Sr. Corporate Paralegal
Sr. Corporate Paralegal
Sr. Corporate Paralegal
1434 Willowmont Ave.
San Jose, CA 95118
(408) 269-7852 (home)
(408) 966-4378 (cell)
OBJECTIVE: To utilize my experience in corporate legal affairs and project mana
gement to attain a
position with increasing responsibility and growth potential.
EXPERIENCE: VMWARE, INC. Palo Alto, California
Legal Project Manager (Sr. Corporate Paralegal)
February 2010 to present: Domestic Corporate Governance and Securities (current
position). Attend to corporate maintenance and record-keeping for all domestic
subsidiaries; manage minute books for parent company; manage maintenance of com
panys restricted trading list; prepare and file all Section 16 filings and assis
t with all other SEC filings; manage logistics for annual stockholders meeting;
manage maintenance of companys related parties and conflicts lists, including re
view and summarization of relevant contracts as part of quarterly related partie
s update; attend to all foreign securities filings required; continue maintenanc
e of Blueprint OneWorld database; assist with all other domestic corporate gover
nance and securities law issues as needed.
March 2008 February 2010: International Subsidiaries (former position at VMwar
e): attended to creation and/or corporate maintenance for more than 20 internat
ional entities; effected mergers and/or dissolutions of four domestic entities;
served as company-wide resource for location and dissemination of corporate info
rmation - to this end, implemented ICSA Blueprint OneWorld, a web-based database
software system for information management in this area, populated it with data
, rolled it out to 20+ users world-wide, and have maintained the data for the sy
stem and refined its usage since roll-out; assisted with due diligence, closing
and post-closing matters for four major acquisitions, including full charge ove
r implementation, usage and document management for on-line data rooms for each