EHEDG Glossary Version 4 2020

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EHEDG Glossary

Version 2020/08.G04

This document replaces the "Definitions of expressions relevant to hygienic processing and plant design"
dated May 1991, amended Dec 1993 and Dec 2003 and the Glossary Version 2004/04 G01, its update version
2012/06 G02 and 2013/12 G03.

The definitions are presented to provide uniform general interpretation of terms, phrases and expressions used
in EHEDG guideline documents and publications. Where relevant, definitions established by official standards
bodies have been adopted. Some of these definitions may be qualified for use in specific guideline documents.

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Aseptic equipment Hygienically designed equipment that is sterilizable and is
impermeable to microorganisms to maintain its aseptic status.
Note 1: This definition may apply to small items such as
specially designed fittings or mechanical seals as well as larger
fully integrated equipment such as filling machines.
Note 2: This definition refers primarily to microorganism
Note 3: See Aseptic process, Sterilization

Aseptic process A process using equipment sterilized before use, and which, in
running conditions, is protected against recontamination by
Note 1: This definition applies to the linking of one or more
properly designed aseptic items with properly designed aseptic
transfer components to assure total microorganism tightness of
the linked items.
Note 2: See Aseptic equipment, Sterilization

Associated equipment All equipment associated with a machine, not defined as

machinery (ISO 14159, section 3.13), that is essential to the
functioning of the machine for it to hygienically process a
product (e.g. fittings, piping, tubing).
Note 1: For EHEDG purposes, this may also include such items
as cappers and labellers associated with fillers or pulsation
dampeners used with positive displacement type pumps.

Barrier Structure, construction or fabricated component providing

protection or used to affect movement.
Note 1: This definition may apply to the construction or
fabrication techniques used to separate different levels of zones
or areas within a building, process, or complex piece of
Transfer Zone equipment using seals or gaskets.
Note 2: Barriers in food processing areas should be in
conformance to hygienic design principles.
Hygiene Barrier
Note 3: See Risk, Risk management, Zoning

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Biofilm(s) An organic film that is formed due to interaction of
microorganisms and organic substances on surfaces, covered
with an extracellular matrix, in which the cells tend to have high
resistance to chemicals, compared to freely-suspended cells.
Note 1: See Contamination, Soil

Bond The adhesive or cohesive forces holding materials together.

This definition excludes press and shrink fits.

Burr A thin ridge or sharp area remaining after cutting, drilling,

shearing, or punching a material.

CCP (critical control point) A step at which control can be applied and is essential to
prevent or eliminate a food safety hazard or reduce it to an
acceptable level. (Codex)
Note 1: All CCP must be monitored and corrective action taken
in case of deviation.
Note 2: See HACCP (Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point),
Corrective action

Certification An attestation of an item that is in conformance with published

documents recognized by the certifying organization.
Note 1: For EHEDG purposes, this means the use of EHEDG
Guidelines and Test methods properly applied.

CIP (cleaning-in-place) A system that cleans solely by impingement, circulating and/or

flowing chemical detergent solutions and water rinses by
mechanical means onto and over surfaces to be cleaned,
without dismantling of equipment specifically designed for this
method of cleaning.
Note 1: CIP efficiency depends on 5T's – time, temperature,
titration, turbulence and technology.
Note 2: When CIP is done on dry processing equipment, it
should be designed to preclude any water from passing into the
Note 3: See Wet cleaning, COP (cleaning-out-of-place), Manual
cleaning, Dry cleaning

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Clean Free from soil.
Note 1: See Soil

Cleaning The removal of soil (e.g. food residues, dirt, grease or other
objectionable or unwanted matter).
Note 1: See Soil

Cleaning validation Obtaining the documented evidence that cleaning with or

without disinfection processes, if properly implemented, is
consistently effective at achieving a predefined level of hygiene
on product contact surfaces identified during the hazard

Cleanroom Room in which the concentration of airborne particles is

controlled, and which is constructed and used in a manner to
minimize the introduction, generation, and retention of particles
inside the room, and in which other relevant parameters e.g.
temperature, humidity, and pressure, are controlled as
necessary. (EN ISO 14698-1)

Closed process A system or equipment in which the product is manipulated

within a sealed environment.
Note 1: See Open process
Closed equipment

Equipment used in closed


Conditions for intended Meets all normal and reasonably anticipated operating
use (for the equipment) conditions, including those of cleaning. These conditions may
include limits for variables such as time, temperature and
Fit for purpose Note 1: For EHEDG purposes, this expression applies
concerning equipment and parts or other elements e.g. of a
building, and not in the context of product and consumer.
Note 2: Fit for purpose is the term preferred by GFSI

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Contamination The introduction or occurrence of any biological or chemical
agent, foreign matter or other substance not intentionally added
to food, which may compromise food safety, quality or
Biocontamination suitability.
Note 1: Cross-Contamination is the transfer of contaminants
Contaminant from one part of the machine or process to another.
Note 2: See Decontamination, Soil

Control measure Any action and activity that can be used to prevent or eliminate
a food safety hazard or reduce it to an acceptable level. (Codex)
Note 1: Control measures are established after the
implementation of good hygienic practices (GHP) to control
hazards that were not sufficiently prevented, eliminated or
reduced by the GHP.
Note 2: See HACCP (Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point),
Risk, Risk assessment

Controlled environment A defined area where environmental conditions are monitored

and maintained.
Note 1: See Zoning

COP (cleaning-out-of- Cleaning of a component in a dismantled condition when the

place) component has been removed from a system. Subsequent
manual cleaning by treating surfaces with chemical solutions,
cleaning fluids and rinsing water. It can be executed in remote
baths by manual operations or machines with automated
cleaning steps, such as circulating chemical solutions and water
rinses in a wash tank, which may be fitted with a circulating
Note 1: See Wet cleaning, CIP (cleaning-in-place), Manual
cleaning, Dry cleaning

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Corrective action Actions implemented to eliminate the cause of a detected
nonconformity or other undesirable situation. (ISO 22000)
Note 1: Corrective actions concerns processes. The purpose of
corrective action is to re-establish compliance with the critical
limit and thus ensure that the control measure recovers the
expected effect. In particular, for drift on a CCP, analysis needs
to be run to determine the root cause(s) that led to overrun on
the critical limits. (NF V01-006)
Note 2: Corrections concern products (NF V01-006). A
correction may be, for example, reprocessing, further
processing, and/or elimination of the adverse consequences of
the nonconformity (such as disposal for other use or specific
labelling). (ISO 22000)

Crevice Any narrow cavity that can harbour or shelter soil, resulting from
the improper hygienic design or from the damage of material,
such as cracking, corrosion or wear that adversely affects
Crack cleanability.
Note 1: See Soil, Cleaning

Dead leg An area or space wherein a product, ingredient, cleaning or

disinfection agent, or other extraneous matter may be trapped,
retained, or not completely displaced during operational or
Dead end cleaning procedures.
Note 1: The preferred term in EHEDG is “Dead leg” or “Dead
Dead area end” (used by 3A)

Dead space

Dead volume

Static Dead-Zone

Diaphragm A thin sheet of material forming a non-porous partition between

the product and a measuring sensor or an actuator.
Note 1: See Barrier

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Disinfection The reduction, by means of chemical agents and/or physical
methods, of the number of microorganisms in the environment,
to a level that does not compromise food safety or suitability.
Disinfectant (Codex)
Note 1: The destruction of microorganisms, but not usually
Decontamination bacterial spores (BSI 5283). Disinfection reduces
microorganism population to a level acceptable for a defined
purpose e.g. a level that is not harmful to health nor to the
quality of food.
Note 2: These terms also apply for equipment surfaces (internal
and external)
Note 3: Specifically in the USA, the term sanitization is more
commonly used in the food industry (see Sanitation)
Note 4: See Contamination, Cleaning, Soil

Drainable Ability to drain only by operator intervention (e.g. opening,

tipping, lifting) of the equipment or pipeline.
Note 1: See Self-draining

Dry cleaning Cleaning, which does not involve any use of water.
Note 1: Dry cleaning is used in equipment and in the
environment to prevent or reduce the build-up of objectionable
materials such as residues of the aged or modified product.
Note 2: Dry cleaning is mostly done manually using brushes
and/or vacuum cleaners.
Note 3: Dry cleaning of external surfaces shall not be done with
pressurized air.

Dry materials Powdery materials, powdered substances low in moisture, free-

flowing dry particles
Note 1: For food processing, this may include spray-dried and
Dry particulates
fluid bed dried products which can have an agglomerated or
semi-agglomerated particle structure.
Particulate Product

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Dry production All operations involved in the preparation of dry food product,
proceeding in the absence of water, from receipt of dry
materials, through processing and packaging, to its completion
as a finished dry product.
Note 1: This definition does not apply to the liquid area of a
mixed production process such as spray drying.
Note 2: The liquid processing hygienic design criteria apply if
the dry production equipment and the area are cleaned wet.

Dynamic seal The seal established between components that move relative to
each other. The seal is formed using a combination of
compression, pressure, and the geometrical shapes of the
joined materials to create a seal at the interface of the

Easily accessible A location that can be safely reached by personnel from the
floor, another permanent work area, or stable platform
(permanent or moveable).
Easy accessibility
Note1: This term applies to where and how an item or
appurtenance of an item is mounted on a larger piece of
Readily accessible equipment or within a process. For example, a small item such
as a sensor which can be held in one’s hand or on a table for
evaluation or inspection is accessible. However, the mounting of
the sensor 10 meters above the floor in a pipeline may not be
easily accessible.
Note 2: For EHEDG purposes the preferred adjective is “easily”.
It is recommended that “readily” not be used.

Easily cleanable Designed and constructed to be efficiently cleaned.

Note 1: For EHEDG purposes the preferred adjective is “easily”.
It is recommended that “readily” not be used.
Easy cleanability

Readily cleanable

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Easily removable Quickly separated from the equipment with the use of simple
hand tools if necessary. The latter are implements normally
used by fitters, operating and cleaning personnel such as a
Easily screwdriver, a wrench or hammer. (3-A)
dismountable/demountable Note 1: For EHEDG purposes the preferred adjective is “easily”.
It is recommended that “readily” not be used
Readily removable


Auxiliary Equipment Machinery or components that are associated with or attached

to (unitized) a primary piece of equipment to provide necessary
Note1: For EHEDG purposes (Certification) it applies to open
equipment, wet cleaned without dismantling.
Note 2: See Equipment used in open processes (open
equipment), Closed equipment

Food hygiene All conditions and measures necessary to ensure the safety and
suitability of food at all stages of the food chain. (Codex)

Food Any product, ingredient or material intended to be orally

consumed by human or animal.
Note 1: The definition means food according to Article 2 of
Food product
Regulation (EC) No. 178/2002 and feed


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Food safety Assurance that food will not cause harm to the consumer when
it is prepared and/or eaten according to its intended use.

Food suitability Assurance that food is acceptable for human consumption

according to its intended use. (Codex)
Note 1: Suitability is now preferred to ‘wholesomeness’.

GHP (Good hygiene Measures applicable throughout the food chain (including
practices) primary production through to the final consumer), to achieve
the goal of ensuring that food is safe and suitable for human
Note 1: GHP are prerequisite programs as defined in ISO 22000
(see oPRP (operational prerequisite program)).
Note 2: Application of GHP is a prerequisite before any HACCP
study. (see HACCP (Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point))

GMP (Good manufacturing All procedures, processes, practices and activities aimed at
practices) ensuring that the suitability and safety objectives are met
Note 1: GMP do apply throughout the food chain.
Note 2: GMP are prerequisite programs as defined in ISO
22000 (see oPRP (operational prerequisite program)).
Note 3: GMP Programs are cited in FDA 21CFR117

HACCP (Hazard Analysis A system which identifies evaluates and controls hazards that
Critical Control Point) are significant for food safety. (Codex)
Note 1: A HACCP study must be performed during the
development of new products and processes, covering new
equipment, and when changes are made on existing lines or to

Hazard A biological, chemical or physical agent in, or condition of, food

with the potential to cause an adverse health effect. (Codex)

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Hazard analysis The process of collecting and evaluating information on hazards
and conditions leading to their presence to decide which are
significant for food safety and therefore should be addressed in
the HACCP plan. (Codex)
Note 1: Hazard analysis is a crucial step in the implementation
of a HACCP plan.
Note 2: Hazard analysis must not be confused with risk
Note 3: See Risk, Risk analysis

High hygiene (area) An area within the plant where products and ingredients are
vulnerable to contamination and/or microbial growth are
processed, treated, handled or stored.
High care (area)
Note 1: High hygiene area is equivalent to a cleanroom in the
context of the food industry.
High risk (area) Note 2: See Zoning, Hygiene, Risk

Hollow body Sealed void spaces, inaccessible to cleaning, which may

become sources of contamination.

Hygienic design and Design and engineering (materials and fabrication) of equipment
engineering and premises which are easily cleanable assuring the food is
safe and suitable for human consumption.
Note 1: See Cleaning, Disinfection, Food hygiene
Hygienic design

Hygienic equipment class I Equipment that can be cleaned in-place and can be freed from
relevant microorganisms without dismantling.
Note 1: Used for EHEDG Certification

Hygienic equipment class Equipment that is easily cleanable after dismantling and can be
II freed from relevant microorganisms after reassembly.
Note 1: Used for EHEDG Certification

Hygienic Integration The process of combining or arranging two or more pieces of

equipment or components to work together hygienically.
Note 1: See Closed process, Open process, Zoning

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Inspection Designed, fabricated and installed to make product contact
surfaces available for close visual observation. (3A)

Low (Basic) hygiene (area) Low (basic) relative to others but where minimal GHP may be
Note 1: An area where products are not susceptible to
Low (Basic) care (area)
contamination and are protected in their final packages. Can
also be an area where raw materials are handled before being
Low (Basic) risk (area) subjected e.g. to a microbiocidal treatment.
Note 2: See High hygiene (area), Medium hygiene (area),

Manual cleaning Removal of soil when the equipment is partially or totally

Note 1: Soil removal is effected with chemical solutions and
water rinses with the assistance of one or a combination of
brushes, non-metallic scouring pads and scrapers, and low-
pressure hoses, with cleaning aids manipulated by hand.
Note 2: See Cleaning, Soil, CIP (cleaning-in-place), Mechanical

Mechanical cleaning Cleaning solely by circulating and/or flowing chemical detergent

solutions and water rinses onto and over the surfaces to be
cleaned, by mechanical means.
WIP (washing in place)
Note 1: For EHEDG purposes, the preferred term is “mechanical
Note 2: See Cleaning, Soil, CIP (cleaning-in-place), Manual

Mechanical ventilation Mechanical HVAC systems for supplying, conditioning, moving

or removing air.
Note 1: See High hygiene (area), Medium hygiene (area), Low
(Basic) hygiene (area), Zoning

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Medium hygiene (area) A process area for products, susceptible to contamination but
where the consumer group is not especially sensitive and where
also no further growth is possible in the product in the supply
Medium care (area) chain.
Note 1: Can also be the intermediate area leading into the high
Medium risk (area) hygiene zone but where access is only across certain barriers.
Note 2: See High hygiene (area), Low (Basic) hygiene (area),

Membrane An engineered porous material that is permeable to a liquid,

gas, or air.
Note 1: For example a reverse osmosis membrane for water
Note 2: See Diaphragm, Barrier

Microbial impermeability The ability of material or equipment to prevent the ingress of

microorganisms from the outside (environment) to the inside
(product area).
Microbial tightness
Note 1: See Aseptic equipment, Aseptic process

Microorganism Living organisms that can be seen only with the aid of a
Note 1: Microorganisms include bacteria, archaea, viruses, and
certain protozoa, algae and fungi.
Note 2: most microorganisms are unicellular.

Monitoring Conducting a planned sequence of observations or

measurements to assess whether control measures are
operating as intended. (ISO 22000)
Note 1: See Closed process, Open process, Aseptic process,

Non-absorbent materials Materials which, under the intended conditions of use, do not
internally retain substances with which they come into contact.

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Non-product contact Exposed surfaces from which splashed product, condensate,
surfaces liquids, or other materials cannot drain, drop, diffuse or be
drawn into or onto the product, product contact surfaces, open
packages, or the product contact surfaces of package
Non-food product area components.
Note 1: See Product contact surfaces (direct or indirect)
Non-food area

Non-toxic materials Materials that, under the conditions of intended use, do not
release any substance in amounts that would be harmful to the

Open process A system or equipment in which the product is manipulated and

the product and product contact surfaces are exposed to the
process environment.
Open surface
Note 1: See Closed process, Product contact surfaces (direct or
indirect), Zoning
Open surface area

Equipment used in open

processes (open

oPRP (operational PRP identified by the hazard analysis as essential in order to

prerequisite program) control the likelihood of introducing food safety hazards to
and/or the contamination or proliferation of food safety hazards
in the product(s) or in the processing environment. (ISO 22000)
Note 1: For EHEDG purposes, the operational prerequisite
programs are of primary significance.

Pasteurization A microbiocidal heat treatment aimed at reducing the number of

any harmful microorganisms, if present, to a level at which they
do not constitute a significant health hazard. (Codex)
Note 1: In the present context, harmful is synonymous to
pathogenic (see pathogenic microorganism).
Note 2: For EHEDG purposes, pasteurization applies to
equipment as well as to food.
Note 3: See Sterilization, Food hygiene, Contamination

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Pathogenic Microorganisms that can cause adverse health effects, illness or
microorganisms disease.
Note 1: See Microorganism
Pathogenic bacteria

Potable water Water intended for human consumption according to the

specifications of the World Health Organization.
Note 1: Potable water must comply with national legislation.

Process line An arrangement of units, modules and/or parts that can produce
a completed or intermediate food product.
Note 1: See Closed process, Open process

Product contact surfaces All surfaces that intentionally (direct) or unintentionally (indirect)
(direct or indirect) come into contact with the product, or from which product,
condensate or soil may drain, drop or be drawn back into the
main product, packaging material or product container, including
Product contact area surfaces (e.g. unsterilized packaging) that may indirectly cross-
contaminate product contact surfaces or containers. A risk
analysis can help to define areas of cross-contamination (e.g. all
exposed surfaces of an open processing factory).
Note 1: See Non-product contact surfaces

Qualification A formal process of meeting specified requirements for

equipment and utilities.
Note 1: See Validation

Ra An arithmetical mean of the absolute values of the surface

profile departure within a sampling length.
Note 1: See Surface treatment

Relevant microorganisms Microorganisms, able to contaminate, multiply or survive in the

food product and be harmful to the consumer or product quality.

Revalidation Repeated validation of an approved process (or a part thereof)

when changed or modified to ensure continued compliance with
established requirements.
Note 1: See Validation

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Rinsing Removal of product, dirt, chemicals, cleaning residues or any
objectionable matter by flowing potable water.
Note 1: Rinsing is done prior to cleaning, between cleaning and
disinfection, after disinfection, and additionally can be done
before a production run.
Note 2: See Cleaning

Risk A function of the probability of an adverse health effect and the

severity of that effect, consequential to a hazard(s) in food.
Hygiene Risk
Note 1: In Codex terminology 'risk' relates to food safety and not
to quality-related matters. It is expressed as the probability or
frequency of an adverse health effect caused by a specified
hazard e.g.” the risk of disease D in Country X is n for 100 000
people per year”.
Note 2: For EHEDG purposes, 'risk' is synonymous to
probability or likelihood and can include risks to quality.
Note 3: See Risk analysis, Risk assessment, Contamination,
HACCP (Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point)

Risk analysis A process consisting of three components: risk assessment, risk

management and risk communication. (Codex)
Note 1: Whereas hazard analysis is under the responsibility of
food manufacturers, risk analysis is a public health matter.
Note 2: See Hazard analysis, Risk assessment, Risk

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Risk assessment A scientifically based process consisting of the following steps:
(i) hazard identification, (ii) hazard characterization, (iii)
exposure assessment, and (iv) risk characterization. (Codex)
Note 1: Risk assessment is the scientific part of the risk analysis
process in which the hazards and risk factors are identified and
the risk is calculated.
Apart from an endpoint calculation of risk, the risk model
developed can be of value in determining the parts of the chain
which contribute most to risk or to investigate the effect of
changes in practices or processes throughout the chain on the
risk level.
Hazard characterization relates exposure to the hazard with a
public health effect (illness, death) frequently by assessing the
dose-response relationship;
Exposure assessment estimates the intake/exposure of the
hazard by/of the consumer; risk characterization calculates the
risk from the exposure (intake) and dose-response estimate
Note 2: Hazard identification identifies particular hazards in a
product or process.
Note 3: See Hazard analysis, Risk analysis, Risk

Risk communication The interactive exchange of information and opinions

throughout the risk analysis process concerning risk, risk-related
factors and risk perceptions, among risk assessors, risk
managers, consumers, industry, the academic community and
other interested parties, including the explanation of risk
assessment findings and the basis of risk management
decisions. (Codex)
Note 1: Risk communication involves transparent
communication between the risk assessors (scientists) and the
risk managers (national or international governmental
Note 2: The results of risk assessment and risk management
should be communicated widely to the relevant stakeholders,
including consumers.

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Risk management The process, distinct from risk assessment, of weighing policy
alternatives, in consultation with all interested parties,
considering risk assessment and other factors relevant for the
health protection of consumers and for the promotion of fair
trade practices, and, if needed, selecting appropriate prevention
and control options. (Codex)
Note 1: Risk managers are governmental, national or
international, organizations (Codex).
Note 2: Risk management is a political evaluation of the
acceptability of the risks and the enforcement of measures to
reduce these risks if necessary.

Risk zone Note 1: See Zoning

Sanitizing A process applied to a cleaned surface capable of reducing the

numbers of the most resistant human pathogens by at least 5
log10 reductions (99.999%) to 7 log10 reductions (99.99999%)
Sanitization by applying accumulated hot water, hot air, or steam, or by
applying an EPA-registered sanitizer (USA) according to label
Sanitizer directions. Sanitizing may be effected by mechanical or manual
methods using hot water, steam, or an approved sanitizer.
Note 1: The conditions in which the processes are applied
seldom enable to achieve the number of reductions obtained in
laboratory tests.
Note 2: For EHEDG purposes, the word “disinfection” is
Note 3: See Cleaning, Disinfection, Sterilization, Pasteurization

Seal Closure of an opening to effectively prevent the entry or

passage of unwanted matter.
Note 1: For EHEDG purposes, seals are fabricated from
elastomeric materials.
Note 2: See Barrier, Dynamic seal
Static seal

Self-draining Combination of design, construction, installation and surface

finish preventing the retention of liquid except for normal surface
Note 1: See Drainable

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Shadow areas Obstructed areas on product contact surfaces where cleaning
solutions will not flow or impinge directly across or on the
Note 1: See Easy cleanability, Hygienic design, CIP (cleaning-

SIP (sterilization in place) Sterilization without dismantling.

Note 1: For EHEDG purposes, this applies only to equipment or
processes, not to product.
Steam sterilisability
Note 2: For EHEDG purposes, aseptic certification is based on
steam sterilisability.
Note 3: See Sterilization

Soil Any undesirable or objectionable material on surfaces in the

equipment or process environment.
Note 1: Soil may or may not contain microorganisms
Note 2: See Cleaning, Contaminant

Solution Water or any mixture of cleaning agents, sanitizers and water

used for flushing, cleaning, rinsing, or sanitizing.

Splash contact surfaces External surfaces that during normal production are subject to
the accumulation of soil which does not return to the product
and which require routine cleaning.
Splash zone
Note 1: These surfaces do not need to be fabricated from Food
Contact Materials.
Splash area Note 2: See Product contact surfaces (direct or indirect), Non-
product contact surfaces, Open process

Sterilization A process effected by chemicals, heat or other physical means,

aimed at removing or killing all forms of microorganisms,
including bacterial spores.
Commercial sterility
Note 1: In the US, “commercial sterilization” refers to the
inactivation of all organisms of significance to public health and
Commercial sterilization the absence of spoilage under normal conditions of storage.
Note 2: Sterilization can equally apply to the treatment of food or
Note 3: See SIP (sterilization in place), Pasteurization, Cleaning

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Substantially flush Mating surfaces or other juxtaposed surfaces that are not more
than 0.2 mm off-set from each other, except for pipeline and
tubular piping welds which must meet EHEDG Guideline Doc. 9
and 35.
Note 1: For 3A purposes, 1/32 in. (0.794 mm) off-set from each
other, except for pipeline and tubular piping welds see criteria in

Surface treatment A process whereby chemical or mechanical properties of the

existing surface are altered.
Note 1: There is no appreciable build-up of new material or
removal of existing material.
Note 2: Examples of surface treatment are polishing, shot
peening, surface hardening by laser or electron beam,
carburizing, nitriding, etching, oxidation, passivation, ion
implantation, electropolishing.
Note 3: See Surface finish

Surface finish The roughness of a surface; for food processing acceptable

surface finish is generally considered 0.8 µm (0.32 µin).
Note 1: Other surface roughness levels may be suitable
depending upon the product characteristics.
Note 2: See Surface treatment, Hygienic design, Cleaning

Validation Obtaining evidence that the control measures managed by the

HACCP plan and by the operational PRPs are capable of being
effective. (ISO 22000)
Note 1: Validation is done before the application of a new
process, or of a modified process (Revalidation).
Note 2: Validation requires that performance be measured
against an expected outcome. For validation of an individual
control measure or a defined combination of control measures,
the expected outcome frequently will be expressed in terms of a
performance criterion (e.g., reduction of the level of Salmonella
by 99.999% [5-log reduction]). (Codex)
Note 3: See Revalidation, Open process, Closed process, CIP
(cleaning-in-place), SIP (sterilization in place), HACCP (Hazard
Analysis Critical Control Point), oPRP (operational prerequisite
program), Verification

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Verification Confirmation, through the provision of objective evidence, that
specified requirements are being fulfilled. (ISO 22000)
Note 1: Verification is done after a process, a control measure,
etc. has been implemented.
Note 2: In the context of a food safety control system: The
application of methods, procedures, tests and other evaluations,
in addition to monitoring, to determine whether a control
measure is or has been operating as intended outcome.
Note 3: See Revalidation, Open process, Closed process, CIP
(cleaning-in-place), SIP (sterilization in place), HACCP (Hazard
Analysis Critical Control Point), Validation

Wet cleaning Cleaning (and disinfection if necessary) of equipment or

processing environment with solutions followed by rinsing.
Note 1: Wet cleaning procedure should be carried out only when
the product is not exposed using methods that limit the amount
of water applied and its spread.
Note 2: Use as little water as possible and to be as dry as
possible rapidly after cleaning are highly recommended
Note 3: See Cleaning, Open process, Closed process, Dry
cleaning, CIP (cleaning-in-place), Manual cleaning, Mechanical

Worst-case A condition or set of conditions encompassing the upper or

lower processing limits for operating parameters and
circumstances, within SOPs, which pose the greatest chance of
product or process failure when compared to ideal conditions.

Zoning The site-specific aspects of the physical or visual division of the

plant or equipment into sub-areas, leading to the segregation of
different activities with different hygiene levels.
Hygiene Zone
Note 1: Controlled environment refers to all zoning but may
relate more to the high hygiene zone.
Controlled environment Note 2: Zoning cannot be defined for all plants and processes in
black and white as there will always be site-specific aspects that
play a role. Most important is that zoning fits into the overall plan
of prevention with respect requirements of process and safety of

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