Series BG - For Degassing: Process Pumps of Centrifugal Type
Series BG - For Degassing: Process Pumps of Centrifugal Type
Series BG - For Degassing: Process Pumps of Centrifugal Type
Reliable Pumping
Efficient Degassing
Simple Maintenance
Stable process
1.1122 GB 09.00
Series BG
Functioning of the BG
The ABS patented impeller, with back vanes and special
passages makes it possible for the gas to escape behind
the impeller, where the pressure is approximately the
same as in the inlet. The gas separated in the pump is
transferred through the seal cartridge and is then retur-
How to Detect Gas ned to the storage tank, through the ejector, via a pipe
There are certain signs indicating a gas problem. If the above the level of the liquid.
flow and head are fluctuating, or the capacity is too low,
then gas is the likely cause to the problem. Another way
of determining a gas problem is if the flow is steady when The Ejector
starting the pump and then slowly the capacity drops. The ejector is of rugged construction and designed not to
Gas problems can lead to severe operational disturb- clog. It is made of stainless steel and is of ABS own de-
ances. The process will run unstable and be unreliable. sign. The flow of the liquid driving the ejector is adjusted to
The poor operation of a traditional pump will cause water create the necessary differential pressure to make the
hammers which can lead to shorter life for the shaft seal pump run smoothly.
and the bearings. The efficiency of a pump will also be Depending on the gas content and the size of the pump,
low. four ejectors of different sizes are available. The ejector
To solve gas problems, expensive solutions like larger can either be fed by the pumped liquid or by dilution water,
tanks can be used, or choose a BG pump to degass the white water or dilution liquor. An ejector can also handle a
liquid and create a stable process. pressurized system.
Series BG