15 122 hw2

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15-122: Principles of Imperative Computation,

Fall 2010
Assignment 2: Searching, Sorting, and Strings

William Lovas (wlovas@cs) Tom Cortina (tcortina@cs)

Out: Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Due: Tuesday, September 14, 2010
(Written part: before lecture,
Programming part: 11:59 pm)

1 Written: (20 points)

The written portion of this week’s homework will give you some practice working
with the searching and sorting, reasoning with invariants and working with big-O
notation. You can either type up your solutions or write them neatly by hand, and
you should submit your work in class on the due date just before lecture begins.
Please remember to staple your written homework before submission.

1.1 Warmup
Exercise 1 (6 pts). Consider the following implementation of the linear search algo-
rithm that finds the last occurrence of x in array A:

int find(int x, int[] A, int n)

//@requires 0 <= n && n <= \length(A);
//@requires is_sorted(A, 0, n);
{ int i = n-1;
while (i >= 0 && A[i] >= x)
{ if (A[i] == x) return i;
i = i - 1;
return -1;

(a) Add loop invariants to the code and show that the loop invariants hold for this
loop. (Hint: Recall the linear search example from Lecture 3.)

(b) Add one or more ensures clause(s) to describe the intended postcondition in a
precise manner.

(c) Suppose you are looking for the integer 1,000,000 (1 million) in the array. Does
it pay to look for it by scanning from the end of the array as we do above rather
than from the beginning of the array as we did in lecture? Why or why not?

Exercise 2 (2 pts). Let x be an int in the C0 language. Express the following operations
in C0 using only one statement each. (Do not use an if statement here.) You should
think about using some of the bitwise operators: (&, |, ˆ, ˜, <<, >>).

(a) Rotate x left one bit. (The leftmost bit reenters x in the rightmost position.) Store
the result back in x.

(b) Rotate x right one bit. (The rightmost bit reenters x in the leftmost position.)
Store the result back in x.

Exercise 3 (4 pts). An array can have duplicate values. A programmer wrote the
following variant of binary search to find the first occurrence of x in a sorted array A
of n integers so that the asymptotic complexity is still O(log n):

int binsearch_smallest(int x, int[] A, int n)

//@requires 0 <= n && n <= \length(A);
//@requires is_sorted(A, 0, n);
/*@ensures (\result == -1 && !is_in(x, A, n))
|| (A[\result] == x && (\result == 0 || A[\result-1] < x));
{ int lower = 0;
int upper = n;
while (lower < upper)
//@loop_invariant 0 <= lower && lower <= upper && upper <= n;
//@loop_invariant lower == 0 || A[lower-1] < x;
//@loop_invariant upper == n || A[upper] >= x;
{ int mid = lower + (upper-lower)/2;
if (A[lower] == x) return lower;
if (A[mid] < x) lower = mid+1;
else /*@assert(A[mid] >= x); @*/ upper = mid;
//@assert lower == upper;
return -1;

There is a bug in this implementation. Describe the bug and fix the code (and the
annotations if necessary) so that it works correctly.

1.2 Run-time Complexity
Exercise 4 (4 pts). Consider the following function that sorts the integers in an array.
(You may assume the code is correct so most annotations are not shown for now.)

int sort(int[] A, int n)

//@requires 0 <= n && n <= \length(A);
int i = 1;
while (i < n)
int j = i;
while (j != 0 && A[j-1] > A[j])
swap(A, j-1, j); // function that swaps A[j-1] with A[j]
j = j - 1;
i = i + 1;

(a) Let T(n) be the number of comparisons between array elements as a function of
n. What is T(n) in the worst cast? Justify your answer.

(b) Using big-O notation, we can say that this function has a worst-case running time
complexity of O( f (n)). What is f (n) in this case? Use the simplest form of f (n)
that is possible to describe the run-time complexity of the function.

(c) Using your answers from the previous two parts, show that T(n) ∈ O( f (n)) using
the formal definition of big O(−). (That is, find a c > 0 and n0 ≥ 0 such that for
every n ≥ n0 , T(n) ≤ c f (n).)

Exercise 5 (4 pts). For each of the following problems, a programmer has a function
that processes an array with n integers in it. The programmer wrote down the
value of n along with the execution time for each algorithm. Using this information,
determine the running time complexity of the algorithm as a function of n using
big-O notation in its simplest form and briefly explain how you found each answer.

(a) n Execution Time (in seconds)

1000 0.743
2000 2.915
4000 11.896
8000 48.108

(b) n Execution Time (in seconds)
1000 0.584
2000 1.190
4000 2.367
8000 4.801

(c) n Execution Time (in seconds)

1000 0.934
2000 0.949
4000 0.963
8000 0.979

(d) n Execution Time (in seconds)

1000 0.996
2000 2.193
4000 4.786
8000 10.372

2 Programming: String Processing (30 points)
For the programming portion of this week’s homework, you’ll write two C0 files
corresponding to two different string processing tasks: duplicates.c0 (described in
Section 2.2) and common.c0 (described in Section 2.3).
You should submit your code electronically by 11:59 pm on the due date. Detailed
submission instructions can be found below.

Starter code. Download the file hw2-starter.zip from the course website. When
you unzip it, you will find two C0 files, stringsearch.c0 and readfile.c0. The
first contains linear and binary search as developed in class, adapted to work over
string arrays. The second contains functionality for reading a text file into an array
of strings with its length, a type called string bundle.

string_bundle read_words(string filename);

You need not understand anything about this type other than that you can extract its
underlying string array and the length of that array:

string[] string_bundle_array(string_bundle b);

int string_bundle_length(string_bundle b);

You can assume that all the strings returned have been converted to lowercase. You
will also see a texts/ directory with some sample text files you may use to test your
For this homework, you are not provided any main() functions. Instead, you
should write your own main() functions for testing your code. You should put this
test code in separate files from the ones you will submit for the problems below, but
you may additionally submit your test code for extra credit—use any file names you
like, as long as they are distinct from the ones we require you to submit.
You should not modify or submit the starter code.

Compiling and running. For this homework, we are not providing you with a
script to compile your code. Instead, you will use the standard cc0 command with
command line options. For this assignment, you will need to use libraries for file I/O
(file), console I/O (conio), and strings (string). To compile one of your files against
one of our main() functions, just specify both files on the command line along with
library switches -l<lib> (dash-lowercase-L) for each library <lib>. For example, if
you’ve completed the program common and you’ve implemented some test code in
common-test.c0, you might compile with a command like the following:

cc0 common.c0 common-test.c0 -lfile -lconio -lstring

Don’t forget to include the -d switch if you’d like to enable dynamic annotation

Submitting. Once you’ve completed some files, you can submit them by running
the command
handin -a hw2 <file1>.c0 ... <fileN>.c0
The handin utility accepts a number of other switches you may find useful as well;
try handin -h for more information.
You can submit files as many times as you like and in any order. When we grade
your assignment, we will consider the most recent version of each file submitted
before the due date. If you get any errors while trying to submit your code, you
should contact the course staff immediately.

Annotations. Be sure to include appropriate //@requires, //@ensures, //@assert,

and //@loop invariant annotations in your program. You should write these as you
are writing the code rather than after you’re done: documenting your code as you go
along will help you reason about what it should be doing, and thus help you write
code that is both clearer and more correct. Annotations are part of your score for the
programming problems; you will not receive maximum credit if your annotations
are weak or missing.

Style. Strive to write code with good style: indent every line of a block to the same
level, use descriptive variable names, keep lines to 80 characters or fewer, document
your code with comments, etc. We will read your code when we grade it, and
good style is sure to earn our good graces. Feel free to ask on the course bboard
(academic.cs.15-122) if you’re unsure of what constitutes good style.

2.1 String Processing Overview

The three short programming problems you have for this assignment deal with
processing strings. In the C0 language, a string is a sequence of characters. Unlike
languages like C, a string is not the same as an array of characters. (See section 8
in the C0 language reference.) There is a library of functions you can use to process

// Returns the length of the given string

int string_length(string s);

// Returns the character at the given index of the string.

// If the index is out of range, aborts.
char string_charat(string a, int idx);

// Returns a new string that is the result of concatenating b to a.

string string_join(string a, string b);

// Returns the substring composed of the characters of s beginning
// at index given by start and up to but not including the index
// given by end>
// If end <= start, the empty string is returned
// If end < 0 or end > the length of the string, it is treated as
// though it were equal to the length of the string.
// If start < 0 the empty string is returned.
string string_sub(string a, int start, int end);

// Returns true if a and b are exactly the same, character for

// character, Returns false otherwise
bool string_equal(string a, string b);

// Returns a negative integer if a is lexicographically "less" than

// b, a positive integer if a is lexicographically "greater" than b,
// or 0 if a and b are equal.
int string_compare(string a, string b);

The string compare function performs a lexicographic comparison of two strings,

which is essentially the ordering used in a dictionary, but with character comparisons
being based on the characters’ ASCII codes, not just alphabetical. For this reason, the
ordering used here is sometimes whimsically referred to as “ASCIIbetical” order. A
table of all the ASCII codes is shown in Figure 1.
The ASCII value for ’0’ is 0x30 (48 in decimal), the ASCII code for ’A’ is 0x41
(65 in decimal) and the ASCII code for ’a’ is 0x61 (97 in decimal). Note that ASCII
codes are set up so the character ’A’ is “less than” the character ’B’ which is less
than the character ’C’ and so on, so the “ASCIIbetical” order coincides roughly with
ordinary alphabetical order.

2.2 Required: Removing Duplicates

In this programming exercise, you will take a sorted array of strings and return a
new sorted array that contains the same strings without duplicates. The length of
the new array should be just big enough to hold the unique strings. Place your code
for this section in a file called duplicates.c0.

Task 1 (3 pts). Implement a function matching the following prototype:

bool is_unique(string[] A, int n)

//@requires is_sorted(A, 0, n);

where n represents the number of strings in the array A. This function should return
true if the given string array contains no repeated strings and false otherwise.

Figure 1: The ASCII table (from http://ascii-table.com/img/table.gif)

Task 2 (3 pts). Implement a function matching the following prototype:

int count_unique(string[] A, int n)
//@requires is_sorted(A, 0, n);
where n represents the number of strings in the array A. This function should return
the number of unique strings in the array, and your implementation should have an
appropriate asymptotic running time given the precondition.
Task 3 (6 pts). Implement a function matching the following prototype:
string[] remove_duplicates(string[] A, int n)
//@requires is_sorted(A, 0, n);
//@ensures \length(\result) == count_unique(A, n);
//@ensures is_sorted(\result, 0, \length(\result));
//@ensures is_unique(\result, \length(\result));
where n represents the number of strings in the array A. The strings in the array
should be sorted before the array is passed to your function. This function should
return a new array that contains only one copy of each distinct string in the array
A. Your new array should be sorted as well. Your implementation should have an
appropriate asymptotic running time given the preconditions.

You must include annotations for the precondition(s), postcondition(s) and loop
invariant(s) for each function. You may include additional annotations for assertions
as necessary. You may include any auxiliary functions you need in the same file, but
you should not include a main() function.

2.3 Required: Counting Common Words

In this exercise, you will write two functions for counting the number of words from
a text that appear in a word list. A practical application of such a function would be
determining how many words in the Complete Works of Shakespeare are valid in the
game Scrabble. Place your code for this section in a file called common.c0.
For the following tasks, you may find the functions in stringsearch.c0 to be
Task 4 (6 pts). Write a function common1 matching the following prototype:
int common1(string[] wordlist, int w, string[] book, int b)
//@requires w <= \length(wordlist) && b <= \length(book);
//@requires is_sorted(wordlist, 0, w) && is_unique(wordlist, w);
The function should return the number of words in the array book that also appear
in the array wordlist. (If a word appears multiple times in the book, you should
count each occurrence separately.) Your function should be asymptotically efficient
given the preconditions; analyze its running time using big-O notation in a comment
in your source code. Note that a precondition of common1 is that the wordlist must
be sorted, a fact you should exploit.
Task 5 (6 pts). Write a function common2 matching the following prototype:
int common2(string[] wordlist, int w, string[] book, int b)
//@requires w <= \length(wordlist) && b <= \length(book);
//@requires is_sorted(wordlist, 0, w) && is_unique(wordlist, w);
//@requires is_sorted(book, 0, b);
As above, the function should return the number of words in the array book that also
appear in the array wordlist, and your function should be asymptotically efficient;
analyze its running time using big-O notation in a comment in your source code.
Note the additional precondition in the specification above: this function requires
not only that the wordlist be sorted, but also that the contents of the book be sorted.
Task 6 (4 pts). Write a function int common_test() that uses the functionality from
readfile.c0 to read in the Complete Works of Shakespeare (texts/shaks12.txt) and
the Scrabble word list (texts/scrabble.txt) and answer the question of how many
of the Bard’s words are fair game in Scrabble.

Extra Credit Task 1. Implement a subquadratic sort—possibly the one seen in
lecture—and use it to test that your common1 and common2 functions compute the
same answer for the Shakespeare/Scrabble task above. Submit the test code in a file
common compare.c0.

You must include annotations for the precondition(s), postcondition(s) and loop
invariant(s) for each function. You may include additional annotations for assertions
as necessary. You may include any auxiliary functions you need in the same file, but
you should not include a main() function.

2.4 Required: Brief Course Survey

Task 7 (2 pts). Create a file README answering the following questions:

(a) How long did it take you to complete the written portion of this homework?

(b) How long did it take you to complete the programming portion of this home-

Submit this file along with the rest of your code. If you wish, you may also include
any additional explanations of your testing code in the README file.

2.5 Optional: Judges’ Prize

As a judges’ prize for this assignment, we will award the student whose code contains
the most elegant and comprehensize annotations.


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