Chapter 2: Achieving Strategic Fit in A Supply Chain
Chapter 2: Achieving Strategic Fit in A Supply Chain
Chapter 2: Achieving Strategic Fit in A Supply Chain
Value chain in a company (with after the dot each function’s strategy).
- New product development: creates specifications for the product.
- Marketing and Sales: generate demand by publicizing that products and services
satisfies and brings customer input to new product development.
- Operations: transforms inputs to outputs according to specifications and create new
- Distribution: Either takes product to customer or brings customer to product.
- Service: Responds to customer requests during or after the sale.
These are the core processes or functions that must be performed for a successful sale.
Finance, accounting, IT, and HR support and facilitate the functioning of the value chain.
Each function must develop its own strategy for example new product development
specifies portfolio of new products it tries to develop. Also, it dictates to outsource or
not. And Marketing and Sales specifies how market will be segmented and product
position, price, and promotion.
Strategic fit requires that both the competitive and SC strategies of a company have
aligned goals. Refers to consistency between customer priorities that the competitive
strategy hopes to satisfy and the capabilities that the SC strategy aims to build. To
achieve strategic fit a company must accomplish the following:
1. Competitive strategy and all functional strategies must fit together. Each
functional strategy must support other ones and help firm reach competitive
strategy goal.
2. Different functions in company must structure processes and resources to be able
to execute the strategies successfully.
3. Design of overall SC and role of each stage must be aligned to support SC strategy.
Responsive spectrum:
In a SC with different stages from supplier, to manufacturer, to retailer, each stage can
achieve a level of responsiveness by adjusting the role of each of its stages. Making one
stage more responsive allows other stages to focus on becoming more efficient. Best
combination depends on efficiency and flexibility available at each stage.
Tailoring the Supply Chain for Strategic Fit
Figure 2-6. Different Roles and Allocations of Implied Uncertainty for a Given Level of
Supply Chain Responsiveness
Strategic fit is crucial to a company’s overall success
Strategic fit requires that all functions within a firm and stages in the SC target the same
goal-one that is consistent with customer needs. A lack of strategic fit between the
competitive and SC strategies can result in the SC taking actions that are not consistent
with customer needs, leading to a reduction in SC surplus and a decrease in SC