Green Hotels and Sustainable Hotel Operations in India: Researchgate
Green Hotels and Sustainable Hotel Operations in India: Researchgate
Green Hotels and Sustainable Hotel Operations in India: Researchgate
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1 author:
Amandeep Ad
Central University of Haryana
All content following this page was uploaded by Amandeep Ad on 03 July 2017.
ABSTRACT Going green has been a growing trend within the hotel
industry, the number of green hotels in India has amplified
‘Tradition is the democracy of in last 10 years, ITC Windsor, Alila Diwa Goa, The
dead!’ Orchid, Mumbai are the few to mention yet more in
pipeline. The Green Hotels have adopted policies like use
It has been rightly said by Hitler and highly appropriate of low-flow showers and toilets, occupancy sensors to
for the present day scenario of the hotel industry. The shift control lighting and air conditioner requirements and the
of focus of the global traveller from high rise hotel commonplace practices like linen and towel reuse policies.
buildings in cities to places that are close to nature and In addition, most major hotel companies have green
have a peaceful natural environment which does not mission statements and strive for getting better green
damage the natural ecology around is highly evident. In certifications, by getting certified the green hotels use
the light of the above fact hoteliers strongly need to update energy efficient practices and also attract a widely
our commercial hospitality trends and practices with growing number of Eco conscious guests.
reference to the environment. With the awareness of the
preservation of ecological balance a new concept known Given the fragile condition the natural ecological balance
as Eco Hotels or Green hotels has emerged. Green hotel and the limited nature of most energy sources of the
is a hotel or accommodation that has made important earth - Each individual, has a responsibility to take care of
environmental improvements to its structure in order to the environment – the large producers and consumers of
minimize impact on the environment. This paper is an natural resources even more so. The hospitality sector
attempt to understand eco-friendly hotels – That is, the presents a variety of environmental aspects that,
Latest Trends and best practices. It will also attempt to depending on the activity, may have a significant impact
give an overview of the Government Policies and (3)
on the environment . Its users are consuming resources
legislation with a reference to hotels in India further such as energy and water on a daily basis and generating a
mention will be made of easy strategies and methods great deal of solid waste and effluents.
which can be adopted by hotels for Eco-Friendly Hotel
Operations. Hotels in India have number of motivations for going
green including a feeling of social responsibility and a
Keywords consciousness towards the environment, government
legislations, and economic benefits in long run
Conservation of the environment, Green hotels, Ecotels, improvement by enhancing a hotel's bottom line and most
Tourism, Certification, sustainable development smart operators pass on the savings to guests by way of
lower room rates which in turn further increases the
The term "green hotels" describes hotels that strive to be dovetail well with the newfound popularity of ecotourism.
more environmentally friendly through the efficient use of They harmonize tourism and environmental sustainability.
energy, water, and materials while providing quality Properties have been responding to consumer demand as
services. Green hotels conserve and preserve by saving they adapt to becoming the venues in which
water, reducing energy use, and reducing solid waste . environmentally aware, health conscious people want to
They have seen benefits such as reduced costs and stay, eat, play, exercise and relax. Large and small
liabilities, high return and low-risk investments, increased measures are taken to save water, lower electricity usage,
profits, and positive cash flows. Identifying these benefits and recycle. Most of the ways in which the hotel goes
and incentives has allowed the popularity of green hotels green are behind the scene. Going green not only has less
to grow. Hotels are consistently becoming greener. The of an impact on the environment, but cost savings go right
most costly and wasteful use of resources in hotels are back to the hotel. After recovering the costs of the initial
usually in the consumption of non-renewable energy, investments, a green hotel often finds that lowering the
excessive water use, and the generation of waste. water and electricity usage lowers expenses as well. With
Individually, hotels do not have a significant negative the help of guests, these hotels can also lower the amount
impact on the environment. Collectively however, they of garbage put in landfills and turn much of the trash over
can be very wasteful and consume huge amount of to recycling centres.
resources. It has been estimated that seventy-five percent
of hotels environmental impacts can be directly related to The concept of a green hotel starts from the construction
excessive consumption. This is wasteful in terms of (7)
stage , the hotel which has the features and equipment’s
resources and it creates unnecessary operational costs . incorporated which helps in saving energy, water and
reduces waste, this can be done only in the project stage.
A hotel stay have been generally assumed as an occasion The second point, the hotel policies and procedures have
to pander on food, swimming pools, bar or other luxuries, to be fine-tuned keeping environmental factors in mind.
but the modern business explorer more likely to demand Third, the management has to take this message forward to
in-room yoga mats and a green-energy policy. According its internal and external customers. An already running
to a 2008 poll of 1,000 business travellers in the U.S. by hotel may also turn the hotel into an environmentally
Deloitte, 95 percent of respondents believe the hotel friendly hotel, what is required isObtaining management
industry should be taking green initiatives and 38 percent commitment towards environmental, Sustainability,
had taken steps to determine whether a hotel was green Recording current and chronological usage, Establishing
.A delicate balance has to be struck between the services baselines, benchmarks and targets, Prioritise action plan,
being offered and the impact that providing those services Monitor and measure, Proper education and motivation of
has. The answer to this quandary maybe found in green (8).
the staff members.
hotels. Environmentally responsible business practices
The ITC Gardenia, a luxury hotel ITC now has a platinum rating The Pune Marriott Hotel and Many hotels are
in Bangalore, was awarded the for all its luxury hotels—the ITC Convention Centre has been registered for LEED
US Green Building Council Windsor in Bangalore, the ITC awarded gold certification. certification such as
LEED (Leadership in Energy and Mughal in Agra, the ITC Sonar The Leela Palace Hotel in New Piccadilly Hotels for its
Environmental Design) platinum in Kolkata, the ITC Kakatiya in Delhi has also been certified forthcoming Hyatt
rating, making it the first hotel in Hyderabad, the ITC Grand platinum. Regency properties at
India to achieve the highest Central and the ITC Maratha in Gurgaon and Ludhiana
rating for green buildings. Mumbai, and the ITC Maurya in for a gold rating.
New Delhi.