Tectonophysics: Justin Hirtzel, Wu-Cheng Chi, Donald Reed, Liwen Chen, Char-Shine Liu, Neil Lundberg
Tectonophysics: Justin Hirtzel, Wu-Cheng Chi, Donald Reed, Liwen Chen, Char-Shine Liu, Neil Lundberg
Tectonophysics: Justin Hirtzel, Wu-Cheng Chi, Donald Reed, Liwen Chen, Char-Shine Liu, Neil Lundberg
TECTO-124490; No of Pages 9
Tectonophysics xxx (2009) xxx–xxx
j o u r n a l h o m e p a g e : w w w. e l s ev i e r. c o m / l o c a t e / t e c t o
a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t
Article history: Along offshore to the east of southern Taiwan, different stages of subduction and collision occur
Received 3 July 2008 simultaneously along strike of the convergent boundary. As a result, the evolution of the Luzon arc and its
Received in revised form 17 January 2009 forearc basin can be studied from the younger subduction zone to the south to the collision zone to the north.
Accepted 29 January 2009
Examining more than 8000 km of seismic lines, we analyzed the seismic stratigraphy of strata in a forearc
Available online xxxx
basin and its successive basins in the collision zone, to study the processes related to arc collapse and forearc
basin closure. The study area presents three evolutional stages: intra-oceanic subduction, initial arc–
Arc continent collision, and arc–continent collision. We divided 9 seismic sequences in the forearc basin and
Forearc basin found older, sub-parallel basin-fill sequences (4–9) and younger, divergent sequences (1–3). Isochron maps
Collision of the sequences were used to interpret different deformation modes and their areal extends. On the arc side
Backthrust of the basin of the subduction and initial collision zones, we found relatively undisturbed strata, showing
Seismic profiles little arc deformation. On the trench side, the growth strata in sequences 1 through 3 are the result of recent
Taiwan tectonic wedging along the rear of the accretionary prism. Tectonic wedging and back-thrusts incorporate the
forearc strata into the rear of the accretionary prism until they close the forearc basin at a region with a
2200 m basement relief. This relief is not caused by active deformation, as young flat forearc strata lap onto it
and mark the transition from initial collision to collision where many growth strata to the north suggest
abrupt increase in active arc basement deformation. The (1) deforming basement, (2) back-thrusts, and (3)
other sedimentary processes affect the architecture of the successive basins in the collision zone until the arc
is juxtaposed to the rear of the fold and thrust belt on land.
© 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
0040-1951/$ – see front matter © 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Please cite this article as: Hirtzel, J., et al., Destruction of Luzon forearc basin from subduction to Taiwan arc–continent collision,
Tectonophysics (2009), doi:10.1016/j.tecto.2009.01.032
2 J. Hirtzel et al. / Tectonophysics xxx (2009) xxx–xxx
Further to the north onland, the Luzon arc extends into Coastal
Range that consists of Miocene arc-related volcanic rocks unconform-
ably overlain by sediments. To the west, the Taiwan fold and thrust
belt, some of which is composed of continental units from the Chinese
passive margin corresponds to the northern extension of the offshore
Taiwan accretionary prism (Kim et al., 2005). As the Luzon arc
approaches the Taiwan and Chinese passive margin, the volcanism
ceases (Lo et al., 1994), but still exhibits remnant magmatic activities
based on fission track dating and helium isotopic data of gas samples
onland (Yang et al., 2003). The cessation of the volcanism is probably
related to the over-thrust of the arc onto the passive margin on a major
east-dipping listric fault as inferred from Carena et al. (2002). Based
on paleomagnetic data, Lee et al. (1991) found a clockwise rotation, in
map view, of the segmented Coastal Range as the arc rode onto the
passive margin. However, the boundaries of each segment are still
unknown. Lithological and field studies in the intra-arc regions onland
found evidence of the arc which uplifted, subsided, and then again
uplifted to its current position on land (Dorsey, 1992; Huang et al.,
2006). There is no major forearc basin strata found onland. Convergent
processes are still on-going, as slab earthquakes illuminate a clear
east-dipping Benioff zone east of the Coastal Range. However, this
seismic zone disappears abruptly north of 23.3°N.
Although the timing of initial collision is still under debate, Teng
(1990) proposed that it probably began in the late middle Miocene
and is currently propagating southward toward the modern subduc-
tion zone of offshore Taiwan at a rate of 55 to 120 mm/yr (Suppe, 1984;
Lundberg et al., 1997; Byrne and Crepsi, 1997).
Due to the oblique collision in Taiwan region, different stages of the
collision occurred simultaneously along the strike of the convergent
boundary. The evolution of the arc and its forearc basin can be studied
by constructing a series of cross sections, oriented east–west, through
Fig. 1. Location map of Taiwan and regional tectonic setting. Here the oceanic South the subduction zone in the south to the more mature collision zone on
China Sea plate (SCSP) of the Eurasian plate (EP) is subducting southeastward at a rate of Taiwan in the north (Suppe, 1984; Huang et al., 2006). Because of the
about 85 mm/year under the Philippine Sea plate (PSP) along the Manila trench forming
oblique collision, the evolution of the Luzon arc can be studied not
the Taiwan accretionary prism (TAP), North Luzon Trough (NLT)—the forearc basin, and
Luzon arc. The subduction changes into an initial arc–continent collision where the
only by looking at the exposure on land, but also by analyzing offshore
continent–ocean-boundary (COB) of the Chinese passive margin (CPM) enters into the transects south of its current location. Similar concepts have been
trench. As a result, the accretionary prism grows larger. The initial collision changes into applied to study the evolution of the Taiwan accretionary prism (Chi
collision area where forearc basin is closed and the backthrusts form the Huatung Ridge et al., 2003; Chi and Dreger, 2004). Their results show progressive
(HTR), and its piggyback basin (the Southern Longitudinal Trough, SLT). Finally, the
basement-involved deformation and exhumation in the accretionary
Luzon arc is juxtaposed next to the Central Range, a fold and thrust belt that is the
northern extension of Taiwan accretionary prism. The Benioff seismicity associated with prism from subduction to collision. Next we will use marine
Luzon arc disappears abruptly north of 23°20′N. The arrows show the GPS relative
motions with respect to the island of Penghu sitting on the stable Chinese continent.
Please cite this article as: Hirtzel, J., et al., Destruction of Luzon forearc basin from subduction to Taiwan arc–continent collision,
Tectonophysics (2009), doi:10.1016/j.tecto.2009.01.032
J. Hirtzel et al. / Tectonophysics xxx (2009) xxx–xxx 3
Table 1 strata which covers an area of N50,000 km2 from the Manila trench in
Reflection data processing sequences the west to the Luzon island arc in the east by more than 8000 km of
Moana Wave dataset seismic lines. For this study, we focus on data east of the Taiwan
Resample to 4 ms accretionary prism. The seismic data were acquired using a 2-gun
Geometry (460 in3) array source and a 6-channel receiver with 25 m sections. A
Automatic gain control 37.5 m shot interval was used to produce a 4-fold CDP spaced at 25 m
Spiking deconvolution
with an average line spacing of approximately 8 km. The data
Normal move out
Stack processing sequence is listed in Table 1. See Reed et al. (1992) for a
Filter more detailed description of the data processing.
Predictive deconvolution In order to gain insight into the evolution of the North Luzon
Water-bottom mute Trough and its successive basins to the north, we performed a seismic
Trace weighting
stratigraphic analysis of migrated seismic profiles and observations.
Automatic gain control Nine seismic sequences, with sequence 1 at the top, were recognized
4-fold stack section plot throughout the basin, especially in the subduction zone (Fig. 3,
F–K migration at 1500 m/s Table 2) wherein a detailed description of these strata can be found in
Hirtzel (1996). We then discuss five seismic profiles representing
Automatic gain control
Migrated section plot different stages from the initial collision to collision (Fig. 4). Following
that, the topography of the top of the arc basement is plotted and
interpreted (Fig. 5). Finally isochron maps were generated for each
geophysical data to study the evolution of the arc and its forearc basin sequence thickness (Fig. 6). In general, these maps show a south-
from subduction to initial collision and collision. westward increase in sediment thickness and depth to basement,
which is clearly shown in a N–S seismic profile (Fig. 7) running parallel
3. Multi-channel seismic data acquisition, processing and results to the axis of the forearc basin.
In the subduction zone, the three dimensional shapes of the
We used a dense grid of 6 channel seismic profiles (Fig. 2) collected sequences range from layers to slightly wedge shaped deposits that lap
by the research ship R/V Moana Wave of the University of Hawaii onto the volcanic arc basement to the east. Basin-wide unconformities
(Reed et al., 1992; Liu et al., 1992; Lundberg, 1992) to study the forearc are not identified between these sequences in the central and eastern
Fig. 3. A seismic profile in the subduction zone showing tectonic wedging and the nine seismic sequences derived from this study. Note the boundary between sequence 3 and
sequence 4 marks the onset time of rapid uplift due to tectonic wedging. This line is unique in that a basement high under the forearc strata is clearly visible. We also found a possible
unconformity on the eastern side of the forearc basin, which is not seen in other seismic profiles in the near-by region. Overall, we saw recent active uplift on the western side of the
forearc basin but a relatively undeformed arc in the subduction.
Please cite this article as: Hirtzel, J., et al., Destruction of Luzon forearc basin from subduction to Taiwan arc–continent collision,
Tectonophysics (2009), doi:10.1016/j.tecto.2009.01.032
4 J. Hirtzel et al. / Tectonophysics xxx (2009) xxx–xxx
Table 2 the overlying strata near the segmentation boundaries. In the intra-
Description of the nine seismic sequences in the forearc basin (c.f. Fig. 6) oceanic subduction zone, the arc basement is deeper than an 8 s two-
Sequence Remarks way traveltime. However, the basement becomes shallower (~6 s) in
9 1. Oldest sequence imaged in the forearc basin. the initial collision zone. To the north where the forearc basin is
2. Sequences 4 to 9 all show sub-parallel reflectors closed, we found relatively flat strata onlapping to the basement high.
3. Along the rear of the prism The arc basement becomes even shallower (~3 s) going from the
4. Only found south of 21°10′N.
initial collision zone to the collision zone to the north as seen from this
5. Shape like a three-dimensional wedge thinning to the north and west
6. West-ward thinning possibly related to early uplift along the rear of profile and Fig. 4.
the prism
8 1. Similar characteristics to sequence 9 4. Interpretation of seismic stratigraphy
2. Extend a bit further north than sequence 9
3. Lesser degree of tilting in the west along the rear of the prism compared
with sequence 9
The seismic stratigraphic framework for the North Luzon Trough
7 1. Extending farther to the east. (the forearc basin) and its northern extension give us insight on how
2. Thinnest of the nine sequences the forearc basin closes and the arc deforms. Notably, because the areal
3. Wedge-shaped thinning to the north and west extend of the sequences decreases from sequence 1 to 9 the area we
6 1. Extending further east
can only use stratigraphy data as passive markers for arc deformation is
2. Thinning between 20°55′N and 21°00′N
5 1. Similar to sequence 6, but covers a broader area time dependant. Thus we are not able to study arc deformation further
2. Wedge-shaped, thickening to the south away from the depocenter for earlier and smaller sequences. On the
4 1. Thickening to the north and south other hand, we have wider spatial control for the younger sequences 1
3 1. Marks a change in characteristics from the older sequences, which are through 3 that were possibly deposited during the collision period.
composed mostly sub-parallel reflectors.
The lower sequences (4 through 9) can be grouped together due to
2. Reflectors are sub-parallel within the basin but converge to form a wedge-
shaped body toward the rear of the prism. the parallel relationship of their reflectors and sequence boundaries
3. Also present in successive basins to the north (Fig. 3). Sequences 8 and 9 represent the oldest deposited sediments that
4. Show localized chaotic reflectors characteristics of slump deposits have not yet being fully incorporated into the tectonic wedge. Both
2 1. Similar to sequence 3
sequences lap onto the rear of the accretionary prism and have been
1 1. Youngest sequence
2. Blanket the forearc basin uplifted and tilted during the growth of the accretionary prism. The
3. Similar wedge-shaped geometry as sequences 2 and 3 parallel relationship of reflectors and boundaries in sequences 4 through
7 suggest periods of relatively uniform sedimentation and little or no
uplift from tectonic wedging. During this period, the depositional
regions of the basin. Reflectors also diverge to the east in the western processes affecting forearc basin strata were dominated by broad sheet
region of the basin, are parallel within the center of the basin, and flows dispersing sediments widely throughout the basin.
onlap the arc in the east (Fig. 3). In contrast to the parallel reflectors of sequences 4 through 7, the
Further to the north in the initial collision zone, we found chaotic upper three sequences show a convergence of their boundaries to the
deposits on the western side of the forearc basin (Fig. 4e). The west (Fig. 3). This observation, along with areas of chaotic reflectors
geometry of the arc basement becomes irregular (Fig. 4d). The characteristic of slump deposits, suggests that the area has recently
arcward thrusts (back-thrusts) crop out to the seafloor and cause very experienced a period of uplift. Thus, the boundary between sequences
complex faulting and folding patterns. The characteristics of reflectors 3 and 4 can be interpreted as the time of onset of uplift along the rear
within the center and arc side of the basin are similar to that in the of the accretionary prism.
subduction zone.
In the collision zone, the backthrusts extend to the north and form 5. Discussion
the Huatung Ridge, which grows arcward against a 60-km long
basement high (Fig. 4, between 4d to 4b), and then again the arc Here, we will note the deformation modes in subduction zone,
(Fig. 4a). Growth strata overlies the northern end of this basement initial arc–continent collision zone, and arc–continent collision zone.
high (Fig. 4b). The internally deformed strata in the Southern
Longitudinal Trough lap onto the Huatung Ridge. Growth strata and 5.1. Intra-oceanic subduction (south of 20°50′N)
folded, eroded strata were observed in many places (Fig. 4) on both
sides of the Huatung Ridge. The inferred uplift while sequences 1 to 3 were deposited (Fig. 3) is
We then studied the topography of the arc basement from the probably caused by tectonic wedging first proposed by Reed et al.
subduction zone to the collision zone. Two-way traveltime from sea (1992) and studied in detailed by Chi et al. (2003). This process
surface to the top of the basement was measured and plotted (Fig. 5). involves a wedge of accretionary prism material moving eastward
Overall, the basement deepens to the southwest, but there are also beneath the basin sequences via a floor and roof thrust system. As a
local depressions to the north. Because the plot is in two-way result, the tectonic wedge lifts the western edge of the forearc basin
traveltime, some of the topographic relieves are affected by the sequences 4 to 7 while sequences 1 to 3 were deposited. The floor and
geometries of the forearc strata and water body above the forearc roof thrusts work together to bring western parts of sequences 4 to 9
basement. However, the first order features derived from this study into the tectonic wedge in the subduction zone. There is a possibility
should still be correct. of even older sequences that used to be in the forearc basin now being
In addition, we have interpreted a N–S seismic line along the axis incorporated into the tectonic wedge. The roof thrust is eventually cut
of the forearc basin (Fig. 7). The arc basement seems to be segmented at a shallower depth by backthrusting along east-vergent thrusts,
into blocks each 40–60 km in length. There are minor disturbances in resulting in the incorporation of forearc basin sediments into the rear
Fig. 4. Several seismic profiles showing the evolution of the Luzon arc and its forearc basin in the initial collision zone north of 20°50′N. As shown in Fig. 3 in the subduction zone, we
found 9 seismic sequences, of which the top 3 sequences are tilted as a result of tectonic wedging under the rear of the accretionary prism. The backthrusts along with tectonic wedge
tilt and incorporate the forearc strata into the rear of the forearc basin. Fig. 4e shows chaotic deposits with sediments from the rear of the accretionary prism and Huatung Ridge.
Fig. 4d is located in the region where there is a 2200 m relief in arc basement forcing the backthrusts to crop out. Surficial processes are active as part of the folded strata gets eroded.
We interpreted more out-of-sequence backthrusts and growth strata in Fig. 4c. In Fig. 4b, we saw a mature Huatung Ridge (HTR), and the growth strata in front of it. As collision
progresses, the growth strata is incorporated into the Huatung Ridge. Then, in Fig. 4a we can see the piggyback basin (Southern Longitudinal trough) is formed with some internal
deformation. Overall, we saw a variety of active deformations in this region.
Please cite this article as: Hirtzel, J., et al., Destruction of Luzon forearc basin from subduction to Taiwan arc–continent collision,
Tectonophysics (2009), doi:10.1016/j.tecto.2009.01.032
J. Hirtzel et al. / Tectonophysics xxx (2009) xxx–xxx 5
Please cite this article as: Hirtzel, J., et al., Destruction of Luzon forearc basin from subduction to Taiwan arc–continent collision,
Tectonophysics (2009), doi:10.1016/j.tecto.2009.01.032
6 J. Hirtzel et al. / Tectonophysics xxx (2009) xxx–xxx
Fig. 5. Two-way traveltime contour map of the volcanic arc basement. This includes the traveltimes of the water column and forearc strata above the basement. Note the very
irregular shape of the arc basement slope, which affects the deformation of the forearc basin strata. Note several basement highs have been observed in the initial collision zone and
collision zone. The dashed line box marks the location of Fig. 6.
of the accretionary prism. Once incorporated, the sediments are of the forearc strata (Fig. 4e). Some of the chaotic strata are also due to
subjected to uplift on the order of 1000 m as the tectonic wedge the fans with sediments derived from the collision zone to the north.
migrates eastward. Gravity models (Chi et al., 2003) show that the In the middle and eastern parts of the forearc basin the basement is
tectonic wedge is mostly sedimentary. shallower than that in the subduction zone. The topography of the top
The lack of major unconformities in forearc basin strata in the of the basement shows large reliefs even though the overlying strata
middle and eastern side of the forearc basin suggests the absence of are relatively flat. At latitude near 20°50′N where subduction changes
significant tilting or flexure of the volcanic arc basement. Conse- into an initial collision, there is an EW-trending basement high (Fig. 3)
quently, thrust loading caused by backthrusting appears to be minor where the overlying forearc strata in the initial collision zone become
or absent. Small deep-sea fan deposits were found, especially near the thinner (Fig. 6). In sequences 3 to 6 (especially sequence 3) the strata
volcanic arc and intra-arc basins (e.g. Fig. 3). in the initial collision zone appear to shift slightly to the west.
Whether this shift is due to a left-lateral strike-slip fault is still unclear,
5.2. Initial arc–continent collision (between 20°50′N and 21°20′N) because the offset is less obvious in the older strata in sequences 7 to
9. And we have not yet found clear flower structures in a N–S seismic
As the continent ocean boundary of the Chinese passive margin line crossing this region (Fig. 7).
enters into the Manila trench, the deformation in the forearc region Also in sequences 1 and 2, we found small sediment thickness
intensified. Part of the tectonic wedge in this region is composed of decreases toward a basement bathymetric high at 21°05′N, 121°20′E
exhumed high density materials based on gravity modeling (Chi et al., (Fig. 6). We interpreted this as another evidence of minor but active
2003), suggesting basement involved deformation that brings the basement deformation in this region.
high density materials to shallow depths. Next we study the Near these rough basement topographies, heat flow estimates give
stratigraphic response to these intensified deformations. a bit higher (up to 60 °C/km) geothermal gradients (Chi et al., 1998;
The uplifted region on the western side of the basin due to tectonic Chi and Reed, 2008). Several mechanisms can increase the heat flows
wedging has produced extensive debris-flow deposits and subject to in these regions, including intrusion of magma bodies, and active fluid
processes of mass wasting on slopes greater than 15°. As a result, the migration due to minor faulting or differential compaction of the
reflectors on the western side of the forearc basin strata are more strata in these regions. Detailed heat flow and hydrological data are
chaotic compared with the clean reflectors found on the eastern half needed before we can better understand these abnormal heat flows.
Please cite this article as: Hirtzel, J., et al., Destruction of Luzon forearc basin from subduction to Taiwan arc–continent collision,
Tectonophysics (2009), doi:10.1016/j.tecto.2009.01.032
J. Hirtzel et al. / Tectonophysics xxx (2009) xxx–xxx 7
Fig. 6. The isochron maps of the nine sequences derived from this study. See Fig. 5 for location. We used these maps to derive models for deformations of the forearc strata and arc
basement. Because the lower sequences cover less areal extents, we have wider spatial controls for the deformation in more recent time. S9 through S4 have depocenter axes along
the rear of the accretionary prism with symmetric geometry. On the other hand, sequences 3 through 1 are wedge shapes related to tectonic wedging processes. We also found thicker
sediments at the northern end of the closed forearc basin that we interpreted as slump sediments from the north in Huatung Ridge (c.f. S1 and Fig. 4a).
Just south of 21°20′N where the North Luzon Trough closes, we 5.3. Arc–continent collision (north of 21°20′N)
found up to 1.6 s (sequences 1 and 2), relatively flat forearc basin strata
lap onto the steep arc basement slope (Fig. 7). This suggests that there Further to the north where the major forearc basin is closed and
is no recent large scale differential uplift of arc basement at the the Huatung Ridge is formed, very active arc deformation has been
northern part of the North Luzon Trough, even though the basement proposed (Lundberg et al., 1997; McIntosh et al., 2005) based on GPS
bathymetry rises over 2200 meters north of this region (Fig. 4d). (Yu et al., 1995), earthquake (Kao et al., 2000), marine geophysical
However, just 20 km to the north, we see growth strata over the (Malavieille et al., 2002) and multi-channel data (Lundberg et al.,
inferred deforming arc (Fig. 4c). As a result, this region marks the 1992; Huang et al., 2006). Here GPS measurements between Taiwan
transition zone separating the different modes of arc basement and its neighbor islands show N1.5 cm/yr of shortening. Seismic
deformation on both sides, at least while sequences 1 and 2 were profiles show active growth strata in the Southern Longitudinal
deposited and while the arc basement deformation to the north is trough, a major successive basin north of the North Luzon Trough.
active. Chemenda et al. (2001) have previously proposed this region as Some of the deformations are episodic, as the growth strata in Fig. 4b
a major boundary separating different deformation styles based on show different depositional phases. The shallow part of the profile is
analog modeling and bathymetry data. Chen (2006) has also argued hard to interpret due to the strong ringing near the seafloor.
that this is a major boundary in terms of deformation style based on Earthquake location and focal mechanisms show active seismicity
seismic profile interpretation. with mostly strike-slip and reverse faulting in shallow depth and
Please cite this article as: Hirtzel, J., et al., Destruction of Luzon forearc basin from subduction to Taiwan arc–continent collision,
Tectonophysics (2009), doi:10.1016/j.tecto.2009.01.032
8 J. Hirtzel et al. / Tectonophysics xxx (2009) xxx–xxx
Fig. 7. A N–S line near the northern half of the North Luzon Trough, showing relatively flat reflectors onlapping the forearc basin basement. We inferred that there is no recent large
differential tilting of the arc basement in this initial collision zone, based on these overlying flat young strata. The deformation of the arc might be segmented, and there might be an
important boundary fault system just north of this region in the collision zone, separating the relatively undeformed arc here and the active arc deformation to the north in the
collision zone. The southern end of this profile shows a deeper arc basement in the subduction zone.
forearc basement. There are also arc deformations east of the Huatung 6. Conclusions
ridge, at least at depth, as inferred from seismicity (Kao et al., 2000)
and large-offset traveltime inversions (McIntosh et al., 2005). Arc basement deformation and tectonic wedging cause the closure
In response to the shortening in the forearc basement to the north, of the forearc basin in the collision zone. Using seismic profiles, we
the east-vergent backthrusts in the subduction zone have propagated have studied the evolution of the Luzon arc and its forearc basin from
further arcward and connect to the east-vergent backthrust under- subduction to collision. Based on seismic stratigraphic analysis of the
neath the Huatung ridge, consistent with recent sandbox modeling forearc basin strata, we divided the whole strata into 9 sequences with
results (Malavieille and Trullenque, 2007). In this sense, the arc sequence 1 at the top. The boundary between sequence 3 and
basement deformation has helped form the Huatung ridge. However, it sequence 4 is significant for dating the timing of the uplift of forearc
was difficult to use the strata to derive detail basement structures basin sediments due to backthrusting along the rear of Taiwan's
because these strata are also influenced by backthrusting, its conjugate offshore accretionary prism. This backthrusting, coupled with the
faulting, and sediments from the north onland. The rough bathymetry arcward migration of a tectonic wedge beneath forearc basin
and water multiples it produced also complicated the interpretation. sediments, resulted in multiple cycles of uplift and possible mass
However, the shallow structures in the successive basins in the wasting of sediments within the North Luzon Trough. On the eastern
region are mostly dipping to the west, opposite to the proposed east- (arcward) side of the basin, we found relatively undisturbed strata,
dipping lithospheric fault at depth. An arcward vergent backthrust on showing only small amounts of deformation in the subduction zone.
top of the deformed arc basement has been proposed to separate these Some small deformations have involved forearc basement and helped
two different domains (McIntosh et al., 2005). in generating the irregular basement topography in the initial collision
Backthrusting in this region west of the Southern Longitudinal zone. As the collision process continues, the arc basement becomes
trough exhumes some basement material, based on the general even shallower in the collision zone where the forearc basin basement
continuity of gravity anomaly here and further to the south in the has been consumed. Going from south to the north, we also observed
initial collision zone where detailed gravity modeling has been abrupt topography changes of the arc basement. Particularly, north of
conducted (Chi et al., 2003). However, it is still not clear if the 21°20′N where the North Luzon Trough closes, the basement becomes
Southern Longitudinal trough and Huatung ridge are composed much shallower with a relief of more than 2200 m, which marks the
mostly of sedimentary materials. If they are mostly sediment, this location of the transition from less deformed arc in the initial collision
implies that exhumation alone could not consume the large volume of zone and intensive arc deformation to the north in the collision zone.
missing forearc basin basement in this region and subduction of the The majority of this 2200 m relief is not caused by recent active
basement is also at work in this region. deformation, as we found relatively flat young strata in the North
Please cite this article as: Hirtzel, J., et al., Destruction of Luzon forearc basin from subduction to Taiwan arc–continent collision,
Tectonophysics (2009), doi:10.1016/j.tecto.2009.01.032
J. Hirtzel et al. / Tectonophysics xxx (2009) xxx–xxx 9
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Please cite this article as: Hirtzel, J., et al., Destruction of Luzon forearc basin from subduction to Taiwan arc–continent collision,
Tectonophysics (2009), doi:10.1016/j.tecto.2009.01.032