Company Project (BELL Laminates)

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Shri J.H.

Bhalodia Women’s college

An Industrial Visit Report On
“Bell Laminates"
Presented by
Jigna Rambhai Vank
Roll Number
Submitted to

Academic Year
Company certificate........
College Certificate..........

I undersigned miss. Jigna R. Vank a student of B.B.A. sem-2 for the

academic year 2020-2021 of Shri J. H. Bhalodia Women’s College, Rajkot.
Hereby declare that this report is my own work and has been done under
the guidance of Mr. N.M.Kanani.

I further declare that the work reported in this project has not been
submitted and will not be submitted to any other institute or University.

Date : February 25 2021

Place : Rajkot

(Miss Jigna Vank)

First and foremost I would like to express my heartfelt

gratitude to the J.H. Bhalodia College for providing me this opportunity. I
sincerely thanks my teachers, who made me capable enough for this project
with much of their co-operation for completing this project report of the
industrial visit. From the bottom of my heart I express special thanks to
respected Mr. Nilesh Kanani for constantly providing me information
regarding industrial visit.

I owe a deep sense of obligation to the industry of “ Bell

Laminates” for giving me the permission for industrial visit and also I thank to
the managing director Mr. Naresh Patel for providing me sufficient guidance
and necessary information about the unit that I have incorporated in this report.

Industrial visit make student understand the subject to its core. It also gives
to students about their job profile once they start working. Industrial visit in the
entire field have same procedure where students are given introduction of
the particular organization, they are taken along to all departments, and thus
in charge of particular one’s explains about it.
This project has been prepared as a part of the Saurashtra University
course curriculum. Through this project I gained much of knowledge in
area of all departments like production, human resource, finance and
marketing. A practical exposure in an organization; although for a day will
however benefit me in long run. This exposure will be treasured by me
Most of the people are trying to get engage themselves in this sector.
Before entering in this sector one should have knowledge of an overview
of how this industry and market operates. This project is carried out to
translate the theoretical knowledge of the HR , Industrial Relations, &
Labour Law subject in to the practical field work.
Keeping this in mind, it the matter of great privilege and satisfaction for
me to present this report before the readers. I am sure this attempt of
presentation will bridge the gap between theory and practical.
No. Topic Name

1. General Information

2. Production Department
3. Human Resource Department
4. Marketing Department
5. Finance Department
6. Future Plans
7. Suggestions
8. Bibliography
Number Topic Name

1. Industry Introduction
2. Top Five Units of the Company
3. Establishment and History of the Unit
4. Location Map
5. Company Profile
6. Size of the Organization
7. Form of the Organization
8. Mission, Vision & goals of the Firm
9. Organization Structure
10. Transportation
1.Industry Introduction

BELL the name is well versed for its trust, legacy and quality
ceramic products. With the same passion and vigor; BELL has
ventured into the Premium Quality Decorative Laminates sector.
Bell brings you the world class Premium Quality Decorative
Laminates aiming at the latest cutting-edge machinery
synchronized with the ultra-modern manufacturing facilities
with technical support from a Korean company to satisfy your
quench of art, décor and style of the future.
BELL laminates has all the feature of the great lamina tes use it
to your advantage. BELL lamina tes it for beauty and protection.

 First Company in India to have collaboration with Korean

 ISO 9001:2008 Certified processes for quality assurance of
international standards.
 100% European & Japanese base paper for crystal clear
prints and patterns.
 Latest double head sanding technology for better striking
 Termite- proof and therefore, anxiety- proof.
 The unique technology with strong in house R&D makes
BELL laminates a superior product in design finish, range,
variety and quality.
2.Top Five Units of the Company

Bell laminates is a well known laminates manufacturer unit , which is

located in Gujarat, India. Bell laminates is well known in all over India for
their Perfect and Greatest work. Generally , in every Unit they mostly focuses
only on their Production Unit to make their product Better. But here , the
Tradition is different from Others.

In bell laminates , their most important unit is Advertise unit as well as

manufacture unit. They focuses the most on both this unit. Top five units of the
company are as under:

 Manufacture Unit
 Advertisement Unit
 Refrigeration Unit
 Import Unit
 Management Unit

Here are top five units of the company. Basically the system of the company is
well settled. But these five units are more strongest in the company. Because of
these five unit firm is growing rapidly.
3. Establishment and History of
the unit

The main purpose to establish a firm is to earn profit as well as introduce best
quality products to the market. BELL laminates also starts with this purpose.
BELL laminates established in 1990. They starts their firm at very small level.
But because of their hard work they got success to expand their business at
large scale.
4.Location Map

BELL laminates is located in Morbi, Gujarat, India. Official address of BELL

laminates is 8/A, National Highway Old Jambudia- 363342, Ta. Morbi, Rajkot,
(Gujarat) India. Official location map of the firm is given below:
5.Company Profile
Company’s Name BELL Laminates

Company’s Registered Address 8/A National Highway , Old Jambudia-

363342 , Ta. Morbi , Rajkot , Gujarat ,
Established in 1990

Legal status of firm Partnership Business

Type of Industry Laminates Products Manufacturer

Scale of Industry Medium Scale Industry

Nature of Business Manufacturer

Expertise Urban woods & Vertical hand scrap

E-mail Address
Website WWW.Belllaminates.Com

Phone Number +91 2822283924

Additional Business Exporter and Trader

GST Number 24AAJFB4769J1Z5

Annual Turn Over 50 Lacs to 1 Crore

Total number of employee 51-100

6. Size of the organization
Organizational size is the structural property of the organization and can be
defined in terms of space volume, sales volume, net assets, customers, or the
number of persons employed in the organization. In this study, organizational
size denotes the number of employees and managers employed in
organizations. We can divide the size of the organization in three way , they are
as below:
1. Small Scale Organization
2. Medium Scale Organization
3. Large Scale Organization

1.Small Scale Organization :

A business which functions on a small scale level involves less capital
investment, less number of labour and fewer machines to operate is
known as a small business. Small scale Industries or small business
are the type of industries that produces goods and services on a small

2. Medium Scale Organization :

When we look at it, according to the Indian Government, we call a
company medium scale industry when their overall investment is more
than Rs. 5 crores, and also less than Rs. 10 crores. ... Medium-scale
industries in India contribute significantly to manufacturing output,
employment, and exports of the country.

3.Large scale Organization :

Large scale organization is a form of business or a firm that is set up
with defined goals and possesses a vast array of human and material
resources that aids its production process in order to maximize profits.

As per above give theory we can say that, BELL laminates is a medium scale
7.Form of the organization

Business organization is the single-most important choice you’ll make

regarding your company. What form your business adopts will affect a
multitude of factors, many of which will decide your company’s future.
Aligning your goals to your business organization type is an important step, so
understanding the pros and cons of each type is crucial. There are major 4
types of form of the organization which are mentioned below :
 Sole Proprietorship
 Partnership
 Corporation
 Limited Liability Company
Sole Proprietorship:
A sole proprietorship also referred to as a sole trader or a proprietorship, is an
unincorporated business that has just one owner who pays personal income tax
on profits earned from the business. A sole proprietorship is the easiest type of
business to establish or take apart, due to a lack of government regulation.

Partnership :

These come in two types: general and limited. In general partnerships,

both owners invest their money, property, labour, etc. to the business and are
both 100% liable for business debts. In other words, even if you invest a little
into a general partnership, you are still potentially responsible for all its debt.
General partnerships do not require a formal agreement—partnerships can be
verbal or even implied between the two business owners.

Limited partnerships require a formal agreement between the partners. They

must also file a certificate of partnership with the state. Limited partnerships
allow partners to limit their own liability for business debts according to their
portion of ownership or investment.
Corporation :

A corporation is an organization—usually a group of people or a company—

authorized by the state to act as a single entity (a legal entity recognized by
private and public law "born out of statute"; a legal person in legal context) and
recognized as such in law for certain purposes.

Limited Liability company :

A limited liability company (LLC) is a business structure originates from

United States whereby the owners are not personally liable for the company's
debts or liabilities. Limited liability companies are hybrid entities that combine
the characteristics of a corporation with those of a partnership or sole
proprietorship. While the limited liability feature is similar to that of a
corporation, the availability of flow-through taxation to the members of an
LLC is a feature of partnerships

BELL laminates is a Partnership business.

8. Mission, vision & goals of the

Every industry starts with some goals and missions. Without goals there is no
meaning to establish any firm. If we are doing any work without any goals and
ambitions then it is meaningless. Goals must be achievable. If you set a goal
and it’s not achievable then there is no meaning of that goal. Goals and
missions should be there. BELL laminates have some goals, that they want to
achieve in future. Goals are must be strong enough to achieve. Goals of BELL
laminates are given below:

 To introduce new and vibrant special design in exclusive texture finished.

 To introduce branded veneer laminates first in India.
 To set up latest Korean digital printing machinery for digital design
 To provide the customers best of the quality products.
 Leadership through reliability & honesty.
 Value for money without compromising in quality, services, designs &
product awareness.

So, these are some goals of the firm. Currently, they are working on these goals
to achieve it.
9. Organization Structure
The organization structure of the firm is given below:

(Chief Executive Officer)

Managing Director


10. Transportation

Transportation is the movement of humans, animals, and goods from one

location to another. In other words, the action of transport is defined as a
particular movement of an organism or thing from a point A (a place in space)
to a point B. There are total three methods for transportation which are given
below :
 Road Transport
 Train Transport
 Water Transport
 Air Transport

From these four types of transportation method, BELL laminates generally

uses Road transport. They most uses this method for transport goods. But if
you have to Export your good then there is no option for road transportation.
So in these cases they generally uses water transport. And for international
market they decide transportation method As per buyers' convenience.

Number Topic Name

1. Introduction
2. Types of Products
3. Raw Material & Source of Raw Material
4. Manufacturing Process
5. Installed and Utilized Capacity
6. Refrigeration Area
7. Storage Area
Production is an activity of utter importance for any economy. In fact, a nation with a high
level of productive activities spearheads the prosperity charts. This is because raw goods,
surely are valuable, but production done upon these raw goods adds up to their value or their
want-satisfying power.

We are aware of the fact that utility is the want-satisfying power of any commodity or service.
Evidently, the countries that have a high level of production accompanied by the production of
a wide variety of goods, are termed as the golden economies.

In light of the above-mentioned facts, we can conclude that production is the process of
working upon the resources of nature and pushing or creating their utilities in order to satisfy
the wants of consumers. However, the term production in Economics is more than what meets
the eyes.

Production is not only concerned with the tangible aspect. Rather production also includes any
service that can satisfy the wants of people. Hence now you know why the service of
transportation is a process of production too. Notice how this service is intangible.

It is important to note that production cannot account for the creation of the seed, but it
accounts for the transformation of the seed into a tree, the sale of the fruits grown on that tree
and so on. In other words, production is not the creation of matter, which is also out of the
realms of human powers
2.Types of Products

Bell Laminates Comes with the widest Choice of designs , texture and finishes
, there are 200 different designs in the wood grains , matalino and plain range.
The Wood feels range is particularly large and Includes various designs to the
market.To top it there are 18 wonderful finishes or surfaces to yield
(200×18=3600) existing design possibility.
Types of products in BELL laminates can be classify as under:
1. Laminates 0.8 mm
2. Laminates 1.00 mm
3. Digital laminates
4. Door skin
1.Laminates 0.8 mm :
Here laminates is classify based on it’s thickness.
0.8 mm is thickness of laminate. Here are some sample
of 0.8 mm laminate :

2. Laminates 1.00 mm :
The second type of product is laminates with 1.00
mm thickness. Here is a sample of 1.00 mm laminate :
3. Digital Laminates :
Digital laminates are the laminates according to our demand. You can make
these type of laminates based on your choice. If you want a cartoon picture on
that laminate then it is possible through digital laminate. Sample of a digital
laminate is given here :

4. Door Skin :
Another product of BELL laminates is Door skin. They have to make Door
skins differently designed from other laminates products. Because size and
design of door skins are different. There are many door skins , which are
designed by BELL laminates. Some samples are given below :
3. Raw material & Sources of
Raw Material

Bell laminates is a Laminates Manufacturer Company. To manufacture a Sanmica various

designs are needed which should be Creative and Unique. This type of designs
manufacturers are not available in India right now. So, Bell Laminates Imports this types
of papers from other countries for better products. Countries from where bell laminates
Import Sanmica Papers are mentioned below:
 Korea
 Japan
 Europe
Other raw materials like finol, Paper, Wood, etc. Are purchased from wholesaler. Morbi is
well known for laminates and ceramics products. There are many buyers of these types of
raw materials so you can see wholesalers of these type of raw material there. And they are
fixed. Company gives them contract for their raw material.
5. Manufacturing process

Sunmica is a thin hard decorative sheet (a blend of paper and plastic materials).
The thickness usually ranges from 0.6 mm to 1.5 mm. being one of the most
popular decorative sheets in India, it is most commonly used as an overlay over
wooden furniture. It is fixed on to a plywood base using adhesives such as
Sheets of paper and decorative paper soaked in phenolic and melamine resins
are hard pressed together to make decorative Laminate sheets such as Sunmica.
To know in details, Sunmica Manufacturer goes through the following steps:

1. First of all, they soak the paper in phenolic resin to form the base
or bottom side of the laminate
2. The soaked papers are put to dry.
3. Once the papers are drought, hardened rolls of paper are cut to the
desired sizes with the help of cutting machines.
4. These papers are hard pressed together under high pressure and
temperature, using hydraulic presses.
5. Then, experts sand the bottom side (non-decorative side) using a
sanding machine.
6. Lastly, the finished products/sheets are packaged and shipped to
Decorative laminate sheets are made up of three layers:

 The bottom layer of brown paper coated with phenolic resin

 The second layer of paper is decorated with the desired pattern
 The third layer is of the ‘clear sheet.
6. Installed & utilized capacity

Here some of the machinery pictures are given below which are uses by BELL
laminates :

1. Cutting Machines :
2. Pressing Machine :
3. Cooling Machine :
6. Refrigeration Area
Refrigeration and storage area are there in the company.

You can not hold laminates paper in normal or hot place. You must have to
keep it in refrigeration room. Papers that bell laminates imports are kept in this
refrigeration room.
8. Storage Area

To store the craft papers which are manufactured in the unit, there is a separate
area for that. You have to store it in a defined condition. If it damages then one
can not use for laminates making purpose. Storage area for this craft papers are
as below :

Number Topic Name

1. Introduction
2. Employee Details and Classification

3. Time Keeping System

4. Employee Benefits and Services

Human Resource Management is the process of recruiting, selecting, inducting

employees, providing orientation, imparting training and
development, appraising the performance of employees,
deciding compensation, motivating employees, maintaining proper relations
with employees and their trade unions, ensuring employees safety, health and
welfare in compliance with labour laws of the land and finally following the
Orders / Judgements of the concern High Court and Supreme Court, if any.

Human Resource Management involves management functions like

planning, organizing, directing and controlling

 It involves procurement, development, maintenance of human

 It helps to achieve individual, organizational and social objectives
 Human Resource Management is a multidisciplinary subject. It
includes the study of management, psychology, communication,
economics and sociology.
 It involves team spirit and team work.
 It is a continuous process.

What is the importance of Human resource? :

Behind production of every product or service there is an
human mind, effort and man hours (working hours). No product or
service can be produced without help of human being. Human being is
fundamental resource for making or construction of anything. Every
organisation desire is to have skilled and competent people to make
their organisation competent and best.
Among the five Ms of management, i.e., men, money,
machines, materials, and methods, HRM deals about the first M, which
is men. It is believed that in the five Ms, "men" is  not so easy to
manage. "every man is different from other" and they are totally different
from the other Ms in the sense that men possess the power to
manipulate the other Ms. Whereas, the other Ms are either lifeless or
abstract and as such, do not have the power to think and decide what is
good for them.
2.Employee Details and
Bell Laminates is well versed for it’s legacy , quality and Classification.
Employees in Bell Laminates are classified based on their educational
qualifications , Skills and practical knowledge. Employee Details of Bell
Laminates are given below:

POST Number
Chairman 1
Director 2
Co-ordinator 4
Manager 3
Workers 48
 Office workers 8
 Field workers 40
Total number of post 58
3.Time Keeping System

Bell laminates is a firm , it is very Strict About their Timing. They focuses
most on their timing schedule. Every employee have their pre-determined time
schedule according to their machine work. Some employee have to come early
than others because of their machine time. Generally they starts their
manufacture process early morning at 8:00 o’clock. If any employee comes late
then they cut some of the nominal amount from their salary. So, generally no
one comes late.

After achieved their short term production goal they have a break for their
Launch. Launch break is quite long so employees can take rest for some time.
Because of this , when they comes back to their work , they works with double
energy. So , this long launch break becomes very effective.

And after this break they comes back to their work and again they works till
5:00 o’clock. When needs arise or when they got any biggest order then there
is increase in their working hours. In case of heavy order morning duty and
night duties are there.Some have to work in the morning and some have to
work at night. It can be set according to their machines capacity.

Apart from these schedule tea and coffee breaks are there. So, employees can
work effectively. Because of these breaks they can get rest for some time and
also get motivate by their co-workers. So, this is all about the time keeping
system in bell laminates.
4.Employee benefits and Services

Employee benefits, also known as perks or fringe benefits, are provided to

employees over and above salaries and wages. These employee benefit
packages may include overtime, medical insurance, vacation, profit sharing and
retirement benefits, to name just a few.
Offering benefits to your employees is important because it shows them you
are invested in not only their overall health, but their future. A solid employee
benefits package can help to attract and retain talent. Benefits can help you
differentiate your business from competitors.

Employee benefits can improve your company’s bottom line by engaging

employees to participate in wellbeing programs, such as virgin pulse. Healthier
employees mean reduced healthcare costs for your organization. Employees
with fewer health risks experience fewer sick days, fewer trips to the doctor,
and spend more time working in your organization, bringing their best selves to
work every day.

Bell laminates provides very good services to their employees. Their

employees who are from another state or who's living area is far from company
, they are providing them a best living facilities to them. So, they can give
their best.

In case of high benefit or any special occasion , company provides provides

Bonus to their employees. Apart from that they also supports their employees
in their tuff situations like COVID-19. They provide them financial support. If
any medical emergency arrives then they also help their employees from their

Number Topic Name

1. Introduction
2. Products of the Company and Brand Name

3. Distribution Management
4. Marketing Tools
5. Competitors Detail
Marketing refers to activities a company undertakes to promote the buying or selling of a
product or service. Marketing includes advertising, selling, and delivering products to
consumers or other businesses. Some marketing is done by affiliates on behalf of a

Professionals who work in a corporation's marketing and promotion departments seek to

get the attention of key potential audiences through advertising. Promotions are targeted
to certain audiences and may involve celebrity endorsements, catchy phrases or
slogans, memorable packaging or graphic designs and overall media exposure.


 Marketing refers to all activities a company does to promote and sell products or services to consumers.
 Marketing makes use of the "marketing mix," also known as the four Ps—product, price, place, and
 At its core, marketing seeks to take a product or service, identify its ideal customers, and draw the
customers' attention to the product or service available.

Understanding Marketing
Marketing as a discipline involves all the actions a company undertakes to draw in customers and
maintain relationships with them. Networking with potential or past clients is part of the work too, and
may include writing thank you emails, playing golf with prospective clients, returning calls and emails
quickly, and meeting with clients for coffee or a meal.

At its most basic level, marketing seeks to match a company's products and services to customers who
want access to those products. Matching products to customers ultimately ensures profitability.

Product, price, place, and promotion are the Four Ps of marketing. The Four Ps collectively make up the
essential mix a company needs to market a product or service. Neil Borden popularized the idea of
the marketing mix and the concept of the Four Ps in the 1950s.
2. Products of the company and
Brand Name

BELL laminates manufactures laminates products only. There are classification

in laminates products like laminates 0.8 mm , laminates 1.0 mm , Digital
laminates , Door skins etc. . Apart from this products if any demand arise then
they also can make change into their production process and make product
according to their demand.
And if we talk about the brand name then the brand name is “Belllaminates".
BELL laminates provides many types of products. List of all the products
which are provides by company is given below :
 Urban Wood
 Vertical Hand Scrap
 Matt Glossy Channel
 Wooden Door Skins
 Wood Laminate Flooring
 Woody Net
 Wall Stroke
 Horizontal Wave
 Woody
 Parallel Strip
 Miracle Round
 Horizontal Big Strip
 Matt Wave
 Zero Matt
 Venza
 Pine Line
 Wood Laminates
 Glossy Strips
 Vertical Triangle
 Ash Wood
 Leather
 Abstract
 Metal
 Door Skin
 Titan
 Wood Grains
 Solid Colours
 Laminated Sheets
 Decorative Laminates
 Horizontal Hand Scrap
 High Gloss
 All Finish
Some of the sample pictures of the products are given below :

And if we discuss about brand name of the company then it’s “BELL
laminates" and the other name is “BELLANO laminates". Logo method of both
the brands are as below:
3. Distribution Management
Distribution systems can be defined as the sequential flow of procedures, systems,
and activities which are designed and linked to facilitate and monitor the movement
of goods and services from the source to the consumer. Some of the key attributes
of distribution systems are time, place, control, and method. W3 can divide
distribution channel in three types, which are given below :

 Selling directly to Consumer

 Selling Through Retailers
 Selling Through Wholesalers

1. Selling directly to Consumer :

Manufacturer ----- Consumer

2. Selling Through Retailers :

Manufacturer ----- Retailers ----- Consumer

3. Selling Through Wholesalers :

Manufacturer ----- Wholesaler ----- Retailer ----- Consumer

BELL laminates uses first as well as second method for their products’
4. Marketing Tools

BELL laminates uses different types of tools for marketing purpose. Currently
they are uses many tools for marketing purpose. Their most important tool is
catalogues. They are providing their catalogues at all level like showrooms, big
as well as small laminates stores, etc.. In fact they also provide their product
catalogues on their website. One can easily go through their website to choose
any types of laminates. So that is the most effective thing, they are doing.

Apart from this, BELL laminates also uses various sites for their marketing and
business purpose. They give their products' details to a trading company and
receives the order. Generally These types of companies works on commission.
Like “India Mart". BELL laminates also uses these types of website.

BELL laminates also uses various social media platforms. Like Facebook,
Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest, Linked In, Telegram, etc.. With the help of these
platforms they can get orders and also can build the name of the firm. Through
these platform one can put trust on the firm.

So, these are some of the marketing tools that BELL laminates using now a
days. Apart from this they also uses various ways to Market their product.
5.Competitors details

There are many companies of laminates in India. India is the second large
country based on population. So it’s obvious that demand is high for this type
of things. And if users are there then manufacturers are also there. Then we can
say that competition is tuff here. And it’s very difficult to face competitors.
There are many competitors for laminates product in India. Top 10 competitors
companies are as follows:

 GREENLAM Laminates
 AICA Laminates India Pvt. Ltd.
 Formica International
 CENTURY Laminates
 Durian Decorative Laminates
 SUNDEK International
 ASIS Laminates
 VIRGO Laminates
 Delta Laminates

Here are top 10 competitors company in India for laminates products. Apart
from this many companies are there which makes best laminates products.
BELL Laminates is giving a very strong fight against the competition. And if
they continue they great work then they can also be listed in this top 10 list and
can become a best laminates manufacture industry in India.

No. Topic Name
1. Introduction
2. Source of Finance
3. Reserve and surplus
4. Loans
1. Introduction
Finance is one of the major pillars of any organisation and an essential
ingredient to a successful business. Nowadays, a finance department has a
broad range of roles to carry out within or outside an organization. The
performance and success of any company greatly depend on how well the
finance is handled. Keeping a close watch on the financing function is very
important for the smooth operation of a company.

Finance Department is the part of an organization that is responsible for

acquiring funds for the firm, managing funds within the organization and
planning for the expenditure of funds on various assets. It is the part of an
organization that ensures efficient financial management and financial control
necessary to support all business activities. Some of the activity of finance
department are as below :

 Book keeping procedures

Keeping records of the purchases and sales made by a business as well as
capital spending.
 Preparing Final Accounts
Profit and loss account and Balance Sheets
 Providing management information
Managers require ongoing financial information to enable them to make
better decisions.
 Management of wages
The wages section of the finance department will be responsible for
calculating the wages and salaries of employees and organising the
collection of income tax and national insurance for the Inland Revenue.
 Raising Finance
The finance department will also be responsible for the technical details
of how a business raises finance e.g. through loans, and the repayment of
interest on that finance. In addition it will supervise the payment of
dividends to shareholders.
2.Source of Finance

Source of finance are that from which finance is come in an organization.

There are many sources though which company can collect necessary finance.
Generally, there are 2 types of sources.

1. Internal Sources :
Internal sources of finance refer to money that comes from within a business.
There are several internal methods a business can use, including owners
capital , retained profit and selling assets . Owners capital refers to money
invested by the owner of a business.

2. External Sources :
External sources of finance refer to money that comes from outside a
business. There are several external methods a business can use, including
family and friends, bank loans and overdrafts, venture capitalists and business
angels, new partners, share issue, trade credit, leasing, hire purchase, and
government grants.
3.Reserve and Surplus

Reserves are the funds earmarked for a specific purpose, which the company
intends to use in future. The surplus is where the profits of the company
reside. This is one of the points where the balance sheet and the P&L
interact. Dividends are paid out of the surplus.

Reserve and surplus created by the company are the reserves which
company can utilize for the purpose according to nature or the type of such
reserve and surplus. Generally, these reserves are created by the company to
settle any of the future contingencies. E.g., for strengthening and increasing
the company’s financial position in the market, paying off the dividends to
all the shareholders of the company, increasing working capital in the
company, etc., after fulfilling all the conditions required for that reserve.
Sometimes reserve and surplus are maintained in cash to manage the
reduction in revenues and slow-paying customers.

A loan is a form of debt incurred by an individual or other entity. The lender—

usually a corporation, financial institution, or government—advances a sum of
money to the borrower. In return, the borrower agrees to a certain set of terms
including any finance charges, interest, repayment date, and other conditions.

Currently BELL laminates not running on loans. The firm is running currently
on their partners’ investment. The money and other thing which partners brings
when business was started. If any need arise then they also can use this option.
They are SBI banker.
Future Plans
Every firm has their own future plans. That they want to achieve in future so
firm can uplift their values and all. Future plans must be achievable. It should
not be very high as well as very low.

BELL laminates has some future Plans that they want to achieve in future.
BELL laminates is currently working in all over India. In city area BELL
laminates are there. Now they want to touch the rural area of our Country. So,
everyone can get new and vibrant products and firm can get more profit. So
their one of the most important plan is to touch rural areas.

The other plan of BELL laminates is to export their products into International
market on very high level. They are currently exporting their products but ratio
is very low. They want to expand their export business. This is the second most
important plan of the firm.

Currently BELL laminates working on expand the working capacity of their

machines, so in future they can produce more products in quantity. Their goal
is to expand their business then expand working capacity of the machines is
also important.

If you don’t focus on that side then it will create many problems in future. So
after set any goals or plans you must have to check all their sides. That which
kind of changes you have to make for the so and so plans. It is more important.
BELL laminates also want to introduce new and vibrant products in market.
This is also their priority to give best to their customers. For this they are also
importing Decorative papers From the other country. They are doing
agreements with the best Decorative paper's companies in other countries. So
we can get new designs also. And as per that designs we can decorate our
house, Work place, etc..
As per my opinion BELL laminates have to improve their human resource
department. No doubt they are providing good facilities to their employees but
some changes are needed there.

BELL laminates wants to expand their business at international level. For that
they must have to make some changes in the company. Like they have to be
clear at all social media platforms because it attracts many buyers or importers,
because in foreign countries peoples uses social media most.

Other departments of the company are good enough. If in future they are doing
something new then they have to make change otherwise not needed.
 Google

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