3.0 A, 15 V, Step-Down Switching Regulator: IL2576-xx

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3.0 A, 15 V, Step-Down IL2576-xx

Switching Regulator
The IL2576 series of regulators are monolithic integrated
circuits ideally suited for easy and convenient design of a step–
down switching regulator (buck converter). All circuits of this series
are capable of driving a 3.0 A load with excellent line and load
regulation. These devices are available in fixed output voltages of TO-220-5L
3.3 V, 5.0 V, 12 V, 15 V, and an adjustable output version.
These regulators were designed to minimize the number of
external components to simplify the power supply design. Standard
series of inductors optimized for use with the IL2576 are offered by
several different inductor manufacturers. Since the IL2576
converter is a switch–mode power supply, its efficiency is
significantly higher in comparison with popular three–terminal
linear regulators, especially with higher input voltages. In many
cases, the power dissipated is so low that no heatsink is required
or its size could be reduced dramatically.
A standard series of inductors optimized for use with the ORDERING INFORMATION
IL2576 are available from several different manufacturers. This
feature greatly simplifies the design of switch–mode power IL2576S TO-220-5L
supplies. The IL2576 features include a guaranteed ±4% tolerance IL2576D2 TO-263-5L
on output voltage within specified input voltages and output load
conditions, and ±10% on the oscillator frequency (±2% over 0°C to TA = -40° to 125° C for all packages
125°C). External shutdown is included, featuring 80 ㎂ (typical)
standby current. The output switch includes cycle–by–cycle current
limiting, as well as thermal shutdown for full protection under fault conditions.

Pin connections
• 3.3 V, 5.0 V, 12 V, 15 V, and Adjustable Output Versions
• Adjustable Version Output Voltage Range, 1.23 to 37 V ±4% 1. Vin
Maximum Over Line and Load Conditions 2. Output
• Guaranteed 3.0 A Output Current 3. Ground
• Wide Input Voltage Range 4. Feedback
• Requires Only 4 External Components 5. ON/OFF
• 52 kHz Fixed Frequency Internal Oscillator
• TTL Shutdown Capability, Low Power Standby Mode
• High Efficiency
• Uses Readily Available Standard Inductors
• Thermal Shutdown and Current Limit Protection

• Simple High–Efficiency Step–Down (Buck) Regulator
• Efficient Pre–Regulator for Linear Regulators
• On–Card Switching Regulators
• Positive to Negative Converter (Buck–Boost)
• Negative Step–Up Converters
• Power Supply for Battery Chargers

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Typical Application (Fixed Output Voltage Versions)

Figure 1.
Representative Block Diagram and Typical Application

This device contains 162 active transistors.

Figure 2.


(Absolute Maximum Ratings indicate limits beyond which damage to the device may occur.)

Rating Symbol Value Unit

Maximum Supply Voltage Vin 45 V
ON/OFF Pin Input Voltage – –0.3 V ≤V ≤ +Vin V
Output Voltage to Ground (Steady–State) – –1.0 V
Power Dissipation
TO–220, 5–Lead PD Internally Limited W
Thermal Resistance, Junction–to–Ambient RθJA 65 °C/W
Thermal Resistance, Junction–to–Case RθJC 5.0 °C/W
TO–263, 5–Lead (D2PAK) PD Internally Limited W
Thermal Resistance, Junction–to–Ambient RθJA 70 °C/W
Thermal Resistance, Junction–to–Case RθJC 5.0 °C/W
Storage Temperature Range Tstg –65 to +150 °C
Minimum ESD Rating (Human Body Model: – 2.0 kV
C = 100 pF, R = 1.5 kΩ)
Lead Temperature (Soldering, 10 seconds) – 260 °C
Maximum Junction Temperature TJ 150 °C

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(Operating Ratings indicate conditions for which the device is intended to be functional, but do not guarantee
specific performance limits. For guaranteed specifications and test conditions, see the Electrical Characteristics.)

Rating Symbol Value Unit

Operating Junction Temperature Range TJ –40 to +125 °C
Supply Voltage Vin 40 V


(Unless otherwise specified, Vin = 12 V for the 3.3 V, 5.0 V, and Adjustable version, Vin = 25 V for the 12 V version, and Vin = 30 V for
the 15 V version. ILoad = 500 mA, TJ = 25°C, for min/max values TJ is the operating junction temperature range that applies [Note 2],
unless otherwise noted.)

Characteristics Symbol Min Max Unit

IL2576–3.3 ([Note 1] Test Circuit Figure 3)
Output Voltage Vout 3.234 3.366 V
Output Voltage (6.0 V ≤Vin ≤40 V, 0.5 A ≤ILoad ≤3.0 A) Vout V
TJ = 25°C 3.168 3.432
TJ = –40 to +125°C 3.135 3.465

Efficiency (Vin = 12 V, ILoad = 3.0 A) η 65 - %

IL2576–5 [Note 1]
Output Voltage Vout 4.9 5.1 V
Output Voltage (8.0 V ≤Vin ≤40 V, 0.5 A ≤ILoad ≤3.0 A) Vout V
TJ = 25°C 4.8 5.2
TJ = –40 to +125°C 4.75 5.25

Efficiency (Vin = 12 V, ILoad = 3.0 A) η 67 - %

IL2576–12 [Note 1]
Output Voltage Vout 11.76 12.24 V
Output Voltage (15.0 V ≤Vin ≤40 V, 0.5 A ≤ILoad ≤3.0 A) Vout V
TJ = 25°C 11.52 12.48
TJ = –40 to +125°C 11.4 12.6

Efficiency (Vin = 12 V, ILoad = 3.0 A) η 78 - %

IL2576–15 [Note 1]
Output Voltage Vout 14.7 15.3 V
Output Voltage (18 V ≤Vin ≤40 V, 0.5 A ≤ILoad ≤3.0 A) Vout V
TJ = 25°C 14.4 15.6
TJ = –40 to +125°C 14.25 15.75

Efficiency (Vin = 12 V, ILoad = 3.0 A) η 78 - %

Feedback Voltage (Vin = 12 V, ILoad = 0.5 A, Vout = 5.0 V, TJ Vout 1.217 1.243 V
= 25°C)
Feedback Voltage (8.0 V ≤Vin ≤40 V, 0.5 A ≤ILoad ≤3.0 A, Vout V
Vout = 5.0 V)
TJ = 25°C 1.193 1.267
TJ = –40 to +125°C 1.18 1.28
Efficiency (Vin = 12 V, ILoad = 3.0 A, Vout = 5.0 V) η 67 - %

1. External components such as the catch diode, inductor, input and output capacitors can affect switching regulator system
When the IL2576 is used as shown in the test circuit, system performance will be as shown in system parameters section .

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2. Tested junction temperature range for the IL2576: Tlow = –40°C Thigh = +125°C


(Unless otherwise specified, Vin = 12 V for the 3.3 V, 5.0 V, and Adjustable version, Vin = 25 V
for the 12 V version, and Vin = 30 V for the 15 V version. ILoad = 500 mA, TJ = 25°C, for min/max values TJ is the
operating junction temperature range that applies [Note 2], unless otherwise noted.)

Characteristics Symbol Min Max Unit

Feedback Bias Current (Vout = 5.0 V [Adjustable Version Ib nA
TJ = 25°C – 100
TJ = –40 to +125°C – 500
Oscillator Frequency [Note 3] fosc kHz
TJ = 25°C – –
TJ = –40 to +125°C 42 63
Saturation Voltage (Iout = 3.0 A [Note 4]) Vsat V
TJ = 25°C – 1.8
TJ = –40 to +125°C – 2.0
Max Duty Cycle (“on”) [Note 5] DC 93 – %
Current Limit (Peak Current [Notes 3 and 4]) ICL A
TJ = 25°C 4.2 6.9
TJ = –40 to +125°C 3.5 7.5
Output Leakage Current [Notes 6 and 7], TJ = 25°C IL mA
Output = 0 V – 2.0
Output = –1.0 V – 30

Quiescent Current [Note 6] IQ mA

TJ = 25°C – 10
TJ = –40 to +125°C – 11
Standby Quiescent Current (ON/OFF Pin = 5.0 V (“off”)) Istby uA
TJ = 25°C – 200

ON/OFF Pin Logic Input Level V

Vout = 0 V VIH
TJ = 25°C 2.2 –
TJ = –40 to +125°C 2.4 –
Vout = Nominal Output Voltage VIL
TJ = 25°C – 1.0
TJ = –40 to +125°C – 0.8
ON/OFF Pin Input Current uA
ON/OFF Pin = 5.0 V (“off”), TJ = 25°C IIH – 30
ON/OFF Pin = 0 V (“on”), TJ = 25°C IIL – 10
3. The oscillator frequency reduces to approximately 18 kHz in the event of an output short or an overload which causes the regulated
output voltage to drop approximately 40% from the nominal output voltage. This self protection feature lowers the average dissipation of
the IC by lowering the minimum duty cycle from 5% down to approximately 2%.
4. Output (Pin 2) sourcing current. No diode, inductor or capacitor connected to output pin.
5. Feedback (Pin 4) removed from output and connected to 0 V.
6. Feedback (Pin 4) removed from output and connected to +12 V for the Adjustable, 3.3 V, and 5.0 V versions, and +25 V for the 12 V
and 15 V versions, to force the output transistor “off”.
7. Vin = 40 V.

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Fixed Output Voltage Versions

Figure 3.
Cin – 100 mF, 75 V, Aluminium Electrolytic
Cout – 1000 mF, 25 V, Aluminium Electrolytic
D1 – Schottky, MBR360
L1 – 100 mH, Pulse Eng. PE–92108
R1 – 2.0 k, 0.1%
R2 – 6.12 k, 0.1%

Adjustable Output Voltage Versions

Figure 4.

⎛ R ⎞ ⎛V ⎞
Vout = Vref ⎜⎜1.0 + 2 ⎟⎟ , R2 = R1 ⎜ out − 1.0 ⎟
⎜V ⎟
⎝ R1 ⎠ ⎝ ref ⎠
Where Vref = 1.23 V, R1 between 1.0 k and 5.0 k

C1 = 10 nF
C2 = 1 nF

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Application Information
Figure 5 shows a IL2576-12 in a buck-boost configuration to generate a negative 12V output from a positive input
voltage. This circuit bootstraps the regulator’s ground pin to the negative output voltage, then by grounding the feedback pin, the
regulator senses the inverted output voltage and regulates it to −12V.
For an input voltage of 12V or more, the maximum available output current in this configuration is approximately 700 mA.
At lighter loads, the minimum input voltage required drops to approximately 4.7V.
The switch currents in this buck-boost configuration are higher than in the standard buck-mode design, thus lowering the
available output current. Also, the start-up input current of the buck-boost converter is higher than the standard buck-mode
regulator, and this may overload an input power source with a current limit less than 5A. Using a delayed turn-on or an
undervoltage lockout circuit (described in the next section) would allow the input voltage to rise to a high enough level before the
switcher would be allowed to turn on.
Because of the structural differences between the buck and the buck-boost regulator topologies, the buck regulator
design procedure section can not be used to to select the inductor or the output capacitor. The recommended range of inductor
values for the buck-boost design is between 68 µH and 220 µH, and the output capacitor values must be larger than what is
normally required for buck designs. Low input voltages or high output currents require a large value output capacitor (in the
thousands of micro Farads).
The peak inductor current, which is the same as the peak switch current, can be calculated from the following formula:

Where fosc = 52 kHz. Under normal continuous inductor current operating conditions, the minimum VIN represents the
worst case. Select an inductor that is rated for the peak current anticipated.

FIGURE 5. Inverting Buck-Boost Develops −12V

Also, the maximum voltage appearing across the regulator is the absolute sum of the input and output voltage. For a
−12V output, the maximum input voltage for the IL2576 is +28V.


Another variation on the buck-boost topology is the negative boost configuration. The circuit in Figure 6 accepts an input
voltage ranging from −5V to −12V and provides a regulated −12V output. Input voltages greater than −12V will cause the output
to rise above −12V, but will not damage the regulator.

Typical Load Current

400 mA for VIN = −5.2V
750 mA for VIN = −7V
Note: Heat sink may be required.
FIGURE 6. Negative Boost

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Because of the boosting function of this type of regulator, the switch current is relatively high, especially at low input
Output load current limitations are a result of the maximum current rating of the switch. Also, boost regulators can not
provide current limiting load protection in the event of a shorted load, so some other means (such as a fuse) may be necessary.

In some applications it is desirable to keep the regulator off until the input voltage reaches a certain threshold. An
undervoltage lockout circuit which accomplishes this task is shown in Figure 7 while Figure 8 shows the same circuit applied to
a buck-boost configuration. These circuits keep the regulator off until the input voltage reaches a predetermined level.
VTH =VZ1 + 2VBE(Q1)

Note: Complete circuit not shown.

FIGURE 7. Undervoltage Lockout for Buck Circuit

Note: Complete circuit not shown (see Figure 10).

FIGURE 8. Undervoltage Lockout for Buck-Boost Circuit

The ON /OFF pin can be used to provide a delayed startup feature as shown in Figure 9. With an input voltage of 20V and for
the part values shown, the circuit provides approximately 10 ms of delay time before the circuit begins switching.
Increasing the RC time constant can provide longer delay times. But excessively large RC time constants can cause problems
with input voltages that are high in 60 Hz or 120 Hz ripple, by coupling the ripple into the ON /OFF pin.

Note: Complete circuit not shown.

FIGURE 9. Delayed Startup

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A 3A power supply that features an adjustable output voltage is shown in Figure 10. An additional L-C filter that reduces the
output ripple by a factor of 10 or more is included in this circuit.

FIGURE 10. 1.2V to 55V Adjustable 3A Power Supply with Low Output Ripple

Definition of Terms

A switching regulator topology in which a higher voltage is converted to a lower voltage. Also known as a step-down switching
A switching regulator topology in which a positive voltage is converted to a negative voltage without a transformer.
Ratio of the output switch’s on-time to the oscillator period.


The diode which provides a return path for the load current when the IL2576 switch is OFF.
The proportion of input power actually delivered to the load.

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