Black Book
Black Book
Black Book
Roll no. 118
M V M Mandali’s College of Commerce & Science
Date: Date:
I take this opportunity to thank our Co-ordinator for her moral support and guidance.
Lastly, I would like to thank each and every person who directly or indirectly helped me in the completion
of the project especially my parents and peers who supported me throughout my project.
Table of Content
CHAPTER 1 : Introduction
Bibliography 61
Annexure (Questionnaire) 62
1. Introduction
The term "Internet marketing" has just lately gained popularity. Various companies are competing to find
candidates for digital marketer workers to support their businesses. Internet marketing services are also
starting to be offered by independent agencies. In this digital era, marketing through digital media is very
important. Taxi passengers on the road, for example, no longer direct their attention to billboards on the
roadside anymore. They tend to focus on using their smart phones to access various pieces of information
available on the internet. Traditional marketing is no longer effective for markets where most of them have
switched to the latest communication technology. In the era of sophisticated media and technology, where
customers are flooded with marketing messages all the time, it has become very difficult for companies to
increase company efficiency without marketing, especially digital marketing, because of the rapid
adjustment of internet and other device usage. With a fairly small investment in websites and web-based
marketing, many new markets and customers can be attracted through this marketing technique.
Technology and marketing as things can be linked as mutually beneficial patterns. If there is no technology,
then marketing will be backward and will not advance to meet the demands of the times. So, in this case, it
is necessary to have knowledge of the role and impact of technology in relation to the field of marketing.
Today's economy forces everyone to look for the best offer they can find. Usually, these offers are found
on the internet. Internet marketing helps a company increase exposure to consumers who are actively
looking for your product or service, making it much more effective than other forms of advertising.
Increasing your company's exposure through digital marketing is equivalent to a fast food restaurant just
showing you burger ads when you're hungry. It is targeted, effective, and relevant.
1.2 Understanding internet marketing
Online marketing, also known as digital marketing, refers to marketing using digital technologies, such as
desktop computers, mobile phones, and other digital media platforms to promote products and services. As
opposed to traditional marketing, internet marketing is considered to be the most effective and profitable
method of selling in the digital age. Aside from being more practical, internet marketing can also help
companies gain more recognition. As internet usage grows throughout the world, companies can use this
trend to expand their business. Among the ways they can do this is through explaining more about their
products online. By telling the public what they do and who they are as a company. Internet marketing
offers flexibility and cost-effectiveness to both buyers and sellers by enabling them to access information
whenever and wherever they have access to the internet.
A number of marketing tools are available for promoting products online, including banner ads that are
displayed in high-traffic locations on web pages, generating click-throughs, sales, and leads. High-visibility
areas include the top, bottom, and sides of web pages.
Technology and digital media offer new opportunities for brands to communicate directly with consumers
via direct-to-customer strategies. Publishers and authors can interact with their readers through their
websites or social media, or food brands can interact directly with their purchasers through their social
media accounts.
Currently, all of them use technology to conduct business activities. Information technology systems are
used to create, communicate and deliver value processes to customers. Digital marketing is said to have
great relevance, according to Hidayat & Tobing. Those who get into internet marketing will soon find that
instead of searching for a few customers, they can now reach millions of people from a global viewpoint
and more specifically. With social media as a marketing tool and a targeted audience, he can market
A broad definition of "e-marketing" according to Chaffey & Mayer is marketing that includes digital media
such as the web, e-mail, and wireless media, as well as how the Internet can deliver services and products
to customers with traditional media.
According to Garys, Wongs, Kotlers, & Saunders (2008), marketing is a strategic method to manage
customer relationships in a profitable way. The dual goal of marketing is to grow by retaining customers
and attracting new customers by offering superior value.
E-Marketing or Digital Marketing according to (Chaffey & Mayer, 2009) is marketing that has a broader
scope because it refers to digital media such as web, e-mail and wireless media, but also includes managing
digital customer data, and also how the Internet can be used together with traditional media to acquire and
provide services to customers.
Nowadays everything goes electronic. marketers use technology to conduct business activities. E-marketing
creates, communicates, and delivers value processes to customers using information technology systems,
and to manage and maintain customer relationships to benefit the organization
or company and its stakeholders (J.a.F.R.Strauss, 2009). Technology is incorporated into traditional
marketing methods for e-marketing.
In the journal (Hidayat & Tobing, 2012) it is said that marketing with digital marketing has a very strong
relationship. if a person starts exploring the marketing business over the internet he will quickly find that
instead of looking for a few customers he will now have the ability to reach millions of customers from a more
specific global approach and group and also from customers who are closer to him too, the appeal is also wider
than previously owned business. He can use social media as a market, and also have a targeted market.
Understanding the Basics of Digital Marketing
It's important to come up with an overall campaign strategy before you create content for organic search
and set up Google Ads.
Benefits of internet marketing
Marketers identify, anticipate, and satisfy customer requirements in a cost-effective manner. By referring
to marketing as customer-focused, this definition implies that it must also be linked to other business
operations in order to be profitable. The following are some ways internet marketing can help achieve these
aims, according to Chaffey and Smith (2017):
• Identifying. The Internet can be used for marketing research to find out customers' needs and wants.
• Low Cost. Advertising in newspapers, televisions, radios, etc. is costly for businesses; they can benefit
from low-cost internet marketing methods that include free or cheap listings in online business directories,
using blogs, etc.
• Data Collection. An important component of analysis is the collection of data. Internet marketing allows
you to gather data about your customers so that you can analyze who is more likely to buy your product
or service, how one marketing campaign engages customers, etc.
• Anticipating. The Internet provides an additional channel by which customers can access information
and make purchases - evaluating this demand is key to governing resource allocation to e-marketing.
• Satisfying. A key success factor in e-marketing is achieving customer satisfaction through the electronic
channel, which raises issues such as is the site easy to use.
A powerful method of evaluating the strategic marketing opportunities of using the Internet is to apply
the strategic marketing grid of Ansoff (1957), as discussed in the strategy formulation. This shows how
the Internet can potentially be used to achieve four strategic directions:
1. Market penetration. The Internet can be used to sell more existing products into existing markets.
2. Market development. Here the Internet is used to sell into new geographical markets, taking advantage of
the low cost of advertising internationally without the necessity for a supporting sales infrastructure in the
customers' countries.
3. Product development. New products or services are developed that can be delivered by the Internet. These
are typically digital products.
4. Diversification. In this sector, the Internet supports selling new products, which are developed and sold
into new markets.
Geyskens et al. (2002) suggested an alternative perspective that there are three main form of demand
expansion for an existing company when it adopts direct Internet channels. These are:
1. Market expansion. This occurs when new segments of customers are reached who did not previously
buy in a category.
1.3 History of Internet Marketing
In the 1990s, the term Digital Marketing was first used. When the internet and the Web 1.0 platform came
along, the digital age began. Users were able to find information on Web 1.0, but they were unable to share
this information. Before then, marketers around the globe lacked an understanding of internet marketing.
Because the internet had not yet been widely adopted, they weren't sure if their strategies would work.
Following the introduction of the first clickable banner in 1993, HotWired bought a few banners for their
advertising. In 1993, digital marketing reached its peak. In 1994, new technologies entered the digital
marketplace due to this gradual shift. This was also the year Yahoo was launched.
In its first year, Yahoo received more than 1 million hits after being dubbed "Jerry's Guide to the World
Wide Web" by its founder Jerry Yang. Companies optimized their websites to gain higher search engine
rankings after this resulted in wholesale changes in the digital marketing space. In 1996, HotBot,
LookSmart, and Alexa were launched, among other search engines and tools.
The birth of Google occurred in 1998. A search engine was launched by Microsoft called MSN, and Yahoo
launched a search engine called Yahoo. Speculators speculated that the internet bubble would burst two
years later, and all the smaller search engines would be left behind or eliminated, leaving space for the
giants of the industry. The digital marketing world experienced its first steep surge in 2006 when search
engine traffic increased to about 6.4 billion in a single month. Microsoft, not to be left behind, put MSN on
hold and introduced Live Search to compete with Google and Yahoo.
After that, Web 2.0 became more popular, where people began to participate instead of merely consuming.
Users could interact with businesses and other users through Web 2.0. Terms like 'super information
highway' were coined to describe the internet. This led to an increase in information flow volumes -which
included digital marketing channels - and by 2004, the US alone brought in around $2.9 billion from internet
advertising and marketing.
Within a short time, social networking websites emerged. Facebook followed MySpace as the first social
networking site. Companies realized all these fresh new sites that were popping up were opening up a
wealth of new marketing opportunities. A new chapter in the history of business began, as it opened new
routes for business. To use social networking effectively and promote their brands with new resources, they
needed new approaches.
In the digital marketing industry, the cookie was another milestone. The advertising industry had begun
looking for new ways to take advantage of the fledgling technology. The technique of tracking common
browsing habits and usage patterns of frequent internet users allowed marketers to tailor promotions and
marketing collateral to their tastes. Users' habits were initially recorded through cookies. Throughout the
years, cookie usage has evolved, and today's cookies allow marketers to collect literal user data in a variety
of ways.
Customers can now access digitally marketed products at any time. The Marketing tech blog collected
statistics for 2014 revealing that posting on social media is the top online activity in the United States.
Americans spend about 37 minutes a day on social media.70% of B2C marketers have acquired customers
through Facebook. Twitter users that follow brands on Twitter are far more likely to buy from those brands.
83.8% of luxury brands advertise on Google+. 99% of digital marketers use Facebook to market, 97% use
Twitter, 69% use Pinterest and 59% use Instagram.
A digital marketing strategy involves using technology based on the internet and the internet-based methods
such as desktop computers, mobile phones, and other digital media and platforms in order to promote
products and services. Its development in the 1990s and 2000s changed the way brands and companies used
technology to market. The history of Internet Marketing actually begins at the same time as the history of
the Internet itself. Since its inception, the internet has brought features that are suitable for marketing.
Advances in internet-supporting technology such as the emergence of various programming languages and
databases make the internet.
The "You Will" campaign by AT&T was the first clickable banner ad to go live in 1994. Within four months
of it going live, 44% of all people who saw it clicked on it. During the 2000s, with the rise of the Internet
and the iPhone, customers began finding products and consulting a salesperson online first. This caused a
problem for marketing departments. In addition, a survey conducted in 2000 in the United Kingdom found
that many retailers are not using their own domain address. Marketers were inspired to come up with new
ways to integrate digital technology into market development by these problems.
The advent of marketing automation came in 2007 as a response to the dynamic marketing environment.
The use of marketing automation software helps companies automate traditional marketing processes.
Marketers have used marketing automation to segment customers, launch multichannel marketing
campaigns, and provide their customers with tailored information. These services are based on customer
activity. As a result, users activity (or lack thereof) triggers a personalized message that is tailored to their
preference in a native app. However, despite the benefits of marketing automation many companies are
struggling to adopt it to their everyday uses correctly In spite of the benefits of marketing automation, many
companies find it difficult to apply it correctly to their daily activities.
As the number of devices that worked with digital media increased in the 2000s and 2010s, digital
marketing grew rapidly. Statistics from 2012 and 2013 showed that digital marketing continues to grow.
With the development of social media, digital marketing also became more sophisticated. The popularity
of social media apps, such as LinkedIn, Facebook, YouTube, and Twitter, increased consumer dependency
on digital electronics. Therefore, they expect seamless user experiences across multiple digital channels
when searching products' information.
Digital marketing is also known as 'online marketing', 'internet marketing', or 'web marketing'. As time
moves on, digital marketing has become more popular. The term "online marketing" is still
widely used in the United States. Digital marketing is known as web marketing in Italy. After 2013, digital
marketing became the most common term worldwide.
In 2010, digital advertising expenditures grew by 48%, with 4.5 trillion online ads served annually. A
growing portion of advertising comes from businesses that use Online Behavioural Advertising (OBA) to
tailor advertisements to individual internet users, but OBA raises privacy concerns.
Sir Tim Berners-Lee invented the World Wide Web over 25 years ago, so the use of digital media and
technology is no longer new. Meanwhile, digital media and marketing technology have made huge
advances to provide businesses with new ways of communicating with customers throughout their lifecycle.
The ways people find products, entertainment, friends, and romance on the Internet have changed
dramatically, and so have the ways businesses market to consumers and businesses. Around the globe, more
than 3 billion people have regular access to the internet.
marketing becomes more attractive, until finally various types of internet marketing variations appear, such
a) Search engine marketing: Optimizing the website so that it can be indexed at the top of search engines.
It is also known as search engine optimization
e) E-mail marketing: The idea is to display products in email, instead of sending brochures manually by
f) Blog marketing: Using blog web blogs to market something, either directly from the company or its
employees or through e-commerce third party services.
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g) Viral marketing: Using social network media to make a brand stick in the minds of many people, in
Indonesia itself, internet marketing techniques are actually still limited in use. For this reason, it is a
challenge for the Indonesian people to use the internet in the marketing process so that the marketing
process can be more efficient and effective.
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1.4 Type of Internet Marketing
There are over 170 million people using social media on a regular basis, and every working professional
should at least be familiar with the key principles of digital marketing. Digital marketing can be defined as
the promotion of products through the internet or other electronic communication media. It specializes in
the use of digital channels to market products and services to targeted businesses and consumers. In a short
amount of time, you can reach a larger audience. Efforts to rehabilitate traditional marketing departments
and agencies have been stymied by technological advances. People have moved on to tablets, phones, and
computers, which are the areas where digital marketers have gained the most ground
Internet marketing involves a variety of tools and methods. It's crucial to choose the right one. They all
have their pros and cons. Modality selection is largely determined by the kind of product you have and the
audience you are targeting.
• Seo
• Email marketing
• Social media marketing
• Affiliate Marketing
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Search Engine Optimization (SEO)
What is SEO?
SEO stands for search engine optimization. SEO is the process of taking steps to help a website or piece of
content rank higher on Google. A search engine optimization strategy is used to improve the quality and
quantity of traffic a website receives from search engine results. It is a technique that targets unpaid traffic
(known as "natural" or "organic" results) rather than direct or paid traffic. Different kinds of searches can
generate unpaid traffic, including image searches, video searches, academic searches, news searches, and
industry-specific vertical search engines.
The goal of search engine optimization is to use different search engines according to how they work, the
search engines' algorithms, what people search for, and the keywords people are using to type into search
engines. The reason for SEO is that a website will receive more visitors from search engines when its
ranking on the search engine results page (SERP) is higher. Potential customers can then be acquired from
these visitors.
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➢ Target group
➢ Links
➢ Content
➢ Search
➢ Ranking
➢ Performance measurement
➢ Www
➢ Marketing
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SEO tactis and method
Search engine optimization techniques can be divided into two categories: techniques that search engines
recommend as part of good design ("white hats"), and techniques that are not recommended by search
engines ("black hats"). Spamdexing, for example, is one way in which search engines try to minimize the
impact of the latter. According to commentators in the industry, these methods and practitioners are either
classified as white hat SEO or black hat SEO. The results of white hat techniques usually last for a long
time, while black hats expect that once the search engines find out what they are doing, their sites will be
banned temporarily or permanently.
White Hat SEO: A good design includes techniques recommended by search engines.
Black Hat SEO: The technique of tweaking search engines' algorithms to reduce the impact of a particular
search term or phrase. It is also known as spamdexing.
The search engine guidelines do not include rules or commands, so this is an important difference. Search
engine optimization is not just about following guidelines, however; it's also about making sure that the
content that a search engine indexes and then ranks is the same content that users will see. According to
white hat advice, you should create content for your users, not search engines. Then, make that content
easily accessible to online "spider" algorithms, rather than attempting to fool the algorithm from its intended
purpose. There are some similarities between white hat SEO and web development that emphasizes
accessibility, although the two are not identical.
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If an SEO tactic has the following characteristics, it is considered White Hat:
• The website adheres to the guidelines set by the search engine.
• The process is not deceptive in any way.
• The objective is to make sure the content that is indexed, and then ranked, is the same content that a
user is able to view.
• As such, the content of a website must have been created for its users rather than just for search
• A good quality web page is ensured by it. By doing so, you can make sure useful content is available
on the website.
A powerful marketing channel, email marketing is a form of direct marketing, as well as digital marketing,
that uses email to promote the products and services of your business. The act of email marketing is the
sending of a commercial message by email to a group of people. The general definition of email marketing
is to send an email to a potential or current customer. It is a method of contacting customers, requesting
business, or asking for donations or sales via email. A common objective of email marketing strategies is
to build loyalty, trust, or brand awareness. Typically, this term refers to sending emails with the purpose of
strengthening a merchant's relationship with current or past customers, encouraging customer loyalty and
repeat business, attracting new customers or convincing existing customers to purchase immediately, and
sharing third-party ads. By integrating your marketing automation efforts with it, you can inform your
customers about the latest items or offers. It can also play a pivotal role in your marketing strategy for lead
generation, brand awareness, building relationships, or keeping customers engaged between purchases
through a variety of marketing emails.
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Here is an email marketing example from netflix
This is Netflix's email marketing strategy to attract the public, by showing their best and trending shows
on Netflix, and providing good offers through their emails. This is their way of getting the public to know
more about the good offers provided by Netflix.
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Affiliate Marketing
Companies that use affiliate marketing compensate third-party publishers in exchange for traffic or leads
for their products or services. As affiliates, the third-party publishers are motivated to promote the
company because of their commission fees.
• As part of affiliate marketing, a company compensates partners for business they generate through
their marketing tactics.
• Several factors have made affiliate marketing a billion-dollar industry, including digital marketing,
analytics, and cookies.
• It is less common for affiliates to receive payments for clicks or impressions than for sales.
• Affiliate marketing can be divided into three main types: unaffiliated affiliate marketing, involved
affiliate marketing, and related affiliate marketing.
Affiliate marketing has become increasingly popular due to the internet. The practice was popularized by
an affiliate marketing program established by Amazon (AMZN), whereby websites and bloggers post links
to the Amazon page for a review or discussion of a product to receive advertising fees. Aside from being a
pay-for-performance marketing program, affiliate marketing involves outsourcing the act of selling across
an expansive network.
Although affiliate marketing predates the internet, it has become a billion-dollar industry as a result of
digital marketing, analytics, and cookies. Through internal analytics, a company running an affiliate
marketing program can keep track of the links that generate leads and determine how many of them convert
into sales.
Affiliate programs are used by e-commerce merchants who wish to reach a wider audience of Internet users
and shoppers. Affiliates may own multiple websites or email marketing lists; the larger the affiliate's
network, the more websites the affiliate owns. The affiliate has then been hired to communicate and
promote the products offered by the e-commerce platform. Through banner ads, text ads, and links, affiliates
promote their products on their websites and in emails to clients. To attract attention to a product or service,
an advertisement can take the form of an article, a video, or an image.
The e-commerce site is redirected to the visitors who click on the ads or links. The e-commerce merchant
credits affiliates' accounts with the agreed-upon commission, which may range from 5% to 10% of the sales
In this model, merchants and affiliates benefit from an increase in sales. This model is unique and profitable
and is growing in popularity.
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As technology improves and the internet grows, the model is becoming easier to implement. Companies
are tracking and paying commissions on qualified leads more efficiently. In order to improve their products,
companies need to be better able to track leads and sales.
To understand affiliate marketing, as well as its advantages and disadvantages, is beneficial for those
interested in it. Affiliate partners should be carefully vetted and qualified by companies seeking affiliate
relationships. Advertising products and services through virtual reality is an effective method of increasing
brand awareness, increasing consumer base, and expanding brand awareness.
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Social Media Marketing (SMM)
Social media marketing is when a product or service is promoted through social media sites and websites.
However, despite e-marketing and digital marketing still having a strong presence in academia, social media
marketing is getting more attention from practitioners and researchers alike. Many social media platforms
provide data analytics tools, allowing companies to measure the progress, success, and engagement of
advertise With social media marketing, companies reach out to a wide range of stakeholders, such as current
and potential customers, current and potential employees, journalists, bloggers, and members of bloAn
organization's social media marketing plan will involve managing a campaign, establishing guidelines,
determining how to use the platform (actively or passively) and establishing the firm's desired social media
"culture" and "tone."
Companies can use social media marketing to reach customers and Internet users with user-generated
content (e.g., online comments, product reviews, etc.). Instead of marketing copy created by marketers, this
content can be called "earned media."
In social media marketing, a company's products and services are marketed using social networks and social
media platforms. By engaging customers through social media, companies can reach new customers while
promoting their desired culture, tone, or mission.
Marketers can track the success of their social media marketing campaigns with the help of powerful data
analytics tools.
➢ An organization's products and services can be marketed using social media and social networks
through social media marketing.
➢ A corporate blog allows an organization to engage with existing customers and reach out to new ones
while promoting its culture, mission, or tone.
➢ Sites like Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram are commonly used to execute social media marketing.
The number of people using social media worldwide is expected to exceed 3.2 billion by 2020. As social
media attracts a large number of users, it is easy to see how sharing content about your products and
information about your company with a few forums can help you raise brand awareness. According to
research, social media has the capability to increase brand recognition by engaging people. Interactions on
social media include likes, comments, sharing, and re-posting.
In addition to increasing brand awareness, social media can also direct visitors directly to your site. Your
profile, history, and post all be linked to your website, so you can do this by adding links.
As part of your social media marketing effort, add direct links to your website to your profile, your history,
and your posts. This will increase brand awareness and direct traffic to your website.
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Social media advertising offers tremendous opportunity to anyone looking for an audience. With
approximately 2.89 billion monthly active Facebook users alone, that's a staggering amount of potential
Chart 1
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1.5 7 P’s of Marketing on the Internet
Products, prices, places, and Promotion are the four P's of marketing, but their meanings have changed on
the Internet. Additionally, there are three new P's that are relevant to the internet marketer along with the
four P's.
1. Product take on many forms, such as text, images, and multimedia, and are experienced by the user
electronically. Consumers are usually presented with detailed online catalogs containing physical products.
Virtual technologies allow you to rotate a product, zoom in or out, and even visualize the product in
different configurations and combinations on the Internet. You can see an example of the above at,
where the company allows users to virtually experience every aspect of their product before they make a
purchase decision. Digital products such as content and software can be distributed over the Internet as
avatars. A lot of people search and read news and information on the internet, which is the biggest product
on the internet. E-marketing is more concerned with the product quality and price rather than the product
price on the Internet. Due to the possibility of reducing the price of products, there would be no need for
price competition. Products would be compared on their unique features rather than their price. Providing
unique and innovative products is the key to attracting customers and retaining them so they purchase and
come back for more.
2. The price Through the Internet, prices have changed drastically. Consumers can now determine what they
are willing to pay. Additionally, it makes it possible to compare prices from different sellers. It allows
buyers to find the best price for their purchase. Cleartrip, a website that compares the prices of many airlines
and offers the lowest price to buyers, is extremely popular. In fact, one of the biggest shopping websites in
the world, eBay, operated on the same principles as On the Internet, prices are constantly
3. The Place is driven by creating a marketing channel that reaches customers. A producer can directly reach
the customer through the Internet as a direct marketing channel. The producer is able to pass along the
lower distribution costs to customers by offering them discounts as a result of the elimination of the
intermediate channel. This strategy was used very effectively by Dell Computers, who have been able to
reduce the prices of their laptops significantly and reap huge profits as a result.
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4. The promotion is essential for attracting visitors to a website, considering there are currently more than
18 billion web pages. Offline and online strategies are needed for promoting a website. In addition to search
engine optimization, banner ads, multiple points of entry, social media marketing, strategic partnerships,
and affiliate marketing, online strategies include affiliate marketing and affiliate marketing programs. As
of now, there are over a thousand websites selling similar products in cyberspace. Promotion is important
in promoting the Company's existence and in helping customers gain an understanding of what the
Company offers. This can be accomplished by trading links or by displaying banner advertisements. To
spread awareness, traditional media like print, outdoor advertising, and television can also be used. Their
website has been promoted by using emails campaigns and spamming chat rooms on almost every server.
5. The presentation of your online business/website needs to be a pleasant and neat one with an easy
navigation system. 80% of people only read 20% of the web page, so the look and feel of your website
should be based on corporate branding. In order to make the web page easier to read, there should not be
too much information on it. All web pages should have simple but effective navigation aids, such as the
search function. A search engine makes it easier for users to find what they're looking for. When presenting
your online business and product you have to keep it simple stupid (K.L.S.S) in mind.
6. Process for customers should be integrated into the website. In order to provide a prompt and reliable sales
service, it is important to be able to answer the questions of their customers. Providing customers with order
status updates after the sale is made will further enhance after sales service. For example, the overnight
courier company FedEx ( provides its customers with the ability to keep track of their
parcel, so they can know where their package is at any given time. The Government of India has utilized
similar systems for its Speed Post and Registered Ad services, so that you can keep track of your post by
entering the identification code that was issued to you.
7. Personalization software from Broad-Vision and others, it is possible to tailor the entire web site to each
individual user without paying any additional costs. With mass customizations, the company can design
web pages and products that fit the special requirements of the user. In addition to the layout the customer
prefers, a customized web page may also include a partial list of goods that the customer may be interested
in.. For example, the Indian version of Yahoo! ( has launched personalized services.
Yahoo users can now customize their front pages with all the information they need. They can read the
news of the world, add a tax calculator, see the weather forecast for their city, and listen to their favorite
songs, all at the same time.
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1.6 Advantages and Disadvantages of internet marketing
Businesses have their own products or services to sell. One possible reason for their adoption of the internet
marketing buzz is the ability of Internet marketing to help both small and large scale business owners make
money online in a modest way. The disadvantages and advantages of online marketing are very much like
any other marketing strategy. we will explore how it can be beneficial to your business, yet a risk at the
same time. By giving every business access to the mass market, digital marketing benefits businesses of all
sizes. Digital marketing is truly personalized , unlike TV or print advertising. You should also be aware of
a number of challenges associated with digital marketing.
During this age of digitization, everything is connected with the service of the internet. Similar to this,
anyone seeking information can quickly search for it on Google and get the answers they need.
As a result, internet advertising is growing at an adverse rate. Every industry, every field needs internet
marketing. Using the internet for digital marketing is mainly used to grow the potential of the company.
Nowadays, establishing a corporation is not enough. Internet marketing has made it possible for you to get
enough customers to sustain your business.
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Advantages of Internet Marketing
2. Increase Engagement
Internet marketing and advertising might provide greater engagement than traditional advertising and
marketing approaches.
4. Brand Development
Digital marketing on the Internet is primarily used to develop your brand.
Personalizing your content and creating direct campaigns from your customers' perspective can increase
the value of your brand.
Branding is not about a product or a name, but rather about the voice and the message that will establish
the brand in the market.
Not only does a brand receive a wider audience, but its name is also respected.
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6. No time limits
With online digital marketing, there are no barriers to marketing any longer. Any time they want, customers
and clients can visit your website or interact with your social media profile.
7. Online Sale
A customer's purchase decision can be influenced by online digital advertising and marketing campaigns.
Online, most people share stories and information with others, which spurs them to make purchases.
Customers can easily make an online purchase from you by visiting your online website and following your
social media profiles.
People do not get up and go out to the store to purchase online digital marketing like they do with other
A seamless and fast digital marketing process can be achieved online.
9. Social Currency
Utilizing content marketing methods, online digital marketing can help you create engaging content and
You can build social currency with social media content materials, such as photos, videos, and blogs. These
can become viral and pass from user to user.
27 | P a g e
10. Internet Marketing is Measurable
You can easily measure the success of your marketing campaign and the number of visitors to your website,
and how they interact with your business through Internet marketing.
From Google analytics, you can find it easily, and interestingly, Google analytics is free and supplied by
Online advertising is therefore an effective method of determining a business's marketing budget because
it's easily measurable
above chart illustrates the audience measurement for the website provided by Google Analytics.
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11. Personalized Approaches
Its ability to target the right audience is one of the crucial benefits of online digital marketing. Engage them
in conversation and discover what they are looking for. For your brand to be loyal and successful, you need
to figure out what your audience wants. Its ability to target the right audience is one of the crucial benefits
of online digital marketing.
Engage them in conversation and discover what they are looking for. For your brand to be loyal and
successful, you need to figure out what your audience wants. Compared to traditional marketing, Internet
marketing has a lower environmental impact. Visitor's to your site can be greeted with new offers and
interest information. When you sell to them frequently, you can refine their profiles so you can market
appropriately to them. With the help of digital marketing, your businesses and companies can market
themselves individually, create content and run advertising. As a result, customers feel the brand responds
to their needs.
There are not too many risks associated with digital marketing online.
Digital marketing and social media marketing are much less expensive than traditional marketing methods
like television, newspaper advertisements, billboards, etc.
There are a lot of risks involved with Internet marketing online.
Therefore, these are the advantages of Internet marketing online
The following are the disadvantages, or as we would say, the bad sides of internet marketing.
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Disadvantages of Internet Marketing
2. Global Competition
The advantage of digital marketing is reaching your audience globally, but it also exposes you to global
As a result, you are up against many competitors who are also targeting the same audience.
It is also true that global reaching to the audience is accompanied by global competition.
In a highly competitive market, it may be hard for businesses to stand out from their competitors and grab
customers' attention.
4. Reliance on technology
Digital marketing online entails using modern gadgets, internet technology, and technological devices. A
digital marketing campaign cannot be conducted without the use of technology and the internet.
Ineffective marketing may be caused by a lack of Internet access, website downtime, slow loading speeds,
and poor site design.
Customer loyalty can be affected by this, leading to them switching brands,
In order to prevent this, it is necessary to test your website and all the aspects of online digital marketing
30 | P a g e
5. The process is time-consuming
Internet marketing is time-consuming, and this is one of its biggest disadvantages.
A lot of time might be consumed by unorganized tactics and inappropriate strategies.
Negative outcomes are inevitable, so before entering the world of online digital marketing, it is necessary
to think about the right strategies and develop a proper plan.
For the brands and businesses that the digital marketer executes, security and privacy are the main
requirements. Internet marketing is characterized by privacy and data security concerns.
Due to this, companies and businesses find it difficult to attract customers to their businesses by joining
new online or social media platforms.
It is important to do online digital marketing campaigns professionally otherwise they will not be taken
seriously by their target audience.
Companies, businesses, and digital marketers should take their online campaigns to the next level.
It's the first impression that counts, whether you're using traditional marketing techniques or Internet
marketing. If your campaign doesn't look professional, your target market won't take it seriously.
The quality of the marketing campaigns is often neglected by businesses and companies, resulting in the
loss of customers.
The internet and online digital platforms may not reach targeted audiences of some businesses and
In some cases, the wrong audience is targeted by products and services; only a few people might have
access to technology or know how to use it.
Digital marketing in that case would only be a waste of your time and resources. The strategies and planning
of digital marketing for online businesses depend entirely on the business types.
You need to identify your business types first and then make the appropriate strategy and plan for digital
marketing to become effective.
31 | P a g e
9. Maintenance Cost
Although internet marketing online can reduce many costs, buying tools and maintaining it can also be
more expensive.
For managing your online platforms, you need to hire tech professionals and developers.
There are also many inline tools that you need for internet marketing, which can be very expensive.
You will be investing a considerable amount of money for internet marketing if you combine all of the
costs associated with those components.
If someone reviews your business negatively and it goes viral, internet marketing can be a bad thing.
You will receive both positive and negative feedback when you put your business online.
acklash can ruin your entire business reputation, and there is no way to prevent it.
Digital and social media platforms are used by millions of people every day across the globe. The world is
becoming increasingly digital. It has many advantages for companies and businesses, and it has continued
to grow day by day.
There are, however, a number of limitations to internet marketing, so businesses, small and large, should
be aware of all the benefits and drawbacks.
It is important to know your market, find an appropriate platform, create the right content, and prevent
limitations before coming to internet marketing. For your brand to grow, you should find out when the best
time is to launch campaigns.
No matter what type of marketing you use, online or traditional, you have to connect with and target the
right audience at the right time and place.
If you are going to run an online marketing campaign, you should keep all the advantages and disadvantages
I mentioned above in mind.
This is an overview of Internet Marketing's advantages and disadvantages.
32 | P a g e
The research was carried out in the form of a survey. This will include primary research in addition to
secondary research as stated below. The survey research method will be descriptive research design. Each
respondent will be interviewed through a Questionnaire. The sample will be selected by a simple random
sampling method.
4. Find out what they think about promotion through internet marketing
33 | P a g e
2.2 Sample Design
Based on the data obtained through a survey with 31 respondents, it can be seen several points. As part of
the study, the questions focused on three aspects of digital marketing and its effect on consumers. In the
first research question, a set of questions was created in order to better understand the impact of digital
marketing on consumer behavior; in the second research question, a set of questions was created in order
to better understand the impact of digital marketing; and in the last research question, questions were created
to better understand the impact of digital marketing on consumer decision making.
Sample size
Number of respondents 31
34 | P a g e
2.3 Data collection plan
Data collection
The first type of data collection is primary data collection, while the second type is secondary data
a) Primary data
Primary data is the information gathered from first-hand experience. For any resource-based project, this
data serves as the main source of information.
Survey methods are used in my project for collecting data. The data is collected by administering
Questionnaires to respondents.
Data were collected using questionnaires as the primary method of collecting data.
The methods that have been used to collect the primary data are:
• Questionnaire
• Personal interview
b) Secondary data
The second data was obtained through a literature study by studying some information from several sources
such as studies on previous research, internet media, and other literature that supports data collection.
35 | P a g e
3. Literature Review
Through online advertising, video, podcasts, and other methods, you can communicate your message
through the use of digital marketing to promote your business, organization, or brand. Especially with
regards to viral marketing and social media marketing, Internet marketing plays a huge role in digital
marketing strategies. It has become the backbone of many organizations' overall marketing strategies.
There are many areas of digital marketing ecosystems other than internet marketing and social media
marketing. In the introduction, we discussed that people often believe that internet marketing and social
media marketing are the same, but they are not; be clear from the start. Online marketing and social media
marketing make up the digital marketing ecosystem. While channels serve as channels for communication,
digital ecosystems integrate channels and integrate services.
Sales and marketing are very different, but they both strive toward the same goal. The role of marketing in
sales is very important to improving the selling environment. Sales will be benefited if marketing generates
a list of potential customers. Marketing departments are responsible for increasing the number of
interactions between the organization and potential customers. Promotional techniques that the sales team
can use to achieve this goal may include advertising, sales promotion, publicity, creating new sales
channels, or creating new products.
Lead generation
Lead generation involves capturing a potential customer's interest and, ideally, getting their contact
information. It is less and less likely than ever before for a consumer to make a purchase during their first
encounter with a business, due to the number of options and resources available today. Creating a
relationship with a potential customer or client begins with lead generation. By becoming a lead, an
interested prospect is not only expressing interest in your business, but also inviting you to nurture that
interest. Your contact information gives them permission to continue the conversation. In order to generate
leads, you have to connect with people who could be potential customers for your business so that you can
show them what you have to offer, build trust, and provide the information they need to buy—thus
increasing the probability of them doing so. It is important to note that lead generation takes many forms,
and different approaches will be successful for different businesses and audiences.
Lead generation refers to obtaining permission from a prospective customer to communicate further with
them about your business. To generate leads, you have two options: inbound and outbound.
36 | P a g e
Outbound Lead Generation
A business generates outbound leads when it is the first to reach out to a potential client, including:
• Cold calling
Outbound marketing is also known as interruption marketing, because the business dictates the encounter
with the potential customer and directly invites them to engage. Some may view outbound marketing as
old-fashioned, but many businesses still find it highly effective today.
Lead generation is how you make customers and viewers want to work with you. Examples are:
Outbound lead generation is the first step made by the business. Lead generation from inbound traffic is all
about the consumer. Consumers decide whether and when to engage your company. For this reason, it is
also known as "permission marketing".
37 | P a g e
Importance of Digital Marketing
More Targeted
Aligns with How People Today Shop How People Prefer that Businesses Reach Them
38 | P a g e
• In order to increase the participation of foreign players in the e-commerce field, the Indian Government
hiked the limit of foreign direct investment (FDI) in the E-commerce marketplace model for up to 100
per cent (in B2B models)
• In the Union Budget of 2018-19, government has allocated Rs 8,000 crore (US$ 1.24 billion) to Bharat
Net Project, to provide broadband services to 150,000 gram panchayats
• As of August 2018, the government is working on the second draft of e-commerce policy, incorporating
inputs from various industry stakeholders.
• The heavy investment of Government of India in rolling out the fiber network for 5G will help boost
ecommerce in India
• In February 2019, the Government of India released the Draft National e-Commerce Policy which
encourages FDI in the marketplace model of e-commerce. Further, it states that the FDI policy for e-
commerce sector has been developed to ensure a level playing. field for all participants. According to
the draft, a registered entity is needed for the ecommerce sites and apps to operate in India.
39 | P a g e
• Sorav Jain
• Prateek Shah
• Pradeep Chopra
• Jitendra Vaswani
• Kunal Choudhary
• Kensico
• BC WebWise
• Foxy Moron
• Phonethics
• Brainwork Technologies
40 | P a g e
Yes 23
No 8
41 | P a g e
Q2. If you own a business or brand would you use internet marketing as promotion for the products?
Yes 18
No 7
Maybe 6
• 58.1% would like to use internet marketing if they own company or brand.
• 22.6% would not use internet marketing if they own the business.
• 19.4% respondents choose maybe if they own business or brand.
42 | P a g e
Q3. On which platform you frequently encounter internet marketing?
Instagram 13
You tube 8
Facebook 3
Website 5
Snapchat 2
43 | P a g e
Q4. How often you get targeted by internet marketing?
Never 11
Sometimes 17
Often 3
44 | P a g e
Q5. Do you think that internet marketing is effective to promote a brand?
Yes 18
No 7
Likely 6
45 | P a g e
Q6. Do you think internet marketing is more attractive than conventional methods?
Yes 17
No 6
Maybe 8
• 54.8% of respondents thinks internet marketing is more attractive than conventional methods.
• 19.4% of respondents thinks internet marketing is not attractive than conventional methods.
• 25.8% of respondents thinks maybe internet marketing more attractive than conventional methods.
46 | P a g e
Q7. How often do you buy items that you come across from internet marketing?
Often 11
Sometimes 15
Never 5
47 | P a g e
Q8. Do you think all types of products can be marketed with internet marketing?
Yes 14
No 9
Maybe 8
• 45.2% of respondents think all types of products can be marketed with internet marketing.
• 29% of respondents think all types of products cannot be marketed with internet marketing.
• 25.8% of respondents think maybe all types of products be marketed with internet marketing.
48 | P a g e
Q9. Do you prefer internet marketing or traditional marketing if you have brand?
Internet marketing 21
Traditional marketing 10
• 67.7% of respondents prefer internet marketing over traditional marketing if they have brand.
• While 32.3% of respondents prefer traditional marketing over internet marketing if they have brand
49 | P a g e
Q10. Are you more likely to buy products through traditional or internet marketing?
Internet marketing 20
Traditional marketing 11
• 64.5% of respondents are more likely to buy products through internet marketing.
• While 35.5% of respondents are more likely to buy products through traditional marketing.
50 | P a g e
Q11. In your opinion, is internet marketing more effective than traditional marketing?
Yes 14
No 7
Maybe 10
• 45.2% respondents thinks internet marketing is more effective than traditional marketing.
• 22.6% respondents thinks internet marketing effective than traditional marketing
• 32.3% respondents thinks maybe internet marketing more effective than traditional marketing.
51 | P a g e
Q12. What type of products you often purchase from internet marketing?
Clothing 10
Accessories 10
Home appliances 3
Other 8
52 | P a g e
Q13. Do you think that the goods promoted by internet marketing are more attractive to buy?
Yes 14
No 9
Maybe 8
• 45.2% respondents think the goods promoted by internet marketing are more attractive to buy.
• 29% respondents think goods promoted by internet marketing are not attractive to buy.
• 25.8% respondents think maybe goods promoted by internet marketing are not attractive to buy.
53 | P a g e
Q14. How often you got targeted by fake internet marketing?
Often 8
Not too often 17
Never 6
54 | P a g e
Q15. Do you agree that internet marketing is good for beginners in business?
Strongly disagree 7
Disagree 2
Neutral 12
Strongly agree 2
Agree 8
• 22.6% respondents strongly disagree that internet marketing is good for beginners in business
• 6.5% respondents disagree that internet marketing is good for beginners in business
• 38.7% responses are neutral that internet marketing is good for beginners in business
• 25.8% respondents strongly agree that internet marketing is good for beginners in business
• 6.5% % respondents agree that internet marketing is good for beginners in business
55 | P a g e
5. Findings, Conclusion & Suggestions
5.1 Findings
• 74.2% people are aware of internet marketing. While 25.8% people are not aware of internet
• 58.1% would like to use internet marketing if they own company or brand 22.6% would not use
internet marketing if they own the business 19.4% respondents choose maybe if they own business or
• 41.9% respondent encountered internet marketing frequently on Instagram. 25.8% respondent
encountered internet marketing frequently on Youtube. 9.7% respondent encountered internet
marketing frequently on Facebook. 16.1% respondent encountered internet marketing frequently on
Website. 6.5% respondent encountered internet marketing frequently on Snapchat.
• 35% of respondents never experienced Internet marketing. 54.8% of respondents get targeted by
internet marketing sometimes. 9.7% of respondents get targeted often.
• 58.1% of respondents thinks that internet marketing is effective to promote brand. 22.6% of
respondents thinks that internet marketing is not effective to promote brand. 19.4% of respondents
thinks that internet marketing is likely effective to promote brand.
• 54.8% of respondents thinks internet marketing is more attractive than conventional methods. 19.4%
of respondents thinks internet marketing is not attractive than conventional methods. 25.8% of
respondents thinks maybe internet marketing more attractive than conventional methods.
• 35.5% of respondents often purchase products from internet marketing. 48.4% of respondents
sometimes purchase products from internet marketing. 16.1% of respondents never purchase products
from internet marketing.
• 45.2% of respondents think all types of products can be marketed with internet marketing. 29% of
respondents think all types of products cannot be marketed with internet marketing. 25.8% of
respondents think maybe all types of products be marketed with internet marketing.
• According to survey of 21 respondents prefer internet marketing over traditional marketing if they
have brand. Rest thinks prefer traditional marketing.
• According to survey 20 of respondents are more likely to buy products through internet marketing.
Rest prefer traditional marketing to purchase products.
• sale promotion is highly preferred method and digital marketing less preferred marketing promotion
method. This indicates that more awareness has to be created about digital marketing and its services
along with its benefits.
56 | P a g e
• 45.2% respondents thinks internet marketing is more effective than traditional marketing. 22.6%
respondents thinks internet marketing effective than traditional marketing. 32.3% respondents thinks
maybe internet marketing more effective than traditional marketing.
• 32.3% respondents purchase clothing items from internet marketing. 32.3% respondents purchase
accessories items from internet marketing. 9.7% respondents purchase accessories items from internet
marketing. 25.8% respondents purchase accessories items from internet marketing.
• 45.2% respondents think the goods promoted by internet marketing are more attractive to buy. 29%
respondents think goods promoted by internet marketing are not attractive to buy. 25.8% respondents
think maybe goods promoted by internet marketing are not attractive to buy.
• From the survey we get to know that companies are using Digital Marketing services to create both
Create awareness and lead Generation.
• 25.8% respondent often get targeted by fake internet marketing. 54.8% respondent didn’t get targeted
by fake internet marketing. 19.4% respondent never got targeted by fake internet marketing.
• 22.6% respondents strongly disagree that internet marketing is good for beginners in business 6.5%
respondents disagree that internet marketing is good for beginners in business. 38.7% responses are
neutral that internet marketing is good for beginners in business. 25.8% respondents strongly agree that
internet marketing is good for beginners in business. 6.5% % respondents agree that internet marketing
is good for beginners in business.
57 | P a g e
1. Global Presence:
A company website allows the customer to find new markets and trade through digital marketing. Digital
marketing makes any business not only reach its local area but also on a global scale. One of the best
examples is Amazon market place, where we can sell our products online and this can be accessed anywhere
in the world.
2. Cost efficient:
The DM method is similar to old-school marketing. It is inexpensive, it will reach more people with a very
small budget. As Advertisements displayed on social media are less expensive than those printed with a
targeted audience. Internet marketing has more effectiveness than traditional marketing. Digital marketing
can be done without spending a single rupee by small business organizations or small shops.
By using tools such as Google Analytics we can track and measure the results of our digital marketing, such
as the number of people who have seen an advertisement or a website, what activities people are doing on
the site, their behaviour at the site, how long they spent on the site, and what demographical characteristics
constitute each audience.
4. Personalization:
We can remarket the product whenever a customer visits the website if they are linked to the customer data
base. Customers feel special about that particular brand when they do this.
58 | P a g e
5.2 Conclusion
A company's marketing efforts on the Internet have become increasingly important. Online marketing has
developed into a significant part of most companies' efforts to reach customers and increase sales. The
advance in marketing and advertising has been immense as generations evolve and technology develops.
The limitations of traditional marketing methods are no longer applicable to businesses. New marketing
methods have largely taken their place. This e-book focuses on the topic of online marketing, which is one
of the newest and most effective strategies. An Internet marketing campaign utilizes the internet's resources
to produce publicity and raise a company's profile.
Businesses and entrepreneurs who are looking to stay on top of the freshest, most attractive deals and sales
are forced to use internet marketing. This marketing method has brought the business domain to new
heights. While internet marketing has few limitations, it is sure to boost any business up to the most
promising and profitable opportunities. Throughout this book, you'll find all the essentials, details,
advantages, and disadvantages of the vast Internet marketing industry. The emphasis in this e-book was
continually on the fact that, in today's world, where the vast majority of people is online, online marketing
is one of the most effective and newest marketing techniques.
Various forms of online marketing have enabled companies to reach customers around the world in the
modern world. This not only increases company market size and customer base, but provides companies
with the opportunity to establish their position on an international market, thus achieving greater success
and long-term goals.
59 | P a g e
5.3 Suggestions
Following are some recommendations for internet marketing based on the research conducted.
• According to survey data, 25.8% of respondents were unaware of digital marketing while 74.2% are
aware, but only 58.1% are willing to invest in digital marketing, while the remaining don't want to
spend any budget on digital marketing. This shows that companies should advertise in newspapers like
leaflets, social media tools which are low-cost and connect the people to the brand.
• The best way to reach clients is to publish a blog because people like to learn more about digital
marketing through media releases.
• Improve brand's visibility and increase engagement with customers through social networking.
• Incorporate all the services needed for both awareness creation and lead generation.
• The services must be offered in a way that promotes their business, reaches a larger audience, is easy
to use, so that clients are satisfied with the services they receive.
• Company can target clients who are dissatisfied towards their current digital marketing services
• Hiring a social media coordinator is recommended in order to track the effectiveness of any changes
you make. With a dedicated social media coordinator, you can also communicate more consistently.
The planning process must begin with a consultation with a professional agency skilled in digital
• During the holiday season, it is recommended that promotional offers be frequently posted on social
media sites in order to capture the attention of large numbers of customers.
60 | P a g e
• Wikipedia
• Google Scholar
• (Chart 1)
61 | P a g e
Appendix – (Questionnaire)
a) Yes
b) No
Q2. If you own a business or brand would you use internet marketing as promotion for the products?
a) Yes
b) No
c) Maybe
a) Instagram
b) You tube
c) Facebook
d) Website
e) Snapchat
a) Never
b) Sometimes
c) Often
a) Yes
b) No
c) Likely
Q6. Do you think internet marketing is more attractive than conventional methods?
a) Yes
b) No
c) Maybe
62 | P a g e
Q7. How often do you buy items that you come across from internet marketing?
a) Often
b) Sometimes
c) Never
Q8. Do you think all types of products can be marketed with internet marketing?
a) Yes
b) No
c) Maybe
Q9. Do you prefer internet marketing or traditional marketing if you have brand?
a) Internet marketing
b) Traditional marketing
Q10. Are you more likely to buy products through traditional or internet marketing?
a) Internet marketing
b) Traditional marketing
Q11. In your opinion, is internet marketing more effective than traditional marketing?
a) Yes
b) No
c) Maybe
Q12. What type of products you often purchase from internet marketing?
a) Clothing
b) Accessories
c) Home appliances
d) Other
Q13. Do you think that the goods promoted by internet marketing are more attractive to buy?
a) Yes
b) No
c) Maybe
63 | P a g e
Q14. How often you got targeted by fake internet marketing?
a) Often
b) Not too often
c) Never
Q15. Do you agree that internet marketing is good for beginners in business?
a) Strongly disagree
b) Disagree
c) Neutral
d) Strongly agree
e) Agree
64 | P a g e