Schwartz-Zippel Lemma and Polynomial Identity Testing

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Schwartz-Zippel Lemma

Polynomial Identity Testing
In mathematics, the Schwartz–Zippel lemma (also called the DeMillo-Lipton-

Schwartz–Zippel lemma) is a tool commonly used in probabilistic polynomial

identity testing, i.e. in the problem of determining whether a given multivariate

polynomial is the 0-polynomial.

Polynomial identity testing (PIT) is the problem of efficiently determining

whether two multivariate polynomials are identical. More formally, a PIT algorithm

is given an arithmetic circuit that computes a polynomial p in a field, and decides

whether p is the zero polynomial. Determining the computational complexity

required for polynomial identity testing is one of the most important open

problems in algebraic computing complexity.

The degree of a polynomial is the highest of the degrees of the polynomial's
monomials (individual terms) with non-zero coefficients. The degree of a term is
the sum of the exponents of the variables that appear in it, and thus is a non-
negative integer. For a univariate polynomial, the degree of the polynomial is
simply the highest exponent occurring in the polynomial.

The first term has a degree of 5 (the sum of the powers 2 and 3), the second term has a
degree of 1, and the last term has a degree of 0. Therefore, the polynomial has a degree of
5, which is the highest degree of any term.
Polynomial identity testing

The question "Does

is a question about whether two polynomials are identical. As with any polynomial
identity testing question, it can be trivially transformed into the question "Is a certain
polynomial equal to 0?"; in this case we can ask "Does

If we are given the polynomial as an algebraic expression (rather than as a black-box), we

can confirm that the equality holds through brute-force multiplication and addition, but
the time complexity of the brute-force approach grows as

where n is the number of variables (here,n=2: x is the first and y is the second), and d is
the degree of the polynomial (here,d=2). if n and d are both large grows exponentially

PIT concerns whether a polynomial is identical to the zero polynomial, rather than whether
the function implemented by the polynomial always evaluates to zero in the given domain.

The Schwartz–Zippel algorithm provides a practical probabilistic solution, by simply

randomly testing inputs and checking whether the output is zero. It was the first
randomized polynomial time PIT algorithm to be proven correct
The larger the domain the inputs are drawn from, the less likely Schwartz–Zippel is to fail.
What is a zero polynomial?

The Evaluates to Zero Everywhere (EZE) problem. Given a polynomial p(x1, . . . ,

xn) over F, we must decide whether, for every choice of numbers y1, . . . , yn ∈ F,
the value of p(y1, . . . , yn) is the number 0.

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