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DR - Chhabra's Pathology Centre: E-Report

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Chhabra's Pathology Centre

e-Report 35/1, Subhash Road, Dehradun - 248001
Ph.: 2656804, 2654134, 6458445
TeleFax: 2654134
web:www.chhabraPATH.com | email: director@chhabrapath.com

Date : Mar 23, 2022 Sample Coll. :

Ref. No. : 2203-23001 Report Time :
Patient : DR. I.D.Bhatt 50 Y / M
Ref. Doctor : DR. LALIT PANT MBBS Delivery : e-report (online)
Investigation Result Units Bio. Reference Interval

Haemoglobin, W. Blood † : 13.5 g/dL 13.0 - 17.0

Method- SLS-Hemoglobin Method

* Age Related Reference Ranges for Haemoglobin (Indian Population)
Adult Male 13.0 - 17.0 | Adult Female 11.5 - 15.0
Children |
- Days 1 - 13 18.5 `b1 5.0 | - Days 14 - 60 13.0 `b1 3.3
- 3 mths - 10 yrs 11.2 `b1 2.3 | - 11 - 15 yrs 12.0 `b1 1.0

T.L.C., W. Blood † : 8300 /cu.mm 4000 - 11000

Method- Flow Cytometry

D L C, W. Blood

Polymorphs : 62 % 45 - 74

Lymphocytes : 28 % 16 - 45

Eosinophils : 5 % 0-5

Monocytes : 5 % 0-5

E.S.R. (Automated), W. Blood : 8 mm in 1st hr 0 - 20

Performed on Fully automated DISSE Vesmatic, Italy. Results corrected to Westergren's Method at 18°C as per ICSH guidelines.

Platelet Count, W. Blood † : 166 x 10³/mm³ 100 - 400

Method- Flow cytometry; verified by microscopy

R B C Count, W. Blood † : 4.24 10^12/L 4.20 - 6.30

Method- DC Detection

Hematocrit (Hct/PCV), W. Blood : 40.5 % 37.0 - 51.0

MCV † : 95.5 fL 76.0 - 96.0

MCH † : 31.8 pg 26.0 - 32.0

MCHC † : 33.3 g/dL 31.0 - 36.0

RDW : 13.0 % 0.0 - 15.0

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†- in NABL scope Dr. K.N. Chhabra Dr. Divye Chhabra Dr.Natasha Makkar
DCP, FICPath MD(Path), MAMC MD(Path)
Page 1 of 6 Consultant Pathologist Gold Medalist Consultant Pathologist
All results reach your reports through a sophisticated, bi-directionally interfaced, computerised Laboratory Information
System (LIS). Samples are barcoded on receipt & processed from primary tubes. No manual data entry used.
Dr.Chhabra's Pathology Centre
e-Report 35/1, Subhash Road, Dehradun - 248001
Ph.: 2656804, 2654134, 6458445
TeleFax: 2654134
web:www.chhabraPATH.com | email: director@chhabrapath.com

Date : Mar 23, 2022 Sample Coll. :

Ref. No. : 2203-23001 Report Time :
Patient : DR. I.D.Bhatt 50 Y / M
Ref. Doctor : DR. LALIT PANT MBBS Delivery : e-report (online)
Investigation Result Units Bio. Reference Interval

Glucose (Fasting), Plasma † : 109 mg/dL 70 - 110

Method- OCD VITROS-250, Glucose Oxidase-Peroxidase

HbA1c (Glycosylated Hb), W. Blood : 6.0 % *

eAG (estimated Average Glucose) : 126 mg/dL *

eAg is a calculated value based on standard DCCT formula.

References- Defining the relationship between plasma glucose and HbA(1c): analysis of glucose profiles and HbA(1c) in the Diabetes Control
and Complications Trial- Curt L Rohlfing 1 , Hsiao-Mei Wiedmeyer, Randie R Little et al; Diabetes Care. 2002 Feb;25(2):275-8.

Normal & Very Good Control - 4.0 - 6.0 %

Good Control - 6.0 - 7.0 %
Fair Control - 7.0 - 8.0 %
Suboptimal Control - 8.0 - 9.0%
Poor Control - > 9.0 %

HbA1c is formed by the reaction of glucose with the N-terminal amino group of the Adult hemoglobin (HbA) beta chain. The Diabetes Control
and Complications Trial (DCCT) Research Group previously reported a relationship between percent HbA1c and mean blood glucose levels
during the preceding 2-3 months. The DCCT study also demonstrated that long-term control of diabetes can prevent complication such as
cardiovascular disease, retinopathy, nephropathy, and neuropathy.
Measurement of percent HbA1c is the method of choice for monitoring therapy of diabetic patients.
The percentage is expressed as a percentage of total circulating Haemoglobin. In the presence of Hb Variants other than HbA (normal Adult
Haemoglobin) e.g. in various haemoglobinopathies the results cannot be compared to the DCCT guidelines for control and cut-offs will be

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†- in NABL scope Dr. K.N. Chhabra Dr. Divye Chhabra Dr.Natasha Makkar
DCP, FICPath MD(Path), MAMC MD(Path)
Page 2 of 6 Consultant Pathologist Gold Medalist Consultant Pathologist
All results reach your reports through a sophisticated, bi-directionally interfaced, computerised Laboratory Information
System (LIS). Samples are barcoded on receipt & processed from primary tubes. No manual data entry used.
Dr.Chhabra's Pathology Centre
e-Report 35/1, Subhash Road, Dehradun - 248001
Ph.: 2656804, 2654134, 6458445
TeleFax: 2654134
web:www.chhabraPATH.com | email: director@chhabrapath.com

Date : Mar 23, 2022 Sample Coll. :

Ref. No. : 2203-23001 Report Time :
Patient : DR. I.D.Bhatt 50 Y / M
Ref. Doctor : DR. LALIT PANT MBBS Delivery : e-report (online)
Investigation Result Units Bio. Reference Interval

Bilirubin (Complete), Serum †

S. Bilirubin (Total) : 1.10 mg/dL 0.20 - 1.30

S. Bilirubin (Conjugated) : 0.23 mg/dL 0.00 - 0.60

S. Bilirubin (Unconjugated) : 0.87 mg/dL 0.00 - 1.10

Method- OCD VITROS-250, Total Bilirubin- Diphylline, Diazonium Salt; Indirect and Direct Bilirubin- Dual wavelegnth endpoint Colorimetric;
Biliprotein- Calculated

S.G.P.T. (ALT), Serum † : 30 U/L 21 - 72

Method- OCD VITROS-350, UV With P-5P

S.G.O.T. (AST), Serum † : 28 U/L 17 - 59

Method- OCD VITROS-350, UV With P-5P

Alkaline Phosphatase, Serum † : 72 U/L 38 - 126

Method- OCD VITROS-350, PNPP, AMP Buffer

S. Protein : 7.0 g/dL 6.3 - 8.2

S. Albumin : 4.3 g/dL 3.5 - 5.0

S. Globulin : 2.7 g/dL 2.0 - 3.5

A:G Ratio : 1.6 :1 1.0 - 2.0

G.G.T. (Gamma glutamyl transpeptidase), : 46 U/L 15 - 73

Serum †

Method- OCD VITROS-250, G-Glutamyl-P-Nitroanilide

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†- in NABL scope Dr. K.N. Chhabra Dr. Divye Chhabra Dr.Natasha Makkar
DCP, FICPath MD(Path), MAMC MD(Path)
Page 3 of 6 Consultant Pathologist Gold Medalist Consultant Pathologist
All results reach your reports through a sophisticated, bi-directionally interfaced, computerised Laboratory Information
System (LIS). Samples are barcoded on receipt & processed from primary tubes. No manual data entry used.
Dr.Chhabra's Pathology Centre
e-Report 35/1, Subhash Road, Dehradun - 248001
Ph.: 2656804, 2654134, 6458445
TeleFax: 2654134
web:www.chhabraPATH.com | email: director@chhabrapath.com

Date : Mar 23, 2022 Sample Coll. :

Ref. No. : 2203-23001 Report Time :
Patient : DR. I.D.Bhatt 50 Y / M
Ref. Doctor : DR. LALIT PANT MBBS Delivery : e-report (online)
Investigation Result Units Bio. Reference Interval

Urea, Serum † : 36 mg/dL 19 - 43

Method- OCD VITROS-250, Urease

Blood Urea Nitrogen (BUN), Serum † : 17.0 mg/dL 7.0 - 20.0

Creatinine, Serum † : 0.66 mg/dL 0.60 - 1.50

Method- OCD VITROS-250, Enzymatic

Sodium, Serum : 135 meq/L 130 - 149

Method- Ion Selective Electrode

Potassium, Serum : 4.20 meq/L 3.50 - 5.00

Method- Ion Selective Electrode

Calcium, Serum † : 8.4 mg/dL 8.4 - 10.2

Method- OCD VITROS-350, Arsenazo III

Phosphorus, Serum † : 3.00 mg/dL 2.50 - 4.50

Method- OCD VITROS-250, Phosphomolybdate

Uric Acid, Serum † : 5.30 mg/dL 3.50 - 8.50

Method- OCD VITROS-250, Uricase

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†- in NABL scope Dr. K.N. Chhabra Dr. Divye Chhabra Dr.Natasha Makkar
DCP, FICPath MD(Path), MAMC MD(Path)
Page 4 of 6 Consultant Pathologist Gold Medalist Consultant Pathologist
All results reach your reports through a sophisticated, bi-directionally interfaced, computerised Laboratory Information
System (LIS). Samples are barcoded on receipt & processed from primary tubes. No manual data entry used.
Dr.Chhabra's Pathology Centre
e-Report 35/1, Subhash Road, Dehradun - 248001
Ph.: 2656804, 2654134, 6458445
TeleFax: 2654134
web:www.chhabraPATH.com | email: director@chhabrapath.com

Date : Mar 23, 2022 Sample Coll. :

Ref. No. : 2203-23001 Report Time :
Patient : DR. I.D.Bhatt 50 Y / M
Ref. Doctor : DR. LALIT PANT MBBS Delivery : e-report (online)
Investigation Result Units Bio. Reference Interval

Lipid Profile †

S. Cholesterol : 183 mg/dL *

S. Triglycerides : 321 mg/dL *

S. HDL Cholesterol : 27 mg/dL 35 - 95

S. LDL Cholesterol : 105 mg/dL *

S. VLDL Cholesterol : 64 mg/dL 10 - 50

LDL Chol./HDL Chol. Ratio : 3.89 Ratio 0.00 - 3.55

Total Chol./HDL Chol. Ratio : 6.78 Ratio 0.00 - 4.90

(Method- T/ H and L/ H Ratios are calculated)

*Guidelines for Total Plasma Cholesterol Levels on 11 to 12 hour fasting samples.
(Method- Cholesterol Oxidase, Esterase Peroxidase)
Desirable - < 200 mg/dL
Borderline High Risk - 200 - 239 mg/dL
High risk - >239 mg/dL, on repeated values
Optimal Level for Cardiac Patients - < 200 mg/dL

* Guidelines for Serum Triglycerides Levels on 11 to 12 hour fasting samples.

(Method- Colorimetric)
Desirable - < 150 mg/dL
Borderline High Risk - 150 - 199 mg/dL
High Risk - 199 - 499 mg/dL
Very High Risk - > 499 mg/dL

* Guidelines for HDL Cholesterol Levels on 11 to 12 hour fasting samples.

(Method- Colorimetric)
Desirable - > 60 mg/dL
Borderline High Risk - 35 - 60 mg/dL
High Risk - < 35 mg/dL

* Guidelines for LDL Cholesterol Levels on 11 to 12 hour fasting samples.

Desirable - < 130 mg/dL
Borderline High Risk - 130 - 159 mg/dL
High Risk - > 159 mg/dL


Investigation Result Units Bio. Reference Interval

T S H (Ultra Sensitive), Serum † : 2.01 uIU/mL 0.30 - 4.50

Method- Roche cobas e411, Chemiluminescence Immunoassay (CLIA)

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†- in NABL scope Dr. K.N. Chhabra Dr. Divye Chhabra Dr.Natasha Makkar
DCP, FICPath MD(Path), MAMC MD(Path)
Page 5 of 6 Consultant Pathologist Gold Medalist Consultant Pathologist
All results reach your reports through a sophisticated, bi-directionally interfaced, computerised Laboratory Information
System (LIS). Samples are barcoded on receipt & processed from primary tubes. No manual data entry used.
Dr.Chhabra's Pathology Centre
e-Report 35/1, Subhash Road, Dehradun - 248001
Ph.: 2656804, 2654134, 6458445
TeleFax: 2654134
web:www.chhabraPATH.com | email: director@chhabrapath.com

Date : Mar 23, 2022 Sample Coll. :

Ref. No. : 2203-23001 Report Time :
Patient : DR. I.D.Bhatt 50 Y / M
Ref. Doctor : DR. LALIT PANT MBBS Delivery : e-report (online)
Investigation Result Units Bio. Reference Interval

Prostate Specific Antigen, Serum : 1.530 ng/mL 0.000 - 5.000

Expected Values:
98 % of Healthy Males 0.0-5.0 ng/ml
78.5 % of Benign Prostatic Hypertrophy 0.0-5.0 ng/ml
72.3 % of Prostatic Carcinomas Above 5.0 ng/ml

PSA is a reliable Tumour Marker for already diagnosed Prostatic Carcinomas. Though present in many tissues including breast, salivary
glands, etc., the major site of PSA production is the granular epithelium of the prostate glands. PSA is, therefore remarkably specific for the
prostate. Baseline levels measured prior to therapeutic intervention, and followed later by the serial, periodical measurement will predict the
outcome of the therapy. It also helps in early discovery of recurrences, relapses and metastases. Recommended testing intervals:

First Determination - Preoperatively (Baseline)

Second Determination - 2-4 days Postoperatively
Third Determination - Before discharge from hospital
Follow Up Determination - If levels are high / show rising trends : Monthly
If levels are normal: Every 3 monthly initially later annually.

In general, Tumour Marker levels are directly related to the Tumour mass and the stage of the cancer. However, it is the rate of
change of the Tumour Marker level, which is more important, rather than its absolute value. A 50 % change may be considered clinically
significant. It must be emphasized that PSA may also be elevated in Benign Prostatic hypertrophy and inflammatory conditions of the
surrounding Genito Urinary Tract. Therefore, this parameter should never be used as a screening test for diagnosing Prostatic Carcinomas,
but only as an aid in follow up studies.
Caution: The concentration of PSA in a given sample, determined with assays from different manufactures, can vary due to differences in
methodology and reagent.
Specifically: Values obtained with different assay methods cannot be used inter changeably.
Results reported by a laboratory must include identity of the PSA assay used.

Method- Roche cobas e411, Chemiluminescence Immuno Assay

--End of Report--

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†- in NABL scope Dr. K.N. Chhabra Dr. Divye Chhabra Dr.Natasha Makkar
DCP, FICPath MD(Path), MAMC MD(Path)
Page 6 of 6 Consultant Pathologist Gold Medalist Consultant Pathologist
All results reach your reports through a sophisticated, bi-directionally interfaced, computerised Laboratory Information
System (LIS). Samples are barcoded on receipt & processed from primary tubes. No manual data entry used.

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