Come Closer To The Artists. It Is Our Mantra: Floor Standing Speaker SA Mantra 60

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floor standing speaker SA mantra 60

floor standing loudspeaker SA mantra 60:

SA mantra 60 is available in six different finishes. Here is white satin

come closer to the artists. It is

our mantra
SA mantra 60 is made for people a difference everyone can hear

who require top quality SA mantra 60 represents a fresh and

entertainment at home. You get different approach to your
close to the artists you love and get experience of sound. Our idea is to
an intense experience of all kinds bring you closer to the artists you
of music or movies. love. You must have a feeling of
the fine nuances being close to the music. Therefore
we work with technologies,
In the top section of materials and methods that gives
SA mantra you find a you this experience, whether you
separate chamber for listen to pop, rock, classical or jazz
the midrange and or if you use the speakers in a home
tweeter, both designed theatre where they are used for there are almost no visible screws
specifically for SA reproduction of the movie and the front grille is attached with
mantra 60. 16 invisible magnets.
soundtrack. The difference can be
the energy heard by everyone and does not
require expert knowledge. SA 60
mantra is not just a loudspeaker. It
is an invitation. big sound from a small
made of all the best we’ve got loudspeaker. XL
technology is the formula
It is the contrasts in the mantra, used in the best SA
which attract attention. The woofers. XL technology is
loudspeaker has got a simple only available in SA
design, but the first time you lift SA speakers.
mantra 60, you notice its weight.
Almost 22 kilograms. It tells you
about the quality behind the
attractive exterior. The loudspeaker
is constructed of MDF with a
thickness of between 18 and 48
The loudspeaker hides mm. Inside, the cabinet is divided
a secret that causes into eight chambers with angled
most people to wonder. sides, to avoid standing waves
The four woofers with inside the speaker. Six of the eight XS technology makes you
XL technology are chambers are connected to each hear a more consistent
only 11 cm in diameter other, while two are enclosed. One sound quality no matter
each and still they have is a 3-liter sand chamber with where you are in the room.
a bass performance access through the loudspeaker’s XS technology is only
with depth and base plate, while the second is the available in SA speakers.
dynamics that seems separate chamber for the midrange this logo means that
almost unnatural. What and tweeter. There are two different the speaker’s finish is
in real wood.
you hear is the very types of acoustic damping material
soul of SA. We inside the speaker. One type is
demand a bass glued on the sides of each of the six
performance that is inner chambers, while the second
able to follow the type operates in the middle of the
rhythm of the music air mass in the speaker's midrange
precisely. We also chamber. The loudspeaker's build-
demand that the film's in electronics are designed as
special effects are easy simple as possible, so nothing
to hear. Therefore, we stands in the way of the audio
developed our small signal.
woofers with extremely
light membranes, so
they can reproduce the
sound accurately and
with great energy.
acoustics – a loudspeaker’s invisible quality

The presence of the excellent

acoustics gives you an extraordinary
experience and acoustic perfection is the solid gold-plated
only one of our goals. When we connectors are
develop our speakers we start far integrated in the
from the laboratories and the man and speaker's base plate
measurement rooms. Our speakers
are made to serve the people who System Audio A/S was founded in
choose to live with them. A number 1984 by Ole Witthøft because he
of leading acousticians have could not find any speakers that
contributed work to SA mantra 60. It could live up to his idea of being
can be difficult to see. But you can’t close to artist when listening to
avoid hearing it. music at home. He had discovered under the speaker you
a sound created for a home that speakers must be constructed will find access to the
and designed in accordance with a separate sand chamber,
The sound of the SA mantra 60 is specific system that has named his and mounting holes for
radiated less against floor and ceiling company. the included spikes and
than you're used to from normal rubber feet
reduction as a design philosophy
speakers. You can clearly hear it. The
fewer sound reflections helps to give All SA speakers begin their life at
you an experience of being close to Ole's table, and although some of
the artists. the world’s best experts in
makes no great demands acoustics, mechanics and
electronics are involved in the
Use SA mantra 60 with a music product development a new
system or a home theatre of good speaker is only put into production,
quality, where the amplifier’s output when Ole happy with it. One of
is at least 50 watts. Now, you are you Ole's philosophies is about
ready for a new audio experience. If reduction in every sense of the
the amplifier is more powerful you word. On each loudspeaker you
will be rewarded with an even better will see the reduction as an
sound quality and greater dynamic absence of decoration. Inside the
capability. 150 Watts is the speaker you see reduction as an
maximum for most users of SA obvious simplicity of the design. It
mantra 60. The loudspeaker has a is also reduction, which drives us
relatively high sensitivity and will be to reduce the weight of the moving
able to play very loud with such an mass of our drive units, because it
amplifier. It makes good sense to put improves the sound. When we
the speaker together with an reduce the speaker’s dependence of
amplifier of a high quality, rather the room acoustics, it is also a way
than just high power output. The to use the philosophy. It is a waste
quality of the amplifier is heard more of the user's resources to make ebony finish
clearly than its output power. Place things complicated. Simplification mantra – what does it mean?
the speakers with a mutual distance of every little detail optimizes the
of 2.5 to 3 meters and with a distance experience. In other words: less is "A sound that can create a
change", is one of the original
of 15-30 cm from the back wall. The more. meanings of the word. SA
speakers should be pointing directly mantra is the name of a family
of high performance
towards your favorite seat between loudspeakers, new techno-
speakers. logy and minimalist
technical specifications
power handling 250 Watt recommended amplifier min. 50 Watt

frequency range 41 – 35.000 Hz (+/- 1.5 dB) sand chamber 3 liters (appx.7 kgs)

impedance 8 ohm packing individually

sensitivity (1W / 1m) 89 dB weight loudspeaker (kgs) 21,75

crossover network 600 / 2500 Hz (18dB/oct.) dimensions (WxHxD) cm 14,5 x 113 x 27,5

tweeter 1 pcs. 1" T2504XS packing dimensions (WxHxD) cm 41,5 x 124 x 32

woofer 4 pcs. 4,5" W1108XL shipping weight (kgs) 25,3

midrange 1 pcs. 4,5" W1108XL recommended placement floor, 30 cm from backwall

principle 3 way bass reflex 2 years factory warranty from purchase date* yes

8 spikes with nuts and spike pad,

biwiring no included accesories
8 rubber feet

magnetic shielding yes

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