Ece 375 Casestudy 3

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Name_Esmeralda Martinez__

ECE 375 – Autumn Quarter 2021

Case Study #3: Planning for Formative Assessments
Using the unit from the first case study (kindergarten math unit) design a formative assessment plan for Monday-
Thursday. This assignment is the planning process, you will revise this plan into the final assignment for the course into
assessment plans. For this assignment, it is not necessary to actually craft assessment materials (i.e. rubrics, checklists,
worksheets, etc.). However, you will be expected to create these items for your final assessment plan assignment. As you
plan assessments for a week, think about how your assessments evaluate progression across the week and inform specific
instructional and curricular decision making. Think both forward (what should students be able to do at the end of today)
and backward across the week (what information would best inform my teaching on Wednesday and how can I collect it
on Tuesday). 5 points are allocated to the progression of the formative assessments throughout the week. Remember that
you want to vary the assessment tasks/strategies so that students are provided with multiple ways of demonstrating their
skills across the week. (25 pts for case)

1). Create a formative assessment plan for Monday that measures 1-2 learning objectives. You may use a modification of
a learning objective from the week (i.e. a lower degree) or create a learning objective that measures a specific subset of
one of the week’s learning objectives. You may embed this assessment into an existing instructional activity (e.g., center,
small group) or create a non-embedded assessment task to be completed at the end of the day. You may use any of the
pre-planned activities and/or the small group activities that you created for case study 1. The more detailed that your
planning is the easier it will be to transfer this planning into a lesson/assessment plan format (5 pts)

Formative Assessment Plan - Monday

Students will pair up and interview each other to see what they do and don’t understand about
equations that equal 10.
Interviews- The teacher will provide three questions that the students will need to ask each other in
Assessment groups. The questions will be related to equations of 10 and how they like to learn best when doing
Task math.

The teacher will speak with each pair and take notes on what strategy would be best to implement
Data with the children and what materials should be used when learning about equations of 10. The teacher
Collection will also ask the pair additional questions if needed.

The teacher will analysis how much the students understood from one lesson and learn their
preferences when learning new match concepts.

The teacher will use this interview to shape how the rest of the week will be. The teacher will listen
to their students’ suggestions and implement as much as possible into the week.
3). Create a formative assessment plan for Tuesday that measures 1-2 learning objectives. You may use a modification of
a learning objective from the week (i.e. a lower degree) or create a learning objective that measures a specific subset of
one of the week’s learning objectives. You may embed this assessment into an existing instructional activity (e.g., center,
small group) or create a non-embedded assessment task to be completed at the end of the day. You may use any of the
pre-planned activities and/or the small group activities that you created for case study 1. The more detailed that your
planning is the easier it will be to transfer this planning into a lesson/assessment plan format (5 pts)

Formative Assessment Plan - Tuesday

Students will separate unifix cubes by using different colors to create a row of 10.
Finding the Error: the students will be given unifix cubes and separate the numbers by color. They
Assessment will create equations and separate the color by number (ex: 8 red and 2 blue) and show their table
Task partners their cubes. The table partners will critique each other and assist each other in fixing the
The teacher will take note and observe the students’ interactions. The teacher will watch for the
Data correct answers, the mistakes, and how the students help each other.

This assessment allows for the teacher to see which students need more help and which are exceeding.
The students exceeding are the ones helping others or bored, while the students that might need help
Analysis are receiving help from others. After a few minutes of helping, the excelling students will be given
harder material.
The teacher will use this analysis to help the students that need help and the exceeding students by
creating a differentiation lesson for them. The students requiring more help will work with the
Application teacher to gain as much support and guidance as possible.
4). Create a formative assessment plan for Wednesday that measures 1-2 learning objectives. You may use a modification
of a learning objective from the week (i.e. a lower degree) or create a learning objective that measures a specific subset of
one of the week’s learning objectives. You may embed this assessment into an existing instructional activity (e.g., center,
small group) or create a non-embedded assessment task to be completed at the end of the day. You may use any of the
pre-planned activities and/or the small group activities that you created for case study 1. The more detailed that your
planning is the easier it will be to transfer this planning into a lesson/assessment plan format. You may revise the plan
that you already created for Wednesday (5 pts)

Formative Assessment Plan - Wednesday

Students will create number bonds using fingerpaint and creating bonds that equal 10.
Product based assessment- Students will pair up to create 1-2 number bonds. They will use different
Assessment colored paints for different numbers and use their fingers as dots in a number bond. Students will
Task work together to create a correct number bond that will be used as reference.

The product will be collected and placed around the classroom as reference for the next days activity.
Data Students will be able to collaborate and use manipulatives if needed. The teacher will collect all
Collection paintings and ensure that each one correctly equals 10, extra help will be provided if needed.

The teacher will group students that would be able to help each other and work together to solve the
number bonds. The teacher will use this information to see which students need extra assistance if
Analysis their peers are not enough support.

The teacher will use the information given from this assessment to see the level of understanding on
how to use and create a number bond. This will also help the teacher with giving the students more
Application help if needed for understanding equations that will equal 10.
5). Create a formative assessment plan for Thursday that measures 1-2 learning objectives. You may use a modification
of a learning objective from the week (i.e. a lower degree) or create a learning objective that measures a specific subset of
one of the week’s learning objectives. You may embed this assessment into an existing instructional activity (e.g., center,
small group) or create a non-embedded assessment task to be completed at the end of the day. You may use any of the
pre-planned activities and/or the small group activities that you created for case study 1. The more detailed that your
planning is the easier it will be to transfer this planning into a lesson/assessment plan format (5 pts)

Formative Assessment Plan - Thursday

Students will create one addition problem using flashcards.
Exit ticket- At the end of the day/math period, students will be given flashcards with dots and its
corresponding number. The teacher will provide the equation parts, the solution (number 10) and the
teacher will place one flashcard down (less than 10). One by one, students will choose the
corresponding flashcard that equal 10. Students will be able to use manipulatives and count the dots
on the flashcards if needed.
The teacher will document the numbers that were mainly used to add together to equal 10. The
Data teacher will also document how many tries it takes for the student to give one correct addition
Collection problem.

The data will allow me to know how to differentiate the final assessment for the next day. Students
who will quickly place the correct flashcard, will receive a more difficult level of math problems on
Analysis their assessment, while students who need an extended amount of time or assistance, would receive
easier numbers for the assessment.
The results allow the teacher to modify some of the problems (if needed) in the final assessment.


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