Study Bipolar and Cni

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International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)

ISSN: 2319-7064
Index Copernicus Value (2016): 79.57 | Impact Factor (2017): 7.296

A Study on the Effect of Anodic and Bipolar

Corrosion Inhibiting Admixtures on Strength
Parameters of Concrete
V L Satish1, Dr V Ravindra2
Engineer-SF, SDSC ISRO & Research Scholar JNTUK, Kakinada, Andhra Pradesh, India
Professor of Civil Engineering JNTUK, Kakinada, Andhra Pradesh, India

Abstract: Corrosion inhibitors in concrete have become a viable solution for controlling the corrosion in concrete structures. However,
the effect of the corrosion inhibitors on the strength parameters of concrete is also important. This study examined workability and
compressive strength development in concretes mixed with Anodic Inhibitor (Calcium Nitrite based) and Bipolar Corrosion inhibitor.
Two types of Concretes made from Portland Pozzolana Cement (PPC) and Ordinary Portland Cement (OPC) and the effect of corrosion
inhibitors on the strength parameters are studied.Test results showed that there is no much improvement in workability of OPC concrete
mixes or PPC concrete mixes by addition of both types of corrosion inhibitors used in this study. Addition of Calcium Nitrite based
inhibitor has resulted in marginal increase of compressive strength of concrete at 28 days, whereas, the addition of Bipolar inhibitor has
resulted in marginal decrease of compressive strength of concrete at 28 days.

Keywords: Corrosion inhibitors, Anodic Inhibitor/ Calcium Nitrite based inhibitor, Bipolar Corrosion inhibitor, workability, compressive

1. Introduction Potassium chromate, Sodium benzoate and stannous chloride

(Saraswathy et al. 2001).
The main cause for deterioration of reinforced concrete
structures is the corrosion of the embedded steel, in Hence, two commercially available corrosion inhibitors,
particular when exposed to marine environments or deicing Anodic inhibitor (Calcium Nitrite based) and Bipolar
salts, due to the action of chloride. Deterioration of Inhibitor mixed in concrete made from Portland pozzolana
reinforced concrete structures results from external factors or cement (PPC) and Ordinary Portland cement (OPC) are
internal causes within the concrete itself. External chemical studied in terms of modification of the workability and
attack occurs mainly through the action of aggressive ions, compressive strength of concrete.
such as chlorides, sulphates or carbon dioxide, as well as
many natural or industrial liquids and gases. Corrosion of 2. Experimental
steel bars is a main factor affecting both the concrete
durability and strength. Since the mid 1960’s, several 2.1 Materials
methods have been investigated to extend the time to
corrosion damage in structures. Methods like epoxy and M 35 grade concretes using PPC and OPC were used to
galvanized coatings of reinforcing steel, active and passive assess the effect of corrosion inhibitors in terms of
cathodic protection systems, and use of corrosion inhibiting modification of workability and compressive strength of
admixtures in concrete have been adopted in the recent concrete. The properties of each of these materials used in
times[1]. Cathodic protection systems have been proven to the concrete are tested and used for mix design of concrete.
be effective, but requires constant monitoring to ensure The materials are tested in conformation with the IS code.
effectiveness and, depending upon the application, may be
maintenance intensive and expensive to install.[2,3]. Epoxy The materials used for this experimental work are
coating of steel became the corrosion prevention method of 1) Cement: Ordinary Portland Cement
choice in the late 1970's [4]. In the recent past, the use of 2) Cement: Portland Pozollona cement
corrosion inhibitors has become more common in preventing 3) Sand : Zone II
or delaying corrosion related damage in reinforced concrete 4) Coarse aggregate: HBG 20 mm graded
structures [5]. 5) Water: potable water

Corrosion Inhibitor is defined as “a chemical substance that Admixtures

decreases the corrosion rate when present in the corrosion 1) Commercially available Anodic (Calcium nitrate based)
system at suitable concentration, without significantly corrosion inhibiting admixtures (CNIA)
changing the concentration of any other corrosion agent.” 2) Commercially available Bipolar corrosion inhibiting
(ISO 8044- 1989). Corrosion – inhibiting admixtures are admixtures (BIA)
mainly used in concrete exposed to seawater or to varying
degrees of exposure to aggressive chemical environment.
Earlier studies looked at numerous corrosion inhibition
admixtures with the most attention focused on sodium nitrite,
Volume 7 Issue 12, December 2018
Licensed Under Creative Commons Attribution CC BY
Paper ID: ART20183211 10.21275/ART20183211 1
International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)
ISSN: 2319-7064
Index Copernicus Value (2016): 79.57 | Impact Factor (2017): 7.296
2.1.1 Ordinary Portland Cement (OPC) and Pozollona containing molecules in which electron density distribution
Portland Cement (PPC) causes the inhibitor to be attracted to both anodic and
53 grade Ordinary Portland Cement conforming to IS:8112 cathodic processes. Due to the good quality of its vapour
and Portland Pozzolana Cement conforming to IS:1489– pressure and distribution with the moisture within the
Part-I are used in this study and the test parameters are given concrete, these molecules migrate to the steel and form a
in Table 1. monomolecular layer along the reinforcement in concrete.
Thus corrosion vis-à-vis micro cell formation is inhibited.
Table1: Physical Properties of Cement The test parameters of the corrosion inhibitors are given in
S. Test Conducted PPC OPC table 2.
1. Consistency 30.0% 28.0% Table 2: Test parameters of the corrosion inhibitors
2. Initial setting time 135 Minutes 120 Minutes S Test Conducted Calcium Nitrite Bi Polar
3. Final setting time 290 Minutes 185 Minutes No Inhibitor Inhibitor
4. Compressive strength:(Average 46.0 MPa 62.0 Mpa 1 Dry Material content ( by % weight) 31.78 16.15
of three results) 28 days 2 pH 6.03 8.17
5. FINENESS (by Blaine’s air 314 m2 /kg 305 m2 /kg 3 Ash content ( by % weight) 15.55 17.59
permeability method) 4 Relative density 1.18 1.1
6. SOUNDNESS (by Le-Chatelier’s 1.0mm 1.0mm 5 Chloride (%) Nil Nil
2.2 Mix proportions
2.1.2Anodic Corrosion inhibitors
A commercially available Anodic Inhibitor (Calcium Nitrite M35 grade concretes using PPC and OPC were used to
based inhibitor) was used in this study. This is a chloride assess the effect of corrosion inhibitors. Based on the
free, ready to use aqueous solution of calcium nitrite. properties of the ingredients, the mix was designed for M35
Calcium nitrite is an ingredient which reacts chemically to grade of concrete as per IS 10262:2009. The concrete
interrupt chloride induced corrosion. Nitrites (Calcium or specimens were cast to study the modification of the
sodium salt) are anodic inhibitors, they compete with workability and compressive strength of concrete. The
chloride ions for the ferrous ions at the anode to form a film various mix proportions used in this study are given in table
of ferric oxide, Fe2O3. 3. The Calcium Nitrite Inhibitor is designated as CN and Bi-
polar inhibitor is designated as BI.
2.1.3 Bipolar Inhibitor
A commercially available bipolar inhibitor was also used in
this study for comparison. The chemical based inhibitor

Table 3: Details of Concrete mix proportions

S NO Specimen Combination Cement Coarse Aggregate Fine Aggregate Water Inhibitor Remarks
KG 20mm KG 12mm KG KG Litre Litre
1 M35 GRADE CONCRETE WITH (OPC) 360 690 460 710 167 0.00 OPC Control Mix
2 M35 OPC + CN2% 360 690 460 710 159.80 7.20 2% Inhibitor
3 M35 OPC + CN5% 360 690 460 710 149.00 18.00 5% Inhibitor
4 M35 OPC + BI2% 360 690 460 710 159.80 7.20 2% Inhibitor
5 M35 OPC + BI5% 360 690 460 710 149.00 18.00 5% Inhibitor
6 M35 GRADE CONCRETE WITH (PPC) 390 676 482 740 172 0.00 PPC Control Mix
7 M35 PPC + CN2% 390 676 482 740 164.20 7.80 2% Inhibitor
8 M35 PPC + CN5% 390 676 482 740 152.50 19.50 5% Inhibitor
9 M35 PPC + BI2% 390 676 482 740 164.20 7.80 2% Inhibitor
10 M35 PPC + BI5% 390 676 482 740 152.50 19.50 5% Inhibitor

2.3 Tests Conducted 3. Results and Discussion

The slump cone test was conducted on all the mixes for both Workability: The workability tests were conducted for
OPC and PPC for determining the workability. Concrete various mixes are presented in table 4. There is no
cubes of size 150 x 150 x 150 mm were casted for M35 improvement in workability by addition of corrosion
grade concrete using both PPC and OPC cements. Both the inhibitors in concrete. For OPC mixes, by adding the calcium
inhibitors viz the anodic inhibitor (Calcium Nitrite based) Nitrite based inhibitor at dosage of 2% has shown a
and the Bipolar inhibitor in dosages of 2% and 5% by weight reduction of slump value by about 9% and addition at 5%
of cement are mixed in the concrete mixes and cubes were has shown a reduction of slump value by about 16%. For the
casted. These dosages are adopted based on the literature Bipolar inhibitor, the slump values are reduced by 23% and
review and manufacturer’s dosage range. The cubes are 18% for dosages of 2% and 5% respectively.For PPC mixes,
cured under water and are tested for determining the by adding the calcium Nitrite based inhibitor at dosage of 2%
compressive strength at 3 days, 7 days and 28 days. The has shown a reduction of slump value by about 13% and
Testing of specimens for compressive strength were carried addition at 5% has shown a reduction of slump value by
out according to IS: 516-1959in an automatic compression about 19%. For the Bipolar inhibitor, the slump values are
testing machine of capacity 5000 kN.

Volume 7 Issue 12, December 2018
Licensed Under Creative Commons Attribution CC BY
Paper ID: ART20183211 10.21275/ART20183211 2
International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)
ISSN: 2319-7064
Index Copernicus Value (2016): 79.57 | Impact Factor (2017): 7.296
reduced by 24% and 26% for dosages of 2% and 5% 9% at 3 days and 7 days respectively compared to the control
respectively. mix. However by addition of 2% Calcium Nitrite inhibitor,
there is a marginal increase in compressive strength by 3.4%
Table 4: Slump values for various concrete mixes at 28 days. For the dosage of 5% calcium nitrite inhibitor,
OPC Mixes
Slump Value
PPC Mixes
Slump Value there is a reduction of compressive strength by 13%, 6% and
(mm) (mm) 4.5% at 3 days, 7 days and 28 days respectively compared to
OPC Concrete 55 PPC Concrete 68 the control mix. By addition of 2% Bipolar inhibitor, there is
OPC + 2% CN 50 PPC + 2% CN 59 a reduction of compressive strength by 14.6% and 11.2% at 3
OPC + 5% CN 46 PPC + 5% CN 55 days and 7 days respectively compared to the control mix.
OPC + 2% BI 42 PPC + 2% BI 52 However by addition of 2% Bipolar inhibitor, there is very
OPC + 5% BI 45 PPC + 5% BI 50
marginal increase in compressive strength by 4% at 28 days.
Addition of Bipolar inhibitor at dosage of 5% resulted in the
Compressive strength: The compressive strength tests were reduction of compressive strength by about 10.9%, 7.3% and
conducted for various mixes are presented in table 5 . 3.5% at 3 days, 7 days and 28 days respectively.
For OPC Mixes: By addition of 2% Calcium Nitrite Table 5: Compressive strength test results for OPC and PPC
inhibitor, there is an initial reduction of compressive strength mixes
by 10% at 3 days compared to the control mix. However by Compressive strength N/Sqmm
addition of 2% Calcium Nitrite inhibitor, there is an increase Mix Designation
in compressive strength by 4% and 10% at 7 days and 28 OPC Control Mix 24.5 37.4 41.56
days respectively. For the dosage of 5% calcium nitrite OPC + 2% CN 22.1 38.81 45.85
inhibitor, the results are similar compared to that of 2% OPC + 5% CN 22.3 38.3 46.37
dosage.By addition of 2% Bipolar inhibitor, there is an initial OPC + 2% BI 18.5 32.59 42.59
reduction of compressive strength by 25% and 13% at 3 days OPC + 5% BI 16.4 23.63 43.56
and 7 days respectively compared to the control mix. PPC Control Mix 18.5 30.44 42.81
However by addition of 2% Bipolar inhibitor, there is very PPC + 2% CN 16.4 27.7 44.44
marginal increase in compressive strength by 2.5% at 28 PPC + 5% CN 16.1 28.52 40.89
days. Addition of Bipolar inhibitor at dosage of 5% resulted PPC + 2% BI 15.8 27.04 44.44
in the reduction of compressive strength by about 33% to PPC + 5% BI 16.5 28.22 41.33

For PPC Mixes: By addition of 2% Calcium Nitrite inhibitor,

there is a reduction of compressive strength by 11.4% and

Figure 1: Compressive strength results for OPC mixes

Figure 2: Compressive strength results for PPC mixes

Volume 7 Issue 12, December 2018
Licensed Under Creative Commons Attribution CC BY
Paper ID: ART20183211 10.21275/ART20183211 3
International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)
ISSN: 2319-7064
Index Copernicus Value (2016): 79.57 | Impact Factor (2017): 7.296
4. Conclusions
There is no improvement in the workability of OPC concrete
mixes or PPC concrete mixes by addition of both the
Corrosion inhibitors compared to the control mix. The 3 days
and 7 days compressive strength result yielded less values
compared to the control mix for Calcium Nitrite inhibitor in
OPC mixes. However the 28 days result is marginally more
compared to the control Mix. The Calcium Nitrite inhibitor
has shown improvement in strength properties of OPC mix
may be due to the reduction of total porosity of the cement
paste by addition of inhibitors.

Addition of Bipolar inhibitor at dosage of 5% resulted in the

considerable reduction of compressive strength by about
33% to 36% in OPC mixes. Higher dosages i.e at 5% of
Calcium Nitrite inhibitor in PPC mixes has a reduction of
compressive strength by 13%, 6% and 4.5% at 3 days, 7 days
and 28 days respectively. Bipolar inhibitor at dosage of 5%
in PPC Mixes has resulted in the reduction of compressive
strength by about 10.9%, 7.3% and 3.5% at 3 days, 7 days
and 28 days respectively.


[1] Neville A. M., "Properties of Concrete", 3rd Edition,

Pitman Publishing Ltd., London, Chapter 10, (2010)
[2] Anon., ACI Committee 222, Corrosion of Metals in
Concrete. Detroit, MI, American Concrete Institute. ACI
Manual of Concrete Practice, Part I, 1996
[3] SHRP, Cathodic Protection of Reinforced Concrete
Bridge Elements: A State-of-the-Art Report..
Washington, D.C., Strategic Highway Research Program,
National Research Council, 1993
[4] Smith, Jeffrey L. and Virmani, Yash Paul, "Performance
of Epoxy-Coated Rebars in Bridge Decks", Public Roads
(Online), 1-11, 1996
[5] M C Brown, “Assessment of Commercial Corrosion
Inhibiting Admixtures for Reinforced Concrete”
Blacksburg, Virginia, 1999.
[6] BIS Standards, Specification for 43 grade Ordinary
Portland Cement, IS 8112, New Delhi, India, 2013.
[7] BIS Standards, Specification for Portland Pozzolana
cement, IS 1489-1:, New Delhi, India, 1999
[8] BIS Standards, Guidelines for concrete mix design
proportioning, IS 10262:, New Delhi, India, 2009

Volume 7 Issue 12, December 2018
Licensed Under Creative Commons Attribution CC BY
Paper ID: ART20183211 10.21275/ART20183211 4

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