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Verbal Test Paper (25 Questions) - SET-4

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Verbal Test paper (25 Questions) – SET-4:

The sentence is divided into parts A,B,C,D and E. Identify the parts with error and
if there is none mark E as the answer.
(A) She said / (B) that / (C) she will help me / (D) whenever I was in difficulty. / (E)
No error
1. A
2. B
3. C
4. D
5. E
(A) Lata parted with / (B) her mother with tears / (C) but the journey to Delhi / (D)
amused her. / (E) No error 
1. A
2. B
3. C
4. D
5. E
(A) Watch how careful / (B) the sparrow knits the / (C) straws into the another / (D)
to form a nest. / (E) No error
1. A
2. B
3. C
4. D
5. E
(A) The old man told / (B) his son that / (C) there was no such thing / (D) for luck. /
(E) No error
1. A
2. B
3. C
4. D
5. E
(A) The father / (B) as well as the sons were / (C) mysteriously missing / (D) from the
house. / (E) No Error
1. A
2. B
3. C
4. D
5. E
Common Content:
Rearrange the fragments into a coherent sentence with the bold part being fixed.
As a
(P)maestro appeared to be enjoying every bit of it
(Q)and followed every composition the
(R) thunderous applause from
(S) an appreciative audience preceded. 
1. P Q S R
2. R S Q P
3. P S Q R
4. R Q S P
But Nelson Mandela
(P) modern country in a modern way
(Q) and could run a new,
(R) shifted the beliefs of the people
(S) so they could heal the racial conflict 
1. R S Q P
2. Q P R S
3. P S P Q
4. Q S R P 

Common Content:
Each of the following questions has a word or group of words missing.Fill in the
word that would make the sentence grammatically correct and meaningful. 
…… is the way to Parliament?
1. which
2. where
3. when
4. what 
You always reach on time …… you? 
1. isn’t
2. aren’t
3. doesn’t
4. don’t
He is being accused …… theft.
1. Which
2. for
3. of
4. about
Common Content:
In the following questions the first and the last parts of the sentence are
numbered as 1 and 6. The rest of the sentence is split into four parts and are
named as P,Q, R and S. These four parts are not given in their proper order. Read
the jumbled parts of the sentence and find out which of the four combinations is
correct. Then find the correct answer. 
S1 : Hobbies can fill our spare 
S6 : do not hinder our regular work.
 P : physical fatigue, and 
Q : moments with enjoyment 
R : and pleasure, they also relieve
S : mental tiredness and 
1. R Q P S
2. Q R S P
3. S Q P R
4. P Q S R
S1 : Moisture is continuously lost 
S6 : lifeless complexion. 
P : and as result of the stresses 
Q : as part of a natural process 
R : and strains of daily life 
S : leading to a dull, dry and 
1. S Q P R
2. P R S Q
3. R S Q P
4. Q P R S

Common Content:
Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions given below it.
Certain words have been printed in bold to help you locate them while answering
some of the questions. 

When wealth came into existence, a moral structure was made around money. The
Puritan legacy inhibited luxury and self-indulgence. Thoughtful people spread a
practical gospel that emphasized hard work, temperance and frugality and the result
was quite remarkable.

The world has been affluent since its founding. But it was, by and large, not
corrupted by wealth. For centuries, it remained industrious, ambitious and frugal.
Over the past 30 years, much of that has been shredded. The social norms and
institutions that encouraged frugality and spending what you earn have been
undermined. The institutions that encourage debt and living for the moment have
been strengthened. The moral guardians are forever looking for decadence out of
movies and reality shows. But the most rampant decadence today is financial
decadence, the trampling of decent norms about how to use and harness money.
The deterioration of financial traditions has meant two things. First, it has meant an
explosion of debt that inhibits social mobility and ruins lives. Second, the
transformation has led to a stark financial polarization. On one hand, there is what
is called an investor class. It has tax-deferred savings plans, as well as an army of
financial advisers. On the other hand, there is the lottery class, people with little
access to financial planning but plenty of access to payday lenders, credit cards and
lottery agents. The loosening of financial inhibition has meant more options for the
well-educated but more temptation and chaos for the most vulnerable. Social norms,
the invisible threads that guide behavior, have deteriorated. Over the past years,
people have been more socially conscious about protecting the environment and
inhaling tobacco. They have become less socially conscious about money and debt.

The agents of destruction are many and State governments have also played a role.
They hawk their lottery products with aggression, which some people call a tax on
stupidity. Twenty per cent of the world’s population consists of frequent players,
spending about $60 billion a year. Aside from the financial toll, the moral toll is
comprehensive. Here is the government, the guardian of order, telling people that
they don’t have to work to build for the future. They can strike it rich for nothing.
Payday lenders have played a role. They seductively offer fast cash-at absurd interest
rates –to 15 million people every month. Credit card companies have played a role.
Instead of targeting the financially astute, who pay off their debts, they have found
that they can make money off the young and vulnerable. Fifty-six percent of students
in their final year of college carry four or more credit cards. The nation’s leaders
have played a role as they have always had an incentive to shove costs for current
promises onto the backs of future generations. It has only now become respectable to
do so. The market itself has played a role. Software stalwarts built socially useful
products to make their fortune. But what message do the salary packages that their
top, managers get send across the country when they ignore millions of fellow
countrymen who suffer from poverty, malnutrition or hunger? Austerity has become a
thing of the past.
What does the author mean by the phrase 'the transformation has led to a stark
financial polarization' as used in the passage?
1. The deterioration of social norms has benefited only the wealthy and
the knowledgeable while the vulnerable class of people has fallen into
a debt trap 
2. Since moral inhibitions no longer exist, the debt agents provide loans
only to the affluent class thus widening the gap between the rich and
the poor 
3. The debt culture is being utilized as a measure to draw money from
wealthy class by credit card companies
4. Both (A) and (B)
Which one of the phrases given below the following statement should be placed in the
blank space provided so as to make a meaningfully correct sentence in the context of
the passage? …… many State governments have been encouraging people to invest
their money in lottery. 
1. Despite the fact that lottery generates substantial revenue 
2. Since it has the potential to ruin lives of millions of people
3. Instead of educating people against risky financial indulgence 
4. Since only one-fifth of the total world’s Population invests frequently
in lottery.
Why does the author of the given passage seem to be displeased with the software
1. They make fortune out of the products which are barely socially
2. They have been drawing colossal salaries and turn a blind eye towards
the needs of fellow countrymen
3. They are directly responsible for the hunger, malnutrition and poverty
among their fellow countrymen
4. They have promoted the culture of debt among various sections of
Which of the following statements would weaken the argument made by the author in
the given paragraph? 
1. A newspaper article reported an improvement in the lifestyle of
millions of people after loans were made easy to avail to not only the
wealthy but to all sections of society
2. A man along with his family was forced to live on streets after he lost
all of his life’s earning to buy lottery tickets 
3. Profit earned from credit card companies has become an essential
component in the economy of a growing nation
4. Last year’s recession was mainly due to losses incurred by companies
offering loans as a large number of their clients turned out to be
The author of the given passage seems to be definitely ……
1. suggesting that the agents of debts be banned from the society. 
2. unaware of the benefits associated with the easy availability of loans
these days
3. in favour of bringing back the financial restrictions once imposed by
the society
4. not supportive of campaigns related to anti-tobacco and saving the
Which of the following is true in context of the passage? 
1. Every since its existence, money has ruined lives owing to lack of
awareness ruined lives owing to lack of awareness among people
regarding its unrestricted usage 
2. Government has taken many initiatives to control the rampant money
lending business to protect vulnerable sections of the society
3. Governments throughout the world have been putting tax on amount
of consumption of an individual rather than his/her income 
4. Credit card companies are discreet enough to provide credit cards to
only those people who guarantee repaying money in the future
5. None of the above
Choose the word/ phrase which is most opposite in meaning to the word in bold as
used in the passage. 
1. Expensive
2. Diplomatic
3. Consistent
4. Reasonable
Choose the word/ phrase which is most similar in meaning to the word in bold as used
in the passage.
1. Violence
2. Hostility
3. Offensively
4. Determination

Common Content:
The question below has two blanks, each blank indicates that something has been
omitted. Choose the set of words for each blank that best fits the meaning of the
sentence as a whole. 
Many people ............ genetically modified food but the reality is that all the food
that we eat has been genetically modified naturally by thousand of years of .........
1. praise, manipulation 
2. grow, mismanagement
3. criticize, farming
4. avoid, experience

Common Content:
In each of the following questions four words are given, of which two words are
most nearly the same or opposite in meaning. Find the two words which are most
nearly the same or opposite in meaning and indicate the number of the correct
letter combination.
I. superficial 
II. superfluous 
III. enlightened 
IV. surplus 
1. 1-3
2. 1-2
3. 2-3
4. 2-4
I. Instigate 
II. Enquire 
III. Construe 
IV. Interpret 
1. 1-3
2. 1-2
3. 2-3
4. 3-4

Common Content:
The part of the sentence is underlined , Identify if the part has error. If there is
no error select "No correction is needed"
Due to bad weather the number of ships crossing the channel last week is very small. 
1. are being
2. was 
3. were 
4. No correction is needed
I love the man so much that I wish he should over-live me. 
1. try to overlive me
2. ought to overlive me 
3. might overlive me
4. No correction is needed


The tense usage “will” is wrong. The correct tense usage will be “would” as all the other
verbs are in past tense. 

Here the word “parted” is the keyword. Instead of “parted with” , it must be “parted from”

The usage “careful” here is wrong. The adverb here should be “carefully”

The error is the incorrect prepositional usage “for”. The correct preposition is “as”. 

The phrase as well as gives extra information about the father.The father is the main
subject in the sentence, which is singular. So the verb must be “was”. 

The only option with correct sequence of clauses to give a meaningful statement is
Option (b).

The clauses P & Q do not convey the correct meaning when used. So options (b),(c) &
(d) are eliminated. Only option (a) conveys a correct meaning. 
The prepositional usage: 
Which- used to choose one from many 
Where- denotes place 
When- denotes time 
What- denotes object 

The verb ‘reach’ is of the form “do+reach” so the question tag should be negative form
of ‘do’. i.e. “don’t” 

The prepositional usage: 
Which- to point out something 
For- denotes purpose 
Of- denotes possession 
About- denotes indication 

The logical continuity to S1 will be Q. It will be followed by R (here “and ” is the keyword
as it acts the conjunction). S is the next statement and it is followed by P. 
Note: The short-cut to arrive at the answer is that option (2) is the only answer that
begins with Q. So we can eliminate other options.

S1 is followed by Q because it completes S1 contextually. It is followed by P. The
keywords stresses and strains indicate R to be the next statement. It is then followed by
S. So option (4) is the answer. 
The deterioration of social norms has benefited only the wealthy and the knowledgeable
while the vulnerable class of people has fallen into a debt trap 

Option 1 is directly the meaning of stark financial polarization as per the given passage.
Option 2, 3 & 4 are irrelevant to the current passage context. They are not at all true as
per the passage.
Instead of educating people against risky financial indulgence 

Option A will not suit because the statement “despite…..revenue” means the opposite of
the result of the given statement. 
Option B is not the answer because no Govt. can encourage a practice after knowing
clearly that it will ruin the life of millions of people. 
Option D is not the answer because the State Govts. are not encouraging the people to
increase the world lottery using population.
They have been drawing colossal salaries and turn a blind eye towards the needs of
fellow countrymen

They have promoted the culture of debt among various sections of society 
Profit earned from credit card companies has become an essential component in the
economy of a growing nation

Options 1, 2 & 4 will actually strengthen the argument made by the author and option 3
directly weakens the same.
in favour of bringing back the financial restrictions once imposed by the society

Option A is not the answer because the author is not talking only about the debts and
agents of debts. 
Option B is not the answer, it is not known from the passage whether the author is
aware or unaware of the benefits associated with the loans. 
Option D is not the answer because the passage is not concentrating on anti-tobacco
campaign and environment saving. 
So the correct answer is option C.
None of the above

Option 1 is impossible because the opposite is directly given in the first sentence of the
Option 2 is not the answer because according to the passage govt. have not taken any
initiative to 
control money lending. 
Option 3 is not the answer because there is no such reference given in the passage and
it is not true. 
Option 4 is not the correct answer as it is mentioned that credit card companies make
money by off the young and vulnerable instead of targeting the financially astute.
So, none of them are true

Absurd means silly. 
The appropriate opposite will be “reasonable”

Aggression means too forceful or determined. 
Its synonym is determination here. 
criticize, farming

Using the keywords “food” and “genetically modified” we choose “Farming” to be the
second blank. So the answer is option 3.

Superficial-existing on the surface 
Superfluous- more than needed/ in abundance 
Enlightened-give greater knowledge 
Surplus- in abundance. 
So answer is option 4. 

Instigate- to start 
Enquire- to know about 
Construe-to understand in a particular way 
Interpret-to analyze 
So answer is option 4. 

The number of ships is a singular noun and the word “last week” indicates past tense.
So the answer is “was”. 
No correction is needed

The sentence is correct by itself. So no correction is needed. 

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