The Fate of Our Universe: How This Universe Will End: Article

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The Fate of Our Universe: How This Universe Will End

Article · May 2019


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Pranab Kumar Bhattacharya MD

Calcutta School of Tropical Medicine


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Research & Reviews: Journal of Space Science & Technology
ISSN: 2321-2837 (Online), ISSN: 2321-6506 (Print)
Volume 8, Issue 1

The Fate of Our Universe: How This Universe Will End

Rupak Bhattacharya1, Pranab Kumar Bhattacharya2, Upasana Bhattacharya3,
Ritwik Bhattacharya4, Rupsa Bhattacharya5, Ayshi Mukherjee5, Dalia Mukherjee6,
Hindole Banerjee7
BSc (Calcutta University), M.Sc (Jadavpur University), Kolkata 110, West Bengal, India
MBBS (Calcutta Univ.) Honours ,MD (Calcutta University), FIC Path (India), Now Professor of
Pathology (on Deputation), Calcutta School of Tropical Medicine, Kolkata, West Bengal, India; also,
Professor in Department of Pathology at Murshidabad District Medical College, Berhampore station
Road, Murshidabad, West Bengal, India
Student, Kolkata-110, WestBengal, India
4 (Calcutta University), Kolkata, West Bengal, India
Student, Calcutta University, Kolkata, West Bengal, India
B.A. Honours, Teacher, Calcutta University, Kolkata, West Bengal, India
BA Honours (West Bengal State University), West Bengal, India

There are two ultimate questions for human beings: “where do we come from?” and “where
are we going?”. For a long time, they have been topics of just religion and philosophy. But in
the last three decades, along with the rapid development of modern cosmology, scientists have
already obtained some important clues to these two questions. To explain the origin of the
Universe, cosmologists have established a standard theoretical framework: Inflation + Hot
Big Bang. To foresee the destiny of the Universe, people have realized that the key point is to
understand the nature; Shape of the Universe, Cosmological constant, Age of the Universe,
How the first star formed, What was the particles nature at Big Bang, About Dark matter and
finally Dark energy and Higgs Particles.

Keywords: Big Bang, cosmological constant, dark matter, Higgs particles, Universe

*Author for Correspondence E-mail:

AGE OF UNIVERSE AND HUBBLE Friedman- the le-maitre model was

CONSTANT strengthening further when Edwin Hubble
The universe started at 20x1010 (20,0000 discovered the near relation between redshift
million years ) ago but there is still uncertainty and distances in galaxies in 1929.
about the age of the Universe according to
these present authors. Determination of HUBBLE COSMOLOGICAL
hydrogen molecule suggests that H~50Km/s- CONSTANT- AND AGE OF THE
MPC-10H-1=20x109 years, while age-old UNIVERSE
galactic clusters like NGC is 10x109 years and Hubble discovered a cosmological constant
the age of elements obtained from the active and this constant is proportionally is known
isotopes were ~13x109 years. The Freidman widely as Hubble constant. The H(0) is usually
and Le -maitre models of Universe tell us that expressed in terms of Kilometers per second
the Universe, however,, has a finite age and it per mega Per sec i.e. 50 Km/s/MPC Hubble
must be either expanding or contracting, or constant. The Hubble parameter is defined as
both expanding and then contracting again and H(t) = 1/R(t)xdR(t)/dt, where R(t) is the scale
so on[1–3]. The observation that galaxies are factor of the Universe. Hubble constant is the
in redshift having special features of shifted to current value of that parameter and defined as
redder wavelength in an apparent Doppler H0 = H(now) = velocity/distance and is estimated
recession, strongly support however the by measuring the velocity and distance of
expanding Universe model. Confidence in the extragalactic objects [4-6]. Hubble constant is

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The Fate of Our Universe Bhattacharya et al

the observable universe and are figured

prominently in the extragalactic distance scale.
Cepheid first gave us the idea that other
galaxies lay outside our Milky Way galaxy.
Virgo cephid or Virgo galaxy clusters are so
far farthest, twice as far as the most distant
previously measured cephids. They are now
measured by Hubble Space Telescope (HST).
A new example of Virgo cephid H0=87± 7
Kms-1MPC-1. The galaxy there NGC 4571 is in
the core of Virgo clusters galaxy (Figure 1).
Again Taking H0 as H0=87± 7 Kms-1MPC-1 as
short value (H0 = 80-100 Kms-1MPC-1) and
long value H0 = 50 Kms-1MPC-1) will after the
Fig. 1: Picture of Virgo Clusters of the Galaxy
age of the universe for 20 billion years to
taken by Rupak Bhattacharya.
11.2±0.9 billion years and 7.3±billions years
for Ω=0 model and Ω=1 model respectively.
perhaps the most important parameter in
The absence of accelerating force for the age
cosmology because it not only provides us the
of the universe is less than 1/H0 and in
physical scale of the Universe which affects
standard Big Bang, Model is 2/3x1/H0 0r
the observed absolute size, dynamical mass
7x109 years. In contrast, some stars are thought
and luminosity of extragalactic objects but it
to be 8x109 years old, So here starts the crisis
also provides us an estimated age of the
regarding the age of the universe what these
universe. The Hubble constant has the units of
authors strongly feels. In Freidman Universe
inverse time. An estimate of the age of the
model, Freidman et al calculated Ho=80+17
Universe is the Hubble time 1/H0. This is the
Kms-1MPC-1 implying the age of the universe
approximate age of a nearly empty universe
9x109 years. In that case, this is identifying 20
one, where expansion had not significantly
Cepheid variables in m 100 a beautiful spiral
been solved by its mass-energy content. A new
galaxy in Virgo. However, if we are ready to
Model called Ω=1 model, where Ω is the ratio
accept the theory that age of the universe is
of the universe mass-energy density to the
estimated from the cosmological model based
critical value required for binding. In the
on Hubble constant, as per this model the age
Friedman- Le maitre models the expansion
of the universe will be 13.7±0.2GYR ie 13.7
rate of the universe approaches 0 as time
billion years old.
approaches£ and the current age of the
universe is then(2/3) H0-1 is then Age=1/H0[(1-
2q0)-1-q0(1-2q0)-3/2 cos h-1(1/q0-1)] where the
de-acceleration parameter q0 is (1/2)Ω the ratio FORMATION AND INFLATION
of the universe mean mass density to the Though a big bang like event happened in the
closer density[1,7,8]. early universe, universe spent a period of time
in the early phase (1s Planck’s time) in a
The age of the universe, when H0 is of 50KmS- supercooled stage (About 400,000 years after
MPC-1 gives an age of near 20 billion years the Big Bang, that the cosmos had cooled
while an H0 of 10050KmS-1MPC-1 in an empty sufficiently for protons and electrons to
universe roughly correspond to an age of 13 recombine into atoms). In the supercooled
billion years. But the Cepheid variables are the stage, its density (3K) was then dominated by
bright stars where brightness varies large positive constant vacuum energy and
periodically on time scale between one and a false vacuum. The supercooled stage was then
hundred days. The period of Cepheid is very followed by the appearance of multiple
tightly correlated with its brightness. So they bubbles inflation. The temperature variation
are the excellent indicators of distances of occurred in 3K cosmological background
expanding the universe and also the age of the imprinted some 10~35 second in pre-
universe. Cephids are most distant galaxies of inflationary stage and grand unified theory

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Research & Reviews: Journal of Space Science & Technology
Volume 8, Issue 1
ISSN: 2321-2837 (Online), ISSN: 2321-6506 (Print)

[GUT] happened there with the generation of clumsiness’ represent that the distribution of
trillions and trillions of degrees of matter at some primeval stage in the evolution
temperature. As per the old inflationary theory of the universe or there had been some kind of
of Big Bang, there appeared multiple bubbles gravitational process [3,9,10]?suggested that
of true vacuum and inflation blew up a small the present distributions of galaxies are in the
casually connected region of the universe that relic of a dynamic process, in which an
was something much like the observable outward propagating shock wave created an
universe of today. This actually preceded large earlier generation of galaxies. Created galaxies
scale cosmological homogeneity & was at some places were of high density on the
reduced to an exponentially small number the shock front. But the problem of their theory to
present density of any magnetic monopoles, present authors are that the empirical rule,
that according to many of particle physicist which says that the chance finding of a second
GUT & would have been produced in the pre- galaxy within same value unit at a distance of
inflationary phase. In the old inflationary “S” is proportional to an inverse power of “S”,
theory, our universe must be homogeneous in which simply means that there is a greater
all its direction and was no doubt isotropic. In chance that galaxies will be close together than
old inflation theory, the supercooled stage was it is far apart. Secondly, the distribution of
married by the appearance of bubbles of the galaxies in the Universe may have a fractal
true vacuum, the broken symmetry of ground three-dimensional structure. The most
state. The model of old inflation theory, spectacular of large voids in three dimensions
however, was later on abandoned, because the of galaxies is the BOTES VOID. A region at
exponential expansion of any supercooled least 50 MPS in diameter that contain no
state always presents the bubbles from luminous galaxies. Why voids? A survey of
merging and complicate the phase transition. large-scale galaxies distributions reveals that
Moreover in a true sense, the universe is not the “Large Voids” were not the exception, but
totally homogenous but in small scale non the rule. The survey was the systemic
homogenous too. collection of Red Shifts of all galaxies of
apparent magnitude brightness than 15.5 in a
It is very much a well-known fact that the region measuring 6 degrees by 12 degrees on
universe contains a critical density of matter the sky. These Red Shifts via “Hubble laws”
(3K) and infinite space-time. The matters are provides us a three-dimensional map of the
mostly baryonic and Mixed Dark matter galaxy distribution in a limited volume of the
[MDM]. Through COBE satellite studies, we universe. Inspection of the map of the galaxy
know that the early universe consisted of a revealed a striking result- large apparently
mixture of Cold Dark matter and hot Dark empty, quasi spherical “Voids” dominate
Matter, which is known altogether as Mixed space & time and galaxies are crammed into
Dark Matter [MDM]. Most Redshift surveys the thin shits and ridges in between hole.
had been either shallow (Z=<0.03), three- (Joseph Sick- Nature-Vol.320; P12; 1986)
dimensional survey of few thousands of Joseph Sick discussed in his article published
galaxies covering a large angle or somewhat in Nature (Vol 320; p12; 1986) that galaxies
deeper (Z>0.05). So argument still persists were distributed in a thin slice of the universe
about the mechanism by which galaxies/first to 150 MPC. The redshift measurement of
generation stars were formed in the early galaxies, however, reveals a foamy and
universe. The essence of the problem is so clustered distribution of galaxies in the
high-level physics that while galaxies were on Universe. Most of them lying on a sheet,
average, uniformly distributed throughout the surrounding large, almost empty holes up to
volume of the universe, as it should be in the 50 MPC According to Jeremiath Ostriker &
Inflationary “ Big Bang” model, the observed Lennoy Cowie (1981), an explosion initiated
distribution of both optically visible and radio by many supernovas in a newly formed galaxy
galaxies on the sky was not uniform. But very drive a blast wave, which propagated outward
much patchy (Authors Prof. Pranab Kumar and swept up a spherical shell of ambient gas.
Bhattacharya’s Concept only). Does this A hole was thus evacuated and the unstable

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The Fate of Our Universe Bhattacharya et al

compressed shell fragmented to form more electromagnetic field, and hence annihilations
galaxies. These, in turn, developed blast waves straight into two monochromatic photons (or a
and a series of bubbles developed that filled photon and a Z boson) are typically strongly
most of the spaces with galaxies (Jeremiah suppressed. γ-rays can be a significant by-
Ostriker & Lennoy Cowie - Astrophysics product of dark matter annihilations, since
journal letter Vol 243; P127; 1981) and they can arise either from the decay of neutral
published independently by Satron Ikeuchi- pions produced in the hadronization of the
Astronomical Society of Japan Vol, 33; P211; annihilation products or through internal
1981) But the problem of this hypothesis to bremsstrahlung associated into charged
present authors are - 1) possibility of the particles, with annihilations into charged
mechanism itself - Supernova exploded and particles, interactions of energetic leptons. In
cleared out holes that are tens or in rare cases the Lattanzi & Silk models the annihilation
hundreds of parsec cross? 2) did this results in two neutral Z bosons or a pair of W+
phenomenon really worked out on the scale of and W. bosons, and the dominant source of γ-
MPC? 3) Billions of supernovae were rays is neutral pion decay. Form_ = 4.5 TeV,
presumed to be exploded coherently over the every annihilation results in 26 photons with
crossing time of galaxy of about 108 years to energies between 3 and 300GeV.
yield a vast explosion 4) Next is the missing
ingredients which are Gravity. Density Physicists today believe that dark matter
fluctuations were present at the beginning of makes up 22% of the mass of the Universe
the time in the earliest instants of the” Big (compared with the 4% of normal matter and
Bang gospel” and the gravity amplified the 74% comprising the mysterious ‘dark
fluctuation into the large-scale structure of the energy’). But, despite its pervasive influence,
universe. Most cosmologists& theoretical even today no-one is sure what dark matter
physicists believe today that galaxies were consists of. It was thought that dark matter
originated in this manner rather than by forms in roughly spherical lumps called
explosive amplification of primordial seeds ‘halos’, one of which envelopes the Milky
which themselves must be attributed into the Way and other spiral galaxies. Stars and gas
initial condition. are thought to have settled into disks very
early on in the life of the Universe and this
LARGE VOIDS AND DARK MATTER affected how smaller dark matter halos
A “giant hole” in the universe was discovered formed. Such a theory suggests that most
by astronomers from Minnesota in 2009 lumps of dark matter in our locality actually
January. Investigating an area of the sky merged to form a halo around the Milky Way.
known as the WMAP cold Spot, Lawrence But the largest lumps were preferentially
Rudnick and colleagues found a void empty of dragged towards the galactic disk and were
stars, gas and even dark matter. As AP’s then torn apart, creating a disk of dark matter
widely circulating report notes, the hole is big:
within the Galaxy. The presence of unseen
an “expanse of nearly 6 billion trillion miles of
haloes of Dark matter had long been inferred
emptiness” Astronomers have long known that
from the high rotation speed of Gas and stars
there are big voids in the universe, and think
in the outer part of spiral galaxies. The volume
they can explain them with their theories as to
how large scale structures first formed [ Daniel of the density of these dark matter decreases
Cressey” Plenty of nothing - August 24, less quickly from the galactic center than doe’s
2007The Great Beyond Nature.Com heat luminous mass such as that in stars]. meaning that dark matter dominates the mass
our Galaxy, the Milky Way, contains also from the center of galaxies. A spiral galaxy is
disks of ‘dark matter. Dark’ matter is always composed of a thin disk of young stars called
invisible but its presence can be inferred (population I star) whose local surface
through its gravitational influence on its brightness falls exponentially with cylindrical
surroundings. Dark matter particles are neutral distances from the galactic center and with
it does not couple directly to the height above the galactic plane.

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Research & Reviews: Journal of Space Science & Technology
Volume 8, Issue 1
ISSN: 2321-2837 (Online), ISSN: 2321-6506 (Print)

The concept of biasing the formation of large that the Big Bang was a remarkably smooth
scale structure of the universe was first and homogeneous event. The COBE study
introduced by Nick Kaisar in the journal of consistently pegged its temperature at about
Astrophysics (Peacock .JA &Heavens A.F- 2.7 K_ what was predicted by Standard Big
Monday Nottingham. Royal Astronomical Bang Model which holds that radiation was
Society Vol 217; P805; 1985 &BardenJ. Bond. emitted by cosmic fireball just a few hundred
Jr, Kaiser. N. Eszalay –Journal of years after the Big Bang moment itself and
Astrophysics). Galaxies were presumed only cooling off ever since then. George Smoot
to form in the rare peaks of an initial Gaussian [2006 Nobel Laureate in Physics] and his
distribution of density fluctuation. The average colleagues of Barkley university used
density of the universe is roughly 1031gcm-3 differential microwave radiometer to look for
which is less than 10% of critical Density (K) anisotropic variations in the brightness of
of the present universe [The matter of which radiation from point to point of the sky. They
universe is made of 42.3% is CDM matter and presumably corresponded to density variation
73% is dark energy]. Density fluctuation peaks in the cosmic plasma shortly after the Big
that occurred in a potential large-scale cluster Bang and these variables are in turn
acquired with the slight boost that enabled presumably the clumps of matter that
galaxies to form. The biasing hypothesis contracted by GRAVITY to form the galaxies.
enhanced the large-scale structure that The problem was that anisotropies if they
developed as gravitational forces amplified the existed at all, were so weak that it was hard to
initial fluctuations. Biasing hypothesis enabled see now that how they had contracted into
stimulation of a universe containing “Cold much of galaxies. Any clump that was going
Dark Matter” at the critical density, with the to form a galaxy needs to be heavy enough to
observational determination of density fight cosmic expansion which tends to pull the
perturbation of the universe. Density material apart almost as fast as gravity can pull
Fluctuation was present at the beginning of it together. COBE showed no anisotropy at all
Time in the earliest instants of the Big Bang to an accuracy of one part in 104to one part 105
and the Gravity amplified the fluctuations into and it was DARK MATTER. This Dark matter
the large-scale structure of our universe. The (Figure 2) consisted of some kind of massive
“Voids” were not really voids but contained but weakly interacting elementary particles
matter that had somehow failed to become produced in the Big Bang. The cosmic
luminous. The Dark matter was more background explorer study (COBE) satellite
uniformly distributed than the luminous matter study was undertaken by the leadership of
and does not respond to most of the George Smoot considers the Big Bang very
astronomical tests. The universe is now seriously. Microwave Background Study also
populated with the non-luminous component provided BIG Bang COBE study had spotted
of matter (Dark Matter) made of weakly millionth of degree variations in the
interacting massive particles which does temperature of microwave left over from Big
cluster in galactic scale and designated Bang traces of the early universe. Images of
ΩDM≈0.15-0.35. The dark matter was weakly the cosmic microwave background, the
interacting and was clustered in all scale radiation left over from the Big Bang; provide
(hence labeled as cold). It selectively formed the earliest snapshots of the cosmos-from
galaxies at an early epoch in the rare density when it was only about 400,000 years old
peaks. The Cosmic Background Explorer only. The model of MDM of the universe is
study announced on 18th Nov’1990 that COBE consistent with homogeneous inflation theory
had used its liquid helium cooled detectors to and large-scale density fluctuation and
make a stunningly accurate measurement of galaxies distribution that happened in the early
BIG Bang afterglow .The COBE study was universe. It was the Merry Gelman, who first
based on microwave background radiation that described the nature of the earliest particles in
bathes every object in the universe with a cool the universe. According to him “it was quark
wash of photon 2.7K. COBE study conferred particles in quantum theories.” Actually speaking,

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The Fate of Our Universe Bhattacharya et al

equilibrium of first instants of the Universe.

This particle was Merry Gelman’s quark
particles and its antiparticles were antiquarks.
Today’s observed proton [matter] represents
an excess of matter after antimatter. This is the
asymmetry in the Universe. This asymmetry
probably had arisen naturally after 10-35
seconds of initial Big bang. However, Madsen
and Mark Tailor gave the concept of another
particle in the primordial universe. The name
of their particles is “Neutrinos”. There are
broadly three species of ‘Neutrinos”. 1)
Electron neutrinos 2) Muon neutrinos and 3)
that neutrinos. To start the universe i.e. before
nucleosynthesis, neutrinos must have a zero
rest mass, which can support at least a
hypothesis and theories of the large-scale
structure of the universe. According to Maiden
and Tailor, the Dark Matter of which this
universe consisted of were the neutrinos and
not the quarks.

How did the cosmic Dark Age end and

Fig. 2: How much is the Matter of the when did the first star lit up in the universe
Universe Dark Energy constitutes 71%, Dark in a few hundred million years after the Big
Matter 24% and Normal Matter is 5%. Bang?
According to the Standard Model of Big Bang
the quest for the early Universe had provided Star formation in the early universe was very
the particle physicists with an unrivaled different from the present now. Star today
accelerator of high-energy particles. The form in the giant clouds of molecular gas and
Grand Unification Theory (GUT) based on dust embedded in the disk of large galaxies
‘Gauge Symmetry” say that Proton (Nucleon) like our milky ways. Whereas the first stars
should decay with a half-life of at most 1031 evolved inside “Mini holes” agglomerates of
Years. But while isolating the rarest events primordial gas and dark matter with a total
due to spontaneous decaying of protons, mass of millions of times of our Sun. Another
extensive shielding from atmospheric “Muon” difference arises for the initial absences of
produced by cosmic rays showers was also elements, other than hydrogen and helium that
regarded and the primary result once was were synthesized in the Big Bang. Gas clouds
reported at Geneva, Switzerland. This today be efficient via radiation emitted by
experiment was carried out us provided in atoms molecule or dust grains that contain
deep underground Kolar Goldfield, Kamoka. heavy elements. Because the primordial gas
This experiment provided us the most lacked those coolants, it remained
sensitive limit so far, that the half-life of the comparatively hot. For gravity, to overcome
proton is 1.5x 1032 years. This half-life of a when the higher thermal pressure, the mass of
proton is close to the age of the elements all first stars must have been larger as well.
obtained from Radioactive isotopes ~10X109 The emergence of first stars fundamentally
years.This experiments had great implications changed the early universe at the end of the
to astrophysicists in that 1) possible cosmic dark ages. Owing to the high masses
explanation of the ratio of proton to the photon these stars were copious. They also produced
in the universe. Since the photons now are many ultraviolet photons that were energetic
seen in 3K-background radiation are the enough to ionize hydrogen, the most abundant
remnants of equal numbers of particles and element in the universe. Thus began the
antiparticles created during the thermal extended process” re-Ionization” which

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Research & Reviews: Journal of Space Science & Technology
Volume 8, Issue 1
ISSN: 2321-2837 (Online), ISSN: 2321-6506 (Print)

transformed the universe from the completely Lang Gao & Tom Thennus [science 317:14th
cooled and dark material state into the fully Sept: Page1527:2007] studied the early star
ionized medium. Observation of CMB is due formation in the redshift Z=0 and they
to the scattering of CMB photons of free concluded that pristine gas heat and it falls
electrons, phase constraints in the onset of re- into the dark matter potential Well (halos)
ionization. How the first stars formed and how cools radiatively because of formation of
they affected the evolution of cosmos assumes molecular hydrogen and became self-
that dark matter is made up of WIMP-yet gravitating. They told another important
undetected because they interact with normal particle called Gravitinos_ a popular WDM
matter only via gravity and weak nuclear candidate particle with mass MWDM=3Kev-a. a
interactions. A possible WIMP candidate is the free streaming particle of few +_ evs of
Neutrions particles, the lightest superpartner in kelopersec and first stars at redshift Z~200 and
mass supersymmetry theory but not zero rest the growth structure re-simulation in the led to
mass particles [1]. Supersymmetry postulated a pattern of filaments and sheets which is
that for every known particle there must be a familiar from the local large scale distribution
superpartner thus effectively doubling the of Galaxies. In assumed Gaussian spectrum of
mass of the elementary particles. Most of the density perturbation appropriate for an
superparticles that were produced after the Big inflationary model lead collapse along with one
Bang were unstable and decayed. The (sheet) and two (filaments) direction before the
neutrinos are expected to be rather massive formation of Haloes. Altogether the large scale
having roughly the mass of hundreds of filamentary pattern is very similar in CDM
protons, so are a part of cosmos. Most of the &WDM. This structure of filaments themselves
matter in the universe did not interact then was very different. The CDM filaments
with light except gravitationally. These dark fragmented later into numerous nearly spherical
matters assumed to be very intensively cold, high-density regions(haloes) and WDM
that is its velocity dispersion was sufficiently filaments fragmented at redshift Z=23.34 when
small for density perturbation imprinted in the the universe was 140 million years old. Gas and
early universe to persist in a very small scale. Dark matter accreted perpendicular and to the
Dark matter has yet to be detected in the filament axis. Dark matter particles falling into
human laboratories. However, there might filaments performed damped oscillations as the
exist some viable dark matter candidates from potential well deepened. Baryons did not
particle physics that were not cold. They may undergo orbit but gas compressed to a
be termed as Warm Dark Matter (WDM) as temperature T~7000K at γ~ 20Pc. Rapid build-
per present authors. Warm dark matter up of H2 induced cooling and gas started to
particles had intensive thermal velocities and dominate the density.
their motion quenches the growth of structure
below a “free streaming scale” {the distances EARLY STAR FORMATION
over which a typical WDM particles travel}, We generally think of stars in populations.
which depend on the nature of the particle Population III stars were so long the
because small and dark haloes do not form hypothetical first stars in cosmos. These stars
better than free streaming scale. The dark are extremely metal-poor but massive stars
matter haloes that formed the galaxies in a composed of only gases as told. By metals we
WDM model had far fewer substructures and authors talking about elements heavier than
were less concentrated as compared to the cold hydrogen (and helium depending on which
dark matter (CDM) counterparts. The first definition you read and is what we consider to
generation of stars in the universe formed be a non-metal too). All elements heavier than
when primordial gas compressed by falling hydrogen are a by-product or ash from fusion
into these small dark matter potential wells. within the cores of stars. Population II stars
Large scale partner in the spectrum of density group however have also very little metals,
perturbation causes progenitors of present-day and stars in globular clusters are made up of a
clusters of galaxies to be among the first good percentage of such population II stars.
objects to condense out of the initially almost Population II stars are till date considered to
smooth mass distribution. have created all other elements found in the

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The Fate of Our Universe Bhattacharya et al

periodic table beyond hydrogen and helium. Universe" model from SDSS). Within the first
Prior to 1978 or 1979, these were the stars second after the Big Bang, the quark-gluon
thought to be the oldest stars and still are the plasma may have cooled enough for quarks to
oldest observed stars in the observable combine and formed protons (the most
cosmos. Population I stars are considered very common atomic nuclei of hydrogen) and
metal-rich young stars and they include our neutrons. After about three minutes, a small
own Sun and are common in the arms of our portion of the neutrons avoided decay by
galaxy the Milky Way. Many astronomers bonding with protons (to produce deuterons,
have for long theorized existence of first the atomic nuclei of the deuterium form of
generation of such stars - known as Population hydrogen) which underwent rapid reactions to
III stars as stated by me - that was in fact born form helium and a trace of lithium. For a few
out of the primordial materials from the Big hundred thousand years afterward, however,
Bang event. All the heavier chemical elements the universe still remained extremely hot at
- such as oxygen, nitrogen, lithium, carbon and around a billion degrees and so ordinary
iron, which are essential to creating life — matter remained then ionized, as plasma of
were then frozen in the bellies of stars. This positively charged ions and unbound
means that the first stars must have formed out negatively charged electrons. Three to four
of the only elements to exist prior to stars hundred thousand years have then passed
called Proto-stars: hydrogen, helium and trace before continuing cosmological expansion and
amounts of lithium. These Population III stars cooling enabled atomic nuclei to hold onto
would have been enormous -several hundred electrons and create neutral hydrogen and
or even a thousand times more massive than helium gas (along with a trace of lithium at
our Sun is - blazing hot, and transient - around a redshift of z ~ 1,000). Measurements
exploding as supernovae after only about two of the modern universe suggest that, by mass,
million years. But until now the search for about three-fourths of the ordinary matter
physical proof of their existence had been formed from the Big Bang became hydrogen
inconclusive. A team in 2015 led by David while virtually all of the rest became helium;
Sobral, from the Institute of Astrophysics and by number, around nine-tenths of all atoms
Space Sciences, the Faculty of Sciences of the may still be hydrogen, while roughly 9 % has
University of Lisbon in Portugal, and Leiden become helium. After this initial cooling, the
Observatory in the Netherlands, has now used early universe became extremely dark.
ESO’s Very Large Telescope (VLT) to peer Although cosmic microwave background
back into the ancient Universe, to a period radiation from around 380,000 years after the
known as re-ionization, approximately 800 Big Bang suggest that the early universe was
million years after the Big Bang as we told. remarkably smooth, very small-scale density
Instead of conducting a narrow and deep study fluctuations (possibly related to small
of a small area of the sky, they broadened their variations in early cosmological inflation
scope to produce the widest survey of very predicted by quantum mechanics) may have
distant galaxies ever attempted. According to led to uneven concentrations in the primordial
conventional cosmological theory, all space, distribution of matter in the universe, of which
time, and energy began with the Big Bang, around nine-tenths may be comprised of dark
now estimated to have occurred around 13.8 matter (CDM). While particles of ordinary
billion years ago. In a new twist to standard matter readily interact with one another and, if
theoretical models, however, many electrically charged, with electromagnetic
astrophysicists now believe that the universe radiation, dark matter is comprised of particles
may have suddenly inflated (inflation theory that do not react with such radiation, although
of Alan Guth) from a tiny point after this dark matter interacts gravitationally just like
incredible explosion to create dark energy (74 ordinary matter. In theory, gravitational
%) and dark matter (22 %), as well as a small attraction should have caused these dark
amount (04 %) of ordinary matter we see in matter density variations to condense into a
the universe in the form of electrons and network of filaments and sheets over time.
quarks or neutrinos in a superhot plasma (more Unlike ordinary matter, however, the dark
on the proportion of matter in the "Cinderella matter hypothesized by theorists either cannot

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Volume 8, Issue 1
ISSN: 2321-2837 (Online), ISSN: 2321-6506 (Print)

or mostly did not collapse into dense objects microwave background indicate that this
like stars, brown dwarfs, and stellar remnants primordial light was ionized by the first
(white dwarfs, neutron stars, and black holes) generation of stars, which may have come and
Although dark matter is thought to be gone within only 400 million years after the
relatively segregated from ordinary baryonic Big Bang , but further analysis of data led
matter in outer galactic halos and intergalactic astronomers to conclude by March 2006 that
space today, the two may have been mixed ionization may not have occurred as much as
initially. As the dark matter condensed into a 400 million years after the Big Bang latest
denser filamentary network, ordinary matter WMAP results). When this first generation of
made of hydrogen and helium gas also was massive stars lighted up, the so-called "Cosmic
gravitationally attracted by these relative Dark Age" ended. And first light (photon) of
concentrations of dark matter, creating the universe came out. Even then, these stars
Lyman-alpha "forest" clouds of gas. At the were surrounded by a "fog" of light-absorbing
nodes of the dark matter filaments, these gas neutral hydrogen. The first stars, however,
clouds collapsed under gravitation towards of began emitting intense ultraviolet radiation --
the cores of denser clumps of 100,000 to one perhaps as much as a million times that of Sol
million Solar-masses that may have measured - that "re-ionized" neutral hydrogen atoms by
around 30 to 100 light-years across and still energizing electrons away from their proton
consisted mostly of dark matter. As the gas nuclei (Larson and Bromm, Scientific
clouds contracted, compression would have American, December 2001, in pdf). Gradually,
heated the gas to temperatures above 1,000° the first stars created ever-wider bubbles of
Kelvin (727°C or 1,340°F). Some hydrogen clearer space. Since these stars were short-
atoms would have paired up within the dense, lived, it probably took another generation of
hot gas to create molecular hydrogen, which stars and a few hundred million years for that
would then help to cool the densest parts of the hydrogen fog to dissipate, as strong absorption
gas cloud by emitting infrared radiation after of ultraviolet light from quasars dating to 860
collision with atomic hydrogen. Eventually, to 900 million or so years after the Big Bang
the temperature in the densest regions of such suggests that the last patches of neutral
clouds would drop to around 200 to hydrogen were being ionized at that time. On
300°Kelvin (-73 to 27°C or -100 to 80°F), July 31, 2008, a team of astronomers (led by
reducing the gas pressure and allowing the Naoki Yoshida) announced that new
cloud to continue contracting into simulation results which indicate that the first
gravitationally bound clumps The results of stars formed within 300 million years after the
various simulations by several teams of Big Bang. First, "seed" proto-stars formed
astronomers suggest that these nearly "metal- from the collapsing core of gas clouds that go
free" clumps were able to resist fragmentation through a stage as a flattened disc, with two
into smaller clumps. Hence, the first stars trailing spiral arms of gas. Despite having only
(often they are called Population III stars) may 0.1 Solar-mass, the proto-stars quickly "bulked
have been very massive, hot, and bright, with up" on surrounding gases into behemoths of at
100 to 1,000 Solar-masses (more discussion on least 100 Solar-masses within 10,000 years.
Jeans mass and metal-free stars. At least one After a million years as a very bright star,
simulation suggests that only one massive star some of these massive stars may have become
may have formed for each proto-galactic supernovae - depending on their mass On
clump because of resistance to renewed December 3, 2007, a team of theoretical
fragmentation of the star-forming cloud and physicists (including Katherine Freese,
intense radiation once the star is formed. Douglas Spolyar, and Paolo Gondolo) released
Various computer simulations suggest that the the results of a paper which suggests that the
first stars could have appeared between 100 first proto-stars could have been powered by
and 250 million years after the Big Bang when the annihilation of opposite forms of dark
the universe had expanded to at least 1/30 of matter (Weakly Interacting Massive Particles
its present size. In 2003, astronomers or WIMPs, such as neutralinos). In theory,
announced that analyses of NASA's recent each dark matter particle should have its own
WMAP satellite images of the cosmic anti-particle. When such particle pairs meet,

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The Fate of Our Universe Bhattacharya et al

they would annihilate each other, whereby microscopic singularity that grew
one-third of the resulting energy is produced exponentially into the vast cosmos we now see
as neutrinos which escape, one-third becomes today. But what does the future hold with
gamma-ray photons, and the last third humanity and civilization? How will this
becomes electrons and positrons. bubble Universe end is a big question? Will
this Universe end in another singularity called
MULTIPLE AND MINIKWASI “Big Crunch” (Figure 3)or will it expand
BUBBLE UNIVERSE AND THE endlessly or will it expand for some time
POSSIBILITY OF COLLISION WITH [expansion to last until the current Hubble
ANOTHER BUBBLE time, about 1010 years] & then collapse on
Cosmological phase transitions, inflationary itself [let us allow for the expansion to last
cosmology, as well as the putative landscape until the current Hubble time, about 1010
of string theory, all invoke various aspects of years, to accommodate our Universe and then
bubble universe dynamics. In this regard, the collapse] will further expand and continues in
classic works [1, 2] play a key role in that manner or the bubble universe will
understanding the quantum nucleation of coalesce into another growing bubble universe
bubble universes with different scalar field and transfer its 22% dark matter and 4%
expectation values. More recently, the works matter and into that new bubble universe?
[3, 4] gave evidence that a distinct classical
process, involving bubble collisions, provides Theoretical physicists & physicists had been
an alternate - and efficient - the mechanism for thus pondering the ultimate fate of this
moving from one vacuum to another. Recent Universe for thousands of years. In the last
works [3–6] indicate that ultra-relativistic century, cosmologists considered three
bubble collisions provide a mechanism for outcomes for the end of everything, and it all
efficiently moving between vacua. Generally depended on the critical density of the
speaking, an accurate description of the Universe. i) If this critical density was high,
collision between two bubbles embedded in a then there was enough mutual gravity to slow
parent false vacuum requires using the full down expansion and eventually halt the
nonlinear equations of motion. But the ultra- expansion of the universe after 1010
relativistic limit offers a great simplification, years. Billions of years in the future, it would
as the nonlinearities become subdominant [3], then collapse in on itself again, perhaps
and so the solution is given by superposing creating another Big Bang. This is known as a
two single bubble solutions. This is the free closed Universe, and then in that universe, the
passage approximation. final result is the “Big Crunch”. “The Big
Crunch” is thought to be the direct
THE DARK ENERGY AND FATE OF consequence of the Big Bang. In this model,
the expansion of the universe doesn’t continue
forever. After an undetermined amount of time
The fate of the Universe - How the Universe
(possibly 1010 years), when the average density
will End?
Astrophysicists now believe that the ultimate
fate of this Universe depends on three things:
1) The universe’s overall shape, 2) its density,
and 3) How much amount of dark energy the
Universe is truly made of. The first two
scenarios how ever again depend on whether
the universe existing in a “flat” or “open”
“closed” system (one that is negatively curved,
similar to the surface of a saddle). The
evidence that the present bubble of this
Universe began with the Big Bang is very
compelling. 13.8 billion years ago, the entire Fig. 3: Big Crunch, Continue Forever and Big
Universe was then compressed into a Chill.

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Research & Reviews: Journal of Space Science & Technology
Volume 8, Issue 1
ISSN: 2321-2837 (Online), ISSN: 2321-6506 (Print)

of the universe is enough to stop the The universe probably has existed forever,
expansion, the universe will begin the process according to a new model that applies
of collapsing in on itself. Eventually, all of the quantum correction terms to complement
matter and particles in existence will be pulled Einstein's theory of general relativity. The
together into a super dense state (perhaps even model may also account for dark matter and
into a black hole-like singularity). If the dark energy, resolving multiple problems at
critical density becomes low, then there will once. The widely accepted age of the universe,
not be enough gravity to hold things,all matter as estimated by general relativity, is 13.8
together. The expansion will then continue on billion years. In the beginning, everything in
ever and forever. Stars will then die in nova or existence is thought to have occupied a single
supernovas, galaxies will be spread apart, and infinitely dense point, or singularity. Only
everything will cool down to the background after this point began to expand in a "Big
temperature of the Universe. This is an open Bang" did the universe officially begin.
Universe, and such end is known as the” Big
Freeze” . In this scenario, the Universe Although the Big Bang singularity arises
continues to expand at ever increasing speed. directly and unavoidably from the
As this happens the heat will be dispersed mathematics of general relativity, some
throughout space-time as clusters, galaxies, scientists see it as problematic because the
stars, planets, Satellites all are put apart. It will math can explain only what happened
continue to get colder and colder until the immediately after - not at or before - the
temperature throughout the Universe reaches singularity generally accepted view of our
absolute zero (or a point at which, the universe universe (homogeneous, isotropic, spatially
can no longer be exploited to perform work). flat, obeying general relativity, and currently
Similarly, if the expansion of the Universe consisting of about 72% Dark Energy, likely
continues, planets, stars and galaxies are in the form of a cosmological constant Λ ,
pulled so far apart that the stars would about 23% Dark Matter, and the rest
eventually lose access to raw material needed observable matter) implies its small
for star formation, thus the lights inevitably go acceleration, as inferred from Type IA
out for good. This is the point at which the supernova observations, CMBR data and
Universe will reach a maximum state of baryon acoustic oscillations. However, quite a
entropy. Any stars that will remain will few things remain to be better understood, e.g.
continue to slowly burn away until the last star (i) The smallness of Λ, about 10−123 in Planck
is extinguished. Everything will be so far away units (‘the smallness problem’),
that light from distant stars and galaxies will (ii) The approximate equality of vacuum and
never reach to earth due to the expansion of matter density in the current epoch (‘the
the universe. When the universe density is coincidence problem’),
equal to critical density the expansion will (iii) The apparent extreme fine-tuning required
continue but the expansion will eventually in the early universe, to have a spatially
start to decrease gradually, finally when the flat universe in the current epoch (‘the
critical density will become greater than the flatness problem’),
universe the expansion will halt and the (iv) The true nature of dark matter, and
Universe will start to collapse back on itself (v) The beginning of our universe, or the so-
into another singularity “Big Crunch” and it called big-bang. QRE, the second order
will further trigger a next Big Bang. And if Friedmann equation derived from the QRE
the critical density is just right, the Universe’s also contains two quantum correction
expansion goes on forever, but it’s always terms. These terms are generic and
slowing down, reaching a dead stop in an unavoidable and follow naturally in a
infinite amount of time. This creates a Flat quantum mechanical description of our
Universe… also a Big Freeze. And our universe. Of these, the first can be
universe is a Flat type Universe fortunately as interpreted as cosmological constant or
shown above and WIMP study by NASA’s dark energy of the correct (observed)
WMPA spacecraft. magnitude and a small mass of the

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The Fate of Our Universe Bhattacharya et al

graviton (or axion). The second quantum satisfactory theory of quantum gravity is
correction term pushes back the time formulated. For the cosmological constant
singularity indefinitely and predicts an problem at late times, on the other hand,
everlasting universe. While inhomogeneous quantum gravity effects are practically
or anisotropic perturbations are not absent and can be safely ignored. We hope
expected to significantly affect these to report on these and related issues
results, it would be useful to redo the elsewhere.
current study with such small
perturbations to rigorously confirm that REFERENCES
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