritual to do it for you. The Assembly of
the High Altar Ritual will use the blocks that are placed in a chest (on top of the Master Ritual
stone) to build a Blood Altar at the cost of LP.

Mark of the Falling Tower

Once activated the Mark of the Falling Tower requires a reagent to complete. Drop one of these
onto the Master Ritual Stone. The cost is not on activation, the costs depends on what activator
you will be using.

The Iron Block reagent will give low level ores, such as Lapis-lazuli, Iron and Redstone Ore.
This will cost 1,000,000 LP to complete, the meteor radius will be 6 and will contain roughly 50%

The Block of Gold reagent will give a bit of every Minecraft Vanilla Ores, but mainly Lapis-
lazuli, Iron and Gold Ore. This will cost 2,500,000LP to complete, the meteor radius will be 7
and will contain around 80% Ore.

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The Diamond Block reagent will give rarer ores, including Diamond Ore and Emerald Ore. This
will cost 5,000,000LP to complete the meteor radius will be 4 and will contain 100% Ore.

Shortly after the ritual is completed, a meteor full of ore will be generated. This meteor causes a
large explosion when generated. It is wise to keep this ritual several chunks away from base
infrastructure. Its center will hit the highest block directly above the Master Ritual Stone and
destroy any blocks in its way, including the ritual. A one block thick platform is sufficient to
position the meteor. Moreover, if the highest block above the MRS is an Obsidian, it will prevent
the explosion from destroying any block, but not from causing damage to nearby mobs and
players. By using this method, all non-Air Blocks which would be stuck in the meteor will be kept
intact, including the Obsidian. Placing it at least 10 blocks above the MRS will avoid any loss of
the blocks provided by the meteor (if lower, it may merge with the structure of the Ritual).

On the left, a Diamond Tier meteor crashed into the Ritual. On the right, several meteors
successively stopped using the Obsidian method, keeping the Ritual (and the Obsidian in the
middle of the meteor) intact. The size of the meteor is determined by the reagent dropped on
the Master Ritual Stone.

Check your Config folder for your mod pack to find out how much the activators cost and if there
are different ones.

Hymn of Syphoning
Activation Cost: 500LP

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Cost per block replaced: 250LP
The ritual siphons up fluids around it in a 16 block radius and puts the fluid in the tank above it.
The tank above it must contain at least one Bucket of the fluid to be siphoned. This ritual will
also replace any source blocks with stone.

Ritual of Speed
Activation Cost: 1,000LP
Cost Pre Launch: 15LP
The Ritual of Speed, once activated, will launch approaching entities approximately 30 to 40
blocks away for a small Life Essence (LP) cost.

Standing within the area defined by the ritual stones will launch the entity forward approximately
30 to 40 blocks in the direction of the Dusk Rune. During this launch, fall damage will not be

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Ritual of Grounding
Activation Cost: 5,000LP
Cost Per second: 20LP
By Default this Ritual when activated will drag mobs to the ground and prevent them from
jumping or floating up (like Blazes).

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This ritual can also be modified with Will, this will must be fed into the Aura otherwise it will not

Will Type Effect

Raw Will Ritual will affect players as well as mobs

Corrosive Will Disables Gravity

Destructive Will Increase fall damage of affected entities

Steadfast Will Allows the ritual to affect boss’s

Vengeful Will Amplifies the grounding effect and increase fall damage

Vengeful & Corrosive Grants Levitation

This ritual can also have its range set, currently there is no limit on how big the range is, when
using the ritual Tinkerer on the ritual you will get an error message but you still be able to set a
new area.

The Gate of the Fold

Activation Cost: 50,000LP
Cost per teleport (same dimension): 1,000LP
Cost per teleport (different dimensions): 10,000LP
This ritual will act like an instant teleportation system that works across dimensions. In order for
these portals to link to each other they will need to have blocks touching the ritual stones, these
blocks will act like a unique marker.

Ritual of the Sheppard

Activation Cost: 10,000LP
Cost Per animal: 400LP

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The Ritual of the Shepherd reduces the time needed for animals to mature from 20 to 3
minutes. The chest location can be configured but it has to be in a 2 block radius of the Master
Ritual Stone. The area of which the ritual can affect mobs can also be configured but this can
only be a maximum of 6 blocks away from the Master Ritual Stone.

Demonic Will can also be configured with this Ritual:

Will Type Effect

Raw Increases the speed of the ritual based on the total Will in the Aura

Corrosive Unimplemented

Steadfast Automatically breeds adults within its area using items in the connected chest

Destructive Causes Adults that have not bred lately to run at mobs and explode1

Vengeful Decreases the time it takes for adults to breed again

1. The exploding animals will slowly run down any hostile mobs and blow them up with an
explosion that doesn't damage blocks, though it does destroy any items already on the
ground. Explosion damage seems to be about 6 hearts point-blank, but they usually
detonate a little bit early, causing their damage to average closer to 4.5 hearts. Will
damage/kill any other weaponized animals in their blast radius.

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Ritual of the Crusher
Activation Cost: 2,500LP
Cost Per Mined Block: 7LP
The Ritual of the Crusher mines blocks from the 3x3x3 cube directly beneath the Master Ritual
Stone and places them into the inventory on top of the Master Ritual Stone. The chest location
can be configured but it has to be in a 2 block radius of the Master Ritual stone. The area of
which the ritual can break blocks can also be configured but this can only be a maximum of 9
blocks away from the Master Ritual Stone.

Demonic Will can also be configured with this Ritual:

Will Type Effect

Raw Increases the speed of the ritual based on the total Will in the Aura

Corrosive All blocks are broken to be processed with a form of cutting fluid. Override Silk
Touch where applicable. (Ore Doubling)

Steadfast Causes all blocks that are broken to be picked up with silk touch. Overrides
Fortune where applicable. (Silk Touch)

Destructive Blocks are broken down forcefully: all blocks broken are affected by Fortune 3.

Vengeful Compresses the inventory on a successful operation. Currently only does one
compression per operation (items include compressed cobblestone or Lapis
into block form.

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Resonance of the Faceted Crystal
Activation Cost: 20,000LP
Cost Per 20 Ticks: 1,000LP
The only way to create different Will crystals is via the Resonance of the Faceted Crystal ritual,
once built you will need to activate the ritual and then put a Demon Crystallizer on top of the
ritual stone. Next you will need to ensure you fill the Aura with Will, this will slowly cause the
Crystalizer to grow a normal demonic Will Crystal.

Once the crystal has grown 5 or more spires the ritual will break off a crystal and place a new
type of crystal on the floor on top of one of the 4 aspect stones around the Crystalizer. This will
happen again and again but there is no guarantee that all 4 crystals will grow at the same time.
The best thing to do is to wait until all 4 crystal wills have fully grown before harvesting.

Reap of the Harvest Moon

Activation Cost: 20,000LP
Cost Per Plant Harvest: 40LP
Reap of the Harvest Moon searches a 93 block area centered on the Master Ritual Stone for
mature plants. If it finds any, it breaks them. It will replant the plant if any seeds were dropped.
Take note that this ritual does not chop down trees.

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Reap of the Harvest Moon does not collect the dropped items. Use a Call of the Zephyr to
collect them.

Focus of the Ellipsoid

Activation Cost: 20,000LP
Cost Per Block Placement: 5LP
This ritual will build a Sphere around the ritual with any blocks that the chest is supplied with.

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This ritual will only place blocks in areas where there are no blocks, it will not replace blocks.

Well of Suffering
Activation Cost: 40,000LP
Cost per ½ heart of damage caused to mobs : 25 LP
The well of suffering is the key to automating the Blood Altar, at the cost of a little LP this ritual
will damage any mobs within its range and drain 25LP for each ½ heart of damage caused to
mobs and put it into the Blood Altar. This Ritual is like an automatic Sacrificial Dagger that stabs
mobs. This Ritual will do a small amount of damage to any mobs within its 10 block range, this
can and will kill mobs so it must be fed mobs in order to generate LP. This effect respects any
Runes of Sacrifice around the Altar.

By default this Ritual looks for a Blood Altar within a 10 block radius, this can be configured but
the Altar must be with a 14 Vertical range and a 9 block Horizontal range of the Master Ritual

The damage radius of the Altar is 10 blocks by default but this can also be configured, it needs
to be within a vertical range of 14 blocks and a horizontal range of 14 blocks of the Master
Ritual Stone.

There is a way to keep this Ritual full of mobs without having to build any kind of complicated
mob farm around it. The simple suggestion is to trap mobs within the glass and have them stand
on Grave Soil (This is an item from Tinkers’ Construct):

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You can then gather mobs (zombies work best) with a Capture Wand (from Not Enough Wands)
and place them onto the Graveyard Soil. These mobs should then be named to stop them from

There are 4 spots around the ritual where this can be done, you can keep adding more and
more mobs.

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This should keep your Altar topped up and there is no need to have rogue mobs running
around, this can also be put over the top of an altar, I recommend going 4 blocks up and then
placing the Master Ritual Stone.

It is a very good idea to place down a Sound Muffler from Extra Utilities 2, as the sound of a
whole load of zombies taking damage can drive a person insane.

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Ritual of the Feathered Earth
Activation Cost: 5,000LP
Cost Per ½ second: 5LP
This ritual will reduce fall damage down to 0 in a certain area. When near the ritual (25 block
radius around the Master Ritual Stone)) you will gain a Feathered Buff for 1 second (this will
keep refreshing). Falling into or near the ritual from great heights will apply the buff and negate
fall damage.

This area can also be configured but it will need to be within a vertical range of 199 blocks and a
horizontal range of 199 blocks of the Master Ritual Stone.

Ritual of the Feathered Knife

Activation Cost: 50,000LP
Cost per ½ Heart of Damage: 20LP
The Ritual of the Feathered Knife searches a 31x31x41 area around the Master Ritual Stone for
players. When it finds someone, it deals one damage to them and generates Life Essence in the
nearest Blood Altar (in a vertical range of 14 blocks and a horizontal range of 9 blocks). Each
point of damage costs 20 LP from the activator's Soul Network and generates 100 LP in the
Altar. This effect respects any Runes of Self-sacrifice around the Altar.

The Ritual of the Feathered Knife will not reduce a player's health below 3 hearts by default.

Will Type Effect

Raw Increases the speed of the ritual based on the total Will in the Aura

Corrosive Uses the player’s Incense to increase the yield: for the cost of 20 LP, converts
all your HP above the minimum health for sacrificing into the right amount of
LP in the Altar + Bonus % if you are “Incensed”

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Steadfast Sets the minimum health for sacrificing from 30% to 70% (if there is at least 10
Steadfast Will in the Aura)

Destructive Increases the yield of the ritual based on the total Will: gives a bonus between
0 and 20% depending on the quantity of Destructive Will in the Aura

Vengeful Sets the minimum health for sacrificing to 10 % (if there is at least 10 Vengeful
Will in the Aura) Overridden by Steadfast for the Owner if active.

Note: even without Steadfast, Vengeful has no effect on the Owner. So maybe Steadfast isn’t
even effective for the non-Owners.

If you’re an adept of Self-sacrifice (and if you don’t want to eat all the time), you can combine
this Ritual with the Ritual of Regeneration, but without Will effects, it’ll lead to a loss of LP: it
costs 20 LP to convert 1 HP into 100 LP and 100 LP to regenerate 1 HP.
But with Corrosive Will and the Bonus % of the Incense Altar, you can produce a lot and even
get a better yield than the Well of Suffering Automation (having Tough Palms lv10 and a lot of
Runes of Self-sacrifice helps too)

Crack of the Fractured Crystal

Activation Cost: 40,000LP
Cost Pre crystal break: 50LP
The Crack of the Fractured Crystal ritual can be placed below (or above, depends on where you
want your mob farm to be ) the Gathering of Forsaken Souls ritual by placing the Master Ritual
Stone a few blocks Below (or above) the Master Ritual Stone of the Gathering of Forsaken
Souls Ritual. It is strongly advised you place your mob farm for the Gathering of Forsaken Souls
Ritual ABOVE the ritual, as the Crack of the Fractured Crystal fits nicely below the Gathering of
Forsaken Souls Ritual

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Once activated the ritual will break shards off crystals without removing the center shard. These
shards will drop onto the ground and will need to be picked up.

Gathering of the Forsaken Souls

Activation Cost: 40,000LP
Cost per killed mob: 2LP
The Gathering of the Forsaken Souls speeds up Demon Crystal growth for crystal clusters
above the ritual (by default). It does not generate will on its own though and still requires the
crystal clusters to have Demon Crystallizers below them. In order to do that, it utilizes a
mechanic known as "uniqueness" of mobs. The more different mobs die, the more efficient the
crystal growth will be.

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It does not itself generate Demonic Will Aura though, so you need to supply it by either feeding
back crystals or putting a Tartaric Gem with Will into a Demon Crucible. This should eliminate
the need for going out to farm demonic will unless you fail to supply mobs to feed it and/or run
out of Will.
The area in which mobs are damaged can also be altered but it will need to be within a vertical
range of 9 blocks and a horizontal range of 9 blocks. The area in which crystals grow can also
be altered but it will need to be within a vertical range of 6 blocks and a horizontal range of 4
blocks of the Master Ritual Stone, but the area defined must contain at most 250 blocks.

Ritual of Regeneration
Activation Cost: 40,000LP
Cost per damage tick and mob: 2LP
This Ritual applies Regeneration with a duration of 2 seconds to any entity within 10 blocks of
the Master Ritual Stone. This costs 200 LP for players and 20 LP for other entities to regenerate
1 full heart. Regeneration is only applied if the entity is not already at maximum health.

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This Ritual can also have a “Healing” range set that allows entities within its range to gain
regeneration, this needs to be within a vertical range of 19 blocks and a horizontal range of 19
blocks of the Master Ritual Stone.

A second area can also be configured, Vampirism will syphon health of mobs which will
be used to heal players within “Healing” range. This also needs to be within a vertical
range of 19 blocks and a horizontal range of 19 blocks of the Master Ritual Stone.

Ritual of Expulsion
Activation Cost: 40,000LP
Cost per teleportation: 2,000LP
This ritual is very useful on servers as once it is activated it will teleport players not on the
whitelist 100 blocks away in a random direction. This only works if someone gets within 12
blocks of the Master Ritual Stone.

To add people to the whitelist a chest must be placed on the Master Ritual stone with a blood
orb that has been bound to a player inside the chest.

Tier 5
This is the last tier of Blood Magic, there is currently no other Tier past this one.

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Blood Altar Upgrade
Hopefully, you have been customizing your altar and maybe even building other altars for other
purposes. This requires 4 beacons to complete the altar as well as 52 more runes (these can be
any runes).

With a new Tier of Altar comes another type of Slate. Ethereal Slate can be crafted by placing a
Demonic slate into a tier 5 Blood Altar and adding 30,000 per slate. These slates are only used
to craft downgrades for the Living Armor as there are no new runes with this Tier Blood Altar.

Archmage Blood Orb

The Tier 5 altar will enable you to craft the last tier of Blood Orb - The Archmage Blood Orb,
crafted by placing a Nether Star in the Blood Altar with 80,000 LP. This Blood Orb will expand
your personal LP network to a whopping 10,000,000, which of course can be upgraded with

Incense Altar (Obsidian Paths)

By the time you reach this Tier of blood magic, it hardly seems worth the effort of walking over
to your Incense Altar and stabbing yourself. However, Rituals that use a lot of LP can activate a
lot in a short period of time, which could lead to a huge shortage of Blood. Maxing out your
Incense Altar can give you a maximum boost of 300%, which can fill Altars quickly and could
help in a pinch.

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With the final Tier of Blood Altar, you will be able to craft Obsidian Paths, this can be used to
extend your altar a further 2x3 area.

With the Incense Altar fully upgraded you will have access to a further 128 blocks that can have
modifiers placed onto them. This Altar will have a maximum bonus of 300%.

Awakened Activation Crystal

Without a Tier 5 Blood Altar, you can’t get a whole lot of mileage out of Living Armor, primarily
because you need a few rituals in order to upgrade and customise the Armor. These Advanced
Rituals are craftable with a Tier 4 Altar, but you will not be able to activate them without crafting
an Awakened Activation Crystal, which is crafted with an Archmage Blood Orb and a Nether
Star. The rituals are briefly described below but are covered more extensively later on.

Upgrade & Downgrade Tomes

It is impossible to put every upgrade on your armor and depending on what you are doing you
might have different armor for exploring and killing monsters. Having your armor full of useless
traits is no good and trying to force certain traits on to the armor would take forever and would
be a nightmare. Fighting monsters may give you Fierce Strike, but picking up experience might
also give you Experienced which might not be so desirable. Luckily there's a way to pick and
choose what traits to level up and what enchants to remove.

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Crafting the Draft of Angelus will boost the number of upgrade points your armor can have by a
maximum of 200. Now, this is only a quick fix and can help to collect more Upgrades and level
up other upgrades.

Sound of the Cleansing Soul

We can clear all the upgrades from our armor with a simple ritual, this will enable us to pick and
choose what traits we want on our armor, before you do this ritual you will need to have a
relatively empty inventory. This Ritual can be set up with a Ritual Diviner (Dusk). Once set up it
will require 50,000LP to Activate, this Ritual will need to be activated EVERY TIME you want to
clear your traits. Once activated you will need to step onto the Master Ritual Stone (in the
middle of the Ritual). As soon as you step onto the Master Ritual Stone you will have all of the
traits removed and turned into Tomes, these will land in your inventory.

It is highly advisable to remove your armor at this point so you don't have to reactivate the ritual.

These tomes can be combined in an anvil to increase the level of the trait so adding
“Experienced II” with another “Experienced II” will give you “Experienced III”. Crafting higher-
level traits does not mean you can add them to your armor as you are still limited by the number
of upgrade points. You can right-click these tomes (with Bound Armor Equipped) and it will add
the trait back onto your Armor. This is not recommended as there is a better use for these

Training Bracelets
Training Bracelets are easily crafted and can be combined with Trait Tomes, these Bracelets act
as a whitelist for Traits.

In order for these to work you will need to keep the Training Bracelets (with the desired Traits) in
your inventory and you will need to be wearing Living Armor. While in your inventory they will
“lock” your living armor to only acquire and level the traits of which you have the bracelets for.

If you have Bracelets with Solar Powered and Strong Legs then your armor will only acquire and
level up Solar Powered and Strong legs.

Ritual of Living Evolution

Upgrading your living amor with Draft of Angelus will only give you an extra 100 upgrade points
(200 max) but this really limits what level and how many traits you can have. The Ritual of Living
Evolution can be built using the Ritual Diviner (dusk), this ritual costs 50,000LP to activate and
will need to be activated each time you upgrade a set of Armor as this ritual only upgrades the
set of armor that is currently being worn.

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Penance of the Leadened Soul (creates Downgrades)
An extra 200 upgrade points are very useful but some of the traits at higher levels have higher
requirements such as Level 10 Tough Palms costs 350 Upgrade points. Luckily there is a way
to go into minus with upgrade points.

Using the Penance of the Leadened Soul Ritual you are able to create downgrades, these
downgrades will hinder you but in exchange give you more upgrade points by going into minus.

The Penance of the Leadened Soul Ritual will need an item Frame and a chest, the chest needs
to have certain ingredients and the item frame will need the activator, once the ritual has been
activated the items from the chest will be consumed and a downgrade tome will be placed into
the chest. The ritual costs LP each time you wish to create a tome. Each level of the downgrade
tome will require the same Activator but more ingredients.

Each downgrade that is applied to the Living Armor will hinder your character when the armor is
worn, here is a list of all the downgrades, how many points they will give you and how they
hinder you:

These tomes can be found in JEI as they may be different depending on your mod pack. The
left-most items to go into the chest while the middle item goes into the item frame. You can also
press “u” on the Master Ritual Stone.

Battle Hungry
Gives the player exhaustion every 20 ticks.

Level 1 2 3 4 5

Delay (Ticks) 600 600 600 500 400

Exhaustion Removed 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08 0.1

Upgrade Points -10 -20 -35 -50 -75

Crippled Arm
Stops the player's from using their offhand.

Level 1

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Upgrade Points -150

Weakened Pick
Slows the player's mining speed.

Level 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Dig speed modifier 0.9 0.8 0.7 0.6 0.55 0.5 0.4 0.35 0.3 0.2

Upgrade Points -10 -17 -28 -42 -60 -80 -100 -125 -160 -200

Gives the player a chance every 20 ticks to change the direction they are looking in.

Level 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Chance 0.001 0.002 0.003 0.004 0.005 0.006 0.008 0.010 0.012 0.01

Upgrade Points -10 -20 -30 -40 -70 -80 -100 -140 -180 -220

Dulled Blade
Reduces the melee damage inflicted.

Level 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Damage Dealt 90% 80% 75% 70% 65% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20%

Upgrade Points -10 -17 -28 -42 -60 -80 -100 -125 -160 -200

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Stops the player from drinking potions.

Level 1

Upgrade Points -100

Loose Traction
Makes the player slide as if they were on ice.

Level 1

Upgrade Points -50

Reduces health regeneration.

Level 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Health Regeneration 90% 80% 70% 60% 55% 50% 40% 35% 30% 20%

Upgrade Points -10 -17 -28 -42 -60 -80 -100 -125 -160 -200

Limp Leg
Reduces the player's movement speed on land.

Level 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Movement Speed 90% 80% 70% 60% 55% 50% 45% 40% 35% 30%

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Upgrade Points -10 -17 -28 -42 -60 -80 -100 -125 -160 -200

Storm Trooper
Reduces arrow accuracy. Percentages describe the amount of deviation, where 100% is directly
behind the player.

Level 1 2 3 4 5

Delay (Ticks) 600 600 600 500 400

Accuracy 4% 8% 12% 16% 20%

Upgrade Points -10 -20 -40 -65 -90

You could put all of these on your armor but it's best to have a little balance and having all of
these on your armor would be a huge hindrance. Pick wisely.

Advanced Rituals
The following rituals will need an Awakened Activation Crystal in order to be activated:

Ritual of Living Evolution

Activation Cost: 50,000LP
Living Armor can have the number of Upgrade points upgraded to 300 using this ritual. Once
built and activated you must walk onto the Master Ritual Stone while wearing a full set of Living
Armor. This will instantly up the number of upgrade points available to 300.

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This ritual will need to be activated again in order to upgrade another set of Living Armor.

Penance of the Leadened Soul

Activation Cost: 10,000LP
This Ritual is used to create downgrades for the Living Armor. You will need to be wearing
Living armor in order to get the upgrade, you will not get a tomb in your inventory if you are not
wearing the armor and the ritual will just do nothing, this In order for this to function it needs a
Chest and an Item frame, searching in JEI (Press “U” on the Master Ritual Stone).

Each recipe had 2 main components, the Activator and the ingredients. The activator will never
be consumed and must be in the Item frame, the ingredients will be consumed and must be put
into the chest.

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Once the ritual has been activated you will need to crouch on top of the Master Ritual Stone,
this will then apply the Downgrade onto your Living Armor. You do not have to apply the first tier
of the downgrade, you can just go for any level.

Sound of the Cleansing Soul

Activation Cost: 25,000LP
This ritual will remove any upgrades or downgrades you have on your Living Armor, you will
need to first activate it then walk over the Master Ritual Stone. You will need to reactivate the
ritual each time you want to remove upgrades from your Living Armor.

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These upgrades and downgrades will drop into your inventory as tomes.

Information Tables
There is a lot of information with Blood Magic and flicking through the guide to find details you
need is cumbersome, below are tables with all the information in regards to Runes, Tranquility
and much more:

Tartaric Gems

Pett Lesser Common Greater Grand

Amount of Will 64 256 1,024 4,096 16,384


The Arrays listed here grant static and permanent effects. The Arrays involved in crafting recipe
don’t take part of this list.

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Name Reagent Catalyst Effect

Burning Coal Redstone Give fuel to surrounding Furnaces to cook 2

Furnace Array Items at the cost of a ½ heart

Movement Feather Redstone Propel you in the direction of the Array (with
Array a little step up)

Updraft Array Feather Glowstone Propel you 5 blocks upward


Skeleton Turret Arrow Feather Trap the first Skeleton who walk through it
Array and turn it into a friendly sentry

Bouncing Array Slime Ball Redstone Act as a Slime Block

Teleportation Ender Pearl Redstone Teleport you to the pointed Teleportation

Array Array (no matter if it’s active or not)

Turret Array Bow Arrow If supplied with Arrows, shoot on hostile

mobs in a radius of 31 blocks

Shard of Laputa Redstone Block of Allow you to create floating islands


Fast Miner Mining Iron Pickaxe Gant you Haste III for 30 seconds in
Array Reagent exchange of a ½ heart

Attractor Array Rotten Flesh Rotten Flesh Attract both passive and hostile mobs in a
range of 10 blocks on both axis


Sigils which have brief and spontaneous effects (like teleportation) are activated with Right-click
and have an LP cost peruse. Those which grant a continuous effect (like a Buff) are
activated/deactivated with Shift + Right-click and have an LP cost every 5 seconds (marked *).

Name Tier Effect LP Cost

Divination Sigil 1 Display Current Essence in Soul Network when right- 0

clicked, Tier and Capacity of Blood Altars and
Tranquility and Bonus% of Incense Altars by looking
at them

Water Sigil 1 Create a Water source Block 100

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Lava Sigil 1 Create a Lava source Block 1000

Air Sigil 2 Propel you forward. Maintaining the right click allow 50
you to “fly” while draining LP

Void Sigil 2 Void the Liquid source Block you’re currently looking 50

Sigil of the Green 2 Act like Bone Meal: send additional grow ticks to 150
Grove nearby plants

Sigil of Elasticity 2 Give you a Bounce Buff: negate all fall damage by 100 *
making every Block you fall onto act like Slime

Sigil of Winter’s 2 Grant you Frost Walking: turn any water you walk on 100 *
Breath into Frosted Ice

Seer’s Sigil 2 Same as Divination Sigil. When looking at a Blood 0

Altar, show also the progress of the current
transmutation, the LP Consumption rate (Speed) of
the Altar and its current Charge

Sigil of the Fast 2 Give you a Haste II Buff: increase Mining Speed. 100 *

Sigil of the Blood 3 Throw an orb of blood in a straight line that can be 10
Lamp used as a light source if it hits a Block

Sigil of Holding 3 Store 5 Sigils within it. N/A

Sigil of 3 Attracts items in a 5 block radius 50 *


Sigil of Elemental 3 Give Water Breathing and Fire Resistance II Buffs: 200 *
Affinity protect you from Drowning, Fire and Fall damages

Sigil of the Claw 3 Grants the Cling Buff: sneaking against a Block while 100 *
falling will stop you like if there was a Ladder or a
Vine but, unlike them, without taking damage

Teleposition Sigil 4 Once linked to a Teleposer (Shift + Right-click on it), 1000

allow a one way trip to the Teleposer. These Sigils
can only be linked to one Teleposer.

Sigil of Haste 4 Give a Boost Buff: a mix between Speed II, Jump 250 *
Boost II and Step Assist

Sigil of 4 Remove all liquids within a 5 block radius around you. 400 *
Suppression Once moving away from the liquid or deactivating the
Sigil, the liquid will return after a short delay.

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Transposition 4 Store the targeted Block by Shift + Right-clicking it. 5000
Sigil Right-click will re-summon the Block. There is a cost
only to pick up a Block, neither to keep it stored nor to
re-summon it.

Sigil of Ender 4 Prevent Endermen from teleporting in an area of 200 *

Severance 11x11x11 centred on you.

Sigil of 4 Compress 9 Items of a kind into their Block form until 200 *
Compression it remains less than 64 of them in your whole

Sigil of the 4 Create a 7x7 platform on which you can walk and 100 *
Phantom Bridge build. The platform will follow your horizontal
movements. Jumping won’t raise the level of the
platform, walking on a Block above it will. Sneaking
for 1 second will make the current platform vanish
and a new one appears 1 Block below (in mid-air,
sneaking creates also a platform right below you)

Incense Altar

Here is al the Modifiers and Bonuses you can get with the Incense Altar:

Tranquillity Types and Values

Tranquillity Type Block Value

Crop Potatoes 1

Crop Carrots 1

Crop Wheat 1

Crop Nether Wart 1

Earthen Dirt 0.25

Earthen Grass 0.5

Earthen Farmland 1

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Fire Fire 1

Fire Netherrack 0.5

Lava Lava 1.2

Plants Leaves 1

Tree Logs 1

Water Water 1

Water Flowing Water 1

Water Life Essence 1.5

Tranquillity Bonus
Each Tier of Incense Altar has a maximum tranquillity Bonus

Altar Level Max Bonus

No Paths 20%

Wooden Paths 60%

Stone Brick Path 120%

Worn Brick Path 200%

Obsidian Path 300%

Altar Sizes

Path Tier Size Blocks New

Wooden 2 9x9 108

Stone 3 13x13 300 192

Worn Stone 4 17x17 588 288

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Obsidian 5 21x21 972 384

Blood Altar

Tier New Total Description

Runes Runes

1 0 0 Just the Blood Altar itself, with no runes

2 8 8 8 Runes surrounding the block directly below the altar. The

four corner runes have no effect until you upgrade to tier 3 or

3 20 28 5 more Runes per side, 2 blocks out and 1 block down from
the previous tier. On the corners of this tier, a pillar of any
material 2 blocks higher than the runes is necessary, with a
Glowstone block on top of it.

4 28 56 7 more Runes per side, 2 blocks out and 1 block down from
the previous tier. On the corners of this tier, one block away
from the runes, a pillar of any material 4 blocks higher than
the runes is necessary, with a Large Bloodstone Brick block
on top of it.

5 52 108 13 more Runes per side, 3 blocks out and 1 block down from
the previous tier. On the corners of this tier, one block away
from the runes, a beacon is necessary.

Blood Orbs

Orb Tier Capacity

Weak Blood Orb 1 5000

Apprentice Blood Orb 2 25,000

Magician's Blood Orb 3 150,000

Master Blood Orb 4 1,000,000

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Archmage's Blood Orb 5 10,000,000


Rune Tier Description

Blank Rune 1 Does Nothing

Speed Rune 1 Increases transmutation speed by 20% per Rune

Rune of Self Sacrifice 2 Gives the Altar more LP for self-sacrificing by +10% per
Rune of Sacrifice 2 Gives the Altar more LP for sacrificing creatures by 10% per
Rune of Capacity 3 Increases capacity of the altar by 2,000 LP per rune

Displacement Rune 3 Increases how much LP is pumped out of the altar by 1.2x
per rune
Rune of the Orb 4 Increases by 2% per rune the maximum capacity of your
Blood Orbs (and by extension your Soul Network)
Rune of Augmented 4 Increases capacity of the altar by 10% per rune, does not
Capacity stack with the rune of Capacity

Charging Rune 4 Enables the Altar to syphon LP and store it, when an item
needs to be crafted the process is sped up as it uses the
charge of the rune. Further increased by Speed rune and
Runes of (Augmented) Capacity

Acceleration Rune 4 Speeds up how fast LP can be pumped out of the altar due
to a Displacement or a Charging Rune

Living Armor


Quick Feet

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Increases player movement speed and bonus health are listed in 1/2 hearts. There are
additional bonuses to sprinting at higher levels not listed below. Trained by movement.

Level 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Bonus Speed 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 70% 90% 110% 130% 150%

Upgrade Points 3 7 12 26 42 60 90 130 180 250

Dwarven Might
Increases mining speed while mining consecutive identical blocks. Table does not show increase of
how quickly it kicks in. Also gives a speed buff after breaking a block, lasting longer (around 7
seconds at level 9) per level. Trained by mining.

Level 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

Bonus Speed 20% 40% 60% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%

Speed Buff ? ? ? ? ? Speed 2 Speed 2 Speed 2 Speed 3

Upgrade Points 5 10 18 35 65 100 160 180 240

Poison Resistance
Will cure maximum allowed poisons and needs to cool down before curing again. Trained by being
inflicted by poison.

Level 1 2 3 4 5

Poisons Cured 1 2 3 3 4

Seconds to reset 1200 800 600 300 100

Upgrade Points 2 6 14 25 40

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Tough Palms
Provide a bonus to self sacrifices. Trained by sacrifices.

Level 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Bonus Life Essence 15% 30% 45% 60% 75% 90% 105% 120% 135% 150%

Upgrade Points 7 13 22 40 65 90 130 180 250 350

Body Builder
Provides knockback resistance and bonus health is listed in 1/2 hearts. Trained by consuming

Level 1 2 3 4 5

Knockback Resistance 20% 40% 60% 80% 100%

Bonus Health 0 0 0 4 10

Upgrade Points 3 7 13 26 42

Tough Skin
Provides protection. Trained by taking damage.

Level 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Protection 10% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 75% 77% 80% 83%

Upgrade Points 5 10 18 35 65 100 140 190 250 300

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Provides increased health, listed in half hearts. Trained by restoring health.

Level 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Bonus Health 4 8 12 16 20 26 32 38 44 50

Upgrade Points 5 12 20 35 49 78 110 160 215 320

Fierce Strike
Provides additional attack damage for melee attacks. Trained by dealing damage with Melee strikes.

Level 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Bonus Damage .5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 4 5 6 7

Upgrade Points 5 12 20 35 49 78 110 160 215 320

Trick Shot
Provides additional arrows while shooting with a Bow. These arrows are always standard arrows and
cannot be picked up. Does not use additional ammunition. The main arrow will land as expected,
and additional arrows will spray randomly. Trained by using bows.

Level 1 2 3 4 5

Bonus Arrows 1 2 3 4 5

Upgrade Points 20 50 90 160 290

Grim Reaper's Sprint

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Provides rebirth on death. Displays "A shadowy force pulls you from the brink of death!" and heals
completely when faced by death if not on delay. Trained by dying.

Level 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Rebirth Delay in Minutes 60 50 45 40 30 25 15 10 5 1

Upgrade Points 20 50 130 270 450 580 700 800 900 1000

Solar Powered
Provides healing and protection while in the sun. Also provides fire resistance on a cooldown.
Trained by healing.

Level 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Seconds elapsed per regen 10 9 8 6 5 4 2 1 1 .5

Protection under the Sun 2% 4% 6% 8% 10% 13% 16% 19% 22% 25%

Seconds between Fire Resist 180 150 120 105 90 75 60 30

Seconds of Fire Resist 45 60 90 105 120 150 180 300

Upgrade Points 5 12 20 35 49 78 110 160 215 320

Provides increased experience rewarded and is trained by gaining experience.

Level 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Bonus Experience 15% 30% 45% 60% 75% 90% 105% 120% 135% 150%

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Upgrade Points 7 13 22 40 65 90 130 180 250 350

Strong Legs
Provide increased jump height and reduced fall damage. Values provided in additional height in
blocks. Trained by jumping.

Level 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Jump Increase .5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3.5 4.5 5.5 6.5 7.5

Fall Damage Protection 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 75% 80% 85%

Upgrade Points 3 6 11 23 37 50 70 100 140 200

Soft Fall
Reduced fall damage. It is trained by taking fall damage.

Level 1 2 3 4 5

Fall Damage Protection 20% 40% 60% 80% 100%

Upgrade Points 2 5 9 15 25

Charging Strike
Boosts hit damage and provide additional knockback while sprinting. Trained by dealing damage
done from sprinting attacks.

Level 1 2 3 4 5

Bonus Sprinting Hit Damage .50 .75 1 1.25 1.5

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Bonus Sprinting Hit Knockback 1 2 3 4 5

Upgrade Points 3 7 15 25 40

True Strike
Boosts critical hit damage. Trained by damage done while critical hitting.

Level 1 2 3 4 5

Bonus Critical Strike Damage 50% 75% 100% 125% 150%

Upgrade Points 5 12 22 35 49

Gift of Ignis
Provides Fire Resist when taking fire damage. Trained by taking fire damage.

Level 1 2 3 4 5

Seconds of Fire Resist 30 30 40 50 60

Seconds between Fire Resist 300 300 240 180 120

Upgrade Points 2 6 14 25 40

Step Assist
Allows you to walk up 1 block without jumping.

Level 1

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Upgrade Points 20

An Elytra Living Armor Upgrade Tome is created by combining a book with an Elytra in an anvil
(with the book in the first slot and the Elytra in the second) for 30 levels. The upgrade provides Elytra
flight while holding down the jump key.

Level 1

Upgrade Points 20

Trained by taking 500 durability damage on the Living Chestplate. Restores 1 durability on a random
piece of equipped Living Armor every 200 ticks.

Level 1

Upgrade Points 15

Nocturnal Prowess
Trained by doing melee damage. Initial activation requires at least 3 minutes of Night Vision while in
light level below 10. Gives Night vision and bonus damage while light level is below 10.

Level 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Bonus Damage 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 4 5 6

Night Vision Level 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

Upgrade Points 5 8 15 20 34 45 70 100 150 200

Blood Magic - A Comprehensive Guide By

Battle Hungry
Gives the player exhaustion every 20 ticks.

Level 1 2 3 4 5

Delay (Ticks) 600 600 600 500 400

Exhaustion Removed 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08 0.1

Upgrade Points -10 -20 -35 -50 -75

Crippled Arm
Stops the player's from using their offhand.

Level 1

Upgrade Points -150

Weakened Pick
Slows the player's mining speed.

Level 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Dig speed modifier 0.9 0.8 0.7 0.6 0.55 0.5 0.4 0.35 0.3 0.2

Upgrade Points -10 -17 -28 -42 -60 -80 -100 -125 -160 -200

Gives the player a chance every 20 ticks to change the direction they are looking in.

Blood Magic - A Comprehensive Guide By

Level 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Chance 0.001 0.002 0.003 0.004 0.005 0.006 0.008 0.010 0.012 0.14

Upgrade Points -10 -20 -30 -40 -70 -80 -100 -140 -180 -220

Dulled Blade
Reduces the melee damage inflicted.

Level 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Damage Dealt 90% 80% 75% 70% 65% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20%

Upgrade Points -10 -17 -28 -42 -60 -80 -100 -125 -160 -200

Stops the player from drinking potions.

Level 1

Upgrade Points -100

Loose Traction
Makes the player slide as if they were on ice.

Level 1

Upgrade Points -50

Blood Magic - A Comprehensive Guide By
Reduces health regeneration.

Level 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Health Regeneration 90% 80% 70% 60% 55% 50% 40% 35% 30% 20%

Upgrade Points -10 -17 -28 -42 -60 -80 -100 -125 -160 -200

Limp Leg
Reduces the player's movement speed on land.

Level 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Movement Speed 90% 80% 70% 60% 55% 50% 45% 40% 35% 30%

Upgrade Points -10 -17 -28 -42 -60 -80 -100 -125 -160 -200

Storm Trooper
Reduces arrow accuracy. Percentages describe the amount of deviation, where 100% is directly
behind the player.

Level 1 2 3 4 5

Delay (Ticks) 600 600 600 500 400

Accuracy 4% 8% 12% 16% 20%

Upgrade Points -10 -20 -40 65 -90

Yes, +65 for the level 4 : there is a bug in the current version.


Blood Magic - A Comprehensive Guide By

These Rituals require an imperfect Ritual Stone at the bottom of them and can be activated with
a right click:

Top Block Effect

Lapis Turns Day to night

Bedrock Fire Resistance 2

Coal Summons a Strong Zombie

Water Block Makes it rain

These rituals require a weak activation crystal to activate, a Master Ritual Stone or Inverted
Master Ritual Stone. These rituals can be built with the Ritual Diviner:

Name Effect Activation Cost

Ritual of the Full Spring Spawns water source on Master Ritual Stone 500 LP

Serenade of the Nether Spawns lava source block on Master Ritual Stone 20,000 LP

Ritual of the Green Acts as bone meal in a 3x3 area 2 blocks above 1,000 LP
Grove the Master Ritual Stone

Interdiction Ritual Repels mobs away from the master Ritual Stone 1,000 LP

Ritual of Containment Pulls in and contains mobs above the Master 2,000 LP
Ritual Stone

Ritual of High Jump Mobs and players who step on the Master Ritual 1,000 LP
Stone are propelled upwards

Ritual of Magnetism Pulls ore blocks from below the Master Ritual 5,000 LP
Stone, area and type of ore is dependant on the
activator block below the Master Ritual Stone.

Ritual of the Satiated Keeps players fed within its range (33x33x33), 100,000 LP
Stomach must be supplied with food.

Call of the Zephyr Sucks in items within its area and places them 1,000 LP
within a chest on the Master Ritual Stone.

Le Vulcano Frigius Summons 5 blocks of cobblestone above the 500 LP

Blood Magic - A Comprehensive Guide By

Master Ritual Stone

Crash of the Cuts down trees within range of the Master Ritual 20,000 LP
Timberman Stone.

Laying of the Filler Places blocks that are placed in a chest (placed 5,000 LP
on top of the Master Ritual Stone) within the ritual

Ritual of Suppression When activated will drain liquids in a 10 block 5,000 LP

radius, when turned off the liquids are replaced

k Dusk
These rituals require a weak activation crystal to activate, a Master Ritual Stone or Inverted
Master Ritual Stone. These rituals can be built with the Ritual Diviner (Dusk):

Name Effect Activation Cost

Cry of the Eternal Soul Transfer LP from your personal network back into 2,000,000 LP
the blood Altar

Reverence of the Gives players within its range flight 1,000,000 LP


Assembly of the High Creates a Blood Altar with blocks within a chest 500 LP
Altar that is on the Master Ritual Stone

Mark of the Falling Summons a meteor full of ore onto the ritual, size Depending on
Tower and ore types depending on the activator. Activator

Hymn of Syphoning Pulls fluids within a 16 block radius and puts them 500 LP
into a connected tank. Fluids are replaced with

Ritual of Speed Launches entities 30-40 blocks in the direction of 1,000 LP

the ritual.

Ritual of Grounding Forces mobs to the ground and prevents jumping 5,000 LP
near the ritual

The Gate of the Fold Portal gates that work cross dimension, can be 50,000 LP
customised with blocks around the Ritual Stones

Ritual of the Sheppard Matures baby animals at an accelerated rate 10,000 LP

Ritual of the Crusher Mines out a 3x3x3 area below the Master Ritual 2,500 LP

Resonance of the Grows will crystals (within a Crystalizer on top of 20,000 LP

Faceted Crystal the Master Ritual Stone) after 5 shards the Crystal
splits and has a chance to grow different types of

Blood Magic - A Comprehensive Guide By

will Crystals.

Reap of the Harvest Harvest mature plants within a range around the 20,000 LP
Moon Master Ritual Stone

Focus of the Ellipsoid Builds a Sphere around the ritual with any blocks 20,000 LP
that the chest is supplied with

Well of Suffering Damages Mobs within range of the ritual and fills 40,000 LP
up a nearby Blood Altar with LP

Ritual of the Feathered Reduced fall damage down to 0 within the rituals 5,000 LP
Earth range

Ritual of the Feathered Will damage players within a 31x31x41 range and 50,000 LP
Knife fill the Blood Altar with LP, Never kills players

Crack of the Fractured Breaks off Demon Will crystals but will always 40,000 LP
Crystal leave 1 spire

Gathering of the Damages Mobs with its range and speeds up will 40,000 LP
Forsaken Souls crystal growth. This will drain 2LP/s when active.

Ritual of Regeneration Cast regeneration within a 10 block range of the 40,000 LP

Master Ritual Stone

Ritual of Expulsion Teleports non-whitelisted plays 100 blocks away 40,000 LP

from the ritual.

Advanced Dusk
These rituals require an awakened activation crystal to activate, a Master Ritual Stone or
Inverted Master Ritual Stone. These rituals can be built with the Ritual Diviner (Dusk):

Name Effect Activation Cost

Ritual of Living Upgrades the living armor to have 300 upgrade 50,000 LP Per
Evolution points Armor set

Penance of the Adds downgrades to Living Armor depending on 10,000 LP per

Leadened Soul supplied ingredients downgrade

Sound of the Cleansing Clears all upgrades and downgrades from Living 25,000 LP Each
Soul Armor time you
downgrade your

Blood Magic - A Comprehensive Guide By


Mod Authors
WayofTime - Owner, Arcaratus - Contributor, BBoldt - Artist, CyanideX - Artist, TehNut - Author,
Yulife - Artist - Thank You

Tyith - Guide Author
AEon - Thank you, really cleared things up for me!
Gliched - Thanks for Answering all my questions!
Vincent Longiug - Thank you for all the help and corrections!

FTB Wiki -
FTB Wiki -
Sanguine Scientiem - In game documentation
A bunch of tests and experiments of all kinds (mainly in Creative mode, I have to confess)

Blood Magic - A Comprehensive Guide By

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