Who-Public-Consultation Cgtp-White-Paper 16 Dec 2021
Who-Public-Consultation Cgtp-White-Paper 16 Dec 2021
Who-Public-Consultation Cgtp-White-Paper 16 Dec 2021
16 December 2021
This document has been prepared for the purpose of inviting comments and suggestions on the
proposals contained therein, which will then be considered by the Expert Committee on
Biological Standardization (ECBS). Publication of this early draft is to provide information
about the proposed document to a broad audience and to improve transparency of the consultation
The text in its present form does not necessarily represent an agreed formulation of the ECBS. Written
comments proposing modifications to this text MUST be received by 24 January 2022 using the
Comment Form available separately and should be addressed to: Department of Health Products Policy
and Standards (HPS), World Health Organization, 20 Avenue Appia, 1211 Geneva 27, Switzerland.
Comments may also be submitted electronically to the Responsible Officer: Dr Si Hyung Yoo at
The outcome of the deliberations of the ECBS will be published in the WHO Technical Report Series. The
final agreed formulation of the document will be edited to be in conformity with the second edition of
the WHO style guide (KMS/WHP/13.1).
Draft for Public consultation
16 December 2021
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21 This document is intended to describe current WHO’s thinking on considerations for
22 regulation of Cell and Gene Therapy Products (CGTPs), to promote convergence, and
23 encourage the Member States to strengthen their regulatory system on Cell and Gene
24 Therapy Products regulation. This document is not intended to be a comprehensive
25 overview of regulatory requirements for CGTPs or the different regulatory frameworks that
26 currently exist in different jurisdictions. The objective of this document is to outline the
27 fundamental principles that are important for providing adequate regulatory oversight for
28 different types of CGTPs and should be reviewed in that context. In the future, WHO plans
29 to develop more comprehensive written guidance, as needed, on specific topics relevant to
30 regulation of CGTPs.
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34 Abbreviations
36 ASEAN Association of Southeast Asian Nations
37 ATMP Advanced Therapy Medicinal Product
38 AVAREF African Vaccine Regulatory Forum
39 CD Cluster of Differentiation
40 CGTPs Cell and Gene Therapy Products
41 CRP Collaborative Procedure
42 CTA Clinical Trial Application
43 CTP Cell Therapy Product
44 GCP Good Clinical Practice
45 GLP Good Laboratory Practice
46 GMP Good Manufacturing Practice
47 GTP Gene Therapy Product
48 HCT Human Cells and Tissues for Medical Use
49 HIV Human Immunodeficiency Virus
50 ICDRA International Conference of Drug Regulatory Authorities
51 LCA Leber´s Congenital Amaurosis
52 LMICs Low- and Middle-Income Countries
53 PD Pharmacodynamic
54 PIC/S Pharmaceutical Inspection Co-operation Scheme
55 PK Pharmacokinetic
56 SMA Spinal Muscular Atrophy
57 TEP Tissue Engineered Product
58 WHO World Health Organization
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69 Introduction
71 Use of cells, tissues, and gene therapy products for the treatment of diseases or
72 physiological conditions has become of wide interest due to their potential to address serious
73 unmet medical needs. These cell and gene therapy products (CGTPs) (1) encompass a
74 remarkably broad range of complexity, ranging from unprocessed skin grafts (relatively simple)
75 to gene therapies (highly complex). Simple, minimally manipulated cells and tissues are often
76 used for same essential function in the recipient as in the donor (transplantation, transfusion)
77 and are regulated mainly to prevent possible disease transmission (defined here as human cells
78 and tissues for medical use, HCT) (2,3). Advanced therapy medicinal products (ATMPs) consist
79 of cell and gene therapy products and tissue engineering products, which are produced from
80 manipulated cells or tissues, genetic materials or suitable vectors like plasmids or viruses
81 (3,4). ATMP product types are diverse and range from expanded patient cells, to engineered
82 organs, viral products, genetically modified cells and novel gene editing products (5,6) (see
83 table 1.). ATMPs can also include medical devices (e.g., scaffolds or matrices) as an integral part
84 of the product; those are called combined ATMPs for which the regulations of devices also may
85 apply. ATMPs have the potential to address a variety of unmet medical needs or may have
86 inherent advantages over existing treatments. They also are emerging rapidly as potentially
87 curative therapies that could transform the management of diseases like thalassemia, sickle
88 cell disease, hemophilia, spinal muscular atrophy (SMA), Leber´s congenital amaurosis (LCA)
89 and many other inherited diseases (7).
90 ATMPs have unique features that distinguish them from more traditional pharmaceutical
91 products and their development may differ from the traditional path in a variety of areas
92 including non-clinical assessment, manufacturing, clinical development, and post-market
93 monitoring (8). As for many new indications and especially for orphan diseases, the non-clinical
94 testing of ATMPs often can be challenging, in particular for finding appropriate in vitro systems
95 or animal models (9). In addition, there are a number of challenges quite unique to ATMPs, like
96 species specificities that may hamper extrapolation of non-clinical results to humans. The
97 specificity of a single human protein for its ligand can limit the animal species in which the
98 product can be evaluated. For cell-based medicines, typically multiple receptor-ligand
99 interactions are involved, and even where compatible the physiological outcome of these
100 interactions can also differ between species. Similarly, viral vectors differ in their tropism and
101 will not necessarily infect all species. Immunotherapies based on cells with or without
102 concurrent genetic modification perhaps pose the greatest challenge in the non-clinical
103 assessments due to the exquisite specificity of the immune system, and in-built mechanisms of
104 host defense. Furthermore, for therapeutic products that utilize genome editing technology,
105 non-clinical testing to evaluate off-target effects generally requires use of human cells.
106 Manufacturing of ATMPs can be highly complex and require very specialized facilities
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107 and techniques to allow product processing and formulation (10). That is the case especially for
108 genetically modified cells and directly administered gene therapy products (11). Clinical
109 development may present a variety of challenges including the lack of adequately documented
110 natural history for rare diseases as well as the need to evaluate clinical safety and efficacy in
111 very small patient populations (12). Alternatively, interpretation of results from a randomized,
112 controlled clinical trial for some ATMPs may be hampered by small clinical effects and lack of
113 suitable comparators. Finally, since some of these products may have effects that last many
114 years, ensuring adequate patient follow up to facilitate proper post-market surveillance can be
115 challenging (13). For example, systemically administered gene therapy products could
116 potentially have effects that last decades. All together, these factors distinguish ATMPs from
117 more conventional drugs and preventative or therapeutic biologics and require special
118 considerations.
119 Due in part to the varied nature of CGTPs, it is not surprising that the regulatory
120 frameworks have evolved somewhat differently in Europe, Asia, Australia, North and South
121 America and Africa. However, ATMPs are regulated mostly as medicinal products under
122 existing or specific legislations to ensure quality, safety and efficacy before they are authorized
123 for use in the patient population. The regulatory framework should be based on sound
124 scientific and ethical principles and comprehensive evaluation of risks vs benefits for the
125 different categories of CGTPs. For low risk HCTs the regulations are concentrating on control
126 of possible contaminations and disease transmission (2,14), whereas the regulatory
127 expectations for ATMPs are higher to address the risks of highly manipulated products (15-
128 22). The key elements of a framework include: 1) clear definition of the categories of products
129 that constitute CGTPs, 2) risk stratification of the products defined as CGTPs, 3) aligning the
130 level of regulatory control based on the different risk categories and, 4) consideration of the
131 maturity level, expertise, and resources of the regulatory authority for providing oversight of
132 CGTPs in the different risk categories.
133 As high-income countries work towards further regulatory convergence for these
134 products, it is important to ensure that regulators in low- and middle-income countries (LMICs)
135 are familiar with the scientific principles and regulatory issues for CGTPs also. Important factors
136 include understanding of the scope (breadth and the nature of HCTs and ATMPs), risks and the
137 key regulatory concepts relevant to ensuring that the more complex products are shown to be
138 safe and effective prior to their widespread deployment. The importance of post-market
139 surveillance systems must also be emphasized to ensure the continued safety and effectiveness
140 of ATMPs, which can have effects that last for many years. A high degree of manipulation of
141 cells and tissues can not only raise the risks of transformation and tumorigenicity, but also of
142 unwanted immunogenicity and other severe toxicities (23,24). Many gene therapy products
143 are produced from common viruses, which as wild type viruses can be human pathogens.
144 Therefore, the gene therapy vectors are usually made so they do not contain the parts of their
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145 native genomes that would allow them to replicate. However, there potentially are high risks
146 associated also with the gene therapy products, spanning from replicating virus contaminants
147 to immunogenicity and tumourigenicity. Proper analytical testing and pre-clinical / clinical
148 studies are required to identify and mitigate as many of the risks as possible to ensure patient
149 safety. It is quite possible that LMICs will start to receive marketing authorization applications
150 from companies or non-profit organizations interested in providing access to these potentially
151 transformative products for diseases that currently are untreatable or inadequately treated in
152 many countries. Preparing regulatory authorities in LMICs to assess the benefits and risks of
153 such ATMPs is critical to avoid unnecessary risks to patients who receive them. Similarly, raising
154 awareness of the challenges, including manufacturing challenges, is critical to avoid
155 unnecessary delays in access to these products.
157 Purpose and scope
159 At the 2018 International Conference of Drug Regulatory Authorities (ICDRA) meeting (25),
160 Member States noted the potential impact of CGTPs for global public health and the need,
161 especially in LMICs, to build scientific knowledge and strengthen regulatory capacity to provide
162 oversight of these novel products. The following areas were identified as priorities:
164 • Defining what CGTPs are (what is in scope and what is out of scope)
165 • Developing regulatory requirements for CGTPs based on sound science and risk-based
166 principles
167 • Need for convergence on minimum global standards for ATMP quality
169 The ICDRA recommendation was for “WHO to develop with Member States a ‘current state
170 of the art’ document capturing areas where agreement among experienced regulatory
171 authorities exists, noting where harmonization has yet to be achieved, and documenting existing
172 areas of uncertainty; areas covered could include definitions, quality attributes, standards, and
173 clinical development pathways.”
175 This document is the first step in responding to the 2018 ICDRA recommendation and
176 outlines the priorities and next steps, as identified by regulators from both developed and
177 developing countries, for advancing global convergence on the regulation of CGTPs, including
178 ATMPs. The priorities are to:
180 1) Clearly describe what the CGTPs are, describe how the subsets of HCTs and ATMPs are
181 defined from this larger class, and provide definitions of key terminology relevant in this
182 area. Examples will be provided in a subsequent document, as appropriate;
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184 2) Summarize the existing state of ATMPs that are approved or under development,
185 including examples of challenges in the development and where solutions have been
186 identified. These examples should cover nonclinical development, clinical development,
187 and product manufacturing and quality;
190 3) Provide the key elements of a regulatory framework that supports the safety and
191 effectiveness of CGTPs including suggested regulatory controls for different risk categories
192 of products covering key elements for adequate oversight spanning the entire product
193 lifecycle from the investigational phase through post-market surveillance;
195 4) Develop a proposal for how the regulatory framework for the risk categories could be
196 implemented in countries with different levels of regulatory maturity. Examples will be
197 provided in a subsequent document, and;
199 5) Provide an annotated bibliography to highlight key references relevant to the
200 manufacture, product development, and regulation of ATMPs.
202 The WHO goal is to promote regulatory convergence for CGTPs to facilitate development
203 and access to these novel products for patients in all regions of the world. In addition, the aim is
204 to increase safety of patients treated with CGTPs by preventing exploitation of those jurisdictions
205 with inadequate regulations in place for the safe oversight of such novel products (26,27).
206 WHO Expert Committee on Biological Standardization (ECBS) recognized that CGTPs have
207 great potential in the treatment of various diseases and would become important future public
208 health interventions (28). The committee had a clear consensus that global harmonization in
209 CGTPs is needed and that WHO should become engaged in this area (28). For this purpose, the
210 committee had recommended that WHO collaborate with other international groups active in the
211 area of CGTPs for harmonizing guidelines (28). WHO had been active in identifying opportunities
212 for collaboration towards regulatory convergence, including collaboration with international
213 groups and initiatives (29,30,31). In line with this effort, this document is intended to describe
214 WHO considerations for regulation of CGTPs, to promote convergence, and encourage the
215 Member States to strengthen their regulatory system on CGTPs regulation.
217 Terminology
218 The definitions given below apply to the terms as used in this WHO consideration. These terms may
219 have different meanings in other contexts.
220 Autologous cell product is manufactured using patients own cells
221 Allogeneic cell product is manufactured from cells obtained from voluntary donations,
222 often from healthy individuals
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298 Table 1. Examples of CGTPs demonstrating broad range of product complexity and risks
Product Product type Processing Indication Specific
class Risks
HCT Autologous bone Collection of the bone marrow Hematopoietic Minor
marrow cells reconstitution
HCT Allogeneic Collection and freeze drying, Treatment of Minor
amniotic sizing ocular wounds
HCT Allogeneic virus- Collection, selection, washing Treatment of Disease
specific T-cells and freezing of selected T-cells severe transmission
(no culture/expansion) infections
ATMP / Autologous Collection, isolation and Treatment of Disease
CTP5 PBMCs1 expansion of the cells, washing cardiac transmission
and formulation infarction
ATMP / Allogeneic Collection, purification, Treatment of Immuno-
CTP pluripotent stem expansion, differentiation, Retinitis toxicity, tu-
cells (iPSC2 / hESC3) formulation Pigmentosa morigenicity
ATMP / Adeno-associated Most viral genes replaced by Treatment of Viral safety,
GTP 6 virus + SMN1 gene the SMN1 cassette, virus Spinal Muscular immuno-
in vivo expansion, purification, Atrophy toxicity
ATMP / Lentivirus + globin LVV production using plasmids, Treatment of - Integrational
GTP gene in autologous purification and transduction thalassemia mutagenesis,
ex vivo CD34+ cells into patient CD34+ cells, cell oncogenesis,
Complexity, risks
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306 The wide range of products that constitute ATMPs creates significant challenges in their
307 regulation as a class overall. As for other CGTPs, controlled manufacturing of ATMPs requires a
308 consistent process that assures such elements as identity, purity and biological activity, and
309 freedom from adventitious agents including viruses, bacteria, and fungi. An important aspect of
310 development of ATMPs is the identification and determination of critical quality attributes for
311 each product. Critical quality attributes consist of physical, chemical, biological, or
312 microbiological properties or characteristic(s) of a product that should be within an appropriate
313 limit, range, or distribution to ensure the desired target product quality. Ideally, a critical quality
314 attribute would correlate with clinical effectiveness also. An example of a critical quality attribute
315 could be a specific cell surface marker, determined by a methodology such as flow cytometry,
316 that should be present on a minimum percentage of a certain cell type in the product.
317 Long-term safety and efficacy follow-up of individuals treated with ATMPs can present
318 unique challenges because unlike conventional drugs and biologics, these products may exert
319 their effects for years following administration. For example, Lentivirus vector transduced CD34+
320 cells that are systemically administered to correct a genetic defect could exert its effect for years
321 through its integrated presence in cells. Thus, the risk of insertional mutagenesis should be
322 addressed in pre-clinical and clinical studies and the availability of safety surveillance monitoring
323 systems that allow longer term follow-up of all treated patients should be in place to identify any
324 emerging serious adverse events, including the development of malignancy (33). The duration
325 of such safety surveillance needs to be carefully considered to ensure optimal collection of
326 events, yet not unduly burdensome for the patients who receive the gene therapy product.
328 Common Regulatory Expectations
330 Working towards global convergence on regulatory expectations for CGTPs, and ultimately
331 regulatory harmonization, will benefit patients in all regions of the world by helping to facilitate
332 access to these potentially transformative products, which are among the most advanced
333 medical products available. Harmonization is the key to support timely product development
334 and access, in part, because it allows product developers to submit regulatory applications more
335 efficiently and cost-effectively across different jurisdictions.
336 As an initial step towards harmonization, CGTPs can be divided into two categories: (1)
337 ATMP products that require pre-market authorization, and; (2) HCT products that do not have
338 this requirement as they fall in the lower risk category. The criteria required to make this
339 determination include addressing some fundamental questions: 1) is the product a gene
340 therapy? 2) does the product contain viable nucleated cells? 3) is the product intended for
341 homologous use? and 4) is the product minimally manipulated? HCT products that do not require
342 authorization can generally be regulated with less stringent measures to prevent the
343 transmission of infectious diseases. However, ATMPs across a spectrum of complexity and risks
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344 (see Table 1.), require more stringent regulation. A schematic overview of the considerations
345 for determining risk level is shown in Figure 2.
347 Is the product based on Does the product include Product outside of
348 viral vector, plasmid or
No viable live cells with
349 genetically modified cells a nucleus?
350 or is it gene editing product?
351 Yes
352 Yes Is homologous use intended?
Yes No
354 Gene Therapy Product
355 Are the cells/tissue Cell Therapy Product
356 minimally manipulated? or Tissue Engineered Product
357 Yes No
359 HCT with less Cell Therapy Product
360 stringent regulations; or Tissue Engineered Product
361 infectious disease mitigation,
362 traceability
364 Figure 2. A proposed schema for the regulatory path based on classification of the CGTPs. The
365 definitions of minimal manipulation and homologous use are provided in the glossary.
367 Application of a Risk-Based Approach
369 Although CGTPs have the potential to bring tremendous benefit to individuals in medical
370 need, they also have the potential to cause serious harm if not used properly. There needs to be
371 careful consideration of each product and its development and deployment under appropriate
372 regulatory oversight. The maturity of regulatory systems for oversight of CGTPs varies widely
373 among high-, middle-, and low-income countries. It is critical for all regulatory authorities
374 responsible for oversight of medicinal products to be familiar with the potential risks and
375 regulatory considerations for CGTPs. Conduct of investigational studies or deployment of these
376 products, especially ATMPs, without regulatory oversight and adequate safety monitoring can
377 result in severe adverse outcomes for the treated patients. It is critical to understand the nature
378 of the products and the appropriate level of regulation required for different categories of CGTPs
379 to prevent unscrupulous developers from taking advantage of vulnerable patients and less
380 advanced regulatory environments.
381 A risk-based approach could be a feasible way to regulate CGTPs, depending on maturity
382 level of the regulatory authority and its expertise and available resources. A risk-based
383 approach is built on identifying the various risks and risk-factors that may impact quality, safety
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384 and efficacy of the product, taking into consideration risk factors that may be inherent to the
385 product. Since many CGTPs are derived or prepared from living organisms or are themselves
386 living organisms, the prevention of infectious disease transmission is a fundamental aspect of
387 regulatory oversight of these products. Particularly for the use of cells and tissues for
388 transplantation from one individual to another, although premarket authorization is often felt
389 to be unnecessary, it is critical that proper measures are in place to screen the donors of cells
390 and tissues (either living or deceased/cadaveric) with a questionnaire or comparable assessment
391 process for potential infectious diseases, and conduct appropriate testing of the cells or tissues
392 for the most relevant infectious agents that might be associated with disease transmission to the
393 recipient. These tests generally include those for certain viruses, such as hepatitis B, hepatitis C,
394 and human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), as well as other infectious agents that may be locally
395 or globally relevant. The entities that collect and distribute HCTs are generally registered by the
396 regulatory authority overseeing them. Registration involves at minimum collection of the name
397 and physical location of the establishment providing the HCTs, as well as a detailed list of the
398 different cells or tissues being offered by the establishment. In addition, there should be
399 attestation that the collection, processing and medical use of the HCTs do not pose other risks
400 and that the HCTs offered do not meet the criteria of ATMPs that would require authorization
401 as medicinal products. This facilitates implementation of systems for tracing products from
402 donor to recipient, which will be important if an infectious agent is identified or suspected in
403 either the donor or recipient of the HCTs. It also facilitates the ability to recall entire lots or
404 classes of products in a timely manner, in the event issues such as bacterial or viral
405 contamination are identified.
406 ATMPs require the same precautions as HCTs to prevent the transmission of infectious
407 diseases. In addition, ATMPs require oversight of other key regulatory issues including:
409 1. manufacturing and quality controls of the ATMPs, including process changes and
410 comparability assessments, for clinical trials and commercial production under Good
411 Manufacturing Practice (GMP)
412 2. non-clinical studies to generate pharmacodynamic (PD), pharmacokinetic (PK),
413 biodistribution and safety data for the products to ensure the risks are known and
414 mitigated before human exposure (Good Laboratory Practice, GLP, required for pivotal
415 safety studies)
416 3. clinical studies with proper design and control to collect robust and reliable safety and
417 efficacy data for the products and long-term follow-up of the patients (Good Clinical
418 Practice, GCP, required for conduct of the studies)
420 These aspects require that the authorities must have capacity and expertise to evaluate
421 and authorise clinical trial applications, marketing authorization applications and oversee post-
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422 marketing surveillance to monitor long-term safety and efficacy of the authorised ATMPs. In
423 addition, the GXP quality system requires capacity to perform necessary inspections (GMP, GLP,
424 GCP).
425 The diversity of CGTPs has the advantage that it allows tailoring of the regulatory
426 framework for those products that a country may deploy in that jurisdiction. Use of HCTs that
427 do not require premarket authorization can potentially be implemented in settings with more
428 rudimentary regulatory systems as long as the appropriate regulatory framework is in place to
429 ensure that transmission of infectious diseases is minimized, and that products can be traced
430 and recalled if necessary. Under those circumstances, countries can potentially deploy HCTs
431 even in situations where they are relatively resource constrained.
432 For oversight of ATMPs requiring clinical trials and authorization because of their risks,
433 manufacturing complexity and intended use, several options exist. For jurisdictions that have
434 already some experience with cell therapy and tissue engineering products and have an
435 adequate safety surveillance system in place, it may be easier to proceed to review and approve
436 less complex gene therapy products that do not have severe risks. For jurisdictions with more
437 extensive experience with the approval of simple ATMPs that have established safety
438 surveillance systems, it may be reasonable not only to review and approve marketing
439 applications for those ATMPs, but also to allow the investigational use of these products locally
440 under appropriate regulatory framework and ethics committee oversight. For jurisdictions with
441 minimal experience with ATMPs and rudimentary or less well-developed safety surveillance
442 systems, it could be possible to have cell therapy or tissue engineering products marketed
443 following a review process that leads to local approval based on sufficient data. There are
444 intermediate states between these various options that a jurisdiction could consider.
445 To increase access to quality-assured, safe and effective ATMPs, it is encouraged to
446 promote collaboration between regulators regionally and globally and leverage resources more
447 efficiently. Collaboration among regulators currently takes place through regulatory networks
448 that promote cooperation for carrying out various regulatory processes for medical products.
449 The African Vaccine Regulatory Forum (AVAREF) is a platform that brings together regulators
450 from the region to conduct joint reviews of clinical trial applications (34). The WHO collaborative
451 procedure (CRP) facilitates the marketing authorization of WHO-prequalified medical products
452 approved by a stringent regulatory authority. ASEAN member states have developed the ASEAN
453 Joint Assessment Procedure for marketing authorizations (35). The Access consortium brings
454 together regulators from five countries to conduct joint reviews (36). For exchanges and sharing
455 pharmacovigilance data, WHO member states benefit from the safety information of medical
456 products from the WHO database. PIC/S increases mutual confidence in GMP inspections among
457 member countries. Collaboration among regulators and convergence of regulatory
458 requirements in different jurisdictions increases efficiencies and promotes opportunities for
459 reliance. Such regulatory reliance is needed even more for ATMPs than for traditional medical
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460 products, given the lack of experience of regulators in many countries with authorization of these
461 products
462 Through various initiatives for regulatory reliance regionally and internationally, it is
463 hoped that regulatory convergence will ultimately lead to regulatory harmonization. As
464 jurisdictions deploy HCTs and ATMPs, dialogue between regulators will need to continue to take
465 place on an ongoing basis facilitated by WHO and through venues such as Asian-Pacific
466 Economic Co-operation (APEC) (37), International Pharmaceutical Regulators Programme (IPRP)
467 (38) and others, with the goal of further regulatory convergence and harmonization. Global
468 alignment on regulatory requirements for HCTs and ATMPs would benefit public health by
469 making potentially transformative, safe and efficacious medical products available to more
470 patients around the world.
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553 19. NHS: Regenerative Medicine in the UK (2018), available from https://www.hra.nhs.uk/planning-
554 and-improving-research/policies-standards-legislation/regenerative-medicine/
555 20. Choi, M., Han, E., Lee, S., Kim, T. and Shin, W. Regulatory Oversight of Gene Therapy and Cell
556 Therapy Products in Korea. Regulatory Aspects of Gene Therapy and Cell Therapy Products (2015);
557 163-179.
558 21. Health Sciences Authority, Singapore: Regulatory overview of cell, tissue or gene therapy products,
559 available from https://www.hsa.gov.sg/ctgtp/regulatory-overview
560 22. Lin YC, Wang PY, Tsai SC, Lin CL, Tai HY, Lo CF, Wu SI, Chiang YM, Liu LL. Regulation of Cell and
561 Gene Therapy Medicinal Products in Taiwan. Adv Exp Med Biol. 2015; 871:181-94. doi:
562 10.1007/978-3-319-18618-4_10. PMID: 26374219.
563 23. Volarevic V, Markovic BS, Gazdic M, Volarevic A, Jovicic N, Arsenijevic N, Armstrong L, Djonov V,
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564 Lako M, Stojkovic M. Ethical and Safety Issues of Stem Cell-Based Therapy. Int J Med Sci. 2018;
565 15(1):36-45. doi: 10.7150/ijms.21666. eCollection 2018.
566 24. Anguela XM, High KA. Entering the Modern Era of Gene Therapy. Annu Rev Med. 2019; 70:273-
567 288. doi: 10.1146/annurev-med-012017-043332
568 25. 2018 International Conference of Drug Regulatory Authorities (ICDRA) meeting report, WHO Drug
569 Information Vol. 31, No. 4, Page 517, 2018; available at
570 https://www.who.int/medicines/areas/quality_safety/regulation_legislation/icdra/
571 WHO_DI_32-4_18ICDRA.pdf
573 26. Schneider CK, Salmikangas P, Jilma B, Flamion B, et al. Challenges with advanced therapy medicinal
574 products and how to meet them. Nat Rev Drug Discov. 2010;9(3):195-201. doi: 10.1038/nrd3052.
575 27. Srivastava A, Mason C, Wagena E, Cuende N, Weiss DJ, Horwitz EM, Dominici M. Part 1: Defining
576 unproven cellular therapies. Cytotherapy. 2016;18(1):117-9. doi: 10.1016/j.jcyt.2015.11.004.
577 PMID: 26719202.
578 28. WHO Expert Committee on Biological Standardization: sixty-seventh report. Geneva: World Health
579 Organization, Page 36 - 38, 2016 (WHO Technical Report Series, No. 1004;
580 https://www.who.int/publications/i/item/9789241210133)
581 29. Hayakawa T, Aoi T, Bravery C, Hoogendoorn K, Knezevic I, Koga J et al. (2015). Report of the
582 international conference on regulatory endeavors towards the sound development of human cell
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585 30. Petricciani J, Hayakawa T, Stacey G, Trouvin JH, Knezevic I. (2017) Scientific considerations for the
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588 international conference on manufacturing and testing of pluripotent stem cells. Biologicals. 2018
589 Nov; 56:67-83. doi: 10.1016/j.biologicals.2018.08.004. Epub 2018 Aug 24.
590 32. Bravery CA, Carmen J, Fong T, Oprea W, Hoogendoorn KH, Woda J, Burger SR, Rowley JA, Bonyhadi
591 ML, Van't Hof W. Potency assay development for cellular therapy products: an ISCT review of the
592 requirements and experiences in the industry. Cytotherapy. 2013 Jan;15(1):9-19. doi:
593 10.1016/j.jcyt.2012.10.008. PMID: 23260082.
594 33. Reflection paper on management of clinical risks deriving from insertional mutagenesis
595 (EMA/CAT/190186/2012), available from www.ema.europa.eu/en/documents/scientific-
596 guideline/reflection-paper-management-clinical-risks-deriving-insertional-mutagenesis_en.pdf
598 34. WHO / African Vaccine Regulatory Forum (AVAREF), available at African Vaccine Regulatory Forum
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640 Appendix. Useful Information for Cell and Gene Therapy Products Regulation
642 Currently, international initiatives are actively working on information sharing and international
643 convergence for Cell and Gene Therapy Product regulation. Examples of such information for
644 manufacturers and regulators of CGTPs include, but are not limited to:
646 1. IPRP, International Regulatory Frameworks for Cell and Gene Therapies (2021):
647 https://admin.iprp.global/sites/default/files/2021-09/IPRP_CTWG-
648 GTWG_Frameworks_2021_0811_0.pdf
649 IPRP Cell Therapy and Gene Therapy Working Groups share regulatory frameworks and guidelines
650 on ATMPs among member jurisdictions to assist manufacturers in accessing global regulatory
651 requirements. Full information on regulations and guidelines can be accessed by the weblink for
652 specific jurisdictions.
654 2. PIC/S, PIC/S GMP Guide Annex 2A (Manufacture of Advanced Therapy Medicinal Products for
655 Human Use): https://picscheme.org/docview/2231
656 PIC/S provides specific GMP requirements to ATMP as an annex 2A in the GMP guideline. The annex
657 is divided into two parts. Part A covers specific considerations in ATMP manufacturing, from process
658 of control over seed lots and cell banks to finishing activities and testing. Part B encompasses
659 considerations on particular product types, such as gene therapy products.
661 3. ICH, Nonclinical biodistribution considerations for gene therapy products:
662 https://www.ich.org/page/public-consultations
663 ICH provides guidance on nonclinical biodistribution (BD) studies in the development of gene
664 therapy products. This document covers the design of nonclinical BD studies and considerations for
665 interpretation and application of the BD data to support the design of clinical trials.
667 4. ISO, ISO 23033:2021; Biotechnology — Analytical methods — General requirements and
668 considerations for the testing and characterization of cellular therapeutic products;
669 https://www.iso.org/standard/74367.html; ISO/TS 23565:2021, Biotechnology — Bioprocessing —
670 General requirements and considerations for equipment systems used in the manufacturing of cells
671 for therapeutic use, https://www.iso.org/standard/76053.html
672 ISO guides principles for testing and characterization of cell therapy products. These principles could
673 be used to set up critical quality attributes of specific cell therapy products. They also provide
674 minimum requirements for various types of equipment in the process of cells for manufacturing of
675 cell therapy products.
677 5. WHO, INN Nomenclature Scheme for Cell Therapy Products (2015):
678 https://www.who.int/teams/health-product-and-policy-standards/inn/inn-bio/inn-bio-
679 ct&publication=inn-13-323-4; Mandatory information for INN selection and publication for cell-based
680 therapies including cell-based gene therapy substances (2020), https://www.who.int/teams/health-
681 product-and-policy-standards/inn/inn-bio/inn-bio-ct&publication=inn-20-478
682 During the 61st INN Consultation in 2015, a USAN-INN-harmonized nomenclature scheme for cell
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683 therapy products (CTP) was formally finalized and approved by the members of the INN Expert
684 Group designated to deal with the selection of international nonproprietary names. Mandatory
685 information for INN selection and publication for cell-based therapies including cell-based gene
686 therapy substances is available to the applicant for new INN request submissions.
688 6. WHO, Human genome editing: recommendations (2021):
689 https://www.who.int/publications/i/item/9789240030381; Human genome editing: a framework for
690 governance (2021), https://www.who.int/publications/i/item/9789240030060; Human genome
691 editing: position paper (2021), https://www.who.int/publications/i/item/9789240030404
692 WHO provides recommendations on the governance and oversight of human genome editing in nine
693 areas, including human genome editing registries. WHO also provides a new governance framework
694 that identifies specific tools, institutions and scenarios to illustrate practical challenges in
695 implementing, regulating and overseeing research into the human genome.
697 7. WHO, Principles on the donation and management of blood, blood components and other medical
698 products of human origin (2017):
699 https://apps.who.int/iris/bitstream/handle/10665/274793/A70_19-
700 en.pdf?sequence=1&isAllowed=y
701 WHO recommends ten principles for promoting ethical practices in the donation and management
702 of medical products of human origin, including voluntary consent of the donor, safety, quality and
703 efficacy of donation and provides key considerations for implementation.
705 8. NIBSC, WHO 1st Reference Reagent for Lentiviral Vector Integration Site Analysis
706 https://www.nibsc.org/documents/ifu/18-144.pdf; 1st WHO International Reference Reagent CD4 T-
707 cells (human), https://www.nibsc.org/documents/ifu/15-270.pdf
708 NIBSC distributes WHO international measurement standards for assuring the quality of biological
709 medicines. Two WHO international measurement standards are available for cell and gene therapy
710 products. WHO 1st Reference Reagent for Lentiviral Vector Integration Site Analysis is suitable as a
711 qualitative Reference Reagent for LV integration site analysis, with a confident detection of the ten
712 defined LV integration sites. 1st WHO International Reference Reagent CD4 T-cells (human) are
713 intended for use as a cellular control for CD4 T cell enumeration by flow cytometry.