T - Chart Graphic Organizer Videogames: PROS (For) (In Favor) CONS (Against)

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PROS (for) (in favor) CONS (against)

1. Helps develop the creativity of the 1. It is not recommended for health.

child, adolescent or teenager. 2. Not much importance is given to the
2. It is of great help, as it simplifies the study.
hours of research for the child, 3. Face-to-face interaction is neglected.
adolescent or teenager.
3. Contributes to transcending cultural



1. Although some health specialists say that video games are not recommended
for health, others say the opposite, saying that video games help develop
2. Despite the fact that video games distract children and young people by taking
away importance from their studies, on the other hand, it is a great ally for
them, since it simplifies the hours of research at the time of doing a job for the
child or young person.
3. Although face-to-face interaction is being lost, leaving many disadvantages,
video games allow interaction with people from different parts of the world,
helping to transcend cultural barriers.

Persuasive Essay – Structure

1. Intro
1.1 Hook:
Both children and young people tend to spend most of their free time playing
video games.
1.2 General Statements:
These electronic games are fun to play and are an instant attention grabber.
1.3 Thesis Statement:
However, spending hours and hours in front of a device playing them has its
negative side, such as harming your health, detracting from your studies, and
taking away from face-to-face interaction.
2. Bad for health:
2.1 It is not advisable for our health since sitting without any activity can lead to
physical deterioration.
2.2 Not doing any physical activity can lead to obesity. Sitting for hours and only
getting up to go to the bathroom or even bring food to continue sitting is a sign
that your health will not end well.
2.3 Acknowledge the opposing idea:
2.3.1 Rebut that idea with a contrast / concession (Counterargument):
Although some health specialists say that video games are not
recommended for health, others say the opposite, saying that video
games help develop creativity.
2.3.2 Mention strong evidence to support your statement:
That's what happened to my cousin's friend. The teenager was 16 years
old when he first became acquainted with the world of video games. He
would go every afternoon and stay late into the night. He ended up
overweight, and his legs couldn't take it because his circulation wasn't
good either.
2.4 Conclude by paraphrasing your Topic Sentence:
For these reasons it is important to have control over video games, otherwise our
health will be compromised.

3. Forgetting the studies:

3.1 Not much importance is given to studies because of video games.
3.2 The only thing that motivates them to do their homework or study is that at the
end they will be rewarded with electronic devices.
3.3 Acknowledge the opposing idea:
3.3.1 Despite the fact that video games distract children and young people by
taking away importance from their studies, on the other hand, it is a great
ally for them, since it simplifies the hours of research at the time of doing a
job for the child or young person.
3.3.2 Mention strong evidence to support your statement:
When children and young people come home from school, the first thing
they look for is their cell phone, PC, etc. To check if they have been
notified of any news. The simple fact of thinking that they have to do
homework overwhelms them. But when you offer them what they like
most (video games) their countenance changes.
3.4 Conclude by paraphrasing your Topic Sentence:
Homework, in this case studies, takes a back seat when it comes to children and
young people. That is why many do poorly in school, getting bad grades.

4. Loss of face-to-face interaction

4.1 Face-to-face interaction is neglected thus causing many of the soft skills to be lost.
4.2 Because many prefer to play video games rather than interact face-to-face with
people, it is difficult for them to socialize. Today's generation even interacts
through devices with the person in front of them.
4.3 Acknowledge the opposing idea:
4.3.1 Although face-to-face interaction is being lost, leaving many
disadvantages, video games allow interaction with people from
different parts of the world, helping to transcend cultural barriers.
4.3.2 Mention strong evidence to support your statement:
It is true that meeting people virtually contributes to the transcendence of
cultural barriers. But let's not use this comment to avoid putting limits to
the use of video games. In the 21st century and during the pandemic we
have all been forced to socialize virtually. Children and young people took
virtual classes, and today that are returning to face-to-face classes some
simply prefer not to socialize.
4.4 Conclude by paraphrasing your Topic Sentence:
The aforementioned events cause us to keep shuttering in virtuality. We limit
ourselves to talking to someone by looking them in the face without the need to
use other means.

5. Concluding Paragraph:
This last generation has been hit hard by video games. By this I don't mean they are
bad, but they can become detrimental if we let them dominate us. That is why it is
advisable to put limits on their use, to avoid being immersed in totality.

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