Raz Laa46 Backyard LP
Raz Laa46 Backyard LP
Raz Laa46 Backyard LP
Lesson Plan The Backyard
About the Book
Text Type: Nonfiction/Concept Page Count: 10 Word Count: 16
Book Summary
What is in your backyard? In the book The Backyard, students
will read about some things found in the backyard. Students
will have the opportunity to identify the main idea and details
as well as connect to prior knowledge as they read. Detailed,
supportive pictures, a repetitive sentence pattern, and the
high-frequency word the support early emergent readers.
• Use the reading strategy of connecting to prior
knowledge to understand text
• Identify main ideas and details
• Discriminate initial consonant /f/ sound
• Identify initial consonant Ff
• Recognize and use nouns
• Recognize and use the high-frequency word the
Green text indicates resources available on the website
• Book—The Backyard (copy for each student)
• Chalkboard or dry erase board
• Highlighters
• Main idea and details, initial consonant Ff, nouns worksheets
Indicates an opportunity for students to mark in the book. (All activities may
be demonstrated by projecting book on interactive whiteboard or completed with
paper and pencil if books are reused.)
*Bold vocabulary words also appear in a pre-made lesson for this title on VocabularyA–Z.com.
• High-frequency words: the
• Content words:
Story critical: backyard (n.), ball (n.), dog (n.), fence (n.), flower (n.), hose (n.), swing (n.),
tree (n.)
Before Reading
Build Background
• Write the word backyard on the board and point to it as you read it aloud to students.
Repeat the process and have students say the word aloud.
• Ask students whether or not they have a backyard and what it is used for. Discuss the types
of things that might be found in a backyard. Make a list of these things on the board.
During Reading
Student Reading
• G uide the reading: Give students their copy of the book. Have a volunteer point to the first word
on page 3 (The). Point out to students where to begin reading on each page. Remind them to
read the words from left to right.
• Ask students to place a finger on the page number in the bottom corner of page 3. Have them
read to the end of page 5, using their finger to point to each word as they read. Encourage
students who finish before others to reread the text.
• Model connecting to prior knowledge.
Think-aloud: On page 3, I see a fence. I know that a fence is a divider built around a yard. Many
times a fence is used to keep children or animals inside the yard so they will be safe. I know that
many people put up a fence in their backyard for privacy.
• Invite students to share how they connected with what they already knew as they read.
• Review the main idea of the book: Many things are found in a backyard. Ask students to explain
whether a fence is a detail that supports the main idea of the book and why (yes; a fence is
found in a backyard).
• Introduce and explain the main-idea-and-details worksheet. Write the word fence on the board.
Have students write the word and draw a picture that represents the word fence in one of the
spaces on their worksheet.
• Check for understanding: Have students read to the end of page 8. Encourage them to share
how they connected to prior knowledge as they read. (Accept all answers that show students
understand how to connect to prior knowledge.)
• Ask students to think about other details they read that support the main idea Many things are
found in a backyard. Have them choose one of the details to draw on their worksheet. Ask them
to label their drawing using the word from the book. Have students share the detail they drew
and wrote about.
• Have students read the remainder of the book. Remind them to use what they already know
about backyards to help them understand new information as they read.
Have students make a small question mark in their book beside any word they do not
understand or cannot pronounce. These can be addressed in the discussion that follows.
After Reading
• Ask students what words, if any, they marked in their book. Use this opportunity to model how
they can read these words using decoding strategies and context clues.
Build Skills
Phonological Awareness: Discriminate initial consonant /f/ sound
• Say the word fox aloud to students, emphasizing the initial /f/ sound. Have students say the word
aloud and then say the /f/ sound.
• Read page 3 aloud to students. Have them raise their hand when they hear a word that begins
with the /f/ sound.
• Check for understanding: Say the following words, one at a time, and have students give the
thumbs-up signal if the word begins with the /f/ sound: four, grass, trees, fun, cat, feel.
Phonics: Identify initial consonant Ff
• Write the word fence on the board and say it aloud with students.
• Have students say the /f/ sound aloud. Then run your finger under the letters in the word as
students say the whole word aloud. Ask students to identify which letter represents the /f/ sound
in the word fence.
• Have students practice writing the letter Ff on a separate piece of paper while saying the
/f/ sound.
• Check for understanding: Write the following words that begin with the /f/ sound on the board,
leaving off the initial consonant: fun, for, fin. Say each word, one at a time, and have volunteers
come to the board and add the initial Ff to each word.
• Independent practice: Introduce, explain, and have students complete the initial consonant Ff
worksheet. If time allows, discuss their answers.
Grammar and Mechanics: Nouns
• Show students a picture of a person, a place, and a thing. Ask volunteers to identify the pictures.
Explain that words that name a person, a place, and a thing are called nouns.
• Have students turn to page 3 in their book. Ask them to name the object in the picture. Then
read the sentence with students, pointing to the words as you read them aloud. Ask students to
point to the word that names the object, or thing, in the picture (fence). Explain that this word is
a noun.
• Have students turn to page 4. Read the sentence aloud with them, pointing to the words as
you read them aloud. Ask students to point to the word that names the object, or thing, in the
picture (dog).
Check for understanding: Have students look at the object in the picture on each page of the
book. Point to the words as you read each page aloud with students. Have them underline the
nouns in the book. Discuss the word they underlined.
• Independent practice: Introduce, explain, and have students complete the nouns worksheet. If time
allows, discuss their responses.
Check for understanding: Have students locate and highlight every occurrence of the word
the in the book. Have them write the word on a separate piece of paper several times. Then
have each student use the word the in an oral sentence.
Build Fluency
Independent Reading
• Allow students to read their book independently. Additionally, partners can take turns
reading parts of the book to each other.
Home Connection
• Give students their book to take home to read with parents, caregivers, siblings, or friends.
Have them identify the main idea and details of the book to someone at home.
Science Connection
Discuss the growing things that might be found in a backyard and make a list on the board.
Provide information about plants, their parts, and how they grow. Discuss other items that
might be found in the backyard that help plants grow.
Monitor students to determine if they can:
• consistently connect to prior knowledge to understand text
• accurately identify the details that support the main idea of the book during discussion
and on a worksheet
• accurately discriminate initial consonant /f/ sound during discussion
• accurately identify and write the letter symbol that represents the /f/ sound during
discussion and on a worksheet
• correctly identify and use nouns during discussion and on a worksheet
• correctly use and write the high-frequency word the
Comprehension Check
• Retelling Rubric