Non Asbestos Gasket

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No one single fiber has been found which can act as a one-to-one replacement for asbestos
in gasket formulations. Beater addition gaskets, compressed gaskets, resin impregnated papers and
formed-in-place gaskets all use a blend of organic fibers in combination with inorganic fibers and/or
fillers to tailor the performance to a particular application. The most common organic fibers used
are cellulose and aramid pulps to aid in processing, as well as provide tensile strength, heat/crush
resistance and fluid resistance. However, the use of cellulose pulp usually results in lower tensile
strength, lower flexibility, sheet embrittlement and lower temperature resistance while aramid pulp
results in high raw materials cost, and in many cases, poor die cutting and other manufacturing
problems. In addition, aramid fiber may exhibit poor bonding to the latex and styrene-butadiene
rubber or nitrile rubber matrices normally used in gasket sheet fabrication.

Sterling acrylic (polyacrylonitrile) pulps, fibers and fiber blends are a new addition to the
selection list which can provide reduced cost, improved processability and gasket uniformity, greater
gasket flexibility, higher tear strengths and improved thermal resistance, among other enhanced
qualities. Provided in the form of fibrillated fibers, short/small diameter geometry microfibers, or
with newly developed second generation acrylic polymer chemistry for higher heat and hydrolysis
resistance, Sterling fibers offer engineering advantages combined with cost savings. All three types
of fibers are being used commercially and can be provided in production quantities.

Sterling Technical Fibers for Non-Asbestos Gaskets

Fiber Type Description Applications
CFF® 106-3 Fibrillated Fiber Acrylic pulp, wet, CSF = Beater Addition Gaskets,
600, 6.5 mm nominal Resin Impregnated Papers
CFF® 111-3 Fibrillated Fiber Acrylic pulp, wet, CSF = Beater Addition Gaskets,
250 ml, 6 mm nominal Resin Impregnated Papers
CTF 311 Technical Fiber Acrylic fiber, 10 micron Beater Addition,
diameter, 1-2 mm length Compressed Sheet,
Formed-in-Place Gaskets
CTF 525 Technical Fiber Higher heat resistant Beater Addition,
acrylic fiber, 12 micron Compressed Sheet,
diameter, 1-2 mm length Formed-in-Place Gaskets

CPF 406 Fiber Blend Engineered Blend of CTF Compressed Sheet,

525 Technical Fiber Designed to Solve
( 3 mm) and CFF Pulp Mixing Problems in
Some Processes Where
Fiber Balling /Pilling Can
Occur, or Where Use of
Longer Fiber Is Desired.
Page 2

Acrylic fibers have a specific gravity of 1.17 and a moisture regain of less than two percent.
Acrylic fiber also has excellent environmental, chemical and solvent resistance. Acrylic fibers are
insoluble in common organic solvents, including acetone, benzene, carbon tetrachloride,
dichloroethane, naphtha, alcohol and automotive hydraulic and antifreeze fluids and lubricants, as
well as gasoline and diesel fuel. They have excellent resistance to petrochemicals. A fluid resistance
chart is presented in the appendix. The fibers withstand outdoor exposure and have outstanding UV

Sterling acrylic fibers are composed of greater than ninety percent polyacrylonitrile (PAN)
and a small amount of vinyl acetate monomer to form a random copolymer. The chemistry of these
fibers is very similar to the chemistry of PAN fibers used as carbon fiber precursors.

CFF® acrylic pulps are provided as a wet crumb (about thirty percent solids). Wet CFF
acrylic pulp disperses easily in water and can be used in all beater addition and papermaking
processes. Normally, the pulp is dispersed in a hydropulper or refiner prior to the addition of other
components to disperse any entangled fibers.

CFF acrylic pulp is a highly branched fibrillated fiber with a treelike structure. A wide range
of fiber/fibril diameters is created in the fibrillation process ranging from about a ten micron main
fiber with attached macrofibrils and fibrils to fine microfibrils of one micron or less. The high
percentage of branched structure in these fibrillated fibers entraps and holds other components in the
paper while the long fiber trunks provide good web and finished sheet strength. Thus gasket papers
can be produced where the CFF pulp binds the other organic fibers, inorganic fibers and/or inorganic
fillers without the use of any resinous binder. The presence of submicronic, fine diameter
microfibrils in a synthetic fiber is unique. BET surface area is 45-50 m2/g.


Page 3

CTF Technical Fibers for gasket applications are short, small diameter microdenier fibers
with an aspect ratio in the range of 100:1 to 150:1. The 1-2 mm length of the fibers permits better
dispersion and processing compared to other fibers, and the high aspect ratio, combined with the
good fiber-to-matrix adhesion obtained because of the nitrile groups on the surface insures good
bonding to the matrix.

In addition to the excellent reinforcing effects obtained with microdenier CTF fibers, the fiber
stiffness is optimum to obtain good load transfer and very high extensibility/flexibility in the finished
gasket. In fact, the use of these fibers to obtain improved flexibility is patented.*

Also, the use of a few weight percent of these fibers in formed-in-place gaskets provides
thixotropic performance and sag resistance during formation and installation, as well as high tear
resistance and improved tensile strength in the gasket.

For beater addition and papermaking applications, CTF 311 and CTF 525 Technical Fibers
can be provided in completely PULPABLE bags for direct loading into the hydropulper.

CPF 406 Fiber Blends have been developed based on a unique technology that eliminates
the fiber balling that can occur when components, including fibers, are dry compounded prior to the
addition of solvent in the production of compression gaskets. These blends also permit the use of
longer short-cut fibers in compression / sheeter gaskets. These blends consist of 80 % CTF 525
Technical Fiber and 20% CFF pulp. In the blending process, CFF pulp essentially coats the short-cut
CTF 525 and keeps the fibers from forming pills when mixed in a Littleford or similar mixer. The
structure of CPF 406 is shown in the photomicrograph below:


*U.S. Patent 5272198 "Asbestos - Free Microdenier Acrylic Fiber Reinforced Material for Gaskets and the Like
To illustrate the relative performance of organic fibers in a gasket formulation, a series of
Page 4

beater addition test sheets were prepared using the formulation shown in Table I and the
formation/molding procedures listed in Table II. This formulation and gasket preparation procedure
was selected to provide a representative model of the types of product mode in the industry. Kevlar
361 aramid pulp was selected as the basis of comparison because of its wide use. The other organic
fibers were cellulose (unbleached Kraft), Kevlar 306 aramid pulp, CFF 106-3 acrylic pulp, CFF 111-
3 acrylic pulp, CTF 311 Technical Fiber, and CTF 525 Technical Fiber. Each fiber was used for the
total organic fiber content. Several combinations were evaluated as well to demonstrate engineering
and cost advantages.


Non-Asbestos Gasket Formula

15 wt.% Organic Fiber/Pulp

70 wt.% Platey Talc (Pfizer —12-50)
15 wt.% NBR Latex Binder (Chemigum 260)
2 PHR Sulfur
4 PHR Zinc Oxide
1.5 PHR Butyl Zimate
2 PHR Agerite D Antioxidant
2 PHR Precipitation Regulator (TAMOL N)
5-10 PHR Precipitation Agent (ALUM)


Formation Procedure

1. Mix fiber, filler, cure agents and latex in D.I. H2O using
Waring blender on low speed. (2% solids mixture).
2. Precipitate latex with alum while intermittently mixing.
3. Dilute mixture to 1% solids, form into 12" x 12" sheet in
papermaking sheet mold.
4. Precompact sheet in press, partially dry in oven, press cure
20 minutes at 250F. Pressure = 600-900 psi. Postcure in
oven 20 minutes at 250F.

Sheet density, tensile strength and elongation (flexibility), as well as crush extrusion were
Page 5

measured on all gaskets. All of these mechanical and thermal properties are fiber dependent.
Tensile properties were measured using ASTM procedure D882; creep relaxation was measured
using ASTM procedure F38, and crush extrusion was measured as the percentage area increase of
a 20 mm diameter disc. The target for sheet density was 1.50 - 1.55 g/cm2, which is representative
of commercially manufactured beater addition gaskets. Close control of sheet density was also
maintained since the mechanical and thermal properties are a function of density, and comparison
of values at different densities is not valid. All gaskets had a nominal 0.82 mm thickness. Table III
and the following pages illustrate the relative performance and cost of using these fibers.


Aramid Pulp Currently used in non-asbestos gaskets, good
performance, difficult cutting. High cost.

Kevlar 361
Kevlar 306

Cellulose Pulp Used in lower performance, lower temperature

applications, causes embrittlement when blended
with aramid. Low cost.
Cellulose Fiber (Unbleached Kraft)
Cellulose/Aramid Pulp Blend

CFF Series 100 Fibrillated Fiber Fibrillated acrylic pulp with excellent mechanical
binding for papermaking operations. Good
tensile properties. Moderate temperature
CFF 106-3 Acrylic Pulp resistance. Excellent chemical resistance. Lower
CFF 106-3 Acrylic Pulp//Aramid Pulp Blend cost.
CFF 111-3 Acrylic Pulp

CTF Series 300 Technical Fiber Microdenier fiber which provides high flexibility
with tensile strength equal to aramid. Excellent
aramid extender with good temperature
CTF 311 Technical Fiber resistance. Excellent chemical resistance. Lower
CTF 311 Technical Fiber/Aramid Blend cost.
CTF 311 Technical Fiber/CFF 106-3 Acrylic Pulp Blend

CTF Series 500 Technical Fiber Second generation acrylic polymer chemistry for
higher heat and hydrolysis resistance. Good
CTF 525 Technical Fiber tensile properties. Moderate cost.
CTF 525 Technical Fiber/Aramid Blend
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Property Units Temp Kevlar Kevlar Cellulos CFF CFF CTF CTF
C. 306 361 e V106-3 V111- 311 525
Pulp Pulp (Wood) Acrylic 3 Acrylic Acrylic
Pulp Pulp Acryli Fiber Fiber
c ( 1 mm ( 1.5 mm
Pulp Length) Length)

Sheet g/cm3 23 1.53 1.51 1.52 1.53 1.54 1.54 1.54


Tensile KSI 23 3.1 2.6 2.4 2.4 2.1 2.6 3.5


Tensile % 23 7.1 9.2 5.9 9.2 9.0 16.8 8.5


Creep % 150 43 43 __ 48 48 48 44

Crush %
Extrusion Increase

10KSI 150 8 8 26 25 25 25 2

20KSI 150 22 24 78 65 68 55 14
10KSI 180 10 11 30 __ __ 51 10
20KSI 180 24 29 85 120 117 125 38
Page 7



Property Units Temp Kevlar CFF CTF CTF

C. 361 Pulp V106-3 311 525
Control Acrylic Acrylic Acrylic
Pulp / Fiber / Fiber /
Kevlar Kevlar Kevlar
361 Pulp 361 Pulp 361 Pulp

Sheet g/cm3 23 1.51 1.50 1.52 1.52


Tensile KSI 23 2.6 2.5 3.1 3.4


Tensile % 23 9.2 9.8 12.4 8.0


Creep % 150 43 45 44 43

Crush %
Extrusio Increase
10KSI 150 8 17 16 4

20KSI 150 24 45 41 16
10KSI 180 11 __ 27 8
20KSI 180 29 70 92 32
Page 8

CFF acrylic pulps, CTF Technical Fibers and CPF Fiber Blends have been engineered in several
product forms to meet the needs of the gasket industry by providing enhanced performance and lower
cost. Used alone or in combination with other organic and inorganic fibers, they permit new
opportunities in the formulation of non-asbestos beater addition and compressed gaskets. A Sterling
Technical Fibers Representative would be happy to discuss the application of CFF acrylic pulps, CTF
Technical Fibers and CPF Fiber Blends in gaskets with you in more detail. Please contact:

Jim Hagerott
Sterling Fibers, Inc.
Technical Fibers Development
5005 Sterling Way
Pace, FL 32571

Tel: (850) 994 2618

Fax: (850) 994 2609

Rev - 02044


The information and statements herein are believed to be reliable, but are not to be construed as a warranty or
representation for which we assume legal responsibility. Users should undertake sufficient verification and testing to
determine the suitability for their own particular purpose of any information or products referred to herein. NO
WARRANTY OF FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE IS MADE. Nothing herein is be to taken as permission,
inducement or recommendation to practice any patented invention without a license.
Page 9



Long Term Stability Excellent

Resistance to Sunlight (UV) Excellent: Durable up to 5 years outdoors
Resistance to Insect Attack Excellent: Not attacked by moths
Resistance to Biological Agents Excellent: Does not support growth of mildew, fungi, etc.
(Mildew, Fungus, etc.)
Resistance to:
Moisture/water Excellent: Durable in boiling water for extended periods.
Hydrocarbons Excellent: engine oil, brake fluid, lubricating oil,
transmission fluid
Gasoline Excellent
Ethylene Oxide, Antifreeze Excellent
Nonpolar Solvents Excellent: alcohols, aldehydes, ketones
Polar Solvents Dissolves in DMF, DMAC, DMSO
Weak Acids Excellent
Strong Organic Acids Good
Strong Inorganic Acids Dissolves in concentrated HNO3, H2SO4
Weak Alkalis Good
Strong Alkalis Yellow; degrades-hot
Steam Partially hydrolysed or plasticized
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Exposure CTF 300 Type CTF 500 Type

Hours Modulus, Tenacity, Elongation, Modulus, Tenacity, Elongation,
g/den g/den % g/den g/den %
0 41 3.4 35 167 9 11
24 - 3.0 35 98 8.5 16
72 41 3.2 35 77 8.5 16
192 - 2.6 41 68 8.2 16
264 - - - 61 5.1 19
312 - - - 29 4.2 42

1) Precondition fiber in H2SO4 (pH 5)

2) Expose to 27 psi (2700F) steam

3) Remove and measure fiber properties

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