Year 3: Transit Forms
Year 3: Transit Forms
Year 3: Transit Forms
Hardly displays understanding of main idea, specific information Requires support
and details of short simple texts, narratives, a wide range of short to achieve the
questions and classroom instructions even with a lot of support curriculum
from the teacher. target. (A1 Mid)
Hardly guesses meaning of unfamiliar words using visual clues
even with a lot of support from the teacher.
Recognises and reproduces some target language phonemes with a
lot of support from the teacher.
Displays understanding of main idea, specific information and On track to
details of short simple texts, narratives, a wide range of short achieve the
questions and classroom instructions with a lot of support from the curriculum
teacher. target. (A1 Mid)
Guesses meaning of unfamiliar words using visual clues with a lot
of support from the teacher.
Recognises and reproduces a range of target language phonemes
with support from the teacher.
Displays understanding of main idea, specific information and
expectations of
details of short simple texts, narratives, a wide range of short
the curriculum
questions and classroom instructions with support from the
target. (A1 Mid)
Guesses meaning of unfamiliar words using visual clues.
Recognises and reproduces a range of target language phonemes.
Displays understanding of main idea, specific information and Working towards
details of short simple texts, narratives, a wide range of short exceeding
questions and classroom instructions with minimal support from expectations of
the teacher. the curriculum
Shows good ability in guessing meaning of unfamiliar words using target. (A1 High)
visual clues.
Recognises and reproduces a range of target language phonemes.
On track to
Displays understanding of main idea, specific information and
details of short simple texts, narratives, a wide range of short
expectations of
questions and classroom instructions with confidence.
the curriculum
Shows very good ability in guessing meaning of unfamiliar words target. (A1 High)
using visual clues.
Recognises and reproduces a range of target language phonemes.
Displays understanding of main idea, specific information and Exceeds
details of short simple texts, narratives, a wide range of short expectations of
questions and classroom instructions confidently and the curriculum
independently. target.
Shows excellent ability in guessing meaning of unfamiliar words (A1 High)
using visual clues.
1.1.1 Recognise and reproduce with
1.1 Recognise and reproduce Recognise and reproduce target
support a range of target language
target language sounds language phonemes intelligibly
Understand the main idea
1.2.1 Understand with support the main
when listening to texts on
idea of short simple texts
familiar topics
Understand specific details 1.2.2 Understand with support specific
1.2 when listening to texts on information and details of short simple
Understand meaning in a familiar topics texts
Understand narratives on 1.2.3 Understand with support short
of familiar contexts
familiar topics simple narratives
Understand classroom 1.2.4 Understand a wide range of short
instructions basic supported classroom instructions
Understand questions on 1.2.5 Understand a wide range of short
familiar topics supported questions
1.3 Use appropriate listening 1.3.1 Guess the meaning of unfamiliar
Use appropriate strategies to
strategies in a variety of words by using visual clues when a
understand meaning
contexts teacher or classmate is speaking.
Requires support to
Hardly able to describe people and objects using suitable words and phrases
achieve the
even with a lot of support from the teacher.
curriculum target. (A1
Hardly able to keep interaction going in short exchanges and asks for attention Mid)
or help even with a lot of support from the teacher.
Hardly able to narrate very short basic stories and events even with a lot of
support from the teacher.
Communicates simple information about basic opinions, everyday routines,
directions and simple predictions with a lot of support from the teacher.
Describes people and objects using suitable words and phrases with a lot of
On track to achieve
support from the teacher.
the curriculum target.
Keeps interaction going in short exchanges and asks for attention or help with a (A1 Mid)
lot of support from the teacher.
Narrates very short basic stories and events with a lot of support from the
Displays adequate ability to communicate simple information about basic
opinions, everyday routines, directions and simple predictions.
Shows adequate ability to describe people and objects using suitable words and Achieves expectations
phrases. of the curriculum
Shows adequate ability to keep interaction going in short exchanges and asks for target. (A1 Mid)
attention or help.
Shows adequate ability to narrate very short basic stories and events.
Displays good ability to communicate simple information about basic opinions,
everyday routines, directions and simple predictions. Working towards
Shows good ability to describe people and objects using suitable words and exceeding
phrases. expectations of the
Shows good ability to keep interaction going in short exchanges and asks for curriculum target. (A1
attention or help. High)
Shows good ability to narrate very short basic stories and events.
Displays very good ability to communicate simple information about basic
opinions, everyday routines, directions and simple predictions.
Shows very good ability to describe people and objects using suitable words and On track to exceed
phrases confidently. expectations of the
Shows very good ability to keep interaction going in short exchanges and asks curriculum target. (A1
for attention or help from a teacher or classmate confidently. High)
Shows very good ability to narrate very short basic stories and events with ease
and confidence.
Displays excellent ability to communicate simple information about basic
opinions, everyday routines, directions and simple predictions.
Shows excellent ability to describe people and objects using suitable words and Exceeds expectations
phrases. of the curriculum
Shows excellent ability to keep interaction going in short exchanges and asks target.
for attention or help. (A1 High)
Shows excellent ability to narrate very short basic stories and events.
Displays exemplary model of language use to others.
Communicate simple information 2.1.1 Ask about and express basic
about themselves clearly opinions
Find out simple information from 2.1.2 Find out about and describe
2.1 others basic everyday routines
Communicate simple
Communicate simple information 2.1.3 Give a short sequence of basic
clearly directions
Communicate simple information 2.1.4 Ask about, make and respond
clearly to simple predictions
Describe people and things 2.1.5 Describe people and objects
clearly using suitable words and phrases
2.2.1 Keep interaction going in short
2.2 Use appropriate Manage interaction appropriately exchanges by repeating key words
communication from the other speaker
strategies 2.2.2 Ask for attention or help from a
Manage classroom tasks
teacher or classmate by using
suitable questions
2.3 Communicate Communicate information, events
2.3.1 Narrate very short basic stories
appropriately to a small and
and events
or large group stories clearly to an audience
of support from the teacher.
Requires support to
Hardly shows ability to guess the meaning of unfamiliar
achieve the
words and use dictionary skills even with a lot of support
curriculum target.
from the teacher.
(A1 Mid)
Hardly shows ability to read A1 short simple fiction or non-
fiction print and digital texts of interest even with a lot of
support from the teacher.
Understands the main idea, specific information and details
of short simple texts with a lot of support from the teacher.
Able to guess the meaning of unfamiliar words and use On track to achieve
dictionary skills with a lot of support from the teacher. the curriculum
Able to read A1 short simple fiction or non-fiction print and target. (A1 Mid)
digital texts of interest with a lot of support from the
Understands the main idea, specific information and details
of short simple texts adequately. Achieves
Able to guess the meaning of unfamiliar words and use expectations of the
dictionary skills adequately. curriculum target.
Reads A1 short simple fiction or non-fiction print and (A1 Mid)
digital texts of interest adequately.
Displays good understanding of the main idea, specific
Working towards
information and details of short simple texts.
Shows good ability to guess the meaning of unfamiliar
expectations of the
words and use dictionary skills.
curriculum target.
Shows good ability to read A1 short simple fiction or non- (A1 High)
fiction print and digital texts of interest.
Displays very good understanding of the main idea, specific
information and details of short simple texts. On track to exceed
Shows very good ability to guess the meaning of unfamiliar expectations of the
words and use dictionary skills. curriculum target.
Shows very good ability to read A1 short simple fiction or (A1 High)
non-fiction print and digital texts of interest.
Displays excellent understanding of the main idea, specific
information and details of short simple texts. Exceeds
Shows excellent ability to guess the meaning of unfamiliar expectations of the
words and use dictionary skills. curriculum target.
Shows excellent ability to read A1 short simple fiction or (A1 High)
non-fiction print and digital texts of interest.
Identify and distinguish the letters of
3.1.1 No learning standard
the alphabet*
This learning standard has
*Preliterate children will need more support
been covered in Year 1 and
to achieve this Learning Standard, literate
Year 2.
children more challenge and less support
Distinguish and articulate beginning,
3.1.2 No learning standard
3.1 medial and final sound words*
This learning standard has
Recognise words in linear *Preliterate children will need more support
been covered in Year 1 and
and non linear texts by to achieve this Learning Standard, literate
Year 2.
using knowledge of children more challenge and less support
sounds of letters Blend phonemes to recognise words* 3.1.3 No learning standard
*Preliterate children will need more support This learning standard has
to achieve this Learning Standard, literate been covered in Year 1 and
children more challenge and less support Year 2.
Segment words into phonemes to spell* 3.1.4 No learning standard
*Preliterate children will need more support This learning standard has
to achieve this Learning Standard, literate been covered in Year 1 and
children more challenge and less support Year 2.
Understand the main idea in a variety of text 3.2.1 Understand the main
types on familiar topics idea of short simple texts
3.2.2 Understand specific
Understand specific details in a variety of text
3.2 information and details of
types on familiar topics
Understand a variety of short simple texts
linear and non 3.2.3
linear print and digital Guess the meaning of
Use appropriate word attack skills to understand
texts by using unfamiliar words from clues
specific meaning
appropriate reading provided by visuals and the
strategies topic
3.2.4 Recognise and use
with support key features of a
Use appropriate basic dictionary skills
simple monolingual
Read and understand a variety of 3.3.1 Read and enjoy A1
Read independently for
fiction and non-fiction texts with fiction or non-fiction print
information and
confidence and enjoyment and digital texts of interest
Hardly able to communicate basic information and give descriptions of people
Requires support
and objects even with a lot of support from the teacher.
to achieve the
Hardly shows ability to punctuate, spell an increased range of familiar high
frequency words and connect sentences using basic conjunctions even with a target. (A1 Mid)
lot of support from the teacher.
Hardly able to plan, draft and write an increased range of simple sentences
even with a lot of support from the teacher.
Uses cursive handwriting in a limited range of written work with a lot of
support from the teacher.
Communicates basic information and gives descriptions of people and objects
On track to
with a lot of support from the teacher.
achieve the
Shows ability to punctuate, spell an increased range of familiar high frequency curriculum
words and connect sentences using basic conjunctions with a lot of support
target. (A1 Mid)
from the teacher.
Plans, drafts and writes an increased range of simple sentences with a lot of
support from the teacher.
Uses cursive handwriting in a limited range of written work adequately.
Communicates basic information and gives descriptions of people and objects Achieves
adequately. expectations of
Shows adequate ability to punctuate, spell an increased range of familiar high the curriculum
frequency words and connect sentences using basic conjunctions. target. (A1 Mid)
Plans, drafts and writes an increased range of simple sentences adequately.
Produces good cursive handwriting in a limited range of written work.
Displays good ability to communicate basic information and give descriptions Working towards
of people and objects. exceeding
Shows good ability to punctuate, spell an increased range of familiar high expectations of
frequency words and connect sentences using basic conjunctions. the curriculum
Shows good ability to plan, draft and write an increased range of simple target. (A1 High)
Produces very good cursive handwriting in a limited range of written work.
Displays very good ability to communicate basic information and give On track to
descriptions of people and objects. exceed
Shows very good ability to punctuate, spell an increased range of familiar high expectations of
frequency words and connect sentences using basic conjunctions. the curriculum
Shows very good ability to plan, draft and write an increased range of simple target. (A1 High)
Produces excellent cursive handwriting in a limited range of written work.
Displays excellent ability to communicate basic information and give
descriptions of people and objects.
expectations of
Shows excellent ability to punctuate, spell an increased range of familiar high
the curriculum
frequency words and connect sentences using basic conjunctions.
Shows excellent ability to plan, draft and write an increased range of simple (A1 High)
Displays exemplary model of language use to others.
4.1.1 No learning standard
Develop prewriting skills*
This learning standard has been covered in Year 1
*Preliterate children only
4.1 Form letters and and Year 2.
words in neat legible
print using cursive writing Develop early writing 4.1.2 Begin to use cursive handwriting in a limited
skills* range of written work*
*all children *all children
Communicate basic
personal information 4.2.1 Express simple opinions
4.2 Communicate basic Communicate basic 4.2.2 Make and give reasons for simple
information intelligibly information clearly predictions
for a range of purposes in Communicate basic
4.2.3 Give simple directions
print and digital media information clearly
Describe people and things 4.2.4 Describe people and objects using suitable
clearly words and phrases
Organise basic information 4.2.5 Connect sentences using basic coordinating
appropriately conjunctions
4.3.1 Use capital letters, full stops and question
4.3 Punctuate texts
marks appropriately in guided writing at sentence
Communicate with appropriately
appropriate language form
Spell high frequency words 4.3.2 Spell an increased range of familiar high
and style for a range of
accurately frequency words accurately in guided writing
purposes in print and
digital media Plan, draft and edit work
4.3.3 Plan, draft and write an increased range of
appropriately on familiar
simple sentences