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Provisioning SQL Databases
ii Provisioning SQL Databases

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SQL Server Components 1-1

Module 1
SQL Server Components
Lesson 1: Introduction to the SQL Server Platform 2 

Lesson 2: Overview of SQL Server Architecture 5 

Lesson 3: SQL Server Services and Configuration Options 7 

Module Review and Takeaways 9 

1-2 Provisioning SQL Databases

Lesson 1
Introduction to the SQL Server Platform
Question and Answers 3
Demonstration: Identify the Edition and Version of a Running SQL Server
Instance 4
SQL Server Components 1-3

Question and Answers

Place each piece of SQL Server terminology into the appropriate category. Indicate your answer by writing
the category number to the right of each item.


1 SQL Server versions

2 SQL Server editions

3 SQL Server instances

Category 1 Category 2 Category 3

Major Levels of Installations of

releases of capability SQL Server
SQL Server within a
release of
SQL Server


Category 1 Category 2 Category 3

Major Levels of Installations of

releases of capability SQL Server
SQL Server within a
release of
SQL Server

SQL Server SQL Server SQL Server

versions editions instances
1-4 Provisioning SQL Databases

Demonstration: Identify the Edition and Version of a Running SQL Server

Demonstration Steps
1. Ensure that the 20765C-MIA-DC and 20765C-MIA-SQL virtual machines are running and log on to
20765C-MIA-SQL as ADVENTUREWORKS\Student with the password Pa55w.rd.

2. On the taskbar, click the Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio 17 shortcut.

3. In the Connect to Server dialog box, click Connect.

4. On the File menu, point to Open, and then click File.

5. In the Open File dialog box, navigate to D:\Demofiles\Mod01, click Demonstration A -

VersionAndEdition.sql, and then click Open.

6. In Object Explorer, point to the server name (MIA-SQL) and show that the server number is in
parentheses after the server name.
7. In Object Explorer, right-click the server name MIA-SQL, and then click Properties.

8. On the General page, note Product and Version properties are visible, and then click Cancel.
9. Start File Explorer. Navigate to C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL

10. In the Log dialog box, click Continue.

11. Double-click the ERRORLOG file.

12. In the How do you want to open this file? dialog box, click Notepad, and then click OK.

13. The first entry in the file displays the version name, version number and edition, amongst other
information. Close Notepad.

14. In SQL Server Management Studio, select the code under the comment Method 4, and then click

15. Select the code under the comment Method 5, and then click Execute.
16. Close SQL Server Management Studio without saving changes.
SQL Server Components 1-5

Lesson 2
Overview of SQL Server Architecture
Question and Answers 6
Demonstration: CPU and Memory Configurations in SSMS 6
1-6 Provisioning SQL Databases

Question and Answers

Put the following SQL Server architectural layers in order from highest (closest to the client application) to
lowest (closest to the operating system) by numbering each to indicate the correct order.


Query Execution

Storage Engine




1 Query
Execution Layer

2 Storage Engine


Demonstration: CPU and Memory Configurations in SSMS

Demonstration Steps
1. Ensure that the 20765C-MIA-DC and 20765C-MIA-SQL virtual machines are running and log on to
20765C-MIA-SQL as ADVENTUREWORKS\Student with the password Pa55w.rd.

2. On the taskbar, click the SQL Server Management Studio shortcut.

3. In the Connect to Server dialog box, click Connect.

4. On the File menu, point to Open, and then click File.

5. In the Open File dialog box, navigate to D:\Demofiles\Mod01, click Demonstration B -

CPUAndMemory.sql, and then click Open.
6. In Object Explorer, right-click the MIA-SQL server and click Properties. Note the values for
Platform, Memory and Processors.
7. Select the Processors tab, fully expand the tree under the Processor column heading. Note the
setting for Max Worker Threads.

8. Select the Advanced tab and in the Parallelism group, review the default values for Cost Threshold
for Parallelism and for Max Degree of Parallelism.

9. Select the Memory tab and review the default memory configurations. Click Cancel to close the
Server Properties window.

10. Execute the query below Step 5.

11. Close SQL Server Management Studio without saving any changes.
SQL Server Components 1-7

Lesson 3
SQL Server Services and Configuration Options
Question and Answers 8
1-8 Provisioning SQL Databases

Question and Answers

Question: On a newly-installed SQL Server instance, which of the following network protocols are
enabled by default?

( ) Shared Memory

( ) Named Pipes

( ) TCP/IP


(√) Shared Memory

( ) Named Pipes

(√) TCP/IP
SQL Server Components 1-9

Module Review and Takeaways

Review Question(s)
Question: On a single server, when might you use a multiple installation of SQL Server and when might
you use multiple SQL Server instances?

Answer: These choices are determined by the context of the environment where you are
deploying SQL Server.

Question: Which edition of SQL Server is most suitable in your organization?

Answer: This answer is determined by the context of the environment where you are deploying
SQL Server.
Installing SQL Server 2-1

Module 2
Installing SQL Server
Lesson 1: Considerations for Installing SQL Server 2 

Lesson 2: tempdb Files 5 

Lesson 3: Installing SQL Server 7 

Lesson 4: Automating Installation 10 

Module Review and Takeaways 12 

2-2 Provisioning SQL Databases

Lesson 1
Considerations for Installing SQL Server
Question and Answers 3
Demonstration: Using SQLIOSim 3
Demonstration: Using Diskspd 3
Installing SQL Server 2-3

Question and Answers

Question: If you need to run repeatable load tests on an I/O subsystem, which tool should you use?

( ) Diskspd

( ) SQLIOSim


(√) Diskspd

( ) SQLIOSim

Demonstration: Using SQLIOSim

Demonstration Steps
1. Ensure that the 20765C-MIA-DC and 20765C-MIA-SQL virtual machines are running and log on to
20765C-MIA-SQL as ADVENTUREWORKS\Student with the password Pa55w.rd.

2. In the D:\Demofiles\Mod02 folder, right-click Setup.cmd, and then click Run as administrator.
3. In the User Account Control dialog box, click Yes, and wait for the script to finish.

4. On the taskbar, click the File Explorer shortcut.

5. In File Explorer, browse to C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL

Server\MSSQL14.MSSQLSERVER\MSSQL\Binn, right-click SQLIOSIM.EXE, and then click Run as

6. In the User Account Control dialog box, click Yes.

7. In the Files and Configuration dialog box, in the System Level Configurations section, in the Cycle
Duration (sec) box, type 30.

8. In the Test Cycles (0 - infinite) box, type 1.

9. In the Error Log (XML) box, type D:\sqliosim.log.xml, and then click OK.

10. In SQLIOSim, on the Simulator menu, click Start.

11. Allow the test to run for one or two minutes.

12. On the Simulator menu, click Stop.

13. In the SQLIOSim message box, click OK.

14. Examine the results of the test.

15. In File Explorer, go to D:\, and open sqliosim.log.xml with Office XML Handler.

16. Review the test results in the XML file, and then close the file without saving changes.

17. Close SQLIOSim.

Demonstration: Using Diskspd

Demonstration Steps
1. Ensure that the 20765C-MIA-DC and 20765C-MIA-SQL virtual machines are running and log on to
20765C-MIA-SQL as ADVENTUREWORKS\Student with the password Pa55w.rd.

2. Right-click Start and click Windows PowerShell (Admin).

3. In the User Account Control dialog box, click Yes.

2-4 Provisioning SQL Databases

4. In Windows PowerShell, at the command prompt, type the following, and then press ENTER:

cd D:\Demofiles\Mod02\Diskspd-v2.0.17\amd64fre

5. Type the following, and then press ENTER:

.\diskspd.exe -c2G -r -t4 -w40 -o32 -b64K d:\test.dat; del d:\test.dat

6. Wait for the command to complete, and then review the output of the tool.

7. Close Windows PowerShell.

Installing SQL Server 2-5

Lesson 2
tempdb Files
Question and Answers 6
2-6 Provisioning SQL Databases

Question and Answers

Question: True or false? Tables you create in tempdb will still be present after you restart the SQL Server

( ) True

( ) False


( ) True

(√) False
Installing SQL Server 2-7

Lesson 3
Installing SQL Server
Question and Answers 8
2-8 Provisioning SQL Databases

Question and Answers

Which of the following methods can be used to install SQL Server? Indicate your answer by writing the
category number to the right of each item.


1 Installation

2 Windows

3 Command

4 Command
Prompt with

5 PowerShell

Category 1 Category 2

Can be Cannot be
used to used to
install SQL install SQL
Server Server
Installing SQL Server 2-9


Category 1 Category 2

Can be used Cannot be

to install SQL used to
Server install SQL

Installation Windows
Wizard Update
Prompt with
2-10 Provisioning SQL Databases

Lesson 4
Automating Installation
Question and Answers 11
Demonstration: Reviewing an Unattended Installation File 11
Installing SQL Server 2-11

Question and Answers

Question: What is the name of the configuration file generated by an installation of SQL Server using the
Installation Wizard?

( ) InstallationFile.ini

( ) ConfigurationFile.ini

( ) Wizard.ini

( ) Config.ini


( ) InstallationFile.ini

(√) ConfigurationFile.ini
( ) Wizard.ini

( ) Config.ini

Demonstration: Reviewing an Unattended Installation File

Demonstration Steps
1. Ensure that the 20765C-MIA-DC and 20765C-MIA-SQL virtual machines are running and log on to
MIA-SQL-20765C as ADVENTUREWORKS\Student with the password Pa55w.rd.

2. On the taskbar, click the File Explorer shortcut.

3. In File Explorer, browse to D:\Demofiles\Mod02, and then double-click ConfigurationFile.ini.

4. Review the content in conjunction with the Install SQL Server Using a Configuration File topic in the
SQL Server online documentation. In particular, note the values of the following properties:













5. Close Notepad.

6. Close File Explorer.

2-12 Provisioning SQL Databases

Module Review and Takeaways

Question: What are the considerations for installing additional named instances on a server where SQL
Server is already installed?

Answer: Multiple instances can coexist on a single server, but you must consider the impact on
server resources. The workloads on each instance will compete for memory, CPU, and storage I/O
resources that can affect application performance.
Upgrading SQL Server to SQL Server 2017 3-1

Module 3
Upgrading SQL Server to SQL Server 2017
Lesson 1: Upgrade Requirements 2 

Lesson 2: Upgrade of SQL Server Services 5 

Lesson 3: Side-by-Side Upgrade: Migrating SQL Server Data and Applications 9 

Module Review and Takeaways 12 

Lab Review Questions and Answers 13 

3-2 Provisioning SQL Databases

Lesson 1
Upgrade Requirements
Question and Answers 3
Resources 3
Demonstration: Preparing for an Upgrade with Data Migration Assistant 3
Upgrading SQL Server to SQL Server 2017 3-3

Question and Answers

Question: Which of the following is not a version of SQL Server for which a direct upgrade path exists to
SQL Server 2017?

( ) SQL Server 2014

( ) SQL Server 2008

( ) SQL Server 2008 R2

( ) SQL Server 2012

( ) SQL Server 2000


( ) SQL Server 2014

( ) SQL Server 2008

( ) SQL Server 2008 R2

( ) SQL Server 2012

(√) SQL Server 2000

Distributed Replay Utility

Additional Reading: For more information on the SQL Server Profiler utility and SQL
Server Profiler traces, see course 20764: Administering a SQL Database Infrastructure.

Demonstration: Preparing for an Upgrade with Data Migration Assistant

Demonstration Steps
1. Ensure that the 20765C-MIA-DC-UPGRADE and 20765C-MIA-SQL-UPGRADE virtual machines are
running and log on to 20765C-MIA-SQL-UPGRADE as ADVENTUREWORKS\Student with the
password Pa55w.rd.

2. Run Setup.cmd in the D:\Demofiles\Mod03 folder as Administrator.

3. When the script has completed, press any key to close the window.

4. Navigate to https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=42642.

5. In the Microsoft .NET Framework 4.5.2 (Offline Installer) page, ensure that English is selected,
then click Download.

6. In Internet Explorer, click Save.

7. When the download has completed, click Run.

8. In the User Account Control window, click Yes.

9. Check I have read and accept the license terms, then click Install.

10. When prompted, restart the 20765-MIA-SQL-UPGRADE computer and log on again as
ADVENTUREWORKS\Student with a password of Pa55w.rd.
3-4 Provisioning SQL Databases

11. Download Data Migration Assistant from https://www.microsoft.com/en-

12. In Internet Explorer, click Save.

13. When the file has downloaded, click Run.

14. In the Microsoft Data Migration Assistant Setup window, click Next.

15. Select the I accept the terms in the License Agreement check box, and then click Next.

16. Select the I agree to the Privacy Policy check box, and then click Install.

17. In the User Account Control dialog box, click Yes, and then click Finish.

18. On the Start screen, type Microsoft Data Migration Assistant, and then click Microsoft Data
Migration Assistant.

19. In the Data Migration Assistant, on the left-hand side, click the + sign.

20. Under New, click Assessment.

21. In the Project Name Field, enter 2014 Migration.

22. Ensure that Source server type and Target server type are both set to SQL Server.
23. Click Create.

24. In the Options pane, ensure that Select target version is set to SQL Server 2017 on Windows, and
that Compatibility Issues is selected, then click Next.

25. In the SERVER NAME box, type MIA-SQL, check that Authentication type is set to Windows

26. Check the Trust server certificate box and then click Connect.

27. In the Select sources pane, under the list of databases, check TSQL and MDS, and click Add.

28. Click Start Assessment.

29. When analysis is complete, in the left-hand pane under MIA-SQL (SQL Server 2014), click TSQL.
30. In the Compatibility 140 (1) blade, under Behavior changes (1), click SET ROWCOUNT used in
the context of DML statements such as INSERT, UPDATE, or DELETE.
31. Show the students the output from this check and the implications when using SET ROWCOUNT

32. Close the Data Migration Assistant.

33. In the Data Migration Assistant dialog box, click Yes.

Upgrading SQL Server to SQL Server 2017 3-5

Lesson 2
Upgrade of SQL Server Services
Question and Answers 6
Resources 7
Demonstration: Carry Out an In-Place Upgrade 7
3-6 Provisioning SQL Databases

Question and Answers

Place each SQL Server component into the appropriate category. Indicate your answer by writing the
category number to the right of each item.


1 Database

2 Integration

3 Reporting

4 SQL Server

5 Analysis

6 Master Data

Category 1 Category 2

Supports Does not

side-by- support
side side-by-
upgrade on side
a single upgrade on
server a single
Upgrading SQL Server to SQL Server 2017 3-7


Category 1 Category 2

Supports Does not

side-by- support side-
side by-side
upgrade on upgrade on
a single a single
server server

Database Integration
Engine Services
Reporting SQL Server
Services management
Analysis tools


Upgrading Database Engine

Additional Reading: For more information on working with database backups, data files,
and log files, see the module Working with Databases later in this course, and course 20764:
Administering a SQL Database Infrastructure.

Demonstration: Carry Out an In-Place Upgrade

Demonstration Steps
1. Ensure that the 20765C-MIA-DC-UPGRADE and 20765C-MIA-SQL-UPGRADE virtual machines are
running, and log on to 20765C-MIA-SQL-UPGRADE as ADVENTUREWORKS\Student with the
password Pa55w.rd.

2. In File Manager, double-click X:\setup.exe.

3. In the User Account Control dialog box, click Yes.

4. In SQL Server Installation Center, click Installation, and then click Upgrade from a previous version
of SQL Server.
5. On the Product Key page, click Next.

6. On the License Terms page, select I accept the license terms, and then click Next.

7. On the Product Updates page, click Next. Any error relating to a failure to search for updates
through Windows Update can be ignored.

8. On the Select Instance page, set the value of the Instance to upgrade box to MSSQLSERVER, and
then click Next.

9. On the Reporting Services Migration page, check Uninstall Reporting Services, then click Next.
3-8 Provisioning SQL Databases

10. On the Select Features page, click Next.

11. On the Instance Configuration page, click Next.

12. On the Server Configuration page, click Next.

13. On the Full-text Upgrade page, click Next.

14. The demonstration stops at this point because you cannot complete the upgrade with an Evaluation
version of SQL Server.

15. On the Feature Rules page, click Cancel, and then click Yes to Cancel the installation.

16. Close the SQL Server Installation Center.

Upgrading SQL Server to SQL Server 2017 3-9

Lesson 3
Side-by-Side Upgrade: Migrating SQL Server Data and
Question and Answers 10
Resources 10
Demonstration: Scripting SQL Server Logins 10
3-10 Provisioning SQL Databases

Question and Answers

Question: True or false? During a side-by-side upgrade, if a login is created with the same SID on the new
SQL Server instance, a database user will automatically be mapped to the login when a database is

( ) True

( ) False

(√) True

( ) False

Migrating SQL Server Databases

Additional Reading: For more information on installing SQL Server 2017, see Module 2 of
this course: Installing SQL Server.

Transferring Logins and Passwords

Additional Reading: For a more detailed discussion of authentication and authorization in

SQL Server, see course 20764: Administering a SQL Database Infrastructure.

Demonstration: Scripting SQL Server Logins

Demonstration Steps
1. Ensure that the 20765C-MIA-DC-UPGRADE and 20765C-MIA-SQL-UPGRADE virtual machines are
running, and log on to 20765C-MIA-SQL-UPGRADE as ADVENTUREWORKS\Student with the
password Pa55w.rd.
2. On the taskbar, click the SQL Server Management Studio shortcut.

3. In the Connect to Server dialog box, click Connect.

4. On the File menu, point to Open, and then click File.

5. In the Open File dialog box, navigate to D:\Demofiles\Mod03, click Demonstration - Login and
User.sql, and then click Open.

6. Select the code under the comment Demonstration - Login and User, and then click Execute.

7. Select the code under the comment Step 1, and then click Execute.

8. Select the code under the comment Step 2, and then click Execute.

9. Select the code under the comment Step 3, and then click Execute.
10. Select the code under the comment Step 4, and then click Execute.

11. In Object Explorer, expand Security, and then expand Logins.

12. Right-click DemoLogin1, point to Script Login as, point to CREATE To, and then click New Query
Editor Window. If DemoLogin1 is not visible, right-click the Logins node and click Refresh.
Upgrading SQL Server to SQL Server 2017 3-11

13. Examine the generated script. Note that the password is not correct, and then close the tab.

14. Select the code under the comment Step 6, and then click Execute.

15. Close SQL Server Management Studio without saving changes.

3-12 Provisioning SQL Databases

Module Review and Takeaways

Question: Which upgrade strategy would best suit your organization? Why?

Answer: This will depend on your organization’s requirements.

Upgrading SQL Server to SQL Server 2017 3-13

Lab Review Questions and Answers

Lab: Upgrading SQL Server
Question and Answers
Lab Review
Question: In the task where you ran a report for orphaned users, why was only one orphaned user found,
even though the database had two users?

Answer: The reportuser login was created with the same SID as it had on the source SQL Server
2014 instance.
Working with Databases 4-1

Module 4
Working with Databases
Lesson 1: Introduction to Data Storage with SQL Server 2 

Lesson 2: Managing Storage for System Databases 4 

Lesson 3: Managing Storage for User Databases 8 

Lesson 4: Moving and Copying Database Files 11 

Lesson 5: Configuring the Buffer Pool Extension 14 

Module Review and Takeaways 17 

4-2 Provisioning SQL Databases

Lesson 1
Introduction to Data Storage with SQL Server
Question and Answers 3
Working with Databases 4-3

Question and Answers

Question: Consider the following statement—to which of these storage options does it most closely

“Disks are stored in an enclosure and connected to the server by a RAID controller.”

( ) SAN

( ) Windows Storage Pools

( ) External Multiple SSD on SATA

( ) DAS

( ) Nimble Storage Arrays

( ) SAN

( ) Windows Storage Pools

( ) External Multiple SSD on SATA

(√) DAS

( ) Nimble Storage Arrays

Question: When determining file placement and the number of files, what should you consider?


 Isolating data and log files.

 Data file management.

 Number of log files.
4-4 Provisioning SQL Databases

Lesson 2
Managing Storage for System Databases
Question and Answers 5
Demonstration: Moving tempdb Files 6
Working with Databases 4-5

Question and Answers

Question: Which of these is not a SQL Server system database?

( ) master

( ) adventureworks

( ) model

( ) tempdb

( ) resource

( ) master

(√) adventureworks
( ) model

( ) tempdb

( ) resource

Put the following steps in order by numbering each to indicate the correct order.


Open SQL Server Configuration


In the SQL Server Services node,

right-click the instance of SQL Server,
click Properties, and then click the
Startup Parameters tab.

Edit the Startup Parameters values to

point to the planned location for the
master database data (-d parameter)
and log (-l parameter) files.

Stop the instance of SQL Server.

Move the master.mdf and mastlog.ldf

files to the new location.

Restart the instance of SQL Server.

4-6 Provisioning SQL Databases



1 Open SQL Server Configuration


2 In the SQL Server Services node,

right-click the instance of SQL
Server, click Properties, and then
click the Startup Parameters tab.

3 Edit the Startup Parameters values

to point to the planned location for
the master database data (-d
parameter) and log (-l parameter)

4 Stop the instance of SQL Server.

5 Move the master.mdf and

mastlog.ldf files to the new location.

6 Restart the instance of SQL Server.

Demonstration: Moving tempdb Files

Demonstration Steps
Move tempdb Files
1. Ensure that the MT17B-WS2016-NAT, 20765C-MIA-DC, and 20765C-MIA-SQL virtual machines are
running, and log on to 20765C-MIA-SQL as ADVENTUREWORKS\Student with the password

2. In the D:\Demofiles\Mod04 folder, run Setup.cmd as Administrator. Click Yes when prompted.

3. Start SQL Server Management Studio and connect to the MIA-SQL database engine using Windows

4. In Object Explorer, expand Databases, expand System Databases, and then right-click tempdb and
click Properties.

5. In the Database Properties - tempdb dialog box, on the Files page, note the current files and their
location, and then click Cancel.

6. Open the MovingTempdb.sql script file in the D:\Demofiles\Mod04 folder.

7. View the code in the script, and then click Execute. Note the message that is displayed after the code
has run.

8. View the contents of T:\ and note that no files have been created in that location, because the SQL
Server service has not yet been restarted.

9. In Object Explorer, right-click MIA-SQL and click Restart. Click Yes when prompted.

10. If the User Account prompt is displayed, click Yes to allow SQL Server to make changes. When
prompted to allow changes, to restart the service, and to stop the dependent SQL Server Agent
service, click Yes.
Working with Databases 4-7

11. View the contents of T:\ and note that the tempdb.mdf and templog.ldf files have been moved to
this location.

12. Keep SQL Server Management Studio open for the next demonstration.
4-8 Provisioning SQL Databases

Lesson 3
Managing Storage for User Databases
Question and Answers 9
Demonstration: Creating Databases 10
Working with Databases 4-9

Question and Answers

Question: Which of these options is incorrect with regard to SQL Server user databases?

( ) A user database must have at least one primary data file and one log file.

( ) The default file extension for the primary data file is .mdf.

( ) To delete a database, you use the DROP DATABASE Transact-SQL statement.

( ) The maximum length of a database name is 128 characters.

( ) Logical file names for data and log files do not have to be unique.

( ) A user database must have at least one primary data file and one log file.

( ) The default file extension for the primary data file is .mdf.
( ) To delete a database, you use the DROP DATABASE Transact-SQL statement.

( ) The maximum length of a database name is 128 characters.

(√) Logical file names for data and log files do not have to be unique.

Question: True or false? Database files can belong to many filegroups.

( ) True

( ) False

( ) True

(√) False
Question: When expanding a database, you must increase its size by at least 1 MB.

( ) True

( ) False

(√) True

( ) False

Question: What Transact-SQL would you use to modify the default filegroup in the Customers database
to the Transactions filegroup?




4-10 Provisioning SQL Databases

Demonstration: Creating Databases

Demonstration Steps
Create a Database by Using SQL Server Management Studio

1. Ensure that you have completed the previous demonstration. If not, start the 20765C-MIA-DC and
20765C-MIA-SQL virtual machines, log on to 20765C-MIA-SQL as ADVENTUREWORKS\Student
with the password Pa55w.rd, and run D:\Demofiles\Mod04\Setup.cmd as Administrator.
2. If SQL Server Management Studio is not open, start it and connect to the MIA-SQL database engine
using Windows authentication.

3. In Object Explorer, right-click Databases and click New Database.

4. In the Database name box, type DemoDB1.

5. In the Database files list, note the default logical names, initial size, and autogrowth settings. Change
the Path and File Name by typing the following values:

o DemoDB1:
o Path: D:\Demofiles\M od04

o File Name: DemoDB1.mdf

o DemoDB1_log:
o Path: D:\Demofiles\Mod04

o File Name: DemoDB1.ldf

6. Click OK to create the new database.

7. Expand the Databases folder, right-click DemoDB1, and then click Properties.

8. On the Options tab, review the database options, and then click Cancel.

Create a Database by Using the CREATE DATABASE Statement

1. In SQL Server Management Studio, open the CreatingDatabases.sql script file from the
D:\Demofiles\Mod04 folder.
2. Select the code under the comment Create a database and click Execute to create a database
named DemoDB2.

3. Select the code under the comment View database info and click Execute. View the information
that is returned.

4. Keep SQL Server Management Studio open for the next demonstration.
Working with Databases 4-11

Lesson 4
Moving and Copying Database Files
Question and Answers 12
Demonstration: Detaching and Attaching a Database 12
4-12 Provisioning SQL Databases

Question and Answers

Question: You can move database files to a different location within the same instance by using SSMS or
which Transact-SQL statement?










Question: True or false? Databases that are configured for replication, mirrored, or in a suspect state,
cannot be detached.
( ) True

( ) False

(√) True

( ) False

Demonstration: Detaching and Attaching a Database

Demonstration Steps
Detach a Database
1. Ensure that you have completed the previous demonstrations in this module, and that you have
created a database named DemoDB2.
2. In Object Explorer, right-click the Databases folder and click Refresh; verify that the DemoDB2
database is listed.

3. Right-click DemoDB2, point to Tasks, and click Detach.

4. In the Detach Database dialog box, select Drop Connections and Update Statistics, and then click

5. View the M:\Data and L:\Logs folders and verify that the DemoDB2.mdf and DemoDB2.ldf files
have not been deleted.

Attach a Database

1. In SQL Server Management Studio, in Object Explorer, in the Connect drop-down list, click Database

2. Connect to the MIA-SQL\SQL2 database engine using Windows authentication.

Working with Databases 4-13

3. In Object Explorer, under MIA-SQL\SQL2, expand Databases and view the databases on this

4. In Object Explorer, under MIA-SQL\SQL2, right-click Databases and click Attach.

5. In the Attach Databases dialog box, click Add.

6. In the Locate Database Files - MIA-SQL\SQL2 dialog box, select the M:\Data\DemoDB2.mdf
database file, then click OK.

7. In the Attach Databases dialog box, after you have added the master databases file, note that all of
the database files are listed, then click OK.
8. In Object Explorer, under MIA-SQL\SQL2, under Databases, verify that DemoDB2 is now listed.
4-14 Provisioning SQL Databases

Lesson 5
Configuring the Buffer Pool Extension
Question and Answers 15
Demonstration: Configuring the Buffer Pool Extension 15
Working with Databases 4-15

Question and Answers

Question: Which of these statements is not true about buffer pool extensions?

( ) Extends buffer cache to nonvolatile storage.

( ) SSD devices are cheaper than conventional hard disk storage.

( ) Improves performance for read-heavy OLTP workloads.

( ) Simple configuration with no changes to existing applications.

( ) SSD devices are often more cost effective than adding physical memory.

( ) Extends buffer cache to nonvolatile storage.

(√) SSD devices are cheaper than conventional hard disk storage.
( ) Improves performance for read-heavy OLTP workloads.

( ) Simple configuration with no changes to existing applications.

( ) SSD devices are often more cost effective than adding physical memory.

Demonstration: Configuring the Buffer Pool Extension

Demonstration Steps
Enable the Buffer Pool Extension

1. Ensure that you have completed the previous demonstration. If not, start the MT17B-WS2016-NAT,
20765C-MIA-DC, and 20765C-MIA-SQL virtual machines, log on to 20765C-MIA-SQL as
ADVENTUREWORKS\Student with the password Pa55w.rd, and then run
D:\Demofiles\Mod04\Setup.cmd as Administrator.
2. If SQL Server Management Studio is not open, start it and connect to the MIA-SQL database engine
using Windows authentication.

3. Open the script file ConfiguringBPE.sql in the D:\Demofiles\Mod04 folder.

4. Review the code under the comment Enable buffer pool extension, and note that it creates a buffer
pool extension file named MyCache.bpe on T:\. On a production system, this file location would
typically be on an SSD device.

5. Use File Explorer to view the contents of the T:\ folder and note that no MyCache.bpe file exists.

6. In SQL Server Management Studio, select the code under the comment Enable buffer pool
extension, then click Execute.
7. Use File Explorer to view the contents of the T:\ folder and note that the MyCache.bpe file has been

8. Select the code under the comment View buffer pool extension details, click Execute, then review
the output in the Results tab and note that buffer pool extension is enabled.

9. Select the code under the comment Monitor buffer pool extension, click Execute, then review the
output in the Results tab.
4-16 Provisioning SQL Databases

Disable the Buffer Pool Extension

1. In SQL Server Management Studio, select the code under the comment Disable buffer pool
extension, then click Execute.

2. Use File Explorer to view the contents of the T:\ folder and note that the MyCache.bpe file has been
3. In SQL Server Management Studio, select the code under the comment View buffer pool extension
details again, and click Execute. Review the row in the Results tab, and note that the buffer pool
extension is disabled.

4. Close SQL Server Management Studio, without saving any changes.

Working with Databases 4-17

Module Review and Takeaways

Best Practice
When working with database storage, consider the following best practices:

 Carefully plan and test your file layout.

 Separate data and log files on the physical level.
 Keep the data files of a database at the same size.
 Create the database in an appropriate size so it doesn’t have to be expanded too often.
 Shrink files only if absolutely necessary.
 Set a filegroup other than PRIMARY as the default filegroup.

Review Question(s)
Question: Why is it typically sufficient to have one log file in a database?

Answer: Log files are written sequentially. If more than one log file exists, SQL Server writes them
in a circular manner, which doesn‘t provide any advantages for performance and availability.

Question: Why should only temporary data be stored in the tempdb system database?

Answer: Because it is recreated with every new start of the instance.

Performing Database Maintenance 5-1

Module 5
Performing Database Maintenance
Lesson 1: Ensuring Database Integrity 2 

Lesson 2: Maintaining Indexes 5 

Lesson 3: Automating Routine Maintenance Tasks 7 

Module Review and Takeaways 11 

Lab Review Questions and Answers 12 

5-2 Provisioning SQL Databases

Lesson 1
Ensuring Database Integrity
Question and Answers 3
Resources 3
Demonstration: Using DBCC CHECKDB 3
Performing Database Maintenance 5-3

Question and Answers

Question: Which of the following DBCC commands can you use to perform logical consistency checks on
the metadata tables in the database?








Introduction to Database Integrity

Question: If you have a perfectly good data archiving process, and a regularly tested restoral system, do
you still need the DBCC commands?

Answer: Yes, because no matter how well the technical architecture is functioning, there is always
the possibility that a system outage might compromise the integrity of your data.
The real strength of a relational database management system comes from storing each piece of
data in just one place within a normalized database. This means that a change to the data in one
location could have a ripple effect throughout your information stores, effectively reducing the
information back to data, and preventing it from becoming trusted information—because there
is no way of ensuring its complete integrity.

Backup and restore processes can present their own challenges: restoring a complete database
might be too time consuming or the transaction log might be corrupt. In disaster situations,
being able to recover some of the data quickly is often essential to a business.

DBCC CHECKDB Repair Options

Additional Reading: For more information about backing up and restoring a SQL Server
database, see course 20754B: Administering a SQL Database Infrastructure.

Demonstration: Using DBCC CHECKDB

Demonstration Steps
1. Ensure that the MT17B-WS2016-NAT, 20765C-MIA-DC, and 20765C-MIA-SQL virtual machines are
running, and log on to 20765C-MIA-SQL as ADVENTUREWORKS\Student with the password

2. In the D:\Demofiles\Mod05 folder, run Setup.cmd as Administrator. Click Yes when prompted.
3. Start Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio and connect to the MIA-SQL database engine
instance using Windows authentication.

4. Open the 1 DemoDBCCRecovery.sql file in the D:\Demofiles\Mod05 folder.

5-4 Provisioning SQL Databases

5. Select the code under the comment -- Run DBCC CHECKDB with default options and click
Execute. This checks the integrity of the AdventureWorks database and provides maximum

6. Select the code under the comment -- Run DBCC CHECKDB without informational messages and
click Execute. This code checks the integrity of the AdventureWorks database and only displays
messages if errors were present.

7. Select the code under the comment -- Run DBCC CHECKDB against CorruptDB and click Execute.
This checks the integrity of the CorruptDB database and identifies some consistency errors in the
dbo.Orders table in this database. The last line of output tells you the minimum repair level required.

8. Select the code under the comment -- Try to access the Orders table and click Execute. This
attempts to query the dbo.Orders table in the CorruptDB database, and returns an error because of
a logical consistency issue.

9. Select the code under the comment -- Access a specific order and click Execute. This succeeds,
indicating that only “some data pages are affected by the inconsistency issue”.

10. Select the code under the comment -- Repair the database and click Execute. Note that this
technique is a last resort, when no valid backup is available. There is no guarantee of logical
consistency in the database, such as the checking of foreign key constraints. These will need checking
after running this command.

11. Select the code under the comment -- Access the Orders table and click Execute. This succeeds,
indicating that the physical consistency is re-established.

12. Select the code under the comment -- Check the internal database structure and click Execute.
Note that no error messages appear, indicating that the database structure is now consistent.
13. Select the code under the comment -- Check data loss and click Execute. Note that a number of
order details records have no matching order records. The foreign key constraint between these
tables originally enforced a relationship, but some data has been lost.

14. Close the file without saving changes.

Performing Database Maintenance 5-5

Lesson 2
Maintaining Indexes
Question and Answers 6
Demonstration: Maintaining Indexes 6
5-6 Provisioning SQL Databases

Question and Answers

Question: Which of these observations indicate that you should reorganize your data pages, rather than
rebuild them?

( ) You are looking at an index, on a reporting table, with a fill factor of 0.

( ) You are looking at an index, on a reporting table, with a fragmentation of 0 percent.

( ) You are looking at an index, on a transactional table, with a fragmentation of 0 percent.

( ) You are looking at an index, on a transactional table, with fragmentation of less than 30 percent.

( ) You are looking at an index, on a transactional table, with a fragmentation of 50 percent.


( ) You are looking at an index, on a reporting table, with a fill factor of 0.

( ) You are looking at an index, on a reporting table, with a fragmentation of 0 percent.

( ) You are looking at an index, on a transactional table, with a fragmentation of 0 percent.

(√) You are looking at an index, on a transactional table, with fragmentation of less than 30

( ) You are looking at an index, on a transactional table, with a fragmentation of 50 percent.

Demonstration: Maintaining Indexes

Demonstration Steps
Maintain Indexes
1. If SQL Server Management Studio is not open, start it and connect to the MIA-SQL database engine
instance using Windows authentication.

2. Open the 2 DemoIndexFragmentation.sql script file in the D:\Demofiles\Mod05 folder.

3. Select the code under the comment -- Create a table with a primary key and click Execute. This
creates a table with a primary key, which by default creates a clustered index on the primary key field.
4. Select the code under the comment -- Insert some data into the table and click Execute. This
inserts 10,000 rows into the table.

5. Select the code under the comment -- Check fragmentation and click Execute. In the results, note
the avg_fragmentation_in_percent and avg_page_space_used_in_percent values for each index level.

6. Select the code under the comment -- Modify the data in the table and click Execute. This updates
the table.

7. Select the code under the comment -- Re-check fragmentation and click Execute. In the results,
note that the avg_fragmentation_in_percent and avg_page_space_used_in_percent values for each
index level have changed because the data pages have become fragmented.

8. Select the code under the comment -- Rebuild the table and its indexes and click Execute. This
rebuilds the indexes on the table.

9. Select the code under the comment -- Check the fragmentation again and click Execute. In the
results, note that the avg_fragmentation_in_percent and avg_page_space_used_in_percent values for
each index level indicate less fragmentation.

10. Close the file without saving changes.

Performing Database Maintenance 5-7

Lesson 3
Automating Routine Maintenance Tasks
Question and Answers 8
Demonstration: Configuring a Database Maintenance Plan 9
5-8 Provisioning SQL Databases

Question and Answers

Your manager asks you to implement a maintenance solution that minimizes data loss and cost in
addition to maximizing performance. Sort items by writing the appropriate category number to the right
of each one.


1 Use multiple
with SQL
Server Agent

2 Use

3 Use one data


4 Use jobs and

schedules to

Category 1 Category 2 Category 3

Definitely May be Not

appropriate appropriate appropriate
Performing Database Maintenance 5-9


Category 1 Category 2 Category 3

Definitely May be Not

appropriate appropriate appropriate

Use multiple Use Use one

data Transact- data
maintenance SQL maintenance
plans statements plan
combined to
with SQL implement
Server Agent maintenance
scheduled tasks
jobs Use jobs and
schedules to

Demonstration: Configuring a Database Maintenance Plan

Demonstration Steps
1. If SQL Server Management Studio is not open, start it and connect to the MIA-SQL database engine
instance using Windows authentication.

2. In Object Explorer, under MIA-SQL, expand Management, right-click Maintenance Plans, and click
Maintenance Plan Wizard.
3. In the SQL Server Maintenance Plan Wizard, click Next.

4. On the Select Plan Properties page, in the Name box, type Maintenance Plan for Optimization of
AdventureWorks Database, and then click Next.

5. On the Select Maintenance Tasks page, select the following tasks, and then click Next:

o Shrink Database

o Rebuild Index
o Update Statistics

6. On the Select Maintenance Task Order page, change the order of the tasks to Rebuild Index,
Shrink Database, and Update Statistics, and then click Next.
7. On the Define Rebuild Index Task page in the Databases list, click AdventureWorks, and then
click OK to close the drop-down list box. Click Next.

8. On the Define Shrink Database Task page, in the Databases list, click AdventureWorks, click OK
to close the drop-down list box, and then click Next.

9. On the Define Update Statistics page, in the Databases list, click AdventureWorks. Click OK to
close the drop-down list box, and then click Next.

10. On the Select Report Options page, review the default settings, and then click Next.

11. On the Complete the Wizard page, click Finish to create the Maintenance Plan. Wait for the
operation to complete, and then click Close.
5-10 Provisioning SQL Databases

12. Close SQL Server Management Studio without saving changes.

Performing Database Maintenance 5-11

Module Review and Takeaways

Best Practice
When planning ongoing database maintenance, consider the following best practices:

Run DBCC CHECKDB regularly.

Synchronize DBCC CHECKDB with your backup strategy.

If corruption occurs, consider restoring the database from a backup, and only repair the database as a last

Defragment your indexes when necessary, but if they get beyond about 30 percent fragmentation,
consider rebuilding instead.

Update statistics on a schedule if you don’t want it to occur during normal operations.

Use maintenance plans to implement regular tasks.

Real-world Issues and Scenarios

Where possible, it is always a good idea to separate the data from the log files within the operating
system to ensure that, if one goes down, the other is still available.
It is also preferable to have multiple files and filegroups for the data and system—and to change the
default from the primary system filegroup to one of the business focused ones. This will ensure that you
can perform partial recoveries rather than having to do a full database recovery, in the case where
damage only occurs to part of the database structures.
5-12 Provisioning SQL Databases

Lab Review Questions and Answers

Lab: Performing Ongoing Database Maintenance
Question and Answers
Lab Review
Question: What is the difference between an OLTP database and an OLAP database in terms of
recoverability and the probability that you will have to use Emergency mode?

Answer: There is a substantial difference in the recovery requirements of the two types of
system. It is much more likely that you will have to use Emergency mode to recover changes in
an OLTP system rather than an OLAP system.

Question: Is fragmentation always a bad thing in a database?

Answer: No.
Database Storage Options 6-1

Module 6
Database Storage Options
Lesson 1: SQL Server Storage Performance 2 

Lesson 2: SMB Fileshare 4 

Lesson 3: SQL Server Storage in Microsoft Azure 7 

Lesson 4: Stretch Database 9 

Module Review and Takeaways 11 

6-2 Provisioning SQL Databases

Lesson 1
SQL Server Storage Performance
Question and Answers 3
Demonstration: Moving tempdb Files 3
Database Storage Options 6-3

Question and Answers

Question: You are implementing a SQL Server instance and decide to use RAID disks. Which RAID levels
might you choose for storing the following types of SQL Server files?

Transaction log files

Data files


Answer: There is no correct answer—much will depend on database usage and budget.

Demonstration: Moving tempdb Files

Demonstration Steps
1. Ensure that the 20765C-MIA-DC and 20765C-MIA-SQL virtual machines are running, and log on to
20765C-MIA-SQL as ADVENTUREWORKS\Student with the password Pa55w.rd.

2. In the D:\Demofiles\Mod06 folder, run Setup.cmd as Administrator. Click Yes when prompted.
3. Start SQL Server Management Studio and connect to the MIA-SQL database engine using Windows
4. In Object Explorer, expand Databases, expand System Databases, right-click tempdb, and then click

5. In the Database Properties dialog box, on the Files page, note the current files and their location.
Then click Cancel.

6. Open the MovingTempdb.sql script file in the D:\Demofiles\Mod06 folder.

7. View the code in the script, and then click Execute. Note the message that is displayed after the code
has run.

8. View the contents of D:\ and note that no files have been created in that location, because the SQL
Server service has not yet been restarted.

9. In Object Explorer, right-click MIA-SQL, and then click Restart. When prompted, click Yes.
10. In the Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio dialog boxes, when prompted to allow changes,
to restart the service, and to stop the dependent SQL Server Agent service, click Yes.

11. View the contents of D:\ and note that the tempdb MDF and LDF files have been moved to this

12. Keep SQL Server Management Studio open for the next demonstration.
6-4 Provisioning SQL Databases

Lesson 2
SMB Fileshare
Question and Answers 5
Demonstration: Storing a Database on an SMB Fileshare 6
Database Storage Options 6-5

Question and Answers

Question: You are creating a database on an SMB fileshare. Which of the following statements is a valid


( NAME = N'Sales_Data', FILENAME = N'\\SMBServer\d$\SMBShare\Sales_data.mdf' )
( NAME = N'Sales_Log', FILENAME = N'\\SMBServer\d$\SMBShare\Sales_Log.ldf')


( NAME = N'Sales_Data', FILENAME = N'\\\SMBShare\Sales_data.mdf' )
( NAME = N'Sales_Log', FILENAME = N'\\\SMBShare\Sales_Log.ldf')
( NAME = N'Sales_Data', FILENAME = N'\\SMBServer\SMBShare\Sales_data.mdf' )
( NAME = N'Sales_Log', FILENAME = N'\\SMBServer\SMBShare\Sales_Log.ldf')

( NAME = N'Sales_Data', FILENAME = N'\\SMBServer\d$\SMBShare\Sales_data.mdf' )
( NAME = N'Sales_Log', FILENAME = N'\\SMBServer\d$\SMBShare\Sales_Log.ldf')


( NAME = N'Sales_Data', FILENAME = N'\\\SMBShare\Sales_data.mdf' )
( NAME = N'Sales_Log', FILENAME = N'\\\SMBShare\Sales_Log.ldf')


( NAME = N'Sales_Data', FILENAME = N'\\SMBServer\SMBShare\Sales_data.mdf' )
( NAME = N'Sales_Log', FILENAME = N'\\SMBServer\SMBShare\Sales_Log.ldf')
6-6 Provisioning SQL Databases

Demonstration: Storing a Database on an SMB Fileshare

Demonstration Steps
1. Ensure that the 20765C-MIA-DC and 20765C-MIA-SQL virtual machines are running, and log on to
20765C-MIA-SQL as ADVENTUREWORKS\Student with the password Pa55w.rd.

2. Open File Explorer and navigate to the D:\ drive, right-click the smbshare folder, and then click
3. In the smbshare Properties dialog box, on the Sharing tab, in the Network File and Folder
Sharing section, note that this folder is shared with the network path \\MIA-SQL\smbshare, and
then click Cancel.

4. In SQL Server Management Studio, open the file SMBDemo.sql located in the D:\Demofiles\Mod06
folder and execute the code it contains.

5. In File Explorer, navigate to the D:\smbshare folder and note the database files have been created.

6. Close SQL Server Management Studio without saving any changes.

Database Storage Options 6-7

Lesson 3
SQL Server Storage in Microsoft Azure
Question and Answers 8
6-8 Provisioning SQL Databases

Question and Answers

Question: One of your organization’s databases has grown to a size that makes it difficult to back up
during the available backup window. How might storing the SQL Server data files in Microsoft Azure help
with this?

( ) An Azure blob can be read faster than a local mdf file.

( ) SQL Server data files in Azure do not need to be backed up.

( ) With SQL Server data files in Azure, you can use Azure snapshots, providing almost instantaneous
backups for your data.

( ) Putting data files in Azure will not help because SQL Server data files in Azure take longer to back up
because the data is sourced from the Internet.


( ) An Azure blob can be read faster than a local mdf file.

( ) SQL Server data files in Azure do not need to be backed up.

(√) With SQL Server data files in Azure, you can use Azure snapshots, providing almost
instantaneous backups for your data.

( ) Putting data files in Azure will not help because SQL Server data files in Azure take longer to
back up because the data is sourced from the Internet.
Database Storage Options 6-9

Lesson 4
Stretch Database
Question and Answers 10
6-10 Provisioning SQL Databases

Question and Answers

Question: Where might Stretch Database prove useful in your organization?

Answer: There is no correct answer.

Database Storage Options 6-11

Module Review and Takeaways

Review Question(s)
Question: What are the advantages of SMB Fileshare storage over SAN storage?


SMB Fileshare is easy to manage.

With SMB Fileshare, migrating databases becomes a simple detach/attach operation in SQL

SMB Fileshare is cost effective.

Planning to Deploy SQL Server on Microsoft Azure 7-1

Module 7
Planning to Deploy SQL Server on Microsoft Azure
Lesson 1: SQL Server on Virtual Machines and Azure SQL Database 2 

Lesson 2: Azure Storage 5 

Lesson 3: Azure SQL Server Authentication 7 

Lesson 4: Deploying Databases in Azure SQL Database 9 

Module Review and Takeaways 12 

7-2 Provisioning SQL Databases

Lesson 1
SQL Server on Virtual Machines and Azure SQL
Question and Answers 3
Demonstration: Provisioning an Azure Virtual Machine 3
Planning to Deploy SQL Server on Microsoft Azure 7-3

Question and Answers

Question: True or false: Azure SQL Database supports exactly the same set of functionality as an on-
premises SQL Server installation.

( ) True

( ) False


( ) True

(√) False

Demonstration: Provisioning an Azure Virtual Machine

Demonstration Steps
1. Ensure that the MT17B-WS2016-NAT, 20765C-MIA-DC, and 20765C-MIA-SQL VMs are running and
log on to 20765C-MIA-SQL as ADVENTUREWORKS\Student with the password Pa55w.rd.
2. Open Internet Explorer and go to https://portal.azure.com/.

3. Sign in to the Azure portal with your Azure Pass or Microsoft Account credentials.

4. In the Azure portal, click New, then in the Search box, type SQL Server 2017.

5. Click SQL Server 2017 Enterprise Windows Server 2016.

6. In the SQL Server 2017 Enterprise Windows Server 2016 pane, in the Select a deployment model
box, click Resource Manager, and then click Create.

7. On the Basics blade, in the Name box, type a name for your server of up to 15 characters. This must
be unique throughout the whole Azure service, so cannot be specified here. A suggested format is
sql2017vm-<your initials><one or more digits>. For example, sql2017vm-js123. Keep a note of
the name you have chosen.

8. In the User name box, type demoAdmin.

9. In the Password box, type Pa55w.rd1234.

10. In the Resource group box, type resource1.

11. Change the value of the Location box to a region near your current geographical location, and click

12. In the Choose a size blade, click View all then click DS11 Standard, and then click Select.

13. On the Settings blade, click OK.

14. On the SQL Server settings blade, click OK.

15. On the Summary blade, click Create. Deployment may take some time to complete.

16. When deployment is complete, click Virtual machines, then click the name of the machine you
created in step 7.
17. In the server name blade, click Connect, then click Open.

18. In the Remote Desktop Connection dialog box, click Connect.

19. In the Windows Security dialog box, click More choices, then click Use a different account.

20. In the User name box, type \demoAdmin, in the Password box, type Pa55w.rd1234, and then click
7-4 Provisioning SQL Databases

21. In the Remote Desktop Connection dialog box, click Yes.

22. Inside the remote desktop session, Click Strat, then click Microsoft SQL Server Tools 17 and click SQL
Server Management Studio 17 (SSMS) and connect to the VM instance of SQL Server. Demonstrate
that it’s a standard SQL Server installation.

23. Close the Remote Desktop connection, and then delete the Azure Virtual Machine.
Planning to Deploy SQL Server on Microsoft Azure 7-5

Lesson 2
Azure Storage
Question and Answers 6
7-6 Provisioning SQL Databases

Question and Answers

Question: Of the following statements, which is not true about Azure virtual machines?

( ) You can add extra virtual disks.

( ) You can remove the temporary disk.

( ) You can choose the type of virtual machine based on CPU, memory, and storage capacity.

( ) Virtual machine data disks can be either HDD or SSD.

( ) You can delete an Azure virtual machine when you no longer need it.

( ) You can add extra virtual disks.

( ) You can remove the temporary disk.

(√) You can choose the type of virtual machine based on CPU, memory, and storage capacity.

( ) Virtual machine data disks can be either HDD or SSD.

( ) You can delete an Azure virtual machine when you no longer need it.
Planning to Deploy SQL Server on Microsoft Azure 7-7

Lesson 3
Azure SQL Server Authentication
Question and Answers 8
Resources 8
7-8 Provisioning SQL Databases

Question and Answers

Question: To what degree is your organization concerned with security when it considers moving data to
the cloud? Do you think the security measures that are available in Azure SQL Database adequately
answer those concerns? If not, what concerns do you feel have not been addressed?

Answer: Security is a common concern when moving data to the cloud. Azure SQL Database
offers a range of security options including encryption and auditing, in addition to the
authentication and authorization features that are familiar to SQL Server database administrators.
When coupled with the stringent physical security that is employed at Azure data centers, there is
a case that data is more secure in the cloud, rather than less secure.

A common concern that Azure security features do not address includes delegating responsibility
for data protection to a third-party organization.

Security Overview of Azure SQL Database

Best Practice: Grant users the least permissions necessary. Security is often a trade-off
between convenience and protecting data. Grant the least permissions necessary for users to
complete their work, and grant additional permissions temporarily for exceptional tasks.
Planning to Deploy SQL Server on Microsoft Azure 7-9

Lesson 4
Deploying Databases in Azure SQL Database
Question and Answers 10
Demonstration: Provisioning a Database in Azure SQL Database 10
Demonstration: Connecting to a Database in Azure SQL Database 11
7-10 Provisioning SQL Databases

Question and Answers

Question: Which of the following best defines a database transaction unit?

( ) A database transaction unit is a measure of CPU performance.

( ) A database transaction unit is a measure of storage I/O performance.

( ) A database transaction unit is a measure of memory performance.

( ) A database transaction unit is a measure of overall system performance.

( ) A database transaction unit is a measure of CPU performance.

( ) A database transaction unit is a measure of storage I/O performance.

( ) A database transaction unit is a measure of memory performance.

(√) A database transaction unit is a measure of overall system performance.

Demonstration: Provisioning a Database in Azure SQL Database

Demonstration Steps
1. On MIA-SQL, start Windows PowerShell.

2. Link your Azure account to PowerShell by running the following cmdlet:


When prompted press y, and then press Enter. When the sign-in screen appears, use the same email
and password you use to sign in to the Azure portal. If you have already linked your Azure account
to PowerShell on this VM, use the command:


3. Use the subscription Id returned in the output of the previous step and run the following cmdlet:

Select-AzureRmSubscription -SubscriptionId <your subscription id>

(replace <your subscription id> with the GUID value returned by the previous step.)

4. Run the following cmdlet to return the list of Azure data center locations supporting SQL Database:

(Get-AzureRmResourceProvider -ListAvailable | Where-Object {$_.ProviderNamespace -eq


5. Run the following cmdlet to create a resource group. Substitute a location near your current
geographical location from the result returned by the previous step for <location>:

New-AzureRmResourceGroup -Name "resourcegroupPSTest" -Location "<location>"

6. Run the following cmdlet to create a server in the new resource group. Substitute the location used in
the previous step for <location>. Substitute a unique server name for <your server name>; This must
be unique throughout the whole Azure service, so cannot be specified here. A suggested format is
sql2017ps-<your initials><one or more digits>. For example, sql2017ps-js123.

New-AzureRmSqlServer -ResourceGroupName "resourcegroupPSTest" -ServerName "<your

server name>" -Location "<location>" -ServerVersion "12.0"
Planning to Deploy SQL Server on Microsoft Azure 7-11

In the credential request dialog box, type the User name psUser and the password Pa55w.rd. This
step may take a few minutes to complete.
7. Run the following cmdlets separately to create a firewall rule to allow your current client to connect
to the server. Substitute the server name created in the previous step for <your server name>.
Substitute your current external IP address for <your external ip>. You can get your current external
IP address from the Azure Portal (see the value returned by the "Add Client IP" button on the firewall
for an existing server), or from third party services such as Google (search for "what is my ip") or

$currentIP = "<your external ip>"

New-AzureRmSqlServerFirewallRule -ResourceGroupName "resourcegroupPSTest" -ServerName
"<your server name>" -FirewallRuleName "clientFirewallRule1" -StartIpAddress
$currentIP -EndIpAddress $currentIP

8. Run the following cmdlet to create a database on the new server. Substitute the server name created
in a previous step for <your server name>.

New-AzureRmSqlDatabase -ResourceGroupName "resourcegroupPSTest" -ServerName "<your

server name>" -DatabaseName "TestPSDB" -Edition Standard -
RequestedServiceObjectiveName "S1"

9. Close Windows PowerShell.

Demonstration: Connecting to a Database in Azure SQL Database

Demonstration Steps
1. Open Internet Explorer and go to https://portal.azure.com/.
2. Sign in to the Azure portal with your Azure Pass or Microsoft Account credentials.

3. Click SQL Databases, then click TestPSDB. Note the value of Server name, and then click Show
database connection strings.

4. Open SQL Server Management Studio.

5. In the Connect to Server dialog box, type the server name noted in the previous step (it will take the
form <your server name>.database.windows.net).

6. Set Authentication to SQL Server Authentication. In the Login box, type psUser, in the Password:
box, type Pa55w.rd, and then click Connect.

7. In Object Explorer, expand the Databases node to show the TestPSDB database.

8. On the File menu, point to Open, and click File.

9. In the Open File dialog box, open D:\Demofiles\Mod07\query Azure.sql.

10. On the Available Databases drop-down menu, click TestPSDB.

11. Select the script below 2. execute the following query, and click Execute.

12. Open Windows PowerShell, and then type the command below 3. Open Windows PowerShell
and type the following command into the Windows PowerShell window, replacing <your server
name> in the command with the server name used on step 3.

13. At the Password prompt, type Pa55w.rd, and then press Enter.

14. Close PowerShell, close SSMS without saving any changes, and then close Internet Explorer.
7-12 Provisioning SQL Databases

Module Review and Takeaways

Real-world Issues and Scenarios
You may have to consider compliance with your local privacy and data protection legislation before you
move sensitive data or personal identity data into cloud services such as Azure.

Review Question(s)
Question: Are Azure database services suitable for your organization?

Is Azure SQL Database or SQL Server on Azure virtual machines more suitable for you?

Answer: The answer will depend on the circumstances of your organization.

Migrating Databases to Azure SQL Database 8-1

Module 8
Migrating Databases to Azure SQL Database
Lesson 1: Database Migration Testing Tools 2 

Lesson 2: Database Migration Compatibility Issues 4 

Lesson 3: Migrating an On-Premises Database to an Azure SQL Database 6 

Module Review and Takeaways 8 

8-2 Provisioning SQL Databases

Lesson 1
Database Migration Testing Tools
Question and Answers 3
Demonstration: Test Compatibility of a SQL Server Database with Azure SQL
Database 3
Migrating Databases to Azure SQL Database 8-3

Question and Answers

Question: You have installed the latest version of SSDT for Visual Studio. You have imported a database
as a new project from an on-premises SQL Server, which you want to migrate to Azure SQL Database.
When you build the project, no compatibility issues are displayed in the error list. What should you do

Answer: This method does not test for Azure SQL Database compatibility because you did not
set the target platform for the project to Microsoft Azure SQL Database V12. If you set this
property and rebuild the project, compatibility issues will be listed. If no issues are listed, you can
proceed to migrate the database into Azure SQL Database.

Demonstration: Test Compatibility of a SQL Server Database with Azure

SQL Database
Demonstration Steps
1. Run Setup.cmd in the D:\Demofiles\Mod08 folder as Administrator.

2. In the User Account Control dialog box, click Yes.

3. Wait for the script to complete and then press Enter.

4. Start a command prompt. Type the following command, and then press Enter:

cd C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft SQL Server\140\DAC\bin

5. Type the following command, and then press Enter:

sqlpackage.exe /Action:Export /ssn:MIA-SQL /sdn:TestPSDB

/tf:D:\Demofiles\Mod08\TSQL.compatibility.bacpac /p:TableData=Stats.Tests >
D:\Demofiles\Mod08\ExportReport.txt 2>&1

6. Type the following command, and then press Enter:

Notepad D:\Demofiles\Mod08\ExportReport.txt

7. Examine the contents of the text file, and then close Notepad.

8. Close the command prompt.

8-4 Provisioning SQL Databases

Lesson 2
Database Migration Compatibility Issues
Question and Answers 5
Migrating Databases to Azure SQL Database 8-5

Question and Answers

Question: You are migrating a database from SQL Server 2012 to Azure SQL Database. The database is
hosted on two database servers and is synchronized by using database mirroring. What feature should
you use to replace database mirroring in Azure SQL Database?

Answer: Azure datacenters are designed to provide high availability and resilience. They might
provide the same or higher availability as database mirroring in a less well-designed
infrastructure. However, to ensure the highest levels of availability in Azure SQL Database, use
active geo-replication.
8-6 Provisioning SQL Databases

Lesson 3
Migrating an On-Premises Database to an Azure SQL
Question and Answers 7
Demonstration: Migrate a SQL Server Database to Azure SQL Database with
Migrating Databases to Azure SQL Database 8-7

Question and Answers

Question: True or false? Azure SQL Database includes SQL Server Agent.

( ) True

( ) False


( ) True

(√) False

Demonstration: Migrate a SQL Server Database to Azure SQL Database

Demonstration Steps
1. Start a command prompt. Type the following to generate an export BACPAC file for the TestPSDB

cd C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft SQL Server\140\DAC\bin

sqlpackage.exe /Action:Export /ssn:MIA-SQL /sdn:TestPSDB

2. Verify that the export BACPAC file exists at D:\Demofiles\Mod08\TSQL.export.bacpac.

3. Type the following command to import the database to Azure SQL Database. Substitute <your server
name> with the name of the Azure server hosting the target database:

sqlpackage.exe /Action:Import /tsn:<your server name. database.windows.net>

/tdn:TestPSDB /tu:psUser /tp:Pa55w.rd /sf:D:\Demofiles\Mod08\TSQL.export.bacpac

Note: This step may take several minutes to complete.

4. Verify that the import has completed successfully by connecting to the Azure SQL server <your
server name. database.windows.net> using SSMS, then expanding the database TestPSDB and
showing the tables that now exist.
5. Close SSMS, and then close the command prompt.
8-8 Provisioning SQL Databases

Module Review and Takeaways

Real-world Issues and Scenarios
You might have to consider compliance with your local privacy and data protection legislation before you
move sensitive data or personal identity data into cloud services such as Azure.

Review Question(s)
Question: Are Azure database services suitable for your organization?

Is Azure SQL Database or SQL Server on Azure VMs more suitable for you?

Answer: The answer will depend on the circumstances of your organization.

Deploying SQL Server on a Microsoft Azure Virtual Machine 9-1

Module 9
Deploying SQL Server on a Microsoft Azure Virtual Machine
Lesson 1: Deploying SQL Server on Azure Virtual Machines 2 

Lesson 2: Migrating a Database to a Microsoft Azure Virtual Machine 5 

Module Review and Takeaways 8 

Lab Review Questions and Answers 9 

9-2 Provisioning SQL Databases

Lesson 1
Deploying SQL Server on Azure Virtual Machines
Question and Answers 3
Demonstration: Provisioning an Azure Virtual Machine 3
Deploying SQL Server on a Microsoft Azure Virtual Machine 9-3

Question and Answers

Question: You want to implement an instance of SQL Server on a virtual machine in Azure to host a
business-critical database. You want to ensure that you license the server properly, but you do not have
Software Assurance. How can you license SQL Server to run on the virtual machine?

Answer: Use an image from the Azure Virtual Machine Gallery that includes SQL Server. The per-
minute rate that is displayed in the gallery entry includes all licensing requirements, including
those for SQL Server.

Demonstration: Provisioning an Azure Virtual Machine

Demonstration Steps
1. Ensure that the MT17B-WS2016-NAT, 20765C-MIA-DC, and 20765C-MIA-SQL VMs are running and
log on to 20765C-MIA-SQL as AdventureWorks\Student with the password Pa55w.rd.

2. Open Internet Explorer and go to https://portal.azure.com/.

3. Sign in to the Azure portal with your Azure Pass or Microsoft Account credentials.

4. Click New and click Compute.

5. In the search box, type SQL Server 2017, then click SQL Server 2017.

6. In the results, click SQL Server 2017 Enterprise Windows Server 2016.

7. In the SQL Server 2017 Enterprise Windows Server 2016 blade, in the Select a deployment
model list, click Resource Manager, and then click Create.

8. On the Basics blade, in the Name box, type a name for your server. This must be unique throughout
the whole Azure service, so cannot be specified here. A suggested format is sql2017vm<your
initials><one or more digits>. For example, sql2017vmjs123. Keep a note of the name you have

9. In the VM disk type list, ensure that SSD is selected.

10. In the User name box, type demoAdmin.

11. In the Password, type Pa55w.rd1234.

12. In the Confirm password box, type Pa55w.rd1234.

13. Under Resource group, click Use existing and then select resource1.

14. In the Location list, select a location near you, and then click OK.

15. In the Choose a size blade, click View all, click DS11_V2 Standard, and then click Select.

16. On the Settings blade, click OK.

17. On the SQL Server settings blade, click OK.

18. On the Summary blade, click Create. Deployment may take some time to complete.
19. When deployment is complete, Azure starts the VM and displays the overview blade. Click Connect,
and then click Open.

20. In the Remote Desktop Connection dialog box, click Connect.

21. In the Windows Security dialog box, in the User name box, type demoAdmin, in the Password
box, type Pa55w.rd1234, and then click OK.

22. In the Remote Desktop Connection dialog box, click Yes.

9-4 Provisioning SQL Databases

23. When the remote desktop session has started, start SQL Server Management Studio and connect to
the local SQL Server instance. Demonstrate the structure of the installation.
24. If the Networks pane appears, click No.
Deploying SQL Server on a Microsoft Azure Virtual Machine 9-5

Lesson 2
Migrating a Database to a Microsoft Azure Virtual
Question and Answers 6
Demonstration: Migrating a Database to an Azure Virtual Machine 6
9-6 Provisioning SQL Databases

Question and Answers

Question: You want to migrate a business-critical production database to an Azure virtual machine. Users
must be able to make changes to the database throughout the migration process. An Always On
Availability Group protects the on-premises system. What method should you use for the migration?

Answer: Use the Add Replica Wizard to create a secondary replica of the database on the Azure
virtual machine. When the replication has completed, use failover to change the Azure virtual
machine to be the primary replica of the database, and then remove the on-premises replica. This
is the appropriate method to use when you want to minimize downtime and you have an Always
On deployment.

Demonstration: Migrating a Database to an Azure Virtual Machine

Demonstration Steps
1. Ensure that the 20765C-MIA-DC and 20765C-MIA-SQL virtual machines are running and log on to
20765C-MIA-SQL as AdventureWorks\Student with the password Pa55w.rd.

2. Run Setup.cmd in the D:\Demofiles\Mod09 folder as Administrator.

3. When the script has completed, press any key to close the window.
4. Start SQL Server Management Studio.

5. In the Connect to Server dialog box, select MIA-SQL and click Connect.

6. In Object Explorer, expand Databases, expand ExampleDB, and then expand Tables.

7. Right-click HR.Employees, and then click Select Top 1000 Rows. Show the students the results of
the query against the local database. You will compare results against the cloud-hosted database
after the migration.
8. On the File menu, point to New, and then click Query with current connection.

9. Type the following Transact-SQL script, and then click Execute:

USE ExampleDB;
TO DISK = 'D:\Demofiles\Mod09\ExampleDB.bak'
MEDIANAME = 'MigrationBackups',
NAME = 'Full Backup of ExampleDB';

10. In File Explorer, browse to D:\Demofiles\Mod09, right-click ExampleDB.bak, and then click Copy.

11. Open Internet Explorer, and browse to http://portal.azure.com.

12. Sign in to the Azure portal with your Azure Pass or Microsoft Account credentials.

13. In the navigation on the left, click Virtual machines.

14. In the list of virtual machines, click the one you created in the first demonstration in this module.

15. On the virtual machine blade, click Connect, and then click Open.

16. In the Remote Desktop Connection dialog box, click Connect.

17. In the Windows Security dialog box, click More choices, then click Use a different account.

18. In the User name box, type demoAdmin.

19. In the Password box, type Pa55w.rd1234, and then click OK.
Deploying SQL Server on a Microsoft Azure Virtual Machine 9-7

20. In the Remote Desktop Connection dialog box, click Yes.

21. When the remote desktop session has started, open File Explorer, and browse to C:\.

22. On the Home menu, click Paste. Explorer pastes the backup file into the VM.

23. Start SQL Server Management Studio.

24. In the Connect to Server dialog box, click Connect.

25. In Object Explorer, expand Databases and show that there are no user databases.

26. On the File menu, point to New, and then click Query with Current Connection.

27. Type the following Transact-SQL script, and then click Execute:


MOVE 'TSQL' TO 'F:\Data\ExampleDB.mdf',
MOVE 'TSQL_log' TO 'F:\Log\ExampleDB_log.ldf';

28. When the query completes, in Object Explorer, right-click Databases, and then click Refresh.

29. Expand ExampleDB, and then expand Tables.

30. Right-click HR.Employees, and then click Select Top 1000 Rows. The results should be the same as
they were on the original database.

31. Close Internet Explorer, close SSMS without saving any changes, then close the Remote Desktop
9-8 Provisioning SQL Databases

Module Review and Takeaways

Question: You have created an Always On Availability Group that includes three virtual machines in
Azure. You want to ensure that the three virtual machines are in different fault domains and different
update domains. What should you do?

Answer: Place the three virtual machines into a single availability set. This indicates to Azure that
it should automatically place these virtual machines into different fault domains and update
Deploying SQL Server on a Microsoft Azure Virtual Machine 9-9

Lab Review Questions and Answers

Lab: Deploying SQL Server on an Azure Virtual Machine
Question and Answers
Lab Review
Question: After you created the backup file, the on-premises server remained available for clients to
connect to and modify data. What would happen to these modifications after you had moved clients to
the new database?

Answer: Changes that are made to the on-premises database will not reach the Azure-hosted
database. To avoid this problem, you should perform the migration during off-peak hours and
disable access to the database immediately before you take the backup. After the database has
been restored on the virtual machine, you can reconfigure clients to connect to the SQL Server
instance on the virtual machine and resume normal service.
Managing Databases in the Cloud 10-1

Module 10
Managing Databases in the Cloud
Lesson 1: Managing Security in Azure SQL Database 2 

Lesson 2: Configuring Azure Storage 7 

Lesson 3: Azure Automation 11 

Module Review and Takeaways 14 

Lab Review Questions and Answers 15 

10-2 Provisioning SQL Databases

Lesson 1
Managing Security in Azure SQL Database
Question and Answers 3
Resources 3
Demonstration: Encrypting Sensitive Data 3
Managing Databases in the Cloud 10-3

Question and Answers

Question: When might you use Always Encrypted?

( ) To encrypt your database backup in the event of theft.

( ) To protect sensitive data by encrypting specific columns.

( ) As an alternative to transparent data encryption.

( ) To protect data against hard disk failure.

( ) To prevent data from being migrated to the cloud.


( ) To encrypt your database backup in the event of theft.

(√) To protect sensitive data by encrypting specific columns.

( ) As an alternative to transparent data encryption.

( ) To protect data against hard disk failure.

( ) To prevent data from being migrated to the cloud.


Always Encrypted for Azure SQL Database

Reference Links: Click the Script option, and then select New Query Window to see the
syntax for both Column Master Key and Column Encryption Key. You can also right-click
existing keys, and then select Script … to view the script in a new query window.

Best Practice: You can create Windows PowerShell scripts to create encryption keys. You
can also create Windows PowerShell scripts to encrypt data.

Configuring Firewall Rules

Best Practice: Before you add the current Client IP address to the firewall rules, check that
the correct IP address is displayed.

Demonstration: Encrypting Sensitive Data

Demonstration Steps
1. Start the MT17B-WS2016-NAT, 20765C-MIA-DC, and 20765C-MIA-SQL virtual machines, and log on
to 20765C-MIA-SQL as ADVENTUREWORKS\Student with the password Pa55w.rd.
2. Open SQL Server Management Studio and connect to the server you created earlier, for example
20765CCE.database.windows.net, using SQL Server Authentication.

3. In the Login box, type Student, and in the Password box, type Pa55w.rd, and then click Connect.

Create the encryption keys

1. Click New Query to open a new query window.

2. In Available Databases, select AdventureWorksLT.

10-4 Provisioning SQL Databases

3. In Object Explorer, expand Databases, expand AdventureWorksLT, expand Security, and then
expand Always Encrypted Keys.
4. Right-click Column Master Keys and click New Column Master Key.

5. In the New Column Master Key dialog box, in the Name box, type CMK1.

6. In the Key store list, select Windows Certificate Store - Current User.

7. Click Generate Certificate. The certificate appears in the list, and then click OK.

8. In Object Explorer, right-click Column Encryption Keys and click New Column Encryption Key.

9. In the New Column Encryption Key dialog box, in the Name box, type CEK1.

10. In the Column master key list, click CMK1, and then click OK. Click Refresh if CMK1 is not showing.

Encrypt the Data

1. In Object Explorer, under AdventureWorksLT, expand Tables, expand SalesLT.Address, and then
expand Columns to display the list of columns.

2. In the query window, type:

SELECT * FROM [SalesLT].[Address]

3. Click Execute to show that all the columns are displayed in plaintext.
4. Under Columns, right-click City, and then click Encrypt Column.

5. In the Always Encrypted wizard, on the Introduction page, click Next.

6. On the Column Selection page, select City, and in the Encryption Type column, select
Deterministic, and in the Encryption Key column, select CEK1_Auto1. Note the collation message,
and then click Next.

7. On the Master Key Configuration page, click Next.

8. On the Run Settings page, ensure Proceed to finish now is selected, and then click Next.

9. On the Summary page, click Finish.

10. When it has completed, click Close.

11. In the query window, type:

SELECT * FROM [SalesLT].[Address]

12. Click Execute to run the query to show the column appears with obfuscated text. NOTE: Values are
repeated because deterministic encryption has been used, and each City appears more than once.

13. In the query window, type:

SELECT CountryRegion, PostalCode, count(City) as CityCount

FROM salesLT.Address
GROUP BY CountryRegion, PostalCode, City

14. Highlight the query and click Execute to show the number of Cities in each postal code. This is
possible because deterministic encryption was selected.

15. In Object Explorer, under SalesLT.Address, expand Indexes, right-click

IX_Address_AddressLine1_AddressLine2_City_StateProvince_PostalCode_CountryRegion, point
to Script Index as, point to DROP And CREATE To, and then click New Query Editor Window in
order to drop the index.
Managing Databases in the Cloud 10-5

16. The PostalCode column cannot be encrypted while it is included in an index. Run the first part of the
script to drop the index.
17. In Object Explorer, right-click PostalCode, and then click Encrypt Column.

18. In the Always Encrypted wizard, on the Introduction page, click Next.

19. On the Column Selection page, select PostalCode, and in the Encryption Type column, click
Randomized, and in the Encryption Key column, click CEK1_Auto1. Note the collation message,
and then click Next.

20. On the Master Key Configuration page, click Next.

21. On the Run Settings page, ensure Proceed to finish now is selected, and then click Next.

22. On the Summary page, click Finish.

23. When it has completed, click Close.

24. Click New Query to open a new query window.

25. In the query window, type:

SELECT * FROM [SalesLT].[Address]

26. Click Execute to show that the columns appear with obfuscated text.
27. In the query window, type:


GROUP BY PostalCode

28. Highlight the query and click Execute to show that the GROUP BY operation fails with randomized
encryption. The error message explains that Deterministic encryption is required for the statement to

Remove Encryption from a Column

1. In Object Explorer, right-click PostalCode and click Encrypt Column.

2. In the Always Encrypted wizard, on the Introduction page, click Next.

3. On the Column Selection page, select PostalCode, and in the Encryption Type column, select
Plaintext, and in the Encryption Key column, select CEK1, and then click Next. Note that the correct
key is required to decrypt the data.

4. On the Master Key Configuration page, click Next.

5. On the Run Settings page, ensure Proceed to finish now is selected, and then click Next.

6. On the Summary page, click Finish.

7. When it has completed, click Close.

8. In the query window, type:

SELECT * FROM [SalesLT].[Address]

9. Highlight the query and click Execute to show that the PostalCode column has been decrypted.

10. In Object Explorer, right-click SalesLT.Address, point to Script Table as, point to CREATE To, and
then click New Query Editor Window. Point out the encrypted column, and the encryption
algorithm used.
10-6 Provisioning SQL Databases

11. Close SQL Server Management Studio, without saving any changes.
Managing Databases in the Cloud 10-7

Lesson 2
Configuring Azure Storage
Question and Answers 8
Demonstration: Creating a Storage Pool 8
10-8 Provisioning SQL Databases

Question and Answers

Question: What types of storage does Azure not support?

( ) NoSQL table data

( ) Queue storage

( ) Hierarchical storage

( ) File storage

( ) BLOB storage

( ) NoSQL table data

( ) Queue storage
(√) Hierarchical storage

( ) File storage

( ) BLOB storage

Demonstration: Creating a Storage Pool

Demonstration Steps
Create a Storage Pool
1. Start the MT17B-WS2016-NAT, 20765C-MIA-DC and 20765C-MIA-SQL virtual machines, and log on
to 20765C-MIA-SQL as ADVENTUREWORKS\Student with the password Pa55w.rd.
2. In the D:\Demofiles\Mod10 folder, right-click Setup.cmd, and then click Run as administrator.

3. In the User Account Control dialog box, click Yes, and wait for the script to finish.

4. Open Internet Explorer and navigate to the Azure portal at www.azure.portal.com. Sign in with
your Azure pass credentials.

5. Click Resource Groups, and then click StorageSpacesDemo.

6. From the list, click VM1.

7. From the Essentials group, copy the Public IP address onto the clipboard. If prompted, click Allow

8. Change to the Start screen, type Remote Desktop and then click Remote Desktop Connection.

9. Connect to the Azure VM by pasting the IP address into the Computer box (delete everything after
the IP address), and then click Connect.

10. When prompted, type the password Pa55w.rd, and then click OK.

11. In the Remote Desktop Connection dialog box, click Yes. The Server Manager dashboard is

12. If the Networks pane appears, click No.

13. In Server Manager, click File and Storage Services, Volumes, and then Storage Pools.

14. In Storage Pools, click Primordial.

15. Next to Storage Pools, click Tasks, and then click New Storage Pool.
Managing Databases in the Cloud 10-9

16. In the New Storage Pool Wizard dialog box, on the Before you begin page, click Next.
17. On the Specify a storage pool name and subsystem page, in the Name box, type MyStoragePool,
and click Next.

18. On the Select physical disks for the storage pool, select all four disks, and click Next.

19. On the Confirm Selections page, click Create.

20. When it has completed, click Close.

21. Click MyStoragePool to see that it is made up of the four disks you selected.

Set the Media Type

1. The four disks added to the Storage Pool all show the media type Unknown. However, there are
three HDDs and one SSD. We will now use a PowerShell script to assign the correct media type.

2. Minimize Server Manager.

3. On the Start menu, right-click Windows PowerShell ISE, point to More, and then click Run as

4. Click OK when prompted at the User Account.

5. From D:\Demofiles\Mod10\Demo copy the PowerShell script called ChangeMediaType.ps1 to the
Azure VM C:\ drive.

6. In Windows PowerShell ISE, on the File menu, click Open.

7. In the Open dialog box, browse to C:\, click ChangeMediaType, and then click Open.

8. Use Run Selection to run the script under # List the physical disks. Note that the media type is
9. Copy the UniqueID of the disk identified as LUN 1 to the $uniqueIdPremium1 variable value
(between ““).

10. Copy the UniqueID of the disk identified as LUN 2 to the $uniqueIDStandard1 variable value.

11. Copy the UniqueID of the disk identified as LUN 3 to the $uniqueIDStandard2 variable value.

12. Copy the UniqueID of the disk identified as LUN 4 to the $uniqueIDStandard3 variable value.

13. Once all the variables have a value, use Run Selection to run the script under # Initialize variables.
14. Use Run Selection to run the script under # Set media type.

15. To check the media types have been assigned correctly, run the script under # List the physical
disks. You will see that the media types are now set.

16. Close Windows PowerShell ISE, without saving any changes.

Create a Virtual Disk with Tiered Storage

1. In Server Manager, in the top right corner, click Tasks, and then click Refresh. The Media type of the
disks should now be shown correctly.

2. Next to Virtual Disks, click Tasks, and click New Virtual Disk.

3. In the Select the storage pool dialog box, click MyStoragePool, and then click OK.
4. In the New Virtual Disk Wizard, on the Before you begin page, click Next.

5. On the Specify the virtual disk name, in the Name box, type MyVirtualDisk.

6. Select the Create Storage tiers on this virtual disk check box, and then click Next.
10-10 Provisioning SQL Databases

7. On the Specify enclosure resiliency page, click Next.

8. On the Select the storage layout page, click Simple, and then click Next.

9. On the Specify the provisioning type page, click Fixed, and then click Next.

10. On the Specify the size of the virtual disk page, in the Faster Tier box, type 85, and in the Standard
Tier box, type 180, and then click Next.

11. On the Confirm selections page, click Create. The tiered virtual disk will be created.

12. On the View results page, click Close to finish. You can then create a drive letter.

13. In the New Volume Wizard, on the Before you begin page, click Next.

14. On the Select the server and disk page, click MyVirtualDisk, and then click Next.

15. On the Specify the size of the volume page, click Next.

16. On the Assign to a drive letter or folder page, click Next.

17. On the Select file system settings page, click Next.

18. On the Confirm selections page, click Create.

19. On the Completion page, click Close. You can now see the new virtual disk you created.
20. Close Server Manager.

21. Disconnect from the Azure VM.

Managing Databases in the Cloud 10-11

Lesson 3
Azure Automation
Question and Answers 12
Demonstration: Introducing Azure Automation 12
10-12 Provisioning SQL Databases

Question and Answers

Put the following steps in order by numbering each to indicate the correct order.


Create an Azure Automation account

Browse the Runbook Gallery

Select a runbook

Import the runbook

Edit the runbook

Publish the runbook

Test the runbook

Schedule the runbook

Check whether the task has been




1 Create an Azure Automation account

2 Browse the Runbook Gallery

3 Select a runbook

4 Import the runbook

5 Edit the runbook

6 Publish the runbook

7 Test the runbook

8 Schedule the runbook

9 Check whether the task has been


Demonstration: Introducing Azure Automation

Demonstration Steps
1. Start the MT17B-WS2016-NAT, 20765C-MIA-DC and 20765C-MIA-SQL virtual machines, and log on
to 20765C-MIA-SQL as AdventureWorks\Student with the password Pa55w.rd.
2. Using Internet Explorer, navigate to https://portal.azure.com.

3. Login using your Azure Pass credentials.

Managing Databases in the Cloud 10-13

4. At the dashboard, click New.

5. On the New blade, click Monitoring + Management.

6. On the Monitoring + Management blade, click Automation.

7. On the Add Automation Account blade, in the Name box, type automate + your initials. The
name must be in lowercase characters and numbers. A green tick appears when the name is
acceptable. If necessary, add additional numbers to create a unique name.

8. In the Resource group box, either create a new resource group, or select the resource group created
in the first demo.
9. In the Location box, select a Microsoft data center close to you.

10. For Create Azure Run As account, click Yes.

11. Click Create. The Automation Account takes a short while to be created. A message is displayed when
the account has been created.

12. Click All resources to see that the new Automation account has been created.

13. Click on the new Automation account name as named in step 7. The Automation Account blade is

14. Click Runbooks Gallery.

15. Point out the options to filter the Runbook Gallery, including Gallery Source, Type, and Publisher,
and then click OK.

16. Point out the icon for Graphical runbooks.

17. Point out the icon for PowerShell runbooks.

18. Point out the icon for PowerShell Workflow runbooks.

19. Click the Hello World for Azure Automation runbook (PowerShell Workflow Runbook).

20. Examine the script, and then click Import.

21. On the Import blade, click OK. The runbook is imported into your account.

22. Click Edit to edit the code.

23. On line 33, overtype World with your name, and then click Save.

24. Click Publish, and when prompted, click Yes.

25. Click Start.

26. In the Start Runbook blade, click OK, the workflow runs in a test window.
27. Click Output to see the results.

28. Close each blade until you return to the dashboard.

29. Close Internet Explorer.

10-14 Provisioning SQL Databases

Module Review and Takeaways

Best Practice
Whether you hold your data on-premises or in Azure, carry out a threat analysis. This will help you to
identify where data protection is weakest, and which features might help you to mitigate the risks that
you have identified.

Review Question(s)
Question: What are the main data security concerns in your organization? Which features of Azure SQL
Database are most appropriate to mitigate those concerns?

Answer: Answers will vary.

Managing Databases in the Cloud 10-15

Lab Review Questions and Answers

Lab: Managing Databases in the Cloud
Question and Answers
Lab Review
Question: What are the different types of dynamic data masking? When might you use each one?

 Answer: Default. The complete value is masked.

 Email. Partially obfuscate email addresses. This may be used to identify people, without revealing the
full email address.

 Custom. Partially masks the value.

 Random. Can be customized to specific requirements.

 Credit card. Only the last four digits of a credit card number are displayed; the rest of the number is

Question: What are the benefits of using Azure Automation?

Answer: Answers will vary.

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