Assignment 8 PPNKKH

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1. You have identified the problem of your study as mentioned below.

Difficulties in writing a research proposal encountered by 1st year students at UFLS -UD
1/ Write the title for the research with the topic/problem of study
- A study of difficulties encountered by 1st year students at UFLS in writing a research

2/ Write the aims and objectives of the study for this research
- aims: to investigate the difficulties faced by 1st-year students made in writing a research
proposal and offer solutions.
- objectives:
- Survey students' enthusiasm for scientific research activities.
-Investigate the process of awareness and understanding of the requirements of a
research topic.
-To analyze the ability of finding data and information related to the research topic.

3/ Write the research questions for this research (at least 3 questions)
- What do freshmens need to do to get used to writing a research proposal?
- How freshmen need to face initial difficulties in writing a research proposal?
- Are freshmens adept at solving problems and how will they solve them?

2. Match the concept with its definition.

1.Open questions 2.Pilot study 3.controlled observation 4.qualitative data 5.quantitative data
6.random sampling 7.sample population

a.An observation study where the researchers control some variables - often takes place in
laboratory setting

b.Questions where there is no fixed response and participants can give any answer they like.
They generate qualitative data.

c.A small scale study conducted to ensure the method will work according to plan. If it doesn’t
then amendments can be made.

d.Descriptive information that is expressed in words

e.Information that can be measured and written down with numbers.

f.A sampling technique where everyone in the target population has an equal chance of being
g.A group of people that are drawn from the target population to take part in a research

h.The group that the researchers draws the sample from and wants to be able to generalise the
findings to
1b 2c 3a 4d 5e 6f 7h 8g

3. Find and correct the mistakes in the following reference list.

Achison, C. L. (2004, April DAY). A ripe and weighty issue: an interview with Monica Sturgess. Cheese
Lovers World, 6 (4), 12-13.
Coleman, G. J. (1984). An odd behaviour observed among the species Elephas maximus. Journal of
Trunked Mammal Studies, 23, 421-429.
Coleman, G.J. (1988). Underfoot: ten years among the elephants. LOCATION: Oxford University Press.
Elephant Research Institute, Simon Fraser University. (2001) Smell versus sight: detection of cheese by
elephants. Retrieved November 1, 2004, from
Gibson, C. N., Sturgess, M. N., & Bates, A. T. (1989). Experiments with cheese effects on Elephas
maximus and Elephas africanus. Journal of Elephantology, 18, 120-134. Retrieved October 27, 2004,
from Academic Search Elite database.
Gibson, C.N., & Sturgess, M.N. (1987). Elephant fleeing behaviour confirmed. Journal of
Elephantology, 16, 239-245. Retrieved October 27, 2004, from Academic Search Elite database.
Maas, K. A. The missing link: elephants, mice, and cheese. International Journal of Rodentia Research,
56, 459-471.
Sturgess, M. N. (2004). Of mice and cheese (Part 2). Journal of Trunked Mammal Studies, 43.
4. Write the details of the following sources in order in a list of references.
1. A book with one author: 
Author: Barbara Oakley,
Title: A mind for numbers : how to excel at math and science (even if you flunked algebra)
Publication info.:  New York : Penguin, [2014]
A book with one author:
Author: Barbara Oakley,
Title: A mind for numbers : how to excel at math and science (even if you flunked algebra)
Publication info.: New York : Penguin, [2014]
Barbara, O. (2014). A mind for numbers : how to excel at math and science (even if you
flunked algebra). Penguin: New York.

2. A book with 3 authors 

Authors: Keith S. Folse, Elena Vestri Solomon, Barbara Smith-Palinkas
Title:Top 20 great grammar for great writing
Publication info.:Boston : Houghton Mifflin, 2004.
A book with 3 authors
Authors: Keith S. Folse, Elena Vestri Solomon, Barbara Smith-Palinkas
Title:Top 20 great grammar for great writing
Publication info.:Boston : Houghton Mifflin, 2004.
Keith, S.F & Elena, V.S & Barabara, S.P(2004). Top 20 great grammar for great writing.
Houghton Mifflin: Boston.

5. Read the abstract below and answer the following questions.

The Use of Technology in Language Classrooms in Libya
Ibrahim Abukhattala
Abstract—There is an increasing pressure exercised by the advancements of technology on
education. Recently the use of technology for teaching has become an integral part of successful
learning and teaching languages in many parts of the world. Although education policy makers in
Libya claim that computers and related internet technologies represent important educational
innovations, they are not widely used in Libyan foreign language classrooms. As many
researchers suggest, the successful implementation of educational technologies depends mainly
on the attitudes of teachers, who eventually decide on whether to integrate them or not and on
how they are utilized in the teaching process.

This study was carried out to investigate English language teachers’ readiness and willingness to
integrate technology in some high and secondary schools in Misurata, Libya. Twelve in-service
English language teachers participated in this study. Data were collected through structured and
semi structured interviews. As revealed in the interviews, three themes have emerged which are,
(a) Understanding of technology, (b) Types of technology and (c) Cultural and traditional styles
of learning and teaching. Participants complained about lack of funding, scarcity of
technology in schools and paucity of proper training to use technology. However, all the
participants were willing to use technology to teach English as a foreign language. The paper
concludes with implications and important suggestions and recommendations for education policy
makers and directions for further research. Although this study was conducted in Libya, findings
and recommendations can be useful in other educational contexts.
1) What is the research aim of this study?
This study was carried out to investigate English language teachers’ readiness and
willingness to integrate technology in some high and secondary schools in Misurata,

2) What is the sample/subjects of the study?

- Twelve in-service English language teachers participated in this study.

3) Is the data collection method of the study qualitative or quantitative or both? Why?

- Method of the study quantitative. Because: The emphasis on proof-testing Focus on the
rationale A logical approach and objective view of outsiders and away from data.

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