TYBCOM - Sem VI - MCQs of Business Economics VI

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Department of Economics

T. Y. B. Com – Semester -VI

Multiple Choice Questions of Business Economics VI

Module -I - Introduction to International Trade

1. It is argued that the developing countries usually ………..

a. Enjoy favorable terms of trade
b. Suffer from adverse terms of trade
c. Have better income terms of trade
d. Have more income

2. Cultural changes due to international trade are ……….

a. Positive
b. Negative
c. Positive and negative both
d. Always negative

3. The gain from trade are ………….

a. Only economic gains
b. Economic and non-economic gains
c. Domestic gains
d. Rural benefits

4. An offer curve is a ……….

a. Graphical representation of reciprocal demand
b. Same as supply curve
c. Graphical representation of reciprocal prices
d. Schedule of goods and services

5. Net barter terms of trade are criticized on the basis of ………

a. Excess consideration of quality of good
b. Neglect of productivity of inputs
c. Emphasis on price of the export and import
d. Neglect of quantity of product

6. The offer curves are ………. curves.

a. Demand
b. Supply

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c. Demand and Supply

d. Different from demand and supply curves

7. An international trade ……….. consumption level of participating countries.

a. Increases
b. Decreases
c. Stabilizes
d. Does not affect

8. An international trade increases welfare of ………… countries.

a. Exporting
b. Importing
c. Both importing and exporting
d. Only backward

9. International trade results in ……….. production due to specialisation.

a. increased
b. reduction
c. no change in
d. rivalry

10. The gains from trade are ….. confined to economic aspects only.
a. not
b. always
c. mostly
d. possibly

11. J. S. Mill introduced the theory of …………. Demand

a. Derived
b. Rising
c. Reciprocal
d. Falling

12. Heckscher-Ohlin theory is based on ……… in both commodity and factor

a. Perfect competition
b. Monopoly
c. Oligopoly
d. Duopoly

Module -II - Commercial Policy

13. The term free trade is used to describe…….. trade policy

a. a liberal

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b. a regulated
c. a domestic
d. a regional

14. ………………is an argument of Free trade policy

a. Infant industry
b. Diversification
c. Promotion of efficiency
d. Pauper labour

15. …………….. is an argument against Free Trade

a. Destruction of domestic industries
b. Destruction of foreign industries
c. Protection of undeserving industries
d. Unemployment in export sector

16. A tariff is a ……….. imposed on commodities that are traded across the national
border of a country
a. Subsidy
b. Tax
c. Price
d. Revenue

17. ………… are usually groups of countries in specific regions that manage and
promote trade in a region.
a. Trade Blocs
b. Cooperative society
c. Commercial banks
d. Consumer society

18. The primary objective of any economic integration is to ………… the welfare of
the people in the region.
a. Compensate
b. Compare
c. Increase
d. Stabilize

19. Loss of sovereignty is one of the disadvantages of …………..

a. Social institutions
b. Economic integration
c. Political groups
d. Physical growth

20. European Union is a group of …… countries.

a. 20
b. 28

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c. 40
d. 10

21. Eurozone crisis started in the year………

a. 2008
b. 2000
c. 2015
d. 2020

22. ………….. was one of the reasons for Brexit.

a. Gain of sovereignty
b. Economic opportunity
c. Social responsibility
d. Migration

23. The ASEAN was established on ………..

a. 8th October 1967
b. 8th August 1967
c. 10th June 1968
d. 20th December 1968

24. …………… ..is one of the aims of ASEAN

a. To promote Southeast Asian studies
b. To promote equality USA
c. To generate more employment in African countries
d. To stabilize prices in India

25. The ASEAN is a regional intergovernmental group of ……… Southeast Asian

a. 16
b. 19
c. 20
d. 10

Module – 3 Balance of Payments and WTO

26. Gifts & charities account are also known as _________in balance of payments.
a. Export
b. Import
c. Unilateral Transfer
d. Long term borrowing

27. Trade account of balance of payment is also known as _______ account.

a. Current
b. Capital

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c. Visible
d. Invisible

28. Reducing the value of domestic currency in term of foreign is called _____.
a. Deflation
b. Tariff
c. Exchange Control
d. Devaluation

29. Unilateral flows in the balance of payments account related to _______

a. Capital Flows
b. Foreign Direct investments
c. Borrowings
d. Grants

30. Autonomous capital flows _______ other items in the balance of payments.
a. Are independent of
b. Depend on
c. Are related to
d. Have impact on

31. The current account in the balance of payments _______________.

a. Is a total of all the visible items of trade
b. Includes merchandise trade & services
c. Always shows a surplus
d. Includes autonomous accommodating flows

32. A deficit in India’s balance of payments in recent times is due to

a. Fall in the price of crude oil
b. Increase in exports as compared to imports
c. Increase in imports as compared to exports
d. Increase in capital inflows

33. When total exports are more than total imports the current account balance is in
a. Deficit
b. Balance
c. Surplus
d. Both Deficit & Surplus

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34. Foreign Direct Investment is included in___________.

a. Trade account
b. Current account
c. Capital account
d. Fixed account

35. External borrowing is treated as ________.

a. Accommodative Flow
b. Autonomous flow
c. Invisible flow
d. External flow

36. In the past several years, India’s capital account balance was in ______.
a. Surplus
b. Deficit
c. Equilibrium
d. Zero

37. The agreement on Agriculture does not aim at ______

a. Increasing export subsidies
b. Improving market access
c. Reducing domestic subsidies
d. Reducing domestic support

38. The foreign exchange reserves in India does not include_____

a. Special Drawing Rights
b. Foreign currency assets
c. Gold reserves
d. Fixed deposits

Module 4 – Foreign Exchange Market

39. is the current exchange rate between two countries.

a. Spot exchange rate
b. Forward exchange rate
c. Arbitrage
d. Speculation

40. The functions of foreign exchange market does not include

a. Provision of facilities for transfer of funds

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b. Provision of short term finance for trade.

c. Provision of facilities for trading.
d. Provision of subsidies

41. Hedging operations helps to cover the risks.

a. Exporters
b. Importers
c. Speculators
d. Consumer

42. Hedging refers to ___________.

a. Foreign exchange speculation
b. Covering of foreign exchange risk
c. Acceptance of foreign exchange risk
d. Interest rate arbitrage

43. Demand for foreign currency is influenced primarily by .

a. Size of export
b. Size of import
c. Size of saving
d. Size of investment

44. Forward market in foreign exchange market refers to _____market

a. Short term
b. Long term
c. Current
d. Short and long run

45. The main objectives of RBI’s intervention in the Indian foreign exchange market
are _______________.
a. To ensure safety of the country
b. To promote trade
c. To reduce income inequalities
d. To maintain exchange rate stability

46. Under the flexible exchange rate system exchange rate is determined by _ .
a. The monetary authority
b. The price of gold
c. The demand & supply of foreign exchange
d. Commercial banks

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47. Flexible exchange rate creates ________ in importers and exporters.

a. Confidence
b. Safety
c. Uncertainty
d. Guarantee

48. Transactions in foreign exchange market have become quicker due to ______.
a. IMF
b. World bank
c. Government initiatives
d. Advanced technology

49. PPP theory ignores capital flows on account of ______

a. Capital account
b. Trade account
c. Current account
d. Saving account

50. LERMS was introduced in India in _______.

a. 1991
b. 1993
c. 2002
d. 2005

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