Dungeon Magazine 173
Dungeon Magazine 173
Dungeon Magazine 173
4 Chaos Scar: Tainted Spir al 79 Ecology of the Mithr al Dr agon 9 8 Adventuring Ar mies
By Aeryn “Blackdirge” Rudel By Logan Bonner By Robert J. Schwalb
Discover the mysteries and secrets that surround the most Learn how to manage a group of players of a larger-than-
A Chaos Shard has grown a limited form of powerful of metallic dragons. average size.
sentience, warping and corrupting a new warren
of caves—and drawing in some aberrant allies. A
Chaos Scar adventure for 1st-level PCs.
8 7 E xplore Fairhaven: 1 07 R uling Skill Challenges
Agents and Enemies By Mike Mearls
We continue to uncover the villains and powers at play in Mike continues to educate on the nature of skill
16 Chaos Scar: The Lost Libr ary Aundair’s capital city. challenges, with unique applications and examples.
By Robert J. Schwalb
The Scales of War Adventure Path continues.
The brave heroes continue their quest to return
Bahamut to life. But another player on the grand
stage of deities and demigods reveals himself,
hoping to usurp the power of the Platinum Dragon
before he can be brought back. As the PCs voyage
through Moradin’s forge to the very heart of
creation, they must fend off this new threat, as well
as deal with more agents of Tiamat and her allies. On the Cover
A Scales of War adventure for 25th-level PCs. Illustration by Kerem Beyit
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ed i t o r i al
Du ngeon
December 20 09
Chris Youngs
In The Mood
Senior Art Director Jon Schindehette
“The Tainted Spiral” is a short adventure for
five 1st‑level characters that takes place in the
Chaos Scar. The adventure is set in a spiraling
network of tunnels carved a by a piece of the
great meteor, called a Chaos Shard, that broke
away when the comet crashed to the earth.
Like the meteorite itself, the Chaos Shard
is a malevolent force of chaos and evil that
draws other evil creatures to it. The presence
of the Chaos Shard has weakened the barrier
between the world and the Far Realm, creat-
ing rifts in reality that have allowed a number
of fell taints and other terrible aberrations to
heed the shard’s call…
December 20 09 | D u n g e o n 17 3
The Tainted Spiral
If you’re not playing a Chaos Scar campaign, you can still use this adventure by
Adventure Synopsis
integrating it into any existing campaign situated near a wilderness area. Unlike
The adventurers find the entrance to the spiral of
some Chaos Scar adventures, its premise relies somewhat on the presence of an active
tunnels carved by the Chaos Shard and enter. Inside,
chunk of the meteor. If you use the adventure somewhere other than the Chaos Scar, they must deal with the fell taints that worship the
you’ll want to invent your own explanation for the presence of the shard golem in the Shard, as well as some immature chuuls that have
final encounter. traveled to the area via a small underground stream.
Eventually, they reach the depths of the spiral and
face the Chaos Shard itself, which has grown a
strange armor as a defense against attackers.
Background The Chaos Shard exudes a malevolent aura of evil
and chaos, and although it is not truly sentient, it does
When the meteor fell from the heavens, it shed many possess a crude, malignant will that draws other evil Getting the Players
small fragments, or Chaos Shards, scattering them creatures to it. Recently, the combined influences of
across the land and the Chaos Scar itself. The largest the Chaos Shard and the warp crystals have weak-
portion of the meteor ripped the great furrow in the ened the barriers between the world and the Far “The Tainted Spiral” takes place in the Chaos Scar.
earth that is now called the Chaos Scar. One of the Realm, allowing a small group of fell taints, drawn by You can use one of the hooks below to get the PCs
Chaos Shards landed not far from the mouth of the the power of the Chaos Shard, to pass into the mortal into the valley and into the dungeon. Two of these
Chaos Scar, where the King’s Wall now stands. There, realm. The dim-witted fell taints, believing the Chaos hooks also come with a minor quest that, if com-
it began to burrow into the earth, carving a twist- Shard to be a god, now worship it and seek to please pleted, can net the characters some extra experience
ing pattern of tunnels deep into the ground. At the it by offering up mortal sacrifices. The fell taints have points.
bottom of a maddening, spiraling network of caverns been venturing out and attacking travelers near the
and passageways, the shard slowly began to increase King’s Wall, and their victims are carried back to the
in power. spiral and either devoured or presented to the Chaos
Shortly after coming to rest at the bottom of the Shard as gruesome gifts.
network of tunnels the energy of the Chaos Shard Over the last few weeks, the fell taints have grown
caused clusters of crystals to grow throughout its bolder with their raids. Tales of horrific tentacled
domain. Called warp crystals by the races of the monstrosities attacking travelers in the dead of night
Underdark, these strange luminous crystals grow are being spread, and a pall of fear has settled over
in areas with a strong connection to the Far Realm. the area.
The strange properties of warp crystal strengthen
creatures from the Far Realm while weakening those
native to other planes of existence.
December 20 09 | D u n g e o n 17 3
The Tainted Spiral
December 20 09 | D u n g e o n 17 3
The Tainted Spiral
Conclusion: its vulnerability. For the purposes of destruction, Power (Daily F Psychic): Free Action: Use this power when you
hit with an arcane power with the psychic keyword. The
the Chaos Shard is a small object with the following
What to Do With statistics: AC 10; Fortitude 10; HP 50; Resist 20 all
power deals an additional 1d10 psychic damage.
Level 15 or 20: 2d10 psychic damage.
(except thunder); Vulnerable 10 thunder. Level 25 or 30: 3d10 psychic damage.
the Chaos Shard? If the PCs discover the Chaos Shard’s weakness
Once the final blow is struck against the shard and begin attacking it with thunder damage, it fills If you’d like this Chaos Shard to exert more of an
golem, its crystalline body shatters, leaving the Chaos the minds of every PC within 5 squares with raw influence in your campaign, you could decide it con-
Shard exposed and vulnerable. The Chaos Shard emotions of hatred and pain. Once the final blow tinues to grow in power and tries to influence the
might be difficult to differentiate from the rest of the is struck, the Chaos Shard shatters and unleashes a action s of the character using it. The shard is not
shards of warp crystal, but characters can make a DC final telepathic scream before falling silent forever. truly sentient, but it is filled with a crude malevo-
10 Perception check to notice that the Chaos Shard For destroying the Chaos Shard’s evil, award the lence. If you like the sound of that option, consider
glows a bit brighter than the pieces of warp crystal characters 250 XP. giving the shard the following attack that triggers
around it. It shouldn’t be difficult for the PCs to when the character uses the shard’s daily power. The
ascertain that the Chaos Shard is a piece of the great
Keeping the Shard hero who uses the shard remains unaware of this
meteor, similar to other shards they might have seen If the PCs decide to keep the Chaos Shard, they can effect until the first time he or she triggers it.
after other adventures in the Chaos Scar (see “Den harness its power for their own uses. The shard can
be fitted to a non-magical rod, staff, or wand and will Chaos Shard Attack (Charm): Trigger: The Chaos Shard’s wield-
of the Slave-Takers” or “Death in the Pincers”). A DC er uses its daily power to add extra psychic damage to an
15 Arcana check reveals that it was controlling the then function as a magical version of any of those attack. Attack: +8 vs Will; Hit: the wielder makes an im-
shard golem. implements as follows: mediate attack with an at-will arcane power as a free action
against its nearest ally.
Now that the PCs have the Chaos Shard, they can Level 10: +13 vs. Will
Chaos Shard Implement Level 5+
either destroy it, putting an end to a growing evil, Level 15: +18 vs. Will
This glowing lump of blue crystal can be fitted to a rod, staff,
or they can attempt to harness the shard’s power for Level 20: +23 vs. Will
or wand, allowing its user to channel the power for the Far
Level 25: +28 vs. Will
themselves. Astute PCs should realize that the Chaos Realm to smite enemies.
Level 30: +33 vs. Will
Shard is irrevocably evil, and that should they keep it, Lvl 5 +1 1,000 gp Lvl 20 +4 125,000 gp
even to pursue good purposes, other creatures of evil Lvl 10 +2 5,000 gp Lvl 25 +5 625,000 gp
will be drawn to the shard user—something you can Lvl 15 +3 25,000 gp Lvl 30 +6 3,125,000 gp
use as a springboard for many future adventures. Implement (Rod, Staff, or Wand)
Enhancement: Attack rolls and damage rolls
Destroying the Shard Critical: +1d6 psychic damage per plus
Property: When you use this implement to attack with an
If the PCs decide to destroy the Chaos Shard, they
arcane power with the psychic keyword, you can gain an
immediately learn that this shard, similar to some item bonus to damage rolls on that attack equal to this
and unlike others, is virtually immune to anything implement’s enhancement bonus. When you gain the
they can throw at it. However, the Chaos Shard is vul- damage bonus, you also gain vulnerable 5 psychic damage
until the start of your next turn. If you are a warlock with
nerable to thunder damage and can be shattered and the star pact or a sorcerer with the Wild Magic class
destroyed with concentrated attacks using that energy feature, you do not gain the vulnerable psychic.
type. A DC 17 Arcana check is sufficient to reveal
December 20 09 | D u n g e o n 17 3
The Tainted Spiral
December 20 09 | D u n g e o n 17 3
The Tainted Spiral
T2. The Larder Floating above the corpses are five horrific creatures, 2 Fell Taint Pulsars (P)
Small aberrant magical beast
Level 1 Artillery
XP 100 each
each little more than a wild tangle of squirming tentacles
Initiative +2 Senses Perception +8
Encounter Level 2 (XP 675) and lurid red eyes. Staring directly at one of these HP 18; Bloodied 9
monstrosities sends a jagged spike of a pain through your AC 12; Fortitude 11, Reflex 12, Will 14
1 dimensional marauder (D) mind as you try to discern some rational form in the Resist insubstantial; Vulnerable 5 psychic
Speed 1, fly 6 (hover)
3 fell taint lashers (L) twisting mass. Your eyes and mind find no relief in the
m Tendril Caress (standard; at-will) F Psychic
2 fell taint pulsars (P) other denizen of this cavern: a squat bipedal monster that is +4 vs. Reflex; 1d4 + 3 psychic damage.
little more than a fanged maw with legs. r Tendril Pulse (standard; at-will) F Psychic
Setup Ranged 20; +6 vs. Reflex; 2d4 + 3 psychic damage.
December 20 09 | D u n g e o n 17 3
The Tainted Spiral
flurry when it recharges, focusing their attacks on Dimensional Marauder (D) Level 4 Lurker Creatures can move through a square with a cluster
any heroes that demonstrate effective ranged attacks. Medium aberrant magical beast XP 175 of warp crystals, but the square counts as difficult ter-
Initiative +10 Senses Perception +5; low-light vision
The fell taint lashers use tendrils of stasis as often as HP 45; Bloodied 22 rain. Warp crystal radiate the dire, chaotic energies
possible to keep the characters immobilized, and gen- AC 18; Fortitude 14, Reflex 17, Will 16 of the Far Realm and can have deleterious effects on
erally focus their attacks on the closest enemy. The Vulnerable psychic ; a dimensional marauder that takes PCs that get too close to them. Any creature without
psychic damage immediately ends planephase form.
dimensional marauder uses reality warp to teleport the the aberrant origin that starts its turn adjacent to a
Speed 7, teleport 3
closest foe and itself as far away from the other heroes m Bite (standard; at-will) cluster of warp crystals takes a –1 penalty to attack
as possible. It then uses its fearsome bite attack on +9 vs. AC; 2d6 + 3 damage. rolls until the start of its next turn. Conversely, a
the isolated character, using planephase form again to M Reality Warp (standard; usable only while insubstantial; creature with the aberrant origin that starts its turn
at-will) F Teleportation
escape heroes that come to its victim’s aid. +7 vs. Reflex; 1d10 + 4 damage, and the dimensional
adjacent to a cluster of warp crystals gains a +1 bonus
The fell taints fight to the death to defend their marauder teleports the target 3 squares. The marauder to attack rolls until the start of its next turn.
lair and their new god, but they make liberal use of then teleports 3 squares into a space adjacent to the
fell taint feeding to stay in the fight. However, when
Planar Evasion (immediate reaction, when the dimensional
reduced to 15 hit points or less, the dimensional marauder is hit by a melee attack; recharge ⚃ ⚄ ⚅ ) F
marauder uses planephase form to escape by phasing Teleportation
through obstacles and walls or teleporting into a place The marauder teleports 3 squares.
Planephase Form (standard; at-will)
inaccessible to the characters. If the dimensional The dimensional marauder partially phases into another
marauder escapes, it could appear in later encounters, plane, gaining insubstantial and phasing until the end of its
especially if the adventurers are having a particularly next turn or until it hits or misses with an attack. Sustain
Minor: The effect persists.
easy time in the tainted spiral.
Alignment Unaligned Languages Deep Speech
Skills Stealth +11
Features of the Area Str 11 (+2) Dex 18 (+6) Wis 16 (+5)
Illumination: The two clusters of warp crystals Con 15 (+4) Int 4 (–1) Cha 12 (+3)
December 20 09 | D u n g e o n 17 3
The Tainted Spiral
T3. Navigating the Dungeoneering (DC 15, 1 success, no maximum): A Failure: After blundering around in the dark-
character’s familiarity with subterranean environ- ness for hours, the adventurers wind up back in the
Tainted Spiral ments allows him to navigate the twisting tunnels. encounter area they just left. If they have yet to accu-
The adventurer detects the subtle downward-sloping mulate enough successes to reach the next encounter
The dungeon is comprised of three large caverns con- grade of the narrow passages and knows that going area, they lose any gained since that point. They do
nected by a series of twisting, narrow tunnels that deeper likely means going in the right direction. not lose successes they have accumulated prior to the
spiral deeper and deeper into the earth. The first In addition, he can sense the dire energy of the Far previous encounter area. For example, if the char-
cavern, encounter T2, is at the surface. The tunnels Realm grow stronger as the party descends into the acters accumulate 2 successes and reach encounter
leading deeper into the spiral range from 5 to 15 feet depths. T4, then fail the skill challenge, they find themselves
wide and are dimly lit by small clusters of warp crys- Perception (DC 10, 1 success, no maximum): A back in the cavern for encounter T4, and are still
tals. Navigating the tunnels can be both confusing character might not know much about navigating considered as having 2 successes that count toward
and dangerous, and the heroes could easily become underground, but his keen eyes and ears allow him overall success in the skill challenge. They lose any
lost are be set upon by fell taints if they make a wrong to keep track of landmarks, ensuring that the party success they accumulated between encounters T2
turn. This skill challenge begins when the heroes doesn’t wander in circles. and T3, however. In addition, the characters trigger
enter the spiral after encounter T2, but is broken up Secondary Skill: Nature. encounter T1 if they fail, as they run afoul of a group
by the combat encounters that follow. See Success, Nature (DC 5, no successes): Although you are out of of wandering fell taints. Regardless of how many
below, for details. your element, your direction sense is good enough to times they fail the challenge, they only ever deal with
Level: 1 (XP 200). aid a companion skilled at underground navigation. encounter T1 once.
Complexity: 1 (requires 4 successes before 3 You grant a +2 bonus to one ally’s next Dungeoneer-
failures). ing check made as part of this skill challenge.
Primary Skills: Arcana, Dungeoneering, Success: The PCs reach the next encounter area
Perception. without incident. After the first 2 successes, the
Arcana (DC 10, 1 success, no maximum): The char- characters have successfully found their way through
acter’s arcane training gives her some familiarity the first half of the tunnels. Proceed to encounter
with the energies of the Far Realm, allowing her to T4. After the next 2 successes, the characters have
detect the source and strength of the energy per- reached the heart of the spiral. Proceed to encounter
meating these tunnels. A star pact warlock or chaos T5.
sorcerer gains a +2 bonus on this check.
December 20 09 | D u n g e o n 17 3
The Tainted Spiral
T4. The Silent Stream When the PCs enter this cavern, read: After 2 Fell Taint Pulsars (P)
Small aberrant magical beast
Level 1 Artillery
XP 100 each
navigating the dim tunnels, the shocking brilliance of this
Initiative +2 Senses Perception +8
Encounter Level 1 (XP 575) large cavern is almost painful to your eyes. More clusters of HP 18; Bloodied 9
the strange glowing crystals provide glaring illumination. AC 12; Fortitude 11, Reflex 12, Will 14
2 chuul nymphs (N) A murky stream runs sluggishly through the center of this Resist insubstantial; Vulnerable 5 psychic
Speed 1, fly 6 (hover)
2 fell taint pulsars (P) cave, disappearing beneath the rubble-scattered floor in
m Tendril Caress (standard; at-will) F Psychic
1 fell taint thought eater (T) the southwestern corner. However, a trio of the strange, +4 vs. Reflex; 1d4 + 3 psychic damage.
tentacular beasts that seem to plague these caverns lurks r Tendril Pulse (standard; at-will) F Psychic
Setup across the stream, and they turn to attack you. Ranged 20; +6 vs. Reflex; 2d4 + 3 psychic damage.
R Tendril Flurry (standard; recharge ⚄ ⚅ ) F Psychic
The PCs enter this cavern from the southwest. It exits Ranged 10; targets one, two, or three creatures; +4 vs.
Perception DC 15
in the northeast corner via a tunnel heading east. In Reflex; 2d4 + 1 psychic damage.
The still waters of the subterranean stream seem darker in Fell Taint Feeding (standard; at-will) F Healing
addition to the fell taints, a pair of chuul nymphs,
one area. On closer examination, you realize that a pair of Targets a helpless or unconscious creature; the fell taint
immature versions of the dreaded aberrant horror,
corpses bobs in the sluggish current just below the surface. pulsar loses insubstantial and its fly speed until the end
lair in the stream running though the center of the of its next turn, and it makes a coup de grace against the
cavern. The fell taints and the nymphs are not exactly 2 Chuul Nymphs (N) Level 2 Lurker target. If the pulsar kills the target, it regains all of its hit
allies, but the fell taints are happy to feed on the Medium aberrant magical beast (aquatic) XP 125 each points.
Initiative +8 Senses Perception +7; darkvision Alignment Unaligned Languages —
scraps left by the voracious nymphs. Skills Stealth +7
HP 33; Bloodied 16
The chuul nymphs lurk in the stream with only AC 16; Fortitude 15, Reflex 15, Will 13 Str 11 (+0) Dex 14 (+2) Wis 16 (+3)
their eyes above the surface, waiting for anything Speed 6, swim 6 Con 13 (+1) Int 4 (–3) Cha 10 (+0)
edible to wander close to the shore. The fell taints are m Claw (standard; at-will)
December 20 09 | D u n g e o n 17 3
The Tainted Spiral
a double attack that triggers as soon as any character Fell Taint Thought Eater (T) Level 2 Controller rolls until the start of its next turn. Conversely, a
moves adjacent to shore. If this tactic works, and one Small aberrant magical beast XP 125
creature with the aberrant origin that starts its turn
Initiative +2 Senses Perception +6
or both of the nymphs manage to grab hold of a hero, HP 26; Bloodied 13 adjacent to a cluster of warp crystals gains a +1 bonus
the nymphs use their next standard action to haul AC 14; Fortitude 13, Reflex 13, Will 15 to attack rolls until the start of its next turn.
a grabbed adventurer into the middle of the stream Resist insubstantial; Vulnerable 5 psychic Treasure: One of the corpses in the stream is Tar-
Speed 1, fly 6 (hover)
and beneath the surface of the water (refer to the thias Ironleaf from the Missing Merchants hook. He
m Tendril Caress (standard; at-will) F Psychic
rules on aquatic combat on page 45 of the Dungeon +6 vs. Reflex; 1d6 + 5 psychic damage. wears a platinum signet ring on his right hand that
Master’s Guide). Once a chuul has a PC in the water, R Spirit Haze (standard; at-will) F Psychic bears the sigil of his house, an oak leaf behind crossed
it relies on a combination of drowning and crushing Ranged 10; +6 vs. Will; 1d4 + 5 psychic damage, and the
swords. The signet ring is worth 75 gp, should the
target is dazed until the end of the fell taint thought eater’s
claws to dispatch its prey. The chuul nymphs do not next turn. PCs decide to keep it rather than return it to Ardia
leave the safety of the water for any reason. If they C Thought Fog (standard; recharge ⚄ ⚅ ) F Psychic, Charm Ironleaf.
are spotted and the PCs resort to ranged attacks from Close blast 5; targets enemies; +5 vs. Will; the target is
slowed (save ends). First Failed Saving Throw: The target is
the shore, the nymphs submerge completely, gaining
immobilized instead of slowed (save ends).
total concealment from the murky water. If one of the Fell Taint Feeding (standard; at-will) F Healing
chuul nymphs is killed and the other is bloodied, the Targets a helpless or unconscious creature; the fell taint
remaining nymph swims further downstream into a thought eater loses insubstantial and its fly speed until the
end of its next turn, and it makes a coup de grace against
subterranean tunnel and out of the characters’ reach. the target. If the thought eater kills the target, it regains all
The fell taints resort to melee combat only if the of its hit points.
characters make it across the stream. If forced into Alignment Unaligned Languages —
Str 11 (+1) Dex 12 (+2) Wis 10 (+1)
melee, the fell taints try to stay adjacent to a cluster of
Con 13 (+2) Int 5 (–2) Cha 16 (+4)
warp crystals to gain a bonus to their attack rolls. The
fell taints fight to the death to protect their lair. Rubble: Squares with rubble are considered difficult
Features of the Area Stream: This murky underground stream is slow
Illumination: The three clusters of warp crystals moving (DC 10 Athletics check to swim) but it is 7
here provide bright illumination. feet deep, requiring characters to swim across it.
Ceiling: The ceiling is 15 feet high. Warp Crystals: The three clusters of warp crys-
Corpses: Two elven corpses float in the stream. tals in this area provide bright illumination out to 10
One of these corpses is Tarthias Ironleaf. A character squares, more than enough to light the entire cavern.
that moves into a square with a corpse gains cover Creatures can move through a square with a cluster
and a +2 bonus to Athletics checks made to stay afloat of warp crystals, but the square counts as difficult ter-
and tread water. rain. Warp crystal radiate the dire, chaotic energies
Pools: The two pools on the northwest side of the of the Far Realm and can have deleterious effects on
stream are 3 feet deep and are considered difficult PCs that get too close to them. Any creature without
terrain. the aberrant origin that starts its turn adjacent to a
cluster of warp crystals takes a –1 penalty to attack
December 20 09 | D u n g e o n 17 3
The Tainted Spiral
T5. Cavern of cover. These two factors make it unlikely that the PCs to use fell taint feeding on helpless PCs during this
will be able to surprise the fell taints by sneaking into combat, trying to stay in the fight as long as possible
the Shard the cavern unseen. to protect their god. The shard golem tries to keep as
When the PCs enter this room, read: many PCs in its unnatural aura as possible, and uses
Encounter Level 3 (XP 775) chaos pulse as soon as it recharges. It uses mind-searing
3 fell taint lashers (L) You emerge into the glaring illumination of a crystal-lit strike on a potent melee-oriented PC each round and
1 fell taint warp wender (W) cavern. The cavern is long, narrow, and separated into saves it action point to put down a bloodied PC with
1 shard golem (G) three distinct sections by high ledges. Each ledge is roughly an additional slam or mind-searing strike.
10 feet high, so that the third and final section of the cavern Once the PCs reach the second tier, the fell taints
Setup is 20 feet from the ground. On the first ledge, a truly and shard golem are cornered and fight ferociously
This large cavern is where the Chaos Shard came to gruesome sight awaits you: a dozen corpses piled in rotting and to the death to repel the invading heroes.
rest after falling away from the great meteor and carv- heaps. Hovering above the corpses are three more of the
ing the descending tunnels of the tainted spiral. In the writhing, tentacular horrors that you have battled every Shard Golem (G) Level 3 Elite Soldier (Leader)
years since, its influence has caused increased seismic step of the way in these cursed caverns. Beyond that, on the Medium aberrant animate (construct) XP 300
activity in the area, which has modified the cavern to second ledge, another tentacled abomination hovers beside Initiative +3 Senses Perception +8; darkvision
Unnatural Aura aura 1; non-aberrant creatures within the
its current uneven state. The cavern now consists of a large, blocky humanoid composed entirely of glowing blue aura take a –2 penalty to attack rolls.
three staggered ledges, each roughly 10 feet above the crystal. HP 98; Bloodied 49
other, separating it into three areas. The ledges pres- AC 18; Fortitude 16; Reflex 14; Will 17
ent no difficulty to the fell taints, but for creatures that Tactics Immune disease, poison, sleep; Vulnerable 5 thunder
Saving Throws +2
cannot fly, the ledges are a serious challenge. If the PCs cannot mount an effective ranged assault, Speed 6
The fell taints have been bringing roughly half the fell taint lashers wait for them to begin climbing Action Points 1
their victims into this chamber, dumping the corpses to the first ledge, and then attack, gaining combat m Slam (standard; at-will) F Psychic
+10 vs. AC; 1d8 + 4 psychic damage.
into the center ledge as an offering to their “god.” The advantage against climbing PCs. When a PC finally M Mind-Searing Strike (standard; at-will) F Psychic
Chaos Shard is hardly aware of the fell taint’s gifts, gains the first ledge, the fell taint warp wender uses +10 vs AC; 1d8 + 4 psychic damage, and one of the
but this hasn’t stopped the foul aberrations from psychic transposition to swap places with the hero, plac- following effects (roll a d4):
bringing it new victims on a regular basis. 1. Ongoing 5 psychic damage (save ends).
ing the unfortunate PC alone with the shard golem.
2. Target gains vulnerable 5 psychic (save ends).
Although it is not actually sentient, the Chaos The shard golem focuses its attacks on the isolated 3. The target slides 2 squares and makes a melee basic
Shard possesses a crude survival instinct. To gain PC, using mind searing strike every round until the PC attack against an adjacent ally.
both mobility and protection, the Chaos Shard is slain or escapes. 4. Target is dazed until the start of the shard golem’s next
long ago constructed an armored, golem-like shell If the PCs all gain the first ledge, or if they have M Dual Mind Sear (standard; recharge x y z ) F Psychic
composed of warp crystals. The warp crystal shell strong ranged attacks, the remaining fell taints fall The shard golem makes two mind-searing strikes, each
is completely mobile and allows the Chaos Shard to back to the second ledge and use the tactics detailed against a different target.
channel the destructive energy of the Far Realm. C Chaos Pulse (minor; recharges when first bloodied) F Psychic
above. If the PCs manage to gain the second ledge,
Close burst 3; targets enemies; +6 vs. Will; 5 psychic
Unlike the other caverns, the fell taints here are on the shard golem hits them with chaos pulse, and the damage, and the target is dazed (save ends).
guard, fervently protecting their god from intruders. remaining fell taints tear into dazed PCs with melee Alignment Chaotic evil Languages —
In addition, the entrance to this cavern is devoid of all attacks. Bloodied fell taints take every opportunity Skills Arcana +8, Dungeoneering +8, Endurance +9
Str 18 (+5) Dex 11 (+1) Wis 15 (+3)
Con 17 (+4) Int 4 (–2) Cha 16 (+4)
December 20 09 | D u n g e o n 17 3
The Tainted Spiral
3 Fell Taint Lashers (L) Level 1 Soldier Fell Taint Level 4 Controller
Small aberrant magical beast XP 100 Warp Wender (W)
Initiative +3 Senses Perception +8 Medium aberrant magical beast XP 175
HP 20; Bloodied 10 Initiative +5 Senses Perception +10
AC 15; Fortitude 12, Reflex 12, Will 14 HP 38; Bloodied 19
Resist insubstantial; Vulnerable 5 psychic AC 18; Fortitude 15, Reflex 15, Will 17
Speed 1, fly 6 (hover) Resist insubstantial; Vulnerable 5 psychic
m Tendril Caress (standard; at-will) F Psychic Speed 1, fly 6 (hover)
+5 vs. Reflex; 1d6 + 4 psychic damage. m Tendril Caress (standard; at-will) F Psychic
M Tendrils of Stasis (standard; at-will) F Psychic +8 vs. Reflex; 1d6 + 4 psychic damage.
+5 vs. Will; 1d4 + 4 psychic damage, and the target is R Psychic Transposition (standard; at-will) F Psychic,
immobilized until the end of the fell taint lasher’s next Teleportation
turn. Ranged 10; +8 vs. Will; 1d4 + 4 psychic damage, and the
Fell Taint Feeding (standard; at-will) F Healing target is dazed (save ends). First Failed Saving Throw: The
Targets a helpless or unconscious creature; the fell taint fell taint warp wender swaps positions with the target.
lasher loses insubstantial and its fl y speed until the end Fell Taint Feeding (standard; at-will) F Healing
of its next turn, and it makes a coup de grace against the Targets a helpless or unconscious creature; the fell taint
target. If the lasher kills the target, it regains all of its hit warp wender loses insubstantial and its fly speed until the
points. end of its next turn, and it makes a coup de grace against
Flowing Tendrils (free, when the fell taint lasher makes an the target. If the warp wender kills the target, it regains all
opportunity attack; at-will) of its hit points.
The lasher shifts 1 square. Alignment Unaligned Languages —
Alignment Unaligned Languages — Str 11 (+2) Dex 16 (+5) Wis 17 (+5)
Str 11 (+0) Dex 12 (+1) Wis 16 (+3) Con 15 (+4) Int 6 (+0) Cha 12 (+3)
Con 13 (+1) Int 4 (–3) Cha 10 (+0)
Rubble: Squares with rubble are considered difficult
Features of the Area terrain.
Illumination: The three clusters of warp crystals Warp Crystals: The three clusters of warp crys-
here provide bright illumination. tals in this area provide bright illumination out to 10
Ceiling: The ceiling is 20 feet high. squares, more than enough to light the entire cavern.
Corpses: Squares with corpses in them are con- Creatures can move through a square with a cluster
sidered difficult terrain. A total of 12 corpses lie of warp crystals, but the square counts as difficult ter-
here, in various states of decay and dismemberment, rain. Warp crystal radiate the dire, chaotic energies
including eight human corpses, three elven corpses, of the Far Realm and can have deleterious effects on
and a single dwarven corpse. PCs that get too close to them. Any creature without About the Author
Aeryn “Blackdirge” Rudel is a staff writer and editor for
Ledges: The three areas in this cavern are sepa- the aberrant origin that starts its turn adjacent to a Goodman Games, a freelance writer and RPG designer, and
rated by two tiered ledges, each 10 feet above the last. cluster of warp crystals takes a –1 penalty to attack the editor-in-chief of the 4E magazine Level Up. He has been a
Climbing onto a ledge requires a DC 10 Athletics rolls until the start of its next turn. Conversely, a professional game designer since 2005, and his recent author
credits include Blackdirge’s Dungeon Denizens, Critter Cache:
check. creature with the aberrant origin that starts its turn
Daemons, and Hero’s Handbook: Tief ling. Aeryn currently lives
Pool: The pool on the highest shelf is 3 feet deep adjacent to a cluster of warp crystals gains a +1 bonus in Modesto, California with his wife Melissa, a non-gamer
and is considered difficult terrain. to attack rolls until the start of its next turn. whose tolerance for her husband’s geekery borders on the
December 20 09 | D u n g e o n 17 3
A Chaos Scar Adventure
the Lost
“The Lost Library” is a short adventure
for five 2nd-level characters that takes
place in a remote cave near the mouth of
the Chaos Scar. Through the course of the
adventure, the PCs encounter a tribe of
kobolds that has recently unearthed an
ancient arcane library that predates the
valley. The PCs have the opportunity to
explore the library, uncovering a portal to
a sorcerer’s abandoned inner sanctum.
By Peter Lee
For details on the Chaos Scar and its environs,
illustrations by Chad King, Zoltan Boros & Gabor Szikszai
cartography by Jason A. Engle read the Chaos Scar introduction and check out the
TM & © 2009 Wizards of the Coast LLC All rights reserved.
map of the entire valley.
December 20 09 | D u n g e o n 17 3
The Lost Library
If you’re not playing a Chaos Scar campaign, you can still use this adventure by Getting the
integrating it into any existing campaign situated near a wilderness area that features
the remains of an ancient, lost library.
Players Involved
Here are a few story hooks to draw the PCs into
exploring Kethendtir’s cavern and the recently uncov-
Background Unfortunately for the kobolds, the dragon Keth-
ered library.
endtir and the dragonborn Hesskin formed an
Before the violent birth of the Chaos Scar, the goliath alliance. Nibbik was forced to continue his treasure Hook 1: Stolen Gear
sorcerer Voran Earthmane mastered elemental magic detecting ruse, and he and his tribe were forced to
Thorgrim Spinehammer is a dwarf in charge of a
in his isolated keep. (More information on Voran excavate further into Kethendtir’s cave. Much to the
small mine close to the Chaos Scar. He recently suf-
Earthmane can be found in the adventure, “Stick in wyrmpriest’s surprise, his miners uncovered one of
fered the theft of his mining equipment and tracked
the Mud.”) For his most dangerous experiments, he Voran’s lost chambers. In the few hours before the
the thieves as far as the King’s Wall. Not willing to
built isolated underground chambers that could be PCs arrive, Hesskin has discovered the secret of a
risk his own life by entering the valley, he offers to pay
accessed only through magical methods. He was able floating lantern and opened an arcane portal that
the characters 75 gp to follow the kobolds to the cave
to experiment for several years in peace, but when leads to Voran’s inner sanctum.
and recover twelve stolen picks. Thorgrim will pay
the meteor struck, he lost all access to his work. After
as much as 125 gp to avoid purchasing replacement
recovering what he could, Voran left, and knowledge Adventure Synopsis gear, but a DC 15 Diplomacy check must be made to
of his work faded.
convince the miserly dwarf to part with his money.
Hesskin Flamebrow, a dragonborn treasure hunter The adventurers make their way to the lair of the Quest XP: 500 XP for bringing back Thorgrim’s
drawn to the power that lies in the valley, arrived at brown dragon wyrmling Kethendtir. There, they stolen equipment.
the Chaos Scar a few weeks ago. He and his associ- must face the dragon almost as soon as they arrive,
ate met a small group of kobolds that have been along with a number of kobold miners serving of the Hook 2: Wyrmling Raider
abandoned by their tribe, Clan Fireclaw. In such a dragon. Afterward, the characters can make their way Local farmers have been losing livestock to raids per-
weakened state, these kobolds were forced to pledge deeper into the complex, eventually finding the site formed by a brown wyrmling dragon (Kethendtir).
their allegiance to the dragonborn. As part of the of the kobolds’ excavation. They must face Gravash The farmers know that this problem will only get
bargain to save their lives, the kobold leader Nibbik and Hesskin, the two dragonborn who initially forced worse in the future, so they have banded together to
claimed he knew a powerful ritual that could detect these kobold outcasts into service, along with some solve their problem. A quiet halfing farmer named
piles of gold. While this was a lie, he did know of a hostile defenses Voran left to ward his library. The Karrie Buttonquail approaches the characters with
dragon that recently moved into the area, and it was characters have an opportunity to negotiate with the all the money the farmers could amass: 2,618 cp. If
Nibbik’s hope that by leading Hesskin to the dragon’s kobolds through Nibbik, their wyrmpriest, and make the PCs try to bargain, she’ll reluctantly throw in her
cave, Nibbik could defeat two potential enemies at an alliance with the kobolds to provide them with prize sheep worth 100 sp.
once. intelligence on future explorations of the Chaos Scar. Quest XP: 500 XP for bringing back proof of
Kethendtir’s death.
December 20 09 | D u n g e o n 17 3
The Lost Library
“The Lost Library” uses the treasure parcel system Characters examining the tracks outside of the cavern
Voran’s Floating Lantern Level 3
described in the Dungeon Master’s Guide®. The char- can make a Perception Check:
This silver lantern floats in midair under your control.
acters should gain a total of three treasure parcels in DC 15 Perception: The characters find multiple
Wondrous Item 680 gp
this adventure. Listed below are the most likely places kobold tracks, a couple of larger reptilian prints as
Property: This lantern never needs lighting or refilling. When
to find parcels and what those treasure parcels might you let go of the lantern, it continues to hang in the air wide as a dragonborn’s foot, and small tracks that
consist of. The magic items should come from the where you leave it. If weight in excess of 1 pound is applied appear to belong to either a drake or dragon.
to the lantern, it falls to the ground.
players’ wish lists. Power (At-Will): Minor Action. While you hold the floating lan-
tern or are adjacent to it, you can set its light to be bright
Parcel Item (10-square radius), dim (5-square radius), or off.
Parcel 1: Power (At-Will): Move Action. The last creature to hold the
lantern can mentally command it to move up to 10 squares
The Wyrmling’s Cave One level 5 magic item
in any direction, but not more than 10 squares from it.
Parcel 2: The Lost Library Two vials of alchemist’s Special: If Voran’s floating lantern illuminates the magic circle
acid (Level 1, 20 gp each) in either the library or the inner sanctum, a portal appears
and 50 gp of Alchemical allowing travel between the two rooms. The portal lasts
Reagents until the lantern no longer illuminates either portal. The
lantern can travel through the portal with no ill effect.
Parcel 3:
The Inner Sanctum 220 gp and 400 sp
December 20 09 | D u n g e o n 17 3
The Lost Library
the Adventure
If the characters decide to spare Nibbik, you have
the option of introducing kobolds as companion
characters to the party. (For more information on
companion characters, see page 27 of Dungeon Master
Guide 2.) Three potential kobolds can join the group,
depending on what the party needs.
Nibbik, Kobold Wyrmpriest (Controller)
Minnock, Kobold Slinger (Striker)
Krunk One-Ear, Kobold Dragonshield (Defender)
December 20 09 | D u n g e o n 17 3
The Lost Library
December 20 09 | D u n g e o n 17 3
The Lost Library
December 20 09 | D u n g e o n 17 3
The Lost Library
December 20 09 | D u n g e o n 17 3
The Lost Library
Gravash, dragonborn swiftblade (G)
1 kobold dragonshield (D)
2 kobold miners (M)
2 kobold slinger (S)
Warded desk trap
December 20 09 | D u n g e o n 17 3
The Lost Library
Gravash, Level 2 Elite Skirmisher Kobold Dragonshield (D) Level 2 Soldier 2 Kobold Slingers (S) Level 1 Artillery
Dragonborn Swiftblade (G) Small natural humanoid (reptile) XP 125 Small natural humanoid (reptile) XP 100
Medium natural humanoid XP 250 Initiative +4 Senses Perception +2; darkvision Initiative +3 Senses Perception +1; darkvision
Initiative +7 Senses Perception +2 HP 36; Bloodied 18 HP 24; Bloodied 12
HP 74; Bloodied 37 AC 18; Fortitude 14, Reflex 13, Will 13; see also trap sense AC 13; Fortitude 12, Reflex 14, Will 12; see also trap sense
AC 16; Fortitude 13, Reflex 16, Will 13 Resist 5 fire Speed 6
Resist 5 fire Speed 5 m Dagger (standard; at-will) F Weapon
Saving Throws +2 m Short Sword (standard; at-will) F Weapon +5 vs. AC; 1d4 + 3 damage.
Speed 6 +7 vs. AC; 1d6 + 3 damage, and the target is marked until r Sling (standard; at-will) F Weapon
Action Points 1 the end of the kobold dragonshield’s next turn. Ranged 10/20; +6 vs. AC; 1d6 + 3 damage; see also special
m Longsword (standard; at-will) F Weapon Dragonshield Tactics (immediate reaction, when an adjacent shot.
+7 vs. AC (+8 while bloodied); 1d8 + 4 damage enemy shifts away or an enemy moves adjacent; at-will) Special Shot
M End-Over-End Strike (move; at-will) The kobold dragonshield shifts 1 square. The kobold slinger can fire special ammunition from its
Gravash makes a longsword attack and then shifts up to Mob Attack sling. It typically carries 3 rounds of special shot, chosen
3 squares to a square adjacent to the target. Gravash can The kobold dragonshield gains a +1bonus to attack rolls from the types listed below. A special shot attack that
shift through the target’s square during this movement. per kobold ally adjacent to the target. hits deals normal damage and has an additional effect
C Dragon Breath (minor; encounter) F Fire Shifty (minor; at-will) depending on its type:
Close blast 3; +5 vs. Reflex (+6 while bloodied); 1d8 + 4 The kobold shifts 1 square. Stinkpot: The target takes a -2 penalty to attack rolls (save
fire damage Trap Sense ends).
Roll with the Blow (immediate reaction; at-will) The kobold gains a +2 bonus to all defenses against traps. Firepot (Fire): The target takes ongoing 2 fire damage (save
Trigger: Gravash is hit by a melee or ranged attack. Effect: Alignment Evil Languages Common, Draconic ends).
Gravash shifts 1 square. Skills Acrobatics +5, Stealth +7, Thievery +7 Gluepot: The target is immobilized (save ends).
Tumble (move; encounter) Str 14 (+3) Dex 13 (+2) Wis 12 (+2) Shifty (minor; at-will)
Gravash shifts 6 squares. Con 12 (+2) Int 9 (+0) Cha 10 (+1) The kobold shifts 1 square.
Alignment Evil Languages Common, Draconic Equipment scale armor, heavy shield, short sword Trap Sense
Str 13 (+2) Dex 19 (+5) Wis 13 (+2) The kobold gains a +2 bonus to all defenses against traps.
Con 13 (+2) Int 7 (–1) Cha 10 (+1) 2 Kobold Miners (M) Level 1 Minion Skirmisher Alignment Evil Languages Common, Draconic
Equipment leather armor, longsword Small natural humanoid (reptile) XP 25 Str 9 (–1) Dex 17 (+3) Wis 12 (+1)
Initiative +4 Senses Perception +1; darkvision Con 12 (+1) Int 9 (–1) Cha 10 (+0)
HP 1; a missed attack never damages a minion. Equipment leather armor, dagger, sling
AC 15; Fortitude 11, Reflex 13, Will 11; see also trap sense
Speed 6
m Pick (standard; at-will) F Weapon
+6 vs. AC; 4 damage (crit 6).
r Small Rock (standard; at-will)
Ranged 5; +6 vs. AC; 3 damage.
Shifty (minor; at-will)
The kobold shifts 1 square as a minor action.
Trap Sense
The kobold gains a +2 bonus to all defenses against traps.
Alignment Evil Languages Common, Draconic
Str 8 (-1) Dex 14 (+2) Wis 12 (+1)
Con 12 (+1) Int 9 (-1) Cha 10 (+0)
Equipment leather armor, war pick, backpack
December 20 09 | D u n g e o n 17 3
The Lost Library
Warded Desk Level 1 Warder treasure parcel.) This is a good opportunity to intro- Caved-In Passage: The short passage collapsed
Trap XP 100 duce alchemical formulas or ritual books if desired when the meteor struck, isolating the library from
Trap: A 4-by-4 section of the floor is ringed with runes.
for your campaign. outside. Clearing out the tunnel would be as much
No check is necessary to notice the glowing runes. If hired to recover Emeranith’s stolen books, they work as digging a new tunnel. The end of the passage
Additional Skill: Arcana are found here. The books include information about counts as difficult terrain.
F DC 15: The character notices that anyone crossing the the history of the local lands, especially the period Alchemical Bench: Most of the ingredients on
runes is attacked by a sonic pulse that can temporarily
before the meteor hit. the bench are dried up and useless. PCs searching the
disable them.
Trigger Desk: the desk contains Voran’s eternal chalk and desk find two vials of alchemist’s acid (Adventurer’s
The trap attacks when a creature enters one of the trap’s a few scraps of paper written in a goliath dialect of Vault, page 24) and 50 gp of alchemical reagents.
four squares.
Dwarven. The paper is yellowed with age, but some Portal: The portal in the corner leads to the final
Immediate Reaction Close Burst 1 writing can be deciphered, including a fragment from room in this portion of Voran’s library, and encounter
Attack: +4 vs. Fortitude a journal: L3.
Hit: The target takes 1d6 damage and is dazed until the end of
its next turn.
Countermeasures It is fitting that the lantern’s elemental
F Saying the command word makes the trap ignore a flame grants access to my library; only
character for 24 hours.
F An adjacent character can disable the trap for 5 minutes the knowledge in these books has granted
with a DC 15 Thievery check. me the power to tame the elements. My
F An adjacent character deciphers the runes and discovers
the trap’s command word with a DC 20 Arcana check. mastery over earth and stone continues
to grow. I excavated the Tomb in record
Features of the Area time and the portal opens perfectly when I
Illumination: The glowing runes around the desk blow the whistle.
and magic circle illuminate the room with dim light.
I wish I did not need a tomb, but I’ve
Collapsed Wall: The wall the kobolds broke
through lies in pieces on the floor and now counts as
chased off too many grave robbers over
difficult terrain. the past few months. I could not risk
Pile of Books: The books are in very poor condi- Locantra’s body being stolen. I moved
tion due to centuries of abuse by the elements, but entire blocks of earth at once, but they are
with some study it can be determined that these now safe deep underground—the dead
books deal with esoteric arcane knowledge, such as
shall lie in peace.
the creation of magical items or the history of the
Elemental Chaos. A PC could repair the books with
I have only one chamber left to build,
a Make Whole ritual, but doing so would take over 3 but it will be the most difficult of all. I
hours to repair all twenty books. Each repaired book am almost finished with the key—just
is worth 10 gp to a historian. (After including the cost one final enchantment and the battle
of the ritual, the PCs gain 160 gp, approximately one standard will be complete.
December 20 09 | D u n g e o n 17 3
The Lost Library
Encounter Level 4 (875 XP)
Hesskin, dragonborn hunter (H)
Nibbik, kobold wyrmpriest (N)
2 kobold slingers (S)
1 arbalester (A)
As you step through the portal, you feel your bodies Perception DC 15: The character spots the rest of The arbalester’s guarded area is the 4-square by
shifted through miles of rock in a moment that feels both the kobolds. If the adventurers are unaware of the 4-square magic circle in the middle of the room; if
instantaneous and endless. You feel your form coalesce kobolds, the creatures have combat advantage when any PC is in that area at the start of the arbalester’s
in a rocky chamber standing in a glowing yellow circle. A they make their first attack. turn, the arbalester recharges its double shot power.
hovering lantern stands a short distance away, illuminating The arbalester moves only when necessary.
the room. Before you is a wooden staircase leading up Three kobolds skirt the perimeter of the room, getting ready The kobold slingers are crafty—they use their glue-
to the rest of the room. At the top of the stairs stands a to attack! pot special shot against enemies in the magic circle,
dragonborn clad in scale next to a small ballista that providing the arbalester ample targets for its attacks.
swivels, of its volition, in your direction. Tactics Nibbik is a coward and tries to keep Hesskin
Hesskin prefers to start the combat by firing his between himself and the PCs. Nibbik uses incite faith
If any of the kobolds escaped from encounter L1 and crossbow from the top of the stairs, defending the early in the encounter to protect his slingers. Once
the party hasn’t taken an extended rest, Hesskin arbalester from attack. Hesskin is patient—he won’t Hesskin is defeated, Nibbik surrenders. He prefers to
immediately fires a crossbow bolt at the first charac- rush into melee until the kobold slingers, the arbales- surrender to a dragonborn PC if possible, pledging
ter that comes out of the portal, beginning combat. ter, or Nibbik are overwhelmed. himself and the remaining kobolds to do the heroes’
December 20 09 | D u n g e o n 17 3
The Lost Library
Hesskin, Level 4 Elite Brute Nibbik, Level 3 Artillery (Leader) 2 Kobold Slingers (S) Level 1 Artillery
Dragonborn Hunter (H) Kobold Wyrmpriest (N) Small natural humanoid (reptile) XP 100
Medium natural humanoid XP 350 Small natural humanoid XP 150 Initiative +3 Senses Perception +1; darkvision
Initiative +4 Senses Perception +3 Initiative +4 Senses Perception +4; darkvision HP 24; Bloodied 12
HP 138; Bloodied 69 HP 36; Bloodied 18 AC 13; Fortitude 12, Reflex 14, Will 12; see also trap sense
AC 16; Fortitude 18; Reflex 16; Will 15 AC 15; Fortitude 13; Reflex 15; Will 15; see also trap sense Speed 6
Saving Throws +2 Speed 6 m Dagger (standard; at-will) F Weapon
Speed 5 m Spear (standard; at-will) F Weapon +5 vs. AC; 1d4 + 3 damage.
Action Points 1 +7 vs. AC; 1d8 damage. r Sling (standard; at-will) F Weapon
m Longsword (at-will; standard) F Weapon R Energy Orb (standard; at-will) F Fire Ranged 10/20; +6 vs. AC; 1d6 + 3 damage; see also special
+7 vs. AC; +8 while bloodied; 1d8 + 6 damage. Ranged 10; +6 vs. Reflex; 1d10 + 3 fire damage. shot.
r Crossbow (at-will; standard) F Weapon C Incite Faith (minor; encounter) Special Shot
Ranged 15/30; +7 vs. AC; +8 while bloodied; 1d8 + 4 Close burst 10; kobold allies in the burst gain 5 temporary The kobold slinger can fire special ammunition from its
damage. hit points and shift 1 square. sling. It typically carries 3 rounds of special shot, chosen
M Cleave (at-will; standard) F Weapon C Dragon Breath (standard; encounter) F Fire from the types listed below. A special shot attack that
+7 vs. AC; +8 while bloodied; 1d8 + 6 damage, and another Close blast 3; +6 vs. Fortitude; 1d10 + 3 fire damage. Miss: hits deals normal damage and has an additional effect
enemy adjacent to Hesskin takes 6 damage Half damage. depending on its type:
M Powerful Slice (standard; recharge 6) F Weapon Shifty (minor; at-will) Stinkpot: The target takes a -2 penalty to attack rolls (save
+7 vs. AC; +8 while bloodied; 2d8 + 6 damage, and the The kobold shifts 1 square. ends).
target is pushed 1 square and knocked prone. Trap Sense Firepot (Fire): The target takes ongoing 2 fire damage (save
C Dragon Breath (encounter; minor) F Cold The kobold gains a +2 bonus to all defenses against traps. ends).
Close blast 3; +7 vs. Reflex; +8 while bloodied; 1d8 + 3 Alignment Evil Languages Common, Draconic Gluepot: The target is immobilized (save ends).
cold damage. Skills Stealth +10, Thievery +10 Shifty (minor; at-will)
Alignment Evil Languages Common, Draconic Str 9 (+0) Dex 16 (+4) Wis 17 (+4) The kobold shifts 1 square.
Skills Endurance +11, Intimidate +6 Con 12 (+2) Int 9 (+0) Cha 12 (+2) Trap Sense
Str 17 (+5) Dex 15 (+4) Wis 13 (+3) Equipment hide armor, spear, bone mask The kobold gains a +2 bonus to all defenses against traps.
Con 19 (+6) Int 12 (+3) Cha 9 (+1) Alignment Evil Languages Common, Draconic
Equipment scale armor, longsword, crossbow, 30 crossbow Str 9 (–1) Dex 17 (+3) Wis 12 (+1)
bolts Con 12 (+1) Int 9 (–1) Cha 10 (+0)
Equipment leather armor, dagger, sling
December 20 09 | D u n g e o n 17 3
The Lost Library
December 20 09 | D u n g e o n 17 3
Those Once
By Robert J. Schwalb
An adventure for 25th-level characters
December 20 09 | D u n g e o n 17 3
Those Once Loyal
“Those Once Loyal” is an adventure for five 25th-level when he received a vision of Bahamut’s rebirth, Backed by a legion of devils, Dakranad and Dis-
characters. By the end, the characters should be mid- because he knew that if his master returned, the pater slipped into Celestia, moved to the Shining
way through 27th level. This adventure builds on the wars would continue forever. The only solution was to Bastion, Bahamut’s palace, and seized the stronghold
events described in the Scales of War adventure path, claim Bahamut’s mantle and assume his place. by force. The gold dragons would not kneel before
but you can adapt it for use in your own campaign or For all his intellect and foresight, Dakranad failed them, even when faced by a devil and his army. The
as a one-shot adventure for epic level adventurers. to recognize his hubris when he approached the seven gold dragons fought; Dakranad and his allies won;
gold dragons who advised their master. Dakranad Bahamut’s palace was theirs.
Background gave an impassioned speech, explaining the histories It wasn’t until the last gold dragon lay dying on the
Bahamut is mostly dead . . . but not entirely so. A rem- and their consequences and the dangers yet to come f loor that Dakranad realized his crime’s enormity.
nant lives on, hidden away and kept safe by a servant should Bahamut be permitted to continue his struggle. His intent was never power but to save lives. The
created for just this purpose. In Bahamut’s unfathom- He beseeched the dragons to elevate him so he could dead dragons’ glassy eyes ref lected his corruption,
able wisdom, he anticipated the end Tiamat intended take the Platinum Dragon’s place and bring the costly but instead of retreating from his wickedness, he
for him, extracted a portion of his divine essence, and war to an end. His audience was both delighted that resolved to see his plan to its conclusion and right his
bequeathed it to an unwitting vessel. That vessel is Bahamut would return and horrified by the dragon’s wrongs. He would lead Celestia into a bright future,
Amyria. Should the unthinkable happen (as it has), offer. They were so offended that they tossed the free from conf lict and strife, and free from Io’s legacy
the essence would guide Amyria to her ultimate mithral dragon out from Celestia and unknowingly for all time.
purpose. placed him in the clutches of an insidious enemy who
At least, that’s the plan. wanted vengeance for himself. Adventure Synopsis
Keeping the plan a secret was central to Bahamut’s Enter Dispater. Bahamut and Tiamat caused the The arrow of fate recovered in “Legacy of Io” points to
agenda. Although Amyria is capable, as are her archdevil endless trouble with their squabbling. Dis- Celestia as the place to restore Bahamut to life. The
companions, Tiamat would destroy her in a moment pater lost his prized prisoner (Gith), had his aspect visions assailing Amyria are beginning to weaken
if she knew what the deva carried within her. No murdered, and saw any chance at claiming the gith her, however, and if not stopped, may very well kill
plan is safe when there are those who can peer into yanki dashed for the foreseeable future. The only way her. Using her spelljammer, the adventurers travel to
the future and trace fate’s threads to their possible for Dispater to salvage his situation was to claim the Empyron to seek clues about how they might resur-
outcomes. god’s essence for himself and either keep it tucked rect the fallen god and also to cure the deva. Once
One such being to identify Bahamut’s intent was away in his iron citadel or use it to remove Asmodeus there, Dakranad’s agents strike the city of healing.
the mithral dragon Dakranad, a historian and phi- and elevate himself to master of the Nine Hells. While battling the dragons and angels, infernal assas-
losopher who dwelled in Bahamut’s palace. Any who Dakranad was skeptical about an alliance with sins slip behind the characters to kidnap Amyria and
are close to the Platinum Dragon are aware that the the archdevil, knowing enough to realize the peril in bring her back to their master.
struggle between Bahamut and Tiamat is no new dealing with such a fiend. Yet Dakranad’s desperation Whether or not the devils succeed, the charac-
thing. It has raged for countless millennia, all the way undid his reservations and allowed him to be swayed ters learn Amyria is in fact the vessel and key to
back to the Dawn War when Bahamut and Tiamat by the archdevil’s honeyed words. Dispater assured Bahamut’s recovery. An old ally, Kalad, whose soul
were born from Io’s sundered form. Dakranad knew the dragon that they would attain a bloodless victory, was spared and transformed into an exalted, points
that Bahamut’s death, while tragic, would bring an and with his support they could seize Amyria when to Torzak-Belgirn to find answers to their questions.
end to the war and spare the lives of generations to she entered Celestia and prevent her from becoming If the devils did succeed, the dragon attack points
come. This fact comforted Dakranad. He was shaken Bahamut with little trouble at all. to Dakranad, and the characters can easily discover
December 20 09 | D u n g e o n 17 3
Those Once Loyal
December 20 09 | D u n g e o n 17 3
Those Once Loyal
December 20 09 | D u n g e o n 17 3
Those Once Loyal
Vital Information Starting the Adventure Amyria still lives, but she doesn’t respond to efforts to
help her. Any character trained in Heal sees she’s in a
This adventure reveals the methods required to The amount of time between this adventure and the
coma and her condition worsens. Characters seeking
restore Bahamut to life. While running the adven- last is up to you. During the characters’ efforts to
more concrete answers have a few options.
ture, be sure to keep the following points in mind and recover the arrow of fate, Amyria was looking into the
Characters trained in Arcana or Religion know
make sure the players understand them by the adven- intense visions troubling her since Bahamut’s death.
Celestia is an astral dominion and is home to Kord,
ture’s conclusion. Should the adventurers need time to create or pur-
Moradin, and Bahamut when he lived. It is a holy
✦ Long ago, Bahamut enshrined his essence in a chase magic items, follow up on other leads, or need
place where virtue and courage are celebrated and
simple platinum sword and hid the relic in the an extra encounter or two to bring them to 25th level,
where great heroes may become exalted and lend
natural world as insurance against the time when stall this adventure’s start.
their power to the dominion’s defense. A DC 26 Reli-
Tiamat would resume their age-old struggle.
✦ Not long after Tiamat sparked the war, Bahamut A Grim Reunion gion check recalls Celestia is also home to Empyron,
the City of Healing, where ailments have no hold.
awoke the platinum sword. The weapon assumed Amyria finds the adventurers. During her travels, she
Alternatively, the adventurers might use rituals to
the form of a deva who took the name Amyria. To acquired a spelljammer named Mercy’s Blessing and
ferret out the answers to their questions.
protect Bahamut’s essence, the deva knew nothing searched the planes for answers to her visions as well
Consult Oracle: Characters using this ritual
of who she was or what role she would play in the as information on how to use the arrow of fate. Amyria
receive one-word answers to their questions. Use Vital
event of Bahamut’s death. is exhausted by her efforts, and the visions have only
Information on this page to guide your answers.
✦ Once Bahamut was slain, the essence stirred grown worse. When she rejoins the adventurers, it’s
Consult Mystic Sages: Information gained from
within the vessel, impelling her to restore the clear she’s sick. It’s clear that if something is not done
this ritual also draws from Vital Information pre-
god to his true form. The Platinum Dragon never soon, this unknown plague might kill her.
sented on this page.
intended the vessel to acquire a personality, and Amyria changes the subject should the characters
Divine Sight (Forgotten Realms Player’s Guide): A
thus the divine nature, as it fights to become free, ask after her, turning their attention to the item they
character benefiting from this ritual recognizes that
is inadvertently killing her. recovered. When the characters produce the item,
the arrow of fate serves Bahamut and also identifies
✦ Amyria is nothing more than a means to an end. it swivels in their hand and points toward the deva.
Bahamut’s essence roiling inside Amyria.
Her annihilation is regrettable, but there is no No matter where the character moves, the arrow
History Revealed (Arcane Power): Any character
other way to restore Bahamut. shifts its position so it maintains it direction. When
who performs this ritual witnesses key scenes from
✦ Amyria is not enough. She must carry a creation offered, Amyria takes the arrow of fate, and her eyes
the campaign involving Amyria, but the most impor-
spark into the golden radiance at the end of the open wide, her mouth falls open, and she collapses. A
tant scene is the recovery of the platinum sword in
Bridge of al-Sihal. By entering the light, Amyria moment later she recovers.
“Rescue at Rivenroar” (Dungeon 156).
can merge with the creation spark and begin her
Loremaster’s Bargain: This ritual provides the
transformation into Bahamut. Amyria blinks and gasps and shudders. She pulls herself to
surest information the adventurers need to gather
✦ A powerful angel guards the way into the Bastion of her feet and looks at you. A moment passes before she says,
information described under Vital Information. The
Souls and permits no creature to cross the Bridge “The visions are correct. Bahamut lives. Celestia. We . . .
entity called forth protects Bahamut’s secret, however,
without divine decree. The arrow of fate is the arrow must . . . answers there.” She collapses once again.
and so urges the characters to transport Amyria to
that slew Bahamut once long ago and remains a
Celestia, where she will be at least one step closer to
mighty weapon. Using it against the archangel will
realizing her purpose.
permit Amyria to pass without harm.
December 20 09 | D u n g e o n 17 3
Those Once Loyal
Reaching Celestia The trouble with the Plane Shift ritual is that it
requires the characters to name a specific loca- Celestia
Traveling to an astral dominion is simple work for
epic level characters, but Amyria’s spelljammer can tion they have visited once before or name a plane. Celestia, the Radiant Throne, is a wholesome and
bridge the distance provided they have the Plane Completing the ritual deposits the characters some virtuous plane, a realm of seven magnificent moun-
Shift ritual (Manual of the Planes, page 150). Amyria distance away from the named destination or at a tains whose peaks shine with inner light. This plane is
knows the ritual, but she’s in no condition to perform random location on the plane. Assuming the charac- home to Bahamut, Kord, and Moradin, and the three
it herself. If the characters themselves lack the ritual, ters have never visited Empyron before and perform deities combine their power to combat evil. Moradin
they might find a ritual scroll (be sure to deduct the rituals, the adventurers appear in the air floating is the first of equals and both Bahamut and Kord
17,000 gp from a monetary treasure parcel) in Amyr- above Bahamut’s Palace (proceed to Part Three). If accede to his wishes.
ia’s quarters. Alternatively, acquiring the ritual might the characters have been to Empyron before and get The plane consists of a range of seven peaks, about
prove an interesting side-trek if the characters aren’t a 30 or higher on their Arcana check, they’re close 120 miles long and wide. Each mount climbs some 10
quite to 25th level. enough to Empyron to close the distance in short miles up to blue skies above. The plane exerts normal
order (proceed to Part One). Failing this, the charac- gravity, and the deities can control their environs.
Mercy’s Blessing ters wind up at the Palace as above. Radiance Affinity: Creatures gain a +1 bonus
Gargantuan vehicle On the off chance that no character has the Ritual to attack rolls using radiant powers. Creatures deal
HP 500 Space 4 squares by 8 squares
AC 3; Fortitude 20, Reflex 2 Caster feat, they will need to find someone to per- only half damage with attacks using necrotic damage
Speed fly 12 (hover), overland flight 15 form the ritual on their behalf. Use any suitable NPC (though ongoing necrotic damage is unaffected).
Pilot to whom the characters have grown close to do the Current Developments: Bahamut’s death drew
The pilot must sit at the spelljammer helm, at the vessel’s
job, but the characters will still need to supply the Kord and Moradin from their respective realms
Crew residuum. to respond to Tiamat’s machinations. Both gods
In addition to the pilot, the vehicle requires a crew of five, In the end, allow the characters to reach Celestia left their dominion and council with other gods
all of whom use a standard action each round to help with little effort. to determine how they should respond to deicide.
control the vessel. Reduce the vehicle’s fly speed by 4
squares for each missing crewmember. At fly speed 0, the Kord’s halls are beyond this adventure’s scope, but
vehicle is unable to travel and flies out of control. Moradin left an aspect to oversee his forge behind
Load Rainf ather’s Beard.
Thirty Medium creatures; forty tons of cargo.
Out of Control
When out-of-control, the vehicle moves forward at half
speed (not including any modifiers for its sails). Each round,
it has a 75% chance of descending. It descends 5 squares
for the first 10 rounds it’s out of control. After 10 rounds,
it descends 10 squares per round. If the vehicle hits the
ground while out-of-control after descending more than 20
squares, it is destroyed.
The vehicle takes a penalty or bonus to its fly speed from –4
to +4 depending on the strength and direction of the wind.
Spelljammer Helm (Navigation Focus)
This vehicle is equipped with a spelljamming helm which is
the navigation focus for the Plane Shift ritual.
December 20 09 | D u n g e o n 17 3
Those Once Loyal
Part One: white robes and a silver mask, concealing gender and
features. As one, they turn to the deva and converge to
The City of Healing attend to her hurts.
The gentlest peak of the Seven Mounting Heavens is The attendants are exalted, chosen by the gods
Jusor. Travelers can ascend to its high vales by way to give comfort to the suffering. Their sole purpose
of the wide slopes, whose pitches are intended not to is to heal the sick and, despite their strange, silent
tax the traveler too greatly but rather to invite them behavior, they mean Amyria no harm. They try to
onward to Empyron far above. Not long after a trav- take Amyria and bring her inside the tower, where
eler makes the ascent, the City of Healing’s alabaster they can assess whatever assails her. If any character
towers come into view, graceful spires with f luted moves against the attendants or stops them from
columns and wide, arcing bridges spanning the dis- taking Amyria, they as one retreat to the doors, cock-
tance between them. The white walls bounding the ing their heads in confusion, watching and waiting
city bear the merciful visages and snapping gold ban- to see what the characters do next. A character who
ners declaring the city’s devotion to life and living. attacks an attendant causes all six to disappear and
Through the open gates one finds broad avenues shutters to them every door and every window in
sheltered by the spreading boughs of massive oaks Empyron, barring all access to any chambers, thus
to dampen the sun’s brilliance. From any point in denying their aid for as long as you deem sufficient.
the city, one can just make out the still black waters
on whose shores the city stands. No ripple mars its
glassy surface and unseen stars ref lect their light off
its still waters.
The City of Healing welcomes all, offering succor
to those in need. Within its walls, curses melt, injuries
heal, and diseases flee. Characters suffering any inju-
ries, curses, diseases, or other persistent ailments find
them lifted upon entering the city, yet Amyria does
not stir from her sleep.
Whether the characters entered the city on foot or
landed the spelljammer in a clearing, the city’s healers
find them:
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An Old Friend Couldn’t some essence of Bahamut have survived? Event 1: Sanctity Violated
Hmm. If Bahamut’s essence lingers still, he is in grave If the attendants carried Amyria into the great hall
Whether or not the characters allow the attendants
danger, for Dakranad will not permit his return. and the characters followed them inside, they find
to spirit Amyria away, a short, stocky attendant joins
Who is Darkranad? Bahamut’s heir-apparent, an comfortable beds lining both sides for as far as they
the rest. Like the others, he wears white robes, but
arrogant mithral dragon who claims to have visions can see, suggesting the place is far larger inside than
he lacks a mask. Characters who knew Kalad in life
or some such nonsense. He’s the one causing all the out. Whitewood arched doors lead off on all sides
recognize him immediately.
trouble. while glowing motes fill the room with cheery light.
When Kalad perished in “Throne of the Stone-
What sort of trouble? There has been trouble at There are no other patients here. If they ask Kalad
Skinned King” (Dungeon 166), Moradin took pity on
Bahamut’s palace. It seems the dragon has made foul about this, the dwarf explains that there are others,
this dedicated servant and called his spirit from the
alliances and driven out the proper custodians. Devils but they are elsewhere in the city. The gods built the
Shadowfell to serve in the afterlife as he did in life.
in Bahamut’s hall, can you imagine? City of Healing during the Dawn War to attend to
Kalad lends his aid to Empyron, learning the ancient
If we can restore Bahamut, he’ll certainly toss him out, their soldiers. Such was the war’s scope that at one
healing arts passed down for millennia. He remem-
won’t he? Most likely, but only if you succeed. Have you time, no bed lacked an injured hero and no hall stood
bers little from his life, but he recalls familiar faces.
located his essence? (If yes) Amyria? Never guessed empty.
His face splits into a grin as he welcomes the heroes
that one, though she was always a bit funny, I suppose. While the attendants inspect Amyria, Dakranad’s
to the City of Healing.
Well, it’s just a matter of extracting the essence then. servants strike the city.
After a few friendly exchanges, the characters
This isn’t something healers can do here. You’d do Tactical Encounter: A. Dragon Strike (see page
can question the dwarf as they like. Typical answers
best to sort this out with Moradin himself. If anyone 45).
follow typical questions below.
would know how to put a god back together again, it’d
What are you doing here? I thought you were dead!
Indeed I was, friend, but Moradin still had need for
be him. (If no) Well, once we see what’s wrong with Event 2: Kidnapping
Amyria, we can patch her up and maybe she’ll have While the dragons and angels strike from overhead,
this old dwarf. I’ve come to learn the healing arts and
answers for us. Dispater’s servants enter the hall from one of the side
lend my aid in what feeble ways I can.
Where would we find Moradin? That’s a question passages and abduct Amyria. Run this encounter only
Who are these others in the city? Ah. They are exalted
for sure. From what I hear, he’s already left Celestia if one or more characters refuse to leave the deva’s
like myself. They intend no harm; their purpose is to
with Kord to convene with the other gods about fight- side while the battle rages.
help and nothing more.
ing Tiamat. Moradin would never leave his forge Tactical Encounter: B. Fiery Abduction (see
Can we trust them with Amyria? Of course, you came
unguarded. I imagine he left behind his aspect to page 48).
here didn’t you? All are safe in the City of Healing.
continue his work. I would check at Torzak-Belgirn to Adapting the Encounter: It’s likely the player
Have you heard about Bahamut’s death? Who hasn’t?
find him. characters will be busy fighting the silver dragons
Things have been difficult since he died. Celestia
readies for war. and thus unable to stop or confront the devils in this
What do you mean, difficult? Bahamut’s passing is encounter. You can repurpose this encounter at any
grievous to be sure, but not all share this sentiment. point later in the adventure. The devils might cause
Vultures have emerged to claim his mantle. trouble for the characters in the Halls of Reflection
But Bahamut still lives! Does he now? That’s or the characters might face them while snooping
interesting . . . Where is he? Is this some sort of plot around at Torzak-Belgirn.
against Tiamat?
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Where is the
Event 5: What Next?
Diagnosis and Revelations With the information learned from the healers, the
Mithral Dragon?
Empyron attendants learned key information about characters have a few options. They might press
The mithral dragon’s prescience allows it to stay Amyria, but the characters can learn this only if at ahead to Moradin’s Forge (see Part Three) and seek an
ahead of the characters until the end. If the devils least one attendant survived tactical encounter B or if audience with the god, or they might head for Baham-
kidnap Amyria, they deliver her to the dragon at the characters thwarted the kidnapping attempt and ut’s Palace to rescue Amyria, figure out how the devils
the palace. Dakranad then moves to Torzak-Belgirn have other attendants inspect her. The characters can are involved, and perhaps defeat the mithral dragon
where he deceives the aspect of Moradin and con- learn the following information from the attendants. (see Part Two). The characters have time to take an
vinces him that he plans to restore Bahamut and that ✦ Amyria does not have long to live. extended rest before heading off in either direction.
the characters aim to stop him and save Amyria’s life. ✦ A powerful presence is using Amyria’s body as
Characters going first to Bahamut’s Palace just fuel to sustain itself. If left alone, the spark will
miss the dragon as he teleports to Moradin’s Forge. destroy itself and Amyria.
Should the characters explore the Forge first, assume ✦ The healers could extract the essence, but doing
that Dakranad has already turned the aspect and so would destroy it. If the essence is Bahamut,
gained the creation spark but lingers at the Palace to then doing so would prevent the god’s return.
argue with Dispater for a bit before pushing on to the ✦ If the characters piece this information together
Bridge. with the information gained from Kalad and
suggest to the healers that the essence is in fact
Bahamut, the healers declare that they cannot
trigger the transformation. Only Moradin pos-
Event 3: Hot on the Heels sesses the knowledge and means to reconstitute a
This event occurs only if the characters give chase dead god and he has withdrawn to Torzak-Belgirn,
to the kidnappers or head into the Healing Hall to the forge city, where he musters his armies for war
see where the would-be abductors came from. Deep against Tiamat.
within the Healing Hall are more fiends waiting to
cover their allies’ retreat.
Skill Challenge: C. Tracking the Devils (see
page 49).
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Those Once Loyal
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Those Once Loyal
Keyed Locations
The following locations correspond with those on the
Halls of Reflection map.
1. Portal Landing
Adventurers traveling by portal emerge here. Parties
arriving by other means automatically see the por-
tal’s light. This area grants a breathtaking view of the
mountains to all sides, but its openness leaves arrivals
Tactical Encounter: E. Hell’s Fury (see page 54).
2. Air Bridge
A wide bridge formed from force leads from the
portal landing to the Hall of Reflection. The bridge
is transparent, allowing those crossing it to see the
courtyard over one hundred below their feet.
Tactical Encounter: E. Hell’s Fury (see page 54).
3. Canary Courtyard
Bahamut and his attendants welcomed visitors
through the doors or from overtop to this modest
open-aired courtyard. A balcony rings the area and
the upper doors lead to the Aerie, where Bahamut’s
guards await their master’s next command.
Tactical Encounter: F. Devoted Guardians (see
page 65). 5. Audience Chamber doors open onto an empty hall with two more doors
When Bahamut spent time in the Halls of Reflection, to either side. These doors allow passage into empty
4. Angelic Aerie he would meet petitioners in this massive domed turrets.
Angels need never sleep, but they do spend time in chamber. Platinum seals block further passage into the
meditation to clear their minds of personality and Tactical Encounter: G. Bahamut’s Throne (see complex unless the characters already defeated the
individual will. Bahamut’s angels use the privacy page 57). godforged colossus in tactical encounter G, in which
afforded by this chamber for just this purpose. case the seals are open. If the characters have not yet
Tactical Encounter: F. Devoted Guardians (see 6. Rear Gate defeated the colossus, the seal attacks as described on
page 65). Double doors behind the domed tower allow access page 57.
to the interior and bypass the Canary Courtyard. The
December 20 09 | D u n g e o n 17 3
Those Once Loyal
9. Sighing Passage
Upon entering this hallway, the characters hear
moaning and sighing echoing throughout the hall.
Following the noise to their origin reveals different
sized holes drilled into the far wall.
Tactical Encounter: H. No Sanctuary (see page
December 20 09 | D u n g e o n 17 3
Those Once Loyal
Part Three: The city atop the mountain is interesting enough the god for ten thousand years. The storm titan dwells
to lure adventurers just to see its creations, but the in the pool and emerges to deny access to the Soul-
Rainfather player characters likely have other reasons to search forge to anyone it deems unworthy.
out Rainfather. Based on information acquired thus Tactical Encounter: K. The Rainfather’s Thrall
Solania may not be the tallest mountain in Celestia, far, the characters likely come to the mountain to (see page 65).
but it is a forebidding peak all the same. The mountain seek out the creation spark to serve as a catalyst for
reveals its severe character where the rocky slopes break Amyria’s transformation. The Soulforge
from the evergreen forest blanketing its lower slopes. The Soulforge is one of several sites in Celestia that
Sheer cliffs, jagged spurs, and treacherous ravines Torzak-Belgirn connect to the Crucible of Light, an ancient fount
promise a difficult time to climbers, and the ascent is The characters should have no trouble finding from which all things are possible. Here Moradin
made worse by the unexpected plumes venting from the Rainfather or the metallic city at its peak. Amyria’s fashions new creations, drawing energy from the
mountain’s interior. Steam clouds lift to join the ever- spelljammer can descend from Mertion, where they roiling fires at his forge and imbuing them into the
present mists concealing the mountain’s zenith, yet no found Empyron, or Solania, where they braved constructs he and his devoted servants create. The
matter how dense, light flashes through the murky haze, Bahamut’s Halls of Reflection, and reach the lower aspect of Moradin continues the god’s work.
hinting at the wonders created at Moradin’s forge. mountain in short order. Characters traveling with-
Solania, called Rainfather for the storms the dense out the vessel should still have means to reach the 1. Entrance
clouds produce as well as the waterfalls spilling into city, but have Kalad or Empyron attendants supply The Rainfather’s Beard conceals the entrance to the
rich mountain vales from the mountain’s dizzying stumped characters with the sigil address for a tele- Soulforge.
heights, houses the god Moradin and his servants. Cor- portation circle in the city if needed.
ridors and chambers riddle the mountain’s interior, The characters aren’t in Torzak-Belgirn long When the characters move through the water-
some little more than crude caverns and others sump- enough to make an extensive exploration of the city, fall, read:
tuous halls built in the dwarven fashion. One could but they can purchase supplies of their character level A wide cavern extends into the mountain, then curves
spend ten lifetimes exploring these chambers and or less, rest if they haven’t done so already, and deter- slightly to open into a much larger chamber. The fiery glow
never see them all, but what astonishing discoveries mine how they might get an audience with Moradin from red veins worming through the stone offers faint light.
one might find in these endless passages pale com- or his representative. Such information is not easily
pared to the innovation displayed in Torzak-Belgirn. acquired, and thus the characters must engage in a Perception Check
Torzak-Belgirn is a city built near Rainfather’s skill challenge if they would find Moradin’s proxy. DC 29: An enormous shadow moves across the wall.
peak. Spread across metal platforms by the score, the Skill Challenge: J. Finding the Soulforge (see
greatest artisans the planes have ever seen labor over page 62). 2. Dank Caverns
hot forges to produce fine arms and armor, wondrous These caverns house Morgol the Undying, a vicious
machines, innovative vehicles, and constructs from Rainfather’s Beard hyrdra raised by Moradin to dissuade accidental
tiny insects to giant-sized centurions. The work per- A mighty waterfall named Rainfather’s Beard con- guests from disturbing his work.
formed here is not required and its workers are not ceals the entrance to the Soulforge. The rushing Tactical Encounter: L. A Thousand Teeth (see
slaves. Those who toil here do so for the love of their water, however, is not the only guardian. During the page 67).
labor and also to honor the god who gave to them the Dawn War, Moradin defeated but spared a mighty
intellect and desire to create. storm titan. In exchange for its life, it agreed to serve
December 20 09 | D u n g e o n 17 3
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3. Hall of Grudges with monstrous visages, dragons and giants, demons and 5. Forgeworks
This chamber recalls every creature and every power devils. It is a strange image parade with no apparent end. Moradin’s servants use this chamber to melt down
to have ever wronged Moradin. damaged components. Although not intended as
Should the party need to take an extended rest, they a weapon, the forgeworks can prove a dangerous
When the characters enter this chamber, read: can do so here. obstacle.
Four grim statues carved to resemble dwarven warriors rest Tactical Encounter: N. Forgeworks (see page 70).
stony hands on axe handles, their weapons head down in
4. Hall of the Godforged
front of their feet. Helmets cover their faces and long beards Three sets of steel double doors block access to this 6. Pit of Forgotten Creations
cover their chests. The walls between them move and writhe chamber. It is here where Moradin keeps his prized Moradin discards those components he cannot use into
as faces and images swim up from swirling mists to stare creations. this deep pit. A bridge spans the gap, connecting to the
with menace only to fade once more. Beatific faces compete Tactical Encounter: M. Godsworn Warriors (see forge beyond. Angels sworn to the god have gathered to
page 68). protect the aspect from the player characters.
Tactical Encounter: O. Angelic Defenders (see
page 71).
7. Moradin’s Forge
Moradin uses this chamber as a forge and entrusts the
room to his aspect to protect. Under normal circum-
stances, the aspect of Moradin might be amenable to
conversation, but the mithral dragon poisoned him
against the characters so that he now believes that the
adventures intend to stop Bahamut’s rebirth.
Tactical Encounter: P. Moradin’s Forge (see page
What Next?
If the characters came to Moradin’s Forge first, clues
should point them to the Halls of Reflection above
Bahamut’s Palace (see Part Two), where they might
catch the mithral dragon before he moves on to the
Bridge of al-Sihal. If the characters have already dealt
with Dispater at the Halls of Reflection, the charac-
ters know that the mithral dragon is making for the
Bridge and their only hope of stopping him is to catch
him before he can cross it.
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Those Once Loyal
A. Dragon Strike
Encounter Level 27 (55,000 XP)
2 silver dragon scourgers (S)
4 angels of radiance (A)
6 Empyron attendants (T)
Kalad (K)
Perception Check
DC 30: Perched atop a domed roof across the tree-lined
road are four wispy warriors, each wielding a mighty
greatsword. Featureless faces pick you out and the angelic
warriors spring into the air.
Tactics roof terrain power. Triggering the power lets the
dragon look inside the building and blast the charac-
The dragons work together and time their attacks
ters with its breath weapon or descend to maul them
for greatest effect. One dragon leads with frightful
with its melee attacks.
presence and the second hits the stunned targets with
The angels are more reluctant to enter combat, but
its breath weapon. On the following round, one uses
if the characters emerge from Amyria’s building, they
smashing tail while the other strikes with scourger’s
engage the closest character.
Hiding in the building isn’t much help. A dragon
hunts fleeing adventurers, flying up to the roofs and
smashing through them by triggering the collapsing
December 20 09 | D u n g e o n 17 3
Those Once Loyal
Features of the Area Statues and Pillars: Squares containing statues 2 Silver Dragon Scourgers (S) Level 27 Elite Brute
Huge natural magical beast (dragon) XP 22,000 each
or pillars count as difficult terrain but grant cover to
Illumination: Bright light. Initiative +20 Senses Perception +20; darkvision
any creature in their spaces. HP 612; Bloodied 306; see also bloodied breath
Massive Trees: The trees grant cover to any
Amyria: The deva is unconscious where indicated AC 39; Fortitude 41, Reflex 38, Will 37
creature standing in spaces adjacent to their trunks.
on the map. Resist 30 cold
Creatures standing under their canopies gain con- Saving Throws +2
Temple Attendants: Six attendants other than
cealment from attacks originating overhead. Speed 10, fly 10 (hover), overland flight 15
Kalad position themselves around Amyria to protect Action Points 1
Other Buildings: The other buildings are empty,
her from harm. The attendants do not make attacks, m Bite (standard; at-will)
with no beds or patients inside. Doors to these build- Reach 2; +30 vs. AC; 4d8 + 9 damage.
but they give their lives to protect the deva.
ings are unlocked unless the characters offended m Claw (standard; at-will)
the attendants (see page 35), in which case they are Reach 2; +30 vs. AC; 2d8 + 9 damage.
C Smashing Tail (standard; at-will)
sealed and require a DC 31 Strength check to open.
Close blast 3; one, two, or three enemies in blast; +28 vs.
See the tactical map for building heights. AC; 4d10 + 5 damage, and the target is dazed (save ends).
Amyria’s Building: This building looks like a M Scourger’s Fury (standard; at-will)
The silver dragon scourger makes two claw attacks and
tower, but the interior extends for many hundreds of
one bite attack.
feet. Beds line both walls and squares containing beds C Breath Weapon (standard; recharge 4 5 6 ) ✦ Cold
count as difficult terrain. If the characters hide inside Close blast 5; +26 vs. Reflex; 4d10 + 9 cold damage, and
this building, the dragons rip chunks out of the roof, the target gains vulnerable 10 to all damage (save ends).
Miss: Half damage.
triggering the collapsing roof terrain power. C Bloodied Breath (free, when first bloodied; encounter) ✦ Cold
Breath weapon recharges, and the silver dragon scourger
Collapsing Roof Single Use Terrain uses it.
Damage to the roof causes stones and timbers to fall inside C Frightful Presence (standard; encounter) ✦ Fear
and smash the interior where they land. Close burst 10; targets enemies; +26 vs. Will; the target is
Single Use ✦ Zone stunned until the end of the silver dragon scourger’s next
Standard Action Area burst 3 turn. Aftereffect: The target takes a 2 penalty to attack
Check: Athletics check, DC 31 rolls (save ends).
Effect: A burst 3 section of the ceiling falls and lands on the Unstoppable
floor below the triggering creature. A silver dragon scourger makes saving throws against
Target: Each creature in the burst ongoing damage at the start of its turn as well as at the end
Attack: +30 vs. Reflex of its turn.
Hit: 2d10 + 9 damage, the target is knocked prone, and immo- Alignment Unaligned Languages Common, Draconic
bilized and can’t stand (save ends). Creatures immobilized Skills Athletics +28, Insight +20
by this attack gain superior cover until they save. Str 31 (+23) Dex 25 (+20) Wis 14 (+15)
Miss: Half damage, and slide the target to the closest square Con 26 (+21) Int 14 (+15) Cha 23 (+19)
outside the burst’s edge.
Effect: The burst creates a zone of difficult terrain that lasts
until cleared.
December 20 09 | D u n g e o n 17 3
Those Once Loyal
4 Angels of Radiance (A) Level 27 Minion Skirmisher Kalad: Kalad joins the adventurers in fighting the
Medium immortal humanoid (angel) XP 2,750 each
Initiative +22 Senses Perception +23
HP 1; a missed attack never damages a minion; see also
Kalad Level 24 Soldier
radiant martyr
Medium natural humanoid, dwarf XP —
AC 41; Fortitude 39, Reflex 39, Will 39
Initiative +13 Senses Perception +14; low-light vision
Immune fear; Resist 20 radiant
HP 168; Bloodied 84; Healing Surges 11
Speed 8, fly 12 (hover)
AC 41; Fortitude 39, Reflex 35, Will 37
m Greatsword (standard; at-will) ✦ Weapon
Immune fear
+32 vs. AC; 14 damage.
Saving Throws +5 against poison
C Radiant Martyr (when the angel of radiance drops to 0 hit
Speed 5
points) ✦ Radiant
m Warhammer (standard; at-will) ✦ Weapon
The angel of radiance explodes in a burst of brilliant
+30 vs. AC; 2d10 + 10 damage, and the target is marked
light; close burst 10; targets enemies; +28 vs. Fortitude;
until the end of Kalad’s next turn.
the target is blinded until the end of its next turn. Effect:
M Valiant Strike (standard; at-will) ✦ Divine, Weapon
Angels in the burst gain 10 temporary hit points.
+30 vs. AC, +1 per enemy adjacent to Kalad; 2d10 + 10
Alignment Unaligned Languages Supernal
Str 20 (+18) Dex 25 (+20) Wis 30 (+23)
M Martyr’s Smite (standard; encounter) ✦ Divine, Weapon
Con 25 (+20) Int 15 (+15) Cha 25 (+20)
+30 vs. AC; 4d10 + 15 damage. Until the end of Kalad’s
Equipment plate armor, greatsword
next turn, any time the target deals damage, Kalad can
choose to take that damage. The target’s intended victim
6 Empyron Attendants Level 27 Minion (Leader) takes no damage but is subject to any effects of the attack.
Medium immortal humanoid XP 2,750 each R Angelic Rescue (standard; daily) ✦ Divine, Teleportation
Initiative +21 Senses Perception +21
Ranged 20; targets one willing ally; the target teleports
Healing Presence (Healing) aura 1; allies in the aura regain 9
from any square Kalad can see to a square within 5
extra hit points whenever they regain hit points.
squares of Kalad that is nearer to Kalad than the target’s
HP 1; a missed attack never damages a minion.
original square.
AC 41; Fortitude 39, Reflex 39, Will 39
Stand Your Ground
Immune radiant
When an effect forces Kalad to move—through a pull, a
Speed 6
push, or a slide—Kalad moves 1 square less than the effect
C Martyr’s Shield (when reduced to 0 hit points)
specifies. When an attack would knock Kalad prone, he
Close burst 3; allies in the burst gain a +2 bonus to all
can roll a saving throw to avoid falling prone.
defenses until the end of their next turns.
Alignment Lawful good Languages Common, Dwarven,
Alignment Lawful good Languages Supernal
Skills Heal +26
Skills Athletics +20, Dungeoneering +16, Endurance +16,
Str 11 (+13) Dex 26 (+21) Wis 27 (+21)
Religion +17
Con 26 (+21) Int 10 (+13) Cha 11 (+13)
Str 16 (+15) Dex 13 (+13) Wis 14 (+14)
Equipment robes, mask
Con 15 (+14) Int 10 (+12) Cha 13 (+13)
Equipment robes, warhammer
December 20 09 | D u n g e o n 17 3
Those Once Loyal
December 20 09 | D u n g e o n 17 3
Those Once Loyal
December 20 09 | D u n g e o n 17 3
Those Once Loyal
Thievery (DC 31): The character picks the lock on a Stage 4: Shadowy Passage
door. A successful or failed Thievery checks counts as The stairs open onto a shadowy passage, corrupted by
a failure for the challenge. Eventually, the characters the devils’ presence. A pit fiend and its cronies pre-
will locate the open door. pare an ambush for the characters, but the characters
can sneak up on them and ruin the ambush.
Stage 3: Mounting Stairs Primary Skills: Stealth
Beyond the unlocked door is a steep, winding stair- Stealth (DC 33): The party must make a group
case. If the characters would catch the devils, they Stealth check. If the party gets three of more success-
must rush up the stairs. ful checks, they earn one success and foil the devils’
Primary Skills: Athletics ambush. If the party doesn’t get at least three suc-
Athletics (DC 17): The party must make a group cesses, the may still foil the devils’ ambush, but they
Athletics check. If the party gets three or more suc- may also face stiffer opposition. This skill can earn a
cessful checks, they earn one success and reach the maximum of 1 success.
top of the stairs. If the party doesn’t get at least three
successes, the “out of shape” adventurers slow the Ending the Challenge
party down, but the group still reaches the top of the Success: The characters find the portal and
stairs. This skill can earn a maximum of 1 success. are not surprised by the ambush. If the characters
received no failures during the skill challenge, they
gain surprise against the enemies in tactical encoun-
ter D.
Failure: Each time the characters get a failure on
a skill check, add two more legion devil militants to
tactical encounter D. If the characters fail the skill
challenge overall, they still find the portal but they
are surprised by the devils in tactical encounter D
and the devils have reinforcements as noted above.
December 20 09 | D u n g e o n 17 3
Those Once Loyal
D. Covered Retreat reinforcements based on how the characters acquit- If the characters did not take a short rest after
ted themselves during the Tracking the Devils skill encounters A or B, read:
Encounter Level 26 (46,100 XP) challenge. A bronze-armored devil carries Amyria down the stairs into
the shining depression, as one shadowy fiend casts a smile
Setup When the characters enter the room, read: and a look your way before they both vanish into the light.
1 pit fiend (P) A veritable infernal army defends the strange platform
1 war devil mauler (W) commanding the chamber’s far side. Sinister red light wells Tactics
2 cambion hell thralls (C) up from a pit in the center illuminating a devil with scaly The devils’ aim is to prevent the characters from
4 legion devil militants (L) hide and a pair of cambions. Before the platform stands moving through the portal.
a hulking horned devil and armored, human-like devils Pit Fiend: The pit fiend begins by using infernal
If the characters won a victory in tactical encounter armed with longswords. White tiles cover the floor, walls, summons to add reinforcements to the legion devils,
C, the devils do not have surprise. Be sure to add and ceiling throughout the chamber. and spends its remaining actions using point of terror
and irresistible command. The pit fiend orchestrates
the battle, staying back and blowing up his minions
Pit Fiend (P) Level 26 Elite Soldier (Leader) R Irresistible Command (minor 1/round; at-will) ✦ Charm, Fire
Large immortal humanoid (devil) XP 18,000 Ranged 10; targets one devil of a lower level than the pit
Initiative +22 Senses Perception +23; darkvision fiend; the target slides 5 squares and explodes, dealing
Aura of Fear (Fear) aura 5; enemies in the aura take a –2 2d10 + 5 fire damage to all creatures in a close burst 2. The
penalty to attack rolls. exploding devil is destroyed.
Aura of Fire (Fire) aura 5; enemies that enter or start their Infernal Summons (standard; encounter)
turns in the aura take 15 fire damage. The pit fiend summons a group of devil allies. Summoned
HP 486; Bloodied 243 devils roll initiative to determine when they act in the
AC 44; Fortitude 42, Reflex 38, Will 40 initiative order and gain a +4 bonus to attack rolls as long as
Resist 30 fire, 15 poison the pit fiend is alive. They remain until killed, dismissed by
Saving Throws +2 the pit fiend (free action), or the encounter ends. Characters
Speed 12, fly 12 (clumsy), teleport 10 do not earn experience points for killing these summoned
Action Points 1 creatures. The pit fiend chooses to summon one of the
m Flametouched Mace (standard; at-will) ✦ Fire, Weapon following groups of devils:
Reach 2; +33 vs. AC; 2d10 + 11 fire damage, and ongoing 5 ✦ 8 legion devil legionnaires (level 21), or
fire damage (save ends). ✦ 2 war devils (level 22), or
M Tail Sting (standard; at-will) ✦ Poison ✦ 1 war devil (level 22) and 4 legion devil legionnaires
Reach 2; +33 vs. AC; 1d6 + 11 damage, and the pit fiend (level 21)
makes a secondary attack against the same target. Secondary Tactical Teleport (standard; recharge 4 5 6) ✦ Teleportation
Attack: +29 vs. Fortitude; the target takes ongoing 15 poison The pit fiend can teleport up to 2 allies within 10 squares
damage and is weakened (save ends both). of it. The targets appear in any unoccupied squares within
M Pit Fiend Frenzy (standard; at-will) 10 squares of the pit fiend.
The pit fiend makes a flametouched mace attack and a tail Alignment Evil Languages Supernal
sting attack. Skills Bluff +27, Insight +23, Intimidate +27, Religion +24
R Point of Terror (minor; at-will) ✦ Fear Str 32 (+24) Dex 24 (+20) Wis 20 (+18)
Ranged 5; +30 vs. Will; the target takes a –5 penalty to all Con 27 (+21) Int 22 (+19) Cha 28 (+22)
defenses until the end of the pit fiend’s next turn. Equipment flametouched mace, noble signet ring
December 20 09 | D u n g e o n 17 3
Those Once Loyal
to wipe out the adventurers, teleporting allies where War Devil Mauler (W) Level 25 Soldier 2 Cambion Hell Thralls (C) Level 24 Controller
Large immortal humanoid (devil) XP 7,000 Medium immortal humanoid (devil) XP 6,050
they can be of the most use, and shredding the char-
Initiative +21 Senses Perception +17; darkvision Initiative +18 Senses Perception +17; darkvision
acters’ defenses until he’s engaged, at which point he HP 235; Bloodied 117 HP 220; Bloodied 110; see also plague of hellfire
responds with melee attacks. AC 42; Fortitude 39, Reflex 37, Will 35 AC 38; Fortitude 34, Reflex 36, Will 38
War Devil Mauler: The war devil uses fiendish Resist fire 30 Resist 20 fire
Speed 8, fly 8 (clumsy) Speed 6, fly 8 (clumsy)
pursuit to land in the characters’ midst and keep them m Claw (standard; at-will) m Hellfire Blade (standard; at-will) ✦ Fire, Weapon
tied down while the legion devils move into position, Reach 2; +30 vs. Reflex; 3d8 + 9 damage, and the target is +26 vs. AC; 4d6 + 3 damage, and the target gains
using claw and hurl to scatter defenders and crackling grabbed. vulnerability 5 fire until the end of the cambion’s next turn.
m Crackling Trident (standard; at-will) ✦ Weapon R Soulburn (standard; at-will) ✦ Fire, Psychic
trident to destroy strikers.
Reach 2; +32 vs. AC; 4d6 + 4 damage plus ongoing 5 Ranged 20; +28 vs. Reflex; 1d6 + 9 fire and psychic
Cambion Hell Thralls: The cambions avoid lightning damage. damage, and ongoing 10 fire and psychic damage (save
melee and remain on the platform as long as pos- R Hurl (minor; at-will) ends).
sible. One leads with plague of hellfire while the other The war devil mauler throws a Medium or smaller target R Tortured Soul (immediate reaction, when a target fails a
it is grabbing: the grab ends and the war devil mauler saving throw to end the ongoing damage from soulburn;
uses soulburn. Once the characters have saved against
slides the target 8 squares. The war devil makes an attack at-will) ✦ Psychic
plague of hellfire, the other cambion repeats the attack. against the slid target and one creature adjacent to the Ranged 20; +28 vs. Will; the target is dazed until the end of
Legion Devil Militants: These devils work in target at the end of the slide: +30 vs. Reflex; 1d8 + 9 the cambion’s next turn. Effect: The target slides 3 squares.
damage, and the target is knocked prone. A Plague of Hellfire (standard; recharges when the cambion is
teams to keep their defenses high, while worrying
Fiendish Pursuit (move; recharges when the war devil mauler first bloodied) ✦ Fire, Psychic
anyone they can reach with their attacks. uses hurl) Area burst 1 within 10; targets enemies; +28 vs. Reflex;
The war devil mauler flies 8 squares and lands at the end 4d8 + 8 fire and psychic damage, the target takes ongoing
Features of the Area of this movement. All creatures adjacent to the war devil 10 fire damage and the target is held immobilized 6
mauler are marked until the end of its next turn. squares (30 feet) above the battlefield (save ends both).
Illumination: The portal sheds dim light in an 8
Alignment Evil Languages Supernal Aftereffect: The target falls and takes normal falling
square radius. Skills Intimidate +22 damage.
Ceiling: The ceiling here is 30 feet high. Str 29 (+21) Dex 25 (+19) Wis 21 (+17) Alignment Evil Languages Common, Supernal
Platform: A 15-foot tall platform commands the Con 27 (+20) Int 17 (+15) Cha 20 (+17) Skills Arcana +24, Bluff +26
Equipment trident Str 17 (+15) Dex 22 (+18) Wis 21 (+17)
far side of the room. The floor sinks to a depression at Con 20 (+17) Int 24 (+19) Cha 29 (+21)
the platform’s center, first to a landing 15 feet below Equipment robes, dagger
the top of the platform, which makes it even with the
rest of the floor, and then to another landing 15 feet
below the last. A character can climb the platform
with a DC 17 Athletics check.
Stairs: All squares containing stairs are difficult
Portal: A shimmering red portal, this gateway
connects to area 1 in Bahamut’s Palace (see page 39).
Treasure: The pit fiend has treasure parcels A
and B.
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Those Once Loyal
4 Legion Devil Militants (L) Level 26 Minion Soldier Summoned War Devil Level 22 Brute (Leader)
Medium immortal humanoid (devil) XP 2,250 Large immortal humanoid (devil) XP —
Initiative +16 Senses Perception +14; darkvision Initiative +17 Senses Perception +15; darkvision
HP 1; a missed attack never damages a minion. HP 255; Bloodied 127
AC 42; Fortitude 38, Reflex 37, Will 37 AC 35; Fortitude 34, Reflex 32, Will 30
Resist 20 fire Resist 30 fire
Speed 7, teleport 3 Speed 8, fly 8 (clumsy)
m Longsword (standard; at-will) ✦ Weapon m Claw (standard; at-will)
+34 vs. AC; 14 damage. +30 vs. AC (+26 vs. AC if pit fiend is killed); 1d6 + 8
Squad Defense damage.
The legion devil militant gains a +2 bonus to all defenses m Trident (standard; at-will) ✦ Weapon
when adjacent to at least one other legion devil. Reach 2; +30 vs. AC (+26 vs. AC if pit fiend is killed); 4d4
Alignment Evil Languages Supernal + 8 damage, ongoing 5 damage (save ends), and the target
Str 14 (+15) Dex 12 (+14) Wis 12 (+14) slides into any square adjacent to the war devil and is
Con 14 (+15) Int 10 (+13) Cha 12 (+14) knocked prone.
Equipment plate armor, heavy shield, longsword R Besieged Foe (minor; at-will)
Ranged sight; automatic hit; the target is marked, and
Summoned Legion Devil Level 21 Minion allies of the war devil gain a +2 bonus to attack rolls made
Legionnaire against the target until the encounter ends or the war devil
Medium immortal humanoid (devil) XP — marks a new target.
Initiative +11 Senses Perception +11; darkvision R Devilish Transposition (move; at-will) ✦ Teleportation
HP 1; a missed attack never damages a minion. Ranged 20; the war devil and an allied devil within range
AC 37; Fortitude 33, Reflex 32, Will 32; see also squad defense swap positions.
Resist 15 fire R Fiendish Tactics (minor; recharge 5 6)
Speed 7, teleport 3 Ranged 10; affects up to 2 allied devils of the war devil’s
m Longsword (standard; at-will) ✦ Weapon level or lower; each target can take a move action or make
+30 vs. AC (+26 vs. AC if pit fiend is killed); 8 damage. a basic attack.
Squad Defense Alignment Evil Languages Supernal
The legion devil legionnaire gains a +2 bonus to its Skills Intimidate +20
defenses when adjacent to at least one other legion devil. Str 27 (+19) Dex 23 (+17) Wis 19 (+15)
Alignment Evil Languages Supernal Con 25 (+18) Int 15 (+13) Cha 18 (+15)
Str 14 (+12) Dex 12 (+11) Wis 12 (+11) Equipment trident
Con 14 (+12) Int 10 (+10) Cha 12 (+11)
Equipment plate armor, heavy shield, longsword
December 20 09 | D u n g e o n 17 3
Those Once Loyal
E. Hell’s Fury may be charged with watching the shining gate, but they Gusting Wind: Brutal winds scream and shriek
also recognize the danger posed by an approaching spell- as they blow across the outcropping. Each round, roll
Encounter Level 25 (35,000 XP) jammer. The howling winds cover any sounds of combat. 1d6. On a 6, a gust of wind makes an attack.
December 20 09 | D u n g e o n 17 3
Those Once Loyal
F. Devoted Guardians and paranoid; he despises Tiamat as much as ever, Quoriel hammers the characters with lightning bolt
but now sees Tiamat’s servants in anyone who comes and majestic rally when the angels of warding join the
Encounter Level 26 (46,500 XP) to call, including the player characters. The angels of fight.
warding, sequestered in their meditation chambers, Guardian Wyverns: The wyverns take to the air
Setup follow Quoriel’s lead. as well, flying to get above the adventurers and then
Quoriel (Q) blast them with purifying breath. While waiting for
2 guardian wyverns (W) When the characters enter the Canary Court- their attack to recharge, they use flyby attack unless
4 angels of warding (A) yard, read: bothered by a mobile character, at which point the
An open courtyard stretches before you. A twelve-foot-tall wyvern descends to nail the troublesome enemy with
Quoriel is charged with guarding the entrance to angelic being stands before the door, gripping a blackened a virulent sting.
the Halls of Reflection and has served the Platinum quarterstaff in his hands. White sand covers the floor, and Angels of Warding: When the angels of warding
Dragon for a thousand years. During this time, the unsettling images appear drawn in the dust: pentagrams, show up, they burst through the double doors above
angel’s loyalty was without question. Bahamut’s death queer beasts, and worse. A promenade encircles the and leap down from the balcony (making Acrobatics
shook Quoriel’s resolve and made it possible for Dis- courtyard above, held aloft by wooden pillars with canaries checks) to take the fight to the characters. Each angel
pater to twist him to his service. Quoriel is confused carved in their surfaces. The angel’s ghostly features darken squares off against a different enemy, using hewing
as its white eyes blaze and it challenges the intruders: slash if it is blinded, but otherwise relying on fullblades
“Despoilers, you dare enter Bahamut’s sacred halls?” to get the job done.
When the characters see the guardian wyverns, Features of the Area
read: Balcony: The balcony is 20 feet above the floor.
A winged, dragonlike creature drops from the balcony. Its No stairs or ladder grants access, though a character
long tail, equipped with a stinger, slashes the air around it. could climb a supporting pillar (DC 17 Athletics
check). The balcony blocks line of sight for characters
Perception Check underneath it.
DC 19: You hear a creaking noise coming from the Doors: The doors at the map’s top along with
balcony above. the doors to the bottom are made from iron and are
accessed from the floor. They bear Bahamut’s likeness
Tactics carved in bas-relief on their surfaces. The carvings
The angel is not up for conversation and attacks clutch the rings to open the doors in their hands. The
immediately. When Quoriel attacks, the guardian double doors on the left side can be accessed only by
wyverns above join in during the first round, followed the balcony. They are made from ash wood and bear
by the angels of warding at the start of round three. carvings similar to those on the iron doors below.
Quoriel: The archangel leads with overwhelming Draconic Carving: In area 4, a carving captures
presence and then spends an action point to use light- Bahamut’s likeness in the wood. Evil and chaotic evil
ning bolt against one enemy he stunned. Quoriel then creatures take 15 radiant damage upon entering the
flies up 5 squares and hovers. Each round thereafter, carving’s squares.
December 20 09 | D u n g e o n 17 3
Those Once Loyal
Quoriel Level 24 Elite Controller (Leader) 2 Guardian Wyverns (W) Level 25 Skirmisher 4 Angels of Warding (A) Level 23 Soldier
Large immortal humanoid (angel) XP 12,100 Large immortal beast (reptile) XP 7,000 each Medium immortal humanoid (angel) XP 5,100 each
Initiative +18 Senses Perception +19 Initiative +21 Senses Perception +22; low-light vision Initiative +18 Senses Perception +17
HP 438; Bloodied 219 HP 234; Bloodied 117 HP 210; Bloodied 105
AC 40 (38 when bloodied); Fortitude 34, Reflex 36, Will 38 AC 39; Fortitude 39, Reflex 37, Will 35 AC 38; Fortitude 35, Reflex 34, Will 35
Immune fear; Resist 15 radiant Resist 15 radiant Immune fear; Resist 15 radiant
Saving Throws +2 Speed 8, fly 12 (hover); see also flyby attack Speed 6
Speed 8, fly 12 (hover) m Bite (standard; at-will) m Fullblade (standard; at-will) ✦ Radiant, Weapon
Action Point 1 Reach 2; +30 vs. AC; 2d12 + 7 damage. +30 vs. AC; 2d12 + 7 damage (crit 6d12 + 31), and the
m Quarterstaff (standard; at-will) ✦ Radiant, Weapon m Claws (standard; at-will) target is marked until the end of the angel of warding’s
Reach 2; +29 vs. AC; 2d8 + 11 damage. The guardian wyvern can attack with its claws only while next turn.
R Lightning Bolt (standard; at-will) ✦ Lightning flying; +30 vs. AC; 2d10 + 9 damage, and the target is M Holy Ban (minor; recharges when the angel of warding hits
Ranged 10; +28 vs. Fortitude; 2d10 + 9 lightning damage, knocked prone. with a fullblade attack)
and the target is dazed until the end of Quoriel’s next turn. M Virulent Sting (standard; at-will) ✦ Poison, Psychic Targets a creature the angel of warding has marked; the
M Avenging Strike (when an ally within 5 squares of Quoriel is Reach 2; +30 vs. AC; 2d10 + 9 damage, and the guardian target can only spend move actions to move, and not shift,
reduced to 0 hit points; at-will) wyvern makes a secondary attack against the same away from the angel of warding (save ends).
Quoriel shifts 2 squares and makes a melee basic attack as target. Secondary Attack: +28 vs. Fortitude; the target is C Hewing Slash (standard; requires fullblade; at-will) ✦
a free action. immobilized and weakened (save ends both). Weapon
C Majestic Rally (standard; recharge 5 6 ) ✦ Radiant, M Flyby Attack (standard; at-will) Close burst 1; one creature; +30 vs. AC; 2d12 + 7 damage,
Thunder The guardian wyvern flies up to 12 squares and makes one and the angel of warding can repeat the attack against
Close burst 5; targets enemies; +28 vs. Will; 2d10 + 8 melee basic attack at any point during that movement. another creature in the burst.
radiant damage plus 2d10 thunder damage, and the target The guardian wyvern doesn’t provoke opportunity attacks M Righteous Retaliation (immediate reaction, when an enemy
is weakened (save ends). Miss: Half damage. Effect: Any when moving away from the target of the attack. the angel of warding has marked ends its turn in a square
angel within the burst gains a +2 bonus to attack rolls until C Purifying Breath (standard; recharge 5 6 ) ✦ Fire, Radiant not adjacent to an angel of warding; recharges when first
the end of Quoriel’s next turn. Close blast 5; +27 vs. Reflex; 2d8 + 9 fire and radiant bloodied) ✦ Teleportation, Weapon
C Overwhelming Presence (standard; encounter) ✦ Radiant damage, and the target is blinded and takes ongoing 10 The angel of warding teleports to a square adjacent to the
Close burst 5; targets enemies; +28 vs. Will; 5d8 + 8 fire damage (save ends both). triggering enemy, makes a basic attack, and teleports to
radiant damage, and the target is stunned until the end of Alignment Unaligned Languages — the square it vacated.
Quoriel’s next turn. Str 28 (+21) Dex 25 (+19) Wis 20 (+17) Angelic Presence (while not bloodied)
Alignment Evil Languages Supernal Con 26 (+20) Int 2 (+8) Cha 8 (+11) Any attack against an angel of warding takes a –2 penalty
Skills Insight +24, Religion +24 to the attack roll.
Str 21 (+17) Dex 22 (+18) Wis 25 (+19) Alignment Unaligned Languages Supernal
Con 19 (+16) Int 25 (+19) Cha 28 (+21) Skills Acrobatics +21, Insight +22, Intimidate +19
Equipment plate armor, quarterstaff Str 23 (+17) Dex 20 (+16) Wis 22 (+17)
Con 18 (+15) Int 11 (+11) Cha 16 (+14)
Equipment plate armor, fullblade
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Those Once Loyal
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Those Once Loyal
Platinum Seal (P) Level 25 Warder 4 Angels of Great Valor (A) Level 25 Minion Skirmisher
Trap XP 7,000 Medium immortal humanoid (angel) XP 1,750 each
A shining platinum disk, ten feet in diameter, stands in the Initiative +18 Senses Perception +14
center of a marble surface. HP 1; a missed attack never damages a minion
AC 39; Fortitude 39, Reflex 34, Will 33
Trap: A massive platinum disk bars passage through the portal Immune fear; Resist 15 fire, 15 radiant
in the mighty throne’s base. Speed 6, fly 9 (hover)
Perception m Greatsword (standard; at-will) ✦ Fire, Weapon
No check is necessary to notice the platinum seal. +30 vs. AC; 14 fire damage.
Additional Skill: Arcana, Religion Alignment Unaligned Languages Supernal
✦ DC 26: The character identifies the platinum seal’s Str 28 (+21) Dex 18 (+16) Wis 14 (+14)
dangers. Con 18 (+16) Int 12 (+13) Cha 16 (+15)
✦ DC 31: The character gains a +2 bonus to checks made to Equipment chainmail, greatsword
disable the trap.
When a creature enters or starts its turn in a square
within 5 squares of the platinum seal, the trap attacks.
Attack ✦ Psychic, Radiant
Opportunity Action Close burst 5
Target: The triggering creature
Attack: +28 vs. Fortitude
Hit: 2d6 + 9 psychic and radiant damage, and the target
teleports to a space adjacent to the godforged colossus.
Miss: Half damage.
✦ Destroying the godforged colossus also disables the trap.
✦ A character adjacent to the platinum seal can engage in a
skill challenge to disable the trap and unlock the door. DC
26 Arcana or Religion, or DC 31 Thievery. Complexity 1
(4 successes before 3 failures). Success disables the trap.
Failure cause the platinum seal to make an attack against
each creature in a close burst 5: +28 vs. Fortitude; 4d8 +
9 psychic and radiant damage, and the target is stunned
until the end of its next turn.
December 20 09 | D u n g e o n 17 3
Those Once Loyal
H. No Sanctuary devil militants (one of whom is missing a hand) to Eye of Bahamut (E)
Level 26 Solo Blaster
XP 45,000
clear the passage.
A strange, many-faceted gem in the center of the chamber sud-
Encounter Level 26 (45,000 XP)
Features of the Area denly emits blasts of blinding light.
December 20 09 | D u n g e o n 17 3
Those Once Loyal
December 20 09 | D u n g e o n 17 3
Those Once Loyal
m Warded Dais Dispater Level 28 Solo Controller (Leader) Infernal Ironguard Level 25 Soldier
Medium immortal humanoid (devil) XP 65,000 Large immortal humanoid (devil) XP 7,000
Violet lightning crackles around the dais, throwing you back-
Initiative +20 Senses Perception +21; darkvision Initiative +21 Senses Perception +21; darkvision
ward with agonizing force.
HP 1,295; Bloodied 647 Guarding Presence aura 1; allies with the devil keyword that
At-Will ✦ Force, Lightning AC 45; Fortitude 41, Reflex 43, Will 42 are in the aura gain a +2 bonus to AC and Reflex defense.
Opportunity Action Melee Resist 30 fire HP 234; Bloodied 117; see also Dis shield
Trigger: A non-dragon creature enters a dais square. Saving Throws +5 AC 41; Fortitude 39, Reflex 37, Will 37
Target: The triggering creature Speed 6, teleport 10 Speed 6, fly 8
Attack: +32 vs. Fortitude Action Points 2 m Stab and Smash (standard; at-will) ✦ Weapon
Hit: 3d8 + 10 force and lightning damage, and the target is m Smiting Rod (standard; at-will) ✦ Weapon Reach 2; +32 vs. AC; 2d12 + 9 damage, and the target is
pushed 2 squares. Requires rod of Dispater; +34 vs. AC; 2d8 + 10 damage pushed 5 squares and is knocked prone.
Miss: Half damage, and the target is pushed 2 squares. (crit 8d8 + 10), and the target is pushed 2 squares and M Protect at any Cost (immediate interrupt, when an adjacent
dazed (save ends). ally is the target of an attack that does not include the
Treasure: Dispater managed to destroy one ward. M Blasphemous Reply (immediate reaction, when hit by a infernal ironguard; at-will)
The safe dais holds treasure parcels F, G, and H. melee attack; at-will) ✦ Thunder +30 vs. Reflex; 1d4 + 9 damage, and the target is pushed 5
Targets the attacker; +32 vs. Will; 3d8 + 10 thunder squares, and is knocked prone.
Characters who defeat Dispater also gain the rod of
damage, and the target is pushed 1 square. Dis Shield
Dispater. R Scathing Rod (standard; at-will) ✦ Acid, Implement While not bloodied, an infernal ironguard gains a +2
Requires rod of Dispater; ranged 20; +32 vs. Reflex; 2d8 + bonus to all defenses against divine attack powers. While
Rod of Dispater Level 28 10 acid damage, and the target takes a –2 penalty to attack bloodied, it takes a –2 penalty to all defenses against divine
rolls until the end of Dispater’s next turn. attack powers.
A symbol of Dispater’s authority, this adamantine rod is
R Inveigle (standard; recharge 4 5 6) ✦ Charm, Psychic Alignment Evil Languages Supernal
shaped like two serpents entwined together. It grants the power
Ranged 20; +32 vs. Will; 2d8 + 10 psychic damage, and Str 28 (+21) Dex 24 (+19) Wis 19 (+16)
to scour foes with acid.
the target slides 3 squares and is dominated (save ends). Con 26 (+20) Int 10 (+12) Cha 24 (+19)
Implement (Rod) 2,125,000 gp Aftereffect: The target is dazed until the end of its next turn. Equipment plate armor, heavy shield, bastard sword
Enhancement: Attack rolls and damage rolls A Gates of Dis (minor; at-will) ✦ Conjuration, Fire
Critical: +6d8 per plus Area wall 10 within 20 squares. Dispater conjures a lattice 2 Legion Devil Militants (L) Level 26 Minion Soldier
Property: The rod functions as a +6 mace as well as an of scalding iron that lasts until the start of his next turn. Medium immortal humanoid (devil) XP 2,250
implement. The wall blocks movement and line of effect, but it does Initiative +16 Senses Perception +14; darkvision
Power (At-Will): Free Action. Trigger: You hit with a melee not block line of sight. Creatures that end their turns HP 1; a missed attack never damages a minion.
attack using the rod. Effect: The target is pushed 2 squares adjacent to the wall take 10 fire damage. Creatures pulled, AC 42; Fortitude 38, Reflex 37, Will 37
and dazed (save ends). pushed, or slid adjacent to the wall take 20 fire damage. Resist 20 fire
Power (At-Will ✦ Acid, Implement): Standard Action. Effect: The wall is 4 squares high and cannot be destroyed. Speed 7, teleport 3
Make a ranged 20 attack; Intelligence vs. Reflex; 2d8 + Diabolic Awe (free 1/round, when an enemy within 10 squares m Longsword (standard; at-will) ✦ Weapon
Intelligence modifier acid damage, and the target takes a –2 becomes bloodied or takes a critical hit; at-will) ✦ Fear, +34 vs. AC; 14 damage.
penalty to attack rolls until the end of your next turn. Healing Squad Defense
The enemy is pushed 3 squares away from Dispater and is The legion devil militant gains a +2 bonus to all defenses
dazed until the end of Dispater’s next turn. Creatures with when adjacent to at least one other legion devil.
the devil keyword within 10 squares of Dispater regain 20 Alignment Evil Languages Supernal
hit points. Str 14 (+15) Dex 12 (+14) Wis 12 (+14)
Alignment Evil Languages Supernal Con 14 (+15) Int 10 (+13) Cha 12 (+14)
Skills Arcana +29, Bluff +28, History +29, Insight +26, Equipment plate armor, heavy shield, longsword
Religion +29
Str 22 (+20) Dex 23 (+20) Wis 24 (+21)
Con 27 (+22) Int 30 (+24) Cha 29 (+23)
Equipment scarlet robe, rod of Dispater
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Those Once Loyal
would be him. This skill can provide a maximum of 1 Stage Two: Perception (DC 17): The character notices that Lord
success. Audience with Lord Ghoren Ghoren wears exceptionally fine armor. This skill
Stealth (DC 26): The characters must make success- An angry dwarf with a long gray beard that gathers in earns no successes.
ful Perception and Streetwise checks before they can a pile beneath his feet leans forward on his throne, his Religion (DC 17): The character recalls Moradin’s
attempt this skill. With this check, the characters try exquisite armor creaking. character and exploits, citing examples about Mora-
to infiltrate Lord Ghoren’s keep. This is a group check Primary Skills: Bluff, Diplomacy, Insight din’s virtue to help show that the characters have
requiring each participating character to make a Secondary Skills: Intimidate, Perception, Reli- common cause with the god. The characters must
Stealth check. If half or more succeed, the characters gion, special have earned at least 1 success with Diplomacy before
earn 2 successes toward the challenge. A second suc- Special: Characters who are worshippers of Mora- using Religion will count as a success. This skill can
cessful attempt earns the characters 1 more success din gain a +2 bonus on skill checks made during this earn a maximum of 1 success.
as they sneak past the guards and into Lord Ghoren’s stage. Characters who complement Lord Ghoren on
chambers. This check can earn a maximum of 3 suc- his fine armor gain a +2 bonus on Diplomacy checks
cesses. Failure on either attempt earns 3 failures for made during this stage.
the group, but these can be removed with immediate Bluff (DC 26): The character tries to conceal the
Bluff checks (see above). If an immediate Bluff check party’s true purpose for seeking out the Soulforge. Up
fails, the skill challenge fails. to four characters can aid on this check. This skill can
Streetwise (DC 17): The characters ask around provide a maximum of 4 successes. Once a character
about the Soulforge. A successful check turns up uses Bluff, all characters have a –2 on Diplomacy
nothing definitive, but the characters do learn that checks.
Lord Ghoren would know the answer and where this Diplomacy (DC 26): The characters ask for aid
lord might be found. A character who succeeds by 5 in their mission, using honesty and their mission’s
or more learns the name of an unhappy functionary seriousness to sway the lord to their side. Up to four
who lets anyone meet the lord as a petty vengeance characters can aid on this check. This skill can earn
for some past slight, thereby granting the characters a maximum of 4 successes. Once a character uses
1 extra success. A success by 10 or more also reveals Diplomacy, all characters have a –2 on Bluff checks.
that those who complement Lord Ghoren on his Insight (DC 26): You see into the lord’s heart and
craftsmanship can go far with him. Up to four char- realize that the dwarf wants only to serve Moradin to
acters can aid on this check. This skill can earn a the best of his ability. The first success with this skill
maximum of 2 successes. reveals that Ghoren takes pride in his armor, while
the second success reveals Intimidate’s futility. This
skill can earn a maximum of 2 successes.
Intimidate: Lord Ghoren’s duty outweighs any
threats that the characters can put against him. Each
Intimidate check counts as 1 failure.
December 20 09 | D u n g e o n 17 3
Those Once Loyal
Stage Three: can aid on this check. Streetwise skill can be used
To Rainfather’s Beard only after a successful Religion skill check. This skill
The entrance to the Soulforge lies beyond Rainfather’s can earn a maximum of 2 successes.
Beard, a waterfall near the mountain’s base. Success: The adventurers reach the Rainfather’s
Options: Characters can reach the Rainfather’s Beard, where they must face the elemental guardian
Beard by one of two ways. They can use the spelljam- charged with protecting the entrance.
mer if they have it and simply fly down, or they might Failure: What happens when the characters fail at
just climb down the mountain. the skill challenge depends on where they acquire the
Primary Skills: Arcana, Athletics, Religion, last failure.
Streetwise, special Stage One: The characters get an audience with
Secondary Skills: Acrobatics, Endurance Ghoren. Remove all failed checks and move forward
Acrobatics: A character can substitute an Acrobatics to the next stage. Ghoren learns of the characters’
check for an Arcana check when flying down to Rain- efforts to locate the Soulforge and warns the aspect.
father’s Beard. Add two slaughterstone hammerers to tactical
Arcana (DC 26): Characters flying to Rainfather’s encounter N, The Forgeworks (page 70).
Beard must succeed on two Arcana checks to pilot Stage Two: The characters fail to impress Ghoren
the spelljammer through dangerous terrain. A failed and earn his enmity. Five slaughterstone hammerers
Arcana check deals 50 damage to the spelljammer in attack the characters in his throne room. If the charac-
addition to counting as a failure. One character can ters defeat the constructs, Ghoren grudgingly reveals
aid on this check. This skill can earn a maximum of 2 the location of the Soulforge. Proceed with stage three.
successes. Stage Three: The characters reveal themselves
Athletics (DC 31): Parties climbing down the moun- during their descent. Add two storm gorgons to tacti-
tain must make a group Athletics check. In order to cal encounter K (The Rainfather’s Thrall, next page)
count as a success, at least half the party must suc- and the characters are automatically surprised.
ceed. Failure of the group check earns 1 failure on
the challenge and also results in everyone losing 1
healing surge. This skill can earn a maximum of 2
Religion (DC 31): The character recalls a legend
about the Rainfather’s Beard being near Moradin’s
Hands. A success here opens up use of the Streetwise
skill. This skill can earn a maximum of 1 success.
Streetwise (DC 26): Asking after Moradin’s Hands
and Rainfather’s Beard reveals a probable location. A
success by 10 or more grants a much more accurate
location and an extra success. Up to four characters
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Those Once Loyal
Storm Titan (T) Level 27 Elite Controller 4 Storm Gorgons (G) Level 26 Skirmisher
Huge elemental humanoid (aquatic, giant) XP 22,000 Large elemental beast XP 9,000 each
Initiative +19 Senses Perception +22 Initiative +21 Senses Perception +19; truesight 6
Storm Fury (Lightning, Thunder) aura 4; any creature that Tempest’s Fury (Lightning) aura 5; any creature that enters or
enters or begins its turn in the aura takes 10 lightning starts its turn in the aura takes 20 lightning damage.
and thunder damage; creatures other than storm giants HP 248; Bloodied 124
and storm titans treat the area within the aura as difficult AC 42; Fortitude 40, Reflex 35, Will 35
terrain and cannot fly. Immune knocked prone, pull/push/slide; Resist 20 lightning,
HP 506; Bloodied 253 20 thunder
AC 43; Fortitude 43, Reflex 38, Will 38 Speed 8, fly 10 (hover); see also mobile melee attack
Resist 30 lightning, 30 thunder m Gore (standard; at-will) ✦ Thunder
Saving Throws +2 +31 vs. AC; 1d10 + 12 damage plus 2d8 thunder damage,
Speed 8, fly 10 (hover), swim 8 and the target is pushed 2 squares and knocked prone.
Action Points 1 M Mobile Melee Attack (standard; at-will)
m Roaring Greatsword (standard; at-will) ✦ Lightning, The storm gorgon can move up to half its speed and make
Thunder one melee basic attack at any point during that movement.
Reach 3; +32 vs. AC; 2d6 + 11 damage plus 2d8 lightning The storm gorgon doesn’t provoke opportunity attacks
and thunder damage. when moving away from the target of its attack.
M Double Attack (standard; at-will) ✦ Lightning, Thunder, M Trample (standard; at-will)
Weapon The storm gorgon can move up to its speed and enter
The storm titan makes two roaring greatsword attacks. enemies’ spaces. This movement provokes opportunity
R Hurl Thunderbolt (standard; at-will) ✦ Lightning, Thunder attacks, and the gorgon must end its move in an
Ranged 10; +30 vs. Reflex; 3d6 + 6 lightning and thunder unoccupied space. When it enters an enemy’s space, the
damage, and the target is pushed 3 squares and dazed gorgon makes a trample attack: +29 vs. Reflex; 1d10 + 10
(save ends). damage, and the target is knocked prone.
C Howling Winds (standard; recharge 4 5 6) ✦ Thunder C Storming Breath (standard; recharge 6) ✦ Lightning,
Close burst 4; +30 vs. Fortitude; 2d12 + 6 thunder Thunder
damage, and the target is pushed 4 squares and knocked Close blast 5; +29 vs. Fortitude; 2d10 + 20 lightning and
prone. Miss: Half damage, and the target is pushed 1 thunder damage.
square. Alignment Unaligned Languages —
Alignment Evil Languages Giant, Primordial Str 30 (+23) Dex 22 (+19) Wis 23 (+19)
Skills Diplomacy +24, Intimidate +24 Con 32 (+24) Int 2 (+9) Cha 8 (+12)
Str 33 (+24) Dex 22 (+19) Wis 19 (+17)
Con 29 (+22) Int 14 (+15) Cha 22 (+19)
Equipment greatsword
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Those Once Loyal
L. A Thousand Teeth characters hang back and pepper it with ranged Morgol the Undying Level 26 Solo Brute
Gargantuan immortal beast (reptile), hydra XP 45,000
attacks, it squeezes into the adjacent chamber where
Initiative +19 Senses Perception +23; all-around vision
Encounter Level 26 (45,000 XP) it can best catch the characters with its hydra fury HP 980; Bloodied 490; see also regenerating heads
attack. Morgol the Undying fights to the death. AC 38; Fortitude 40, Reflex 36, Will 36
Setup Saving Throws +5
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Those Once Loyal
2 Godforged Slashers (S) Level 29 Brute Godforged Bolter (B) Level 26 Artillery m Warding Statues
Large immortal animate (construct) XP 15,000 each Medium immortal animate (construct) XP 9,000
The statue comes to life to shove you from the platform.
Initiative +22 Senses Perception +21; darkvision Initiative +23 Senses Perception +18; darkvision
Spinning Blades aura 1; each creature that starts its turn in HP 185; Bloodied 92 Opportunity Action
the aura takes 20 damage. AC 41; Fortitude 38, Reflex 41, Will 36 Trigger: A creature starts its turn or enters a square adjacent to
HP 328; Bloodied 164 Immune disease, poison, sleep the statue
AC 41; Fortitude 43, Reflex 41, Will 40 Speed 4 (cannot shift) Target: The triggering creature
Immune disease, poison, sleep m Slam (standard; at-will) Attack: +30 vs. Fortitude
Speed 6 (cannot shift) +31 vs. AC; 2d8 + 7 damage, and the target is pushed 2 Hit: 2d8 + 9 damage, and the target is pushed 2 squares.
m Slashing Blades (standard; at-will) squares.
Reach 2; +32 vs. AC; 4d8 + 10 damage. R Impaling Bolt (standard; at-will) Weapon Fire Pit: Roiling flames burn in a stone basin at
C Flensing Blades (standard; recharges when first bloodied) Ranged 10; +31 vs. Reflex; 2d6 + 10 damage, the target the room’s center. Living creatures adjacent to the fire
Close burst 2; targets enemies; +32 vs. AC; 2d8 + 6 is immobilized (save ends), and the godforged bolter
pit take a –2 penalty to attack rolls.
damage, and ongoing 15 damage (save ends). pushes the target 1 square. Aftereffect: The target takes 10
M Hasty Repair (minor; at-will) Healing damage.
C Missile Defense (immediate reaction, when hit by a melee m Fire Pit
Reach 2; targets one shattered progeny; the shattered
progeny is destroyed and the godforged slasher regains 40 attack; recharges when first bloodied) Heat from the raging fires leaches your strength and resolve.
hit points. Close burst 10; +28 vs. Reflex; 4d10 + 8 damage. Opportunity Action
Shattered Progeny (free, when reduced to 246, 164, 82, and 0 Alignment Unaligned Languages — Trigger: A creature starts its turn or enters a fire pit square.
hit points) Str 25 (+20) Dex 30 (+23) Wis 20 (+18) Target: The triggering creature
Place a shattered progeny token in an unoccupied space Con 23 (+19) Int 2 (+9) Cha 8 (+12) Attack: +30 vs. Fortitude
adjacent to the godforged smasher, and reduce the Hit: 2d6 + 9 fire damage, and ongoing 10 fire damage (save
godforge slasher’s spinning blades damage by 5.
Alignment Unaligned Languages —
Features of the Area end). If the creature already has ongoing fire damage, it
instead takes an extra 4d6 fire damage.
Str 30 (+24) Dex 27 (+22) Wis 24 (+21) Illumination: Bright light. A fiery pool in the Miss: Half damage.
Con 28 (+23) Int 2 (+10) Cha 8 (+13) chamber’s center illuminates the room.
Doors: The steel doors are closed but not locked. Ceiling Hooks: Row upon row of hooks line the
Shattered Progeny Level 29 Minion Brute
Small immortal animate (construct) XP —
They feel warm to the touch. ceiling. Dormant constructs once hung from the
Initiative as creator Senses Perception +21; darkvision Ceiling: The ceiling is 70 feet overhead. hooks like toys. Now all the hooks are empty.
HP 1; a missed attack never damages a minion Platforms: Three platforms rise 30 feet above the
AC 41; Fortitude 43, Reflex 41, Will 40
floor in three corners. Rungs set in their faces grant
Immune disease, poison, sleep
Speed 4 access to their surfaces. A fall from a platform deals
m Spinning Blades (standard; at-will) 3d10 damage.
+32 vs. AC; 18 damage. Statues: Two statues atop platforms resemble
C Exploding Construct (when reduced to 0 hit points) Fire,
towering dwarven warriors armed with greataxes and
Close burst 1; +30 vs. Reflex; 18 fire and radiant damage. clad in plate armor. A statue has AC/Reflex 5, Forti-
Alignment Unaligned Languages — tude 10, and 40 hit points.
Str 30 (+24) Dex 27 (+22) Wis 24 (+21)
Con 28 (+23) Int 2 (+10) Cha 8 (+13)
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Those Once Loyal
N. Forgeworks Tactics
The slaughterstone hammerers try to prevent charac-
Encounter Level 26 (49,000 XP)
ters from escaping the room. They give preference to
characters on the conveyor belt.
Forgeworks (N for Nozzles, C for Claw) Features of the Area
5 slaughterstone hammerers (H)
Illumination: Dim light. Fiery veins and the cru-
cible offer scant illumination.
This chamber contains a wicked trap designed to take
Ceiling: The ceiling is 40 feet high.
raw ore and turn it into liquid metal. The slaughter-
Conveyor Belt: A 5-foot-wide conveyor belt runs
stone hammerers ensure unwilling objects make it
through the room. Squares containing the conveyor
into the crucible. Perception Check
belt count as difficult terrain.
DC 26: A control panel stands against the far wall near
Treasure: Leavings from melted-down items litters
When the characters enter this room, read: the room’s exit.
the floor. Sifting through it reveals parcels J, K, and L.
A raised pathway with a moving surface fills the room
with noise. Hulking humanoid constructs equipped with Forgeworks Level 25 Elite Blaster Attack: +28 vs. Reflex
hammer arms turn as one to note your presence. Trap XP 14,000 Hit: 2d8 + 9 damage, and the target slides to the closest square
The room is alive with industry, with bright sparks, streams of containing the conveyor belt.
liquid fire, and choking clouds of smoke. Miss: Half damage
5 Slaughterstone Hammerers (H) Level 25 Soldier Attack (Initiative 25) ✦ Fire
Large natural animate (construct) XP 7,000 Trap: The trap consists of several components linked by the Standard Action Close blast 2
Initiative +14 Senses Perception +12; darkvision conveyor belt running through the room. A clawed hand Target: Each creature in the blast for each nozzle
Thunder Step aura 2; each creature that starts its turn within snatches creatures and places them on the conveyor belt. Attack: +26 vs. Reflex
the aura is slowed until the start of its next turn. Where indicated on the map, nozzles fire jets of superheated Hit: 2d8 + 9 fire damage, and the target is dazed and
HP 233; Bloodied 116 steam, and the conveyor belt deposits anything on it into the immobilized until the end of its next turn.
AC 41; Fortitude 40, Reflex 35, Will 35 crucible at its end. Attack ✦ Fire
Immune disease, poison, sleep Perception Opportunity Action Melee
Speed 6 ✦ DC 31: A character spots the control panel on the opposite Trigger: A creature enters or starts its turn in the crucible
m Slam (standard; at-will) side of the room. Target: The triggering creature
Reach 2; +32 vs. AC; 2d8 + 10 damage, and the target is Additional Skill: Dungeoneering Effect: The creature takes 4d10 fire damage, and ongoing 10 fire
knocked prone. ✦ DC 28: The character identifies the nozzle locations. damage (save ends). A creature cannot make saving throws
M Hammerstrike (standard; at-will) Trigger to end the ongoing damage until it exits the crucible (DC 26
Reach 2; +28 vs. Fortitude; 2d8 + 10 damage, and the The trap makes the following attacks on the indicated turns. Athletics check).
target is dazed (save ends). Attack (Initiative 20, 10, 0) Countermeasures
Tunnel Fighting No Action Melee ✦ A character adjacent to the control panel can shut off the
A slaughterstone hammerer takes no penalty to attack Target: Each creature on the conveyor belt device and disable the trap by engaging in a skill challenge.
rolls while squeezing and does not grant combat Effect: The creature slides 2 squares in the direction indicated on DC 31 Thievery. Complexity 2 (6 successes before 3 failures).
advantage while squeezing. the map. Success shuts off the conveyor belt and the forgeworks can
Alignment Unaligned Languages — Attack (Initiative 15, 5) only make the opportunity action attack. Failure causes the
Str 28 (+21) Dex 11 (+12) Wis 10 (+12) Minor Action Melee control panel to explode: close blast 7; +28 vs. Reflex; 3d12
Con 25 (+19) Int 1 (+7) Cha 3 (+8) Target: One random non-construct creature not on a conveyor + 9 damage, and the target is knocked prone and dazed
belt square (save ends). The trap is disabled if the control panel explodes.
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Those Once Loyal
P. Moradin’s Forge They ignore your presence as their hammers rise and fall in Common Cause
perfect unison. The aspect grieves for your troubles, but his own loyalty to
Encounter Level 28 (65,000 XP) Bahamut blinds him to your true purpose.
If the characters don’t attack right away, read: Level: 28 (XP 26,000)
Setup The dwarf speaks, his voice the sound of mountains shifting Complexity: 1 (requires 4 successes before 3
Aspect of Moradin (A) on their foundations. “Your purpose is noble but selfish. failures).
1 forgespirit (F) Friendship demands loyalty, yet there are times when you Primary Skills: Bluff, Diplomacy, Religion,
2 godforged blade bearers (G) must set aside your misgivings for the good of the world. special
8+ forgesworn dwarves (D) Although you have violated my sanctum, I am willing to Secondary Skill: Insight
forgive your trespass if you return whence you came and Special: If the characters defeated Dispater and
The adventurers are again too late. By anticipating give up this foolish mission.” show his head or his rod as proof of the dragon’s
their movements, Dakranad arrived at the forge corruption, the characters automatically earn 2 suc-
ahead of the heroes. There, with the aid of dark The aspect answers questions as long as the char- cesses. (2 successes, maximum 2 successes)
magic, he persuaded the aspect of Moradin to give acters make no aggressive moves. What follows are Arcana (DC 31): The character tries to unravel
him a creation spark by explaining that Amyria answers to likely questions. the enchantment beguiling the aspect. This skill
housed Bahamut’s essence and that he needed the What are you talking about? You have come to cannot be used unless a successful Insight check has
spark to release the essence and thus restore the Plati- save the deva’s life, but you will not find her here. ben made (see below). Up to four characters can aid
num Dragon to life. Thinking that this is exactly what Dakranad has taken her to find her destiny. on this check. This skill can earn a maximum of 2
Moradin would want (and encouraged by Dakranad’s Her destiny? She houses Bahamut’s essence. The successes.
sorcery), the aspect gave the creation spark to the mithral dragon intends to unleash this essence so the Bluff (DC 30): The character fabricates evidence
dragon. Before Dakranad left, he warned the aspect Platinum Dragon can be reborn. against Dakranad. In addition to counting as two fail-
that the characters would be following soon after and Give us the creation spark! I have it no longer. I gave ures, a failed check counts as two failures, closes off
suggested that they want to prevent Bahamut’s rebirth it to Dakranad. Even if I wanted to, I could not give it future Bluff checks, and each new attempt results in
because they want to save Amyria’s life. Thus, when to you. The Crucible bestows this blessing but once 1 more automatic failure. This skill can earn a maxi-
the characters find the aspect, they see he is both each century. mum of 4 successes.
sympathetic but resolved to stop them at any cost. Where is Dakranad now? I cannot tell you, lest you Diplomacy (DC 26): The character cites truthful
interfere in his mission. evidence about Dakranad’s corruption or recounts
When the characters enter this room, read: To gain more information about where Dakranad the party’s past alliance with the Platinum Dragon.
Brilliant flames roil and flare at the room’s far end. Before is heading, the characters must engage in a skill This skill can earn a maximum of 4 successes.
them stands a mighty anvil on which you see hammers, challenge to persuade the aspect that they too want Insight (DC 31): The character identifies that
tongs, and other tools. A muscled, idealized dwarf dressed to see Bahamut restored. If the characters threaten the aspect of Moradin has been ensorcelled by the
in full plate armor and gripping an enormous hammer in the aspect or make any aggressive move, the aspect mithral dragon. A successful check counts as 0 suc-
his fist turns from the anvil. The dwarf smoothes his singed attacks. The characters can still try to persuade the cesses but opens up use of the Arcana skill.
beard and regards you with sad eyes while two hulking aspect of their intentions during the combat, but the Religion (DC 17): The character recalls Moradin’s
constructs step forward, brandishing spinning saw blades. DCs are 2 higher than those listed below. character and shows how the aspect’s actions are
Eight more dwarves stand before smaller anvils and forges.
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Those Once Loyal
Aspect of Moradin: The aspect uses mountain-
fall charge first, hoping to drive the characters back Forgesworn Dwarf: The minions avoid combat Statues: Two statues atop platforms resemble
onto the bridge and into the chasm beyond. The until at least one godforged blade bearer is reduced towering dwarven warriors armed with greataxes and
aspect then uses rippling earth to keep driving back to 0 hit points. The minions then attack en masse clad in plate armor. A statue has AC/Reflex 5, Forti-
the adventurers. After, the aspect presses the attack and gang up on one enemy at a time using their tude 10, and 40 hit points.
using whirling hammer. He fights until destroyed and warhammers.
gives no quarter; he will even pause to dispatch dying
characters. Such an affront as a fight in this sacred Features of the Area
chamber allows for no mercy. Illumination: Bright light. The Crucible of Light
Forgespirit: Starting on the second round, the fills the room with bright light.
forgespirit, the very essence of creation, emerges from Ceiling: The ceiling is 100 feet overhead.
the Crucible of Light to aid the aspect. It moves to God Anvil: The mighty anvil stands at the end of
where forge burst can be most effective and then uses the room. Immortal creatures within 5 squares of the
that power. While sustaining it, it uses unearthly bel- anvil gain a +1 bonus to attack rolls and deal 5 extra
lows to send enemies through the flames it created. radiant damage on all melee attacks.
Godforged Blade Bearers: These constructs hit Ledge: A ledge stands 10 feet above the floor.
prone enemies with their swift blade attacks. They move Stairs: A staircase grants access to the ledge.
constantly, striking at every creature in their reach. Squares containing stairs count as difficult terrain.
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Those Once Loyal
Aspect of Moradin (A) Level 26 Elite Soldier (Leader) C Rippling Earth (standard; recharge y z ) Weapon
gives these treasures to a party that succeeds on the
Medium immortal humanoid XP 18,000 Close burst 5; +31 vs. Fortitude; 2d10 + 10 damage, the skill challenge, but characters who defeat the aspect
Initiative +20 Senses Perception +20; low-light vision, target is pushed to the edge of the burst and knocked may take them anyway.
truesight 10 prone.
Victorious Song aura 5; allies in the aura that can hear the If the characters have Amyria in their possession
C Whirling Hammer (standard; at-will) Weapon
aspect of Moradin gain a +2 power bonus to attack rolls. Close burst 1; one or two targets; +31 vs. AC; 2d10 + 10 and successfully negotiated with the aspect, they also
HP 482; Bloodied 241 damage, and the target is dazed until the end of its next receive the creation spark. A golden locket contains its
AC 42; Fortitude 41, Reflex 36, Will 38 turn. Effect: If one or both attacks miss, the aspect of power. Aside from the hammer embossed on one side
Immune poison Moradin makes a secondary attack that does not provoke
Saving Throws +2 and an anvil on the other, the item seems mundane.
opportunity attacks: Ranged 10; targets one enemy not
Speed 5; teleport 5 targeted by whirling hammer; +35 vs. AC; 2d10 + 10 Opening the locket releases blinding light: +32 vs.
Action Points 1 damage, and the target is pushed 5 squares and knocked Fortitude; the target is blinded (save ends).
m Crushing Hammer (standard; at-will) Weapon prone.
+33 vs. AC; 2d10 + 10 damage, and the target is dazed until
the end of its next turn.
Rooted in Stone
The aspect of Moradin can only be forcibly moved—by
M Grudge Strike (immediate reaction, when an enemy hits the a push, a pull, or a slide—if he chooses to be, and then If the characters end this encounter without destroy-
aspect of Moradin with a melee attack; at-will) Weapon may choose the distance he is forcibly moved up to the ing the aspect of Moradin, award them experience
The aspect of Moradin makes a crushing hammer attack maximum the effect specifies. The aspect of Moradin
against the triggering enemy. points as if they had.
cannot be knocked prone.
M Bonecrusher Strike (immediate interrupt, when an adjacent Alignment Lawful good Languages Common, Dwarven,
enemy uses the stand up action; at-will) Weapon Supernal
+31 vs. Fortitude; 2d10 + 10 damage, the target is knocked Skills Athletics +28, Diplomacy +23, Dungeoneering +27,
prone, and cannot stand (save ends). Endurance +27, History +20, Insight +25, Intimidate +23
M Mountainfall Charge (standard; recharges when first Str 30 (+23) Dex 20 (+18) Wis 25 (+20)
bloodied) ✦ Thunder, Weapon Con 25 (+20) Int 15 (+15) Cha 20 (+18)
The aspect of Moradin shifts 5 squares ignoring difficult Equipment plate armor, heavy shield, warhammer
terrain and makes an attack at the end of this movement:
+34 vs. AC; 2d10 + 10 damage, the target is stunned
(save ends), and all enemies adjacent to the target take 10
thunder damage and are pushed 5 squares.
m Warding Statues evolve into new gods, dominions, or even worlds. Non-
The statue comes to life to shove you from the platform. immortal creatures entering or starting their turns
Opportunity Action in a space adjacent to the crucible take 20 fire and
Trigger: A creature starts its turn or enters a square adjacent to radiant damage. Any character attempting to enter
the statue
the Crucible of Light is automatically pushed 1d10
Target: The triggering creature
Attack: +30 vs. Fortitude squares and knocked prone.
Hit: 2d8 + 9 damage, and the target is pushed 2 squares. Forges and Anvils: Opposite the ledge is a row
of forges and anvils. Creatures entering or starting
Crucible of Light: Beyond the God Anvil is the their turns in a square containing a forge take 10 fire
Crucible of Light. Once every century, Moradin can damage.
extract a creation spark from its fires. These sparks Treasure: Positioned atop the God Anvil are trea-
are pure possibility. Left on their own, they might sure parcels M, N, O, and P. The aspect of Moradin
December 20 09 | D u n g e o n 17 3
Those Once Loyal
Forgespirit (F) Level 25 Controller 2 Godforged Blade Bearers (G) Level 27 Skirmisher 8 Forgesworn Dwarf (D) Level 26 Minion Brute
Large immortal magical beast (air, earth, fire) XP 7,000 Large immortal animate (construct) XP 11,000 each Medium immortal humanoid, dwarf XP 2,250 each
Initiative +19 Senses Perception +17 Initiative +24 Senses Perception +26; truesight 10 Initiative +18 Senses Perception +19; low-light vision
HP 236; Bloodied 118 HP 245; Bloodied 122 HP 1; a minion never takes damage from a miss.
AC 39; Fortitude 39, Reflex 37, Will 35 AC 42; Fortitude 37, Reflex 40, Will 39 AC 36; Fortitude 40, Reflex 36, Will 37
Immune disease, petrification, poison; Resist 20 fire Immune disease, poison sleep Speed 5
Speed 6 Speed 8; see also swift blade m Warhammer (standard; at-will) ✦ Weapon
m Fiery Touch (standard; at-will) ✦ Fire m Swift Blade (minor; at-will) +29 vs. AC; 17 damage.
Reach 2; +29 vs. Reflex; 1d6 + 8 fire damage, and ongoing Reach 2; +32 vs. AC; 3d8 + 9 damage, and the godforged Stand Your Ground
10 fire damage (save ends). If this attack hits a target blade bearer shifts 1 square. When an effect forces a dwarf to move—through a pull, a
already suffering from ongoing fire damage, the attack C Sparking Damage (when reduced to 183, 122, 61, and 0 hit push, or a slide—the dwarf moves 1 square less than the
instead deals 10 extra fire damage. points) ✦ Lightning, Radiant effect specifies. When an attack would knock a dwarf
M Hammer on Anvil (standard; at-will) Close burst 1; +30 vs. Reflex; 5d10 lightning and radiant prone, the dwarf can roll a saving throw to avoid falling
Reach 2; +29 vs. Fortitude; 3d8 + 8 damage, and the target damage. prone.
is pushed 3 squares and knocked prone. Murderous Intent (while marked by an enemy) Eternal Returns
C Forge Burst (standard; sustain: minor; encounter) ✦ Fire, Zone The godforged blade bearer’s swift blade attacks deals 2d8 If a forgesworn dwarf is reduced to 0 hit points while in
Close burst 3; +29 vs. Reflex; 3d6 + 9 fire damage. Effect: extra damage to targets that mark it. the aspect of Moradin’s victorious song aura, two more
The squares along the edge of the burst become a zone of Alignment Unaligned Languages — forgesworn dwarves appear in unoccupied spaces adjacent
raging fire that lasts until the end of the forgespirit’s next Str 23 (+19) Dex 29 (+22) Wis 26 (+21) to the aspect of Moradin at the end of his next turn.
turn (sustain minor). Any creature that starts its turn inside Con 21 (+18) Int 4 (+10) Cha 8 (+12) Alignment Unaligned Languages Common, Dwarven
or enters the zone takes 20 fire damage. Str 26 (+21) Dex 20 (+18) Wis 23 (+19)
C Unearthly Bellows (standard; encounter) Con 28 (+22) Int 10 (+13) Cha 10 (+13)
Close blast 5; +29 vs. Fortitude; 3d10 + 6 damage, and the Equipment chainmail, heavy shield, warhammer
target is pushed 3 squares, and slowed (save ends).
Alignment Unaligned Languages Primordial
Str 26 (+20) Dex 25 (+19) Wis 21 (+17)
Con 28 (+21) Int 6 (+10) Cha 15 (+14)
December 20 09 | D u n g e o n 17 3
Those Once Loyal
Q. War for Heaven Dakranad, Mithral Dragon Level 29 Solo Skirmisher C Breath Weapon (standard; recharge 5 6 ) ✦ Radiant
Huge immortal magical beast (dragon) XP 65,000 Close blast 5; +32 vs. Reflex; 4d10 + 6 radiant damage, and
Initiative +27 Senses Perception +27; darkvision
Encounter Level 32 (140,000 XP) the target is blinded (save ends). Miss: Half damage.
HP 1,052; Bloodied 526; see also bloodied breath C Bloodied Breath (free, when first bloodied; encounter)
AC 44; Fortitude 41, Reflex 43, Will 41
Setup Resist 25 radiant
Breath weapon recharges, and the dragon uses it.
C Dimensional Flurry (standard; encounter) ✦ Radiant
Dakranad (D) Saving Throws +5 Close burst 10; targets up to four enemies; +32 vs. Reflex;
Speed 10, fly 12 (hover), overland flight 15, teleport 10 4d6 + 5 damage, and the target takes ongoing 15 radiant
Zachariel (Z)
Action Points 2 damage and is dazed (save ends both). Effect: The dragon
m Bite (standard; at-will) ✦ Radiant teleports to a space in the burst.
The characters chase the mithral dragon to the city, Reach 3; +34 vs. AC; 2d8 + 11 damage, and ongoing radiant C Frightful Presence (standard; encounter) ✦ Fear
follow the path up the highest peak (Chronias, the 15 radiant damage (save ends). Close burst 10; targets enemies; +32 vs. Will; the target is
m Claw (standard; at-will) stunned until the end of the dragon’s next turn. Aftereffect:
Radiant Throne), and find the Bridge of al-Sihal. Reach 3; +34 vs. AC; 3d8 + 8 damage. The target takes a X2 penalty to attack rolls (save ends).
How the characters find the bridge depends on their M Dimension Strike (minor; at-will) Teleportation Prophetic Defense (immediate interrupt, when the dragon is hit
circumstances. If Amyria is with the characters, The dragon teleports 5 squares, makes a claw attack, by an attack; at-will) ✦ Teleportation
teleports 5 squares, and makes a claw attack against a The dragon gains a +4 bonus to all defenses against the
Dakranad attacks before she can confront Zachariel.
different target. triggering attack. If the attack misses, the dragon teleports
If the dragon has Amyria, it battles the archangel to M Wing Buffet (minor; recharge y z ) 6 squares.
win its way past. Reach 3; +32 vs. Fortitude; 4d10 + 8 damage, and the Alignment Evil Languages Common, Draconic, Supernal
target is pushed 3 squares. Skills Diplomacy +26, History +26, Insight +27, Intimidate +26,
R Mithral Prescience (minor; at-will) Religion +26
If Amyria is with the characters, read: Ranged 10; the target takes a –2 penalty to all defenses Str 27 (+22) Dex 32 (+25) Wis 27 (+22)
The bridge stretches ahead, vanishing into a curtain of against the dragon’s attacks until the dragon uses this Con 23 (+20) Int 25 (+21) Cha 25 (+21)
golden light. A magnificent figure stands before it—an power against another target.
angel. Its obscured features reveal little of its intent, but the
flaming sword it wields suggests only worthy souls can pass. Tactics using his breath weapon and dimensional fury to
Just as you get your bearings, a dark shadow crosses you, a destroy the meddling adventurers.
The dragon means to get through the golden curtain
shadow cast by a fearsome mithral dragon. If reduced to 200 hit points or less, Dakranad
and the archangel isn’t having it. If the dragon has
grows desperate. If he still has Amyria, he abandons
Amyria, she’s at grave risk, because Zachariel cares
If Amyria is with the dragon, read: the characters and renews his efforts against Zacha-
nothing for her. If she’s not saved, she could very well
The bridge stretches ahead, vanishing into a curtain of riel, striking at the characters only if they attack him
die in the fight. Of course, interfering characters put
golden light. Before the light, a fearsome mithral dragon or try to snatch Amyria.
themselves in the dragon’s path.
battles a powerful angel. Claw crashes against fiery sword Zachariel: The angel’s sole purpose is to prevent
Dakranad: The dragon restricts its attacks to
as the two clash. Around the dragon’s neck hangs a golden unlawful passage beyond the Bridge of al-Sihal. The
claw attacks against Zachariel, knowing its radiant
locket and in its claw, you see Amyria’s unconscious body, angel attacks only characters entering its reach, but
attacks are useless. Should two or more characters
blood running from her open mouth. specifically focuses on the dragon. Zachariel cares
close, the dragon uses frightful presence and spends
nothing for the characters unless they attack it. In
an action point to use dimension strike against
Arcana Check this case, the angel uses excommunication to remove
stunned targets. The dragon withdraws from Zacha-
DC 18: The golden locket shines with power and it appears troublesome enemies and holy word to keep dangerous
riel to concentrate his attacks against the party,
to contain the creation spark you seek. opponents at bay. The angel is not above using blazing
December 20 09 | D u n g e o n 17 3
Those Once Loyal
Zachariel Level 28 Solo Soldier C Blazing Arc (standard; at-will) ✦ Fire, Radiant, Weapon
Large immortal humanoid (angel) XP 65,000 Close burst 2; +35 vs. AC; 2d6 + 10 damage plus 2d6 fire
Initiative +22 Senses Perception +27 and radiant damage, and the target is slowed and marked
Dimensional Ward aura 3; creatures cannot use teleportation until the end of Zachariel’s next turn.
powers or effects to enter or exit squares inside the aura. C Holy Word (minor; recharge 5 6 ) ✦ Thunder
HP 1,036; Bloodied 518 Close blast 3; +31 vs. Fortitude; 4d8 + 13 thunder damage,
AC 44; Fortitude 42, Reflex 38, Will 40 and the target is stunned until the end of Zachariel’s next
Immune fear; Resist 20 fire, 30 radiant; Vulnerable see arrow of fate turn. Aftereffect: The target is dazed (save ends).
Saving Throws +5 C Menacing Presence (minor 1/round; at-will) ✦ Fear
Speed 8, fly 16 (hover) Close burst 3; targets creatures marked by Zachariel; +33
Action Points 2 vs. Will; the target is pushed 3 squares and takes a –2
m Blazing Sword (standard; at-will) ✦ Fire, Radiant, Weapon penalty to all attack rolls until the end of its next turn.
Reach 2; +35 vs. AC; 2d6 + 10 damage plus 2d6 fire and Angelic Presence (while not bloodied)
radiant damage, and the target is slowed and marked until Any attack against Zachariel takes a –2 penalty to the
the end of Zachariel’s next turn. attack roll.
M Brilliant Rebuke (immediate reaction, when an adjacent Threatening Reach
enemy moves or shifts; at-will) ✦ Fire, Weapon Zachariel can make opportunity attacks against all enemies
Zachariel makes a blazing sword attack against the in his reach.
triggering enemy. Arrow of Fate
R Excommunication (standard; recharges when an enemy hits Zachariel is particularly vulnerable to the arrow of fate. If
Zachariel with a melee attack) ✦ Acid, Teleportation fired from a longbow or shortbow or used as an improvised
Ranged sight; +31 vs. Will; the target disappears into Carceri weapon, when hit Zachariel takes 250 points of damage
and is removed from play (save ends). The target is marooned and is stunned (save ends).
on a bleak island lashed with acid rain, taking 20 acid Alignment Unaligned Languages Supernal
damage each time it fails a saving throw to end the effect. Skills Arcana +24, Diplomacy +26, History +24, Insight +27,
Aftereffect: The target reappears in a square on the edge of Religion +24
the Zachariel’s dimensional ward aura and is immobilized Str 31 (+24) Dex 23 (+20) Wis 26 (+22)
and knocked prone until the end of its next turn. Con 27 (+22) Int 21 (+19) Cha 24 (+21)
C Astral Fury (free, when first bloodied; encounter) ✦ Radiant, Equipment plate armor, greatsword
Close burst 5; +31 vs. Fortitude; 3d6 + 9 radiant damage,
arc and menacing presence to push characters from the and the target is blinded (save ends). Effect: The burst
bridge. creates a zone of brilliant light that lasts until the end of the
encounter. Zachariel’s blazing sword attacks deal 2d6 extra
Retrieving Amyria and the Creation Spark: radiant damage while he is within the zone.
The characters have several options for retrieving
Amyria. A character adjacent to the dragon can use Getting Amyria Through the Curtain: Once Features of the Area
the escape action against the dragon’s Fortitude or Amyria gets the Creation Spark, her consciousness
Illumination: Bright light. The golden curtain
Reflex to wrench her free. Alternatively, if the charac- returns. She wants to slip through the curtain, but she
and the radiant sun fill the area with bright light.
ters manage to stun or bloody him, Dakranad drops can’t while Zachariel blocks the way. The characters
Bridge: The bridge is impervious to all damage. A
Amyria at his feet. Once the dragon loses her, he can deal with the archangel by stunning or otherwise
fall from the bridge sees the creature descend some
works to snatch her again by using the grab action. incapacitating it or they might use the arrow of fate.
200 feet to land amid the lower mountain slopes.
Stealing the Creation Spark requires a DC 37 (DC
Such a fall deals 20d10 damage upon landing.
27 if the dragon is stunned) Thievery check.
December 20 09 | D u n g e o n 17 3
Those Once Loyal
Golden Radiance: The golden light shining from Level: 28 (XP 26,000) Success: The characters convince the archangel
the gateway loosens the soul’s ties to the body. Mortal Complexity: 2 (requires 6 successes before 3 to let Amyria pass. See Concluding the Adventure on
creatures lingering too close are subject to an attack. failures) page 44.
A character recognizes the danger the radiance poses Primary Skills: Diplomacy, Heal, History, Reli- Failure: Zachariel is unmoved by the party’s
with a successful DC 28 Religion check. gion, special entreaties and denies passage into the light. If Amyria
Secondary Skills: Arcana would pass, the heroes must defeat the angel. D
A Golden Radiance
Special: If the characters brandish the arrow of fate
The light bathes you, and you feel your soul struggling to be About the Author
and Zachariel can see it, they earn 2 successes. This
free. Robert J. Schwalb works as a freelance designer for
can earn a maximum of 2 successes. Wizards of the Coast. His recent credits include Martial
Opportunity Action ✦ Divine
Trigger: A mortal creature starts its turn in a square containing Arcana (DC 33): A character studying the arrow Power™, Draconomicon™: Chromatic Dragons, and the Forgot-
golden radiance of fate discerns that it is particularly dangerous to ten Realms® Player’s Guide. Robert lives in Tennessee with his
Target: The triggering creature incredibly patient wife, Stacee, and his pride of fiendish were-
Bahamut’s enemies. This check opens up the Special
Attack: +32 vs. Will cats, but is happiest when chained to his desk, toiling for his
option. Up to four characters can aid on this check. dark masters in Seattle.
Hit: The target is dazed (save ends).
First Failed Saving Throw: The target is stunned (save This skill earns no successes.
ends) instead. Diplomacy (DC 33): The character reminds
Second Failed Saving Throw: The character is pulled into
Zachariel what’s at stake if Tiamat wins and argues
the light unless stopped by the angel and moves onto a
higher plane of existence (the character dies). that Bahamut is the only way to halt the Chromatic
Dragon’s agenda. Up to four characters can aid on this
Treasure: Upon defeating the dragon, the adven- check. This skill can earn a maximum of 4 successes.
turers discover that it carries parcels Q and R. Heal (DC 28): A successful Heal check reveals
Amyria will not live much longer. Sharing this with
Conclusion the angel reveals her personal sacrifice to restore
With the dragon dead, the creation seed in hand, Bahamut to life. This check can earn a maximum of 1
and Amyria still alive, the dying deva approaches the success.
archangel, but Zachariel denies her access. The angel History (DC 28): The character recalls horrors per-
refuses her because it believes she intends to subvert formed in Tiamat’s name, hoping to drive home the
the proper order and consign the universe to play out import of the characters’ mission. A failed check also
the drama between gods that has happened before closes off future History checks during this skill chal-
and shall happen again. The characters must con- lenge. This skill can earn a maximum of 2 successes.
vince the archangel that permitting Amyria to cross is Religion (DC 33): The character reinforces Baham-
the only way to avoid plunging the cosmos into a war ut’s place in the cosmos, the good he has worked, and
that would rip the planes apart. how the world will benefit by his return. This skill
can earn a maximum of 4 successes.
An Argument for Intimidate: The angel will not be intimidated. Each
Resurrection attempt results in a failure.
“I deny thee passage across the Bridge of al-Sihal.”
December 20 09 | D u n g e o n 17 3
“The Mithral King came into
our domain, telling us of the
cataclysmic visions that filled his
mind. The other angels and I
saw our god die, and watched our
domain slowly crumble around us
as we wandered listlessly. Tashkax
gave us purpose, and we saw in
him the knowledge, foresight, and
strength of a god. We had hope
once more that we had found a
worthy master.”
—Tirlunel, servitor of Tashkax
Ecology of the
Mithral Dragon
By Logan Bonner
illustrations by Sam Wood
TM & © 2009 Wizards of the Coast LLC All rights reserved. December 20 09 | D u n g e o n 17 3
Ecology of the Mithral Dragon
History Crusading
Mithral Dragons
With wide-reaching goals and the power to achieve The King of Khouradan
Since the world fell into darkness and the great bas-
them, mithral dragons have played a major part in tions of civilization crumbled, mithral dragons have One of the most famous mithral dragons in the his-
shaping the history of the world and planes despite grown more obsessive. They seek to radically change tory of the natural world, Aelmedrion hatched while
their relatively small numbers. Since mithrals care the world. Most of them want to transform it into a the edifices of the empire of Nerath crumbled. He
primarily about pursuing their own goals, they place of law and order, but their ideals can blind them grew up regretting that he hadn’t lived to see an
derive far more satisfaction in completing them than to the consequences of their plans. empire of the world in its full glory, and full of disdain
in receiving praise or fame for their deeds. Mithral Mithrals have raised armies or instigated conflicts for the evils that plagued the land afterward.
dragons have been involved in major swings of power in attempts to set things right. Most influence affairs Impetuous as a youth, Aelmedrion hunted down
throughout history, but few know of their involve- from behind the scenes, although a rare few have necromantic rituals in libraries throughout the Astral
ment. Even fewer know how, specifically, the dragons made their presence more openly known. Mithrals Sea. As the dragon and his followers enacted these
shaped these events. Except for scholars with knowl- mostly find that they can inspire greater faith and rituals, the graves of Nerathi soldiers opened up, and
edge of religion or the planes, few people in the world camaraderie in their armies through the use of char- their occupants walked the land. The dragon declared
even know that mithral dragons exist. ismatic servants and allies. the foundation of a new empire: Khouradan. To prove
his beneficence, he set the undead soldiers to work
Origins of Avatars of Prophecy slaying bandits, dangerous beasts, and other fiends
Mithral Dragons The visions mithral dragons receive make them that had overrun the world, but he did not prepare
No one knows for sure which legend of the creation superlative prophets. These visions of the future come for his enemies’ reactions. The dragon’s evil adversar-
of dragons is true. To mithrals, the details aren’t par- (the mithral dragons believe) from the spirit of Io. ies had no idea who was attacking them and struck
ticularly important. The only part of draconic history Though the dragons might struggle to understand back indiscriminately against innocent people, either
that really matters to mithral dragons is that they were these sometimes-cryptic bursts of foresight, they never out of anger or while attempting to evade the undead
intended to be Io’s chosen. The god’s spirit speaks to doubt their veracity. However, they also know that the armies by any means necessary.
them still, and they follow Io’s charge with greater actions of free-willed individuals—for good or ill—can After years of chaos, Aelmedrion appeared and
commitment than any other type of dragon. affect the results of any vision, no matter how sure admitted his failure. He returned the dead to their
Though they have an association with the Astral it might seem. This contradiction worries those who graves and personally dealt with the few prominent
Sea, it’s clear that mithrals haven’t always lived there. dare question the motives and wisdom of these power- evildoers he was aware of. The rest went into hiding,
During the early days of the War of Dragons, mithrals ful creatures. and Aelmedrion fled to the Astral Sea in shame. As
fought against the chromatic dragons and helped Still, great prophets keep a close eye on mithral one of the few mithral dragons to reveal itself, most
decide the course of many battles. Over the course of dragons. Some attempt to tell the future by watching people who are aware of mithral dragons know about
that war, the mithral dragons grew more and more the actions of mithrals, believing that anything one of them because of this rogue necromancer.
dissatisfied, and their numbers in the world slowly these dragons considers important will be significant. Mithral dragons are immortal, and no news of
dwindled. Many mithrals claim that they weren’t Mithrals largely resent their role as harbingers for Aelmedrion’s death has reached the world. As far as
truly mithral dragons until they had left worldly mat- lesser prophets. They prefer to keep their secrets, but anyone knows, the dragon is still out there, plotting
ters behind and begun to consider more important they don’t want to waste time covering their tracks. a way to accomplish his goals more successfully.
concepts. When necessary, a devious mithral dragon intention-
December 20 09 | D u n g e o n 17 3
Ecology of the Mithral Dragon
ally misleads prophets by taking actions unrelated to teleport, its wings transmute into curtains of radi-
its true goal. Some mithrals seem to pursue this sort ant energy. With a flash of light, the dragon crosses
of game with almost as much fervor as they do their between planes and reappears nearby. Typically, the
true goals and passions. dragon crosses through the Astral Sea and reappears
surrounded by motes of astral light. If it’s already in
Physiology the Astral Sea, the dragon usually teleports through
the Elemental Chaos, and re-emerges accompanied
Though exceptional among their kindred, mithral by a tide of flame, cascade of dust, or gust of wind.
dragons share most of the same physical traits. They
are more nimble, though, exhibiting the suppleness of Psychology
their namesake metal.
Since mithral dragons are powerful, incredibly intel-
The Inner Light ligent, and often fight for good causes, few realize
Mithral dragon blood, like that of other dragons, how thoroughly consumed with their own goals these
contains stores of elemental magic. However, these dragons become. Mithral dragons can become obses-
creatures also command the radiance of the Astral sive and domineering. Though they’re typically on
Sea. They have dwelled primarily in that realm since the side of the just, they can be misled into doing evil.
their birth as a species, and their connection to the With their prophetic insights, they might also seem
energy of the plane has increased over the millennia. to be pursuing an evil agenda for a goal they believe
When young, a mithral’s scales are highly reflective. is for the greater good (or their own good, which to
In later years, light glows from between their scales at many mithrals, is one and the same). Even when
all times. devoted to a good cause, mithral dragons disregard
Astral light has become so ingrained in mithral the destruction and danger innocent people might
dragons that it has altered their breath weapons. As face due to their actions in pursuit of their goals.
elemental energy passes from the fundamentum to The type of goals a mithral dragon seeks to achieve
the upper stomach, much of it transforms into radiant varies widely. The only constant is scope—mithral they admit inferiority to no one, save perhaps deities
energy. As more energy collects, a mithral dragon’s dragons think big, and they choose to take on tasks or the most powerful primordials. Some mithrals
chest and throat begin to glow. This glow fades when that will influence entire continents or planes. A consider themselves infallible, and even those who
the dragon unleashes its scintillating breath weapon. mithral dragon’s goal might lead to the destruction of will admit to a mistake must be presented with
When a mithral dragon becomes enraged, the a barony, the disappearance of an entire landmass, overwhelming evidence to do so. Consequently, it’s
light glows more fiercely. Even the dragon’s claws and the death of a powerful deity or demon lord, or the nearly impossible to dissuade a mithral dragon from
eyes flash with light during combat. start of a great war. following a course of action on which it has decided.
Its prescience, in this case, is often a liability. Mithral
Teleportation Superiority dragons often come to believe that because of their
Born with an ability to briefly cross between planes, Mithral dragons know they are more powerful than gift of prophecy, they know more than anyone else—
a mithral dragon confounds its enemies with evasive other dragons, and act accordingly. They carry drag- and they are thus often shocked beyond belief when
teleportation. When a mithral dragon prepares to onkind’s reputation for arrogance to extremes, and events do not transpire as they expect.
December 20 09 | D u n g e o n 17 3
Ecology of the Mithral Dragon
Reproduction Culture
and Parenting Mithral Dragon
Since mithral dragons don’t die naturally and have Solitary beings, mithral dragons usually speak only
Plot Threads with creatures who are their peers in power, and only
few enemies capable of killing them, reproduction
isn’t a priority. Most mithrals are too consumed with You might want to use a mithral dragon to reinforce when they must. Mithrals need to amass influence
their goals to find mates or rear children, and only do a theme in your campaign. These creatures loom so and knowledge to accomplish their goals, so they
so if they’re certain the time spent will further their large that introducing one nearly demands that it seek out only those allies who can offer them some-
agendas. will have a major role in the story arc of your game. thing that will further their own plans. The common
Mithrals rarely spend time with other dragons, Some interesting plot threads involving mithral drag- person is useless to a mithral dragon, and is of no con-
even their own kind, so finding a mate is often dif- ons include: sequence to the dragon.
ficult. A mithral dragon that wants offspring needs Tyranny: Even a dragon working toward a good
to either convince a potential mate that the offspring cause can impose stifling oppression over regions it Religion
will contribute to both dragons’ goals or arrange claims to safeguard. The PCs might be fighting to free As residents of the Astral Sea, all mithral dragons
some type of exchange, usually by helping that mate people from a mithral dragon’s rules and restrictions. acknowledge the power of deities, and most revere
further its own plans in some fashion. Sometimes Mysterious Prophecy: If the heart of your cam- deities, or at least take their influence into account.
two mithrals come together to raise hatchlings out of paign’s story is shrouded in secrecy, the PCs might Mithral dragons don’t really worship gods in the
some deeper connection, but such relationships are enlist the aid of a mithral dragon. They could seek same way most people do. They’re simply too proud to
even more rare among these dragons than among foresight from the dragon’s visions, or try to prevent submit to anyone else’s will. They treat the gods with
other species of dragonkind. the dragon from finding out parts of a prophecy that respect—at least those deities who share the same phi-
A parent that trains its offspring to further its goals would bring it into conflict with them. losophies as the mithrals—and sometimes seek their
uses harsh demands and instills in its hatchlings a Protect the Bystanders: The broad, intricate guidance. Even this level of submission is galling to
sense of purpose. The dragon does everything it can plots of mithral dragons ripple through the planes. most mithrals, and they’re more likely to treat such an
to ensure that its child shares its goals, but inevitably, The repercussions of a mithral’s actions might harm interaction as one peer seeking advice from another,
the parent grows distracted and neglects its children, ordinary people or fracture the land. Even at low level, not as a lesser being seeking guidance from a “higher
leaving the hatchlings to their own devices. When PCs can protect people from the fallout of a mithral’s power.”
a mithral wyrmling leaves the nest, many times a actions. It’s not uncommon for a mithral dragon to realize
parent won’t notice for weeks or months. In many that its goals align with a deity’s. A mithral dragon
ways, this preserves a balance among the mithral that becomes deeply involved with a religion is a pow-
dragons, as few of those dragons related by blood end erful symbol of that deity’s influence, and few deities
up pursuing identical agendas because of this dis- turn away such an ally. If the dragon is confident in
tance that begins at such an early age. the god’s trustworthiness, it will present itself as a
representative of the deity, using the combined cachet
of the god’s name and its own to fulfill the desires and
goals the two share.
December 20 09 | D u n g e o n 17 3
Ecology of the Mithral Dragon
December 20 09 | D u n g e o n 17 3
Ecology of the Mithral Dragon
HP 111; Bloodied 55
A monster theme (introduced in Dungeon Master’s have good escape maneuvers.
AC 27; Fortitude 24, Reflex 22, Will 22 (+1 to all defenses
Guide 2) allows you to modify any monster to reflect M Prophetic Defense (immediate interrupt, when this creature against bloodied enemies)
the powerful creature it serves. Mithral dragon is hit by an attack; encounter) F Teleportation Resist 10 necrotic, 10 radiant
This creature gains a +4 bonus to all defenses against Speed 5
followers learn to invoke powers of foresight and tele- m Broadsword (standard; at-will) F Weapon
the triggering attack. If the attack misses, this creature
portation similar to those exhibited by their patrons. teleports 3 squares. +18 vs. AC; 2d10 + 2 damage, and the target is marked
Add one of the following powers to thematically tie until the end of the deva knight-errant’s next turn.
M Rejuvenating Smite (standard; recharges after hitting with a
your monsters to mithral dragons. A sample mithral
disciple is provided for your use.
Domains broadsword attack) F Healing, Weapon
+18 vs. AC; 2d10 + 2 damage, and the deva knight-errant
Skill Modifications: +2 bonus to Insight and Reli- To keep their privacy and peace, mithral dragons regains hit points equal to half the damage dealt.
gion checks. C Blinding Light (minor; encounter) F Teleportation
build or inhabit lairs in distant areas, primarily in Close burst 3; +14 vs. Reflex; the target is blinded until
the Astral Sea. They prefer places tied to prophecy the end of the deva knight errant’s next turn. Effect: This
Dimension Strike or divine magic, and many of the most powerful creature teleports 5 squares.
This power allows a skirmisher to become more C Martyr’s Cry (standard; recharge ⚅ ) F Implement, Psychic
mithrals dwell in the former realms of dead gods.
Close burst 3; targets enemies; +16 vs. Will; 2d6 + 4
potent or gives extra movement and devastating
psychic damage, and the target is marked (save ends).
attacks to a soldier or brute. Inner Radiance F Radiant
M Dimension Strike (standard; encounter) F Teleportation Sample Domain: Any attack a deva knight-errant makes can instead deal
radiant damage. In addition, a knight-errant can take a –2
This creature teleports 5 squares, makes a melee basic
attack, teleports 5 squares, and makes a melee basic Otrior’s Beacon penalty to an attack roll to deal 4 extra radiant damage on
the attack.
attack against a different target.
The adult mithral dragon Otrior maintains a lair Health Transfer (minor; encounter) F Healing
within an earthberg in the Astral Sea. Tunnels wind The deva knight-errant takes up to 25 damage, and one
Blinding Light through the massive rock and connect at vast, hol- ally within 10 squares of it regains the same number of hit
This flash of radiance works best for monsters that points. The knight-errant can then transfer one condition
lowed-out chambers. from the ally to itself.
want to hide, or that deal more damage with combat
Memory of a Thousand Lifetimes (free, when the deva knight-
advantage. Other monsters, especially soldiers, can Orrery errant makes an attack roll, a skill check, or an ability check
use the power to strike awe in their foes. Otrior’s Beacon draws its name from the immense
and dislikes the result; encounter)
The knight-errant adds 1d6 to the triggering roll.
C Blinding Light (minor; encounter) F Teleportation orrery that hangs in space over the earthberg on Alignment Good Languages Common
Close burst 3; level + 3 vs. Reflex; the target is blinded which Otrior’s lair is built. The device glows brightly, Skills History +16, Insight +16, Religion +18
until the end of this creature’s next turn. Effect: This Str 21 (+10) Dex 10 (+5) Wis 16 (+8)
creature teleports 5 squares.
collecting the ambient light of the Astral Sea and
Con 15 (+7) Int 18 (+9) Cha 18 (+9)
sending it out in intense beams. Otrior’s followers cre- Equipment plate armor, heavy shield, broadsword,
ated the fantastic device at her bequest. The orrery holy symbol
doesn’t represent any physical place, but the motion of
time and the interplay of events. Otrior stares at the
December 20 09 | D u n g e o n 17 3
Ecology of the Mithral Dragon
The winding tunnels in the earthberg can easily
accommodate a creature of Otrior’s size, and any that
had been too small were widened long ago. Hundreds
of caverns, both small and large, branch off from the
complex of tunnels. Otrior’s servants have created a
sustainable society within the earthberg.
December 20 09 | D u n g e o n 17 3
Ecology of the Mithral Dragon
Worship Halls
Otrior draws followers from many walks of life. All of
Otrior’s Plans
them pursue scholarly endeavors, and many are reli-
Dangerous artifacts and magical effects can wreak gious. Halls throughout the earthberg allow Otrior’s
havoc with time and endanger the stability of the followers to worship almost any god. Gruumsh is a
planes. Otrior’s work has given her a deeper under- notable exception: Otrior harbors resentment against
standing of the forces that affect time and the future, the destructive deity for reasons unknown.
and she takes it upon herself to guard what she sees
as the correct course of the future. Most of her plans Libraries
involve gathering lore about time manipulation or One common element in every mithral dragon lair is
attempting to stop others from using magic that some sort of library. These creatures always find use
might bend the course of time. for tomes and scrolls, especially those with prophetic
The Time Wells: Each plane has a few time wells: implications. Otrior’s Beacon houses eight libraries,
places where the normal flow of time doesn’t apply each with a tiny window tunnel that runs all the way
and hundreds of possible realities converge. Otrior to the surface of the earthberg. Light from the orrery
seeks to find the location of these time wells and shines into each library at different times, guiding the
hide them from others. This plot can affect PCs of all mithral dragon’s decisions.
tiers, depending on where the time wells are located
and who searches for them. The PCs might end up About the Author
Logan Bonner has worked on D&D Miniatures,
playing alternate versions of themselves from other
Forgotten Realms® Player’s Guide, Adventurer’s Vault™, Player’s
realities or times as the chronological stream warps Handbook® 2, and Arcane Power™ . He has designed both
around them. familiars and alchemy, encouraging people to be both social
The Lost Light: One of the lights from Otrior’s and anti-social.
December 20 09 | D u n g e o n 17 3
Fairhaven Agent s and Enemies
by Chris Sims
illustrations by Sarah Stone
“Crown jewel of Galifar? Crown seat Fairhaven is noted for its beauty, much like the rest
of Aundair. But, as with any large mass of people,
of Aundair? Yeah, I know that drivel. hidden evil has wormed its way through the commu-
Galifar’s dead, mate, and I rule these nity’s roots and weaves webs in Fairhaven’s highest
places. Ill fortune or decisive action can bring wicked
streets. If you wanted white spires and eyes down on the bold. For such worthies, even gentle
crystal waters, you’d have stayed in a and beautiful Fairhaven is a place of adventure. See
Dungeon #170 for more information on the city.
better ward or let the river carry you by.
Now let’s get down to business, or you Kreelo; Gang Lord
can hit the cobbles.” The Dark Dagger Gang—just bringing up the name
is enough to cause faces to pale in some circles of
Fairhaven. Others—separated from the city’s seedy
side by wealth, privilege, or both—see the gang as a
myth, sinister and perhaps a little glamorous. Little do
these folk know that they might have rubbed elbows
with the infamous leader of the gang, the changeling
TM & © 2009 Wizards of the Coast LLC All rights reserved. freebooter and assassin Kreelo.
December 20 09 | D u n g e o n 17 3
Explore Fairhaven
Kreelo Level 10 Elite Skirmisher the money. He enjoys feeling smarter and stronger
Medium natural humanoid (shapechanger),
than those he and his gang abuse and kill. He savors
changeling XP 1,000
Initiative +14; Senses Perception +10; low-light vision walking among those who would have him bound Legend of the
HP 200; Bloodied 100 in chains or killed on the spot if they only knew the Nightstalker
AC 24; Fortitude 21, Reflex 23, Will 22 truth about who stood beside them. Only a trusted few know Kreelo has taken the identity
Saving Throws +2 of the infamous killer of unknown race and gender
Speed 6
Like their master, the gang members are bold in
known as the Nightstalker. This legendary assassin,
Action Points 1 their criminal toil. No dishonest deed is beyond them,
who usually kills targets in public while they have
m Dagger (standard; at-will) F Weapon and they defy the authorities through bribery, threats,
+15 vs. AC; 2d4 + 7 damage. guards, has terrorized Aundair and nearby regions
and an occasional murder. However, the Dark Dag- for decades longer than Kreelo has been alive. Kreelo
r Dagger (standard; at-will) F Weapon
Ranged 6/12; +15 vs. AC; 2d4 + 7 damage. gers are careful in their targets and their travels. The took the role from the former leader of the Dark Dag-
M/R Shapechanger’s Flurry (standard; at-will) F Weapon upper crust has little to fear from the gang, and no gers after learning the slayer’s art. That former leader,
Kreelo makes two basic attacks. He can shift 1 square as a member willingly reveals the gang base in the aban- a changeling named Mara, lives in luxury in her man-
free action after each hit. sion within Fairhaven. Kreelo still visits her, which
C Dull Minds (minor; recharge 4 5 6 ) F Psychic doned Silver Flame cathedral.
could prove to be a weakness for him and Mara.
Close burst 5; +12 vs. Will; the target takes a –2 penalty to
attack rolls against Kreelo, or –4 if the attack occurs when it Kreelo in Combat Kreelo might carry a magical weapon—Nightstalker’s
is not the target’s turn (save ends). If Kreelo hits a creature poniard. (If Kreelo doesn’t have this or another magic
Kreelo always sizes up the opposition before any
that is marking him with this attack, the mark ends and the dagger, make sure he has enough daggers to throw a
target cannot mark Kreelo until the target saves. conflict, and he usually engages in some amusing few in combat and remain armed in melee.) In its early
C Steel Slipstream (standard; recharges when first bloodied) (to him, at least) banter before resorting to combat. days, the gang took its name from this blade’s appear-
F Weapon He doesn’t mind being in the thick of a brawl, but he ance. Since then, the knife has passed to each leader
Close blast 5; +15 vs. AC; 2d4 + 7 damage and slide 1.
likes to keep mobile for the sake of skirmish. Relying of the Dark Daggers. If outsiders acquire it, surviving
After all attacks are complete, Kreelo shifts to any square
in the blast. overmuch on his ability to dull minds for this purpose, gang members, a potential new leader among them,
Skirmish he saves steel slipstream for when he’s in a jam without are likely to try to track the blade down.
If Kreelo ends his move at least 4 squares from the square
the aid of his psychic power. Otherwise, he has to fall
where he started the move, his attacks deal 1d8 extra Nightstalker’s Poniard +3 Level 14
damage until the start of his next turn. back to shifting away from tough threats.
Forged of dark metal, its hilt wrapped in black leather, this
Change Shape (minor; at-will) F Polymorph
slender-bladed knife seems perfect for nighttime wetwork.
Kreelo can alter his physical form to take on the appearance Kreelo’s Personal Gang
of any Medium humanoid, including a unique individual. Weapon: Dagger 21,000 gp
Alignment Evil Languages Common, Dwarven, Elven
Kreelo rarely travels without an entourage, and he Enhancement: Attack rolls and damage rolls
Skills Bluff +16, Insight +14, Stealth +15, Thievery +15 never travels in a recognizable form (unless he’s Critical: +3d6 damage, or +3d12 if the attack was made with
Str 17 (+8) Dex 21 (+10) Wis 11 (+5) assumed the mantle of the Nightstalker). Even in his combat advantage.
Con 12 (+6) Int 11 (+5) Cha 18 (+9) Power (Daily F Teleportation): Move Action. You teleport
lair, he has friends close at hand. your speed to a space adjacent to an enemy, and gain
Equipment leather armor, 4 daggers
combat advantage against that enemy with your next
Level 10 Encounter (XP 2,800) attack with this weapon made before the end of your
Kreelo loves his life of crime, and he has honed next turn.
F Kreelo
his shapechanging skills to a higher level than typi-
F 2 human knife fighters (level 7 elite skirmisher;
cal changelings to support his passion. One might
Monster Manual 2, page 151)
think wealth and freedom are the obvious allure, but F 1 half-orc scarthane (level 7 brute; Monster
F 1 half-elf con artist (level 7 controller; Monster
Kreelo likes the deception and the rush more than Manual 2, page 140)
Manual 2, page 138)
December 20 09 | D u n g e o n 17 3
Explore Fairhaven
Torven, the Ageless immortal oversees the Fairhaven group and influ-
ences its goals continent-wide. Undying in one of the
The Cult of Life is well known among Fairhaven’s
only ways the cult offers immortality, this leader is a
citizens. On the surface, it is a group—with branches
across Khorvaire—that reveres life and the dream of
Torven was once an influential member of House
worldly immortality. It celebrates the eternal divine at
Medani. He faked his death to seize immortality. Now
the heart of all beings, and promotes self-reliance and
he maintains secret connections with his former kin,
self-exploration. Blood is seen as a symbol of life, the
as well as a wider network across Khorvaire.
heart as the seat of the soul.
At its own heart—most of its members would be
Torven in Combat
shocked to learn—the cult is a sect of the Blood of Vol.
Torven likes to attack from a high place, then toy with
Some priests and initiates with dark leanings find
his enemies, mocking them physically and verbally.
their way into the cult’s inner circles. At the group’s
He prides himself on his perceptiveness and his
center, within the Sovereign Ward’s dark deeps, an
Torven “the Ageless” Level 18 Elite Skirmisher C Mesmerize (minor; recharge 6) F Charm, Gaze
d’Medani Close blast 3; +20 vs. Will; the target is dazed (save ends).
Medium natural humanoid (undead), half-elf vampire XP 4,000 Gainful Portents (minor; recharges when Torven uses an action
Initiative +17 Senses Perception +16; darkvision; see point)
also Medani scion Torven gains +2 to defenses and combat advantage against
Life Thief aura 5; Torven can detect living creatures in the aura all enemies until the end of his next turn. If Torven is
as if he had blindsight. Enemies take a –2 penalty to death marked, the mark ends.
saving throws within the aura. Ghost Mist Form (standard; sustain minor; encounter) F
HP 344; Bloodied 172 Polymorph
Regeneration 10 (if Torven is exposed to direct sunlight or Torven becomes insubstantial and gains phasing until the
takes radiant damage, regeneration does not function until end of his next turn. Torven cannot attack while in this
the end of his next turn) form. He can make Stealth checks in this form without any
AC 32; Fortitude 30, Reflex 31, Will 32; see also gainful
precognitive abilities, so his taunts and jests focus on
cover or concealment. He can end the effect as a minor
portents information he gains from Perception, Insight, and
action, and can remain in this state for 1 hour.
Immune blinded, disease, fear, poison; Resist 10 necrotic Combat Advantage gainful portents. Torven enjoys moving rapidly among
Saving Throws +2 Torven deals 2d6 extra damage when he hits a creature he his foes with reaping run, then escaping to a place that
Speed 8, climb 6 (spider climb) has combat advantage against.
Action Points 1 is difficult to reach—often by climbing. He prefers
Medani Scion
m Lifedrinking Short Sword (standard; at-will) F Weapon Torven treats any Perception check die result lower than 10 targets he has personally mesmerized for combat
+23 vs. AC; 2d6 + 6 damage, ongoing 5 necrotic damage as 10. He ignores cover and concealment, but not superior advantage, but he’s not so vain as to eschew other
(save ends), and Torven gains 5 temporary hit points. cover or total concealment.
M Double Attack (standard; at-will) F Weapon
advantageous targets. Preferring not to become tied
Alignment Evil Languages Common, Draconic, Elven
Torven makes two melee basic attacks. He can shift 2 down by his feeding habits, Torven likes to use his
Skills Athletics +14, Bluff +21, Insight +18, Stealth +20,
squares before, between, or after the attacks. Thievery +20 remaining actions for blood drain.
M Blood Drain (standard; requires combat advantage; recharges Str 11 (+9) Dex 22 (+15) Wis 15 (+11)
when an adjacent creature becomes bloodied) F Weapon Con 20 (+14) Int 14 (+11) Cha 25 (+16)
+21 vs. Fortitude; 3d12 + 5 damage, the target is weakened Equipment leather armor, 2 short swords
(save ends), and Torven regains 10 hit points.
December 20 09 | D u n g e o n 17 3
Explore Fairhaven
December 20 09 | D u n g e o n 17 3
Explore Fairhaven
infamy of his deeds making him unworthy of remem- Carnage Demon Savager Level 15 Minion Brute
Medium elemental magical beast (demon) XP —
Imre Levalle,
brance. Since then, though, the ir’Lantars have ever
Initiative +12 Senses Perception +4 Wayfinder Trustee
ascended on “noble” deeds until they sat just to the HP 1; a missed attack never damages a minion; see also Imre is a trustee of the Wayfinder Foundation, and
right of the royal throne. bloodlust.
the foundation’s Curator of Acquisitions. A vocal
Everything the family has gained, from the dark AC 27; Fortitude 29, Reflex 26, Will 26
Resist 10 variable (2/encounter) advocate for exploration and research, he works to
root of Kael Lantar, is due to its ties to the Lords of
Speed 6 obtain items and knowledge for the foundation. He
Dust. The thick veneer of nobility and civil service m Claw (standard; at-will)
then catalogs and stores items, and he circulates what
hides a rotten core. Each and every member, servants +18 vs. AC; 12 damage.
Bloodlust (when the carnage demon savager drops to 0 hp he learns.
included, is cruel and calculating at heart, but careful
adjacent to a bloodied enemy) Unfortunately, Imre is also a double agent for the
in deed. The carnage demon makes a claw attack against an infamous Aurum as part of its Gold Concord. He
Countess Tesyn is no different. To outsiders, her adjacent bloodied enemy.
works inside the foundation to exploit it for Aurum
life is beyond reproach. The only complaint some Carnage
The carnage demon savager gains a +1 bonus to melee gain and to make sure he has influence, preferably
nobles have is that she is a widow and has never
attack rolls if it has one or more allies adjacent to its target, ultimate influence, when Lord Boroman ir’Dayne
remarried. Those who discover her connection to or +3 if one of these allies is another carnage demon.
dies. That’s an eventuality Imre is also working hard
any crimes are skilled indeed, more so if they ever Alignment Chaotic evil Languages Abyssal
Str 24 (+14) Dex 18 (+11) Wis 18 (+11) to ensure, and he has a number of other trustees on
manage to cut through the layers of obfuscation she
Con 23 (+13) Int 7 (+5) Cha 9 (+6) his side.
has erected to confront her. Few survive that long,
and none have survived Tesyn’s ire unleashed. expert hand-to-hand fighters, capable of rending flesh
with their bare hands. Ilsya is herself an enigmatic
Countess ir’Lantar in Combat figure, said to be a seer or enchantress of some power Customizing Imre
Tesyn is bold in combat, eager to bring the chaos who advises the countess and runs some of Tesyn’s Imre has a lot of influence and a lot of keys to rich
swirling around her to bear against her enemies. personal errands. The truth is too awful for anyone to storage vaults. He could become the target of other
Balancing this desire with her need to launch area have even imagined it. unscrupulous individuals or even unscrupulous PCs.
attacks at will, she uses her encounter powers as Rather than being evil, he could be an unaligned
quickly as they become relevant. Then she counts on Level 16 Encounter (XP 7,000) unwitting pawn of the Aurum or some other organiza-
tion. Even as presented, he offers a lot of roleplaying
the spiritual energy unleashed from wounded ene- F Countess Tesyn ir’Lantar
opportunities. An evil Imre might try to dupe the PCs
mies to recharge her powers. Her dark pact allows her F Ilsya (night hag, level 14 lurker; Monster Manual, into thinking they’ve fingered the wrong guy, and he
to sense when her adversaries are near death, and her page 151) might even try this bluffing tactic during a battle.
allies allow her to finish off the nearly dead and bring F 2 rakshasa warriors (level 15 soldier; Monster The encounter below is just one possibility. Inside
more fiends into the world. Manual, page 216) the foundation headquarters, any number of crea-
F 1 rakshasa archer (level 15 artillery; Monster tures or persons might aid Imre. The PCs might have
Countess ir’Lantar’s Manual, page 216) to do some fast-talking while a battle rages. Outside
Entourage the headquarters, Imre has numerous humanoid
allies. You can use any that make sense to you, from
The countess keeps her personal retinue of body-
dwarf agents of the Aurum to hobgoblin mercenaries.
guards close about her and her late husband’s mother,
Ilsya. The city’s rumormill tells that the soldiers are
December 20 09 | D u n g e o n 17 3
Explore Fairhaven
December 20 09 | D u n g e o n 17 3
Explore Fairhaven
Level 8 Encounter (XP 1,950) Half-Elf Smuggler Level 6 Minion Skirmisher About the Author
Medium natural humanoid XP 63 Chris Sims is a bipedal creature of mutable form so that he
F Imre Levalle
Initiative +8 Senses Perception +4; low-light vision is able to shape himself into the likeness of any humanoid
F Tuor, frost hawk (level 7 skirmisher; Monster HP 1; a missed attack never damages a minion. creature from 4 feet to 8 feet tall which he has observed.
Manual 2, page 142) AC 20; Fortitude 17, Reflex 19, Will 18 Having become a double for a person, he may attempt to
F 2 iron cobras (level 6 skirmisher; Monster Manual, Speed 6 do away with that victim and assume its place. He has con-
m Short Sword (standard; at-will) tributed to titles such as Dungeon Master’s Guide® , Monster
page 157)
+11 vs. AC; 5 damage. Manual® , Monster Manual 2, Eberron ® Campaign Guide, and
F 1 flameskull (level 8 artillery; Monster Manual, Skirmish he has worked on D&D Insider™ articles too numerous to
page 109) If a half-elf smuggler ends his or her move at least 4 mention. He lairs with his “wife” in the Seattle exurb of
squares from the square where he or she started the move, Covington, and he makes all saving throws as if he were a
River Smugglers the smuggler’s attacks deal 3 extra damage until the start
of his or her next turn.
10th-level fighting man.
December 20 09 | D u n g e o n 17 3
“With a crack o’ bone and a widenin’ grin,
Obmi collects his stake in the inn.
Bones might mend and pride can heal
But don’t renege on a Bronzeknuckle deal.
Campaign Workbook:
The Bronzeknuckle Brothers
By Stephen Radney-MacFarland
illustration by Tyler Jacobson
TM & © 2009 Wizards of the Coast LLC All rights reserved.
December 20 09 | D u n g e o n 17 3
Campaign Workbook: The Bronzeknuckle Brothers
Each point of light casts shadows. Behind the pro- brothers employ muscle of all races—even goblins—
tective walls of the greatest cities, monsters prey on their favorites are dwarf bolters and dwarf hammers
What Foreign Quarter?
the weak and the defenseless. Some are magical (Monster Manual 97). A number of their dwarven
experiments gone awry, servants of dark cults, or even soldiers are the sons and daughters of cousins or busi- Throughout this article, the Bronzeknuckle Brothers
horrors from the world’s darkest corners, which slip ness partners from their homeland. A select few are are described as operating in a foreign quarter. For-
through the cracks of fortifications and past the steely so close to the brothers that news of their assault or eign quarter is shorthand for “wherever you need it
gaze of sentinels. death provokes plans for personal vengeance. to be,” while giving a hint at the type of neighborhood
More insidious are those monsters hiding in plain While the brothers are cruel and vicious, they are or section of the city the Bronzeknuckle Brothers
sight: dark hearts clad in the velvet and silks of civi- not mindless brutes. Before confronting an enemy work best.
lization, but ready to do malice for greed or cruelty’s head on, they take pains to find out all they can about For example, if you are running your game in the
sake. The dwarven siblings known as the Bronzek- them. In their reconnoitering they take particular Eberron city of Sharn, the foreign quarter can be
nuckle Brothers are monsters of this stripe. note of their enemy’s friends, relatives, and loved Holdfast or Wroann’s Gate, and the legitimate busi-
To most, this dwarven trio merely owns a number ones. They strike where they find weakness, and they ness that the Bronzeknuckles run involves trade with
of successful foreign quarter businesses, includ- strike where it hurts the most, hoping to provoke a the Mror Holds, maybe bypassing House Orien or
ing dice halls, breweries, warehouses, taverns, and rash response from their foes. House Kundarak.
a coalition of caravan companies that trade with If their plans are successful, any personal show- If your campaign is set in Waterdeep, the foreign
far-flung dwarven halls. But these businesses are down with the Bronzeknuckle Brothers takes the quarter can be the Trades Ward, with the brothers’
just a veneer for the Bronzeknuckle’s true ventures: form of an ambush. And while each of the broth- far-flung dwarven contacts being either Citadel Adbar
protection rackets, smuggling, illicit loans, graft, ers is a formidable foe in his own right, they share or far-off Earthheart.
intimidation, and murder. the strong bond of family and clan loyalty common
among dwarves. They will try to fight together and
Encountering with backup from the many rungs of their criminal
Streetwise DC 14: The brothers are not above
the Brothers playing a little rough to get what they want. Their
Bronzeknuckle competition has a habit of skipping town or being found
Most adventurers first encounter the Bronzeknuckle Brothers Lore dead under suspicious circumstance when they work
Brothers without realizing it. Strange occurrences counter to Bronzeknuckle interests.
Streetwise DC 8: The Bronzeknuckle brothers
in a back alley near in or near the foreign quarter Streetwise DC 19: The local authorities usually
are a close trio of tough-as-nails dwarf brothers who run
might lead to the characters foiling the assassination overlook the Bronzeknuckle’s shady dealings because they’ve
a coalition of caravan companies. They also own other
of a local tax collector or finding crates of dwarven been bribed, blackmailed, or threatened. Almost half of the
businesses in and around the foreign quarter. They are
contraband. Maybe the characters witness a group of foreign quarter pays protection to the trio, which only really
known for their shrewd and no-nonsense business dealings.
Bronzeknuckle associates eliciting protection money affords protection from the brothers themselves.
And if stories are to be believed, they can become downright
from a tavern owner or alchemist acquaintance and Arcana DC 19: The brother named Myst is covered
violent when crossed.
decide to come to their friend’s aid. Whatever the with green glowing tattoos that are star-pact symbols
case, the first time the characters cross the brothers is usually used to bind a Far Realm presence within a vessel.
likely through a Bronzeknuckle underling. While the
December 20 09 | D u n g e o n 17 3
Campaign Workbook: The Bronzeknuckle Brothers
The Bronzeknuckle Adrik Bronzeknuckle Clad in stylishly cut black leathers, Adrik is metic-
ulous in his appearance and hygiene. He shaves his
“I really hope you make this hard on yourself. A true
Brothers craftsman loves a challenge.”
head with ritualistic zeal each morning, and braids
his beard and decorates it with gems. Each finger is
Though each of the Bronzeknuckle brothers is wicked The youngest of the Bronzeknuckle brothers, the cold adorned with a gem-studded ring, which he places in
and self-serving, they do share the strong bond of and distant Adrik loves to bring pain to those weaker a very specific order based on his own twisted logic.
dwarven family. If one of the brothers falls, another than him. He sees himself as a craftsman or artist, but When crossed or his sick needs are denied, Adrik
will endeavor to take revenge on whoever dared in reality he is nothing more than a psychopath with can fly into a rage that only a stern look or word from
attack the Bronzeknuckle clan. morbid compulsions. Obmi can calm.
December 20 09 | D u n g e o n 17 3
Adventuring Armies
By Robert J. Schwalb
il lu s t rat i o n s b y
Pa t r i c k T h o m a s Pa r n e l l
On a wintry day
in Murfreesboro,
Tennessee, the
schools closed their
doors due to snow.
We played D&D.
Before I knew
it, I had twenty
people gathered in
what I had thought
was a spacious
room. It was loud,
it was unruly, it
was madness, it
was awesome!
December 20 09 | D u n g e o n 17 3
Adventuring Armies
Over the next few pages, we’ll look at some of the larger Managing Large
concerns arising from big groups, offer practical solutions Parties
for keeping things on course, and a few mechanical tips to Dungeons & Dragons plays best with five charac-
ters. At this size, each role has representation with
make your job easier. minimal overlap. Each player has a chance to shine
in the spotlight, and the DM can manage the number
of monsters faced with ease, keep the treasure consis-
On a wintry day in Murfreesboro, Tennessee, the No one needs to run a game for twenty players; heck, tent, and have the game play remain fast-paced and
city’s youth enjoyed a welcome break from educa- a dozen is too many. Running games for large groups action-filled. Each player added to the group beyond
tion’s demands after the schools closed their doors creates a whole host of unique challenges, and most, if the core five extends a combat’s length, shrinks the
due to snow. Though the county deemed the roads not all, groups lose players from attrition, from being spotlight time for each player, and makes the game
too unsafe for the buses to run, a little snow and ice overshadowed, or from reality’s necessary intrusions. harder to run as more monsters join the fight, as more
never stopped us dutiful gamers from gathering in But you can feel something powerful in a success- treasure has to be distributed, and as more characters
the chilly “finished” attic in my mother’s house. On ful game featuring seven or more players, and when tax the DM’s ability to manage them.
this particular day, everyone who had ever played the group works together, lending their experience,
Dungeons & Dragons® on my Tuesday night games smarts, and skill into a harmonious whole, the game Time and Group Size
converged for the chance to sling spells and swing play is every bit as rewarding and engaging as that The Dungeon Master’s Guide suggests that when you
swords at the monstrous hordes populating my fan- which you can find in more modest-sized parties. are running a normal game, allocate about 1 hour
tasy world. Six players grew to ten, ten players grew And, in my estimation, it can be better. for each combat encounter. In a typical encounter,
to fifteen, and before I knew it, I had twenty people I still run large groups: My Sunday night game each player including the DM gets about 10 minutes
gathered in what I had thought was a spacious room. averages eight players, and my Wednesday night to take actions, ask questions, roleplay, and manage
It was loud, it was unruly, it was madness, but it was game, if everyone shows, is about the same. While I resources. More characters means more monsters, so
awesome. We played D&D—the characters slew mon- enjoy running games for any number of players, I’m a combat encounter’s time increases by about 10 to 15
sters, found magic, and once more averted a terrible at my best when seven invested gamers sit around the minutes per player added. In a seven- or eight-person
doom awaiting the world. In the twenty years since, game table, each adding their stories to the epic tale group, you can expect a combat to last upward of an
a handful of those folk still play in my games, the we weave. Over the next few pages, we’ll look at some hour and a half and maybe as long as 2 hours for a
rest having moved on to different friends, different of the larger concerns arising from big groups, offer “boss fight” or capstone encounter. If you allocate
towns, and different lives, but I still look back at that practical solutions for keeping things on course, and a 4 hours a week to your campaign, you’re going to get
game as my greatest achievement in my Dungeon few mechanical tips to make your job easier. about two encounters in for each game session. It’ll
Mastering career. take you over two and a half years to complete a 1st-
level to 30th-level campaign. Or, if like me, you game
once every two weeks, your campaign won’t finish for
five years.
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Adventuring Armies
Accelerated Combat populate the battlefield with a ton of minions so that most powerful attacks, chewing up resources they
Large parties mean slow combats and slow combats the players can move through them right away. Aside might need for future encounters. In the end, use
can drag a campaign out far longer than you or your from minions and solos, the fewer monsters pres- your judgment, but you don’t have to play through a
players want. Shortcuts can wrap up a combat faster ent, the more resources the characters can devote to battle until every enemy is reduced to 0 hit points.
without sacrificing the parts that make D&D so much their enemies, so you should also consider building
fun to play. encounters with higher-level foes to keep the numbers Accelerated Advancement
Roll Dice Together: It’s not rocket science, but if down when possible. Consider dropping the defenses Large groups slow progress and the rate at which
you roll your damage dice at the same time as your by a point or two on these higher-level foes from time characters earn levels climbs from about once every
attack roll, you cut down on unnecessary steps. Better to time. Too many opponents who are higher level three sessions to once every four or even five sessions.
still, when you know you’re attacking multiple targets than your PCs can lead to more misses and less fun. Many groups are fine with the slower advancement,
with one attack, roll all the d20s at once—assign a dif- Damage and attack bonuses aren’t usually as much of but if you want to move through the levels rapidly, you
ferent colored die to each target when it matters. an issue, since a larger group has more hit points to have a couple of options.
Use Counters: Between conditions, ongoing absorb the bigger attacks. Smaller Scope: Tightening the campaign’s scope
effects, conjured or summoned monsters, zones, and Projected Victory: When a battle starts, the allows you to move from one series to the next. Rather
a variety of other important tidbits, there’s a lot for characters have an advantage—they have action than building or running a complete campaign from
a DM to manage. Most groups use some method for points, a broader range of powers, and a good mix of 1st level to 30th, consider focusing on just a single tier
tracking these elements, such as by using chits, mag- roles to handle just about any sort of enemy. After a and then wrapping up the campaign when the char-
netic disks, counters, tokens, and so on. Using these few rounds of fighting, the outcome is clear, such as acters attain the highest level within the tier. Building
might feel a bit strange at the start, but once you get when just a few enemies remain on the battlefield. a campaign in this way gives you an endpoint with the
the hang of it, it becomes second nature. Be sure to Nothing is wrong with having the surviving monsters option to continue later, but it also gives the players
assign a different kind of token for each condition, flee (never to be seen again) or surrender (opening up the chance to play different characters and draw from
give some to each player whose character has a mark- roleplaying opportunities). You can even just narrate new sourcebooks and options as the game matures.
ing mechanism, and have a few spares for summoned the final moments of a typical fight. It also helps you craft a particular style of story. A
critters, zone marking, lighting, and other effects Toward the end of most fights, players don’t waste pure heroic tier campaign is good for grittier, low(er)
bound to crop up in a combat. daily powers or action points to finish off the strag- magic adventures. A paragon tier campaign allows
Monster Assortment: Whether you are scratch- glers, and since they get their encounters back at the the characters to play the parts of the world’s movers
building a new encounter or scaling up an existing end of a short rest, the characters are still burning and shakers, to involve themselves in the highest
encounter, how you add monsters to the fight affects through their resources at the same rate. By abbrevi- levels of politics, to take on powerful enemies, and
how long the combat takes. A battle with a solo could ating the combats in this way, you can move through to affect the campaign setting in meaningful ways.
take hours, while a fight with twenty minions might the unimportant combats fast and allow the adventur- Finally, an epic campaign sees the characters mixing
take a fraction of the time. Brutes and soldiers take ers to reach the key fights without investing too much it up with demon lords, ancient dragons, and even the
more time to dispatch than do lurkers, artillery, time in the ones that matter the least. gods. What the characters achieve might help guide
and skirmishers. This said, never abbreviate fights where the char- the world through an uncertain future or could have
When building encounters, you might reduce the acters stand a chance of losing—it’s in these final consequences throughout the planes.
number of opponents by substituting an elite for two moments where players have the most on the line. Rapid Advancement: Although restricting the
monsters so there are fewer foes to face. You might Faced with life or death, a player can use his or her campaign’s scope does make a campaign with a larger
December 20 09 | D u n g e o n 17 3
Adventuring Armies
group more manageable, it bypasses many of the spotlight shines on players who come up with great and backgrounds described in the Player’s Handbook 2.
experiences of growth and development players enjoy. ideas and who roleplay well, but it can also highlight Using them helps make two axe-wielding dwarf guard-
Rather than close off tiers, you might increase the players who are adept in battle and use class features, ian fighters distinct. To encourage character diversity,
rates by which characters advance. powers, or skills in a cool and fun ways. In a normal broaden the players’ options by recommending build
The easiest way to do this is to double the amount game, players can all carve out time for their char- choices from the power sourcebooks, new classes from
of experience points you reward for encounters. acters, but the opportunities to shine become fewer Player’s Guides, such as the swordmage and artificer,
You don’t have to do this all the time, but when you and farther between when players compete against and new rules from new Player’s Handbooks.
feel the game starts lagging, a few boosts to the XP seven others. Diversity in character choice helps keep the play-
rewards helps move the game through the doldrums. One way to look at a roleplaying experience is to ers’ interest and makes each character stand out with
When using this method in a published adventure, regard it as a “pleasure pie.” When it comes down to their particular talents adding to the larger group.
you need to trim out about half of the encounters, it, people play games for enjoyment. If they have no Encourage players to experiment with new classes,
or scale up the encounters to account for the party’s enjoyment, they aren’t going to keep playing. When races, and mechanics, and you’ll never find your
higher level. you have a DM and five players, you can slice the games populated by character clones.
Quests: Your best tool for running games featuring pleasure pie into equal parts, each person getting a
six or more players is the quest. Completing a quest good taste and coming away full, but with an appe- Chunking Players
earns the party XP as if it had completed an encounter tite for more next time. Each person added to the One good way to manage the spotlight is to shine it on
of its level. Nothing is stopping you, however, from group reduces the size of individual portions, and if several characters at once. Rather than carve up the
granting more XP for a quest, incorporating multiple one player hogs a bigger piece, odds are some leave session into tiny stages for each player, provide oppor-
quests within an adventure, or from using minor hungry. Equality is not going to be possible in large tunity for players to work together and thus share the
quests to pad the XP so you have to run fewer encoun- games and that’s okay. What you need to do though is light. Say you have two characters in your game both
ters for the characters to attain their next level. make sure if someone goes without a piece one game, trained in History. Instead of individual checks to see
Multiple major quests are easy to hide in an adven- he or she receives an extra helping the next time who recalls the information, have the characters work
ture. If you space their attainment throughout the you play. together by researching in a library, making contacts
plot, the big boosts to XP are less conspicuous. Minor in their community, or exploring a few ruins. Add
quests are tricky for large groups since you often Individuality complexity to the basic check by incorporating a skill
need to come up with something for each character. Another challenge with the spotlight comes from challenge or presenting different opportunities for
You might chunk players’ minor quests together, overlapping character concepts. Players uncomfort- using the skills.
giving parts of the group attainable goals within the able with challenging character designs might default This method works well in dungeon environments
adventure’s story. Doing so encourages teamwork to obvious builds. When two players take on the same and combats. Two characters trained in Thievery can
and their resolution can often occur outside of a roles, the party could have identical or nearly identi- tackle just about any trap, especially if it requires a
combat encounter. cal adventurers. Of course, as more classes and races skill challenge to bypass. Two defenders might work
appear, players have more options for filling roles, so together to give these characters the time they need
The Spotlight the likelihood of character similarities diminishes to defeat the trap, unlock a door, or solve a puzzle. It’s
Almost every player enjoys the moment when his or with each new sourcebook and article released. Char- not hard to spotlight characters during game play,
her character’s presence in the game has meaning acters can also gain individuality by using regional and once you are in the habit of doing it, it becomes
and contributes to the story in an important way. The backgrounds from the Forgotten Realms® Player’s Guide almost second nature.
December 20 09 | D u n g e o n 17 3
Adventuring Armies
Offstage Spotlight
When it’s impossible to give everyone a moment in
the game, offstage spotlight is the next best thing.
Just because the game session ends doesn’t mean the
game has to be over until next time you play. You can
build a message board, establish a wiki, or even just
exchange emails. Roleplaying scenarios between the
characters and NPCs you control, as well as setting
up investigation and world-building opportunities,
can all take place outside of the gaming session, and
the players involved in these opportunities have their
chance to contribute even if overshadowed during
the game.
December 20 09 | D u n g e o n 17 3
Adventuring Armies
gives the player something to do aside from showing The Face: The face is something of a party leader XP as an incentive is problematic. You have other
up, throwing dice, killing monsters, and occasionally and spokesperson. This player might be the one who options, however.
roleplaying. Don’t hand the accountant role to just takes point during negotiations or might communi- One possibility is to take the XP the characters
any player. Some gamers have enough on their plates cate party decisions. A face is the player who keeps might earn from minor quests and instead gather
already and have a hard time keeping track of powers up with the order of march, group positioning, the the XP in a separate pool. Whenever a player recalls
and their dice. Giving a secondary role to a player means of travel, orders for watching the camp, and all a useful fact about the campaign, portrays his or her
who doesn’t need it isn’t just going to fail, but it fails the smaller details that keep a party functioning. character in an impressive and appropriate way, or
spectacularly. Offer secondary roles to those players Tactical Leader: The tactical leader is the player comes up with a strategy to help the party overcome
who have mastered the game, need something to do who keeps the table in order during a combat. This an encounter or skill challenge, you can hand out the
between turns, or are hungry for a bigger part. What player can offer advice about tactics if asked, sug- minor quest award. Once a player earns the reward,
follows are some possible secondary roles. gest possible courses, or help players who seem to be that player can’t grab another minor quest award
Accountant: This player maintains and manages struggling. A tactical leader is not always the party until next level, thus putting the burden on other
the party’s resources. The player keeps track of the leader (if the party has one), but he or she is the one players to play well and stay involved in the game.
gold found, gold spent on consumables and rituals, with combat expertise. Moreover, since you’re dividing these XP awards
important treasures, and promised rewards for com- Strike Team Leader: A strike team leader is a between the entire party, individually they are small
pleting quests. player who takes on and leads a particular task— enough not to skew the advantage in their direction
Cartographer: There’s not a lot of need these days sneaking around, disabling traps, researching, and too much and reduce the risk of gaining so many
for players to map out dungeon corridors on graph interrogating prisoners. The strike team leader takes extra experience points the party level eclipses the
paper. For most groups, this process has gone the way point on these tasks during a skill challenge. He or encounters they have yet to face.
of the dinosaur. Instead of being the keeper of useless she is the expert on a specific subject and lends his or
dungeon maps, the cartographer keeps track of places her expertise when the situation demands. Nuts and Bolts
the group travels, important NPCs they meet, and
what dungeons they’ve explored. Brownie Points Managing a large group of players might be challeng-
Historian: The historian fills a similar role as In previous editions of D&D, the great equalizer was ing by itself, but the game behind the DM’s screen has
the cartographer; he or she keeps up with the party’s the experience award. Players who attended the game its own difficulties.
progress in the game world. Where this role differs session gained XP and those who didn’t went without
is that the historian also keeps up with the world’s it. A DM might give out XP for good ideas, excellent Information
past, maintains information about legends and his- roleplaying, or cool tactical decisions. Experience The larger the group, the broader the spectrum
tory, and collects cool and useful tidbits about the points could help DMs sustain player focus in a game of characters present. Unless the party has a great
campaign setting. provided all players had equal chances to earn them. deal of overlap between the classes, odds are, many
Fixer: The fixer is the problem solver and the Now, the amount of XP you award is deter- more classes see representation. With diverse classes
player who looks up the rules when they’re in ques- mined by completing encounters, succeeding on come diverse powers, feats, and skills, specifically
tion. The fixer can help characters if they have a skill challenges, completing minor quests, and knowledge and monster knowledge skills such as
mechanical question and might be the team’s strate- completing major quests. Since XP comes from History and Dungeoneering. What you might very
gic advisor. these specific sources and since DMs should apply well find is that you have few secrets from a large
experience awards to all characters, handing out group. You might have an expert on every subject,
December 20 09 | D u n g e o n 17 3
Adventuring Armies
from Arcana to Religion, and many characters character less than the ones present, or add one mon- Brute: An encounter with many brutes is a
might have access to the same skills, giving them a ster of the encounter’s level for each player over five. slugfest. The characters are in for a haul, pounding
greater chance at uncovering a monster’s resistances For encounters where you have a monster whose their way through foes with high hit points and high
and vulnerabilities, or a useful fact about a histori- level is the same as the encounter, this works fine, damage. Adding too many brutes is a good way to
cal tidbit or something helpful toward sorting out a but not all encounters are built this way. Take “The increase the casualty rate in your group, so for every
thorny problem. Goblin Warren” fight in “Rescue at Rivenroar,” brute you add, consider adding a skirmisher, artillery,
Being faced with this sort of “brain” power might Dungeon #156. As written, the encounter is listed as or lurker.
seem intimidating, but it makes sense to have a couple level 1 and is worth 500 XP. None of the monsters is Controller: You won’t find many rooms filled with
of experts putting their heads together to find a way level 1, so scaling the encounter up is not just a matter controllers since these monsters often require more
around or through a problem. Whenever you call for of adding another warm body for the characters to brain power to run. However, an encounter featuring
a History check and the table erupts in eight differ- kill. Should you add another level 1 monster, add four even one controller can shape the rest of the battle.
ent checks, you’ll find that the experience is not only level 1 minions, or do nothing? How you scale up an There might be more soldiers and brutes to keep the
loud, but the players turn up a success every time. encounter depends on the encounter itself. By adding characters from reaching the controller. Consider
With so many players, you might just bypass the creatures appropriate to the opponent assortment, adding extra soldiers or brutes, but remember that
whole rolling process by keeping up with the charac- you can both present a good challenge for the group the more characters the controller has to face, the less
ters’ passive knowledge results. Just sketch out a chart and keep things simple on your end. effective the controller becomes. So, as a good rule of
on a sheet of paper or on a spreadsheet: Whenever the thumb, have one controller for every three or so char-
game comes to place where the players might need to Scaling to Theme acters. To scale an encounter featuring three brutes
make a knowledge check for their characters, consult Every encounter has a theme. It might be an ambush, and one controller, you should add a second controller
your chart. For each character trained in the skill, a frontal assault, a boss fight, or something else. The for six characters. For seven characters, you might add
add +2 to the passive result. If the number is high tactics information reveals the encounter’s nature in an extra controller and an extra brute.
enough, give the players the information and move on broad strokes, but examining the creature assortment (Leader): Though not a role by itself, a creature
with the encounter. can also give you a clue if the tactics are simple. If with the leader tag is important since it’s boosting its
you’re in doubt about an encounter’s theme, look at boys or keeping them on their feet. If the leader heals,
Combat Encounters the monster assortment. The creatures’ roles reveal a adding another leader can drag out the fight and
Running combat encounters is easier now than it lot about how you should scale a fight. If there’s artil- consume your party’s resources. Add them sparingly,
was before, but even as DM-friendly as the game has lery present, you might throw in an extra artillery about one for every 3-1/2 characters. So if you have
become, a large group, especially when the numbers monster. Likewise, if the combat features minions, six characters facing an encounter with a leader, use
fluctuate between six and eight players, presents all you can add more minions. something other than a leader.
sorts of challenges. Artillery: Several artillery monsters in one fight Minions: A room full of minions is a “slaughter-
suggest an ambush. These critters are fragile when fest.” The characters can hack through the room with
Scaling drawn into melee, so you need something to slow a ease. The best solution here is to add more minions.
Every published combat encounter expects five play- horde of characters from reaching them before the In fact, if you’re ever in doubt, just add minions.
ers in your group. In theory, you need to adjust the XP artillery has had a chance to dish out some damage. Skirmisher: Skirmishers mean the encounter
budgeted for the encounter by reducing the number Consider adding brutes or soldiers. expects the bad guys to move around a lot. A brute
of monsters of the encounter’s level by one for each or soldier works like a magnet for the characters,
December 20 09 | D u n g e o n 17 3
Adventuring Armies
keeping their attention fixed on the big scary mon- the battlefield much if at all, but for seven or more raising the complexity by one to account for the extra
sters while the smaller enemies zip in and out, players, you need to increase the size so everyone has skill checks at the party’s disposal.
chipping away at the party’s resources. a chance to move around. As a rule of thumb, add Under most circumstances, complexity modifica-
Soldier: Although different from brutes, soldiers 1 square to every dimension for each player pres- tion works just fine, but be aware that the amount of
eat up the fight in much the same way. Instead of ent beyond six. So an 8-by-8 room would become a experience points the party earns is lower since it’s
buckets filled with hit points, they have high ACs and 10-by‑10 room for seven players or a 12-by-12 room divided between more players. You can compensate
often good defenses too, making the characters waste for eight players. for this by adjusting future combat encounters or
precious attacks. Since they’re harder to hit, adding by inserting additional skill challenges later in the
more soldiers is not always the best choice. For every Noncombat Encounters adventure to help the group catch up.
soldier or brute you add to the mix, a lurker, artillery, Combat offers the greatest challenges for running a Increased Difficulty: Another way to offset the
or even a skirmisher could all be good additions. large group, but even outside the battlefield, a large larger group is to increase the skill check DCs. Doing
Elite: An elite monster is often the centerpiece of group can find ways to test you. More players results so accounts for the larger number of aid another
the fight and deserves the extra attention. You need in more trained skills and diverse rituals to help attempts inflating the skill check results beyond their
to keep a balance between making sure the elite lives the group move to the next set of encounters, which expected numbers, and it keeps the challenge appro-
long enough to be a credible threat, but not so tough helps them overcome noncombat obstacles with ease. priate for extra players. As a rule of thumb, raise the
it wipes out the group. If a fight consists of two elites Greater access to skills reduces the difficulty a skill DC for one primary skill check by 2 for each player
for five characters, add minions or a lurker. If it’s one challenge presents, while a large menu of rituals above five.
elite and support troops, add another elite if your tends to see groups burning through resources (in Parallel Challenges: Increasing the DCs and
group has seven or eight players. other words, gold and goods). the challenge’s complexity are suitable solutions, but
Solo: The only way you ever want to throw another you take risks when you monkey with the challenge’s
solo into an encounter is if you have ten players, and Skill Challenges mechanics. Increasing the DCs means the characters
even then, it’s a bad idea. Adding an elite to a solo A typical skill challenge for a party of four to six have a greater chance for failure. Increase the com-
fight is also super-nasty and it can result in a TPK players tests a variety of skills and the best ones plexity by too much, and you have to add extra skills
(total party kill). So when you need to scale up a fight find things for each player to do, whether it’s aiding or you reduce the entire enterprise to an exercise of
with a solo, minions are best. The characters might another ally or tackling the problem from a different dice rolling.
focus on them first and thus free you up to do all the direction. When the party navigates a skill challenge, So rather than alter the skill challenge’s mechan-
nasty stuff with the solo. Or the characters might they earn XP as if they had defeated a monster of ics, consider running skill challenges involving only
ignore the minions, giving you extra opportunities to the challenge’s level for each point of the challenge’s part of the group or running parallel skill challenges.
flank defenders and reach softer characters such as complexity. While scaling encounters can often mean A skill challenge designed for just a few players can
strikers and controllers. adding more monsters, scaling skill challenges lacks be resolved without trouble and, more importantly,
the same outward expansion. gives those players the spotlight. The whole group
Scaling the Battlefield Modify Complexity: The most obvious way receives the XP reward, but success or failure rests
Big groups need more room to work. A confined space to modify a skill challenge for a larger group is to in the hands of just the participating characters. For
prevents characters from participating and can inter- increase the complexity. Each raise in complexity example, two or three characters might prowl the
fere with the most interesting powers on both sides of means the characters must gather two extra suc- streets in search of clues and information, while the
the screen. With six players, you don’t have to adjust cesses. If you have seven or more players, consider
December 20 09 | D u n g e o n 17 3
Adventuring Armies
rest stay behind to care for a diseased comrade, drink items for cash or residuum, and though the exchange opportunities for strikers to spike their damage, more
at the bar, or go shopping for supplies. is low, there is enough to power a few rituals and pur- control effects, more defenders to contain skirmishers
The other option is to run parallel challenges. In chase disposable items if needed. However, players, and lurkers, extra magic items takes existing advan-
this model, you’d run two separate but related chal- especially at low levels, are not so eager to convert a tages and magnifies them. Sure, players like gaining
lenges, each testing the skill sets of different themed useful item into a couple of spare healing potions. magic items, but you might find the characters are
characters. For example, characters faced with a One solution to this complex problem is to first less challenged in combats than they otherwise
trapped door might split their efforts. One group identify if it’s even a problem at all. Many groups would be.
interrogates a prisoner to find out what is beyond the can live without the extra coin and might prefer the If this becomes a problem, you are well within
portal and the other works to disable the trap on the extra magic items. If they need the coin, though, cor- your rights as a Dungeon Master to forgo parcels,
door. Both challenges relate to the door, but involve recting the imbalance is as simple as substituting a replace magic items with coin, consumable items, or
different skill groups, different sorts of characters, coin parcel for the extra magic item parcel the group rituals, or use parcels to grant the party mounts and
and different information as the reward. would gain. This should be an issue only for groups vehicles. You might also consider combining parcels
with seven or more players. Replace the “n + 1” level into property such as castles or lands, giving the
Resources and Rewards magic item gained for seven characters with an equal characters a tangible reward, but one they can’t carry
General equipment, consumables, and rituals are the amount of coin. So, for a 1st-level party, you’d replace with them. As long as the players feel rewarded for
coin purse’s bane. Most gaming groups don’t bother the extra 2nd-level item with 520 gp. If the group their efforts, repurposing their extra magic items can
keeping up with ammunition, food, water, and other decides, they can split the coin evenly among the enrich your games and add depth to the game world.
mundane and expendable resources, assuming the members or invest the gold into a magic item of their
initial cost is enough to carry the characters through choosing for one of the players that went without one. Final Thoughts
the life of a campaign. But consumables and rituals For all the difficulties a large group can present,
can chew through cash faster than a ravenous rust Magic Item Density you’ll find many rewards too. Large groups offer a
monster demolishes swords in an armory. Another challenge related to resources is the sheer broader look at all the options available in the game,
If you’re using the parcel system for treasure dis- number of magic items present in the adventuring which allows you to tap into different power sources,
tribution, then each character added to the group group. In a five-player group, every level, one player races, rituals, and more. You can shape campaigns
adds a magic item parcel. While this does allow more goes without a magic item, so by the start of 6th level, into sweeping epics, where the characters’ stories
characters to have magic items than what a typical each player should have four magic items. Each player add detail and flavor to your setting, all to help you
group of five might have, it also means the party has added above five decreases the frequency in which explore a wider range of themes, plots, and concepts.
fewer coins to spread among them since the coin, a player must go without, so a particular character is When it works, it’s just as good as a normal-sized
gems, and goods never increase. This means fewer skipped once every six levels in a six-person group, gaming group, but it takes effort and preparation. If
resources are available to invest in ritual ingredients, once every seven levels for a seven-person group, and you have the luxury of both, try a large group. You
fewer consumable magic items are available for those once every eight levels for an eight-person group. might be surprised at the result.
adventurers who need them the most, and the char- More magic items per character increases the party’s
acters have less chance to invest in vehicles, mounts, overall power. About the Author
Robert J. Schwalb is an award-winning game designer
and other nonmagic item commodities. For most groups, this isn’t a problem, but when whose more recent work can be found in Martial Power™ 2,
In a way, the treasure system corrects the imbal- you think about how a larger group already has Draconomicon™: Metallic Dragons, and Primal Power™. Robert
ance since characters can sell or disenchant magic advantages over a smaller group—more leaders, more lives in Tennessee. G
December 20 09 | D u n g e o n 17 3
Illustration by Raven Mimura
TM & © 2009 Wizards of the Coast LLC. All rights reserved. December 20 09 | D u n g e o n 17 3
F There are four stone pillars in the shrine, near the The Colossus of Laarn Level X Solo Brute which the characters can defeat the colossus by using
Large elemental animate XP –
altar. Each is decorated with bas-relief carvings of their skills. This is a complexity 5 skill challenge.
Initiative +9 Senses Perception +24; darkvision
minotaur warriors shrouded in flame. Whirling Axe aura 2; an enemy that ends its turn in the aura After 12 successes, the characters destroy the colos-
F Create a hook for the characters to visit the place. suffers 10 damage. sus. The methods of destroying it are detailed below.
HP infinite; Bloodied the colossus cannot be bloodied
Perhaps a magic item they want is known to be
AC 23; Fortitude 22, Reflex 18, Will 22
held within the temple. Saving Throws +5 Primary Actions
F Read up on this skill challenge. It differs a bit from Speed 5
When the characters face the colossus, they quickly
the standard format. Action Points 2
m Axe (standard; at-will) F Weapon find that normal attacks have no effect. Instead, they
Your goal here is to create enough detail that you must puzzle out the colossus’s nature and the magic
Reach 2; +13 vs. AC; 4d6 + 5 damage (2d6 + 29 on a critical
thoroughly understand the situation. It’s easier to hit), and the target is knocked prone. Miss: Half damage. of the shrine to defeat it.
improvise if you have a good grasp on the guards, C Stomp (standard; at-will)
Use the hard DCs for each check.
Burst 5; +11 vs. Fortitude; 2d6 + 2 damage, and knocked
NPCs, traps, and other obstacles. The Pillars: There are four pillars in the back of
prone. Miss: Half damage.
C Fiery Breath (standard; recharge 4 5 6 ) F Fire the shrine, each covered with carvings of minotaur
Running the Skill Challenge Close blast 5; +13 vs. Reflex; 4d6 + 5 fire damage. Miss: Half
warriors shrouded in flames. The pillars are nexuses
This skill challenge works a lot like a battle. The R Fiery Bolt (standard; at-will) F Fire of elemental power vital to sustaining the shrine.
characters enter the shrine and the colossus attacks Ranged 20; +13 vs. Reflex; 2d6 + 5 fire damage. Miss: Half Destroying them weakens the colossus.
damage. If a pillar is the target of a cold attack or if it is
them. Its stat block (below) shows its base stats with-
Legion Mind
out a fixed level. You should set the level to whatever doused in water, its magic fades. Each pillar deac-
The colossus rolls initiative once for each opponent it faces.
is appropriate for your campaign. By the same token, It gains a full set of actions on each of its turns. tivated in this manner is worth 1 success in the
create a treasure for the shrine as necessary. Indomitable challenge. The characters can earn only one success
The colossus ignores all damage. If an effect can end with from each pillar.
This skill challenge has one important twist. Track
a save, the colossus does not suffer from it. The colossus is
successes as normal but don’t worry about failures. immune to all forced movement. If it suffers from an effect Each time the characters earn a success from a
The price of failure is the attacks the colossus makes that ends at the end of a creatures turn, the effect ends at pillar, the aura of flame around the pillar disappears
with its massive axe. the end of the colossus’s next turn. and steam erupts from the colossus. After 4 successes,
Spell Eater
The colossus is presented as a level 10 solo brute, the colossus cannot use its fire attacks.
If the colossus ends its turn in or adjacent to a zone or
but you can adjust its level up or down as needed. As conjuration, the zone or conjuration is destroyed. Arcana: A character adjacent to a pillar can inspect
a rule of thumb, its level should be equal to the skill Alignment Evil; Languages Common, Primordial it as a minor action to learn that the pillar is a node
Skills Perception +24 of elemental power. Countering the node, either with
challenge’s level + 5. That gives it the damage and
Str 22 (+11) Dex 18 (+9) Wis 18 (+9)
attack accuracy to make it a vicious threat. Con 21 (+10) Int 5 (+2) Cha 8 (+4) cold or water, weakens the colossus.
Perception: A character adjacent to the pillar can,
The colossus doesn’t fight fair, and it’s not supposed as a minor action, notice that the pillar is surrounded
to. It is a terrifying foe, one that has earned its fear- by an aura of elemental energy. The aura matches one
some reputation by slaying all who are foolish enough that surrounds the colossus. The aura resembles a
to stand against it. There are, however, a few ways in
December 20 09 | D u n g e o n 17 3
flame, and whenever the colossus is hit by an attack, grants the characters a success. The characters can with waterskins and a keg of fresh water. I never
the flame flickers. gain 6 successes in this manner. heard from them again, but the dwarves had con-
The Altar: The altar keeps this place consecrated The Souls: As the colossus fights, the souls within sulted with Mordenkainen himself! I’ve never known
to Baphomet. His unholy magic is required to keep it mock the characters. They also fight amongst the archmage to be wrong about anything.
the souls bound in place within the colossus. If the themselves, as each soul takes turns controlling the
characters destroy the altar, they gain 2 successes in colossus. Wily characters can take advantage of this. Success and Failure
the skill challenge. They earn the first one when the Bluff and Intimidate: As a standard action, a char-
As noted above, failure in this skill challenge is mea-
altar is reduced to half its hit points and the other acter can taunt or bully the colossus. On a successful
sured by the colossus’s powerful attacks against the
when it is reduced to 0 hit points. The altar has AC check, the souls within fight amongst themselves to
characters. They don’t accrue failure, but the colossus
and Reflex 4, Fortitude 12, and 8 hit points per level the detriment of the colossus. Some demand to attack
is a deadly threat to the characters. If they take a long
of this challenge. the character who insulted them while others push
time to defeat it, they risk losing several characters.
Each time the characters earn a success from the to ignore it. The strain on the souls slows down the
Once the characters gain enough successes, the
altar, cracks appear across the colossus’s armor. colossus by weakening the magic that propels it. The
colossus shudders and collapses to the ground in
Nature: The altar is crafted with red-streaked characters can earn up to 4 successes in this manner.
ruins. The souls of a hundred minotaur warriors spill
basalt, a rock known as a common receptacle for
from the wreckage but quickly fade into nothingness.
demonic magic. Destroying it breaks Baphomet’s hold Secondary Actions With the colossus gone, the characters are free to loot
over this place.
This skill challenge lacks secondary options during the shrine.
Religion: Use Athletics for routes that require
the challenge, but the characters can attempt to
climbing and jumping or where raw force rather than About the Author
gather information about the colossus before facing
careful balance is must useful. Mike Mearls is the Lead Developer for the Dungeons &
it. A Diplomacy or Streetwise check reveals the fol- Dragons roleplaying game. His recent credits include H1:
The Armor: While Laarn bragged of crafting an
lowing, based on the DC the characters beat. The Keep on the Shadowfell and Player’s Handbook II.
unbreakable suit of armor, this is not completely true.
characters learn everything from the DC they hit and
Over the years, the punishment it has absorbed has
all lower ones.
weakened it in a few, key places.
Easy: The colossus has never been defeated.
Insight or Thievery: By studying the colossus’s fight-
Though it has been damaged, it always repairs itself. I
ing stance as a standard action, a character can spot a
heard the wizard Talmadge say that the magic of the
gouge or other damaged spot in its armor. The colos-
shrine keeps it functioning.
sus stands and fights in a way that protects its weak
Moderate: Finvara the bard claims that there are
points, and a keen eye notices that tendency. With a
many souls sealed within the colossus, and they don’t
Thievery check, the character can tell the difference
like each other. She crept into the shrine and heard
between cosmetic and vital damage.
it arguing with itself. Maybe the voices can be turned
Once a character has spotted a weak point, he can
against each other.
point it out to an ally or use that information himself.
Hard: A few dwarves swore that they knew the
The next melee or ranged attack that hits the colossus
secret to destroying the colossus. They left town laden
December 20 09 | D u n g e o n 17 3
save my game
Save My Game
Make it a season for sharing
by S t eph en Ra dn e y-MacFa r l a n d
illustration by Rob Alexander
Yeah, yeah, yeah, I know it sounds corny, but hear me out. There is D&D in this, I swear.
Any given Monday morning in the RPG R&D Development pit, you’ll find two or more
developers (and maybe a designer or editor or two) sitting around talking about their weekend
gaming. While we all love to occasionally video game it up (Dragon Age Origins, Borderlands,
and Left4Dead 2 are current favorites) or slide pieces on a board or shuffle some decks
(Dominion is the current boxed-game passion for many of us), much of the talk revolves around
the last week’s Dungeons & Dragons play. Often, it’s through these conversations with my
coworkers and fellow DMs that I pick up new DMing tricks and strategies to try out on my
unsuspecting players. Many of these same conversations have spurred topics for this very column.
You see, DMing is an art and a science. Sure, you I’m privileged to work with some of the best and most
can cloy to the rules and a strong sense of impartiality thoughtful DMs out there, and both of my current
and muddle on week after week, but becoming a good home games are made up of some really dedicated
DM requires more than just these things. To become players and DMs who constantly challenge me and
a good DM, you must practice, you must be willing my DMing assumptions. All of them have made me a
to experiment at times, be willing to make mistakes, better DM, and I appreciate that.
learn from those mistakes, and capitalize on your Lately, my DM sharing circle has expanded. I’m
successes. But you don’t beed to be a mad scientist thrilled at the tremendous response that the Save My
working in isolation or a tortured artist shunning Game group on the Wizards of the Coast Community
the contact of those who don’t understand you. You Site has received. What is really exciting about the
must reflect, and the best way to do that is to have a site is that it is not just a mouthpiece for my opinions
surface, a sounding board, fellow initiates who will and advice for DMing (that’s what this column’s for,
listen, comment, and help. right?). Rather, it is a place where DMs ask questions
Every month I try my darnedest to impart good, and other DMs step up and give some really fantas-
solid, common sense DMing advice to you all, but that tic advice. It’s a true conversation about becoming a
advice rarely comes whole cloth from my mind alone. better DM, and that’s fantastic.
TM & © 2009 Wizards of the Coast LLC All rights reserved. December 20 09 | D UNGEON 17 3 110
save my game
Thanks to everyone who posted great questions to During the final epic battle against Karavakos, one of background can also be a boon for you, as you can
the group, and thanks to those who have stepped up our defenders died … and so begins my problem. use it to push story threads. I would probably create
and given their own takes on the queries and issues The player of that character is refusing to play a leader. one that the PCs will suspect as a spy for their ene-
that pop up on that list. Now, I’m not one to force any player to play a specific class mies but is actually a spy for some current or future
Whether or not you join the Save My Game group, or role. I think they should play whatever they want to. employer (who may turn out to be an enemy at some
follow one of the fantastic blogs on the web that offers My players suggest that I should just continue with the point). But then I’m devious like that.
advice, or get together with local friends and DMs warlord as an extra NPC in the party. I have suggested they
to share experience, having a good community of just keep playing with whatever party composition they Protection from
fellows to share and gain feedback from will make want to, and I’ll modify the encounters and the treasure Blindsiding
you a better Dungeon Master. Go out, find a group, since they don’t have a leader, but they don’t like that idea.
The PCs in my game recently used the Magic Circle ritual
and make sure you share your experiences and gain You see what really bugs me is that as a group they
to completely rebuff some enemy hordes I had planned.
wisdom from other DMs. Heck, make it your D&D agree that “someone” should play a leader role and that the
Half the village was supposed to be destroyed and an NPC
New Year’s resolution if you need to. role is important toward party success, as long as it’s not
was supposed to bravely sacrifice himself. I even wrote his
In the spirit of this, starting next year, Save My them.
dying monologue. Those darn PCs ruined everything by
Game is going to offer a new feature. As part of the
throwing up a Magic Circle and saving everyone!
column, I am going to start an Encounter Clinic. Well, sir, get used to it. Sometimes your players are
It was great to see the players delve into their bag of
Each month I will take a single encounter, critique going to bug you. I think your idea of running the
tricks and pull off something creative and interesting, so I
it, and talk about how to improve it in design and in group as is with adjustments to encounter design and
don’t begrudge them the victory. Rather, I applaud them,
play. If you would like to submit your encounter for treasure distribution is a fine idea. It’s substandard,
but how can I prepare my game so I’m not blindsided by
the Clinic, do so via the Save My Game group, where don’t get me wrong, but after a session or two of it,
creative tactics?
you’ll find a special thread in the group’s forum. I your players may get the right idea and someone in
may just pick your encounter for the first month’s
clinic! I would probably create one that the PCs will suspect as a
As promised, this month I’m answering a bunch
of questions from you, the readers. Some of the ques-
spy for their enemies but is actually a spy for some current
tions were posted on the Save My Game group, others or future employer (who may turn out to be an enemy at
popped up in the mailbag.
some point). But then I’m devious like that.
Just Leader Up, Already! the group will finally leader up. It’s good that you don’t begrudge them their victory.
About 4 months ago, one of my players left our group. He You could also try using the companion charac- They should be applauded. At the same time, you’ve
was playing a warlord—the only leader in our group. The ter rules from Dungeon Master’s Guide 2 (page 27). committed something I like to call “the novelist’s fal-
players were making their way through the Pyramid of These DM-built, player-run leaders can allow an ally lacy of roleplaying.” You created a vision in your mind
Shadows and I decided to run the warlord as an NPC until to spend a healing surge twice or thrice an encoun- of how things were going to be and then were sur-
they finished the adventure. ter, depending on the companion character’s level. prised (even a tad frustrated) when events bounded
Creating a companion character with an interesting
outside the plan. As a DM, you should always plan circle to rescue them. Maybe a mother leaves the This can be helpful if your group is a long-running
not how things will be, but how they could be. Unlike circle to rescue a child she thought was lost. one. Players are not always open to experimenting
a novelist, a DM writes what is possible within an In the end, counter your players’ flash of bril- with well loved and well worn characters. You can
encounter, and then PCs actualize through play. liance with improvisation and a new challenge. Never use that new game to let them try out new game
This is hard, I know. It goes against every storytelling negate their accomplishments (that will just frustrate structures. If they like it, you’ll find they’ll be more
instinct you have and forces you to react to the story them) but find a way to transform them into a new, willing to try those things in your long-running game.
when you would prefer to guide the story. Train your- exciting dilemma that pushes the story forward. Looking back at my advice, I’m glad I’m talking
self to think nimbly, take advantage of new situations, about campaigns and play styles here. If I was talking
and move the story along based on the changing Shaking it Up about anything else, my wife would want to have a
landscape. long talk with me. And that talk would involve a shoe
I’m looking to make my sessions a bit more varied. Right
For instance, while a Magic Circle may hedge out to the side of my head.
now, they consist of roleplaying followed by a combat
an entire class of critters of a certain level or lower,
encounter followed by more roleplaying.
it only does so while the circle is intact. It takes only
I know I have players who like the out-of-combat stuff, but The Treasure Mix
one traitor within the circle to muck it up. Maybe the
I have a hard time doing anything outside of just roleplaying. If I am using the treasure parcel system, about what
leader of the horde has an agent on the inside: some-
How can I push them into new areas of game play? percentage or ratio of magic items should be wondrous
one he promised to make lord of the village once his
items like rope of climbing and what percentage should be
The problem with comfortable patterns is that, well, they things that go directly into defense and accuracy?
are comfortable. Eventually someone wants to sow their Let’s take a look. The three magic item slots you
proverbial wild oats and shake things up a bit (often that definitely want to not skimp on are armor, primary
weapon/implement, and neck. Start skimping on
person is the DM). those, and your players will start complaining that
they are not hitting often enough or they’re getting
horde’s hunger for destruction and loot is sated. Well, there is nothing wrong with finding your hit too often. Assuming that you should replace those
Another option would allow the leader of the group’s particular groove. Long-running games, like things roughly every five or six levels, and that char-
horde to call upon a powerful ally of an origin the any long-term relationship, often fall into a comfort- acters should be getting a new magic item by some
Magic Circle has no effect on. Maybe the horde able pattern. The problem with comfortable patterns method every level, gives you two or three magic
leader is loathe to do it because it would put him is that, well, they are comfortable. Eventually some- items that can go into other slots, including those
under the thumb of this powerful ally sometime in one wants to sow their proverbial wild oats and shake fun wondrous slots. On average, I budget a number
the future, but necessity breeds compromise. things up a bit (often that person is the DM). of wondrous or whacky items per tier equal to the
Yet another option is to find a way to lure the char- What’s difficult is getting others to want to shake number of characters. But to be honest, I often give
acters or some of the NPCs out of the Magic Circle, things up. First, talk to your players. Identify the rut out two or even three times that number.
thereby creating a new source of conflict. Maybe the and see whether they are open to trying new things. The way I see it, those items are just fun. They
characters missed some villagers and must leave the Second, think about starting a new game for a while. rarely affect combat or your typical skill challenge,
and players like to find creative uses for them, so them with a couple of details, and let them know About the Author
giving them out at half or even one-third the cost of what the other characters are up to at the point when Born on a stormy Christmas day, in our nation’s capital,
during the Nixon administration, the stars were definitely
other magic items shouldn’t cause serious disruptions the new players enter the campaign. If you don’t have wrong when Stephen Radney-MacFarland came scream-
to your game. In short, each tier, you can safely give the time to do a write up, sit down with them for a ing into the world. Spending most of his impressionable years
each character one from the parcels. If you want, you character creation session and tell them in person—or as a vagabond and ne’re-do-well, Stephen eventually settled in
the Northwest to waste his life on roleplaying games.
can give out up to one or two others that don’t count maybe invite the other players to tell them. Players
Stephen teaches a class on roleplaying design for the Art
toward the parcels. love to give their take on story, enemies, and their Institute of Seattle, molding the minds of young and upcom-
characters, and may even come up with ideas on how ing designers. Be afraid. Be very afraid.
Help with the N00bs the new characters can enter the storyline.
Lastly, though you may be tempted to do this, don’t
I’ve been playing D&D for a while, and recently converted
have the new characters work toward purposes coun-
my long-running game to the 4e rules.
ter to the old characters. It may seem like a fun way to
I’ve recently recruited two players completely new to
create story tension, but it works against integrating
D&D by running some of the simple adventures from
new players into the game, teaches them the wrong
Dungeon magazine to teach them the ropes, and wouldn’t
lesson about D&D, and sends the wrong message to
mind having them join my main campaign, but I’m
your existing players.
worried. How do I smooth their transition into a long-
running game with 40+ session worth of storyline?
Dungeon Dressing
by James Wyatt
illustration by Wayne England
I’ve been part of a number of conversations recently
about improvised actions in D&D. One phenomenon
we observed early in the life of this edition of the
game was that, when presented with a list of powers,
players tended not to consider options that didn’t
appear on that list. Some players felt that their options
were actually more limited in the game than they
Terrain powers, presented in Dungeon Master’s
Guide® 2, are a great tool to allow those players cool
options for interacting with the environment. Push-
ing over a wall onto an enemy, tipping over a table
full of alchemical reagents to create an explosion
(while taking cover behind the table), shooting down
a chandelier to drop on your enemies—these are clas-
had been in past editions, because they didn’t allow sic improvised actions, and with the release of DMG2,
themselves to think past the power cards. I remember the game has some solid rules to cover them.
starting off a demo game I ran at D&D Experience I recently built a dungeon map entirely out of
in 2008 (a few months before the release of the core Dungeon Tiles, and I think the most important step
rules) by reminding the group that it’s still D&D, and in designing that dungeon was the last one: I went
they could still try anything they could think of. through my collection of dungeon dressing tiles and
But the perception remains, and that leads to con- sprinkled them liberally throughout the dungeon.
versations about what we can do to counteract it. I So one room has a big pool of water and two smaller
think there are a number of categories of improvised basins, another has runes on the floor, a third has
actions that players are likely to attempt, but one big crates and cartons and a huge urn full of elemental
category boils down to interacting with the environ- fire, and so on. Those elements add tremendous life
ment. Certain types of players, at least, pay a lot of to the dungeon and made writing each individual
attention to the dungeon map, and when considering encounter in the dungeon a lot more interesting.
their options for a turn, they’re as likely to look at the Because of the season, I think of dungeon dressing
braziers and fire pits and strangely glowing orbs as at a little bit like decorating the house for the holidays.
their power cards. (I think a lot of instigators fall into You don’t want to overdo it, but putting a little touch
that category.) of decoration in each room is not too much.
December 20 09 | D u n g e o n 17 3
dunge o ncraft
In the dungeon I designed recently, every room Adventurer’s Vault™. Drinking from a magic fountain You can use weird magical effects like these to set
has something in it to explore or fiddle around with. might have the same effect as any magic potion. Each the characters up for an upcoming encounter that
Page 111 in the Dungeon Master’s Guide lists a bunch of these might function only once, once per day, or might be a little tough for them. If they warm them-
of “furnishings and features” you might place in a once for any individual character. selves by a magical fire that gives them resist cold 5
dungeon room, and the 1-by-1 and 2-by-2 tiles in any Weird effects can help characters in more signifi- for an hour just before they go fight a white dragon,
Dungeon Tiles set include a wide variety of similar cant ways as well. A magic pool in the free Eberron that can significantly change the odds in their favor.
kinds of elements. The trick is figuring out what those adventure Khyber’s Harvest allows a short rest to func-
elements can do. tion as an extended rest—basically providing a way Adventure Seeds
Some features can have a significant impact in for the characters to press on through the dungeon
Another great use for dungeon dressing is to seed
combat, while others are things the players can poke in one delve. There’s no real weight to that in terms
quests and story hooks for future adventures. What
around with once the encounter is over. Terrain of game rules, though it certainly looks like there is.
does that statue in the corner do? Well, nothing—but
powers and fantastic terrain cover that first category All the pool really does is hand-wave the story of the
if a character squeezes behind it and looks at the
pretty well, so what I want to focus on is the latter adventure so that characters can get six hours of rest
back, there’s writing there that presents a mystery to
kind of dungeon dressing: cool and interesting dun- in five minutes, the better to save the townsfolk in
be solved. There’s no magical or mundane benefit to
geon elements that reward player exploration and time.
be gained but plenty of opportunity to present adven-
improvisation. I put a pool in my dungeon that allows the char-
ture opportunities to your players.
acters to catch a brief glimpse of another encounter
Dungeon dressing is a great way to lay seeds
Weird Magical Effects in the dungeon, randomly determined, if they gaze
for the adventures you have planned. If you know
into its waters (and make a successful Arcana check).
I started this column talking about how hard it can something about the adventure you’re going to run
The only benefit the characters get from that is the
be to encourage players to think beyond their lists of next, look for ways to plant hooks in the adventure
ability to feel slightly more prepared for a future
powers. Well, it can be just as much of a challenge you’re running now that will naturally draw the
encounter—which might be significant, even if only
to get Dungeon Masters and adventure designers to players onward. Those hooks could be as blatant as
do the same thing. One of the beauties of the game is a teleportation circle that leads to the next dungeon
You don’t need to reduce the actual treasure the
that you don’t need rules for how weird effects come or as subtle as a dropped name written in a book or
to be: If you want runes in your dungeon to bestow
a minor blessing from one of the gods to characters One of the beauties of the game is that you don’t need
who meditate on them, you don’t need to know what
divine prayer or ritual is in effect. You can just make
rules for how weird effects come to be. . . .
it happen. But since no such power or ritual appears
in the game, you might never think to do it, and
You can just make it happen.
there’s no clear guideline for what’s appropriate. characters find to account for rewards presented as scrawled on the back of a statue that the players will
One good way to think about weird effects is to dungeon dressing. They’re freebies, extra rewards encounter again later.
treat them as consumable magic items. Dipping your for putting in the effort to explore the environment. Adventure seeds can take the form of weird magi-
sword in a pool of water in the dungeon might have Besides, the characters don’t have the luxury of cal effects, too. Maybe the characters gazing into the
the same effect as a magic whetstone (whose level is choosing when to use them. pool of water don’t see an encounter in the dungeon
within 4 levels of the characters’ level) described in they’re in but sees the denizens of the next dungeon
December 20 09 | D u n g e o n 17 3
dunge o ncraft
they’ll be visiting, or some other clue leading them F A pool in the caverns is surprisingly clean and About the Author
on to further adventures. Maybe an angelic vision James Wyatt is the D&D Design Manager for Wizards of the
clear compared to the surrounding bog. A charac-
Coast Roleplaying R&D. He was one of the lead designers for
appears over an ancient altar and delivers a message ter who bathes in it regains a spent healing surge 4th Edition D&D and the primary author of the 4th Edition
that spurs the characters to their next quest. and is cured of any disease. Dungeon Master’s Guide. He was one of the designers of the
F An inscription on the wall (perhaps hidden behind Eberron® Campaign Setting and is the author of several Eberron
Story Background a thick growth of moss) describes observations
The best dungeon dressing, whatever purpose it taken from the top of the tower at Tower Watch,
serves in the game, is rooted in the story of the dun- pointing characters in that direction for their next
geon. If the characters are exploring the ruins of adventures.
an ancient temple built by minotaurs, then an altar Dungeon dressing isn’t the most exciting part of
dedicated to Erathis teaches them something about adventure design, and it might involve some prepa-
the minotaurs who built the temple even while it’s ration that never pays off. But done well, it rewards
bestowing Erathis’s blessing on those who spend a players with several different motivations: instigators
short rest in prayer before it. who like poking and prodding at the environment,
In my Greenbrier game, I’ve been working a lot explorers who want to learn more about the world,
with the idea that the magical energies that impris- thinkers who enjoy puzzling out mysteries, storytell-
oned the Speaker in Dreams were focused at altars ers who are keen on the story of the game, and even
scattered around what is now the chasm, with each power gamers who love collecting small game ben-
altar dedicated to a different deity. Purifying the efits for their characters. For such a fine detail in the
altars has been a theme of the characters’ first forays process of adventure design, that’s a lot of payoff.
into the chasm. I can use that background to create
additional dungeon dressing that will reinforce the
story I’m trying to tell with these adventures.
We haven’t played in a long while, since things
have been very busy around here, but right now the
characters are about to embark on a delve to find and
purify the altar of Corellon, which is in a swampy sec-
tion of cavern inhabited by bullywugs. How can I add
dungeon dressing to that delve to reward the players
for poking around? Here are some thoughts:
F A statue of Corellon within the dungeon gives a
minor blessing to anyone who spends a short rest
in meditation before it: Until the end of the next
encounter, the character deals +1 damage with
arcane powers.
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