Cloverleaf Schedule of Events

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Cloverleaf Early Bird Relays Meet Schedule

Date: Saturday, March 26th, 2022.

Scoring: 10-8-6-5-4-3-2-1

Order of Events:
Field - scored as a 3 person relay (with exception of 2 for pole vault)

10 am:
Girls Discus followed by Boys Discus (2 flights for each gender)
Boys Shot followed by Girls Shot (2 flights for each gender)
Boys High Jump followed by Girls High Jump (Starting Height 4’0 girls, 5’0 boys)
Girls Long Jump followed by Boys Long Jump (Open Pit 4 Jumps))
Girls Pole Vault followed by Boys Pole Vault (2 per team) (Starting Height 6’0 Girls, 7’0 boys)

10:30 am:
4 x 1600 relay (Girls first, then boys)
11:30 am
(Girls first, then Boys)
Shuttle Hurdles (100m girls, 110m boys)
4x100 Relay
4x800 Relay
4x200 Relay
Distance Medley (1200-800-400-1600)
Sprint Medley (100-100-200-400)
4 x 100 Weight Relay (4 members must be a thrower on a consistent basis)
4x400 Relay

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