Enhancing The Performance of Rotary Vacuum Drum Filter: November 2011
Enhancing The Performance of Rotary Vacuum Drum Filter: November 2011
Enhancing The Performance of Rotary Vacuum Drum Filter: November 2011
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Research Article
T. Sivakumar*, G. Vijayaraghavan*, A. Vimal Kumar**
2.1 Experimental procedure: measured and these results are used in for the
2.1.1 Standardization of pH Value calculation to find out the initial moisture content. The
The pH value was analyzed using a pH meter with a glass readings were tabulated in Table 1 and Table 2.
membrane electrode. The variation of pH over the time
during the course of the experiment was analyzed using
the pH meter. According to the requirement of the
company we are decreasing the pH by adding wash water
during the process of analyzing.
2.1.2 Analytical method
The given slurry was filled in a rubber corked round
bottomed flask. The filter medium is chosen in such a
way that the cake deposition should be more and the
filtrate also should be clear. Nylon made filter medium
was used in this experiment. The feed was heated at a
temperature of around 45 to 60o C for around thirty
minutes. After the heating process the initial weight of FIGURE 3: ROTARY VACUUM DRUM FILTER
the plate was taken then slurry which was heated up MODEL
was measured along with the plate. Now, the weight of 3.2.1 Calculation of form filtration rate: (Kg/h/ft2)
the dry cake and wet cake was easily calculated and are Filtration Rate = (Dry solids/1000) x (1/form time) x (1/
tabulated. Finally, the moisture content of the slurry is leaf area)
found out[6][7]. With the help of the filtrate area we For First Test (31.5/1000) x 3600 x (1/5) x (1/
can easily design the RVDF for the given slurry. Some 0.1) = 230.8 Kg/h/ft2
parametric changes are done to reduce the moisture 3.2.2 Calculation full scale filtration rate: (Kg/h/ft)
content of the given slurries. Filter Rate = Form filtration factor x Submergence x
3.1 Analysis of calcium hypochlorite = 226.8 x 0.8 x 0.33 = 59.8 Kg/h/ft
By the experimental methods as said earlier the initial Leaf area is found out by measuring the outer surface
moisture content of the calcium hypochlorite slurry is area of the filtering medium.
found out. First the weight of the wet and dry cake is
The Vacuum pressure is maintained at 500 mm Hg. calculation to find out the initial moisture content. The
Finally the vacuum pressure during the experiment is readings were tabulated in Table 4,5 and 6.
said to be decreased to 450 mm Hg during the process.
Now the graph is plotted between Form filtration rate
vs Time is drawn with the noted values.
Filter Area =
(Slurry flow x % dry of solids) / Filtration Rate
= 35.6 ft2
So, now we can calculate the rotary vacuum drum filter
Area = πr2 = 3.14 x 4 x 4 = 50.24 ft2
Therefore this 4ft x 4 ft. rotating drum would be the
suitable for the given slurry.
This holds good for the process.
3.3 Analysis of calcium carbonate
By the experimental methods as said earlier the initial
moisture content of the calcium Carbonate slurry is FIGURE 4: FORM FILTRATION RATE VS
found out[7] [8]. First the weight of the wet and dry TIME CURVE
cake is measured and these results are used in for the
1 34.60 91.10 43.5
2 37.80 118.3 50.5
3 38.90 120.5 52.1
4 35.60 124.6 49.5
Now the graph is plotted between Form filtration rate the motion of the fluid and velocity gradients in the
vs Time is drawn with the noted values. flow. This is the idea behind the use of in-line mixers or
The best fit is drawn after plotting the graph and the slope paddle-type flocculators in front of some separation
is found out to be the filtrate area of the given slurry. equipment such as gravity clarifiers. The resulting free
The Vacuum pressure is maintained at 500 mm Hg. draining sediment can then be subjected to a controlled
Finally the vacuum pressure during the experiment is said breakdown over a period of time, ultimately leading to
to be decreased to 450 mm Hg during the process. a complete collapse of the cake due to mechanical
Filter Area = (Slurry flow x % dry of solids) / squeezing between the belts [11]. This is one of the
Filtration Rate changes that can make sure of easier surface absorption
= 41.66 ft2 of the cake from the slurries.
So, now we can calculate the rotary vacuum drum filter 3.4.2 Vacuum parameters and suction box:
Area = πr2 = 3.14 x 4 x 4 The present invention, in combination with a rotary
= 50.24 ft2 drum vacuum filter/washer, improves dewatering
Therefore this 4ft x 4 ft rotating drum would be the capability without major modification of design or
suitable for the given slurry. This holds good for the layout of a standard filter/washer as typically installed.
process. Now certain parameters are changed and the test The improved combination comprises a suction box
is carried out. having an apertured outermost surface adjacent an
3.4 Parameters varied: accurate portion of the rotary drum, having supporting
In order to decrease the above moisture content further we structure and vacuum means independent of the rotary
have change some of the variable parameters in order to drum filter, but located as close as possible to the
obtain the low moisture level. periphery of the drum consistent with its free rotation.
3.4.1 Coagulants and flocculants added: Additionally, a wire, felt, or cloth belt is wrapped
The two words are often used interchangeably because around both drum and suction box so that the belt
both processes lead to increase of the effective particle contacts the outermost apertured surface of the suction
size with the accompanying benefits of higher settling or box while remaining in contact with that portion of the
floatation rates, higher permeability of filtration cakes. rotary drum not adjacent the suction box [12]. The belt
Coagulation is a process which brings particles into is tensioned sufficiently so that rotation of the rotary
contact to form agglomerates [9]. The suspension is `de- drum causes the belt to move along with it sliding over
stabilized' by addition of inorganic chemicals such as the suction box apertured surface. Thus the dewatering
hydrolysis coagulants like alum or ferric salts, or lime, capability of an existing rotary vacuum filter, after
and the subsequent agglomeration can produce particles modification by the apparatus of this invention, is
up to 1 mm in size. Some of the coagulants simply improved since the substantially insoluble cake or web
neutralize the surface charges on the primary particles, in contact with the rotating belt may be subjected to a
others suppress the double layer (`indifferent' electrolytes vacuum means independent of the relatively weak
such as NaCl, MgSO4) or some even combine with the barometric leg means typically operating on the rotary
particles through hydrogen bridging or complex drum. The added dewatering capacity allows better
formation. Flocculation uses flocculating agents, usually washing of impurities from filter cakes or fibrous webs
in the form of natural or synthetic polyelectrolytes of high through increased solution displacement from the cake,
molecular weight, which interconnect and enmesh the utilizing an existing rotary vacuum filter, with only
colloidal particles into giant flocs up to 10 mm in size. those modifications suggested. The present invention
Flocculating agents have undergone very fast may be modified by the addition of a steam hood
development in the past three decades and this has led to a positioned over the suction box supplying steam of
remarkable improvement in the use and performance of substantially zero velocity to the cake or web, which
many types of separation equipment [10]. As such agents steam is pulled into the cake as it passes over the
are relatively expensive the correct dosage is critical and suction box increasing the temperature of both solids
has to be carefully optimized. As surface charges are also and filtrate thereby further improving dewatering in
affected by pH, the control of it is therefore also essential accordance with the above-indicated Simons article. An
in pretreatment. apparatus for improving the dewatering capability of a
The natural process of bringing the particles (and also the rotary drum vacuum filter or washer is described in
polyelectrolyte’s) together by Brownian motion (called which a suction box, independently supported above the
`perikinetic flocculation') is often assisted by `orthokinetic filter drum, having an apertured outermost surface, and
flocculation' which increases particle collisions through a vacuum means operating upon the box, is combined
with a foraminous belt, tensioned to contact the suction 7 and Table 8. Thus by adjusting the variable
box apertured surface and that portion of the drum surface parameters the moisture content of calcium
not adjacent the box such that rotation of the drum causes hypochlorite is decreased. Therefore no problem of
the belt to rotate with the drum, sliding over the suction corrosion or short circuit due to low speed of motor was
box[13]. In operation, a cake or fibrous web that is occurred. There was no wear and tear of the filter
formed upon the belt while it is in contact with the filter medium. Thus we have obtained the result and the
drum surface, partially submerged in a slurry of the moisture content of the calcium hypochlorite was
material to be recovered, is subsequently subjected to the reduced by 62% to 50 %. Similarly a test for calcium
suction box vacuum means as the belt-supported web carbonate was also performed and is tabulated as in
passes over the apertured surface. A discharge box at the Table 9 and table 10. Thus by adjusting the variable
trailing edge of the suction box is supplied with parameters the moisture content of calcium
pressurized air to blow the cake or fibrous web from the hypochlorite is decreased. Therefore no problem of
foraminous belt surface at the product discharge point. corrosion or short circuit due to low speed of motor was
3.4.3 Speed of the drum: occurred. There was no wear and tear of the filter
By changing or adjusting the speed of the drum, the drum medium. Thus we have obtained the result and the
rotates much slower and the cake adheres to the surface in moisture content of the calcium hypochlorite was
large amount. Thus by doing this the surface area of the reduced by 50% to 39 %.
cake formation will suck out the cake rotating on the 4. CONCLUSION
drum [14]. The polypeptide sheet can withstand high Rotary vacuum drum filter holds good for this
corrosion. So, by this process the drum is protected by the experiment. We have finally found that by adjusting
polypeptide sheet and therefore can withstand wear and some of the variable parameters in the setup, decreases
tear even at low drum speed. By doing all these changes the moisture content and also it is found that whichever
we can test out process. Now through analytical method slurry is taken, with the help of rotary vacuum drum
the moisture content of the calcium hypochlorite and filter it is easy to reduce the moisture content. Lab
calcium carbonate is calculated and compared with the testing is often the best way to determine the correct
initial moisture content. Now the moisture content of filtration characteristics of a given material.
calcium hypochlorite under same vacuum pressure and
temperature was calculated and found out to be as in table
1 34.90 67.00 51.00
2 34.80 78.20 55.80
3 32.90 93.7 63.30
4 32.60 109.4 63.00
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