Abuyog Community College
Abuyog Community College
Abuyog Community College
Province of Leyte
Municipality of Abuyog
Learning Activities
Germinal Stage
The early body systems and structures established in the embryonic
stage continue to develop. The neural tube develops into the brain and
spinal cord and neurons continue to form. Once these neurons have
formed, they begin to migrate to their correct locations. Synapses, or
the connections between neurons, also begin to develop.
Between the ninth and twelfth week of gestation (at the earliest),
reflexes begin to emerge. The fetus begins to make reflexive motions
with its arms and legs.
During the third month of gestation, the sex organs begin to
differentiate. By the end of the month, all parts of the body will be
formed. At this point, the fetus weighs around three ounces. The fetus
continues to grow in both weight and length, although the majority of
the physical growth occurs in the later stages of pregnancy.
fallopian tubes. The fertilized egg is called a zygote. Just a few hours
after conception, the single-celled zygote begins making a journey
down the fallopian tube to the uterus.
Once the eight-cell point has been reached, the cells begin to
differentiate and take on certain characteristics that will determine the
type of cells they will eventually become. As the cells multiply, they will
also separate into two distinctive masses: the outer cells will eventually
become the placenta, while the inner cells form the embryo. Cell
division continues at a rapid rate during the approximately week-long
journey from fallopian tube to uterus wall. The cells develop into what
is known as a blastocyst. The blastocyst is made up of three layers,
each of which develops into different structures in the body.
will later develop into the central nervous system including the spinal
cord and brain. The neural tube begins to form along with an area
known as the neural plate. The earliest signs of development of the
neural tube are the emergence of two ridges that form along each side
of the neural plate.
Over the next few days, more ridges form and fold inward until a
hollow tube is formed. Once this tube is fully formed, cells begin to
form near the center.3 The tube begins to close and brain vesicles
form. These vesicles will eventually develop into parts of the brain,
including the structures of the forebrain, midbrain, and hindbrain.
Around the fourth week, the head begins to form, quickly followed by
the eyes, nose, ears, and mouth. The blood vessel that will become the
heart start to pulse. During the fifth week, buds that will form the arms
and legs appear.
By the eighth week of development, the embryo has all of the basic
organs and parts except those of the sex organs. At this point, the
embryo weighs just one gram and is about one inch in length. By the
end of the embryonic period, the basic structures of the brain and
central nervous system have been established. At this point, the basic
structure of the peripheral nervous system is also defined.
Fetal stage
Between the ninth and twelfth week of gestation (at the earliest),
reflexes begin to emerge. The fetus begins to make reflexive motions
with its arms and legs.
Activity 2. List down and discuss the Do’s and Don’ts of a pregnant
mother to avoid birth defects and Developmental disabilities to her
Pregnancy Do’s
Do take a multivitamin
Do get lots of sleep
Do work out
Do eat seafood
Do have sex
Do practice yoga
Do get a flu shot
Do gain weight smartly
Do visit your dentist
Pregnancy Don'ts
Don’t smoke
don’t drink alcohol
Don’t eat raw milk
Don’t eat deli meat
Don’t eat unpasteurized milk products
Don’t sit in a hot tub or sauna
Don’t drink a lot of caffeine
Don’t clean the cats little box
Activity 3. Revisit virtually the class of children with special needs. Ask
the teacher for permission for You to talk to one parent. Ask the parent
about the history of his child’s disability. Relate the Information you
have gathered to the content of the lesson.
1. Fill in the matrix on prenatal development. Write the sequence
of growth in each stage of Development. Identify the causes of
developmental disabilities during this period. Define the terms
Learning Activities
Activity 2. Revisit virtually the SpEd schools nearest you and ask the
following questions to the SpEd Teacher assigned to handle classes for
mental retardation.
Learning Activities
Activity 1.A. Can you recall one or two of your classmates in
elementary or high school who had learning Difficulties? What
were their learning characteristics? Their behavior
characteristics? How Did the teacher react to the students’ poor
performance in class? Were they given Instruction? Were they
punished sometimes?
Yes I had one classmate when I was in elementary that
has learning disability, she is Ana she has a poor memory
problem and that’s the reason why she can’t be able to
understand and remember such things, so what my
teacher do to help my classmate Ana to learn is she build
simple strategies into everyday life. enable to help Ana
my teacher Work on visualization skills and teacher also
Try games that use visual memory, Play cards and
teacher also Encourage active reading.