Use of The Psychosocial Index: A Sensitive Tool in Research and Practice
Use of The Psychosocial Index: A Sensitive Tool in Research and Practice
Use of The Psychosocial Index: A Sensitive Tool in Research and Practice
Quality of Life
Since measures of disease status alone are insufficient
to describe the burden of illness, it has been proposed that
Self-rating items
1. Date of birth:________day________month__________year__________
2. Sex: Male □
Female □
3. Marital status: Single □
Married □
Divorced □
Separated □
Widowed □
4. Occupation_________________________________________________
How many hours do you work per week?_________________________
Occupation of spouse:________________________________________
5. Have you ever been hospitalized? YES NO
6. Please list illnesses, surgical operations and other treatments and give dates
7. Are you allergic to any drug or substances? YES NO
If yes, specify_________________________________________________
8. What medication are you taking at present?_________________________
9. Do you drink alcohol? YES NO
10. Do you smoke? YES NO
11. Do you take recreational drugs? YES NO
12. Do you drink coffee or tea? YES NO
If yes, how many per day?________________________________________
Did any of the following happen to you in the past year? (YES/NO)
13. Death of a family member YES NO
14. Separation from spouse or long-time partner YES NO
15. Recent change of job YES NO
16. Financial difficulties YES NO
17. Moving within the same city YES NO
18. Moving to another city YES NO
19. Legal problems YES NO
20. Beginning of a new relationship YES NO
Please answer the following questions (YES/NO)
21 Do you have a job? YES NO
If you have a job:
22. Are you satisfied with your work? YES NO
23. Do you feel under pressure at work? YES NO
24. Do you have problems with your colleagues at work? YES NO
If you do not have a job:
22. Are you retired or student? YES NO
23. Do you feel under pressure during the day? YES NO
24. Are you unable to find a job? YES NO
25. Do you have serious arguments with close relatives? YES NO
26. Do you have serious arguments with other people? YES NO
27. Has any close relative been seriously ill in the past year? YES NO
If yes, specify:_________________________________________________
28. Do you feel tension at home? YES NO
Observer-rating scores
Highly stressful life Stressful life Non-stressful life
Stress 5 4 3 2 1
Excellent Good Fair Poor Absent
Well-being 5 4 3 2 1
Incapacitating Severe Moderate Slight Absent
Psychological distress 5 4 3 2 1
Incapacitating Severe Moderate Slight Absent
Abnormal illness behavior 5 4 3 2 1
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