Personality and Individual Di Fferences: A A B A B
Personality and Individual Di Fferences: A A B A B
Personality and Individual Di Fferences: A A B A B
Keywords: Much research has shown strong relationships between attachment security and the development of emotion
Attachment styles regulation (ER) and empathic abilities in childhood. However, less is known about how attachment styles in-
emotion regulation difficulties fluence ER and empathy in adulthood. The aim of this study was to examine how differences in attachment styles
affective empathy influence the relationships between ER and affective and cognitive empathy in adults. From a total sample of 870
cognitive empathy
participants, 168 individuals were selected according to their specific attachment style and completed self-
reports of attachment styles, ER difficulties, and affective and cognitive empathy. Concerning empathic di-
mensions, anxious individuals reported higher personal distress and fantasy than secure and avoidant in-
dividuals. The results also revealed that individuals with anxious attachment had higher ER difficulties than
secure and avoidant individuals. Furthermore, partial least square modeling highlighted that the mediating role
of ER in the relationship between attachment and empathy varied according to the attachment styles and the
dimensions of empathy. This study emphasizes the role of attachment profiles and ER competences in developing
cognitive and affective empathic abilities in adults.
Corresponding author at: Laboratory SCALAB UMR CNRS 9193, Department of Psychology, Cognitives et Sciences Affectives, University of Lille, B.P. 60149, F-
59000 Lille, France.
E-mail addresses: (S. Henschel), (J.-L. Nandrino), (K. Doba).
Received 17 September 2018; Received in revised form 18 November 2019; Accepted 3 December 2019
0191-8869/ © 2019 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
S. Henschel, et al. Personality and Individual Differences 156 (2020) 109763
1.2. Attachment, emotion regulation and empathy Avram, 2018; Troyer & Greitemeyer, 2018).
Consequently, the purpose of the present study was to examine how
Attachment theory also suggests that the co-regulation of distress differences in attachment styles influence ER and the cognitive and
between an infant and caregivers enables the development of the self- affective dimensions of empathy in adults. The first aim of this study
regulation of distress, such as the ability to identify, accept, and cope was to compare secure, avoidant and anxious individuals regarding
effectively with negative emotions oneself (Bowlby, 1980; Stern & different dimensions of ER and empathy. Unlike individuals with a
Cassidy, 2017). ER refers to an individual's ability to monitor, evaluate, secure attachment style, we hypothesized that avoidant individuals
and modulate emotional experiences according to the demands of a would show ER difficulties and lower levels of affective and cognitive
specific context or set of goals (Gratz & Roemer, 2004; Gross, 1998). It empathy. For anxious individuals, we also hypothesized that they
also includes a set of adaptive ER strategies (e.g. positive reappraisal, would show higher levels of ER difficulties and affective empathy as-
acceptance and planning) to modify the magnitude and/or the type of sociated with a lower level of cognitive empathy. The second aim was
the emotional experience (Aldao, Nolen-Hoeksema, & Schweizer, 2010; to investigate whether the relationships between attachment and em-
Garnefski & Kraaij, 2006). Studies have shown that individuals with ER pathic abilities (i.e. cognitive or affective) are differently impacted by
difficulties have problems in monitoring, evaluating, and modulating adaptive ER strategies and ER difficulties, including maladaptive ER
emotional experiences or use maladaptive ER strategies (e.g. self-blame, strategies, in secure, anxious and avoidant individuals.
other-blame, rumination, catastrophizing)(Gross, 1998; Koole, 2009).
Substantial research suggests that ER abilities such as high levels of 2. Method
emotion recognition and understanding are central to empathic re-
sponding, enabling individuals to see, interpret, and feel the emotions 2.1. Participants
of others without becoming overly distressed themselves
(Eisenberg, 2000; Stern & Cassidy, 2017). This study was approved by an independent ethics committee
In this way, ER is thought to play a key role in understanding the (edited out for blind review) and adhered to the tenets of the
link between attachment and empathy (Shaver, Mikulincer, Gross, Declaration of Helsinki. A sample of 870 participants was recruited
Stern, & Cassidy, 2016; Stern & Cassidy, 2017). Recent studies have from a population of college students in different universities.
demonstrated that ER mediates the relationship between attachment Participants individually completed a questionnaire assessing attach-
security and empathy in childhood (Kim & Kochanska, 2017; ment styles in the presence of the experimenter (Relationship Scales
Murphy, Laible, Augustine, & Robeson, 2015; Panfile & Laible, 2012). A Questionnaire; Griffin & Bartholomew, 1994; Guédeney, Fermanian, &
higher level of attachment security is associated with fewer ER diffi- Bifulco, 2010). To obtain the most sensitive and reliable assessment of
culties, which in turn lead to increased levels of affective and cognitive attachment style, we created continuous indexes of attachment style by
empathy (Ştefan & Avram, 2018). Such an association has been shown averaging z-transformed data (Ognibene & Collins, 1998). To recruit
in toddlers (Murphy & Laible, 2013), children (Ştefan & Avram, 2018), participants who reported one specific attachment style (e.g. ex-
and adolescents (Murphy et al., 2015), but research in adulthood is clusively secure), we selected and assigned participants according to
scarce. their highest attachment category (Ognibene & Collins, 1998). There-
Early attachment security fosters the development of emotion un- fore, 168 of the 870 students from 18 to 26 years old (109 women;
derstanding and empathy capacities in children and contributes to M = 19.96; SD = 2.22) were selected according to their highest ca-
promoting these capacities in adulthood. It is likely that the influence tegory score on the attachment questionnaire, and who reported the
exerted by attachment on empathy is indirect, operating through mul- most use of one attachment strategy (Ognibene & Collins, 1998). For
tiple mediating mechanisms, such as ER. Studies have shown that a example, secure participants reported the highest scores in the secure
secure working model in adults may provide a behavioral script for how dimension (more than one standard deviation above the sample mean
to recognize others’ needs for help and how to respond empathically in the secure dimension) and the lowest scores in the anxiety and
(Groh & Roisman, 2009; Laible, Carlo, & Raffaelli, 2000; Troyer & avoidance dimensions (less than one standard deviation below the
Greitemeyer, 2018). In adults, Troyer & Greitemeyer (2018) found that sample mean in the anxiety and avoidance dimensions). Three groups
adaptive ER strategies of reappraisal but not suppression mediated the were created, namely those with secure (n = 54; 29 women;
relationship between attachment security and cognitive empathy. Un- Mage = 20.09 years; SD = 1.98), anxious (n = 51; 38 women;
like secure individuals, anxious adults are more likely to engage in Mage = 20.48 years; SD = 2.43), or avoidant (n = 63; 42 women;
distress with exacerbating mental rumination (Caldwell & Mage = 19.8 years; SD = 1.86) styles. The three attachment groups
Shaver, 2012; Garrison, Kahn, Miller, & Sauer, 2014; were significantly different in RSQ scores (p < .05). For example, the
Reynolds, Searight, & Ratwik, 2014). In addition, anxious individuals anxious group reported significantly higher scores in the anxious di-
tend to seek others’ proximity and have a hypersensitivity towards mensions than participants of the secure and avoidant groups (p <
others’ emotions (Fraley, Niedenthal, Marks, Brumbaugh, & Vicary, .001). Table 1 summarizes the attachment scores and statistics.
2006). In reaction to others’ emotions, anxious individuals tend to focus
on their own unregulated emotions, and to project their emotions on 2.2. Procedure
others rather than focusing on others’ independent emotional states
(Joireman, Needham, & Cummings, 2001; Mikulincer & Shaver, 2003; All participants were individually invited to take part in research
Westmaas & Silver, 2001). Anxious individuals develop a high level of concerning emotions and empathy in interpersonal relationships. They
personal distress and a low level of perspective-taking when exposed to were informed that their responses to the questionnaires
others’ distress. Avoidant individuals use strategies to increase their would be anonymous and confidential. There was no compensation for
distance from others in stressful situations, which make it difficult for participation. After each participant received an information note of the
them to empathize with others (Burnette, Davis, Green, Worthington, & study and provided written and informed consent to participate, four
Bradfield, 2009; Holmberg, Lomore, Takacs, & Price, 2011). Indeed, self-reported questionnaires were administered in an individual room.
avoidance attachment is associated with low levels of perspective-
taking and empathic concern towards people in distress (Britton & 2.3. Measures
Fuendeling, 2005; Izhaki-Costi & Schul, 2011). Although these studies
revealed that attachment might influence the development of empathic Relationship Scales Questionnaire (RSQ; Griffin &
abilities, they did not consider the different types of attachment in- Bartholomew, 1994; Guédeney et al., 2010). This scale includes 30
security and ER difficulties in adulthood (Murphy et al., 2015; Ştefan & items that describe “feelings about close relationships” on a 5-point
S. Henschel, et al. Personality and Individual Differences 156 (2020) 109763
Table 1
Descriptive statistics and intergroup comparisons between secure, anxious and avoidant individuals.
Secure (n = 54) Anxious (n = 51) Avoidant (n = 63)
M SD M SD M SD Statistics
a b
Note. Kruskal-Wallis test. Chi-Square test. RSQ: Relationships Scale Questionnaire. n: sample size. M: Mean. SD: Standard Deviation.
p < .001. N = 168.
Likert scale ranging from 1 (not at all like me) to 5 (very much like me). anxious and avoidant attachment groups were carried out for dimen-
Participants were asked to rate the extent to which each statement best sions on which a significant effect of attachment style group was found.
described their characteristic style in close relationships. RSQ examines Bonferroni's correction was applied.
three dimensions of attachment relationships: secure, anxious and Second, associations between attachment, ER and empathy were
avoidant. Higher scores reflect a higher correspondence of the partici- assessed using Partial Least Squares Path Modeling (PLS-PM;
pant with the attachment style: (1) secure (Cronbach's α = 0.60), (2) Vinzi, Trinchera, & Amato, 2010). The PLS-PM method enables com-
anxious (α = 0.69), and (3) avoidant (α = 0.66). Each participant plex cause-effect relationship models to be estimated between observed
reported a score in each attachment category. variables (MVs) and latent variables (LVs). A full path model is com-
Difficulties in Emotion Regulation Scale (DERS; Dan-Glauser & posed of two sub-models: the inner model, specifying the relationships
Scherer, 2013; Gratz & Roemer, 2004) is a 36-item self-report measure between the LVs, and the outer model, describing associations between
to assess ER difficulties with responses ranging from 1 (almost never) to each LV and its respective MV. For analyses, we used SmartPLS version
5 (almost always). The DERS contains six subscales assessing ER diffi- 3.2.1 software (Ringle, Wende, & Becker, 2015).
culties in: (1) acceptance of emotional response (α =0.87), (2)
adopting goal-directed behaviors (α = 0.90), (3) controlling impulsive 3. Results
behaviors (α = 0.87), (4) emotional awareness (α = 0.80), (5) access
to ER strategies (α = 0.80), and (6) emotional identification 3.1. Intergroup comparisons
(α = 0.74). Higher scores reflect higher ER difficulties.
Cognitive Emotion Regulation Questionnaire. The CERQ Emotion regulation
(Jermann, Van der Linden, d'Acremont, & Zermatten, 2006) is used to For DERS scores, there was a main significant effect of attachment
measure ER strategies that characterize the individual's style of re- style group on acceptance (χ² = 11.254; p < .01; η² = 0.116), goals
sponding to stressful events as well as strategies that are used in a (χ² = 7.265; p < .05; η² = 0.075), impulsivity (χ² = 13.859; p < .01;
particular stressful situation. The CERQ is a 36-item questionnaire, η² = 0.143), strategies (χ² = 14.815; p < .01; η² = 0.153) and
distinguishing different coping strategies. It measures nine adaptive and identification (χ² = 16.093; p < .01; η² = 0.166). Pairwise Mann-
maladaptive strategies of ER. Maladaptive strategies correspond to (1) Whitney comparisons with Bonferroni's correction revealed that an-
self-blame (α = 0.78), (2) rumination (α = 0.74), (3) catastrophizing xious participants had significantly higher scores in acceptance (p <
(α = 0.68) and (4) other-blame (α = 0.80). Adaptive strategies cor- .01), goals (p < .05), impulsivity (p < .01), strategies (p < .001) and
respond to (5) acceptance (α = 0.68) (, (6) positive refocusing identification (p < .01) than secure participants while avoidant parti-
(α = 0.83), (7) refocusing on planning (α = 0.81), (8) positive re- cipants had significantly higher scores in identification (p < .05) than
appraisal (α = 0.87), and (9) putting into perspective (α = 0.83). Items secure participants. The results are summarized in Table 2.
are measured on a 5-point Likert scale ranging from 1 (almost never) to For CERQ scores, there was an effect of attachment style group on
5 (almost always). The higher the subscale score, the more a specific the strategies of rumination (χ² = 7.981; p < .05; η² = 0.082), self-
strategy is used. blame (χ² = 10.965; p < .01; η² = 0.113) and catastrophizing
Interpersonal Reactivity Index. The IRI (Davis, 1983; Gilet, Mella, (χ² = 10.927; p < .01; η² = 0.113). Pairwise Mann-Whitney com-
Studer, Griihn, & Labouvie-Vief, 2013) was developed as a measure of parisons with Bonferroni's correction showed that anxious participants
the cognitive and affective components of empathy. Two subscales had higher scores in rumination (p < .05), self-blame (p < .01) and
measure cognitive empathy: (1) perspective-taking (α = 0.79) (i.e. the catastrophizing (p < .05) than secure participants. The results are
ability to adopt another's perspective or point of view) and (2) fantasy summarized in Table 2.
(α = 0.82) (i.e. a propensity to get involved in fictional situations and Empathy
to identify with fictional characters in books, movies, or plays). Two There was a main effect of attachment group on perspective-taking
other subscales measure affective empathy: (3) empathic concern scores (χ² = 7.548; p < .05; η² = 0,078), fantasy (χ² = 18.804; p <
(α = 0.80) (i.e. the tendency to experience feelings of concern or .01; η² = 0.194), personal distress (χ² = 18.297; p < .01; η² = 0.189)
compassion for others) and (4) personal distress (α = 0.75) (i.e. the and empathic concern (χ² = 23.701; p < .01; η² = 0.244). Pairwise
tendency to experience distress or discomfort in response to others’ comparisons with Bonferroni's correction revealed that the anxious
emotional distress). Each subscale consists of seven items and is re- group reported significantly higher scores in fantasy and personal dis-
sponded to on a Likert scale ranging from (does not describe me well) to tress than the avoidant group and the secure group (p < .001).
4 (describes me very well). Higher scores reflect greater affective and Likewise, the anxious group reported higher scores in empathic concern
cognitive empathy. than the avoidant group (p < .001). The avoidant participants showed
lower scores in empathic concern than the secure group (p < .05). The
2.4. Statistical analyses results are summarized in Table 2. Fig. 1 describes a cluster summary of
average scores on DERS, CERQ and IRI in the three attachment groups.
First, Kruskal–Wallis non-parametric tests, which did not assume
the data to be normally distributed, were performed to investigate the 3.2. Structural modeling
effect of attachment group on scores for the dimensions of the IRI, DERS
and CERQ. Then, pairwise Mann-Whitney comparisons between secure, Measurement models with PLS-PM
S. Henschel, et al. Personality and Individual Differences 156 (2020) 109763
Table 2
Descriptive statistics and intergroup comparisons between secure, anxious and avoidant individuals.
Descriptive statistics Intergroup comparisons
Secure Anxious Avoidant Secure - Secure - Avoidant -
(n = 54) (n = 51) (n = 63) Avoidant Anxious Anxious
M SD M SD M SD U η² U η² U η²
Perspective-taking 26.481 4.055 24.078 5.469 24.048 5.347 1268.5 0.0484 1002.5 0.0557 1596.5 0.0000
Fantasy 26.463 5.240 30.078 3.161 26.683 5.012 1660 0.0004 775*** 0.1442 957*** 0.1220
Empathic concern 26.500 5.298 27.549 4.627 23.762 5.031 1176.5* 0.0712 1219 0.0099 874.5*** 0.1548
Personal distress 19.556 5.421 24.765 4.727 21.810 5.605 1248.5 0.0529 642*** 0.2143 1110* 0.0712
Acceptance 12.259 6.119 16.412 7.346 14.460 6.858 1329 0.0359 869** 0.1024 1331 0.0219
Goals 15.074 5.421 17.902 4.937 15.778 5.754 1570 0.0044 964* 0.0677 1271 0.0325
Impulsivity 11.722 5.134 15.863 6.060 13.397 5.796 1406 0.0226 807** 0.1290 1202 0.0472
Awareness 15.037 4.960 14.843 4.941 16.476 5.708 – – – – –
Strategies 18.778 6.762 24.392 7.181 20.794 8.217 1480 0.0126 782*** 0.1402 1148 0.0605
Identification 10.630 3.959 13.373 4.368 13.968 5.233 1040** 0.1133 863.5** 0.1049 1535.5 0.0015
Positive refocusing 11.833 3.771 10.235 3.840 11.000 4.621 – – – – – –
Positive reappraisal 14.296 3.820 12.647 3.687 13.333 4.220 – – – – – –
Putting into 14.204 4.200 12.686 3.792 13.206 4.378 – – – – – –
Refocusing on 14.074 3.238 13.176 3.798 13.000 4.092 – – – – – –
Acceptance 14.481 2.906 14.373 3.857 15.476 3.412 – – – – – –
Rumination 13.222 3.559 15.255 3.577 13.667 4.154 1583 0.0036 945* 0.0744 1248.5* 0.0371
Self-blame 10.481 3.179 12.902 3.667 12.016 4.387 1296* 0.0426 862** 0.1063 1436.5 0.0084
Other-blame 8.111 2.820 9.039 3.417 8.413 3.368 – – – – – –
Catastrophizing 6.778 2.731 9.216 3.971 7.889 3.446 1381 0.0269 874.5* 0.1014 1295.5 0.0281
Note. DERS: Difficulties in Emotion Regulation Scale. CERQ: Cognitive Emotion Regulation Questionnaire. IRI: Interpersonal Reactivity Index. Post-hoc Bonferroni's
correction was applied to the p-value in dimensions of IRI, DERS and CERQ.
*** p < .001. ** p < .01. * p < .05. N = 168.
The first theoretical model involved 20 MVs (outer model) loaded Three MVs were removed because of non-significant loadings: two
on 5 LVs (inner model): (1) attachment, (2) adaptive strategies, (3) for the LV emotion regulation difficulties (i.e. other-blame and difficulties
emotion regulation difficulties, (4) cognitive empathy and (5) affective in awareness), and one for the LV cognitive empathy (i.e. fantasy). The
empathy. The LV attachment corresponds to the factors of RSQ, LV resulting outer model consisted of 17 MVs loaded on 5 LVs: attachment,
emotion regulation difficulties refer to the factors of DERS and the ma- adaptive strategies, emotion regulation difficulties, cognitive empathy and
ladaptive strategies of CERQ, LV cognitive empathy corresponds to the affective empathy. The quality of this outer model was acceptable re-
factors of the cognitive components of IRI and LV affective empathy garding the unidimensionality of all LVs (all DGrho > 0.70) and cross-
refers to the factors of the affective components of IRI. To consider the loadings. MVs were always more correlated with their respective LVs
specific effects of adaptive strategies (CERQ), which measure distinct (Hair, Sarstedt, Pieper, & Ringle, 2012).
aspects of emotion regulation difficulties, adaptive strategies were de- Inner models for security, anxiety and avoidance
fined as a LV. The inner model was built to study the relationships between at-
Outer model tachment, adaptive strategies, emotion regulation difficulties, cognitive
Fig. 1. Cluster summary of scores in empathy (IRI), emotion regulation difficulties (DERS) and ER strategies (CERQ) in secure, anxious and avoidant individuals.
Note. ERD: Emotion Regulation Difficulties. DERS: Difficulties in Emotion Regulation Scale. CERQ: Cognitive Emotion Regulation Questionnaire. IRI: Interpersonal
Reactivity Index.
S. Henschel, et al. Personality and Individual Differences 156 (2020) 109763
Table 3
Direct and indirect bootstrapped paths in secure, anxious and avoidant individuals.
Secure attachment (n = 54) Anxious attachment (n = 51) Avoidant attachment (n = 63)
Mean (SD) 95 % CI Mean (SD) 95 % CI Mean (SD) 95 % CI
Direct paths – – – – – –
Secure strategies - adaptive strategies .199(0.076) [0.031; 0.332]* – – – –
Secure strategies - ERD 0.355(0.065) [-0.463; 0.200]** – – – –
Secure strategies - cognitive empathy .102(0.067) [-0.029; 0.225] – – – –
Secure strategies - affective empathy –0.074(0.095) [-0.256; 0.107] – – – –
Anxious strategies - cognitive empathy – – .115(0.092) [-0.069; 0.291] – –
Anxious strategies - affective empathy – – 0.325(0.083) [.151; 0.473]** – –
Anxious strategies - adaptive strategies – – –0.192(0.092) [-0.327; 0.058] – –
Anxious strategies - ERD – – .528(0.055) [0.395; 0.616]** – –
Avoidant strategies - adaptive strategies – – – – 0.095(0.099) [-0.258; 0.128]
Avoidant strategies - ERD – – – – .179(0.075) [.012; 0.304]*
Avoidant strategies - cognitive empathy – – – – 0.079(0.066) [-0.214; 0.051]
Avoidant strategies - affective empathy – – – – 0.064(0.087) [-0.211; 0.121]
Adaptive Strategies - cognitive empathy .348(0.085) [0.105; 0.465]** .321(0.102) [0.046; 0.467]** .348(0.095) [.123; 0.479]**
Adaptive Strategies - affective empathy –0.059(0.089) [-0.206; 0.134] –0.050(0.093) [-0.208; 0.162] 0.051(0.104) [-0.206; 0.222]
ERD - cognitive empathy 0.072 (0.078) [-0.087; 0.227] –0.016(0.081) [-0.226; 0.171] .055(0.084) [-0.139; 0.202]
ERD - affective empathy 0.495 (0.073) [.331; 0.615]** .310(0.081) [.130; 0.451]** .522(0.062) [.376; 0.620]**
Indirect paths – – – – – –
Secure strategies - ERD - cognitive empathy 0.028 [-0.083; 0.025] – – – –
Secure strategies - adaptive strategies - cognitive empathy 0.031 [.008; 0.131]* – – – –
Secure strategies - ERD - affective empathy 0.043 [-0.255; -0.089]** – – – –
Secure strategies - adaptive strategies - affective empathy 0.019 [-0.054; 0.025] – – – –
Anxious strategies - ERD - cognitive empathy – – –0.009(0.054) [-0.121; 0.086] – –
Anxious strategies - adaptive strategies - cognitive empathy – – –0.057(0.031) [-0.115; 0.007] – –
Anxious strategies - ERD - affective empathy – – .163(0.044) [-0.067; 0.241]* – –
Anxious strategies - adaptive strategies - affective empathy – – .011(0.019) [-0.026; 0.049] – –
Avoidant strategies - ERD - cognitive empathy – – – – .009(0.016) [-0.020; 0.046]
Avoidant strategies - adaptive strategies - cognitive empathy – – – – –0.035(0.036) [-0.099; 0.035]
Avoidant strategies - ERD - affective empathy – – – – .094(0.042) [.006; 0.169]*
Avoidant strategies - adaptive strategies - affective empathy – – – – .002(0.017) [-0.017; 0.043]
Note. * p < .05; ** p < .01; ERD: Emotion Regulation Difficulties; CI: Confidence Interval.
empathy and affective empathy. The inner model was tested for secure indirect path between attachment anxiety and affective empathy through
participants (i.e. the security model), for anxious participants (i.e. the emotion regulation difficulties (Fig. 3).
anxiety model) and avoidant participants (i.e. the avoidance model). For avoidant participants, the direct path results showed moderate
For the security model, the goodness-of-fit (GoF) index was 0.32 and associations (|β| > 0.3) between adaptive strategies and cognitive em-
R² determination coefficients were calculated indicating small-to- pathy, and between emotion regulation difficulties and affective empathy.
moderate values: adaptive strategies (R² = 0.03), emotion regulation The results showed an indirect path between attachment avoidance and
difficulties (R² = 0.12), cognitive empathy (R² = 0.12), affective empathy affective empathy through emotion regulation difficulties (Fig. 4).
(R² = 0.30). For the anxiety model, the GoF was 0.36 and R² de-
termination coefficients were calculated indicating small-to-moderate
values: adaptive strategies (R² = 0.03), emotion regulation difficulties 4. Discussion
(R² = 0.28), cognitive empathy (R² = 0.11), and affective empathy
(R² = 0.32). For the avoidance model, the GoF was 0.28 and R² de- 4.1. Differences in emotion regulation and empathy according to
termination coefficients were calculated indicating small-to-moderate attachment style
values: adaptive strategies (R² = 0.08), emotion regulation difficulties
(R² = 0.03), cognitive empathy (R² = 0.12), and affective empathy The first aim of this study was to investigate how attachment styles
(R² = 0.28). Direct and indirect bootstrapped path coefficients are influence ER difficulties, adaptive strategies of ER, and affective and
given in Table 3. In this study, the estimated values for path relation- cognitive dimensions of empathy in adults. First, our results indicated
ships in the structural model were evaluated in terms of sign, magni- that anxious individuals revealed higher levels of personal distress and
tude and significance (the latter via bootstrapping) and values of at fantasy than secure and avoidant individuals. These results are con-
least 0.3 indicated moderate associations (Chin, 1998). sistent with the study of Joireman, Needham, & Cummings (2001)
For secure participants, the direct path results showed moderate showing that attachment anxiety is associated with high levels of per-
associations (|β| > 0.3) between attachment security and emotion reg- sonal distress, the tendency to experience distress or discomfort in re-
ulation difficulties, between emotion regulation difficulties and affective sponse to others’ emotional distress and different altruistic motivations
empathy, and between adaptive strategies and cognitive empathy. The re- for the ultimate goal of reducing the needs of another person
sults indicated an indirect path between attachment security and cogni- (Gilet, Mella, Studer, Grühn, & Labouvie-Vief, 2013). In addition, the
tive empathy through adaptive strategies. The indirect path results also current findings expand these results by showing the importance of
showed that the indirect effect from attachment security through emotion fantasy in anxious participants, reflecting their propensity to transpose
regulation difficulties to affective empathy was significant (Fig. 2). themselves imaginatively into the emotional lives of fictional characters
For anxious participants, the direct path results showed moderate found in books and movies (Davis, 1980, 1983). Several studies have
associations (|β| > 0.3) between attachment anxiety and emotion reg- shown that individuals with higher fantasy levels are more likely to
ulation difficulties, between attachment anxiety and affective empathy, imagine what another is experiencing and then feel those emotions
between emotion regulation difficulties and affective empathy, and be- themselves (Adams, 2001). Previous studies have found that anxious
tween adaptive strategies and cognitive empathy. The results showed an individuals tend to project their emotions onto others rather than fo-
cusing on others’ independent affective states (Mikulincer, Shaver, &
S. Henschel, et al. Personality and Individual Differences 156 (2020) 109763
Fig. 2. PLS-PM graphs for secure participants. Note. ERD: Emotion Regulation Difficulties. Larger arrows represent stronger paths.
Fig. 3. PLS-PM graphs for anxious participants. Note. ERD: Emotion Regulation Difficulties. Larger arrows represent stronger paths.
Pereg, 2003; Westmaas & Silver, 2001). In line with these results, our that low levels of empathic concern may be indicative of low social
findings suggest that anxious attachment, characterized by high levels skills and social loneliness in avoidant individuals
of personal distress and fantasy, could lead to a greater overlap between (DiTommaso, Brannen-McNulty, Ross, & Burgess, 2003). Lastly, a low
the self and other and impairments in interpersonal relationships level of affective empathy in these individuals would be more likely to
(Calderoni et al., 2013; Gleason, Jensen-Campbell, & Ickes, 2009; Ruby be associated with overall socio-cognitive difficulties, especially in as-
& Decety, 2004). sessing others’ and one's own emotional state (Schipper &
In addition, avoidant individuals reported lower levels of empathic Petermann, 2013).
concern than secure and anxious individuals. These results point out Second, we observed that the different attachment styles were
S. Henschel, et al. Personality and Individual Differences 156 (2020) 109763
Fig. 4. PLS-PM graphs for avoidant participants. Note. ERD: Emotion Regulation Difficulties. Larger arrows represent stronger paths.
characterized by different ER difficulties. Indeed, anxious individuals indicated that attachment styles influenced affective and cognitive
showed more ER difficulties than secure individuals, especially in empathy through ER difficulties and adaptive ER strategies in more
identifying and accepting emotions, controlling impulsivity, pursuing complex ways than previously hypothesized. Specifically, the results
goal-oriented behaviors as well as difficulties in accessing ER strategies. highlighted that adaptive ER strategies mediated the relationship be-
The results also showed that anxious individuals reported a higher use tween security attachment strategies and cognitive empathy in secure
of rumination, self-blame and catastrophization than secure in- individuals. Secure individuals used more adaptive ER strategies, en-
dividuals. These findings are congruent with previous studies, which abling them to take another person's perspective more adequately.
have highlighted that anxious individuals experience negative emotions These findings complete the previous results of Troyer and Greitemeyer
more intensely, have easier access to negative memories, and have (2018) demonstrating that the ER strategy of reappraisal provides
difficulties in suppressing negative feelings (Feeney, 1995; better cognitive empathy in secure individuals. A key contribution of
Marganska, Gallagher, & Miranda, 2013; Mikulincer & Orbach, 1995). our results is that the relationship between higher levels of attachment
Our findings suggest that rumination associated with difficulties in security and higher scores in perspective-taking was mediated by the
accessing adaptive strategies in anxious individuals may constitute a use of adaptive ER strategies such as acceptance, positive reappraisal,
risk factor for severe and prolonged periods of distress (Nolen- positive refocusing, putting into perspective and refocusing on plan-
Hoeksema, 1987; Nolen-Hoeksema, Parker, & Larson, 1994). ning. Conversely, there was only a direct association between adaptive
In addition, our results revealed that avoidant individuals showed ER strategies and cognitive empathy in individuals with avoidant or
more difficulties in identifying emotions than secure individuals. These anxious attachment. The use of adaptive ER strategies and cognitive
findings are consistent with the growing body of research indicating empathy was not predicted by higher levels of anxious or avoidant
that avoidant individuals are more likely to engage in deactivating attachment and could rather be associated with other psychological
strategies and actively repress a conscious awareness of attachment processes, such as the quality of the emotion regulation processes of the
feelings (Fraley & Waller, 1998; Mallinckrodt & Wei, 2005; Wei, Vogel, parents or the level of mentalization (e.g. Fonagy, Steele, Steele, Moran,
Ku, & Zakalik, 2005). All these results provide empirical evidence that & Higgitt, 1991).
individuals with different attachment styles show distinct ER abilities, Furthermore, the results showed that ER difficulties had an im-
as well as different affective and cognitive empathic capacities. Thus, in portant mediating role in the association between adult attachment
adulthood, attachment styles still influence the processing of socio- strategies and affective empathy. They revealed that a high level of
emotional information by the use of certain emotion regulation stra- attachment security was associated with lower affective empathy (i.e.
tegies and by sensitivity to the distress of partners. personal distress and empathic concern) indirectly through lower levels
of ER difficulties in secure individuals. This result supports the findings
of previous studies (Murphy et al., 2015; Panfile & Laible, 2012; Troyer
4.2. Relationships between attachment, emotion regulation and empathy
& Greitemeyer, 2018) showing that ER abilities mediate the relation-
ship between attachment security and empathy. Another contribution
The second aim of this study was to investigate whether the re-
of these results is that higher levels of avoidant and anxious attachment
lationships between attachment strategies and empathy (i.e. cognitive
led to an increase in ER difficulties, which in turn contributed to the
or affective) are differently impacted by adaptive ER strategies and ER
emergence of higher affective empathy. Finally, these results suggested
difficulties including maladaptive ER strategies in secure, anxious and
that avoidance and anxious attachment were associated with ER diffi-
avoidant individuals. Although previous research has consistently
culties, thereby increasing affective empathy, such as personal distress
identified the associations between attachment security and empathy
and a tendency to experience feelings of concern or compassion for
(Panfile & Laible, 2012; Troyer & Greitemeyer, 2018), our results
S. Henschel, et al. Personality and Individual Differences 156 (2020) 109763
others. The results also evidenced that anxious attachment had both a thereby facilitating the development of socio-emotional competences
direct effect on affective empathy and an indirect effect through ER (Schipper & Petermann, 2013; Stern & Cassidy, 2017).
difficulties. One can suggest that the impact of anxious attachment
leads to more severe emotional disturbances than those observed in Conflicts of Interest
avoidant individuals. Thus, in future research, we intend to explore the
role of emotional variables other than emotion regulation that might None.
serve as mediators between anxious attachment and affective empathy.
4.3. Limitations and strengths
This research did not receive any specific grant from funding
Although the current study revealed relevant findings, it has some agencies in the public, commercial, or not-for-profit sectors.
limitations. The present results were based entirely on self-report
measures. Nevertheless, the use of self-reported attachment styles Supplementary materials
provided a large initial sample, enabling the screening of individuals
with specific attachment insecurity (avoidance or anxiety). Replication Supplementary material associated with this article can be found, in
with other methods of data collection (e.g. observer ratings or other- the online version, at doi:10.1016/j.paid.2019.109763.
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