Sr. Corporate Paralegal

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1434 Willowmont Ave.
San Jose, CA 95118
(408) 269-7852 (home)
(408) 966-4378 (cell)
OBJECTIVE: To utilize my experience in corporate legal affairs and project mana
gement to attain a
position with increasing responsibility and growth potential.
EXPERIENCE: VMWARE, INC. Palo Alto, California
Legal Project Manager (Sr. Corporate Paralegal)
February 2010 to present: Domestic Corporate Governance and Securities (current
position). Attend to corporate maintenance and record-keeping for all domestic
subsidiaries; manage minute books for parent company; manage maintenance of com
panys restricted trading list; prepare and file all Section 16 filings and assis
t with all other SEC filings; manage logistics for annual stockholders meeting;
manage maintenance of companys related parties and conflicts lists, including re
view and summarization of relevant contracts as part of quarterly related partie
s update; attend to all foreign securities filings required; continue maintenanc
e of Blueprint OneWorld database; assist with all other domestic corporate gover
nance and securities law issues as needed.
March 2008 February 2010: International Subsidiaries (former position at VMwar
e): attended to creation and/or corporate maintenance for more than 20 internat
ional entities; effected mergers and/or dissolutions of four domestic entities;
served as company-wide resource for location and dissemination of corporate info
rmation - to this end, implemented ICSA Blueprint OneWorld, a web-based database
software system for information management in this area, populated it with data
, rolled it out to 20+ users world-wide, and have maintained the data for the sy
stem and refined its usage since roll-out; assisted with due diligence, closing
and post-closing matters for four major acquisitions, including full charge ove
r implementation, usage and document management for on-line data rooms for each

YAHOO! INC. Sunnyvale, California

Sr. Legal Project Manager (Senior Corporate Paralegal)
Attended to record-keeping function in the Corporate Affairs department, with du
ties including: full management of corporate records for over 150 domestic and
international subsidiaries; Assisted with all due diligence, record-keeping and
corporate governance aspects of Entity Minimization Project, a major company pro
ject with a goal of eliminating over two-thirds of the entities in the existing
corporate structure; Served as group coordinator for Serengeti billing system im
plementation and maintenance. Also assisted with closings for transactions, an
d implementation of all corporate record-keeping changes post-transaction. Serv
ed as company-wide resource for location and dissemination of corporate informat
ion; reviewed, tested, prepared recommendation and got approval from all levels
for purchase of ICSA Blueprint OneWorld; at time of departure had nearly complet
ed inputting of data and preparation for implementation.
(07/05 02/08)

THE CLOROX COMPANY Oakland, California

Assistant Secretary (Corporate Officer)
Senior Paralegal II
As Assistant Secretary of The Clorox Company, managed the Corporate Secretary fu
nction, including: Attendance to legal maintenance and corporate secretary func
tion for approximately 100 domestic and international subsidiaries, including se
rvice as primary liaison with management and local counsels for all such subsidi
aries; Maintenance of internal "World Records" database for corporate record kee
ping and preparation of SEC Section 16 filings (Forms 3, 4, 5) using such system
; Preparation of board and stockholder resolutions as necessary and maintenance
of all corporate records and minute books for same; Assistance with drafting an
d preparation of earnings releases, annual report to stockholders, proxy stateme
nt, Forms 10-K, 10-Q, 8-K and all other SEC filings, including full charge over
SEC filings via the on-line EDGAR system and inclusion of same on intranet site;
Full project management concerning preparation and shipping of all annual stock
holder materials, including Annual Report and Proxy Statement in this area, ach
ievements have included implementation of all relevant documents on internet and
intranet sites and successful cost reductions of at least 10% in each of the la
st three years. Other responsibilities included: 1) service as primary resourc
e for all on-line research and due diligence coordination for many projects in t
he Legal Services Department; 2) service as Inspector of Elections at Annual Sto
ckholders Meeting, with full charge over verification of all voting figures re s
ame, for ten years; 3) service as regular resource for response to queries from
investors and analysts and assistance with coordination of logistics concerning
meetings with same and presentations to same; 4) response to all outside inquiri
es regarding validity of share holdings and other stock issues and serve as inte
rnal resource for employee inquiries re same. Working with Information Services,
participated in several committees and group projects regarding I.S. issues, ta
king proactive steps to improve all systems for Department. Accomplishments in
this area included: creation, implementation and maintenance of an intranet sit
e for the Legal Services Department; selection and implementation of software pa
ckages for corporate secretary and Section 16 areas, and service on Department t
eam for management of I.S. issues. Other duties included: primary resource for
drafting and negotiation of secrecy, non-disclosure and consulting agreements a
s well as required inter-company agreements; drafting and reviewing distribution
, license, software, sales and lease agreements and negotiation of terms of same
as necessary. Also assisted in all aspects of several major transactions invol
ving divestitures or acquisitions, including negotiation and management of the d
ue diligence process, preparation of closing documents and coordination of closi
ngs. Served as Corporate Representative for the Company in several litigation m
atters, acting as spokesman for the Company at such and serving as a corporate w
itness. Also represented the Company at many outside charity functions, includi
ng fund-raisers, golf tournaments and the like. (03/92 to 07/05)
THELEN, MARRIN, JOHNSON & BRIDGES San Francisco, California
Securities Compliance and Blue Sky Specialist - Investment Company ("40 Act"
) Group
Ensured compliance with federal and state securities laws for over thirty invest
ment companies, mutual funds and other corporate issuers; developed and implemen
ted a computer tracking system for issuers and investment advisers registrations
and exemption filings; prepared securities law research for San Francisco home
office and coordinated same for other branch offices.
(02/91 to 03/92)
SHARTSIS, FRIESE & GINSBURG San Francisco, California
Senior Legal Assistant
As a corporate generalist, completed a wide variety of projects, including manag
ement of "blue sky" exemption compliance for seven investment limited partnershi
ps; franchise registration and store lease review for a national haircutting cha
in; and other contract, license and lease review on an ongoing basis; managed sm
all staff of clerks.
(04/90 to 02/91)
WARE & FREIDENRICH Palo Alto, California
Senior Corporate Paralegal
In four and 1/2 years, rose from starting position as a file clerk to Senior Cor
porate Paralegal at time of departure, which time included five separate promoti
ons; in final position, responsibilities included those as paralegal specialist
in state "blue sky" law, federal Rule 144 filings, preparation and filing of reg
istration statements, Section 16 filings, and all other applicable areas of stat
e and federal securities law compliance; maintenance of computer tracking system
s for Rule 144 and trademark administration and assistance with equity compensat
ion plan tracking systems; and organization and coordination of all systems rega
rding incorporation of California and Delaware business entities; Supervisory du
ties included interviewing paralegal candidates and training of corporate parale
gals; presented seminars on securities law and basic corporate housekeeping; tr
ansactional experience included project management of four initial public offeri
ngs, one national debt offering, several mergers, one national real estate syndi
cation, a due diligence response to a proposed hostile takeover, and numerous pr
ivate financings.
(11/85 - 04/90)
Bachelor of Arts, History / Political Science, 06/85
Honors at Entrance. Cum Laude graduate
CONTINUING EDUCATION / SKILLS: Completion of ALI/ABA Postgraduate Course in Fed
eral Securities Law; several additional courses in securities law, corporate sec
retary and investor relations areas; Seminars in EDGAR principles and EDGAR Mana
gement; Negotiation Skills workshop; Completed Lexis/Westlaw training and period
ic additional seminars re same; proficient in all Microsoft applications and mos
t Apple applications.
AFFILIATIONS: Former member of the American Society of Corporate Secretaries; in
connection with such have given several presentations and served on seminar pan
els on SEC filings and EDGAR issues.

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