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that he had visited it.

This, however, remains at best a

they started the Charlinch Free Church, which had a very brief

The name Aethicus is also attached to another geographical

policy, but in 338 surrendered to Philip II. of Macedon. After

same kind Ambrose was again employed; and although he was

Ginger . . . . 704 .. ..

Acetamide, CH3.CONH2, is a white deliquescent crystalline

Cairo, Florence, London, Paris and Bologna several Egyptian

of it. Qualified acceptance may be a promise to pay on a

blank,'' but with a direction requiring delivery to be made

manufacture in the shape of brimstone or pyrites, was wasted

the whole is rocked towards the other side, and the process

of rheumatism and skin diseases. By reason of its dry and

all early works are out of date. The best general accounts,

Journals of David Livingstone in Central Africa, ed. H.

1898 552,023,428 117,255,046

agriculture, United States Department of Agriculture, Experiment

Kwara, but in consequence of the arrest of his brother Bilawa

pleuro-pneumonia under the Diseases of Animals Act of that

once. The metre fell into disuse until the reign of Francis

in which portions of two buildings have been used. Of that of

however, it was exercised in some instances as long as the

become personally known to the leaders through various

topic. The product, however, is now an indistinguishable mass,

were forgotten.'' About A.D. 1000, a Jewish princess,

authority. There were many suitors for Lobengula's favours;

received a beginning of practical realization, and so on).

Palace, to the crest of the parallel ridge, three miles nearer

the name current in Babylonia, whereas Adad was more common in

AMYRAUT, MOSES (1596-1664), also known as AMYRALDUS,

diplomatic body is given by courtesy to the nuncio of the pope.

simple fluoride of aluminium with sodium, and his process

from giving a second performance by police interference, the

lead peroxide on the positive, and dilute sulphuric acid between

from its northern shore to Ras Sanailah or Cape Aden, its

the distinctive doctrines of the Munster Anabaptists. They

hillside he is one of the finest skirmishers in the world,

of Magdeburg in return for 500,000 florins. During his

the Phoenician alphabet.8 The Greeks who migrated to Cyprus,

a substance differing from gelatin in giving a well-marked

that those who held opposite views were not Democrats, and

more or less globular or elongated expansion of the oesophageal

terra-japonica, sugar, molasses, clay, logwood, and with other

division includes the Adamello, Presanella, Brenta and Bergamasque

country. He tried to reconcile political parties by granting

represents her as cured of a dangerous illness by his skill.

AGUASCALIENTES, an inland state of Mexico, bounded N., E.

Georgia (where it is formed by the junction of the Oostenaula

It is the only large boa which is decidedly ill-tempered.

septate, but elsewhere no cellulose partitions occur, and the

them. His conquest was effected by 1521. His example

altar, but they may be placed upon a support of any suitable

the spread of French influence--then the greatest civilizing

crucible and a much higher current density is used. The

it was an importation adapted in a somewhat rough and ready

ill-health in 1887. In that year the Lyell medal was awarded

the opening up of Nyasaland. The Stevenson road forms a link

to take by the assertion of Lord Salisbury, in his capacity as

an autonomous principality under the suzerainty of Turkey, the

himself, however, from absolute scepticism by the doctrine

body developed dialects or languages by contact, intermarriage

and Aquia Creek (whence the Army of the Potomac was to join

ignored in writing. The symbol @ or H was then employed

and the graphical sides, and are followed by a section dealing

Alexander Balas, son of Antiochus Epiphanes, contesting the

of Robert III. in 1406, as the new king, James I., was a

Open canals are usual in the Kabul valley, and in eastern

periods. Independent local developments of art before the

oversight of the Temple on the death of his uncle Herod,

Adapa, we are told, received from his divine father the gift

narrowing or lance-shaping of a leaf or of a bird's feather into

of the Pentateuch. It was by these theological writings

present city of that name, his rule extending as far east as

heaven and earth) will be opened by events parallel to those

Mbunda peoples, Wa-Rungu } group

under the terms of the lease granted by Article 2 of the

and western Mediterranean lands, e.g. Sicily, Sardinia and

raised himself by his military talents from being a groom and

Akbar was a munificent patron of literature. He established

moved his army farther into the defile. The archers fixed
in recognition of the mathematical attainments of the Brahmans.

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