Gautam Samhita CHP 1 CHP 2 CHP 3 Color

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Arudhasthadyayi Known as

Gautama Samhita
– Part 1
Veluri Subramanya Sashtri

Translated In English
Raghavendra Rao, India.
‘A Mission Saptarishis

[Shri Madura Krishnamoorthy Shastriji has

used Gautama Samhita verses extensively in his
commentary of BPHS. His chapter on arudha

Raghavendra Rao hails from Tirupati a was translated in English from Telegu and
published in Saptarishis Astrology with his
desire that the secrets of Arudha go out to the
well known pilgrimage centre in India. He
English readers. It is only after his work got
has studied M.A. Indian Culture and M.A. published in Saptarishis Astrology, we & the
Astrology. He has published 20 articles in world got an eye opener that there is something
Telugu and edited and published Four like Gautama Samhita which deals only with
Unpublished Palm Leaf Manuscripts in Arudhas, before that it was not known. After the
Telugu language. He is deeply interested in translation we embarked on procuring this
bringing out rare manuscripts translated ancient text called Gautama Samhita, the
into English for the benefit of astrology original author of it is unknown, some say it was
lovers worldwide. Saptarishis Astrology Gautam Rishi, yet one does not know for sure.
We spoke to the great scholar Maduraji and he
honors the spirit of Shri Raghavendra Rao. confirmed that it is Gautama Rishi, when asked
upon the period of this text he was unable to
ascertain it due to lack of facts before him. He
further said that when Rajayogas are present in
the chart this work ‘Gautam Samhita’ is to be
relied upon.
As to how we got this photocopied out of
print version of Gautam Samhita, the Late
legendary astrologer Subba Rao gave a copy of it
to Shri Surya Venkat Laxmi Narsimha Sarma,
who in turn passed it on to Ravindra Bhagavat
who in turn passed it on to SA. It was scanned
by Manohar Mulchandani so that Shri
Raghavendra Rao could translate it from Telegu to English. For the Sanskrit shloka part, in order for the
devanagari lipi conversion, he has first typed in Telugu Script and then transliterated it into Devanagari
with the help of leap office software, so if some errors have cropped in kindly do inform us. For the
translation of the shlokas it was in Telegu lipi and that has been properly translated in English. This work
first came in print form in 1934 and now in 2011 it comes in English for lovers of astrology after 77 years.
The efforts of all concerned be appreciated and may Gautama Rishi bless those who willingly and
unwillingly helped in getting this work out. The final thanks must be given to beloved Raghavendra Rao
who is a jewel among astrologers for finishing the translation of all the chapters in a record 30 days
whereas others would minimum have taken 300 days. There is a saying when you have knowledge you
want to give it out to the world instantly without holding it back for the right dasa or transits and this
Shri Raghavendra has demonstrated. The work of a Rishi has no copyright or royalty and we could have
removed the foreword & introduction yet we must pay homage to Star Astrological Research Centre who
in 1934 first brought it out, thereby preserving the Rishis work. One must read this work while
simultaneously reading the out of print book ‘Arudha System of Prediction’ by Late C S Patel (read only
the verses translation) along with the translation of BPHS-Arudha Chapter by Maduraji as published in
previous issues of Saptarishis Astrology to gain a firm hand on arudhas. Another good work of super fine
application of arudhas is by Dinesh Mathur that can be found in his books. There are many who teach
arudhas usage on internet forums and Jaimini Certificate Programs from India, they do good work in
creating good digestable material for the common student, yet they are ridiculed by their critics for being
unable to quote even one authentic ancient work on arudhas, may this fill that void and extol them back to
their thrones.- SA]

Sri Vidya publishers published Telugu translated version text named "Goutama
Samhita" which follows the Jaimini System of Astrology, after critical examination by
Pundits (Scholars) on 18th January 1934. The Publishers expressed their opinion that
another book was also published in the same title and after critical examination of that
book, the present volume is comparably better in voluminous in the sense of having more
verses and in more orderly manner, the publishers went in for the present publication.
In a way it is a daring act that the present volume of “Goutama Samhita” which
follows the Jaimini System of Astrology propounded by Parasara Maharshi we published
the present volume. It is of immense use to the present day astrological community to
study Jaimini Astrology, as well as “Goutama Samhita”
We would like to express our heartfelt gratitude to Sri DLN Murthy for
providing the book from his archives.

Vemuri Satyanarayana Sarma

Star Astrological Research Centre

¶É®úhªÉäjªÉƤÉEäò näù´ÉÒ xÉÉ®úɪÉÊhÉ xɨÉÉäºiÉÖiÉä**
¶±ÉÉPÉÉ{ÉÉjɨɽÆþ xɨÉÉʨɺÉiÉiÉÆ ºÉ|ɸɪÉÉä ¨ÉnÂùMÉÖ¯û¨ÉÂ**
The Science of Astrology has got a firm place established in the hearts of the
people across the globe from time immemorial. A mind which is pure cannot but admit
that the greatness of our ancestors is simply admirable.

As it is our „Dharma‟ to possess knowledge about ancient texts, which direct us

towards the right path; the present book „Goutama Samhita’ is a step in that direction. The
entire book describes „Raja Yoga’ with reference to „Aroodha pada’. The Arudha pada is
defined beyond doubt here. The book does refer to „arudha pada‟ and „Asta arudha’ as
they are beyond the scope of the book. Because of the reasons that the third and the sixth
labha is referred to and „sarva pada malika‟ is also referred to. It seems that we have to
infer the „12 padas‟. Even in the 12 „arudhas‟ the signs are described only for Lagna, Kosa,
Vahana, Mantra and Rajya, upapadas. This may be due to the reason that these are very
important with reference to Raja Yoga or these are to be used at many places. It is clear
from the various opinions in this book that the word „pada‟ is not used in the context of
So it is not logical that in the „Labha Arudha Sammelana‟ „Asta padas are used‟.
Also as the „Dhara pada‟ also is not used; the „Astha pada‟ does not seem to be have been
considered at all. So, it may not be appropriate to bring in the opinions of other texts
which deal with the „Astha pada‟, what are the „Astha pada‟ that they deal with in these
texts are explained in detail in those texts. In the present text, the different Raja Yogas,
like „laghu yoga‟ special yogas, Maha Raja Yogas, Yogas relating to Wealth, Vehicles and
Yogas of Bhaya are dealt with. In this exercise, not only the „Arudha pada‟; but Karaka
and other signs are also considered.
In refining this „Goutama Samhita‟ many books in Andhra Pradesh are
examined……………………………. Page lost…………………… I am much indebted to Sri
D.Venkataramaiah D.S.C who extended the assistance of many kinds.
I also offer my deep felt gratitude to Sriman Medepalli V.Ramacharyulu, who is
principal of College, Dept. of Telugu and Sanskrit, who is poet of the Durbar of The
Maharaja of Vijayanagaram and who is a Mahopadhaya.

V.Subramanya Sastry
West Godavari Dist
Dated: 18-01-1934
Goutama Samhita
1. Method of Performing Pooja
2. Deciding strength
3. Interpreting Rajayogas
4. Rajayogas
5. Special Rajayogas
6. Normal Rajayogas
7. Dhana-Vahana Yogas
8. Special Dhana Yogas

¸ÉÒ MÉÉèiɨɺÉΨ½þiÉ
Goutama Samhita

1. ¸ÉÒ´ÉÉhÉҨɠʶɮúºÉÉ|ÉhɨªÉ ʴɱɺÉx¨ÉuùÉCªÉ ºÉƺlÉÉÊ{ÉxÉÒ¨ÉÂ*

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¾þtƶÉɺjÉ{Énèù& |ɪÉÖHòÊxɪɨÉÆÁÉ°üfø¶ÉɺjɨÉ º¡Öò]õ¨ÉÂ*
After worshiping Goddess Saraswathi, the following Rajayogas are explained from the
essence of Horasastra.

2. ªÉà ¶ÉRÂóEò®úÉSÉÇxÉÊ´ÉvÉÉè ¨ÉxɺÉÉÊ´ÉnùMvÉÉ&*

ªÉà näù´ÉiÉÉxÉÖ Ê{ÉiÉÞ¤ÉÖvÉä¹ÉÖ SÉ {ÉÚhÉÇ ¦ÉHòÉ&*
ªÉà ¨ÉÉxÉÖ¹Éɺº´ÉEÖò±É´ÉÞÊkÉ {É®úɶSÉiÉä¹ÉɨÉÂ*
One who is capable in Pooja Vidhana (i.e, System of Worshiping according to Agama
Sastra). One who respects his parents, Scholars and God, one who follows manava
dharma, enjoys the Royal Comforts on the Earth.

3. Ê´É·Éänùä´ÉÉSÉÇxÉ Ê´ÉvÉÉè ¸ÉrùɦÉÊHò ºÉ¨ÉÎx´ÉiÉ&*

ªÉÉä xÉ®ú& {ÉÞÊvÉ´ÉÒ{Éɱɶ¸ÉÒ¶ÉÖEäòxÉ ºÉ¨ÉÒÊ®úiÉ&**
Sage Sri Suka said that who worships sakala devatas (All deities) is a king. (Here king
means not only the ruler, in modern days it means one who enjoys the Royal Comforts)

4. EÚò¶¨ÉÉxb÷ MÉÉävÉÉÊjÉ´ÉÞ¹ÉÉ·ÉʱÉxMÉ&
vÉÉjÉÒ¡ò±É¨É EòɺªÉºÉÖ´ÉhÉÇ ®úÉVÉ
¡ò±ÉÉÊxÉ {ÉÖ¹{ÉÉÊhÉ ¦É´ÉɪÉnùÒªÉiÉɨÉÂ**
To please Lord Parameswara the following items are to be given as Dana
(donation): Pumpkins, Cows, Cultivation Land, Oxes, Horses, Salagramas, sesame
akshatas, oil, Jaggery, Ghee, Metals, Amlafruits, Brassmetal, Gold, neredu fruits
(Jamboo Phala), and flowers.

5. vÉÉxªÉ¨É vÉxɨÉ ºÉÖMÉxvÉÉnùÒxÉ ¡ò±ÉÉÊxÉEÖòºÉÖ¨ÉÉÊxÉ SÉ

¶ÉªªÉÉ ºÉ´ÉhÉÇ ®úÊVÉiÉä Ê´É·É näù´ÉɪÉnùÒªÉiÉɨÉÂ*
The following items are to be donated to Brahmanas, Provisions, Money, spicy items,
(such as beetle nuts, beetle leaves, yelachi, pepper, etc.,) fruits, flowers, cots, Gold, Silver.

6. ¶ÉEò]õÉ·ÉMÉVÉÉMÉÉ®ú¨ÉÉxnùÉÊä ³ýEò ºÉÖ¦ÉÚ¹ÉhɨÉÂ**

¸ÉÒSÉxnùxÉÆ SÉ iÉÉƤÉڱɨÉ ʴɷÉnäù´Éɺ|ÉnùɴɪÉäiÉÂ**
Chariots (in modern days vehicles), Horses, Elephants (in modern days means of
transport) Houses for dwelling, Jewels, chandana, tamboolam (sandal and betel leaves,
betel nuts, etc., for chewing) are to be donated to Brahmanas.

7. {ÉÉEäò·É®úÉhÉɨÉÖ{ɽþÉ®úEòɱÉà iÉnùSÉÇxɨÉ nùÉxÉVÉ{ÉÉÊnùEò¨ÉÇ*

iÉpùixÉ vÉÉxªÉɦɮúhÉÉÊxÉ SÉè´ÉÆ|ÉnùÒªÉiÉÉÆ ´ÉänùÊ´ÉnàùEÖò]ÖÆõʤÉxÉä**
At the time of worshiping the respective Dasalord, the pooja for the respective planet
(Graha), Dana, Dharma, Japa are to be performed. Gems, cereals, jewelry, items relating
to the respective Dasalord are to be donated to a poor Brahamana as explained in the
following verses.

8. ªÉvÉÉ ºÉƦɴɨÉ ºªÉÉkÉvÉÉ {ÉÚVÉxÉÒªÉÆ*

xÉÞ{Éi´ÉÆ SÉ ¦ÉÉMªÉ¨É ¨É½þi´É¨É vÉxÉÆ SÉ*
|ÉEÖò´ÉÇzÉ®úººÉ´ÉÇʺÉÊrù¨É |ɪÉɪÉÉ*
The King is respected for his greatness, power, valor, wealth etc., he will gain sarva karya
siddhi, skills to win over enemies, and gains name fame and good health, if he worships
with utmost bhakti and according to his capacity.

9. ®úHòMÉÉÆ·ÉäiÉvÉäxÉÖÆ SÉ ®úHòxÉbÂ÷´Éɽþ¨Éä´É SÉ
Red Cow, White Cow, Red OX, Horse, Mare, black cow, Goat, Elephant are to be
donated as Dana.

10. OɽþÉhÉÉÆ{ÉÉEò´Éä³ýɪÉÉÆ nùÉxÉÆ EÖòªÉÉÇi|ɪÉixÉiÉ&*

OɽþÉhÉÉÆ|ÉÒiɪÉà ÊxÉiªÉÆ nùÊ®úpùÉªÉ |ÉnùɴɪÉäiÉÂ**
At the time of Dasa Periods the following are to be donated as Danam to the poor
persons who are in need and below poverty line for the anugraha of the planets. Brass
metal vessels, Copper, Land, Gold, Green cloths, silver, piece of metal, spices, perfumes,
lead, tin,

11. iÉuùhÉǴɺjÉ |ÉÊiɨÉÉSÉɪÉÉÇªÉ |ÉnùÉ{ɪÉäiÉÂ*

nùÊIÉhÉÉÆ ¦ÉÚ¹ÉhÉÉnùÒÊxÉ EÖòªÉÉÇi{ÉEò{ÉiÉÖ¹]õªÉà**
respective colored clothing, idols of deities, money. Jewels, are to be donated to the Guru
( teacher) for pleasing the respective Dasalord.

12. {ɪÉÉänùÊvÉMÉÖbÆ÷ ºÉÌ{É&¡ò±ÉÉÊxÉEÖòºÉÖ¨ÉÉÊxÉ SÉ*

¨ÉvÉÖiÉè±ÉÆSÉä IÉÖ®úºÉÆ¥ÉÉÀhÉ䦪É& |ÉnùÉ{ɪÉäiÉÂ**
Milk, Thick Curd, Jaggery, Ghee, Fruits, Flowers, Honey, Oil, Sugarcane Juice, are to be
donated as Dana to Brahamanas.
13. {ÉnÂù¨É®úÉMɨÉ ¨ÉÉèHòÒEÆò SÉ |É´Éɳý¨É ¨É®úEòiɨÉ iÉlÉÉ*
{ÉÖ¹ªÉ®úÉMɨÉ ´ÉXɨÉÊhɨÉ xÉұɨÉ MÉÉä¨ÉäÊvÉEò¨É iÉlÉÉ*
´ÉèbÚ÷ªÉÈ SÉ |ÉnùtÉtè nùÊ®úpùɪÉEÖò]ÖÆõʤÉxÉà**
One of the following Gemstones are to be donated as Dana to a Poor man who is having
family. {ÉnÂù¨É®úÉMÉÆ - Ruby; ¨ÉÉèÊHòEÆò - Pearls; |É´ÉɳÆý - Coral; ¨É®úEòiÉÆ - Emarald; {ÉÖ¹ªÉ®úÉMÉÆ - Topaz;
´ÉXɨÉÊhÉ - Diamond; xÉÒ±ÉÆ - Sapphire; MÉÉä¨ÉäÊvÉEÆò - Opal; ´ÉèfÚøªÉÈ - Beryl;

14. ½þʴɹªÉ¨É {ÉɪɺɨÉ SÉè´É ºÉMÉÖb÷ÉzÉÆiÉvÉè´ÉSÉ*

¥ÉÉÀhÉÉªÉ |ÉnùÉiÉ´ªÉÆ nùtÉuùºjÉÆ ºÉnùÊIÉhÉÆ**
½þÉä¨Épù´ªÉÆ (which means the items used to perform a Homa i.e., various types of Samidhas
(dried sticks of respective trees), Ghee, Fruits, Cloths, etc.,) payasam(Kheer), ¹ÉEÇò®ú{ÉÉàxMÉʱÉ
(which means rice cooked with Jagiree) IÉÒ®úÉzÉÆ (cooked rice mixed with Boiled Milk)
nùvªÉÉänùxÉÆ (coocked Rice mixed with thick Curd) {ÉÖ±ÉMÉÆ (item cooked with mixed raw rice and
raw Dhal) ÊiɱÉʨɸÉÉzÉÆ (Cooked rice + raw sesame) rice mixed with Blackgram; Blackgram,
ÊSÉjÉÉzɨÉ (means Puliyodarai) are to be donated to Brahmanas as D¡na in addition to this
Dakshina and Tamboolam (Money according to capacity or according to santi and
tamboolam means betel leaves, betel nuts, fruits, flowers etc) should be offered to

15. +ÉiÉ{ÉjɨÉ SÉɨɮÆú SÉ JÉbÂ÷MɨÉ {ÉÒ`ö¨É SÉ ´ÉɽþxɨÉÂ*

¶ÉªªÉɦɮúhÉ MÉxnù¨É SÉ |ÉnùtÉÎSSÉjɴɺjÉEò¨ÉÂ**
Umbralla, Fan made with palm leaf, (to modern days electrical fan/cooler), Weapon
(kinfe), Chair, Vehicle, Cot, Perfumes, different types of cloths are to be donated as

16. B´É¨Éä´É ¨ÉÖÊxÉʦÉ& |ɤÉÉäÊvÉiɨÉÂ*

EòÒÌiÉ®úlÉÇ¤É±É {ÉÉè¯û¹ÉÆ ¨É½þiÉÂ*
EòɨªÉEò±{ÉEòiɯûÌ´ÉÊlÉ º{ɹ]õ¨ÉÂ**
As suggested by Munis (seers) the following are said in Sastras - Good name and fame,
Money, Power, valour, courage, Rajya (Country for ruling), comforts, etc being extended
like Kalpavriksha.
<ÊiɸÉÒMÉÉèiɨÉÊ´É®úÊSÉiÉɪÉɨÉ ®úÉnùªÉÉäMÉ{ÉrùiÉÉè |ÉlɨÉÉävªÉɪÉ&
The First Chapter containing Pooja Kramam is concluded

Note: In this Chapter as said in Sloka-4 the Dana items are to be donated starting from
Suryadi Navagrahas respectively. If each is repeated 18 in number of items. The items
mentioned in 5th and 6th slokas starting from Ravi to Rahu. Likewise as said in slokas 9,
10, 12, 13, 14, 15 - Japa, Homa, Dana, Archana, the items should be donated to please the
Navagrahas starting from Ravi respectively. If these items used by the Receiver the
respective planet will be pleased.
In this Book this chapter is not discussed in depth and in detail as such a separate
note is given at the end of the chapter (atleast to understand to some extent). The Critics
are requested to observe sensitively.

1. {ÉnùÉÊxÉ SÉÉäHòÉÊxÉ ¤É½Öþ|ÉEòÉ®èú
®úIªÉÉ欃 iɺ¨ÉÉnÂù¤É½ÖþvÉÉ ¡ò±ÉÉÊxÉ*
ºÉƪÉÉäMÉoù¹]õÒªÉÊnù ºÉƦɴÉäiÉɨÉÂ*
½þÉ®ä úÉÊ´ÉnùɨÉ ´ªÉÆVÉxÉ ÊxÉhÉǪÉɪÉ*
In several ways 'padas' which means 'its signs' were told for several reasons, as such its
predictions were told in several methods. Union, Graha Dristi, were formed for the
purpose of ascertaining the predictions by the Astrologers.


{ÉnÆù ÊxÉʨÉkÉÆ ¦É´É °ü{É xÉɨÉ*
|Énäù¶É ¨ÉÉ°üføʨÉÊiÉ ¤ÉÞ´ÉÎxiÉ*
{ÉnùÉʦÉnùÉxÉÉ ªÉ´ÉxÉÉnùªÉ¶SÉ**
(*Ê´ÉYÉÉxÉ - in another manuscript Ê´ÉYÉiÉ) From ancient works Arudha Lagna is known as - Ê´ÉYÉÉxÉ
-Vijnana; {ÉÚ´ÉÇ - Purva; Ê´ÉÊvÉ - Vidhi; ´ªÉxVÉxÉÆ - vyanjanam; {ÉnÆù - Padam; ÊxÉʨÉkÉÆ - Nimittam; ¦É´É¨É -
Bhavam; °ü{ɨÉ - Rupam; xÉÉ¨É - Nama; |Énäù¶ÉÆ - pradesam; +É°üfÆø - Arudham were told by Yavanas.

3. ={É{Énù |ÉÊiɦÉÉ SÉ®ú¨ÉÉ |ÉÉÆiÉ*

{ÉnùÉiÆ É ¨ÉÆiªÉ {ÉnùÉÊvÉEòÉ ´ÉºÉÉxÉä*
={ÉÉÆiÉ {ÉÚ´ÉÉÇÊvÉEò |ÉiªÉ°üfø*
¨ÉÖ{É{Énù xÉɨÉÉÊxÉ ¤ÉÖvÉÉ& EòvɪÉÎxiÉ**
The following words are synonyms for Upapadam used by ancient scholars in their
astrological works: |ÉÊiɦÉ-Prathiba, Uôɨɮú-Charama, |ÉÉxiÉÆ Prastham; {ÉnùÉxiÉÆ Padantam; +xiªÉÆ
Anantyam; {ÉnùÉÊvÉEò¨É Padadhikam; +´ÉºÉÉxɨÉ Avasanam; ={ÉÉxiÉÆ Upantham; {ÉÚ´ÉÉÇÊvÉEÆò
Purvadhikam; |ÉiªÉÉ°üfÆø Pratharudham.

4. xÉÞ{ÉÉÊvÉEòÉ®úÉä ®úhÉ ®úÉVªÉ ¦ÉÉäMÉ*

ºiÉiEòÉ±É Ê´ÉYÉÉxÉ {É®èú¨ÉÖÇxÉÓpèù&**

The following words are synonyms for - xÉÞ{É-King, +ÊvÉEòÉ®ú-Powers, ®úhÉÆ-War, ®úÉVªÉÆ-country,
¦ÉÉäMÉÆ-comforts, Bä·ÉªÉÈ-wealth, ¨ÉÉxÉÆ-character, ʴɦɴÉ&-health, wealth, name and fame. YÉÉxÉÆ-
knowledge, +ʦÉvÉÉxÉÆ in the ancient days as said by the Munis and seers.

5. ʴɶÉä¹ÉºÉÆ{ÉÊkÉ ºÉ¨ÉÞÊqù ¦ÉÉMªÉ*

¨ÉÖnùÉ®úvɨÉÈ ºÉÖEÞòiÉÆ MÉÖ¯û¶SÉ*
EòÊxɹ`ö Êxɹ`öÉ iÉ{É ¦ÉÉ´É ºÉÆYÉÉ&*
¦ÉÉMªÉÉÊvÉEÆò EòɱÉÊ´ÉnùÉä ¨É½þÉiÆ É&**
The following are related to Navama Bhava i.e., the ninth house - ʴɶÉä¹ÉºÉÆ{ÉÊkÉ-
extraordinary wealth, ºÉ¨ÉÞrù- sufficiency, ¦ÉÉMªÉÆ-wealthy, =nùÉ®Æú-generous, vɨÉÈ-to hold
Dharma, ºÉÖEòÞ iÉÆ-punyam, MÉÖ¯û&-Teacher, EòÊxɹ`ö-last/least, Êxɹ]õ- strict concentration , iÉ{É& -

6. ´ÉxÉÆ SÉ EÖòb÷¬Æ SÉ Ê´É½þÉ®ú ʨÉjÉÆ*

˺ɽþɺÉxÉÉ°üføʨÉÊiÉ ¤ÉÞ´ÉÆÊiÉ**

the following are Synonyms for simhasanarudham: ´ÉxÉÆ vanam; EÖòb÷¬Æ kudyam; ʴɽþÉ®Æú
viharm; ʨÉjÉÆ mitram; ´ÉÞÊrù vriddhi; ºÉÖJÉÆ sukham; näù´ÉMÉÞ½Æþ devagruham; ¤É±ÉÆ balam; +lÉÉÇÊvÉEòÉ®Æú
ardhadikaram; VɱÉÆ jalam; ´ÉɽþxÉÆ vahanam.
7. iÉÆjÉÆ SÉ ¨ÉxjÉÆ SÉ |ɦÉÉ´É ¨ÉɪÉÉ*
ʴɦÉänùxÉÆ Ê´ÉOɽþ ºÉÆÊvÉ ¤ÉÖÊrù&*
ºjÉÒEòÉ±É Ê´ÉYÉÉxÉ {É®èú¨ÉÖÇxÉÓpèù&**
The following are Synonyms for Panchamarudha - iÉxjÉ Tantra; ¨ÉxjÉ mantra; |ɦÉÉ´É
Prabhava; ¨ÉɪÉÉ Maya; ʴɦÉänùxÉÆ Vibhedanam; Ê´ÉOɽÆþ Vigraham; ºÉÆÊnù Sandhi; ¤ÉÖÊrù Buddhi; ¨ÉxjÉÒ
Mantri; ºÉÖiÉ& Sutaha; {ÉÚ´ÉÇ{ÉÖhªÉÆ Purvapunyam.

8. EòÉä¶ÉÆ vÉxÉÆ ´ÉºjÉ{ÉnùÉlÉÇÊ´ÉkÉÆ*

¨ÉÞuùÉCªÉ EòÉè]ÆõÖ ¤É {ÉnùÉlÉǦÉÉ´ÉÉ*
xiÉiEòÉ±É Ê´ÉYÉÉxÉ {É®èú¨ÉÖÇxÉÓpèù**
The following are Synonyms for Dhanarudham* EòÉä¶ÉÆ Kosam; vÉxÉÆ Dhanam; ´ÉºjÉÆ
Vasthram; {ÉnùÉlÉÈ Padartham; Ê´ÉkÉÆ vittam; pù´ªÉÆ Dravyam; ºÉÉè¦ÉÉMªÉÆ Soubhagyam; +lÉÈ
Artham; ºÉÚxÉÞiÉÆ Soonrutam; ¨ÉÞnÖù´ÉÉCªÉÆ Mruduvakyam; EÖò]ÖõÆ ¤ÉÆ Kutumbam; {ÉnùÉlÉÈ Padartham.

9. EòÒÌiÉ|ÉEòɶÉÉänùªÉ¨ÉÚÌiɽþÉ®ä úÉ*
+Éi¨ÉÉ iÉxÉÖ næù½þ ¨ÉÖ{ÉÉÆMÉ ®ÆúMÉÆ*
Eò±ªÉÉäʴɱÉMxÉ& EòÊvÉiɶSÉ ºÉÆYÉÉ*
½þÉ®ä úÉ{ÉnÆù ¸ÉÉJÉ{ÉnÆù Ê´ÉʨɸÉÆ**
The following are combined Synonyms for Lagnapadha and Lagna - EòÒÌiÉ keerthi; |ÉEòɶÉ
Prakasa; =nùªÉ Udaya; ¨ÉÚÌiÉ Murthy; ½þÉä®úÉ Hora; +Éi¨ÉÉ Atma; iÉxÉÖ& Tanuh; näù½Æþ Deham; ={ÉÉÆMÉÆ
Upangam; ®ÆúMÉÆ Rangam; Eò±ªÉ& Kalyah; ʴɱÉMxÉÆ Vilagnam; ½þÉä®úÉ{ÉnÆù Horapadam; ¸ÉÉJÉ{ÉnÆù

10. iÉiEòÉ±É ¨ÉvªÉOɽþªÉÉäVÉxÉÒªÉÆ*

iɺ¨ÉÉnÂùOɽþÉhÉÉÆ ¡ò±É¨Éä´É¨ÉÖHòÆ *
½þÉ®ä úÉÊ´ÉnùÉÆ ªÉÉäMªÉʨÉÊiÉ ¤ÉÞ´ÉÆÊiÉ*
Astrologers opined that Predictions made based on the positions of the planets are better,
than the strength of planets decided based on its position in terms of degrees which have
moved forward.

11. º´Éä º´Éä {ÉnùÉÊvÉι`öiÉ SÉ®úhÉɨÉÂ*

¤É±Éä´É¦ÉÚ{ÉɱÉEò ªÉÉäMɨÉɽÖþ&*
Based on the strength of the planets which are placed in their own signs Maharaja Yogas
were predicted. The Planets in 'neecha' debilitation, 'satrusthana' enemy place,
'vakrantha' at the end of retrogression, were indicating its poor strength, does not give
Raja Yogas.


+¶ÉHòÉ ºº´É¡ò±ÉÆnùÉiÉ֨ɠnùÉxɨɸÉÉäÊjɪÉàªÉvÉÉ**
It's of no use if a Dana is extended to man who is not eligible to receive it. As such the
planets positioned in combust, in enemy sign, in debilitation, defeated in grahayuddha,
are not capable of giving Rajayoga.


Though three Yogakaraka planets have no strength, are giving wealth (Bhagya). when
four are in such positions gives lesser wealth, if five are in such position will give
Rajayoga in full with Sowbhagya, afterwards basing on the positions the planets gives
yoga lakshanas only.

14 º´ÉÉäSSÉκlÉiÉ& {ÉÚhÉǤɱÉÆEÖò¨ÉÉ®úÉ*ä
iÉÉ®úÉÊvÉ{É& {ÉÚhÉǤɱÉÆ iÉlÉè´É*
xÉèºÉÌMÉEÆò ´ÉÒªÉǨÉÖnùɽþ®ÆúÊiÉ**
While explaining naisargika bala the following planets have full strength if Mercury is in
Exaltation, Jupiter, Venus, and Moon are in Subhamsas.
15. {É®ú¨ÉÉäSSÉMÉiÉÉ& JÉä]õÉ& {ÉÚhÉǪÉÉäMÉÆ Ê´ÉiÉx´ÉiÉà
The Planets in Paramocha gives complete good (favourable) results during their dasa
periods, however the planets in exaltation (ucha) gives normal results only.

16. º´É{Énäù¹ÉÖ ÊjÉ{ÉÉnùVÉÆ *¤É±ÉÆ*

ʨÉjɦÉä¹ÉÖ *¤É±É¨ÉhÉǨÉÒÊ®úiɨÉÂ*
ºÉ¨É¦Éä¹ÉÖ ºÉ{ÉÉnùVÉÆ *¤É±É¨ÉÂ*
¶ÉiÉÞ¦Éä¹ÉÖ *¤É±É ½þÒxÉJÉäSÉ®úÉ&*
(* Phalam / Balam in one Manuscript it is said as Phanam in another said as Balam) The
Planets in their Swasthana (own sign) gives 75% results / has 75% strength. The Planets
in mitrasthana (friendly sign) gives 50% results / has 50% strength, The Planets sama
Sthana (equal signs) gives 1% results / 1% strength, The Planets in satru sthana (enemy's
sign) gives no results / have no strength.

17. +ÊvÉʨÉjÉÆ {ÉÆSÉ˴ɶÉÉä ˴ɶÉÊiĘ́ÉjɦÉäiÉvÉÉ *

ºÉ¨ÉʨÉjÉä ´ÉÆSÉnù¶É ºÉ¨É¶ÉjÉÉè iÉvÉÉnù¶É**
The Planets in Adhimitra Rasis have 25 Kalas. In mitrarasi 20 Kalas, in samamitra Rasi 15
Kalas, in Samasatru Rasis 10 Kalas are indicated.

18. +ÊvɶÉjÉÉè Eò³ýÉxªÉÚxÉÆ ¶ÉiÉÞ¦ÉäSɶɮúºiÉvÉÉ*

º´ÉIÉäjɺlÉä Eò³ýÉϺjɶÉiº´ÉÉäSSÉäuùÉËjɶÉÊiɦÉÇ´ÉäiÉÂ*
{É®ú¨ÉÉäSSÉMÉiÉ& JÉä]õ¶SÉiÉÖ¹¹Éι`öEò³ýÉÊvÉEò&**
The Planets in Adhi Satru Rasis have no Kala, The planets in Satru Rasis have 5 Kalas,
The planets in Swasthana have 30 Kalas, The planets in Swocha have 30 Kalas, The
planets in paramocha have 60 Kalas are indicated.

<ÊiÉ ¸ÉÒ MÉÉèiɨɺÉÆʽþiÉɪÉÉÆ ¤É±ÉɤɱÉÉvªÉɪÉÉä ÊuùiÉÒªÉ&

End of the Second Chapter

1. {ÉnùɴɤÉÉävÉäxÉ ÊxɺÉMÉÇ´ÉÒªÉǨÉÂ*
Gò¨ÉɴɤÉÉävÉäxÉ ¤É±É¨É ʴÉÊSÉxiªÉ¨ÉÂ*
iÉnÂù¦ÉɴɺÉƪÉÉäMÉ où¶ÉɺɨÉäiɨÉÂ*
The naisargikabala calculated based on 'padas', the strength of temporary relations, qualities
of combination, aspects of the respective strength of bhavas and in addition to this the
kalabala worked out are to be taken into consideration while making (phala nirnaya)

2 ±ÉMxÉÉÊvÉ{ÉÉäªÉnÂù¦É´ÉxÉÉÎx´ÉiɶSÉä*
±±ÉMxÉÉÊnù ºÉÆJªÉɶSÉiÉvÉÉäkÉ®äúhÉ*
iÉiºÉÆJªÉ ¨ÉÉ°üføʨÉÊiÉ ¤ÉÞ´ÉÎxiÉ*
¨É½þÉxÉÖ¦ÉÉ´ÉÉ ªÉ´ÉxÉÉnùªÉ
The Yavanas said that the lord of lagna in a chart occupy a house, the sign which is
counted from him, in the same number as he is from the lagna is known as 'Lagna
Arudha' e.g., Lagnadhipathi in 3rd to three rasis is 5th house will be 'lagna arudha'. If
panchamadhipathi is in 8th means from there 8th house is lagnath saptama rasi is

Note: in the Example we have seen that Panchamadhipati in 8th from panchama (say Simha Lagna - 5th Lord Ju in

3 ªÉä¦ÉÉ´ÉxÉÉvÉɪÉÊnù ªÉjÉEÖòjÉÊSÉ*
ascertain the planets from their sthanas posited which is counted from them, in the same
number as they are from their sthanas are called 'Arudha' e.g., Mesha Lagna - Chandra
in 6th from Mesha - The Vahana Arudha falls in Vrichika rasi. i.e., in 8th House.

Note: for easy understanding (this is not in the original text)

To fix the Arudhana Sthana follow the following three Steps
Step-1 Go to the respective Sthana from Lagna
Step-2 Count the Number of Signs from the Sthana to Sthanadhipathi where posited.
Step-3 Again go forward the same number of signs from the respective sthanadhi pathi
and fix the respective 'Arudha'.
4. º´ÉÊnùM¤É±É¨É º´ÉÉäSSɤɱɨÉ ºÉ´ÉÒªÉǨÉÂ*
´ÉnùÉxÉÖ ºÉÆvÉÉxɨÉÖ {ÉèÊiɪÉÉäMªÉ¨ÉÂ*
¦ÉÉMÉÉÊvÉEäòxÉÉÊ{É Eò³ýÉ.....EäòxÉ* (one letter missing)
The respective Digbala related, Uchabala, specific quality of bala related to pada, Eò³ýÉÊvÉEò
relation, aspect of Sukra to respective Bhava of the sthanadhipati are leading to give
good results.

iºÉnÆùb÷xÉÉvÉÉä¦É´ÉÊiÉ |ÉVÉÉiÉ&*
xÉÞ{ÉÉänÂù¦É´É¶SÉä x¨Énù´ÉÉ®úhÉÉ·É*
ºº´ÉEòÒªÉ ¤ÉɽþÉ¤É±É ÊxÉÌVÉiÉÉÊ®ú&**
If a native is born in a Backward Community with the above qualities in his Chart will
become ¨Éxb÷±ÉÉvÉÒ¶É, (Thasildar), ʶÉIÉÉÊvÉEòÉÊ®ú (Jailor). If born in Kshatriya Community he has
the kingly qualities viz., courage, valor and wins over the enemies and has Elephants and

6 ¦Épèù¨ÉÇkÉMÉVÉ躺ÉÖnäù¶ÉVÉ ½þªÉ躺ÉɨÉxiÉ ºÉÆPÉè¶SÉiÉè&*

ºÉ´Éê·ÉªÉÇ ºÉ¨ÉºiɦÉÉäMÉ Ê´É¦É´Éè¶UôjÉèl´ÉÇVÉè¶SÉɨɮèú*
®úÉ°üføÉÊvÉ{É {ÉxSÉEÆò ´ÉxÉ{Énäù¨ÉÉxÉä´É¦ÉÉMªÉÉÎx´ÉiÉ&**
iɺ¨ÉÉYÉÉiÉxÉ®úºªÉ ´Éè¦É´É¨É½þÉEòÒÌiÉÌnùMÉÆiÉÉÇSÉ®äúiÉÂ**
If Five padadipatis are combined with Bhagyadipathi and posited in Vahanapada (or) in
Dasamapada the native(s) leads Royal Life with Mangala Prada (auspicious) Elephants,
Horses, Senadhipathis (Commenders) with courage, and enjoys Samastha Ayswarya,
Bhagya, Vaibhava and with royal comforts of Chatra, Dhwaja, Chamara and not only
with the above comforts the native will have good name and fame in all over the

7 ¨ÉnùEòʱÉiÉEò{ÉÉä±Éè ººÉnÂùMÉVÉè®úÉiÉ{ÉjÉè&*
{É]ÖõiÉ®ú¦É]õ ºÉÆPÉ躺ªÉÆnùxÉÉtè& {ÉiÉÉEèò&*
{ÉÊ®úSÉ®úxÉÞ{ɤÉÞnÆ èù& {ÉÉnùSÉÉ®èúººÉ¨ÉäiÉÉä*
¨ÉÖÊxɪÉÖiÉ{Énù¨ÉɱÉɨÉ |ÉÉ{ªÉiÉàªÉ ººÉVÉÉiÉ&**
A native who has the seven Arudhas in a continuous row, is served by Servants i.e, Dasa
Dasis, and enjoys all Royal Comforts, and have elephants, white umbrellas, courageous
army, chariots, cavalry etc.,

8 ºÉ¨ÉºiÉ ¦ÉÚ{ÉÉx{ÉÊ®ú{ÉɱÉEòººªÉÉ*
BEòÉiÉ {ÉjÉv´ÉVÉ SÉɨɮúÉfø¬Éä*
In a Chart all the Padas formed from 1 to 12 serially, like a garland he is the commander
of the Emperors and enjoys all types Royal Comforts.

9 +¹]õÉÊvÉEòÉ®ú {ÉÊ®úEòα{ÉiÉ ¨ÉÉʱÉEòɪÉÉ*

¨ÉÉSÉGò´Éɳý {ÉÊ®ú´Éäι`öiÉ EòÒÌiÉVÉɱÉ&*
·ÉäiÉÉiÉ {ÉjÉ ®úvÉ ¦ÉäÊ®ú ¦É]õɷɺÉÆPÉè*
xÉÉÇMÉɪÉÖiÉè& {ÉÊ®ú´ÉÞiÉ& |ɦɴÉÉä ¨ÉxÉÖ¹ªÉ&**
Continuously in eight Rasis Padamalika (garland of padas) is formed in a row, the
native enjoys with all sorts of Royal Comforts with Chatra (umbrella) Dwaja, Chariots,
all types of courageous military, lakhs and lakhs of elephants and rules all over the world.

10 ¨Énäù¦ÉªÉÚvÉèv´ÉÇVÉ SÉɨɮúÉÊnùʦÉ*
¨ÉǽþÉ®úvÉÉ·Éè ¦ÉǽÖþxÉÉvɺÉÆPÉè&*
ºÉ{iÉÉÊvÉEòÉ®ú& |ɦɴÉÉä¨ÉxÉÖ¹ªÉ*
ººÉ¨ÉºiÉvÉÉjÉÒ´ÉÊ®ú {ÉɱÉEòººªÉÉiÉÂ**
A native who has the seven Arudhas in a continuous row, will be rulers and protectors
of the land i.e., Kings and emperors, and served by Elephants, adorned by Kingly
symbols, Horsemen, Maharadhis (Commanders of chariots), and Cavalry.

11 iÉÖ®ÆúMÉ ºÉÉ®ÆúMÉ ®úvÉÉÊnùºÉÆEòÖ ±É¨ÉÂ*

¨ÉÞnùxMÉ ¦Éä®úÒ®ú´É ªÉÖHòªÉÉxɨÉÂ*
¦ÉÉ´ÉÉÊnù¹É]ÂõEèò& {ÉÊ®úEò±{ÉxÉҪɨÉÂ*
ÊnùMÉxiÉ Ê´É¸ÉÉxiÉ ¨ÉÖ{ÉèÊiÉ ¤ÉɱÉ&**
If padamalika is formed in six Rasis continuously like a row, the native enjoys all Royal
Comforts with Chariots, Elephants, Vehicles with Mangalavayidyas (auspicious
musicians). His Royalty spreads in the entire world.

12 ºÉ´Éæ¹ÉÖnäù¶Éä¹´ÉÊiÉ nùIÉEòººªÉÉ*
uù®úɺÉxɺlÉÉä MÉVÉ´ÉÉÊVÉ°üfø&*
|ÉiÉÉ{ɶÉÒ±É& |ɦɴÉÉä ¨ÉxÉÖ¹ªÉ&*
{ÉxSÉÉÊvÉEòÉ®èú& {ÉÊ®úEò±{ÉxÉҪɨÉÂ*
In five or six rasis continuous row like padamalika is formed in a chart, the native is
courageous, valorous in all the countries, with elephant riders, Horsemen and holds good
position as a King and rules the country.

13 +É°üfø±ÉɦÉä ¦ÉÞMÉÖºÉÉä¨É{ÉÖjÉÉè*
ºÉVÉÒ´É SÉxpùÉèªÉÊnù ºÉÆκlÉiÉÉè ¶ÉÖ¦ÉÉè*
®úÉVÉÉÊvÉ®úÉVÉÉä VÉMÉnäùEò´ÉÒ®ú&**
The Benefics Budha, Sukra or Chandra and Guru are placed in 11th house to
Arudhalagna, the native is blessed with good education, wealth, courageous and best

14. ¤ÉÖvɶSÉ VÉÒ´ÉÉä *¦ÉÞMÉÖxÉÆnùxɶSÉ*

+É°üfø ±ÉMxÉÉtÊnùEäòxpù ´ÉÌiÉxÉ&*
Ê´ÉtÉ ÊSÉ®úɪÉÖººÉÖiÉ ºÉÆ{Énù¶SÉ*
iÉpùÉVɪÉÉäMɨÉ |É´ÉnùÎxiÉ ºÉxiÉ&*
If Budha (Me), Guru (Ju), Sukra (Ve) and (Chandra) are posited in Kendras to
Arudhalagna the native is highly educated, blessed with children, long lived (good
longevity), and enjoys Rajayoga. (* ¦ÉÞMÉÖxÉxnùxÉäxnÖù in another work) (note: the moon is kept in
bracket because in the original text it is ¦ÉÞMÉÖxÉxnùxɶSÉ in another work ¦ÉÞMÉÖxÉxnùxÉäxnÖù)

15 +É°üfø±ÉɦÉä MÉÖ¯û¨ÉxjÉxÉÉlÉÉ*
´ÉÉ°üfø¦Éä ±ÉMxÉiÉ{ÉÊiÉ ººÉÖJÉä¶É&*
pùÉVªÉÉʦÉʹÉHòÉä ªÉÊnù ®úÉVÉ´Éxt&**
If Mantradhipati and Guru (Ju) are posited in 11th house to Arudha Lagna,
Vahanadhipathi in Lagna, 10th Lord in 10th House, the native will be a ruler or praised by
the Ruler(s).

16 +É°üfø±ÉMxÉÉiºÉ¨É®äú¶É Eäòxpäù*
º´ÉºlÉÉxÉMÉÉä ¦ÉÚʨɺÉÖiÉκlÉiɶSÉ*
VÉҴɺªÉ Eäòxpäù ¦ÉÞMÉÖxÉÆnùxɺºªÉÉ*
kÉiEäòxpùMÉä ºÉÉä¨ÉºÉÖiÉÉä ¨ÉÞMÉÉÆEò&**
The native will become a Ruler/King if Dasamadhipathi to Arudha Lagna is posited in
Kendra to Arudhalagna, Mars in Swasthana (Aries/Scarpio) Sukra (Ve) in kendra to
Guru (JU); Budha (Me) Chandra (Mo) in Kendra to Sukra (ve).

17 ¶ÉÉxiÉ& EÞò{ÉɳÖýVÉÇxÉ ´ÉiºÉ±É¶SÉ*

EÖò±ÉÉʦɨÉÉxÉÒ ®úhÉ®ÆúMÉ vÉÒ®ú&*
Eò®úÉäÊiÉ ¦ÉÚ¨Éxb÷±É xÉɪÉEòi´É¨ÉÂ**
As explained in the verse the qualities of the native are: peaceful, Kind hearted,
loved/praised by people, leads good life, wins over enemies, loves his own community,
courageous in Wars and is an Emperor.

18 +É°üfø±ÉMxɺlɶÉÖ¦ÉèÌxÉ®úÒÊIÉiÉ*
iɺ¨ÉÉxÉxÉÉvÉäxÉ ªÉÖiÉÉä ÊxÉ®úÒÊIÉiÉ*
ººÉ®úÉVÉ ®úÉVÉÉä VÉMÉÊiÉ |ÉʺÉrù&**
The benefics (planets) in the Arudhalagna is aspected by the Guru (Ju) and combined
with Navamadhipathi having full strength and if combined with Dasamadhipathi also or
aspected, the native will be a famous ruler.

19 +É°üfø®úÉVªÉä ʽþ¤ÉÖEòä ¶É¨ÉÉxÉ{ÉÉ*

¨ÉxjÉä¶É vɨÉæ¶É iÉ{ÉκlÉiɶSÉä*
±±ÉMxÉä·É®ú& {ÉxSɨɦÉäxɪÉÖHò&**
In Arudharajya, Vahana and Rajyadhipatis are posited, Arudhalabha is aspected by
Sukra, Panchama and Navama arudhas falls in Ninth house, such native will be a great
man as explained in the 20th Sloka (Stanza).

20 Eò®úÉäÊiÉ ¦ÉÚ{ÉɱÉEò xÉɪÉEòi´É¨ÉÂ*

ÊnùMÉxiÉ Ê´É¸ÉÉxiÉ ªÉ¶ÉººÉ¨ÉäiɨÉÂ*
+SÉGò´ÉɳýÉnùxÉxÉÒ {ÉÊiÉi´É*
He will possess the great Rajyalakshmi, and King of Kings/ Emperor and rules the entire
world, his name and fame is spread widely throughout.

21 +É°üfø¦ÉÉ´ÉÉÊvÉ{ÉiÉÉè ºÉÖ®äúVªÉä*
+É°üfø ±ÉɦÉäSÉ ¶É¶ÉÉÆEò ºÉÚxÉÖ&*
iÉÉè®úÉVÉ®úÉVÉÉä ¤É±É´ÉɺºÉÖvÉÒ®ú&**
Arudha Lagnadhipathi Guru, Budha in Arudhalabha, if the two planets combined with
Chandra, aspected by Sukra, such native is strong, powerful, courageous, and King of

22 +É°üfø{Éä º´ÉÉäSSÉMÉiÉä º´É®úɶÉÉè**

ºÉÉ訪ÉOɽþÉ& EäòxpùMÉiÉÉ ºº´É¦Éä¹ÉÖ*
VÉMÉi|ÉʺÉrùÉä VÉMÉnùÒ·É®úººªÉÉiÉÂ**
When Arudha Lagnadhipathi is in Ucha, Swakshetra with full strength in Arudhalagna
or posited in Lagna, Benefics posited in kendras in their Rasis, such native will be a world
famous ruler / King.

23 +É°üfø±ÉMxÉ {ÉÉä¦ÉÉ´Éä EòÉä¶Éä ¦ÉÉMÉÇ´É xÉxnùxÉ&*

EÖòb÷¬ä ºÉÖ®úMÉÖ¯û¶SÉè´É <ǶÉà±ÉÉ¦É´É ºÉÆκlÉÊiÉ&*
ºÉ´Éæ º´É¤É±ÉªÉÖHòɶSÉäSSÉGò´ÉiÉÔ xÉ®äú·É®ú&**
If Arudhalagnadhipati in Lagna, Sukra in Kosapada, Guru in Vahanapada, 11 th lord in
Lagna, and if these planets have strength, such native becomes Emperor.

24 ´ÉɽþxÉä¶Éà ´ÉɽþxɺlÉà Ê´ÉGò¨Éà ´ÉÒªÉǦÉä·É®àú*

¤ÉÖÊrù{ÉÉä ¨ÉxjɺÉnùxÉà EäòxpùMÉà ºÉÖ®ú{ÉÚÊVÉiÉà*
Vahanadhipati in Vahanapada, 3rd Lord in 3rd, 5th Lord in Mantrapada, Guru posited in
kendra and if 9th and 10th lords have relation, the native will be an Emperor.

25 ±ÉMxÉÉ°üfø{ɪÉÉäªÉÉæMÉà iÉnÂù¦ÉÉ´ÉÉÊvÉ{É ºÉƪÉÖiÉ&*

±ÉɦÉ{Éà ±ÉÉ¦É ºÉƺlÉäiÉÖ EòÉä¶Éà ¦ÉÉMÉÇ´É xÉxnùxÉ&**
Lagnarudhapati, lagnadhipathi are with the planets posited in Swakshetra, 11 th lord in 11th
sukra in Kosapada the native will become a King.

26 +É°üfø¦ÉÉ´Éä·É®ú ±ÉMxÉÉxÉÉlÉÉ*
´ÉÉ°üfø¦ÉÉ´ÉäxÉ ºÉ¨ÉÎx´ÉiÉÉè SÉäiÉÂ*
+É°üføEäòxpäù MÉÖ¯ûºÉÉè¨ªÉ ªÉÖHòÉè
EòÉä¶Éä·É®úÉiEåòxpùMÉiÉä vÉxÉä¶Éà*
Arudhalagnadhipati and Lagnadhipati are in Arudhalagna, Budha and Guru are posited
in Kendras to Arudha, Dhanadhipati is posited in kendra to the kosadhipati, the native
occupies the entire world and rules all over.

27 +É°üfø¦ÉÉ´ÉMÉà ºÉÉ訪Éä vÉxÉä ¦ÉÉMÉÇ´ÉxÉxnùxÉ&

´ÉÒªÉǦÉä ¦ÉÉè¨É ºÉ¨ªÉÖHàò ò ´ÉɽþxÉà MÉÖ¯û ºÉƪÉÖiÉà**
If Budha in Arudhalagna, Sukra in Dhanasthana, Kuja in 3rd, Guru in Vahana, the native
is a king.

28 Ê{ɶÉÆÊMɱÉä¶ÉÉä¦É´É¦Éä ºÉÖiɦÉä{ÉÖjÉ ¦Éä·É®ú&*

iɨÉκjɹɹ`ö±ÉɦÉä´ÉÉ ½äþʳý®úÉi¨ÉÊxÉEäòiÉxÉà*
xÉÉMÉɪÉÖiÉ ºÉ½þ»ÉÉhÉɨɪÉÖiÉɷɺªÉ xÉɪÉEò&*
If Guru is posited in Arudhalagna, 5th lord in 5th, Rahu is posited either in 3, 6, 11, Ravi in
Swakehetra, the native is a king with several Horses and Elephants.

29 +É°üføÉnÂù¦ÉÉMªÉ®úÉVªÉä¶ÉÉè ±ÉMxÉÉnÂù¦ÉÉMªÉ{É®úÉVªÉ{ÉÉè*
Navama, dasamadhipatis to Arudhalagna, Navama, dasamadhipatis to Lagna are posited
in 9th or in 10th House , no doubt such native will be an Emperor.

30 ÊnùxÉÉÊvÉ xÉÉvÉÉäÊ{É ÊxɶÉÉÊvÉ xÉÉvÉÉä*

¨É½þÒºÉÖiÉ ººÉÉä¨É ºÉÖiÉÉä MÉÖ¯ûκºÉiÉ&*
BiÉ亴ɰüfäø¶SÉ ºÉ¨ÉÉMÉiÉɺºªÉÖ*
ººÉ¨ÉºiÉ ¦ÉÚ¨ÉÒ·É®ú ®úIÉhÉ IɨÉ&**
If Ravi, Chandra, Kuja, Budha, Guru, Sukra planets are posited in their respective padas,
the native will be a king with sovereignty. (Sarvabhoumadhikara)

31 {ÉÚ´ÉÇ {ÉÖhªÉ{ÉÊiÉ ®úÉVªÉºÉƪÉÖiÉÉä*

°ü{ÉxÉÉlÉ ºÉÊSÉ´ÉÉè ¤É±ÉÉÎx´ÉiÉÉè*
{Énù¶É®äú ¦ÉÞMÉÖVÉÉä xÉÞ{ÉxÉɪÉEò&
If 5th lord in 10th and if Arudhalagnadhipati and Guru having strength, 9th Lord,
Chandra are posited in Lagnapada or 11th house, If Sukra is posited in 5th sign to
Panchama, the native will become a king with sovereignty.

32 {ÉnùÉuùÒªÉǦÉä *Ê´ÉGò¨Éä¶ÉÉä ªÉÊnùºªÉÉ *

rùxÉÉuùÒªÉǦÉä VÉҴɦÉÉè¨ÉÉè ªÉÊnùºªÉÉiÉÂ*
xÉÞ{ÉÉÊuùGò¨Éä iÉÒµÉ{ÉÉEòÉä ªÉÊnùºªÉÉ*
iºÉnùÉ ºÉÉ´ÉǦÉè¨É& |ɦÉÖi´É¨É Eò®úÉäÊiÉ**
(in the book l it is like*Ê´ÉEò©Éä¶ÉÉä)
If Third lord is posited in 3rd to Arudha, Mars, Jupiter are posited in 3rd to Kosapada,
and at the time of Dasa period of a powerful planet posited in 3rd to Rajya pada, the
native will form Government.

33 ®úhÉä·É®úÉÊvÉι`öiÉ ®úÉʶÉxÉÉvÉÉä*
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The Rasilord where the Rajyadhipathi is posited is combined with Vahanadhipathi and
placed in Dhana or Vahana signs, If Dhanadhipathi or Vahanadhipathi is combined
with Sukra the native will ascend the throne and will be the Best Ruler/King.

34. ºÉÖJÉä¶ÉººÉÖ®äúVªÉÉäxÉÞ{ÉÉ°üføxÉÉlÉ*
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If Vahana, Bhagya, Dasamarudhapati and Jupiter are combined together in Nrupapada;
5th lord in 5th, 10th lord in Kosapada, Kuja in 3rd to Arudhapada, the native will become
a King.

35. {Énäù¶ÉxªÉ¨ÉÉxÉä xÉÞ{Éä¶ÉκlºÉiɺªÉÉ*

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If Rajyarudhapati is posited in 10th to padadipati, to the lagna where Guru, Budha,
Dhanadhipati are posited, the Sukra having more Kalas posited in Kosasapa and he is in
9th to the Arudhapati the native born in this a combination will become a king with

36. ¦Éä®úÒnÖùxnÖùÊ¦É ´ÉÉtPÉÉä¹É ÊxÉxÉnèù

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1 An important shloka for those doing mundane astrology - SA
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Arudha Lagna, Kosapada, Mantrapada in any of the above places, the padadipatis of four
planets are placed, the native who born in this combination of planets in his chart have
name and fame spread all over the world. He enjoys all sorts Royal Comforts, He has
the Royal Drums, Servants, Slaves, Army with Valour, Conch (Sankha), auspicious
musicians, dancers, Different types of Drum players, and is praised by all as the Best

37. EòÉä¶Éà näù´É MÉÖ¯û¶SÉ ¦ÉÉMªÉºÉnùxÉà

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MÉVÉè ººÉ´ÉǨÉ ºÉ½äþ¶ÉÉÊvÉ{É&**
If Guru is placed in Kosapada, and Panchama, Navamarudha patis are in 9th, having
strength and aspected by Arudhalagnadhipati and if combined with Lagnadhipati; If
Kosadhipati is combined or aspected by Guru, Nrupa, Upapadadhipati are placed in
Mantrapada or Rajya to the Pada the native rules all the countries.

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End of the third Chapter

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