Dystopian Narrative
Dystopian Narrative
Dystopian Narrative
"My name is Felix, and this is the story of how the world has changed for the worse. At the
moment, there is a War, a World War 3. On Tuesday March 3 2030, it all started one month ago
when Chinese President Lin Dong started hacking the Americans through all their technology.
Then to make matters worse Chinese spies go into America's White House and kill President
Christopher L. Linda. The new president is Robert N. Hardman. Our faction, Faction 1, includes
Andrew Nowak, the Polish President, Nick Cortez, Australian President and Robert N. Hardman,
American President. Faction 2 has Lin Dong, the Chinese President, Artem Sokolo, the Russian
President, Uyeda Minori, Japanese President. Welcome to World War 3"
All I see around me is long, tall trees. There are so many that you can't see the sky. I can hear
the monkeys chattering in the towering treetops, and I see the birds flying above us. I and the
other four are gripping our weapons for dear life because our target will be locked as soon as
we see the enemy. Im taking a deep breath, hoping that I and my team dont die today as we
haven't even got that far yet. In our team, we have military code names for each soldier. The
terms are Alpha, Sergeant Smith, Delta, Soldier Timothy, Echo, Soldier Felix, Bravo, Soldier
Fergeson, and Foxtrot, Soldier Anthony.
"Everyone get down the enemy is hiding behind the trees about a kilometre from here I can see
that there is around 3 or 4", whispers Alpha. I jump down to the ground, hoping that the enemy
hasn't spotted me yet. I quickly took my M107 sniper from my back and promptly put my bullets
in. I quickly put my stand onto the tip of my gun and make sure my binoculars on my sniper are
strapped on properly. As I put my hand to the trigger and look through the binoculars trying to
find the enemy, I feel this sense of hesitation, thinking if this is the job for me. Then I shot him.
As I shot him, I was looking through the binoculars, and I saw him stagger back as it went
straight through his chest, hand to a chest full of blood spilling out. There was no turning back
from what I did. Even though im supposed to do this, I still feel terrible. Then he dropped and left
this earth. I should not have taken this job. The other guys quickly killed the rest of the enemies.
Night has come, and we need a good rest, so we wrap ourselves in leaves, hoping that the
enemy doesn't sneak at night and find us.
"Everyone quick wake up they have found us," says panicking Foxtrot. I wake up with the grainy
taste of dirt in my mouth, thinking about what he is talking about. Until I put my head up and saw
we were surrounded by 12 Chinese Soldiers. We quickly grab our M4 Carbines (Assault Rifles)
and point them towards the trees. Our enemies are about 2 kilometres away. As I pick up my
gun, I feel a sicky feeling in my stomach, thinking, "how the heck will we survive." Then as I
point my gun at them, they shoot. There is no choice but to shoot back. As im shoot them, I see
a lot of blood and mourning from their team. They all looked around like they were in their
twenties. Then, suddenly, someone shoots at me, my whole life flashes before me. It's either I
duck from this headshot, or the person behind me dies. Im terrified, but I knew what il do. "See
you, heaven, remember never give up no matter what the sacrifices are," says Felix as he drops
to the ground with blood on his head. He died in silence.
The war has ended, Faction 2 has surrendered. Over 200,000 Soldiers died in Faction 1 and 2.
There is now peace in our world. Faction 1 has had a great victory with many strong men and
women. Now to Seargent Smith, "We all appreciate the service that Felix did for our country.
We will never forget the service that Felix gave to our nation. The sacrifices Felix made will
never be forgotten. I remember the last words of Felix "remember never give up no matter what
the sacrifices are." "Would anyone like to say anything?" Says Sergeant. Soldier Anthony
mentions, "Yes please, Felix was a very brave man he tried his best even through the toughest
times he never gave up he is the true hero."