Ring and Traveller

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Ring and Traveller

Traveller Ring
Functions of ring :
• Ring guides the circular run
of the traveler.
• It also helps in twisting by
means of running of the
• It also acts as a track of
Classification of ring

• According to origin or element:-

i. Metallic ring
ii. Ceramic ring
• According to number of flange:-
i. Single flange ring
ii. Double flange ring
What is Flange
The path of traveler on the ring is called flange. It may be single or
• Flange width: The term flange width express the difference the outer
diameter and inner diameter of a ring. Flange width is expressed in
flange no.
• Flange width= (Flange no. + 3)/32 inch

Flange no. Flange width

1 3.2
1.5 3.6
2 4
Advantage and disadvantage of double sided ring
Advantage: Disadvantage:
1.The ring double flange can be 1.The life of reversed flange is not
reversed when the used flange as long as single flange
worn out. 2.The unusual side of double
2.As the cost of both types is flange becomes rusty, spotty and
same double flange is economical looses it smoothness.
to use. 3.Greater yarn tension, increase
end breakage.
Ring Diameter
Rings are available with the Relation between bobbin dia and
following internal diameters (in Ring dia:
mm): B= 0.39R
36, 38, 40, 42, 45, 48, 51, and 54 Where B= Bear bobbin dia and R=
Ring dia
Factor considered for selection of ring dia
1. Yarn count: higher count lower ring dia
2. Empty bobbin dia: larger the empty bobbin dia larger ring dia
3. Spindle speed: higher spindle speed,higher yarn tension, smaller
ring dia.
4. Lift of the bobbin: with increasing the lift , ring dia also increases.
Required features for the ring
• Best quality raw material
• Good, but not too high, surface smoothness
• An even surface
• Good, even surface hardness, higher than that of the traveller
• It should have been run-in as well as possible (optimal running-in
• Long operating life time
• Correct relationship between ring and bobbin tube diameter
• Horizontal disposition
• It should be exactly centered relative to the spindle.
Raw materials used in ring frame
The ring should be tough on the inside and hard on the outside. Very
close attention should be paid to the running surface in particular in
this respect. Uniformly high hardness of the boundary layer of about
800-850 HV is required. A lower hardness (650-700 HV) should be
chosen for the traveler, so that the traveler, which is less expensive and
easier to replace, wears rather than the ring. Surface smoothness is
also important.
The following materials are used:
• case hardening steel in some cases
• nitride steel
• ball bearing steel; this is currently the customary ring material
Modern rings usually feature a surface coating
The object of such coatings is Coatings used include:
• to reduce friction, • oxides
• to reduce wear, • nitriding
• to prevent corrosion and • carbonitriding
• to simplify running-in the ring • hard chrome
• nickel (in some cases containing
hard particles)
• ceramics
Life time of ring

Life time of a ring is 4 to 10 years.

The traveler
Traveler is the most tinny and simple mechanical element in ring frame which
carries the most important function like simultaneous twisting, winding, thread
guide etc.
• Function of traveller:-
• Twisting on the drafted strand of fibre.
• Winding of the yarn on the bobbin.
• Maintain winding tension of the yarn by the frictional resistance between the
ring and the traveler.
• It acts as a guide for yarn on the way to be wound on the bobbin.
Parts of traveler
There are three parts of a
traveller. They are given below:-
• Bow

• Horn

Manufacturer of traveler
1. Bracker – Germany
2. Kanai-japan
3. Lakshmi (LRT)- india
4. Renier
Force acting on traveler
1. Centrifugal force
2. Air drug
3. Coriolis force
4. Frictional force
5. Winding tension
6. Balloon tension
Surface speed of traveler: 30-35
m/s, contact pressure 35 N/mm2
Generate temperature 300-400oC
Shapes of traveler

• a, C traveler;
• b, flat traveler (standard
• c, elliptical traveler;
• d, N traveler
The wire profile of the traveller
The wire profile also influences running behavior,
i.e. through:
• the contact surface on the ring
• smooth running
• heat dissipation
• thread passage space
• and certain yarn properties:
• sloughing resistance
• hairiness
The ring traveler should
• generate as little heat as possible
• quickly distribute the heat that is nevertheless generated from the site
where it occurs (contact surface) to the traveler as a whole
• dissipate the heat quickly to the ring and the air
• be elastic, so that the traveler can be pressed onto the ring without
• display high wear resistance
• have a slightly lower hardness than the ring, since the traveler must
wear rather than the ring.
Traveler number
Amount of traveler Weight in grain traveler no.
10 10 1
10 11 2
10 12 3
10 9 1/0
10 8 2/0
10 7.5 3/0
10 7 4/0
Recommended traveler no. for various yarn counts:

Count (Ne) Traveller No.

16 2
20 1-2/0
30 3/0-4/0
40 6/0-8/0
50 10/0-12/0
60 13/0-15/0
80 16/0-19/0
100 19/0-20/0
Specification of traveller
A ring traveler is specified by the followings-
1. Traveller no.: 1, 2, 3, 1/0, 2/0, 3/0 etc.
2. Cross section of the wire and shape
3. Flange no.
4. Surface finish- Stainless steel made,
Carbon finish, Nicle finish etc.
5. Type of materials etc.
Notation of traveller:
A traveller can be notified as follows-
• 3/0 MS/hF
• 5/0 MS/FF
• 7/0 HI-NI/ hf

3/0- Traveller number
MS- Mild steel
Hf- Half flange
FF- Full flange
HI-NI- High Nicle Finish
Factors considered for selection of a traveler:
• Yarn count: Higher the yarn count, lower will be the traveler weight.
• Spindle Speed: If the spindle speed is high, then the yarn tension will be high. So
lighter traveler should be used to minimize tension.
• Ring dia: For same spindle speed and count, with the increase of ring diameter yarn
tension as well as frictional area increases. So traveler should be lighter.
• Empty bobbin dia: When empty bobbin dia decreases, winding angle decreases
resulting a higher yarn tension. So a light traveler should be used.
• Lift of bobbin: If the lift of bobbin increases yarn tension will be higher. So traveler
weight should be less.
• Cross section of traveler: We know, if frictional area increases, lighter traveler
should be light.
For flat frictional area increases, traveler weight decreases.
For semi circular, frictional area decreases, traveler weight increases.
For circular, frictional area decreases, traveler weight increases
The traveler clearer

Traveler clearer (r)

Task of traveler clearer
When the yarn, which comprises a large number of more or less firmly
integrated, yet relatively short fibers, is fed through the ring traveler, it
is inevitable that fibers are detached. Most of them fly away from the
traveler, but some also often remain attached to the traveler. These can
accumulate and even form clumps. The resulting, excessively high mass
of the traveler creates high thread tension and ultimately leads to thread
breaks. Fiber strippers, so-called traveler clearers, are mounted near the
rings in order to prevent these accumulations of fibers. These should be
positioned as close to the traveler as possible, but far enough away not
to interfere with the movement of the traveler. Accurate adjustment is
very important.

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