As 2853-1986

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AS 2853-1986 Enclosures - Temperature-controlled - Performance testing and grading

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Australian Standard

Performance testing and grading
AS 2853—1986
This Australian standard was prepared by Committee ET/5. It was approved on behalf
of the Council of the Standards Association of Australia on 17 December 1985 and
published on 3 March 1986.
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The following interests are represented on Committee ET/5:

Confederation of Australian Industry

Department of Defence
Department of Housing and Construction
Electricity Supply Association of Australia
National Association of Testing Authorities Australia
Telecom Australia
University of New South Wales

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This standard was issued in draft form for comment as DR 84021.

AS 2853—1986
Licensed to Mr Engineered Wood Products on 6 August 2010. 1 user personal user licence only. Storage, distribution or use on network prohibited (10137732).

Australian Standard

Performance testing and grading

First publi shed . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1986


ISBN 0 7262 4069 9
AS 2853—1986 2


This standard was prepared by the Association’s Committee on Environmental Testing

Procedures. It is based on a draft prepared by a Working Group sponsored by the
National Association of Testing Authorities (NATA) following a seminar which had
demonstrated the need for such a standard. Acknowledgement is made of the assistance
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received from this source.

This standard describes a test procedure that establishes the temperature performance
characteristics of temperature controlled enclosures for use throughout industry, and
a grading system that classifies performance levels of enclosures. The procedure
applies to the unloaded condition under either steady-state or dynamic modes of
operation. It takes no account of other enclosure characteristics.
Standard sensors are recommended for three broad categories of usage of enclosures.
Both sensors and categories of use are described in detail but for applications where
such sensors are considered unsuitable an alternative sensor may be adopted provided
that it can be demonstrated to have an equivalent or better response-time characteristic
under the stated conditions.

1 Scope . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .. . 3
2 Referenced Documents . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .. . 3
3 Definitions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .. . 3
4 Notation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .. . 4
5 Test Requirements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .. . 4
6 Test Procedures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .. . 6
7 Enclosure Performance Assessment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .. . 7
8 Test Documentation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .. . 8
9 Grading of Enclosures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .. . 8


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3 AS 2853—1986


Australian Standard
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1 SCOPE. This standard sets out a test procedure 3.1.7 Indicated temperature —temperature as indi-
for establishing the basic temperature performance cated by an instrument that is associated with the
characteristics of temperature-controlled enclosures enclosure for the purpose of indicating and/or record-
for use throughout industry. ing the temperature within the enclosure.
It applies solely to the determination of such charac- 3.1.8 Installation sensor temperature —temperature
teristics in the unloaded condition under either of any sensor associated with each indicator and/or
steady-state or dynamic operation. controller when measured in accordance with
No account is taken of other enclosure characteristics, Clause 5.3.3(b).
such as humidity, airflow and wall emissivity, which 3.1.9 Temperature range—difference between the
may also be controlled or specified. A grading system maximum and minimum values of a set of tempera-
that classifies enclosure performance levels is incor- tures.
porated in this standard. 3.1.10 Mid-range value—half the sum of the maxi-
The procedure is applicable to all temperature con- mum and minimum values of a set of temperatures.
trolled enclosures, regardless of size, temperature
3.1.11 Control setting—value to which any
range, mode of operation, method of construction,
adjustable control function or input, accessible to the
type or purpose.
operator, has been set and refers to all functions that
2 REFERENCED DOCUMENTS. The following affect control action such as set temperature, propor-
standards are referred to in this standard: tional band, reset and rate, if applicable.
AS 1514 Glossary of Terms Used in Metrology 3.1.12 Uncertainty—estimated amount by which the
Part 1—General Terms and Definitions observed or calculated value of a quantity may depart
AS 1965 The Measurement of Surface Roughness from the true value.
with Direct-reading Stylus Electronic 3.1.13 Systematic uncertainty—upper limit placed on
Instruments the difference between the actual temperature of the
3 DEFINITIONS. For the purpose of this standard, installation sensor and its value measured using a
the definitions given in AS 1514 and the following supplementary sensor.
3.1.14 Resolution—smallest value of temperature
3.1 General. change which can be detected (see Clause 5.1).
3.1.1 Working space—that part of the enclosure to
which the performance characteristics apply. 3.1.15 Grade—integer that classifies the performance
characteristics of an enclosure (see Clause 9).
3.1.2 Test interval—interval of time to which the
steady-state characteristics refer (see Clause 6.4.2). 3.2 Steady-state characteristics.
3.1.3 Test site—location at which a test sensor is
positioned for the purpose of temperature measure- 3.2.1 Enclosure temperature—mid-range value of the
ment during testing of the enclosure. temperatures obtained from all relevant sites within
the enclosure throughout the test interval.
(a) Standard site—test site used to measure the
enclosure characteristics defined in Clauses 3.2 (a) Measured enclosure temperature—enclosure tem-
and 3.3. perature computed from measured temperatures.
It is equal to half the sum of the maximum and
(b) Supplementary site—any test site other than that minimum measured temperatures.
defined in (a).
(b) Indicated enclosure temperature—enclosure tem-
3.1.4 Test sensor—temperature sensor used solely perature computed from indicated temperatures.
for the purpose of testing the enclosure. It is equal to half the sum of the maximum and
(a) Standard sensor—sensor constructed in accord- minimum indicated temperatures.
ance with Clause 5.2.1. 3.2.2 Spatial variation—difference between the mid-
(b) Supplementary sensor—any test sensor other range of all measured temperatures obtained at one
than that defined in (a). site and that at another site for those sites which give
3.1.5 Test temperature —nominal value of the the greatest difference.
enclosure temperature (see Clause 3.2.1) at which a (a) Measured spatial variation—spatial variation
test is required to be performed. computed from measured temperatures.
3.1.6 Measured temperature—temperature as measured (b) Indicated spatial variation—spatial variation
with a standard sensor located at a standard site. computed from indicated temperatures.

AS 2853—1986 4

3.2.3 Temporal variation—maximum value of the G = the designated grade of enclosure (see
temperature range obtained for each standard site Clause 9.2). For the purposes of reporting and
throughout the test interval. specification, G shall always have integer values.
(a) Measured temporal variation—temporal variation However, for the purpose of calculations using
computed from measured temperatures. the relationships given below, (see Note) precise
decimal values should be used and the final
(b) Indicated temporal variation—temporal variation values of the relevant parameters appropriately
computed from indicated temperatures.
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3.2.4 Maximum measured temperature—highest N = the number of standard sites (see Clause 5.3.1).
measured temperature obtained during the test interval.
R = the overall variation in degrees Celsius (see
3.2.5 Minimum measured temperature—lowest measured Clause 3.2.6).
temperature obtained during the test interval.
Rm = the maximum permissible value of R appropriate
3.2.6 Overall variation—difference between the maxi- to the relevant grade (see Clause 9.1).
mum and minimum measured temperatures.
Ro = the maximum permissible value of R as specified
3.3 Non-steady-state characteristics. (see Appendix A).
3.3.1 Instantaneous temperature—mid-range value of t = a measured temperature in degrees Celsius (see
the temperatures at all relevant sites within the enclosure Clause 3.1.5).
at any given time.
V = the internal volume of the enclosure in cubic
(a) Measured instantaneous temperature—instan- metres. For multizone enclosures, V is the
taneous temperature computed from measured internal volume of the relevant zone (see
temperatures. Clause 6.2).
(b) Indicated instantaneoustemperature—instantaneous NOTE: The following relationships are applicable:
temperature computed from indicated temperatures.
f = (see Clause 9.1)
3.3.2 Instantaneous variation—difference, at any given (8−G)/2
instant, between the highest and the lowest of the fm = 2 (see Clause 9.2)
temperatures at all relevant sites within the enclosure. G = 8 − 6.64 log 10fm

(a) Measured instantaneous variation—instantaneous Rm = fm (1 + ) (see Clause 9.1)

variation computed from measured temperatures. N = 3 + (3G ) V 0.2 (see Clause 5.3.1)

(b) Indicated instantaneous variation—instantaneous

variation computed from indicated temperatures.
3.3.3 Overshoot—maximum amount by which the
measured temperature at the approximate centre of the 5.1 Test principles. The test procedure involves the
working space goes beyond the subsequent mid-range measurement of temperature at specific test sites within
steady-state temperature at this site as a consequence of the enclosure over a defined period of time. From these
the heating up or cooling down process. This mid-range measurements, the temperature extremes are determined
temperature refers to a specified interval of time (see and used to compute the overall variation. The overall
Clause 6.6). variation, either directly, or as reflected by the enclosure
NOTE: Overshoot as defined should be taken also to include the grade, is the performance indicator by which the
inverse term ‘undershoot’. enclosure is assessed.
3.3.4 Recovery time—time taken, after a specified The required measurement accuracy, the suitability of the
disturbance has been removed, for the measured tem- temperature indicator and the number of test sites used
perature at the approximate centre of the test space to in assessing the overall variation, is dictated by the
first attain a value which consistently remains within magnitude of the allowed overall variation as specified,
10 percent of the maximum deviation due to the dis- or as implied by the specific grade. As a result of
turbance from the subsequent mid-range steady-state limiting these measurement uncertainties, the variations
temperature at this site. This mid-range temperature that arise if the test is repeated by different test
refers to a specified interval of time (see Clause 6.6). laboratories are automatically limited to a low level.
4 NOTATION. For the purpose of this standard, the The measurement equipment shall be chosen to ensure
following letter symbols apply: that the total systematic uncertainty of the test instru-
mentation and sensors is no greater than +0.3 of the
D = the magnitude of the difference, in degrees maximum permissible overall temperature variation,
Celsius, between the measured enclosure tem- i.e ±0.3R o or ±0.3Rm, whichever is applicable. If the total
perature and the average ambient temperature systematic uncertainty is estimated from its components,
(see Clause 5.3.3 (a)). it shall be taken as the square root of the sum of the
Dm = the maximum value of D for enclosures graded squared components.
over a range of temperatures (see Clause 9.3). NOTE: A systematic uncertainty is any stable contribution to the
difference between the ‘true’ temperature and that value obtained
f = the grading factor, a parameter used in deter- from measurement after applying all the relevant calibration
mining the grade (see Clause 9.1) corrections. Although systematic uncertainties (such as those due to
thermal conduction, a.c. pick up, thermal e.m.f.) are unknown
fm = the maximum permissible value of f appropriate quantities, it is possible to set an approximate upper limit on their
to the relevant grade (see Clause 9.2). magnitudes by choice of techniques. Each such upper limit is to be
estimated on the basis that there is approximately a 10 percent
fo = the value of f evaluated at R = R o. chance of it being exceeded.

5 AS 2853—1986

The resolution (see Clause 3.1.14), of every sensor in strated to have an equivalent or faster response time
conjunction with its associated measuring equipment characteristic, when exposed to a step change of
shall be no greater than ±0.1Ro or ±0.1R m, whichever is 10°C in the same medium and at the same tempera-
applicable. ture(s) as the proposed enclosure test(s), may be
The resolution shall be not less than one-tenth of a scale used as an alternative.
interval, or in the case of a digital display, it shall be the NOTE: Miniature resistance thermometer devices (RTDs) are
smallest change in value indicated with the display available which approximate the recommended Category 1
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sensor’s thermal response characteristics.

(b) Category 2. Where the enclosure usage falls into
If discontinuous (sampled) recording equipment is used, one of the following applications:
the selected sampling rate shall be such that short-term
temperature variations (such as due to controller cycling) (i) The mass of any individual test sample lies
within the enclosure are measured (see Clause 6.4.3). within the range 10 g to 1 kg.
(ii) Where an enclosure is to be used in a manner
5.2 Temperature sensors. which intentionally introduces temperature
5.2.1 Standard sensor. The value of the temperature changes, other than that necessary to reach
measured by a test sensor is not a unique property. It start of test or end of test setpoint, and is
depends on the thermal response time of the chosen capable of a rate of change within the range
sensor. Hence measurements made on the same enclosure 0.5°C/min to 1.5°C/min.
using different types of test sensor may produce different (iii) Any other application where the testing or
enclosure characteristics. certifying officers consider that this level of
The thermal response time depends on the physical measuring sensitivity is necessary.
properties of the sensor and the relative significance of The standard sensor for the above applications is an
radiation, convection and conduction in the thermal unsheathed thermocouple constructed from wire in
transfer between the sensor and its environment. The the diameter range 0.45 mm to 1.0 mm in a manner
response time for a particular sensor changes with tem- such that the tip mass does not exceed 250 mg. Any
perature and from enclosure to enclosure. other sensor that can be demonstrated to have an
Meaningful comparisons of measured enclosure charac- equivalent or a faster response time when compared
teristics can only be made if the response time of the with a 1.0 mm/250 mg sensor in a manner similar
sensors is standardized, or if the fast temporal variations to that outlined under Category 1, may be used as
(usually associated with controller cycling) are long in an alternative.
relation to the sensor’s response time. Consideration
(c) Category 3. Where the enclosure usage is not
must also be given to the intended use of the enclosure
covered by Categories 1 and 2 but its application is
in order to select the most appropriate sensor.
within the scope of this standard:
Standard sensors are recommended for three broad (i) The standard sensor for the above applications
categories of enclosure usage, their selection being based shall be a cylinder of 5.0±0.3mm diameter and
on the measurement sensitivity required in these 5.0 ±0.1 mm length, of surface roughness not
applications. These are detailed (a), (b) and (c) below.
exceeding 1.6µm Ra (as defined by AS 1965,
Where the recommended sensors may not be suitable,
roughness grade number N 7) and a suitably
e.g. where the accuracy requirements of Clause 5.1 are
attached thermocouple of wire diameter not
not realizable using thermocouples, thermal response
exceeding 1.0 mm. The cylinder shall be of
characteristics of the sensor selected shall be as close as
mild steel for temperatures up to 400°C or of
practicable to the recommended sensor for the
Inconel for temperatures up to 1100°C.
enclosure’s application.
(ii) The thermocouple wires shall be separately
(a) Category 1. Where the enclosure usage falls into
attached to the cylinder and spaced apart to
one of the following applications:
avoid contact with each other. They shall be
(i) The control of relative humidity. attached by welding or by use of a minimum
(ii) The measurement of surface temperature quantity of solder. The solder shall not bridge
variations on test samples introduced in the the wires.
enclosures. (iii) For use at temperatures up to 400°C, the
(iii) If the mass of any test samples is to be less finished cylinder shall bear a thin coat of
than 10g. colloidal graphite. For temperature exceeding
(iv) Where an enclosure is to be used in a manner 400°C, the cylinder shall be uniformly but
which intentionally introduces temperature thinly oxidized, e.g. 0.5 h at 1000°C.
changes, other than that necessary to reach the (iv) The sensor shall be unsheathed. The wire
start of test or end of test setpoint and the insulation and any means of support of the
enclosure is capable of a rate of change sensor shall be of such material, size and
exceeding 1.5°C/min. location that it does not affect the response of
(v) Any other application where the testing or the sensor.
certifying officer(s) consider that the highest (v) Alternatively, any other sensor that can be
level of measuring sensitivity is necessary. demonstrated to have an equivalent or faster
The standard sensor for the above applications is an response time when tested in the manner
unsheathed thermocouple constructed from wire described under Category 1 is acceptable.
with a diameter not greater than 0.35 mm, in a 5.2.2 Supplementary sensors. Supplementary sensors
manner such that it has the absolute minimum are required for the determination of ambient temperature
practical tip mass. Another sensor that is demon- and the installation sensor temperature. The choice of

AS 2853—1986 6

suitable sensor(s) depends upon the specific enclosure (b) Installation sensor temperature. The temperature of
performance characteristics. Where practicable, the use an installation sensor as displayed on an indicator
of the standard sensor appropriate to the proposed will differ from the actual i.e ‘true’ temperature
category of use is preferred for both applications. being experienced by that sensor.
5.3 Test sites. Where a calibration of the installation sensor tem-
5.3.1 Number of standard sites. The number of perature is required, it shall be performed using a
standard sites is related to the enclosure volume and the supplementary sensor located so as to minimize the
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grade of the enclosure according to the following difference in environment between the two sensors.
relationship: The components of the measuring equipment and
N = 3 + (3G0.6) V0.2 the techniques used shall be such that the total
systematic uncertainty (see Clause 3.1.13) shall not
except that the maximum value of N for any enclosure exceed ±0.3R o or ±0.3Rm, whichever is applicable,
shall be 40. nor shall the resolution (see Clause 5.1) exceed
All values of N shall be subject to a tolerance of ±0.1Ro or ±0.1 Rm, whichever is applicable.
±10 percent.
Where the maximum value of overall variation is 6 TEST PROCEDURES.
specified (Ro), the number of standard sites shall be
derived by first computing an equivalent grade then 6.1 General. All characteristics of the enclosure
applying the above relationship. The relationship between capable of adjustment, e.g. degree of venting and relative
grade, number of sensors and enclosure volume is heater powers, shall be adjusted to their usual settings
illustrated in Fig. 1. before test. If different settings are to be tested, then
5.3.2 Standard sites. A standard sensor shall be placed testing shall be performed to adequately cover each
at each standard site within the temperature enclosure. condition separately.
The sites shall be chosen with the aim of measuring the The placement of test sensor leads shall be done in such
temperature extremes within the enclosure’s working a manner as not to alter the enclosure characteristics
space. from those normally prevailing. Where the design of the
Unless otherwise specified, half the standard sites (where enclosure does not permit ready access to the working
necessary rounded up to the nearest whole number) shall space, extreme care and consideration should be taken of
be located on a geometric basis throughout the enclosure. this aspect. Particular attention should be paid to the
The locations indicated in Fig. 2 shall be used, starting sealing of air leaks which could be introduced or altered
with No 1 and progressing numerically until the required by the presence of the sensor leads and by any conse-
number of sites (see Clause 5.3.1) are chosen, e.g. if quent alteration to the position of a door, cover, packing,
thirteen standard sites are required, eight will be etc. The mounting and sealing of the test sensor and any
positioned geometrically in locations 1 to 8 of Fig. 2. For other consequential alterations shall be fully documented.
enclosures of a shape for which Fig. 2 is not applicable, Should there be any doubt as to the adequacy of the
an individual geometric layout shall be established and above actions, any effects on the enclosure characteristics
agreed by the parties involved. shall be verified by a separate preliminary test.
The remainder of the standard sites shall be so
positioned that approximately half of these sites are 6.2 Multizone enclosures. For the purpose of this
located with the aim of measuring the lowest temperature standard, a multizone enclosure is one in which separate
and half with the aim of measuring the highest tempera- regions (zones) are operated and controlled at different
ture (see Clause 6.3). temperatures. It is not an enclosure having separate
regions of heating and control with the object of
All sensors shall be positioned at the nominal location achieving uniformity of temperature throughout all of
within an enclosed volume defined by 5 percent of the those regions.
linear dimensions of the test space in all directions from
that nominal point. Each zone of a multizone enclosure shall be tested as if
it were a separate enclosure. When testing any zone of
5.3.3 Supplementary sites. Supplementary sites shall be a multizone enclosure, all zones shall be operated in the
used for the determination of the ambient temperature normal manner so that interaction effects between zones
and the installation sensor/temperature indicator may be taken into account.
Each zone of a multizone enclosure if graded, shall be
(a) Ambient temperature. The magnitude of the overall separately graded and may be allocated different grades.
variation to be expected in an enclosure is likely to
be influenced by the difference between the 6.3 Preliminary investigation. Prior to commencing
measured enclosure temperature and ambient the test, the enclosure and its associated equipment shall
temperature. For this reason a measurement of the be observed to be in full operational condition.
average ambient temperature in the immediate
neighbourhood of the enclosure is required during The number and positioning of sensors (in accordance
each steady-state test. The measurement of ambient with Clause 5.3.2) and the validity of results presumes
temperature shall be made at various times experience with the particular type of enclosure under
throughout the test period and the average value test. If, for some reason, it is considered that this con-
determined. The required measurement accuracy dition is inadequately satisfied, sufficient preliminary
shall be within: temperature and/or other measurements should be carried
out to guide the selection of those sites, the location of
± (2 + ) °C which is discretionary.

7 AS 2853—1986

6.4 Steady-state test. Measurements from some or all of the standard sites
6.4.1 Stability. Following the setting up of the test shall be taken sufficiently often to accurately assess the
equipment, the enclosure shall be brought to the test identity and temperature of those sites which, for any
temperature and sufficient time allowed to achieve chosen instant, dictate the values of the measured and
stability. indicated instantaneous temperatures as well as measured
and indicated instantaneous variations, if required. Those
Unless otherwise specified, stability shall be considered sites found pertinent for one particular instant may not,
to be achieved when at least 5 cycles of the controller or
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however, be relevant at other times.

1 h, whichever is the longer, have passed without the
occurrence of obvious effects related to the approach to 6.6 Overshoot and recovery time. For determinations
temperature. of overshoot and recovery time, the standard sensor at
the centre of the working space shall be monitored in
6.4.2 Test interval. The test interval shall commence such a way that the defined events (see Clauses 3.3.3 and
after stability has been established and shall be of a 3.3.4) dictating their magnitudes are observed. For this
sufficient period of time to characterize the temporal purpose the mid-range steady-state temperature at the
variation. centre is determined over a time interval of 5 cycles or
For enclosures in which a pronounced regular cycle is 1 h, whichever is the longer after removal of the
present, the test interval shall not be less than that disturbance and stability (see Clause 6.4.1) has been
required for 5 cycles to occur. achieved.
Again a minimum period of 1 h should apply. 7 ENCLOSURE PERFORMANCE ASSESSMENT.
NOTE: No quantitative distinction can be made between short term 7.1 General. Analysis of the test data shall be made in
variation (e.g. cyclic action due to the controller) and long term order to determine and assess the performance of the
variation (e.g. drift due to ambient temperature change). All such enclosure as set out in Clauses 7.2 to 7.6.
variations of temperature with time are covered by the term
‘temporal variation’. 7.2 Working space characteristics. For a steady-state
6.4.3 Acquisition of data. After establishment of test, the following information is obtained for each test
thermal stability (see Clause 6.4.1), measurements shall temperature from each of N standard sites:
be taken at sufficient test sites and with sufficient (a) The observed quantities
frequency to accurately determine the required steady-
state measured and indicated parameters. tmax = the highest temperature recorded for the
standard sensor during the test interval;
On at least two occasions during the test interval the and
temperature at each standard site shall be examined for
the duration of one cycle, if cyclic behaviour is evident, tmin = the lowest temperature recorded for the
or for 1 min otherwise. standard sensor during the test interval.
6.4.4 Test temperature. The required steady-state (b) The derived quantities
characteristics shall be determined at each of the speci- 0.5(tmax + t min) = the mid-range temperature for
fied test temperatures, at each temperature at which the the sensor; and
enclosure is to be graded, or at the temperatures (tmax − tmin) = the temperature range for the
necessary to achieve grading over a temperature range. sensor.
The resultant values of spatial, temporal and overall For the specified test temperature, the largest of the N
variations, as well as the difference between the values of t max is the maximum measured temperature and
measured and indicated enclosure temperatures, shall the smallest of the N values of t min is the minimum
apply to any measured enclosure temperature within a measured temperature.
tolerance of ±(5 + 0.025D)°C. (See Clause 9.3 for details
covering grading over wider temperature ranges.) These extreme values then give rise to the overall
variation as their difference and the measured enclosure
If within the tolerance of temperature, or within the temperature as their average. The grading factor, f, may
range of temperature being graded, there is a discrete then be computed using the average ambient temperature
change in any operating characteristic of the enclosure, in accordance with Clause 9.1.
e.g. the switching in of extra heating elements, sufficient
testing shall be conducted in the vicinity of the change The measured spatial variation for the N sites is the
to fully determine its effect on the relevant enclosure difference between the largest and the smallest of the
characteristics being examined. N values of 0.5(tmax + tmin) and the measured temporal
variation is the largest value of (tmax − t min).
6.5 Non-steady-state test. The response of an
enclosure to a thermal disturbance, such as that resulting At any given instant the pertinent temperatures for non-
from a changed control setting, depends on the steady-state characteristics are as follows:
conditions that exist when the disturbance is applied as t1 = the highest temperature from all standard sites
well as the nature of the disturbance itself. at that instant.
The study of a particular dynamic state therefore requires t2 = the lowest temperature from all standard sites
the careful choice and characterization of the initial at that instant.
steady-state and the applied disturbance, particular t3 = the temperature of the standard sensor at the
attention being given to appropriate specifications stated approximate centre of the working space.
by the user.
The measured instantaneous temperature is 0.5(t 1 + t2)
The dynamic state shall be studied until some specified and the measured instantaneous variation is (t 1 − t2 ). The
conditions or events have occurred or for a time as overshoot and the recovery time are ascertained from a
specified by the user. study of t 3.

AS 2853—1986 8

7.3 Enclosure temperature indicator. The accuracy (e) The specified overall variation or grade.
and reproducibility with which the indicated temperatures (f) The date of test.
represent conditions within the working space, shall be
commensurate with the performance level implicit in the (g) The average ambient temperature during the test
specified or permissible values of R o or Rm. Unless interval.
otherwise specified, the temperature difference between (h) The working space for each zone (see Clause 6.2).
the indicated temperature (see Clause 3.2) and the
(i) The test interval.
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measured enclosure temperature, as detailed in

Clause 7.2, shall be less than Ro or Rm, whichever is (k) The type, identification and category of test sensors
applicable. used.
7.4 Rounding of test data. All reported parameters (l) The values of the measured and indicated steady-
listed in Clauses 3.2 and 3.3 shall be rounded such that state characteristics listed in Clause 3.2, unless
the rounding interval, which shall be 1, 2 or 5 in the last otherwise specified. It is recommended that the
place retained, is as close as possible to but no greater related measured and indicated parameters be
than 0.1Ro or 0.1Rm, for measured temperatures or no reported together, particularly the enclosure
greater than 0.3Ro or 0.3Rm for indicated temperatures temperatures.
whichever is applicable. Rounding of data shall only be (m) The measured and indicated non-steady-state
performed on the final values of the parameters to be parameters listed in Clause 3.3, unless otherwise
reported. specified, together with a description of the relevant
7.5 Frequency of testing. The interval for retesting of dynamic conditions and the initial and/or final
unloaded temperature controlled enclosures is dependent steady-states and the times at which the parameters
upon the design, nature and extent of use of each were measured.
individual enclosure, but a maximum interval of 5 years (n) Each installation sensor temperature and the relevant
between tests shall apply. indicated temperature obtained at the same time, if
7.6 Retesting. The enclosure shall be retested, if at any required.
time there is reason to doubt the applicability of the (o) If applicable, a grading statement containing the
previous test results, or repairs or modifications are made following information shall be made for the enclo-
of a nature or extent sufficient to invalidate previous test sure or for each zone of a multizone enclosure:
(i) The relevant working space.
(ii) The relevant test interval.
8.1 Record of test. A record of all test details and
results shall be maintained. It shall be capable of pro- (iii) The grade with which the enclosure complies.
viding all the information necessary for the preparation (iv) The graded temperatures or temperature range.
of a report (see Clause 8.2). In addition it shall contain
the following information: Whenever this grading statement is quoted it shall
always include all these items together.
(a) Description of the enclosure including internal
dimensions, location of openings, protrusions and (p) The recommended date for retesting the enclosure.
other pertinent features. 9 GRADING OF ENCLOSURES.
(b) Results of preliminary inspection and tests, and 9.1 General. Temperature controlled enclosuresmay be
details of any repairs or adjustments made. assessed and allocated a grade based on the relative
(c) The number, location and identification of all test magnitudes of—
(a) the overall temperature variation, R; and
(d) The stabilization time before commencing the test
interval and the duration of this interval. (b) the enclosure temperature with respect to
ambient, D.
(e) A record of all data acquired throughout the test
and of all relevant calculations. The grading factor f is determined from the above using
(f) Details of all test sensors and associated instru- the following relationship:
mentation used, including means of supporting
sensors and type of wire insulation, if applicable.
8.2 Report. On completion of a test, a report con- For any given grade (G) there is an allowed maximum
taining the following information shall be issued: grading factor (f m). Hence, if f does not exceed the value
(a) The name and address of the testing authority and of fm appropriate to the required grade, then the enclosure
of the client. is defined as complying with that grade.
(b) A description of the enclosure including, where If f exceeds f m the enclosure may be rejected. Alter-
relevant, the make, type or model number, serial natively, the result may be re-evaluated to examine
number and the condition of any feature (e.g. a whether it complies with a lower grade. In addition, by
vent) whose adjustment affects its behaviour. redefinition of the working space, the compliance may be
(c) The description of each controller and/or indicator evaluated of this altered working space with the grade
including, where relevant, the make, type or model originally required or with any other grade.
number, serial number, all pertinent control settings
and the full scale interval or range of the indicator. In any case all test requirements of Clauses 5.1 and 5.3
applicable to the newly defined conditions shall be
(d) Reference to this standard and description of any complied with, otherwise a completely new test shall be
departure in test procedure, if applicable. performed before any grade can be allocated.

9 AS 2853—1986

The temperature indicating equipment associated with the If grading over a range of temperatures is required, the
enclosure shall also comply with the requirements of steady-state characteristics shall be separately determined
Clause 7.3. for the same grade, test space and test interval, at each
of a number of test temperatures, throughout this range.
9.2 Grades. An unlimited number of enclosure grades The values of measured enclosure temperature shall
are recognized, each being described by an integer G. include the temperature extremes that define the graded
Large values of G indicate an enclosure capable of range and shall increase from the minimum temperature
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extremely stable and uniform temperatures. Small values in increments of no more than 35 percent of the range,
of G refer to enclosures in which wide tolerances of except that no increment shall necessarily be less than
temperatures are acceptable. (10 + )°C.
The maximum allowable grading factor fm appropriate to
grade G is derived from the following formula when The tolerance on the grading temperatures or the
expressed to three significant figures: extremes of the graded range over which the grading
shall be deemed to apply is that applicable to the rele-
fm = 2(8−G)/2 vant test temperature (see Clause 6.4.4) notwithstanding
the above, no fewer than two temperatures shall be tested
Values of fm most likely to apply to practical enclosures to achieve grading over a range greater than that
are listed for guidance in Table 1. permitted by Clause 6.4.4.
If there is a discrete change in any operating charac-
9.3 Temperatures of grading. An enclosure may be teristic of the enclosure, e.g. the switching in of extra
graded at one or more discrete temperatures or it may be heating elements, Clause 6.4.4 shall apply.
graded over a range of temperatures.
For an enclosure to be graded over a temperature range,
If grading at discrete levels is required, all test tempera- the designated grade shall apply to all temperatures
tures shall be treated separately and if necessary different within that range.
grades, test intervals and test spaces may apply.


Maximum permissible Maximum permissible overall variation (Rm)* °C

Grade (G)
grading factor (fm ) D = 30 D = 100 D = 300 D = 1000
1 11.3 15 23 45 120
2 8.0 10 16 32 88
3 5.66 7.4 11 23 62
4 4.00 5.2 8.0 16 44
5 2.83 3.7 5.7 11 31
6 2.00 2.6 4.0 8.0 22
7 1.41 1.8 2.8 5.7 16
8 1.00 1.3 2.0 4.0 11
9 0.707 0.92 1.4 2.8 7.8
10 0.500 0.65 1.0 2.0 5.5
11 0.354 0.46 0.71 1.4 3.9
12 0.250 0.33 0.50 1.0 2.8
13 0.177 0.23 0.35 0.71 2.0
14 0.125 0.16 0.25 0.50 1.4
* These approximate values are provided as examples for guidance only.

AS 2853—1986 10


It is usual for standard methods of test to quote a tolerance of ±X°C, or its equivalent, for
the relevant thermal conditioning. The strict interpretation of this requirement is that the
specified tolerance of ±X°C, sets the upper and lower limits for the temperature at any of
the infinite number of possible sites within the enclosure at any time during a use of the
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enclosure subsequent to the test itself. It is impossible to establish from a finite set of
measurements whether or not this condition will apply. Furthermore, the results would be
arbitrary since they will also depend on the choice of test sensor.
The test method described in this standard assumes a practical interpretation of temperature
tolerances given in material specifications. The allowed tolerance ±X°C is treated as
equivalent to a ‘specified overall variation’ in temperature of 2X°C (2X°C is thus defined
as equivalent to Ro ) and the enclosure is considered satisfactory if the measured overall
variation does not exceed 2X°C. Test measurements are made using sensors of defined
response and accuracy placed at sites of specified number and location as shown in Fig. 2.

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AS 2853—1986
AS 2853—1986 12
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Positi on code:
C = Centr e
F = Centr e of face
A = Corner
E = Centr e of edge

NOTE: Applicable to enclosures where ratio of lengths of any two sides is always less than or equal to 5.
If enclosure is long and narr ow, use layout below for cylindrical enclosures.

(a) Rectangular enclosures.

* For ‘slender’ enclosures where the length/diameter ratio is greater than 5, these sit es are on the extr emit y
of the working space. Otherwise they shall be at mid radius.

(b) Cylindrical enclosures.



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