Short-Circuit Currents Calculation in Distribution Electrical Networks in The Presence of Distributed Generation
Short-Circuit Currents Calculation in Distribution Electrical Networks in The Presence of Distributed Generation
Short-Circuit Currents Calculation in Distribution Electrical Networks in The Presence of Distributed Generation
1. Introduction
PhD student, Power Engineering Faculty, University POLITEHNICA of Bucharest, Romania
Assoc. prof., Power Engineering Faculty, University POLITEHNICA of Bucharest, Romania
Assistant, Power Engineering Faculty, University POLITEHNICA of Bucharest, Romania
Professor, Power Engineering Faculty, University POLITEHNICA of Bucharest, Romania
444 Tudor-Ion Zăbavă, Ion Triştiu, Alexandru Mandiş, Constantin Bulac
An arborescent electrical network consists of one source node and one or more
load nodes. In such networks there are no closed loops, so each load is fed by the
source node on a single path.
Based on previous observations, various methods for steady state
calculations have been developed, one of these methods is known in the literature
as “backward/forward sweep”. The principle of this method is iterative and
consists of performing two phases: the backward sweep for branch currents
calculation and the forward sweep for node voltages calculation [1]-[3].
The presence of distributed sources in the electrical networks influences
both steady state and disturbed operating conditions. The influences are
determined by several factors such as: type of the generator, installed power, the
network connection point of DG, electrical network characteristics, etc. When a
short-circuit occurs in the electrical network, distributed generators cause an
increase in the current at the fault location and change its repartition through the
network branches.
The calculation of short-circuit currents represents an important step in
analyzing the integration of distributed generation in electrical networks. Given
the values of short-circuit currents it is necessary to verify the compliance of
technical requirements as regards the connection of distributed sources to the
electrical networks.
It is important to know to what extent each source increases the values of
short-circuit currents and which is their repartition through the network branches.
The contribution of distributed generation on the short-circuit currents values
depends on the generator type and their connection interface to the network:
synchronous or asynchronous generators, directly connected or through static
power converters.
Depending on the rated voltage and the considered assumptions, various
methods for short-circuit currents calculation have been developed. An important
method is the “impedance” method, used to calculate fault currents at any point in
an installation with a high degree of accuracy [4]. Standard IEC 60909 applies to
all networks, radial or meshed, up to 550 kV. This method, based on the Thévenin
theorem, calculates an equivalent voltage source at the short-circuit location and
then determines the corresponding short-circuit current [5]. The methods
mentioned above do not take in consideration the presence of distributed
generators in electrical networks. The North American standard [6] treats various
aspects extensively related to short-circuit currents calculation in electrical
network without considering the presence of distributed generators. Recent papers
suggest adapting classical methods for different types of distributed generators.
Paper [7] presents the available analytical equations to calculate the short-circuit
current, and makes a comparison between the IEC 60909 and the results obtained
by simulations on a test network that incorporates such generation units. The
Short-circuit currents calculation in distribution electrical networks in the presence of DG 445
a a
b b
c c
Ik3 Ik2
a. b.
a a
b b
c c
c. d.
Fig. 1. Types of short-circuits: a. symmetrical three-phase short-circuit; b. phase-to-phase short-
circuit clear of earth; c. phase-to-phase-to-earth short-circuit; d. phase-to-earth short circuit
Depending on the electrical distance between the fault location and the
generators from the network, are defined two types of short-circuits: near to
generator and far from generator. During the occurrence of a short-circuit the
phase currents have variable values over time in a transient regime, the transient
regime being followed by a steady state in which the currents have constant
amplitude. One of the quantities important for short-circuit regimes is the initial
symmetrical short-circuit current I k" , which is the effective value of the a.c.
symmetrical component and serves as a basis for the calculation of the peak
asymmetrical short-circuit current, ip , as well as the breaking current and capacity
For a faster calculation of short-circuit currents in acceptable precision
conditions some simplifying assumptions are required. The most important
assumptions are [5]:
− the short-circuit current, during a three-phase short-circuit, is assumed
to occur simultaneously on all three phases;
− for the entire duration of the short-circuit, the voltages responsible for
the flow of the current and the short-circuit impedance do not change
− arc resistances are not taken into account;
− line capacitances and the parallel admittances of non-rotating loads,
except those of the zero-sequence system, are neglected;
− transformer regulators or tap-changers are assumed to be set to a
medium position;
− load currents are neglected.
In addition to previous assumptions, it is considered that all electromotive
voltages of the generators are in phase, thus leading to a calculated value of the
short-circuit current higher than the real one.
Short-circuit currents calculation in distribution electrical networks in the presence of DG 447
L cUn
Nr:1 3 Ik Ik
Fig. 3. Contribution to the fault in distribution network of a DG station [9], [10]
For a three-phase fault at point F of the electrical network in Fig. 3, the
initial symmetrical short-circuit current is given by:
'' E cU n cU n
Ik = = = (2)
Zk 3Z k 3 ( Z DG + Z T + Z L )
where Z DG is the equivalent impedance of DG calculated relative to the rated
voltage of the fault location. For the impedance Z T a correction factor KT must be
The influence of DGs upon the short-circuit currents is different and
depends on the type of the generator and how these generators are connected to
the network. Thus, in case of rotating generators directly connected to the grid, the
impedance Z DG = RDG + jX DG may be determined as follows [9], [10]:
− for synchronous generators the resistance is RDG = 0.15 X DG , and the
reactance X DG is determined based on the time elapsed from the
occurrence of the fault by considering the subtransient reactance (the
first 10 to 20 milliseconds of the fault), transient reactance (up to 500
milliseconds) and steady-state reactance (or synchronous reactance);
for the impedance Z DG a correction factor K G must be applied;
− for asynchronous generators the resistance is RDG = 0.1X DG , and the
reactance X DG is determined as ratio of locked-rotor current to rated
The short-circuit contribution of Converter Interfaced Distributed
Generators is low and mainly determined by the thermal limit of the
semiconductors, therefore it is usually limited up to 2 p.u. of the nominal current.
A particular case is that of doubly-fed induction generators (DFIG) used
for wind turbines. Although the rotor is connected to the electrical network via an
electronic power converter, DFIG behaves as an asynchronous generator. The
duration of their contribution, however, should be limited to 3-5 cycles [9].
Short-circuit currents calculation in distribution electrical networks in the presence of DG 449
In arborescent electrical networks there are no closed loops and the current
flow is unidirectional in normal and abnormal states. Thus, in case of a short-
circuit at the point F of the network form Fig. 4, two areas can be defined:
− upstream area, located between the supply node S and the point F. For
this area, the contribution of the short-circuit current is given by the
supply node and eventually by the distributed generators;
− downstream area, located between point F and end nodes of the
network. For this area the contribution of short-circuit current depends
exclusively of distributed generators.
upstream Ik DG up downstream
area area
SI Ik up Ik down Ik DG down
1’ 2’ j’ m’ n’
S Ik DG2 Ik DGi Ik DGm
Ik DG1 Ik DGn
Ik S 1 2 j k m n
Fig. 5. Radial distribution network with DGs
For the calculation of short-circuit currents using the method of equivalent
voltage source at the fault location, load currents are neglected, distributed sources
and feeding source are replaced by their equivalent impedances, and the
equivalent voltage source E is inserted at the fault location (fig. 6).
S Z1 1 Z2 2 Zj j Zk k Zm m Zn n
Ik S Ik DG1 Ik DG2 Ik DGj Ik up Ik down Ik DGm Ik DGn
ZS Z1’ Z2’ Zj’ Ik Zm’ Zn’
1’ 2’ j’ m’ n’
Z k1 = Z 1 + Z kS
Z k (i −1) ⋅ Z k (i −1) ' (6)
Z ki = Z i + i = 2,3,..., k
Z k (i −1) + Z k (i −1) '
The impedance Z kk represents the equivalent impedance of the upstream
area Z k up . Using relation (4), the short-circuit current I k up is obtained.
In the forward sweep, starting from the node k and going towards node S,
using the current I k up calculated before, the short-circuit currents for each
distributed generator are calculated by applying the expressions:
" " Z ki ⎫
I k DGi = I k (i +1)
Z ki + Z ki ' ⎪⎪
⎬ i = j , j − 1,...,1 (7)
" " Z ki ' ⎪
I k i = I k ( i +1)
Z ki + Z ki ' ⎪⎭
" "
The current I k1 represents the short-circuit current of the supply node I kS .
4. Case study
22 25
23 24 26 27 28 29 30 31 32
0 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17
18 19 20 21
Fig. 8. IEEE 33-bus distribution network system with 4 DGs
Considering a three-phase short-circuit occurring at node 3, the reduced
equivalent diagram is presented in Fig. 9. Table 1 presents the results obtained
using the proposed methodology for short-circuit currents calculation.
452 Tudor-Ion Zăbavă, Ion Triştiu, Alexandru Mandiş, Constantin Bulac
Fig. 9. The reduced equivalent diagram of IEEE 33-bus distribution network system with 4 DGs
Table 1
Short-circuit current calculations
Network feeder c ⋅ U n2 1.1 ⋅ 202 ⎫
Z kS = = = 0.88 Ω ⎪
S kS 500 ⎬ ⇒ Z kS = ( 0.8756 + j 0.0876 ) Ω
RkS X kS = 0.1 ⎪
Generator xd" U nG
18 0.692 3 ⎫
XG = = 10 = 0.0902 Ω ⎪
100 S nG 100 950 ⎬ ⇒ Z G = ( 0.0902 + j 0.0135 ) Ω
RG X G = 0.15 ⎪
cmax 1.1
KG = = = 1.019973
1 + xd" sin ϕ nG 1 + 0.18 ⋅ sin(acos(0.9))
Transformer ΔPk ⋅ U nMV
10 ⋅ 202 ⎫
RT = 2
= =4Ω ⎪
S nT 1000 2 ⎪
2 ⎬ ⇒ Z T = ( 4 + j 23.6643) Ω
6 202 3
10 = 24 Ω ⎪
uk U nMV
ZT = =
100 S nT 100 1000 ⎪
0.95 ⋅ cmax 0.95 ⋅ 1.1
KT = = = 1.009178
1 + 0.06 ⋅ xT 1 + 0.06 ⋅ 0.05916
Equivalent Z DG = K G ⋅ Z G ⋅ N r2 + KT ⋅ Z T ⎫
impedance ⎪
U 20 ⎬ ⇒ Z DG = (15.632 + j101.185 ) Ω
N r = nMV = = 28.99 ⎪
U nLV 0.69 ⎭
Distribution network
Network Z 0−1 = ( 0.0922 + j 0.047 ) Ω Z 1−2 = ( 0.493 + j 0.2511) Ω
impedances Z 2−3 = ( 0.366 + j 0.1864 ) Ω Z 3−5 = (1.2001 + j 0.9011) Ω
Z 5−11 = ( 3.5436 + j 2.5227 ) Ω Z 1−20 = ( 2.0777 + j1.9903) Ω
Z 2− 23 = (1.3492 + j1.0174 ) Ω Z 5−29 = ( 2.8579 + j 2.1409 ) Ω
DGs branch Z k1' = Z DG + Z 1−20 = (17.7099 + j103.175) Ω
Z k 2' = Z DG + Z 2−23 = (16.9814 + j102.2021) Ω
Z k 5' = Z DG + Z 5−29 = (18.4901 + j103.3256 ) Ω
Z k11' = Z DG = (15.6322 + j101.1847 ) Ω
Backward sweep (impedance calculation)
Short-circuit currents calculation in distribution electrical networks in the presence of DG 453
current at the
fault location I k'' = 7.742 kA
5. Conclusions
The work has been funded by the Sectoral Operational Program Human
Resources Development 2007-2013 of the Ministry of European Funds through
the Financial Agreement POSDRU/159/1.5/S/132397.
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