What's The Difference?: Master Formulation Records and Compounding Records
What's The Difference?: Master Formulation Records and Compounding Records
What's The Difference?: Master Formulation Records and Compounding Records
What’s the difference?
The NAPRA Model Standards for Pharmacy Compounding of Non-sterile Preparations
require pharmacies to have policies and procedures as well as quality assurance
mechanisms in place to achieve the intended outcomes of enhancing patient safety and
protecting compounding personnel.
The gap analysis completed in the implementation The non-sterile compounding supervisor is
Phase 1 may have identified that the pharmacy needs responsible for ensuring that Master Formulation
to develop or update existing Master Formulation Records are developed, reviewed regularly and
Records in Phase 2. A Master Formulation Record updated as needed. When there are changes to the
includes all necessary information and appropriate record, compounding personnel must be informed.
procedures to safely compound a specific non-sterile The table below summarizes and compares the
preparation, whereas the Compounding Record is standards, guidance and content for these two types
generated every time that preparation is compounded of records. Please remember this is only a summary
with prescription- (or batch-) specific information that and the Guidance Document must be read and
must be verified before it is dispensed. interpreted as a whole.
Must include all necessary information to compound the In cases where there is a marketed drug available, the
non-sterile preparation rationale for compounding should be documented in the
patient’s file with the appropriate justification
Must be based on scientific data and contain supporting In cases where the preparation was compounded by another
rationale and references pharmacy in accordance with a Central Fill agreement, this
should be recorded
Should be kept together Allow for auditability and traceability, be able to track
information related to preparations in the event of a recall
Must be current and reviewed yearly or when new As part of the quality assurance process, this should be
information becomes available reviewed quarterly
Calculations needed to determine and verify quantities of Names and quantities of ingredients used, and calculations
ingredients for quantity produced performed (if applicable)
Since there are similarities between the content of College is not directive in how the requirements of
the Master Formulation Record and Compounding the Standards are met, and it is up to the pharmacy to
Record, some pharmacies may use a copy of the develop policies and procedures taking into account
Master Formula as a basis for the Compounding the systems and technology they have in place.
Record. Also, a prescription’s dispensing record
created may also serve as an outline for the ADDITIONAL REFERENCES
Compounding Record, if the information required by
Printable and Fillable template for a Master
the Drug and Pharmacies Regulations Act, s156(1) is
Formulation Record (NAPRA)
suitable for meeting what is required by NAPRA. The