Work Log 1

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Work Log 1

I have no idea anything about the Senior Project because I missed the informational day.
However, I do know there is an immense amount of work currently and it is extremely stressful.
I know I have a lot to do but I do not even know what the prompt is. My goals are to catch up
and come up with a unique topic I will enjoy learning more about. I need to do multiple
assignments related, including this one, stretching it out to 100 words without knowing a single
thing about the senior project.

Work Log 2
I have began forming a question I think will be interesting, How does sports participation affect a
child's behavior. I’m currently working on thinking of an appropriate project and volunteer hours
to fit this question. Next week the letter of intent is due, and I need to firm everything up. I have
a good idea of a mentor and a project, but will have to wait for it to be approved.

Work log 3
I finished the letter of intent, and it was approved. My project will involve volunteering at a
daycare, and creating outside games cooperating social skills. I will also see the difference
between a day with play, and a day without. I will observe these results in order to answer my
question. I also began creating my website, but I don’t really know how to put it all together

Work Log 4
This week is time for the poster. I had some trouble creating the barcode for my website, but the
poster itself was extremely easy. It took minimal time, and was the easiest part of the project so
far. It’s not very pretty, but it meets the requirements. I continued focusing on the website and
formatting it correctly, as well as put up the poster in the library. We were given the senior
project calendar and shown the grading scheme of it.
Work Log 5
Now we began our first precis, the basis for our complete essay eventually. The precis seems to
be extremely beneficial, as I can use these exact quotes directly in the paper. The precis was easy
and I am glad we are doing them, as it means less work in the future when we’re on a stricter
time schedule. The first website check is due shortly, and I barely have anything done. The
website has been the hardest part so far, because I don’t really know how to work the website.

Work Log 6
The second precis is due, just as easy as the first. No problem, and it seems like the real paper
will be due soon. I found my citations easily and quickly, and so far everything besides the
website has been a breeze. The precis were just the beginning, and now we have the introduction
to do. The introduction was extremely hard to find a narrative story I wanted to share, but once I
figured it out, it was fun to write. It also made me feel ready for the paper, alreading starting.
After it is graded I can fix the mistakes and be done with that part of the senior paper.
Work Log 7
I began brainstorming important questions relating to my topic, for the first interview. I plan on
conducting this interview with my mentor, Steven Nguyen, and see the answers from his point of
view. Since he works with children on a daily basis, surely he will have the important answers I
am looking for. The requirement of 10 questions was easy enough, and now I need to set up the
interview and conduct it. The interview took place on a zoom meeting, not taking very long at
all. Nguyen provided extremely beneficial incite into the world of physical activity in children,
and it will be easy incorporating this into the paper.
Work Log 8
I began creating the outline, and I began thinking of the basis of my essay. I found reputable
citations and formatted them how I thought was best. I’m glad we have this assignment because
it will make the essay easier to do later on. The assignment was easy and helpful, and now I feel
ready for the essay when it's due. I also need to find somebody for my 2nd interview. So far the
senior project hasn’t been so bad. I also started my works cited, which didn’t take long at all

Work Log 9
Now its time for the essay. I already had a plan for the format, and the outline helped a lot. It
took a long time, and was extremely boring. I wasn’t able to get a 2nd interview in time, so I
need to include it in the final draft. I felt confident in my essay, but I am eager for it to be graded.
I had some trouble with the conclusion, and with making it 8 pages. It took forever and I feel like
it’s not fun to read because its so long. However, I'm glad to have it out of the way. Now I have
to focus on finishing up the website and eventually the presentation
Work Log 10
I have absolutely no idea how to work the website, and its due in like 3 days. My teacher is also
gone so I have no way of asking for help. I don’t know how i am going to include everything I
need in it.

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