There are underlying issues regarding the education system here in the Philippines
before the pandemic happened. Quality, budget, and affordability for education seems to be
some of the issues in education in the Philippines. There is also the mismatch in between the
actual jobs and educational training causing higher unemployment and underemployment
rates in the Philippines, reaching about 600, 000 educated people being unemployed. Poverty
is one of the major issue regarding the affordability of education as well as the high drop-out
rates or-out of-school youths. There is also the fact that the Philippines has one of the lowest
budget allotted for education in Southeast Asia. The lack of facilities and the high ratio of
The Pandemic has worsened the situation of the Philippines regarding the education
system. Education, which is a right, is slowly turning into a privilege that the poor cannot
receive. Distant learning or remote learning utilizes internet connection and gadgets to teach
students. Phones and laptops are needed to use the internet. The use of the internet also
requires you to spend money by getting plans or promos the internet provider offer. Parents,
whose child or children, are trying to enroll in a private school still has to spend tuition fees
for facilities and labs that are needed to be maintained even though their child or children
may be unable to use the facilities being maintained using their money.
The Aeta, who are indigenous people that live in the countryside, are some of the ones
who are mostly stricken with poverty. This means that they are one of the most affected in the
mode of using distant learning as a way to educate children. As schools are usually far from
homes in rural places in the Philippines, it is hard to use modular learning as a way to learn.
However, Aeta also have a hard time buying gadgets to use for distant learning as well as the
Even though there is the usage of modular learning, students are more prone to
copying other student’s works and assignments as well as parents instead of teaching their
children on how to do their assignments and tasks are spoiling their children and answering
their children’s modules instead. It is also harder to understand as there is no one to guide or
teach you whether your answers are correct or not since there are no feedbacks about the
Internet connection is also an issue that is confronted by many since some use online
classes instead of modular learning. Video calls and meets requires quite a huge amount of
data as well as a good internet speed. This issue is getting called out by people to various
internet providers regarding the need of improving the quality of services they need is quite
important amidst this pandemic since it is not only used by students and teachers but also by
The Quality of Philippine Education in the New Millennium. (2012, January 25). OFFICE OF