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With Reference to

A Project Report Submitted to JNTU, KAKINADA in partial fulfillment for the

Award of the degree of
Submitted by
Regd. No. 20NU1E0059
Under the esteemed guidance of
Mrs. T. Naga Lakshmi, MBA
Assistant Professor




(Permanently Affiliated to JNTUK, Kakinada)





(Permanently Affiliated to JNTU, Kakinada)


This is to certify that this project work entitled “A study on Training and
Development” being submitted by K. Lavanya, Regd. No 20NU1E0059. in partial fulfillment of
the requirement for the award of Master of Business Administration, Department of Management
SONTYAM, affiliated by JNTU Kakinada is a bonafied record of the project carried out under my


Mrs. T. Naga Lakshmi, Asst. Prof. Dr. V. Bala, Professor



I hereby declare that this project titled “A study on title of the project” with reference to “
JINDAL STAINLESS LIMITED ” under the guidance of Mrs. T. Naga Lakshmi, Assistant
Professor, Submitted by me to the Department of Management Studies, Nadimpalli Satyanarayana
Raju Institute of Technology, Sontyam, Visakhapatnam, affiliated by JNTUK, in partial
fulfillment of MASTER OF BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION of my own and has not been
submitted to any other university or has not been published any time before.


Date: Regd. No. 20NU1E0059


I here to take opportunity to express my sincere gratitude to the following eminent

personalities, without aid and advice the successful completion of my project work
would have remained a dream.

I wish to express my heart full thanks to Dr. M A Khadar Baba, Principal, NSRIT,
and Sontyam for giving the opportunity to do this project.

I would like to thanks to Dr V. Bala, Head of the Department, and NSRIT for her
encouragement and cooperation to carry out this project work.

I render my sincere thanks to my project guide Mrs. T. Naga Lakshmi, Assistant

Professor for her cooperation and support in completing my project work.

I express my gratitude to my project guide J. Gopala Krishna, DGM-Hr and

Administrator at “Jindal Stainless Limited” for his valuable guidance throughout the
project work and for providing the relevant material needed for the completion of my

I especially thank all those who have helped me directly or indirectly. I express my
profound thanks to my affectionate parents for their constant encouragement throughout
completion of my project.

K. Lavanya
Regd. No. 20NU1E0059


CHAPTER - 1 6 - 13
 Introduction 7-9
 Need for the study 10
 Objectives of the study 11
 Methodology of the study 12
 Limitations of the study 13

CHAPTER - 2 14 - 36
 Profile of the Steel Industry 15-23
 Company Profile 24-36

CHAPTER - 3 37 - 60
 Theoretical Framework of Training and Development 38-60

CHAPTER - 4 61 - 80
 Data Analysis 62-80
 Interpretation of Training and Development 62-80

CHAPTER - 5 81 - 84
 Summary 82
 Findings 83
 Suggestions 84

ANNEXURE 85 - 87
 Questionnaire 85-86
 Bibliography 87



Training increases the knowledge and skill of new employees in discharging their jobs and services
as a refresher course for the old employees. Training imparts employees specific Knowledge,
which are needed to do their job. Training also gives them the opportunity to learn and provides
self-development, which is needed for future promotion Training as a vehicle for human resources
development, is concerned with improving the skills of employees and enhancing demands
appositives contribution. It could also make a positive contribution to the empowerment of

Training can be introduced simply as a process of assisting a person for enhancing his efficiency
and effectiveness to a particular work area by getting more knowledge and practices. Also, training
is important to establish specific skills, abilities, and knowledge to an employee. For an
organization, training and development are important as well as organizational growth, because
the organizational growth and profit are also dependent on the training. But the training is not a
core of organizational development. It is a function of the organizational development.

Training and Development is the framework for helping employees to develop their personal and
organizational skills, knowledge, and abilities. All employees want to be valuable and always
remain competitive in the labour market, because they make some demand for employees in the
labour market. This can only be achieved through employee training and development. Hence
employees have a chance to negotiate as well as employer has a good opportunity to select most
suitable person for his vacancy. Employees will always want to develop career-enhancing skills,
which will always lead to employee motivation.

Every Organization needs to have well-trained and Experienced people to perform the activities
that must be done. If current or potential job occupant can meet this requirement, training is not

important. When this is not the case, it is necessary to raise the skill levels and increase the
versatility and adaptability of employees.

Training is process of learning a sequence of programmed behaviour. It is an application of

knowledge. It improves the job performance and brings growth in the personality. It gives
awareness of procedure to guide their behaviour.

Training and development can be initiated for a variety of reasons for an employee or group of
employees like Increase job satisfaction and morale among employee, increase efficiency in
processes, resulting in financial gain, Increased innovation in strategies and products, Reduced
employee turnover, Train about specific processes.

Steel has a major influence on our lives, the cars we drive the buildings we work in, the home in
which we live and countless other factors in between. Steel is used in our electricity power line
towers, natural gas pipelines, machine tools, military weapons the list is endless. Steel has also
earned a place in our homes in protecting our families, making our lives convenient, its benefits
are undoubtedly clear. Steel is by far the most important multi-functional and most adoptable of
materials. The development of mankind would have been impossible but for steel the backbone
of developed economies was laid on the strength and inherent uses of steel. The various uses of
steel which in turn is measure of adaptability of steel can be judged from the characteristics of
steel like Hot and cold formable, Weld able, Suitable machinability, Hard, tough and wear
resistant, Corrosion resistant and Heat resistant and resistance to deformation at high
temperature. Steel compared to other materials at its type has low production costs. The energy
required for extracting iron from ore is about 25% of what is needed for aluminum.

The present study is undertaken a "a study on Training and development with reference to Jindal
stainless limited, kothavalasa". The company is largest private company at Vizianagaram district.
It annually produces 40000 tons of Ferro Chrome to domestic market. They can export the
developed countries. The country was awarded the "export award regional special shield". The
head that is nominated as management repression since gas the authority responsibility in
maintaining quality system and organization freedom to resolve quality problem. A part of the
OP Jindal Group, Jindal Stainless limited is India's largest and the only fully integrated stainless
manufacturer. Jindal stainless has grown from an indigenous single unit stainless plant in Hisar,
Haryana to the present multi location and multi product conglomerate. JSL is a globally
recognized producer of stainless-steel flat products in Austenitic, Ferritic, martensitic and duplex
grades. Kothavalasa, is a unit of Jindal Group, one of the largest steel manufacturers in India. The
plant is located at Kothavalasa, Vizianagaram district of Andhra Pradesh. It was launched at 1987
by the chief minister of Shri. N.T.Rama Rao. The main product of this plant is high carbon Ferro
Chrome one of the essential products of Stainless Steel.

Need for the study

Training is the most important technique of human resource development. No organization can get
a candidate who exactly matches with the job and the organizational requirements. Hence, training
is the most important to develop the employee and make him suitable to the job. Job and
organizational requirements are not static; they are changed from time to time in view of the
technological advancement. Trained employees would be asset to an organization.

Training and career development are very vital in any company or organization that aims at
progressing Training simply refers to the process of acquiring the essential skills required for a
Certain job. It targets specific goals, for instance understanding a process and operating a certain
machine or system.

 Training assists in eliminating weaknesses, by strengthening workers skills. A well-

organized development program helps employees gain similar skills and knowledge.
 A properly trained employee becomes more informed about procedures for various
tasks. The worker confidence is also boosted by training and development.
 A well-organized training and development program gives the workers constant
knowledge and experience.
 Training and development make the employee also feel satisfied with the role they play
in the company or organization.
 Through training and development, the employee acquires all the knowledge and skills
needed in their day-to-day tasks. Workers can perform at a faster rate. and with
efficiency thus increasing overall productivity of the company.
 Training and development results with optimal utilization of resources and reduce
wastage in a company or organization.
 Improves profitability and more positive attitudes toward profits orientation.
 Improves the job knowledge and skills at all levels of the organization.
 Improves the morale of the workforce.
 Helps people identify with organizational goals.
 Helps create a better corporate image.

Objectives of the study

 To study the profile of Steel Industry in India.

 To know the theoretical aspects of Training and Development.
 To evaluate the training and development program in JINDAL for improving the
employee’s skills.
 To find out how effectively training program conducted by the company.
 To suggest measures for effective functioning of employees in the organization.

Methodology of the Study

There are two types of date to collect information relating to the concerned topic:

Primary data:

For this project, primary data was collected from the employees of the organization. The basic
approach for the collection of primary data is by conducting a survey with the help of a
questionnaire. Towards the accomplishment of the said objectives, information would be
obtained from primary as well as secondary data sources; Primary data will be generated by way
of meeting different executives concerned with training and development programs. Also a
survey on training program is conducted by means of a questionnaire to derive the training
programmers at JINDAL, Efforts will be directed in obtaining the view of employees/ executive
who got trained in the in-house/outside training programmers.

Secondary data:

Secondary date is such data, which is already published, collected for some purpose other than
the one confronting the researcher at a given point of time. Information pertaining to training and
development programs organized over period will be obtained by way of referring to record of
the statistical departments, personal department, and training and development departments. In-
house magazines, journals, newspapers, any other published materials will be referring to in
collection of necessary data.

Sample size:

For the administration of questionnaire in Jindal Stainless Steels Limited, Kothavalasa. The
management has, given the opportunity to collect the information only from 50 employees from
various departments. Now the investigation opted random sampling method in ordered to
conduct to the study.

Limitations of the Study

 The study is limited due to the time constraints.

 The analysis depends on the data provided by the respondents through the
 questionnaire as well as company.
 Lack of time on the part of employees for detailed interaction.
 Availability of the information on Human Resource Management and its
confidentiality is also a limiting factor.
 Some of the information like performance appraisal reports and confidential report
cannot be kept open for others to study.
 The sample size is limited to 50 only.



Steel is crucial to the development of any modern economy and is the backbone of human
civilization. The level of per capita consumption of steel is treated as an important index of the
level of socioeconomic development and living standards of the people in any country. It is a
product of a large and technologically complex industry having strong forward and backward
linkages in terms of material flows and income generation. All major industrial economies are
characterized by the existence of a strong steel industry and the growth of many of these economies
has been largely shaped by the strength of their steel industries in their initial stages of
development. Steel industry was in the vanguard in the liberalization of the industrial Sector and
has made rapid strides since then. The new Greenfield plants represent the latest in technology.
Output has increased, the industry has moved up in the value chain and exports have raised
consequent to a greater integration with the global economy.

History of steel:

Steel was discovered by the Chinese under the reign of Han dynasty in 202 BC till 220 AD. Prior
to steel, iron was a very popular metal, and it was used all over the globe. Even the period of
around 2 to 3 thousand years before Christ is termed as Iron Age as iron was vastly used in that
period in each part of life. But, with the change in time and technology, people were able to find
an even stronger and harder material than iron that was steel. Using iron had some disadvantages
but this alloy of iron and carbon fulfilled all that iron couldn't do. The Chinese people invented
steel as it was harder than iron and it could serve better if it is used in making weapons.

The global steel industry:

The current global steel industry is in its best position in comparing to last decades. The price has
been rising continuously. The demand expectations for steel products are rapidly growing for
coming years. The shares of steel industries are also in a high pace. The steel industry is enjoying
its 6th consecutive years of growth in supply and demand. And there is many more merger and
acquisitions which overall buoyed the industry and showed some good results. The supreme crisis

has led to the recession in economy of different countries, which may lead to have a negative effect
on whole steel industry in coming years. However steel production and consumption will be
supported by continuous economic growth.

Contribution of countries to global steel industry:

The countries like China, Japan, India, and South Kores are in the top of the above in steel
production in Asian countries. China accounts for one third of total production i.e., 419m ton,
Japan accounts for 9% i.e., 118 m ton, India accounts for 53m ton and South Korea is accounted
for 49m ton, which all totally becomes more than 50% of global production. Apart from this USA,
BRAZIL, UK accounts for the major chunk of the whole growth,

Steel industry in India:

Steel has been the key material with which the world has reached to a developed position. All the
engineering machines, mechanical tools and most importantly building and construction structures
like bars, rods, channels, wires, angles etc. are made of steel for its feature being hard and
adaptable. Earlier when the alloy of steel was not discovered, iron was used for the said purposes,
but iron is usually prone to rust and is not so strong. Steel is a highly wanted alloy over the world.
All the countries need steel for the infrastructural development and overall growth. Steel has a
variety of grades i.e., above 2000 but is mainly categorized in divisions-steel flat and steel long,
depending on the shape of steel manufactured. Steel flat includes steel products in flat, plate, sheet,
or strip shapes. The plate shaped steel products are usually 10 to 200 mm and thin rolled strip
products are of 1 to 10 mm in dimension. Steel flat is mostly used in construction, shipbuilding,
pipes, and boiler applications. Steel long Category includes steel products in long, bar or rod shape
like reinforced rods made of sponge iron. The long steel products are required to produce concrete,
blocks, bars, tools, gears, and engineering products. After independence, successive governments
placed great emphasis on the development of an Indian steel industry. In Financial Year 1991, the
six major plants, of which five were in the public sector, produced 10 million tons. The rest of
India steel production, 4.7 million tons, came from 180 small 29 plants, almost all of which were

in the private sector. India's Steel production more than doubled during the 1980s but still did not
meet the demand in the mid-1990s, the government was seeking private-sector investment in new
steel plants. Production was projected to increase substantially as the result of plans to set up a 1-
million-ton steel plant and three pig-iron plants totaling 600.000 tons capacity in West Bengal,
with Chinese technical assistance and financial investment. The commissioning of Tata Iron &
Steel Company's production unit at Jamshedpur, Bihar in 1911-12 heralded the beginning of
modern steel industry in India. At the time of Independence in 1947 India's steel production was
only 1.25 Mt of crude steel. Following independence and the commencement of five-year plans,
the Government of India decided to set up four integrated steel plants at Rourkela, Durgapur, Bhilai
and Bokaro. The Bokaro plant was commissioned in 1972. The most recent addition is a 3 Mt
integrated steel plant with modem technology at Visakhapatnam.

Demand of steel in India:

As of October 2021, India was the world’s second-largest producer of crude steel, with an output
of 9.8 MT. In FY21, the production of crude steel and finished steel stood a 102.49 MT and 94.66
MT, respectively. In FY22, crude steel production in India is estimated to increase by 18%, to
reach 120 million tonnes, driven by rising demand from customers. The growth in the Indian steel
sector has been driven by domestic availability of raw materials such as iron ore and cost-effective
labour. Consequently, the steel sector has been a major contributor to India’s manufacturing
output. The Indian steel industry is modern with state-of-the-art steel mills. It has always strived
for continuous modernization of older plants and up-gradation to higher energy efficiency levels.
Indian steel industry is classified into three categories - major producers, main producers, and
secondary producers.

The government has a fixed objective of increasing rural consumption of steel from the current
19.6 kg/per capita to 38 kg/per capita by 2030-31. As per Indian Steel Association (ISA), steel
demand will grow by 7.2% in 2019-20 and 2020-21.

Major players of steel in India:

1.Public Sector

(A) Steel Authority of India Limited (SAIL)

Steel Authority of India Limited (SAIL) is a company registered under the Indian Companies Act,
1956 and is an enterprise of the Government of India. It has five integrated steel plants at Bhilai
(Chattisgarh), Rourkela (Orissa), Durgapur (West Bengal), Bokaro (Jharkhand) and Bumpur
(West Bengal). SAIL has three special and alloy steel plants viz. Alloy Steels Plant at Durgapur
(West Bengal), Salem Steel Plant at Salem (Tamil Nadu) and Visvesvaraya Iron & Steel Plant at
Bhadravati (Karnataka). In addition, a Ferro Alloy producing plant Maharashtra Elektrosmelt Ltd.
at Chandrapur, is a subsidiary of SAIL. SAIL has Research & Development Centre for Iron &
Steel (RDCIS), Centre for Engineering & Technology (CET), SAIL Safety Organization (SSO)
and Management Training Institute (MTI) all located at Ranchi; Central Coal Supply Organization
(CCSO) at Dhanbad; Raw Materials Division (RMD), Environment Management Division (EMD)
and Growth Division (GD) at Kolkata. The Central Marketing Organization (CMO), with its
headquarters at Kolkata, coordinates the country-wide marketing and distribution network.

(B) Rashtriya Ispat Nigam Ltd. (RINL)

RINL, the corporate entity of Visakhapatnam Steel Plant (VSP) is the first shore based integrated
steel plant located at Visakhapatnam in Andhra Pradesh. The plant was commissioned in August
1992 with a capacity to produce 3 million tons per annum (mtpa) of liquid steel. The plant has
been built to match international standards in design and engineering with state-of-the-art
technology incorporating extensive energy saving and pollution control measures. Right from the
year of its integrated operation, VSP established its presence both in the domestic and international
markets with its superior quality of products. The company has been awarded all the three
international standards certificates, 41 namely, ISO 9001:2000, ISO 14001: 1996 and OHSAS
18001: 1999, RINL was accorded the prestigious Mini Ratna status by the Ministry of Steel, Govt.
of India in the year 2006 and the company is gearing up to complete the ambitious expansion
works to increase the capacity to 6.3 mtpa by 2009. RINL has prepared a road map to expand the
plant's capacity up to 16 mtpa in phases.

(C) Metal Scrap Trade Corporation Ltd. (MSTC)

MSTC Lid. (Formerly Metal Scrap Trade Corporation Ltd) was set up on the 9th September, 1964
as a canalizing agency for the export of scrap from the country. With the passage of time, the
company emerged as the canalizing agency for the import of scrap into the country. Import of
scrap was de-canalized by the Government in 1991 92 and MSTC has since then moved on to
marketing ferrous and miscellaneous scrap arising out of steel plants and other industries and
importing Coal, Coke, Petroleum products, semi-finished steel products like HR Coils and export
primarily Iron ore. The Company has also established an e-auction portal and undertakes e-auction
of Coal, Diamonds and Steel Scrap and has developed an e- procurement portal in house.

(D) Ferro Scrap Nigam Ltd. (FSNL)

FSNL is a wholly owned subsidiary of MSTC Ltd. with a paid-up capital of Rs. 200 lakhs. The
Company undertakes the recovery and processing of scrap from slag and refuse dumps in the nine
steel plants at Rourkela, Burnpur, Bhilai, Bokaro, Visakhapatnam, Durgapur, Dolvi, Duburi &
Raigarh. The scrap recovered is returned to the steel plants for recycling/ disposal and the
Company is paid processing charges on the quantity recovered at varying rates depending on the
category of scrap. Scrap is generated during Iron & Steel making and in the Rolling Mills. In
addition, the Company is also providing Steel Mill Services such as Scarfing of Slabs, Handling
of BOF Slag, etc.

(E) Hindustan Steelworks Construction Ltd. (HSCL)

HSCL was incorporated in June 1964 with the primary objective of creating in the Public Sector
an organization capable of undertaking complete construction of modern integrated Steel Plants.
HSCL had done the construction work of Bokaro Steel Plant, Vizag Steel Plant and Salem Steel
Plant from the inception till commissioning and was associated with the expansion and
modernization of Bhilai Steel Plant, Durgapur Steel Plant, IISCO (Bumpur) and Bhadravati Steel
Plant. With the tapering of construction activities in Steel Plants, 42 the company intensified its
activities in other sectors like Power, Coal, Oil and Gas. Besides this, HSCL diversified in

Infrastructure Sectors like Roads/Highways, Bridge Dams, Underground Communication and
Transport system and Industrial and Township Complexes involving high degree of planning, co-
ordination, and modern sophisticated techniques. The company has developed its expertise in the
areas of Piling, investigation, massive foundation work, structures, Structural fabrication, and
Refractory. Technological structures Pipelines, Equipment erection, Instrumentation including
testing and commissioning. The company has also specialized carrying out Capital repairs and
Rebuilding work including hot repairs of Coke Ovens and Blast Furnaces and other allied areas of
Integrated Steel Plants.

(F) Mecon Ltd.

MECON the leading multi-disciplinary design, engineering, consultancy and contracting

organization in the field iron steel, chemicals, refineries & petrochemicals, power, roads &
highways, railways, management, ports harbors, oil, pipelines, ferrous, mining, general
engineering, environmental engineering other related/ diversified with extensive overseas
experience. MECON, an 9001- 2000 accredited company, registered World Bank Asian
Development Bank (ADB), European Bank for Reconstruction Development (EBRD), African
Development Bank (AFDB), and Nation Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO), has
exposure and infrastructure carrying engineering, consultancy project management services for
projects encompassing architecture & town planning, civil works, structural works.

2. Private Sector

The private sector the Steel Industry is currently playing important dominant role in production
growth of steel industry the country. Private sector steel players have contributed nearly 67% steel
production €38.08 million tons the country during the period April-December 2007. The private
sector units consist of both major producers on hand and relatively smaller and medium units such
iron plants, Blast Furnace units, Electric Arc Furnaces, Induction Furnaces, Rerolling mills, Cold-
rolling Mills, and coating units on the other.

(A)Tata Steel Ltd.

Tata Steel has an integrated steel plant, with annual crude steel making capacity million located at
Jamshedpur, Jharkhand. Tata Steel completed the first six months of fiscal 2007-08 with
impressive increase in its hot metal production. The hot metal production at 2.76 million tons is
4.6% more compared to the corresponding period of the previous year. The crude steel production
during the period was 2.43 million tons which is marginally lower than the production of 2.45
million tons last year. The saleable steel production was at a lower level during the period April
September 2007 (2.34 million tons) compared to the corresponding period of last year (2.36
million tons). Tata Steel is continuing with its programmes of expansion of steelmaking capacity
by 1.8 million tons to reach a rated capacity of 6.8 million tons. The Project is reported to be
moving ahead of schedule and is likely to be commissioned by May 2008 against the original
schedule of June 2008. The Company has planned to take the capacity to 10 million tons by the
fiscal year 2010 Tata Steel's Greenfield projects in Orissa and Chattisgarh are progressing on
schedule with placement of equipment order for Kalinganagar Project in Orissa and
commencement of the land acquisition process. Jharkhand Project is awaiting announcement of
Relief & Rehabilitation policy of the State Government.

(B) Essar Steel Ltd.

Essar Steel Holdings Ltd. (ESHL) is a global producer of steel with a footprint covering India,
Canada, USA, the Middle East, and Asia. It is a fully integrated flat carbon steel manufacturer
from iron ore to ready-to-market products. ESHL has a current global capacity of 8 million tons
per annum (MTPA). With its aggressive expansion plans in India and other parts of Asia and North
America, its capacity is likely to go up to 25 MTPA by 44 2012. Its products find wide acceptance
in highly discerning consumer sectors, such as automotive, white goods, construction, engineering,
and shipbuilding. Essar Steel Ltd., the Indian Company of Essar Steel Holdings Limited.

(C) JSW Steel Ltd.

JSW Steel is a 3.8 MTPA integrated steel plant, having a process route consisting broadly of Iron
Ore Beneficiation - Palletization - Sintering - Coke making - Iron making through Blast Furnace

as well as Cores process - Steel making through: BOF-Continuous Casting of slabs-Hot Strip
Rolling-Cold Rolling Mills. JSW Steel has a distinction of being certified for ISO-9001:2000
Quality Management System, ISO-14001:2004 Environment Management System and OHSAS
18001:1999 Occupational Health and Safety Management System. The capacity as on 1.11.2007
stood at 3.8 MTPA and the capacity is likely to rise to 6.8 MTPA by 2008, and further to 9.6
MTPA by 2010.

(D) Jindal steel & power Itd. (Jspl)

Jindal Steel & power Limited me of the fast-growing major steel units in the country. The Raigarh
JSPL has a present capacity of 1.37 million ton per annum (MTPA) sponge lion plant, 2.40 MTPA
Steel Melting Shop (SMS), 1.0 MTPA plant Mill, 2.30 sinter plant, 0.8 MTPA coke oven and a
330 Mega Watt captive power plant During 2006-07, the company produced 1.19 million tons of
sponge iron 2.8 million tons of various steel products, 0.57 million tons of hot mete and 0.21
million tons of rolled products. The performance of JSPL during April-October 2007-08 was 0.68
million tons of sponge iron, 0.72 million tons of steel products (slabs/blooms/billets/rounds) 8
million tons hot metal, 0.27 million tons of rolled products and 0.11 million tons of plates

(E) Ispat industries Itd.

IIL has set up one of the largest integrated steel plants in the private sector in India at Dolvi in
Raigad District, Maharashtra with a capacity to manufacture 3 million tons per annum of hot rolled
steel coils (HRC). The Dolvi complex also boasts of an ultra-modern blast furnace (setup by a
group company Ispat Metallics India Ltd.) capable of producing 2.0 million tons per annum of Hot
Metal/ Pig Iron, a 2.0 million tons capacity Sinter Plant (newly commissioned) and a DRI plant
with a capacity of 1.6 million tons per annum. The complex boast of an ultra-modern captive jetty
which meets the plants requirement regarding import of various raw material. In the coming years,
after augmenting necessary infrastructure facility, it has planned to export the goods from the
captive jetty. Further, the complex envisages adding a 110 MW captive power plant (which will
use the Blast Furnace gas) in near future.


Jindal Stainless Ferro Alloy Plant:

The Jindal Group is an Indian manufacturing company, founded by OP Jindal in 1969. The current
CEO is Naveen Jindal, the youngest son of the late O P Jindal.

In 1969, O. P. Jindal started Pipe Unit Jindal India Limited at Hisar, India. After Jindal's deaths in
2005, much of his assets were transferred to his wife, Savitri Jindal. Jindal Group's management
was then split among his four sons with Naveen Jindal as the Chairman of Jindal Steel and Power
Limited. His elder brother, Sajjan Jindal is the head of JS W Group, part of O.P. Jindal Group.

The Jindal Group has several subsidiaries:

 Jindal Power Ltd, Jindal Petroleum Ltd., Jindal Cement Ltd.
 Jindal Stainless Limited (JSL) is led by Ratan Jindal and has it manufacturing plants in
Hisar and Jaipur (Odisha).

We also taking of total plant fabrication and erection on turnkey basis, and we have experienced
in Steam IBR and Non IBR and Condensate pipeline and underground pipelines with excavation,
wrapping and coating, firefighting pipelines and worked. We are here enclosing list of machinery.
Key personnel biodata and list some of our reputed customers for your reference. Any other
information you may like to have, we will furnish on hearing a line from you.

Jindal Stainless Hisar Ltd., incorporated in 2013 manufactures steel products such as Slabs &
Blooms, Hot Rolled Coils, Strips, Plates and Cold Rolled Coils and other services such as
Reheating Furnace, Roughing Stand, five Finishing Stands and Down Coiler. Headquarters is
located at Hisar, India.

Historical background:

FOUNDER SRI OM PRAKASH Jindal. Jindal group is one of the big Industrial houses of India.
Jindal has come very fare from a single factory established, started in 1970. Today Jindal has four
factories under its wing. And it's the largest integrated manufacture of the best quality stainless
steel in India. It is a single handedly meeting over a third of the total demand for stainless steel in
the nation.

In 1983, JSL limited forward integrated with a CR plant for stain less steels at a sit adjoins to its
sister company. Jindal Iron's plant at vashi (near Mumbai) in 1990, JSL limited embarked up on
major back ward integration expansion by commencing work or a sponge Iron plant at Madhya
Pradesh. JSL limited has over the years developed few technologically new processes to save on
capital and operational costs.

The companies indigenously designed rotated, far sponge iron, had teething problem and the
setting up of the sponge Iron plants was hence, considerably delayed It is the largest integrated
manufacturer of quality stainless steel in the India that single handedly caters to 40 percent of the
total demand for stainless steel in the country.

At Hisar lies India's only fully integrated stainless-steel plant. With the expansion of the unit, the
production capacity has increased from 2, 50,000 to 3, 00,000 tons per annum. The main reason
for the success of JSL stain less limited is the fact that ever thing from the conversion if raw
material in to billets and slabs to hot rolling of strips and cold rolling is done in house.

Jindal group of companies started this company on 31ST August 1987 Former chief minister of
Andhra Pradesh late Sri N. T. Rama Rao inaugurated the company. Initially it was named as Ridhi
Sidhi Ferro Alloys. Then the name of the company. Successively changed into Jindal Ferro alloys
Ltd, Jindal Strips Ltd, Jindal Stainless Ltd, and JSL Ltd now it has been named as JSL Stainless

Featured products / services:

We are the topmost manufacturers of Metal Tank, Storage Silo, Storage Receiver, Welding
Machine and many more. All these products are quality assured. We are also Rendering Erection
Work and Fabrication Work.

Storage Tank SS Tanks

Chemical Reactors Self Supported Chimney

Jindal Organization:

The Jindal organization has expanded and diversified into core business area. Ensuring energy
amongst its various business ventures spread over 13 plants at 11 pivotal locations in India.

The Jindal team embodies one of the most coveted Talent pools of technological acumen available
in the country today with expertise that has enabled the organization to put-up large-scale projects
in record time.

Jindal Stainless Limited:

India's largest integrated stainless-steel plant. Also, producers sponge Iron at its Raigarh plant and
Ferro Chrome a kothavalsa. At Kothavalsa near Visakhapatnam JSL produces 1000 tons of Ferro
Chrome, an essential ingredient in the manufacture of stainless, which was till recently mostly
imported. This has not only leaded to self- sufficiency but has also appended export markets for
the company.

The 5, 00,000 terms capacity Raigarh Unit of JSL boasts of being India's largest Coal based sponge
Iron unit developed by Jindal Engineers. This forms a supply base for the raw material for the
Manufacture of Steel. A newly upgraded captive 80 MW Power generating capacity at the unit has
made the company 100% self- reliant in power and reduced the power bill substantially. Today we
also supply excess power to The Madhya Pradesh state Electricity Board.

The company's Vashi, Maharashtra unit is the first amongst the private sector to master the
technology of manufacturing high quality cold rolled coils and stripe of Deep Drawing (DD) JSL
plays a vital part in the Indian Economy and become a trusted name in the world of steel.

Jindal Stainless Limited, Ferro Alloys Division Visakhapatnam:

The installed capacity for production of High Carbon Ferro Chrome increased from 15,000 MT to
40,000 MT during the year. The enhanced capacity has contributed significantly to increasing the
production and sale during the year. The company has imported two powers generating sets of 6,

20 MW each of Wastrels make it is closed and Major and another is 5.5 MW sub marched open
furnace. These both sets were commissioned during the year which will augment further power
supply enabling the company to achieve enhanced production.

It has three main manufacturing complexes, one at Hisar, Producing Hot rolled strips, cold rolled
strips and blade steel; second at Raigarh, producing sponge iron, M.S slabs and Ferro chrome and
third at vashi, manufacturing cold rolled strips and sheets.

Visakhapatnam Division:

The division produced 17,900 MT High carbon Ferro chrome during the year as Compared to
19,691 MT during the preceding year. The production during the year is lower because the furnace
of 7.5 MW capacities was under repaid and read.

The division has started negotiations for export just met of electrodes for almost six months during
the year. The ling work and all other related work of the furnace has been completed. As a result
of switching on this furnace, the division is sure to achieve production of more than 25,000 MT of
High Carbon Ferro chrome during the current year, of at least 1,000 MT of high carbon Ferro
chrome every month, started from June 1997. Presently, it is producing 3,000 tons per month.

Role Of Personal Division:

Personal division is responsible for recruitment of manages who will from an Efficient work force
for achieving the objectives of the company. The JSL STAINLESS Limited manpower is 172
including 6 managers besides, the strength of the contract labors is 433. The company is evolving
a manpower culture best suited to its changed role, to motivate the employees to improve their
overall performance in their jobs. The company has been paying great deal of attention towards
welfare of the employees and their families, The measure introduced on this behalf over the year
including grant of loans to the employees to build their own dwelling units to acquire their own
modes of conveyance, to purchase various household goods, interest, free loans to employees
affected by natural calamities, increments incentives for family planning merit scholarships and
other type of educational assistance of employees, children etc.,

Regarding social security measures the company provides for adequate terminal benefits to its
employees on superannuation. They are also working on various schemes for the benefit of their
employees like
 Person scheme
 Voluntary retirement scheme and
 Productivity linked incentive scheme.

Departments In JSL:

 Human Resources & Administration Department.

 Accounts Department.
 Production Department.
 Mechanical and Maintenance Department.
 Electrical Department.
 Purchase Department.
 Stores Department

Human Resource Department:

Human resource department continues to be core organizational objectives of Company. The

company recognizes that its goal and objectives. The workers/staff training programs of the
company are increasingly being made more comprehensive. The company's human resources
policies provide for job satisfactions, growth opportunities and recognitions of superior

High performances at all levels of the functional areas of the company are being suitable rewarded.
The workers and staff our company remains committed to its progress and total customer

The company that would like to be dynamic and growth oriented can make themselves so only by
paying adequate attention to their human resources. Employees can be made more dynamic, action

oriented, creative, trusting and collaborative through the generation of development climate in the

While developing sub ordinates is a part of the job of every executive/supervisor, the HRD
departments and HRD managers are expected to play a catalytic role by making the instruments
and process available to the busty executive supervisor HRD cell has been functioning separately.
The key areas as responsibility Which will be undertaken by the HRD cell organization, structure
focusing on reporting relationships and responsibility, job description describing key
responsibility areas, manpower planning focusing on long term requirements recruitment
/placement, performance appraisal systems focusing on development individuals for effective
performance, training and development planned finally career planning.

Awards & rewards:

Government of Andhra Pradesh Labour Department awarded in the year 1989. Engineering Export
Promotion council, New Delhi award in the year 1989-1990.

Quality Objective:

 Marketing products safety.

 Reducing rework and rejection.
 Latest Technology products and process.
 Skill enhancement of employees.

Financial Objective:

To achieve high quality with low cost, Improve the communication skills of Workmen reduce the
cost of company.

Various Industries of Jindal:

 Jindal Industries Limited

 Jindal Steel & Power Limited
 JSW Steel Limited
 Jindal Saw Limited
 Nalwa Steel & Power Limited (formerly Nalwa Sponge Iron Limited)
 Jindal Overseas Holding Limited

Raw materials for Ferro Chrome Production:

 Chrome ore, coke and coal are basic raw materials used for the production of “Ferro
 Coke and coal are used as reluctant to reduce chrome ore to produce Ferro Chrome.
 Quartz, magnetite, and bauxite etc. are used as fluxes depending up on the Chrome ore
analysis to maintain the fluidity of molten metal and slag in the Furnaces for easy tapping
the liquidate into cost iron receptacles.

Why Stainless Steel?

The stainless-steel products are environmentally friendly and 100% recycled. Stainless steel
products focus on high technological content and high value added, the main products include
stainless steel HR steel sheet/coil, CR steel coil/sheet and Plates Stainless steel is not a single alloy,
but a part of a large family of alloys with different properties for each member. The stainless-steel
family is quite large and specialized. There are hundreds of grades and sub grades, and each is

designed for a special application. Chromium is the magic element. Stainless steel must contain at
least 10.5% chromium to provide adequate resistance to rusting. The main raw materials,
Ferroalloys (Fe-Cr, Fe-Ni) and stainless-steel Scrap are melted in the Electro Arc Furnace (EAF).
The material steel is refined for the properties of steel for the application through the vacuum with
gas or decarbonization, deoxidization. Several important sub-categories of stainless steel are
austenitic, martensitic, ferritic, duplex, precipitation hardening and super alloys.


i. Produces economical and efficient steel and power through backward and forward
ii. Sports a product portfolio that caters to varied needs in the steel market.
iii. Operates the largest coal - based sponge iron plant in the world.
iv. Has operations in Steel, iron, electricity generation and distribution.

i. Shortage of coking coal and is largely dependent upon its import.
ii. Weak performance on the back of the higher raw material cost and the power &
fuel cost.

i. Increase production capacity to meet the global steel demand.
ii. Diversify investments to distribute risk in business.

i. Project implementation and raw material security.
ii. Issues related to land acquisition, raw material linkages and environmental

Benefits of Stainless Steel:

 Life Cycle Cost: Life cycle characteristics of stainless steel is the least expensive choice
in a life cycle cost comparison due to its a durability and low maintenance material.
Recyclable stainless steel is easily recyclable and fetches a high scrap value.
 Hygienic Properties: The cleaning ability of stainless steel makes it possible to use in
various industries such as brewery, distillery and pharmaceutical industries.
 Corrosion Resistance: Stainless steel has a high resistance to corrosion media for the
processing industries, pharmaceuticals, chemical industries, mills etc.
 Strength: The cold work hardening properties of stainless steel can be used in design to
reduce material thickness, weight, and cost.
 Aesthetic Appeal: Stainless steel is available in many surfaces finishes resulting in a high
quality and pleasing appearance.
 Fire & Heat Resistance: Special high chromium and nickel-alloyed grade will be able to
retain strength at high temperatures.
 Strength to Weight Ratio: Due to high yield strength, it is possible to reduce the material
thickness by 20-30% without change in structural strength.
 Impact Resistance: The austenitic microstructure of 300 series provides resistance from
elevated temperatures to far below freezing making these steels suited to cryogenic
 Low Operational Cost & Maintenance: Stainless steel considerably brings down the
breakdown incidence which results in lower cost of operations and maintenance.
 Safety: Stainless steel due to its inherent properties causes reduction in accidents and

Comparison of Life Cycle Cost of Stainless-Steel v/s Mild Steel

Factor Mild Steel Stainless Steel Mild Steel Stainless Steel

Material Price Low High

Weight of Material Used High Low

Fabrication & Installation Low Marginally High

Maintenance Cost (Periodic) High Low

Replacement Frequency High Low

Cost Of Lost Production High Low

Residual (Scrap) Value Low High

Service centers:

 Gurgaon
 Chennai
 Vododara
 Mumbai
 Spain

Types of Stainless steel:

Cold Rolled (CR)

 Cold Rolled Coils

 Strips/Sheets

 Cut Blanks

Hot Rolled (HR)

 HR Plants
 Sheets
 Coils

Integrated management objectives:

 Attain product leadership through state of art processing facilities and practices.
 Increase business share in the market with a focus on specific sectors.
 Create new markets by promoting special finishes in stainless steel.
 Continuous reach out to new customers.
 Timely delivery of products as per customers quality requirements.
 Comply with all applicable Statutory/Regulatory requirements.
 Minimize energy consumption and steel waste.
 Control hazards, minimize accidents and avoid long working hours.

Structure Of Jindal Management:

 Chairperson: Smt. Savitri Jindal

 Vice Chairman and Managing Director: Sh. Rattan Jindal
 Managing Director & Chief Operating Officer: Sh. R.G.Garg
 Director - Strategy & Business Development: Sh. Arvind Parakh
 Director-Corporate Affairs: Sh. N.C.Mathur
 Directors: Sh. Naveen Jindal, Suman Jyoti Khaitan, L.K.Singhal & T.R.Sridharan
 Executive Director: Sh. Rajinder Prakesh & N.P.Jayaswal
 Sr. Vice President & Company Secretary: Sh. A.P.Garg










Organization and individual should develop and progress simultaneously their survival and
attainment of mutual goals. So, every modem management has to develop the organization through
human resources development. Employee training is the most important sub-system of human
resources development Training is a specialized function and is one of the fundamental operative
functions for human resources management.


After an employee is selected, placed and introduced in an organization he/she must be provided
with training facilities in order to adjust him to the job. Training is the act of increasing the
knowledge and skill of an employee for doing a particular job. Training is a short-term educational
process and utilizing a systematic and organized procedure by which employees learn technical
knowledge and skills for a definite purpose. Date S Beach defines the training as "The organized
procedure by which people learn knowledge and/or skill for a definite purpose."

In other words, training improves changes and moulds the employee's knowledge. skill, behavior
and aptitude and attitude towards the requirements of the job and the organization. Training refers
to the teaching and learning activates carried on for the primary purpose of helping members of an
organization to acquire and apply the knowledge, skills, abilities and attitudes needed by a
particular job and organization.

Goal Of Training:

Training has certain goal, where the main aim is to train the employees with the best of the
knowledge available so that performance is achieved to the maximum and as well it leads to higher
job satisfaction. The questions in this section are designed to help the owner-manager define the

objective or goal to be achieved by a training program. Whether the objective is to conduct initial
training, to provide for upgrading employees, or to retrain for changing job assignments, the goal
should be spelled out before developing the plan for the training program.

 Do you want to improve the performance of your employees?

 Will you improve your employees by training them to perform their present tasks better?
 Do you need to prepare employees for newly developed or modified jobs?
 Is training needed to prepare employees for promotion?
 Is the goal to reduce accidents and increase safety practices?
 Should the goal be to improve employee attitudes especially about waste and spoilage
 Do you need to improve the handling of materials in order to break production bottlenecks?
 Is the goal to orient new employees to their jobs?
 Will you need to teach new employees about overall operations?
 Do you need to train employees so they can help teach new workers in an expansion



Establish/modify criteria for each post/cadre covering Knowledge & Skills

Receive & Compile data on individuals in the Personal Files

Do a gap analysis and document/establish the training needs

Identify training topics and Plan for the training/other

activities and prepare training plan

Identify faculty, venue, and material for the training

Identify courses for external training

Schedule and organize training or other activities

Conduct Training

Is The NO

Update training records & store

What should the employee learn?

Once the objective or goal of the program, is set, you will need to determine the course or the
subject. The following questions will help us to decide what the employee needs is terms of duties,
responsibilities, and attitudes.

 Can the job be broken down into steps for training purposes?
 Are there standards of quality which trainees can be taught?
 Are there certain skills and techniques that trainees must learn?
 Are there hazards and safety practices that must be taught?
 Have you established the methods that employees must use to avoid or minimize waste and
 Are there materials handling techniques that must be taught?
 Have you determined the best way for the trainees to operate the equipment?
 Are there performance standards that employees must meet?
 Are the attitudes that need improvement or modifications?
 Will information on your products help employees to do better job?
 Will the employee need instruction about departments other than his or her own?

Type of Training:

The type of training to be offered has an important bearing on the balance of the program. Some
types lend themselves to achieving all of the objectives or goals, while others are limited.
Therefore, you should review the advantages of each type in relation to your objective or goal.

 Can you train on-the-job so that employees can produce while they learn?
 Should you have classroom training conducted by a paid instructor?
 Will combinations of scheduled on-the-job training and vocational classroom instruction
work best for you?
 Can your goal be achieved with a combination of on-the-job training and correspondence

Method of instruction:

One or more methods of instruction may be used. Some are better for on type of training than
another. For example, lectures are good for imparting knowledge, and demonstrations are good for
teaching skills.

 Does the subject matter call for a lecture or series of lectures?

 Should the instructor follow up with discussion sessions?
 Does the subject matter lend itself to demonstrations?
 Can operating problems be simulated in a classroom?
 Can the instructor direct trainees while they perform the job?

Types of audio-visual aids:

Audiovisual aids help the instructor to make points and enable the trainees to grasp and retain the

 Will a manual of instruction-including job instruction sheets-be used?

 Will trainees be given an outline of the training program?
 Can outside textbooks and other printed materials be used?
 If the training lends itself to the use of motion pictures, filmstrips, or slides, can you get
ones that show the basic operations?
 Do you have drawings or photographs of the machinery Equipment or products that could
be enlarged and used?
 Do you have miniatures or models of machinery and equipment that can be used to
demonstrate the operation?

Importance of training:

The importance of human resources management to a large extent depends on human resources
development and training is its most important technique. No organization can get a candidate who
exactly matches with the job and the organization requirements. Hence, training is important to

develop the employee and make him suitable to the job. Training works towards value addition to
the company through HRD

Job and organizational requirements are not static, they are changed from time to time in view of
technological advancement and change in the awareness of the Total Quality and productivity
Management (TQPM). The objectives of the TQPM can be achieved only through training, which
develops human skills and efficiency.

Trained employees would be a valuable asset to an organization Organizational efficiency,

productivity, progress and development to a greater extent depend on training. If the required
training is not provided, it leads to performance failure the employees. Organizational objectives
like viability, stability and growth can also be achieved through training. Training is important, as
it constitutes a significant part of management control. Training enhances 4C's for the organization

 Competence
 Commitment
 Creativity
 Contribution

How Training Benefits in the Organization:

 Leads to improved profitability and/or more positive attitudes towards profits organization.
 Improves the job knowledge and skills at all levels of the organization
 Improves the morale of the workforce
 Helps people identify with organizational goals
 Helps create a better corporate image
 Fosters authenticity, openness, and trust
 Improves the relationship between boss and subordinate
 Aids in organizational development

 Learns from the trainee
 Helps prepare guidelines for work

Training objectives:

Generally, line managers ask the personnel manager to formulate the training polices. The
personnel manager formulates the following training objective in keeping the company's goals and

 To prepare the employee, both new and old to meet the present as well as the changing
requirements of the job and the organization.
 To prevent obsolescence.
 To impart the new entrants the basic knowledge and skills they need for an intelligent
performance of a definite job.
 To prepare employees for higher level tasks.
 To develop the potential abilities of people for the next level job.
 To ensure smooth and efficient working of a department.

Assessment Methods of Training Needs:

Training needs are identified based on organizational analysis, job analysis and manpower
analysis, Training program, training methods and course content are to be planned on the basis of
training needs. Training needs are those aspects necessary to perform the job in an organization in
which employee is lacking attitude/aptitude, knowledge and skill.

Training Needs = (Job and Organizational requirements Employees Specifications)

The following methods are used to assess training needs:

 Requirements/weakness.
 Departmental requirements/weaknesses.
 Job specifications and employee specifications.

 Identifying specific problems
 Antic Organization repeating future problems.
 Management's requests.
 Observation.
 Interviews.
 Group conferences.
 Questionnaire surveys.
 Test of examinations.
 Check lists
 Performance appraisal

Methods Used in Training Needs Assessment

Group or Organizational Analysis Individual Analysis

Organizational goals and objectives Performance appraisal

Personnel Skills inventories Work sampling

Organizational climate indices Interviews

Efficiency indices Questionnaires

Exit interviews Attitude survey

MBO or work planning systems Attitude survey

Quality circles Rating Scales

Customer survey/satisfaction Observation of behavior

Consideration of current and

projected changes

Training Methods

The training programmers commonly used to train operative and supervisory personnel in the
organization. These training programmers are classified into on-the job and off-the-job

Training Methods

On-the-job Methods Off-the-job Methods

- Job rotation - Vestibule training

- Coaching - Role Playing
- Job instruction - Lecture Methods
- Committee Assignments - Conferences/Discussions

On-The-Job Training Methods:

This type of training also known as job instruction training is the most commonly use method.
Under this method, the individual is placed on a regular job and taught the skills necessary to
perform that job. The trainee learns under the supervision and guidance of a qualified worker
instructor. On-the-job training has the advantage of giving firsthand knowledge and experience
under the actual working conditions. While the trainee learns how to perform a job, he is also a
regular worker rendering the services for which he is paid. The problem of transfer of trainee is
also minimized as the person learns on-the-job. The emphasis is placed on rendering services in
the most effective manner rather than learning how to perform the job. On-the-training methods
include job rotation, coaching, job instruction or training through step-by step and committee

Job rotation:

This type of training involves the movement of trainee from on job to another. The trainee receives
job knowledge and gains experience from his supervisor of trainer in such of the different job
assignments. Though this method of training is common in training managers for general
management positions, trainees can also be rotated from job to job in workshop jobs. This method
gives an opportunity to the trainee to understand the problems of employees on other jobs and
respect them.


The trainee is place under a particular supervisor who functions as a coach in training the
individual. The supervisor provides feedback to the trainee on his performance and offers him
some suggestions of improvement. Often the trainee share. Some of the duties and responsibilities
of the coach and relieves him o his burden. A limitation. of this method of training is that the
trainee may not have the freedom or opportunity to express his own ideas.

Job instruction:

This method is also known as training through step by step, Under the method, the trainer explains
to the trainee the way of doing the jobs, jobs, job knowledge and skills and allows him to do the
job. The trainer appraises the performance of the trainee, provides feedback information and
corrects the trainee.

Committee Assignments:

Under the committee assignment, a group of trainees are given and asked to solve an actual
organizational problem. The trainees solve the problem jointly. It develops teamwork

Off-the-job methods:

Under this method of training, the trainee is separated from the job situation and his attention.
focused upon learning the material related to his future job performance. Since the trainees are not
distracted by job requirements, he can place his entire concentration on learning the job rather than
spending his time in performing it. There is an opportunity for freedom of expression for the
trainees. Companies have started using multimedia technology and information technology is
training off-the-job training methods are

Vestibule training:

In this method actual work conditions are simulated in a classroom, Material, files and equipment
which are used in actual job performance are also used in training. This type of training is
commonly used for training personnel for clerical and semiskilled jobs. The duration of this
training ranges from days to a few weeks. Theory can be related to practice in this method.

Role playing:

It is defined as a method of human interaction that involves realistic behavior in imaginary

situations. This method of training involves action, doing and practice. The participants play the
role of certain characters such as the production managers, mechanical engineer, superintendents,
maintenance engineers, quality control inspectors, foremen, workers and the like. This method is
mostly used for developing inter-personal interactions and relations.

Lecture method:

The lecture is traditional and direct method of instruction. The instructor organizes the material
and gives it to a group it to a group of trainees in the form of a talk. To be effective, the lecture
must motivate and create interest among the trainees. An advantage of the lecture method is that
it is direct and can be used for a large group of trainees. Thus, costs and time involved are reduced.

The major limitation of the lecture method is that it does not prove off transfer of training

Conference or discussion:

It is a method in training the clerical, professional and supervisory personnel. This method involves
a frump of people who pose ideas, examine and share facts, ideas and data, test assumptions and
draw conclusions, all of which contribute to the method, in that the discussion involves two-way
communication and hence feedback is provided. The participants feel free to speak in small groups.
The success of this method depends on the leadership qualities of the person who leads the group.

Training within industry:

Training to the employees can be provided both within the industry and outside the industry.
Training within the industry is provided through both on-the-job methods and off-the-job methods.

Normally supervisors, foremen and supervisors provide the training to the employees. Supervisors
in coach the employees initially how to handle the machines, materials, accounts, files, records
etc., and clarify the issues and doubts raised by the employees.

Supervisors observe the employees when they carry-out the job on their own, identify the mistakes
that the employees commit, performance of the employee etc. supervisors must appreciate the
employees publicly and counsel them privately regarding their mistakes. Like this, the supervisors,
teach, coach, and instruct the employees until they do the job perfectly.

In addition, some supervisors deliver the lectures to group of employees, take them surround the
factory or workplace and ask them to observe when the supervisor is handling a machine or
material or files. The supervisors also arrange exhibitions of carrying activities by different

employees. In addition to coaching and step-by-step training, managements also provide training
through job rotation and committed assignments.

Some industrial units establish their own training institutes or colleges and arrange for training
within the industry. These institutes or colleges use off-the-job-training methods like lecture, role-
plays, vestibule training, conferences and programmed instructions.

Advantages Of Training:

 Almost all organizations prefer training within industry due to its advantages.
 Less cost, less time-consuming. High appropriate as the supervisor’s coach.
 Familiarity of the employees to the work place and work environment of the industry.
 Loss of time due to employee absence to this work in minimum.
 Employee's progress can be judged easily and immediately.
 Employees can implement the training inputs effectively.
 The contributions of imparting training to a company should be readily apparent. The major
values are

Increased Productivity:

An increase in skill usually results in an increment in both quality and quantity of output. However,
the increasingly technical nature of modern jobs demands systematic training to make possible
even minimum levels of accomplishment.

Heightened Morale:

Possession of needed skills helps to meet such basic human needs as security and ego satisfaction.
Collaborate personnel and human relations programs can contribute towards morale, but they are
hollow shells if there is no solid core of meaningful work down with knowledge, skills and pride.

Reduced Supervision:

More accidents are caused by deficiencies in people than by deficiencies in equipment and working
conditions, proper training in both job skills and safety attitudes should contribute towards a
reduction in the accident rate.

Reduced Accidents:

More accidents are caused by deficiencies in people than by deficiencies in equipment and work
in conditions. Proper training in both job skills and safety attitudes should contribute towards a
reduction in the accident rates.

Increased Organizational Stability:

The outcomes of training help for organizational stability by enhancing organizations human
capital. The ability to adjust to short-run variations in the volume of work requires personnel with
multiple skills to permit their transfer to jobs where the demand highest.

Evaluation Of Training Program:

The specifications of values form a basis for evaluation. The basis of evaluation and the mode of
collection of information necessary for evaluation should be determined at the planning stage. The
process of training evaluation has been defined as "any attempt to obtain information on the effects
of training performance and to assess the value of training in the light of that information".
Evaluation leads to controlling and correcting training program me. Hamblin suggested five levels
at which evaluation of training can take place. Viz. reactions learning, job behavior, organization,
and ultimate value.


Training program me is evaluated based on trainee’s reaction to the usefulness of coverage of the
matter, depth of the course content, method of presentation, teaching methods etc.


Training program me, trainer's ability and trainee ability are evaluated on the basis of quantity of
content learned and time in which it is learned and the learner's ability to use or apply the content
he learned.

Job Behavior:

This evaluation includes the manner and extent to which the trainee has applied his learning to his


This evaluation measures the use of training, learning and change in the job behavior of the
department/organization in the form of increased productivity, quality, morale, sales turnover, and
the like.

Recent development in training:

Employee self-initiative:

Employees have realized that change is the order of the day and they have started playing the role
of a change agent. Consequently, employees identify their own training needs, select appropriate
training programs organized by various organizations and undergo the training programs. Thus,
employees in recent times started taking proactive learning measures on their own.

On-Line Training:

Companies started providing on-line training Trainees can undergo training by playing at the place
of their work. Participants complete course work from wherever they have access to computer and
Intranet/Internet. Different types of media are used for on-line training

Management Development:

Organization provides managerial skills to its managers at all levels, in addition to technical skills,
Managerial skills are provided through management development programs where as technical
skills are provided through training.

Role of the Organization:

“The role of the company in management development is to establish the program and the
development opportunities for its present and potential managers.”

Objectives of Management Development:

The management development programs are organized with a view to achieving specific
objectives they are:

 To improve the performance of the managers

 To identify persons with the required potential and prepare them for senior positions.
 To increase morale of the members of the management group.
 To increase versatility of the management group.
 To keep the executives abreast with the changes and developments in their respective

Need For Management Development Program:

The need for management development program arises due to the following reasons:

 Techno-managers like basic chemicals engineers, mechanical engineers, information

systems engineers need to be developed in the areas of managerial skills, knowledge, and
 Efficient functioning of public utilities, transport, communications etc., depends on
professionalization of management in the sectors
 Professionalization of management at all levels particularly in service organizations need
the development of managerial skills and knowledge particularly at lower and middle
 Human resources development of the managers in multiple areas necessitates the executive
development program.

Principles of Management Development:

The top management of a company should follow certain principals to make the management
development programs effective. They are:

 The management should assess the development needs of its mangers at different levels
through performance analysis and development methods.
 Management should decentralize the responsibility of developing the managers of different
departments/units and make the head of the department unit responsible for it.
 Management should integrate career planning and development of the organization with
the management development programs.
 Even managers of the organization should be motivated and empowered to take up
developmental programs.
 Management development program is a continuous process.
 Management should encourage the manager to take up programs on their own in addition
to the company sponsored programs.
 Management should make use of the management development programs organized by
outside agencies like IIM. XLRI etc.,

 The content of the programs should be need based for the individual manager and the
 The physical, social, and psychological climate for the programs should be conductive.
 All managers should be encouraged to undergo development programs to avoid executive

Method Of Management Development:

There are mainly two types of methods by which angers can acquire the knowledge, skills and
attitudes and make themselves compact managers.

1. Formal Training
2. On-the-job experiences.

On-The-Job Techniques:

The important on-the-job training techniques are

1. Coaching
2. Job rotation
3. Under study and
4. Multiple Management


In coaching the trainee is placed under a particular supervisor who acts as an instructor and teaches
job knowledge and skills to the trainee. He tells him what he wants him to do, how it can be done
and follows up while it is being done and corrects errors

The act of coaching can be done in several ways. The executive apart from asking them to do the
routine work may ask term to tackle some example problem by giving them a chance to participate
in decision-making.

One of the important limitations of this technique is that the individual cannot develop much
beyond the limits of his own boss's abilities.

Job Rotations:

The transferring of executives from job to job and from department to department in a systematic
manner is called job Rotation. When a manger is posted to a new job as part of such a program, it
is not nearly an orientation assignment. He has to assume the full responsibility and perform all
kinds of duties. The idea behind this is to give him the required diversified skills and broader
outlook which are very important at the senior management levels. It is up to the management to
provide a variety of the experiences for those who have the potential for higher ranks before they
are promoted.

Job rotation increases the inter-departmental co-operation and reduces the monotony of work. It
makes the executives in general management and does not allow them to confine themselves to
their specialized field only.

Under Study:

"An understudy is a person who is in training to assume as a future time, the full responsibility of
the position currently held by his superior". This method supplies the organization a person with
as much competence as the superior to fill his post which may fall vacant because of promotion,
retirement, or transfer. As an understudy may be chosen by the department or its head, he will then
teach what his job is. This under study also learns the decision-making as his superior involves
him in the discussion of daily operating problems as well a long-term problem. The leadership
skills can also be taught by assigning him the task of supervising two or three people of the

Multiple Management:

Multiple Management is a system in which permanent advisory committees of managers study

problems of the company and makes recommendations to the higher management. It is also called
junior board of executive system. These committees discuss the actual problems and different
alternative solutions after which the decisions are taken. The technique of multiple management
has certain advantages over the other techniques. They are:

 Members can acquire the knowledge of various aspects of business.

 It helps to identify the members who have the skills and capabilities of an effective manger.
 Members can participate in the group interaction and thereby gain the practical experience
of group decision-making.
 It is relatively an inexpensive method and
 Considerable number of executives can be developed in a short span of time.

Off-The-Job Methods:

On-the-job techniques have their own limitations; these off-the-job techniques are considered
important to fill those gaps. The following are some of the important off the-job techniques

 The Case Study

 Incident Method
 Role playing
 In basket method
 Business

The Case Study:

The cases are prepared based on actual situations happened various organizations. The trainees are
given cased discussing and the case. Then they are asked to identify the apparent and problems for
have suggest solutions.

Incident Method:

It aims to develop the trainee in the area’s intellectual ability, practical judgment and awareness,
under this method, each develops process. Incidents are prepared based on actual situations
happened different organizations. Each employee in the training group to study the incident and
make decisions in the role of person who must cope with the incident the actual situation. Later,
the group studies discuss incident and decisions relating incidents, based on interaction decisions
taken by member. Thus, this method is similar combination of cases method and in method.

Role Playing:

A problem situation simulated by asking participants assume the role of person in situation.
participant interacts with participants assuming different roles. The mental set of the role described
but dialogue provided. The whole play may tape-record, and the trainee may thus be given
opportunity examine his or her performance. Role playing gives participants experiences which
are of much use understand people This method teaches relations skills through practice.
exemplary role situations are Grievance discussion, Employment interview, A presentation etc.,

In Basket Method:

The trainees are first background information about simulated company, products, personnel,
various memoranda, request, and all pertaining to firm. The trainee has understood all this, make
delegate tasks prepare memos within specified number of Abilities that this kind exercise develops

 Situational judgment in being able to details, establish priorities, interrelate in terms

determine need for information.
 Social sensitivity in exhibiting courtesy in written notes, scheduling meetings with
personnel involved and explaining reasons for actions taken and
 Willingness to make decision and act.

Business Game:

Under this method, the trainees are divided into groups or different teams. Each team must discuss
and arrive at decisions concerning such subjects as production, pricing. research expenditure,
advertising etc. assuming itself to be the management of a simulated firm. The other teams assume
themselves as competitors and react to the decision. This immediate feedback helps interaction
among participants and gives them the experience in cooperative group process.

All this develops organizational ability, quickness of thinking, leadership qualities and ability to
adopt under stress.

Evolution Of Management Development:

Management development programs should be evaluated to find out whether the objectives of the
programs are achieved or not. The development programs would be effective if they contribute to
the organizational group and individual goals.

Management should delegate the responsibility of evaluation to a senior manager in the HRD
department. The evaluation specialist should be a continuous process and specific. The evaluation
specialist should inform the trainees well in advance the content, objectives, areas, and the method
of evaluation. Evaluation must be objective oriented. Evaluation must be realistic in terms of
direction, standards etc. The areas of evaluation include different managerial skills, knowledge,
technical skills and knowledge and conceptual skills and knowledge. The areas should be specific
for each MDP based on the content proved. Further, the evaluation can also be conducted regarding
the training methodology, input/output/content, infrastructure, and physical facilities, teaching
aids etc.

Evaluation should not only immediately be after the completion of the programmes but also in
specific intervals in the long-run in order to find out the impact of the MDP in the job behavior

and efficiency of the trainee. Further, the evaluation army also measures the improvement in
decision-making skills, inter-personal relations, strategy asking and implementation skills, role
modeling skills etc., these areas depend upon the content of each MDP.

The evaluation results should be provided to the trainees, their superiors, subordinates and HRD
department of the organization. These results can be used of further improvement of the future
programs in the company.

Training And Development at Jindal:

JINDAL has a well-established Training and Development Center, which identifies the needs of
the employees and provides training based on the identified requisites The main quality objectives
of the Training and Development Center for the year 2008-2009 are:

 To train a minimum of 15000 employees in various Skill Development, technological and

Refresher Training programs.
 To measure the Effectiveness of Training Programs and report the same on quarterly basis
for at least 25 programs.
 To cover at least 150 officers under System orientation for audited.
 To implement at least 18 QC projects.
 To ensure generations of at least 2 suggestions per employer.
 To dub at least 2 video films in English language being used in skill development Program
into Telugu Language.
 To achieve Zero accident in the Department by effective implementation of OHSMS.



1. Is your company follows a systematic training and development procedures?

Opinions Respondents Percentage

Strongly agree 35 70
Agree 10 20
Disagree 2 4
Strongly disagree 3 6
Total 50 100









Strongly Agree Agree Disagree Strongly Disagree



The above table clearly shows that a majority of 70% employees strongly agreed and 20% of
employees agreed that the company follows a systematic training & development producer, 6% of
employees strongly disagree and 4% of employees disagreed that the company does not follow
systematic training & development in the organization.

2. Which type of trainee programmes you basically attend?

Opinions Respondents Percentage

Behavioral 4 8
Functional 12 24
Safety aspects 5 10
All the above 29 58
Total 50 100





20 24

8 10
Behavioral Functional Safety aspects All the above



Form the above table 58% of the respondent have voted to all the 3aspects i.e., behavior, functional
& safety aspects and remaining 8% of respondents attended behavior trainee programmers,24% of
respondents attend functional trainee programmers and 10% of responded attended safety aspects
of trainee programmes.

3. Training will be provided for?

Opinions Respondents Percentage

Current Job 20 40
Future Job 10 20
Both 20 40
Total 50 100









Current Job Future Job Both



From the above table clearly shows that a majority of 40% of the respondents felt that training will
be provided for current job, 20% felt that it will be provided for future job and 40% felt that training
will be provided for both.

4. What kinds of methods are used for training?

Opinions Respondents Percentage

On – the - Job 21 42
Off - the - Job 19 38
Both 10 20
Total 50 100









On - the - Job Off - the - Job Both



From the above table clearly shows that a majority of 42% of respondents attended to the on-the-
job training, 38% of the respondents attended to the off-the-job training, and only 20% of the
respondents attended to the both on-the-job and off-the-job training.

5. If on the job who provides the training?

Opinions Respondents Percentage

Immediate Supervisor 28 56
Other 22 44
Total 50 100







Immediate Supervisor Other



From the above table clearly shows that a majority of 44% felt that if the training is on - the-job
then it will be provided by immediate supervisor as he has good experience about job and 56% felt
that it will be provided by others i.e., peers, other trainers etc., as they have good knowledge about

6. Is the training policy adopted in your organization well designed and widely spread?

Opinions Respondents Percentage

Strongly 10 20
Agree 24 48
Partially Agree 16 32
Disagree 0 0
Total 50 100







Strongly Agree Partially Agree Disagree



The above table clearly shows that a majority 48% of employee agreed that training policy adopted
in organization is well designed and widely spread, 20% of employees strongly agreed, because
training policy helps to learn new methods quickly, 32% were partially agreed and nobody has

7. Does the employees are consulted before nominating for training and development?

Opinions Respondents Percentage

Strongly 4 8
Agree 26 52
Neutral 10 20
Disagree 10 20
Total 50 100







Strongly Agree Neutral Disagree



The above table clearly shows that a majority of 52% of employees agreed and 8% are strongly
Agreed that they are consulted before nominating for training and development and 20% disagreed
and 20% of respondents are neutral, because they did not consult before nomination for training
and development due to lack of personal interest.

8. Has training program helped you improve the interpersonal and management skills?

Opinions Respondents Percentage

Strongly Agree 25 50
Agree 17 34
Disagree 5 10
Strongly Disagree 3 6
Total 50 100







Strongly Agree Agree Disagree Strongly Disagree



The above table indicates 50% of employees strongly agreed and 34% of employees agreed that
training improves managerial skills and interpersonal skills because company provides special
training for those activities, and 6% of employees strongly disagreed and 10% of employees
disagreed, because training is useful present not for future.

9. What are the factors influencing you to participate in training program?

Opinions Respondents Percentage

Job promotion 15 30
Efficiency in Job performance 30 60
Personal Interest 5 10
Total 50 100








Job promotion Efficiency in Job performance Personal Interest



From the above table majority of employees 60% said that training influences on this efficiency in
job performance and 30% employees responded that training is useful to improve job skills so that
it improves promotion opportunities in future. And 10% of employees said personal interest creates
interest to participate in the training programmes.

10. Is trainer giving personal attention to each trainee?

Opinions Respondents Percentage

Strongly Agree 20 40
Agree 22 44
Disagree 5 10
Strongly Disagree 3 6
Total 50 100

Strongly Agree Agree Disagree Strongly Disagree



The above table indicates that 40% of employees strongly agreed and 44% of employees agreed
that trainers give personal attention on each trainee because they understood trainee’s backdrops
and according to that they have given assignments to them and 10% of employees disagree and
6% of employees strongly disagreed, because they did not give any attention on them.

11. Is the training fully equipped with the training aids?

Opinions Respondents Percentage

Strongly Agree 20 40
Agree 22 44
Disagree 5 10
Strongly Disagree 3 6
Total 50 100

Strongly Agree Agree Disagree Strongly Disagree



It has been observed that 44% of employees agreed and 40% of employees agreed that training
fully equipped with training aids because training aids helps them to complete the training
programmes successfully .10% of employees disagreed and 6% of employees strongly disagreed
because training aids are not sufficiently used for training programs.

12. Which mode of training is effective?

Opinions Respondents Percentage

Audio 8 16
Visual 20 40
Lecture 17 34
Exercise 5 10
Total 50 100

Audio Visual Lecture Exercise



It has been observed that 16% of employees said that audio mode of training is the best and 40%
of employees said that visual mode of training is the effective, because visual memory power is
better than audio memory power of the employee 34% of employees responded that lecture method
is best, because it is way for participation and discussion with lecture for improving knowledge
and skills and 10% of employees said that exercise method is best.

13. The training provides congenial climate for learning?

Opinions Respondents Percentage

Strongly Agree 25 50
Agree 17 34
Disagree 5 10
Strongly Disagree 3 6
Total 50 100







Strongly Agree Agree Disagree Strongly Disagree



The above table indicates 50% of employees strongly agree and 34% of employees agreed that
training provides congenial climate for learning, because they learn job requirements quickly and
10% of employees disagreed and 6% of employees strongly disagreed that it has not provided

14. How are training methods in the company?

Opinions Respondents Percentage

Excellent 11 22
Good 28 56
Satisfactory 11 22
Total 50 100







Excellent Good Satisfactory



The above table indicates that 22% of employees said that training methods are excellent because
they used high genius methods to learn quickly, 56% of employees responded that training
methods are good in company and 22% of employees satisfied with the training methods because
it improves the knowledge better than previous knowledge.

15. In your opinion training program must be conducted by whom?

Opinions Respondents Percentage

Internal 22 44
External 15 30
Both Internal & External 13 26
Total 50 100

Internal External Both Internal & External



The above table indicates that 44% of employees said that internal are best to conduct training
programmes, because they know requirements of the company according to that they can give
training to the employees and 30% of employees respond that externals are best, because
employees can be learning external knowledge. And 26% of employees said it is best to conduct
training programmes both internals & externals.

16. Do you face any problems attending training sessions?

Opinions Respondents Percentage

Too long duration of classes 20 40
Too many participants 13 26

Inefficient trainers 7 14
Inefficient training aids 10 20
Total 50 100

Too long duration of classes Too many participants Inefficient trainers Inefficient training aids



The above table indicates that 40% of employees said that they faced problem in attending training
session because the training programmes are lengthy and 26% of employees said that too many
participations are attending training session. 14% of employees responded that the trainers are
inefficient and 20% of employees said that in "Jindal stainless steel" company there are no efficient
training aids.

17. After training class will your supervisor check the performance and give the

Opinions Respondents Percentage

Yes 35 70
No 15 30
Total 50 100









Yes No



The above table showed that 70% of the respondents felt that after training class their supervisor
check their performance and give the suggestions and 30% felt that the supervisor does not check
their performance and does not give suggestions, as he is busy with his work.

18. How often the training being conducted in your company?

Opinions Respondents Percentage

Once in a year 27 54
Once in two years 13 26
Once in three years 10 20
Total 50 100







Once in a year Once in two years Once in three years



The above chart indicates that 54% of employees need the training programmes once in a year, as
they felt that there won't be many changes in one year. 26% of employees need training once in
two years, as they already have proper knowledge of the organization and 20% of employees said
that training will be sufficient to them conduct once in three years.

19. What is your rating for overall training programmes?

Opinions Respondents Percentage

Excellent 20 40
Good 15 30
Average 10 20
Poor 5 10
Total 50 100

Excellent Good Average Poor



The above graph depicts that 40% of employees rated that the training program is excellent, 30%
of employees rated that the training program is good. 20% of employees rated that the training
program is average and rest of the employees, i.e., 10% rated that training program is poor as they
have not satisfied.



The company is largest private company. The state of part Ferro Alloys plant situated at Jindal
Nagar, Kothavalasa, Vizianagaram district. It's annually producing 40000 tons of Ferro Chrome
to domestic market. They can export the developed countries. The country was awarded the export
award regional special shield.

Training makes a very important contribution to the development of the organization’s human
resources and hence to the achievement of its aims and objectives to achieve its purpose, training
needs to be effectively managed so that the right training is given to the right people, in the right
form, at right time and at the right costs. Training is different from college education. Training is
purely vocational, in contrast to education, the main purpose of which the development of general
culture. Education is person-oriented while training is job-oriented. The term training indicates the
process involved in improving the aptitudes, skills, and abilities of the employees to perform
specific jobs. Training helps in updating old talents and developing new ones. Training and
development are strategic in the human resource management practices because today employees
have high expectations about their jobs such situations training will create awareness, positive
attitude, and better way of doing things thereby achieving an overall growth of an individual. By
this he produces quality services and thereby creating a name for the company.

The project consists of the industry profile which contains different companies in the same industry
and company profile of Jindal Stainless Steels ltd. The company has conducted different types of
training and development programmes for improving the skills of the employees and apprentices
and to increase their efficiency. This project also contains the theoretical part of training and
development which is taken from different books written by different authors. This project also
contains the analytical part of the training and development program by this we can know about
the employee's satisfaction towards different types of training programmes conducted by the


 The company has followed well systematic training and development procedures.
 58% of employees have attended to all the 3 aspects of training programs, i.e., Behavioral,
functional and safety aspects.
 Most of the employees said that training has provided for current job.
 Maximum number of employees attended on the job training, and it has provided by
immediate supervisor.
 Training policy adopted in the organization well designed and widely spread.
 Some of employees not consulted before nominating for training and development due to
lock of personal interest.
 Training program improves managerial and interpersonal skills because company provides
special training for those activities.
 The main factors influencing the employees to participate in the training program is to
improve the efficiency in their job performance.
 Most of the employees said that the trainers have given personal attention on each trainee
because they understood trainee's backdrops.
 The visual and audio training program are more effective.
 Most of the employees said that training methods which are used in the company are very
good as it used high genius methods to learn quickly.
 Some of the respondents said that they faced lengthy training programs, it has created bore
 Majority of respondents (70%) felt that after completion of training class the supervisor
has checked the performance and given suggestions to overcome the weaknesses.
 Most of the employees said that they need the training program once in a year.


 The organization must conduct training programs on a regular basis which update the
employees with latest changes in the environment.
 It would be better to the organization to conduct training programs to meet present and
future requirements of the job.
 The company should use on & off the job training and conduct by both internals & externals
as it can improve both internal & external knowledge in the employees.
 Management should consult every employee before nominating for training and
development as it creates self-interest to attend training programs.
 The training programs should be shorter and effective to attract the trainees to attend.
 Trainers and supervisors should give feedback on performance of the employees after
proper training in a transparent way.
 Management should conduct training programs without disturb the normal work.
 It would be better that the training program become more practical manner.




Employee Name:

Employee No: Department:

1. Is your company follows a systematic training and development procedures?

a) Strongly Agree b) Agree c) Disagree d) Strongly Disagree

2. Which type of trainee programs you basically attend?

a) Behavioral b) functional c) Safety aspects d) All the above

3. Training will be provided for?

a) Current job b) Future job c) Both

4. What kinds of methods are used for training?

a) On-the-job b) Off-the-job c) Both

5. If on the job who provides the training?

a) Immediate supervisor b) Other

6. Is the training policy adopted in your organization well designed and widely spread?

a) Strongly Agree b) Agree c) Disagree d) Strongly disagree

7. Does the employees are consulted before nominating for training and development?

a) Strongly Agree b) Agree c) neutral d) Disagree

8. Has training program helped you improve the interpersonal and management skills?

a) Strongly Agree b) Agree c) Disagree d) Strongly Disagree

9. What are the factors influencing you to participate in training program?

a) Job Promotion b) Efficiency in Job Performance c) personal Interest

10. Is trainer giving personal attention to each trainee?

a) Strongly Agree b) Agree c) Disagree d) Strongly Disagree

11. Is the training fully equipped with the training aids?

a) Strongly Agree b) Agree c) Disagree d) Strongly Disagree

12. Which mode of training is effective?

a) Audio b) Visual c) Lecture d) Exercise

13. The training provides congenial climate for learning?

a) Strongly Agree b) Agree c) Disagree d) Strongly Disagree

14. How are training methods in the company?

a) Excellent b) Good c) Satisfactory

15. In your opinion training program must be conducted by whom?

a) Internal b) External c) Both

16. Do you face any problems attending training sessions?

a) Too long duration of class b) Too many participants

c) Inefficient Trainers d) Inefficient training aids

17. After training class will your supervisor check the performance and give the suggestions?

a) Yes b) No

18. How often the training being conducted in your company?

a) Once in a year b) Once in two years c) Once in three years

19. What is your rating for overall training programmes?

a) Excellent b) Good c) Average d) Poor

Give your suggestions if any:




 Human Resource management - P. Subba Rao

 Human Resource Management - Aswathappa
 Human Resource management - V.S.P.Rao
 Personnel management - Edwin B.flippo
 Personnel management - C.V.Memoria


 www.wikipedia.com
 www.jindalstainless.com
 www.ironindustry.com


 Information: info@jindalstainless.com
 Investors: investorcare@jindalstainless.com


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