Stotra Sangraha - Edition6.2-19 Oct 2020

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॥स्तोत्र सङ्ग्रहीः॥
॥Stotra Saṅgrahaḥ॥

वटववटविसमरिे भूवमभागे विषण्णं सकलमविजिािां ज्ञािधातारमारात ।्

वत्रभविग रुु मरशं दविणामूर्ततदेव ं जििमरणदीःखच्छेददिं िमावम ॥
vaṭaviṭapisamīpe bhūmibhāge niṣaṇṇaṁ
sakalamunijanānāṁ jñānadhātāramārāt |
tribhuvanagurumīśaṁ dakṣiṇāmūrtidevaṁ
jananamaraṇaduḥkhacchedadakṣaṁ namāmi ||

आत्माम्भोधेस्तरङ्गोऽस्म्यहवमवत गमिे भावयन्नासिस्थीः

संववत्सूत्रािववद्धो मवणरहवमवत वाऽस्मरवियार्थप्रतरतौ ।
दृष्टोऽस्म्यात्मावलोकावदवत शयिववधौ मग्न आिन्दवसन्धौ
अन्तर्तिष्ठो ममु ि
ु ीःु स खलु तिभृ
ु तां यो ियत्येवमायीःु ॥
- Shatashloki verse 12 - by Adi Shankara
ātmāmbhodhestaraṅgo'smyahamiti gamane bhāvayannāsanasthaḥ
saṁvitsūtrānuviddho maṇirahamiti vā'smīndriyārthapratītau |
dṛṣṭo'smyātmāvalokāditi śayanavidhau magna ānandasindhau
antarniṣṭho mumukṣuḥ sa khalu tanubhṛtāṁ yo nayatyevamāyuḥ ||

That aspirant for Moksham who, when moving around in the world
(engaged in activities) looks upon himself as a wave in the ocean of
Consciousness (Atman), when just sitting contemplates of himself as a
gem strung on the unbreakable thread of Consciousness (like pearls on a
string), when perceiving some external object, sees all objects as Atman
alone and when sleeping considers himself as immersed in the ocean of
Ananda that is Atman and, spends his life in this manner is the one who
is established in the indwelling Self.

In the year 1932, Jagadguru Sri Chandrashekhara Bharati Mahaswami

had graced his shishya, Jagadguru Sri Abhinava Vidyatirtha Mahaswami
with a teaching on the contemplation on Atman using the above Shloka.




॥ श्री॒गी॒ रुु ी॒ भ्ोी॒िी॒मी॒ । हवरीः ओ(४)म ॥
|| śrī̱ gu̱ru̱bhyo̱na̱ma̱ḥ | hariḥ o(4)m ||

सदात्मध्यािविरतं ववषयेभ्ीः िराङ्मखमु ्। अिारकरुणावसन्ध ं ु ज्ञािदं शान्तरूविणम ।्

िौवम शास्त्रेष ु विष्णातं चिशेखरभारतरम ॥् श्रचिशेखरगरुु ं प्रणमावम मदान्वहम
ु ्

sadātmadhyānanirataṁ apārakaruṇāsindhuṁ
viṣayebhyaḥ parāṅmukham | jñānadaṁ śāntarūpiṇam |
naumi śāstreṣu niṣṇātaṁ śrīcandraśekharaguruṁ
candraśekharabhāratīm || praṇamāmi mudānvaham ||

॥ब्रह्म सत्यं जगविथ्या जरवो ब्रह्मवै नािरीः॥

||brahma satyaṁ jaganmithyā jīvo brahmaiva nāparaḥ||

वववेवकिं महाप्रज्ञं ध ैयौदायथिमाविवधम ।् यस्य स्मरण मात्रेण द्वैत वासिा प्रम ुच्यते ।
सदावभिविूवं तं ववद्यातरर्थगरुु ं भजे ॥ बोधात्मकाय िमस्तस्म ै भगवते श्रीरमणमहर्षे॥
vivekinaṁ mahāprajñaṁ yasya smaraṇa mātreṇa
dhairyaudāryakṣamānidhim | dvaita vāsanā pramucyate |
sadābhinavapūrvaṁ taṁ bodhātmakāya namastasmai
vidyātīrthaguruṁ bhaje || bhagavate ramaṇamahariṣe ||

भारतर करुणािात्रं भारतर िदभूषणम ।् तदन्तेवावसवयथञ्च जरवोद्धारणतत्परम ।्
भारतर िदमारूढं भारतर तरर्थमाश्ये ॥ श्रजयेिगरुु ं िूज्य ं प्रणमावम मदान्वहम
ु ्

bhāratī karuṇāpātraṁ ` tadantevāsivaryañca
bhāratī padabhūṣaṇam | jīvoddhāraṇatatparam |
bhāratī padamārūḍhaṁ śrījayendraguruṁ pūjyaṁ
bhāratī tīrthamāśraye || praṇamāmi mudānvaham ||

ववद्याववियसम्पन्नं वरतरागं वववेवकिम।् चतदथु शवयीः प्राप्त सन्यासं समहामवतम

ु ।्
ु खरभारतरम॥्
वन्दे वेदान्ततत्वज्ञं ववधशे िमावम शङ्करारम्भं ववजयेिसरस्वतरम ॥ ्
vidyāvinayasampannaṁ caturdaśavayaḥ prāpta
vītarāgaṁ vivekinam| sanyāsaṁ sumahāmatim |
vande vedāntatatvajñaṁ namāmi śaṅkarārambhaṁ
vidhuśekharabhāratīm|| vijayendrasarasvatīm ||

1st Edition – Nov 2012

5.1 Edition – Apr 2019
6.1 Edition - Aprr 2020

INTRODUCTION ............................................................................... 12
NON-TRANSLATABLES ................................................................... 15
1. प्रार्थिा (prārthanā) .......................................................................... 18

2. ु
गरुिरम्परा ्
स्मरणम (guruparamparā smaraṇam) ............................ 19

3. शृङ्गेररशारदािरठ – वबरुदावलर (śṛṅgerīśāradāpīṭha-birudāvalī) ................. 26

4. ्
काञ्चरकामकोवटिरठ - स्ववस्त वाचिम (kāñcīkāmakoṭipīṭha- svasti vācanam)
5. गरुु प्रातीः स्मरण श्लोकीः (guru prātaḥ smaraṇa ślokaḥ) – by Sri Jnananada
Bharati.................................................................................................. 31

6. िरब्रह्म प्रातीः स्मरण स्तोत्रम (parabrahma prātaḥ smaraṇa stotram) - by
Adi Shankara ........................................................................................ 32
VINAYAKA STOTRAS .............................................................. 34
7. ववघ्नेश्वर षोडशिामस्तोत्रम ् (vighneśvara ṣoḍaśanāmastotram) ......... 35

8. ्
सङ्कटिाशि गणेशस्तोत्रम (sankaṭanāśana gaṇeśa stotram).................... 36

9. ऋणववमोचि गणेश स्तोत्रम (ṛṇa vimocana gaṇeśa stotram) – from
Krishnayaamalatantra ........................................................................... 38
10. ्
महागणेशिञ्चरत्नस्तोत्रम (mahāgaṇeśapañcaratnastotram) – by Adi
Shankara .............................................................................................. 41
11. ्
गणावधििञ्चरत्नम (gaṇādhipapañcaratnam) – by Nrisimha Bharati
Mahaswami .......................................................................................... 45
GURU STOTRAS ......................................................................... 49
12. गरुु गरत (guru gīta) – Selected verses ......................................... 55

13. ु
गरुस्तोत्रम ्
(gurustotram) ............................................................ 56

14. ु
गरुिादकास्तोत्रम ्
(gurupādukāastotram) – by Nrisimha Bharati
Mahaswami .......................................................................................... 60
15. ्
तोटकाष्टकम (toṭakāṣṭakam) – by Sri Totakacharya .................... 64

16. ्
मिरषािञ्चकम (manīṣāpañcakam) – by Adi Shankara ................. 67
DEVI STOTRAS .......................................................................... 74
17. ्
लवलतािञ्चकम (lalitāpañcakam) – by Adi Shankara.................... 76

18. आिन्दसागरस्तवीः (ānandasāgarastavaḥ) - by Neelakanta Dikshitar

(Selected Verses) .................................................................................. 79
19. शारदाभजं ्
ु गप्रयाताष्टकम (śāradābhujaṁgaprayātāṣṭakam) – by Adi
Shankara.............................................................................................. 84
20. ्
कामाविस्तोत्रम (kāmākṣistotram) – by Sri Anantharama Dikshitar
21. मरिािरिञ्चरत्नम ् (mīnākṣīpañcaratnam) - by Adi Shankara........ 91

22. ्
मरिािरस्तोत्रम (mīnākṣīstotram) - by Adi Shankara (Selected
Verse) 94
23. ु (sarasvatī stutiḥ) - by Sage Agastya .................... 95
सरस्वतर स्तवतीः

24. ्
दगाथ िञ्चरत्नम (durgā pañcaratnam) – by Mahaperiyava of Kanchi 96

25. मूकिञ्चाशवत (mūkapañcāśati) - by Muka Kavi (selected verses) .... 98

26. ्
कमलजदवयताष्टकम (kamalajadayitāṣṭakam) - by Sri Nrisimha
Bharati Mahaswami........................................................................... 105
27. ्
अम्बािञ्चरत्नम (ambāpañcaratnam) - by Adi Shankara................. 106

28. ्
अन्निूणाथस्तोत्रम (annapūrṇāstotram) - by Adi Shankara ............... 109

29. िवरत्नमावलका (navaratnamālikā) – by Adi Shankara .................. 115

30. ्
किकधारास्तोत्रम (kanakadhārāstotram) – by Adi Shankara ......... 120

31. भवान्यष्टकं (bhavānyaṣṭakaṁ)– by Adi Shankara ......................... 129

32. ु न्दररवे
वत्रिरस ु ्
दिादस्तोत्रम (tripurasundarīvedapādastotram) – by
Adi Shankara ...................................................................................... 133
VISHNU STOTRAS................................................................... 171
33. ्
कृ ष्णाष्टकम (kṛṣṇāṣṭakam) ............................................................ 173

34. ्
रङ्गिार्ाष्टकम (raṅganāthāṣṭakam) - by Adi Shankara ............... 176

35. ्
गोववन्दाष्टकम (govindāṣṭakam) - by Adi Shankara .................... 179

36. ु
मधराष्टकम ्
(madhurāṣṭakaṁ) – by Sri Vallabhacharya ............ 184

37. ्
रामस्तोत्रम (rāmastotram) ........................................................... 186

38. आत्मारामश्लोकीः (ātmārāmaślokaḥ) – by Adi Shankara ................. 188

39. ्
एकश्लोकर रामायणम (ekaślokī rāmāyaṇam)..................................... 189

40. ्
एकश्लोकर महाभारतम (ekaślokī mahābhāratam).............................. 189

41. ्
एकश्लोकर भागवतम (ekaślokī bhāgavatam) ..................................... 190

42. भागवत मवहमा (bhāgavata mahimā) - Bhagavatam 1.1.3 ............. 191

43. ्
िरससहमन्त्रम (narasiṁhamantram) .............................................. 191

44. िरससहध्यािश्लोकीः (narasiṁhadhyānaślokaḥ) ................................. 191

45. मन्त्रराजिदस्तोत्रम ् (mantrarājapada stotram)– from Paancharaatra

Agama 193
46. रासक्ररड (rāsakrīḍa)– by Narayana Bhattattiri ........................... 196

47. ु
ववष्णषट्पदर ्
स्तोत्रम (viṣṇuṣaṭpadī stotram)– by Adi Shankara ......... 203

48. ु
अच्यताष्टकम ्
(acyutāṣṭakam) ....................................................... 206

49. ्
द्वादशिाम िञ्जरम (dvādaśanāma pañjaram) .................................. 209

50. ु
गरुवाति ु
ररशिञ्चरत्नम ्
(guruvātapurīśapañcaratnam) - by Anantarama
Dikshitar ............................................................................................ 211
SHIVA STOTRAS ...................................................................... 215
51. दविणामूर्तत ध्यािश्लोकाीः (dakṣiṇāmūrti dhyānaślokāḥ) .................... 218

52. ्
दविणामूर्ततस्तोत्रम (dakṣiṇāmūrtistotram) - by Adi Shankara ........ 220

53. ्
वशवािराधिमािणस्तोत्रम (śivāparādhakṣamāpaṇastotram)– by Adi
Shankara............................................................................................ 225
54. वशवािन्दलहरर (śivānandalaharī) – by Adi Shankara (Selected
verses) 235
55. ्
वबल्वाष्टकम (bilvāṣṭakam) ............................................................ 240

56. ्
वलङ्गाष्टकम (liṅgāṣṭakam) .......................................................... 243

57. रुद्राष्टकम –् by Goswami Tulasidas ............................................. 246

58. ्
वशवस्तोत्रम (śivastotram) – by Sadashiva Brahmendra .............. 250

59. वशवमािसिूजा (śivamānasapūjā) – by Adi Shankara ............... 253

60. ्
वशविञ्चािरस्तोत्रम (śivapañcākṣarastotra) – by Adi Shankara... 256

61. ्
द्वादशज्योवतर्तलङ्गस्मरणम (dvādaśajyotirliṅgasmaraṇaṁ) – by Adi
Shankara............................................................................................ 258
62. ्
वेदसारवशवस्तोत्रम (vedasāraśivastotram) – by Adi Shankara .... 260

63. कै लासिवत प्रार्थिा (kailāsapatiprārthanā) .................................. 265

64. ्
अधथिाररश्वरस्तोत्रम (ardhanārīśvarastotram) - by Adi Shankara .... 265

65. ्
कालभ ैरवाष्टकम (kālabhairavāṣṭakam) – by Adi Shankara ............ 268

66. ्
वैद्यिार्ाष्टकम (vaidyanāthāṣṭakam) ............................................. 273

67. ु
माग थबन्धस्तोत्रम ्
(mārgabandhustotram) - by Appayya Dikshitar .. 276

68. ्
दावरद्र्य दहि वशवस्तोत्रम (dāridrya dahana śivastotram) - by Vasishta
69. वेदिादस्तवीः (vedapādastavaḥ) - by Maharshi Jaimini ................. 283
SUBRAMANYADI DEVATA STOTRAS ............................ 332
70. ु
सब्रह्मण्यभ ु
जङ्गम ्
(subrahmaṇyabhujaṅgam) – by Adi Shankara..... 333

71. ु
सब्रह्मण्यकरावलम्बस्तोत्रम ्
(subramaṇyakarāvalambastotram) ......... 347

72. ्
आवदत्यहृदयम (ādityahṛdayam) - from Ramayanam ................... 351

73. ु
धमथशास्तीःिञ्चरत्नम ्
(dharmaśāstuḥpañcaratnam) ........................... 360

74. ्
हवरहरात्मजाष्टकम (hariharātmajāṣṭakam)– by Kambankudi Kulattur
Iyer 363
75. ु
हिमत्स्त ु (hanumatstutiḥ) ....................................................... 366
PRAKARANA SECTION ........................................................ 371
76. ्
उिदेश िञ्चकम (upadeśa pañcakam) – by Adi Shankara ............... 371

77. ्
उिदेशसारम (upadeśasāram) – by Ramana Maharshi ................ 373

78. वववेकचूडामवण (vivekacūḍāmaṇi) – by Adi Shankara (Selected

verses) 380
79. ब्रह्मज्ञािावलरमाला (brahmajñānāvalīmālā) – by Adi Shankara....... 388

80. ु
ब्रह्मािवचन्तिम ्
(brahmānucintanam)– by Adi Shankara ............... 395

81. माण्डूक्य कावरका - आगम प्रकरण (māṇḍūkya kārikā (āgama prakaraṇa) -

by Gaudapada ..................................................................................... 403
82. दशश्लोकर/विवाथण दशकम ् (daśaślokī)– by Adi Shankara .................. 407

83. सवथवदे ान्तवसद्धान्तसारसंग्रहीः

(sarvavedāntasiddhāntasārasaṁgrahaḥ) –by Adi Shankara (Selected
verses) 412

84. गरताध्याि श्लोकाीः (gītādhyāna ślokāḥ) – by Madhusudhana
Saraswati ........................................................................................... 414
85. प्रधाि गरता श्लोकाीः (pradhāna gītā ślokāḥ) ................................ 418

86. भगवद्गरता - द्वादशोऽध्यायीः – 12th Chapter....................................... 422

87. भगवद्गरता - िञ्चदशोऽध्यायीः – 15th Chapter...................................... 428

88. एकश्लोकर (ekaślokī) – by Adi Shankara ................................... 434

89. िरािूजा (parā pūjā) – by Adi Shankara ................................... 435

90. ्
तस्मात जाग्रत जाग्रत (tasmāt jāgrata jāgrata) – by Adi Sankara .... 437
APPENDIX.................................................................................... 440
91. ्
लवलता सहस्रिामस्तोत्रम (lalitā sahasranāmastotram) .................... 440

92. महालक्ष्म्यष्टकम ् (mahālakṣmyaṣṭakam) ........................................ 489

93. लक्ष्म्यष्टोत्तरशतिाम स्तोत्रम ् (lakṣmyaṣṭottaraśatanāma stotram)..... 491

94. ्
सरस्वत्यष्टोत्तर शतिामस्तोत्रम (sarasvatyaṣṭottara śatanāmastotram)
95. ु (देवर माहत्म्यम )् - aparājita stutiḥ .......................... 501
अिरावजत स्तवतीः

96. मवहषासरमर्त ्
ु दविस्तोत्रम (mahiṣāsuramardinistotram) ...................... 506

97. िवरत्नमाला (navaratnamālā) - by Kalidasa ................................. 513

98. सौन्दयथलहरर (saundaryalaharī) .................................................... 514

99. ्
श्यामला दण्डकम (śyāmalā daṇḍakam)......................................... 553

100. ु
ववष्णसहस्रिामस्तोत्रम ्
(viṣṇusahasranāmastotram) ................... 565

101. भजिावि (bhajanāni) .................................................................. 605

102. मङ्गलश्लोकाीः (maṅgalaślokāḥ) ...................................................... 609

103. ्
िमािण स्तोत्रम (kṣamāpaṇa stotram).......................................... 610


॥ श्री॒गी॒ रुु ी॒ भ्ोी॒िी॒मी॒ । हवरीः ओ(४)म ॥॥श्र महागणितये िमीः॥
|| śrī̱gu̱ru̱bhyo̱na̱ma̱ḥ | hariḥ o(4)m ||||śrī mahāgaṇapataye

(Adapted from a lecture by Swami Paramarthananda Saraswati)

In our tradition Ishwara Puja or Ishwara Aradhana is a Nithyakarma

(compulsory ritual). This is made compulsory because this is one
exercise where we invoke our relationship with the Lord. Every
relationship in our life is important but the relationship with Ishwara
is the most fundamental and permanent relationship. So scriptures
point out to keep this relationship active and well nourished. One way
of invoking the relationship with the Lord and nourishing it is by
awakening the Bhakta in an individual through regular puja. For the
sake of puja the scriptures attribute special forms to the formless
Brahman. This is the uniqueness of Vedic religion. Knowing that
Ishwara is formless, Veda has deliberately superimposed special forms
and fantastic features to the Lord. Since the human mind seeks variety
and may not accept a single form, the scriptures attribute multiple
forms like Shiva, Krishna, Devi, Narasimha, Ardhanareeshwara etc. It is
to be noted that all forms are manifestations of the one and only
Brahman and the seeming differences are only in names and forms.
There are absolutely no superior-inferior conflicts between forms.
Each seeker has his or her own Ishta Devata, which is the form most
appealing to the seeker’s mind for Puja and contemplation.

The path and the goal of Ishwara puja is very clear from the scriptures.
Though it might start as a mechanical activity or activity performed
desiring material benefits (Kamya Puja), as we progress we should aim
to achieve Nishkayma Puja. Performance of Nishkamya Puja purifies the
Chitta, take one to the company of Sadhus. This will be followed by
Vedanta Vicharam and ultimately lead to the final Purushartha –

Nishkamya Puja Purification (Chitta Shuddi & Chitta Ekagrata) +
Satsangam  Vedanta Vicharam  Vishwarupa Ishwara Darshanam 
Ishwara Aikyam/Moksham.

It is certain that a sincere spiritual aspirant will tread the path and
reach the goal by the grace of Ishwara and careful practice.

“Stotra Sangraha” is a collection of Stotras taught in the “Veda-

Melbourne Group”, Australia. Stotras and Veda Mantras are taught with
the intention that the seeker adopts them as part of Nithya Upasana,
reflect on the deeper meaning, digest and internalize the same. Many
topics related to Dharma Shastra, teachings of Mahatmas and Vedanta
are also discussed/taught in the class for instigating the spiritual
thought process in the mind of the seeker.

The compilation is divided into three main sections:

 Stotra Section – consists of Stotras on Guru, Vinayaka, Ambal,
Vishnu, Shiva and other Devatas. These are presented in
Devanagari with simple English translation and transliteration
in English. Few rare Stotras like Jaimini Vedapada Stava and
Tripura Sundari Vedapada Stava are also included in this
 Prakarana Section – has few important texts dealing with
Advaita Vedanta
 Appendix – comprises Vishnu Sahasranma, Lalitha
Sahasranama, Soundarya Lahari, few Ashtottaras etc.

The English translations for the Stotras are based on the Upanyasams
of Swami Paramarthananda Saraswati, Dr. N. Veezhinathan, Brahmasri
Sundarkumar Dikshitar, Dr.K. Ramasubramaniam and translations of
Sri. P.R. Ramachander Iyer. Deep gratitude to all these Mahatmas.

iTranslator-2003 (free utility which converts iTRANS font encoded

texts into Devanagari script) has been used to generate the Devanagari
contents. Thanks to for developing
and making the utility freely available. Sincere apologies in advance for
any mistakes or typos that might have crept in to the compilation.

॥ हवरि॑ ओ(३)म ॥
् ॥शम॥्

This section on “Non-Translatables” is inspired by the book “Being
Different” by Sri Rajiv Malhotra (of Infinity Foundation). Deep gratitude
to Rajivji for publishing well researched books on various aspects of
Indian culture, Dharma, Sanskrit etc. and bringing to light the
denigration and undermining done to Indian tradition by many Western
Authors/researchers, Social Scientists, Colonial Indologists and others.

Because of the popularity of English language, unfortunately there is a

habit of indiscriminately finding an English counter-part for Sanskrit
words. In this process many of the terminologies used in our Shastra
gets stripped of their distinctive, traditional meaning. Eventually, the
original Sanskrit word and its meaning get diluted, digested and
eventually disappears. Holding on to the Sanskrit terms and thereby
preserving the complete meanings helps in retaining our identities.
The following table lists a set of words frequently used in our Shastras,
their original meanings (based on Tattvabodha and other texts) and the
wrong English term used to denote the word (this is not an exhaustive
list). In the foot notes, the meanings of the English words as per the
Abrahmic religion is provided. This will clearly establish why the
English words cannot be used interchangeably with the Sanskrit

In this compilation, as much as possible the original Sanskrit words are

retained for the Non-Translatables.

Sanskrit Original Meaning Incorrect

Word English Word
Brahman Satyam-Jnanam-Anantam (Nirguna God 1
Ishwara Brahman endowed with Maya Shakti God 1
(Saguna Brahman) Ex: Vishnu –
sustainence, Shiva – involution,
Brahma – evolution, Subrahmanya,
Amba etc.
Purana Ancient dharmic scriptures containing Myth
the essence of the Vedas

Jiva Individual identifying with Shariras Soul 2
and enlivened in the presence of Atma
Atma Self Knowledge. Self is not an object to Self Realisation,
Jnanam be experienced Enlightenment
Moksha Freedom from sense of limitations Salvation3
Mithya That which constantly changes in time False
Maya Potential of Brahman to manifest as Magic/Illussion
Shubh In Hindu tradition, death is only for RIP 4
Gati/Sadh body. Based on Karma of the
Gati/Videha individual, the circle of life continues
Mukti for the Ajnani. A Jnani is already a
Jivan Mukta.
Shraddha Holding with conviction the words of Faith
Shastra and Guru to be True is called
Yoga Quieting the fluctuations in the mind Body postures
Yajna “To offer”. Any sacrifice which can Fire ritual
draw down the grace of
Ishwara/Rishis/Pitrus etc.
Mantra By the Manana (constant thinking or Spell
recollection) of which one is protected
is Mantra.

1. God - In Christianity there is only one God who created this

2. Soul - the spiritual or immaterial part of a human being.
Christianity teaches that the souls are created when the
physical bodies are created. Animals, plants etc. does not have
a Soul as per Christianity.
3. Salvation - Deliverance from paapa and its consequences,
believed by Christians to be brought about by faith only in
Christ. According to Christinity, all humans are original
sinners and Jesus is the only savior who can take one to
4. RIP – In Abrahmic theology, there is no concept of Karma or
Rebirth. They believe that the dead lie in rest until

“Judgement” day when they will raise from their graves. This
RIP is completely irrelevant for people in Sanathana Dharma.

1. प्रार् थनााः (prārthanāh)

॥ श्री॒गी॒ रुु ी॒ भ्ोी॒िी॒मी॒ । हवरीः ओ(४)म ॥

ु महाकाय कोवटसूय थ समप्रभ ।

विर्तवघ्नङ्कुरुमेदवे सवथकायेष ु सवथदा ॥
श्र महागणितये िमीः ॥
vakratuṇḍa mahākāya koṭisūrya samaprabha |
nirvighnaṅkumedeva sarvakāryeṣu sarvadā ||
śrī mahāgaṇapataye̱ namaḥ ||

O Lord Ganesha having a curved trunk, large body and the effulgence of
millions of Suryas, please make all my activities, always free of obstacles.

ु सवथ लोकािां वभषजे भवरोवगणाम ।्

विधये सवथ ववद्यािान्दविणामूतयथ े िमीः ॥
ु िमीः ॥
gurave sarva lokānāṁ bhiṣaje bhavarogiṇāṁ |
nidhaye sarva vidyānāndakṣiṇāmūrttaye namaḥ ||
asmad gurucaraṇāravindābhyāṁ namaḥ ||

I prostrate to Dakshinamurti, who is the Guru of all the worlds, who is the
physician to those afflicted with the disease of worldly existence
(Samsaara), who is the abode of all knowledge. I offer my namaskaras to
the feet of my Guru.

ु वरदे कामरूविणर ।
सरस्वतर िमस्तभ्ं
ु सदा ॥
ववद्यारम्भङ्कवरष्यावम वसवद्धभथवतमे
श्र महासरस्वत्य ै िमीः ॥
sarasvatī namastubhyaṁ varade kāmarūpiṇī |
vidyārambhaaghnaṅkariṣyāmi siddhirbhavatumesadā ||
śrī mahāsarasvatyai namaḥ ||

Prostrations to Sarasvati, the granter of boons, the fulfiller of all Dharmic

desires. I am beginning my studies, may there be always success for me. I
offer my namaskaras to Sri Mahasarasvati.

ज्ञािािन्दमयं देवं विमथल स्पवटकाकृ वतम ।्

आधारं सवथववद्यािां हयग्ररवमिास्महे ॥
श्र हयग्ररवमूतयथ े िमीः ॥
jñānānandamayaṁ devaṁ nirmala spaṭikākṛtiṁ |
ādhāraṁ sarvavidyānāṁ hayagrīvamupāsmahe ||
śrī hayagrīva mūrtaye namaḥ ||

I worship Lord Hayagriva, who is embodiment of knowledge, who is pure

as a crystal and who is the basis of all knowledge. I offer my worship to
Sri Hayagriva.

2. ु
गरुिरम्परा ्
स्मरणम (guruparamparā
सदावशव समारम्भां शङ्कराचायथ मध्यमाम ।्

अस्मदाचायथ ियथन्तां वन्दे गरुु िरम्पराम ॥
sadāśiva samārambhāṁ śaṅkarācārya madhyamām |
asmadācārya paryantāṁ vande guru paramparām ||

I worship the Guru lineage, beginning from Lord Sri Sadashiva with Adi
Shankara in the middle (being pivotal) and continuing up to my
immediate Acharya.
िारायणं िद्मभवंु ववशष्टं शसिं च तत्पत्रु िराशरं च
व्यासं शकंु गौडिदं महान्तं गोववन्द योगरिमर्ास्य वशष्यम ।्
श्र शङ्कराचायथमर्ास्य िद्मिादं च हस्तामलकं च वशष्यं
तं तोटकं वार्तर्ककारं अन्यािस्मद्गरून्सन्ततमाितोवस्म
ु ॥
nārāyaṇaṁ padmabhuvaṁ vaśiṣṭaṁ
śaktiṁ ca tatputra parāśaraṁ ca
vyāsaṁ śukaṁ gauḍapadaṁ mahāntaṁ
govinda yogīndramathāsya śiṣyam |
śrī śaṅkarācāryamathāsya padmapādaṁ ca
hastāmalakaṁ ca śiṣyam
taṁ toṭakaṁ vārthikakāraṁ
anyānasmad gurūn santatamānatosmi ||

I repeatedly offer my prostrations to the Guru lineage of Lord Narayana,

Lord Brahma, Vashishta, Shakti Maharsi, Parashara, Vyasa, Shuka,
Gaudapada, Govinda Bhagavatpada, Adi Shankara and his disciples
Padmapada, Hastamalaka, Totaka & Sureshwaracharya (Varthikakara
– the one who has written explanatory notes on Adi Shankara’s
commentary) and all other Gurus in the tradition.

श्वु तस्मृवत िराणािामालयं

ु करुणालयम ।्
िमावम भगवत्पादशङ्करं लोकशङ्करम ॥्
śrutismṛti purāṇānāṁālayaṁ karuṇālayam |
namāmi bhagavatpādaśaṅkaraṁ lokaśaṅkaram ||

Prostrations to Shankara Bhagavatpada, the abode of Vedas (Shruti),

Smriti (Shastras like Manu Smruti, Bhagavadgita etc.) & Puranas. The
abode of compassion, who bestows auspiciousness to the world.

शङ्करं शङ्कराचायं के शवं बादरायणम ।्

ु ििीः
सूत्र भाष्य कृ तौ वन्दे भगवन्तौ ििीः ु ॥
śaṅkaraṁ śaṅkarācāryaṁ keśavaṁ bādarāyaṇam |
sūtra bhāśya kṛtau vande bhagavantau punaḥ punaḥ ||

My repeated prostrations to Sri Veda VyAsa, the author of the Brahma

sutras, who is none other than Lord Vishnu and Sri Adi Shankara, the
commentator on those sutras, who is none other than Lord Shiva.

शङ्कारूिेण मवित्तं िङ्करकृ तमभूद्यया ।

वकङ्करर यस्य सा माया शङ्कराचायथमाश्ये ॥
śaṅkārūpeṇa maccittaṁ paṅkīkṛtamabhūdyayā |
kiṅkarī yasya sā māyā śaṅkarācāryamāśraye ||

The tricky Maya that cleverly deludes; And raises storms of dismay in my
mind, That Maya is his servant maid; Prostrations to Sankaracharya !

॥काञ्चर शङ्कराचायथ स्मरणम ॥
॥kāñcī śaṅkarācārya smaraṇam॥
अिार करुणा वसन्ध ं ु ज्ञािदं शान्तरूविणम ।्
श्रचिशेखरगरुु ं प्रणमामम मदाऽन्वहम
ु ्

apāra karuṇā sindhuṁ jñāna daṁ śāntarūpiṇam |
śrīcandraśekharaguruṁ praṇamāmi mudānvaham ||

I offer my prostrations with great cheer to Sri Chandrashekarendra

Saraswati Mahaswami, who is an ocean of compassion, bestower of
Jnaana and the very form of peace

पमित्यज्य मौनं वटाधाः मितिं च व्रजन्भाििंस्य प्रदेशात्प्रदेशम।्

मधस्य ्
ु मन्दवाचा जनान्धमममार्गे नयन श्रीजये ु मिं मचत्ते॥
न्द्रो र्गरुर्ाम
parityajya maunaṁ vaṭādhaḥ sthitiṁ ca
vrajanbhāratasya pradeśātpradeśam |
madhusyandivācā janāndharmamārge
nayan śrījayendro gururbhāti citte ||

Pujya Sri Guru Jayendra Saraswathi, who gave up his silence and the stay
at the foot of the banyan tree (Sri Dakshinamurthy), moving from place
to place in the vast Bharata Desa, leading people in the path of Dharma
through his honey-soaked words, shines brilliantly in my mind.

नमामाः शङ्किान्वाख्य मवजयेन्द्र सिस्विंीम।्

ु िंािं सन्ममिंप्रदम॥्
श्रीर्गरुु ं मशष्टमार्गामनने
namāmaḥ śaṅkarānvākhya vijayendra sarasvatīm |
śrīguruṁ śiṣṭamārgānunetāraṁ sanmatipradam ||

We offer prostrations to Sri Guru Vijayendra Saraswati Swamigal who

bestows the righteous living as taught by the great Sankara and who
leads the devotees in the righteous path by his own example.

श्र चिशेखर-जयेि-शङ्करेत्याकृ वतवत्रतयभृत त्रयरव यीः।
ु भाष्यकृ त क
कामकोवटिदभूषणो गरुीः ् ु वलयं ििात
ु ु सीः॥
śrī candraśekhara-jayendra-śaṅkaretyākṛtitritayabhṛt trayīva yaḥ |
kāmakoṭipadabhūṣaṇo guruḥ bhāṣyakṛt kuvalayaṁ punātu saḥ ||
- Kanchi Mahaperiyava
Like the single Veda appearing in three forms (Trayee – Rig, Yajus and
Saama) – One Adi Shankara appears in three forms as Sri
Chandrashekara Saraswati Mahaswami, Sri Jayendra Saraswati
Mahaswami, and Sri Shankara Vijayendra Saraswati Mahaswami. May
that Adi Shankara who adorned the Kamakoti (Kamakshi) Peetha, wrote
commentaries, purify the entire universe.

(Note: Once in Kanchi Matham, there was a request to have a shloka
printed in a calendar describing the greatness of Kamakshi, Adi Shankara
and Acharyas of Kanchi. Vidwans composed Shlokas with many verses
and took it to Mahaperiyava for approval. Mahaperiyva told them that it
has to be only 1 verse and then HH himself composed the above Shloka.
This incident is as narrated by Brahmasri Mullaivasal Krishnamurthy

॥शृङ्गेरर शङ्कराचायथ स्मरणम ॥
॥śṛṅgerī śaṅkarācārya smaraṇam ॥
प्रह्लादवरदो देवो यो िृससहीः िरो हवरीः ।
िृससहोिासकं वित्यं तं िृससहगरुु ं भजे ॥
prahlādavarado devo yo nṛsiṁhaḥ paro hariḥ |
nṛsiṁhopāsakaṁ nityaṁ taṁ nṛsiṁhaguruṁ bhaje ||

He’s Hari who protected Prahlada; The lion who quells the foes of
Shraddha and Truth; The worshipper of Nrisimha the Lord. My
prostrations to Guru (Vruddha) Nrisimha Bharati !

श्रसविदािन्दवशवावभिव्यिृससहभारत्यवभधाि यतरिाि ।्

ववद्याविधरि मन्त्रविधरि ्
सदात्मविष्ठाि ् मािवशंभरूिाि
भजे ु ्

śrīsaccidānandaśivābhinavyanṛsiṁhabhāratyabhidhān yatīndrān
vidyānidhīn mantranidhīn sadātmaniṣṭhān bhaje
mānavaśaṁbhurūpān ||

I worship Sacchidananda Shiva Abhinava Nrisimha Bharati, the Self-

immersed Shiva in human form; Treasure of learning, treasure of mantric
lore; King of Sages.

ु ।्
सदात्मध्यािविरतं ववषयेभ्ीः िराङ्मखम
िौवम शास्त्रेष ु विष्णातं चिशेखरभारतरम॥्
sadātmadhyānanirataṁ viṣayebhyaḥ parāṅmukham |
naumi śāstreṣu niṣṇātaṁ candraśekharabhāratīm||

My prostrations to Sri Chandrashekara Bharati Mahaswami, (who is)

ever engrossed in Dhyana on the Atman, aversive to worldly matters and
well versed in the Shastras.

वववेवकिं महाप्रज्ञं ध ैयौदायथिमाविवधम ।्

थ ं ववद्यातरर्थगरुु ं भजे ॥
vivekinaṁ mahāprajñaṁ dhairyaudāryakṣamānidhim |
sadābhinavapūrvantaṁ vidyātīrthaguruṁ bhaje ||

I worship my Guru Sri Abhinava Vidya Tirtha Mahaswami, (who is)

endowed with discrimination, great perception and a repository of
courage, forgiveness and generosity.

भारतर करुणािात्रं भारतर िदभूषणम ।्

भारतर िदमारूढं भारतर तरर्थमाश्ये ॥
bhāratī karuṇāpātraṁ bhāratī padabhūṣaṇam |
bhāratī padamārūḍhaṁ bhāratī tīrthamāśraye ||

I take refuge in Sri Bharati Tirtha Mahaswami, (who has) abounding

grace of Sharada Parameshwari (Bharati) and his Guru Sri Abhinava
Vidyatirtha Bharati Mahaswami, adorned the title “Bharati”and has
ascended the Bharati Peetam (Sringeri Sharda Peetam).

अज्ञािां जाह्नवरतरर्ं ववद्यातरर्ं वववेवकिाम ।्

ु तरर्ं भारतरतरर्थमाश्ये ॥
सवेषां सखदं
ajñānāṁ jāhnavītīrthaṁ vidyātīrthaṁ vivekinām |
sarveṣāṁ sukhadaṁ tīrthaṁ bhāratītīrthamāśraye ||
While Ganga is the Tirtha (place of pilgrimage) for the ignorant and
knowledge is the Tirtha for the wise, I take refuge in Jagadguru Sri
Bharati Tirtha, who gives the Ananda of Jnana to all.

ववद्याववियसम्पन्नं वरतरागं वववेवकिम।्

े रभारतरम॥्
ु ख
वन्दे वेदान्ततत्वज्ञं ववधश
vidyāvinayasampannaṁ vītarāgaṁ vivekinam|
vande vedāntatatvajñaṁ vidhuśekharabhāratīm||

I offer my prostrations to Jagadguru Sri Vidhushekara Bharathi

Mahaswami, who is endowed with knolwedge and humility, who is free
from desires, who is endowed with discrimination (of the real and the
unreal) and who is knower of Vedanta Tattva.

॥ भगवाि रमण ्
महर्तष स्मरणम ॥
॥ bhagavān ramaṇa maharṣi smaraṇam ॥
यतो ममात्म भववस त्वमेव ततो ि वाच्यं मम वकवञ्चदवस्त।
यर्ा तवेष्ट ं कुरु मां तर् ैव त्वामात्मिार्ं रमणं भजावम॥
yato mamātma bhavasi tvameva
tato na vācyaṁ mama kiñcidasti |
yathā taveṣṭaṁ kuru māṁ tathaiva
tvāmātmanāthaṁ ramaṇaṁ bhajāmi ||

As you are my own Atma, I have nothing to tell you. Make me

do as you please, I surrender myself to you, Sri Ramana, the Lord
of my Atma.

॥ श्री िामकृ ष्ण पिमहंस स्मिणम॥्

|| śrī rāmakṛṣṇa paramahamsa smaraṇam ||
िापकाय च धममस्य सवमधममस्वरूमपणे।
अविंाि वमिष्ठाय िामकृ ष्णाय िंे नमाः॥
sthāpakāya ca dharmasya sarvadharmasvarūpiṇe |
avatāra variṣṭhāya rāmakṛṣṇāya te namaḥ ||
Salutations to the establisher of Dharma, who is of the essence of all of
Dharma; (Salutations) to that great incarnation of the form of Rama and

ु ।्
जननीं शािदा देवीं िामकृ ष्णं जर्गद्गरुम
ु हुमु ाः॥
पादपद्मे िंयोाः मश्रत्वा प्रणमामम महुम
jananīṁ śāradā devīṁ rāmakṛṣṇaṁ jagadgurum|
pādapadme tayoḥ śritvā praṇamāmi muhurmuhuḥ ||

Taking shelter at the lotus feet of the Mother, Sarada Devi, and
Ramakrishna, the teacher of the world, I salute them again and again.

नमाः श्री यमिंिाजाय मववेकानन्दसूिये।

ु स्वरूपाय स्वाममने िंापहामिणे॥
namaḥ śrī yatirājāya vivekānandasūraye|
saccitsukhasvarūpāya svāmine tāpahāriṇe ||

Salutations to Swami Vivekananda, the King among monks, blazing like

the Sun, who is of the nature of Sacchidananda; to the Master who
removes the miseries of Samsara.

3. शृङ्गेररशारदािरठ – वबरुदावलर

ु िराप्राप्त-षड्दशथिस्थाििाचायथ-


भूमण्डलाचायथ-ऋष्यशृङ्गिरवराधरश्वर-त ु

ु महास्वावमिां-तत्करकमलसञ्जात-
ु ु ख
श े रभारतरमहास्वावमिां च चरणारववन्दयोीः

साष्टाङ्गप्रणामाि समि यथ ामीः ॥
śrīvidhuśekharabhāratīmahāsvāmināṁ ca caraṇāravindayoḥ
sāṣṭāṅgapraṇāmān samarpayāmaḥ ||

The best amongst the Paramahamsa - Parivrajaka (wandering) Sanyasis,

the great ones who have crossed the vast ocean of grammar (Pada),
Mimamsa (Vakya) and Nyaya (Pramana)(who have mastered all the
Shastras), engaged in the performance of eight-fold Yoga consisting of -
'restraint, controlling passions, sitting in different Asanas, control of
breath, withdrawing of mind from external objects, Dhyana, control of
mind and absorption of mind in Brahman', an emperor in the
performance of austerities, a lineal descendent of Shankaracharya
tradition from time immemorial without any break, who have preserved
the Shad-Darshanas (Nyaya, Vaisheshika, Sankhya, Yoga, Mimamsa and
Vedanta), the best in exposition (of Sastras), teachers of the inner truth
and essence of all Vedas, Agamas and the three Sankhyas (ni-rIshwara
Sankhya, sa-Ishwara Sankhya & Sankhya (jnAna) yoga), establishers of
the Vedic principles, masters of all Tantra Shastras, the ones who
established the kingdom of Karnataka with Vidyanagara (Vijayanagara)
as the capital, the preceptors of the great kings, preceptors of the entire
world, Lord of Rishya Sringapura (Sringeri), resident on the banks of
Tungabhadra, worshippers of the lotus feet of Vidhya Shankara,
coronated by the lotus hands of Jagadguru Sri Abhinava Vidya Tirtha
Mahaswami as Jagadguru Sri Bharati Tirtha Mahaswami, coronated by
Sri Bharati Tirtha Mahaswami as Jagadguru Sri Vidushekara Bharati
Mahaswami - at the lotus feet of these Gurus we prostrate with all

4. काञ्चरकामकोवटिरठ - स्ववस्त वाचिम ्
(kāñcīkāmakoṭipīṭha- svasti vācanam)

श्र गरुभ्ो ु न्दरर
िमीः । श्र महावत्रिरस ु समेत श्र
चिमौलरश्वराय िमीः।
श्रकाञ्चरकामकोवट िरठावधिवत जगद्गरुु श्र शङ्कराचायथ
श्रचरणयोीः प्रणामाीः।

स्ववस्त श्रमदवखल भूमण्डलालङ्कार त्रयसस्त्रशिंकोवट देवतासेववत
श्रकामािरदेवरसिार् श्रमदेकाम्रिार् श्रमहादेवरसिार्
श्रहवस्तवगवरिार् सािात्कार िरमावधष्ठाि सत्यव्रत िामावङ्कत

काञ्चरवदव्यिेत्र े शारदामठसवस्थतािां सम्फुल्ल मवल्लका मावलका
विष्यन्दमकरन्दझरर सौववस्तक वाङव् िगम्फ ु ववजृम्भणािन्द-

तवन्दवलत मिरवषमण्डलािां अिवरताद्वैत ववद्यावविोदरवसकािां

विरन्तरालङ्कृतरकृ त शावन्त-दावन्त-भूम्ां सकलभविचक्र
प्रवतष्ठािक श्रचक्रप्रवतष्ठा ववख्यात यशोऽलङ्कृतािां विवखल
िाषण्ड षण्ड कण्टकोद्धाटिेि ववशदरकृ त वेदवेदान्तमागथ षण्मत-
प्रवतष्ठािकाचायाथणां श्रमत्परमहंस िवरव्राजकाचायथवयथ श्रजगद्गरुु
श्रमच्छङ्करभगवत्पादाचायाथणां अवधष्ठािे ससहासिावभवषिं-

श्रमत चिशे खरेिसरस्वतर संयमरिाणं अन्तेवावसवयथ श्रमत ्
् ि्
जयेि सरस्वतर श्रिादािां तदन्तेवावसवयथ श्रमत शङ्करववजये
सरस्वतर श्र िादािां च चरणिवलियोीः सप्रश्यं साञ्जवलबन्धं च
śrī gurubhyo namaḥ | śrī mahātripurasundarī sameta śrī
candramaulīśvarāya namaḥ|
śrīkāñcīkāmakoṭi pīṭhādhipati jagadguru śrī śaṅkarācārya
śrīcaraṇayoḥ praṇāmāḥ|
svasti śrīmadakhila bhūmaṇḍalālaṅkāra trayastriṁśatkoṭi
devatāsevita śrīkāmākṣīdevīsanātha śrīmadekāmranātha
śrīmahādevīsanātha śrīhastigirinātha sākṣātkāra
paramādhiṣṭhāna satyavrata nāmāṅkita kāñcīdivyakṣetre
śāradāmaṭhasusthitānāṁ samphulla mallikā mālikā
niṣyandamaka randajharī sauvastika vāṅnigumpha
vijṛmbhaṇānanda-tundilita manīṣimaṇḍalānāṁ anavaratādvaita
vidyāvinodarasikānāṁ nirantarālaṅkṛtīkṛta śānti-dānti-
bhūmnāṁ sakalabhuvanacakra pratiṣṭhāpaka śrīcakrapratiṣṭhā
vikhyāta yaśo'laṅkṛtānāṁ nikhila pāṣaṇḍa ṣaṇḍa
kaṇṭakoddhāṭanena viśadīkṛta vedavedāntamārga ṣaṇmata-
pratiṣṭhāpakācāryāṇāṁ śrīmatparamahaṁsa
parivrājakācāryavarya śrījagadguru
śrīmacchaṅkarabhagavatpādācāryāṇāṁ adhiṣṭhāne
siṁhāsanābhiṣikta-śrīmat candraśekharendrasarasvatī
saṁyamīndrāṇaṁ antevāsivarya śrīmat jayendra sarasvatī
śrīpādānāṁ tadantevāsivarya śrīmat śaṅkaravijayendr sarasvatī
śrī pādānāṁ ca caraṇanalinayoḥ sapraśrayaṁ sāñjalibandhaṁ ca

Prostrations to Gurus. Prostrations to Sri Chandramouliswara and Sri

Maha Tripurasundari. Prostrations at the holy feet of Sri Kanchi
Kamakoti Peethadhipati Jagadguru Sri Sankaracharya. The divine town
of Kanchipuram is an ornament to all the auspicious worlds; it is adored
by the thirtythree crores of Devatas; the visible abode of Sri Kamakshi
Devi and Sri Ekamranatha, also of Sri Mahadevi and Sri Hastigirinatha;
and named as Satyavrata. Here in Sharada MaTam are seated Srimad
Paramahamsa Parivrajaka-charyavarya Sri Jagadguru Srimad Sankara
Bhagavatpadacharya, who is surrounded by wise persons immersed in
the Ananda of garlands of words like streams of nectar, of unparalleled
sweetness, dripping from garland of blooming jasmine at the crown of
Devi seated in Kamalasana; who is ever in the Advaita Ananda; who is
ever high in stature, with the ornaments of the virtues of self-control of
body and mind; who is decorated with the fame from installation of
Srichakra, which bestows stability to all the chakras of worlds; who
established Shanmatha (six Devata worship) on the path laid down by
Veda and Vedanta, thus clearing the path free of the thorns of non-
believers of Vedas; coronated in his throne are Jagadguru Srimad
Chandra-shekharendra Saraswati Sripada; his disciple Srimad Jayendra
Saraswati Sripada; his successive disciple Srimad Sankara Vijayendra
Saraswati Sripada. At the lotus feet of these Gurus we prostrate with all
humility, with folded hands.

5. गरुु प्रातीः स्मरण श्लोकीः (guru prātaḥ smaraṇa

ślokaḥ) – by Sri Jnananada Bharati
प्रातस्मराम्यिवदिं ु
ु गरुराजमू
थ ार्षम ।्
भस्माङ्ग रागलवसतं वस्मतिूवभ
काषाय वस्त्र िवरवेवष्टत सवथगात्रं
कारुण्य वरक्ष्ममिघं िरमात्मविष्ठम॥्
prātasmarāmyanudinaṁ gururājamūrtiṁ
bhasmāṅga rāgalasitaṁ smitapūrvabhāśam |
kāṣāya vastra pariveṣṭita sarvagātraṁ
kāruṇya vīkṣmamanaghaṁ paramātmaniṣṭam||

Everyday early in the morning, I contemplate on my Gururaja, who is

adorned with Vibhuti, ever smiling and pleasant to converse, who is
wearing the ochre robes, has a very compassionate glance and ever
established in Paramatma.

6. ्
िरब्रह्म प्रातीः स्मरण स्तोत्रम (parabrahma prātaḥ

smaraṇa stotram) - by Adi Shankara

Note: In the following three verses, Acharya has brought out the essence
of Advaita Vedanta. Along with chanting the prayer, it is equally
important to meditate on the deep meaning of the verses.
प्रातीः स्मरावम हृवद संस्फुरदात्मतत्वं
सवित्सख ु ं िरमहंसगसत तररयम
ु ।्

यत स्वप्नजागरस षु वप्तमवै
ु वत वित्यं
तद्ब्रह्म विष्कलमहं ि च भूतसङ्घीः ॥१॥
prātaḥ smarāmi hṛdi saṁsphuradātmatatvaṁ
saccitsukhaṁ paramahaṁsagatiṁ turīyam |
yat svapnajārasuṣuptimavaiti nityaṁ
tad brahma niṣkalamahaṁ na ca bhūtasaṁghaḥ ||1||

Early in the morning, I contemplate on Atman, the Existence-

Consciousness-Ananda Absolute which pulsates clearly in the heart (as I,
I). It is the goal of the great realized ones; it is the fourth state ever
witnessing and illuminating the three states of waking, dream and sleep.
I am that Brahman which is indivisible and not at all the conglomerate
of the five elements (ether, fire, water, air and earth).

प्रातभथजावम मिसा वचसामगम्यं

ु ण।
वाचो ववभावन्त विवखला यदिग्रहे
यं िेवत िेवत वचि ैर्तिगमा अवोचीःु

तं देवदेवमजमच्यतमाहुरग्र्यम ्
prātarbhajāmi manasā vacasāmagamyaṁ

vāco vibhānti nikhilā yadanugraheṇa |
yaṁ neti neti vacanairnigamā avocuḥ
taṁ devadevamajamacyutamāhuragryam ||2||

At dawn, I worship the Atman, which cannot be described by words and

conceptualized by the mind. Yet all words shine (become meaningful) by
the grace of Atman. The Vedas point out at the Atman repeatedly using
the words `not this', `not this' (negation of all superimpositions). That
Atman is Deva of Devas, It is birth-less. The realized people say that It is
the origin of creation and It never slips down (to the level of the unreal
appearance of the creation).

प्राति थमावम तमसीः िरमकथ वणं

िूणं सिातििदं िरुषोत्तमाख्यम ।्
यवस्मवन्नदं जगदशेषमशेषमूतौ

रज्ज्ां भजङ्गम इव प्रवतभावसतं वै ॥३॥
prātarnamāmi tamasaḥ paramarkavarṇaṁ
pūrṇaṁ sanātanapadaṁ puruṣottamākhyam |
yasminnidaṁ jagadaśeṣamaśeṣamūrtau
rajjvāṁ bhujaṁgama iva pratibhāsitaṁ vai ||3||

Early in the morning I prostrate unto the timeless abode well known (in
the scriptures) as the Supreme Purusha. That infinite Supreme reality
shines like the sun and transcends the darkness (of ignorance). It alone
manifests as all. This entire universe appears on the substratum of that
reality like a serpent appearing on the rope.



ू लसारभवितम।्
गजाििं भूतगणावदसेववतं कवित्थजंबफ
उमासतंु शोकवविाशकारणं िमावम ववघ्नेश्वरिादिङ्कजम॥्
gajānanaṁ bhūtagaṇādisevitaṁ
umāsutaṁ śokavināśakāraṇaṁ namāmi

Prostrations to the lotus like feet of Lord Ganesha, the remover of

obstacles, who has an elephant face, is attended by his followers, drinks
the juice of wood-apple and rose-apple fruits and who is the son of Uma.

7. ववघ्नेश्वर षोडशिामस्तोत्रम ् (vighneśvara
समु खश्च
ु ैकदन्तश्च कविलो गजकणथकीः ।
लम्बोदरश्च ववकटो ववघ्नराजो गणावधिीः ॥१॥
sumukhascaikadantasca kapilo gajakarṇakaḥ |
lambodaraśca vikaṭo vighnarājo gaṇādhipaḥ ||1||

Lord Ganesha is pleasant faced, with one tusk, reddish black in color, has
elephant ears, has pot like belly, dreadful to his enemies and remover of
all obstacles.

धूमके तगथणाध्यिो फालचिो गजाििीः ।
ु श्शूि थकणो हेरम्बस्स्स्कन्दिूवज
वक्रतण्ड थ ीः॥२॥
dhūmaketurgaṇādhyakṣo phālacandro gajānanaḥ |
vakratuṇḍa śśūrpakarṇo herambasskandapūrvajaḥ ||2||

Lord Ganesha who gained victory over Dhumasuran (the Asura used
smoke as weapon), is the leader of all, has crescent moon in his forehead,
has face like that of an elephant, has twisted trunk, has very broad ears,
is Parvati’s beloved son, who rides on a lion, is elder to Lord

् ण
षोडशैतावि िामवि यीः िठे त श् ु यादवि
ु ।
ववद्यारम्भे वववाहे च प्रवासे विगथमे तर्ा ।
सङ्ग्रामे सवथकायेष ु ववघ्नस्तस्य ि जायते ॥
ṣoḍaśaitāni nāmani yaḥ paṭhet śruṇuyādapi|
vidyārambhe vivāhe ca pravāse nirgame tathā |
saṅgrāme sarvakāryeṣu vighnastasya na jāyate ||

One who reads, hears or remembers these sixteen names, during the
commencement of education, during the marriage ceremony, during the
commencement or return from a journey, during war or for that matter
before commencement of any work will not face any difficulties and will
be victorious.

8. ्
सङ्कटिाशि गणेशस्तोत्रम (sankaṭanāśana
gaṇeśa stotram)
प्रणम्य वशरसा देवं गौररित्रंु वविायकम ् ।
भिंवासं स्मरेवित्यमायीःु कामार्थवसद्धये॥१॥
praṇamya śirasā devaṁ gaurīputraṁ vināyakam |
bhaktavāsaṁ smarenityaṁāyuḥ kāmārthasiddhaye ||1||

For the attainment of longevity, fulfillment of desires and gaining wealth,

I offer Prostrations and worship Vinayaka daily - the divine son of Gauri
and the refuge of his devotees.

ु च एकदन्तं वद्वतरयकम ् ।
प्रर्मं वक्रतण्डं
ु कम ् ॥२॥
तृतरयं कृ ष्णविङ्गािं गजवक्त्रं चतर्थ
prathamaṁ vakratuṇḍaṁ ca ekadantaṁ dvitīyakam |
tṛtīyaṁ kṛṣṇapiṅgākṣaṁ gajavaktraṁ caturthakam ||2||

First, as the one with the twisted trunk; Second, as the one with the single
tusk. Third, as the one with dark brown eyes; Fourth, as the one with the
elephant’s face.

लम्बोदरं िञ्चमं च षष्ठं ववकटमेव च ।

सप्तमं ववघ्नराजेिं धूम्रवणं तर्ाष्टमम ॥३॥
lambodaram pañcamaṁ ca ṣaṣṭaṁ vikaṭameva ca |
saptamaṁ vighnarājendraṁ dhūmravarṇaṁ tathāṣṭamam ||3||

Fifth, as the one with the belly like a pot; Sixth, as the grotesque one.
Seventh, as the Lord over obstacles; Eighth, as the smoke-colored one.

िवमं फालचिं च दशमं त ु वविायकम ।्

एकादशं गणिसत द्वादशं त ु गजाििम ॥४॥
navamaṁ phālacandraṁ ca daśamaṁ tu vināyakam |
ekādaśaṁ gaṇapatiṁ dvādaśaṁ tu gajānanam ||4||

Ninth, as the one with crescent moon on the forehead; Tenth, as the
supreme hero. Eleventh, as the Lord of all, Twelfth, as the elephant-faced

द्वादशैतावि िामावि वत्रसन्ध्यं यीः िठे न्नरीः ।

ि च ववघ्नभयं तस्य सवथवसवद्धकरीः प्रभीःु ॥५॥
dvādaśaitāni nāmani trisandhyaṁ yaḥ paṭhennaraḥ |
na ca vighnabhayaṁ tasya sarvasiddhikaraḥ prabhuḥ ||5||

For the one who repeats these twelve names at dawn, noon and sunset,
there is no fear of obstacles, and he accomplishes everything.

ववद्यार्ी लभते ववद्यां धिार्ी लभते धिम ।्

ित्रार्ी ु
लभते ित्रािोिार्ी ्
लभते गवतम ॥६॥
vidyārthī labhate vidyāṁ dhanārthī labhate dhanam |
putrārthī labhate putrānmokṣārthī labhate gatim ||6||

He who desires wisdom, obtains wisdom; he who desires wealth, obtains

wealth. He who desires sons, obtains children; he who desires liberation
attains Moksham.

जिेद्गणिवतस्तोत्रं षविमाथस ैीः फलं लभेत ।्

संवत्सरेण वससद्ध च लभते िात्रीः संशयीः ॥७॥
japedgaṇapatistotraṁ ṣaḍbhirmāsaiḥ phalaṁ labhet |
saṁvatsareṇa siddhiṁ ca labhate nātraḥ saṁśayaḥ ||7||

Whoever chants this hymn on Ganapati for six months gets all desired
fruits and in one year he attains perfection, there is no doubt about this.

अष्टेभ्ो ब्राह्मणेभ्श्च वलवखत्वा यीः समियथ ते ।्

तस्य ववद्या भवेत्सवाथ गणेशस्य प्रसादतीः॥८॥
aṣṭebhyo brāhmaṇebhyaśca likhitvā yaḥ samarpayet |
tasya vidyā bhavetsarvā gaṇeśasya prasādataḥ ||8||

One who writes and gives it to eight Brahmanas offering it to Lord

Ganesha, will become knowledgeable and would be blessed with all
stellar qualities, by the grace of Lord Ganesha.

ु सङ्कटिाशि गणेशस्तोत्रं सम्पूणमथ ॥
॥ इवत श्र िारदिराणे
|| iti śrī nāradapurāṇe sankaṭanāśana gaṇeśastotraṁ sampūrṇam
Thus ends the prayer from Narada Purana to Lord Ganesha which would
destroy all sorrows.

9. ्
ऋणववमोचि गणेश स्तोत्रम (ṛṇa vimocana
gaṇeśa stotram) – from Krishnayaamalatantra

Note: ṛṇa doesnt means debt alone. The greatest ṛṇa is birth itself.
Lord Ganesh gets rid of this ṛṇa by giving the right knowledge.

ध्यािम -् Dhyānam

ु गणेशं लं भोधरं िद्मदले विववष्टम ।्

वसन्धूरवणं वद्वभजं

ब्रह्मावद देवीःै िवर सेव्यमािं वसद्धैरयतंु तं प्रणमावम देवम ॥
sindhūravarṇaṁ dvibhujam gaṇeśaṁ
laṁbhodharaṁ padmadale niviṣṭam |
brahmādi devaiḥ pari sevyamānaṁ
siddhairayutaṁ taṁ praṇamāmi devam ||

My Namaskaras to that Ganesha, who is deep red in color, who has two
hands, who has a big paunch, who sits on a petal of lotus flower, who is
served by Lord Brahma & other devas and who is worshipped by the most
eminent sages.

सृष्ट्यादौ ब्रह्मणा सम्यक ् िूवजतो फल वसद्धये ।

ु ऋणिाशं करोत ु मे ॥१॥
सदैव िावथतर ित्रीः
sṛṣṭyādau brahmaṇā samyak pūjito phala siddhaye |
sadaiva pārvatī putraḥ ṛṇanāśaṁ karotu me ||1||

Let the son of Parvati, by worshipping whom Lord Brahma, got the power
of creation, destroy all my debts.

वत्रिरस्य वधात िू् वं शम्भिा
ु सम्यर्गार्चचतीः ।
ु ऋणिाशं करोत ु मे ॥२॥
सदैव िावथतर ित्रीः
tripurasya vadhāt pūrvaṁ śambunā samyagārcitaḥ |
sadaiva pārvatī putraḥ ṛṇanāśaṁ karotu me ||2||

Let the son of Parvati, who was worshipped by Lord Shiva, before
destruction of Tripuras, destroy all my debts.

ु चतीः ।
वहरण्यकमशप्वादरिां वधार्े ववष्णिार्त
ु ऋणिाशं करोत ु मे ॥३॥
सदैव िावथतर ित्रीः
hiraṇyakaśipvādīnāṁ vadhārthe viṣṇunārcitaḥ |
sadaiva pārvatī putraḥ ṛṇanāśaṁ karotu me ||3||
Let the son of Parvati, who was worshipped by Lord Vishnu, for the sake
of killing Hiranyakashipu, Hiryanaksha and other Rakshasa Putras of
Maharshi Kashyapa, destroy all my debts.

मवहषस्य वधे देव्या गणिार्ीः प्रिूवजतीः ।

ु ऋणिाशं करोत ु मे ॥४॥
सदैव िावथतर ित्रीः
mahiṣasya vadhe devyā gaṇanāthaḥ prapūjitaḥ |
sadaiva pārvatī putraḥ ṛṇanāśaṁ karotu me ||4||

Let the son of Parvati, who was worshipped by Devi, for killing
Mahishasura, destroy all my debts.

तारकस्य वधात िू् वं कुमारेण प्रिूवजतीः ।

ु ऋणिाशं करोत ु मे ॥५॥
सदैव िावथतर ित्रीः
tārakasya vadhāt pūrvaṁ kumāreṇa prapūjitaḥ |
sadaiva pārvatī putraḥ ṛṇanāśaṁ karotu me ||5||

Let the son of Parvati, who was worshipped by Subramanya, for killing
Taarakasura, destroy all my debts.

भास्करेण गणेशोवह िूवजिंश्छमवमसद्धये ।

ु ऋणिाशं करोत ु मे ॥६॥
सदैव िावथतर ित्रीः
bhāskareṇa gaṇeśohi pūjitaśchavisiddhaye |
sadaiva pārvatī putraḥ ṛṇanāśaṁ karotu me ||6||

Let the son of Parvati, who was worshipped by Surya Deva, to get his
splendor, destroy all my debts.

शवशिा कावन्त वृद्ध्यर्ं िूवजतो गणिायकीः ।

ु ऋणिाशं करोत ु मे ॥७॥
सदैव िावथतर ित्रीः
śaśinā kānti vṛddhyarttham pūjito gaṇanāyakaḥ |
sadaiva pārvatī putraḥ ṛṇanāśaṁ karotu me ||7||

Let the son of Parvati, who was worshipped by moon, to increase his
brightness, destroy all my debts.

िालिाय च तिसां ववश्वावमत्रेण िूवजतीः ।

ु ऋणिाशं करोत ु मे ॥८॥
सदैव िावथतर ित्रीः
pālanāya ca tapasāṁ viśvāmitreṇa pūjitaḥ |
sadaiva pārvatī putraḥ ṛṇanāśaṁ karotu me ||8||

Let the son of Parvati, who was worshipped by Vishvamitra, for

protecting his penance, destroy all my debts.

इदं ऋणहरं स्तोत्रं तरव्र दावरद्र्य िाशिं ।

एकवारं िठे वन्नत्यं वषथमेकं समावहतीः ॥९॥
idaṁ ṛṇaharaṁ stotraṁ tīvra dāridrya nāśanaṁ |
ekavāraṁ paṭhennityaṁ varṣamekaṁ samāhitaḥ ||9||

The one who chants this stotram which removes all debts and destroys
extreme poverty once everyday for one year and becomes peaceful.

10. महागणेशिञ्चरत्नस्तोत्रम ्
(mahāgaṇeśapañcaratnastotram) – by Adi Shankara
ु करात्तमोदकं सदा ववमविंसाधकं
मदा ु
कलाधरावतंसकं ववलासलोकरिकम ।्
अिायकै किायकं वविावशतेभदैत्यकं

िताशभु ाशिु ाशकं िमावम तं वविायकम ॥१॥
mudākarāttamodakaṁ sadāvimuktisādhakaṁ
kalādharāvataṁsakaṁ vilāsilokarañjakam | anāyakaikanāyakaṁ
vināśitebhadaityakaṁ natāśubhāśunāśakaṁ namāmi taṁ
vināyakam ||

Ganesha! My prostrations to you as you have in your hands a ‘Modaka’

with which you seek to usher joy to your devotees; holding Chandra as
your ornament to bring in contentment to them; as the supreme master
providing protection and destroy evil energies within; and to
surrendering devotees to gift all - round auspiciousness.

ितेतरावतभरकरं िवोवदताकथ भास्वरं

िमत्सरु ावरविजथरं ितावधकािदद्धरम ।्
सरेु श्वरं विधरश्वरं गजेश्वरं गणेश्वरं
महेश्वरं तमाश्ये िरात्परं विरन्तरम ॥२॥ ्
natetarātibhīkaraṁ navoditārkabhāsvaraṁ
namatsurārinirjaraṁ natādhikāpaduddharam |
sureśvaraṁ nidhīśvaraṁ gajeśvaraṁ gaṇeśvaraṁ
maheśvaraṁ tamāśraye parātparaṁ nirantaram ||

To those who out of arrogance do not bow to Devas, Vinayaka! You

deliver them a frightning form but to the Ishwara loving devotees with
Shraddha, you gift them with benign form of Ushah kaala Surya of glory;
You are ever fresh and never tiring not to mention of decay, always
greeted by Devas reverentially; ever instant to pull out from deep sorrows
and difficulties; indeed you are Sureshvara, Nidhishvara, Gajeshvara and
Ganeshvara or the Deva of Devas- Deva of Opulence-Deva with an
Elephant Face and Deva of Devas and the Great Maheshvara Himself; My
earnest prostrations to you in total surrender.

समस्तलोकशङ्करं विरस्तदैत्यकुञ्जरं
दरेतरोदरं वरं वरेभवक्त्रमिरम ।्

कृ िाकरं िमाकरं मदाकरं यशस्करं

मिस्करं िमस्कृ तां िमस्करोवम भास्वरम॥३॥
samastalokaśaṅkaraṁ nirastadaityakuñjaraṁ
daretarodaraṁ varaṁ varebhavaktramakṣaram |
kṛpākaraṁ kṣamākaraṁ mudākaraṁ yaśaskaraṁ
manaskaraṁ namaskṛtāṁ namaskaromi bhāsvaram ||

Our sincere salutations to you as the flagship of Auspicious Power behind

Trilokas and the Great Eliminator of all the external evils and the internal
demonaic forces; Ganesha! Your huge body is truly representative of
Prosperity, Boon-Giving benevolence and Imperishable Nature at once.
You shower grace-forgiveness-joy-glory and wisdom! Our heart felt
dedications to you with earnestness.

अवकञ्चिार्ततमाजथि ं वचरन्तिोविंभाजिं
ु ु
विथ न्दिं सरावरगवथ
िरावरिू चवथणम ।्
प्रिञ्चिाशभरषणं धिञ्जयावदभूषणं

किोलदािवारणं भजे िराणवारणम ्
akiñcanārtimārjanaṁ cirantanoktibhājanaṁ
purāripūrvanandanaṁ surārigarvacarvaṇam |
prapañcanāśabhīṣaṇaṁ dhanañjayādibhūṣaṇaṁ
kapoladānavāraṇaṁ bhaje purāṇavāraṇam ||

I seek (resort to) that `Ancient Elephant' Ishwara who wipes out the
afflictions of the poor. That Lord is the import of the scripture. He is the
elder son of the Shiva, the destroyer of the demons who had fortified
themselves in three metallic Cities. He shattered the pride of the enemies
of Devatas (i.e., He destroyed the power of the demons). The Lord is
terrible as the destroyer of the universe. He is the very adornment of
Dhanaòjaya and others. (That is, Arjuna and other heroes achieved their
greatness because of their devotion to Gaïeùa). The Elephant-Lord's
temples are covered with pouring ichor (that is, the water of rut.)

अवचन्त्यरूिमन्तहरिमन्तरायकृ न्तिम ।्
हृदन्तरे विरन्तरं वसन्तमेव योवगिां

तमेकदन्तमेव तं वववचन्तयावम सन्ततम ॥५॥
acintyarūpamantahīnamantarāyakṛntanam |
hṛdantare nirantaraṁ vasantameva yogināṁ tamekadantameva
taṁ vicintayāmi santatam ||

I always meditate only on that Ishwara with single tusk, whose ever
lustrous tusk is very pretty, who is the son of Lord Shiva who killed Yama,
who has a form beyond ones imagination, who is endless, who tears
asunder all obstacles and who dwells forever in the heart of Yogis.

महागणेशिञ्चरत्नमादरेण योऽन्वहं
् श्वरम ।्
प्रजल्पवत प्रभातके हृवद स्मरि गणे

अरोगतां अदोषतां ससावहतीं सिु त्रतां

ु वतमभ्िु ैवत सोऽवचरात ॥
mahāgaṇeśpañcaratnamādareṇa yo'nvahaṁ
pragāyati prabhātake hṛdi smaran gaṇeśvaram |
arogatāmadoṣatāṁ susāhitīṁ suputratāṁ
samāhitāyuraṣṭabhūtimabhyupaiti so'cirāt ||

He, who remembers with respect every morning, these five gems of the
great Lord Ganapati and who meditates in his heart the leader of Ganas,
will soon be blessed with a healthy life, free from all problems, endowed

with great peace, good offsprings, longevity, spiritual and physical

11. गणावधििञ्चरत्नम ्
(gaṇādhipapañcaratnam) – by Nrisimha Bharati
सरागलोकदलथभ ं ववरावगलोकिूवजतं
ु रैु ि थमस्कृ तं जरािमृत्यिाशकम
सरास ु ।्
वगरा गरुु ं वश्या हसर जयवन्त यत्पदाचथका
िमावम तं गणावधिं कृ िाियीः ियोविवधम ॥१॥्
sarāgalokadurlabhaṁ virāgilokapūjitaṁ
surāsurairnamaskṛtaṁ jarāpamṛtyunāśakam |
girā guruṁ śriyā hariṁ jayanti yatpadārcakā
namāmi taṁ gaṇādhipaṁ kṛpāpayaḥ payonidhim ||1||

I worship the Lord Ganadhipa (Vinayaka), who is the ocean of sympathy,

who is difficult to be approached by the men of worldly desires, who is
praised by the men who had renounced the material pleasures, who is
worshipped by both the Devas and the Rakshasas and by singing in praise
of whom the devotees excel their preceptor in oratory and the Lord Hari
in wealth and removes pains of old age and protects us from unnatural

वगररिजामखाम्ब ु
कररिवक्त्रमािताघसङ्घवारणोद्यतम ।्
सररसृिश े बद्धकुविमाश्यावम सन्ततं

शरररकावन्तविर्तजताब्जबन्धबु ालसन्तवतम ॥२॥

karīndravaktramānatāghasaṅghavāraṇodyatam |
sarīsṛpeśabaddhakukṣimāśrayāmi santataṁ
śarīrakāntinirjitābjabandhubālasantatim ||2||

I always take refuge in Him, who is the Sun, which pleases the lotus-like
face of the daughter of the Himalaya (Parvati), who is elephant faced,
who wipes off all the paapas committed by His devotees, who has the Lord
of serpents viz., Adisesa tied, around His waist and the lustre of whose
body excels that of innumerous morning Suns.

ु ावदमौविववन्दतं गकारवाच्यमिरं
प्रकामवमष्टदावयिं सकामिम्रिङ्क्तये ।
चकासतं चतभु ज
थु ैर्तवकावसिद्मिूवजतं

प्रकावशतात्मतत्त्वकं िमाम्यहं गणावधिम॥३॥
śukādimaunivanditaṁ gakāravācyamakṣaraṁ
prakāmamiṣṭadāyinaṁ sakāmanamrapaṅktaye |
cakāsataṁ caturbhujairvikāsipadmapūjitaṁ
prakāśitātmatattvakaṁ namāmyahaṁ gaṇādhipam||3||

I bow down to the Lord Ganadhipa. who is worshipped by the seers like
Suka, who is represented by the letter ‘ga’, who is immutable, who shines
with four hands, who fulfils the wishes of his devotees, who is worshipped
with the fully bloomed lotus – flowers and who reveals the real nature of
the Self.

िारावधित्वदावयकं स्वरावदलोकिायकं

ज्वरावदरोगवारकं विराकृ तासरव्रजम ।्

कराम्बजोल्लसत्सृसण ववकारशून्यमािस ै-
हृथदासदा ववभाववतम म ् दा ्
ु िमावम ववध्निम ॥४॥
nārādhipatvadāyikaṁ svarādilokanāyakaṁ
jvarādirogavārakaṁ nirākṛtāsuravrajam |
karāmbujollasatsṛṇiṁ vikāraśūnyamānasair
hṛdāsadā vibhāvitam mudā namāmi vidhnapam ||4||

I wholeheartedly prostrate to the Lord who removes obstacles, who

bestows kingship upon the devotees, who is the master of all the worlds
starting from the celestial region, who cures the diseases like fever, who
destroys the Rakshasas, who wields the goad in His lotus – like hand and
who is always meditated upon by the pure – hearted people.

श्माििोदििमं समावहतान्तरात्मिां

समावदवभीः सदार्तचतं िमाविसध गणावधिम ।्
रमाधवावदिूवजतं यमान्तकात्मसम्भवं
ु िमाम्यहं ववभूतये ॥५॥
śramāpanodanakṣamaṁ samāhitāntarātmanāṁ
sumādibhiḥ sadārcitaṁ kṣamānidhiṁ gaṇādhipam |
ramādhavādipūjitaṁ yamāntakātmasambhavaṁ
śamādiṣaḍguṇapradaṁ namāmyahaṁ vibhūtaye ||5||

I worship the Lord Ganadhipa, who removes the hardship of the people
who constantly meditate upon the Supreme Self, who is worshipped
always with fragrant flowers, who is the abode of tolerance, who is
worshipped by the spouse of Lakshmi Devi and others, who is the son of
the destroyer of Yama and who inculcates the virtues like Shama (control
of mind) Dama (control of senses) Uparama, (renunciation) Titiksha (the
capacity to withstand the hardships) Sraddha (faith in the Vedanta and
in the words of the preceptor) and Samadhana (fixing the mind in
abstract contemplation on the true nature of the Self).

गणावधिस्य िञ्चकं िृणामभरष्टदायकं

ु ताीः
थ ं जिाीः िठवन्त ये मदाय
प्रणामिूवक ु ।

ु भवाजवािं ्
भववन्त ते ववदां िरीःप्रगरतवै

मचरायषोऽवधकवश्यीः ु िवो ि संशयीः ॥
gaṇādhipasya pañcakaṁ nṛṇāmabhīṣṭadāyakaṁ
praṇāmapūrvakaṁ janāḥ paṭhanti ye mudāyutāḥ |
bhavanti te vidāṁ puraḥpragītavaibhavā
javāccirāyuṣo'dhikaśriyaḥ susūnavo na saṁśayaḥ ||

Those who, after worshipping the Lord Ganadhipa, read these verses that
could fulfil their wishes, would soon be hailed in the assembly of scholars.
They will have a wealthy long life with good children. This is without any



ु म्ा मवहम्ा च शङ्करो यो ववराजते।


तदरयाविगलद्रेणकणायास्त ु िमो मम॥
gururnāmnā mahimnā ca śaṅkaro yo virājate|
tadīyāṅghrigaladreṇukaṇāyāstu namo mama||
- Mahaperivya of Kanchi
Let my prostrations be to the particles of dust present in the feet of my
preceptor, Sri Shankara, who shines both by name as well as by greatness.


अज्ञािान्तगथहििवतताि आत्मववद्योिदे
श ैीः

त्रात ं ु लोकाि भवदववशखाताििािच्यमािाि ।्
् मौिं वटववटवििो मूलतो विष्पतन्तर
ु त्वा
ु शङ्कराचायथरूिा ॥
शंभोमूर्तथ तीः चरवत भविे
ajñānāntargahanapatitān ātmavidyopadeśaiḥ
trātuṁ lokān bhavadavaśikhātāpapāpacyamānān |
muktvā maunaṁ vaṭaviṭapino mūlato niṣpatantī
śaṁbhormūrtiḥ carati bhuvane śaṅkarācāryarūpā ||
- Madhaviya Shankara Vijayam (4.60)
The One sitting under the banyan tree, Lord Dakshinamurti (Shiva), the
Teacher of the Supreme Truth through the medium of silence, left his
place of meditation. He is now moving about in the form of
Shankaracharya, imparting his precious advice of knowledge to the
world, which has been caught in the boundless dense forests of ignorance
and is threatened seriously by the approaching flames of the forest fires
of Samsara (bondage).

वेदान्तार्थ ववभासकाय यतये शान्ताय सन्यावसिे

िािावावदिगेिसन्घिवये योगरिवन्द्याय च ।
मोहध्वान्त वदवाकराय भगवद्िादावभतां वबभ्रते
तस्म ै भाष्यकृ ते िमोस्त ु सततं िूणाथय बोधात्मिे ॥
- Taittiriya Bhaashya Teeka
vedāntārtha vibhāsakāya yataye śāntāya sanyāsine
nānāvādinagendrasanghapavaye yogīndravandyāya ca |
mohadvānta divākarāya bhagavadpādābhitāṁ bibhrate
tasmai bhāṣyakṛte namostu satataṁ pūrṇāya bodhātmane ||

The peaceful Sanyasin, the illuminer of the import of Vedanta, the storm
of wisdom that wards off all arguments, worshipped by Devas among
Yogis, the splendorous Sun of Knowledge, that remover of darkness born
of delusion, to Him, the Bhashyakaara, the perfect manifestation of the
supreme intelligence, who is hailed as Bhagavatpada we incessantly

थ िं
आयाथम्बाजठरे जविीः वद्वजसतरदावरद्र्यविमूल

संन्यासाश्यणं गरूिसदिं श्रमण्डिादेजयथ ीः ।

वशष्यौघग्रहणं सभाष्यरचिं सवथज्ञिरठाश्यीः
िरठािां रचिेवत सङ्ग्रहमयर स ैषा कर्ा शाङ्करर ॥
āryāmbājaṭhare janiḥ dvijasatīdāridryanirmūlanaṁ
saṁnyāsāśrayaṇaṁ gurūpasadanaṁ śrīmaṇḍanāderjayaḥ
śiṣyaughagrahaṇaṁ subhāṣyaracanaṁ
pīṭhānāṁ racaneti saṅgrahamayī saiṣā kathā śāṅkarī ||
- Bhashya Swamigal (Eka Shloki Sankara Vijayam)

Born of Mother Āryāmbā, removing poverty of the noble brahmin

housewife (Kanakadhārā), embracing Sannyāsa, approaching the Guru
(Govindabhagavat pāda), defeating in debate Sri Mandanamiśra and
others, accepting a group of disciples, composing the eminent
commentaries, ascending the ‘Sarvajñapīṭham’, establishing the various
Āmnāya pīṭhams, this is the condensed rendering of Adi
Shankaracharya’s life.

िमस्तस्म ै भगवते शङ्कराचायथरूविणे ।

येि वेदान्तववद्येयमद्धु ृता वेदसागरात ॥
namastasmai bhagavate śaṅkarācāryarūpiṇe |
yena vedāntavidyeyamuddhṛtā vedasāgarāt||
- Vidyaranya Swami (Aparoksha Anubhutidipika)
Prostrate to Bhagavan in the form of Shankaracharya, by whom the
Vedanta knowledge was brought out from the ocean of the Vedas.

संसारसि थिवरदष्टवविष्टदृष्टेीः सञ्जरविाय कृ िया िरयोििन्नम।्

ब्रह्मावबोधिरमौषधमद्वहन्तं तं शङ्करं िरतरं वभषजं िमावम॥
- Sri Anandagiri (in his commentary on Hari Stuti)
sañjīvanāya kṛpayā parayopapannam|
taṁ śaṅkaraṁ parataraṁ bhiṣajaṁ namāmi||

I prostrate to the most compassionate Sankaracharya who is like an

excellent physician administering the best medicine of knowledge of
Brahman to revive the vision of those who have lost it after being bitten
by the serpent called Samsara.

अववद्यारािस्या वगवलतमवखलेशं िरगरो

विचण्डं वभत्वास्याीः सरभसममष्माददहरीः ।

वृतां िश्यि रिोय ु
ववतवभरम ु वप्रयतमां
हिूमांल्लोके ह्यस्तव त ु वकयतर स्यािवहिंता ॥९.२८॥
- Madhaviya Sankaravijaya (9.28)
avidyārākṣasyā gilitamakhileśaṁ paraguro
picaṇḍaṁ bhitvāsyāḥ sarabhasamamuṣmādudaharaḥ |
vṛtāṁ paśyan rakṣoyuvatibhiramuṣya priyatamāṁ
hanūmāṁllokehyastava tu kiyatī syānmahitatā ||928||

O Supreme Guru (Adi Sankara) ! Hanuman, who merely saw Sita, the
consort of the Supreme Being Rama (Brahman), surrounded by
Rakshasis (and went back and reported to Lord Rama) is worshipped by
all. That being so, how much greater should be your glory, since you tore

open the belly of the Rakshasi in the form of Avidyaa who had swallowed
the Supreme Being (Brahman) and brought Brahman out!

(The following two shlokas are mentioned by Kanchi

Mahaperiyava in “Deivattin Kural” while speaking about Guru.
Mahaperiyava has given elaborate exposition on the shlokas.)


गकारस्त्वन्धकारो वै रुकारस्तवन्नवतथकीः ।

अन्धकारविरोवधत्वाद ् गरुवरत्यवभधरयते ॥
gukārastvandhakāro vai rukārastannivartakaḥ |
andhakāranirodhitvādgururityabhidhīyate ||

The letter “GU” stands for darkness of ignorance, and “RU” represents its
destruction. A Guru is so called because he destroys the darkness of


गकारीः वसवद्धतीः प्रोिंो रेफीः िािस्य हारकीः ।

उकारो ववष्णरव्यिंीः ु स्मृतीः॥
वत्रदयात्मा गरुीः
gakāraḥ siddhitaḥ prokto rephaḥ pāpasya hārakaḥ |
ukāro viṣṇuravyaktaḥ tridayātmā guruḥ smṛtaḥ||

The Guru word is thought of as the union of the three (Ga, Ra, and U). The
letter “Ga” grants accomplishment (Siddhi), the letter “Ra” destroys all
paapas (Paapas), the letter “U” is the form of Vishnu, that remains
unmanifest as the Nirguna Parabrahman. Thus the Guru will give Siddhi,
remove the paapas and make the student realize Advaita bhava.


ु महात्मिे ववमिंसङ्गाय
िमो िमस्ते गरवे ु सदत्तमाय।

ु ॥
वित्याद्वयािन्दरसस्वरूविणे भूम् े सदाऽिारदयाम्बधाम्े
- Vivekachudamani – 486
namo namaste gurave mahātmane
vimuktasaṅgāya saduttamāya|
bhūmne sadā'pāradayāmbudhāmne||

My obesience to Thee again and again,Thou great one free from all
attachment, the best among Brahma Jnanis, who are the embodiment of
eternal non-dual essence of Ananda, the infinite, the everlasting supreme
boundless ocean of mercy.

यस्मावद्वश्वमदेु वत यत्र विवसत्यन्ते यदप्येवत यत ्

सत्यज्ञािसखस्वरूिमववधद्वै तप्रणाशोवितम ।्
ु ु ववभात्येकं ववशोकं िरं
प्रत्यग्ब्ब्रह्म तदवस्म यस्य कृ िया िंं देवशके िं भजे ॥
- Swarajya Siddhi (verse 3)
yasmādviśvamudeti yatra nivasatyante yadapyeti yat
satyajñānasukhasvarūpamavadhidvaitapraṇāśojjhitam |
yajjāgratsvapnaprasuptiṣu vibhātyekaṁ viśokaṁ paraṁ
pratyagbrahma tadasmi yasya kṛpayā tam deśikendraṁ bhaje ||

I worship that Guru whose grace reveals the identity of the Atman with
Brahman, from which the universe arises, in which the universe is being
sustained and into which the universe merges, which in essence is truth,
knowledge and happiness, which is beyond time and space, which shines
in and through waking, dream and deep sleep states, which is one without
a second, absolute happiness and beyond everything.

म ो वंशऋमर्षभ्यो
ॐ नमो ब्रह्मामदभ्यो ब्रह्ममवद्यासंप्रदायकिंृभ्य

महद्भ्यो नमो र्गरुभ्याः। सवोपप्लविमहिंाः प्रज्ञानघनाः प्रत्यर्गर्थो
ब्रह्म ैवाहममस्म॥
om namo brahmādibhyo brahmavidyāsaṁpradāyakartṛbhyo
vaṁśaṛṣibhyo mahadbhyo namo gurubhyaḥ|
sarvopaplavarahitaḥ prajñānaghanaḥ pratyagartho
brahmaivāhamasmi ||

12. गरुु गरत (guru gīta) – Selected verses

ु के वलं ज्ञािमूर्तिं
ब्रह्मािन्दं िरमसखदं
द्वन्द्वातरतं गगिसदृशं तत्त्वमस्यावदलक्ष्यम ।्
एकं वित्यं ववमलमचलं सवथधरसाविभूिं ं

भावातरतं वत्रगणरवहतं सद्गरुु ं िंं नमावम ॥१११ ॥
brahmānandaṁ paramasukhadaṁ kevalaṁ jñānamūrtim
dvandvātītaṁ gaganasadṛśaṁ tattvamasyādilakṣyam |
ekaṁ nityaṁ vimalamacalaṁ sarvadhīsākṣibhūtam
bhāvātītaṁ triguṇarahitaṁ sadguruṁ tamnamāmi ||111||

My prostrations to the Enlightened Guru – ever immersed in supreme

Bliss, the giver of Supreme Happiness, the ever Free, the personification
of Wisdom, the one beyond all dualities, Infinite as the sky, Indicated by
scriptural expressions as ‘Tat Twam Asi’ (Thou Art That); the One,
eternally Pure, Absolute, the Witness beyond the Intellect of every one;
beyond all Manifestations; free from all Attributes.

यस्यान्तं िावदमध्यं ि वह करचरणं िामगोत्रं ि सूत्रम ।्

ु िो ििस
िो जावतिैव वणो ि भववत िरुषो ं ु ं ि च स्त्रर ॥
ु ि िािम।्
िाकारं िो ववकारं ि वह जविमरणं िावस्त िण्यं
िोऽतत्त्वं तत्त्वमेकं सहजसमरसं सद्गरुु ं तं िमावम ॥
॥३२४॥ & ॥३२५॥
yasyāntaṁ nādimadhyaṁ na hi karacaraṇaṁ
nāmagotraṁ na sūtram |
no jātirnaiva varṇo na bhavati puruṣo no
napuṁsaṁ na ca strī ||
nākāraṁ no vikāraṁ na hi janimaraṇaṁ
nāsti puṇyaṁ na pāpam |
no'tattvaṁ tattvamekaṁ sahajasamarasaṁ
sadguruṁ taṁ namāmi ||324|| & || 325||

I prostrate before that Sadguru, who is beyond identification with body,

who has no caste, color, creed, gender, beyond form, changes, birth &
death, virtue & vice, who is established in Truth – the natural state.

13. गरुस्तोत्रम ्
अखण्डमण्डलाकारं व्याप्तं येि चराचरम ् ।
ु िमीः॥१॥
तत्पदं दर्तशतं येि तस्म ै श्रगरवे
akhaṇḍamaṇḍalākāraṁ vyāptaṁ yena carācaram|
tatpadaṁ darśitaṁ yena tasmai śrīgurave namaḥ ||1||

Prostrations to Sri Guru who indicated to me the highest truth, the one
who is to be known, which pervates the entire universe of movables and

अज्ञािवतवमरान्धस्य ज्ञािाञ्जिशलाकया ।

चिरुिरवलतं ु िमीः॥२॥
येि तस्म ै श्रगरवे
ajñānatimirāndhasya jñānāñjanaśalākayā |
cakṣurunmīlitaṁ yena tasmai śrīgurave namaḥ ||2||

Prostrations to Sri Guru who opened my eyes that were blinded by

darkness of ignoraance with the coating of the ointment of knowledge.

ु ह्मा गरुर्त
गरुब्रथ ु वष्णीःु गरुदे
ु वो महेश्वरीः ।
ु व िरं ब्रह्म तस्म ै श्रगरवे
गरुरे ु िमीः॥३॥
gururbrahmā gururviṣṇuḥ gururdevo maheśvaraḥ |
gurureva paraṁ brahma tasmai śrīgurave namaḥ ||3||

Prostrations to Sri Guru who is Brahma (creator), Vishnu (protector) and

Maheswara (absorber) and who is verily the supreme Brahman.

स्थावरं जङ्गमं व्याप्तं यवत्कवञ्चिं सचराचरम ।्
ु िमीः॥४॥
तत्पदं दर्तशतं येि तस्म ै श्रगरवे
sthāvaraṁ jaṅgamaṁ vyāptaṁ yatkiñcit sacarācaram |
tatpadaṁ darśitaṁ yena tasmai śrīgurave namaḥ ||4||

Prostrations to Sri Guru who showed me by teachings the one to be

known, that permeates whatever is movable, immovable, sentient or

वचियं व्यावि यत्सवं त्रैलोक्यं सचराचरम ।्

ु िमीः॥५॥
तत्पदं दर्तशतं येि तस्म ै श्रगरवे
cinmayaṁ vyāpi yatsarvaṁ trailokyaṁ sacarācaram |
tatpadaṁ darśitaṁ yena tasmai śrīgurave namaḥ || 5||

Prostrations to Sri Guru who showed me (by teaching) that which is
awareness and which pervades the three worlds comprising the sentient
and insentient.

ु ।
सवथश्वु तवशरोरत्नववरावजतिदाम्बजीः
ु यो यीः तस्म ै श्रगरवे
वेदान्ताम्बजसू ु िमीः॥६॥
sarvaśrutiśiroratnavirājitapadāmbujaḥ |
vedāntāmbujasūryo yaḥ tasmai śrīgurave namaḥ || 6||

Prostrations to Sri Guru who is like the Sun to the lotus flower of Vedanta
and whose lotus feet are made radiant by the jewel of all shrutis

च ैतन्यश्शाश्वतश्शान्तीः व्योमातरतो विरञ्जिीः।

ु िमीः॥ ७॥
वबन्दुिादकलातरतीः तस्म ै श्रगरवे
caitanyaśśāśvataśśāntaḥ vyomātīto nirañjanaḥ |
bindunādakalātītaḥ tasmai śrīgurave namaḥ || 7||

Prostrations to Sri Guru who is awareness, changeless (beyond time),

who is peace, beyond space, pure (free from likes and dislikes), and who
is beyond the manifest and the unmanifest .

ज्ञािशविंसमारूढीः तत्त्वमालाववभूवषतीः ।
ु विंप्रदाता
भविंम ु ु िमीः॥८॥
च तस्म ै श्रगरवे
jñānaśaktisamārūḍhaḥ tattvamālāvibhūṣitaḥ |
bhuktimuktipradātā ca tasmai śrīgurave namaḥ || 8||

Prostrations to Sri Guru who is rooted in knowledge that is power,

adorned with the garland of truth and who is the bestower of happiness
and liberation.

अिेकजिसम्प्राप्त कमथबन्धववदावहिे ।
ु िमीः॥९॥
आत्मज्ञािप्रदािेि तस्म ै श्रगरवे
Anekajanmasamprāpta karmabandhavidāhine |
ātmajñānapradānena tasmai śrīgurave namaḥ ||9||

Prostrations to Sri Guru who by bestowing the knowledge of the Self

burns up the bondage created by accumulated actions of innumerable

शोषणं भववसन्धोश्च ज्ञाििं सारसम्पदीः ।

ु िादोदकं सम्यक ् तस्म ै श्रगरवे
गरोीः ु िमीः॥१०॥
śoṣaṇaṁ bhavasindhośca jñāpanaṁ sārasampadaḥ |
guroḥ pādodakaṁ samyak tasmai śrīgurave namaḥ ||10||

Prostrations to Sri Guru, the water from washing whose feets dries up the
ocean of Samsara and provides the wealth of contentment.

ि गरोरवधकं ु
तत्त्वं ि गरोरवधकं तिीः ।
् िावस्त तस्म ै श्रगरवे
तत्त्वज्ञािात िरं ु िमीः॥११॥
na guroradhikaṁ tattvaṁ na guroradhikaṁ tapaḥ |
tattvajñānāt paraṁ nāsti tasmai śrīgurave namaḥ ||11||

There is no greater reality than the Guru, there is no greater austerity

than the woship of the Guru, there is no knowledge greater than the Guru
– who is Brahman itself. prostrations to Sri Guru.

मन्नार्ीः श्रजगन्नार्ीः मद्गरुीः

ु श्रजगद्गरुीः
ु ।
ु िमीः॥१२॥
मदात्मा सवथभतू ात्मा तस्म ै श्रगरवे
mannāthaḥ śrījagannāthaḥ madguruḥ śrījagadguruḥ |
madātmā sarvabhūtātmā tasmai śrīgurave namaḥ ||12||
My Lord is the Lord of Universe, my Guru is Guru of the Universe, my Self
is the Self of all beings, Prostrations to Sri Guru.

गरुरावदरिावदश्च ु िरमदैवतम ।्
ु िरतरं िावस्त तस्म ै श्रगरवे
गरोीः ु िमीः॥१३॥
gururādiranādiśca guruḥ paramadaivatam |
guroḥ parataraṁ nāsti tasmai śrīgurave namaḥ ||13||

Prostrations to Sri Guru who is the beginning and the beginning-less, who
is the highest Deity and to whom there is none superior.

ु सखा त्वमेव ।
त्वमेव माता च विता त्वमेव । त्वमेव बन्धश्च
त्वमेव ववद्या द्रववणं त्वमेव । त्वमेव सवं मम देवदेव ॥१४॥
tvameva mātā ca pitā tvameva |
tvameva bandhuśca sakhā tvameva |
tvameva vidyā draviṇaṁ tvameva |
tvameva sarvaṁ mama devadeva || 14||

O Deva of all Devas, you alone are my mother, father, kinsman, friend, the
knowledge and wealth. You are everything to me.

14. गरुिादकास्तोत्रम ्
(gurupādukāastotram) – by
Nrisimha Bharati Mahaswami

अिन्तसंसार समद्रतार ु
िौकावयताभ्ां गरुभविंदाभ्ाम ।्

वैराग्ब्य-साम्राज्यद-िूजिाभ्ां िमो िमीः श्रगरुिादकाभ्ाम ्

anantasaṁsāra samudratāra
naukāyitābhyāṁ gurubhaktidābhyām |
namo namaḥ śrīgurupādukābhyām ||1 ||

Repeated prostrations to the holy sandals of my reverential Guru, which

serve as the boat to cross the endless ocean of Samsaara, which endow
me with devotion to my Guru, and which grace with the valuable
dominion of renunciation.

कववत्व-वारावश-विशाकराभ्ां दौभाथग्ब्यदावांबद-मावलकाभ्ाम ।्

दूररकृ ता-िम्रवविवत्तताभ्ां िमो िमीः श्रगरुिादकाभ्ाम ्
daurbhāgyadāvāṁbudamālikābhyām |
namo namaḥ śrīgurupādukābhyām ||2||

Repeated prostrations to the holy sandals of my reverential Guru, which

are like a full moon in the ocean of knowledge, which serve as the
downpour of water to put out the fire of misfortunes, which removes the
various distresses of those who prostrate before them.

िता ययोीः श्रिवततां समरयीःु कदावचदप्याश ु दवरद्रवयाथीः ।

मूकाश्च वाचस्पवततां वह ताभ्ां िमो िमीः श्रगरुिादकाभ्ाम ्
natā yayoḥ śrīpatitāṁ samīyuḥ
kadācidapyāṣu daridravaryāḥ |
mūkāśca vācaspatitāṁ hi tābhyāṁ
namo namaḥ śrīgurupādukābhyām || 3 ||

Repeated prostrations to the holy sandals of my reverential Guru, which

make those who prostrate before it quickly overcome poverty & become
possessors of great wealth, which turns even mute ones to eloquent
िालरकिरकाशिदाहृताभ्ां िािाववमोहावद विवावरकाभ्ाम ् ।

िमज्जिाभरष्टतवतप्रदाभ्ां िमो िमीः श्रगरुिादकाभ्ाम ् ॥४॥
nānāvimohādi nivārikābhyām |
namo namaḥ śrīgurupādukābhyām || 4 ||

Repeated prostrations to the holy sandals of my reverential Guru, which

attracts us to lotus like feet of our Guru, which cures us delusions and
which fulfill in plenty the desires of those who prostrate to them.

िृिावलमौवलव्रजरत्नकावन्तसवरवद्वराजिषकन्यकाभ्ाम ।्

िृित्वदाभ्ां ितलोकिङ्कतेीः िमो िमीः श्रगरुिादकाभ्ाम ् ॥५॥
nṛpālimaulivrajaratnakāntisaridvirājajjhaṣakanyakābhyām |
nṛpatvadābhyāṁ natalokapaṅkateḥ
namo namaḥ śrīgurupādukābhyām || 5 ||

Repeated prostrations to the holy sandals of my reverential Guru, which

shines like the precious stones that adorn the crown of kings. They stand
out like a beautiful damsel in a river infested with crocodiles, and which
raises the devotees to the state of soverign emperors.

िािान्धकाराकथ िरम्पराभ्ां ताित्रयाहरिखगेश्वराभ्ाम ् ।

जाड्याविसंसोषणवाडवाभ्ां िमो िमीः श्रगरुिादकाभ्ाम ्
pāpāndhakārārka paramparābhyāṁ
tāpatrayāhīndrakhageśvarābhyām |
namo namaḥ śrīgurupādukābhyām || 6 ||

Repeated prostrations to the holy sandals of my reverential Guru, which
serve as the Sun smashing the darkness of paapas, which are like an eagle
for the snake-like three fold sufferings of Samsara and which are like the
terrific fire that dries away the ocean of ignorance.

(* Tapatraya – three fold sufferings: Adhyatmika - sufferings caused by

one's body and mind, Adibhautika - sufferings inflicted by other beings,
Adidaivika Natural disasters such as earthquakes, floods).

शमावदषट्कप्रदवैभवाभ्ां समावधदािव्रतदरविताभ्ाम ् ।

रमाधवाविवस्थरभविंदाभ्ां िमो िमीः श्रगरुिादकाभ्ाम ्
samādhidānavratadīkṣitābhyām |
namo namaḥ śrīgurupādukābhyām || 7 ||

Repeated prostrations to the holy sandals of my reverential Guru, which

endows us with the glorious six fold virtues beginning with Shama, which
have as though taken a vow to bless the devotees to go into the state of
Samadhi and which blesses the devotees with permanent devotion to the
feet of Lord Vishnu – the all-pervasive Lord.

(*Shad-Sampatti – six fold virtues: Shama – mastery of mind, Dhama –

control of sense organs, Uparama – strict observance of one’s own duty,
Titiksha – power of endurance, Shraddha – intense faith in the words of
Guru and scriptures, Samadhanam – fixing the mind on Brahman or the

स्वाचाथिराणामवखलेष्टदाभ्ां स्वाहासहायािधरु न्धराभ्ाम ् ।

स्वान्ताच्छभावप्रदिूजिाभ्ां िमो िमीः श्रगरुिादकाभ्ाम ्

svāhāsahāyākṣadhurandharābhyām |
namo namaḥ śrīgurupādukābhyām || 8 ||

Repeated prostrations to the holy sandals of my reverential Guru, which

bestows all desires, removing all difficulties of the devoted disciples who
are ever involved and dedicated to service (of the Guru) and which
awakens the aspirants to the state of Self-Realization.

कामावदसि थव्रजगारुडाभ्ां वववेकवैराग्ब्यविवधप्रदाभ्ाम ् ।

बोधप्रदाभ्ां द्रुतमोिदाभ्ां िमो िमीः श्रगरुिादकाभ्ाम ् ॥९॥
vivekavairāgyanidhipradābhyām |
bodhapradābhyāṁ drutamokṣadābhyāṁ
namo namaḥ śrīgurupādukābhyām || 9 ||

Repeated prostrations to the holy sandals of my reverential Guru, which

are like an eagle for the serpent like desires, which blesses one with the
valuable treasure of discrimination & dispassion, which enlightens the
aspirant with true knowledge and blesses with instant Moksham.

(*Sadhana Chatushtayam – four disciplines: Viveka - discrimination

between the real and the unreal, Vairagya - detachment or dispassion
from sense objects, Shad-Sampatti – the six fold virtues – refer stotra 7,
Mumukshutva - intense desire for Moksham).

15. तोटकाष्टकम (toṭakāṣṭakam) – by Sri Totakacharya
Note: Totakacarya, one of the direct disciples of Adi Shankara has
composed this octet in praise of his Guru. The metre (Chhandas) used in
this composition is the difficult, but beautiful Totaka. Hence the disciple
was given the name Totakacharya by Shankara. Every word of this
exquisite hymn speaks the utter devotion of Totaka to Shankara. We
need to pray to have atleast a fraction of such true devotion.


वववदतावखलशास्त्रसधाजलधे ्
मवहतोिविषत कवर्तार्थ
विधे ।
हृदये कलये ववमलं चरणं भव शङ्कर देवशक मे शरणम ् ॥१॥
mahitopaniṣat kathitārthanidhe |
hṛdaye kalaye vimalaṁ caraṇaṁ
bhava śaṁkara deśika me śaraṇam ||1||

O knower of the nectar-ocean of the scriptures, the expounder of the

knowledge of the great Upanishadic treasure! I meditate on your pure
lotus feet in my heart. O Preceptor Shankara, be my refuge.

करुणावरुणालय िालय मां भवसागर दीःखववदूिहृदम ् ।

रचयावखलदशथितत्त्वववदं भव शङ्कर देवशक मे शरणम ॥२॥
karuṇāvaruṇālaya pālaya māṁ bhavasāgaraduḥkhavidūnahṛdam
bhava śaṁkara deśika me śaraṇam ||2||

Save me whose heart is afflicted by the misery of the ocean of births, O

(You who are) the ocean of compassion! (By your grace) make me the
knower of the truths of all the systems of philosophy. O Preceptor
Shankara, be my refuge.

भवता जिता समहिंा भववता विजबोधववचारण चारुमते ।

कलयेश्वरजरववववेकववदं भव शङ्कर देवशक मे शरणम ॥३॥
bhavatā janatā suhitā bhavitā
nijabodhavicāraṇa cārumate |
bhava śaṁkara deśika me śaraṇam ||3||

Persons, whose intellect is adept in the inquiry of Self-knowledge, have

found highest Good (Shreyas) due to you (because of your clear teaching).

Make me understand the knowledge of Iswara and the Jiva. O Preceptor
Shankara, be my refuge.

भव एव भवाविवत मे वितरां समजायत चेतवस कौतवकता ।
मम वारय मोहमहाजलसध भव शङ्कर देवशक मे शरणं ॥४॥
bhava eva bhavāniti me nitarāṁ
samajāyata cetasi kautukitā |
mama vāraya mohamahājaladhiṁ
bhava śaṁkara deśika me śaraṇaṁ ||4||

You are Lord Shiva Himself. Knowing this my mind is filled with an
abundance of joy. Put an end to my sea of delusion. O Preceptor Shankara,
be my refuge.

सकृु तेऽवधकृ ते बहुधा भवतो भववता समदशथिलालसता ।

अवतदरिवममं िवरिालय मां भव शङ्कर देवशक मे शरणम ॥५॥
sukṛte'dhikṛte bahudhā bhavato
bhavitā samadarśanalālasatā |
atidīnamimaṁ paripālaya māṁ
bhava śaṁkara deśika me śaraṇam ||5||

Only after numerous virtuous deeds have been performed in many ways,
does a keen desire for the experience of Brahman arise. Protect me (who
am) extremely helpless. O Preceptor Shankara, be my refuge.

जगतरमववत ं ु कवलताकृ तयो ववचरवन्त महामहसश्छलतीः ।

ु भव शङ्कर देवशक मे शरणम ॥६॥
अवहमांशवु रवात्र ववभावस गरो
jagatīmavituṁ kalitākṛtayo
vicaranti mahāmahasaśchalataḥ |
ahimāṁśurivātra vibhāsi guro
bhava śaṁkara deśika me śaraṇam ||6||

For the sake of saving the world, great ones wander assuming various
forms and guises. O Guru, You shine like the sun (among them).O
Preceptor Shankara, be my refuge.

ु ङ्गव
गरुि ु िङ्गवके
ु ु ।
ति ते समतामयतां िवह कोऽवि सधरीः

शरणागतवत्सल तत्त्वविधे भव शङ्कर देवशक मे शरणम ॥७॥
gurupuṅgava puṅgavaketana te
samatāmayatāṁ nahi ko'pi sudhīḥ |
śaraṇāgatavatsala tattvanidhe
bhava śaṁkara deśika me śaraṇam ||7||

O best among the Gurus! The Lord whose flag bears the emblem of the
bull! You have no equal among the wise. You who are affectionate to
those who seek refuge! The treasure of truth! O Preceptor Shankara, be
my refuge.

वववदता ि मया ववशदैककला ि च सकचि काञ्चिमवस्त गरो ु ।

द्रुतमेव ववधेवह कृ िां सहजां भव शङ्कर देवशक मे शरणम ॥८॥
viditā na mayā viśadaikakalā
na ca kiṁcana kāñcanamasti guro |
drutameva vidhehi kṛpāṁ sahajāṁ
bhava śaṁkara deśika me śaraṇam ||8||

I have neither understood even one branch of knowledge clearly, nor do I

possess any wealth, O Guru quickly bestow on me the compassion which
is natural to you. O preceptor Shankara, be my refuge.

16. मिरषािञ्चकम (manīṣāpañcakam) – by Adi Shankara

चण्डाल उवाच –
अन्नमयादन्नमयमर्वा च ैतन्यमेव च ैतन्यात ।्

यवतवर दूवरकतं ु वाञ्छवस सक ब्रूवह गच्छ गच्छवत ॥
caṇḍāḻa uvāca –
annamayādannamayamathavā caitanyameva caitanyāt |
yativara dūrikartuṁ vāñchasi kiṁ brūhi gaccha gacchaeti ||

Chandala said - O best among the ascetics! By uttering ‘Move Away’ ‘Move
Away’ do you wish to move this body made of food from another body
made of food or do you mean to move Consciousness from Consciousness.
Do tell me.

ु विस्तरङ्गसहजािन्दावभोधाम्बधौ
प्रत्यग्ब्वस्तवि ु
ववप्रोऽयं श्विचोऽयवमत्यवि महान्कोऽयं ववभेधभ्रमीः।
ु वबवम्बतेऽम्बरमणौ चाण्डालवरर्रियीः
सक गङ्गाम्बवि
िूरे वाऽन्तरमवस्त काञ्चिघटरमृत्कुम्भयोवाथम्बरे ॥
pratyagvastuni nistaraṅgasahajānandāvabhodhāmbudhau
vipro'yaṁ śvapaco'yamityapi mahānko'yaṁ vibhedhabhramaḥ|
kiṁ gaṅgāmbuni bimbite'mbaramaṇau cāṇḍālavīthīpayaḥ
pūre vā'ntaramasti kāñcanaghaṭīmṛtkumbhayorvāmbare ||

In the ripple-less (changeless), ocean of the Self which is always in

Ananda how can there be this great delusory distinction that one is a
Brahmana and one is a dog-eater? Is there any difference in the jewel of
the sky (Sun) when it is reflected in the waters of Ganges or in a ditch in
the way side of a slum? Is there any difference in the space as such, be in
a golden pot or in a mud pot?

आचायथ उवाच –
जाग्रत्स्वप्नसषु वप्तष
ु ु स्फुटतरा या संववदज्जृम्भते
या ब्रह्मावदवििरवलकान्ततिषु ु प्रोता जगत्साविणर ।

स ैवाहं ि च दृश्यववस्त्ववत दृढप्रज्ञावि यस्यावस्त चेत ्
चाण्डालोऽस्त ु स त ु वद्वजोऽस्त ु गरुवरत्ये
ु षा मिरषा मम ॥१॥
ācārya uvāca –
jāgratsvapnasuṣuptiṣu sphuṭatarā yā saṁvidujjṛmbhate
yā brahmādipipīlikāntatanuṣu protā jagatsākṣiṇī |
saivāhaṁ na ca dṛśyavastviti dṛḍhaprajñāpi yasyāsti cet
cāṇḍālo'stu sa tu dvijo'stu gururityeṣā manīṣā mama ||1||

Acharya said - He who has realized that he is not the seen, but that he is
the one Consciousness that illumines all experiences during the waking,
dream and deep - sleep states, the one Consciousness which is the very
Life Spark in all forms from the Creator (Brahma) down to the ant and is
the sole witness of the entire play of the universe, he alone is my Guru, be
he a sweeper, be he a Brahmana, this indeed is my deep conviction.

This verse is the explanation for “Prajnanam Brahma” (conciousness is

Brahman) - Aitareya Upanishad (III-1-3) - Rg Veda - Lakshana Vakya.

ब्रह्म ैवाहवमदं जगि सकलं वचिात्रववस्तावरतं

ु ष ं मया कवल्पतम ् ।
सवं च ैतदववद्यया वत्रगणयाऽशे

इत्थं यस्य दृढा मवतीः सखतरे वित्ये िरे विमथले
चाण्डालोऽस्त ु स त ु वद्वजोऽस्त ु गरुवरत्ये
ु षा मिरषा मम ॥२॥
brahmaivāhamidaṁ jagacca sakalaṁ cinmātravistāritaṁ
sarvaṁ caitadavidyayā triguṇayā'śeṣaṁ mayā kalpitam |
itthaṁ yasya dṛḍhā matiḥ sukhatare nitye pare nirmale
cāṇḍālo'stu sa tu dvijo'stu gururityeṣā manīṣā mama ||2||

He who, in his direct experience of the Immaculate Supreme - Ananda -

Eternal, has come to the firm understanding that the entire universe is
but an extensive play of Pure Consciousness, all projected by his
'ignorance' expressed in the three moods of his mind, while he himself is

but that Brahman - he alone is my Guru, be he a sweeper, be he a
Brahmana, this indeed is my deep conviction.

This verse is the explanation for “Aham Brahmasmi” ( I am Brahman ) -

Brihadaranyaka Upanishad ( I-IV-10) -Yajur Veda - Anusandhana Vakya.

शश्वन्नश्वरमेव ववश्वमवखलं विवश्चत्य वाचा गरोीः
वित्यं ब्रह्म विरन्तरं ववमृशता विव्याथजशान्तात्मिा ।
भूत ं भामव च दष्कृ तं प्रदहता संवविये िावके
ु षा मिरषा मम ॥३॥
प्रारिाय समर्तितं स्वविवरत्ये
śaśvannaśvarameva viśvamakhilaṁ niścitya vācā guroḥ
nityaṁ brahma nirantaraṁ vimṛśatā nirvyājaśāntātmanā |
bhūtaṁ bhāvi ca duṣkṛtaṁ pradahatā saṁvinmaye pāvake
prārabdhāya samarpitaṁ svavapurityeṣā manīṣā mama ||3||

He who has done long reflections upon his Gurus words that this world of
change is permanently in a state of flux; he who has tamed his mind to a
true state of quiet and poise; he who has brought his mind, devoid of all
dissimilar thoughts, constantly to contemplate upon Brahman; he who
has burnt up all his past and future residual-vaasanas in the fire of Pure
Consciousness; he who has offered his body to live through and exhaust
its present destiny he alone is my Guru, be he a sweeper, be he a
Brahmana, this indeed is my deep conviction.

This verse is the explanation for “Tatvamasi (Thou art that) - Chandogya
Upanishad (VI.VIII.7) - Sama Veda - Upadesa vakya.

या वतयथङ्नरदेवतावभरहवमत्यन्तीः स्फुटा गृह्यते

यद्भासा हृदयािदेहववषया भावन्त स्वतोऽचेतिाीः ।

तां भास्य ैीः विवहताकथ मण्डलविभां स्फू र्तत सदा भावयि ्

योगर विवृतथ मािसो वह गरुवरत्ये
षा मिरषा मम ॥४॥
yā tiryaṅnaradevatābhirahamityantaḥ sphuṭā gṛhyate
yadbhāsā hṛdayākṣadehaviṣayā bhānti svato'cetanāḥ |
tāṁ bhāsyaiḥ pihitārkamaṇḍalanibhāṁ sphūrtiṁ sadā bhāvayan
yogī nirvṛtamānaso hi gururityeṣā manīṣā mama ||4||

Withdrawing his mind into that Supreme, a Yogi who has realized the
One Consiciousness that shines in all animals, humans & Devas and which
enlivens the insentient mind, body and senses, like the Sun illumining
from behind the bank of clouds, he alone is my Guru, this is my firm

This verse is the explanation for “Ayam Atma Brahma” (this Atman is
Brahman) - Mandukya Upanishad (I.2) - Atharvana Veda - Anubhava

ु शलेशत इमे शक्रादयो विवृतथ ा

ु िवृतथ ीः ।
यवित्ते वितरां प्रशान्तकलिे लब्ध्वा मविर्त

यवस्मवन्नत्यसखाम्ब ु गवलतधरब्रथह्म ैव ि ब्रह्मववद ्
् सरेु िववन्दतिदो िूि ं मिरषा मम ॥५॥
यीः कवश्चिं स
yatsaukhyāmbudhileśaleśata ime śakrādayo nirvṛtā
yaccitte nitarāṁ praśāntakalane labdhvā munirnirvṛtaḥ |
yasminnityasukhāmbudhau galitadhīrbrahmaiva na brahmavid
yaḥ kaścit sa surendravanditapado nūnaṁ manīṣā mama ||5||

During its moments of utter quietude, a yogi's mind gains that Ocean of
Ananda, a tiny droplet from which is sufficient to make Indra and others
feel contented and happy. Such a one who has dissolved his individual
intellect in this Eternal Ocean of Ananda, is verily Brahman, not a mere
Knower of Brahman - That rare one, whose feet are worshipped even by

the very King of Devas indeed, he alone is my Guru, this is my firm


िायमात्मा प्रवचिेि लभ्ो ि मेधया ि बहुिा श्तु िे ।

ु तेि लभ्ीः तस्य ैष आत्मा वववृणते
यमेवषै वृणते ्
ु तिूर्ग ं स्वाम ्

- Kathopanishad (2.23)
nāyamātmā pravacanena labhyo na medhayā na bahunā śrutena |
yamevaiṣa vṛṇute tena labhyaḥ tasyaiṣa ātmā vivṛṇute tanū

This Self, whose attainment is the highest human goal, is not attained
through study of Vedas and scriptures extensively. Nor through
intelligence, the power of comprehension of the purport of texts; not even
through much hearing (of scriptures). The very entity, the supreme Self,
which the man of knowledge seeks to reach; this supreme Self is
attainable; by that fact of consisting in pursuing the idea, 'I am Brahman.'
but not through any other spiritual effort, for It is by Its very nature ever

This Self of His, reveals its own supreme nature, its reality that was
enveloped in ignorance; the idea is that when knowledge dawns, the Self
becomes revealed just like pots etc. on the coming of light. Hence the
purport is that the means for the attainment of the Self consists in
praying for this consummation to the exclusion of everything else.

िाववरतो दश्चवरतान्नाशान्तो िासमावहतीः ।

ु ॥
िाशान्तमािसो वाऽवि प्रज्ञािेि ैिमाप्नयात ्
- Kathopanishad (2.24)
nāvirato duścaritānnāśānto nāsamāhitaḥ |
nāśāntamānaso vā'pi prajñānenainamāpnuyāt||

But he who has not turned away from bad conduct, whose senses are not
subdued, whose mind is not concentrated, whose mind is not pacified, can
never obtain this Atman by Knowledge.

धमथञ्च सत्यञ्च तिश्श्तु ञ्च विमाथत्सयं ह्ररवस्तवतिािसूया।

ु त े द्वादश ब्राह्मणस्य॥
धािञ्च यज्ञश्च दमश्शमश्च गणाह्ये
dharmañca satyañca tapaśśrutañca
nirmātsaryaṁhrīstitikṣānasūyā |
dhānañca yajñaśca dhamaśśamaśca
guṇāhyete dvādaśa brāhmaṇasya||

The twelve qualities of a Brahmana are: Dharmam, Satyam, Tapas, being

reputable, being non-jealous, modesty, having endurance, being non-
envious, being charitable, perfoming Yajnas, having control over the
senses and control of the mind.

दािा इमे मे िंनया इमे मे र्गृहा: इमे मे पशवश्च मॆ मॆ ।

े ि: कालवृकॆण नीिं: ।।
इत्थं निो मॆर्षसमानधमम: मेमक
dārā ime me, tanayā ime me, gṛhā ime me, paśavaśca me me |
itthaṁ naro meṣasamāna-dharmā me-me-karaḥ kāla-vṛkeṇa

This wife is mine (the Sanskrit word ‘mey’, meaning ‘mine’, sounds, when
pronounced, a little like the bleating of a sheep). These children are mine
(‘mey’). These houses are mine (‘mey’) and these cattle are mine (‘mey’).
The man who, in this manner, keeps saying ‘me-me’ is on par with a sheep
(which bleats ‘mey-mey’). He is killed by the wolf that is time.



ु ववद्याववराजत्करवावरजाताम।्
ु ु म्भ ववबोधमद्रा
माला सधाक

अिारकारुण्यसधाम्ब ु
रासश श्रशारदाम्बां प्रणतोवस्म वित्यम॥्
mālā sudhākumbha vibodhamudrāṁ vidyāvirājatkaravārijātām |
apārakāruṇyasudhāmburāṣiṁ śrī śāradāmbāṁ praṇatosmi

I always prostrate to Sri Sharadamba, nectar ocean of extreme mercy,

who holds in her hand the Japa maala, pot of nectar (Amritam), taintless
Vedic scriptures and shows the sign of spiritual awakening (Vibodha

ु ।
शारदा शारदाम्बोजवदिा वदिाम्बजे


सवथदा सवथदास्माकं सवन्नसध सवन्नसध वक्रयात ॥
śāradā śāradāmbojavadanā vadanāmbuje |
sarvadā sarvadāskmākam sannidhiṁ sannidhiṁ kriyāt||

May Devi Sarasvati who gives plenty like the autumn season, who has
(effulgent) face like the moon and who gives us always everything,
bestow me a storehouse of knowledge (to be expressed) in my mouth
resembling lotus (by her grace).

िमावम यावमिरिार्लेखालङ्कृतकुन्तलाम।्

भवािीं भवसन्तािविवाथिणसधािदरम ॥्
namāmi yāminīnāthalekhālaṅkṛtakuntalām |
bhavānīṁ bhavasantāpanirvāpaṇasudhānadīm ||

I worship Bhavani, whose tresses are decorated with the crescent moon
and who is a river of nectar that removes the intense heat of trans-
migratory existence.

या श्द्धा धारणा मेधा वाग्ब्दवे र वववधवल्लभा।

ु दावयिर॥
भिंवजह्वाग्रसदिा शमावद गण
yā śraddhā dhāraṇā medhā vāgdevī vidhivallabhā |
bhaktajihvāgrasadanā śamādi guṇa dāyinī ||

(O Sarasvati) you are (the embodiment of) Shraddha, grasping power &
wisdom, you are Devi of speech and consort of Brahma. The one residing
in the memory of devotees and the giver of inner strengths like control,
restraint, calmness, non-violence.

ं िञ्जरशक
ओकार ु रमिविषदद्यािके
ु वलकलकण्ठरम ।्

आगमवववििमयूररमायाथमन्तर्तवभावये गौररम ॥
oṁkāra pañjaraśukīmupaniṣadudyānakelikalakaṇṭhīm |
āgamavipinamayūrīmāryāmantarvibhāvaye gaurīm ||
I worship in the heart, that Devi, who is like the bird that stays in the cage
of Omkara, the nightingale that sings and flies around in the garden of
the Upanishads, and the peacock that dances with its plumage of divinity
spread out in the woods of the Agamas.

17. लवलतािञ्चकम (lalitāpañcakam) – by Adi Shankara

प्रातीः स्मरावम लवलतावदिारववन्दं

वबम्बाधरं िृर्लमौविंकशोवभिासम ।्
आकणथदरघथियिं मवणकुण्डलाढ्यं

मन्दवस्मतं मृगमदोज्ज्लफालदेशम ॥१॥
prātaḥ smarāmi lalitāvadanāravindaṁ
bimbādharaṁ pṛthulamauktikaśobhināsam |
ākarṇadīrghanayanaṁ maṇikuṇḍalāḍhyaṁ
mandasmitaṁ mṛgamadojjvalaphāladeśam ||

I meditate in the morning, on the lotus face of Lalitha, who has deep red
lips, who has nose shining like a pearl, who has very long eyes which
extend to the ears, who has ear drops made of very precious gems, who
has a very pleasant smile and a very pretty shining forehead, adorned
with kasturi (musk).

प्रातभथजावम लवलताभजकल्पवल्लीं
ु रयलसदङ्गवु लिल्लवाढ्याम ।्
ु िचािक
िण्रे ु ु समे
ु षसृ ्
ु णरीःदधािाम ॥२॥
prātarbhajāmi lalitābhujakalpavallīṁ
ratnāṅguḻīyalasadaṅgulipallavāḍhyām |

puṇḍrekṣucāpakusumeṣusṛṇīḥdadhānām ||2||

At dawn I sing in praise of Lalitha whose arms are like a creeper, who
wears shining gem studded rings on her tender fingers, who wears golden
armlets studded with precious stones, who sports with white lotus flower,
sugarcane bow, arrows of flowers and goad in her hands.

प्राति थमावम लवलताचरणारववन्दं

भिंे ष्टदािविरतं भववसन्धिोतम ।्

ु ध्वजसदशथ ् ३॥
ु िलाञ्छिाढ्यम ॥
prātarnamāmi lalitācaraṇāravindaṁ
bhakteṣṭadānanirataṁ bhavasindhupotam |
padmāṅkuśadhvajasudarśanalāñchanāḍhyam || 3||

I prostrate in the morning to Lalitha, whose lotus feet blesses her

devotees with all their wishes- which is a boat that helps cross the ocean
of Samsara, and which are worshipped by Brahma, Indra & other devas
and who has marks of lotus, goad, flag and wheel in her feet.

प्रातीः स्तवेु िरवशवां लवलतां भवािीं

त्रय्यन्तवेद्यववभवां करुणािवद्याम ।्
ु तां
ववश्वस्य सृवष्टववलयवस्थवतहेतभू
ववश्वेश्वरीं विगमवाङ मिसावतदूराम ् ॥४॥
prātaḥ stuve paraśivāṁ lalitāṁ bhavānīṁ
trayyantavedyavibhavāṁ karuṇānavadyām |
viśvasya sṛṣṭivilayasthitihetubhūtāṁ
viśveśvarīṁ nigamavāṅ manasātidūrām ||4||

I pray in the morning, that Lalitha who is the power behind Lord Shiva,
who is the Devi who slays arrogance, who is described and known by
Vedas and Upanishads, who is the pure and auspicious form of mercy,
who is the cause of - creation, withdrawal and sustenance, who is the
Empress of the universe and who is beyond the reach of Vedas, mind and

प्रातवथदावम लवलते तव िण्यिाम
कामेश्वररवत कमलेवत महेश्वररवत ।
श्रशाम्भवरवत जगतां जििर िरेवत
वाग्ब्दवे तेवत वचसा वत्रिरेु श्वररवत ॥५॥
prātarvadāmi lalite tava puṇyanāma
kāmeśvarīti kamaleti maheśvarīti |
śrīśāmbhavīti jagatāṁ jananī pareti
vāgdevateti vacasā tripureśvarīti ||5||

I repeat in the morning the sacred names of Lalitha, the Devi who has
subdued desires and passion, who sits on the lotus flower, who is the
greatest Devi, the consort of Lord Shiva, the one who is the mother of the
Universe, the Devi of words and language, and the one who is

यीः श्लोकिञ्चकवमदं लवलतावम्बकायाीः

सौभाग्ब्यदं सलवलतं िठवत प्रभाते ।
तस्म ै ददावत लवलता झवटवत प्रसन्ना

ववद्यां वश्यं ववमलसौख्यमिन्तकरर्ततम ॥
yaḥ ślokapañcakamidaṁ lalitāmbikāyāḥ
saubhāgyadaṁ sulalitaṁ paṭhati prabhāte |
tasmai dadāti lalitā jhaṭiti prasannā

vidyāṁ śriyaṁ vimalasaukhyamanantakīrtim ||

He who reads these five stanzas in the morning extolling the mother
Lalitha, who is easily pleased, would get knowledge, riches, unalloyed
happiness and endless fame by the grace of Devi Lalitha.

18. आिन्दसागरस्तवीः (ānandasāgarastavaḥ) - by

Neelakanta Dikshitar (Selected Verses)
ियाथकुले मिवस वावच िवरस्खलन्त्यां
ु घूणमथ ािे ।
आवतथगतथ इव चिवष
कस्तेऽवभदास्यवत वशवे ममतां अवस्थां
काले दयस्व कर्यावम तवाधिु ैव ॥ ४ ॥
paryākule manasi vāci pariskhalantyāṁ
āvartagarta iva cakṣuṣi ghūrṇamāne |
kaste'bhidāsyati śive mamatāmavasthāṁ
kāle dayasva kathayāmi tavādhunaiva || 4 ||

(During the closing moments of my Life) when my mind will be much

disturbed, when the tongue will falter and when eyes will whirl as if
caught in a vortex, who will be able to describe my condition to you. O
consort of Shiva, kindly accept the submission I do right away.

वेदान्तवाक्यजवितं ववमलं ववचारैीः

आसाद्य बोधमिवचन्तितोऽिरोिम ।्
ु व्रजवन्त मिजा
मसिं ु इवत सूविंमाद्यां
ु वत शैलकन्ये ॥ ७ ॥
आलम्ब्य कस्तवरतमहथ
vedāntavākyajanitaṁ vimalaṁ vicāraiḥ
āsādya bodhamanucintanato'parokṣam |
muktiṁ vrajanti manujā iti sūktimādyām
ālambya kastaritumarhati śailakanye || 7 ||

O daughter of Hills, it is scarce to find one who has attained Mukti by

study of Vedanta, chastened by sharp enquiry and assimilated by deep

ब्रह्मेवत शविंवरवत बन्धववमोचिरवत

मायामयरवत मदिान्तकवल्लभेवत ।
सप्ताष्टशब्दिवरवतथिमात्र एव
् ११ ॥
सामथ्यथमावहवत शास्त्रिवरश्मोऽयम ॥
brahmeti śaktiriti bandhavimocanīti
māyāmayīti madanāntakavallabheti |
saptāṣṭaśabdaparivartanamātra eva
sāmarthyamāvahati śāstrapariśramo'yam || 11 ||

After all, the ones who are learned in the Sastras – can utter a few high
sounding words like Brahman, Shakti, Bandavimochini (the releaser
from bond of samsara), Mayamayi, consort of destroryer of Madana (i.e.
mere learning of Sastras without Bhakti will not help).

ु िरमोिर्ोग्ब्य ं
धन्याीः कवत वत्रभविे
संसारमेव िरमेश्ववर भावयन्तीः ।
आभासरूिमवबोधवममं समेत्य
ु भवेि ॥ २९ ॥
विश्ये वकयवत्कयदहं त्वमिा
dhanyāḥ kati tribhuvane paramopabhogyaṁ
saṁsārameva parameśvari bhāvayantaḥ |
ābhāsarūpamavabodhamimaṁ sametya
kliśye kiyatkiyadahaṁ tvamunā bhavena || 29 ||

O Parameshwari, are there not many men in the world who are blessed
in their partiality to the highly enjoyable Samsara. Alas, how much do I
suffer by the same Samsara on account of me having caught a clouded
vision of true Knowledge.

ि ज्ञायते मम वहतं वितरामिायो
दरिोऽवस्म देवव समयाचरणािमोऽवस्म ।
तत्त्वामिन्यशरणीः शरणं प्रिद्ये
मरिावि ववश्वजििीं जििीं ममैव ॥ ३२ ॥
na jñāyate mama hitaṁ nitarāmupāyo
dīno'smi devi samayācaraṇākṣamo'smi | tattvāmananyaśaraṇaḥ
śaraṇaṁ prapadye
mīnākṣi viśvajananīṁ jananīṁ mamaiva || 32 ||

Because of my ignorance, I do not know what is good for me. I am helpless

and incapable of adherence to any rules. I therefore, O Meenakshi,
surrender to you the Mother of the whole universe; and especially my own

आचूडमाचरणमम्ब तवािवारम ु ्

अन्तीःस्मरन्भविमङ्गलमङ्गमङ्गम ।्
आन्दोवलतो ि गणयावम गतान्यहावि ॥ ५३ ॥
ācūḍamācaraṇamamba tavānuvāram
antaḥsmaranbhuvanamaṅgalamaṅgamaṅgam |
āndolito na gaṇayāmi gatānyahāni || 53 ||

O Mother, I meditate as much as possible on each and every part of your

divine personailty which ensures prosperity to the world. I feel like being

floating on the succession of the waves of the ocean of Joy and scarcely
ever keep a reckoning of the days that flee past.

साधारणे स्मरजये विवटलाविसाध्ये

भागर वशवो भजत ु िाम यशीः समग्रम ।्
वामाविमात्रकवलते जिवि त्वदरये
ु ीः ॥ ५६ ॥
का वा प्रसविंरवि कालजये िरारे
sādhāraṇe smarajaye niṭilākṣisādhye
bhāgī śivo bhajatu nāma yaśaḥ samagram |
vāmāṅghrimātrakalite janani tvadīye
kā vā prasaktirapi kālajaye purāreḥ || 56 ||

The Lord took the whole credit for the victory over Manmata let alone the
fact that it was achieved by the look from the eye in the forehead, half of
which belongs to you (Ambal being the left half of Shiva). But mother,
what had Shiva ever to do with the victory over Lord of death (Yama) –
which was achieved by the left foot which belongs to you?

स्यात्कोमलं यवद मिो मम ववश्वमातीः

तत्पादयोमृदथ लयोस्तव िादकाऽस्त ु ।
ु ीः
स्यात्ककथ शं यवद करग्रहणे िरारे
अश्मावधरोहणववधौ भवतूियोगीः ॥ ५७ ॥
syātkomalaṁ yadi mano mama viśvamātaḥ
tatpādayormṛdulayostava pādukā'stu |
syātkarkaśaṁ yadi karagrahaṇe purāreḥ aśmādhirohaṇavidhau
bhavatūpayogaḥ || 57 ||

O Mother of the Universe, if you find my mind soft, use it as slippers for
your feet. If you find it hard, let it serve as the stone on which you stand
during your wedding with Lord Shiva.
सन्नावहवभयममभटैीः िवरवायथमाणे
मय्यभथके करुणया स्वयमाितन्त्याीः ।
आकणथयये मवि िाम ववरामकाले

मातस्तवाविमवणिूिरवशवञ्जतावि ॥ ६६ ॥
sannāhibhiḥryamabhaṭaiḥ parivāryamāṇe
mayyarbhake karuṇayā svayamāpatantyāḥ |
ākarṇayeyamapi nāma virāmakāle
mātastavāṅghrimaṇinūpuraśiñjitāni || 66 ||

Will you grant me the wish, O Mother to hear the tinkling music of your
anklets even as you rush towards me, your child, with compassion during
my last moments when I am surrounded by the messengers of Death.

ु ैबथहुवभीः कुमारैीः
ब्रह्मेशके शवमख
ु शम ।्
ियाथयतीः िवरगृहरतववमिंदे
उत्सङ्गमम्ब तव दास्यवस मे कदा त्वं

मातृवप्रयं वकल जडं सतमामिवन्त ॥ ६७ ॥
brahmeśakeśavamukhairbahubhiḥ kumāraiḥ
paryāyataḥ parigṛhītavimuktadeśam |
utsaṅgamamba tava dāsyasi me kadā tvaṁ
mātṛpriyaṁ kila jaḍaṁ sutamāmananti || 67 ||

They say that the dullest of the sons, becomes the favvourite of the
mother. O Mother dear, when will you take me on your lap, which is taken
in turn by many of your children like Brahma, Ishwara and Vishnu?

त्वत्सवन्नधािरवहतो मम मास्त ु देशीः

त्वत्तत्त्वबोधरवहता मम मास्त ु ववद्या ।
त्वत्पादभविंरवहतो मम मास्त ु वंशीः
त्वविन्तया ववरवहतं मम मास्त ु चायीःु ॥ १०४ ॥
tvatsannidhānarahito mama māstu deśaḥ tvattattvabodharahitā
mama māstu vidyā | tvatpādabhaktirahito mama māstu vaṁśaḥ
tvaccintayā virahitaṁ mama māstu cāyuḥ||104 ||

May I never recide in a place which is devoid of Your presence; may I not
have knowledge which does not teach about You; may I not have
descendants who do not have devotion to Your feet; may I not live a life
which is devoid of the thought of You.

ु गप्रयाताष्टकम ्
19. शारदाभजं
(śāradābhujaṁgaprayātāṣṭakam) – by Adi Shankara

सविोजकु म्भां सधािू
ु णक थ ं ु भां

प्रसादावलम्बां प्रिण्यावलम्बाम ।्
सदास्येन्दुवबम्बां सदािोष्ठवबम्बां
भजे शारदाम्ां अजस्रं मदम्बाम ॥ ्
suvakṣojakumbhāṁ sudhāpūrṇakuṁbhāṁ
prasādāvalambāṁ prapuṇyāvalambām |
sadāsyendubimbāṁ sadānoṣṭhabimbāṁ
bhaje śāradāmbām ajasraṁ madambām ||1||

Having pot like bosom which are pots full of nectar, prepared to shower
her grace on those who have accrued merits due to the good deeds done
in their past lives and she has the face of everglowing moon with reddish
lips resembling a cherry, I pray for ever to that Universal mother
Sharada, who is my eternal mother.

Note: Why in many Stotras, Acharya describe the bosom of Ambal?

For any mother, her children (irrespective of their age) are always like
babies. The main expectation of the baby from the Mother is milk. For
Ambal, the Universal Mother we all are babies. So Acharya approaches
Ambal as a baby expecting the milk of Jnana and hence descibes the
bosom of Ambal, filled with nectar. There is no aspect of Kaama here.

कटािे दयाद्रां करे ज्ञािमद्रां

कलावभर्तवविद्रां कलाि ैीः सभद्राम ।्

िरस्त्रीं ु
ु ङ्गभद्रां
ववविद्रां िरस्त
भजे शारदाम्ां अजस्रं मदम्बाम ॥२॥ ्
kaṭākṣe dayārdram kare jñānamudrāṁ
kalābhirvinidrāṁ kalāpaiḥ subhadrām |
purastrīṁ vinidrāṁ purastuṅgabhadrāṁ
bhaje śāradāmbām ajasraṁ madambām ||2||

Compassionate with her moist glance, with the symbol of wisdom in her
hands, with the blissful face like the full moon, always shining with
ornaments, the ever conscious Tripurasundari, living in the shores of
Tungabhadra, I pray for ever to that Universal mother Sharada, who is
my eternal mother.

ललामाङ्कफालां लसद्गािलोलां
स्वभिंै किालां यशीःश्रकिोलाम।्
करे त्विमालां कित्प्रत्नलोलां

भजे शारदाम्ां अजस्रं मदम्बाम ॥
lalāmāṅkaphālāṁ lasadgānalolāṁ
svabhaktaikapālāṁ yaśaḥśrīkapolām |
kare tvakṣamālāṁ kanatpratnalolāṁ
bhaje śāradāmbām ajasraṁ madambām ||3||

Glowing with Tilakam on her forehead, with golden ear pendants, with
Japamaala in her hands, with radiating cheeks that bestow glory and
prosperity to her devotees, with good music making her esctatic, I pray
for ever to that Universal mother Sharada, who is my eternal mother.

ससरमन्तवेणीं दृशा विर्तजतैणीं
रमत्कररवाणीं िमद्वज्रिाणरम ।्

सधामन्थरास्यां ु वचन्त्यवेणीं

भजे शारदाम्ां अजस्रं मदम्बाम॥४॥
susīmantaveṇīṁ dṛśā nirjitaiṇīṁ
ramatkīravāṇīṁ namadvajrapāṇīm |
sudhāmantharāsyāṁ mudā cintyaveṇīṁ
bhaje śāradāmbām ajasraṁ madambām ||4||

With braided hair parted at the middle, with the beauty of the eyes and
delightful voice that far exceed that of a deer and a parrort, and
worshipped by Indra, with nectar like smiling face which is meditated
upon by devotees bringng joy to them, I pray for ever to that Universal
mother Sharada, who is my eternal mother.

सशान्तां सदेु हां दृगन्ते कचान्तां
लसत्सल्लताङ्गरमिन्तामवचन्त्याम ।्
स्मृिंांिंािस ैीः सर्गमिूववथ स्थतां तां
भजे शारदाम्ां अजस्रं मदम्बाम ॥५॥ ्
suśāntāṁ sudehāṁ dṛgante kacāntāṁ
lasatsallatāṅgīmanantāmacintyām |
smritaamtāpasaiḥ sargapūrvasthitāṁ tāṁ
bhaje śāradāmbām ajasraṁ madambām ||5||

Being ever existent as the Atman which is incomprehensible and without
division, yet the yogis bring in that form of mother which is radiating with
peace and is like a creeper with her curly hairs touching the end of her
eyes, I pray for ever to that Universal mother Sharada, who is my eternal

कुरङ्गे तरङ्गे
ु मृगिे े खगेिे
मराले मदेभ े महोिेऽवधरूढाम ।्
महत्यां िवम्यां सदा सामरूिां

भजे शारदाम्ां अजस्रं मदम्बाम ॥६॥
kuraṅge turaṁge mṛgendre khagendre
marāle madebhe mahokṣe'dhirūḍhām |
mahatyāṁ navamyāṁ sadā sāmarūpāṁ
bhaje śāradāmbām ajasraṁ madambām ||6||

She who rides on a deer, horse , lion and eagle, she who rides on the swan,
the elephant and the bul, during the nine sacred days(Navaratrhri) and
ever has a peaceful form, I pray for ever to that Universal mother
Sharada, who is my eternal mother.

ज्वलत्कावन्तवसह्न जगिोहिाङ्गीं
भजन ् मािसाम्भोजसभ्रान्तभृ
ु ङ्गरम ।्
भजे शारदाम्ां अजस्रं मदम्बाम ॥७॥ ्
jvalatkāntivahniṁ jaganmohanāṅgīṁ
bhajan mānasāmbhojasubhrāntabhṛṅgīm |
bhaje śāradāmbām ajasraṁ madambām ||7||

She whose lustre is like glow of fire and with the form that charms the
entire universe, who is attracted by the pure love of her devotees, (who)
with joy sing her praise and dance, hovering around their lotus like mind
as a fully drunken bee, I pray for ever to that Universal mother Sharada,
who is my eternal mother.

ू मािां
लसिन्दहासप्रभावक्त्रवचह्नाम ।्

भजे शारदाम्ां अजस्रं मदम्बाम ॥८॥
lasanmandahāsaprabhāvaktracihnām |
bhaje śāradāmbām ajasraṁ madambām ||8||

I pray mother Sharadamba, my eternal mother who is essentially the

Parabrahman worshipped by Brahma, Vishnu & Shiva, whose face is
shining with a lustrous smile, whose beauty is enhanced by the swinging
of her ear pendants.

20. कामाक्षीस्तोत्रम (kāmākṣistotram) – by Sri
Anantharama Dikshitar
कामाविमाति थमस्ते कामदाि ैकदिे वस्थते भिं ििे ॥
kāmākṣimātarnamaste kāma dānaikadakṣe
sthite bhakta pakṣe ||

My prostrations to mother Kamakshi, who is always on the side of the

devotees and fulfills their desire cleverly.

कामावरकान्ते कुमावर कालकालस्य भतीःथु करे दत्तहस्ते ।


कामाय कामप्रदावत्र कामकोवटस्थ िूज्य े वगरं देवह मह्यम ॥१॥
kāmārikānte kumāri kāla-kālasya bhartuḥ kare dattahaste |
kāmāya kāmapradātri kāma-koṭistha pūjye giraṁ dehi mahyam
||1|| (kāmākṣi…)

O Kamakshi you are the wife of Kaamari (one who destroyed Lust),
Kumari, wife of Kakala (destroyer of death), the one who gives power to
Kama (the Devata of Love), you are worshipped by the Acharyas of
Kamakoti Peetham in Kanchipuram, I pray you to give me the power of

श्र चक्रमध्ये वसन्तीं भूतरिीः विशाचावददष्टाि हरन्तीं ।
ु म्यां भजे देवहवाचम ्
श्र कामकोट्ां ज्वलन्तीं कामहरि ैस्सग
॥२॥ (कामावि…)
śrī cakramadhye vasantīṁ
bhūta rakṣaḥ piśācādiduṣṭān harantīṁ
śrī kāmakoṭyāṁ jvalantīṁ
kāma-hīnaissugamyāṁ bhaje dehivācam ||2|| (kāmākṣi…)

Kamakshi you reside in the centre of Sri Chakra, remove the bad effects
of Bhoota, Pishacha etc., you shine in Kamakoti and is ever attained by
those who are desireless, I pray you give me the power of speech.

इिावदमान्ये सघन्ये ब्रह्मववष्ण्वावदवन्ध्ये वगररिस्य कन्ये ।
ु भ थजे मातरं त्वाम ्
मान्यां ि मन्ये त्वदन्यां मावितासि मिरिै
॥३॥ (कामावि…)
indrādimānye sughanye
brahma viṣṇvādivandhye girīndrasya kanye

mānyāṁ na manye tvadanyāṁ māni tāṅghriṁ munīndrairbhaje
mātaraṁ tvām ||3|| (kāmākṣi…)

Kamakshi you are daughter of the King of Mountains. I bow down to your
auspicous feet which are are worshipped by Brahma, Vishnu , Indra, other
devatas and great rishis.

ससहावधरूढे िमस्ते साधहृु त्पद्मगूढे हताशेषमूढे ।

रूडं हर त्वं गदं मे कण्ठशब्दं दृढं देवह वाग्ब्वावदवि त्वम ् ॥४॥
siṁhādhirūḍhe namaste –
sādhu-hṛtpadmagūḍhe hatāśeṣamūḍhe
rūḍaṁ hara tvaṁ gadaṁ me –
kaṇṭha-śabdaṁ dṛḍhaṁ dehi vāgvādini tvam ||4|| (kāmākṣi…)

O Kamakshi, the Devi of speech, riding on the Lion, who resides in the
lotus heart of Sadhus and punishes the evil, please remove diseases in my
throat and bestow me with firm voice.

कल्याणदात्रीं जवित्रीं कञ्चित्राभिेत्रां कलािार्वक्त्रां ।

ु सवस्त्रां
श्रस्कन्दित्रां ु सिवरत्रां वशवे त्वां भजे देवह वाचम ् ॥५॥
kalyāṇadātrīṁ janitrīṁ
kañcapatrābhanetrāṁ kalānāthavaktrāṁ
śrīskandaputrāṁ suvastrāṁ sacca-ritrāṁ
śive tvāṁ bhaje dehi vācam ||5||(kāmākṣi…)

O mother Parvathi, bestower of auspicousness, mother of the Universe,

with face like a moon and eyes like lotus leaf, Skanda as your son,
wearing auspicous clothes and having a divine story, please give me
words to sing glories.

भक्त्या कृ तं स्तोत्र रत्नं दरवितािन्तरामेण देवर प्रसादात ।्
वित्यं िठे त्भविंिूत ं तस्य सवाथर्वथ सवद्धभथवदे वे िूिम ् ॥
bhaktyā kṛtaṁ stotra ratnaṁ
dīkṣi- tānantarāmeṇa devī prasādāt
nityaṁ paṭhetbhaktipūtaṁ tasya
sarvārthasiddhirbhavedeva nūnam || (kāmākṣi…)

This devotional hymn jewel is sung by Anantha Rama Dikshitar by the

grace of Devi. The one who chants this with devotion everyday will be
blessed with all prosperity immediately.

21. मरिािरिञ्चरत्नम ् (mīnākṣīpañcaratnam) - by Adi


उद्यद्भाि ु सहस्रकोवटसदृशां के यूरहारोज्ज्लां

वबम्बोष्ठीं वस्मतदन्तिंविंरुवचरां िरताम्बरालं कृताम।्

ववष्णब्रह्मस रेु िसेववतिदां तत्वस्वरूिां वशवां
मरिािीं प्रणतोऽवस्म संततमहं कारुण्यवारांविवधम ् ॥१॥
udyadbhānu sahasrakoṭisadṛśāṁ keyūrahārojjvalāṁ
bimboṣṭhīṁ smitadantapaṁktirucirāṁ pītāmbarālaṁkṛtām |
viṣṇubrahmasurendrasevitapadāṁ tatvasvarūpāṁ śivāṁ
mīnākṣīṁ praṇato'smi saṁtatamahaṁ kāruṇyavārāṁnidhim ||

I ever prostrate to that Meenakshi, the auspicous one and the

personification of sacred truth, who is the ocean of mercy, shining like
billions of rising Suns, wearing shining bracelets and garlands, with
reddish lips like bimba fruit, with shining rows of sparkling teeth,
decorated with yellow silk and whose feet is worshipped by Vishnu,
Brahma and Indra.

मिंाहारलसवत्कररटरुवचरां े वक्त्र प्रभां

वशञ्जन्नूिरवकवङ्कवणमवणधरां ु ।्
ु वाणररमासेववतां
सवाथभरष्टफलप्रदां वगवरसतां
मरिािीं प्रणतोऽवस्म संततमहं कारुण्यवारांविवधम ् ॥२॥
muktāhāralasatkirīṭarucirāṁ pūrṇenduvaktra prabhāṁ
śiñjannūpurakiṁkiṇimaṇidharāṁ padmaprabhābhāsurām |
sarvābhīṣṭaphalapradāṁ girisutāṁ vāṇīramāsevitāṁ
mīnākṣīṁ praṇato'smi saṁtatamahaṁ kāruṇyavārāṁnidhim ||

I ever prostrate to that Meenakshi, the ocean of mercy, the daughter of

Mountain and served by Saraswathi and Lakshmi. She is shining with a
brilliant crown, wearing a garland of pearls, with face shining like the
full moon, feet shine like a fully opened lotus decorated with tinkling
anklets full of gems, blessing her devotees with all their wishes.

श्रववद्यां वशववामभागविलयां ह्रींकारमन्त्रोज्ज्लां

श्रचक्रावङ्कत वबन्दुमध्यवससत श्रमत्सभािायकरम।्

श्रमत्षण्मखववघ्नराजजििीं श्रमज्जगिोवहिीं

मरिािीं प्रणतोऽवस्म संततमहं कारुण्यवारांविवधम ॥३॥
śrīvidyāṁ śivavāmabhāganilayāṁ hrīṁkāramantrojjvalāṁ
śrīcakrāṅkita bindumadhyavasatiṁ śrīmatsabhānāyakīm |
śrīmatṣaṇmukhavighnarājajananīṁ śrīmajjaganmohinīṁ
mīnākṣīṁ praṇato'smi saṁtatamahaṁ kāruṇyavārāṁnidhim||
I ever prostrate to that Meenakshi, the ocean of mercy, who is the sacred
knowledge of Sri Vidya, the left half of Lord Shiva, shining with the sacred
sound “Hreem”, residing in the Bindhu (center point) of Sri Chakra,
presiding over the court of Lord Shiva, the mother of Subrahmanya and
Ganesa, and the enchanter of the whole universe.

ु रिायकीं भयहरां ज्ञािप्रदां विमथलां


श्यामाभां कमलासिार्तचतिदां िारायणस्यािजाम ।्
वरणावेणमृ ु दङ्गवाद्यरवसकां िािाववधाडवम्बकां
मरिािीं प्रणतोऽवस्म संततमहं कारुण्यवारांविवधम ् ॥४॥
śrīmatsundaranāyakīṁ bhayaharāṁ jñānapradāṁ nirmalāṁ
śyāmābhāṁ kamalāsanārcitapadāṁ nārāyaṇasyānujām |
vīṇāveṇumṛdaṅgavādyarasikāṁ nānāvidhāḍambikāṁ
mīnākṣīṁ praṇato'smi saṁtatamahaṁ kāruṇyavārāṁnidhim ||

I ever prostrate to that Meenakshi, the ocean of mercy, consort of Lord

Sundaresha, granter of the most pure knowledge which removes all fears
(including fear of death) , the sister of Lord Narayana, dark in colour,
worshipped by Brahma, enjoying music from Veena, durm and flute and
the Devi of various aspects..

िािायोवगमिरिहृवन्नवसतिं िािार्थवसवद्धप्रदां

िािािष्पववरावजतां ु
वियगलां िारायणेिार्तचताम ।्
िादब्रह्ममयीं िरात्परतरां िािार्थतत्वावत्मकां
मरिािीं प्रणतोऽवस्म संततमहं कारुण्यवारांविवधम ् ॥५॥
nānāyogimunīndrahṛnnivasatiṁ nānārthasiddhipradāṁ
nānāpuṣpavirājitāṁghriyugalāṁ nārāyaṇenārcitām |
nādabrahmamayīṁ parātparatarāṁ nānārthatatvātmikāṁ
mīnākṣīṁ praṇato'smi saṁtatamahaṁ kāruṇyavārāṁnidhim ||

I ever prostrate to that Meenakshi, the ocean of mercy, embodiment of

Nada Brahman, who is comprehended by saints and sages in their hearts,
grants all the wishes and spiritual accomplishments, whose feet shine
with various flowers, worshipped by Lord Narayana, who is the meaning
of various scriptures and who is the Supreme Brahman.

22. मरिािरस्तोत्रम (mīnākṣīstotram) - by Adi
Shankara (Selected Verse)
शब्दब्रह्ममयर चराचरमयर ज्योवतमथयर वाङ्मयर
वित्यािन्दमयर विरञ्जिमयर तत्त्वंमयर वचियर ।
तत्त्वातरतमयर िरात्परमयर मायामयर श्रमयर
सवैश्वयथमयर सदावशवमयर मां िावह मरिावम्बके ॥
śabdabrahmamayī carācaramayī jyotirmayī vāṅmayī
nityānandamayī nirañjanamayī tattvaṁmayī cinmayī |
tattvātītamayī parātparamayī māyāmayī śrīmayī
sarvaiśvaryamayī sadāśivamayī māṁ pāhi mīnāmbike ||

You are the manifestation of Shabda Brahmam (transcendental sound),

the source for all word manifestations in the form of Vedas, and you have
manifested as this world of beings and objects, light (fire) and speech.
Eternally blissful in nature, as there is none other than you, you are the
Supreme principle of Pure Consciousness. You are beyond cause and
effect and yet you are with your own deluding power of Maya appearing
as the controller of everything (sarveshvari). Please remove your Maya
which is the cause for my attraction to, (Sri) Wealth (Ishwaryam)
Lordship arising from the Ego. Please save me, Oh Mother
Meenakshi,from my ignorance of Your Real nature, cause for this fall in
to this attractions to which all my senses are prone to, with your eternally
auspicious kindness (sadashivamayee).

ु (sarasvatī stutiḥ) - by Sage Agastya
23. सरस्वतर स्तवतीः
या कुन्देन्दु-तषारहार-धवला
ु ु -वस्त्रावृता
या शभ्र
या वरणावरदण्डमवितकरा या श्वेतिद्मासिा ।

या ब्रह्माच्यत-शङ्कर-प्रभृ
वतवभदेवीःै सदा िूवजता
सा मां िात ु सरस्वतर भगवतर विश्शेषजाड्यािहा ॥
yā kundendu-tuṣārahāra-dhavalā yā śubhra-vastrāvṛtā
yā vīṇāvaradaṇḍamanḍitakarā yā śvetapadmāsanā |
yā brahmācyuta-śaṁkara-prabhṛtibhirdevaiḥ sadā pūjitā
sā māṁ pātu sarasvatī bhagavatī niḥśeṣajāḍyāpahā ||

(Prostrations to Devi Saraswati) who is pure white like jasmine, with

the coolness of moon, brightness of snow and shine like the garland of
pearls; and who is covered with pure white garments, whose hands are
Adorned with Veena and the boon-giving staff; and who is seated on
pure white Lotus, who is always adored by Lord Brahma, Lord Vishnu,
Lord Shankara and other Devas, O Devi Saraswati, please protect me
and remove my ignorance completely.

थु ा चतर्तु भीः स्फवटकमवणमयरमिमालां दधािा

हस्तेि ैके ि िद्मं वसतमवि च शकंु िस्तकं
ु चािरेण ।
भासा कुन्देन्दु-शंखस्फवटकमवणविभा भासमािाऽसमािा
सा मे वाग्ब्दवे तेय ं विवसत ु वदिे सवथदा सप्रसन्ना
ु ॥
dorbhiryuktā caturbhiḥ sphaṭikamaṇimayīmakṣamālāṁ dadhānā
hastenaikena padmaṁ sitamapi ca śukaṁ pustakaṁ cāpareṇa |
bhāsā kundendu-śaṁkhasphaṭikamaṇinibhā bhāsamānā'samānā
sā me vāgdevateyaṁ nivasatu vadane sarvadā suprasannā ||

Let that Devi of words, who has four hands, who holds a rosary of crystal
beads in one hand, who holds parrot, white lotus and book in other hands,
and who is as lustrous as jasmine flowers, moon, conch and crystal beads,
may she who is the Devi of speech always reside in my tongue (i.e.organ
of speech) and shower Her grace.

24. दगाथ िञ्चरत्नम (durgā pañcaratnam) – by
Mahaperiyava of Kanchi
Note: The meanings for the following shlokas are based on a lecture
delivered by Dr. Veezhinathan.

ते ध्याियोगािगता ्
अिश्यि त्वामे ु िगूढाम।्
व देवीं स्वगणैर्त
त्वमेव शविंीः िरमेश्वरस्य मां िावह सवेश्ववर मोिदावत्र॥ १॥
te dhyānayogānugatā apaśyan
tvāmeva devīṁ svaguṇairnigūḍhām|
tvameva śaktiḥ parameśvarasya
māṁ pāhi sarveśvari mokṣadātri|| 1||

Being inseparable Brahma Shakti (Parameshwara Shakti), though

concealed by your own gunas, in their serene deep meditation,
dhyanayoga, the Rishis realise You. O Mother, the benefactor of Moksha
(liberation), please protect me.

How can Devi (Maya Shakti) bestow Moksha?

It is Maya that creates the Jiva Bhava (bonded/limited sense) in the
individual (thus creating a need for Moksha). The Jivatma can perform
various Karmas, practise Bhakti – attain Chitta Shuddhi and Chitta
Ekagrata; through Shravanam, Mananam and Nidhidhyasanam realize
that it is non-different from Paramatma (which is Moksha).

देवात्मशविंीः श्वु तवाक्यगरता महर्तषलोकस्य िरीः ु प्रसन्ना ।

ु िरं व्योम सतीः प्रवतष्ठा मां िावह सवेश्ववर मोिदावत्र ॥ २॥

devātmaśaktiḥ śrutivākyagītā
maharṣilokasya puraḥ prasannā |
guhā paraṁ vyoma sataḥ pratiṣṭhā
māṁ pāhi sarveśvari mokṣadātri || 2||

Established as the Pure Existence-consciousness-Bliss in the cave of the

heart space, You delightedly appear to the Maharshis, great Sages. Vedas
and Bhagavad Gita extol you as the Brahma Shakti. O Mother, the
benefactor of Moksha (liberation), please protect me.

िरास्य शविंीः ववववध ैव श्ूयसे श्वेताश्ववाक्योवदतदेवव दगे।

स्वाभाववकर ज्ञािबलवक्रया ते मां िावह सवेश्ववर मोिदावत्र॥ ३॥
parāsya śaktiḥ vividhaiva śrūyase śvetāśvavākyoditadevi durge|
svābhāvikī jñānabalakriyā te māṁ pāhi sarveśvari mokṣadātri||
Knowledge-strength-action are inherent in you as you are variously
spoken of in the Vedas as Parashakti, Brahma Shakti and you are very
well known from the words of Svestasvatara Upanishad. O Mother, the
benefactor of Moksha (liberation), please protect me.

देवात्मशब्देि वशवात्मभूता यत्कू मथवायव्यवचोवववृत्या ।

त्वं िाशववच्छेदकरर प्रवसद्धा मां िावह सवेश्ववर मोिदावत्र॥ ४॥
devātmaśabdena śivātmabhūtā
yatkūrmavāyavyavacovivṛtyā |
tvaṁ pāśavicchedakarī prasiddhā
māṁ pāhi sarveśvari mokṣadātri|| 4||

By the words Deva and Atma expressed in the Kurma and Vayu puranas,
you are the Para Siva Atma (Paramatma). You are well known to cut the
bondage of Samsara. O Mother, the benefactor of Moksha (liberation),
please protect me.


ु ववववधा मयूरर ब्रह्मप्रवतष्ठास्यिवदष्टगरता।
त्वं ब्रह्मिच्छा
ज्ञािस्वरूिात्मतयावखलािां मां िावह सवेश्ववर मोिदावत्र॥ ५॥
tvaṁ brahmapucchā vividhā mayūrī
māṁ pāhi sarveśvari mokṣadātri|| 5||

You are the Jnana svarupa, Chaitanya Atma, in everything in this world.
Established in Brahman, you taught (discoursed) Bhagavad Gita. With
Brahman as the support, You have created this universe filled with
variety that looks like the beautiful the peacock. O Mother, the benefactor
of Moksha (liberation), please protect me.

How is it correct to say that Kamakshi instructed Gita?

For the changeless, eternal Brahman, the Maya which is Shakti is the
pratiSTA (that through which Brahman appears in different forms). In
the Gita (Chap 14, shloka 27), Krishna says, I am That Shakti. He also says,
I am the Brahman; (Shakti ShaktimatoH abhedaH - both the Shakti and
the One who has it are not of different nature) – hence Kamakshi is non
different from Krishna – both are different forms of the same Brahman.

25. मूकिञ्चाशवत (mūkapañcāśati) - by Muka Kavi

(selected verses)

Note: Mukapanchashati has over 500 shlokas consisting five sections

namely, (1) Arya shatakam, (2) Paadaaravinda shatakam, (3) Stuti
shatakam, (4) Kataaksha shatakam, and (5) Mandasmitha shatakam.
The shlokas selected here are the ones popularized by Sri. Anantharama
Dikshitar. The meanings are provided based on a lecture by Brahmasri.
Sundarkumar Dikshitar (as part of Soundaryalahari lecture series).

वचवन्ततफलिवरिोषणवचन्तामवणरेव कावञ्चविलया मे।


वचरतरसचवरतस ु
लभा ु ाधारा ॥
वचत्तं वशवशरयत ु वचत्सख
- आयथशतकम –् 3
cintitaphalaparipoṣaṇacintāmaṇireva kāñcinilayā me|
ciratarasucaritasulabhā cittaṁ śiśirayatu citsukhādhārā ||

May my mind be made cool by the continuous flow of Ananda by her, who
is the Chinthamani fulfilling all the desires, who lives in Kanchi and who
can be easily attained by good conduct of the devotee.

कुण्डवल कुमावर कुवटले चवण्ड चराचरसवववत्र चामण्डे

ु ।

गवणवि ु
गहावरवण ु गरुमू
गह्ये ु त े त्वां िमावम कामावि॥
- आयथशतकम –् 46
kuṇḍali kumāri kuṭile caṇḍi carācarasavitri cāmuṇḍe|
guṇini guhāriṇi guhye gurumūrte tvāṁ namāmi kāmākṣi||

I worship you Kamakshi whose ears are adorned with the Tatankas (an
ear adorning ornament), who takes the form of a young girl, who is the
Kundalini power, who has taken the form of Chandi when she gets angry
with the enemies of her devotees, who has created this world of movable
beings and immovable things, who is called Chamunda as she has killed
the Rakshasas Chanda and Munda. who is of the form of three Gunas
Sattva, Rajas and Tamas, who removes the darkness of ignorance, who is
mystic, who is of the form of a guru.

वशव वशव िश्यवन्त समं श्रकामािरकटाविताीः िरुषाीः। ु

वववििं भविमवमत्रं वमत्रं लोष्टं च यववतवबम्बोष्ठम ॥्
- आयथशतकम –् 48
śiva śiva paśyanti samaṁ śrīkāmākṣīkaṭākṣitāḥ puruṣāḥ|
vipinaṁ bhavanamamitraṁ mitraṁ loṣṭaṁ ca

The man who is glanced by Kamakshi sees Shiva in everything. For him,
a forest, friend, enemy, clay or the red lips of a young woman is the same.

ु तां दावरद्र्यमद्रावद्वषे
ताविञ्छस्तबकवत्वषे तिभृ ु
संसाराख्यतमोमषेु िरवरिोवाथ
ु माङ्कसरमाजषेु ।
कम्पातररमिेु यषेु कवयतां वजह्वाकुटीं जग्ब्मषेु
ववश्वत्राणिषेु िमोऽस्त ु सततं तस्म ै िरंज्योवतषे॥
- स्तवु तशतकम -् 2
tāpiñchastabakatviṣe tanubhṛtāṁ dāridryamudrādviṣe
saṁsārākhyatamomuṣe purariporvāmāṅkasīmājuṣe|
kampātīramupeyuṣe kavayatāṁ jihvākuṭīṁ jagmuṣe
viśvatrāṇapuṣe namo'stu satataṁ tasmai paraṁjyotiṣe||

A Param Jyothi – (self effulgent Parashakti – which gives effulgence to

everything else), having the color of the Tamala flower (blue) is shining
brightly in Kanchi, she drives away the misery of humans, she steals
away the great darkness of Samsara, she occupies the left most side of
Parameshwara, she resides on the banks of river Kampa, she blesses the
poets by giving them the right speech (poetry), she protects the entire
universe, to that Param Jyothi I offer my repeated Prostrations.

Note: One cannot see Kampa river in Kanchi now. It should have dried up
(or should have become Antarvahini) even before the time of Vedanta
Deshikar who lived around 12th century CE, as even that Mahan does not
mention Kampa river in his works. Mahaperiyava used to say that the
road in front of the present Kanchi Mutt is where river Kampa was
flowing once upon a time.

ु िण्यात्मिामाििे
श्यामा काचि चविका वत्रभविे ु
सरमाशून्यकववत्ववषथजििर या कावि कादवम्बिर ।
मारारावतमिोववमोहिववधौ कावचतत्तमीःकन्दलर

कामाक्ष्याीः करुणाकटािलहरर कामाय मे कल्पताम ॥
- स्तवु तशतकम -् 6
śyāmā kācana candrikā tribhuvane puṇyātmanāmānane
sīmāśūnyakavitvavarṣajananī yā kāpi kādambinī |
mārārātimanovimohanavidhau kācitattamaḥkandalī
kāmākṣyāḥ karuṇākaṭākṣalaharī kāmāya me kalpatām ||

Kamakshi’s compassion filled glance (Kathaksha) which is like a moon in

the dark sky blesses men who have earned enough Punya to rain poetry
of incomparable beauty. The effulgence (from the glance) captivates the
heart of Shiva - the enemy of Manmatha, may that compassion filled
waves of glances, fulfil all my wishes.

राकाचिसमािकावन्तवदिा िाकावधराजस्तता ु
ु िु र िरकाशवाग्ब्वभै वम।्
मूकािामवि कुवथतर सरध
श्रकाञ्चरिगररववहाररवसका शोकािहन्त्रर सताम ्

एका िण्यिरम्परा ु राकावरणर राजते॥
- स्तवु तशतकम –् 11
rākācandrasamānakāntivadanā nākādhirājastutā
mūkānāmapi kurvatī suradhunī nīkāśavāgvaibhavam|
śrīkāñcīnagarīvihārarasikā śokāpahantrī satām
ekā puṇyaparamparā paśupaterākāriṇī rājate||

Devi Kamakshi devi, who is the personification of the merits of Lord

Parameshwara, and whose face is splendorous like the full moon, who is
worshipped by the Devas and who bestows even on a dumb person the
capacity to render effortlessly divine poetry like the flow of the Ganges
river and who rejoices living in the city of Kanchi, shines always wiping
out the sorrows of the people of noble virtues.

(Note: The letter “ka” is repeated 10 times in the above shloka. “ka” is
Ambal’s roopam. “ka” also means Saraswati. The usage of “ka” falls into
a symmetric pattern. Looks like Muka Kavi wanted to profusely thank
Saraswati Devi for blessing him with the knowledge to compose the Muka
panchashati, hence uses “ka” 10 times in the shloka.)

चिािरडां चतरवदिां चञ्चलािाङ्गलरलां
कुन्दस्मेरां कुचभरितां कुन्तलोद्धूतभृङ्गाम।्
मारारातेमदथ िवशवखिं मांसलं दरियन्तीं
कामािीं तां कववकुलवगरां कल्पवल्लरमिासे
ु ॥
- स्तवु तशतकम -् 61
candrāpīḍāṁ caturavadanāṁ cañcalāpāṅgalīlāṁ
kundasmerāṁ kucabharanatāṁ kuntaloddhūtabhṛṅgām|
mārārātermadanaśikhinaṁ māṁsalaṁ dīpayantīṁ
kāmākṣīṁ tāṁ kavikulagirāṁ kalpavallīmupāse||

I meditate on Kamakshi who is the base for the moon, has a charming
face, whose eyes are constantly quivering, whose smile reveals the white
Kunda flower like teeth, who has beautiful breasts, the flowers in her hair
attracts the bees from Devaloka, kindles desire (for the sake of sustenance
in the world) in Lord Shiva - who killed Manmatha, who is the wish
yielding creeper for the clan of Jnanis/poets.

धिेि ि रमामहे खलजिान्न सेवामहे

ि चािलमयामहे भवभयान्न दूयामहे।
ु चरां मिवस सक च काञ्चररत-
वस्थरां तिमहे
- स्तवु तशतकम –् 85
dhanena na ramāmahe khalajanānna sevāmahe
na cāpalamayāmahe bhavabhayānna dūyāmahe|
sthirāṁ tanumahecarāṁ manasi kiṁ ca kāñcīrata-

I do not revel in wealth, do not serve the bad people, do not give in to
wavering and do not suffer from the fear of Samsara. I steadfastly focus
my mind on the worship of the feet, tender as leaf buds, of Kamakshi
who is the consort of Shiva, the one who killed Manmatha, and who revels
in Kanchi.

क्वणत्काञ्चर काञ्चरिरमवणवविञ्चरलयझरर

वशरीःकम्पा कम्पावसवतरिकम्पाजलविवधीः।
घिश्यामा श्यामा कवठिकुचसरमा मिवस मे
मृगािर कामािर हरिटिसािर ववहरतात॥्
- स्तवु तशतकम –् 100
kvaṇatkāñcī kāñcīpuramaṇivipañcīlayajharī
śiraḥkampā kampāvasatiranukampājalanidhiḥ|
ghanaśyāmā śyāmā kaṭhinakucasīmā manasi me
mṛgākṣī kāmākṣī haranaṭanasākṣī viharatāt||

The beads in the Kanchi (Kanchi means - Udyanam - an ornament worn

by ladies around the waist) of Kamakshi is making tinkling sound,
delighted by the torrential flow of music from Saraswathi Devi’s Veena
(Vipanchi), she is shaking her head, the ocean of compassion resides on
the banks of River Kampa, the dark hued Shyamaa (name of Ambal)
having firm breast, the doe-eyed one who dissociates herself from Shiva
and becomes a witness only during the Pralaya Tandava (dance of
destruction), may she reside in my heart.

समरववजयकोटर साधकािन्दधाटर


मृदगणिवरिे ु
टर मख्यकादम्बवाटर।
ु तिवरिाटर
मविि ु मोवहताजाण्डकोटर
िरमवशववधूटर िात ु मां कामकोटर॥
- स्तवु तशतकम –् 101
samaravijayakoṭī sādhakānandadhāṭī
mṛduguṇaparipeṭī mukhyakādambavāṭī|
muninutaparipāṭī mohitājāṇḍakoṭī
paramaśivavadhūṭī pātu māṁ kāmakoṭī||

The one who is excellent in conquiring any war, (the one who) is the
Ananda of a devotee, (the one who is) full of grace, (the one who) is
personification Kadamba garden, (the one who) has all the Universe in
Her control and (the one who) is Lord Shiva’s wife , let she protect me!

मातीः िणं स्निय मां तव वरवितेि

ु ैरिरोवितेि ।
मन्दावितेि सजि
कामावि कमथवतवमरोत्करभास्करेण
ु वततस्करे
श्ेयस्करेण मधिद्य ु ण॥
- कटािशतकम –् 45
mātaḥ kṣaṇaṁ snapaya māṁ tava vīkṣitena
mandākṣitena sujanairaparokṣitena |
kāmākṣi karmatimirotkarabhāskareṇa
śreyaskareṇa madhupadyutitaskareṇa ||

O Mother! for a few seconds bathe me by your glances which are soft,
realised before their very eyes by the saints, the brilliant sun dispelling
the darkness of bad Karma and contributing to the welfare of the good
and which steals the radiance of honey-bees.


बाणेि िष्पधि ु िवरकल्प्यमाि-
त्राणेि भिंमिसां करुणाकरेण।
कोणेि कोमलदृशस्तव कामकोवट
शोणेि शोषय वशवे मम शोकवसन्धमु ॥्
- कटािशतकम –् 94
bāṇena puṣpadhanuṣaḥ parikalpyamāna-
trāṇena bhaktamanasāṁ karuṇākareṇa|
koṇena komaladṛśastava kāmakoṭi
śoṇena śoṣaya śive mama śokasindhum||

O Kamakshi, the bestower of auspiciousness , let your soft reddish divine

glance full of grace, which is the arrow of Manmata, which protects the
minds of devotees, dry up the ocean of my sorrows.

26. कमलजदवयताष्टकम (kamalajadayitāṣṭakam) - by
Sri Nrisimha Bharati Mahaswami
What to Pray?
कमथस्वात्मोवचतेष ु वस्थरतरवधषणां देहदाढ्यं तदर्ं
ु शश्च वत्रभविवववदतं
दरघं चाययथ ु िािमागाथवद्वरविंम ।्
सत्सङ्गं सत्कर्ायाीः श्वणमवि सदा देवव दत्वा कृ िािॆ
ु ां च बसद्ध
ववद्यां शद्ध ु कमलजदवयते सत्वरं देवह मह्यम ॥ ् ५॥
karmasvātmociteṣu sthirataradhiṣaṇāṁ dehadārḍhyam
dīrghaṁ cāyuryaśaśca tribhuvanaviditaṁ pāpamārgādviraktim |
satsaṅgaṁ satkathāyāḥ śravaṇamapi sadā devi datvā krpābdhe

vidhyām śuddhām ca budhhim kamalajadayite satvaraṁ dehi
mahyam |

O Devi, O ocean of mercy - please bless me with a deep conviction in doing

my duties/ karma- appropriate for my spiritual growth (Karma Yoga
being the way to purify mind). For this may you give me physical strength,
long life, fame which extends across everywhere (fame born out of noble
deeds is meant here – this sort of fame will motivate others to do their
Karma), let me have disinclination towards the path of
immorality. Please provide me association with Sajjanas and opportunity
to listen to spiritual talks. Having given me all this, please give me Vidya
and Chitta Shuddhi immediately

27. ्
अम्बािञ्चरत्नम (ambāpañcaratnam) - by Adi
अम्बा शंबरवैवरतातभवगिर श्रचिवबम्बाििा
वबम्बोष्ठर वस्मतभावषणर शभु करर कादम्बवाट्ावश्ता ।

ह्ररङ्कारािरमन्त्रमध्यसभगा श्ोणर वितम्बावङ्कता

मामम्बािरवावसिर भगवतर हेरम्बमाताऽवत ु ॥ १ ॥
ambā śaṁbaravairitātabhaginī śrīcandrabimbānanā
bimboṣṭhī smitabhāṣiṇī śubhakarī kādambavāṭyāśritā |
hrīṅkārākṣaramantramadhyasubhagāśroṇī nitambāṅkitā
māmambāpuravāsinī bhagavatī herambamātā'vatu || 1 ||

Let the mother of Ganesa who lives in Amba pura, who is the sister of he
who killed Sambara, who has a face like the full moon, who has reddish
lips like Bimba fruits, who talks with a smile, who does always good, who
likes to live in the forest of Kadamba trees, who is the gracious one who
is the essence of the Mantra ‘hreem’, and who has a very pretty middle
part, protect me.


कल्याणर कमिरयसन्दरवि ीःु कात्यायिर कावलका

कालश्यामलमेचकद्यवतमतर कावदवत्रिञ्चािरर ।
कामािर करुणाविवधीः कवलमलारण्यावतदावािला

मामम्बािरवावसिर भगवतर हेरम्बमाताऽवत ु ॥ २ ॥
kalyāṇī kamanīyasundaravapuḥ kātyāyanī kālikā
kālaśyāmalamecakadyutimatī kāditripañcākṣarī |
kāmākṣī karuṇānidhiḥ kalimalāraṇyātidāvānalā
māmambāpuravāsinī bhagavatī herambamātā'vatu || 2 ||

Let the mother of Ganesa who lives in Amba pura, who is the storehouse
of good deeds, who has a very pretty mien, who is the daughter of
Kathyayana, who is Kali, who is time, who is dark, who has chants of
fifteen letters starting with ’Ka’, who has passionate eyes, who is store
house of mercy, and who is the forest fire that burns the effect of bad and
dark deeds. protect me.

काञ्चरकङ्कणहारकुण्डलवतर कोटर वकररटावन्वता

थ वतकोवटकोवट
कन्दिद्य सदिा िरयूषकुम्भस्तिर ।

ता कै लासवासवप्रया

मामम्बािरवावसिर भगवतर हेरम्बमाताऽवत ु ॥ ३ ॥
kāñcīkaṅkaṇahārakuṇḍalavatī koṭī kirīṭānvitā
kandarpadyutikoṭikoṭi sadanā pīyūṣakumbhastanī |
kausumbhāruṇakāñcanāmbaravṛtā kailāsavāsapriyā
māmambāpuravāsinī bhagavatīherambamātā'vatu || 3 ||

Let the mother of Ganesa who lives in Amba pura, who wears anklets,
bangles, chains and ear studs, who is incomparable with billions of
crowns, who has the effulgence of billions and billions of Manmathas, who
has breasts which are like pots of nectar, who wears the golden colour

silk with the shade of the colour of dawn and who is interested in staying
on mount Kailasa, protect me.

ु विशम्भ
या सा शम्भ ु दैत्यशमिर या रिंबरजाशिर

या श्र ववष्णसरोजिे
त्रभविा या ब्रह्मववद्यासतर ।
या देवर मधकैु टभासरवरि
ु ीःु या मावहषध्वंवसिर

मामम्बािरवावसिर भगवतर हेरम्बमाताऽवत ु ॥ ४ ॥
yā sā śumbhaniśumbhadaityaśamanī yā raktabījāśanī
yā śrī viṣṇusarojanetrabhavanā yā brahmavidyāsatī |
yādevī madhukaiṭabhāsuraripuḥ yā māhiṣadhvaṁsinī
māmambāpuravāsinī bhagavatī herambamātā'vatu || 4 ||

Let the mother of Ganesa who lives in Amba pura, who killed the asuras
called Shumbha and Nishmbha, who killed the Rakshasa called Raktha
Bheeja, who lives in the lotus eyed Vishnu (she is non-different from
Vishnu), who is the ultimate knowledge, who is pure, who killed the
asuras called Madhu and Kaithabha, And who killed the Rakshasa called
Mahisha asura, protect me.

श्रववद्या िरदेवताऽऽवदजििर दगाथ जया चवण्डका

बाला श्रवत्रिरेु श्वरर वशवसतर श्रराजराजेश्वरर ।
श्रराज्ञर वशवदूवतका श्वु तिता
ु शृङ्गारचूडामवणीः

मामम्बािरवावसिर भगवतर हेरम्बमाताऽवत ु ॥ ५ ॥
śrīvidyā paradevatā''dijananī durgā jayā caṇḍikā
bālā śrītripureśvarī śivasatī śrīrājarājeśvarī |
śrīrājñī śivadūtikā śrutinutā śṛṅgāracūḍāmaṇiḥ
māmambāpuravāsinī bhagavatīherambamātā'vatu || 5 ||

Let the mother of Ganesa who lives in Amba pura, who is the sacred
knowledge, who is the Para devata, who is the primeval creator, who is
durga, who won over Chandasura, who is playful, who is the queen of
three cities, who is the consort of Lord Shiva, who is Sathi, who is Devi of
king of kings, who is the queen, who sent Shiva as emissary, who is sung
by Vedas, And who is most pretty gem like damsel, protect me.

अम्बा िञ्चकमद्भत ् वा प्रभातेऽविशं

ु ं िठवत चेत यो

वदव्य ैश्वयथशतायरुत्तमवमदं ववद्यां वश्यं शाश्वतरम ।्

लब्ध्वा भूवमतले स्वधमथविरतां श्रसन्दरीं भावमिीं
् धु ैीः संस्तय
अन्ते स्वगथफलं लभेत ववब ू मािो िरीः ॥
ambā pañcakamadbhutaṁ paṭhati cet yovā prabhāte'niśaṁ
divyaiśvaryaśatāyuruttamamidaṁ vidyāṁ śriyaṁ śāśvatīm |
labdhvā bhūmitalesvadharmaniratāṁ śrīsundarīṁ bhāminīṁ
ante svargaphalaṁ labhet vibudhaiḥ saṁstūyamāno naraḥ ||

He who reads daily these wonderful five gems of Amba day and night,
Would get divine wealth, hundred years life, good intellect, wealth which
is for ever, And a pretty loving wife protecting his culture and also in the
end, Attain Swarga and would be praised by Devas.

28. ्
अन्निूणाथस्तोत्रम (annapūrṇāstotram) - by
Adi Shankara
वित्यािन्दकरर वराभयकरर सौन्दयथरत्नाकरर
विधूतथ ावखलघोरिाविकरर प्रत्यिमाहेश्वरर।

प्रालेयाचलवंशिाविकरर काशरिराधरश्वरर
े रर॥ १॥
वभिां देवह कृ िावलम्बिकरर माताऽन्निूणश्व
nityānandakarī varābhayakarī saundaryaratnākarī
nirdhūtākhilaghorapāvanakarī pratyakṣamāheśvarī|
prāleyācalavaṁśapāvanakarī kāśīpurādhīśvarī

bhikṣāṁ dehi kṛpāvalambanakarī mātā'nnapūrṇeśvarī|| 1||

O Mother Annapurna, embodiment of grace, the supreme ruler of Kashi,

established eternally in your swaroopa ( sat-chit-ananda), with beautiful
resplendent form, the ever present controller in everyone, purifier of the
entire lineage of Himavan, endow me with abhaya that removes the great
fear of this samsara and vara, the boon of oneness with you. Please grant
me alms (of the state of fearlessness that is Moksha).

िािारत्नवववचत्रभूषणकरर हेमाम्बराडम्बरर

मिंाहारववलम्बमाि ्
ववलसत विोजक ु म्भान्तरर।

काश्मररागरुवावसता रुवचकरर काशरिराधरश्वरर
े रर॥ २॥
वभिां देवह कृ िावलम्बिकरर माताऽन्निूणश्व
nānāratnavicitrabhūṣaṇakarī hemāmbarāḍambarī
muktāhāravilambamāna vilasat vakṣojakumbhāntarī|
kāśmīrāgaruvāsitā rucikarī kāśīpurādhīśvarī
bhikṣāṁ dehi kṛpāvalambanakarī mātā'nnapūrṇeśvarī|| 2||

O Mother Annapurna, embodiment of grace, the supreme ruler of Kashi,

bedecked in variety of golden ornaments, bosom enhanced by a garland
of shining pearls, body smeared with the fragrant kashmira agaru, please
give me alms (of the state of fearlessness that is Moksha).

योगािन्दकरर वरिियकरर धमाथर्वथ िष्ठाकरर
चिाकाथिलभासमािलहरर त्रैलोक्यरिाकरर।

सवैश्वयथसमस्तवावञ्छतकरर काशरिराधरश्वरर
े रर॥ ३॥
वभिां देवह कृ िावलम्बिकरर माताऽन्निूणश्व
yogānandakarī ripukṣayakarī dharmārthaniṣṭhākarī
candrārkānalabhāsamānalaharī trailokyarakṣākarī|
sarvaiśvaryasamastavāñchitakarī kāśīpurādhīśvarī
bhikṣāṁ dehi kṛpāvalambanakarī mātā'nnapūrṇeśvarī|| 3||

O Mother Annapurna, embodiment of grace, the supreme ruler of Kashi,

shining with the brilliance of moon, sun and fire, protector of the three
worlds ,destroyer the inner enemies in the form of kama, krodha, lobha,
moha, madha and matsarya, bestower the bliss of yoga, prompter of
people into deep-rooted righteousness, , granter of all wealth and fulfiller
of all desires, please give me alms (of the state of fearlessness that is

कै लासाचलकन्दरालयकरर गौरर उमा शङ्करर

कौमारर विगमार्थगोचरकरर ओङ्कारबरजािरर।

मोिद्वारकिाटिाटिकरर काशरिराधरश्वरर
े रर॥ ४॥
वभिां देवह कृ िावलम्बिकरर माताऽन्निूणश्व
kailāsācalakandarālayakarī gaurī umā śaṅkarī
kaumārī nigamārthagocarakarī oṅkārabījākṣarī|
mokṣadvārakapāṭapāṭanakarī kāśīpurādhīśvarī
bhikṣāṁ dehi kṛpāvalambanakarī mātā'nnapūrṇeśvarī|| 4||

O Mother Annapurna, embodiment of grace, the supreme ruler of Kashi,

having the caves of Mount Kailasa her abode, known by various names
like Gauri, Uma, Shankari, and Kaumari, embodiment of Omkara,
revealing the purport of Nigamas / Vedas, the grace that opens the door
to salvation, please give me alms (of the state of fearlessness that is

दृश्यादृश्य ववभूवतवाहिकरर ब्रह्माण्डभाण्डोदरर

लरलािाटकसूत्रभेदिकरर ववज्ञािदरिाङ्कुरर।

श्रववश्वेशमिीः प्रसादिकरर काशरिराधरश्वरर
े रर॥ ५॥
वभिां देवह कृ िावलम्बिकरर माताऽन्निूणश्व
dṛśyādṛśya vibhūtivāhanakarī brahmāṇḍabhāṇḍodarī
līlānāṭakasūtrabhedanakarī vijñānadīpāṅkurī|
śrīviśveśamanaḥ prasādanakarī kāśīpurādhīśvarī
bhikṣāṁ dehi kṛpāvalambanakarī mātā'nnapūrṇeśvarī|| 5||

O Mother Annapurna, embodiment of grace, the supreme ruler of Kashi,

the cause and support of the entire visible and invisible universe, by
lighting lamp of wisdom you sever the illusive world of plurality, source
of happiness of Lord Shiva, Visheshwara, please give me alms (of the state
of fearlessness that is Moksha).

े रर
उवी सवथजिेश्वरर भगवतर माताऽन्निूणश्व
वेणरिरलसमािकुन्तलधरर वित्यान्नदािेश्वरर।
सवाथिन्दकरर सदाशभु करर काशरिराधरश्वरर

े रर॥ ६॥
वभिां देवह कृ िावलम्बिकरर माताऽन्निूणश्व
urvī sarvajaneśvarī bhagavatī mātā'nnapūrṇeśvarī
veṇīnīlasamānakuntaladharī nityānnadāneśvarī|
sarvānandakarī sadāśubhakarī kāśīpurādhīśvarī
bhikṣāṁ dehi kṛpāvalambanakarī mātā'nnapūrṇeśvarī|| 6||

O Mother Annapurna, embodiment of grace, the supreme ruler of Kashi,

mother of the entire universe, with dark braided hair, bestower of food,
happiness and welfare, please give me alms (of the state of fearlessness
that is Moksha).

आवदिान्तसमस्तवणथिकरर शम्भोवस्त्रभावाकरर
काश्मररा वत्रजलेश्वरर वत्रलहरर वित्याङ्कुरा शवथरर।

कामाकाङ्क्षकरर जिोदयकरर काशरिराधरश्वरर
े रर॥ ७॥
वभिां देवह कृ िावलम्बिकरर माताऽन्निूणश्व
ādikṣāntasamastavarṇanakarī śambhostribhāvākarī
kāśmīrā trijaleśvarī trilaharī nityāṅkurā śarvarī|
kāmākāṅkṣakarī janodayakarī kāśīpurādhīśvarī
bhikṣāṁ dehi kṛpāvalambanakarī mātā'nnapūrṇeśvarī|| 7||

O Mother Annapurna, embodiment of grace, the supreme ruler of Kashi,

cause of manifestation of all alphabets ( “A” to “kSha”) and Shambhu’s
three Bhavas ( Rajas, Sattva and Tamas leading to creation, sustenance
and withdrawal of the universe), presiding deity of night with golden
colour, Devi of three rivers Ganga, Yamuna and Saraswati (representing
iccha, Jnana and Kriya saktis being desire, knowledge and action in
everyone) who creates the three waves of Vairagyam, Bakthi and Jnana,
for the upliftment of people, please give me alms (of the state of
fearlessness that is Moksha).

देवर सवथवववचत्ररत्नरवचता दािायणर सन्दरर
वामे स्वादियोधरा वप्रयकरर सौभाग्ब्य माहेश्वरर।
भिंाभरष्टकरर सदाशभु करर काशरिराधरश्वरर

े रर॥ ८॥
वभिां देवह कृ िावलम्बिकरर माताऽन्निूणश्व
devī sarvavicitraratnaracitā dākṣāyaṇī sundarī
vāme svādupayodharā priyakarī saubhāgya māheśvarī|
bhaktābhīṣṭakarī sadāśubhakarī kāśīpurādhīśvarī
bhikṣāṁ dehi kṛpāvalambanakarī mātā'nnapūrṇeśvarī|| 8||

O Mother Annapurna, embodiment of grace, the supreme ruler of Kashi,

who is studded with gems of all colours, and who was the beautiful
daughter of King Daksha, bearer of benign breasts, doer of good to all,
endowed with all auspicousness, fulfiller of the desires of the devotees,
showering welfare on all, please give me alms (of the state of fearlessness
that is Moksha).

चिाकाथिलकोवटकोवटसदृशा चिांशवु बम्बाधरर

चिाकाथवग्नसमािकुण्डलधरर चिाकथ वणेश्वरर।

मालािस्तकिाशसाङ्क ु
ुशधरर काशरिराधरश्वरर
े रर॥ ९॥
वभिां देवह कृ िावलम्बिकरर माताऽन्निूणश्व
candrārkānalakoṭikoṭisadṛśā candrāṁśubimbādharī
candrārkāgnisamānakuṇḍaladharī candrārkavarṇeśvarī|
mālāpustakapāśasāṅkuśadharī kāśīpurādhīśvarī
bhikṣāṁ dehi kṛpāvalambanakarī mātā'nnapūrṇeśvarī|| 9||

O Mother Annapurna, embodiment of grace, the supreme ruler of Kashi,

shining with the splendor of moons, suns and fires, lips radiating with
the coolness of moon, earrings glowing as bright as the moon, sun and
fire, resplendent like the moon and the sun, holding japa mala, book,
noose and goad in your hands , please give me alms (of the state of
fearlessness that is Moksha).

ित्रत्राणकरर महाऽभयकरर माता कृ िासागरर

सािािोिकरर सदा वशवकरर ववश्वेश्वरर श्रधरर।

दिाक्रन्दकरर विरामयकरर काशरिराधरश्वरर
े रर॥ १०॥
वभिां देवह कृ िावलम्बिकरर माताऽन्निूणश्व
kṣatratrāṇakarī mahā'bhayakarī mātā kṛpāsāgarī
sākṣānmokṣakarī sadā śivakarī viśveśvarī śrīdharī|
dakṣākrandakarī nirāmayakarī kāśīpurādhīśvarī
bhikṣāṁ dehi kṛpāvalambanakarī mātā'nnapūrṇeśvarī|| 10||

O Mother Annapurna, embodiment of grace, the supreme ruler of Kashi,

protector of rulers, grantor of state of fearlessness, ocean of compassion,
bestower of liberation, embodiment of auspiciousness, Vishweshwari,
Lakshmi, destroyer of Daksha’s sacrifice, remover of all ailments, please
give me alms (of the state of fearlessness that is Moksha).

अन्निूण े सदािूण े शङ्करप्राणवल्लभे।

ज्ञािवैराग्ब्यवसद्ध्यर्ं वभिां देवह च िावथवत॥ ११॥
annapūrṇe sadāpūrṇe śaṅkaraprāṇavallabhe|
jñānavairāgyasiddhyarthaṁ bhikṣāṁ dehi ca pārvati|| 11||

O Mother Annapurna, Parvati, the daughter of the Parvataraja, Himavan,

ever established in your Brahma svarupam, Purnatvam, dear to Lord
Shiva, please give me alms, of dispassion that helps in getting established
in the knowledge of the Real, that is the state of fearlessness, Moksha.

माता मे िावथतर देवर विता देवो महेश्वरीः।

बान्धवाीः वशवभिंाश्च स्वदेशो भवित्रयम ॥् १२॥
mātā me pārvatī devī pitā devo maheśvaraḥ|
bāndhavāḥ śivabhaktāśca svadeśo bhuvanatrayam|| 12||

The loka mata (universal mother)Paravati and the loka pita (universal
father) Parameshwara are my parents, all their devotees my family and
the three worlds my country.

29. िवरत्नमावलका (navaratnamālikā) – by Adi


हारिूिरवकररटकु ण्डलववभूवषतावयवशोवभिीं
कारणेशवरमौवलकोवटिवरकल्प्यमाििदिरवठकाम ।्
कालकालफवणिाशबाणधिरङ्कु ुशामरुणमेखलां
् १॥
फालभूवतलकलोचिां मिवस भावयावम िरदेवताम ॥
kāraṇeśavaramaulikoṭiparikalpyamānapadapīṭhikām |
phālabhūtilakalocanāṁ manasi bhāvayāmi paradevatām || 1||

I meditate on the Mother Devi adorned and shining with garland,
anklets, crown, earrings, with feet on foot pedestal that is made up of
the countless heads of Devatas like Brahma , holding terrible serpent,
noose, bow and arrow, goad and wearing red girdle, with a mark of tilaka
in the form of third eye on her forehead

सान्ध्यरागमधरु ाधराभरणसन्दराििश
ु वु चवस्मताम ।्
मन्थरायतववलोचिाममलबालचिकृ तशेखरीं
् २॥
इवन्दरारमणसोदरीं मिवस भावयावम िरदेवताम ॥
sāndhyarāgamadhurādharābharaṇasundarānanaśucismitām |
indirāramaṇasodarīṁ manasi bhāvayāmi paradevatām || 2||

I meditate on Mother Devi, sister of Narayana, with relaxed eyes and

adorned with white crescent moon on her crown, with fragrance arising
from the chewing of arecanut, camphor and tender betel leaf, that
amplify her smiling face with a beautiful glow of crimson hue like that of
the evening twilight.

स्मेरचारुमखमण्डलां ववमलगण्डलवम्बमवणमण्डलां
ु ।्
ु ववववधकारणेशवरिरवठकां
् ३॥
मारवैवरसहचावरणीं मिवस भावयावम िरदेवताम ॥
smeracārumukhamaṇḍalāṁ vimalagaṇḍalambimaṇimaṇḍalāṁ
hāradāmapariśobhamānakucabhārabhīrutanumadhyamām |
vīragarvaharanūpurāṁ vividhakāraṇeśavarapīṭhikāṁ
māravairisahacāriṇīṁ manasi bhāvayāmi paradevatām || 3||

I meditate on Mother Devi, consort of Lord Shiva, (enemy of God of Love),
with smiling face, dangling shining jewels below the bright cheeks, with
slender waist that languish under the weight of Her bosom decorated
with necklaces, with anklets that curb the pride of even the great heroes,
seated on the throne supported by Devatas.

वावररावशमवणमेखलावलयववह्नमण्डलशररवरणरम ।्
वावरसारवहकुण्डलां गगिशेखरीं च िरमावत्मकां
चारुचिरववलोचिां मिवस भावयावम िरदेवताम ॥ ् ४॥
vārirāśimaṇimekhalāvalayavahnimaṇḍalaśarīriṇīm |
vārisāravahakuṇḍalāṁ gaganaśekharīṁ ca paramātmikāṁ
cārucandraravilocanāṁ manasi bhāvayāmi paradevatām || 4||

I meditate on Mother Devi, having the earth adorned with the gems of
Adisesha as the seat, body effulgent like fire, with sky as the face, sun and
moon the eyes, clouds the ear-rings, and gems from the ocean as girdle.


त्पण्डररकम ु वदिीं च प्रचण्डभािभासम
खभे ु ु लाम ।्
मण्डलान्तमवणदरविकां मिवस भावयावम िरदेवताम ॥ ् ५॥
tpuṇḍarīkamukhabhedinīṁ ca pracaṇḍabhānubhāsamujjvalām |
maṇḍalāntamaṇidīpikāṁ manasi bhāvayāmi paradevatām || 5||

I meditate on Mother Devi, the presiding deity of Sri Chakra, shining in

the six petals exceling the splendor of lotus, crimson in color, with the
effulgence like the rising Sun and lightning, delightful like the nectarine
rays of the moon and illumined by numerous circular rows of lamps.

ु न्दररवचक
चारणावदसरस ु ु
ु रशेखररकृ तिदाम्बजाम ।्
कारणावधिवतिञ्चकप्रकृ वतकारणप्रर्ममातृकां

वारणान्तमखिारणां मिवस भावयावम िरदेवताम ॥ ् ६॥
cāraṇādisurasundarīcikuraśekharīkṛtapadāmbujām |
vāraṇāntamukhapāraṇāṁ manasi bhāvayāmi paradevatām || 6||

I meditate on Mother Devi, who quenches the thirst of Ganesha the

elephant faced one and Subramanya, the one who rides on the peacock,
who has lotus like feet touched by the tresses of the prostrating heavenly
damsels, who is the primal cause of the five Gods responsible for the five
cosmic deeds ( creation, sustenance, involution, obscuration, and
liberation),who is the primeval mother and who causes delight to Lord

िद्मरागमवणमेखलावलयिरववशोवभतवितवम्बिरम ।्
् ७॥
िवद्मिीं प्रणवरूविणीं मिवस भावयावम िरदेवताम ॥
padmarāgamaṇimekhalāvalayanīviśobhitanitambinīm |
padminīṁ praṇavarūpiṇīṁ manasi bhāvayāmi paradevatām ||

I meditate on Mother Devi with tender hands and feet resembling that of
lotus, wearing a hip belt made of rubies which shine along with her attire,
seated on the throne having Brahma, Vishnu, Rudra, Ishwara and
Sadashiva as legs, having lotus in her hand and shining as Omkara.

आगमावयवशोवभिरमवखलवेदसारकृ तशेखररम ।्

मूलमन्त्रमखमण्डलां ु
ु न्दरीं
मातृकां वत्रिरस ु ् ८॥
मिवस भावयावम िरदेवताम ॥
āgamāvayavaśobhinīmakhilavedasārakṛtaśekharīm |
mūlamantramukhamaṇḍalāṁ muditanādabindunavayauvanāṁ
mātṛkāṁ tripurasundarīṁ manasi bhāvayāmi paradevatām || 8||

I meditate on Mother Devi Tripurasundari, who is the substratum of the

vedas and the pranava, with aksharas as her body, the Agamas as her
limbs, head as the Upanishads, face as the Sri Vidya mantra and the
freshness of her youth as the budding nada and bindu tattvas.


चूवलकावशखरमावलकावलयमवल्लकासरवभसौरभाम ।्
वावलकामधरु गण्डमण्डलमिोहराििसरोरुहां
् ९॥
कावलकामवखलिावयकां मिवस भावयावम िरदेवताम ॥
cūlikāśikharamālikāvalayamallikāsurabhisaurabhām |
kālikāmakhilanāyikāṁ manasi bhāvayāmi paradevatām || 9||

I meditate on Mother Devi Kali, the Devi of the whole universe, who shines
with the thick and black tresses resembling the swarm of bees in their
black complexion, who is fragrant with the wreath of jasmine flowers
adorning her forehead, the beauty of whose bewitching lotus-like face is
enhanced by the sweet and expansive cheeks.

ु विंफलदामभरष्टदाम
वित्यमेव वियमेि जल्पतां भविंम ु ।्

शङ्करेण रवचतां सदा जिेन्नामरत्निवरत्नमावलकाम ॥
nityameva niyamena jalpatāṁ bhuktimuktiphaladāmabhīṣṭadām
śaṅkareṇa racitāṁ sadā japennāmaratnanavaratnamālikām ||

The one who duly recites daily this great jewel of a hymn made up of nine
gems of verses composed by Sri Shankara, uninterruptedly shall have his
wish granted by the Supreme Deity, be it enjoyment in this world or the
bliss of liberation.

30. ्
किकधारास्तोत्रम (kanakadhārāstotram) –
by Adi Shankara

अङ्गं हरेीः िलकभू
ु ु लाभरणं तमालम ।्
भृङ्गाङ्गिेव मक
अङ्गरकृ तावखलववभूवतरिाङ्गलरला
माङ्गल्यदाऽस्त ु मम मङ्गलदेवतायाीः ॥ १॥
aṅgaṁ hareḥ pulakabhūṣaṇamāśrayantī
bhṛṅgāṅganeva mukulābharaṇaṁ tamālam |
māṅgalyadā'stu mama maṅgaladevatāyāḥ || 1||

Like the bees encircling the dark Tamala tree full of buds, Mahalakshmi
takes refuge in Lord Sri Hari who is immersed in bliss expressed in the
form of horripilation. I pray that her auspicious glance, which grants
prosperity to everyone, fall on me.

मग्ब्ु धा महुर्त
ु वदधतर वदिे मरारे
ु ीः
प्रेमत्रिाप्रवणवहतावि गतागतावि ।
ु ररव महोत्पले या
माला दृशोमथधक
सा मे वश्यं वदशत ु सागरसम्भवायाीः ॥ २॥
mugdhā muhurvidadhatī vadane murāreḥ
prematrapāpraṇihitāni gatāgatāni |
mālā dṛśormadhukarīva mahotpale yā
sā me śriyaṁ diśatu sāgarasambhavāyāḥ || 2||

The hesitant glance of the daughter of the milky ocean, like the black bee
constantly returning to the beautiful blue lotus flower, returns again and
again to the lotus face of Murari, bestow prosperity unto me.

आमरवलतािमवधगम्य मदाु मक ु ु न्दं

आिन्दकन्दमविमेषमिङ्गतन्त्रम ।्
आके करवस्थतकिरविकिक्ष्मिेत्र ं

भूत्य ै भवेिम भजङ्गशयाङ्गिायाीः ॥ ३॥
āmīlitākṣamadhigamya mudā mukundaṁ
ānandakandamanimeṣamanaṅgatantram |
bhūtyai bhavenmama bhujaṅgaśayāṅganāyāḥ || 3||

The eyes of Mukunda remain closed in ecstasy. The beauteous dark eyes
of Lakshmi remain fixed on Mukunda in love and wonder and remain
open without blinking. May these eyes of Mahalakshmi fall on me and
bless me with prosperity.

बाह्वन्तरे मधवु जतीः वश्तकौस्तभे

ु या
हारावलरव हवरिरलमयर ववभावत ।
कामप्रदा भगवतोऽवि कटािमाला
कल्याणमावहत ु मे कमलालयायाीः ॥ ४॥
bāhvantare madhujitaḥ śritakaustubhe yā
hārāvalīva harinīlamayī vibhāti |
kāmapradā bhagavato'pi kaṭākṣamālā
kalyāṇamāvahatu me kamalālayāyāḥ || 4||

Like the Kaustubha decorating the chest of Lord Narayana, the glances
of Mahalakshmi, in the form of a garland of Indraneela, blue coloured
precious jewels, that creates desires even in the mind of the Lord, bestow
auspiciousness on me.

कालाम्बदावललवलतोरवस कै टभारेीः
धाराधरे स्फुरवत या तवडदङ्गिेव ।

मातस्समस्तजगतां महिरयमूर्ततीः
भद्रावण मे वदशत ु भागथविन्दिायाीः ॥ ५॥
kālāmbudālilalitorasi kaiṭabhāreḥ
dhārādhare sphurati yā taḍidaṅganeva |
mātussamastajagatāṁ mahanīyamūrtiḥ
bhadrāṇi me diśatu bhārgavanandanāyāḥ || 5||

Mahalakshmi shining on the dark broad chest of Mahavishnu is like the

streak of lightning illuminating the dark rain clouds. May she, the
daughter of the Sage Bhargava worshipped as Mother by the entire
universe, bring me auspiciousness.

प्राप्तं िदं प्रर्मतीः खलु यत्प्रभावात ्

माङ्गल्यभावज मधमु ावर्वि मिर्ेि ।
मय्याितेत्तवदह मन्थरमरिणाधं
मन्दालसं च मकरालयकन्यकायाीः ॥ ६॥
prāptaṁ padaṁ prathamataḥ khalu yatprabhāvāt
māṅgalyabhāji madhumāthini manmathena |
mayyāpatettadiha mantharamīkṣaṇārdhaṁ
mandālasaṁ ca makarālayakanyakāyāḥ || 6||

Manmata could gain access to Madhusudana (the destroyer of the

Rakshasa Madhu, i.e. Vishnu) only because he was favored with the
blessing glance from Mahalakshmi. May her auspicious indolent side
glance fall on me (May she bless me with prosperity by looking at me in
passing at least for a moment.


आिन्दहेतरवधकं ु
मरवववद्वषोऽवि ।
ईषवन्नषरदत ु मवय िणमरिणाधथम ्
इन्दरवरोदरसहोदरवमवन्दरायाीः ॥ ७॥
ānandaheturadhikaṁ muravidviṣo'pi |
īṣanniṣīdatu mayi kṣaṇamīkṣaṇārdham
indīvarodarasahodaramindirāyāḥ || 7||

I pray Mahalakshmi, for a glance from her lotus eyes, which bestows
Indra his position as king of devas, gives more happiness to Murari (Lord
Vishnu), at least a moment.

इष्टावववशष्टमतयोऽवि यया दयाद्रथ-

ु लभन्ते ।
दृष्ट्या वत्रववष्टििदं सलभं
दृवष्टीः प्रहृष्टकमलोदरदरवप्तवरष्टां
ु कृ षरष्ट मम िष्करववष्टरायाीः
िसष्ट ु ॥ ८॥
iṣṭāviśiṣṭamatayo'pi yayā dayārdra-
dṛṣṭyā triviṣṭapapadaṁ sulabhaṁ labhante |
dṛṣṭiḥ prahṛṣṭakamalodaradīptiriṣṭāṁ
puṣṭiṁ kṛṣīṣṭa mama puṣkaraviṣṭarāyāḥ || 8||

I pray Mahalakshmi for a glance, which gives even an ordinary person,

with the highest good in all the three worlds, to bestow me with my
heart’s desires.

दद्याद्दयाििविो ु
अवस्मन्नवकञ्चिववहङ्गवशशौ ववषण्णे ।
दष्कमथधमथमििरय वचराय दूरं

िारायणप्रणवयिरियिाम्बवाहीः ॥ ९॥
dadyāddayānupavano draviṇāmbudhārāṁ
asminnakiñcanavihaṅgaśiśau viṣaṇṇe |
duṣkarmadharmamapanīya cirāya dūraṁ
nārāyaṇapraṇayinīnayanāmbuvāhaḥ || 9||

O Mother Mahalakshmi, by the wind of thy grace and the kindness of rain
in your eyes bestow on me prosperity that is prevented by my sins, similar
to rain removing the distress of sun parched earth and quench the thirst
of baby birds.

गरदेवतेवत गरुडध्वजसन्दररवत
शाकम्भररवत शवशशेखरवल्लभेवत ।
सृवष्टवस्थवतप्रलयके वलष ु संवस्थतायै
तस्य ै िमवस्त्रभवि ु
ु ैकगरोस्तरुण्यै ॥ १०॥
gīrdevateti garuḍadhvajasundarīti
śākambharīti śaśiśekharavallabheti |
sṛṣṭisthitipralayakeliṣu saṁsthitāyai
tasyai namastribhuvanaikagurostaruṇyai || 10||

I offer my obeisance to You, Mother, the youthful consort of loka Guru,

who well established in His lila of creation sustenance and involution as
Saraswati - Brahma's wife, as Lakshmi -Narayana's wife and as
Shakambari, as one who feeds the universe - wife of Siva.

ु ै िमोऽस्त ु शभु कमथफलप्रसूत्य ै

रत्य ै िमोऽस्त ु रमणरयगणाणथ
ु वायै ।
शक्त्य ै िमोऽस्त ु शतित्रविके तिायै
ु ै िमोऽस्त ु िरुषोत्तमवल्लभायै
िष्ट्य ु ॥ ११॥
śrutyai namo'stu śubhakarmaphalaprasūtyai
ratyai namo'stu ramaṇīyaguṇārṇavāyai |
śaktyai namo'stu śatapatraniketanāyai
puṣṭyai namo'stu puruṣottamavallabhāyai || 11||

I bow down again and again to Shruti, the one who gives the karma
phalam, Rati, the one with pleasing qualities, Shakti, the one that resides
in hundred petal lotus and Pushti, the consort of Lord Purushottama.

िमोऽस्त ु िालरकविभाििायै
िमोऽस्त ु दग्ब्धोदवधजिभूम्य ै ।
िमोऽस्त ु सोमामृतसोदरायै
िमोऽस्त ु िारायणवल्लभायै ॥१२॥
namo'stu nālīkanibhānanāyai
namo'stu dugdhodadhijanmabhūmyai |
namo'stu somāmṛtasodarāyai
namo'stu nārāyaṇavallabhāyai ||12||
Prostrations again and again to You, Mother Lakshmi, the one whose face
resembles a Lotus, who was born from the Milky Ocean, who is the sister
of Nectar and Moon and who is the beloved of Sri Narayana.

सम्पत्करावण सकलेवियिन्दिावि
साम्राज्यदाि मवर्वामन सरोरुहावि ।
त्वद्वन्दिावि दवरतोद्धरणोद्यतावि
मामेव मातरविशं कलयन्त ु मान्ये ॥१३॥
sampatkarāṇi sakalendriyanandanāni
sāmrājyadāna virabhavāni saroruhākṣi |
tvadvandanāni duritoddharaṇodyatāni
māmeva mātaraniśaṁ kalayantu mānye ||13||

O lotus-eyed one, O Mother! Please bless with your grace, that yield riches,
pleases all the senses and confers dominions. Bless me to worship you,
the one who is engaged in removing misery of all.

Note: Mahaperiyava in his talk on Kanakadharastotram has clarified

that it is duritoddharaṇodyatāni. Please note and pronounce it

सेवकस्य सकलार्थसम्पदीः ।
संतिोवत वचिाङ्गमािस ैीः

त्वां मरावरहृदये
श्वरीं भजे ॥१४॥
sevakasya sakalārthasampadaḥ |
saṁtanoti vacanāṅgamānasaiḥ
tvāṁ murārihṛdayeśvarīṁ bhaje ||14||
(Prostrations to Mother Lakshmi) The Worship of Whose Merciful Glance
is the entire Devotion and Wealth of Her Servants, (therefore) May my
Speech, Body and Mind be enveloped by your Worship; You who are the
beloved Devi residing within the Heart of Murari (i.e. Sri Hari).

सरवसजविलये सरोजहस्ते
ु गन्धमाल्यशोभे ।
भगववत हवरवल्लभे मिोज्ञे

वत्रभविभू ्
वतकवर प्रसरद मह्यम ॥१५॥
sarasijanilaye sarojahaste
dhavalatamāṁśukagandhamālyaśobhe |
bhagavati harivallabhe manojñe
tribhuvanabhūtikari prasīda mahyam ||15||

(Prostrations to Mother Lakshmi) who abides in the Lotus and holds

Lotus in Her Hands, who is dressed in Dazzling White Garments and
decorated with the most Fragrant Garlands (She radiates a Divine Aura),
O Devi, You are Dearer than the Dearest of Hari and the most Captivating,
You are the Source of Well-Being and Prosperity of all the Three Worlds;
O Mother, Please be Gracious to me.

वदग्ब्घवस्तवभीः किककुम्भमखावसृ
ु ष्ट-
स्ववाथवहिरववमलचारुजलप्ल ुताङ्गरम ।्
प्राति थमावम जगतां जििरमशेष-

लोकावधिार्गृवहणरममृताविित्ररम ्
digghastibhiḥ kanakakumbhamukhāvasṛṣṭa-
svarvāhinīvimalacārujalaplutāṅgīm |
prātarnamāmi jagatāṁ jananīmaśeṣa-
lokādhināthagṛhiṇīmamṛtābdhiputrīm ||16||

(Prostrations to Mother Lakshmi) who (is bathed) by the 8 Hastis
(Elephants of the Directions), who are pouring (Waters) from the mouth
of Golden Pitchers, the Water which is Pure and Stainless and flowing
from the Celestial Regions; Her Body bathed by Celestial Waters is
appearing Shining Beautiful, In the Early Morning I worship this eternal
Mother of the Universe, who is the Consort of the Supreme Lord of the
Universe, and the Daughter of the Nectar Ocean.

कमले कमलािवल्लभे त्वं करुणािूरतरवङ्गतैरिाङ्गैीः ।

अवलोकय मामवकञ्चिािां प्रर्मं िात्रमकृ वत्रमं दयायाीः ॥१७॥
kamale kamalākṣavallabhe tvaṁ
karuṇāpūrataraṅgitairapāṅgaiḥ |
avalokaya māmakiñcanānāṁ
prathamaṁ pātramakṛtrimaṁ dayāyāḥ ||17||

(Prostrations to Mother Lakshmi) O Mother Kamala, O the Lotus-Eyed

Beloved (of Sri Hari), You kindly (look at me) with Your Eyes filled with
the waves of Compassion, Look at me who is utterly Destitute and the first
person deserving Your unreserved Compassion.

स्तववन्त ु
ये स्तवतवभरमू ु
वभरन्वहं त्रयरमयीं वत्रभविमातरं रमाम ।्

गणावधका ु
गरुतरभाग्ब् यभावगिो भववन्त ते भवव ु बधभाववताशयाीः
ु ॥
stuvanti ye stutibhiramūbhiranvahaṁ
trayīmayīṁ tribhuvanamātaraṁ ramām |
guṇādhikā gurutarabhāgyabhāgino
bhavanti te bhuvi budhabhāvitāśayāḥ ||

(Prostrations to Mother Lakshmi) Those who glorify with this Hymn,

everyday, the Ramaa (Devi Lakshmi) who is Trayimayi (The embodiment
of the Three Vedas) and Mother of the Three Worlds, will be filled with
abundant Virtues, and be blessed with the destiny of very Venerable
persons, They will become Wise in the World by Your Grace awakening
their Wisdom.

31. भवान्यष्टकं (bhavānyaṣṭakaṁ)– by Adi
ि तातो ि माता ि बन्धिु थ दाता
ु ि ित्रर
ि ित्रो ु ि भृत्यो ि भताथ ।
ि जाया ि ववद्या ि वृवत्तमथम ैव
गवतस्त्वं गवतस्त्वं त्वमेका भवावि ॥१॥
na tāto na mātā na bandhurna dātā
na putro na putrī na bhṛtyo na bhartā |
na jāyā na vidyā na vṛttirmamaiva
gatistvaṁ gatistvaṁ tvamekā bhavāni ||1||

Neither the Father, nor the Mother; Neither the Relation and Friend, nor
the Donor, Neither the Son, nor the Daughter; Neither the Servant, nor
the Husband, Neither the Wife, nor the (worldly) Knowledge; Neither my
Profession, You are my Refuge, You Alone are my Refuge, O Mother

भवािाविारे महादीःखभररु
ििात प्रकामर प्रलोभर प्रमत्तीः ।
कुसंसारिाशप्रबद्धीः सदाहं
गवतस्त्वं गवतस्त्वं त्वमेका भवावि ॥२॥
bhavābdhāvapāre mahāduḥkhabhīru
papāta prakāmī pralobhī pramattaḥ |
kusaṁsārapāśaprabaddhaḥ sadāhaṁ
gatistvaṁ gatistvaṁ tvamekā bhavāni ||2||

In this Ocean of Worldly Existence which is Endless, I am full of Sorrow

and Very much Afraid, I have Fallen with Excessive Desires and Greed,

Drunken and Intoxicated, Always Tied in the Bondage of this miserable
Samsara (worldly existence), You are my Refuge, You Alone are my
Refuge, O Mother Bhavani.

ि जािावम दािं ि च ध्याियोगं

ि जािावम तन्त्रं ि च स्तोत्रमन्त्रम ।्
ि जािावम िूजां ि च न्यासयोगं
गवतस्त्वं गवतस्त्वं त्वमेका भवावि ॥३॥
na jānāmi dānaṁ na ca dhyānayogaṁ
na jānāmi tantraṁ na ca stotramantram |
na jānāmi pūjāṁ na ca nyāsayogaṁ
gatistvaṁ gatistvaṁ tvamekā bhavāni ||3||

Neither do I know Charity, nor Dhyana and Yoga, Neither do I know the
practice of Tantra, nor Hymns and Prayers, Neither do I know Worship,
nor dedication to Yoga, You are my Refuge, You Alone are my Refuge, O
Mother Bhavani.

ु ि जािावम तरर्थ
ि जािावम िण्यं
ु लयं वा कदावचत ।्
ि जािावम मसिं
ि जािावम भसिं व्रतं वावि मातगथवतस्त्वं
गवतस्त्वं त्वमेका भवावि ॥४॥
na jānāmi puṇyaṁ na jānāmi tīrtha
na jānāmi muktiṁ layaṁ vā kadācit |
na jānāmi bhaktiṁ vrataṁ vāpi mātargatistvaṁ
gatistvaṁ tvamekā bhavāni ||4||

Neither do I Know Virtuous Deeds, nor Pilgrimage, I do not know the way
to Liberation, and with little Concentration and Absorption, I know

neither Devotion, nor Religious Vows; Nevertheless O Mother, You are my
Refuge, You Alone are my Refuge, O Mother Bhavani.

कुकमी कुसङ्गर कुबवद्धीः

ु कुदासीः
कुलाचारहरिीः कदाचारलरिीः ।
कुदृवष्टीः कुवाक्यप्रबन्धीः सदाहं
गवतस्त्वं गवतस्त्वं त्वमेका भवावि ॥५॥
kukarmī kusaṅgī kubuddhiḥ kudāsaḥ
kulācārahīnaḥ kadācāralīnaḥ |
kudṛṣṭiḥ kuvākyaprabandhaḥ sadāhaṁ
gatistvaṁ gatistvaṁ tvamekā bhavāni ||5||

I performed Bad Deeds, associated with Bad Company, cherished Bad

Thoughts, have been a Bad Servant, I did not perform my Traditional
Duties, deeply engaged in Bad Conducts, My eyes Saw with Bad
Intentions, tongue always Spoke Bad Words, You are my Refuge, You
Alone are my Refuge, Oh Mother Bhavani.

प्रजेशं रमेशं महेशं सरेु शं

वदिेशं विशरर्ेश्वरं वा कदावचत ।्
ि जािावम चान्यत सदाहं् शरण्ये
गवतस्त्वं गवतस्त्वं त्वमेका भवावि ॥६॥
prajeśaṁ rameśaṁ maheśaṁ sureśaṁ
dineśaṁ niśītheśvaraṁ vā kadācit |
na jānāmi cānyat sadāhaṁ śaraṇye
gatistvaṁ gatistvaṁ tvamekā bhavāni ||6||

Little do I know about The Lord of Creation (Brahma), The Lord of Ramaa
(Devi Lakshmi) (Vishnu), The Great Lord (Shiva), The Lord of the Devas
(Indra), The Lord of the Day (Surya) or The Lord of the Night (Chandra),
I do not know about other Devas, but always seeking Your Refuge, You
are my Refuge, You Alone are my Refuge, Oh Mother Bhavani.

वववादे ववषादे प्रमादे प्रवासे

जले चािले िवथत े शत्रमध्ये ।
अरण्ये शरण्ये सदा मां प्रिावह
गवतस्त्वं गवतस्त्वं त्वमेका भवावि ॥७॥
vivāde viṣāde pramāde pravāse
jale cānale parvate śatrumadhye |
araṇye śaraṇye sadā māṁ prapāhi
gatistvaṁ gatistvaṁ tvamekā bhavāni ||7||

During Dispute and Quarrel, during Despair and Dejection, during

Intoxication and Insanity, in Foreign Land, In Water, and Fire, in
Mountains and Hills, amidst Enemies, In Forest, please Protect me, You
are my Refuge, You Alone are my Refuge, Oh Mother Bhavani.

अिार्ो दवरद्रो जरारोगयिंो
महािरणदरिीः सदा जाड्यवक्त्रीः ।
ववित्तौ प्रववष्टीः प्रिष्टीः सदाहं
गवतस्त्वं गवतस्त्वं त्वमेका भवावि ॥८॥
anātho daridro jarārogayukto
mahākṣīṇadīnaḥ sadā jāḍyavaktraḥ |
vipattau praviṣṭaḥ pranaṣṭaḥ sadāhaṁ
gatistvaṁ gatistvaṁ tvamekā bhavāni ||8||

I am Helpless, Poor, Afflicted by Old Age and Disease, Very Weak and
Miserable, always with a Pale Countenance, Fallen Asunder, Always
surrounded by and Lost in Troubles and Miseries, You are my Refuge, You
Alone are my Refuge, Oh Mother Bhavani.
32. वत्रिरस ु दिादस्तोत्रम ्
ु न्दररवे
(tripurasundarīvedapādastotram) – by Adi Shankara
Note: This Stotra on Devi Tripurasundari is composed by Adi Shankara.
Tripurasundarī literally means "she who is the most beautiful in the three
worlds”. Saints have given different meanings for the word Tripura.
Tripura, because she expresses herself in Brahma, Vishnu, and Shiva in
her roles as Creator, Sustainer, and Destroyer of the universe. Tripura,
because she is beyond the three Gunas. She dwells in the three worlds of
Manas, Buddhi, and Chitta, hence Tripura. Lord Shiva destroyed the three
cities (Tripura), she is his consort, hence she is Tripurasundari.

Adi Shankara has brought the essence of Vedas and Srividya in this
Stotra. Each Stotra in this work has a phrase from the Vedas aptly
blending with the meaning of the Stotra (hence it is called Vedapada
Stotra). The portion from Vedas are shown in bold blue color in
Devanagiri in this compilation.

The Swaras and meanings in this compilation are based on the Kannada
book – “Devi Stotrani – part 2” compiled by Vidwan G. Ganapayya Holla,
published by Vedanta Bharati, Mysore. In his book, Vidwan Ganapayya
thanks Sri Anantakrishna & Sri Kalaseshwara Bhatt (both of them faculty
of Veda at Sri Chamarajendra Sanskrit College, Bangalore) and Sri
Ganesh Bhatt Hobli for providing the correct reference to the Veda
Mantras (along with its ). We are thankful to all the above scholars, but
for them we wouldn’t have got the reference to the Veda Mantras or the
Swaras therein.

People with Vedadhyayana Adhikara only should chant the

following Mantras with swaras.

वेदिादस्तवं वक्ष्ये देव्याीः वप्रयवचकरषथया।

यर्ामवत मसत देवस्तन्नोो॑ दवन्तीः प्रचोी॒दया त॥् १॥
vedapādastavaṁ vakṣye devyāḥ priyacikīrṣayā |

yathāmati matiṁ devastanno̍ dantiḥ praco̱dayā̎t || 1||
(Ganapathi Atharvaseersham – Ganesha Gayatri)
May the Lord Vinayaka illuminate my intelligence, as I am about to
narrate out of eagerness, to the best of my intellect, the Vedapada Sotra
for pleasing Devi.

अवकवञ्चत्करकमथभ्ीः प्रत्याहृत्य कृ िावशात।्

सब्रह्मण्यीः ु
स्ततावस्यां ु प्रचोी॒दया त॥् २॥
तन्नो॑ षण्मखीः
akiñcitkarakarmabhyaḥ pratyāhṛtya kṛpāvaśāt |
subrahmaṇyaḥ stutāvasyāṁ tanna̍ḥ ṣaṇmukhaḥ praco̱dayā̎t || 2||
(Mahanarayana Upanishad – Shanmukha Gayatri)
May the graceful six faced Lord Subrahmanya lead us away from the
hordes of mundane activities, and initiate us towards this Stotra.


वरणािस्तकहस्ताऽव्यात ्
प्रणोो॑ देी॒वर सरो॑ स्वतरी॒॥ ३॥
akārādikṣakārāntavarṇāvayavaśālinī |
vīṇāpustakahastā'vyāt praṇo̍ de̱vī sara̍svatī̱ || 3||
(Tai.Sam. 1-8-22-3)
I prostrate to Ishwari Saraswati, holding the Veena and Pustaka, whose
limbs are the Varnas from अ to ि. Let she guide us.

या वणथिदवाक्यार्थगद्यिद्यस्वरूविणर।
वावच ितथयत ु विप्रं मेी॒ धां देी॒वर सरो॑ स्वतर॥ ४॥
yā varṇapadavākyārthagadyapadyasvarūpiṇī |
vāci nartayatu kṣipraṁ me̱dhāṁ de̱vī sara̍svatī || 4||
(Mahanarayana Upanishad – Trisuparna)
May Saraswati, the Ishwari of intelligence, whose form is the letters,
words, sentence, their meaning, prose and poetic compositions, quickly
comeforth and dance in my speech.

उिास्यमािा ववप्रेिीःै सन्ध्यास ु च वतसृष्ववि।
सद्यीः प्रसरद मे मातीः संी॒ ध्याववो॑द्य े सी॒ रस्वो॑तर॥ ५॥
upāsyamānā viprendraiḥ sandhyāsu ca tisṛṣvapi |
sadyaḥ prasīda me mātaḥ sa̱ṁdhyāvi̍dye sa̱rasva̍tī || 5||
(Mahanarayana Upanishad – 52-34)
Saraswati is always worshipped by the best of the Brahmins in all the
three Sandhya Kalas, she is Sandhya Vidya swarupini, may she be pleased
with me immediately.

मन्दाविन्दालोलुिाऽहं स्वभावात एतत्स्तोत्रं िूयतथ े सक मयेवत।
मा ते भरवतहे मते त्वादृशािामेी॒ षा िेी॒ त्रर राधो॑सा सूी॒ितृ ाो॑िाम॥् ६॥
mandānindālolupā'haṁ svabhāvāt etatstotraṁ pūryate kiṁ
mayeti |
mā te bhītirhe mate tvādṛśānāme̱ṣā ne̱trī rādha̍sā sū̱nṛtā̍nām || 6||
(Rig. 7-76-7)
O Mind! do not entertain doubts like “I am dull-witted and censurable,
how can I complete this Stotra?”; because for truthful and affectionate
ones like you, Saraswati is the guide.

तरङ्गभृकुटर कोवट भङ्ग्या तजथयते जराम।्

सधामयाय ु ाय वसन्धूो॑िांी॒ ितो॑य ेी॒ िमीः॥ ७॥
taraṅgabhṛkuṭī koṭi bhaṅgyā tarjayate jarām |
sudhāmayāya śubhrāya sindhū̍nāṁ̱ pata̍ye̱ namaḥ || 7||
(Tai. Sam. 4-6-2-17)
For the Lord of the Ocean, the waves are like brows. He has crores of such
waves (brows) using which he scares away the old age. Prostration to
that pure Ocean who is filled with nectar.

तस्य मध्ये मवणद्वरिीः कल्पकारामभूवषतीः।

अस्त ु मे लवलतावासीः स्ववस्ती॒दा अो॑भयङ्की॒रीः॥ ८॥
tasya madhye maṇidvīpaḥ kalpakārāmabhūṣitaḥ |
astu me lalitāvāsaḥ svasti̱dā a̍bhayaṅka̱raḥ || 8||
(Mahanarayana Upanishad – 52-34)
In the midst of it (nectar ocean) stands the island called Manidvipa
decorated with enchanting Kalpatarus. May this abode of Ishwari Lalita
give me refuge and welfare.

कदम्ब मञ्जरर वियथद्वारुणरिारणोिदैीः।

वद्वरेफैवथणिथ रयाय विाो॑िांी॒ ितो॑य ेी॒ िमो॑ ॥ ९॥
kadamba mañjarī niryadvāruṇīpāraṇonmadaiḥ |
dvirephairvarṇanīyāya vanā̍nāṁ̱ pata̍ye̱ nama̍ḥ || 9||
(Tai. Sam. 4-6-2-17)
Prostration to the Lord of forests which is enchanted due to the presence
of rows of bees which are intoxicated by drinking the juice flowing from
the bunches of Kadamba flowers.

तत्र वप्रावलर लरला गगिोल्लवङ्घगोिरम ु ।्

् हायंी॒ िगो॑रं ी॒ तवो॑॥ १०॥
मातीः कौतूहलं दद्यात सी॒
tatra vaprāvalī līlā gaganollaṅghigopuram |
mātaḥ kautūhalaṁ dadyāt sa̱ hārya̱ṁ naga̍raṁ̱ tava̍ || 10||
The city where-in the rows of tall Gopuras, which seems to cross over the
skies, provide amusement to Ishwari Lalita.

मकरन्दझररमज्जविवलन्द कुलसङ्कुलाम।्
महािद्माटवीं वन्दे यी॒ शसाो॑ सम्पी॒ररवृो॑ताम॥् ११॥
makarandajharīmajjanmilinda kulasaṅkulām |
mahāpadmāṭavīṁ vande ya̱śasā̍ sampa̱rīvṛ̍tām || 11||

I prostrate to the Lotus forest, which is surrounded by the hovering bees,
which are immersed in honey and whos fame has spread far away.

तत्रैव वचन्तामवणधोरणोऽर्तचवभर्तवविर्तमतं रोवितरत्नशृङ्गम।्

् वदी॒त्यवो॑णंी॒ तमो॑सीःी॒ िरो॑ स्तात॥् १२॥
भजे भवािर भविावतंसम आी॒
tatraiva cintāmaṇidhoraṇo'rcibhirvinirmitaṁ ropitaratnaśṛṅgam |
bhaje bhavānī bhavanāvataṁsam ā̱di̱tyava̍rṇaṁ̱ tama̍saḥ̱ para̍stāt
|| 12||
I prostrate to the palace of Ishwari Bhairavi, which is resplendent like the
Sun transgressing darkness, constructed with the slabs of Chintamani
and whose top portions are studded with gems.

मविवभीः स्वात्मलाभाय यिक्रं हृवद सेव्यते।
ु तदी॒िरेि॑ िरी॒म े व्योो॑मि॥् १३॥
तत्र िश्यावम बध्या
munibhiḥ svātmalābhāya yaccakraṁ hṛdi sevyate |
tatra paśyāmi budhyā tada̱kṣare̍ para̱me vyo̍man || 13||
(Mahanarayana Upanishad)
I see that Chakra in the supreme immortal sky (region) which the sages
preserve and serve in their hearts for their Self-advancement.

िञ्चब्रह्ममयो मञ्चस्तत्र यो वबन्दुमध्यगीः।

तव कामेवश वासोऽयम आी॒ ् यष्मो॑
ु न्त ं की॒ रोतो॑ ु माम॥् १४॥
pañcabrahmamayo mañcastatra yo bindumadhyagaḥ |
tava kāmeśi vāso'yam ā̱yuṣma̍ntaṁ ka̱rotu̍ mām || 14||
May your seat of Kamesi in the midst of Bindu Sthana (cenre of Srichakra)
made of five Brahmans (Brahma, Rudra, Vishnhu, Ishana and Sadashiva)
endow me with logevity.


िािा रत्न गलुच्छालरकावन्तवकम्मरवलतोदरम ।्
ववमृशावम ववतािं तेऽवतो॑श्लक्ष्णी॒ मवतो॑लोमशम॥् १५॥
nānā ratna gulucchālīkāntikimmīlitodaram |
vimṛśāmi vitānaṁ te'ti̍ślakṣṇa̱mati̍lomaśam || 15||
(Tai. Brah. 3-4-19)
I praise the magnificient lustorous tower which is smooth and endowed
with various gems.

ियथङ्कतल्पोिवर दशथिरयं सबाण चािाङ्कुशिाशिावणम।्

अशेषभूषारमणरय मरडे वत्रलोचिं िरलकण्ठं प्रशान्तम॥् १६॥
paryaṅkatalpopari darśanīyaṁ
sabāṇa cāpāṅkuśapāśapāṇim |
aśeṣabhūṣāramaṇīya mīḍe
trilocanaṁ nīlakaṇṭhaṁ praśāntam || 16||
(Atharvaveda 1-7, Kaivalyopanishad)
I tale refuge on the Lord Kameshwara, the ever calm three-eyed Lord,
blue throated, seated with charming looks, with arrows, prostrate, hook
and noose in his hands, bedecked with several ornaments.

जटारुणं चिकलाललाममद्वेु ल लावण्यकलावभरामम।्

कामेश्वरं कामशरासिाङ्कं समस्तसासि तमो॑सी॒ िरो॑ स्तात॥् १७॥
jaṭāruṇaṁ candrakalālalāmamudvela lāvaṇyakalābhirāmam |
kāmeśvaraṁ kāmaśarāsanāṅkaṁ
samastasākṣiṁ tama̍sa̱ḥ para̍stāt || 17||
(Tai. Aryanakam. 4-1)
(I prostrate) to Lord Kameshwara whose locks are tawny, bedecked with
the digit of the moon, that is enchanting due to the rising beauty and
verily appears like the prostrate of cupid.

तत्र कामेशवामाङ्के खेलन्तरमवलकुन्तलाम।्


सविदािन्दलहरीं महालक्ष्मरमिास्महे ॥ १८॥
tatra kāmeśavāmāṅke khelantīmalikuntalām |
saccidānandalaharīṁ mahālakṣmīmupāsmahe || 18||
I pray to Ishwaries of wealth (Mahalakshmi) who is of the nature of truth,
consciousness and Ananda, whose locks are dark as the rows of bee and
sportively seated on the left thigh of Kameshwara.

चारु गोरोचिा िङ्कजम्बावलत घिस्तिरम।्

िमावम त्वामहं लोकमाी॒तरं ि॑ िद्मी॒ मावलो॑ िरम॥् १९॥
cāru gorocanā paṅkajambālita ghanastanīm |
namāmi tvāmahaṁ lokamā̱tara̍ṁ padma̱māli̍nīm || 19||
I prostrate to you, O Universal Mother!; bedecked with lotus garland and
with bosoms smeared with thick paste made of scented Gorochana and
lotus pollens.

वशवे िमवन्नजथरकुञ्जरासरु प्रतोवलका मौवलमररवचवरवचवभीः।

ु तां दधात॥
इदं तव िालिजातसौभगं चरो॑ ण ं िो लोी॒के सवधो॑ ु २०॥
śive namannirjarakuñjarāsura pratolikā maulimarīcivīcibhiḥ |
idaṁ tava kṣālanajātasaubhagaṁ
cara̍ṇaṁ no lo̱ke sudhi̍tāṁ dadhātu || 20||
(Tai.Katakam. 5-3-3-4)
O Shive! May your feet bestow intelligence and auspiciousness to the
world, which is prostrated by the waves of lustrous crows of celestials and

कल्पस्यादौ कारणेशािवि त्ररि स्रष्ट् ुं देवव त्ररन्गणािादधािाम

ु ।्

सेव े वित्यं श्ेयसे भूयसे त्वाम अजामे कां लोवहतशि ु कृ ष्णाम॥्
kalpasyādau kāraṇeśānapi trīn
sraṣṭuṁ devi trīnguṇānādadhānām |
seve nityaṁ śreyase bhūyase tvām
ajāmekāṁ lohi̍taśuklakṛ̱ṣṇām || 21||
(Shwetashwatara Upanishad 4-5)
I prostrate for my welfare again and again to the one unborn, who is
reddish, white and dark complexioned (each color indicating the
qualities of Rajas, Sattva and Tamas respectively), who bears the three
qualities for creating the Trinities (Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva) before
the beginning of the Kalpa.

ु ामोदिूररै ाशाबृन्द ं सािमािूरयन्तरम।्

के शोद्भूत ैरद्भत
त्वामािम्य त्वत्प्रसादात्स्वयम्भूरस्मािायर सृजते ववश्वमेतत॥्
sāndramāpūrayantīm |
tvāmānamya tvatprasādātsvayambhūrasmānmāyī sṛjate
viśvametat || 22||
(Shwetashwatara Upanishad 4-9)
Brahma creates the world deluded by Maya, by the power of your grace
and prostrating you, whose looks of hair emanate stream of perfume.

अधोिरलद्यौविोद्दामदिां वदव्याकल्पैरियथ न्तीं मयूखाि।्

ु कै टभावरर्तवी॒श्व ं वबो॑भर्तती॒ भवो॑ु िस्यी॒ िावभो॑ ॥
देवव ध्यात्वा त्वां िरा
divyākalpairarpayantīṁ mayūkhān |
devi dhyātvā tvāṁ purā kaiṭabhārirvi̱śvaṁ bi̍bharti̱ bhuva̍nasya̱
nābhi̍ḥ || 23||
(Mahanarayana Upanishad. 1-6)

O Devi! Vishnu the destroyer of Kaithabha, bears the world
contemplating on you whose youth is half bloomed and whose growth is
is uncontrollable, and whose divine graceful ornaments shine forth.

कह्लारश्रमञ्जररिञ्जररसत वधक्कुवथन्तरमम्ब ते िाटवलम्ा।

मूर्तत ध्यात्वा शाश्वतीं भूवतमायन्न इिोी॒ राजाी॒ जगो॑तोी॒ य ईशे ॥
dhikkurvantīmamba te pāṭalimnā |
mūrtiṁ dhyātvā śāśvatīṁ bhūtimāyann
indro̱ rājā̱ jaga̍to̱ ya īśe̎ || 24||
(Tai.Aranyaka. – 11-7)
O Mother! Indra attained permanent wealth and became the ruler of
world by contemplating on your reddish complexion which overwhelms
the beauty of Kalhara flowers.
जािकस्तव देव्यन्ते ववद्यया ववन्दतेऽमृतम॥् २५॥
devatāntaramantraughajapaśrīphalabhūtayā |
jāpakastava devyante vidyayā vindate'mṛtam || 25||
(Kena Upanishad 2-4)
O Ishwari! The devotee attains Moksha who contemplates on your
Mantra. All other Mantras derive their potency through the worship of
your Mantra.

ं ु ोवकलकलक्वाणकोमलालािशावलवि।
भद्रावण कुरु मे मातदथवी॒ री॒ताविी॒ िराो॑सव॥
ु २६॥
puṁskokilakalakvāṇakomalālāpaśālini |
bhadrāṇi kuru me mātardu̱ri̱tāni̱ parā̍suva || 26||
(Tai. Brahmana. 2-4-6-3)
O Mother! Your speech is like the cuckoo’s notes, destroy my paapas and
bestow prosperity.
अन्तेवावसन्नवस्त चेत्त े ममु िा
ु वक्ष्ये यसिं
ु मिंसवै
ु षणस्सि।्
् न्दरीं
सद्भ्यीः सािात स ु ज्ञवप्तरूिां श्द्धाभविंज्ञाियोगादवैवह॥ २७॥
antevāsinnasti cette mumukṣā
vakṣye yuktiṁ muktasarvaiṣaṇassan |
sadbhyaḥ sākṣāt sundarīṁ jñaptirūpāṁ
śraddhābhaktijñānayogādavaihi || 27||
(Kaivalya Upanishad – 1-2)
O Disciple! If you are interested in Moksha, I tell you an intelligent way.
Give up all pleasures. Contemplate on Sat, that is Tripurasundari and
understand Shraddha, Bhakti and Dhyana.

षोढान्यासावद देवश्च
ै सेववता चक्रमध्यगा।
ु २८॥
कामेशमवहषर भूयीः षोडी॒ शर शमथ ि॑ यच्छत॥
ṣoḍhānyāsādi devaiśca sevitā cakramadhyagā |
kāmeśamahiṣī bhūyaḥ ṣoḍa̱śī śarma̍ yacchatu || 28||
(Tai. Aranyakam. 4-1)
May the Ishwaries Sodashi (Rajeshwari), the queen of Kameshwara, who
is attended by the presiding deities of the six types of nyasa and who
resides in the midst of Srichakra, bestow all comforts.

शान्तो दान्तो देवशके िं प्रणम्य तस्यादेशात्तारकं मन्त्रतत्त्वम।्

जािरते चेदम्ब धन्यीः समािं िातीः िरं वेवदतव्यं वह वकवञ्चत॥्
śānto dānto deśikendraṁ praṇamya
tasyādeśāttārakaṁ mantratattvam |
jānīte cedamba dhanyaḥ samānaṁ
nātaḥ paraṁ veditavyaṁ hi kiñcit || 29||
(Shwetashwatara Upanishad. 1-12)

O Mother! There is nothing superior to know than knowing the essence of
the Mantra from a Guru who has his mind controlled and who is always
calm. This helps to remove all our sufferings.

त्वमेव कारणं कायं वक्रया ज्ञािं त्वमेव च।

् वय सो॑वं प्री॒वतवष्ठि॑तम॥् ३०॥
त्वामम्ब ि वविा वकवञ्चत त्वी॒
tvameva kāraṇaṁ kāryaṁ kriyā jñānaṁ tvameva ca |
tvāmamba na vinā kiñcit tva̱yi sa̍rvaṁ pra̱tiṣṭhi̍tam || 30||
(Mahanarayana Upanishad – Mrittika Suktam)
Mother! You are the cause of everything. The deeds, actions and
knowledge – everything is indeed you. There is nothing apart from you.
Everthing is under your control.

ु तवावि सरोजयोरम्ब दधावम मूध्नाथ।


अलङ्कृतं वेदवधूवशरोवभीः यतो जातो भविावि ववश्वा॥ ३१॥
parāgamadrīndrasute tavāṅghri
sarojayoramba dadhāmi mūrdhnā |
alaṅkṛtaṁ vedavadhūśirobhiḥ
yato jāto bhuvanāni viśvā || 31||
(Shwetashwatara Upanishad. 4-4)
O daughter of Mountains! O Mother! I prostrate to your lotus like feet
which creates all the worlds and which decorates the head of the Veda

् त्याि हन्त
दष्टाि दै ् कामां
ु महषीि ्
् कामां
वशष्टािन्याि िात ु कराब्ज ैीः।
अष्टावभस्त्वां सायधु ैभाथसमािां
ी॒ ां देी॒वर शरो॑ णमी॒ हं प्रिो॑द्य॥
दग े ३२॥
duṣṭān daityān hantukāmāṁ maharṣīn
śiṣṭānanyān pātukāmāṁ karābjaiḥ |
aṣṭābhistvāṁ sāyudhairbhāsamānāṁ
du̱rgāṁ de̱vī śara̍ṇama̱haṁ prapa̍dye || 32||
(Mahanarayana Upanishad. 2 - Durgasuktam)
I take refuge in Ishwari Durga, who shines and posesses eight weapons in
her hands, who is interested in killing the evil demons and protects the
wise men and the weak.

देवव सवाथिवद्याङ्गीं त्वामिादृत्य ये वक्रयाीः।

कुवथवन्त विष्फलास्तेषामदो॑ग्ब्धा इव धेी॒ िवो॑ ॥ ३३॥
devi sarvānavadyāṅgīṁ tvāmanādṛtya ye kriyāḥ |
kurvanti niṣphalāsteṣāmadu̍gdhā iva dhe̱nava̍ḥ || 33||
(Tai. Sam. 2-4)
O Devi of blemishless limbs! By neglecting you whoever does their duty,
their Karma (actions) will be like that of the cows without yielding milk.

िाहं मन्ये दैवतं मान्यमन्यत्त्वत्पादाब्जादवम्बके कुम्भजाद्याीः।

ये ध्यातारो भविंसंशद्ध ्
ु वचत्ताीः िराो॑मतृ ाी॒त िवरि॑म ु
च्यवन्ती॒ सवे ॥
nāhaṁ manye daivataṁ
mānyamanyattvatpādābjādambike kumbhajādyāḥ |
ye dhyātāro bhaktisaṁśuddhacittāḥ
parā̍mṛtā̱t pari̍mucyanti̱ sarve̎ || 34||
(Mahanarayana Upanishad – 12. Sanyasasuktam)
O Mother! I do not know any deity apart from you. The sage Agastya and
others by devotion and with good heart meditated on you and got

कुवाथणोऽवि दरारम्भां स्तव िामावि शांभवव।

प्रजिन्नेवत मायान्तमवतमृी॒त्य ं ु तो॑राम्यी॒ हम॥् ३५॥
kurvāṇo'pi durārambhāṁ stava nāmāni śāṁbhavi |

prajapanneti māyāntamatimṛ̱tyuṁ ta̍rāmya̱ham || 35||
(Mahanarayana Upanishad)
O Wife of Shambhu! Even though one commits paapa, by thinking and
uttering your names, he gets free from Maya and attains Knowledge.
Therefore I will conquer Death!

कल्यावण त्वं कुन्दहासप्रकाशैरन्तध्वाथन्त ं िाशयन्तर िणेि।

ु वतष्ठ मही॒त े सौभो॑गाय॥ ३६॥
हन्तास्माकं ध्यायतां त्वत्पदाब्जमिो॑
kalyāṇi tvaṁ kundahāsaprakāśairantardhvāntaṁ nāśayantī
kṣaṇena |
hantāsmākaṁ dhyāyatāṁ tvatpadābjamucca̍tiṣṭha maha̱te
saubha̍gāya || 36||
(Tai. Sam. 4-7)
O auspicious one! Your smile shines like jasmine flower; within a moment
you remove the darkness of ignorance within us. Bestow the opportunity
to a meditator to contemplate on your lotus like feet.

थ ग्ररवादयीः िरा।
वततरषथया भवाम्भोधेहय
ु द्वा सो ववतेविी॒ र॥
अप्रमत्ता भवत्पूजां सववो॑ े ३७॥
titīrṣayā bhavāmbhodherhayagrīvādayaḥ purā |
apramattā bhavatpūjāṁ suvi̍dvā so viteni̱re || 37||
(Tai. Sam. 4-6)
Long ago, in order to cross the ocean of Samsara, the sages Hayagriva
and others, with right knowledge, perfomed your puja in deep

मद्वंश्या ये दराचारा ये च सिागथगावमिीः।

भवत्याीः कृ िया सवे सवो॑ु यन्त
थ ी॒ ु यजो॑मािाीः॥ ३८॥
madvaṁśyā ye durācārā ye ca sanmārgagāminaḥ |
bhavatyāḥ kṛpayā sarve suva̍ryantu̱ yaja̍mānāḥ || 38||
(Tai. Sam. 4-6)

O Ishwari! Show evenly consideration towards the good natured and the
evil minded ones who belong to my clan as your worshippers. May they
too attain higher worlds by your grace.

श्रचक्रस्थां शाश्वतैश्वयथदात्रीं िौण्रं चािं िष्पबाणान्दधािाम ।्
बन्धूकाभां भावयावम वत्रिेत्रां तामी॒ वग्नवो॑ णांी॒ तिो॑सा ज्वली॒ न्तरम॥्
śrīcakrasthāṁ śāśvataiśvaryadātrīṁ
pauṇḍraṁ cāpaṁ puṣpabāṇāndadhānām |
bandhūkābhāṁ bhāvayāmi trinetrāṁ
tāma̱gniva̍rṇāṁ̱ tapa̍sā jvala̱ntīm || 39||
(Mahanarayana Upanishad. 2 - Durgasuktam)
I blow to that Devi who shines with penance, who resides in Sri Chakra,
who possess imperishable wealth, who bears sugarcane prostrate and
flowery arrows and who has three eyes of reddish hue.

भवावि तव िादाब्जविणेजििवववत्रताीः
् िो याो॑चावम भेषी॒जम॥् ४०॥
भवामयप्रशान्त्य ै त्वाम आी॒
bhavāni tava pādābjanirṇejanapavitritāḥ
bhavāmayapraśāntyai tvām ā̱po yā̍cāmi bheṣa̱jam || 40||
(Rig. Aranyaka. 4-87 – Namo Vaache)
Bhavani, I request you to bestow that pure water which washed your
lotus feet and which can liberate one from the cycle of birth and death.

स्तवािन्द लवोऽवस्तयीः
कारणेशवै स्त्रवभस्साकं तवद्वश्वी॒ मिो॑ु जरववत॥ ४१॥
cidānandasudhāmbhodhestavānanda lavo'stiyaḥ
kāraṇeśaistribhissākaṁ tadviśva̱mupa̍jīvati || 41||
(Mahanarayana Upanishad – Narayana Suktam)

All the worlds function along with the trinity who are but a negligible
part of the Anandaful and sentient ocean – i.e. You.

िो वा याग ैिैव िूताथवदकृ त्य ैिो वा जप्य ैिो महवद्भस्तिोवभीः।

ु धा विचाय्येतां शावन्तमत्यन्तमेवत॥
िो वा योग ैीः िे शकृ वद्भीः समे
no vā yāgairnaiva pūrtādikṛtyairno
vā japyairno mahadbhistapobhiḥ |
no vā yogaiḥ kleśakṛdbhiḥ sumedhā
nicāyyemāṁ śāntimatyantameti || 42||
(Shwetashwatara Upanishad. 4-11)
Wisemen attain the Supreme, beautiful, unattainable through sacrifices,
social activities (like digging wells etc.), repetition of Mantras, by
performing great penances, through difficult yogic practices and just by
searching for you.

प्रातीः िावह महाववद्ये मध्याह्ने त ु मृडवप्रये।

सायं िावह जगद्वन्द्ये ििो॑ु ि थीः िावह ववी॒श्वतो॑ ॥ ४३॥
prātaḥ pāhi mahāvidye madhyāhne tu mṛḍapriye |
sāyaṁ pāhi jagadvandye puna̍rnaḥ pāhi vi̱śvata̍ḥ || 43||
(Tai. Sam. 1-5)
Mahavidye! Protect (us) in the morning! O beloved of Shiva, protect in the
after-noon, one who is worshipped by the words, protect in the evening.
Once again protect us everywhere.

बन्धूकाभ ैभाथिवभभाथ ु
सयन्तर ववश्वं शश्वत्तङ्गिरिस्तिा।

लावण्यािेीः सन्दवर त्वं प्रसादादायो॑ ु प्री॒जाी॒ री॒वयमी॒ स्मासो॑ ु धेवह॥

viśvaṁ śaśvattuṅgapīnastanā |
lāvaṇyābdheḥ sundari tvaṁ prasādādāyu̍ḥ
pra̱jā̱ ra̱yima̱smāsu̍ dhehi || 44||
(Tai. Brahmana. 2-5)
O ocean of charm Tripura Sundari! who illumines the world by your
radiance like banduka flowers, who occupies the high pedestal and is one
to whom worship is due – may you bestow us long life, progeny and

कणाथकणथय मे तत्त्वं या वचच्छविंवरतरयथत।े

वत्रवथदावम ममु िू
ु णां साी॒ काष्ठाो॑ सा िी॒रागो॑वतीः॥ ४५॥
karṇākarṇaya me tattvaṁ yā cicchaktiritīryate |
trirvadāmi mumukṣūṇāṁ sā̱ kāṣṭhā̍ sā pa̱rāga̍tiḥ || 45||
(Kathopanishad. 3-11)
O Ear! Listen to the philosophy which I utter. Let me tell thrice. One who
is interested in liberation, for them the ‘chit’ is the boundary and she
alone in final aim.

ु वन्त।
वाग्ब्दवे रवत त्वां वदन्त्यम्ब के वचल्लक्ष्मरगौररत्येवमन्ये अप्यश
ं ि॑ के वचो॑वन्नी॒ ववदोो॑ जिाीः
शश्विातीः प्रत्यगद्वैतरूिां शंसवती॒
(मिाी॒िाीः)॥ ४६॥
vāgdevīti tvāṁ vadantyamba
kecillakṣmīrgaurītyevamanye apyuśanti |
śaśvanmātaḥ pratyagadvaitarūpāṁ
śaṁsaṁ̍ti̱ keci̍nni̱vido̍ janāḥ (manā̱nāḥ) || 46||
(Rig. 6-67-10)
O Mother! Some address you as the Ishwari of speech (Saraswati) and
some as Ishwari Lakshmi, and some as Gauri. Mother, but [many] people
do not know you to be the embodiment of one’s own Self (which is one
without second).

ु रमाधरु रचोरमवम्बके ।
लवलतेवत सधािू
तव िामावस्त यत्तेि वजी॒ ह्वामेी॒ मधो॑मु त्तमा॥ ४७॥
laliteti sudhāpūramādhurīcoramambike |
tava nāmāsti yattena ji̱hvāme̱ madhu̍mattamā || 47||
(Tai.Upanishad. Shikshavalli. 4)
O Mother! Your name called Lalita covets (yearns) the sweetness even
from the divine Amritam. Therefore may my tongue attain sweetness (by
uttering of your name).

ये सम्पन्नाीः साधि ैस्त ैश्चत्तर्तु भीः शश्

ु षू ावभदेवशकं प्ररणयवन्त।
् द्धसत्त्वान्तराणां
सम्यवग्ब्वद्वाञ श ु तेषामेवतै ां ब्रह्मववद्यां वदेत॥
ye sampannāḥ sādhanaistaiścatturbhiḥ
śuśrūṣābhirdeśikaṁ prīṇayanti |
samyagvidvāñ śuddhasattvāntarāṇāṁ
teṣāmevaitāṁ brahmavidyāṁ vadeta || 48||
(Mundakopanishad. 3-2-10)
By the four means to attainment (discrimination between permanent
and transient; renunciation of enjoyment of fruits action in this world
and here after; control of mind and spiritual freedom), by services to Guru
(teacher) the aspirants please their preceptor; and the Guru ought to
initiate the disciple of pure heart, the science of Brahma Vidya.

अवभचारावदवभीः कृ त्यां यीः प्रेरयवत मय्यमु ।े

ु ४९॥
तव हुङ्कारसन्त्रस्ता प्रत्यक्कताथर मृच्छत॥
abhicārādibhiḥ kṛtyāṁ yaḥ prerayati mayyume |
tava huṅkārasantrastā pratyakkartāra mṛcchatu || 49||
(Not Known)
O Uma! By practising the evil activities like Abhichara if anybody sends
me the ghost, by your “hum kara” let it once again get back to them (harm
जगत्पवववत्र मावमकामिहराश ु दजथराम।्
प्रसरद मे दया धवु ि प्रशवस्तमम्ब िस्कृ वध॥ ५०॥
jagatpavitri māmikāmapaharāśu durjarām |
prasīda me dayā dhuni praśastimamba naskṛdhi || 50||
(Rig. Sam. 2-41-16)
O Auspicious efficent cause of the worlds! O Ambika remove my sufferings
associated with old age, bestow me with Shraddha in you.

कदम्बारुणमम्बाया रूिं वचन्तय वचत्त मे।

् ५१॥
ु िािरयसीं विष्ठां मा गृो॑धी॒ कस्यो॑वस्वद्धिम ॥
kadambāruṇamambāyā rūpaṁ cintaya citta me |
muñca pāpīyasīṁ niṣṭhāṁ mā gṛ̍dha̱ḥ kasya̍sviddhanam̎ || 51||
(Ishavasyopanishad. 1)
O my mind, contemplate on the reddish hue of Devi, leave the sinful
thoughts and do not think about other person’s posession.

भण्डभण्डि लरलायां रिंचन्दि िवङ्कलीः।

अङ्कुशस्तव तं हन्याद्यश्चो॑िोी॒ वद्वषो॑त ेी॒ जिो॑ ॥ ५२॥
bhaṇḍabhaṇḍana līlāyāṁ raktacandana paṅkilaḥ |
aṅkuśastava taṁ hanyādyaśca̍no̱ dviṣa̍te̱ jana̍ḥ || 52||
(Tai. Sam. 4-1)
In the process of punishing Bandasura, your Ankusa’s (goad), applied his
blood as if it were sandal paste; may that goad demolist my enemies.

रे रे वचत्त त्वं वृर्ा शोकवसन्धौ मज्जस्यन्तवथच्यिायं थु ववमक्त्य

ु ै।
देव्याीः िादौ िूजयैकािरेण तत्तेिि॑ दं सी॒ङ्ग्रहेि॑ण ब्री॒ वरम्योो॑म॥् ५३॥
re re citta tvaṁ vṛthā śokasindhau
majjasyantarvarcyupāyaṁ vimuktyai |

devyāḥ pādau pūjayaikākṣareṇa
tatte̍padaṁ sa̱ṅgrahe̍ṇa bra̱vīmyo̍m || 53||
(Kathopanishad. 2-15)
O mind, you are unnecessarily immersed in the ocean of grief, I shall
reveal a way to get rid of depndency. Worship the feet of Devi by the
mono-syllable (OM). Let me explain you the mon-syllabled mantra in

चञ्चद्बाला तिज्योत्स्नाकला मण्डल शावलिे।

े ५४॥
ऐिवाय िमो मातबाथी॒हुभ्ांी॒ तवी॒ धन्वो॑ि॥
cañcadbālā tapajyotsnākalā maṇḍala śāline |
aikṣavāya namo mātarbā̱hubhyāṁ̱ tava̱ dhanva̍ne || 54||
(Tai. Sam. Rudram. 4-5-2-24)
I prostrate with my hands to your enchanting sugarcane prostrate,
whose hue is like the ray of moon and early morning sun.

तामेवाद्यां ब्रह्मववद्यामिासे मूतवै दे ीःै स्तूयमािां भवािरम।्

हन्त स्वात्मत्त्वेि यां मविंकामो मी॒ त्वा धरी॒रो ही॒ष थ शोकौ जहावत॥
tāmevādyāṁ brahmavidyāmupāse
mūrtairvedaiḥ stūyamānāṁ bhavānīm |
hanta svātmattvena yāṁ muktikāmo
ma̱tvā dhī̱ro ha̱rṣa śokau jahāti || 55||
(Kathopanishad. 2-12)
I worship Bhavani, who is in the form of Brahma Vidya which is beginning
less and is being praised by the Vedas. The brave and desirous of attaining
Moksha worship her as their own Self and thus are freed from pain and

शरणं करवाण्यम्ब चरणं तव सन्दवर।

शिे त्वत्पादकाभ्ां मे िान्यीः िन्थाी॒ अयो॑िाय॥ ५६॥
śaraṇaṁ karavāṇyamba caraṇaṁ tava sundari |
śape tvatpādukābhyāṁ me nānyaḥ panthā̱ aya̍nāya || 56||
(Tai.Sam. Purushasuktam. 17)
O Mother Sundari ! I take refuge at your feet and take a vow that there is
no other means for Moksha other than your padukas.

रत्नच्छत्रैश्चामरैदिथ ण
थ ाद्य ैश्चक्रेशािीं सवथदोिचारयन्त्यीः।
योवगन्योऽन्याीः शिंयश्चावणमाद्या यूय ं िात स्ववस्तवभीः सदा िीः॥
sarvadopacārayantyaḥ |
yoginyo'nyāḥ śaktayaścāṇimādyā yūyaṁ pāta svastibhiḥ sadā
naḥ || 57||
(Rig. Sam. 7-1-20)

Siddhi devis like Anima and Yoginis, who ever attend upon the presiding
deity of Sri Chakra, with gem studded umbrellas, fans, mirror and so on,
may you all protect me and bestow all benefits on me.

दवरद्रं मां ववजािरवह सवथज्ञावस यतीः वशवे।

दूररकृ त्याश ु दवरतमर्ाो॑ िो वधथयारी॒वयम॥् ५८॥
daridraṁ māṁ vijānīhi sarvajñāsi yataḥ śive |
dūrīkṛtyāśu duritamathā̍ no vardhayāra̱yim || 58||
(Tai. Sam. 1-5-5-6)
O Auspicious One! You are omniscient, know me to be a wretched being
and hence drive away my misfortunes and facilitate the growth of my

महेश्ववर महामन्त्रकू टत्रय कलेवरे।

कावदववद्यािर श्ेणीं उी॒शन्तो॑स्त्वा हवामहे॥ ५९॥
maheśvari mahāmantrakūṭatraya kalevare |
kādividyākṣara śreṇīṁ u̱śanta̍stvā havāmahe || 59||
(Tai. Sam. 2-6)
O Devi! You exist in the form of the threefold division of the fifteen
syllabled Mantra. We call upon you desirous of the syllables in your

् र्तध्न वियथत स
मूलाधारादूध्वथमन्तश्चरन्तीं वभत्त्वा ग्रन्थरि मू ् धाद्राथ
ु म।्
िश्यन्तस्त्वां ये च तृसप्त लभन्ते तेी॒षां शावन्तीः शाी॒श्वतरो॑िते रेषाम॥्
bhittvā granthīn mūrdhni niryat sudhārdrām |
paśyantastvāṁ ye ca tṛptiṁ labhante
te̱ṣāṁ śāntiḥ śā̱śvatī̍netareṣām || 60||
(Kathopanishad. 5-13)
The devotee through meditation pierces through the three knots
travelling from Muladhara Chakra and gets immersed in the nectar
overflowing from the thousand petalled lotus in the cerebrum. He sees
your glorious form and attains permanent satisfaction. Others (who are
not devotees) don’t attain this.

मह्यं द्रुह्यवन्त ये मातीः त्वद्ध्यािासिंचेतसे।

तािम्ब सायकै रेवभीः अवब्रह्मवद्वषो जवह॥ ६१॥
mahyaṁ druhyanti ye mātaḥ tvaddhyānāsaktacetase |
tānamba sāyakairebhiḥ avabrahmadviṣo jahi || 61||
(Rig. Sam. 8-64-1)
O Mother! My mind is engrossed in your meditation. Protect me and
annihilate with your arrows the enemies of Brahmins and those who envy

त्वद्भिंािामम्ब शान्तैषणािां ब्रवह्मष्ठािां दृवष्टिातेि िूतीः।
िािरयािप्यामृतीः स्ववथधवू भीः शोी॒कावती॒गो मोदो॑ त े स्वी॒ग थलोो॑के॥
tvadbhaktānāmamba śāntaiṣaṇānāṁ
brahmiṣṭhānāṁ dṛṣṭipātena pūtaḥ |
pāpīyānapyāmṛtaḥ svarvadhūbhiḥ
śo̱kāti̱go moda̍te sva̱rgalo̍ke || 62||
(Kathopanishad. 1-18)
O Ishwari! Even a sinner who falls within the sight of your devotees who
are always rejoicing in the Ananda of Self, is cleansed of his paapas and
rejoices in Swarga loka.

सन्त ु ववद्या जगत्यवस्मि सं् सारभ्रमहेतवीः।

् द्ययाी॒ऽमृतो॑मश्नतेु ॥ ६३॥
भजेऽहं त्वां यया ववद्वाि ववी॒
santu vidyā jagatyasmin saṁsārabhramahetavaḥ |
bhaje'haṁ tvāṁ yayā vidvān vi̱dyayā̱'mṛta̍maśnute || 63||
(Ishavasyopanishad. 11)
There are many knowledge in this world which cause transmigration and
bondage (Samsara). I worship you as you are that Knowledge by which
one gains victory over Mrityu (Moksham).

ु ैर्तवद्रुमाभं ववशालश्ोणरवशञ्जिेखलावकवङ्कणरकम।्
ु याम॥्
चिोत्तंस ं वचियं वस्त ु वकवञ्चवद्ववद्ध त्वमेतवन्नवहि॑ती॒ ं गहाो॑
viśālaśroṇīśiñjanmekhalākiṅkiṇīkam |
candrottaṁsaṁ cinmayaṁ vastu
kiñcidviddhi tvametannihi̍taṁ̱ guhā̍yām || 64||
(Mahanarayanopanishad. 12 - Sanyasasuktam)
You are that principle who is contemplated by the wise in the cave of
consciousness as coral-hued one, who resounds with twinkiling bells
hanging from the girled and who has the digit moon as crest jewel.

ि ववस्मरावम वचिूर्ततवमिकोदण्डशावलिरम ।्

मियीः सिकप्रेष्ठास्ताी॒माहुो॑ िरी॒मां गो॑वतम॥् ६५॥
na vismarāmi cinmūrtimikṣukodaṇḍaśālinīm |
munayaḥ sanakapreṣṭhāstā̱māhu̍ḥ para̱māṁ ga̍tim || 65||
(Kathopanishad. 6-10)
I can never forget your beautiful form endowed with sugarcane
prostrate. Great sages such as Sanaka declare you to be best refuge.

ु ङ्खत्प्रेमकारुण्यधारां हंसज्योत्स्नािूर हृष्यिकोराम।्

यामावश्लष्यिोदते देवदेवीः सा िोो॑ देी॒वर सी॒ हु वाी॒ शमथ ि॑ यच्छत॥

haṁsajyotsnāpūra hṛṣyaccakorām |
yāmāśliṣyanmodate devadevaḥ
sā no̍ de̱vī su̱havā̱ śarma̍ yacchatu || 66||
(Tai. Sam. 3-3)
May your form with eyes full of mercy and the moon like laughter
pleasing even the Chakora bird, which is embraced and enjoyed by the
Great Ishwara (Maheshwara) and who is easily accessible to us, give us
all benefits.

ु वञ्चकतां वचत्त िामरं चावि दैवतम।्

गृहाण िदमम्बाया एतदाी॒लम्बो॑ि ं िरम॥् ६७॥
muñca vañcakatāṁ citta pāmaraṁ cāpi daivatam |
gṛhāṇa padamambāyā etadā̱lamba̍naṁ param || 67||
(Kathopanishad. 2-17)

O Mind! Abandon ingratitude and resorting to other Devatas. Catch hold
of mother’s feet; for this is the best refuge.

ु ङ्क संस्थाम।्
का मे भरवतीः का िवतीः सक दरािं कामेशाङ्कोत्तङ्गियथ

तत्त्वातरतामच्यतािन्द दात्रीं देी॒वरमी॒ हं विरो॑ सत वन्दो॑मािीः॥ ६८॥
kā me bhītiḥ kā kṣatiḥ kiṁ durāpaṁ kāmeśāṅkottuṅgaparyaṅka
saṁsthām |
tattvātītāmacyutānanda dātrīṁ
de̱vīma̱haṁ nirṛ̍tiṁ vanda̍mānaḥ || 68||
(Tai. Sam. 4-2)
I worship the Ishwari who is seated on the lap of Kameshwara, who is
above all categories, who is the bestower of infinite Ananda, who is filled
with compassion and is a destructive power named “Niruriti”. Hence
where is fear or shortcomings for me? Is there anything unattainable to

वचन्तामवणमयोत्तं स कावन्त कञ्चवकताििे

लवलते त्वां सकृ न्नत्वा ि वबभेवत कुतो॑श्चि॥ ६९॥
cintāmaṇimayottaṁ sa kānti kañcukitānane |
lalite tvāṁ sakṛnnatvā na bibheti kuta̍ścana || 69||
(Tai. Upanishad. Brahmanada Valli)
O Lalita, whose face is surrounded by the halo from the crest jewel made
of Chintamani gem, a person worshipping you with great devotion is
never frightened.

तारुण्योत्तवङ्गतकु च े लावण्योल्लावसतेिणे।
् न्नराो॑तयीः॥ ७०॥
तवाज्ञयैव कामाद्या मास्माि प्रािी॒
tāruṇyottuṅgitakuce lāvaṇyollāsitekṣaṇe |
tavājñayaiva kāmādyā māsmān prāpa̱nnarā̍tayaḥ || 70||
(Tai. Brahmana. 2-4)

O youthful one with heavy breasts! O beautiful eyed one! By your orders
the foes like desires may never come to me.

आकणाथकृष्टकामास्त्रसञ्जातं तािमम्ब मे।

आचामत ु कटािस्ते िी॒जन्य
थ ोो॑ वृी॒वष्टी॒मा इो॑व॥ ७१॥
ākarṇākṛṣṭakāmāstrasañjātaṁ tāpamamba me |
ācāmatu kaṭākṣaste pa̱rjanyo̍ vṛ̱ṣṭi̱mā i̍va || 71||
(Rig. Pavamana. 9-2-9)
O Mother! May your side glances, which are drawn till the ears, remove
the torments of love caused due to the arrows of Manmatha, like the
showering cloud which causees respite from heat.

कुवे गवेणािचाराििारान्यद्यप्यम्ब त्वत्पदाब्जं तर्ावि।

मन्ये धन्ये देवव ववद्यावलम्बं माी॒तवेि॑ ो॑ िी॒त्रु ं वबो॑भी॒ तृ ा स्वेिि॑ म॥् ७२॥
kurve garveṇāpacārānapārānyadyapyamba
tvatpadābjaṁ tathāpi |
manye dhanye devi vidyāvalambaṁ
mā̱te̍va̍ pu̱traṁ bi̍bhṛ̱tā sve̍nam || 72||
(Tai. Sam. 4-2)
O Mother! Overpowered by pride, I may commit plenty of mistakes. I
consider your feet as the source of intelligence; O bestower of riches! Devi,
protect me as a mother would protect her son.

यर्ो िावस्तिवतिाथवस्त स्यात्तव चक्रस्य सन्दवर।
कृ िया कुरु कल्यावण तर्ा मे स्ववस्तरायषर॥
ु ७३॥
yatho pāstikṣatirnāsti syāttava cakrasya sundari |
kṛpayā kuru kalyāṇi tathā me svastirāyuṣī || 73||
(Yaj. Skanda Upanishad. 9)
O Enchatress! Bestow logevity and happiness, free me from all hindrances
to perfom your Srichakra puja.

चक्रं सेव े तारकं सवथवसद्ध्य ै श्रमिातीः वसद्धयश्चावणमाद्याीः।
ु शिंयश्चाङ्ग देव्यो यवस्मो॑ि दे् ी॒वा अवधी॒ ववश्वेि॑ विषेी॒दीः॥
वित्या मद्रा
cakraṁ seve tārakaṁ sarvasiddhyai
śrīmanmātaḥ siddhayaścāṇimādyāḥ |
nityā mudrā śaktayaścāṅga devyo
yasmi̍n de̱vā adhi̱viśve̍ niṣe̱duḥ || 74||
(Mahanarayana Upanishad. 2)
Divine Mother, I worship the Srichakra which is the primordial cause of
all the Siddhis like Anima and others. The Nitya Shaktis, the Mudra
Shaktis, Anga Devatas and all the Devas are enshired in it.

ु ु मारे सखाकारे
सक ु ु त्र े सूक्ष्ममध्यमे।

सप्रसन्ना भव वशवे सी॒ मु ी॒ ड
ृ री॒का सरो॑ स्वतर॥ ७५॥
sukumāre sukhākāre sunetre sūkṣmamadhyame |
suprasannā bhava śive su̱mṛ̱ḍī̱kā sara̍svatī || 75||
(Tai. Aranyakam. 1-1)
O tender one with pleasant form, beautiful eyes and slender waist!
Bestow happiness upon us, O Ishwari in the form of Saraswati.

ववद्यद्वल्लरकन्दलीं कल्पयन्तीं मूर्तत स्फू त्याथ िङ्कजं धारयन्तरम।्
ध्यायि वह ् त्वां जायते सावथभौमो ववश्वाी॒ आशाी॒ िृतो॑िाीः
संी॒ जयी॒ ञ्जयन्नो॑॥् ७६॥
vidyudvallīkandalīṁ kalpayantīṁ
mūrtiṁ sphūrtyā paṅkajaṁ dhārayantīm |
dhyāyan hi tvāṁ jāyate sārvabhaumo
viśvā̱ āśā̱ḥ pṛta̍nāḥ saṁ̱jaya̱ñjayann̍ || 76||
(Tai. Brahmana. 2-4)

When Devi moves, she creates a spout of lightning. She moves like
lightning holding a lotus in her hand.
One who contemplates on such a Devi will send his army in all directions
and wins over the enemies. He will be the universal emperor.

अववज्ञाय िरांशविंमात्मभूतां महेश्वररम।्

अहो ितवन्त विरयेष ु ये के चा त्मी॒हिोी॒ जिा ॥ ७७॥
avijñāya parāṁśaktimātmabhūtāṁ maheśvarīm |
aho patanti nirayeṣu ye ke cā̎tma̱hano̱ janā̎ḥ || 77||
(Ishavasyopanishad. 3)
Parashakti is our Atmasvarupa. She is the inner being. But Alas! Few
people don’t realize this and fall into Naraka – this is an unfortunate

ु रंशवु न्द
वसन्दूराभ ैीः सन्दरै ृ ीःै लािालक्ष्म्यां मज्जयन्तीं जगवन्त।
हेरम्बाम्ब त्वां हृदा लम्बते यीः तस्म ैी॒ ववशो॑ स्वी॒यमेी॒ वा िो॑मन्तेी॒॥
sindūrābhaiḥ sundarairaṁśuvṛndaiḥ
lākṣālakṣmyāṁ majjayantīṁ jaganti |
herambāmba tvāṁ hṛdā lambate yaḥ
tasmai̱ viśa̍ḥ sva̱yame̱vā na̍mante̱ || 78||
(Rig. 4-50-8)
O Mother of Vinayaka! One who meditates on you in Hridayam as crimson
coloured and submerging the world in reddish hue, becomes the object of
adoration for the worlds.
तव तत्त्वं ववमृशतां प्रत्यगद्वैत लिणम।्
वचदािन्दघिादन्यन्नेी॒ ह िािाो॑वस्त वकी॒ ञ्चि॥ ७९॥
tava tattvaṁ vimṛśatāṁ pratyagadvaita lakṣaṇam |
cidānandaghanādanyanne̱ha nānā̍sti ki̱ñcana || 79||
(Kathopanishad. 4-11)

There is nothing but Ananda (Chidanandam) for a person who enquires
your non-dual form as subjective consciousness.

कण्ठात्कुण्डवलिीं िरत्वा सहस्रारं वशवे तव।

ु यते गभे समे
ि ििजाथ ु धा अो॑मतृ ोी॒ऽवितीः॥ ८०॥
kaṇṭhātkuṇḍalinīṁ nītvā sahasrāraṁ śive tava |
na punarjāyate garbhe sumedhā a̍mṛto̱'kṣitaḥ || 80||
(Tai. Upanishad. Shikshavalli. 10)
O Auspicious one! The person who raises the Kundalini from neck region
to the thousand petelled lotus (Sahasrara) is drenched in Amrita and
never gets birth again.

त्वत्पादकािसन्धाि प्राप्तसवाथत्मतादृवश।
िूणाथहङ्कृवतमत्यवस्मि ि् कमथ वलप्यतेी॒ िरे ॥ ८१॥
tvatpādukānusandhāna prāptasarvātmatādṛśi |
pūrṇāhaṅkṛtimatyasmin na karma̎ lipyate̱ nare̎ || 81||
(Ishavasyopanishad. 2)
The effect of actions do not bother the person who sees everything as Self
and is engrossed in his subjective consciousness having meditated upon
your sandals.

ु विर्तभन्न हृदयग्रवन्थरवद्रजे।
ु ॥ ८२॥
स्वात्मत्वेि जगित्वा ततोी॒ ि ववजो॑गु प्सते
tavānugraha nirbhinna hṛdayagranthiradrije |
svātmatvena jaganmatvā tato̱ na viju̍gupsate || 82||
(Ishavasyopanishad. 6)
O daughter of the mountains! By your infinite grace, the knots of the heart
have been torn asunder and one who experiences the world to be non-
different from himself never hates anything.


कदा वसदलोिे त े वत्रकोण िवकावन्वते।
आवाहयावम चक्रे त्वां सूयाथभां वश्यमैश्वररम॥् ८३॥
kadā vasudalopete trikoṇa navakānvite |
āvāhayāmi cakre tvāṁ sūryābhāṁ śriyamaiśvarīm || 83||
(Sri Suktam. Phalashruti – Khila)
I call upon the divine mother who is shining like the Sun in the Srichakra
which consists of eight petals, triangle and nine coverings.

ह्ररवमत्येकं तावकं वाचकाणं यवज्जह्वाग्रे देवव जागर्तत वकवञ्चत।्

को वाऽयं स्यात्कामकामवस्त्रलोक्यां सवेऽ स्म ै देी॒वा
बी॒ वलमावो॑हवन्त॥ ८४॥
hrīmityekaṁ tāvakaṁ vācakārṇaṁ
yajjihvāgre devi jāgarti kiñcit |
ko vā'yaṁ syātkāmakāmastrilokyāṁ
sarve'̎smai de̱vā ba̱limāva̍hanti || 84||
(Tai. Upanishad)
O Mother! All the celestials would honour the person as per his wish who
has your divine syllable “Hrim” in his tongue even for a short while.

िाकस्त्ररणां वकन्नररणां िृिाणामप्याकषी चेतसा वचन्तिरयम।्

त्वत्पावणस्थं कुङ्कुमाभं वशवे यं वद्वष्म ् मञ्चावमी॒
ी॒ स्तवस्मी॒ि प्रवतो॑ ु
् ८५॥
िाशम ॥
nākastrīṇāṁ kinnarīṇāṁ nṛpāṇāmapyākarṣī
cetasā cintanīyam |
tvatpāṇisthaṁ kuṅkumābhaṁ śive yaṁ
dvi̱ṣmastasmi̱n prati̍ muñcāmi̱ pāśam̎ || 85||
(Tai. Sam. 3-1-4-12)

O Auspicious One! The Pasha (rope) in your hand is so attractive. It shines
like the color of Kumkuma attracting the Devis, Kinnaras, Kings etc. It is
an object of worship. I will use the pasha against my foes.

िूि ं ससहासिेश्वयाथस्तवाज्ञां वशरसा वहि।्

भयेि िवमािोऽयं सवाथ वदशोऽिधाववत॥ ८६॥
nūnaṁ siṁhāsaneśvaryāstavājñāṁ śirasā vahan |
bhayena pavamāno'yaṁ sarvā diśo'nudhāvati || 86||
(Not Known)
O Devi, you are the Ishwari seated in the Simhasanam. Vayu takes your
order obediently. May be he is scared of you. He moves in all directions.

वत्रकालाढ्यां वत्रहृल्ले खां वद्वहंसस्वरभूवषताम।्

यो जित्यम्ब ते ववद्यां सोऽिो॑रीः िरी॒मीः स्वी॒राट ्॥ ८७॥
trikālāḍhyāṁ trihṛllekhāṁ dvihaṁsasvarabhūṣitām |
yo japatyamba te vidyāṁ so'kṣa̍raḥ para̱maḥ sva̱rāṭ || 87||
(Mahanarayanopanishad. Narayanasuktam)

O Mother, your Srividya (Panchadashakshari) has three “ka”, three “la”,

three lines, three “hrim”, two “ham”, two “sa“ and two swaras. One who
does japa of this Panchadashakshari will become immutable, immortal
and becomes the supreme ruler.

दावरद्र्यािौ देवव मग्नोऽवि शश्वद्वाचा याचे िाहमम्ब त्वदन्यम।्

तस्मादस्मद्वावञ्छतं िूरयैतदष साी॒ ििंाो॑ सी॒ दु घेवि॑ धेी॒ िीः॥
ु ८८॥
dāridryābdhau devi magno'pi śaśvadvācā
yāce nāhamamba tvadanyam |
tasmādasmadvāñchitaṁ pūrayaitaduṣa
sā̱ naktā̍ su̱dughe̍va dhe̱nuḥ || 88||
(Rig. 1-186-4)

O Mother, I am always drowned in the ocean of debts and would not seek
refuge from anyone other than you. Hence may you fulfill my expectations
like a good cow which gives milk day and night.

यो वा यद्यत्कामिाकृ ष्टवचत्तीः स्तत्वोिास्ते देवव ते चक्रववद्याम।्
कल्याणािामालयीः कालयोगात तं ् तं लोकं जयते तांश्च कामाि॥्
yo vā yadyatkāmanākṛṣṭacittaḥ
stutvopāste devi te cakravidyām |
kalyāṇānāmālayaḥ kālayogāt
taṁ taṁ lokaṁ jayate tāṁśca kāmān || 89||
(Mundakopanishad. 3-1-10)

O Ishwari! Whoever worships your Srichakra with your divine Srividya

Mantras, with any desires, will get all his desires fulfilled and attains the
desired worlds.

साधकस्सततं कुयाथदक्य ै ं श्रचक्रदेहयोीः।

ु सिम॥् ९०॥
तर्ा देव्यात्मिोरैक्यमेतावद्यी॒ िशाो॑
sādhakassatataṁ kuryādaikyaṁ śrīcakradehayoḥ |
tathā devyātmanoraikyametāvadya̱nuśā̍sanam || 90||
(Kathopanishad. 2-3-15)
The aspirant ought to consider his body to be non-different from
Srichakra and Devi to be ones inner Self. This is the rule to be followed in
Sri Chakra workship.

हस्ताम्भोजप्रोल्लसिामराभ्ां श्रवाणरभ्ां िाश्वथयोवीज्यमािाम।्

श्रसाम्रावज्ञ त्वां सदा लोकयेय ं सदा सवद्भीः सेव्यमािां विगूढाम॥्
śrīvāṇībhyāṁ pārśvayorvījyamānām |
śrīsāmrājñi tvāṁ sadā lokayeyaṁ
sadā sadbhiḥ sevyamānāṁ nigūḍhām || 91||
(Kaivalyopanishad. 1)
O Divine Empress! One ought to visualize your ever secret form in mind,
being served by Lakshmi and Saraswati with Chamaras in their hands
and ever worshipped by great people.

इष्टाविष्टप्रावप्तवववच्छवत्तहेतीःु स्तोत ं ु वाचां कॢवप्तवरत्येव मन्ये।

ु त्य ैकवेद्य ं ि चिषा
त्वद्रूिं वह स्वािभू ु गृह्यते िावि वाचा॥ ९२॥
iṣṭāniṣṭaprāptivicchittihetuḥ stotuṁ
vācāṁ kḷptirityeva manye |
tvadrūpaṁ hi svānubhūtyaikavedyaṁ
na cakṣuṣā gṛhyate nāpi vācā || 92||
(Mundakopanishad. 3-1-8)
I consider that the purpose of the power of speech is to praise you who is
the cause of supression of likes and dislikes. Your form can only be a
subject of personal realization and not perceivable with eyes or heard
through ears.

हरस्वरैीः चतवथु ग थप्रदं मन्त्रं सवबन्दुकम।्

देव्या जित ववप्रेिा अन्या वाचो ववमञ्चर्॥ ९३॥
harasvaraiḥ caturvargapradaṁ mantraṁ sabindukam |
devyā japata viprendrā anyā vāco vimuñcatha || 93||
(Mundakopanishad. 2-2-5)
O best amongst Brahmins, chant the Panchadashakshari Mantra of
Ishwari with Bindu. It will grant the four fold Purusharthas. Abandon
other speech.

यस्ते राकाचिवबम्बासिस्थां िरयूषासि कल्पयन्तीं मयूख ैीः।


मूर्तत भक्त्या ध्यायते हृत्सरोजे ि तस्य रोगो ि जरा ि मृत्यीः॥
yaste rākācandrabimbāsanasthāṁ
pīyūṣābdhiṁ kalpayantīṁ mayūkhaiḥ |
mūrtiṁ bhaktyā dhyāyate hṛtsaroje
na tasya rogo na jarā na mṛtyuḥ || 94||
(Shwetashwatara Upanishad. 2-12)
Diseases, old age, or death do not bother a person who meditates in his
lotus like heart, your form seated in the full moon. She creates the ocean
of nectar with her radiating form.

ु मातयोऽञ्जसल मूर्तध्न धत्ते मौवलश्ेण्या भूभजस्तं

तभ्ं ु िमवन्त।
यीः स्तौवत त्वामम्ब वचद्ववल्लवाचा तं धरराो॑सीः की॒ वयी॒ उन्नो॑यवन्त॥
tubhyaṁ mātaryo'ñjaliṁ mūrdhni dhatte
mauliśreṇyā bhūbhujastaṁ namanti |
yaḥ stauti tvāmamba cidvallivācā
taṁ dhīrā̍saḥ ka̱vaya̱ unna̍yanti || 95||
(Tai. Brahmana. 3-6-1-3)
O Mother! Even the emperors prostrate the person who worships you
with uplifted arms and the saints praise him who sings your glory.

ु ि वृन्दीःै दगाथ कालरभ ैरवरशविं सङ्घैीः।

वैवरञ्चौघीःै ववष्णरुद्रे
यन्त्रेवश त्वं वतथसे स्तूयमािा ि तो॑त्र सूी॒यो भाो॑वत िी॒ चिो॑ तारकम॥्
vairiñcaughaiḥ viṣṇurudrendra vṛndaiḥ
durgā kālībhairavīśakti saṅghaiḥ |
yantreśi tvaṁ vartase stūyamānā
na ta̍tra sū̱ryo bhā̍ti na̱ candra̍tārakam || 96||

(Kathopanishad. 5-15)
O Ishwari of Sri Yantra! You are ever praised by the hordes of Brahma,
Vishnu, Rudra and Devis such as Durga, Kali, Bhairavi. Neither the sun,
moon, nor stars shine in your presence (for they derive their radiance
from you).

ु शतमखादयीः।
भूत्य ै भवावि त्वां वन्दे सराीः
त्वामािम्य समृद्धाीः स्यरु ाये धामाो॑वि वदी॒व्याविो॑॥ ९७॥
bhūtyai bhavāni tvāṁ vande surāḥ śatamakhādayaḥ |
tvāmānamya samṛddhāḥ syurāye dhāmā̍ni di̱vyāni̍ || 97||
(Shwetashwatara Upanishad. 2-5)
O Bhavani! Indra and others attained their status and wealth having
worshipped you. May I prostrate to you for my prosperity.

िष्पवत्फु ल्लताटङ्कां प्रातरावदत्य िाटलाम।्
यस्त्वामन्तीः स्मरत्यम्ब तस्यो॑दी॒वे ा अो॑सी॒न्वशे ॥ ९८॥
puṣpavatphullatāṭaṅkāṁ prātarāditya pāṭalām |
yastvāmantaḥ smaratyamba tasya̍de̱vā a̍sa̱nvaśe̎ || 98||
(Tai. Aranyakam. 3-13 – Purushasuktam)
O Mother! Even the Devas are under the control of a person who
meditates on you in his mind as the one like the hue of early morning Sun
with ear drops resembling the blossomed flower.

वश्ये ववद्रुम सङ्काशां ववद्यायां ववशद प्रभाम।्

त्वामम्ब भावयेद ् भूत्य ै सी॒ वु णां ि॑ हेमी॒मावलिरो॑म॥् ९९॥
vaśye vidruma saṅkāśāṁ vidyāyāṁ viśada prabhām |
tvāmamba bhāvayed bhūtyai su̱varṇāṁ̍ hema̱mālinī̍m || 99||
(Srisukam. 14)
O Mother! The person desirous of bringing others under his control would
meditate on you who is as lustrous as coral, one desiring expertise in

learning, as fair limbed one and one yearning for wealth, as wearing
golden ornaments and golden hued.

वामाङ्गस्थामरवशतदीप्यमािां भूषावृन्दवै रन्दुरेखावतंसाम।्

यस्त्वां िश्यि सततं ि ैव तृप्तीः तस्म ैि॑ च देववी॒ वषो॑डस्ती॒ ु तभ्म
ु ्

bhūṣāvṛndairindurekhāvataṁsām |
yastvāṁ paśyan satataṁ naiva tṛptaḥ
tasmai̍ ca devi̱ vaṣa̍ḍastu̱ tubhyam̎ || 100||
(Tai. Sam. 4-1-4-1)
The person who is never satisfied meditating on you as one seated on the
left thigh of Shiva, as one adorned with various ornaments, having the
digit moon as crest jewel, may he have Vashat. May I have Vashat as well
(the word “Vashat” is uttered while giving Havis to the Devas to please

शृङ्गार देवते मातीः वश्यं ि॑ वाी॒सयो॑ मे कुी॒ले॥ १०१॥
navanīpavanīvāsalālasottamamānase |
śṛṅgāra devate mātaḥ śriya̍ṁ vā̱saya̍ me ku̱le || 101||
(Sri Suktam. 12)
O Ishwari of divine beauty! You rejoice in sporting in the freshly sprouted
kadamba forest, may you cause the wealth to abide in my family.

ु ा
भक्त्याऽभक्त्या वावि िद्यावसािश्त्य
ु च ैतया स्तौवत यस्त्वाम।्
तस्य विप्रं त्वत्प्रसादेि मातीः
सी॒ त्यास्सो॑न्ती॒ ु यजो॑मािस्यी॒ कामा ॥ १०२॥
bhaktyā'bhaktyā vāpi padyāvasānaśrutyā
stutyā caitayā stauti yastvām |
tasya kṣipraṁ tvatprasādena mātaḥ
sa̱tyāssa̍ntu̱ yaja̍mānasya̱ kāmā̎ḥ || 102||
(Tai. Sam. 4-2)
O Mother! One who praises you with these verses with or without
devotion even in his passing years, may the desires of the person be
fulfilled by your divine grace.

बावलशेि मया प्रोिंमवि वात्सल्यशावलिोीः।

थ ु वाी॒वङ्गरो॑ ॥ १०३॥
आिन्दमावददं ित्योवरमा वो॑धन्त
bāliśena mayā proktamapi vātsalyaśālinoḥ |
ānandamādidaṁ patyorimā va̍rdhantu vā̱ṅgira̍ḥ || 103||
(Tai. Sam. 4-7-1-1. Chamakam)
May this Mantra composed by a young boy (ignorant person) cause
immense pleasure to the ever affectionate primordial couple.

माधरु र सौरभावास चािसायकधावरणरम।्

् दते त सवथ
देवीं ध्यायि िठे ् कामार्थवसद्धये॥ १०४॥
mādhurī saurabhāvāsa cāpasāyakadhāriṇīm |
devīṁ dhyāyan paṭhedetat sarvakāmārthasiddhaye || 104||
(Not known)
One ought to contemplate through this Mantra the Ishwari who is
bedecked in soft and fragrant garments and ornaments, armed with four
and arrow for fulfillment of all desires.

ु न्दवर।
स्तोत्रमेतत्प्रजितस्तव वत्रिरस ु

अिद्वरक्ष्य ु ववत िञ्चो॑मीः॥ १०५॥
भयाद्दरंू मृत्यधाथ
stotrametatprajapatastava tripurasundari |
anudvīkṣya bhayāddūraṁ mṛtyurdhāvati pañca̍maḥ || 105||
(Tai. Aranyakam. 2-8)

O Tripurasundari! Death runs array out of fear unable to face the person
whoever contemplates on this Mantra of yours with all sincerity.

ु तां ववद्यावन्तं तमम्ब धिवन्तम।्

यीः िठवत स्तवतमे
कुरु देवव यशस्वन्तं वचथस्वन्तं
ि॑ ु षेि॑ ॥
मिी॒ष्य ु १०६॥
yaḥ paṭhati stutimetāṁ vidyāvantaṁ tamamba dhanavantam
kuru devi yaśasvantaṁ varca̍svantaṁ manu̱ṣye̍ṣu || 106||
(Tai. Sam. 3-3)
O Mother! Make the person who ever chants this Mantra a scholar,
wealthy, glorious and energetic amongst men.

ये शृण्ववन्त स्तवतवममां तव देव्यिसूयकाीः।
ु उत्तिू बलम ॥
तेभ्ो देवह वश्यं ववद्यामद्वचथी॒ ् १०७॥
ye śṛṇvanti stutimimāṁ tava devyanasūyakāḥ |
tebhyo dehi śriyaṁ vidyāmudvarca̱ uttanū balam̎ || 107||
(Tai. Sam. 4-1)
O Ishwari! One who listens to this Mantra of yours without any avarice,
grant them wealth, education, growing lustre and progressive strength.

त्वामेवाहं स्तौवम वित्यं प्रणतावम श्रववद्येशां ववि सवञ्चन्तयावम।

अध्यास्ते या ववश्वमाता ववराजो हृत्पण्डररकं ु म॥्
ववरजं ववशद्ध
tvāmevāhaṁ staumi nityaṁ praṇatāmi
śrīvidyeśāṁ vacmi sañcintayāmi |
adhyāste yā viśvamātā virājo
hṛtpuṇḍarīkaṁ virajaṁ viśuddham || 108||
(Kaivalya Upanishad. 1-5)
I praise, prostrate, speak and contemplate on that Ishwari Srividya who
shines forth as cosmic mother seated in the lotus heart which his
blemishless and free from faults.

शङ्करेण रवचतं स्तवोत्तमं यीः िठे ज्जगवत भविंमान्नरीः।
ु भवेद्ध्रवु ा सन्दरर
तस्य वसवद्धरतला ु च सततं प्रसरदवत॥ १०९॥
śaṅkareṇa racitaṁ stavottamaṁ
yaḥ paṭhejjagati bhaktimānnaraḥ |
tasya siddhiratulā bhaveddhruvā
sundarī ca satataṁ prasīdati || 109||
The devoted one who recites this great Mantra composed by Shankara in
this world, could attain great and unmatchable powers. Mother
Tripurasundari will be ever pleased with him.

यत्रैव यत्रैव मिो मदरयं तत्रैव तत्रैव तव स्वरूिम।्

यत्रैव यत्रैव वशरो मदरयं तत्रैव तत्रैव िदद्वयं ते॥ ११०॥
yatraiva yatraiva mano madīyaṁ
tatraiva tatraiva tava svarūpam |
yatraiva yatraiva śiro madīyaṁ
tatraiva tatraiva padadvayaṁ te || 110||
Wherever my thoughts travel, let it hold on to your form and wherever I
place my head, let there be your feet (may my mind be immersed in your
thoughts and I keep doing Namaskarams to you).



िरतांबरं करववरावजत शङ्कचक्र

ु ।्
कौमोधकर सरवसजं करुणा समद्रम

वार्ालयेशमविशं हृवद भावयावम ॥
pītāṁbaraṁ karavirājita śaṅkacakra
kaumodhakī sarasijaṁ karuṇā samudram |
vāthālayeśam aniśaṁ hṛdi bhāvayāmi ||

I always meditate in my heart that Lord of Guruvayur, who is dressed in

yellow silk, who is holding the conch, the wheel (Sudharshana), the mace
and the lotus flower, in his hands. who is the ocean of mercy, who is
with Radha, and had a very pretty smile.

सविदािन्द रूिाय ववश्वोत्पत्यावद हेतवे।

ताित्रय वविाशाय श्र कृ ष्णाय वयं िमीः॥
saccidānanda rūpāya viśvotpatyādi hetave |
tāpatraya vināśāya śrī kṛṣṇāya vayaṁ numaḥ ||

We offer respectful Prostrations unto Lord Krishna, the manifestation of

Existence-Consciousness-Ananda, the cause of the everything in the
universe and who destroys all forms of sufferings.

ु िणं चतभु जं
ु ं बालकमम्बजे
तमद्भत थु शङ्खगदाद्यदाय
ु धमु ।्
ु िरताम्बरं सािियोदसौभगम॥्
श्रवत्सलक्ष्मं गलशोवभकौस्तभं
महाहथवडै ू यवथ कररटकुण्डल वत्वषा िवरष्विंसहस्रकुन्तलम।्
उद्दामकाञ्च्यङ्गदकङ्कणावदवभर्तवरोचमािं वसदेु व ऐित ॥
- Bhagavatam 10.3.9
tamadbhutaṁ bālakamambujekṣaṇaṁ
caturbhujaṁ śaṅkhagadādyudāyudham |
śrīvatsalakṣmaṁ galaśobhikaustubhaṁ
pītāmbaraṁ sāndrapayodasaubhagam ||
mahārhavaidūryakirīṭakuṇḍala tviṣā pariṣvaktasahasrakuntalam
virocamānaṁ vasudeva aikṣata ||

Vasudeva saw that wonder child with four hands, holding a conch, a
mace, a chakra (discus) and a lotus; with Srivatsa emblem on his chest;
with Kaustubha gem on the neck; with cloth of golden hue, as beautiful
as the blue water-filled cloud; with dense hair flowing around amidst the
adornments of crown and ear-rings radiant with precious gems; and
excellently brilliant with bracelets around the hip and arms.

करारववन्देि िदारववन्दं मखारववन्दे ववविवेशयन्तम।्
वटस्य ित्रस्य िटेु शयािं बालं मक
ु ु न्द ं मिसा स्मरावम ॥
karāravindena padāravindaṁ
mukhāravinde viniveśayantam|
vaṭasya patrasya puṭe śayānaṁ
bālaṁ mukundaṁ manasā smarāmi ||

I meditate on that beautiful child Mukunda who with his lotus like hands
holds his lotus like feet and puts the toe in his lotus like mouth, he rests
on the fold of the banyan leaf.

33. ्
कृ ष्णाष्टकम (kṛṣṇāṣṭakam)
वसदेु वसतंु देवं कं सचाणूरमदथिम ।्
ु ् ॥१॥
देवकरिरमािन्दं कृ ष्णं वंद े जगद्गरुम
vasudevasutaṁ devaṁ kaṁsacāṇūramardanam |
devakīparamānandaṁ kṛṣṇaṁ vaṁde jagadgurum ||1||

I worship the spiritual master of the Universe Lord Krishna, who is the
son of Vasudeva, who killed Kamsa and Chanura, and is the source of
great joy to Devaki.

ु काशम हारिू
अतसरिष्पसं ् ु
िरशोवभतम ।्
रत्नकण्कणके यूरं कृ ष्णं वंद े जगद्गरुम ्
ु ॥२॥
atasīpuṣpasaṁkāśam hāranūpuraśobhitam |
ratnakaṇkaṇakeyūraṁ kṛṣṇaṁ vaṁde jagadgurum ||2||

I worship the spiritual master of the Universe Lord Krishna, who is
surrounded by hemp flowers, who shines in necklaces and anklets, and
who wears gem studded bangles and armlets.

कुवटलालकसंयिंंु िूणच थ द्रं विभाििम ।्

ववलसत्कुण्डलधरं देवं कृ ष्णं वंद े जगद्गरुम ्
ु ॥३॥
kuṭilālakasaṁyuktaṁ pūrṇacaṁdranibhānanam |
vilasatkuṇḍaladharaṁ devaṁ kṛṣṇaṁ vaṁde jagadgurum ||3||

I worship the spiritual master of the Universe Lord Krishna, who is with
curly locks of hair, who resembles the full moon, and who shines in his ear

मंदारगन्धसंयिंंु चारुहासं चतभु ज थु म ।्

बर्तहविञ्छावचूडाङ्गं कृ ष्णं वंद े जगद्गरुम
ु ॥४॥्
maṁdāragandhasaṁyuktaṁ cāruhāsaṁ caturbhujam|
barhipiñchāvacūḍāṅgaṁ kṛṣṇaṁ vaṁde jagadgurum ||4||

I worship the spiritual master of the Universe Lord Krishna, who is with
the smell of Mandhara flowers, who has a pretty smile and four hands,
and who wears the feather of peacock.

उत्फुल्लिद्मित्रािं िरलजरमूतसवन्नभम ।्
यादवािां वशरोरत्नं कृ ष्णं वंद े जगद्गरुम ्
ु ॥५॥
utphullapadmapatrākṣaṁ nīlajīmūtasannibham|
yādavānāṁ śiroratnaṁ kṛṣṇaṁ vaṁde jagadgurum ||5||

I worship the spiritual master of the Universe Lord Krishna, who has eyes
like fully opened petals of lotus, whose body color resembles the rich blue
cloud, and is the greatest gem among Yadavas.

रुविणरके वळसंयिंंु िरतांबरसशोवभतम
ु ।्

अवाप्ततलसरगन्धं कृ ष्णं वंद े जगद्गरुम ्
ु ॥६॥
rukmiṇīkeḻisaṁyuktaṁ pītāṁbarasuśobhitam|
avāptatulasīgandhaṁ kṛṣṇaṁ vaṁde jagadgurum ||6||

I worship the spiritual master of the Universe Lord Krishna, who is with
the playful Rukmini, who shines in yellow silks, and who has the scent of
sacred Tulasi.

गोविकािां कुचद्वन्द्व कं ु कुमावङ्कतविसम ।्

श्र विके तं महेष्वासं कृ ष्णं वंद े जगद्गरुम ्
ु ॥७॥
gopikānāṁ kucadvandva kuṁkumāṅkitavakṣasam|
śrī niketaṁ maheṣvāsaṁ kṛṣṇaṁ vaṁde jagadgurum ||7||

I worship the spiritual master of the Universe Lord Krishna, who is coated
with saffron powder of the gopis bosom, and who is the home of Lakshmi.

श्रवत्साङ्कं महोरस्कं विमालाववरावजतम ।्

शङ्खचक्रधरं देवं कृ ष्णं वंद े जगद्गरुम ्
ु ॥८॥
śrīvatsāṅkaṁ mahoraskaṁ vanamālāvirājitam |
śaṅkhacakradharaṁ devaṁ kṛṣṇaṁ vaṁde jagadgurum ||8||

I worship the spiritual master of the Universe Lord Krishna, who has
Srivatsa mark on his chest, who is decorated by forest garland, and is the
Lord who holds conch and wheel.

ु प्रातरुत्थाय यीः िठे त ।्

कृ ष्णाष्टकवमदं िण्यं
कोवटजिकृ तं िािं स्मरणेि वविष्यवत ॥
kṛṣṇāṣṭakamidaṁ puṇyaṁ prātarutthāya yaḥ paṭhet |
koṭijanmakṛtaṁ pāpaṁ smaraṇena vinaṣyati ||
If this blessed octet on Krishna, is sung as soon as one wakes up in the
morning, The paapas done in millions of births will truly be destroyed.

34. रङ्गिार्ाष्टकम (raṅganāthāṣṭakam) - by Adi
आिन्दरूिे विजबोधरूिे ब्रह्मस्वरूिे श्वु तमूर्ततरूिे।
शशाङ्करूिे रमणरयरूिे श्ररङ्गरूिे रमतां मिो मे ॥१॥
ānandarūpe nijabodharūpe brahmasvarūpe śrutimūrtirūpe |
śaśāṅkarūpe ramaṇīyarūpe śrīraṅgarūpe ramatāṁ mano me ||1||

Let my mind revel in the form of Ranga, whose form is the epitome of
happiness, whose form is the true knowledge, whose form is as told in the
Vedas and who is of the form of the comforting moon and very beautiful.

कावेवरतररे करुणा ववलोले मन्दारमूले धृत चारुके ले ।

दैत्यान्तकालेऽवखललोकलरले श्ररङ्गलरले रमतां मिो मे॥२॥
kāveritīre karuṇā vilole mandāramūle dhṛta cārukele |
daityāntakāle'khilalokalīle śrīraṅgalīle ramatāṁ mano me ||2||

Let my mind revel in the form of Ranga, who is on the banks of river
Kaveri, who playfully dispenses mercy, who is below the Mandhara tree,
who speedily destroys all Asuras, who spreads his Leelas all over the
whole world.

लक्ष्मरविवासे जगतां विवासे हृत्पद्मवासे रवववबम्बवासे ।

ु न्दवासे श्ररङ्गवासे रमतां मिो मे ॥३॥
कृ िाविवासे गणवृ
lakṣmīnivāse jagatāṁ nivāse hṛtpadmavāse ravibimbavāse |
kṛpānivāse guṇavṛndavāse śrīraṅgavāse ramatāṁ mano me ||3||

Let my mind revel in Ranga, as the one who lives in Sri Rangam, in whom
Ishwari Lakshmi lives, who is the abode of the universe, who lives in the
lotus of our heart, who lives Sun’s orb. who is the abode of mercy and who
lives where people with good conduct live.

ु ु न्दवन्द्ये सरिार्वन्द्ये
ब्रह्मावदवन्द्ये जगदेकवन्द्ये मक ु ।
व्यासावदवन्द्ये सिकावदवन्द्ये श्ररङ्गवन्द्ये रमतां मिो मे ॥४॥
brahmādivandye jagadekavandye
mukundavandye suranāthavandye |
vyāsādivandye sanakādivandye
śrīraṅgavandye ramatāṁ mano me ||4||

In Him let my mind revel as the one who is worshipped in Sri Ranga, who
is venerated by Ishwaras like Brahma, who is venerated by the entire
universe, who is venerated by Mukunda, who is venerated by Lord of
devas (Indra), who is worshipped by sages like Vyasa and who is
venerated by sages like Sanaka.

ब्रह्मावदराजे गरुडावदराजे वैकुण्ठाजे सरराजराजे

ु ।
त्रैलोक्यराजेऽवखललोकराजे श्ररङ्गराजे रमतां मिो मे ॥५॥
brahmāadirāje garuḍādirāje vaikuṇṭhāaje surarājarāje |
trailokyarāje'khilalokarāje śrīraṅgarāje ramatāṁ mano me ||5||
Let my mind revel in Him who is the king of Sri Ranga, who is the king of
Ishwaras like Brahma, who is the king of the holy bird Garuda, who is the
king of Vaikunta, who is the king of Devendra, who is the king of the three
worlds and who is the king of the entire universe.

अमोघमद्रेु िवरिूणवथ िद्रे श्रयोगविद्रे च समद्रविद्रे

ु ।
श्रतैकभद्रे जगदेकविद्रे श्ररङ्गभद्रे रमतां मिो मे ॥६॥
amoghamudre paripūrṇanidre
śrīyoganidre ca samudranidre |
śrītaikabhadre jagadekanidre
śrīraṅgabhadre ramatāṁ mano me ||6||

Let my mind revel in Him as one who protects the city of Sri Ranga, whose
sign is never failing, who is in perfect sleep, who is in the yogic sleep, who
sleeps on the ocean, who takes care of Ishwari Lakshmi, and in whom the
whole world sleeps (He is the basis of the entire Universe).

ु िशायर िन्दाङ्कशायर कमलाङ्कशायर ।

सवचत्रशायर भजगे
िरराविशायर वटित्रशायर श्ररङ्गशायर रमतां मिो मे ॥७॥
sacitraśāyī bhujagendraśāyī nandāṅkaśāyī kamalāṅkaśāyī |
kṣīrābdhiśāyī vaṭapatraśāyī śrīraṅgaśāyī ramatāṁ mano me ||7||

Let my mind revel in Him as the one who sleeps in the city of Sri Ranga,
who sleeps pretty as a picture, who sleeps on the king of serpents, who
sleeps on the lap of Nanda, who sleeps on the lap of Lakshmi, who sleeps
on the ocean of milk and who sleeps on the banyan leaf.

इदं वह रङ्गं त्यजतावमहाङ्गं ििि ु थशाङ्गं यवद शाङ्गमेवत ।

िाणौ रर्ाङ्गं चरणेम्ब ु गाङ्गं यािे ववहङ्गं शयिे भजङ्गम
ु ्
idaṁ hi raṅgaṁ tyajatāmihāṅgaṁ
punarnaśāṅgaṁ yadi śāṅgameti |
pāṇau rathāṅgaṁ caraṇembu gāṅgaṁ
yāne vihaṅgaṁ śayane bhujaṅgam ||8||

He who sheds his body in this holy land of Sri Ranga, remembering
Ranganatha who wields a Chakra in his hand, whose holy feet is wetted
by the Ganga, has Garuda as his vehicle and the serpent as his bed never
gets his birth again.

ु प्रातरुत्थाय यीः िठे त ।्

रङ्गिार्ाष्टकं िण्यं

सवाथि कामिवाप्नोवत ु
रवङ्गसायज्यमाप्न ु ॥
यात ्
raṅganāthāṣṭakaṁ puṇyaṁ prātarutthāya yaḥ paṭhet |
sarvān kāmanavāpnoti raṅgisāyujyamāpnuyāt ||

Any one reading this octet on Lord Ranganatha, as soon as he gets up in

the morning, will get his wishes fulfilled and in the end attain Saayujya

35. गोववन्दाष्टकम (govindāṣṭakam) - by Adi Shankara
सत्यं ज्ञािमिंत ं वित्यमिाकाशं िरमाकाशं
गोष्ठप्राङ्गणवरङ्खणलोलमिायासं िरमायासम ।्

मायाकवल्पतिािाकारमिाकारं भविाकारं

क्ष्मामा िार्मिार्ं प्रणमत गोसवदं िरमािंदम ॥१॥
satyaṁ jñānamanaṁtaṁ nityamanākāśaṁ paramākāśam
goṣṭhaprāṅgaṇa riṅkhaṇalolamanāyāsaṁ paramāyāsam |
māyākalpitanānākāramanākāraṁ bhuvanākāram
kṣmāmā nāthamanāthaṁ praṇamata goviṁdaṁ paramānaṁdam

Extol Govinda, who is the eternal Ananda, who is the eternal truth, who
is knowledge, who is eternal, who is beyond the skies, who is the final
limit, who roams in the courtyard of cowshed in Vraja, who needs no
effort, who is the final effort, who is assuming various forms in the form
of Maya, who is without form, who is the form of the universe, who is Lord
(incarnated) on the earth, and who has no Lord.

मृत्स्नामत्सरहेवत यशोदाताडिशैशव सन्त्रासं

व्यावदतवक्त्रालोवकतलोका लोकचतदथु शलोकावलम ।्
ु लस्तंभ ं लोकालोकमिालोकं

लोके शं िरमेशं प्रणमत गोसवदं िरमािंदम ॥२॥
mṛtsnāmatsīheti yaśodātāḍanaśaiśava saṁtrāsam
vyaaditavaktrā lokitalokālokacaturdaśalokālim |
lokatrayapuramūlastaṁbhaṁ lokālokamanālokam
lokeśaṁ parameśaṁ praṇamata goviṁdaṁ paramānaṁdam ||2||

Extol Govinda, who is the eternal Ananda, who ran away with the fear of
caning from Yasoda who said thus ‘‘Were You eating soil here?’’, who then
showed the world, the world beyond and the swarm of fourteen planes of
existence in His open mouth (to His mother), who is the basis or pillar of
the existence of the three worlds, who is the light of the world, who needs
no world to in, who is the Lord of the world, and who is the supreme Lord.

त्रैववष्टिवरिवररघ्नं विवतभारघ्नं भवरोगघ्नं

कै वल्यं िविरताहारमिाहारं भविाहारम ।्

शैवं के वलशांत ं प्रणमत गोसवदं िरमािंदम ॥३॥
traiviṣṭaparipuvīraghnaṁ kṣitibhāraghnaṁ bhavarogaghnam
kaivalyaṁ navanītāhāramanāhāraṁ bhuvanāhāram |
śaivaṁ kevalaśāṁtaṁ praṇamata goviṁdaṁ paramānaṁdam

Extol Govinda, who is the eternal Ananda, who destroys the strength of
the enemies of Devatas, who destroys the weight present on the earth,
who destroys the disease of metempsychosis, who is the only one, who
eats freshly prepared butter, who requires no food, who is the food of the
universe, who is observed in the special consciousness state of spotless
blossomed mind, who cannot be (fully) observed, who adores Śiva, and
who is always at rest.

गोिालं भूलरलाववग्रहगोिालं कुलगोिालं

गोिरखेलिगोवधथिधृवतलरलालावलतगोिालम ।्

गोवभर्तिगवदत गोसवदस्फुतिामािं बहुिामािं

गोिरगोचरदूरं प्रणमत गोसवदं िरमािंदम ॥४॥
gopālaṁ bhūlīlāvigrahagopālaṁ kulagopālam
gopīkhelanagovardhanadhṛtilīlālālitagopālam |
gobhirnigadita goviṁdasphutanāmānaṁ bahunāmānam
gopīgocarapathikaṁ praṇamata goviṁdaṁ paramānaṁdam ||4||

Extol Govinda, who is the eternal Ananda, who is known as Gopala, who
took the form of a cowherd for the sake of sport, who incarnated in the
lineage of a cowherds, who did spectacular sport by playing with Gopis
and lifting the Govardhana mountain, who was given a taintless name of
Govinda by the cows (Kamadhenu), who has many names, and who is
beyond the scope of perception of the Gopis.

गोिरमण्डलगोष्ठरभेदं भेदावस्थमभेदाभं
ु तथ ोत्कृ तधूलरधूसरसौभाग्ब्यम ।्
श्द्धाभविंगृहरतािंदमवचन्त्यं सचवततसद्भावं
सचतामवणमवहमािं प्रणमत गोसवदं िरमािंदम ॥५॥ ्
gopīmaṁḍalagoṣṭhibhedaṁ bhedāvasthamabhedābham
śaśvadgokhuranirdhūtotkṛtadhūlīdhūsarasaubhāgyam |
śraddhābhaktigṛhītānaṁdamacintyaṁ ciṁtitasadbhāvam
ciṁtāmaṇimahimānaṁ praṇamata goviṁdaṁ paramānaṁdam

Extol Govinda, who is the eternal Ananda, who enters the meeting place
of the group of Gopis, who is present in each and every group of gopis,
who appears, in differing forms but actually is without difference. Whose
pretty form is covered by the dust raised by the hooves of cows, who is
realized by attention and devotion in thought, who is beyond thought,
And whose greatness is determined by the gem of individual’s thought.

ु ु
व्यावदत्संतररर् वदग्ब्वस्त्रा दातमु िाकषं
ु त ं ताीः ।
ु बद्धे
विधूतथ द्वयशोकववमोहं बद्धं ु रंतस्थं

सत्तामात्रशरररं प्रणमत गोसवदं िरमािंदम ॥६॥
vyāditsaṁtīratha digvastrā dātumupākarṣaṁtam tāḥ |
nirdhūtadvayaśokavimohaṁ buddhaṁ buddheraṁtastham
sattāmātraśarīraṁ praṇamata goviṁdaṁ paramānaṁdam ||6||

Extol Govinda, who is the eternal Ananda, who sits on a tree having
collected the clothes of the Vraja maidens bathing in the river, who asked
the Gopis to come closer to get the clothes back, who is bereft of both
unhappiness and passion, who is wise, who is situated inside the hearts of
wise, and whose body is mere consciousness.

कान्तं कारणकारणमावदमिासद कालमिाभासं

ु त्यं
कासलदरगतकावलयवशरवस महुिृ ं िृु त्यतं म ।्
थ तस
कालं कालकलातरतं कवलताशेष ं कवलदोषघ्नं

कालत्रयगवतहेत ं ु प्रणमत गोसवदं िरमािंदम ॥७॥
kāntaṁ kāraṇakāraṇamādimanādiṁ kālamanābhāsam
kāliṁdīgatakāliyaśirasi muhurnṛtyaṁtaṁsunṛtyaṁtam |
kālaṁ kālakalātītaṁ kalitāśeṣaṁ kalidoṣaghnam
kālatrayagatihetuṁ praṇamata goviṁdaṁ paramānaṁdam ||7||

Extol Govinda, who is the eternal Ananda, who is resplendent, who is the
cause behind causes, primeval, who is without a beginning, who is the
form of time, who is self-luminous, who at once started dancing after
entering the water of Kālindi, who is death (personified), who is beyond
the play of death, who is formless, who destroys the malice of Kaliyuga,
and who is the cause for the existence of past, present and future.

ु वृदं ारकगणवृन्दाराध्यं वंदऽे हं
वृदं ाविभवव
कं ु दाभामलमंदस्मेरसधािं
ु दं सहृदािं
ु दम ।्
ु द्यािंदिदद्वंद्वं

वंद्याशेषगणासि ्
प्रणमत गोसवदं िरमािंदम ॥८॥
vṛṁdāvanabhuvi vṛṁdārakagaṇavṛndārādhyaṁ vaṁde'ham
kuṁdābhāmalamaṁdasmerasudhānaṁdaṁ suhṛdānaṁdam |
vaṁdyāśeṣaguṇābdhiṁ praṇamata goviṁdaṁ paramānaṁdam

I adore Govinda, who is prayed by the group of Vraja maidens in the

territory of Vṛndavana, who is prayed by Devatas and Vṛnda (a maiden),
whose nectar like smile is as beautiful like a jasmine flower, and who
gives happiness to his friends. Whose twin-feet are worshipped by the
heart of great and worshipful sages, which is the abode of all good
qualities and worshipped by all.

गोववन्दाष्टकमेतदधरते गोववन्दार्तितचेता यो
गोववन्दाच्यतु माधव ववष्णो गोकुलिायक कृ ष्णेवत ।


गोववन्दं िरमािंदामृतम अन्तीःस्थं स समभ्ेवत॥
govindāṣṭakametadadhīte govindārpitacetā yo
govindācyuta mādhava viṣṇo gokulanāyaka kṛṣṇeti |
govindaṁ paramānaṁdāmṛtam antaḥsthaṁ sa samabhyeti ||

He who dedicates his mind to Govinda by chanting the sacred names,

Govinda, Achyutha, Madhava, Vishnu, Lord of Gokula and Krishna, and
reads this octet on Govinda, will get drenched by the nectar of Dhyana,
gets rid of all his paapas, reaches the world of Govinda and attain the
nectar like Ananda.

36. मधराष्टकम ्
(madhurāṣṭakaṁ) – by Sri Vallabhacharya

अधरं मधरु ं वदिं मधरु ं ियिं मधरु ं हवसतं मधरु म ् ।

हृदयं मधरु ं गमिं मधरु ं मधरु ावधितेरवखलं मधरु म ् ॥१॥
adharaṁ madhuraṁ vadanaṁ madhuraṁ
nayanaṁ madhuraṁ hasitaṁ madhuram |
hṛdayaṁ madhuraṁ gamanaṁ madhuraṁ
madhurādhipaterakhilaṁ madhuram ||1||

Krishna's lip, face, eye, smile, heart and gait are all sweet and nice.
Everything about the Lord of sweetness is sweet.
वचिं मधरु ं चवरतं मधरु ं वसिं मधरु ं ववलतं मधरु म ् ।
ु ् ॥२॥
चवलतं मधरु ं भ्रवमतं मधरु ं मधरु ावधितेरवखलं मधरम
vacanaṁ madhuraṁ caritaṁ madhuraṁ
vasanaṁ madhuraṁ valitaṁ madhuram |
calitaṁ madhuraṁ bhramitaṁ madhuraṁ
madhurādhipaterakhilaṁ madhuram ||2||

His words/utterances, character, dress, bodily form, gait and roaming

about, are all sweet. Everything about the Lord of sweetness is sweet.

ु धरु ो रेणमथ
वेणमथ ु धरु ीः िावणमथधरु ीः िादौ मधरु ौ ।
िृत्य ं मधरु ं सख्यं मधरु ं मधरु ावधितेरवखलं मधरु म ् ॥३॥
veṇurmadhuro reṇurmadhuraḥ
pāṇirmadhuraḥ pādau madhurau |
nṛtyaṁ madhuraṁ sakhyaṁ madhuraṁ
madhurādhipaterakhilaṁ madhuram ||3||

His flute (its notes), dust under his feet, hand, feet, dance and friendship
/company are all sweet. Everything about the Lord of sweetness is sweet.

गरतं मधरु ं िरतं मधरु ं भिंंु मधरु ं सप्तंु मधरु म ।्

रूिं मधरु ं वतलकं मधरु ं मधरु ावधितेरवखलं मधरु म ् ॥४॥
gītaṁ madhuraṁ pītaṁ madhuraṁ
bhuktaṁ madhuraṁ suptaṁ madhuram |
rūpaṁ madhuraṁ tilakaṁ madhuraṁ madhurādhipaterakhilaṁ
madhuram ||4||

His song, drinking act, eating act, sleeping pose, personality, and the
mark on his forehead are all sweet. Everything about the Lord of
sweetness is sweet.

करणं मधरु ं तरणं मधरु ं हरणं मधरु ं रमणं मधरु म ।्

ववमतं मधरु ं शवमतं मधरु ं मधरु ावधितेरवखलं मधरम ्
ु ॥५॥
karaṇaṁ madhuraṁ taraṇaṁ madhuraṁ
haraṇaṁ madhuraṁ ramaṇaṁ madhuram |
vamitaṁ madhuraṁ śamitaṁ madhuraṁ
madhurādhipaterakhilaṁ madhuram ||5||

His action, swimming, stealing/ snatching, sport, mutterings and timid

actions are all sweet. Everything about the Lord of sweetness is sweet.

ु मधरु ा माला मधरु ा यमिा

गञ्जा ु मधरु ा वरचर मधरा
ु ।
सवललं मधरु ं कमलं मधरु ं मधरु ावधितेरवखलं मधरु म ् ॥६॥
guñjā madhurā mālā madhurā
yamunā madhurā vīcī madhurā |
salilaṁ madhuraṁ kamalaṁ madhuraṁ
madhurādhipaterakhilaṁ madhuram || 6||

His humming (melody or playing on the flute?), garland, the river
Yamuna, its waves, water and the lotus are all sweet. Everything about
the Lord of sweetness is sweet.

गोिर मधरु ा लरला मधरु ा यिंंु मधरु ं मिं ु ं मधरु म ।्

दृष्टं मधरु ं वशष्टं मधरु ं मधरु ावधितेरवखलं मधरु म ॥७॥
gopī madhurā līlā madhurā
yuktaṁ madhuraṁ muktaṁ madhuram |
dṛṣṭaṁ madhuraṁ śiṣṭaṁ madhuraṁ madhurādhipaterakhilaṁ
madhuram ||7||

His cowherd girlfriends, their sport, company, separation, looking at

them and their good behavior are all sweet. Everything about the Lord of
sweetness is sweet.

गोिा मधरु ा गावो मधरु ा यवष्टमथधरु ा सृवष्टमथधरु ा ।

दवलतं मधरु ं फवलतं मधरु ं मधरु ावधितेरवखलं मधरम ु ॥८॥ ्
gopā madhurā gāvo madhurā
yaṣṭirmadhurā sṛṣṭirmadhurā |
dalitaṁ madhuraṁ phalitaṁ madhuraṁ
madhurādhipaterakhilaṁ madhuram ||8||

The cowherd boyfriends, the cows, the forms he creates, his domination
over all and the results therefrom are all sweet. Everything about the
Lord of sweetness is sweet.

37. रामस्तोत्रम ्(rāmastotram)

कू जन्तं राम रामेवत मधरु ं मधरु ािरम ।्
आरुह्य कववताशाखां वन्दे वाल्मरवककोवकलम॥्
kūjantaṁ rāma rāmeti madhuraṁ madhurākṣaram |

āruhya kavitāśākhāṁ vande vālmīkikokilam||

I worship sage Valmiki - the nightingale /(cuckoo bird literally), who

sings in sweet voice the sweet name of Rama, Rama, having ascended the
tree of poetry.

ु ु मतले हैम े महामण्डिे

वैदहे रसवहतं सरद्र

मध्ये िष्पकमासिे मवणमये वररासिे सवस्थतमु ।्
अग्रे वाचयवत प्रभञ्जिसतेु तत्त्वं मविभ्ीःिरं

व्याख्यान्तं भरतावदवभीः िवरवृत ं रामं भजे श्यामलम ॥ ्
vaidehīsahitaṁ suradrumatale haime mahāmaṇḍape
madhye puṣpakamāsane maṇimaye vīrāsane susthitam |
agre vācayati prabhañjanasute tattvaṁ munibhyaḥparaṁ
vyākhyāntaṁ bharatādibhiḥ parivṛtaṁ rāmaṁ bhaje śyāmalam ||

I prostrate to the dark hued Rāma who is seated in the Shade of the Divine
Kalpavriksha in the company of the daughter of Videha (Sita), seated on
a grand pedestal of gold inside the pushpaka Vimana, sporting the
posture of the bravest hero, with the son of Prabhanjana explaining the
great principles of Shastras in the presence of many sages, and who is
surrounded by his brothers Bharatha and others.

िमोऽस्त ु रामाय सलक्ष्मणाय देव्य ै च तस्य ै जिकात्मजायै ।

िमोऽस्त ु रुद्रेि यमाविलेभ्ो िमोऽस्त ु चिाकथ मरुद्गणेभ्ीः ॥
- Valmiki Ramayana - 5.13.59
namo'stu rāmāya salakṣmaṇāya
devyai ca tasyai janakātmajāyai |
namo'stu rudrendra yamānilebhyo
namo'stu candrārka marudgaṇebhyaḥ ||

I prostrate to Rama who is with Lakshmana, Sita devi, daughter of (king)

Janaka, I prostrate to Rudra, Indra, Yama, Chandra, Surya and Vayu.
रामाय रामभद्राय रामचिाय वेधसे ।

रघिार्ाय िार्ाय सरताया: ितये िमीः ॥
rāmāyarāmabhadrāyarāmacandrāyavedhase |
raghunāthāyanāthāyasītāyā patayenamaḥ ||

Prostrations unto Lord Rama who is auspiciousness, who is in the form of

the shining light (Consciousness present in all beings) who is the creator,
who is the Lord of the Raghu clan, the Lord of all beings and the husband
of Sita.

38. आत्मारामश्लोकीः (ātmārāmaślokaḥ) – by Adi

तरत्वाथ मोहाणथवं हत्वा रागद्वेशावदरािसाि ।्
ु आत्मारामो ववराजते ॥
योगर शावन्तसमायिं
tīrtvā mohārṇavaṁ hatvā rāgadveśādirākṣasān |
yogī śāntisamāyukta ātmārāmo virājate ||
- Atmabodha (verse 50)
After crossing the ocean of delusion and killing the monsters of likes and
dislikes, the Yogi who is united with peace dwells in the glory of his own
realized Self – as an Atmarama.

Note: The above Shloka is an allegory from the Ramayana. Atmarama

signifies Lord Rama, ocean stands for the watery expanse separating
India and Sri Lanka, the monsters for Ravana and his followers and peace
for Sita, the consort of Rama.

39. ्
एकश्लोकर रामायणम (ekaślokī
आदौ रामतिोविावदगमिं हत्वा मृग ं काञ्चिं

वैदहे रहरणं जटायमरणं ु
सग्ररवसम्भाषणम ।्

वालरविग्रहणं समद्रतरणं ु

िश्चाद्रावणकुम्भकणथहििं एतवद्द रामायणम ॥
ādau rāmatapovanādigamanaṁ hatvāmṛgaṁ kāñcanaṁ
vaidehīharaṇaṁ jaṭāyumaraṇaṁ sugrīvasambhāṣaṇam |
vālīnigrahaṇaṁ samudrataraṇaṁ laṅkāpurīdāhanaṁ
paścādrāvaṇakumbhakarṇahananaṁ etaddi rāmāyaṇam ||

At the beginning Rama went to forest, (there) he chased and killed the
Golden deer, meanwhile Sita was abducted (by Ravana) and Jatayu (the
Vulture) was killed. Rama discussed with Sugriva, killed Vali
(unrighteous brother of Sugriva), crossed the ocean and burnt Lanka
(Ravana’s city). He later killed Ravana and (his brother) Kumbhkarana.
This is the story of Ramayanam.

40. ्
एकश्लोकर महाभारतम (ekaślokī
आदौ िाण्डव धातथराष्ट्रजििं लािागृहे दाहिं
द्यूत े श्रहरणं विे ववहरणं मत्स्यालये वतथिम ।्
लरलागोग्रहणं रणे ववतरणं सवन्धवक्रयाजृम्भणं

भरष्मद्रोणसयोधिावदमर्िं एतिहाभारतम ॥ ्
ādau pāṇḍava dhārtarāṣṭrajananaṁ lākṣāgṛhe dāhanaṁ
dyūte śrīharaṇaṁ vane viharaṇaṁ matsyālaye vartanam |

līlāgograhaṇaṁ raṇe vitaraṇaṁ sandhikriyājṛmbhaṇaṁ
bhīṣmadroṇasuyodhanādimathanaṁ etanmahābhāratam ||

Beginning with the birth of Pandavas and Kauravas (sons of

Dhritarashtra), burning down the Lakshagrah (castle made of
combustible substances), loosing wife in the game of gambling, being
exiled into the forest (Vanavasa), living in anonymity in the Kingdom of
Matsya/Virata (Agyathavasa), capturing the cows, destroying the
Kaurava army (by Arjuna), proposing the peace talks (by Sri Krishna),
failure to convince (the Kauravas) resulting in the deaths of Bheeshma,
Dronacharya, Duryodhana and others. This is the story of

41. एकश्लोकर भागवतम (ekaślokī bhāgavatam)
आदौ देवकर देवव गभथजििं गोिरगृहे िालिं
माया िूति जरववतािहरणं गोवधथिोद्धारणम ।्
कं सच्छेदि कौरवावदहििं कुन्तरसतािालिं

एतद ् भागवतं िराणकवर्तं ्
श्रकृ ष्णलरलामृतम ॥
ādau devakī devi garbhajananaṁ gopīgṛhepālanaṁ
māyā pūtanajīvitāpaharaṇaṁ govardhanoddhāraṇam |
kaṁsacchedana kauravādihananaṁ kuntīsutāpālanaṁ
etadbhāgavataṁpurāṇakathitaṁ śrīkṛṣṇalīlāmṛtam ||

Beginning with birth from womb of Devaki, brought up by Gopis

(cow herds), killing of the deceitful Pootana, lifting the Govardhana
mountain, beheading Kamsa, destroying the Kauravas, protecting
the children of Kunti (Pandavas). This in short is the ancient story
of Bhagavatha which describes the nectar like play of Lord Krishna.

42. भागवत मवहमा (bhāgavata mahimā) - Bhagavatam
ु मखादमृ
विगमकल्पतरोगथवलतं फलं शक ु ु ।्

विबत भागवतं रसमालयं महुरहो ु भावक
रवसका भवव ु ाीः ॥
nigamakalpatarorgalitaṁ phalaṁ
śukamukhādamṛtadravasaṁyutam |
pibata bhāgavataṁ rasamālayaṁ
muhuraho rasikā bhuvi bhāvukāḥ ||

O expert and thoughtful men, relish Srimad-Bhagavatam, the mature

fruit of the desire tree of Vedic literatures. It emanated from the lips of
Sri Shukhacharya. Therefore this fruit has become even more tasteful,
although its nectarean juice was already relishable for all, including
liberated jivas.

43. िरससहमन्त्रम (narasiṁhamantram)
ु ।्
उग्रं वररं महाववष्ण ं ु ज्वलन्तं सवथतोमखम
थ ं ु िमाम्यहं ॥
िृससहं भरषणं भद्रं मृत्योमृत्य
ugraṁvīraṁ mahāviṣṇuṁjvalantaṁ sarvatomukham |
nṛsiṁhaṁbhīṣaṇaṁ bhadraṁ mṛtyormṛtyuṁ namāmyahaṁ ||

I surrender to Lord Narasimha, the fierce, heroic, great one who pervades
all (Maha Vishnu), the lustrous one with faces everywhere, the fearsome
one, the auspicious one and the destroyer of death.

44. िरससहध्यािश्लोकीः (narasiṁhadhyānaślokaḥ)

सत्यज्ञािसखस्वरूिममलं िरराविमध्यवस्थतं
योगारूढं अवतप्रसन्नवदिं भूषा-सहस्रोज्ज्लम ।्
त्र्यिं चक्र-वििाक-साभयवराविभ्राणमकथ च्छसव
छत्ररभूत-फणरिममन्दुन्दुधवलं लक्ष्मरिृससहं भजे ॥
satyajñānasukhasvarūpamamalaṁ kṣīrābdhimadhyasthitaṁ
yogārūḍhaṁ atiprasannavadanaṁ bhūṣā-sahasrojjvalam |
tryakṣaṁ cakra-pināka-sābhayavarānbibhrāṇamarkacchaviṁ
chatrībhūta-phaṇīndramindudhavalaṁ lakṣmīnṛsiṁhaṁ bhaje ||

I worship Lakshmi Narasimha whose essential nature is absolute

existence, consciousness and Ananda, who is immaculate, who is
established in yoga, whose countenance is very pleasing, who is glorious
with numerous ornaments, who has three eyes, who bears (in His four
hands)the (sudarshana) chakra, the pinaka (prostrate) and the signs of
granting fearlessness and boons, who is lustrous like the sun, who is fair
in complexion like the moon, who has (the set of hoods of) the king of
Snakes (Sesha) serving as an umbrella over Him and who dwells in the
the middle of the ocean of milk.

The formless Brahman who is of the nature of absolute existence,

consciousness and Ananda, appears as Shiva, Vishnu, Ambal and so on for
the sake of devotees. The form of Narasimha described in this Dhyana
Shloka is itself suggestive of the non-difference between Shiva and
Vishnu. That Narasimha is an incarnation of Vishnu is well known. Here,
He is spoken as being with Lakshmi- the consort of Vishnu, as bearing the
chakra – the weapon of Vishnu and having hoods of Sesha as umbrella –
like Vishnu. He is said to be in middle of the milk-ocean – which again fits
Vishnu. However Narasimha is presented here, like Shiva, as three-eyed.
He bears the Pinaka, the prostrate of Shiva. Further, like Shiva and unlike
Vishnu, Narasimha is described as very fair. The above reference is taken
from the book “Yoga, Enlightenment and Perfection” of His Holiness
Jagadguru Sri Abhinava Vidyhatheertha Mahaswamigal of Sringeri.

45. मन्त्रराजिदस्तोत्रम ् (mantrarājapada stotram)–
from Paancharaatra Agama
श्र ईश्वर उवाच - śrī īśvara uvāca
वृत्तोत्फुल्लववशालािं ववििियदरवितम ।्
वििादत्रस्तववश्वाण्डं ववष्णमु ग्रं ्
ु िमाम्यहम॥१॥
vṛttotphullaviśālākṣaṁ vipakṣakṣayadīkṣitam |
ninādatrastaviśvāṇḍaṁ viṣṇumugraṁ namāmyaham||1||

Lord Shiva said - I prostrate to the formidable Lord Vishnu, whose large
round eyes are wildly open and is ready to destroy the enemy. Simply by
His roaring He makes the whole world filled with fear.

ु ।्
सवैरवध्यतां प्राप्तं सबलौघं वदतेीः सतम

िखाग्र ैीः शकलरचक्रे यस्तं वररं िमाम्यहम॥२॥
sarvairavadhyatāṁ prāptaṁ sabalaughaṁ diteḥ sutam |
nakhāgraiḥ śakalīcakre yastaṁ vīraṁ namāmyaham||2||

I worship that valorous Ishwara, who cannot be approached or killed by

any one, who tore with the tip of his nail, the enemy of Indra, who is the
son of Dithi along with a great army.

िदावष्टििातालं मूधाथववष्टवत्रववष्टिम ।्

भजप्रववष्टाष्टवदशं ्
महाववष्ण ं ु िमाम्यहम ॥३॥
padāvaṣṭabdhapātālaṁ mūrdhāviṣṭatriviṣṭapam |
bhujapraviṣṭāṣṭadiśaṁ mahāviṣṇuṁ namāmyaham ||3||

I prostrate to the great Lord Vishnu whose feet have seized Patalaloka
the last of the seven worlds under the earth. His head entered the celestial
planets and His arms entered the eight directions.


ज्योतींष्यके न्दुिित्रज्वलिादरन्यिक्रमात ।्
ज्वलवन्त तेजसा यस्य तं ज्वलन्तं िमाम्यहम ॥४॥ ्
jyotīṁṣyarkendunakṣatrajvalanādīnyanukramāt |
jvalanti tejasā yasya taṁ jvalantaṁ namāmyaham ||4||

I prostrate to the Lord whose sparkling splendor is the source of the

bright light of the sun, of all the planets, the moon, the stars and that of
the fire.

सवेवियैरवि वविा सवं सवथत्र सवथदा ।

ु ॥५॥
यो जािावत िमाम्याद्यं तमहं सवथतोमखम
sarvendriyairapi vinā sarvaṁ sarvatra sarvadā |
yo jānāti namāmyādyaṁ tamahaṁ sarvatomukham ||5||

I prostrate to the primeval Lord who is unlimited and thereby also the
knower of everything. He is present everywhere at all times and He
possesses no material senses.

िरवत ससहवि ैव यस्य रूिं महात्मिीः ।

महासटं महादंष्ट्र ं तं िृससहं िमाम्यहम ॥६॥
naravat siṁhavaccaiva yasya rūpaṁ mahātmanaḥ |
mahāsaṭaṁ mahādaṁṣṭraṁ taṁ nṛsiṁhaṁ namāmyaham ||6||

I prostrate to the great Lord Nrisimha whose form resembles that of a

man and that of a lion. He has a big mane and large fangs.

यन्नामस्मरणाद ् भरताीः भूतवेतालरािसाीः ।

रोगाद्याश्च प्रणश्यवन्त भरषणं तं िमाम्यहम ॥७॥
yannāmasmaraṇād bhītāḥ bhūtavetālarākṣasāḥ |
rogādyāśca praṇaśyanti bhīṣaṇaṁ taṁ namāmyaham ||7||

I prostrate to the terrific Lord, by the remembrance of whose name all

the Bhutas, Vetalas, Rakshasas and all kinds of diseases become fearful
and are immediately destroyed.

सवोऽवि यं समावश्त्य सकलं भद्रमश्नतेु ।

् ॥
ु यस्तं भद्रं िमाम्यहम ॥८
वश्या च भद्रया जष्टो
sarvo'pi yaṁ samāśritya sakalaṁ bhadramaśnute |
śriyā ca bhadrayā juṣṭo yastaṁ bhadraṁ namāmyaham ||8 ||

I prostrate to the all auspicious Lord who is served by the auspicious Devi
of fortune and by taking shelter of whom everyone achieves all

सािात स्वकाले संप्राप्तं मृत्य ं ु शत्रगणावन्वतम
ु ।्
भिंािां िाशयेद ् यस्त ु मृत्यमृ ्
ु त्य ं ु िमाम्यहम ॥९॥
sākṣāt svakāle saṁprāptaṁ mṛtyuṁ śatrugaṇānvitam |
bhaktānāṁ nāśayed yastu mṛtyumṛtyuṁ namāmyaham ||9||

I prostrate to the Lord who is the death of death personified. He is the

destroyer of death and the hordes of enemies by appearing at the right
time when His devotees are attacked.

िमस्कारात्मकं यस्म ै ववधायाऽऽत्मविवेदिम ।्

त्यिंदीःखोऽवकलाि कामाि ्
अश्नन्तं ्
तं िमाम्यहम ॥१०॥
namaskārātmakaṁ yasmai vidhāyā''tmanivedanam |
tyaktaduḥkho'kilān kāmān aśnantaṁ taṁ namāmyaham ||10||

I prostrate to the Lord unto whom by surrendering and offering worship

one becomes free from all distresses and enjoys every desire he may have.

दासभूताीः स्वतीः सवे ह्यात्मािीः िरमात्मिीः ।
अतोऽहमवि ते दासीः इवत मत्वा िमाम्यहम ॥११॥ ्
dāsabhūtāḥ svataḥ sarve hyātmānaḥ paramātmanaḥ |
ato'hamapi te dāsaḥ iti matvā namāmyaham ||11||

O Lord, O Paramatma. I prostrate to You and consider myself Your

servant seeing everyone else has voluntarily become Your servant.

फलश्वु तीः - phalaśrutiḥ

शङ्करेणादरात प्रोिंं िदािां तत्त्वविणथयम।्

वत्रसन्ध्यं यीः िठे त तस्य ु वधथत॥
श्रर्तवद्याऽऽयश्च े
śaṅkareṇādarāt proktaṁ padānāṁ tattvanirṇayam|
trisandhyaṁ yaḥ paṭhet tasya śrīrvidyā''yuśca vardhate||

Thus Lord Shankara has explained the real meaning of every word. One
who recites this prayer three times daily will increase his knowledge,
duration of life and prosperity.

46. रासक्ररड (rāsakrīḍa)– by Narayana Bhattattiri

Requesting the Lord to remove all our afflictions!

अवस्मि िरात्मि ् ु िाद्मकल्पेत्ववमत्थमत्थावितिद्मयोविीः
िि ु ।
अिन्तभूमा मम रोगरावशवम्रुवन्ध वातालयवास ववष्णो ॥
- Narayaneeyam 8.13
asmin parātman nanu pādmakalpe-
tvamitthamutthāpitapadmayoniḥ |
anantabhūmā mama rogarāśim-
nirundhi vātālayavāsa viṣṇo ||

O Lord Vishnu enshrined in Guruvayoor! O Paramatma! O Lord of eternal
glory, who thus awakened Brahma in Paadmakalpa, may Thou remove
all my afflictions.

 
(Narayaneeyam – Canto 69)
के शिाशधृतविवञ्छकाववतवत सञ्चलिकरकुण्डलं
ु शमु वणिूिरंु
रासके वलिवरभूवषतं तव वह रूिमरश कलयामहे॥१॥
keśapāśadhṛtapiñchikāvitati sañcalanmakarakuṇḍalaṁ
rāsakeliparibhūṣitaṁ tava hi rūpamīśa kalayāmahe||1||

O Lord! A bunch of peacock feathers adorning the beautiful in the locks

of the hair the peacock feather, makarakundalam (in the ears), vanamala
and other chains (on the chest), sandal and other sweet smelling
anointments, a golden belt on the yellow garment (on the hip), sparkling
anklets with gems (on the feet), so do I meditate on your blessed form
that has been specially decorated for the performance of the Rasakrida.

तावदेव कृ तमण्डिे कवलतकञ्चलरककु चमण्डले
गण्डलोलमवणकुण्डले यववतमण्डले
ु ऽर् िवरमण्डले।

अन्तरा सकलसन्दररय ु
गलवमवन्दरारमण सञ्चरि ्
ु तदि ु रासके वलमवय कञ्जिाभ समिादधाीः॥२॥
मञ्जलां ु
tāvadeva kṛtamaṇḍane kalitakañculīkakucamaṇḍale
gaṇḍalolamaṇikuṇḍale yuvatimaṇḍale'tha parimaṇḍale|
antarā sakalasundarīyugalamindirāramaṇa sañcaran
mañjulāṁ tadanu rāsakelimayi kañjanābha samupādadhāḥ||2||
O Padmanabha ! Amidst those damsels, dressed properly, with garments
covering their bosoms and jewelled ear-rings brushing their cheeks And
with gem studded ear ornaments waving over their cheeks, stood in a
circular formation round you, O Consort of Devi Lakshmi, you started
moving round in between every twoof the beautiful women and
performed the very beautiful, and performed the very pretty Rasakrida

वासदेु व तव भासमािवमह रासके वलरससौरभं

दूरतोऽवि खलु िारदागवदतमाकलय्य कुतकाक
ु ु लाीः।

िाकतो यगिदागता ु
ववयवत वेगतोऽर् सरमण्डलर॥३॥
vāsudeva tava bhāsamānamiha rāsakelirasasaurabhaṁ
dūrato'pi khalu nāradāgaditamākalayya kutukākulāḥ|
nākato yugapadāgatā viyati vegato'tha suramaṇḍalī||3||

O Vaasudeva! Naarada described Thy resplendent, fragrant and

beautiful Raas Leelaa. Hearing about it from far, groups of Devas, full of
eagerness came from the celestial region and quickly gathered in the sky.
They were accompanied by hundreds of beautiful women who were
experts in dressing up and in adorning themselves with jewellery and also
in amorous display.

वेणिादकृ ततािदािकलगािरागगवतयोजिा
लोभिरयमृदिादिातकृ ततालमेलिमिोहरम।्

ु सलवम्बतकराम्बजं
िावणसंक्ववणतकङ्कणं च महुरं

श्ोवणवबम्बचलदम्बरं भजत रासके वलरसडम्बरम॥४॥

pāṇisaṁkvaṇitakaṅkaṇaṁ ca muhuraṁ salambitakarāmbujaṁ
śroṇibimbacaladambaraṁ bhajata rāsakelirasaḍambaram||4||

O devotees come all, observe, savour and share in the grandeur and
majesty of the rasakreedaWhich was done with the sweet songs sung
along with the music of the flute, And the very slow and regular pretty
steps and hand claps of the dancers, With the jingling sound made by the
bangles in the back ground, With dance steps in which you placed your
hands on the shoulders of the beauties, And with the sound of the tearing
cloths worn over hip by the Gopis. On such enthralling majesty of the
Rasa leela let us meditate.

श्द्धया ववरवचतािगािकृ ततारतारमधरु स्वरे
ितथिऽे र् लवलताङ्गहारलुवलताङ्गहारमवणभूषणे।

सम्मदेि कृ तिष्पवषथमलम ु
विषवद्दववषदां कुलं

ु सवधूकुलम॥५॥
वचिये त्ववय विलरयमािवमव संममोह
śraddhayā viracitānugānakṛtatāratāramadhurasvare
nartane'tha lalitāṅgahāralulitāṅgahāramaṇibhūṣaṇe|
sammadena kṛtapuṣpavarṣamalamunmiṣaddiviṣadāṁ kulaṁ
cinmaye tvayi nilīyamānamiva saṁmumoha savadhūkulam||5||

While the dancers (Gopikas) sang, by turns, loudly and in sweet voices,
with confidence and fervour, while performing the dance, and their
necklaces and other ornaments were often disarranged owing to the
graceful movements of their limbs, the hosts of Devas with their
womenfolk watched from above with wonder and delight, showering
down flowers on the dancers and were totally entranced, as if they had
attained complete union with Thee, the Pure Consciousness-Absolute.

वस्वन्नसन्नतिवल्लरर तदि ु कावि िाम िशिाङ्गिा

ु ु लेिणा।
कान्तमंसमवलम्बते स्म तव तावन्तभारमक
कावचदाचवलतकुन्तला िविटररसारिवसौरभं
ु भजमवञ्चतोरुि
ु म्ब
वञ्चिेि तव सञ्चच ु ु
लकाङ्क ्
svinnasannatanuvallarī tadanu kāpi nāma paśupāṅganā
kāntamaṁsamavalambate sma tava tāntibhāramukulekṣaṇā|
kācidācalitakuntalā navapaṭīrasāranavasaurabhaṁ
vañcanena tava sañcucumba bhujamañcitorupulakāṅkuram||6||

One of the damsels, whose slender, creeper-like body was exhausted and
perspiring, and whose eyes were half-closed due to fatigue, leaned on Thy
lovely shoulder. Another, with locks dishevelled and hairs standing on end
all over her body due to the sprouting thrill of joy, profusely kissed Thy
arm, which was fragrant with fresh sandal paste, on the pretext of
smelling it.

ु सवन्नधाय विजगण्डमाकुवलतकुण्डलं
कावि गण्डभवव
ु रविवधरन्ववाि तव िूगचर्तवतरसामृतम।्
इवन्दराववहृवतमवन्दरं भविसु ु वह िटिान्तरे
त्वामवाप्य दधरु ङ्गिाीः वकम ु ि सम्मदोिददशान्तरम॥७॥्
kāpi gaṇḍabhuvi sannidhāya nijagaṇḍamākulitakuṇḍalaṁ
puṇyapūranidhiranvavāpa tava pūgacarvitarasāmṛtam|
indirāvihṛtimandiraṁ bhuvanasundaraṁ hi naṭanāntare
tvāmavāpya dadhuraṅganāḥ kimu na

Another Gopika, out of her wealth of good fortune (merit), imbibed the
nectarine juice of the betel being chewed by Thee, by pressing her cheek,
with her ear-rings dangling over it, against Thine. Having, in the course
of the Rasa Krida, attained Thee, Lakshmi's playground, and the most
charming in all the worlds, what heights of intoxication and ecstasy did
those maidens not experience?


गािमरश ववरतं क्रमेण वकल वाद्यमेलिमिारतं
ब्रह्मसम्मदरसाकुलाीः सदवस के वलं ििृतरङ्गिाीः।

िाववदन्नवि च िरववकां वकमवि कुन्तलरमवि च कञ्चलीं

ज्योवतषामवि कदम्बकं वदवव ववलवम्बतं वकमिरं ब्रवेु ॥८॥
gānamīśa virataṁ krameṇa kila vādyamelanamupārataṁ
brahmasammadarasākulāḥ sadasi kevalaṁ nanṛturaṅganāḥ|
nāvidannapi ca nīvikāṁ kimapi kuntalīmapi ca kañculīṁ
jyotiṣāmapi kadambakaṁ divi vilambitaṁ kimaparaṁ bruve

O Lord ! Gradually, the singing came to a stop, and the instruments too
fell silent. Only the Gopikas, immersed in the Ananda Supreme
(Brahmananda) continued to dance, on the dance-floor, even unaware
and unmindful of their dishevelled tresses and loosened blouses. Why, the
constellations of stars too stood still in the sky! What more need I say?

ु ववलाप्य ववहृसत समाप्य च ततो ववभो

मोदसरवम् भविं

के वलसम्मृवदतविमथलाङ्गिवघमथलेशसभगात्मिाम ।्

मिर्ासहिचेतसां िशियोवषतां सकृु तचोवदतीः

तावदाकवलतमूर्ततरादवधर् मारवररिरमोत्सवाि॥९॥
modasīmni bhuvanaṁ vilāpya vihṛtiṁ samāpya ca tato vibho
manmathāsahanacetasāṁ paśupayoṣitāṁ sukṛtacoditaḥ
tāvadākalitamūrtirādadhitha māravīraparamotsavān||9||

O Lord ! Celebrating thus the great festival of Manmatha (Deva of Love),

wherein Thou didst assume as many forms as there were Gopikas, on
account of their accumulated merits of past lives, and during which the
charm of the Gopikas was enhanced by the fresh beads of perspiration
sprouting on their bodies owing to their exertions while executing the
Rasa dance, and who were completely overwhelmed by pangs of love,
Thou didst submerge the entire world in Supreme Ananda, as the dance
gradually drew to a close.

के वलभेदिवरलोवलतावभरवतलावलतावभरबलावलवभीः
स्वैरमरश िि ु सूरजाियवस चारु िाम ववहृसत व्यधाीः।
काििेऽवि च ववसावरशरतलवकशोरमारुतमिोहरे

सूिसौरभमये ववलेवसर् ववलावसिरशतववमोहिम॥१०॥
svairamīśa nanu sūrajāpayasi cāru nāma vihṛtiṁ vyadhāḥ|
kānane'pi ca visāriśītalakiśoramārutamanohare
sūnasaurabhamaye vilesitha vilāsinīśatavimohanam||10||

O Lord ! Thereafter, Thou didst engage at will in sporting in the waters of

the Yamuna in the company of those Gopikas, who had been exhausted
by the various sports and were fondled and caressed by Thee to their
hearts content. Further, Thou didst engage in amorous dalliance with
them in the sylvan glades where gentle, cool breezes were blowing and
which were filled with the wafting fragrance of blossoms, thereby
transporting those hundreds of maidens to unprecedented heights of

कावमिरवरवत वह यावमिरष ु खलु कामिरयकविधे भवाि ्

थ म्मदरसाणथवं कमवि योवगगम्यमिभावयि
िूणस ।्

ब्रह्मशङ्करमखाििरह ु
िशिाङ्गिास ु बहुमाियि ्
भिंलोकगमिरयरूि कमिरय कृ ष्ण िवरिावह माम ॥११॥ ्
kāminīriti hi yāminīṣu khalu kāmanīyakanidhe bhavān
pūrṇasammadarasārṇavaṁ kamapi yogigamyamanubhāvayan |
brahmaśaṅkaramukhānapīha paśupāṅganāsu bahumānayan
bhaktalokagamanīyarūpa kamanīya kṛṣṇa paripāhi mām ||11||
O treasure-house of Beauty! Thou didst, during those nights of Rasa Leela,
thus bestow on those maidens the ecstatic experience of Infinite Ananda,
which is attainable only by Yogis, and also inculcate esteem for these
mere cowherd women, in the minds of Brahma, Shankara and other
Devas. O Lord of the Most Captivating Form! Accessible only to the
devout! O Krishna! Please protect me.

Requesting the Lord to remove infatuation on this body!

हर हर मे देहमोहं त्यज िवििराधरश यत्प्रेमहेतो-
गेहे वचत्ते कलत्रावदष ु च ववववशतास्त्वत्पदं ववस्मरवन्त ।
सोऽयं वह्नेीः शिु ो वा िरवमह िरतीः साम्प्रतञ्चाविकणथ-
त्ववग्ब्जह्वाद्या ववकषथन्त्यवशमत इतीः कोऽवि ि त्वत्पदाब्जे ॥
- Narayaneeyam 93.9
hī hī me dehamohaṁ tyaja pavanapurādhīśa yatpremaheto-
rgehe citte kalatrādiṣu ca vivaśitāstvatpadaṁ vismaranti |
so'yaṁ vahneḥ śuno vā paramiha parataḥ sāmpratañcākṣikarṇa-
tvagjihvādyā vikarṣantyavaśamata itaḥ ko'pi na tvatpadābje ||

O Lord of Guruvayur ! May Thou rid me of infatuation for this body of

mine, due to love of which, folks develop bonds of various kinds to one's
relations, material possessions, etc. and forget Thy Lotus-Feet. This body
becomes food to fire, dogs, etc. after death, while, when alive, the sense
organs (eyes, ears, skin and tongue) drag the human being hither and
thither, back and forth, towards their objects, with none to turn him
towards Thee.

47. ववष्णषट्पदर ्
स्तोत्रम (viṣṇuṣaṭpadī stotram)– by Adi
अववियमििय ववष्णो दमय मिीः शमय ववषयमृगतृष्णाम।्
भूतदयां ववस्तारय तारय संसारसागरतीः॥ १॥
avinayamapanaya viṣṇo damaya manaḥ
śamaya viṣayamṛgatṛṣṇām|
bhūtadayāṁ vistāraya tāraya saṁsārasāgarataḥ|| 1||

O my Lord Vishnu, please remove my pride, make my entire mind filled

with peace, put an end to any attraction towards animal desires, expand
my mind with mercy to all beings, and help me cross, this ocean of daily

वदव्यधिरमकरन्दे िवरमलिवरभोगसविदािन्दे।
श्रिवतिदारववन्दे भवभयखेदवच्छदे वन्दे॥ २॥
divyadhunīmakarande parimalaparibhogasaccidānande|
śrīpatipadāravinde bhavabhayakhedacchide vande|| 2||

I worship the lotus like feet of Vishnu, which cuts off the fear and sorrow
of the worldly life, which is like a river of sacred pollen grains, and which
is with the divine scent of eternal happiness.

सत्यवि भेदािगमे िार् तवाहं ि मामकरिस्त्वम।्

ु वह तरङ्गीः क्वचि समद्रो
सामद्रो ु ि तारङ्गीः॥ ३॥
satyapi bhedāpagame nātha tavāhaṁ na māmakīnastvam|
sāmudro hi taraṅgaḥ kvacana samudro na tāraṅgaḥ|| 3||

Even with Atma Jnanam, when I see no differences, I am but a part of

you, and you are never my part, for a tide is a part of the sea and sea
can never be a part of the tide.

उद्धृतिग िगवभदिज ु दिजक

ु ु लावमत्र वमत्रशवशदृष्टे।
दृष्टे भववत प्रभववत ि भववत सक भववतरस्कारीः॥ ४॥
uddhṛtanaga nagabhidanuja danujakulāmitra mitraśaśidṛṣṭe|
dṛṣṭe bhavati prabhavati na bhavati kiṁ bhavatiraskāraḥ|| 4||

(The one) who lifted the mountain, who is the brother of the enemy of the
mountain, who is the enemy of the Asura clan, and who sees with the eyes
of Moon and Sun, once you are seen, the sorrow of the world end, and is
there anything that will remain to happen?

ु ।्
मत्स्यावदवभरवतारैरवतारवताऽवता सदा वसधाम
िरमेश्वर िवरिाल्यो भवता भवतािभरतोऽहम॥् ५॥
matsyādibhiravatārairavatāravatā'vatā sadā vasudhām|
parameśvara paripālyo bhavatā bhavatāpabhīto'ham|| 5||

You who took incarnations starting from that of fish, and well looked
after, forever, this entire earth, O, Ishwara who is the greatest one, please
protect me, who am afraid of the life in the world.

दामोदर गणमवन्दर ु
सन्दरवदिारववन्द गोववन्द।
भवजलवधमर्िमन्दर िरमं दरमििय त्वं मे॥ ६॥
dāmodara guṇamandira sundaravadanāravinda govinda|
bhavajaladhimathanamandara paramaṁ daramapanaya tvaṁ

He who was tied by a rope in your belly, who is the storehouse of good
qualities, who has a lotus like face, who is the care taker of all beings, and
who is the greatest method to churn the ocean of life, please remove the
fear of worldly life from me.

िारायण करुणामय शरणं करवावण तावकौ चरणौ।

इवत षट्पदर मदरये वदिसरोजे सदा वसत॥
nārāyaṇa karuṇāmaya śaraṇaṁ karavāṇi tāvakau caraṇau|
iti ṣaṭpadī madīye vadanasaroje sadā vasatu||

O Narayana, O personification of mercy I am taking the refuge of Your
lotus-feet. May this above-said six verses which is like a bumble-bee
resides in my lotus-like mouth.

48. ु
अच्यताष्टकम ्
अच्यतंु के शवं रामिारायणं कृ ष्णदामोदरं वासदेु वं हवरम ।्
श्रधरं माधवं गोविकावल्लभं जािकरिायकं रामचिं भजे ॥१॥
acyutaṁ keśavaṁ rāmanārāyaṇaṁ
kṛṣṇadāmodaraṁ vāsudevaṁ harim |
śrīdharaṁ mādhavaṁ gopikāvallabhaṁ
jānakīnāyakaṁ rāmacandraṁ bhaje ||1||

I adore Rāmacandra, who is infallible, who is Keśava, Rāma, Nārāyaṇa,

Kṛṣṇa, Dāmodara, Vāsudeva, Hari, Śrīdhara, Mādhava, who is dear to
Gopikā, and who is the consort of Jānakī.

अच्यतंु के शवं सत्यभामाधवं माधवं श्रधरं रावधकारावधतम ।्

इवन्दरामवन्दरं चेतसा सन्दरं देवकरिन्दिं िन्दिं संदधे ॥२॥
acyutaṁ keśavaṁ satyabhāmādhavaṁ
mādhavaṁ śrīdharaṁ rādhikārādhitam |
indirāmandiraṁ cetasā sundaraṁ
devakīnandanaṁ nandanaṁ saṁdadhe ||2||

I offer namaskaram to Keśava, who is infallible, who is the consort of

Satyabhāmā (as Kṛṣṇa), Mādhava, Śrīdhara, who is longed-for by
Rādhikā, who is the temple of Lakṣmī (Indirā), who is beautiful by
thought, who is dear to Devakī, and who is dear to all.

ववष्णवे वजष्णवे शवङ्खिे चवक्रणे रुवििररावगणे जािकरजािये ।

वल्लवरवल्लभायाऽर्तचतायात्मिे कं सववध्वंवसिे वंवशिे ते िमीः ॥३॥

viṣṇave jiṣṇave śaṅkhine cakriṇe
rukminīrāgiṇe jānakījānaye |
kaṁsavidhvaṁsine vaṁśine te namaḥ ||3||

Prostrations for Viṣṇu, who conquers everyone, who holds a conch-shell

and a discus, who is dear to Rukmiṇī (Kṛṣṇa), who is the consort of Jānakī
(Rāma), who is dear to cowherdesses, who is offered [in sacrifices], who
is the Ātman, who destroyed Kaṁsa, and who plays the flute.

कृ ष्ण गोववन्द हे राम िारायण श्रिते वासदेु वावजत श्रविधे ।

अच्यतािन्त हे माधवाधोिज द्वारकािायक द्रौिदररिक ॥४॥
kṛṣṇa govinda he rāma nārāyaṇa
śrīpate vāsudevājita śrīnidhe |
acyutānanta he mādhavādhokṣaja
dvārakānāyaka draupadīrakṣaka ||4||

O Kṛṣṇa! O Govinda! O Rāma! O Nārāyaṇa, who is the consort of Lakṣmī!

O Vāsudeva, who attained the treasure of Lakṣmī! O Acyuta, who is
immeasurable! O Mādhava, O Adhokṣaja, who is the leader of Dvārikā,
and who is the protector of Draupadī!

रािसिोवभतीः सरतया शोवभतो दण्डकारण्यभूिण्यताकारणीः ु ।

लक्ष्मणेिावन्वतो वािरैीःस ेववतोऽगस्त्यसंिवू जतो राघवीः िात ु माम ॥
rākṣasakṣobhitaḥ sītayā śobhito
daṇḍakāraṇyabhūpuṇyatākāraṇaḥ |
lakṣmaṇenānvito vānaraiḥsevito'-
gastyasaṁpūjito rāghavaḥ pātu mām ||

May Rāghava — who upsetted the Rakshasas, who adorned Sītā, who is
Danḍaka-forest purification cause, who is accompanied by Lakṣmaṇa,
who was served by monkeys, and who is revered by Sage Agastya —
protect me.


धेिकावरष्टकोऽविष्टकृ द्द्वेवषणां के वशहा कं सहृद्वंवशकावादकीः ।
िूतिाकोिकीःसूरजाखेलिो बालगोिालकीः िात ु माम सवथ ् दा॥६॥
keśihā kaṁsahṛdvaṁśikāvādakaḥ |
bālagopālakaḥ pātu mām sarvadā||6||

May Baby Gopāla (Kṛṣṇa) — who was unfavorable to Dhenukāsura and

Ariṣṭāsura, who destroyed Keśī, who killed Kaṁsa, who plays the flute,
and who got angry on Pūtanā2 — always protect me.

ववद्यदद्धयोतवािप्रस्फु रद्वाससं प्रावृडम्भोदवत्प्रोल्लसवद्वग्रहम ।्
वन्यया मालया शोवभतोरीःस्थलं लोवहतांविद्वयं वावरजािं भजे ॥
prāvṛḍambhodavatprollasadvigraham |
vanyayā mālayā śobhitoraḥsthalaṁ
lohitāṁghridvayaṁ vārijākṣaṁ bhaje ||7||

I sing praise of Acyuta, who is adorned by a lightening like shining yellow

robe, Whose body is resplendent like a cloud of the rainy-season, who is
adorned by a wild-flower garland at His chest, Whose twin-feet are of
copper-red color, and who has lotus-like eyes.

् ु ण्डलं गण्डयोीः ।
कुवञ्चत ैीः कुन्तलैभ्राथजमािाििं रत्नमौसल लसत क
ु श्यामलं तं भजे ॥८॥
हारके यूरकं कङ्कणप्रोज्ज्लं वकवङ्कणरमञ्जलं
kuñcitaiḥ kuntalairbhrājamānānanaṁ
ratnamauliṁ lasat kuṇḍalaṁ gaṇḍayoḥ |
hārakeyūrakaṁ kaṅkaṇaprojjvalaṁ
kiṅkiṇīmañjulaṁ śyāmalaṁ taṁ bhaje ||8||

I sing praise of that Śyāma, Whose face is adorned by falling locks of curly
tresses, who has jewels at forehead, who has shining ear-rings on the
cheeks, who is adorned with a Keyūra (flower) garland, who has a
resplendent bracelet, and who has a melodious anklet.

49. ्
द्वादशिाम िञ्जरम (dvādaśanāma

िरस्तात के् शवीः िात ु चक्रर जांबिू दप्रभीः ।
िश्चान्नारायणीः शंखर िरलजरमूत सवन्नभीः ॥१॥
purasatātkeśavaḥ pātu cakrī jāṁbūnada prabhaḥ |
paścānnārāyaṇaḥ śaṁkhī nīlajīmūta sannibhaḥ ||1||

May Keshava wielding the four discus shining like molten gold in His
hands protect me in the front (East); May Narayana holding four conches
in His hand having the hue of bluish cloud of the rainy season protect me
in the back (West)!

इन्दरवरदल श्यामो माधवोध्वं गदाधरीः ।

गोववन्दो दविणे िाश्वे धन्वर चिप्रभो महाि ॥२॥
indīvaradala śyāmo mādhavordhvaṁ gadādharaḥ |
govindo dakṣiṇe pārśve dhanvī candraprabho mahān||2||

May Madhava with the hue of the petal of the blue lily flower and wielding
four maces in His four hands protect me from above; May the mighty
Govinda with the radiance of the cool Moon and holding prostrates on
His four hands protect me on my right side (south)!

उत्तरे हलभृवद्वष्णीःु िद्मवकञ्जल्कसवन्नभीः ।

आग्नेय्यामरववन्दाभो मसलर ु दू िीः ॥३॥
uttare halabhṛdviṣṇuḥ padmakiñjalkasannibhaḥ |
āgneyyāmaravindābho musalī madhusūdanaḥ ||3||

May Vishnu with the hue of the filament of the lotus flower wielding four
ploughs in His four hands protect me from the dangers originating from
the northern direction; May Lord Madusodana with the Lotus-like hue
and wielding the pestle as a weapon in His four hands protect me from
dangers arising from the south-eastern direction!

वत्रववक्रमीः खड्गिावणर्तिऋत्यां ज्वलिप्रभीः ।

वायव्यां वामिो वज्रर तरुणावदत्यदरवप्तमाि ॥४॥्
trivikramaḥ khaḍgapāṇirniṛtyāṁ jvalanaprabhaḥ |
vāyavyāṁ vāmano vajrī taruṇāditya dīptimān||4||

May Lord Thrivikrama with the sword in His hand and having the fire-
like lustre protect me in the South Western direction. In the North west,
may Vamana Moorthy holding the vajrayudham (thunderbolt) and
having the sheen of rising Sun protect me!

ऐशान्यां िण्डररकाभीः ु ।
श्रधरीः िट्टसायधीः

ववद्यत्प्रभो ु ॥५॥
हृषरके शो हृवाच्यां वदवश मद्गरर
aiśānyāṁ puṇḍarīkābhaḥ śrīdharaḥ paṭṭasāyudhaḥ |
vidyutprabho hṛṣīkeśo hṛvācyāṁ diśi mudgarī ||5||

In the northeastern direction may I be protected by Sreedhara who has

the splendour of the lotus and armed with a spear, while the controller
of the Senses, Hrusheekesha with the effulgence of the lightning and
holding a hammer as His weapon protect me from below!

हृत्पद्मे िद्मिभो मे सहस्राकथ समप्रभीः ।

ु सवथशविंीः सवथज्ञीः सवथतोमखीः
सवाथयधीः ु ॥६॥
hṛtpadme padmanabho me sahasrārkasamaprabhaḥ |
sarvāyudhaḥ sarvaśaktiḥ sarvajñaḥ sarvatomukhaḥ ||6||

May the Omniscient and Omnipotent Padmanabha shining with the
effulgence of thousand Suns and with the power to see and move in all
directions protect me from His seat in my heart lotus! He is adorned with
all types of weapons and may all of them protect me!

इिगोिकसंकाशीः िाशहस्तोऽिरावजतीः ।
स बाह्याभ्न्तरं देहं व्याप्य दामोदरीः वस्थतीः ॥७॥
indragopakasaṁkāśaḥ pāśahasto'parājitaḥ |
sa bāhyābhyantaraṁ dehaṁ vyāpya dāmodaraḥ sthitaḥ ||7||

May the invincible Damodara pervading my body both inside and outside
holding the nooses in His hands as weapons and having the hue of firefly
(Indhragopa) protect me always!

एवं सवथत्रमवच्छद्रं िामद्वादशिंजरम ।्

प्रववष्टोऽहं ि मे वकवञ्चद्भयमवस्त कदाचि ॥८॥
evaṁ sarvatramacchidraṁ nāmadvādaśapaṁjaram|
praviṣṭo'haṁ na me kiñcidbhayamasti kadācana ||8||

I have overcome all kinds of fears now by entering into the all-protective
and invulnerable cage of the twelve names of Lord Vishnu. Residing safely
inside this cage, I experience no fear from anything or anywhere at

॥ भयन्नावस्त कदाचि ॐ िम इवत॥

|| bhayannāsti kadācana OM nama iti||

50. गरुवाति ु
ररशिञ्चरत्नम ्
(guruvātapurīśapañcaratnam) - by Anantarama Dikshitar

कल्याणरूिाय कलौ जिािां कल्याणदात्रे करुणासधाभ्दे ।
शङ्खावद वदव्यायधु सत्कराय वातालयाधरश िमो िमस्ते ॥१॥
िारायण िारायण िारायण िारायण
िारायण िारायण िारायण िारायण
िारायण िारायण िारायण िारायण
िारायण िारायण िारायण िारायण
kalyāṇarūpāya kalau janānāṁ kalyāṇadātre karuṇāsudhābhde |
śaṅkhādi divyāyudha satkarāya vātālayādhīśa namo namaste
nārāyaṇa nārāyaṇa nārāyaṇa nārāyaṇa
nārāyaṇa nārāyaṇa nārāyaṇa nārāyaṇa
nārāyaṇa nārāyaṇa nārāyaṇa nārāyaṇa
nārāyaṇa nārāyaṇa nārāyaṇa nārāyaṇa

Prostrations to the Lord of Guruvayur who bestows prosperity on

humanity in the Kali-yuga, who is an ocean of compassion, and who holds
in his sacred hands, the divine weapons like the conch etc.
(The Narayana namam should be repeated after every verse).

िारायणेत्यावद जिवद्भरुि ैीः भिंै ीः सदािूणमथ हालयाय ।

स्वतरर्थगाङ्गोिम वावरमग्न विवर्ततताशेषरुजे िमस्ते ॥२॥
nārāyaṇetyādi japadbhiruccaiḥ bhaktaiḥ sadāpūrṇamahālayāya |
svatīrthagāṅgopama vārimagna nivartitāśeṣaruje namaste ||2||

Prostrations to the Lord, whose great temple is ever full of devotees loudly
chanting “NARAYANA !” and other sacred names, and who removes the
sufferings of devotees who immerse themselves in His sacred tank whose
waters are like the sacred Ganga.

ु िवरधीः स्वभिंै ीः संदृष्टसवोत्तमववश्वरूि ।

ब्राह्मे महूते

स्वतैलसंसवे करोगहत्रे वातालयाधरश िमो िमस्ते ॥३॥
brāhme muhūrte paridhaḥ svabhaktaiḥ
saṁdṛṣṭasarvottamaviśvarūpa |
vātālayādhīśa namo namaste ||3||

Prostrations to the Lord of Guruvayur, whose majestic “VISWA-RUPAM”

(Cosmic form) is revealed during the Brahma-muhurta to His devotees
standing around Him. The oil with which He is anointed, eradicates the
diseases of those who apply it over their bodies and imbibe it.

बालाि स्वकरयाि ्
तवसवन्नधािे वदव्यान्नदािात्पवरिालयवद्भीः ।

सदा िठवद्भश्च िराणरत्नं संसवे वतायास्त ु िमो हरे ते ॥४॥
bālān svakīyān tavasannidhāne
divyānnadānātparipālayadbhiḥ |
sadā paṭhadbhiśca purāṇaratnaṁ
saṁsevitāyāstu namo hare te ||4||

O Hari! Prostrations to you, You protect the children of the devotees who
feed the divine rice (first feed) in Your august presence and who
constantly read the gem among Puranas, the Bhagavata Mahapuranam.

वित्यान्नदात्रे च महरसरेु भ्ीः वित्यं वदववस्थ ैर्तिवश िूवजताय ।

मात्रा च वित्रा च तर्ोद्धवेि संिवू जतायास्त ु िमो िमस्ते ॥५॥
nityānnadātre ca mahīsurebhyaḥ
nityaṁ divisthairniśi pūjitāya |
mātrā ca pitrā ca tathoddhavena
saṁpūjitāyāstu namo namaste ||5||

Prostrations to You who gives food to Brahmanas everyday, who is

worshipped every night by the Devas, and who is worshipped by Your own
mother and father, as well as Your dear friend and devotee, Uddhava.

अिन्तरामाख्य मवहप्रणरतं स्तोत्रं िठे द्यस्त ु िरवस्त्रकालम ।्
वातालयेशस्य कृ िाफलेि लभेत सवाथवण च मङ्गलावि ॥
anantarāmākhya mahipraṇītaṁ
stotraṁ paṭhedyastu narastrikālam |
vātālayeśasya kṛpāphalena
labheta sarvāṇi ca maṅgalāni ||

Anyone who chants this hymn composed by Anantharama Dikshitar daily

during the three Sandhyas, will attain all auspiciousness by the strength
of the grace of Guruvayurappan.



ु ज्ञािदेहाय वत्रवेदर वदव्यचिषेु ।

श्ेयीःप्रावप्तविवमत्ताय िमीः सोमाधथधवरणे॥
viśuddhajñānadehāya trivedī divyacakṣuṣe|
śreyaḥprāptinimittāya namaḥ somārdhadhariṇe||

Prostrations to Lord Shiva, whose form is that of pure consciousness, who

is knower of the Vedas, who has divine vision, who is the cause of the
attainment of liberation and who bears the crescent moon (in his matted

यद्व्यिरं िाम वगरेवरतं िृणां सकृ त्प्रसंगादघमाश ु हवन्त तत ।्

् शासिं भवािहो द्वेवष्ट वशवं वशवेतरीः॥
िववत्रकरर्तत तमलङघ्य
- Srimad Bhagavatam (4.4.14)
yadvyakṣaraṁ nāma gireritaṁ nṛṇāṁ
sakṛtprasaṁgādaghamāśu hanti tat |
pavitrakīrtiṁ tamalaṅghya śāsanaṁ
bhavānaho dveṣṭi śivaṁ śivetaraḥ||

The two-lettered name of 'Shi-va' even if uttered just once casually by a

person during a conversation will quickly free him from paapas. Lord
Shiva’s fame is always pure, His order is never neglected and no one but
you envies him (Sati Devi advising her father Daksha Prajpati).

मौळौ गङ्गा शशाङ्कौ करचरणतले शरतलाङ्गा: भजङ्गा:
वामे भागे दयाद्राथ वहमवगवर वववहता चन्दिं सवथगात्रे ।
इत्थं शरतं प्रभूत ं तव किकसभािार् सोढंु क्वशविं:
वचत्ते विवेद तप्ते यवद भववत ि ते वित्य वासो मधरये ॥
- Appayya Dikshitar
mauḻaugaṅgāśaśāṅkau karacaraṇataleśītalāṅgābhujaṅgā
vāmebhāgedayārdrāhimagiri vihitā candanaṁsarvagātre |
itthaṁśītaṁprabhūtaṁtavakanakasabhānāthaso ḍhuṁ kvaśakti
cittenirvedatapteyadibhavatinatenityavāsomadhīye ||

Adorning your head is the cold Ganga and cool moon, surrounding and
entwining your arms and legs are cold blooded snakes, on your left half
of the body is the daughter of Himavan who is full of embalming, cooling,
soothing, kindness, your whole body is smeared with cool sandal paste. O
Kanakasabhanatha (Lord Nataraja) how can you afford to bear this
deadly cold unless you take shelter and make my embroiling, Samsara-
smitten heart as your constant abode.

मौळौ मंदावकिर यस्य मालतरमावलकाविभा ।

मौवि मािस हंसोयं मौढ्यं हरत ु िवश्शवीः॥
- Sri Chandrashekara Bharati Mahaswami
mauḻau maṁdākinī yasya mālatīmālikānibhā |
mauni mānasa haṁsoyaṁ mauḍhyaṁ haratu naśśivaḥ||

May Lord Shiva, who adorns Ganga in his matted locks which resembles
a garland made of jasmine flowers and who resides in hearts of
Paramahamsas, get rid of my ignorance.

जयत ु जयत ु वित्यं चिमौवलमथहेशो

जयत ु जयत ु वित्यं शारदाऽभरष्ठ धात्ररम ।्
जयत ु जयत ु वित्यं शङ्करो देवशके िो
ु थीः ॥
जयत ु जयत ु वित्यं चिचूडो गरोि
- Sri Jnanananda Bharati
jayatu jayatu nityaṁ candramaulirmaheśo
jayatu jayatu nityaṁ śāradā'bhīṣṭha dhātrīm |
jayatu jayatu nityaṁ śaṅkaro deśikendro
jayatu jayatu nityaṁ candracūḍo gurornaḥ

Eternal glories to Lord Shiva, having a crescent moon on his matted locks,
eternal glories to Sri Sharada Devi, who fulfills all Dharmic desires,
eternal glories to Sri Adi Shankara, the best among Spiritual Teachers,
eternal glories to my Guru Sri ChandraShekara Bharati Mahaswami.

अयं दािकालस्त्वहं दाििात्रं भवािेव दाता त्वदन्यं ि याचे ।

भवद्भविंमेव वस्थरां देवहमह्यं कृ िाशरलशंभो कृ तार्ोऽवस्म तस्मात ॥
- Shiva Bhujangam Verse 11 (Adi Shankara)
ayaṁ dānakālastvahaṁ dānapātraṁ
bhavāneva dātā tvadanyaṁ na yāce |
bhavadbhaktimeva sthirāṁ dehimahyaṁ
kṛpāśīlaśaṁbho kṛtārtho'smi tasmāt ||

This is the proper time for giving and I am the vessel for receiving, you
are the sole donor and I do not ask you for anything else but for steadfast
Bhakti towards you. O merciful Lord, I have therefore attained what has
to be attained (having already obtained your Bhakti).

51. दविणामूर्तत ध्यािश्लोकाीः (dakṣiṇāmūrti


Note: The following paragraph is derived from the lecture given by

Swami Paramarthananda. Dakshinamurthy Stotram is a “Moksha
Shastra”, a scriptural teaching that can lead to Moksham. It contains the
profound teaching of Advaita Vedanta. To understand the in-depth
meaning of this text, one should have studied and understood the
Upanishads thoroughly. Swami Chinmayananda calls this as Ph.D. text
for Vedantic students. There are many elaborate commentaries on this
work. Sri Sureshwaracharya, one of the direct disciples of Shankara has
written the commentary “Manasollassa” on this work. Traditionally there
is a practice of reciting Dhyanashlokas (these are taken from
Manasollasa and elsewhere) before starting with the main text.

मौिव्याख्याप्रकवटतिरब्रह्मतत्त्वं यवािं
वर्तषष्ठान्तेवसदृवषगणैरावृत ं ब्रह्मविष्ठैीः।
आचायेिं करकवलतवचिद्रु मािन्दरूिम ्

स्वात्मारामं मवदतवदिं दविणामूर्ततमरडे॥१॥
maunavyākhyāprakaṭitaparabrahmatattvaṁ yuvānaṁ
varṣiṣṭhāntevasadṛṣigaṇairāvṛtaṁ brahmaniṣṭhaiḥ|
ācāryendraṁ karakalitacinmudramānandarūpam
svātmārāmaṁ muditavadanaṁ dakṣiṇāmūrtimīḍe||1||

I worship that Lord Dakshinamurti, a young guru, imparting knowledge
of Brahman through silence, surrounded by rishis who are firmly
established in wisdom, teacher of teachers, whose gesture (Mudra)
signifies wisdom, whose nature is fullness, who is reveling in Himself and
ever in Ananda.
Maunam – in this context is to be taken to suggest indirect teaching
through implication. Being attributeless, Brahman cannot be described
directly. Hence the expert Guru Dakshinamurthy teaches through non-
Verbal communication.

वटववटविसमरिे भूवमभागे विषण्णं

सकलमविजिािां ज्ञािधातारमारात ।्

वत्रभविग ु
रुमरशं दविणामूर्ततदेवं
जििमरणदीःखच्छेददिं िमावम ॥२॥
vaṭaviṭapisamīpe bhūmibhāge niṣaṇṇaṁ
sakalamunijanānāṁ jñānadhātāramārāt |
tribhuvanagurumīśaṁ dakṣiṇāmūrtidevaṁ
jananamaraṇaduḥkhacchedadakṣaṁ namāmi ||2||

I prostrate to that Lord, seated on the ground under the banyan tree,
bestowing knowledge to all the Rishis who have assembled near Him, the
teacher of the three worlds, destroyer of the miseries of birth and death.

वचत्रं वटतरोमूल ु वथु ा ।

थ े वृद्धाीः वशष्या गरुय

गरोस्त ु मौिं व्याख्यािं वशष्यास्त ु वछन्न संशयाीः ॥३॥
citraṁ vaṭatarormūle vṛddhāḥ śiṣyā gururyuvā |
gurostu maunaṁ vyākhyānaṁ śiṣyāstu chinna saṁśayāḥ ||3||

Amazing! Under the banyan tree aged disciples sat around a youthful
guru. He taught them in silence, yet their doubts were dispelled.

विधये सवथववद्यािां वभषजे भवरोवगणाम ।्
ु सवथलोकािां दविणामूतयथ े िमीः ॥४॥
nidhaye sarvavidyānāṁ bhiṣaje bhavarogiṇām |
gurave sarvalokānāṁ dakṣiṇāmūrtaye namaḥ ||4||

Prostrations to Lord Dakshinamurti, the abode of all wisdom, teacher of

the whole world, healer of those suffering from the disease of Samsara.

ॐ िमीः प्रणवार्ाथय शद्धु ज्ञाि ैकमूर्यथ े ।

विमथलाय प्रशान्ताय दविणामूतयथ े िमीः ॥५॥
OM namaḥ praṇavārthāya śuddha jñānaikamūrthaye |
nirmalāya praśāntāya dakṣiṇāmūrtaye namaḥ ||5||

Prostrations to Lord Dakshinamurti, who is free from all impurities,

tranquil, the embodiment of pure knowledge alone and who is the
meaning of Pranava.

ईश्वरो ग़रुरात्मे
वत मूर्तत भेद ववभावगिे ।
व्योमवद्व्याप्तदेहाय दविणामूतयथ े िमीः ॥६॥
īśvaro ġururātmeti mūrti bheda vibhāgine |
vyomavadvyāptadehāya dakṣiṇāmūrtaye namaḥ

Namaskarams to Dakshinamurthy, who is all pervading like the space

and who is manifest in different forms as Ishwara , Guru and Atman.

52.दविणामूर्ततस्तोत्रम (dakṣiṇāmūrtistotram) - by Adi
ु विजान्तगथतं
थ दृश्यमाििगररतल्यं
ववश्वं दिण

िश्यन्नात्मवि मायया बवहवरवोद्भूत ं यर्ा विद्रया।
यीः सािात्कुरुते प्रबोधसमये स्वात्मािमेवाद्वयं
ु तयथ े िम इदं श्रदविणामूतयथ े ॥१॥
तस्म ै श्र गरुमू
viśvaṁ darpaṇadṛśyamānanagarītulyaṁ nijāntargataṁ
paśyannātmani māyayā bahirivodbhūtaṁ yathā nidrayā|
yaḥ sākṣātkurute prabodhasamaye svātmānamevādvayaṁ
tasmai śrī gurumūrtaye nama idaṁ śrīdakṣiṇāmūrtaye ||1||

To Him who sees the universe like a dream existing within oneself or like
a city seen in a mirror but appearing externally due to Maya, who upon
enlightenment beholds the universe directly as his own non-dual Self –
Prostrations unto Him, Shri Dakshinamurti in the form of my own Guru.

बरजस्यान्तवरवाङ्कुरो जगवददं प्राव‍िर्तवकल्पं ििीः
मायाकवल्पतदेशकालकलिावैवचत्र्यवचत्ररकृ तम ।्
मायावरव ववजृम्भयत्यवि महायोगरव यीःस्वेच्छया
ु तयथ े िम इदं श्रदविणामूतयथ े ॥२॥
तस्म ै श्र गरुमू
bījasyāntarivāṅkuro jagadidaṁ prāṅnirvikalpaṁ punaḥ
māyāvīva vijṛmbhayatyapi mahāyogīva yaḥsvecchayā
tasmai śrī gurumūrtaye nama idaṁ śrīdakṣiṇāmūrtaye ||2||

This universe, undifferentiated at first like a sprout within the seed,

becoming manifold through Maya's aspects of time and space, that
universe He projects by His own desire like a magician or a great yogi –
Prostrations unto Him, Shri Dakshinamurti in the form of my own Guru.

यस्य ैव स्फुरणं सदात्मकमसत्कल्पार्थकं भासते

सािात्तत्त्वमसरवत वेदवचसा यो बोधयत्यावश्ताि ।्

ु तयथ े िम इदं श्रदविणामूतयथ े ॥३॥
तस्म ै श्र गरुमू
yasyaiva sphuraṇaṁ sadātmakamasatkalpārthakaṁ bhāsate
sākṣāttattvamasīti vedavacasā yo bodhayatyāśritān|
tasmai śrī gurumūrtaye nama idaṁ śrīdakṣiṇāmūrtaye ||3||

He by whose light the unreal universe appears real, who imparts

immediate knowledge through the Vedic teaching, “That thou art” to
those who seek his refuge, because of whose direct knowledge one never
returns to the ocean of birth and death – Prostrations unto Him, Shri
Dakshinamurti in the form of my own Guru.

ज्ञािं यस्य त ु चिरावदकरणद्वारा
ु बवहीःस्पन्दते ।
ु तत्समस्तं जगत ्
जािामरवत तमेव भान्तमिभात्ये
ु तयथ े िम इदं श्रदविणामूतयथ े ॥४॥
तस्म ै श्र गरुमू
jñānaṁ yasya tu cakṣurādikaraṇadvārā bahiḥspandate |
jānāmīti tameva bhāntamanubhātyetatsamastaṁ jagat
tasmai śrī gurumūrtaye nama idaṁ śrīdakṣiṇāmūrtaye ||4||

Whose knowledge is like the light of a shining lamp placed inside a pot
with many holes, shining forth through the sense organs like eye sight,
who shines as Consciousness - “I know” because of which this entire
creation appears – Prostrations unto Him, Shri Dakshinamurti in the
form of my own Guru.

ु च शून्य ं ववदीः
देहं प्राणमिरवियाण्यवि चलां बसद्ध
स्त्ररबालान्धजडोिमास्त्वहवमवत भ्रान्ता भृशं वावदिीः।
ु तयथ े िम इदं श्रदविणामूतयथ े ॥५॥
तस्म ै श्र गरुमू
dehaṁ prāṇamapīndriyāṇyapi calāṁ buddhiṁ ca śūnyaṁ viduḥ
strībālāndhajaḍopamāstvahamiti bhrāntā bhṛśaṁ vādinaḥ|
tasmai śrī gurumūrtaye nama idaṁ śrīdakṣiṇāmūrtaye ||5||

Philosophers, who are misguided, childish, blind, or dull, always teach

falsely that the body, life, senses, active intellect, and non-existence
principle is the Self, Prostrations unto Him, Shri Dakshinamurti in the
form of my own Guru, who destroys their great delusion born of Maya's

राहुग्रस्तवदवाकरेन्दुसदृशो मायासमाच्छादिात ्
सिात्रीः करणोिसंहरणतो योऽभूत्सषु प्तीः
ु िमाि
ु ।्
प्रागस्वाप्सवमवत प्रबोधसमये यीः प्रत्यवभज्ञायते
ु तयथ े िम इदं श्रदविणामूतयथ े ॥६॥
तस्म ै श्र गरुमू
rāhugrastadivākarendusadṛśo māyāsamācchādanāt
sanmātraḥ karaṇopasaṁharaṇato yo'bhūtsuṣuptaḥ pumān|
prāgasvāpsamiti prabodhasamaye yaḥ pratyabhijñāyate
tasmai śrī gurumūrtaye nama idaṁ śrīdakṣiṇāmūrtaye ||6||

who remains as pure existence in deep sleep caused by Maya's power,

withdrawing the senses like the sun or moon covered during an eclipse,
who upon waking remembers "I slept" – Prostrations unto Him, Shri
Dakshinamurti in the form of my own Guru.

बाल्यावदष्ववि जाग्रदावदष ु तर्ा सवाथस्ववस्थास्ववि

ु मािमहवमत्यन्तीः स्फुरन्तं सदा ।

ु भद्रया
स्वात्मािं प्रकटरकरोवत भजतां यो मद्रया
ु तयथ े िम इदं श्रदविणामूतयथ े ॥७॥
तस्म ै श्र गरुमू
bālyādiṣvapi jāgradādiṣu tathā sarvāsvavasthāsvapi
vyāvṛttāsvanuvartamānamahamityantaḥ sphurantaṁ sadā |
svātmānaṁ prakaṭīkaroti bhajatāṁ yo mudrayā bhadrayā
tasmai śrī gurumūrtaye nama idaṁ śrīdakṣiṇāmūrtaye ||7||

The Self manifest within as the ever present sense of “I”, that which
remains in every state of life and experience, to the one who reveals this
Self to His disciples by His auspicious gesture of wisdom – Prostrations
unto Him, Shri Dakshinamurti in the form of my own Guru.

ववश्वं िश्यवत कायथकारणतया स्वस्वावमसंबन्धतीः

वशष्याचायथतया तर् ैव वितृित्राद्यात्मिा भेदतीः ।
ु मायािवरभ्रावमतीः
स्वप्ने जाग्रवत वा य एष िरुषो
ु तयथ े िम इदं श्रदविणामूतयथ े ॥८॥
तस्म ै श्र गरुमू
viśvaṁ paśyati kāryakāraṇatayā svasvāmisaṁbandhataḥ
śiṣyācāryatayā tathaiva pitṛputrādyātmanā bhedataḥ |
svapne jāgrati vā ya eṣa puruṣo māyāparibhrāmitaḥ
tasmai śrī gurumūrtaye nama idaṁ śrīdakṣiṇāmūrtaye ||8||

who sees the universe as cause and effect, master and servant, teacher
and disciple, father and son, and so on, who sees all this in the waking and
dream states due to Maya – Prostrations unto Him, Shri Dakshinamurti
in the form of my own Guru.

भूरम्भांस्यिलोऽविलोऽम्बरमहिाथर्ो वहमांशीःु िमाि

ु ्
इत्याभावत चराचरात्मकवमदं यस्य ैव मूत्यष्टथ कम ।्
िान्यवत्कञ्चि ववद्यते ववमृशतां यस्मात्परस्मावद्वभोीः
ु तयथ े िम इदं श्रदविणामूतयथ े ॥९॥
तस्म ै श्र गरुमू
bhūrambhāṁsyanalo'nilo'mbaramaharnātho himāṁśuḥ pumān
ityābhāti carācarātmakamidaṁ yasyaiva mūrtyaṣṭakam|
nānyatkiñcana vidyate vimṛśatāṁ yasmātparasmādvibhoḥ
tasmai śrī gurumūrtaye nama idaṁ śrīdakṣiṇāmūrtaye ||9||

Whose eight-fold manifestation is this sentient and insentient world of

earth, water, fire, air, space, sun, moon, and consciousness , being beyond
whose all-pervasive nature there exists nothing else for the wise persons
– Prostrations unto Him, Shri Dakshinamurti in the form of my own Guru.

सवाथत्मत्ववमवत स्फुटरकृ तवमदं यस्मादमवष्मन्स्तवे

तेिास्य श्वणात्तदर्थमििाद्ध्यािाि संकरतथिात ।्
सवाथत्मत्वमहाववभूवतसवहतं स्यादरश्वरत्वं स्वतीः

वसद्ध्येत्तत्पिरष्टधा ्
िवरणतं च ैश्वयथमव्याहतम॥१०॥
sarvātmatvamiti sphuṭīkṛtamidaṁ yasmādamuṣminstave
tenāsya śravaṇāttadarthamananāddhyānācca saṁkīrtanāt|
sarvātmatvamahāvibhūtisahitaṁ syādīśvaratvaṁ svataḥ
siddhyettatpunaraṣṭadhā pariṇataṁ caiśvaryamavyāhatam||10||

Because the Self's all-pervasiveness is clearly revealed in this hymn, by

listening to it, reflecting upon it, meditating on its meaning, and reciting
it one can gain enlightenment, effortlessly and without impediments,
with its great glory of being the Self of all with eightfold blessings.

53. वशवािराधिमािणस्तोत्रम ्
(śivāparādhakṣamāpaṇastotram)– by Adi Shankara
Note: The following note and meanings are based on a lecture by Swami
Paramarthananda. In verses 1 - 11 of this Stotram, Acharya Shankara
asks forgiveness (kshamapana) for the various mistakes committed by
human beings in general. Through these verses, Acharya is instructing us
the correct way of leading life as per the Shaastras. The last few verses
are seeking help from the Lord.

Verse 1 – 4: Not remembering Lord in any Stage of Life

आदौ कमथप्रसङ्गात्कलयवत कलुषं मातृकुिौ वस्थतं मां
ववण्मूत्रामेध्यमध्ये क्वर्यवत वितरां जाठरो जातवेदाीः ।
यद्यद्वै तत्र दीःखं व्यर्यवत वितरां शक्यते के ि विंं ु
िन्तव्यो मेऽिराधीः वशव वशव वशव भोीः श्र महादेव शम्भो ॥१॥
ādau karmaprasaṅgātkalayati kaluṣaṁ mātṛkukṣau sthitaṁ māṁ
viṇmūtrāmedhyamadhye kvathayati nitarāṁ jāṭharo jātavedāḥ |
yadyadvai tatra duḥkhaṁ vyathayati nitarāṁ śakyate kena
kṣantavyo me'parādhaḥ śiva śiva śiva bhoḥ śrī mahādeva śambho

Due to the remnants of Karmic paapas, I was created inside my mother’s

womb. In the heat of the womb I am boiled in the presence of urine and
excreta,. who can describe the sufferings that I underwent there, O Shiva!
O Shiva! O Shiva! O Mahadeva! O Shambhu! Forgive my offense.

बाल्ये दीःखावतरेकाि मललुवलतवि ीःु स्तन्यिािे वििाशीःु

िो शिंश्चेवियेभ्ो भवमलजविता जन्तवो मां तदवन्त ।
िािारोगावददीःखाद्रुवदतिरवशीः शङ्करं ि स्मरावम
िन्तव्यो मेऽिराधीः वशव वशव वशव भोीः श्र महादेव शम्भो॥ २॥
bālye duḥkhātirekān malalulitavapuḥ stanyapāne pipāśuḥ
no śaktaścendriyebhyo bhavamalajanitā jantavo māṁ tudanti |
nānārogādiduḥkhādruditaparavaśaḥ śaṅkaraṁ na smarāmi
kṣantavyo me'parādhaḥ śiva śiva śiva bhoḥ śrī mahādeva
śambho|| 2||

There is an excess of suffering in infancy and childhood. The body is
agitated by (frequent) urination and passing of stools. There is a desire
for drinking milk from the breast. There is no strength in the organs.
Many kinds of worms and insects like fly keep biting me. I was also
attacked by many ailments, I kept crying and never did I find time to think
of thee O, Lord Parameshwara. O Shiva! O Shiva! O Shiva! O Mahadeva! O
Shambhu! Forgive my offense.

थ न्धौ
प्रौढोऽहं यौविस्थो ववषयववषधरैीः िञ्चवभमथमस

दष्टो िष्टोऽवववेकीः सतधिय ु
ववतस्वादसौख्ये विषण्णीः ।
शैववे चन्ताववहरिं मम हृदयमहो मािगवाथवधरूढं
िन्तव्यो मेऽिराधीः वशव वशव वशव भोीः श्र महादेव शम्भो ॥३॥
prauḍho'haṁ yauvanastho
viṣayaviṣadharaiḥ pañcabhirmarmasandhau
daṣṭo naṣṭo'vivekaḥ sutadhanayuvatisvādusaukhye niṣaṇṇaḥ |
śaivecintāvihīnaṁ mama hṛdayamaho mānagarvādhirūḍhaṁ
kṣantavyo me'parādhaḥ śiva śiva śiva bhoḥ śrī mahādeva śambho

When I mature into my youth, I was bitten by the five venomous serpents
called sense objects (sound, sight, taste, touch, and smell) in vulnerable
spots. Hence I lost my discrimination (Viveka) and became addicted to
enjoying the (fleeting) pleasures of wealth, wife and children. Alas! My
mind bereft of the thought of Shiva was filled with great pride and
arrogance. O Shiva! O Shiva! O Shiva! O Mahadeva! O Shambhu! Forgive
my offense.

वाधथक्य े चेवियाणां ववगतगवतमवतश्चावधदैवावदताि ैीः

प्राप्त ै रोग ैर्तवयोग ैव्यथसिकृ शतिोज्ञथवप्तहरिं च दरिम ।्
वमथ्यामोहावभलाष ैभ्र थमवत मम मिो धूजटथ े ध्याथिशून्य ं

िन्तव्यो मेऽिराधीः वशव वशव वशव भोीः श्र महादेव शम्भो ॥४॥
vārdhakye cendriyāṇāṁ vigatagatimatiścādhidaivāditāpaiḥ
prāptai rogairviyogairvyasanakṛśatanorjñaptihīnaṁ ca dīnam|
mithyāmohābhilāṣairbhramati mama mano
kṣantavyo me'parādhaḥ śiva śiva śiva bhoḥ śrī mahādeva śambho

In my old age, my senses have lost the power of proper judging and acting.
I am susbjected to the three kinds of miseries (Taapatraya – Adidaivika,
Adibhautika, Adiyatmika). My body is weak and senile from many
afflictions, because of paapas and illnesses and bereavements. But even
now my mind, instead of meditating on the one has matted locks of hair
on the head (Lord Shiva), wanders after vain desires and hollow
delusions.O Shiva! O Shiva! O Shiva! O Mahadeva! O Shambhu! Forgive my

Verse 5 - 8: Lifestyle prescribed for Householder (follower of

Vedapurva – Karmakanda)
स्नात्वा प्रत्यूषकाले स्नििवववधववधौ िाहृतं गाङ्गतोयं
िूजार्ं वा कदावचद्बहुतरगहिेखण्डवबल्वरदलं वा ।
ु ीः त्वदर्ं
िािरता िद्ममाला सरवस ववकवसता गन्धिष्पै
िन्तव्यो मेऽिराधीः वशव वशव वशव भोीः श्र महादेव शम्भो ॥५॥
snātvā pratyūṣakāle snapanavidhividhau nāhṛtaṁ gāṅgatoyaṁ
pūjārthaṁ vā kadācidbahutaragahanekhaṇḍabilvīdalaṁvā |
nānītā padmamālā sarasi vikasitā gandhapuṣpaiḥ tvadarthaṁ
kṣantavyo me'parādhaḥ śiva śiva śiva bhoḥ śrī mahādeva śambho

Never have I finished my ablutions before sunrise and brought water

from the Ganga for your Abhishekam, never have I plucked the Bilva
leaves from the dense forests for your Puja. I have not gathered full-blown
lotuses from the lakes, nor ever arranged the flowers and the incense for
worshipping Thee. O Shiva! O Shiva! O Shiva! O Mahadeva! O Shambhu!
Forgive my offense.

दग्ब्ध ैमथध्वाज्ययकतैदथ ु
वधगडसवहतैीः स्नावितं ि ैव वलङ्गं
िो वलप्तं चन्दिाद्य ैीः किकववरवचतैीः िूवजतं ि प्रसूि ैीः ।
ु व भक्ष्योिहारैीः
धूि ैीः किूरथ दरि ैर्तवववधरसयतैिै
िन्तव्यो मेऽिराधीः वशव वशव वशव भोीः श्र महादेव शम्भो ॥६॥
dugdhairmadhvājyayukatairdadhiguḍasahitaiḥ snāpitaṁ naiva
no liptaṁ candanādyaiḥ kanakaviracitaiḥ pūjitaṁ na prasūnaiḥ |
dhūpaiḥ karpūradīpairvividharasayutairnaiva bhakṣyopahāraiḥ
kṣantavyo me'parādhaḥ śiva śiva śiva bhoḥ śrī mahādeva śambho

I have not performed Abhishekam for the Shiva Lingam with milk, honey,
butter and other oblations; I have not anointed the Lingam with fragrant
sandal paste, nor have I worshipped Thee with Dattura flowers, incense
and camphor-flame. I have never offered you Naivedya consisting of
various dainty delicacies. O Shiva! O Shiva! O Shiva! O Mahadeva! O
Shambhu! Forgive my offense.

िो शक्यं स्मातथकमथ प्रवतिदगहिेप्रत्यवायाकुलाढ्ये

श्ौते वाताथ कर्ं मे वद्वजकुलवववहते ब्रह्ममागाथऽिसारे
ु ।
तत्वे ज्ञाते ववचारे श्वणमिियोीः सक विवदध्यावसतव्यं
िन्तव्यो मेऽिराधीः वशव वशव वशव भोीः श्र महादेव शम्भो ॥७॥
no śakyaṁ smārtakarma pratipadagahanepratyavāyākulāḍhye
śraute vārtā kathaṁ me dvijakulavihite brahmamārgā'nusāre |
tatve jñāte vicāre śravaṇamananayoḥ kiṁ nididhyāsitavyaṁ
kṣantavyo me'parādhaḥ śiva śiva śiva bhoḥ śrī mahādeva śambho
I am unable to observe the Smaartha Karmas daily even though omission
of even a single step of such Karmas is extremely sinful, what to talk about
the Shrouta Karmas laid down for the Dwijas which are essential for
attaining Brahman (I don’t perform Shrouta Karmas as well). I am
unable to do Vedanta Vicharam by the process of Shravanam (hearing),
Mananam (reasoning) and Nididhyasam (reflection). O Shiva! O Shiva! O
Shiva! O Mahadeva! O Shambhu! Forgive my offense.

ध्यात्वा वचत्ते वशवाख्यं प्रचरतरधिं ि ैव दत्तं वद्वजेभ्ीः
हव्यं ते लिसङ्ख्य ैहुथतवहवदिे िार्तितं बरजमन्त्र ैीः ।
िो तप्तं गाङ्गातररे व्रतजिवियमैीः रुद्रजाप्यं ि जप्तं
िन्तव्यो मेऽिराधीः वशव वशव वशव भोीः श्र महादेव शम्भो ॥८॥
dhyātvā citte śivākhyaṁ pracurataradhanaṁ naiva dattaṁ
havyaṁ te lakṣasaṅkhyairhutavahavadane nārpitaṁ
bījamantraiḥ |
no taptaṁ gāṅgātīre vratajananiyamaiḥ rudrajāpyaṁ na japtaṁ
kṣantavyo me'parādhaḥ śiva śiva śiva bhoḥ śrī mahādeva śambho

Contemplating in my heart Thy sacred form, I have not donated rich

wealth to Brahmins. I have never offered oblations in Agni accompanied
by one hundred thousand utterances of your Bija Mantra. Never did I
perform austerity in the banks of sacred Ganga following the rules for
Vratas and Japas accompanied by the chanting of Sri Rudram and other
Vedic hymns. O Shiva! O Shiva! O Shiva! O Mahadeva! O Shambhu! Forgive
my offense.

Verse 9 – 11: Lifestyle prescribed for Sanyasi (follower of Vedanta -

िग्नो विीःसङ्गशद्ध ु
ु वस्त्रगणववरवहतो ध्वस्तमोहान्धकारीः

ु ि ैव दृष्टीः कदावचत ।्
िासाग्रे न्यस्तदृवष्टर्तववदतभवगणो
उिन्याऽवस्थया त्वां ववगतगवतमवतीः शङ्करं ि स्मरावम
िन्तव्यो मेऽिराधीः वशव वशव वशव भोीः श्र महादेव शम्भो ॥९॥
nagno niḥsaṅgaśuddhastriguṇavirahito dhvastamohāndhakāraḥ
nāsāgre nyastadṛṣṭirviditabhavaguṇo naiva dṛṣṭaḥ kadācit|
unmanyā'vasthayā tvāṁ vigatagatimatiḥ śaṅkaraṁ na smarāmi
kṣantavyo me'parādhaḥ śiva śiva śiva bhoḥ śrī mahādeva śambho

Even after knowing your glories, O Lord I never remembered You, I never
became - completely detached, undisturbed & naked, transcended the
three Gunas and destroyed the dakness of ignorance (implying that I did
not become a Sanyasi). I was never seen by anybody meditating on You
(meaning – I never meditated) concentrating my gaze on the tip of my
nose, reaching the Unmani state and getting rid of all worries from my
mind. O Shankara. O Shiva! O Shiva! O Shiva! O Mahadeva! O Shambhu!
Forgive my offense.

(*Unmani Avastha or Amani Bhava or Mano-Nasha – is the state where

one has transcended the mind realizing it as Mithya. Mind is never a
burden for such a person. It is not physical destruction of the mind.)

वस्थत्वा स्थािे सरोजे प्रणवमयमरुत्कुवम्भते सूक्ष्ममागे

शान्ते स्वान्ते प्रलरिे प्रकवटतववभवे वदव्यरूिे वशवाख्ये ।
ु शङ्करं ि स्मरावम
वलङ्गाग्रे ब्रह्मवाक्ये सकलतिगतं
िन्तव्यो मेऽिराधीः वशव वशव वशव भोीः श्र महादेव शम्भो ॥१०
sthitvā sthāne saroje praṇavamayamarutkumbhite sūkṣmamārge
śānte svānte pralīne prakaṭitavibhave divyarūpe śivākhye |
liṅgāgre brahmavākye sakalatanugataṁ śaṅkaraṁ na smarāmi
kṣantavyo me'parādhaḥ śiva śiva śiva bhoḥ śrī mahādeva śambho
I have not sat in the lotus posture, nor have I ever controlled the Prana
and sent it through the micro path (Yoga Saadhana), repeating the
syllable Om; Never have I suppressed the turbulent waves of my mind, nor
merged with the Self. Never did I meditate on Shankara who dwells in
every form, who transcends the physical body and who is the essence of
Vedas. O Shiva! O Shiva! O Shiva! O Mahadeva! O Shambhu! Forgive my

हृद्यं वेदान्तवेद्य ं हृदयसरवसजे दरप्तमद्यत्प्रकाशं
सत्यं शान्तस्वरूिं सकलमविमिीः ु िद्मषण्डैकवेद्य ं ।
जाग्रत्स्वप्ने सषु प्तौ ु
ु वत्रगणववरवहतं शङ्करं ि स्मरावम
िन्तव्यो मेऽिराधीः वशव वशव वशव भोीः श्र महादेव शम्भो॥११
hṛdyaṁvedāntavedyaṁ hṛdayasarasije dīptamudyatprakāśaṁ
kṣantavyo me'parādhaḥ śiva śiva śiva bhoḥ śrī mahādeva

O Lord I have never meditated on you as my Self, as the knower of

Vedanta, residing in my lotus heart, as consciousness that makes
everything Shine, as nature of Reality, as the ever peaceful one, meditated
by the sages always in their lotus hearts, beyond, yet in and through the
three states of wakefulness, dream and deep sleep. O Shiva! O Shiva! O
Shiva! O Mahadeva! O Shambhu! Forgive my offense.

Verse 12 – 16: Seeking help from the Lord

चिोद्भावसतशेखरे स्मरहरे गङ्गाधरे शङ्करे
सिैभवू थ षतकण्ठकणथवववरे िेत्रोत्थवैश्वािरे ।


दवन्तत्वक्कृतसन्दराम्बरधरे त्र ैलोक्यसारे हरे मोिार्ं कुरु
वचत्तवृवत्तममलामन्य ैस्त ु सक कमथवभीः ॥१२॥
candrodbhāsitaśekhare smarahare gaṅgādhare śaṅkare
sarpairbhūṣitakaṇṭhakarṇavivare netrotthavaiśvānare |
dantitvakkṛtasundarāmbaradhare trailokyasāre hare
mokṣārthaṁ kuru cittavṛttimamalāmanyaistu kiṁ karmabhiḥ

O Lord, whose head is illuminated with the rays of the moon, who is the
destroyer of Kama, who bears Ganga in his head, who is the bestower of
peace, whose neck and ears are adorned by serpents, from whose eyes fire
emanates, who wears the hide of the elephant as a beautiful garment, and
who is the essence of the three worlds, please make my thoughts firm on
you for attaining Moksha. What is the use of other Karmas?

सकयाऽिेि धिेि वावजकवरवभीः प्राप्तेि राज्येि सक

सक वा ित्रकलत्रवमत्रिशवु भदेहेि गेहेि वकम ।्
ज्ञात्वैतत्क्षणभङ्गरु ं सिवद रे त्याज्यं मिो दूरतीः

स्वात्मार्ं गरुवाक्यतो भज भज श्रिावथतरवल्लभम ॥ ् १३॥
kiṁyā'nena dhanena vājikaribhiḥ prāptena rājyena kiṁ
kiṁ vā putrakalatramitrapaśubhirdehena gehena kim|
jñātvaitatkṣaṇabhaṅguraṁ sapadi re tyājyaṁ mano dūrataḥ
svātmārthaṁ guruvākyato bhaja bhaja śrīpārvatīvallabham||13||

What is the use of vehicles, riches, horses, elephants? What is the use of
even having a Kingdom? What is the use of having sons, wife, friends,
cows and houses? What is the use of this body? Knowing all this to be
liable to perish in a moment, O Mind, be detached from all of them. For
the sake of Atma Jnanam, follow the advice of the Guru and worship the
consort of Parvati.

िौरोवहत्यं रजविचवरतं ग्रामणरत्वं वियोगीः
माठाित्यं ह्यिृतवचिं साविवादीः िरान्नम ।्
ब्रह्मद्वेषीः खलजिरवतीः प्रावणिां विदथयत्वं
ु जि जिान्तरेष ु ॥१४॥
मा भूदवे ं मम िशिते
paurohityaṁ rajanicaritaṁ grāmaṇītvaṁ niyogaḥ
māṭhāpatyaṁ hyanṛtavacanaṁ sākṣivādaḥ parānnam |
brahmadveṣaḥ khalajanaratiḥ prāṇināṁ nirdayatvaṁ
mā bhūdevaṁ mama paśupate janma janmāntareṣu ||14||

O Lord of all beings, spare me from the following actions in this and any
further Janmas – being a leader/priest, being a robber, being a village
head, being a slave, being head of a Matha, having to tell a lie, having to
give testimony as a witness in any proceeding, living on other’s mercy,
enmity with a Brahmin, friendship with wicked people, lacking
compassion towards animals.

आयिु थश्यवत िश्यतां प्रवतवदिं यावत ियं यौविं

ु थ वदवसाीः कालो जगद्भिकीः ।
प्रत्यायावन्त गताीः ििि
ु जरववतं
लक्ष्मरस्तोयतरङ्गभङ्गचिला ववद्यिलं
तस्मािां शरणागतं करुणय त्वं रि रिाधिा ु ॥१५॥
āyurnaśyati paśyatāṁ pratidinaṁ yāti kṣayaṁ yauvanaṁ
pratyāyānti gatāḥ punarna divasāḥ kālo jagadbhakṣakaḥ |
lakṣmīstoyataraṅgabhaṅgacapalā vidyuccalaṁ jīvitaṁ
tasmānmāṁ śaraṇāgataṁ karuṇaya tvaṁ rakṣa rakṣādhunā ||15||

Day by day, life span drains out before our very eyes, youth is getting
exhausted. Days that are gone will never return. Time devours
everything. Fortune (wealth) is highly fickle like the waves in the water;
life is fleeting away like lightning. Therefore, O Lord, I am seeking refuge
in you; protect me immediately by your compassion.
54. वशवािन्दलहरर (śivānandalaharī) – by Adi
Shankara (Selected verses)
कलाभ्ां चूडालङ्कृतशवशकलाभ्ां विजतिीः
फलाभ्ां भिंे ष ु प्रकवटतफलाभ्ां भवत ु मे ।

वशवाभ्ामस्तोकवत्रभविवशवाभ्ां हृवद िि-ु
ु ्
िवतवरयम ॥१॥
kalābhyāṁ cūḍālaṅkṛtaśaśikalābhyāṁ nijatapaḥ
phalābhyāṁ bhakteṣu prakaṭitaphalābhyāṁ bhavatu me |
śivābhyāmastokatribhuvanaśivābhyāṁ hṛdi puna-
rbhavābhyāmānandasphuradanubhavābhyāṁ natiriyam ||1||

Let my prostrations be dedicated to the auspicious pair of Shiva and

Shakti, who are the Sakala (formful – as Ishwara) and Nishkala
swarupam (without any form – Shuddha Chaitanyam), who wear the
crescent moon on their head as ornament, who are the personification of
mutual penance, who teach devotees about the results of penance, who
lavishly grant only good to the three worlds, who appear in the heart
afresh every so often they are thought of, who always are in the state of
supreme Ananda of Atmanubhava.

त्रयरवेद्य ं हृद्यं वत्रिरहरमाद्यं वत्रियिं
जटाभारोदारं चलदरगहारं मृगधरम ।्

महादेवं देवं मवय सदयभावं िशिसत
वचदालम्बं साम्बं वशवमवतववडम्बं हृवद भजे॥३॥
trayīvedyaṁ hṛdyaṁ tripuraharamādyaṁ trinayanaṁ
jaṭābhārodāraṁ caladuragahāraṁ mṛgadharam|
mahādevaṁ devaṁ mayi sadayabhāvaṁ paśupatiṁ
cidālambaṁ sāmbaṁ śivamativiḍambaṁ hṛdi bhaje ||3||

I meditate on Lord Shiva in my heart who is known by the three Vedas,
who is pleasant to the heart, who destroyed the three cities, who alone
existed before any creation, who has three eyes, whose beauty is
enhanced because of the matted locks, who wears the moving snakes as
garlands, who holds the deer in his hand, who is greatest among all
Devas, who is Self-luminous, who is compassionate to me, who is the Lord
of all beings, who is the source of wisdom, who is always with Ambika and
who is a great entertainer (entertains by blessing the devotee with

मिस्ते िादाब्जे विवसत ु वचीः स्तोत्रफवणतौ

करौ चाभ्चाथयां श्वु तरवि कर्ाकणथिववधौ।
ु थयियगलं
तव ध्यािे बवद्धि ु मूर्ततववभवे
िरग्रन्थाि कै् वाथ िरमवशव जािे िरमतीः॥७॥
manaste pādābje nivasatu vacaḥ stotraphaṇitau
karau cābhyarcāyāṁ śrutirapi kathākarṇanavidhau|
tava dhyāne buddhirnayanayugalaṁ mūrtivibhave
paragranthānkairvā paramaśiva jāne paramataḥ||7||

Let the mind dwell on your two lotus like feet, Let my words always sing
thy glory, Let my two hands always perform your worship, Let my ears
always hear your sacred stories, Let my mind always meditate on you, Let
my two eyes always see thy beauty. After all these, I do not find any use of
other great books to me, O supreme Ishwara.
सारूप्यं तव िूजिे वशव महादेववे त संकरतथि े
सामरप्यं वशवभविंधयु ज
थ ितासांगत्यसंभाषणे।

सालोक्यं च चराचरात्मकतिध्यािे भवािरिते
ु मम वसद्धमत्र भववत स्वावमि कृ् तार्ोऽस्म्यहम ॥२८
सायज्यं ् ॥
sārūpyaṁ tava pūjane śiva mahādeveti saṁkīrtane
sāmīpyaṁ śivabhaktidhuryajanatāsāṁgatyasaṁbhāṣaṇe|
sālokyaṁ ca carācarātmakatanudhyāne bhavānīpate
sāyujyaṁ mama siddhamatra bhavati svāminkṛtārtho'smyaham
||28 ||

Your worship is Saaroopya Mukti (having the same form as the Lord),
singing your glories and calling you “Shiva” and “Mahadeva” is Saamipya
Mukti (being intimate with the Lord), indulging in sweet conversation
with your devotees who always think about you is Saalokya Mukti (living
with the Lord), always seeing (meditating) you in every moving and non-
moving form is Saayujya Mukti (merging with the Lord). And so I get all
these in this birth itself, O Maheshwara, the consort of Bhavani, I am
thankful to you for all these.

यावम िरमं त्वां वचन्तयाम्यन्वहं
त्वामरशं शरणं व्रजावम वचसा त्वामेव याचे ववभो ।
ु सकरुणां वदव्य ैवश्चरं प्रार्तर्तां
वरिां मे वदश चािषीं
ु मदरयमिसीः सौख्योिदेशं कुरु ॥२९ ॥
शम्भो लोकगरो
tvatpādāmbujamarcayāmi paramaṁ tvāṁ cintayāmyanvahaṁ
tvāmīśaṁ śaraṇaṁ vrajāmi vacasā tvāmeva yāce vibho |
vīkṣāṁ me diśa cākṣuṣīṁ sakaruṇāṁ divyaiściraṁ prārthitāṁ
śambho lokaguro madīyamanasaḥ saukhyopadeśaṁ kuru ||29 ||

I offer devotions to thine lotus like feet, I meditate on thee who is the
greatest, I seek thy refuge O my Lord, and by my words I beg from you, O
Vibhu, to bless me with the merciful divine sight, which is always sought
by the Devas, O teacher of the universe, teach me the way to be ever in
Ananda (ever contended – possible only through Jnanopadesham).

अङ्कोलं विजबरजसन्तवतरयस्कान्तोिलं सूवचका

साध्वर ि ैजववभ ं ु लता विवतरुहं वसन्धीःु सवरद्वल्लभम ।्

ु ीः िादारववन्दद्वयं
प्राप्नोतरह यर्ा तर्ा िशिते
् भविंवरत्यच्यते
चेतोवृवत्तरुिेत्य वतष्ठवत बलात सा ु ॥६१॥
aṅkolaṁ nijabījasantatirayaskāntopalaṁ sūcikā
sādhvī naijavibhuṁ latā kṣitiruhaṁ sindhuḥ saridvallabham |
prāpnotīha yathā tathā paśupateḥ pādāravindadvayaṁ
cetovṛttirupetya tiṣṭhati balāt sā bhaktirityucyate||61||

That state of mind is called Bhakti wherein all thoughts go automatically

to the lotus feet of the Lord and stays there forever just like: the seed of
Ankola tree (on falling) gravitates to the parent tree, the iron needle
reaches for the magnetic stone, the devoted wife always things about her
husband, the creeper reaches for the tree and the river merges with the

Note: His Holiness Sri Abhinava Vidyateertha - Mahaswami of

Sringeri’s explanation of the above verse - Adi Shankara has described
the stages of devotion and illustrated those using beautiful similes in the
above verse. Initially the devotee forcibly turns his mind towards Ishwara
and holds on to His feet. The seed of an Ankola tree sticking to its parent
tree serves as an example for this. When the devotee has turned his mind
towards the Lord, the latter becomes intensely favorable towards the
devotee and graces him. It is as if Ishwara is pulling the devotee towards
Him and preventing any departure from Him. An illustration for this is a
needle being drawn towards a magnet. This marks the second stage. The
third stage accrues when the devotee's heart is completely concentrated
on Ishwara. The Lord, in turn, is extremely affectionate towards the
devotee. The situation is comparable to that of a chaste wife showering
her husband with love and the husband reciprocating her feelings of
affection. The devotee gradually becomes an ornament of the Lord. In
fact, but for Prahlada, the Lord might not have manifested as Narasimha
and graced the world. So in a way, the devotee adds to the glory of the
Lord. An analogy is a creeper entwining a tree and beautifying it. On
transcending this fourth stage, the devotee attains total union with the
Lord. An example of this is the merger of a river with an ocean. Once the
river has joined the ocean, it cannot be distinguished from the ocean. The
devotee too becomes inseparable from the Lord.
Now the point to ponder is “in which stage of Bhakti are we at present?”
or “Are we close to any of the stages ?”

ु रङ्गस्य कू चाथयते
मागाथवर्तततिादका िशिते
ु चिं िरवरिोर्त
गण्डूषांबविषे ु दव्यावभषेकायते ।
सकवचद्भवितमांसशेषकबलं िव्योिहारायत
भविंीः सक ि करोत्यहो विचरो भिंावतंसायते ॥६३॥
mārgāvartitapādukā paśupateraṅgasya kūrcāyate
gaṇḍūṣāṁbuniṣecanaṁ puraripordivyābhiṣekāyate |
kiṁcidbhakṣitamāṁsaśeṣakabalaṁ navyopahārāyata
bhaktiḥ kiṁ na karotyaho vanacaro bhaktāvataṁsāyate ||63||

The way faring sandals becomes the Kusa crown for the Lord of all beings,
the gargled mouthful of water becomes the sacred water for the
Abhishekam for the one who destroyed the three cities (Tripuraari), the
remnant pieces of the tasted meat become the sacred offering to the Lord,
and wonder of wonders, the hunter who lives in the forest becomes the
king of devotees. What is there in this world that devotion to the Lord
cannot do?

Note: The above verse is an allegory based on the devotion shown by

Kannappa Nayanar, a hunter devotee of Lord Shiva. He used his sandals
to mark the eye of the Lord (to give his own eyes), he used to bring water
in his mouth for the Abhishekam of the Lingam and he used to offer the
meat pieces after tasting them (Kannappa used to taste and offer only the
best portions in the meat to the Lord). Now the question – can we offer
meat to the Lord, can we do Abhishekam spitting water from our mouth?
Upanyasakar Sri. Sundar Kumar says - yes, if we have true Bhakti like
Kannappa Nayanar we can also do all that. However, first offer your eyes
to the Lord, then you can offer meat to the Lord, it comes as a package.


55. वबल्वाष्टकम (bilvāṣṭakam)

वत्रदलं वत्रगणाकारं ु ।्
वत्रिेत्र ं च वत्रयायधम
वत्रजििािसंहारं एकवबल्वं वशवािण ्
थ म ॥१॥
tridalaṁ triguṇākāraṁ trinetraṁ ca triyāyudham |
trijanmapāpasaṁhāraṁ ekabilvaṁ śivārpaṇam ||1||

I offer to Lord Shiva a cluster of three Bilva leaves which symbolize three
Gunas (that make up His Maya Shakti), which represent His three eyes,
which represents the the three kinds of weapons He bears and who’s very
thought destroys the paapas accumulated from past three births (just an
indicative number).

वत्रशाकै र्तबल्वित्रैश्च अवच्छद्रैीः कोमलैश्शभु ैीः ।

तव िूजां कवरष्यावम एकवबल्वं वशवािण ्
थ म ॥२॥
triśākairbilvapatraiśca acchidraiḥ komalaiśśubhaiḥ |
tava pūjāṁ kariṣyāmi ekabilvaṁ śivārpaṇam ||2||

I perform puja to Lord Shiva with bunch of three Bilva leaves that are
auspicious, soft and tender, which are not damaged or defective in any

दशथि ं वबल्ववृिस्य स्पशथि ं िाििाशिम ।्

अघोरिािसंहारं एकवबल्वं वशवािण ्
थ म ॥३॥
darśanaṁ bilvavṛkṣasya sparśanaṁ pāpanāśanam |
aghorapāpasaṁhāraṁ ekabilvaṁ śivārpaṇam ||3||

Even having a look at the Bilva tree or touching it destroys the most
horrible paapas one might have committed. Hence I offer the Bilva leaf to
the Lord.

काशरिेत्रविवासं च कालभ ैरवदशथिम ।्

थ म ॥४॥
प्रयागे माधवं दृष्ट्वा एकवबल्वं वशवािण
kāśīkṣetranivāsaṁ ca kālabhairavadarśanam |
prayāge mādhavaṁ dṛṣṭvā ekabilvaṁ śivārpaṇam ||4||

If one stays at the sacred city of Kasi and has darshan of Lord
Kalabhairava there, visits Prayag and has darshan of Lord Madhava
there and also offers worship to Lord Shiva with a Bilva leaf he is assured
of Lord's grace.

तलसर थु जंबररामलकं तर्ा ।

थ म॥५॥
िञ्चवबल्ववमवत ख्याता एकवबल्वं वशवािण
tulasī bilvanirguṇḍī jaṁbīrāmalakaṁ tathā |
pañcabilvamiti khyātā ekabilvaṁ śivārpaṇam||5||

Thulasi, Bilva, Nirgundi, lime leaves and goose berry leaves are famous
as pancha bilvas. Meditating on them I offer a Bilva leaf to the Lord.

तटाकं धिवििेि ं ब्रह्मस्थाप्यं वशवालयम ।्

कोवटकन्यामहादािं एकवबल्वं वशवािण ्
थ म ॥६॥
taṭākaṁ dhananikṣepaṁ brahmasthāpyaṁ śivālayam |
koṭikanyāmahādānaṁ ekabilvaṁ śivārpaṇam ||6||

The Punyam obtained by digging a pond, giving away lot of wealth as

Daanam, building Shiva temples, performing crore Kanyaa Daanam is
equivalent to offering a Bilva leaf (with Bhakti) to the Lord.

दन्त्यश्वकोवटदािावि अश्वमेधशतावि च ।

थ म ॥७॥
कोवटववप्रान्नदािं च एकवबल्वं वशवािण
dantyaśvakoṭidānāni aśvamedhaśatāni ca |
koṭiviprānnadānaṁ ca ekabilvaṁ śivārpaṇam ||7||

The Punyam obtained by giving the Daanam of crores elephants & horses,
performing hundred Ashwamedha sacrifice, feeding crore Brahmins is
equivalent to offering a Bilva leaf (with Bhakti) to the Lord.

सालग्रामसहस्रावण ववप्रान्नं शतकोवटकम ।्

यज्ञकोवटसहस्रावण एकवबल्वं वशवािण ्
थ म ॥८॥
sālagrāmasahasrāṇi viprānnaṁ śatakoṭikam |
yajñakoṭisahasrāṇi ekabilvaṁ śivārpaṇam ||8||

The Punyam obtained by giving away thousands of Saalagraamam,

feeding many crores of Brahmanas, performing crores of Yajnas is
equivalent to offering a Bilva leaf (with Bhakti) to the Lord.

अज्ञािेि कृ तं िािं ज्ञािेिावि कृ तं च यत ।्

तत्सवं िाशमायात ु एकवबल्वं वशवािण ्
थ म ॥९॥
ajñānena kṛtaṁ pāpaṁ jñānenāpi kṛtaṁ ca yat |
tatsarvaṁ nāśamāyātu ekabilvaṁ śivārpaṇam ||9||

The Paapams done knowingly or un-knowingly will get destroyed by

offering a Bilva leaf (with Bhakti) to the Lord.

एकै कवबल्वित्रेण कोवटयज्ञफलं लभेत ।्

थ म ॥१०॥
महादेवस्य िूजार्ं एकवबल्वं वशवािण
ekaikabilvapatreṇa koṭiyajñaphalaṁ labhet |
mahādevasya pūjārthaṁ ekabilvaṁ śivārpaṇam ||10||

Each one of the Bilva leaf (offered to the Lord with Bhakti) gives the
punyam of crores of Yajnam. I offer a Bilva leaf for the puja of Mahadeva.

अमृतोद्भववृिस्य महादेववप्रयस्य च ।

मच्यन्ते कण्टकाघाता कण्टके भ्ो वह मािवाीः॥११॥
amṛtodbhavavṛkṣasya mahādevapriyasya ca |
mucyante kaṇṭakāghātā kaṇṭakebhyo hi mānavāḥ||11||

The tree which was born along with Amrita and which is liked by Lord
Mahadeva removes the thorn like miseries of human beings.

56. वलङ्गाष्टकम (liṅgāṣṭakam)

ब्रह्ममरावरस ् लभावसतशोवभतवलङ्गम ।्
ु चतवलङ्गम विमथ
जिजदीःखवविाशकवलङ्गम तत ् प्रणमावम
् ्
सदावशववलङ्गम ॥१॥
nirmalabhāsitaśobhitaliṅgam |
tat praṇamāmi sadāśivaliṅgam ||1||

The Linga that is worshipped by Brahma, Vishnu and all the Ishwaras,
the Linga that is praised by pure and holy speeches, the Linga that
destroys the cycle of birth and death, to that Linga (representing)
Sadashiva, my prostrations.

देवमविप्रवरार्त ्
चतवलङ्गम कामदहम ्
करुणाकर वलङ्गम ।्
रावणदिवथ विाशिवलङ्गम तत ् प्रणमावम
् ्
सदावशव वलङ्गम ॥२॥
kāmadaham karuṇākara liṅgam |
rāvaṇadarpavināśanaliṅgam tat
praṇamāmi sadāśiva liṅgam ||2||

The Linga that is worshipped by sages, which destroyed cupid, which is
infinitely compassionate, which subdued the pride of Ravana, to that
Linga (representing) Sadashiva, my prostrations.

सवथसगवन्धस ु वितवलङ्गम ब् वद्धवववधथ
ले ु िकारणवलङ्गम ।्
ु रववन्दतवलङ्गम
वसद्धसरास ु ् प्रणमावम
तत ् ्
सदावशव वलङ्गम ॥३॥
sarvasugandhisulepitaliṅgam buddhivivardhanakāraṇaliṅgam |
tat praṇamāmi sadāśiva liṅgam ||3||

The Linga that is well smeared with all fragrance, that which elevates the
power of thought and enkindles the light of discrimination, the Linga that
is worshipped by the Siddhas, Devas and Asuras, to that Linga
(representing) Sadashiva, my prostrations.

किकमहामवणभूवषतवलङ्गम फवििवतवेवष्टत शोवभत वलङ्गम ।्
् प्रणमावम
ु वविाशि वलङ्गम तत
दिसयज्ञ ् ्
सदावशव वलङ्गम ॥४॥
phanipativeṣṭita śobhita liṅgam |
dakśasuyajña vināśana liṅgam
tat praṇamāmi sadāśiva liṅgam ||4||

The Linga adorned with gold and precious jewels, that is radiant, that has
the king of serpents coiled around it, the Linga that destroyed the Yaaga
conducted by Daksha, to that Linga (representing) Sadashiva, my

कुङ्कुमचन्दिलेवितवलङ्गम िङ्कजहारस ु
शोवभतवलङ्गम ।्
सवञ्चतिािवविाशिवलङ्गम तत् प्रणमावम
् ्
सदावशव वलङ्गम ॥५॥
paṅkajahārasuśobhitaliṅgam |

tat praṇamāmi sadāśiva liṅgam ||5||

The Linga which is smeared with Kumkuma and Sandal paste, that which
appears radiant with a garland of lotuses, the Linga that destroys
accumulated paapas, to that Linga (representing) Sadashiva, my
् भवथ िंवभरेव च वलङ्गम ।्
देवगणार्तचत सेववतवलङ्गम भावै
् प्रणमावम
वदिकरकोवटप्रभाकरवलङ्गम तत ् सदावशव वलङ्गम ॥६॥्
devagaṇārcita sevitaliṅgam bhāvairbhaktibhireva ca liṅgam |
dinakarakoṭiprabhākaraliṅgam tat praṇamāmi sadāśiva liṅgam

The Linga that is worshipped by Devas with genuine thoughts full of faith
and devotion, the Linga that is effulgent like a millions of suns, to that
Linga (representing) Sadashiva, my prostrations.

् समद्भवकारणवलङ्गम
अष्टदलोिवरवेवष्टतवलङ्गम सवथ ु ।्
् प्रणमावम
अष्टदवरद्रवविावशतवलङ्गम तत ् ्
सदावशव वलङ्गम ॥७॥
aṣṭadalopariveṣṭitaliṅgam sarvasamudbhavakāraṇaliṅgam |
aṣṭadaridravināśitaliṅgam tat praṇamāmi sadāśiva liṅgam ||7||

The Linga that is enveloped with eight-fold petals, the Linga that is the
cause of all creations, that which destroys the eight fold poverty, to that
Linga (representing) Sadashiva, my prostrations.

सरग ु रवरिू
ु रुस ु ु
वजत वलङ्गं सरविि ु सदार्तचत वलङ्गम ।्

िरात्परं िरमात्मक वलङ्गं तत्प्रणमावम सदावशव वलङ्गम ॥८॥
suragurusuravarapūjita liṅgaṁ
suravanapuṣpa sadārcita liṅgam |
parātparaṁ paramātmaka liṅgaṁ

tatpraṇamāmi sadāśiva liṅgam ||8||

The Linga who is worshipped by the guru of the Devas and elite of the
devas, the Linga who is worshipped with the divine flowers and
the Linga who is higher than the highest, the supreme Self, to that Linga,
(representing) Sadashiva, my prostrations.

ु यीः िठे वत्शवसवन्नधौ ।

वलङ्गाष्टकवमदं िण्यं
वशवलोकमवाप्नोवत वशवेि सह मोदते ॥
liṅgāṣṭakamidaṁ puṇyaṁ yaḥ paṭhet śivasannidhau |
śivalokamavāpnoti śivena saha modate ||

Whoever chants these sacred verses of Lingaashtakam in the proximity

of Lord Shiva (thinking about the Lord) attains the abode of Lord Shiva
and enjoys there with Him everlasting Ananda.

57. ्
रुद्राष्टकम (rudrāṣṭakam) – by Goswami
िमामरशमरशाि विवाथणरूिं ववभ ं ु व्यािकं ब्रह्मवेदस्वरूिम ।्
थु विर्तवकल्पं विररहं वचदाकाशमाकाशवासं भजेऽहम ्
विजं विगणं
namāmīśamīśāna nirvāṇarūpaṁ
vibhuṁ vyāpakaṁ brahmavedasvarūpam |
nijaṁ nirguṇaṁ nirvikalpaṁ nirīhaṁ
cidākāśamākāśavāsaṁ bhaje'ham ||1||

I prostrate to the ruler of the Universe, whose is ever liberated, the

omnipotent and all-pervading Brahman, manifest as the Vedas. I worship
Shiva, shining in his own glory, without physical qualities,
undifferentiated, desire-less, all-pervading consciousness and wearing
the sky itself as His garment.

ु वगरा ज्ञाि गोतरतमरशं वगररशम ।्
विराकारमोंकारमूलं तररयं

करालं महाकाल कालं कृ िालं गणागार संसारिारं ितोऽहम ्
nirākāramoṁkāramūlaṁ turīyaṁ
girā jñāna gotītamīśaṁ girīśam |
karālaṁ mahākāla kālaṁ kṛpālaṁ
guṇāgāra saṁsārapāraṁ nato'ham ||2||

I prostrate to the supreme Lord who is the formless source of “Om”,

transcending all conditions and states, beyond speech, understanding
and sense perception, the Self of all, the ruler of Kailash, awe-full,
devourer of death, gracious, the immortal abode of all virtues, the one
who is beyond Samsara.

तषारावद्र संकाश गौरं गभररं मिोभूत कोवटप्रभा श्र शरररम ।्
स्फुरिौवल कल्लोवलिर चारु गङ्गा लसद्भालबालेन्दु कण्ठे भजङ्गा

tuṣārādri saṁkāśa gauraṁ gabhīraṁ
manobhūta koṭiprabhā śrī śarīram |
sphuranmauli kallolinī cāru gaṅgā
lasadbhālabālendu kaṇṭhe bhujaṅgā ||3||

I worship Shankara, whose form is white as the Himalyan snow, Radiant

with the beauty of countless Manmatas, whose head sparkles with the
Ganga, who has crescent moon adorning his hair locks and snakes coiling
his neck.

ु त्र ं ववशालं प्रसन्नाििं िरलकण्ठं दयालम ।्

चलत्कुण्डलं भ्रू सिे

मृगाधरशचमाथम्बरं मण्डमालं वप्रयं शंकरं सवथिार्ं भजावम ॥४॥
calatkuṇḍalaṁ bhrū sunetraṁ viśālaṁ
prasannānanaṁ nīlakaṇṭhaṁ dayālam |
mṛgādhīśacarmāmbaraṁ muṇḍamālaṁ
priyaṁ śaṁkaraṁ sarvanāthaṁ bhajāmi ||4||

I worship the beloved Lord of all, with shimmering pendants hanging

from his ears, beautiful eyebrows and large eyes, full of mercy with a
cheerful countenance and a blue speck on his throat.

प्रचण्डं प्रकृ ष्टं प्रगल्भं िरेशं अखण्डं अजं भािकोवटप्रकाशम ।्
थ िं शूलिासण भजेऽहं भवािरिसत भावगम्यम ्
त्रयीः शूल विमूल
pracaṇḍaṁ prakṛṣṭaṁ pragalbhaṁ pareśaṁ
akhaṇḍaṁ ajaṁ bhānukoṭiprakāśam |
trayaḥ śūla nirmūlanaṁ śūlapāṇiṁ
bhaje'haṁ bhavānīpatiṁ bhāvagamyam ||5||

I worship Shankara, Bhavani’s husband, the fierce, exalted, luminous

supreme Lord, indivisible, unborn and radiant with the glory of a million
suns. who, holding a trident, tears out the root of the three-fold suffering,
and who is reached only through Love.

ु ।
कलातरत कल्याण कल्पान्तकारर सदा सज्जिािन्ददाता िरारर
वचदािन्द संदोह मोहािहारर प्रसरद प्रसरद प्रभो मिर्ारर ॥६॥
kalātīta kalyāṇa kalpāntakārī
sadā sajjanānandadātā purārī |
cidānanda saṁdoha mohāpahārī
prasīda prasīda prabho manmathārī ||6||

You who are without parts, ever blessed, the cause of universal
destruction at the end of each round of creation, a source of perpetual
delight to the pure of heart, slayer of the demon Tripura, consciousness

and bliss personified, dispeller of delusion, have mercy on me, O foe of
Manmata (Lust).

ि यावत उमािार् िादारववन्दं भजन्तरह लोके िरे वा िराणाम ।्
ि तावत स ् खं
ु शावन्त सन्ताििाशं प्रसरद प्रभो सवथभतू ावधवासम ्
na yāvat umānātha pādāravindaṁ
bhajantīha loke pare vā narāṇām |
na tāvat sukhaṁ śānti santāpanāśaṁ
prasīda prabho sarvabhūtādhivāsam ||7||

O Lord of Uma, so long as you are not worshipped there is no happiness,

peace or freedom from suffering in this world or the next. You who dwell
in the hearts of all living beings and in whom all beings have their
existence, have mercy on me, O Lord.

ि जािावम योगं जिं ि ैव िूजां ितोऽहं सदा सवथदा शम्भ ु तभ्म

ु ।्
जरा जि दीःखौघ तातप्यमािं प्रभो िावह आिन्नमामरश शम्भो
na jānāmi yogaṁ japaṁ naiva pūjāṁ
nato'haṁ sadā sarvadā śambhu tubhyam |
jarā janma duḥkhaugha tātapyamānaṁ
prabho pāhi āpannamāmīśa śambho ||8||

I don’t know Yoga, prayers or rituals, but everywhere and at every

moment I prostrate to you, O Shambhu! Protect me my Lord, miserable
and afflicted as I am with the sufferings of birth, old-age and death.

रुद्राष्टकवमदं प्रोिंं ववप्रेण हरतोषये ।

ये िठवन्त िरा भक्त्या तेषां शम्भीःु प्रसरदवत ॥
rudrāṣṭakamidaṁ proktaṁ vipreṇa haratoṣaye |
ye paṭhanti narā bhaktyā teṣāṁ śambhuḥ prasīdati ||

This eightfold hymn of praise was sung by a Brahmin (Tulasidas) to

please Shankara. Shambhu will be pleased (with the person) who heart-
fully recites it.

58. वशवस्तोत्रम (śivastotram) – by Sadashiva Brahmendra

आशावशादष्ट वदगन्तराले देशान्तर भ्रान्तमशान्त बवद्धम ।्
आकारमात्रादविरसरंु मां अकृ त्यकृ त्यं वशव िावह शंभो ॥१॥
āśāvaśādaṣṭa digantarāle
deśāntara bhrāntamaśānta buddhim |
akṛtyakṛtyaṁ śiva pāhi śambho ||1||

O Lord Shiva O Shambhu please protect me (though) I am filled with

desires in all the eight directions, I am mad at travelling to many
countries, I am having a mind which does not have peace, my form looks
like a wandering Asura, I am the one who abstains from performing the
prescribed duties.

मांसावस्थ मज्जामल मूत्र िात्र गात्र अवि मिोज्जवित कृ त्यजालम ।्

मद्भाविं मिर् िरवडताङ्गं मायामयं मां वशव िावह शंभो ॥२॥
māṁsāsthi majjāmala mūtra pātra
gātra api manojjanita kṛtyajālam |
madbhāvanaṁ manmatha pīḍitāṅgaṁ
māyāmayaṁ māṁ śiva pāhi śaṁbho ||2||

Even though I am a vessel of flesh, bones, fat, feces and urine, my mind
tricks me to think that I am beautiful. All parts of my body are afflicted
by Deva of love (Manmatha). O Lord Shiva O Shambhu please protect me,
(though I am) completely filled with Maya.


संसारमाया जलवध प्रवाह सम्मग्न उद्भ्रान्तं अशान्त बवद्धम ।्
ु सकामं सदजथ
त्वत्पादसेवववमखं ु ि ं मां वशव िावह शंभो॥३॥
saṁsāramāyā jaladhi pravāha
sammagna udbhrāntam aśānta buddhim |
tvatpādasevavimukhaṁ sakāmaṁ
sudurjanaṁ māṁ śiva pāhi śaṁbho ||3||

My wandering mind is immersed in great floods caused by worldly Maya

and is always restless. Though filled with lot of other desires, I am
undesirous to serve your feet. Though I am the worst among bad people,
O Lord Shiva O Shambhu please protect me.

इष्टािृत ं भ्रष्टमविष्ट धमं िष्टात्मबोधं ियलेशहरिम ।्

क्रोधावरषड्वगथ वििरवडताङ्गं दष्टोत्तमं मां वशव िावह शम्भो॥४॥
iṣṭānṛtaṁ bhraṣṭamaniṣṭa dharmaṁ
naṣṭātmabodhaṁ nayaleśahīnam |
krodhāariṣaḍvarga nipīḍitāṅgaṁ
duṣṭottamaṁ māṁ śiva pāhi śambho ||4||

Troubled by a lot of unwanted desires, I have strayed away from Dharma

and lost my senses without any doubt. My organs are afflicted by the six
passions namely kama (lust), krodha (anger), lobha (greed), moha
(attachment), mada (pride) and matsarya (jealousy). O Lord Shiva O
Shambhu please save this most wretched one.

वेदागमबाह्य सरसािवभज्ञं िादारववन्दं तविाचथयन्तम ।्

वेदोिं कमाथवण ववलोियन्तं वेदाकृ ते मां वशव िावह शम्भो ॥५॥
vedāgamabāhya sarasānabhijñaṁ
pādāravindaṁ tavanārcayantam |
vedokta karmāṇi vilopayantaṁ

vedākṛte māṁ śiva pāhi śambho ||5||

Rather than being adept in Vedas and Agamas, I am an expert in amorous

activities. I do not worship your lotus like feet, nor do I perform any
rituals ordained in theVedas. O Lord Shiva O Shambhu please protect me,
the non-follower of Vedas.

अन्याय ववत्ताजथि सिं वचत्तं अन्यास ु िावरष ु अिरागवन्तम

ु ।्
ु देहं आचर हरिं मां वशव िावह शम्भो ॥६॥
अन्यान्न भोिंारमशद्ध
anyāya vittārjana sakta cittaṁ
anyāsu nāriṣu anurāgavantam |
anyānna bhoktāraṁ aśuddhadeham
ācara hīnaṁ māṁ śiva pāhi śambho ||6||

I am interested in earning money by unfair means, desirous of ladies

belonging to others, eating food cooked by others, having an unclean
body and does not follow any dharmic rules (but even then) O Lord Shiva
O Shambhu please protect me.

ु वर्तजतम ।्
ु ताित्रय तप्तदेहं िराङ्गसत गन्तमु िाय
िरावमाि ैक िरमात्मभावं िराधमं मां वशव िावह शम्भो ॥७॥
purātta tāpatraya taptadehaṁ
parāṅgatiṁ gantumupāya varjitam |
parāvamānaika paramātmabhāvaṁ
narādhamaṁ māṁ śiva pāhi śambho ||7||

My body is subject to three kinds of sufferings (Adhyatmika, Adhi

bhautika, Adi Daivika), I have abandoned the means for seeking Moksha,
I have the feeling of having disrespected everyone else, I am the lowest of
mankind (but even then), O Lord Shiva O Shambhu please protect me.

विता यर्ा रिवत ित्रमरश जगवत्पता त्वं जगत्सहायीः ।

कृ तािराधं तव सवथकाये कृ िाविधे मां वशव िावह शंभो ॥८॥
pitā yathā rakṣati putramīśa
jagatpitā tvaṁ jagatsahāyaḥ |
kṛtāparādhaṁ tava sarvakārye
kṛpānidhe māṁ śiva pāhi śaṁbho ||8||

The father always protects his son, O Ishwara, you are the father and
sustainer of the entire universe. I have committed paapas in all your
works, but you are the treasure house of mercy (hence) O Lord Shiva O
Shambhu please protect me.

59. वशवमािसिूजा (śivamānasapūjā) – by Adi Shankara

आराधयावम मवणसवन्नभममात्मवलङ्गं

मायािररहृदयिङ्कज संविववष्टम ।्
वित्यं समावधकुसमैि
ु थििभथ
ु वाय ॥
- Nirguna Manasa Puja Verse 9

ārādhayāmi maṇisannibhamamātmaliṅgaṁ
māyāpurīhṛdayapaṅkaja saṁniviṣṭam |
nityaṁ samādhikusumairnapunarbhavāya ||

I worship the be-jeweled Linga of the Self (Atmalinga), residing in the

lotus-heart of the illusory body, the city of Maya. For not being born again
(for sake of Moksham), I perform Abhishekam using the clear water of
thought (Chitta) from the river of Shraddha and offer flowers of Samadhi
to the Lingam.


रत्न ैीः कवल्पतमासिं वहमजलैीः स्नािं च वदव्याम्बरं
िािारत्नववभूवषतं मृगमदामोदावङ्कतं चन्दिम।्
ु च धूि ं तर्ा
जातरचम्पकवबल्वित्ररवचतं िष्पं
ु हृत्कवल्पतं गृह्यताम॥् १॥
दरिं देव दयाविधे िशिते
ratnaiḥ kalpitamāsanaṁ himajalaiḥ snānaṁ ca divyāmbaraṁ
nānāratnavibhūṣitaṁ mṛgamadāmodāṅkitaṁ candanam |
jātīcampakabilvapatraracitaṁ puṣpaṁ ca dhūpaṁ tathā
dīpaṁ deva dayānidhe paśupate hṛtkalpitaṁ gṛhyatām || 1||

O ocean of mercy, O master of bound creatures, I have imagined a throne

of precious stones for You, cool water for You to bathe in, divine robes
adorned with many jewels, sandalwood paste mixed with musk to anoint
Your body, jasmine and champaka flowers and bilva leaves, rare incense,
and a shining flame. Accept all these which I have imagined in my heart
for You, O Ishwara.

सौवणे िवरत्नखण्डरवचते िात्रे घृत ं िायसं

भक्ष्यं िञ्चववधं ियोदवधयतंु रम्भाफलं िािकम।्
शाकािामयतंु जलं रुवचकरं किूरथ खण्डोज्ज्लं
ताम्बूलं मिसा मया ववरवचतं भक्त्या प्रभो स्वरकुरु॥
sauvarṇe navaratnakhaṇḍaracite pātre ghṛtaṁ pāyasaṁ
bhakṣyaṁ pañcavidhaṁ payodadhiyutaṁ rambhāphalaṁ
pānakam |
śākānāmayutaṁ jalaṁ rucikaraṁ karpūrakhaṇḍojjvalaṁ
tāmbūlaṁ manasā mayā viracitaṁ bhaktyā prabho svīkuru || 2||

Sweet rice in a golden bowl inlaid with the nine jewels, the five kinds of
food made from milk and curd, bananas, vegetables, sweet water scented
with camphor, and betel leaf- I have prepared all these in my mind with
devotion.O Lord, please accept them.
थु ं व्यजिकञ्च आदशथकं विमथलं
छत्रं चामरयोयग
वरणाभेवरमृदङ्गकाहलकला गरतं च िृत्य ं तर्ा।
ु हुववधा ह्येतत्समस्तं मया
साष्टाङ्गं प्रणवतीः स्तवतबथ
सङ्कल्पेि समर्तितं तव ववभो िूजां गृहाण प्रभो॥
chatraṁ cāmarayoryugaṁ vyajanakanca ādarśakaṁ nirmalam
vīṇābherimṛdaṅgakāhalakalā gītaṁ ca nṛtyaṁ tathā |
sāṣṭāṅgaṁ praṇatiḥ stutirbahuvidhā hyetatsamastaṁ mayā
saṅkalpena samarpitaṁ tava vibho pūjāṁ gṛhāṇa prabho || 3||

An umbrella, two yak-tail whisks, a fan and a spotless mirror, a Veena,

kettledrums, a mridang and a great drum, songs and dances, full
prostrations, and many kinds of hymns--- all this I offer You in my
imagination.O almighty Lord, accept this, my worship of You.

आत्मा त्वं वगवरजा मवतीः सहचराीः प्राणाीः शरररं गृहं

िूजा ते ववषयोिभोगरचिा विद्रा समावधवस्थवतीः।
सञ्चारीः िदयोीः प्रदविणवववधीः स्तोत्रावण सवाथ वगरो
यद्यत्कमथ करोवम तत्तदवखलं शम्भो तवाराधिम॥् ४॥
ātmā tvaṁ girijā matiḥ sahacarāḥ prāṇāḥ śarīraṁ gṛhaṁ
pūjā te viṣayopabhogaracanā nidrā samādhisthitiḥ |
sañcāraḥ padayoḥ pradakṣiṇavidhiḥ stotrāṇi sarvā giro
yadyatkarma karomi tattadakhilaṁ śambho tavārādhanam || 4||

You are my Self; ParvatI is my mind. My five Pranas are Your attendants,
my body is Your house, and all the pleasures of my senses are objects to
use for Your worship. My sleep is Your state of samAdhI. Wherever I walk
I am doing Pradakshinam for you, everything I say is in praise of You,
everything I do is in devotion to You, O benevolent Lord!

करचरण कृ तं वाक्कायजं कमथज ं वा
श्वणियिजं वा मािसं वािराधम।्
वववहतमवववहतं वा सवथमते त्क्षमस्व
जय जय करुणािे श्रमहादेवशम्भो॥ ५॥
karacaraṇa kṛtaṁ vākkāyajaṁ karmajaṁ vā śravaṇanayanajaṁ vā
mānasaṁ vāparādham |
vihitamavihitaṁ vā sarvametatkṣamasva jaya jaya karuṇābdhe
śrīmahādevaśambho || 5||

Whatever paapas I have committed with my hands, feet, voice, body,

actions, ears, eyes, or mind, whether prohibited by the scriptures or not,
please forgive them all. Hail! Hail! O Ocean of compassion! O great
Ishwara! O benevolent Lord.

60. वशविञ्चािरस्तोत्रम (śivapañcākṣarastotra) – by
Adi Shankara
िागेिहाराय वत्रलोचिाय भस्माङ्गरागाय महेश्वराय।
ु ाय वदगम्बराय तस्म ै िकाराय िमीः वशवाय॥ १॥
वित्याय शद्ध
nāgendrahārāya trilocanāya
bhasmāṅgarāgāya maheśvarāya |
nityāya śuddhāya digambarāya
tasmai nakārāya namaḥ śivāya || 1||

Prostrations to Shiva, who wears the King of snakes as a garland, the

Three-eyed Mahadeva, whose body is smeared with ashes, the great Lord,
the eternal and pure One, who wears the directions as His garment, and
who is represented by the syllable “na”.

मन्दावकवि-सवललचन्दि-चर्तचताय िन्दरश्वर-प्रमर्िार्महेश्वराय।
ु -बहुिष्प
मन्दारिष्प ु -सिूु वजताय तस्म ै मकाराय िमीः वशवाय॥२॥
nandīśvara-pramathanātha- maheśvarāya |
tasmai makārāya namaḥ śivāya || 2||

I prostrate to Shiva, who has been worshipped with water from the Ganga
(mandAkini) and annointed with sandalwood paste, the Lord of nandI,
the Lord of the host of goblins and ghosts, the great Lord, who is
worshiped with mandAra and many other kinds of flowers, and who is
represented by the syllable “ma”.

वशवाय गौररवदिाब्ज-वृन्द- सूयाथय दिाध्वरिाशकाय।

श्रिरलकण्ठाय वृषध्वजाय तस्म ै वशकाराय िमीः वशवाय॥ ३॥
śivāya gaurīvadanābja-vṛnda-
sūryāya dakṣādhvaranāśakāya |
śrīnīlakaṇṭhāya vṛṣadhvajāya
tasmai śikārāya namaḥ śivāya || 3||

Prostrations to Shiva, who is all-auspiciousness, who is the sun that

causes the lotus face of GaurI (ParvatI) to blossom, who is the destroyer
of the Yajna of Daksha, whose throat is blue (nIlakaNTha), whose flag
bears the emblem of the bull, and who is represented by the syllable “shi”.

ु -देवार्तचतशेखराय।

चिाकथ -वैश्वािरलोचिाय तस्म ै वकाराय िमीः वशवाय॥ ४॥

munīndra-devārcitaśekharāya |
tasmai vakārāya namaḥ śivāya || 4||

Vasishtha, Agastya, Gautama, and other venerable sages, Indra and
other Devas have worshipped the head of (Shiva's linga). I prostrate to
that Shiva whose three eyes are the moon, Sun and fire, and who is
represented by the syllable “va”.

यिस्वरूिाय जटाधराय वििाकहस्ताय सिातिाय।

वदव्याय देवाय वदगम्बराय तस्म ै यकाराय िमीः वशवाय॥ ५॥
yakṣasvarūpāya jaṭādharāya
pinākahastāya sanātanāya |
divyāya devāya digambarāya
tasmai yakārāya namaḥ śivāya || 5||

Prostrations to Shiva, who bears the form of a YakSha, who has matted
hair on His head, who bears the pinAka prostrate in His hand, the
Primeval Lord, the brilliant Deva, who is digambara (naked), and who is
represented by the syllable “ya”.

ु यीः िठे वच्छवसवन्नधौ।

िञ्चािरवमदं िण्यं
वशवलोकमवाप्नोवत वशवेि सह मोदते॥
paṁcākṣaramidaṁ puṇyaṁ yaḥ paṭhecchivasannidhau |
śivalokamavāpnoti śivena saha modate ||

Anyone who recites this sacred five-syllabled mantra, (namah shivaya)

near the Shiva (linga), attains the abode of Shiva and rejoices there with

61. द्वादशज्योवतर्तलङ्गस्मरणम ्
(dvādaśajyotirliṅgasmaraṇaṁ) – by Adi Shankara
सौराष्ट्रे सोमिार्ं च श्रशैले मवल्लकाजिथु म।्
उज्जवयन्यां महाकालमोङ्कारममलेश्वरम॥्
saurāṣṭre somanāthaṁ ca śrīśaile mallikārjunam|
ujjayinyāṁ mahākālamoṅkāramamaleśvaram ||

Somanath in Saurashtra (Gujarat), Mallikarjunam in Shri-Shailam

(Andhra Pradesh), Mahakaal in Ujjain (Madhya Pradesh), Omkareshwar
in Amleshwar (Shivpuri – Madhya Pradesh)

िरल्यां वैद्यिार्ं च डावकन्यां भरमशङ्करम।्

सेतबन्धे त ु रामेशं िागेशं दारुकाविे॥
paralyāṁ vaidyanāthaṁ ca ḍākinyāṁ bhīmaśaṅkaram |
setubandhe tu rāmeśaṁ nāgeśaṁ dārukāvane ||

Vaidyanath in Parali (Deoghar in Jharkhand or Maharashtra – there is a

confusion over this), Bhimashankaram in Dakini (Maharashtra),
Ramesham in Rameshwaram (Tamilnadu), Nageshwar in Daruka-Vana

वाराणस्यां त ु ववश्वेशं त्र्यम्बकं गौतमरतटे ।

वहमालये त ु के दारं घृश्नश
े ं च वशवालये॥
vārāṇasyāṁ tu viśveśaṁ tryambakaṁ gautamītaṭe |
himālaye tu kedāraṁ ghṛśneśaṁ ca śivālaye ||

Vishvanath in Vanarasi (UP), Triambakam at bank of the river Gautami

(Nasik, Maharashtra); Kedarnath in Himalayas (Uttranchal) and
Ghrushneshwar in Shivalaya (Maharashtra).

एतावि ज्योवतर्तलङ्गावि सायं प्रातीः िठे न्नरीः ।

सप्तजिकृ तं िािं स्मरणेि वविश्यवत ॥
etāni jyotirliṅgāni sāyaṁ prātaḥ paṭhennaraḥ |
saptajanmakṛtaṁ pāpaṁ smaraṇena vinaśyati ||

One who recites the names of these Jyotirlingas every day in the evening
and morning, gets relieved of all paapas committed in past seven lives.

62. वेदसारवशवस्तोत्रम (vedasāraśivastotram) – by Adi
िशूिां िसत िाििाशं िरेशं गजेिस्य कृ सत्त वसािं वरेण्यम।्
जटाजूटमध्ये स्फुरद्गाङ्गवासर महादेवमेकं स्मरावम स्मरावरम॥् १॥
paśūnāṁ patiṁ pāpanāśaṁ pareśaṁ
gajendrasya kṛttiṁ vasānaṁ vareṇyam |
jaṭājūṭamadhye sphuradgāṅgavāriṁ
mahādevamekaṁ smarāmi smarārim || 1||

I dwell in my mind on the Lord of Devas, the Lord of all Jivas, the destroyer
of paapas, the supreme Lord, the wearer of elephant’s hide, one who is
sought after, one in whose thicket of matted hair the stream of Ganges
shines and one who is the enemy of Manmatha.

महेशं सरेु शं सरारावतिाशं

ु ववभ ं ु ववश्विार्ं ववभूत्यङ्गभूषम।्
ववरूिािवमन्द्वकथ ववह्नवत्रिेत्र ं सदािन्दमरडे प्रभ ं ु िञ्चवक्त्रम॥् २॥
maheśaṁ sureśaṁ surārātināśaṁ
vibhuṁ viśvanāthaṁ vibhūtyaṅgabhūṣam|
sadānandamīḍe prabhuṁ pañcavaktram|| 2||

I adore the great Lord, the Lord of Devas, the destroyer of the foes of the
Devas, the all pervasive Lord of the Universe whose body is adorned with
sacred ash and who has an odd number of eyes (the three eyes
represented by moon, sun and fire). I adore the Lord of five faces who is
ever in Ananda.

वगररशं गणेशं गले िरलवणं गवेिावधरूढं गणातरतरूिम।्
भवं भास्वरं भस्मिा भूवषताङ्गं भवािरकलत्रं भजे िञ्चवक्त्रम॥् ३॥
girīśaṁ gaṇeśaṁ gale nīlavarṇaṁ
gavendrādhirūḍhaṁ guṇātītarūpam|
bhavaṁ bhāsvaraṁ bhasmanā bhūṣitāṅgaṁ
bhavānīkalatraṁ bhaje pañcavaktram|| 3||

I worship the Lord of mountains, the leader of the pramathaganas in

Kailasa, whose neck is dark in color. He is mounted on a Lordly bull and
his form is beyond the pale of the three gunas (sattva, rajas and tamas).
I worship the source of all, the lustrous one whose limbs are decked with
sacred ash and who has Bhavani as his consort and is possessed of five

वशवाकान्त शंभो शशाङ्काधथमौले महेशाि शूवलञ्जटाजूटधावरि।्

थ ि॥ ४॥
त्वमेको जगद्व्यािको ववश्वरूिीः प्रसरद प्रसरद प्रभो िूणरू
śivākānta śaṁbho śaśāṅkārdhamaule
maheśāna śūliñjaṭājūṭadhārin|
tvameko jagadvyāpako viśvarūpaḥ
prasīda prasīda prabho pūrṇarūpa|| 4||

Be pleased O Lord of Parvati, O Shambhu, with the crescent moon on your

head, O the great Isana, the trident bearer with matted hair, Thou alone
are omnipresent and Thou art seen in manifold forms in all plentitude.

िरात्मािमेकं जगद्बरजमाद्यं विररहं विराकारमोंकारवेद्यम।्

यतो जायते िाल्यते येि ववश्वं तमरशं भजे लरयते यत्र ववश्वम॥५
parātmānamekaṁ jagadbījamādyaṁ
nirīhaṁ nirākāramoṁkāravedyam|
yato jāyate pālyate yena viśvaṁ
tamīśaṁ bhaje līyate yatra viśvam ||5||

I worship that One Supreme Atman, the Isa the first source of the Universe
who is free from desire, void of form and is knowable by meditating on
Omkara (Pranava). He is the one from whom the Universe comes into
being, by whom it is protecte and in whom it gets back.

ि भूवमिं चािो ि ववह्नि थ वाय-ु

ि थ चाकाशमास्ते ि तिा ि विद्रा।
ि चोष्णं ि शरतं ि देशो ि वेषो
ि यस्यावस्त मूर्ततवस्त्रमूर्तत तमरडे॥६॥
na bhūmirnaṁ cāpo na vahnirna vāyur-
na cākāśamāste na tandrā na nidrā|
na coṣṇaṁ na śītaṁ na deśo na veṣo
na yasyāsti mūrtistrimūrtiṁ tamīḍe||6||

I adore that Triad (in the form of Brahma, Vishnu and Rudra) but who
infact has no form, who is not ther earth or water or fire or wind or space,
who is neither indolence nor sleep, neither heat nor cold nor any place or
any appearance.

अजं शाश्वतं कारणं कारणािां वशवं के वलं भासकं भासकािाम।्

ु तमीःिारमाद्यन्तहरिं प्रिद्ये िरं िाविं द्वैतहरिम॥् ७॥
ajaṁ śāśvataṁ kāraṇaṁ kāraṇānāṁ
śivaṁ kevalaṁ bhāsakaṁ bhāsakānām|
turīyaṁ tamaḥpāramādyantahīnaṁ
prapadye paraṁ pāvanaṁ dvaitahīnam|| 7||

I seek refuge under the Supreme Shiva, who is not caused by anything
else, eternal, the primal cause of all causes, the matchless, illuminator of
all luminaries, one who is beyond the three stages of existence, who is
beyond the pale of ignorance, who has no beginning or end and who is
the pure one without a second.

िमस्ते िमस्ते ववभो ववश्वमूत े िमस्ते िमस्ते वचदािन्दमूत।े
िमस्ते िमस्ते तिोयोगगम्य िमस्ते िमस्ते श्वु तज्ञािगम्य॥ ८॥
namaste namaste vibho viśvamūrte
namaste namaste cidānandamūrte|
namaste namaste tapoyogagamya
namaste namaste śrutijñānagamya|| 8||

Prostrations to Thee, prostrations to Thee, O Lord whose form is the

whole universe, repeated prostrations to Thee, the very embodiment of
Consciousness-Ananda; prostrations to Thee, prostrations to Thee, who is
knowable by the path of knowledge outlined in the Vedic scripture.

प्रभो शूलिाणे ववभो ववश्विार्

महादेव शंभो महेश वत्रिेत्र।

वशवाकान्त शान्त स्मरारे िरारे
त्वदन्यो वरेण्यो ि मान्यो ि गण्यीः॥९॥
prabho śūlapāṇe vibho viśvanātha
mahādeva śaṁbho maheśa trinetra|
śivākānta śānta smarāre purāre
tvadanyo vareṇyo na mānyo na gaṇyaḥ||9||

O Lord, The Trident bearers, Lord of the Universe, Lord of all Devas,
source of auspiciousness, supreme Lord with three eyes, Consort of Devi
Parvati, One who is tranquil, enemy of Manmatha and of the
Tripurasuras, there is none equal to Three to be sought, to be honoured
or to be counted as support.

शंभो महेश करुणामय शूलिाणे

ु िशिाशिावशि
गौररिते िशिते ु ।्

काशरिते करुणया जगदेतदेकीः
त्वंहंवस िावस ववदधावस महेश्वरोऽवस॥ १०॥
śaṁbho maheśa karuṇāmaya śūlapāṇe
gaurīpate paśupate paśupāśanāśin|
kāśīpate karuṇayā jagadetadekaḥ
tvaṁhaṁsi pāsi vidadhāsi maheśvaro'si|| 10||

O Ishwara of auspciousness, great Lord, compassionate though wielder

of Trident, Lord of Gauri, Lord of all Jivas, destroyer of the bonds of Jivas,
Lord of Benares, Thou art the one Maheshvara, the supreme Lord who
out of abundant grace destroys, protecs and creates this entire universe.

त्वत्तो जगद्भववत देव भव स्मरारे

त्वय्येव वतष्ठवत जगिृड ववश्विार्।
त्वय्येव गच्छवत लयं जगदेतदरश
वलङ्गात्मके हर चराचरववश्वरूविि॥् ११॥
tvatto jagadbhavati deva bhava smarāre
tvayyeva tiṣṭhati jaganmṛḍa viśvanātha|
tvayyeva gacchati layaṁ jagadetadīśa
liṅgātmake hara carācaraviśvarūpin|| 11||

O Lord, source of all, enemy of Manmatha, Lord of Universe, O

Compassionate one, O destroyer of paapas, O Lord in the form of Linga,
this world springs from Thee, gets its sustenance from Thee and gets back
to Thee, Thou art in the form of this universe of movables and

63. कै लासिवत प्रार् थिा (kailāsapatiprārthanā) - by Adi
कै लासे कमिरय रत्न खवचते कल्पद्रुमल ू े वस्थतम।्

किूरथ स्फवटके न्दु सन्दरति ं ु कात्यायिर सेववतम ॥ ्
गङ्गातङ्गु तरङ्ग रवञ्जत जटाभारं कृ िासागरम ।्

कण्ठालङ्कृत शेषभूषणं अजं मृत्यन्जयं भावये ॥
kailāse kamanīya ratna khacite kalpadrumūle sthitam|
karpūra sphaṭikendu sundaratanuṁ kātyāyanī sevitam ||
gaṅgātuṅga taraṅga rañjita jaṭābhāraṁ kṛpāsāgaram |
kaṇṭhālaṅkṛta śeṣabhūṣaṇaṁ ajaṁ mṛtyunjayaṁ bhāvaye ||

In the mountains of Kailasa, under the Kalpavruksha sits the Lord on a

throne decked with jewels. The Lord is served by Katyayani who has a
beautiful body from which camphor, crystal and Moon have derived their
color. River Ganga and Tunga take their delight (by being present) in the
matted hair of the compassionate Lord. The unborn Lord’s neck is
adorned with serpents. I meditate on such a Mrityunjaya.

64. अध थिाररश्वरस्तोत्रम (ardhanārīśvarastotram) - by
Adi Shankara
चाम्पेयगौराधथशरररकायै किूरथ गौराधथशरररकाय।
धवम्मल्लकायै च जटाधराय िमीः वशवायै च िमीः वशवाय॥ १॥
cāmpeyagaurārdhaśarīrakāyai karpūragaurārdhaśarīrakāya|
dhammillakāyai ca jaṭādharāya namaḥ śivāyai ca namaḥ śivāya||

To Her whose body shines as brigth as polished gold, to Him whose body
shines as brilliant as white camphor, to Her with a fitting head-dress and
to Him with matted locks, that is, to Kamakshi and Ekambareshwara may
our prostrations be.
कस्तूवरकाकुङ्कुमचर्तचतायै वचतारजीःिञ्जववचर्त
ु चताय।
कृ तस्मरायै ववकृ तस्मराय िमीः वशवायै च िमीः वशवाय॥ २॥
kastūrikākuṅkumacarcitāyai citārajaḥpuñjavicarcitāya|
kṛtasmarāyai vikṛtasmarāya namaḥ śivāyai ca namaḥ śivāya|| 2||

To Her of body smeared with musk and saffron, to Him of body smeared
with ashes of the crematorium, to Her who radiates love through Her
beauty, to Him who destroyed Manmata, that is, to Vishalakshi and Lord
Vishwanatha may our prostrations be.

ु िादाब्जराजत्फवणिूिराय।
झणत्क्वणत्कङ्कणिूिरायै ु

हेमाङ्गदायै भजगाङ्गदाय िमीः वशवायै च िमीः वशवाय॥ ३॥
jhaṇatkvaṇatkaṅkaṇanūpurāyai pādābjarājatphaṇinūpurāya|
hemāṅgadāyai bhujagāṅgadāya namaḥ śivāyai ca namaḥ śivāya||

To Her adorned with tinkling beautiful anklets, to Him adorned with

snake-anklets circled round His lotus feet, to Her shining with golden
bracelets and to Him with snake-bracelets, that is, to Bramarambika and
to Lord Mallikarjuna may our prostrations be.

ववशालिरलोत्पललोचिायै ववकावसिङ्के रुहलोचिाय।

समेिणायै ववषमेिणाय िमीः वशवायै च िमीः वशवाय॥ ४॥
viśālanīlotpalalocanāyai vikāsipaṅkeruhalocanāya|
samekṣaṇāyai viṣamekṣaṇāya namaḥ śivāyai ca namaḥ śivāya||

To Her with eyes as broad as the petals of the blue lotus, to Him with eyes
as broad as the petals of the fully-blossomed lotus, to Her with an even
number of eyes, to Him with an odd number of eyes (three), that is, to
Arunachala and Apeeta Kuchambal, may our prostrations be.

मन्दारमालाकवलतालकायै किालमालावङ्कतकन्धराय।
वदव्याम्बरायै च वदगम्बराय िमीः वशवायै च िमीः वशवाय॥ ५॥
mandāramālākalitālakāyai kapālamālāṅkitakandharāya|
divyāmbarāyai ca digambarāya namaḥ śivāyai ca namaḥ śivāya||

To Her whose hair is decorated with garlands of sweet-smelling divine

flowers, to Him whose neck is adorned with garland of skulls, to Her
decored with excellent divine garments, to Him clad in nothing, that is, to
Nataraja and Sivakamasundari may our prostrations be.

अम्भोधरश्यामलकुन्तलायै तवडत्प्रभाताम्रजटाधराय।
विररश्वरायै विवखलेश्वराय िमीः वशवायै च िमीः वशवाय॥ ६॥
ambhodharaśyāmalakuntalāyai taḍitprabhātāmrajaṭādharāya|
nirīśvarāyai nikhileśvarāya namaḥ śivāyai ca namaḥ śivāya|| 6||

To Her with hiar as dark as the fresh rain clouds, to Him with matted hair
radiant like the golden hue of a ripe mango fruit. She has none superior
to her and He is the Lord of entire universe, that is, to Akilandeshwari and
Jambukeshwara may our prostrations be.

ु ख
प्रिञ्चसृष्ट्यि ु लास्यकायै समस्तसंहारकताण्डवाय।
जगज्जिन्य ै जगदेकवित्रे िमीः वशवायै च िमीः वशवाय॥ ७॥
prapañcasṛṣṭyunmukhalāsyakāyai samastasaṁhārakatāṇḍavāya|
jagajjananyai jagadekapitre namaḥ śivāyai ca namaḥ śivāya|| 7||

To Her whose dance marks the creation of the world, to Him whose dance
indicates the total destruction of everything in this world, to Her who is
the Mother of the Universe and to Him who is the father of the Universe,
that is, to Meenakshi and Lord Sundareshwarar may our prostrations be.

प्रदरप्तरत्नोज्ज्लकुण्डलायै स्फुरिहािन्नगभूषणाय।
वशवावन्वतायै च वशवावन्वताय िमीः वशवायै च िमीः वशवाय॥८॥
pradīptaratnojjvalakuṇḍalāyai sphuranmahāpannagabhūṣaṇāya|
śivānvitāyai ca śivānvitāya namaḥ śivāyai ca namaḥ śivāya||8||

To Her with bright shining ear-rings of gems, to Him who wears the great
serpent as ornament, to Her who is ever united with Lord Shiva, to Him
who is ever in union with Parvati, that is, to Parvati and Lord Shiva may
our prostrations be.

65. कालभ ैरवाष्टकम (kālabhairavāṣṭakam) – by Adi
बवहीः कालरूिेण अन्तश्च ैतन्यरूिेण
ु त ं च ववदधावत भगवाि।्
लोकािां मृत्यममृ
bahiḥ kālarūpeṇa antaścaitanyarūpeṇa
lokānāṁ mṛtyumamṛtaṁ ca vidadhāti bhagavān|

As the terrible all devouring time outside, and as pure, ever auspicious
Awareness inside, the Lord confers death and immortality on the
ignorant and the wise respectively.

व्यालयज्ञसूत्रवमन्दुशेखरं कृ िाकरम।्
िारदावदयोवगवृन्दववन्दतं वदगंबरं

कावशकािरावधिार्कालभ ैरवं भजे॥ १॥
vyālayajñasūtraminduśekharaṁ kṛpākaram|
nāradādiyogivṛndavanditaṁ digaṁbaraṁ
kāśikāpurādhināthakālabhairavaṁ bhaje|| 1||

To the One whose lotus feet are served king of the Devas, who wears a
serpent as His sacred thread, That merciful One who bears the moon on
His forehead, who is worshipped by Narada and other yogis; and is clad
in the directions, Prostrations to that Kalabhairava, the Lord of city of

भािकोवटभास्वरं भवावितारकं िरं
िरलकण्ठमरवप्सतार्थदायकं वत्रलोचिम ।्


कावशकािरावधिार्कालभ ैरवं भजे॥ २॥
bhānukoṭibhāsvaraṁ bhavābdhitārakaṁ paraṁ
nīlakaṇṭhamīpsitārthadāyakaṁ trilocanam |
kāśikāpurādhināthakālabhairavaṁ bhaje|| 2||

To the One whose lustre is like a million suns, That supreme Being who
delivers us across the ocean of existence, the blue-throated, three-eyed
One who grants all wishes, He of lotus-eyes and weilding a trident, who
the Lord of Time ; Prostrations to that Kalabhairava, the Lord of city of
शूलटं किाशदण्डिावणमावदकारणं
श्यामकायमावददेवमिरं विरामयम ।्
भरमववक्रमं प्रभ ं ु वववचत्रताण्डववप्रयं

कावशकािरावधिार्कालभ ैरवं भजे॥ ३॥
śyāmakāyamādidevamakṣaraṁ nirāmayam |
bhīmavikramaṁ prabhuṁ vicitratāṇḍavapriyaṁ
kāśikāpurādhināthakālabhairavaṁ bhaje|| 3||

To the bearer of the spear, sword, noose and club, That primeval Cause,
the black-bodied, imperishable prime Lord, The One free from all
afflictions, the formidable Hero, To the Lord who loves the wonderful
Tandava dance; Prostrations to that Kaalabhairava, the Lord of city of

ु विंदायकं
भविंम ु प्रशस्तचारुववग्रहं
भिंवत्सलं वस्थतं समस्तलोकववग्रहम।्

कावशकािरावधिार्कालभ ैरवं भजे॥ ४॥
bhuktimuktidāyakaṁ praśastacāruvigrahaṁ
bhaktavatsalaṁ sthitaṁ samastalokavigraham|
kāśikāpurādhināthakālabhairavaṁ bhaje|| 4||

To the bestower of enjoyment and liberation, He who is praised for His

pleasant form and loves His devotees, That Lord of the entire world, who
assumes myriad forms, and wears a waist band attached with golden
bells; Prostrations to that Kalabhairava, the Lord of city of Kashi.

धमथसते िालकं त्वधमथमागथिाशकं

कमथिाशमोचकं सशमथधायकं ववभमु ।्
स्वणथवणथशषे िाशशोवभतांगमण्डलं

कावशकािरावधिार्कालभ ैरवं भजे॥ ५॥
dharmasetupālakaṁ tvadharmamārganāśakaṁ
karmapāśamocakaṁ suśarmadhāyakaṁ vibhum|
kāśikāpurādhināthakālabhairavaṁ bhaje|| 5||

To the maintainer of Dharma and the destroyer of Adharmic paths, That
Lord who saves us from the binds of Karma and brings shame of misdeeds,
He whose body appears adorned because of the golden nooses He carries,
Prostrations to that Kalabhairava, the Lord of city of Kashi.

रत्निादकाप्रभावभरामिादयग्ब्ु मकं
वित्यमवद्वतरयवमष्टदैवतं विरंजिम।्
ु िथ ाशिं करालदंष्ट्रमोिणं

कावशकािरावधिार्कालभ ैरवं भजे॥ ६॥
nityamadvitīyamiṣṭadaivataṁ niraṁjanam|
mṛtyudarpanāśanaṁ karāladaṁṣṭramokṣaṇaṁ
kāśikāpurādhināthakālabhairavaṁ bhaje|| 6||

To Him who wears sandals studded with gems, That eternal One without
a second, the Lord of our hearts, The stainless One, who destroys the fear
of death, He of large teeth and fearful form, the Granter of liberation;
Prostrations to that Kalabhairava, the Lord of city of Kashi.


अष्टवसवद्धदायकं किालमावलकन्धरं

कावशकािरावधिार्कालभ ैरवं भजे॥ ७॥
aṣṭasiddhidāyakaṁ kapālamālikandharaṁ
kāśikāpurādhināthakālabhairavaṁ bhaje|| 7||

To Him whose loud laughter can tear asunder all born of the egg of
Brahma, That fierce Ruler whose very sight is enough to destroy the web
of paapas, To the Granter of the eight siddhis, the One who wears a
garland of skulls; Prostrations to that Kalabhairava, the Lord of city of

भूतसङ्घिायकं ववशालकरर्ततदायकं

कावशवासलोकिण्यिािशोधकं ववभमु ।्

िरवतमागथकोववदं िरातिं जगत्पसत

कावशकािरावधिार्कालभ ैरवं भजे॥ ८॥
bhūtasaṅghanāyakaṁ viśālakīrtidāyakaṁ
kāśivāsalokapuṇyapāpaśodhakaṁ vibhum|
nītimārgakovidaṁ purātanaṁ jagatpatiṁ
kāśikāpurādhināthakālabhairavaṁ bhaje|| 8||

To the Commander of the hosts of Bhootas and the bestower of great

glory, That Lord, the Resident of Kashi, the purifier of the world’s goods
and evils, He who intimately knows the path of righteousness, the most
ancient One, the Lord of the universe; Prostrations to that Kalabhairava,
the Lord of city of Kashi.

कालभ ैरवाष्टकं िठं वत ये मिोहरं

ज्ञािमविंसाधिं ु िम।्
ते प्रयावन्त कालभ ैरवांविसवन्नसध ध्रवु म॥्
kālabhairavāṣṭakaṁ paṭhaṁti ye manoharaṁ
jñānamuktisādhanaṁ vicitrapuṇyavardhanam|
te prayānti kālabhairavāṁghrisannidhiṁ dhruvam||

Those who read these eight beautiful verses on Sri Kalabhairava with
Devotion will be lead straight to the Goal of Knowledge and Liberated. It

will greatly improve various auspicious qualities in the person. It will
destroy sorrows & delusions, , wretchedness & greed, anger and distress,
and the devotee will surely attain the feet of Sri Kalabhairava.

66. वैद्यिार्ाष्टकम (vaidyanāthāṣṭakam)
श्ररामसौवमवत्रजटायवेु द षडाििावदत्य कुजार्तचताय।
श्रिरलकण्ठाय दयामयाय श्रवैद्यिार्ाय िमीःवशवाय॥ १॥
śrīrāmasaumitrijaṭāyuveda ṣaḍānanāditya kujārcitāya|
śrīnīlakaṇṭhāya dayāmayāya śrīvaidyanāthāya namaḥśivāya|| 1||

I worship that Lord Shiva, who is the king among physicians,who is

worshipped by Rama and Lakshmana, who is woshipped by Jatayu, who
is worshipped by the Vedas, who is worshipped by Lord
Subrahmanya, who is worshipped by Surya Deva, who is worshipped by
Kuja, who is having a blue neck and who is the personification of mercy.

गङ्गाप्रवाहेन्दु जटाधराय वत्रलोचिाय स्मर कालहन्त्रे।

समस्त देवरै वभिूवजताय श्रवैद्यिार्ाय िमीः वशवाय॥ २॥
gaṅgāpravāhendu jaṭādharāya trilocanāya smara kālahantre|
samasta devairabhipūjitāya śrīvaidyanāthāya namaḥ śivāya|| 2||

I worship that Lord Shiva, who is the king among physicians, who wears
the flow of Ganges and the moon on his head, who has three eyes, who
had killed the Deva of love and death, and who is worshipped by all devas.

भिंीःवप्रयाय वत्रिरान्तकाय वििावकिे दष्टहराय वित्यम।्

प्रत्यिलरलाय मिष्यलोके श्रवैद्यिार्ाय िमीः वशवाय॥ ३॥
bhaktaḥpriyāya tripurāntakāya pinākine duṣṭaharāya nityam|

pratyakṣalīlāya manuṣyaloke śrīvaidyanāthāya namaḥ śivāya||

I worship that Lord Shiva, who is the king among physicians, who is the
lover of his devotees, who has destroyed the three cities, who holds the
prostrate called Pinaka, who destroys bad people daily, and who plays in
the world of humans.

प्रभूतवातावद समस्तरोग प्रिाशकत्रे मविववन्दताय।
प्रभाकरेन्द्ववग्न ववलोचिाय श्रवैद्यिार्ाय िमीः वशवाय॥ ४॥
prabhūtavātādi samastaroga pranāśakartre munivanditāya|
prabhākarendvagni vilocanāya śrīvaidyanāthāya namaḥ śivāya||

I worship that Lord Shiva, who is the king among physicians, who cures
all great diseases like rheumatism and arthritis, who is worshipped by
great sages,and to whom, Surya Deva, Chandra Deva and Agni Deva are

वाक ् श्ोत्र िेत्रावि ववहरिजन्तोीः वाकश्ोत्रिे

् ु
कुष्ठावदसवोन्नतरोगहन्त्रे श्रवैद्यिार्ाय िमीः वशवाय॥ ५॥
vāk śrotra netrāṅghri vihīnajantoḥ
kuṣṭhādisarvonnatarogahantre śrīvaidyanāthāya namaḥ śivāya||

I worship that Lord Shiva, who is the king among physicians, who blesses
those beings who have lost their speech, hearing, sight and ability to
walk, With these abilities and who provides cure for devastating diseases
like leprosy.

वेदान्तवेद्याय जगियाय योगरश्वरद्येय िदाम्बजाय।
वत्रमूर्ततरूिाय सहस्रिाम्े श्रवैद्यिार्ाय िमीः वशवाय॥ ६॥
vedāntavedyāya jaganmayāya yogīśvaradyeya padāmbujāya|
trimūrtirūpāya sahasranāmne śrīvaidyanāthāya namaḥ śivāya||

I worship that Lord Shiva, who is the king among physicians, who can be
known through Vedanta, who is spread throughout the universe, who has
a lotus feet that is meditated upon by great sages, who is of the form of
the holy trinity and who has thousand names.

ृ स्मभृताङ्गभाजां विशाचदीःखार्ततभयािहाय।
आत्मस्वरूिाय शरररभाजां श्रवैद्यिार्ाय िमीः वशवाय॥ ७॥
ātmasvarūpāya śarīrabhājāṁ śrīvaidyanāthāya namaḥ śivāya||

I worship that Lord Shiva, who is the king among physicians , who
removes all sufferings caused by pishachas, sorrows and fears by dip in
his holy tank, by the holy ash in the temple, and by the mud below the
neem tree of the temple, and who is the Atma Svarupam occupying the
human body.

श्रिरलकण्ठाय वृषध्वजाय स्रक्गन्ध भस्माद्यवभशोवभताय।

सिु त्रदारावद
ु ु यदाय श्रवैद्यिार्ाय िमीः वशवाय॥ ८॥
śrīnīlakaṇṭhāya vṛṣadhvajāya srakgandha
suputradārādi subhāgyadāya śrīvaidyanāthāya namaḥ śivāya||

I worship that Lord Shiva, who is the king among physicians, who has a
blue neck, who has the the bull on his flag, who shines by flowers, sacred
ash and sandal, who grants good children and good wife and who blesses
us with all good luck.

वालावम्बके श वैद्यश े भवरोगहरेवत च।
जिेन्नामत्रयं वित्यं महारोगविवारणम॥् ९॥
vālāmbikeśa vaidyeśa bhavarogahareti ca|
japennāmatrayaṁ nityaṁ mahāroganivāraṇam|| 9||

Those who recite this prayer thrice a day with devotion and pray the Lord
Vaidyanatha, who is with his consort Balambika, and who removes the
fear of birth and death would get cured of all great diseases.

67. माग थबन्धस्तोत्रम ्
(mārgabandhustotram) - by
Appayya Dikshitar
शंभो- महादेव- देव, वशव- शंभो- महादेव-
े - शंभो, शंभो- महादेव- देव ।
śaṁbho-mahādeva-deva śiva-śaṁbho-mahādeva-deveśa-śaṁbho
śaṁbho-mahādeva-deva |

Prostrations to Him who blesses us with prosperity, Prostrations to the

greatest Deva, Prostrations to the abode of peace, Prostrations to Him,
who blesses us with riches, Prostrations to Him who is the Lord of Devas.
(This Shloka has to be recited after every verse below).

फालाविम्रवत्कररटं फालिेत्रार्तचषा दग्ब्धिञ्चेषकरटम ।्

ु मधेन्दुचूडं भजे मागथबन्धमु ॥१॥
शूलाहतारावतकू टं शद्ध
phālāvanamratkirīṭaṁ phālanetrārciṣā dagdhapañceṣukīṭam |
śūlāhatārātikūṭaṁ śuddha mardhenducūḍaṁ bhaje
mārgabandhum ||1||

I worship Lord Margabandu who wears a crown, who destroyed the

insect like Deva of love with the fire from His eye in His forehead, who

destroyed the enemies (of Devas) with His Trident, who is pure(i.e.)
beyond maya and ignorance and who wears the moon on His head as an

अङ्गे ववराजद्भजु ङ्गं अभ्रगङ्गातरङ्गावभरामोत्तमाङ्गं ।

ओङ्कारवाटरकुरङ्गं वसद्द-संसवे वतासि भजे मागथबन्धमु ॥२॥ ्
aṅge virājadbhujaṅgaṁ abhra gaṅgātaraṅgābhirāmottamāṅgaṁ |
oṅkāravāṭīkuraṅgaṁ sidda-saṁsevitāṅghriṁ bhaje
mārgabandhum ||2||

I worship Lord Margabandhu whose limbs are adorned by snakes, who is

like a deer in the garden of Omkara, whose feet is worshipped by great
sages and who looks charming with his head adorned by the celestial
river Ganga.

वित्यं वचदािन्दरूिं विह्नुताशेष-लोके श-वैवरप्रतािम ।्

कातथस्वरागेिचािं कृ वत्तवासं भजे वदव्यसिागथबन्धमु ॥३॥
nityaṁ cidānandarūpaṁ nihnutāśeṣa-lokeśa-vairipratāpam |
kārtasvarāgendracāpaṁ kṛttivāsaṁ bhaje

I worship Lord Margabandhu who is eternal, of the form of consciousness

and Ananda, who curbed the pride of Ravana, who used Meru the golden
mountain as a prostrate, who wears the bark of a tree and skins and who
is a companion to those who choose to tread the
spiritual path leading to Moksha.

कन्दिदथ ि थघ्नमरशं कालकण्ठं महेशं महाव्योमके शम ।्

कुन्दाभदन्तं सरेु शं कोवटसूय थप्रकाशं भजे मागथबन्धमु ॥४॥
kandarpadarpaghnamīśaṁ kālakaṇṭhaṁ maheśaṁ
mahāvyomakeśam |

kundābhadantaṁ sureśaṁ koṭisūryaprakāśaṁ bhaje

I worship Lord Margabandhu who removed Manmatha's pride, who has

kept poison in His neck, the great Lord who is more extensive than the
space, whose teeth have the sheen of the jasmine flower, who is the Lord
of the Devas and who shines like millions of suns.

मन्दारभूतरुे दारं मन्थरागेिसारं महागौयथदूरं।

वसन्दूरदूरप्रचारं वसन्धरु ाजावतधररं भजे मागथबन्धमु ॥५॥
mandārabhūterudāraṁ mantharāgendrasāraṁ
sindūra dūrapracāraṁ sindhurājātidhīraṁ bhaje mārgabandhum

I worship Lord Margabandhu who is more generous than the divine

Mandara tree, who is stronger than the Manthara mountain, who is close
to the great Gauri, who is of crimson colour and who is more profound
than the mighty ocean.

अप्पय्ययज्वेिगरतं स्तोत्रराजं िठे द्यस्त ु भक्त्या प्रयाणे ।

तस्यार्थवससद्द ववधत्ते मागथमध्येऽभयं चाशतु ोषर महेशीः ॥
appayyayajvendragītaṁ stotrarājaṁ paṭhedyastu bhaktyā
prayāṇe |
tasyārthasiddiṁ vidhatte mārgamadhye'bhayaṁ cāśutoṣī
maheśaḥ ||

The one who reads this poem composed by Appayya Yajvan (the one who
performs Yajnas) with devotion during a journey will be successful and
attain his goal or wishes. In addition he will feel secure and be protected
by the Lord of Lords (Mahesha) on the way.

68. ्
दावरद्र्य दहि वशवस्तोत्रम (dāridrya dahana
śivastotram) - by Vasishta
ववश्वेश्वराय िरकाणथव तारणाय
कणाथमतृ ाय शवशशेखरधारणाय ।
किूरथ कावन्तधवलाय जटाधराय
दावरद्र्य दीःखदहिाय िमीः वशवाय ॥ १॥
viśveśvarāya narakārṇava tāraṇāya
karṇāmṛtāya śaśiśekharadhāraṇāya |
karpūrakāntidhavalāya jaṭādharāya
dāridrya duḥkhadahanāya namaḥ śivāya || 1||

I prostrate to Shiva, who burns the sorrow of poverty, who is the Lord of
the universe, who helps us to cross the sea of hell, who is (whose name)
pleasant to the ears, who wears the crescent moon as ornament, who is
as fair as the flame of camphor, who sports matted locks.

गौररवप्रयाय रजिरशकलाधराय

कालान्तकाय भजगावधिकङ्कणाय ।
र्गङ्गाधराय गजराजववमदथिाय
दावरद्र्य दीःखदहिाय िमीः वशवाय ॥ २॥
gaurīpriyāya rajanīśakalādharāya
kālāntakāya bhujagādhipakaṅkaṇāya |
gaṅgādharāya gajarājavimardanāya
dāridrya duḥkhadahanāya namaḥ śivāya || 2||

I prostrate to Shiva who burns the sorrow of poverty, who is the beloved
of Parvathy, who wears the moon (Lord of night), who was the death to
the Lord of death (Yama), who wears the king of serpents as bangles, who
carries the Ganga on his head, and who killed the king of elephants

भविंवप्रयाय भवरोगभयािहाय
उग्राय दगथभवसागरतारणाय ।

ज्योवतमथयाय गणिामस िृु त्यकाय
दावरद्र्य दीःखदहिाय िमीः वशवाय ॥ ३॥
bhaktipriyāya bhavarogabhayāpahāya
ugrāya durgabhavasāgaratāraṇāya |
jyotirmayāya guṇanāmasunṛtyakāya
dāridrya duḥkhadahanāya namaḥ śivāya || 3||

I prostrate to Shiva who burns the sorrow of poverty, who is loved by his
devotees, who destroys fear of Samsara, who is fearsome, who makes us
cross the difficult ocean of life (Samsara), who is personification of light,
who dances well.

चमथम्बराय शवभस्मववलेििाय
भालेिणाय मवणकुण्डलमवण्डताय ।

मंझररिादयगलाय जटाधराय
दावरद्र्य दीःखदहिाय िमीः वशवाय ॥ ४॥
carmambarāya śavabhasmavilepanāya
bhālekṣaṇāya maṇikuṇḍalamaṇḍitāya |
maṁjhīrapādayugalāya jaṭādharāya
dāridrya duḥkhadahanāya namaḥ śivāya || 4||

I prostrate to Shiva who burns the sorrow of poverty, who wears hide,
who applies ash of burning corpses, who has an eye on his forehead, who
wears ear studs of precious stones, who adorns his legs with jingling
anklets and who has matted locks.
िञ्चाििाय फवणराजववभूषणाय
ु ाय भवित्रयमवण्डताय
हेमांशक ु ।
आिन्दभूवमवरदाय िंमोपहाय
दावरद्र्य दीःखदहिाय िमीः वशवाय ॥ ५॥
pañcānanāya phaṇirājavibhūṣaṇāya
hemāṁśukāya bhuvanatrayamaṇḍitāya |
ānandabhūmivaradāya tamopahāya
dāridrya duḥkhadahanāya namaḥ śivāya || 5||

I prostrate to Shiva who burns the sorrow of poverty, who has five faces,
who wears king of serpents as ornament, whose body is lustrous like gold,
who adorns the three worlds, who is the giver of boons, who is the
storehouse of happiness and who is removes the darkness of ignorance.

भािवप्रयाय भवसागरतारणाय
कालान्तकाय कमलासििूवजताय ।
िेत्रत्रयाय शभु लिणलविताय
दावरद्र्य दीःखदहिाय िमीः वशवाय ॥ ६॥
bhānupriyāya bhavasāgaratāraṇāya
kālāntakāya kamalāsanapūjitāya |
netratrayāya śubhalakṣaṇalakṣitāya
dāridrya duḥkhadahanāya namaḥ śivāya || 6||

I prostrate to Shiva who burns the sorrow of poverty, who is dear to the
Surya Deva, who helps us to cross the ocean of Samsara, who killed the
Lord of death, who is worshipped by Lord Brahma, who has three eyes
and who is endowed with all good signs.


रामवप्रयाय रघिार्वरप्रदाय
िागवप्रयाय िरकाणथवतारणाय ।
ु ष ु िण्यभवरताय
िण्ये ु ु चताय
दावरद्र्य दीःखदहिाय िमीः वशवाय ॥ ७॥
rāmapriyāya raghunāthavarapradāya
nāgapriyāya narakārṇavatāraṇāya |
puṇyeṣu puṇyabharitāya surārcitāya
dāridrya duḥkhadahanāya namaḥ śivāya || 7||

I prostrate to Shiva who burns the sorrow of poverty, who is dear to

Rama, who granted boons to Rama, who likes serpents (wears them as
ornaments), who enables us to cross the ocean of Naraka (Samsara), who
is most auspicious and who is worshipped by the Suras.

ु श्वराय फलदाय गणेश्वराय

गरतवप्रयाय वृषभेश्वरवाहिाय ।
मातङ्गचमथवसिाय महेश्वराय
दावरद्र्य दीःखदहिाय िमीः वशवाय ॥ ८॥
mukteśvarāya phaladāya gaṇeśvarāya
gītapriyāya vṛṣabheśvaravāhanāya |
mātaṅgacarmavasanāya maheśvarāya
dāridrya duḥkhadahanāya namaḥ śivāya || 8||

I prostrate to Shiva who burns the sorrow of poverty, who grants

liberation, who bestows the results for our actions, who is the leader of
all, who enjoys music, who has the bull as vehicle, who wears the elephant
hide as dress and who is the supreme Lord.

ववसष्ठेि कृ तं स्तोत्रं सवथरोगविवारणं ।


सवथसम्पत्करं शरिं ित्रिौत्रावदवधथ िम ।्
ु ॥
वत्रसंध्य ं यीः िठे वन्नत्यं स वह स्वगथमवाप्नयात ् ९॥
vasiṣṭhena kṛtaṁ stotraṁ sarvaroganivāraṇaṁ |
sarvasampatkaraṁ śīghraṁ putrapautrādivardhanam |
trisaṁdhyaṁ yaḥ paṭhennityaṁ sa hi svargamavāpnuyāt || 9||

This prayer composed by sage Vasishta, relieves one of all diseases,

bestows all wealth and blesses the family with progenies. Whoever chants
it at dawn, noon and dusk, would attain the Swarga loka.

69. वेदिादस्तवीः (vedapādastavaḥ) - by

Maharshi Jaimini
Note: This Stotra on Lord Nataraja was composed by Maharshi Jaimini
at Chidambaram. It has the quintessence of the Vedas. The last part of
each verse is from the Vedic Riks - hence it is called Vedapadastava.

Maharshi Jaimini is the proponent of Purva-Mimamsa. He composed the

Purva-Mimamsa Sutras. While Purva-Mimamsa belongs to the Vedic
system and accepts the rituals mentioned in Vedas, it holds the view that
Ishwara is not the creator of the world and Ishwara does not award the
fruits of our actions. So there is no concept of Bhakti towards Ishwara in
this system. When Maharshi Jaimini approached Chidambaram and had
the divine darshan of Lord Shiva’s dance, his belief changed completely
and he composed this great Vedapadastava.

The portion from Vedas are shown in bold blue Devanagari font in this
compilation. Reference to the Veda Mantra is also provided. Ex: Y. 4-5-1
means the Mantra occurs in Krishna Yajur Veda 4th Khanda, 5th
Prashnam, 1st Anuvaka. Swara markings are provided for other padas,
however it is only to facilitate the chanting and they are not necessarily
from Vedas.

Even after searching in multiple cities in South and North India, Adiyen
could not even get a printed copy of this text. Sri M. Neelakantan

(Melbourne) had a very old book having this Veda Padastava. He had
learnt this from Sri. T.R.Ramachandran (editor of Tattvaloka) many
years ago. Humble prostrations again to Sri. M.Neelakantan for teaching
this beautiful Stotra to the students of Melbourne Veda Group.

People with Vedadhyayana Adhikara only should chant the Mantras

with Swaras.

मङ्गल श्लोकाीः (maṅgala ślokāḥ)

ु महाकाय कोवटसूय थ समप्रभ।
विर्तवघ्नं कुरुमेदवे सवथकायेष ु सवथदा ॥१॥
vakratuṇḍa mahākāya koṭisūrya samaprabha |
nirvighnaṁ kurumedeva sarvakāryeṣu sarvadā ||1||

May the Lord with an indentured trunk and a huge physical stature, with
the effulgence equivalent to millions of suns protect us from all
impediments and lead us to success.

कुण्डलर कृ तिागेिं खण्डेन्दु कृ तशेखरम।्

विण्डरकृ त महाववघ्नं दवण्डराजं िमाम्यहम ॥२॥
kuṇḍalī kṛtanāgendraṁ khaṇḍendu kṛtaśekharam |
piṇḍīkṛta mahāvighnaṁ duṇḍirājaṁ namāmyaham ||2||

I bow unto the Dundi Raj whose ear-rings are formed by the serpent
kings, who secured the crescent, who is capable of collecting all the
impediments into one mass.

मातामह महाशैलं महस्तदवितामहम ।्

कारणं जगतां वन्दे कण्ठादिवर वारणम ॥३॥
mātāmahā mahāśailaṁ mahastadapitāmaham |
kāraṇaṁ jagatāṁ vande kaṇṭhādupari vāraṇam ||3||
My prostrations unto Him, whose maternal grand father is the mighty
Himalayas and who has become greater because of none claiming to be
his paternal grand father, who has the form of elephant above his neck,
the one who is the origin of all the worlds.

वन्दे महेश्वरं शम्भ ं ु ववघ्नेशं षण्मखं ु ।्

ु गरुम

गणेशाि िवन्दम ु श्च वशवभिंाि महाम
ख्यां ् ु ॥४॥
िरि ्
vande maheśvaraṁ śambhuṁ vighneśaṁ ṣaṇmukhaṁ gurum |
gaṇeśān nandimukhyāṁśca śivabhaktān mahāmunīn ||4||

My Prostrations to Shambhu, to Vignesha (the great Lord who has

control over all the impediments), to Subramanya (the Lord with six
faces), to Guru, to Nandi, to the sages and to all devotees.

उमाित्यं उमाजासि उमां चोमा सहोदरम ।्

उमाििान्तरं िद्मां ववसध वयमिास्महे ॥५॥
Umāpatyaṁ umā jāniṁ umāṁ chomā sahodaram |
umānanāntaraṁ padmāṁ vidhiṁ vayamupāsmahe ||5|

Our obeissance to those Devas who trace their relationship to Lord Shiva
(Uma Pathi), to Uma herself, to her brother Vishnu and to her sister-in-
law and her nephew Brahma.

िञ्चािरति ं ु , िञ्चवदिं , प्रणवं वशवम ।्

ु र्ततमहं भजे॥६॥
अिारकरुणारूिं गरुमू
pañcākṣaratanuṁ pañcavadanaṁ praṇavaṁ śivam |
apāarakaruṇārūpaṁ gurumūrtimahaṁ bhaje ||6||

My prostrations to Him (Sri Dakshinamurthy), the Guru incarnate with

the sacred five- syllabled mantra (Panchakshara) as his body, the five

faces representing the symbol of Om (Pranava), the very personification
of compassion.

िमो विष्कलरूिाय िमो विष्कलतेजसे ।

िमीः सकलिार्ाय िमस्ते सकलात्मिे ॥७॥
namo niṣkalarūpāya namo niṣkalatejase |
namaḥ sakalanāthāya namaste sakalātmane ||7||

My prostrations to that Great Lord, formless and effulgent, who is

immaculate and who is the life principle in all the animate beings and
who controls the entire creation.

िमीः प्रणववाच्याय िमीः प्रणववलवङ्गिे ।

िमीः सृष्ट्यावद कत्रे च िमीः िञ्चमखाय ते ॥८॥
namaḥ paṇavavācyāya namaḥ praṇavaliṅgine |
namaḥ sṛṣṭyādi kartre ca namaḥ pañcamukhāya te ||8||

My prostrations to the five faced Lord who is extolled by the Pranava, who
has Pranava as his symbol, who is the Lord of creation and other

िञ्चब्रह्मस्वरूिाय िञ्चकृ त्याय ते िमीः

आत्मिे ब्रह्मणे तभ्ं ु
ु अिन्त गणशिंये ।
ु िमीः
सकलाकलरूिाय शम्भवे गरवे

श्र गरुचरणववन्दाभ्ां िमीः ॥९॥
pañcabrahmasvarūpāya pañcakṛtyāya te namaḥ
ātmane brahmaṇe tubhyaṁ ananta guṇaśaktaye |
sakalākalarūpāya śambhave gurave namaḥ śrī
gurucaraṇavindābhyāṁ namaḥ ||9||

My pranams are dedicated to that Shambhu, the greatest of all
preceptors, who is an amalgam of the five Brahmas, intent on creation,
maintenance, dissolution, obscuration and benevolence and who is
meditated upon with and without his divine attributes.

िण्डररक ु
िराधरशं ु
िण्डररकावजिाम्बरम ।्

िण्डररकरुसच ु
वन्दे िण्डररकाि ्
सेववतम ॥१०॥
puṇḍarīka purādhīśaṁ puṇḍarīkājināmbaram |
puṇḍarīkaruciṁ vande puṇḍarīkākṣa sevitam ||10||
My Pranams to the Lord of Pundarikapura (the heart region manifest as
Chidambaram). He adorns the tiger skin. He outwits the lotuses in
effulgence. He is worshipped by the Lotus eyed Maha Vishnu.

ऋषय ऊचीःु (ṛṣaya ūcuḥ) : The Rishis said:

िण्डररकि रंु प्राप्य ज ैवमविमवथु ि सत्तमीः ।
सक चकार महायोगर सूत िो विंुमहथवस ॥११॥
puṇḍarīkapuraṁ prāpya jaiminirmuni sattamaḥ |
kiṁ cakāra mahāyogī sūta no vaktumarhasi ||11||

Sootha, we implore you to narrate to us what the great Yogi did soon
after his arrival at Chidambaram.

सूत उवाच (sūta uvāca) : Sootha said:

भगवाि ज ् ैवमविधीमान्पण्ु डररकिरेु िरा
ु ।
महर्तष वसद्ध गन्धवथ यिवकन्नर सेववते ॥१२॥
bhagavān jaiminirdhīmānpuṇḍarīkapure purā |
maharṣi siddha gandharva yakṣakinnara sevite ||12||
िृत्यवद्भरप्सरस्सङ्घैर्तदव्यगाि ैश्च शोवभते ।


िृत्यन्तं िरमरशािं ददशथ सदवस प्रभमु ॥१३।
nṛtyadbhirapsarassaṅghairdivyagānaiśca śobhite |
nṛtyantaṁ paramīśānaṁ dadarśa sadasi prabhum ||13||

In days of yore, when the revered Bhagavan Jaimini reached this

Pundarikapura (Chidambaram) he had a grand darshan of the Great
Lord of the Universe in his dancing pose, tuned to the sublime chorus of
the Apsaras, surrounded by the great Sages, Ghandarvas, Yakshas and
Kinnaras attending on Him.

ििाम दूरतो दृष्ट्वा दण्डवत विवतमण्डले ।
ु ाय देवस्य ताण्डवामृतमागळम ् ॥१४॥
nanāma dūrato dṛṣṭvā daṇḍavat kṣitimaṇḍale |
papāvutthāya devasya tāṇdavāmṛtamāgaḻam ||14||

Even from a distance, Jaimini Maharshi sighted the Lord and fell to the
ground in prostration like a cudgel and drank the nectar of the divine
dance to the full length of his gullet.

िाश्वथवस्थतां महादेवीं िश्यन्तीं तस्य ताण्डवम ।्

ु हृष्टमिाीः ििात िरतो
दृष्ट्वा ससं ु मविीः
ु ॥१५॥
pārśvasthitāṁ mahādevīṁ paśyantīṁ tasya tāṇḍavam |
dṛṣṭvā susaṁhṛṣṭaptanāḥ papāta purato muniḥ ||15||

Jaimini with great composure made obeissance falling to the ground in

prostration to the great Devi feasting her eyes with the dance who was
occupying a side (of Mahadeva).

ततवश्शष्याि समाहूय वेदशास्त्रार्थ िारगाि ।्
अवग्नके शमके शं च शतयागं जटाधरम ् ॥१६॥
tataśśiṣyān samāhūya vedaśāstrārtha pāragān |
agnikeśamakeśaṁ ca śatayāgaṁ jaṭādharam ||16||
वक्रिासं सवमत्पासण धूमगसन्ध कुशासिम ।्
एतैस्साधं महादेवं िूजयामास ज ैवमविीः ॥१७॥
vakranāsaṁ samitpāṇiṁ dhūmagandhiṁ kuśāsanam |
etaissārdhaṁ mahādevaṁ pūjayāmāsa jaiminiḥ ||17||

Jaimini with a host of disciples like Agnikesha (having locks like Agni),
Akesha (the clean shaven), Shatayaagam (one who has performed
hundred sacrifices), Jatadhara (with matted locks), Dhuma Gandi
(having perfume of sacrificial smoke), Vakranasa (with aquiline nose),
Samithpani (one with faggots in hand ready to perform sacrifices),
Kushana (seated in meditation of Kusha grass), everyone of them well
versed in the Shastras and Vedas offered oblations to Mahadeva.

ततो वववेद वेदान्तसारार्ं तत्प्रसादतीः ।

कृ ताञ्जवलरुवाचेदं वेदान्तस्तवमत्तमम ्
tato viveda vedāntasārārtham tatprasādataḥ |
kṛtāñjaliruvācedaṁ vedāntastavamuttamam ||18||

In order that he may impart the quintessence of the renowned Vedas and
Vedanta, Jaimini with folded hands, recited this Sthava ending with
phrases from Vedas.

श्र ज ैवमविरुवाच (śrī jaiminiruvāca) : Sri Jaimini said:

ॐ ववघ्नेश वववधमाताथण्ड चिेिोिेिववन्दत ।
ु ब्रह्मो॑णां ब्रह्मणस्पते ॥१॥
िमोो॑ गी॒ णिते तभ्ं
om vighneśa vidhimārtāṇḍa candrendropendravandita |
namo̍ ga̱ṇapate tubhyaṁ brahma̍ṇāṁ brahmaṇaspate ||1||
(R. 2-6-29, Y. 9-3-14)

My prostrations to Ganapthy (the leader of the Ganas), worshipped by
Brahma, Surya, Indra, Upendra (Vishnu). Thou art indeed the Lord of all
the Vedas and Brahmanas.

उमाकोमळहस्ताब्ज संभाववत ललावटकम ।्

वहरण्य कुण्डलं वन्दे कुी॒मारम ् िष्की॒ ्
ु रस्रो॑जम ॥२॥
umākomaḻahastābja saṁbhāvita lalāṭikam |
hiraṇya kuṇḍalaṁ vande ku̱māram̎ puṣka̱rasra̍jam ||2||
(Shukla.Y. 2-33)
Prostrations to Kumara, adorned with a garland of lotuses and ear-rings
made of gold and whose forehead is spotted with a tilak by the gentle
hands of Uma.

ु वत ।
वशवं ववष्णोश्च ददथशं, िरीः कीः स्तोतमहथ
तस्माित्तस्त,ु वतस्सेयो॑मी॒भ्राढ ्वृी॒वष्टवरवा जवि ॥३॥
śivaṁ viṣṇośca durdarśaṁ naraḥ kaḥ stotumarhati |
tasmānmatasstutisseya̍ma̱bhrāḍh vṛ̱ṣṭirivā̎jani ||3||
(R. 5-6-17)
Which mortal is competent enough to sing the glory of the Lord, a bid for
the discovery of whose crest and feet in His Virat form ended in the defeat
of Brahma and Vishnu? This prayer must have been prompted by Him
through me even without my effort.

िमवश्शवाय साी॒म्बाय िमश्शवाथय शम्भवे ।

िमोो॑ िटाय रुद्रायी॒ सदो॑सी॒स्पतो॑य ेी॒ िमो॑ ॥४॥
namaśśivāya sā̱mbāya namaśśarvāya śambhave |
namo̍ naṭāya rudrāya̱ sada̍sa̱spata̍ye̱ nama̍ḥ ||4||
(Y. 3-2-4)
My prostrations to Shiva with his inseperable consort, to Sharva
(inherent in all), to Shambhu (granting prosperity to all), to the Lord of
the divine dance, Rudra (terrible to those who lead ignoble life and
benevolent to His devotees) and to the presiding deity (of all).
िादवभन्नावहलोकाय मौवळवभन्नाण्डवभत्तये ।

भजभ्रान्तवदगन्ताय भूी॒तािांी॒ ितो॑य ेी॒ िमो॑ ॥५॥
pādabhinnahilokāya mauḻibhinnaṇḍabhittaye |
bhujabhrāntadigantāya bhū̱tānāṁ̱ pata̍ye̱ nama̍ḥ ||5||
(Y. 4-5-2 Rudram)
My salutions to Lingodbhava, the Lord of Beings, Whose feet split the
earth asunder to reach the nether world of the serpents. Whose crown
broke into pieces the heaven and Whose hands are capable of reaching
the ends of the ten directions.

क्वणो॑न्निू रु यग्ब्ु मायो॑ ववी॒लसत्कृ वत्तवाससे ।

फणरि मेखलायास्त ु िशूी॒िां ितो॑य ेी॒ िमो॑ ॥६॥
kvaṇa̍nnūpura yugmāya̍ vi̱lasatkṛttivāsase |
phaṇīndra mekhalāyāstu paśū̱nāṁ pata̍ye̱ nama̍ḥ ||6||
(Y. 4-5-2 {Rudram})
My prostrations to Pashupathy (the Lord of all beings) who has a couple
of small ringing bells, dressed in the shining skin of the elephant and who
has the serpent king for his girdle.

कालकालय सोमाय योवगिे शूलिाणये ।

ु ायी॒ जगो॑तांी॒ ितो॑य ेी॒ िमो॑ ॥७॥
अवस्थभूषाय शद्ध
kālakālaya somāya yogine śūlapāṇaye |
asthibhūṣāya śuddhāya̱ jaga̍tāṁ̱ pata̍ye̱ nama̍ḥ ||7||
(Y. 4-5-2 {Rudram})
My prostrations to the Lord of the Worlds, the destroyer of the Devata of
Death, who is always in union with Uma and adorned with the trident
and the bones and who is the seat of abstract purity.

िात्रेि॑ सवथस्य जगतो िेी॒ त्र े सवथवदवौो॑कसाम ।्

ु िेत्राो॑णांी॒ ितो॑य ेी॒ िमो॑ ॥८॥
गोत्राो॑णां ितो॑य े तभ्ं
pātre̍ sarvasya jagato ne̱tre sarvadivau̍kasām |
gotrā̍ṇāṁ pata̍ye tubhyaṁ kṣetrā̍ṇāṁ̱ pata̍ye̱ nama̍ḥ ||8||
(Y. 4-5-2 {Rudram})
My prostrations to the Lord of the Space, the noblest and the loftiest of
all, having the Devas at his command and Lordship over the mountains.

ु ि॑ मी॒ ङ्गळाय िमोऽस्त ु ते ।

शङ्कराय िमस्तभ्ं
ु मन्नाो॑िांी॒ ितो॑य ेी॒ िमो॑ ॥९॥
धिाो॑िांी॒ ितये तभ्ी॒
śaṅkarāya namastubhyaṁ̍ ma̱ṅgaḻāya namo'stu te |
dhanā̍nāṁ̱ pataye tubhya̱mannā̍nāṁ̱ pata̍ye̱ nama̍ḥ ||9||
(Y. 4-5-2 {Rudram})
My prostrations to Sankara, to Him who is propitious, to Him who is the
Lord of riches and to Him who is Lord of food.

अष्टांगायाो॑ वतहृष्टाय विष्टभी॒ िंेष्टदावयिे ।

इवष्टघ्नायास्त ु तष्टाय
ु िी॒ष्टु ािांी॒ ितो॑य ेी॒ िमो॑ ॥१०॥
aṣṭāṁgāyā̍ tihṛṣṭāya kliṣṭabha̱kteṣṭadāyine |
iṣṭighnāyāstu tuṣṭāya pu̱ṣṭānāṁ̱ pata̍ye̱ nama̍ḥ ||10||
(Y. 4-5-2 {Rudram})
My prostrations to the Lord, the destroyer of the sacrifice of Daksha, who
was blessed on expressing his regret and praying for pardon and Who
transforms himself into the eight forms, always bent upon the destruction
of the distress of the devotees and who is full of compsure and who is the
chief of those who are posperous.

िञ्चभूतावधितयेि॑ काी॒लवधी॒ ितयेि॑ िमीः ।

िमो॑ आत्मावधितयेि॑ वदी॒शां ची॒ ितो॑य ेी॒ िमो॑ ॥११॥
pañcabhūtādhipataye̍ kā̱ladhi̱pataye̍ namaḥ |
nama̍ ātmādhipataye̍ di̱śāṁ ca̱ pata̍ye̱ nama̍ḥ ||11||
(Y. 4-5-2 {Rudram})
My prostrations to the Lord of elements, time, Jivatma and directons

ववश्वकत्रे महेशाय ववश्वभत्रे वििावकिे ।

ववश्वहन्त्रेऽि॑ वग्निेत्राय ववी॒श्वरूो॑िायी॒ वै िमो॑ ॥१२॥
viśvakartre maheśāya viśvabhartre pinākine |
viśvahantre̍'gninetrāya vi̱śvarū̍pāya̱ vai nama̍ḥ ||12||
(Y. Aru. 10-23)
My salutions to the Creator, Sustainer and Destroyer of all, wielding the
Pinaka, with fire as his third eye, entering into all forms of creation.

ु िी॒ मो घोी॒राय तेि॑ सदा ।

ईशाो॑ि ते तत्परुषो॑
वामदेव िमस्तेऽस्त ु सी॒ध्यो जाी॒तायी॒ वै िमो॑ ॥१३॥
īśā̍na te tatpuruṣa̍ na̱mo gho̱rāya te̍ sadā |
vāmadeva namaste'stu sa̱dhyo jā̱tāya̱ vai nama̍ḥ ||13||
(Y. Aru. 10-17)
My salutions to Ishana (the Master), to Him who is adored by the
Tatpurusha Mantra, to Aghora (of terrible form), to Vamadeva (of
beautiful form) and to Sadyojata (the one who grants boon immediately).

भूवत भूषाय भिंािां ि॑ भरी॒वतभङ्गरतायते ।

िमोो॑ भवाय भगाथयी॒ िमोो॑ रुी॒ द्रायो॑ मरी॒ढषु े ॥१४॥
bhūti bhūṣāya bhaktānā̍ṁ bhī̱tibhaṅgaratāyate |
namo̍ bhavāya bhargāya̱ namo̍ ru̱drāya̍ mī̱ḍhuṣe̎ ||14||
(Y. 3-7-8)
My prostrations to Rudra (the destroyer), who smears ashes all over his
body, who is eager to dispel the fears of the devotees, who is Bhava and
the greatest of the Devas.

सहस्राङ्गाो॑य साी॒म्बायो॑ सी॒ हस्राी॒भरशवेि॑ िमीः ।


सहस्रबाहवेी॒ तभ्ग ् िाय मरी॒ढषु े ॥१५॥
sahasrāṅgā̍ya sā̱mbāya̍ sa̱hasrā̱bhīśave̍ namaḥ |
sahasrabāhave̱ tubhyag sahasrā̱kṣāya mī̱ḍhuṣe̎ ||15||
(Y. 4-5-1 {Rudram})
My prostrations to the Lord with his divine consort, with thousand of
limbs, rays, shoulders and eyes, granting us the fruits of actions.

सकु ो॑ िोलाय सोमाय सललाटाय

ु सभ्रु वेु ।

सदेु हायो॑ िमस्तभ्ग ् मृ
ि॑स ु डरी॒कायो॑ मरी॒ढषु े ॥१६॥
suka̍polāya somāya sulalāṭāya subhruve |
sudehāya̍ namastubhyg sumṛḍī̱kāya̍ mī̱ḍhuṣe̎ ||16||
(R. 1-2-16)
My prostrations to the donor of the fruits of actions, adorned with
crescent moon, with beautiful cheeks, forehead and eye-brows and other
physical features giving us immense bliss.

भविे शविवमत्तोरु भयच्छेदकृ ते सताम ।्

िमस्तभ्मषाढायी॒ सहो॑ मािाय मरी॒ढषु े ॥१७॥
bhavakleśanimittoru bhayacchedakṛte satām |
namastubhyamaṣāḍhāya̱ saha̍mānāya mī̱ḍhuṣe̎ ||17||
(Y. 3-1-2)
My prostrations to the Lord who dispels the fear of the cycle of births and
deaths entertained by the righteous and who with magnaminity is
generous to a fault on the part of his devotees. He is certainly invincible.

वन्देऽहं देवमािन्दसन्दोहं लास्य सन्दरम ु ्।

समो॑स्त जगतांी॒ िार्ी॒ सदो॑सी॒स्पवती॒मद्भो॑ तु म ॥१८॥
vande'haṁ devamānandasandohaṁ lāsya sundaram |
sama̍sta jagatāṁ̱ nātha̱ sada̍sa̱spati̱madbhu̍tam ||18||
(R. 1-1-35, Y. Aru 10-1)

My prostrations to the presiding Lord of all the worlds. Thou art infinite
Bliss and Beauty personified. Thy beauty increasing by the mode of dance
called Lasya.

ु सूदरं सूरुं सकण्ठं

सजङ्घं ु सोमभूषणम ।्

सगण्डं ि॑ ् ॥१९॥
ु वन्दे सगी॒ु सन्ध िो॑वु ष्टी॒वधथिम
sujaṅghaṁ sūdaraṁ sūruṁ sukaṇṭhaṁ somabhūṣaṇam |
sugaṇḍaṁ sudṛśaṁ vande suga̱ndhiṁ pu̍ṣṭi̱vardha̍nam ||19||
(R. 5-4-30, Y. 1-8-5)
My prostrations to the Lord with perfect calf of the legs, a fine belly, neck,
throat, cheeks and eyes, having the moon as the crest jewel and his body
permeated with the sweet perfume and bent upon granting prosperity to

् ि॑ तिभूष ं विवतिमम ।्
वभिाहारं ि॑ हवरत िौमं

यिेशष्टे ं ि॑ िममरशो॑मी॒िरं ि॑ िरी॒म ं प्री॒भमु ॥२०॥
bhikṣāhāraṁ̍ harit kṣaumaṁ̍ takṣabhūṣaṁ kṣitikṣamam |
yakṣeśeṣṭaṁ̍ namamīśa̍ma̱kṣara̍ṁ para̱maṁ pra̱bhum ||20||
(Y. Nara. Upa)
My prostrations to the Lord of great patience like the earth (in putting
up with the paapas of devotees), adorned with the serpent king, the
steadfast Lord of all, clad in silken clothes of the directions, begging for
alms, though Kubera, the Lord of all Yakshas is his friend.

अधाथळकमवस्त्राधम अस्थ्य ् ु
त्पलदळो॑ स्रजम ।्
ं ु ो॑ िणंी॒ वन्दे िी॒रुु षं ि॑ कृ ष्णी॒ विन्ङ्गो॑ळम ् ॥२१॥
अधथ िल
ardhāḻakamavastrādham asthyutpaladaḻa̍srajam |
ardha puṁla̍kṣaṇaṁ̱ vande pu̱ruṣaṁ̍ kṛṣṇa̱pinṅga̍ḻam ||21||
(Y. Aru. 10-23)
Prostrations to the Lord (in Ardhanari form) with curly hair on one side
of his head without a dhoti on a part (i.e. clad in sari) with garlands of

bones, of lotuses with a synthetic form masculine and feminine shining in
colors black and yellow.

सकृ त्प्रणत संसारो॑ महासागर तारकम ।्

प्रणो॑मावम तमरशािंी॒ जगो॑तस्ती॒स्थशी॒ु स्पवतम ् ॥२२॥
sakṛtpraṇata saṁsāra̍ mahāsāgara tārakam |
praṇa̍māmi tamīśānaṁ jaga̍tasta̱sthuśa̱spatim̎ ||22||
(R. 1-6-15)
My prostrations to the Lord of the movable and immovable. He takes
those who offer him prayers atleast once, over the great ocean of births
and deaths.

धातारं जगतामरशंी॒ दाी॒तारं सवथसिं दाम ।्

िेतारं ी॒ मरुो॑तां वन्दे जेता री॒मिो॑रावजतम ् ॥२३॥
dhātāraṁ jagatāmīśaṁ̱ dā̱tāraṁ sarvasaṁpadām |
netāraṁ̱ maru̍tāṁ vande jetā̎ra̱mapa̍rājitam ||23||
(R. 4-1-18)
Prostrations to Ishwara, whose conquest over Tripuras bear testimony to
His invincibility and who nourishes the worlds and grants all desirable
wealth issuing commads to Maruts.

तं त्वाो॑िन्तकहन्तारं ि॑ वी॒न्द े मी॒ न्दावकिरो॑ धरम ।्

तताो॑वि ववदधेी॒ योऽयो॑वमी॒ माविो॑ त्ररवणी॒ ववष्टो॑िा ॥२४॥
taṁ tvā̍nmantakahantāraṁ̍ va̱nde ma̱ndākinī̍ dharam |
tatā̍ni vidadhe̱ yo'ya̍mi̱māni̍ trīṇi̱ viṣṭa̍pā ||24||
(R. 6-6-14)
Prostrations to the destroyer of Death holding the Ganga on his head and
projecting himself into the three worlds.

सवथज्ञ ं सवथग ं सवं कसव वन्दे तमरश्वरम।्

ु साधथमृि॑ ची॒स्सामाो॑वि जवज्ञरे ॥२५॥
यतश्च यजषाी॒
sarvajñaṁ sarvagaṁ sarvaṁ kaviṁ vande tamīśvaram |
yataśca yajuṣā̱ sārdha̍mṛca̱ssāmā̍ni jajñire ||25||
(R. 8 -4-18)
Prostrations to Ishwara, from whom the Vedas Rik, Yajus and Sama had
their genesis. He is the seer with a universal form omnipresent and
omniscient and the all knowing.

ु वन्देि॑ भूी॒ती॒भी॒व्य भवो॑वन्त च।

भवन्तं सदृशं
त्यज्जो॑वन्नतर कमाथवणी॒ यो ववश्वा वभी॒ वविो॑श्यवत ॥२६॥
bhavantaṁ sudṛśaṁ vande̍ bhū̱ta̱bha̱vya bhava̍nti ca |
tyajja̍nnitara karmāṇi̱ yo viśvā̎bhi̱ vipa̍śyati ||26||
(R. 3 -4-10)
Prostrations to you, who rejects all other engagements and penetrates
into the past, present and the future, intent on the advancement of all

हरं सरो॑ु वियी॒ न्तारं ि॑ िी॒रं ती॒महमाो॑ितीः ।

यदाो॑ज्ञया जगत्सवं व्याी॒प्य िाो॑रायी॒णवस्थो॑तीः ॥२७॥
haraṁ sura̍niya̱ntāraṁ̍ pa̱raṁ ta̱mahamā̍nataḥ |
yadā̍jñayā jagatsarvaṁ vyā̱pya nā̍rāya̱ṇasthi̍taḥ ||27||
My prostrations to Hara, the commander of the Devas and at whose
command Narayana permeates into the world.

तं िमावम महादेवं ि॑ यवन्नयोगावददं जगत ।्

् ता यो॑र्ािूव
कल्पादौ भगवाो॑ि धाी॒ थ ो॑कल्पयत ॥२८॥
ी॒ म
taṁ namāmi mahādevaṁ̍ yanniyogādidaṁ jagat |
kalpādau bhagavā̍n dhā̱tā ya̍thāpū̱rvama̍kalpayata ||28||

(R. 8-8-48,
Y.Aru. 10-1)
My prostrations to Mahadeva from whom Brahma takes instructions at
the beginning of each cycle to create the worlds as before.

ईश्वरं तमहं वन्देि॑ यस्य वलङ्गमहर्तिशम ।्

यजो॑न्त े सहभाी॒याथवभी॒ वरिो॑ ज्येष्टाी॒ मरुो॑द्गणाीः ॥२९॥
īśvaraṁ tamahaṁ vande̍ yasya liṅgamaharniśam |
yaja̍nte sahabhā̱ryābhi̱rindra̍ jyeṣṭā̱ maru̍dgaṇāḥ ||29||
(R. 2 -3-9)
My prostrations to Ishwara whose sacred symbol (Linga), the Devas with
their wives led by Indra worship day and night.

ु ।
िमावम तवममं रुद्रं ि॑ यमभ्च्यं सकृ त्परा
ु ि॑ स्वमैश्वयंी॒ देवा सीः िूषराी॒तया ॥३०॥
namāmi tamimaṁ rudraṁ̍ yamabhyarcyaṁ sakṛtpurā |
avāpussvaṁ̍ svamaiśvaryaṁ̱ devā̎ saḥ pūṣarā̱tayāḥ ||30||
(R. 2 -8-9)
My prostrations to Rudra, to whom the Devas receiving the blessings of
Pushan, owe their status after having worshipped Rudra once.

ु ।
तं वो॑न्द े देवमरशािं ि॑ यं वशवं हृदयाम्बजे
सततं यतयश्शान्ता स्सञािाी॒िा उी॒िासो॑त ॥३१॥
taṁ va̍nde devamīśānaṁ̍ yaṁ śivaṁ hṛdayāmbuje |
satataṁ yatayaśśāntā̎ssañānā̱nā u̱pāsa̍ta ||31||
(R. 8-8-49)
Prostrations to Shiva, whom the ascetics with the qualities of Sama,
Dama etc. worship as Ishana seated in the lotus of their hearts.

तदस्य ै सततं कुमो िमीः कमलकान्तये ।

उमाो॑कुी॒च िदोो॑रस्काी॒ या तेि॑ रुद्र वशी॒ वा ती॒िीःू ॥३२॥
tadasyaī satataṁ kurmo namaḥ kamalakāntaye |
umā̍ku̱ca pado̍raskā̱ yā te̍ rudra śi̱vā ta̱nūḥ ||32||
(Y. 4-5-1 {Rudram})
Our prostrations to Rudra of austere form with the splendor of the lotus,
clasping Uma in divine embrace.

िमो॑स्त े रुो॑द्रभाी॒वायो॑ िी॒ मस्तेी॒ रुद्रकेि॑ ळये ।

िमो॑स्त े रुो॑द्रशाी॒न्त्य ै ची॒ िमो॑स्त े रुद्रमी॒ न्यवे ॥३३॥
nama̍ste ru̍drabhā̱vāya̍ na̱maste̱ rudrake̍ḻaye |
nama̍ste ru̍draśā̱ntyaī ca̱ nama̍ste rudrama̱nyave̎ ||33||
(Y. 4-5-1 {Rudram})
Prostrations to Rudra for his thoughts, sport, peace (Sama Guna) and
fierce anger.

वेदाो॑श्वी॒रर्विष्टाभ्ांी॒ िादाी॒भ्ां वत्रिरान्तक ।
थु ो॑ यिंाभ्ां
बाणो॑ काी॒मक ु ी॒ बाी॒हुभ्ाो॑मी॒ तु तेी॒ िमो॑ ॥३४॥
vedā̍śva̱rathaniṣṭābhyāṁ̱ pādā̱bhyāṁ tripurāntaka |
bāṇa̍ kā̱rmuka̍yuktābhyāṁ̱ bā̱hubhyā̍mu̱tate̱ nama̍ḥ ||34||
(Y. 4-5-1
Prostrations again and again to the destroyer of the Tripuras who set his
feet on the chariot with the Vedas yoked as the horses and equipped with
the bow, string and missle.

ईशाो॑ि ं सो॑कलाी॒राध्यं ि॑ वन्दे सम्पत्समृो॑वद्धदम ।्

यस्यो॑ चासरो॑द्धवरश्शस्त्रंी॒ ब्रह्मा भववत साी॒रवर्ो॑ ॥३५॥
īśā̍naṁ sa̍kalā̱rādhyaṁ̍ vande sampatsamṛ̍ddhidam |
yasya̍ cāsī̍ddhariśśsastraṁ̱ brahmā̎ bhavati sā̱rathi̍ḥ ||35||
(R. 2-3-1)

My prostrations to Ishwara worshipped by all the Devas and who
requistioned Brahma to be his charioteer and Vishnu to serve as his
missle. He confers bounteous wealth.

िमस्तेि॑ वासवकज्याय ववष्फाराय च शङ्कर ।
महते मेरुरूिायी॒ िमो॑स्त े अस्ती॒ ु धन्वो॑ि े ॥३६॥
namaste̍ vāsukijyāya viṣphārāya ca śaṅkara |
mahate merurūpāya̱ nama̍ste astu̱ dhanva̍ne ||36||
(Y. 4-5-1 {Rudram})
Prostrations to Sankara of auspicious colossal form, making a twang of
the bow of the mighty Meru with the serpent Vasuki as the bow string.

िमीः िरशवे देव, शूलायाी॒िलो॑ रोवचषे ।

हयथग्नरन्द्वात्मिेी॒ ु मी॒ तु ोती॒ इषो॑वी॒ े िमो॑ ॥३७॥
namaḥ paraśave devaśūlāyā̱nala̍ rociṣe |
harya̍gnīndvātmane̱ tubhya̍mu̱tota̱ iṣa̍ve̱ nama̍ḥ ||37||
(Y. 4-5-1 {Rudram})
Prostrations to the Deva, with the Sun, the fire and the Moon as his eyes,
to his Parasu, the might axe, to his Shoola shining with the effulgence of
the fire and to his arrows.

सरेु त
ि॑ रवधूहारहाररवणी॒ हर यावि ते ।
थ ि॑ दं तेभ्ोो॑ऽकरं ी॒ िमो॑ ॥३८॥
अन्याो॑न्ययस्त्रान्यहंी॒ तूणवमी॒
sure̍taravadhūhārahārīṇi̱ hara yāni te |
anyā̍nyastrānyahaṁ̱ tūrṇa̍mi̱daṁ tebhyo̍'karaṁ̱ nama̍ḥ ||38||
(R. 8-3-23, Y. 4-5-1 {Rudram})
My rapid prostrations to Hara and his arrows which set out to steal the
garlands of the Asura girls.

ु लरलाी॒ सरोजाहतबाी॒हवे ।
धराधी॒ र सता


तस्म ै तभ्मवोचामी॒ िमो अस्मा अवी॒स्यवाीः ॥३९॥
dharādha̱ra sutā līlā̱ sarojāhatabā̱have |
tasmai tubhyamavocāma̱ namo̎ asmā ava̱syavāḥ ||39||
(R. 1-8-6)
Our prostrations to the Lord with the hands beaten with the lotus flower
at the hands of Parvati, the daughter of the mountain in her playful mood.
Thou shalt protect us.

रिमामिमं िरणो॑मी॒िितम वशवितम ।्

अिाो॑र् ं दरिमािन्नंी॒ दवरि॑द्री॒न्नरलो॑ लोवहत ॥४०॥
rakṣamāmakṣamaṁ kṣīṇa̍ma̱kṣakṣatama śikṣitam |
anā̍thaṁ dīnamāpannaṁ̱ dari̍dra̱nnīla̍lohita ||40||
(Y. 4-5-10 {Rudram} )
I am without a fortune, weak, swayed by the senses, ignorant, a
delinquent not set right by the parents or the teacher and am without a
support. I am miserable and poverty sticken always involved in danger.
Only Neelakanta shall protect me.

थु ं दवियं दष्टं ि॑ रिमामरश ददृथशम ।्

मादृशािाो॑महंी॒ ि त्वो॑, दी॒न्य ं ववी॒न्दावम राी॒धसे ॥४१॥
durmukhaṁ duṣkriyaṁ duṣṭaṁ̍ rakṣamāmīśa durdṛśam |
mādṛśānā̍mahaṁ̱ na tva̍da̱nyaṁ vi̱ndāmi rā̱dhase̎ ||41||
(R. 6-2-17)
Ishwara, protect me, always bent upon evil by nature, wicked and with a
malefic vision. People of my nature have not found one better than thee
in the matter of upliftment.

भवाख्येिावग्निा शम्भोो॑ रागद्वेषमदार्तचषा ।

दयाो॑ळो दह्यमािािां अी॒ स्मा को॑मववी॒ता भो॑व ॥४२॥
bhavākhyenāgninā śambho̍ rāgadveṣamadārciṣā |
dayā̍ḻo dahyamānānāṁ a̱smā ka̍mavi̱tā bha̍va ||42||
(R. 2-5-6)
Shambho, the most compassionate, thou shalt be our saviour being
consumed by the fire of worldly life with the likes and dislikes etc. as the

िरदारं िरावासं िरवस्त्रं िरावप्रयम ।्

हरो॑ िावह िराी॒न्न ं मां िी॒रुु णामी॒ ि ि् रुु ो॑ ष्टत
ु ॥४३॥
paradāraṁ parāvāsaṁ paravastraṁ parāpriyam |
hara̍ pāhi parā̱nnaṁ māṁ pu̱ruṇāma̱n puru̍ṣṭuta ||43||
(R. 6-6-24)
Hara, worshipped with multitudinous names, Thou shalt protect me
whose mind is set upon the wives of others. I am dependent for shelter
and clothing on others and I am disliked by my fellow beings.

लौवककै यथत्कृतं िष्टु ैिाथवी॒मािं सहाो॑महे ।

ेि॑ तव दाी॒स ेभ्ोो॑ भूी॒वरदा भूो॑वरदेी॒वह िीः ॥४४॥
laukikairyatkṛtaṁ puṣṭairnāva̱mānaṁ sahā̍mahe |
deve̍śa tava dā̱sebhyo̍ bhū̱ridā bhū̍ride̱hi naḥ ||44||
(R. 3-6-30)
Lord, with your repute for bestowing munificence on your devotees
(slaves) grant us our necessities as we are unable to put up with the
ignomy heaped on us by the rich in their pride.

लोकािामििन्नािां ि॑ गर्तवणामरश िश्यताम ।्
ु वसस्पाी॒
अस्मभ्ं िेत्रमायश्चो॑ ु रहं तदा भर ॥४५॥
lokānāmupapannānāṁ̍ garviṇāmīśa paśyatām |
asmabhyaṁ kṣetramāyuśca̍ vasuspā̱rahaṁ tadā̎bhara ||45||
(R. 6-3-49)
Ishwara thou shalt grant shelter, longevity and prosperity to us to our
satiety as we yearn for such things while we notice the proud people
possessed of these.

याज्ञादौ महतीं लज्जाो॑मस्मदरयां घृणाविधे ।
त्वमेव वेवत्स िी॒ स्तण ् तभ्
ू वथी॒ मषग्ब्गो॑ स्तोी॒ ृ ी॒ आभो॑र ॥४६॥
yaññādau mahatīṁ lajjā̍masmadīyāṁ ghṛṇānidhe |
tvameva vetsi na̱stṛrṇa̱miṣa gg̍ sto̱tṛbhya̱ ābha̍ra ||46||
(R. 6-8-10, Y- 4-4-4)
Lord, thou knowest fully well our great shame in the matter of
mendicancy. Be pleased to hasten with food to us praying unto you.

जायाो॑ माता विता चान्येि॑ मांी॒ वद्वषन्त्यमसतो॑ कृ शम ।्

ु सी॒ह ॥४७॥
देवह मे महतीं ववद्यां राी॒या ववश्वी॒ िषा
jāyā̍ mātā pitāa cānye̍ māṁ̱ dviṣantyamatiṁ̍ kṛśam |
dehi me mahatīṁ vidyāṁ rā̱yā viśva̱puṣā̍ sa̱ha ||47||
(R. 6-2-27)
Lord, I am weak, ignorant and poor, I am therefore, discarded by the
people in general and disowened by mother and father. May you be
pleased to grant us the exuberance of the great knoweledge coupled with
wealth that protects all.

अदृष्टार्े ि॑ष ु सी॒ वषे ो॑ ु दृी॒ष्टार्ेी॒ ष्ववि को॑मथस ु ।

मेरुघन्वन्नशिंे भ्ोो॑ बी॒ लं धे वह ती॒िषू ो॑ ु िीः ॥४८॥
adṛṣṭārthe̍ṣu sa̱rveṣu̍ dṛ̱ṣṭārthe̱ṣvapi ka̍rmasu |
merughanvannaśaktebhyo̍ ba̱laṁ dhe̎hi ta̱nūṣu̍ naḥ ||48||
(R. 3-3-22)
Lord, wielding the mighty Meru as a bow, grant us sufficient physical
strength in as much as we lack it in sufficient capacity either for life
herein or hereafter.

लिाविष्टसहस्रस्य वित्यवमष्टववयोवगिीः ।
े ही॒वरी॒माणं ि॑ च िाशय ॥४९॥
हृद्रोगं मम देवश
labdhāniṣṭasahasrasya nityamiṣṭaviyoginaḥ |
hṛdrogaṁ mama deveśa ha̱ri̱māṇaṁ̍ ca nāśaya ||49||
(R. 1-4-8, Y. 3-7-6)
Lord of Devas, cure me of my mental malady which intimidates me to evil
acts, setting at naught my powers of ratiocination.

ये येि॑ रोगाो॑ विशा चा वाो॑ िी॒ रा देी॒वाश्च माो॑वमह ।

बाधन्ते देव ताि ् सवाथि विी॒
् बाधो॑स्व मी॒ हां अो॑वस ॥५०॥
ye ye̍ rogā̍ḥ piśā cā vā̍ na̱rā de̱vāśca mā̍miha |
bādhante deva tān sarvān ni̱bādha̍sva ma̱hāam a̍si ||50||
(R. 6-4-44)
Lord, thou art the most competent to deal with me and afford protection
unto me suffering from several diseases and harm perpetrated by ghosts,
men and Devas.

त्वमेव रवितास्माकं ि॑ िान्यीः की॒ श्चि ववो॑द्यते ।

े ी॒ रिाो॑णो ब्रह्मणस्पते ॥५१॥
तस्मात्स्वरकृ त्य देवश
tvameva rakṣitāsmākaṁ̍ nānyaḥ ka̱ścana vi̍dyate |
tasmātsvīkṛtya deveśa̱ rakṣā̍ṇo brahmaṇaspate ||51||
(R. 1-1-33)
Lord of the Devas and the Vedas, thou art our protector and I cannot find
any other instead. Be pleased to hear my prayers and save me.

त्वमेवि॑ ोमाो॑ितेी॒ माताो॑ त्वंी॒ विताी॒ त्वं विताो॑महीः ।

ु मवतस्त्वं श्ररुी॒ त भ्रा तोी॒तिो॑स्सखा ॥५२॥
tvame̍vomā̍pate̱ mātā̍ tvaṁ̱ pitā̱ tvaṁ pitā̍mahaḥ |
tvamā̍yustvaṁ matistvaṁ śrīru̱ta bhrā̎to̱tana̍ssakhā ||52||
(R. 8-8-44)
Lord of Uma, thou art our mother, father, paternal grandfather, brother,
friend and our very existance, knowledge and wealth.

े कताथ सवथस्य कमथणीः।

यतस्त्वमेव देवश
ततीः िमो॑स्व ती॒त्सो॑वं यी॒ िी॒या दो॑ष्कृती॒म कृ् तम ॥५३॥

yatastvameva deveśa kartā sarvasya karmaṇaḥ |
tataḥ kṣama̍sva ta̱tsa̍rvaṁ ya̱nma̱yā du̍ṣkṛta̱m kṛtam ||53||
(Y. Aru. 10-1)
Lord of the Devas, pardon me of all my paapas (undesirable acts) as thou
art the prime force behind all my actions.

ु िो॑ फल्गत्वे
त्वत्सो॑ मो ि प्रभत्वे ु ी॒ि च मो॑त्समीः ।
अतो देव महाी॒दवे ी॒ त्वमी॒ स्माकं ी॒ तवो॑ स्मवस ॥५४॥
tvatsa̍mo na prabhutvena̍ phalgutve̱na ca ma̍tsamaḥ |
ato deva mahā̱deva̱ tvama̱smākaṁ̱ tava̍ smasi ||54||
(R. 4-6-20)
Mahadeva, thou art great beyond comparison with your munificence. In
contrast, I am the last of the low and the humble. I claim your relationship
as both of us make up our mutual deficiences.

ु त ं भस्मगौी॒राङ्गं ि॑ ती॒रुणाी॒वदत्यववो॑ग्रहम ।्
े ा िमी॒ सा वगो॑रा ॥५५॥
प्रसन्नवदिंी॒ सौम्यं गाी॒यत्त्व
susmi̍taṁ bhasmagau̱rāṅgaṁ̍ ta̱ruṇā̱dityavi̍graham |
prasannavadanaṁ̱ saumyaṁ gā̱yettvā̎ nama̱sā gi̍rā ||55||
(R. 6-4-4)
Prostrations with words of song unto you, besmeared with the ashes all
over the limbs and shining with the splendour of the rising sun, always

एष एव वरोऽस्माकं िृत्यन्तं त्वां सभािते ।

ु ी॒ िश्येम
लोकयन्तममाकान्तं ्
ि॑ शी॒ रदो॑श्शी॒ तम ॥५६॥
eṣa eva varo'smākaṁ nṛtyantaṁ tvāṁ sabhāpate |
lokayantamumākāntaṁ̱ paśye̍ma śa̱rada̍śśa̱tam ||56||
(R. 5-5-11, Y. Aru. 4-42)

Sabhapathy, thou art coupled with Uma with compassionate looks over
the Jivas. Grant us the boon of grazing at thy divine dance for a number
of years.

अरोो॑वगणोो॑ महाी॒भागाो॑ ववी॒द्वांशी॒श्च बहुो॑श्तु ाीः ।

भगवंस्त्वत्प्रसादेिी॒ जरवेम
ि॑ शी॒ रदो॑श्शी॒ तम ॥५७॥्
aro̍giṇo̍ mahā̱bhāgā̍ vi̱dvāṁśa̱śca bahu̍śrutāḥ |
bhagavaṁstvatprasādena̱ jīve̍ma śa̱rada̍śśa̱tam ||57||
(R. 5-5-11, Y. Aru. 4-42)
Bhagavan, grant us the boon to live for many years with thy grace,
endowed with prosperity, the gift of poesy and the chanting of the Vedas.

सदारा बन्धवु भस्साधं त्वी॒दरयंी॒ ताण्डवाो॑मतृ म ।्

विबन्तीः काममरशािी॒ िन्दाो॑म शी॒ रदो॑श्शी॒ तम ॥५८॥
sadāarā bandhubhissārdhaṁ tva̱dīyaṁ̱ tāṇḍavā̍mṛtam |
pibantaḥ kāmamīśāna̱ nandā̍ma śa̱rada̍śśa̱tam ||58||
(Y. Aru. 4-42)
Ishana, may we be blessed to witness and drink at the fountain of the
nectar of thy dance with our wives and relatives to our satiety and thus
remain in bliss.

देवो॑दवे ो॑ महाी॒दवे ो॑ त्वदरयांी॒वि सरोो॑रुहे ।

कामं ि॑ मी॒ धमु यं िरत्वाी॒ मोदाो॑म शी॒ रदो॑श्शी॒ तम ॥५९॥
deva̍deva̍ mahā̱deva̍ tvadīyāṁ̱ghri saro̍ruhe |
kāmaṁ̍ ma̱dhumayaṁ pītvā̱ modā̍ma śa̱rada̍śśa̱tam ||59||
(Y. Aru. 4-42)
Mahadeva, we earnestly desire to get ourselves intoxicated with the
honey, secreting from the lotus of thy feet.

करटा िागाीः विशाचा वा योी॒ वा के ी॒ वा भवेि॑ भवे ।


तवदासाो॑ महाी॒दवे ी॒ भवाो॑म शी॒ रदो॑श्शी॒ तम ॥६०॥
kīṭā nāgāḥ piśācā vā yo̱ vā ke̱ vā bhave̍ bhave |
tavadāsā̍ḥ mahā̱deva̱ bhavā̍ma śa̱rada̍śśa̱tam ||60||
(Y. Aru. 4-42)
It does not matter whatever birth we are destined to take after this – be
it worm, serpent, ghost or any life particle abominable of even utterance
– by the mouth provided our being treated as thy servants, is a condition.
सभायामरो॑श तेी॒ वदव्यं िृी॒त्तवाी॒द्य कळो॑ स्विम ।्

श्वो॑णाभ्ां ि॑ महाी॒दवे शृी॒णवाो॑म शी॒ रदो॑श्शी॒ तम ॥६१॥
sabhāyāmī̍śa te̱ divyaṁ nṛ̱ttavā̱dya kaḻa̍svanam |
śrava̍ṇābhyā̍ṁ mahā̱deva śṛ̱ṇavā̍ma śa̱rada̍śśa̱tam ||61||
(Y. Aru. 4-42)
Ishwara, grant us the boon to feast our ears for a number of years with
the divine blithe and musical chorus that accompanies your dance at the

ि॑ संी॒ सारो॑ ववी॒िाशी॒ ि िराो॑वण ते ।

स्मृवतो॑ मात्रेण

िामाो॑वि तव वदव्याविी॒ िब्रो॑वाम शी॒ रदो॑श्शी॒ तम ॥६२॥
smṛti̍ mātre̍ṇa saṁ̱sāra̍ vi̱nāśa̱na parā̍ṇi te |
nāmā̍ni tava divyāni̱ pabra̍vāma śa̱rada̍śśa̱tam ||62||
(Y. Aru. 4-42)
Grant us the boon that we may repeat thy names of beatitude for a
myriad years. The recollection of those names confers on us the means of
liberation from Samsara.

इषसन्धाो॑ े दग्ब्ध वत्री॒िरु धूो॑जटथ े ।
ि माी॒त्रण

आवधवभी॒ व्याथवधी॒ वभर्तित्यी॒मजरो॑तास्स्याम शी॒ रदो॑श्शी॒ तम॥६३॥
iṣusandhā̍na mā̱treṇa dagdha tri̱pura dhū̍rjaṭe |
ādhibhi̱rvyādhi̱bhirnitya̱majī̍tāssyāma śa̱rada̍śśa̱tam ||63||
(Y. Aru. 4-42)

O Shiva, who brought about the annihilation of Tripuras by the mere
stringing of the bow (without even discharging an arrow), grant us the
boon to live for a long time without being emaciated by mental agitation
and physical informities.

चारुचामरकराभासं ि॑ गौी॒रर कुचिदोो॑रसम ।्

कदाो॑ ि ु लोकवयष्यावम यवािम
ु ् ववश्िी॒सत की॒ ववम ॥६४॥

cārucāmīkarābhāsaṁ̍ gau̱rī kucapado̍rasam |
kadā̍ nu lokayiṣyāmi yuvānaṁ̎ viśpa̱tim ka̱vim ||64||
(R. 6-3-41)
Lord, when shall we be able to see Thee in the bloom of youth with the
halo of a golden hue, in divine union with Gowri? Thou art the protector
and the seer of the world.

प्रमर्ेि ि॑ ावृत ं ि॑ , प्ररतवदिं , वप्रयभावषणम ।्

सेववो॑ष्यऽे हं ि॑ कदाी॒ साम्बं सी॒भु ासं शी॒ क्रशो
ु ्
वचषम ॥६५॥
pramathe̍ndrāavṛtaṁ̍ prītavadanaṁ priyabhāṣiṇam |
sevi̍ṣye'haṁ̍ kadā̱ sāmbaṁ su̱bhāsaṁ̎ śu̱kraśo̎ciṣam ||65||
(R. 6-2-13)
Oh Lord surrounded by Bhuta Ghanas, with countenance, full of cheer and
brillance like the Venus planet and speaking out words of commiseration,
I do not know when it would be possible for me to serve you with Amba.

् तिण्यले
बह्वेी॒िसं माम अकृ ु शं च दमथवतम।्
स्वरको॑वरष्यवत सकी॒ वरशोी॒ िरलो॑ ग्ररवोी॒ ववलोो॑वहतीः ॥६६॥
bahve̱nasaṁ mām akṛtapuṇyaleśaṁ ca durmatim |
svīka̍riṣyati kiṁ̱ vīśo̱ nīla̍grīvo̱ vilo̍hitaḥ ||66||
(Y. 4-5-1 {Rudram})
It is doubtful whether Ishwara with the blue throat of poison, and a body
of red hue, would condescend to take me into his fold in as much as I am
full of wicked intentions without even a particle of piety to my credit.

कालशूलाो॑िलाी॒सिंो॑ भरी॒वत व्याी॒कुलमाो॑िसम ।्
कदाो॑ ि ु द्रक्ष्यतरशो मांी॒ तववो॑
ु ग्ररवोी॒ अिा ितीः ॥६७॥
kālaśūlā̍nalā̱sakta̍ bhī̱ti vyā̱kulamā̍nasam |
kadā̍ nu drakṣyatīśo māṁ̱ tu vi̍grīvo̱ anā̎nataḥ ||67||
(R. 6-4-45)
My mind is filled with fear of the deadly weapons of Yama (spear, fire
etc.). I do not know when Neelakanta will acknowledge my prayers and
rescue me.

गाी॒यो॑का यूयो॑माी॒यातो॑ यी॒ वद राी॒यावद वलो॑ प्सवीः ।

ु स्म ै गायताी॒ िरो॑ ॥६८॥
धिो॑दस्य सखेी॒शोऽयी॒ मिा
gā̱ya̍kā yūya̍mā̱yāta̍ ya̱di rā̱yādi li̍psavaḥ |
dhana̍dasya sakhe̱śo'ya̱mupā̎smai gāyatā̱ nara̍ḥ ||68||
(R. 6-7-36)
Poets (musicians), if you are bent upon acquiring wealth, do come and
sing in praise of Ishwara who is a friend of Kubera, the Lord of Riches.
Men of the world, sing his glory.

आगच्छत सी॒ खायो मेि॑ यवद यूय ं ममु िवीः

ु ।
ु श
स्तते ु
ि॑ मेि ं मिंयर्थ
मेी॒ि॑ ष ववप्र ै री॒वभष्टो॑त
ु ीः ॥६९॥
āgacchata sa̱khāyo me̍ yadi yūyaṁ mumukṣavaḥ |
stute̍śamenaṁ muktayartha̍me̱ṣa vipraī̎ra̱bhiṣṭu̍taḥ ||69||
(R. 6-7-21)
Friends, if you are earnest in your quest for Moksha, rally forth and pray
to this Shiva. He is always glorified by Brahmins.

िी॒द े िी॒द े िी॒द े देवो॑िदं िीः स्येत स्यवत ध्रवु म ।्
प्रदो॑ विणं प्रकुी॒रुती॒ मध्यिंी॒ धमथणावमी॒
ि॑ ्
मम ॥७०॥
pa̱de pa̱de pa̱de deva̍padaṁ naḥ syet syati dhruvam |
prada̍kṣiṇaṁ praku̱ruta̱madhyakṣaṁ̱ dharma̍ṇāmi̱mam ||70||
(R. 6-7-33)
My legs, of what use are you, if you do not go around the temple of the
Lord who has the capacity to enter into the spirit of all the Dharmas? You
are sure of getting the position of Devas (if you do the Pradakshinam).

ु भ्ां वहि॑ सकृु तं सहृदौो॑

सवं कायं यवाी॒ ु मम ।
अञ्जसल कुरुतं हस्तौ रुी॒ द्रायो॑ वस्थी॒र धो॑न्विे ॥७१॥
sarvams kāryaṁ yuvā̱bhyāṁ hi̍ sukṛtaṁ suhṛdau̍ mama |
añjaliṁ kurutaṁ hastau ru̱drāya̍ sthi̱ra dha̍nvane ||71||
(R. 5-4-13)
My hands, it is with thy co-operation that all actions are accomplished.
Fold them in prayer to Rudra who is holding the mighty bow.

मिूो॑धिथ मो॑ ् रुताी॒मध्व ू थजम ।्

ू ं ि॑ भी॒ वं ची॒ िाधथमो॑ध
ू ोो॑ िी॒मस्या कल ् मलरी॒वकी॒ िम ् ।७२॥
मूधघ्नथ ं चो॑ चती॒मु ध्न
manmū̍rdhan ma̍rutā̱mūrdhvaṁ̍ bha̱vaṁ ca̱ndrārdhamū̍rdhajam
mūrdhaghnaṁ ca̍ catu̱rmūrdhno̍ na̱masyā kal̎ malī̱ ki̱nam̎ |72||
(R. 2-7-17)
My head, bow down in prayer to the Lord of the Devas, with the crescent
moon adorning His head and famed for having plucked the head of
Brahma, the creator and himself the destroyer of all paapas.

ियो॑ि े िो॑यिोद्भो॑ूतदहिाी॒लरढमो॑िर्म।्
िश्यतं तरुणं सौम्यंी॒ भ्राजो॑मािं वहरी॒ण्मयम ् ॥७३॥
naya̍ne na̍yanodbhū̍tadahanāa̱līḍhama̍nmatham |
paśyataṁ taruṇaṁ saumyaṁ̱ bhrāja̍mānaṁ hira̱ṇmayam̎ ||73||
(R. 6-7-26)
Eyes, see the glory of Shiva, with His characteristic composure and
youthful brilliance of a golden hue, who burnt Manmatha to ashes using
the eye in his fore-head.

सभाो॑यां शूो॑वलिी॒ स्सन्ध्या िृी॒त्तवाी॒द्यस्विाो॑मतृ म ।्
कणौो॑ तूणं ि॑ यर्ाी॒ कामं िाी॒ती॒ ं गौराो॑वववेी॒वरणे ॥७४॥
sabhā̍yāṁ śū̍lina̱ssandhyā nṛ̱ttavā̱dyasvanā̍mṛtam |
karṇau̍ tūrṇaṁ̍ yathā̱ kāmaṁ pā̱taṁ̱ gaurā̍vive̱riṇe ||74||
(R. 6-6-10)
Ears, take in the nectar of the music that issues-forth in the evening at
the time of Shiva’s dance, armed with his trident, just as the thirsty
traveller over the desert would quench his thirst at an oasis.

ु श्वास वाी॒वसताी॒ भावसतोो॑ रसम ।्

िावसो॑के वाो॑सवकी॒

िायो॑त ं गरळी॒ ग्ररवी॒मस्मो॑भ्ी॒ ं शमथ ि॑ यच्छतम ॥७५॥
nāsi̍ke vā̍suki̱śvāsa vā̱sitā̱ bhāsito̍ rasam |
ghrāya̍taṁ garaḻa̱grīva̱masma̍bhyaṁ̱ śarma̍ yacchatam ||75||
(R. 1-1-33)
Nostrils, draw-in the sweet odour of Neelakanta perfumed by Vasuki,
adorning his chest.

स्वस्त्यस्त ु सवहते
ु वजह्वेि॑ ववी॒द्यादातरुमािते
ु ीः ।

स्तवमितरं ब्रूवह जयो॑तावमव दन्दु
ी॒ वभो॑ ॥७६॥
svastyastu suhite jihve̍ vi̱dyādāturumāpateḥ |
stavamuccataraṁ brūhi jaya̍tāmiva du̱ndubhi̍ḥ ||76||
(R. 1-2-25)
Tongue, fare thee well. Vociferate like the trumpet Dundubhi proclaiming
the victories, the prayers to Umapathi who grants us all knowledge.

चेतीः िोत ि शोी॒चस्त्वं विी॒ न्ध्य ं ववी॒न्दावखलं जगत ।्

अस्य िृत्तामृत ं शंभोगौरोो॑ िी॒ तृवषी॒तीः विो॑ब ॥७७॥
cetaḥ pota na śo̱castvaṁ ni̱ndhyaṁ vi̱ndākhilaṁ jagat |
asya nṛttāmṛtaṁ śaṁbhorgauro̍ na̱ tṛṣi̱taḥ pi̍ba ||77||
(R. 1-1-30)
Mind, you need not be worried. Know that the worlds are no good and are
transient. Like the bee drink at the fountain of the nectar of His dance as
a thirsty man would.

ु संी॒स्पशं काी॒मदं सोी॒मभूो॑षणम ।्

सगो॑ु सन्ध सो॑ख
गाढमावलङ्ग मविती॒ योषा जाी॒रवमो॑व वप्री॒यम ॥७८॥ ्
suga̍ndhiṁ su̍khasaṁ̱sparśaṁ kā̱madaṁ so̱mabhū̍ṣaṇam |
gāḍhamāliṅga maccita̱ yoṣā̎jā̱rami̍va pri̱yam ||78||
(R. 6-8-22)
Mind, clasp the Lord as a maid would embrace her paramour. The Lord
with the crescent moon is sweetly perfumed and gentle to touch with a
capacity to fulfill all your desires.

ु ायी॒ महाी॒शी॒ररराय मी॒ हाम्बराय।

महाी॒मयूखाय महाो॑भी॒ ज
महाी॒ वकररो॑टाय महेि॑श्वी॒रायी॒ मी॒ होमी॒ हीं सष्टो॑ ु वु ती॒मररो॑ यावम ॥७९॥
mahā̱mayūkhāya mahā̍bhu̱jāya̱ mahā̱śa̱rīrāya ma̱hāmbarāya |
mahā̱ kirī̍ṭāya mahe̍śva̱rāya̱ ma̱homa̱hīṁ su̍ṣṭuti̱mīra̍yāmi ||79||
(R. 2-7-17)
This prayer is unto Him, with clusters of light rays, outstreched shoulders,
stupendous body, clad in cloth of the Aksha (space) and adorned with a
beautiful crown.

यर्ाो॑ कर्ं वचद्रवचो॑तावभी॒ ररश प्रसाो॑दतश्चारुवभराी॒दरेण ।

् मािमाी॒वभीः ॥८०॥
प्रिूो॑जयावम स्ती॒वु तो॑वभमथी॒ हेशी॒मषा ढमी॒ ग्रु ग सहो॑
yathā̍ kathaṁ cidraci̍tābhi̱rīśa prasā̍dataścārumirā̱dareṇa |
prapū̍jayāmi stu̱ti̍bhirma̱heśa̱maṣā̎ḍhamu̱grag
saha̍mānamā̱bhiḥ ||80|| (R. 4-1-4)
Great Lord, I have sung these with great fervour and strain. May you be
pleased to put up with the incorrigible. These have been made beautiful
by your beneficence.


िमवश्शवाय वत्रिरान्तकायी॒ जगो॑त्यधरो॑शाय वदगम्बराय ।
िमोो॑ऽस्त ु मख्याय
ु ु याय
हरायी॒ शम्भोी॒ िमोो॑ जघी॒ न्याो॑य ची॒ बवध्नो॑
namaśśivā tripurāntakāya̱ jaga̍tyadhī̍śāya digambarāya |
namo̍'stu mukhyāya harāya̱ śambho̱ namo̍ jagha̱nyā̍ya ca̱
budhni̍yāya ||81|| (Y. Rudram 4-5-6)
Prostrations to Shiva, the destroyer of the three mighty cities,
prostrations to Ishwara the root cuase of the worlds, having the
directions (Akasha) for his clothing, prostrations to Shambhu the
primordial Ishwara destroying our paapas, prostrations to Him who is
the root of everything.

िमोो॑ ववकाराय ववकावरणे तेी॒ िमो भवायास्त ु भवोद्भवाो॑य ।

बहुो॑प्रजाऽत्यी॒न्त वववचो॑त्र रूिाी॒ यतो॑ प्रसूी॒ता जी॒ गतो॑ प्रसूतर ॥८२॥
namo̍ vikārāya vikāriṇe te̱ namo bhavāyāstu bhavodbhavā̍ya |
bahu̍prajā'tya̱nta vici̍tra rūpā̱ yata̍ḥ prasū̱tā jaga̱ta̍ḥ prasūtī ||82||
(Y. Aru. 10-1)
Prostrations to the Lord permeating into all actions to their fulfillment
who is at once the prompter and the object of all worldly life and to whom
the worlds with all their strange features and creatures owe their
creation and existence.

तस्म ैि॑ सरेु शोरुवकररट िािाी॒रत्नाो॑ वृताष्टािद ववष्टराय ।

भस्माङ्गरागाय िमीः िरस्म ैी॒ यस्माी॒त िरी्॒ न्नािो॑रम
ी॒ वस्ती॒ सकवचो॑त ्
tasmai̍ sureśorukirīṭa nānā̱ratnā̍ vṛtāṣṭāpada viṣṭarāya |
bhasmāṅgarāgāya namaḥ parasmai̱ yasmā̱t para̱nnāpa̍ra̱masti̱
kiṁci̍t ||83|| (Y. Aru. 10-12)

Prostrations to thee, the indescribable, smeared with ashes, seated on the
great golden crown of Indra, studded with gems. I am unable to conceive
of anything beyond three either in cause or effect. Thou art the raison

सिाथवधराजौषवधिार् यद्धु िभ्ज्जटामी॒

ु ण्डलगह्वराय ।
ु िमस्सन्द
तभ्ं ् ववच ैवती॒ सवथम ्
ु रताण्डवायी॒ यवस्मो॑वन्नी॒ दग सञ्ची॒
sarpādhirājauṣadhinātha yuddha kṣubhyajjaṭāma̱ṇḍalagahvarāya
tubhyaṁ namassundaratāṇḍavāya̱ yasmi̍nni̱dag sañca̱vicaiti̱
sarvam̎ ||84|| (Y. Aru. 10-1)
Prostrations to Thee engaged in the divine dance of bliss. Thy form is
indeed made obscure by the external enmity and conflict that exist
between the moon and the serpent king, under the shelter of your matted
locks which thus become unkempt. Despite this, the sages recognize Thee
as the receptacle of the entire universe.

िमाो॑वम वित्यं वत्रिरावरमे ु तमरशम ।्
ि ंी॒ यमान्तकं षण्मखताी॒

ललाट िेत्रार्तदत िष्पचािं ्
ु ण ं तमो॑सीःी॒ िरो॑ स्तात ॥८५॥
ी॒ ववश्वं ि॑ िराी॒
namā̍mi nityaṁ tripurārimenaṁ̱
yamāntakaṁ ṣaṇmukhatā̱tamīśam |
lalāṭa netrārdita puṣpacāpaṁ̱ viśvaṁ̍ purā̱ṇaṁ tama̍saḥ̱ para̍stāt
||85|| (Y. Aru. 10-1)

Prostrations to Ishwara, the eternal, the destroyer of the three mighty

cities, the subjugator of Yama, the father of Shanmukha and the slayer of
Manmatha with the floral bow. He has this vast universe as his form
perenially new and untouched by ignorance.

ु वर िेत्रार्तचत िादिद्मं उमांविलािािवररिंिावणम ।्


िमाो॑वम देवं ववषो॑िरली॒ कण्ठं ी॒ वहरण्यो॑दन्त
ी॒ ं शवची॒ ्
ु वणथी॒ मारा त ॥८६॥
murā̍ri netrārcita pādapadmam mumāṁghrilākṣāpariraktapāṇim
namā̍mi devaṁ viṣa̍nīla̱kaṇṭhaṁ̱ hiraṇya̍da̱ntaṁ śuci̱varṇa̱mārā̎t
(Y. Aru. 10-1)
My eager prostrations to the Deva with the teeth of golden hue and with
lotus feet, worshipped by Vishnu with this eyes (Lord Vishnu offered his
lotus like eyes as Archana pushpam to the Lord) whose palms are
reddened by the crimson unguent of Uma’s feet.

अिन्तमव्यिंमवचन्त्यमेकं हरन्तमाशाम्बरमम्बराङ्गम ।्
ु ि॑ प्रणो॑मावमी॒ योऽयो॑मी॒णोरणरो॑यािहत
अजं ि॑ िराणं ्
ी॒ ो महरो॑याि ॥८७॥
harantamāśāmbaramambarāṅgam |
ajaṁ̍ purāṇaṁ̍ praṇa̍māmi̱ yo'ya̍ma̱ṇoraṇī̍yānmaha̱to mahī̍yān
(Y. Aru. 10-12)
My prostrations to Him, the unmanifested, the inscrutable, the one
without the second, the one clothed in Akasha, wielding the ether as one
of his limbs, bereft of birth, of eternal novelty, the subtelest of the subtle
and the greatest of the great.

अन्तो॑स्थमात्मािमजं ि दृष्ट्वा भ्रमवन्त मूढा वगवर गह्वरेष ु ।

ु ती॒ अधवस्वो॑
िश्चाददग्ब्दविणतो॑ िरस्ताो॑ दाी॒सर (३) दिी॒ वरि॑वस्वदासर (३)त ्
anta̍sthamātmānamajaṁ na dṛṣṭvā bhramanti mūḍhā giri
gahvareṣu |
paścādudagdakṣiṇata̍ḥ purastā̍ṯ adhasvi̍dā̱sī (3) du̱pari̍svidāsī (3)t
||88|| (R. 8-7-17)

Great is the folly of those who seek Him, who is the Self and is never born,
and who resides in our hearts, amidsts the lofty hills and dense forests of
trees and thorns (desire and other negative tendencies in our heart). He
is indeed pervading the directions of West, North, South and East and is
above and below.

इमं ि॑ िमामरश्वरवमी॒ न्दुमौसली॒ वशवं ि॑ महािन्दमी॒ शोकदीःखम ।्

ु वतष्टवत यीः िी॒रात्माो॑ िररत्यी॒ सवाथ प्री॒वदशोी॒ वदशो॑श्च ॥८९॥
हृदो॑ म्बजे
imaṁ̍ namāmīśvarami̱ndumauliṁ̱ śivaṁ̍
mahānandama̱śokaduḥkham |
hṛda̍mbuje tiṣṭati yaḥ pa̱rātmā̍ parītya̱ sarvā̎ḥ pra̱diśo̱ diśa̍śca
||89|| (Y. Aru. 10-1)
Prostrations to Ishwara, with the crescent moon on his crest who spreads
Himself in all space including the cardinal directions, residing in the
innermost recesses of the lotus of our hearts, capable of removing the
mental and physical afflictions, bestowing beauty and bliss.

ु ी॒ विे ी॒ भग्नं ि॑ भवाख्येि मी॒ हामयेिि॑ ।

रागाो॑वदकािथ्य समद्भ
ववलोक्य मां िाी॒लो॑य चिमौळेि॑ वभी॒ षिंो॑मंी॒ त्वा वभी॒ षजां शृणोवम
rāgā̍dikāpathya samudbha̱vena̱
bhagnaṁ̍ bhavākhyena ma̱hāmaye̍na |
vilokya māṁ pā̱la̍ya candramauḻe̍
bhi̱ṣakta̍maṁ̱ tvā bhi̱ṣajāṁ̎ śṛṇomi |90||
(R. 2-7-16)
Lord, with the crescent moon on your crest, condescend to cure me, dying
of the terrible disease, diagnosed to have been caused by the undesirable
and unwholesome service of Samsara. Are you not the celebrated
physician (Vaidyanatha)?

दीःखाो॑म्भरासशो॑ ु ि॑ बी॒ हुिातकं ि॑ माम ।्
ु लेशी॒हरिंी॒ अस्पृो॑ष्टिण्यं


मृत्योीः करस्थं ि॑ भव रि भरतं ि॑ िी॒श्चात्पी॒ ु री॒स्ताो॑धी॒राददो॑िंात ॥९१॥
duḥkhā̍mbhurāśiṁ̍ sukha̍leśa̱hīnaṁ̱
aspṛ̍ṣṭapuṇyaṁ̍ ba̱hupātakaṁ̍ mām |
mṛtyoḥ karasthaṁ̍ bhava rakṣa bhītaṁ̍
pa̱ścātpu̱ra̱stā̍dha̱rāduda̍ktāt ||91||
(R. 8-4-9)
Lord, I am by the worst sinner, now in the clutches of Yama. Please rush
to my support from all directions. I have not even an iota of piety to my
credit and no wonder I am immersed in the ocean of sorrow, without any

ु लोी॒की॒सशरो॑
वगररो॑िजा चारुमखावी॒ ु तया देव ती॒ववै दृो॑ ष्टया ।
वयं ि॑ दया िूवरतयैव तूणं अी॒ िो िो॑ िाी॒वा दो॑वरी॒ता तरेम
ि॑ ॥९२॥
girī̍ndrajā cārumukhāva̱lo̱ka̱suśī̍tayā deva ta̱vaiva dṛ̍ṣṭayā |
vayaṁ̍ dayā pūritayaiva tūrṇaṁ a̱po na̍ nā̱vā du̍ri̱tā tare̍ma ||92||
(R. 5-1-12, R. 1-1-12)
Deva, thy looks are compassionate and refreshing on account of their
fixture on the graceful daughter of Himavan. Help us, as a boat would, in
crossing over our paapas.

अिाो॑रसंसारसमद्रमध्ये ु
ि॑ विी॒ मो॑ग्नमत्क्रोशमी॒ िल्पराो॑गम ।्

मामिी॒म ं िावहमहेश जष्टमोवजष्टयाी॒ ्
दविो॑णी॒येव राी॒वतम ॥९३॥
apā̍rasaṁsārasamudramadhye̍ ni̱ma̍gnamutkrośama̱nalparā̍gam
māmakṣa̱maṁ pāhimaheśa juṣṭamojiṣṭayā̱ dakṣi̍ṇa̱yeva rā̱tim
||93|| (R. 2-4-8)
Maheshwara, pardon and save me like the donor who secures satisfaction
by giving gifts. I am immersed in the boundless ocean of Samsara, weak
and helpless but full of desires, wailing over my lot.
स्मरो॑ ि ि् रा
ु सवञ्चत िातकावि खरं यमस्यावि मी॒ ख
ु ं यमारे ।
ी॒ ायी॒ यु वथी॒ दविी॒तायी॒ यु वथ दि॑वाी॒ िरे तीः ॥९४॥
वबभेवम मे देवह यर्ेष्टि॑ म
smara̍n purā sañcita pātakāni
kharaṁ yamasyāpi mu̱khaṁ yamāre |
bibhemi me dehi yathe̍ṣṭa̱māyu̱rya̱dikṣi̱tāyu̱ryadi̍vā̱ pare̎taḥ
||94|| (R. 8-8-19)
O Conquerer of Yama, being short lived, grant me longevity to my
satisfaction, if I deserve that. Brooding over my past malefic deeds, I
spend my days woefully, in dread of the fierce face of Yama.

सगवन्दवभस्स ु र भस्मगौरैीः अिन्त भोग ै मृदथ ळैरघोो॑रीःै ।
इमं कदावलङ्गवत मां वििाकरो॑ वस्थी॒रवे भी॒ रङ्गै िरुु रूी॒ ि उी॒ग्रीः ॥९५॥
sugandibhissundara bhasmagauraiḥ ananta bhogai
rmṛduḻairagho̍raiḥ |
imaṁ kadāliṅgati māṁ pinākī̍ sthi̱rebhi̱raṅgai̎ḥ puru rū̱pa u̱graḥ
||95|| (R. 2-7-17)
I know not when the Lord of myriad forms, renowned as Ugra and armed
with Pinaka, the mighty bow, would embrace me with his body sweetly
perfumed by the ashes and coiled by the serpent species with their
outspread hoods and possessed of limbs that are steadfast, gentle and
know not fear.
क्रोशो॑न्तमरशीः िवतो॑त ं भवािौी॒ िागाो॑स्य मण्डूकवमी॒ वावत भरो॑तम।्
कदािमां ु रक्ष्यो॑वत देव देवोी॒ वहरो॑ ण्यरूी॒ िस्यवहर ण्यसंी॒दृक ् ॥९६॥
krośa̍ntamīśaḥ pati̍taṁ bhavābdhau̱ nāgā̍sya maṇḍūkami̱vāti
bhī̍tam |
kadānumāṁ rakṣya̍ti deva devo̱ hira̍ṇyarū̱pasyahira̎ṇyasaṁ̱dṛk
||96|| (R. 2-7-23)
I am very much like the toad caught in the deadly grip of the serpent
between its fangs, my miserable state struggling in the ocean of births,
makes me scream out. When will the Lord who is not only of golden hue
but also equivalent to gold, take me into his fold.

ं ंी॒ गौररो॑कटािाहथमी॒यग्ब्ु मिेत्रि॑ म ।्

चारुो॑वस्मतं ची॒ िकलाो॑वी॒तस

आलोकवयष्यावम कदाो॑ ि ु देवं आवदी॒त्यवणंी॒ तमो॑सी॒ िरो॑ स्तात ्
cāru̍smitaṁ ca̱ndrakalā̍va̱taṁsaṁ̱
gaurī̍kaṭāakṣārhama̱yugmane̍tram |
ālokayiṣyāmi kadā̍ nu devaṁ ādi̱tyavarṇaṁ̱ tama̍sa̱ḥ para̍stāt
||97|| (Y. Purushasuktam)
I do not know when I would be able to preceive Him, the triple-eyed,
adorning the crescent moon, every in bliss on account of his being worthy
of the side glance of Gowri and never associated with ignorance, shining
with the effulgence of the Sun.

आगो॑च्छतात्राश ु ममु ि
ु ी॒ वु ो येी॒ यूय ं ि॑ वशवं वचन्तयी॒ तान्तराो॑ब्ज े ।
ु वममं ि॑ वही॒ वित्यं वेी॒दाी॒न्त ववी॒ज्ञािी॒ सविो॑
ध्याी॒यी॒वन्त मक्त्यर्थ ु वश्चताी॒र्ाथ
āga̍cchatātrāśu mumukṣu̱vo ye̱
yūya̍ṁ śivaṁ cintaya̱tāntarā̍bje |
dhyā̱ya̱nti muktyarthamimaṁ̍ hi̱
nityaṁ ve̱dā̱nta vi̱jñāna̱ suni̍ścitā̱rthā ||98||
(Y. Mahanarayna Upanishad Sanyasasuktam)
People ambitious of attaining liberation rush-in. Meditate on Him as
seated in your lotus hearts, for the men learned in Vedanta lore always
fix their hearts on Him.

आयाो॑त यूय ं ि॑ भवो॑ु िावधी॒ ित्यी॒कामाो॑ महेशं सी॒कृदचथयो॑ध्वम ।्

एी॒ि ं िराभ्चथ ्
े ो॑ आसरत ॥९९।
वहरो॑ ण्यी॒ गभोो॑ भूी॒तस्यो॑ जाी॒तीः िवती॒रक
āyā̍ta yūyaṁ̍ bhuva̍nādhi̱patya̱kāmā̍ maheśaṁ
sa̱kṛdarcaya̍dhvam |
e̱naṁ purābhyarca hira̍ṇya̱garbho̍ bhū̱tasya̍ jā̱taḥ pati̱reka̍ āsīt

(R. 8-7-3, Y. 4-
People desirous of getting supremacy over the worlds, all of you come
quickly and worship Mahesha once. For by offering prayers once, Brahma
was raised to the inimitable Lordship over all the creations.

ये काम यन्ते वविलांु वश्यं तेी॒ श्रकण्ठो॑ मेि ं सकृ दािमन्ताम ।्

श्रमाियं श्रिो॑वतवन्द्यिादो॑ श्श्री॒णामो॑दु ाी॒रो धी॒ रुणोो॑ रयरी॒णाम ॥१००॥
ye kāma yante vipulāṁ śriyaṁ te̱ śrīkaṇṭha̍menaṁ
sakṛdānamantām |
śrīmānayaṁ śrīpa̍tivandyapāda̍śśrī̱ṇāmu̍dā̱ro dha̱ruṇo̍ rayī̱ṇām
(R. 7-7-28, Y. 4-
People desirous of becoming rich, shall but once adore this Neelakanta.
His feet are worshipped by the Lord of Lakshmi, the Ishwari of wealth. He
is the repository of wealth, the most illustrious and reputed for his profuse

सिु ो॑त्रु कामा अवि ये मिष्याी॒

ु यवाो॑ु िमेि ं वगवरशं यजन्ताम ।्
ू ग
यतस्स्यंभज थ तां ववधाताो॑ वही॒रण्ी॒ यी॒ गी॒भ थस्समो॑वतथी॒ताग्रे ॥१०१॥
supu̍trakāmā api ye manuṣyā̱ yuvā̍namenaṁ giriśaṁ yajantām |
yatassvayaṁbhūrjagatāṁ vidhātā̍ hi̱ra̱ṇya̱ga̱rbhassama̍varta̱tāgre̎
(R. 8-7-3)
Men desirous of getting progeny, shall implore the youthful Ishwara as
the primordial, taking upon Himself the duties of the creator even before
Brahma came into being.

ु बथहुवभस्समरवहतंी॒ समस्तमस्याी॒श्वणेि वसध्यवत ।

अलं ि॑ वकमिंै

िरैु िमावश्त्य वह कुम्भसम्भवोी॒ वदवाी॒ि िी॒िंं िवली॒ तो यवा
ु जवि
alaṁ̍ kimuktairbahubhissamīhitaṁ̱ samastamasyā̱śravaṇena
sidhyati |
purai namāśritya hi kumbhasambhavo̱ divā̱na na̱ktaṁ pali̱to
yuvā̎jani ||102|| (R. 2-2-13)
Why should I deal at length in enumerating His attributes? In short,
service unto Him culminates in fulfillment of all desires. In days of yore,
Agastya, the one born from pot, regained his youth free from grey hairs.

अन्यो॑त्पवरत्यज्यो॑ ममाो॑िी॒ भृङ्गाी॒स्सवं ि॑ सदैि ं ि॑ वशी॒ वमाश्यो॑ध्वम ।्

ो॑ ु ा उी॒तायम ्
आी॒मोदवािेषो॑ मृदो॑वश्शी॒ वोऽयंी॒ स्वादो॑वष्कलाी॒यं मधम
anya̍tparityajya̍ mamā̍kṣa̱ bhṛṅgā̱ssarvaṁ̍ sadainaṁ̍
śi̱vamāśraya̍dhvam |
ā̱modavāneṣa̍ mṛdu̍śśi̱vo'yaṁ̱ svādu̍ṣkilā̱ryaṁ madhu̍mā u̱tāyam̎
(R. 4-7-30)
O Beetles (sense organs) why go in vain search after honey (pleasures)?
Reject everything and reach Him. As Shiva is the mellifluous one
overflowing with honey.

भववष्यवस त्वं प्रवतमाि हरिाी॒ ववविर्तजताऽशेषिरामरा च ।

् ी॒वु ह श्ी॒ तु ं गो॑तस
िमोऽस्त ु तेि॑ वावण महेशमेिग्ब्ग्ब्स स्त ु िम ्
थी॒ दंी॒ यवाो॑
bhaviṣyasi tvaṁ pratimāna hīnā̱ vinirjitā'śeṣanarāmarāa ca |
namo'stu te̍ vāṇi maheśamenaggs stu̱hi śru̱taṁ ga̍rta̱sadaṁ̱
yuvā̍nam ||104||
(R. 2-7-18, Y. 4-5-10 {Rudram})

O speech, adore the Lord of great repute in the bloom of youth residing in
the heart-pit of the devotees. This is my earnest request. If only you take
my advice, you will be far above human beings and Devas.

यद्यो॑ििवश्चन्तयवस त्ववमष्टंी॒ तत्तो॑त्भववष्यत्यी॒वखलं ध्रवु ं ते ।

दीःखेि॑ विवृवत्तर्तवषये की॒ दावची॒ द ् यक्ष्वा मी॒ हे सौ मिी॒ साय रुी॒ द्रम ्
yadya̍nmanaścintayasi tvamiṣṭaṁ̱ tatta̍tbhaviṣyatya̱khilaṁ
dhruvaṁ te |
duḥkhe̍ nivṛttirviṣaye ka̱dāci̱d yakṣvā̎ma̱he sau̎mana̱sāya ru̱dram
(R. 4-2-1, Y. 4-5-10 {Rudram})
O mind, whatever be thy aspirations, you are sure of realizing them. You
will surely get relief from your misery. We pray to Rudra that our minds
may be purified.

अज्ञाियोगादिचारकमथ यत्पूवम ु ते ।
थ स्मावभरिवष्टतं
् िो जषस्व
तद्देव सोढ्ाो॑ सकलं दयाळोो॑ विी॒तवे ो॑ िी॒त्रु ाि प्रवतो॑ ु ॥१०६॥
ajñānayogādapacārakarma yatpūrvamasmābhiranuṣṭitaṁ te |
taddeva soḍhvā̍ sakalaṁ dayāḻo̍ pi̱teva̍ pu̱trān prati̍ no juṣasva
(R. 5-4-21, Y. Eka. 2-15)
O compassionate Deva, like the father excusing the short-comings of his
children with paternal affection, please pardon all the past paapas
committed by us due to ignorance.

संसाो॑राख्यक्रुद्धो॑ सिे ि॑णी॒ तरव्र ैी॒ राथगद्वेषोिादलोी॒भावद दन्तैीः ।

दी॒ष्ट ं दृष्ट्वा मां दयाळु ीः वििाकरो॑ देव ु
ी॒ ी॒स्स््ाी॒ता त्रा यताी॒मप्रो॑यच्छि ्

saṁsā̍rākhyakruddha̍ sarpe̍ṇa̱ tīvrai̱ rrāgadveṣonmādalo̱bhādi
dantaiḥ |
da̱ṣṭaṁ dṛṣṭvā māṁ dayāḻuḥ pinākī̍ de̱va̱st trā̱tā
trā̎yatā̱mapra̍yucchan ||107||
(R. 1-7-24)
O merciful Deva armed with Pinaka, the saviour of mankind, heal me of
the bite of the cruel fangs of the terrible serpent of Samsara which are
the strong likes and dislikes, without frowning on me in pitiful state.

ु ् त्वान्ते यत्समाधेिी॒मन्तोी॒ रुद्राो॑द्यास्त्वां यावन्त जी॒ िावह दो॑ ष्टाीः


सन्तोो॑ िरलग्ररवसूी॒त्राो॑त्मी॒िाहंी॒ तत्वा यावमी॒ ब्रह्मणाी॒ वन्दो॑मािीः
ityu̍k tvānte yatsamārdhena̱manto̱ rudrā̍dyāstvāṁ yānti ja̱nmāhi
da̍ṣṭāḥ |
santo̍ nīlagrīvasū̱trā̍tma̱nāhaṁ̱ tatvā yāmi̱ brahmaṇā̱
vanda̍mānaḥ ||108|(R. 1-2-15, Y. 2-2-11)
Having thus prayed to Him, after their Samadhi, the Yogis as well as the
Rudras, bitten by the serpent of birth, become one with you. Prompted by
You (Neelakanta), I am chanting the Vedas and doing Namaskarams to
reach you.

भवाो॑वतभरषणज्वरेण िरवडतािहाी॒भयाी॒िशेषि॑ िातकालवाी॒िी॒दूरी॒ काल

लोो॑चिाि ।्
े ी॒ श
अिार् िार् ते करेण भेषजेि कालहन्नदू षणोी॒वसो मी॒ हम ृ स्वो॑शरू ी॒
राधो॑ से ॥१०९॥
pīḍitānmahā̱bhayā̱naśe̍ṣapātakālavā̱na̱dū̱rakāla lo̍canān |

anātha nātha te kareṇa bheṣajena kālahannadū̎ṣaṇo̱vaso
ma̱hemṛ̱śasva̍śūra̱ rādha̍ se ||109||
(R. 6-5-9)
Maheshwara, thou art the advocate of the helpless. Thou art the
destroyer of Yama. With your gentle hands, lift us from our accumulated
paapas, as we are terribly afflicted with the admonible fever of Samsara,
sighting Yama by our side.

ु स्थलं
जयेम येि सवथमते वदष्टमष्टवदग्ब्गजं भवीः
िभीः स्थलं वदवस्थलं च तद्गतम ।्
य एष सवथ देव दािवाितस्सो॑भािवत-

स्सिो ददाती॒ ु तं री॒सय री॒सय विी॒शङ्गो॑सन्दृशम ॥११०॥
jayema yena sarvametadiṣṭamaṣṭadiggajaṁ
bhuvaḥ sthalaṁ nabhaḥ sthalaṁ divasthalaṁ ca tadgatam |
ya eṣa sarva deva dānavānatassa̍bhāpatissano̎
dadātu̱ taṁ ra̱yiṁ ra̱yiṁ pi̱śaṅga̍sandṛśam ||110||
(R. 2-8-6)
May the great Sabhapati, adored by all the Devas, with whose blessing we
shall conquer the world supported by the eight elephants, the sky and
heavans, grant us all wealth like gold.

िमो भवाय ते हराय भूवत भावसतोरसे

िमो मृढाय ते हराय भूतभरवत भवङ्गि े ।
िमवस्स्शवाय ववश्विाय शाश्वाताय
शूवलि े ि यस्यो॑ हन्य
ी॒ तेी॒ सखाी॒ ि जर यतेी॒ कदा चि ॥१११॥
namo bhavāya te harāya bhūti bhāsitorase namo mṛḍhāya te
harāya bhūtabhīti bhaṅgine |
namasśivāya viśvapāya śāśvātāya śūline na yasya̍ ha̱nyate̱ sakhā̱
na jī̎yate̱ kadā̎cana ||111||
(R. 8-8-10)
Prostrations to Bhava, whose devotees are deathless and not vulnerable;
prostrations to Hara, smeared with ashes; prostrations to Mrida,
bestowing happiness on all animate beings; prostrations to Him who
dispels the fear of all living beings; prostrations to Shiva, armed with
trident, sustaing and ultimately destroying the world.

सरिवत ितयेि॑ िमोी॒ िमीः विवतिवत ितयेि॑ िमोी॒ िमीः ।

प्रजािवत ितयेि॑ िमोी॒ िमोऽवम्बकाितय उमाितये िशितये ि॑ िमोी॒
िमीः ॥११२॥
surapati pataye̍ namo̱ namaḥ kṣitipati pataye̍ namo̱ namaḥ |
prajāpati pataye̍ namo̱ namo'mbikāpataya umāpataye paśupataye̍
namo̱ namaḥ ||112||
(Y. Aru. 10-22)
Prostrations to the Lord of Devas, prostrations to the King of Kings,
prostrations to the leader of Brahma, prostrations to thee, consort of
Uma, Amba and prostrations to the Lord of all beings.

वविायकं वन्दकमस्तकाहवत प्रणादसङ्घष्टु समस्तववष्टिम ।्

िमाो॑वम वित्यं ि॑ प्रणो॑तार्तती॒ िाशिं की॒ सव को॑वरी॒िामो॑िु ी॒मश्ो॑वस्तमम ्
vināyakaṁ vandakamastakāhati
praṇādasaṅghuṣṭa samastaviṣṭapam |
namā̍mi nityaṁ̍ praṇa̍tārti̱ nāśanaṁ ka̱viṁ
ka̍vī̱nāmu̍pa̱maśra̍vastamam ||113| (R. 2-6-29, Y. 2-3-14)

Prostrations to Vinayaka, removing the misery of the devotees, the great

seer amoung seers, omniscient with the worlds resounding the vociferous
prostrations with their heads unto Him.

ु यागे ववप्राीः स्वरी॒यां वससद्ध ह्वाी॒य ं ह्वाो॑यम ।्

देवाो॑ यद्धे

यं वसो॑द्ध्यवन्त स्कन्दं वन्देी॒ सी॒ब्रु ी॒ ह्मी॒ण्योो॑ सब्र ्
ो॑ ु ह्मी॒ण्योम ॥११४॥
devā̍ yuddhe yāge viprāḥ svī̱yāṁ siddhiṁ hvā̱yaṁ hvā̍yam |
yaṁ si̍ddhyanti skandaṁ vande̱ su̱bra̱hma̱ṇyo̍
su̍brahma̱ṇyom ||114||
(Y. Aru. 1-12)
My repeated prostrations to that Subramanya, whom the Devas invoked
at the time of their war with Asuras and whom the Brahmins addressed
with recitions (from Veda) during sacrifices and thus got fulfilment of
their desires.

िमो॑वश्शवायैि॑ जगदवम्बी॒ कायैी॒ वशी॒ वो॑वप्रयायै वशी॒ वववग्रहाो॑य ै ।

समो॑द्बु भूवावद्रितेस्स
ि॑ ी॒ तु ा याी॒ चतो॑ष्क
ु िी॒दाथ यो॑वु ी॒वतस्सिेशा
ु ॥११५॥
nama̍śśivāyai̍ jagadambi̱kāyai̱ śi̱va̍priyāyai śi̱vavigrahā̍yai |
samu̍dbabhūvādripate̍ssu̱tā yā̱catu̍ṣkapa̱rdā yu̍va̱tissupeśā̎ḥ
(R. 8-6-16)
Prostrations to Jagadamba, greatly liked by Shiva and who is every
auspicious. Prostrations to tht youthful daughter of Himavan, whose hair
is combed in four parts with intermediate divisions and who is fair-

वहरो॑ ण्यवणां मवणिूिरांसिी॒ प्रसो॑न्नवक्त्रां शी॒ किद्महो॑ स्ताम ।्

ववशाो॑लिेत्रां प्रणमावम गौररो॑ वी॒चोववी॒दं वाचो॑मी॒ दु ररया न्तरम ॥११६॥
hira̍ṇyavarṇāṁ maṇinūparāṁghriṁ̱ prasa̍nnavaktrāṁ
śu̱kapadmaha̍stām |
viśā̍lanetrāṁ praṇamāmi gaurī̍ va̱covi̱daṁ vāca̍mu̱dīrayā̎ntīm
(R. 6-7-8)
My prostrations to Gowri of golden hue, teaching us the words pregnant
with the quintessence of the Vedas. She is adorned with anklets set with
precious stones and tinkling foot-bells, with a face beaming with

composure, with a parrot and a lotus adornign her hand and with large
beautiful eyes.

िमावम मेिातिी॒ याममेयां उमावममां मािवतीं च मान्याम ।्

करोवत या भूवतवसतौ स्तिौ दौो॑ वप्री॒य सखाो॑य ं िवरषस्वजाी॒िा
namāmi menātana̱yāmameyāṁ
umāmimāṁ mānavatīṁ ca mānyām |
karoti yā bhūtisitau stanau dau̍
pri̱ya sakhā̍yaṁ pariṣasvajā̱nā ||117||
(R. 5-1-19, Y. 4-6-6)
My prostrations to Uma, the daughter of Mena (the wife of Himavan). She
is indeed worthy of adoration and most respectable. She has whitened her
twin breasts with the sacred ashes of Shiva in the holy embrace.

ु कान्त विताो॑न्ती॒ कावन्ती॒ भ्रान्तामिान्ताित

कान्ताो॑ममां ु े ाम ्
थ ि

ी॒ र भो॑वु िावभी॒ चक्ष्यो॑
ितोो॑ऽवस्म यास्ते वगवरि॑शस्यी॒ िाश्वेी॒ ववश्वाो॑वि देव
kāntā̍mumāṁ kānta nitā̍nta̱
kāntibhrāntāmupāntānata ha̱ryajendrām |
nato̍'smi yāste giri̍śasya̱ pārśve̱
viśvā̍ni de̱vī bhu̍vanābhi̱ cakṣya̍ ||118||

(R. 1-6-25)
Prostrations to Uma, who seated with Shiva looks after all the worlds. She
is very composed on account of the resplendent splendour of her Lord,
adored by Vishnu, Brahma and Indra.

वन्दे गौरीं तङ्गिरिस्तिीं तां चिाचूढां वश्लष्ट सवाथङ्गरागाम ।्
एषा देवर प्रावणिामो॑न्ती॒रात्माो॑ देी॒वं देी॒वं राधो॑स े चोी॒दय न्तर ॥११९॥
vande gaurīṁ tuṅgapīnastanīṁ
tāṁ candrācūḍhāṁ śliṣṭa sarvāṅgarāgām |
eṣā devī prāṇināma̍nta̱rātmā̍ de̱vaṁ de̱vaṁ rādha̍se co̱daya̎ntī
(R. 5-5-26)
My prostrations to Gowri with lofty breasts, with the moon as her
ornament and smeared with auspicious scented powders. She is the
Antaratma in all living beings and bestower of the results of all actions.

एिां वन्दे दरिरिावविोदां मेिाो॑ कन्यामाितािन्द दात्ररम ।्

या ववो॑द्यािां मङ्गळािां ची॒ वाचाो॑मषेी॒ ा िेी॒ त्ररराधो॑सस्सूी॒ितृ ा िाम ्
enāṁ vande dīnarakṣāvinodāṁ
menā̍ kanyāmānatānanda dātrīm |
yā vi̍dyānāṁ maṅgaḻānāṁ ca̱ vācā̍-
me̱ṣā ne̱trīrādha̍sassū̱nṛtā̎nām ||120||
(R. 5-5-23)
My prostrations to Parvathi, the daughter of Mena, who ordains
knowledge and auspicious speech, who has bounteous undiminishing
wealth and who considers the redressal of the grievances of the poor as
her divine play. She bestows bliss to those who pray to her.

भवावभ भरतोो॑रुभयािी॒हवन्त्र भवावि भोग्ब्याी॒भरणैक भोग ैीः ।

वश्यं िरां देवह वशवो॑वप्री॒य े िोी॒ ययावती॒ ववश्वाो॑ दवरी॒ता तरेम
ि॑ ॥१२१॥
bhavābhi bhīto̍rubhayāpa̱hantri bhavāni bhogyā̱bharaṇaika
bhogaiḥ |
śriyaṁ parāṁ dehi śiva̍pri̱ye no̱ yayāti̱ viśvā̍ duri̱tā tare̍ma
(R. 6-3-28)

Bhavani, thou art the dispeller of the great fear of the ocean of births.
Thou art greatly loved by Shiva. Grant us such wealth with which we may
skip over all the paapas.

वशवेि॑ कर्ं त्वं मवतो॑वभस्ती॒ ु गरयसेी॒ जगो॑त्कृवतीः केि॑ वळरी॒य ं वशवो॑ िवतीः

हवरि॑स्त ु दासोो॑ऽिचरे
ु विी॒रा शचरी॒ सरो॑ स्वतरी॒ वा सभगा
ु थ ो॑ ु
śive̍ kathaṁ tvaṁ mati̍bhistu̱
gīyase̱ jaga̍tkṛtiḥ ke̍ḻira̱yaṁ śiva̍ḥ patiḥ |
hari̍stu dāso̍'nucarendri̱rā śacī̱ sara̍svatī̱ vā subhagā̎dadi̱rvasu̍
(R. 6-2-4)
Devi, how do I praise your glories with this limited intellect. The creation
of the world itself is thy play. Shiva is thy husband and Hari is thy servant.
Lakshmi, the Ishwari of wealth is thy maid. Saraswathi too follows thee.

इमं स्तवं ज ैवमवििाो॑ प्रचोवदतं वद्वजोत्तमो यीः िठतरश भविंतीः ।

तवमष्ट वाक ् वसद्धमवतद्यवतु वश्यीःी॒ िवरि॑ष्वजी॒ न्त े जी॒ ियो यर्ा िी॒वतम ्
imaṁ stavaṁ jaimininā̍ pracoditaṁ
dvijottamo yaḥ paṭhatīśa bhaktitaḥ |
tamiṣṭa vāk siddhamatidyuti śriyaḥ̱
pari̍ṣvaja̱nte ja̱nayo̎ yathā pa̱tim ||123||
(R. 7-8-24)
He who recites this prayer composed by Jaimini, the best of Brahmins,
with steadfast devotion to Ishwara, will beget glittering speech, intellect,
dazzling physical beauty and material prosperity reach them of their
own accord, like how a loving wife voluntarily embracing a wife.

ु ी॒ रु ा दराी॒वदमं ि॑ िठत्यस्य ती॒र् ैव साो॑दराम ।्
महरो॑िवतयथस्त ु ययु ो॑त्स
प्रयाो॑वन्त वा शरिमर्ाो॑न्ती॒कावन्तकं ी॒ वभयंी॒ दधा िाी॒ हृदो॑यषे ी॒ ु शत्रो॑वीः
mahī̍patiryastu yuyu̍tsu̱rādarā̱dimaṁ̍
paṭhatyasya ta̱thaiva sā̍darām |
prayā̍nti vā śīghramathā̍nta̱kāntikaṁ̱
bhiyaṁ̱ dadhā̎nā̱ hṛda̍yeṣu̱ śatra̍vaḥ ||124||
(R. 8-13-19)
If the kings, desirous of victory from their enemies, reads out these verses
with devotion, they would find their enemies running with fear towards
Yama (they will lose their lives).

त्रैवो॑र्तणके ष्वन्यतमोो॑ यी॒ एिंी॒ वित्यं ि॑ कदावचत्पी॒ठतरश भो॑विंतीः ।

कळे बराो॑न्त े वशवो॑िाश्वथी॒वतींी॒ विरो॑ ञ्जिी॒स्साम्यमी॒ िु ैवती॒ वदव्यम ् ॥१२५॥
traiva̍rṇikeṣvanyatamo̍ ya̱ enaṁ̱ nityaṁ̍
kadācitpa̱ṭhatīśa bha̍ktitaḥ |
kaḻebarā̍nte śiva̍pārśva̱vatīṁ̱
nira̍ñjana̱ssāmyamu̱paiti̱ divyam̎ ||125||
(Mun Upa. 3-2-8)
That individual belonging to one of the three Varnas attains oneness with
Shiva, freed from all paapas, if he takes to reading this Stava but once
with devotion.

लभो॑न्त े िठन्तो मसत बवद्धकामा लभो॑न्त े वचरायस्ती॒ ु ,र्ायष्यकाो॑
ु माीः ।

लभन्ते िठन्तीः वश्यं िवष्टकामाीः ्
लभी॒ न्त े ही॒ िी॒त्रु ाि लभन्ते ह िी॒त्रु ाि ्
labha̍nte paṭhanto matiṁ buddhikāmā
labha̍nte cirāyusta̱thāyuṣyakā̍māḥ |
labhante paṭhantaḥ śriyaṁ puṣṭikāmāḥ

labha̱nte ha̱ pu̱trān labhante̎ ha pu̱trān ||126||

People desiring wisdom, will get it; people wishing longevity will achieve
it; men after wealth acquire it; those yearning for offsprings will be
blessed likewise; if only they sing these verses (with devotion).



षडाििं कुङ्कुम रिं वणं महा मवतमन्दव्य मयूर वाहिम ।्

रुद्रस्य सून ं ु सरु स ैन्य िार्ं गहंु सदाहं शरणं प्रिद्ये ॥
ṣaḍānanaṁ kuṅkuma rakta varṇaṁ
mahā matiṁ divya mayūra vāhanam |
rudrasya sūnum sura sainya nāthaṁ
guhaṁ sadāhaṁ śaraṇaṁ prapadye ||

Always, I seek refuge on Lord Guha, who has six faces, is in the color of
red vermilion, is supremely intelligent, rides a divine peacock, is the son
of Rudra (Lord Shiva), and is the commander of the army of Devas.

70. ु
सब्रह्मण्यभ ु
जङ्गम ्
(subrahmaṇyabhujaṅgam) – by Adi Shankara

Note: This Stotra was sung by Adi Shankara by the inspiration of Lord
Subramanya at Tiruchendur in the Bhujanga (serpent) meter. The Stotra
is filled with devotion, poetic beauty and Mantra Shastra. The meanings
and notes are based on a lecture given by Dr. Ramasubramanian (s/o
Mahamahopadyaya Sri. Mullaivasal Krishanmurthy Shastri).

सदा बालरूिाऽवि ववघ्नावद्रहन्त्रर महादवन्तवक्त्राऽवि िञ्चास्यमान्या ।

ववधरिावदमृग्ब्या गणेशावभधा मे ववधत्तां वश्यं काऽवि कल्याणमूर्ततीः
sadā bālarūpā'pi vighnādrihantrī
mahādantivaktrā'pi pañcāsyamānyā |
vidhīndrādimṛgyā gaṇeśābhidhā me
vidhattāṁ śriyaṁ kā'pi kalyāṇamūrtiḥ ||1||

Though He always sports the appearance of a child, He can crumble the

mountains of obstacles. Though He is elephant-faced, He is honored even
by Lions (there is Virodhabhasa Alankara in the above two examples).
Lord Brahma, Indra and the other Devas seek him to fulfill their
aspirations. May He who is known as Ganesha and endowed with
boundless glory bless me with prosperity.

Note: Panchasya means Lion (broad faced). In the same way Pancha
Patra means a vessel which is having broad opening. Panchasya in this
context can also mean Lord Shiva – the one who has five faces and who
worshipped Ganesha.

ि जािावम शब्दं ि जािावम चार्ं ि जािावम िद्यं ि जािावम गद्यम।्

ु ावन्नस्सरन्ते वगरश्चावि वचत्रम ॥२॥
वचदेका षडास्य हृवद द्योतते मे मख
na jānāmi śabdaṁ na jānāmi cārthaṁ
na jānāmi padyaṁ na jānāmi gadyam |
cidekā ṣaḍāsya hṛdi dyotate me
mukhānnissarante giraścāpi citram ||2||

I know not the science of words, or their meaning. I know not the nature
of poetry or do I know the intricacies of the gadhyam style! But in my
heart shines an effulgent light with six luminous faces, and because of
that, from my mouth, amazing phrases with musical tone and meanings
pour out in extempore.

मयूरावधरूढं महावाक्यगूढं मिोहावरदेहं महवित्तगेहम ।्

महरदेवदेवं महावेदभावं महादेवबालं भजे लोकिालम ॥३॥्
mayūrādhirūḍhaṁ mahāvākyagūḍhaṁ
manohāridehaṁ mahaccittageham |
mahīdevadevaṁ mahāvedabhāvaṁ
mahādevabālaṁ bhaje lokapālam ||3||

Seated on the peacock, being the essence of the great Maha Vaakyaas,
having an attractive body, dwelling in the heart of Great Sages, O the
quintessence of four Vedas (Omkara Porul)! O Son of Mahadeva, O Lord
of the Universe, I meditate on you (it is said that Lord Subramanya gave
darshan to Shankara when he sang this verse. In each quarter, the
Saguna and Nirguna aspects are brought out. This verse is an example of
Shabdhalankara – the word Maha is used in every quarter).

Note: Reason for residing in the Sea Shore (Tiruchendur)

यदा सवन्नधािङ्गता मािवा मे भवाम्भोवधिारङ्गतास्ते तदैव ।
इवत व्यञ्जयवन्सन्धतु ररे य आस्ते तमरडे िववत्रं िराशविंित्रम ्
ु ॥४॥
yadā sannidhānaṁ gatā mānavā me
bhavāmbhodhipāraṁ gatāste tadaiva |
iti vyañjayansindhutīre ya āste
tamīḍe pavitraṁ parāśaktiputram ||4||

O Lord Subramanya! Son of Parashakti (the Mother of the Cosmos)! O
taintless one! Thou have taken your abode near the sea shore
Tiruchendur as if it is an indication that whenever the devotees take
refuge in Thee, they can easily cross the ocean of Samsara (the feeling of
being limited, subject to birth and death, subject to sorrows etc.) and
reach the other side of the shore safely!

यर्ािस्ते रङ्गा लयं यावन्त िंङ्गु ाि ैवापदाः समिधौ सेविंां मे ।

थ दशथयन्तं सदा भावये हृत्सरोजे गहंु तम ॥५॥
इतरवोर्तमिङ्क्तीिृणां ्
yathābdhestaraṅgā layaṁ yānti tuṅgās-
tathaivāpadaḥ sannidhau sevatāṁ me |
itīvormipaṁktīrnṛṇāṁ darśayantaṁ
sadā bhāvaye hṛtsaroje guhaṁ tam ||5||

The worries that haunt the minds of the devotees get destroyed like the
huge waves of the ocean when they hit the shore; Thou stands on the sea-
side town (of Tiruchendur) exemplifying this truth that the mental
worry-waves get destroyed when the devotees surrender themselves at
Thy feet. O Lord Guha (one who resides in the cave of the heart)! I
meditate on you always.

वगरौ मवन्नवासे िरा येऽमधरूढास्तदा िवथत े राजते तेऽवधरूढाीः ।

इतरव ब्रवु ङ्गन्धशैलावधरूढीः स देवो मदेु मे सदा षण्मखोऽस्त
ु ु ॥६॥
girau mannivāse narā ye'dhirūḍhāḥ
tadā parvate rājate te'dhirūḍhāḥ |
itīva bruvaṅgandhaśailādhirūḍhaḥ
sa devo mude me sadā ṣaṇmukho'stu ||6||

O Lord Shanmukha! Thou stands on the top of the Gandha Shaila (hill),
proclaiming that whenever the devotees climb this hill it will give the
same benefit as climbing the King of mountains (Kailash in Himalayas)!
May the six-faced Lord on the Sugandha hills remain there to bless me!

महाम्भोवधतररे महािािचोरे मवु ििािकूु ले सगन्धाख्यशै
ु ले ।

गहायां ्
वसन्तं स्वभासा लसन्तं जिार्तत हरन्तं श्यामो गहंु तम ॥७॥
mahāmbhodhitīre mahāpāpacore
munindrānukūle sugandhākhyaśaile |
guhāyāṁ vasantaṁ svabhāsā lasantaṁ
janārtiṁ harantaṁ śrayāmo guhaṁ tam ||7||

On the shores of the great ocean which steals away the paapas of the
devotees, stands the Sugandha hills, the most favorable site for the sages
to perform their penance! Thou resides there in the Guha, to destroy the
worries of the devotees! O Self-luminous Lord who is present in the cave
of the heart (Guha)! I adore Thee!

Note: Today there is no hillock by name Sugandha at Thiruchendur.

Looks like it existed at the time of Adi Shankara. However there is a Guha
(not open to all visitors) where the original vigraham is said to have been
installed (as told by Sri Nochur Venkataraman to Dr.

लसत्स्वणथगहे े िृणां कामदोहे समस्तोमसं छन्नमावणक्यमञ्चे ।
ु त्सहस्राकथ तल्यप्रकाशं
समद्य ु ्
सदा भावये कार्ततके यं सरेु शम ॥८॥
lasatsvarṇagehe nṛṇāṁ kāmadohe
sumastomasaṁchannamāṇikyamañce |
sadā bhāvaye kārtikeyaṁ sureśam ||8||

In a radiant golden room, on a cot set with rubies and covered on all sides
with sweet smelling flowers, Thou art seated with the effulgence of a
thousand suns which are raising together! Thou art the answer to every
desire of the heart and Thou fulfill the righteous desires of Thy devotees!
Thou art the Lord of Devas and son of the Lord of the Universe! O
Kartikeya I meditate on Thee!

Note: Paadadi Kesha varnanam begins here

ु ऽत्यन्तशोणे मिोहावरलावण्यिरयूषिूण े ।
रणद्धंसके मञ्जले
् मे भविे शतप्तीः सदा मोदतां स्कन्द ते िादिद्मे ॥९॥
raṇaddhaṁsake mañjule'tyantaśoṇe
manohārilāvaṇyapīyūṣapūrṇe |
manaḥṣaṭpado me bhavakleśataptaḥ
sadā modatāṁ skanda te pādapadme ||9||

Let the mind which is burdened with domestic troubles become happy by
hovering around Thy lotus feet which is adorned with the jingling ringlets
made of rings and beads, red in color (indicating Karuna), filled with the
nectar of beauty which attracts the minds of the devotees, like a bee
(shaTpadi). Rupakalankara is adopted in this verse.

ु भवदव्याम्बरैभाथसमानां क्वणवत्कवङ्कणरमेखलाशोभमािाम ।्

लसद्धेमिट्टेि ववद्योतमािां कसट भावये स्कन्द ते दरप्यमािाम ॥१०॥
kvaṇatkiṅkiṇīmekhalāśobhamānām |
lasaddhemapaṭṭena vidyotamānāṁ
kaṭiṁ bhāvaye skanda te dīpyamānām ||10||

O! Skanda, I meditate on Thy waist which is covered by a gold colored

cloth, shining with a string of ringing bells and beads, wearing a shining
gold belt over the golden silk cloth, and which is by itself resplendent.

ु शकन्याघिाभोगतङ्गु स्तिावलङ्गिासिंकाश्मरररागम ।्

िमस्यामहं तारकारे तवोरीः स्वभिंाविे सवथदा सािरागम ्
stanāliṅganāsaktakāśmīrarāgam |
namasyāmyahaṁ tārakāre tavoraḥ
svabhaktāvane sarvadā sānurāgam ||11||

O Conqueror of Tarakasura! By embracing the Pulinda tribe girl’s
(Valli’s) well-developed breast ornated with saffron, Thy chest became
red colored, thereby manifesting your eternal grace towards devotees.
And such a chest I adore.

Dhyana on Twelve Arms of the Lord:

मवधौकॢप्तदण्डान्स्वलीलाधृिंाण्डामििस्तेर्शण्ु डामिर्षत्कालदण्डान ।्
हतेिावरषण्डाञ्जगत्राणशौण्डान्सदा ते प्रचण्डाञ्श्रये बाहुदण्डाि ्
॥१२ ॥
vidhau kḻṛptadaṇḍān svalīlādhṛtāṇḍān
nirastebhaśuṇḍān dviṣatkāladaṇḍān |
sadā te pracaṇḍān śraye bāhudaṇḍān ||12||

O! Shanmukha! Thy arms punished Brahma, Thy arms govern the world
as a sport; Thy arms controlled the elephant (Ibashunda) afflicted with
Mada and other Rakshasas who are enemies of Indra; Thy arms are
matchless in protecting the Universe, and Thy arms are a terror to the
enemies. I worship Thy twelve arms which do all these things effortlessly.
The Shabdalankara Anuprasa is adopted here.

ु न्त एव वस्थताश्चेत्समन्तात ।्
सदा शारदाीः षण्मृगाङ्का यवद स्यीःु समद्य
ु ािां ब्रवु े स्कन्द साम्यम ्
सदा िूणवथ बम्बाीः कलङ्कै श्च हरनास्तदा त्विख
sadā śāradāḥ ṣaṇmṛgāṅkā yadi syuḥ
samudyanta eva sthitāścetsamantāt |
sadā pūrṇabimbāḥ kalaṅkaiśca hīnāḥ
tadā tvanmukhānāṁ bruve skanda sāmyam ||13||

What can I compare to Thy six faces! If there be six full moons free from
blemishes and if those moons be ever shining on all sides, even then they

would be no match to your effulgent faces. Atishayokti Alankara is
employed here.

स्फुिन्मन्दहास ैाः सहंसामन चञ्चत्कटाक्षावलीर्ृङ्गसंघोज्ज्वलामन ।

सधास्यवन्दवबम्बाधरणरशसू ु ाम्भोरुहावण ॥१४॥
िो तवालोकये षण्मख
sphuranmandahāsaiḥ sahaṁsāni cañcat
kaṭākṣāvalībhṛṅgasaṁghojjvalāni |
tavālokaye ṣaṇmukhāmbhoruhāṇi ||14||

O! Son of Parameshwara, I see your six lotus faces amidst the swan-like
smiles, having gleaming side glances ever moving like a row of bees and
with red lips overflowing with nectar.

Note: The face is compared to lotus. Swans are the smiles. The bees are
the eyes and redness of bimba fruit resembling the lips.

ववशालेष ु कणाथन्तदरघेष्वजस्रं दयास्यवन्दष ु द्वादशस्वरिणेष ु ।

मयरषत्कटािीः सकृ त्पामिंिंश्चेद्भवेिं े दयाशील का नाम हामनाः ॥१५॥
viśāleṣu karṇāntadīrgheṣvajasraṁ
dayāsyandiṣu dvādaśasvīkṣaṇeṣu |
mayīṣatkaṭākṣaḥ sakṛtpātitaścet
bhavette dayāśīla kā nāma hāniḥ ||15||

O Son of Parameshwara! O Merciful Lord! When Thou hast twelve broad

long eyes extending upto ears, what will Thou lose by casting that side
glance for a moment (on me)?

सताङ्गोद्भवो मेऽवस जरवेवत षड्धा जििन्त्रमरशो मदु ा वजिते याि ।्
जगद्भारभृद्भ्यो जगन्नार् तेभ्ीः वकररटोज्ज्लेभ्ो िमो मस्तके भ्ीः
sutāṅgodbhavo me'si jīveti ṣaḍdhā
japanmantramīśo mudā jighrate yān |
jagadbhārabhṛdbhyo jagannātha tebhyaḥ
kirīṭojjvalebhyo namo mastakebhyaḥ ||16||

O! Lord of the Universe! I offer my prostration to Thy six heads wearing

crowns with brilliant rubies which protects the welfare of all creatures,
which were smelt by Parameshwara with joy uttering six times the
mantra "Child Thou were born of me, May Thou live long”.

स्फुिद्रत्नके यूिहािामर्िामश्चलत्कुण्डलश्रीलसद्गण्डर्ार्गाः।

कटौ िरतवासीः करे चारुशविंीः िरस्तािमास्तां ु स्तिूजीः
calatkuṇḍalaśrīlasadgaṇḍabhāgaḥ |
kaṭau pītavāsaḥ kare cāruśaktiḥ
purastānmamāstāṁ purārestanūjaḥ ||17||

O Kumara! Son of Lord Parameshwara (who destroyed Tripura)! With

garlands of brilliant rubies on Thy shoulders and chest, with bright
cheeks shining with pendants dangling from Thy ears, wearing silk
garment around Thy waist, and with Vel in Thy hand, O Lord! Appear
before me.

Note: Purari, Murari, Shaktipaani, Chakrapaani, Kodandapaani are all

examples of Bahuvreehi Samasa. The individual words (ex:Shakti+Paani)
do not have direct contribution to the conveyed meaning. The Lord gave
darshan to Acharya when he sung this stotra.

इहायावह वत्सेवत हस्तान्प्रसायामह्वयत्यादिाच्छङ्किे मातरु ङ्कात ।्

ु त्य तातं श्यन्तं कुमारं हरावश्लष्टगात्रं भजे बालमूर्ततम ॥१८॥
ihāyāhi vatseti hastānprasāryāt
āhvayatyādarācchaṅkare māturaṅkāt |
samutpatya tātaṁ śrayantaṁ kumāraṁ

harāśliṣṭagātraṁ bhaje bālamūrtim ||18||

When Lord Shankara called Thee affectionately with arms extended,

Thou hurriedly rose from Mother's lap and rushed into Shankara's arms
who embraced Thee affectionately. I meditate on such a Lord Kumara.

कुमारेशसूिो गहु स्कन्द सेिािते शविंिाणे मयूरावधरूढ ।

िवलन्दात्मजाकान्त ् तारकारे सदा रि मां त्वम ्
भिंार्ततहावरि प्रभो
kumāreśasūno guha skanda senāpate
śaktipāṇe mayūrādhirūḍha |
pulindātmajākānta bhaktārtihārin
prabho tārakāre sadā rakṣa māṁtvam ||19||

O Kumara, O Son of Lord of the Universe, One who shines in the cave of
the heart as Guha, O Skanda, O Lord of the Army of the Devas, O the
valiant one armed with the weapon Shakti (which is the svarupa of
Parashakti), O Lord mounted on the peacock, O Lord who is the beloved
of Valli belonging to the tribe called Pulinda, O destroyer of the paapas of
the devotees! O enemy of Tarakasura, O Lord protect me.

Note: Prayer for Darshan during the last moments of Life

प्रशान्तेविये िष्टसंज्ञ े ववचेष्ट े कफोद्गावरवक्त्रे भयोत्कवम्पगात्रे ।
प्रयाणोिख ु े मय्यिार्े तदािीं द्रुत ं मे दयालो भवाग्रे गहु त्वम ॥२०॥ ्
praśāntendriye naṣṭasaṁjñe viceṣṭe
kaphodgārivaktre bhayotkampigātre |
prayāṇonmukhe mayyanāthe tadānīṁ
drutaṁ me dayālo bhavāgre guha tvam ||20||

O Guha! O Mercifiul Lord! During the last moments of my life, when I

would have lost control of my senses, when I would have lost
consciousness, when I will be unable move my limbs, when I will be
emitting foam of phlegm, when my body will be trembling with fear of

death, when I will have none to protect me, Thou must hasten to give me

कृ तान्तस्य दूतेष ु चण्डेष ु कोपाद्दह वच्छवि वभिरवत मां तज थयत्स ु ।

ु शविंिावणमथमायावह शरिम ॥२१॥
मयूरं समारुह्य मा भैवरवत त्वं िरीः ्
kṛtāntasya dūteṣu caṇḍeṣu kopād
daha cchinddhi bhinddhīti māṁ tarjayatsu |
mayūraṁ samāruhya mā bhairiti tvaṁ
puraḥ śaktipāṇirmamāyāhi śīghram ||21||

O! Lord, when ferocious messengers of Yama come to threaten me angrily

shouting, "burn him, cut him, break him", O! Lord Thou must hasten to
appear before me, riding on your peacock, carrying Shaktivel, to
encourage me not to be afraid.

े वारम ।्
प्रणम्यासकृ त्पादयोस्ते िवतत्वा प्रसाद्य प्रभो प्रार् थयेऽिक
ि विंं ु िमोऽहं तदािीं कृ िाि े ि कायाथन्तकाले मिागप्यिु ेिा ॥२२॥
praṇamyāsakṛtpādayoste patitvā
prasādya prabho prārthaye'nekavāram |
na vaktuṁ kṣamo'haṁ tadānīṁ kṛpābdhe
na kāryāntakāle manāgapyupekṣā ||22||

O Merciful Lord! I am prostrating to Thy feet often to secure Thy

blessings. O treasure house of mercy! I offer prayers to please Thee. Thou
should not be indifferent towards me during my last moments. At that
time I may not have the control and energy to pray to Thee.

सहस्राण्डभोिंा त्वया शूरिामा हतस्तारकीः ससहवक्त्रश्च दैत्यीः ।

ममान्तहृथवदस्थं मिीःिे शमेकं ि हंवस प्रभो सक करोवम क्व यावम॥ २३॥
sahasrāṇḍabhoktā tvayā śūranāmā
hatastārakaḥ siṁhavaktraśca daityaḥ |
mamāntarhṛdisthaṁ manaḥkleśamekaṁ
na haṁsi prabho kiṁ karomi kva yāmi || 23||

O Lord! Thou hast slain the Rakshasa by name Shoora who ruled a
thousand (many) universes! So were the Rakshasas Taarakasura and
Simhavaktra. But Lord, why have you not killed the Rakshasa called
mental worry which haunts my mind? When it is afflicting me, what will
I do? And where will I go (other than you for help)?

अहं सवथदा दीःखभारावसन्नो भवान्दरिबन्धस्त्व ु दन्यं ि याचे ।

भवद्भविंरोधं सदा क्ळृप्तबाधं ममासध द्रुत ं िाशयोमासतु त्वम ॥२४॥
ahaṁ sarvadā duḥkhabhārāvasanno
bhavāndīnabandhustvadanyaṁ na yāce |
bhavadbhaktirodhaṁ sadā kḻṛptabādhaṁ
mamādhiṁ drutaṁ nāśayomāsuta tvam ||24||

O Son of Uma! I am always troubled by the mental worries. Thou art the
friend of helpless! I approach none but you for saving me. Quickly destroy
my mental worries as they interfere with my devotion towards Thee!

अिस्मारकुष्टियाशथीः प्रमेहज्वरोिादगल्मावदरोगा
ु महान्तीः ।
विशाचाश्च सवे भवत्पत्रभूसत ववलोक्य िणात्तारकारे द्रवन्ते ॥२५॥
apasmārakuṣṭakṣayārśaḥ prameha-
jvaronmādagulmādirogā mahāntaḥ |
piśācāśca sarve bhavatpatrabhūtiṁ
vilokya kṣaṇāttārakāre dravante ||25||

O conqueror of Taraka! Severe epilepsy, leprosy, consumption, lung

diseases, venereal diseases, fevers, mental diseases of all types, they run
away the moment they see Thy Vibhuti given in a leaf (Patra Bhooti).

Note: Chant this verse twice

ुम े मे िववत्रं सदा तिवरत्रम ।्
दृवश स्कन्दमूर्ततीः श्तु ौ स्कन्दकीर्चिंमख


करे तस्य कृ त्यं विस्तस्य भृत्य ं गहेु सन्त ु लरिा ममाशेषभावाीः॥२६॥
dṛśi skandamūrtiḥ śrutau skandakīrtiḥ
mukhe me pavitraṁ sadā taccaritram |
kare tasya kṛtyaṁ vapustasya bhṛtyaṁ
guhe santu līnā mamāśeṣabhāvāḥ ||26||

Always may I have before my eyes the murthi of Lord Skanda! Always let
my ears hear only the praises of Lord Skanda! Always let my mouth sing
the praise of Lord Skanda! Always let my hands be of service to the Lord!
Always let my body serve the Lord! Let my limbs, thoughts and actions be
devoted to Skanda!

मिु रिामतु ाहो िृणां र्मिर्ाजामर्ीष्टप्रदााः सवन्त सवथत्र देवाीः ।

ु वमन्यं ि जाि े ि जाि े ॥२७॥
िृणामन्त्यजािामवि स्वार् थदाि े गहाद्दे
munīnāmutāho nṛṇāṁ bhaktibhājām
abhīṣṭapradāḥ santi sarvatra devāḥ |
nṛṇāmantyajānāmapi svārthadāne
guhāddevamanyaṁ na jāne na jāne ||27||

In all the worlds there are Devas to grant the boons of sages and great
Bhaktas. But for the lowly and ordinary devotees, I know not of any other
Deity to protect them except Guha!

ु बन्धवु ग थीः िशवु ाथ िरो वार् िावर गृहे ये मवदयाीः ।

कलत्रं सता

यजन्तो िमन्तीः स्तवन्तो भवन्तं स्मरन्तश्च ते सन्त ु सवे कुमार
kalatraṁ sutā bandhuvargaḥ paśurvā
naro vātha nāri gṛhe ye madiyāḥ |
yajanto namantaḥ stuvanto bhavantaṁ
smarantaśca te santu sarve kumāra ||28||

O Lord Kumara! Let my wife, children, relatives, friends, other men and
women in our household, venerate Thee! Praise Thee! And always be
absorbed in Thy thoughts!

मृगाीः िविणो दंशका ये च दुष्टास्तर्था व्याधयो बाधका ये मदङ्गे ।

ु वविश्यन्त ु ते चूर्तणतक्रौञ्चशैल ॥२९॥
भवच्छविंतरक्ष्णाग्रवभन्नाीः सदूरे
mṛgāḥ pakṣiṇo daṁśakā ye ca duṣṭāḥ
tathā vyādhayo bādhakā ye madaṅge |
bhavacchaktitīkṣṇāgrabhinnāḥ sudūre
vinaśyantu te cūrṇitakrauñjaśaila ||29||

O Destroyer of Krauncha Shaila! Let everything that troubles my body,

birds, beasts, insects, severe diseases, be pierced by Thy powerful weapon
Vel and taken far away and destroyed.

Note: chant the second line twice

जवित्रर विता च स्वित्रािराधं सहेत े ि सक देवसेिावधिार् ।

अहं चावतबालो भवाि लोकतातीः िमस्वािराधं समस्तं महेश ॥३०॥
janitrī pitā ca svaputrāparādhaṁ
sahete na kiṁ devasenādhinātha |
ahaṁ cātibālo bhavān lokatātaḥ
kṣamasvāparādhaṁ samastaṁ maheśa ||30||

Do not the parents overlook the faults of their children? O! Chief of the
army of Devas! I am a small child. Thou art the Father of the Universe. O
Mahesha! Forgive all my faults.

ु ं िमश्छाग तभ्
िमीः के वकि े शिंये चावि तभ् ु ं िमीः कुक्कुटाय ।
िमीः वसन्धवे वसन्धदेु शाय तभ्ं
ु ििीः
ु स्कन्दमूते िमस्ते िमोऽस्त ु
namaḥ kekine śaktaye cāpi tubhyaṁ

namaśchāga tubhyaṁ namaḥ kukkuṭāya |
namaḥ sindhave sindhudeśāya tubhyaṁ
punaḥ skandamūrte namaste namo'stu ||31||

I prostrate to Thee, O Peacock (the symbol of Vedas)! I prostrate to Thee,

O Shakti Weapon (Vel is Parashakti herself), I prostrate to Thee, O Sheep
(the symbol of Maya tattvam), I prostrate to Thee, O Rooster (the symbol
of Ego), I prostrate to Thee, O Ocean (the symbol of Ananda), I prostrate
to Thee, O Tiruchendur Shrine, I prostrate to Thee, O Lord Skanda! I
prostrate to Thee again and again! Let all my prostrations reach Thee.

जयानन्दर्ूमञ्जयापािधामञ्जयामोघकीिंे जयानन्दमूिंे ।
जयािन्दवसन्धो जयाशेषबन्धो जय त्वं सदा मवु िंदािश
े सूिो ॥३२॥
jayāmoghakīrte jayānandamūrte |
jayānandasindho jayāśeṣabandho
jaya tvaṁ sadā muktidāneśasūno ||32||

O Source of Ananda, reveal Thyself O Embodiment of boundless effulgent

light, reveal Thyself O Lord! who has all-pervading glory, reveal Thyself
O Embodiment of Ananda, reveal Thyself O Lord, Thou art the ocean of
Ananda, reveal Thyself O Lord who is the friend of all creatures, reveal
Thyself O Lord, Son of Parameshwara, bestower of liberation, reveal Thy
Glory to me and protect me.

ु ङ्गाख्यवृत्तिे कॢप्तं स्तवं यीः िठे द्भविंयिं
भज ु ो गहंु संप्रणम्य ।

स ित्रान्कलत्रं ु र्
धिं दीघममायल म त्स्क ु
े न्दसायज्यमन्ते िरीः सीः ॥३३॥
bhujaṅgākhyavṛttena kḻṛptaṁ stavaṁ yaḥ
paṭhedbhaktiyukto guhaṁ saṁpraṇamya |
suputrāṅkalatraṁ dhanaṁ dīrghamāyuḥ
labhetskandasāyujyamante naraḥ saḥ ||33||

That devotee, who prostrates to Lord Guha, reciting the Bhujanga Stotra
daily, with devotion, will be blessed with good sons, good wife, wealth and
long life, and at end of his life, will be united with Lord Skanda.

71. ु
सब्रह्मण्यकरावलम्बस्तोत्रम ्
हे स्वावमिार् करुणाकर दरिबन्धो

श्र िावथतरशमखिङ्कजिद्मबन्धो ।
श्रशावददेवगण िूवजतिादिद्म

वल्लरसिार् मम देवह करावलम्बम ॥१॥
he svāminātha karuṇākara dīnabandho
śrī pārvatīśamukhapaṅkaja padmabandho |
vallīsanātha mama dehi karāvalambam ||1||

Lord of Valli extend thy hand of support, who is the chief of Devas, who is
merciful, who is friend of the oppressed, who is the son of the lotus faced
Lord of Devi Parvathi, and whose lotus feet is worshipped by all Devas
and also by Lord of Lakshmi (Lord Vishnu).

देवावददेवसतु देवगणावधिार्
ु ।
े वन्द्य मृदिङ्कज मञ्जिाद

देवर्तषिारद मिरि ु

वल्लरसिार् मम देवह करावलम्बम ॥२॥
devādidevasuta devagaṇādhinātha
devendravandya mṛdupaṅkaja mañjupāda |
devarṣinārada munīndra sugītakīrte
vallīsanātha mama dehi karāvalambam ||2||

O Lord of Valli extend thy hand of support, who is the son of Mahadeva,
who is the chief of all Devas, whose soft lotus like feet is worshipped by
Devendra, and whose fame is sung by sage Narada and others.

वित्यान्नदाि विरतावखल रोगहावरि ्

भाग्ब्यप्रधाि िवरिूवरतभिंकाम।
ु ागमप्रणववाच्यविजस्वरूि

वल्लरसिार् मम देवह करावलम्बम ॥३॥
nityānnadāna niratākhila rogahārin-
bhāgyapradhāna paripūritabhaktakāma|
vallīsanātha mama dehi karāvalambam ||3||

O Lord of Valli extend thy hand of support, who gives food daily in charity,
who cures all prevalent diseases, who bestows fortune, who fulfills all
wishes of devotees, and whose real form is the Pranava (OM) found in the
Vedas and Agamas.

क्रौञ्चासरेु ि िवरखण्डि शविंशूल-

चािावदशस्त्रिवरमवण्डतवदव्यिाणे ।
श्रकुण्डलरश धृततण्ड
ु वशखरिवाह

वल्लरसिार् मम देवह करावलम्बम ॥४॥
krauñcāsurendra parikhaṇḍana śaktiśūla
cāpādiśastraparimaṇḍitadivyapāṇe |
śrīkuṇḍalīśa dhṛtatuṇḍa śikhīndravāha
vallīsanātha mama dehi karāvalambam ||4||

O Lord of Valli, who destroyed Krounchasura who was in the form of a

mountain, who holds Shakthi-Shoola, prostrate & arrows and other
weapons in your sacred hands, who wears ear rings and who rides the
fast moving peacock, extend thy hand of support.

देवावददेव रर्मण्डल मध्यमेत्य

े िरडिकरं दृढचािहस्त ।

शूरं विहत्य सरकोवटवभररड्यमाि

वल्लरसिार् मम देवह करावलम्बम ॥५॥
devādideva rathamaṇḍala madhyametya
devendra pīḍanakaraṁ dṛḍhacāpahasta |
śūraṁ nihatya surakoṭibhirīḍyamāna
vallīsanātha mama dehi karāvalambam ||5||

O Lord of Valli extend thy hand of support, O Lord of Devas mightly

breaking a group of chariots by shooting arrows very quickly (during the
fight against Rakshasas), you drove away the pains of Devendra and was
praised by millions of Devas after the destruction of the Rakshasa

के यूरकुण्डललसत्कवचावभराम ।
हे वरर तारक जयाऽमरवृन्दवन्द्य
वल्लरसिार् मम देवह करावलम्बम ् ॥६॥
keyūrakuṇḍalalasatkavacābhirāma |
he vīra tāraka jayā'maravṛndavandya
vallīsanātha mama dehi karāvalambam ||6||

O Lord of Valli extend thy hand of support, who wears crowns and chains
studded with diamonds and gems, who wears armlet, ear rings & strong

armour, who is the valorous one who killed Tharakasura and was
worshipped by all the devas.

िञ्चािरावदमिमवन्त्रत गाङ्गतोयैीः
ु िमख
िञ्चामृत ैीः प्रमवदते ु ैमिथु रिैीः ।
िट्टावभवषिं मागवत ियासिार्

वल्लरसिार् मम देवह करावलम्बम ॥७॥
pañcākṣarādimanumantrita gāṅgatoyaiḥ
pañcāmṛtaiḥ pramuditendramukhairmunīndraiḥ |
paṭṭābhiṣikta māgavata nayāsanātha
vallīsanātha mama dehi karāvalambam ||7||

O Lord of Valli extend thy hand of support, who was crowned as their
leader by Indra & other learned sages, accompanied with the chanting
of the Panchakshara (sacred five letters) & other mantras, who was
bathed using the sacred water of Ganga and anointed with the five sacred
nectars (Panchamrutha).

श्रकार्ततके य करुणामृतिूणदृथ ष्ट्या

कामावदरोगकलुषरकृ त दष्टवचत्तम ।्

वस्तत्वातमामव कलाविवधकोवटकान्त

वल्लरसिार् मम देवह करावलम्बम ॥८॥
śrīkārtikeya karuṇāmṛtapūrṇadṛṣṭyā
kāmādirogakaluṣīkṛtaduṣṭacittam |
stitvātumāmava kalānidhikoṭikānta
vallīsanātha mama dehi karāvalambam ||8||

Thou art known as Karthikeya, Thy nectar like glances are full of mercy
and cure the diseases like passion which have made my heart impure,

Thou art the treasure house of arts and you like millions of Suns, O Lord
of Valli extend thy hand of support and protect me.

72. ्
आवदत्यहृदयम (ādityahṛdayam) - from
Valmiki Ramayanam

ततो यद्धिवरश्ान्तं समरे वचन्तया वस्थतम ।्

रावणं चाग्रतो दृष्ट्वा यद्धाय ु
समिवस्थतम ्
ु भ्ागतो रणम ।्
दैवतैश्च समागम्य द्रष्टम
उिागम्याब्रवरद्राममगस्त्यो भगवािृवषीः ॥२॥
tato yuddhapariśrāntaṁ samare cintayā sthitam |
rāvaṇaṁ cāgrato dṛṣṭvā yuddhāya samupasthitam ||1||
daivataiśca samāgamya draṣṭumabhyāgato raṇam |
upāgamyābravīdrāmamagastyo bhagavānṛṣiḥ ||2||

Rama, exhausted and about to face Ravana ready for a fresh battle was
lost deep in contemplation. The all knowing sage Agastya who had joined
the Devas to witness the battle spoke to Rama thus.

ु सिातिम ।्
राम राम महाबाहो शृण ु गह्यं
येि सवाथिररन्वत्स समरे ववजवयष्यवस ॥३॥
rāma rāma mahābāho śṛṇu guhyaṁ sanātanam |
yena sarvānarīnvatsa samare vijayiṣyasi ||3||

O Rama, mighty-armed Rama, listen to this eternal secret which will help
you destroy all your enemies in battle.

ु सवथशत्रवविाशिम
आवदत्यहृदयं िण्यं ु ।्

जयावहं जिेवन्नत्यमियं िरमं वशवम ॥४॥

ādityahṛdayaṁ puṇyaṁ sarvaśatruvināśanam |
jayāvahaṁ japennityamakṣayaṁ paramaṁ śivam ||4||

This holy hymn dedicated to the Sun deity will result in destroying all
enemies and bring you victory and never ending supreme Ananda.

सवथमङ्गलमाङ्गल्यं सवथिािप्रणाशिम ।्
सचताशोकप्रशमिं आयवथु धिथ मत्तमम
ु ्
sarvamaṅgalamāṅgalyaṁ sarvapāpapraṇāśanam |
ciṁtāśokapraśamanaṁ āyurvardhanamuttamam ||5||

This hymn is supreme and is a guarantee of complete prosperity and is

the destroyer of paapa, anxiety, anguish and is the bestower of longevity.

रवश्ममंत ं समद्यन्तं ु
देवासरिमस्कृ तम ।्
िूजयस्व वववस्वन्तं भास्करं भविे ्
ु श्वरम ॥६॥
raśmimaṁtaṁ samudyantaṁ devāsuranamaskṛtam |
pūjayasva vivasvantaṁ bhāskaraṁ bhuvaneśvaram ||6||

Worship the One, possessed of rays when he has completely risen, held in
reverence by the devas and asuras, and who is the Lord of the universe by
whose efflugence all the rest shines.

सवथदवे ात्मको ह्येष तेजस्वर रवश्मभाविीः ।

एष देवासरगणा ्
ल्लोकाि िावत गभवस्तवभीः ॥७॥
sarvadevātmako hyeṣa tejasvī raśmibhāvanaḥ |
eṣa devāsuragaṇā llokān pāti gabhastibhiḥ ||7||

He indeed represent the totality of all Devas. He is self-luminous and

sustains all with his rays. He nourishes and energizes the inhabitants of
all the worlds and the race of Devas and Asuras.

ु वशवीः स्कन्दीः प्रजािवतीः।
एष ब्रह्मा च ववष्णश्च
महेिो धिदीः कालो यमीः सोमो ह्यिां िवतीः॥८॥
eṣa brahmā ca viṣṇuśca śivaḥ skandaḥ prajāpatiḥ|
mahendro dhanadaḥ kālo yamaḥ somo hyapāṁ patiḥ||8||

He is Brahma, Vishnu, Shiva, Skands, Prajapati. He is also Mahendra,

Kubera, Kala, Yama, Soma and Varuna.

वितरो वसवीः साध्या ह्यवश्विौ मरुतो मिीःु ।

वायवथु वह्नीः प्रजाप्राण ऋतकताथ
ु प्रभाकरीः ॥९॥
pitaro vasavaḥ sādhyā hyaśvinau maruto manuḥ |
vāyurvahniḥ prajāprāṇa ṛtukartā prabhākaraḥ ||9||

He is the Pitrs, Vasus, Sadhyas, Aswini devas, Maruts, Manu, Vayu, Agni,
Prana and being the source of all energy and light, is the maker of all the
six seasons.

आवदत्यीः सववता सूयीःथ खगीः िूषा गभवस्तमाि ।्

ु सदृशो भािर्तु हरण्यरेता वदवाकरीः ॥१०॥
ādityaḥ savitā sūryaḥ khagaḥ pūṣā gabhastimān |
suvarṇasadṛśo bhānurhiraṇyaretā divākaraḥ ||10||

He is the son of Aditi, creator of the universe, inspirer of action,

transverser of the celestial regions. He is the sustainer, illumination of all
directions, the golden hued brilliance and is the maker of the day.
हवरदश्वीः सहस्रार्तचीः सप्तसवप्तमथररवचमाि ।्

वतवमरोिर्िीः शंभस्त्वष्टा ्
माताथण्ड अंशमु ाि ॥११॥
haridaśvaḥ sahasrārciḥ saptasaptirmarīcimān |
timironmathanaḥ śaṁbhustvaṣṭā mārtāṇḍa aṁśumān ||11||

He is the Omnipresent One who pervades all with countless rays. He is the
power behind the seven sense organs, the dispeller of darkness, bestower
of happiness and prosperity, the remover of misfortunes and is the infuser
of life.

वहरण्यगभथीः वशवशरस्तििो भास्करो रववीः ।

ु शङ्खीः वशवशरिाशिीः ॥१२॥
अवग्नगभोऽवदतेीः ित्रीः
hiraṇyagarbhaḥ śiśirastapano bhāskaro raviḥ |
agnigarbho'diteḥ putraḥ śaṅkhaḥ śiśiranāśanaḥ ||12||

He is the primordial being manifesting as the Trinity. He ushers in the day

and is the teacher (of Hiranyagarbha), the fire-wombed, the son of Aditi,
and has a vast and supreme felicity. He is the remover of intellectual dull-

व्योमिार्स्तमोभेदर ऋग्ब्यजीःसामिारगीः ।
घिवृवष्टरिां वमत्रो ववन्ध्यवरर्र प्लवङ्गमीः ॥१३॥
vyomanāthastamobhedī ṛgyajuḥsāmapāragaḥ |
ghanavṛṣṭirapāṁ mitro vindhyavīthī plavaṅgamaḥ ||13||

He is the Lord of the firmament, dispeller of darkness. Master of all the

Vedas, he is a friend of the waters and causes rain. He has crossed the
Vindhya range and sports in the Brahma Nadi.

आतिर मण्डलर मृत्यीःु विङ्गलीः सवथताििीः ।

कववर्तवश्वो महातेजाीः रिंीः सवथभवोद ्भवीः ॥१४॥
ātapī maṇḍalī mṛtyuḥ piṅgalaḥ sarvatāpanaḥ |
kavirviśvo mahātejāḥ raktaḥ sarvabhavodbhavaḥ ||14||

He, whose form is circular and is colored yellow, is intensely absorbed and
inflicts death. He is the destroyer of all and is the Omniscient one being
exceedingly energetic sustains the universe and all action.
िित्रग्रहताराणामवधिो ववश्वभाविीः ।
तेजसामवि तेजस्वर द्वादशात्मन्नमोऽस्त ु ते ॥१५॥
nakṣatragrahatārāṇāmadhipo viśvabhāvanaḥ |
tejasāmapi tejasvī dvādaśātmannamo'stu te ||15||

He is the Lord of stars, planets and all constellations. He is the origin of

everything in the universe and is the cause of the lustre of even the
brilliant ones. Prostrations to Thee who is the One being manifest in the
twelve forms of the Sun.

िमीः िूवाथय वगरये िवश्चमायाद्रये िमीः ।

ज्योवतगथणािां ितये वदिावधितये िमीः ॥१६॥
namaḥ pūrvāya giraye paścimāyādraye namaḥ |
jyotirgaṇānāṁ pataye dinādhipataye namaḥ ||16||

Prostrations to the Eastern and western mountain, Prostrations to the

Lord of the stellar bodies and the Lord of the Day.

जयाय जयभद्राय हयथश्वाय िमो िमीः ।

िमो िमीः सहस्रांशो आवदत्याय िमो िमीः ॥१७॥
jayāya jayabhadrāya haryaśvāya namo namaḥ |
namo namaḥ sahasrāṁśo ādityāya namo namaḥ ||17||

Prostrations to the One who ordains victory and the prosperity that
follows. Prostrations to the one possessed of yellow steeds and to the
thousand rayed Lord, and to Aditya.

िम उग्राय वरराय सारङ्गाय िमो िमीः ।

िमीः िद्मप्रबोधाय माताथण्डाय िमो िमीः ॥१८॥
nama ugrāya vīrāya sāraṅgāya namo namaḥ |
namaḥ padmaprabodhāya mārtāṇḍāya namo namaḥ ||18||

Prostrations to the Terrible one, the hero, the one that travels fast.
Prostrations to the one whose emergence makes the lotus blossom and to
the fierce and omnipotent one.

ु शाय सूयाथयावदत्यवचथसे ।
भास्वते सवथभिाय रौद्राय विषेु िमीः ॥१९॥
brahmeśānācyuteśāya sūryāyādityavarcase |
bhāsvate sarvabhakṣāya raudrāya vapuṣe namaḥ ||19||

Prostrations to the Lord of Brahma, shiva and Achyuta, prostrations to

the powerful and to the effulgence in the Sun that is both the illuminator
and devourer of all and is of a form that is fierce like Rudra.

तमोघ्नाय वहमघ्नाय शत्रघ्नायावमतात्मिे ।
कृ तघ्नघ्नाय देवाय ज्योवतषां ितये िमीः ॥२०॥
tamoghnāya himaghnāya śatrughnāyāmitātmane |
kṛtaghnaghnāya devāya jyotiṣāṁ pataye namaḥ ||20||

Prostrations to he transcendental atman that dispels darkness, drives

away all fear, and destroys all foes. Prostrations also to the annihilator
of the ungrateful and to the Lord of all the stellar bodies.

तप्तचामरकराभाय हरये ववश्वकमथण े ।

िमस्तमोऽवभविघ्नाय रुचये लोकसाविणे ॥२१॥
taptacāmīkarābhāya haraye viśvakarmaṇe |
namastamo'bhinighnāya rucaye lokasākṣiṇe ||21||

Prostrations to the Lord shining like molten gold, to the transcendental

fire, the fire of supreme knowledge, the architect of the universe,
destroyer of darkness and prostrations again to the efflugence that is the
Cosmic witness.

िाशयत्येष वै भूत ं तदेव सृजवत प्रभीःु ।

िायत्येष तित्येष वषथत्येष गभवस्तवभीः ॥२२॥
nāśayatyeṣa vai bhūtaṁ tadeva sṛjati prabhuḥ |
pāyatyeṣa tapatyeṣa varṣatyeṣa gabhastibhiḥ ||22||

Prostrations to the Lord who destroys everything and creates them again.
Prostrations to Him who by His rays consumes the waters, heats them up
and sends them down as rain.

एष सप्तेु ष ु जागर्तत भूतषे ु िवरविवष्ठतीः ।

एष एवावग्नहोत्रं च फलं च ैवावग्नहोवत्रणाम ॥२३॥्
eṣa supteṣu jāgarti bhūteṣu pariniṣṭhitaḥ |
eṣa evāgnihotraṁ ca phalaṁ caivāgnihotriṇām ||23||

Prostrations to the Lord who abides in the heart of all beings keeping
awake when they are asleep. He is both the sacrificial fire and the fruit
enjoyed by the worshippers.

वेदाश्च क्रतवश्चैव क्रतूिां फलमेव च ।

यावि कृ त्यावि लोके ष ु सवथ एष रववीः प्रभीःु ॥२४॥
vedāśca kratavaścaiva kratūnāṁ phalameva ca |
yāni kṛtyāni lokeṣu sarva eṣa raviḥ prabhuḥ ||24||

The Sun is verily the Lord of all action in this universe. He is verily the
vedas, the sacrifices mentioned in them and the fruits obtained by
performing the sacrifices.

॥फल श्वु तीः॥ ||phala śrutiḥ||

एिमाित्स ु कृ च्छ्रे ष ु कान्तारेष ु भयेष ु च।
करतथयि ि् रुषीः
ु कवश्चन्नावसरदवत राघव॥ २५॥
enamāpatsu kṛcchreṣu kāntāreṣu bhayeṣu ca|
kīrtayan puruṣaḥ kaścinnāvasīdati rāghava|| 25||

Raghava, one who recites this hymn in times of danger, during an

affliction or when lost in the wilderness and having fear, he will not lose
heart (and become brave).

िूजयस्वैिमेकाग्रो देवदेवं जगतिवतम् ।्

् वणतं
एतत वत्रग ु ु ष ु ववजवयष्यवस॥ २६॥
जप्त्वा यद्धे
pūjayasvainamekāgro devadevaṁ jagatpatim|
etat triguṇitaṁ japtvā yuddheṣu vijayiṣyasi|| 26||

Raghava, worship this Lord of all Devas and the Universe with one-
pointed devotion. Recite this hymn thrice and you will win this battle.
अवस्मन्क्षणे महाबाहो रावणं त्वं ववधष्यवस।
ु तदाऽगस्त्यो जगाम च यर्ागतम॥् २७॥
asminkṣaṇe mahābāho rāvaṇaṁ tvaṁ vadhiṣyasi|
evamuktvā tadā'gastyo jagāma ca yathāgatam|| 27||

O mighty armed one, you shall truimph over Ravana this very moment.
Having spoken this, Agastya returned his original place.

एतच्छ्रुत्वा महातेजा िष्टशोकोऽभवत्तदा।

धारयामास सप्ररतो राघवीः प्रयतात्मवाि॥् २८॥
etacchrutvā mahātejā naṣṭaśoko'bhavattadā|
dhārayāmāsa suprīto rāghavaḥ prayatātmavān|| 28||

Raghava became free from worry after hearing this. He was greatly
pleased and became brave and energetic.

आवदत्यं प्रेक्ष्य जप्त्वा त ु िरं हषथमवाप्तवाि।्

वत्रराचम्य शवु चभूत्व ु
थ ा धिरादाय वरयथवाि॥् २९॥
ādityaṁ prekṣya japtvā tu paraṁ harṣamavāptavān|
trirācamya śucirbhūtvā dhanurādāya vīryavān|| 29||

Gazing at the sun with devotion, He recited this Stotra and experienced
happiness. Purifying Himself by sipping water thrice, He took up His
prostrate with His mighty arms.

रावणं प्रेक्ष्य हृष्टात्मा यद्धाय ु
सवथ यत्नेि महता वधे तस्य धृतोऽभवत॥् ३०॥
rāvaṇaṁ prekṣya hṛṣṭātmā yuddhāya samupāgamat|
sarva yatnena mahatā vadhe tasya dhṛto'bhavat|| 30||

Seeing Ravana coming to fight, He put forth all his effort with a
determination to destroy Ravana.

अर् रववरवदवन्नररक्ष्य रामं मवदतमिाीः िरमं प्रहृष्यमाणीः।

विवशचरिवतसंियं वववदत्वा सरगणमध्यगतो वचस्त्वरेवत॥ ३१॥
atha raviravadannirīkṣya rāmaṁ
muditamanāḥ paramaṁ prahṛṣyamāṇaḥ|
niśicarapatisaṁkṣayaṁ viditvā
suragaṇamadhyagato vacastvareti|| 31||

Then, Surya Deva said, looking at Rama with delighted mind and great
pleasure, knowing that the time of the final destruction of the king of the
Night-Movers (i.e. Rakshasas) have arrived; Suya Deva said amidst the
group of Devas: "Make Haste" (O Rama, and save the World).

73. ु
धमथशास्तीःिञ्चरत्नम ्
लोकवररं महािूज्य ं सवथरिाकरं ववभमु ।्

िावथतर हृदयािन्दं शास्तारं प्रणमाम्यहम ॥१॥
lokavīraṁ mahāpūjyaṁ sarvarakṣākaraṁ vibhum |
pārvatī hṛdayānandaṁ śāstāraṁ praṇamāmyaham ||1||

One who is the best warrior in the world, who is greatly worshipped, the
Lord who protects everybody, and who gives happiness to Parvathy’s
heart – my Prostrations to that Saastha.

ु भोीः वप्रयं सतम

ववप्रिूज्य ं ववश्ववन्द्यं ववष्णशं ु ।्
विप्रप्रसादविरतं शास्तारं प्रणमाम्यहम ॥२॥ ्
viprapūjyaṁ viśvavandyaṁ viṣṇuśaṁbhoḥ priyaṁ sutam |
kṣipraprasādanirataṁ śāstāraṁ praṇamāmyaham ||2||

One who is worshipped by Vedic scholars, who is worshipped by the

universe, who is the dear son of Vishnu and Shiva, and who is gets pleased
easily(and gives his blessings immediately) - I worship that Saastha.
मत्तमातङ्गगमिं कारुण्यामृतिूवरतम ।्

सवथववघ्नहरं देवं शास्तारं प्रणमाम्यहम ॥३॥
mattamātaṅgagamanaṁ kāruṇyāmṛtapūritam |
sarvavighnaharaṁ devaṁ śāstāraṁ praṇamāmyaham ||3||

One who walks like furious elephant, who is filled with the nectar of
mercy, and who destroyes all the obstacles - I worship that Saastha.

अस्मत्कुलेश्वरं देवमस्मच्छत्र ु वविाशिम ।्


अस्मवदष्टप्रदातारं शास्तारं प्रणमाम्यहम ॥४॥
asmatkuleśvaraṁ devamasmacchatru vināśanam |
asmadiṣṭapradātāraṁ śāstāraṁ praṇamāmyaham ||4||

One who is Master of my lineage (Family), who destroys my enemies, and

who grants all my desires - I worship that Saastha.

िाण्ड्येशवंशवतलकं के रले के वलववग्रहम ।्

आतथत्राणिरं देवं शास्तारं प्रणमाम्यहम ॥५॥
pāṇḍa yeśavaṁśatilakaṁ kerale kelivigraham |
ārtatrāṇaparaṁ devaṁ śāstāraṁ praṇamāmyaham ||5||

One who is like a thilaka (foremost) in the pandya dynasty, who had a
playful form in Kerala, and who is the only refuge to protect the distressed
- I worship that Saastha.

ु िठे न्नरीः।
िञ्चरत्नाख्यमेतद्यो वित्यं शद्धीः

तस्य प्रसन्नो भगवाि शास्ता वसवत मािसे॥
pañcaratnākhyametadyo nityaṁ śuddhaḥ paṭhennaraḥ|
tasya prasanno bhagavānśāstā vasati mānase||

One who chants these five gems daily, with purity – Lord Saastha will be
pleased with him and always live in his mind.

Additional Stotras told in Sampradaya:

त्र्यम्बकिरादरशं गणावदि समवन्वतम।्
गजारूडमहं वन्दे शास्तारं कुलदैवतम॥्
tryambakapurādīśaṁ gaṇādipa samanvitam|
gajārūḍamahaṁ vande śāstāraṁ kuladaivatam||

One who is the Ruler of Tryambakapuram (a place near Tiruvaroor), who
is with Lord Ganapathi and one who rides on an elephant, - I worship that
Saastha who is the master of my dynasty.

ु ूत ं श्रविवास तिूद्भवम।्
वशववरयथ समद्भ
ु वन्दे शास्तारं कुलदैवतम॥्
śivavīrya samudbhūtaṁ śrīnivāsa tanūdbhavam|
śikhivāhanujaṁ vande śāstāraṁ kuladaivatam||

One who originated from the power of Shiva, who took birth from the
body of Sreenivasa and who is the brother of Shikivaha(who rides the
peacock –Subramanya), - I worship that Saastha who is the master of my

यस्य धन्वन्तरर माता विता रुद्रोवभषिंमीः।

तम शास्तारं वन्दे महावैद्य ं दयाविवधम॥्
yasya dhanvantarī mātā pitā rudrobhiṣaktamaḥ|
tam śāstāraṁ vande mahāvaidyaṁ dayānidhim||

One whose mother is Dhanwanthari (Doctor) and father the supreme

physician, Rudra, I worship that Saastha, who is the greatest doctor and
who is the treasure of mercy.

श्र भूतिार् सदािन्दा सवथभतू दयािरा।

ु िमो िमीः॥
रि रि महाबाहो शास्त्रे तब्यं
śrī bhūtanātha sadānandā sarvabhūta dayāparā|
rakṣa rakṣa mahābāho śāstre tubyaṁ namo namaḥ||
O Lord of all beings, who is always happy, and who is merciful on all
beings , please protect me O great one – I worship you O Lord Saastha.


74. हवरहरात्मजाष्टकम (hariharātmajāṣṭakam) – by
Kambankudi Kulattur Iyer

हवरवरासिं ववश्वमोहिम हवरदटरश्वरम ्
आराध्यिादकम ।्

अवरववमदथि ं वित्यितथिम हवरहरात्मजं देवमाश्ये ॥१॥
harivarāsanaṁ viśvamohanam haridaṭīśvaram ārādhyapādukam |
arivimardanaṁ nityanartanam hariharātmajaṁ devamāśraye

One who is seated on a supreme Simhasana, One who enchants the

universe, One whose holy feet is worshipped by Surya (Haridadhiswara -
is Surya), One who kills enemies, One who always dances the cosmic
dance, O Hariharaputra Deva! (Son of Hari and Hara !)- I take refuge in

शरणकरतथि ं भिंमािसं भरणलोलुिं ितथिालसम ।्

अरुणभासरंु भूतिायकं हवरहरात्मजं देवमाश्ये ॥२॥
śaraṇakīrtanaṁ bhaktamānasaṁ bharaṇalolupaṁ nartanālasam |
aruṇabhāsuraṁ bhūtanāyakaṁ hariharātmajaṁ devamāśraye

One whose mind gladdens on hearing the Sharana Gosham, One who is
the great ruler(of the universe), One who loves to dance, One who shines
like the rising sun, One who is the Master of all beings, O Hariharaputra
Deva! - I take refuge in thee.

प्रणयसत्यकं प्राणिायकं प्रणतकल्पकं सप्रभवञ्चतम ।्

प्रणवमवन्दरं करतथिवप्रयम हवरहरात्मजं देवमाश्ये ॥३॥
praṇayasatyakaṁ prāṇanāyakaṁ
praṇatakalpakaṁ suprabhañcitam |
praṇavamandiraṁ kīrtanapriyam

hariharātmajaṁ devamāśraye ||3||

One who is the darling of his dear son Sathyaka(son of Lord Sastha), One
who grants all the wishes of the devotees, One who shines with a divine
glow, One who is the very abode of “OM”(Pranavam), One who loves
kirtanam, O Hariharaputra Deva! - I take refuge in thee.

तरगवाहिं ु
सन्दराििं ु वेदवर्तणतम ।्
गरुकृ ्
ु िाकरं करतथिवप्रयम हवरहरात्मजं देवमाश्ये ॥४॥
turagavāhanaṁ sundarānanaṁ varagadāyudhaṁ vedavarṇitam |
gurukṛpākaraṁ kīrtanapriyam hariharātmajaṁ devamāśraye

One who rides a horse, who has a beautiful face, One who has the divine
mace as his weapon, One who is described by the Vedas, One who bestows
the grace like a teacher, One who loves songs, O Hariharaputra Deva! - I
take refuge in thee.

ु चतं देवतात्मकं वत्रियिप्रभ ं ु वदव्यदेवशकम ।्

वत्रदशिूवजतं वचवन्ततप्रदं हवरहरात्मजं देवमाश्ये ॥५॥
tribhuvanārcitaṁ devatātma kaṁ
trinayanaprabhuṁ divyadeśikam |
tridaśapūjitaṁ cintitapradaṁ
hariharātmajaṁ devamāśraye ||5||

One who is worshiped by the three worlds, who is the Atman of all divine
beings, One who is the Three - eyed Lord, One who is worshipped by
devas(Tridasha = Devas), One who grants all the desires, O
Hariharaputra Deva! - I take refuge in thee.

ु ावकं भविमोहिं
भवभयािहं भावक ु भूवतभूषणम ।्

धवलवाहिं वदव्यवारणं हवरहरात्मजं देवमाश्ये ॥६॥
bhavabhayāpahaṁ bhāvukāvakaṁ
bhuvanamohanaṁ bhūtibhūṣaṇam |
dhavalavāhanaṁ divyavāraṇaṁ
hariharātmajaṁ devamāśraye ||6||

One who destroys fear(of Birth & Death), who grants brings prosperity to
the devotees like a father, One who is enchanter of the entire universe,
One who is adorned with the holy ash(Voboothi) as ornament, One who
rides on a divine white elephant, O Hariharaputra Deva! - I take refuge in

कलमृदवस्मतं सन्दराििं कलभकोमलं गात्रमोहिम ।्
कलभके सरर वावजवाहिं हवरहरात्मजं देवमाश्ये ॥७॥
kalamṛdusmitaṁ sundarānanaṁ
kalabhakomalaṁ gātramohanam |
kalabhakesarī vājivāhanaṁ
hariharātmajaṁ devamāśraye ||7||

One who has an enchanting smile, who has a beautiful face, One who has
an enchanting , soft, pretty form, One who has Elephant, Lion and Horse
as his Vahanas, O Hariharaputra Deva! - I take refuge in thee.

वश्तजिवप्रयं वचवन्ततप्रदं श्वु तववभूषणं साधजरविम ।्
श्वु तमिोहरं गरतलालसं हवरहरात्मजं देवमाश्ये ॥८॥
śritajanapriyaṁ cintitapradaṁ
śrutivibhūṣaṇaṁ sādhujīvanam |
śrutimanoharaṁ gītalālasaṁ
hariharātmajaṁ devamāśraye ||8||

One who is dear to the people (who have surrendered to him), One who
fulfills all the wishes, One has Vedas as his ornaments and One who is the

very life of Good people, One whose glory is wonderfully praised by the
Shrutis(Vedas) and who enjoys divine music O Hariharaputra Deva! - I
take refuge in thee.

75. हिमत्स्त ु (hanumatstutiḥ)
अञ्जिा िन्दिं वररं जािकर शोक िाशिम।्
किरशमिहन्तारं वन्दे लङ्का भयङ्करम॥्
añjanā nandanaṁ vīraṁ jānakī śoka nāśanam|
kapīśamakṣahantāraṁ vande laṅkā bhayaṅkaram||

Prostrations to the one who caused terror in Lanka, who is the heroic son
of Anjana, who brought to an end to all sorrows of Sita, who is the king of
monkeys, who killed Akshayakumara, the son of Ravana.

ु वेग ं वजतेवियं बवद्धमतां

मिोजवं मारुत तल्य ु ववरष्ठम।्
ु श्र रामदूतं वशरसा िमावम॥
वातात्मजं वािर यूर् मख्यं
manojavaṁ māruta tulya vegaṁ
jitendriyaṁ buddhimatāṁ variṣṭham|
vātātmajaṁ vānara yūtha mukhyaṁ
śrī rāmadūtaṁ śirasā namāmi||

I worship Hanumaan, who travels as fast as the mind and the wind, who
has mastered his sense organs, who is the best among the intelligent, who
is the son of the Vayu Deva, who is the commander-in-chief of the army of
vaanaras, and who is the messenger of Sri Ram. (Brahmashri
Sundarakumar explains that the above Shloka has the essence of Sundara
Kanda in it).

आञ्जिेय मवत िाटलालिं काञ्चिावद्र कमिरय ववग्रहम।्

िावरजात तरु मूल वावसिं भावयावम िवमाि िन्दिम॥्

āñjaneya mati pāṭalālanaṁ kāñcanādri kamanīya vigraham|
pārijāta taru mūla vāsinaṁ bhāvayāmi pavamāna nandanam||

I meditate on the darling son of Vayu, who is the son of Anjana, who is
great among killers of, who is lustrous like a golden mountain, who is
handsome to look at, and who lives near the roots of Parijatha tree.

ु करतथि ं तत्र तत्र कृ तमस्तकाञ्जलरम ।्

यत्र यत्र रघिार्
भाश्िवावर िवरिूण थ लोचिं मारुसत िमत रािसान्तकम ॥ ्
yatra yatra raghunātha kīrtanaṁ tatra tatra kṛtamastakāñjalīm |
bhāśpavāri paripūrṇa locanaṁ mārutiṁ namata rākṣasāntakam ||

Wherever the glories of Rama are Sung, there, with hands held over his
head in Prostration and eyes filled with tears, Maruti is present; I worship
Maruti who puts an end to the Rakshasas.

ु ्बलं यशो ध ैयं विभथयत्वं अरोगताम ।्

अजाड्यं वाक ् िटुत्वं च हिमत ्
ु स्मरणात ् त॥
भवे ्
buddhir balaṁ yaśo dhairyaṁ nirbhayatvaṁ arogatām |
ajāḍyaṁ vāk paṭutvaṁ ca hanumat smaraṇāt bhavet ||

You will be blessed with Wisdom, Strength, Fame, Valor, Fearlessness,

Health, Determination, articulativeness by praying to Hanuman.

असाध्य साधक स्वावमि असाध्यं तव सक वद ।

राम दूत कृ िा वसन्धो मत कायं साधय प्रभो ॥
asādhya sādhaka svāmin asādhyaṁ tava kiṁ vada |
rāma dūta kṛpā sindho mat kāryaṁ sādhaya prabho ||

O Lord, you are capable of doing the impossible; is there any act which is
not possible by you? O compassionate Lord, who acted as the emissary of
Sri Rama! Please fulfill my request.
ु विङ्गलािीः वशखावाि ्
ख्यातीः श्र रामदूतीः िवितिजीः

सरताशोकािहावर दशमखववजयर लक्ष्मणप्राणदाता ।
आिेत ृ भेषजात्रे लवणजलविधेलथङ्गिे दरवितो यीः
् माि मम
वररीः श्रमाि हिू ् मिवस वसि कायथ
् वससद्ध तिोत॥ु
khyātaḥ śrī rāmadūtaḥ pavanatanujaḥ piṅgalākṣaḥ śikhāvān
sītāśokāpahāri daśamukhavijayī lakṣmaṇaprāṇadātā |
ānetṛ bheṣajātre lavaṇajalanidherlaṅgane dīkṣito yaḥ
vīraḥ śrīmān hanūmān mama manasi vasan kāryasiddhiṁ

Well known as the messenger of Sri Rama, the son of Vayu Deva, with
reddish-brown eyes, the best in class person, the remover of Sita’s grief,
the one who won over Ravana (with ten heads) and savior of
Lakshmana’s life. O powerful Hanuman! who brought the medicines (to
cure Lakshmana), who was ordained to cross the vast ocean, please
reside in my heart and allow me accomplish my desires.

अञ्जिरगभथ सम्भूत किरि सवचवोत्तम ।

ु हिमि
रामवप्रय िमस्तभ्ं ् सवथदा ॥
ु रि
añjanīgarbha sambhūta kapīndra sacivottama |
rāmapriya namastubhyaṁ hanuman rakṣa sarvadā ||

(I take Refuge in Hanuman) who was Born from the womb of mother
Anjana, and who was the most excellent minister of the King of monkeys
(i.e. Sugriva), who is extremely dear to Sri Rama; I Prostrate to You, O
Hanuman, please protect me always.

Twelve Names of Hanuman:

हिमािञ्जिासू ु यिु त्रो
िवाथ ु महाबलीः।

रामेष्टीः फाल्गिसखीः विङ्गािोऽवमतववक्रमीः॥
उदवधक्रमणश्च ैव सरताशोकवविाशिीः।
लक्ष्मणप्राणदाता च दशग्ररवस्य दि थहा॥
hanumānañjanāsūnurvāyuputro mahābalaḥ|
rāmeṣṭaḥ phālgunasakhaḥ piṅgākṣo'mitavikramaḥ||
udadhikramaṇaścaiva sītāśokavināśanaḥ|
lakṣmaṇaprāṇadātā ca daśagrīvasya darpahā||

Hanuman (Bhakta Hanuman), Anjana Sunu (who is the Son of Devi

Anjana), Vayu Putra (who is the Son of Vayu Deva), Maha Bala (who
possess Great Strength, Ramestta (who is Devoted to Sri Rama),
Phalguna Sakha (who is the Friend of Arjuna), Pingaksha (Whose Eyes
are Yellowish or Brownish), Amita Vikrama (Whose Valour is
Immeasurable or Boundless), Udadhi Kramana (who has Crossed the
Ocean), Sita Shoka Vinashana (who Removed the Sorrow of Devi Sita),
Lakshmana Prana Daata (who is the Giver of Life to Sri Lakshmana) and
Dasha Griva Darpaha (who Destroyed the Pride of Ten-Headed Ravana).


76. उिदेश िञ्चकम (upadeśa pañcakam) – by Adi

वेदो वित्यमधरयतां तदवदतं कमथ स्विष्ठरयतां
े स्य ववधरयतामिवचवतीः काम्ये मवतस्त्यज्यताम।्
ु दोषोऽिसन्धरयतां
िािौघीः िवरधूयतां भवसखे ु
आत्मेच्छा व्यवसरयतां विजगृहात्तूणं ववविगथम्यताम॥् १॥
vedo nityamadhīyatāṁ taduditaṁ karma svanuṣṭhīyatāṁ
teneśasya vidhīyatāmapacitiḥ kāmye matistyajyatām|
pāpaughaḥ paridhūyatāṁ bhavasukhe doṣo'nusandhīyatāṁ
ātmecchā vyavasīyatāṁ nijagṛhāttūrṇaṁ vinirgamyatām||1||

Study spiritual texts (“Vedas”) regularly and perform well the duties
enjoined in them. Worship the Divine in that manner and give up the
thought of desires. Strive against the calls of paapas and examine the
defects of worldly excitement. Hold on to the awareness of the Atman and
leave at once your own limited identity.

सङ्गीः सत्स ु ववधरयतां भगवतो भविंदृथढाऽऽधरयतां

शान्त्यावदीः िवरचरयतां दृढतरं कमाथश ु सन्त्यज्यताम।्
ु प्यतां प्रवतवदिं तत्पादके सेव्यतां
ब्रह्म ैकािरमथ्यथतां श्वु तवशरोवाक्यं समाकण्यथताम॥् २॥
saṅgaḥ satsu vidhīyatāṁ bhagavato bhaktirdṛḍhā''dhīyatāṁ
śāntyādiḥ paricīyatāṁ dṛḍhataraṁ karmāśu santyajyatām|
sadvidvānupasṛpyatāṁ pratidinaṁ tatpāduke sevyatāṁ
brahmaikākṣaramarthyatāṁ śrutiśirovākyaṁ samākarṇyatām||

Remain in the company of the sacred (thoughts, words, deeds; books,
music, art; people) and strengthen your devotion to Ishwara. Cultivate
the qualities such as self-restraint and give up all work prompted by self-
ish desire. Approach those who are wise and sacred, and worship his
sandals daily (serve them). Seek only the Imperishable Being and hear
the words of the scripture.

वाक्यार्थश्च ववचायथतां श्वु तवशरीःििीः समाश्रयतां

दस्तकाथत्सवु वरम्यतां श्वु तमतस्तकोऽिसन्धरयताम
ु ।्
ब्रह्मास्मरवत ववभाव्यतामहरहगथवथीः िवरत्यज्यतां

देहऽे हम्मवतरुज्झ्यतां बधजि ैवाथदीः िवरत्यज्यताम॥् ३॥
vākyārthaśca vicāryatāṁ śrutiśiraḥpakṣaḥ samāśrīyatāṁ
dustarkātsuviramyatāṁ śrutimatastarko'nusandhīyatām|
brahmāsmīti vibhāvyatāmaharahargarvaḥ parityajyatāṁ
dehe'hammatirujjhyatāṁ budhajanairvādaḥ parityajyatām||3

Reflect over the meaning of the scripture and take refuge in its perspec-
tive. Keep away from vain arguments and follow the reasoning of the
scripture. Always be aware that you are Brahman and completely give up
all egoism. Eliminate the thought of “I” connected with the body and don’t
argue with the wise ones.

िदु ्व्यावधश्च वचवकत्स्यतां प्रवतवदिं वभिौषधं भज्यतां
् ि सन्तष्यताम
स्वाद्वन्नं ि त ु याच्यतां वववधवशात प्राप्ते ु ।्
शरतोष्णावद ववषह्यतां ि त ु वृर्ा वाक्यं समिायथ
ु तां
ु ज्यताम॥् ४॥
औदासरन्यमभरप्स्यतां जिकृ िाि ैष्ठुयमथ त्सृ
kṣudvyādhiśca cikitsyatāṁ pratidinaṁ bhikṣauṣadhaṁ
svādvannaṁ na tu yācyatāṁ vidhivaśāt prāptena santuṣyatām|

śītoṣṇādi viṣahyatāṁ na tu vṛthā vākyaṁ samuccāryatāṁ
audāsīnyamabhīpsyatāṁ janakṛpānaiṣṭhuryamutsṛjyatām|| 4||

Through the daily medicine of alms, treat the disease of hunger. Don’t
hanker after delicious food; be contented with whatever comes of its own.
Forbear the polarities such as cold and heat and do not utter useless
words. Do not expect kindness from others and abandon all harshness
toward others.

एकान्ते सखमास्यतां िरतरे चेतीः समाधरयतां

िूणाथत्मा ससमरक्ष्यतां जगवददं तद्बावधतं दृश्यताम।्
ु रैीः वश्लष्यतां
प्राक्कमथ प्रववलाप्यतां वचवतबलान्नाप्यत्त

प्रारिं वत्वह भज्यतामर् िरब्रह्मात्मिा स्थरयताम॥् ५॥
ekānte sukhamāsyatāṁ paratare cetaḥ samādhīyatāṁ
pūrṇātmā susamīkṣyatāṁ jagadidaṁ tadbādhitaṁ dṛśyatām|
prākkarma pravilāpyatāṁ citibalānnāpyuttaraiḥ śliṣyatāṁ
prārabdhaṁ tviha bhujyatāmatha parabrahmātmanā

Live happily in solitude and focus the mind on Brahman. See carefully the
infinite Self and notice how it eliminates this fleeting existence called the
world. Through the power of consciousness, dissolve your past karma,
remain unaffected by your later karma, and experience your present
karma. In this way, remain established in the awareness of the Supreme

77. उिदेशसारम (upadeśasāram) – by Ramana Maharshi

कतरथु ाज्ञया प्राप्यते फलम।् कमथ सक िरं कमथ तज्जडम॥् १॥

karturājñayā prāpyate phalam|
karma kiṁ paraṁ karma tajjaḍam|| 1||

By the law/will of the Creator, the fruits of actions are realized. How is
action then supreme? It is not. It is inert.

कृ वतमहोदधौ ितिकारणम।् फलमशाश्वतं गवतविरोधकम॥् २॥

kṛtimahodadhau patanakāraṇam|
phalamaśāśvataṁ gatinirodhakam|| 2||

The results of actions are impermanent and pass away. Yet, their seeds
form an ocean of Karma which becomes a barrier in the progress of a

ईश्वरार्तितं िेच्छया कृ तम।् वचत्तशोधकं मविंसाधकम

ु ॥् ३॥
īśvarārpitaṁ necchayā kṛtam|
cittaśodhakaṁ muktisādhakam|| 3||

But acts performed without attachment’s urge and solely for the service
of the Lord will cleanse the mind and indicate the way which leads at
length unto the final goal.

कायवाङ्मिीः कायथमत्तमम।् िूजिं जिवश्चन्तिं क्रमात॥् ४॥
kāyavāṅmanaḥ kāryamuttamam|
pūjanaṁ japaścintanaṁ kramāt|| 4||

Among the actions performed by the body, voice and mind – puja
(ritualistic worship), japa (chanting) and contemplation – each is
superior to the other in an ascending order.

ु विम।् अष्टमूर्ततभृद्दवे िूजिम॥् ५॥

जगत ईशधर यिंसे
jagata īśadhī yuktasevanam|
aṣṭamūrtibhṛddevapūjanam|| 5||

If we but recognise this Universe of eightfold form as form of Ishwara,

himself, and serve in adoration all the world. This is the excellent worship
to Ishwara.

उत्तमस्तवादिमन्दतीः। वचत्तजं जिध्यािमत्तमम॥् ६॥
cittajaṁ japadhyānamuttamam|| 6||

Singing the Lord’s praises is good, but better than that is loud chanting
of japa, while superior to loud chanting is soft japa. However, best of all
is silent, mental japa.

आज्यधारया स्रोतसा समम।् सरलवचन्तिं ववरलतीः िरम॥् ७॥

ājyadhārayā srotasā samam|
saralacintanaṁ viralataḥ param|| 7||

Like an unbroken flow of oil, or a stream of water, continuous

contemplation is better than that which is interrupted.

भेदभाविात सोऽहवमत्यसौ। भाविाऽवभदा िाविर मता॥ ८॥
bhedabhāvanāt so'hamityasau|
bhāvanā'bhidā pāvanī matā|| 8||

Contemplation without duality, that is contemplating as ‘I am HE’, is

superior to meditation which assumes a separation between the Bhakta
(devotee) and the beloved Lord.

भावशून्यसद्भावसवस्थवतीः। भाविाबलाद्भविंरुत्तमा॥ ९॥
bhāvaśūnyasadbhāvasusthitiḥ| bhāvanābalādbhaktiruttamā|| 9||

A state of void, free from thought, is gradually attained, making abidance

in the background state of ‘I AM’ complete. This is supreme devotion.

हृत्स्थले मिीः स्वस्थता वक्रया।भविंयोगबोधाश्च विवश्चतम॥१०॥
hṛtsthale manaḥ svasthatā kriyā|
bhaktiyogabodhāśca niścitam||10||

Fixing the mind in the Heart (Source) is true Karma (action), Bhakti
(devotion), Yoga (action) and Jnana (knowledge).

वायरोधिाल्लरयते मिीः। जालिविवद्रोधसाधिम॥् ११॥
vāyurodhanāllīyate manaḥ|
jālapakṣivadrodhasādhanam|| 11||

Through breath-control, the movement of the mind is contained, just as

a bird is restrained when caught in a net.

वचत्तवायववश्चवत्क्रयायताीः। शाखयोद्वथयर शविंमूलका॥ १२॥
śākhayordvayī śaktimūlakā|| 12||

The mind and pranas, which carry out various thought processes and
actions within the body, emerge from one common source.

ु ववत िो मृतम॥् १३॥

लयवविाशिे उभयरोधिे। लयगतं ििभथ
layavināśane ubhayarodhane|
layagataṁ punarbhavati no mṛtam|| 13||

Suppression of the mind in two ways comes, absorption and extinction;

mind absorbed will live again, but mind which is destroyed will never
more revive, for it is dead.

प्राणबन्धिाल्लरिमािसम।् एकवचन्तिान्नाशमेत्यदीः॥ १४॥

ekacintanānnāśametyadaḥ|| 14||

When the mind is held in suspension through breath control, it must then
be completely destroyed through one-pointed attention to that ONE

िष्टमािसोत्कृ ष्टयोवगिीः। कृ त्यमवस्त सक स्ववस्थसत यतीः॥ १५॥
kṛtyamasti kiṁ svasthitiṁ yataḥ|| 15||

What action remains for an exalted Yogi whose mind has been completely
destroyed and who is ever established in the Self ?

दृश्यवावरतं वचत्तमात्मिीः। वचत्त्वदशथि ं तत्त्वदशथिम॥् १६॥

dṛśyavāritaṁ cittamātmanaḥ|
cittvadarśanaṁ tattvadarśanam|| 16||

When attention is withdrawn from objects and focused exclusively on the

Self, Truth is revealed.

मािसं त ु सक मागथणे कृ ते। ि ैव मािसं मागथ आजथवात॥् १७॥

mānasaṁ tu kiṁ mārgaṇe kṛte|
naiva mānasaṁ mārga ārjavāt|| 17||

When pondering with constant vigilance upon the actual nature of the
mind one finds that there is no such thing as mind; This, of a truth, is the
straight course for all.

वृत्तयस्त्वहं वृवत्तमावश्ताीः। वृत्तयो मिो ववद्ध्यहं मिीः॥ १८॥

vṛttayastvahaṁ vṛttimāśritāḥ|
vṛttayo mano viddhyahaṁ manaḥ|| 18||

The mind is nothing but a lot of thoughts, of all these many thoughts it is
the thought 'I' that is the root. So we can see by that the mind in truth is
only the thought 'I'.

अहमयं कुतो भववत वचन्वतीः।

अवय ितत्यहं विजववचारणम॥् १९॥

ahamayaṁ kuto bhavati cinvataḥ|
ayi patatyahaṁ nijavicāraṇam|| 19||

Ask the question: “From where does this I-thought arise?” On inquiring
deeply, the I-thought will vanish. This is Self-Inquiry.

अहवम िाशभाज्यहमहंतया।
थ त॥् २०॥
स्फुरवत हृत्स्वयं िरमिूणस
ahami nāśabhājyahamahaṁtayā|
sphurati hṛtsvayaṁ paramapūrṇasat|| 20||

When the I-thought or Ego is destroyed, the real I springs forth on its own
in the spiritual Heart and shines as ‘I-I’, in all its fulness.

इदमहं िदाऽवभख्यमन्वहम।्
अहवमलरिके ऽप्यलयसत्तया॥ २१॥
idamahaṁ padā'bhikhyamanvaham|
ahamilīnake'pyalayasattayā|| 21||

And this unbroken continuous ‘I-I’ is the real I, as the I-thought (egoic I)
disappears and dissolves in deep sleep.

ववग्रहेवियप्राणधरतमीः। िाहमेकसत्तज्जडं ह्यसत॥् २२॥

nāhamekasattajjaḍaṁ hyasat|| 22||

This real ‘I-I’ is the only Truth or Reality. Neither the body, nor the senses,
nor the vital air (prana), nor breath, nor intellect, nor ignorance may be
considered real as they are all gross, inert, insentient and illusory.

सत्त्वभावसका वचत्क्ववेतरा। सत्तया वह वचवित्तया ह्यहम॥् २३॥

sattvabhāsikā citkvavetarā|
sattayā hi ciccittayā hyaham|| 23||
Is there any other thing apart from Consciousness that illumines
existence? Indeed, existence itself is Consciousness and Consciousness is ‘I

ईशजरवयोवेषधरवभदा। सत्स्वभावतो वस्त ु के वलम॥् २४॥

īśajīvayorveṣadhībhidā| satsvabhāvato vastu kevalam|| 24||

Between the jiva (the individual) and Ishwara (Unity), there is a

difference only with respect to the body and the intellect (gross and subtle
bodies), but from the standpoint of True Nature, the Absolute Reality
alone is.

वेषहाितीः स्वात्मदशथिम।् ईशदशथि ं स्वात्मरूितीः॥ २५॥

veṣahānataḥ svātmadarśanam|
īśadarśanaṁ svātmarūpataḥ|| 25||

When the various conditionings of body-mind and identifications with

name and form are shed, the Self is realized. The vision of the Lord as Self
is true Atma Jnanam.

आत्मसंवस्थवतीः स्वात्मदशथिम।्
आत्मविद्वथयादात्मविष्ठता॥ २६॥
ātmasaṁsthitiḥ svātmadarśanam|
ātmanirdvayādātmaniṣṭhatā|| 26||

To be the Self that is to know the Self, As there is no duality in Self. This
is Thanmaya-Nistha, or the state Of absolutely being That in truth.

ज्ञािवर्तजताऽज्ञािहरिवचत।् ज्ञािमवस्त सक ज्ञातमन्तरम

ु ॥् २७॥
jñānamasti kiṁ jñātumantaram|| 27||

Consciousness transcends all dualities and is devoid of the thought of
knowledge, as well as the thought of ignorance. Is there any knowledge
other than Self Awareness itself, to know the Self ?

सक स्वरूिवमत्यात्मदशथि।े
अव्ययाऽभवाऽऽिूणवथ चत्सखु म॥् २८॥
kiṁ svarūpamityātmadarśane|
avyayā'bhavā''pūrṇacitsukham|| 28||

“What is the nature of ‘Me’ – the Self ?” Thus inquiring one realizes the
Self as Indestructible, Unborn, Perfect and of the nature of Consciousness
and Ananda.

बन्धमक्त्यतरतं ु ।् ववन्दतरह जरवस्त ु दैववकीः॥ २९॥
िरं सखम
bandhamuktyatītaṁ paraṁ sukham|
vindatīha jīvastu daivikaḥ|| 29||

The individual who has realized the Divine State (his own real nature)
gains supreme happiness and Ananda, beyond bondage and freedom,
here, in this very world.

अहमिेतकं विजववभािकम।् महवददंतिो रमणवावगयम॥् ३०॥

ahamapetakaṁ nijavibhānakam|
mahadidaṁtapo ramaṇavāgiyam|| 30||

Self-Inquiry, devoid of ego, is a great penance. Realize this truth

articulated by Sri Ramana.

78. वववेकचूडामवण (vivekacūḍāmaṇi) – by Adi Shankara

(Selected verses)
शान्ता महान्तो विवसवन्त सन्तो वसन्तवल्लोकवहतं चरन्तीः।


तरणाथीः स्वयं भरमभवाणथवं जिािहेतिान्यािवि तारयन्तीः॥ ३७॥
śāntā mahānto nivasanti santo vasantavallokahitaṁ carantaḥ|
tīrṇāḥ svayaṁ bhīmabhavārṇavaṁ janānahetunānyānapi
tārayantaḥ|| 37||

There exist great noble ones who ever peaceful. Like the spring season
(which fills the entire world with happiness), they move about effecting
what is beneficial to the world. Having themselves crossed the dreadful
ocean of Samsara, they, without any personal motive cause others too to
cross over.

॥ ब्रह्मभाविा ॥ || brahmabhāvanā ||
Note: The Shastras repeatedly point out the truth that we are not the
limited body, mind and intellect, but the eternal, absolute and ever
contentful consciousness (Self). The following verses form important aid
to Dhyana on the Self and making the knowledge firm.

जावतिरवतकुलगोत्रदूरगं िामरूिगणदोषवर्तजतम ।्
देशकालववषयावतवर्तत यद्ब्रह्म तत्त्वमवस भावयात्मवि ॥२५४॥
jātinītikulagotradūragaṁ nāmarūpaguṇadoṣavarjitam|
deśakālaviṣayātivarti yadbrahma tattvamasi bhāvayātmani

That which has no caste, creed, family or lineage, which is without name
and form, merit and demerit, which is beyond space, time and sense-
objects---That Brahman Thou Art…perform Dhyana on this in your mind.

यत्परं सकलवागगोचरं गोचरं ववमलबोधचिषीः ु ।

ु वचद्घिमिावद वस्त ु यद्ब्रह्म तत्त्वमवस भावयात्मवि ॥२५५॥
yatparaṁ sakalavāgagocaraṁ gocaraṁ vimalabodhacakṣuṣaḥ |

śuddhacidghanamanādi vastu yadbrahma tattvamasi
bhāvayātmani ||255||

The Supreme Brahman which is beyond the range of speech, but known
only through the eye of ‘pure-illumination‘, which is pure mass of
Consciousness, which is a beginning less entity --- That Brahman Thou
Art…meditate on this in your mind.

षडवभरूर्तमवभरयोवग योवगहृद्भाववतं ि करणैर्तवभाववतम ।्
बदु ध्यवे
् द्यमिवद्यमवस्त यद्ब्रह्म तत्त्वमवस भावयात्मवि ॥२५६॥
ṣaḍbhirūrmibhirayogi yogihṛdbhāvitaṁ na karaṇairvibhāvitam|
buddhyavedyamanavadyamasti yadbrahma tattvamasi
bhāvayātmani ||256||

That which is untouched by the six waves of sorrow, which is realized in

the heart of Yogis but which cannot be grasped by the sense-organs, that
which the intellect cannot know, which is of flawless excellence ---That
Brahman Thou Art …meditate on this in your mind.

भ्रावन्तकवल्पतजगत्कलाश्यं स्वाश्यं च सदसवद्वलिणम ।्

विष्कलं विरुिमािववद्ध यद्ब्रह्म तत्त्वमवस भावयात्मवि ॥२५७॥
bhrāntikalpitajagatkalāśrayaṁ svāśrayaṁ ca sadasadvilakṣaṇam|
niṣkalaṁ nirupamānavaddhi yadbrahma tattvamasi
bhāvayātmani ||257||

That which is the substratum of the universe and its various aspects
which are all due to delusion, which is its own support, which is other
than the gross and the subtle, which has no parts and is truly
incomparable --- That Brahman Thou Art … meditate on this in your

जिवृवद्धिवरणत्यििय व्यावधिाशिववहरिमव्ययम ।्

ववश्वसृष्ट्यवववघातकारणं ब्रह्म तत्त्वमवस भावयात्मवि ॥२५८॥
viśvasṛṣṭyavavighātakāraṇaṁ brahma tattvamasi bhāvayātmani

That which is changeless and so free from birth, growth, development,

decay, disease and death; which is indestructible and is the cause of
creation, maintenance, and dissolution of the universe ---That Brahman
Thou Art …meditate on this in your mind.

अस्तभेदमििास्तलिणं विस्तरङ्गजलरावशविश्चलम ।्

र्तत यद्ब्रह्म तत्त्वमवस भावयात्मवि ॥२५९॥
astabhedamanapāstalakṣaṇaṁ nistaraṅgajalarāśiniścalam|
nityamuktamavibhaktamūrti yadbrahma tattvamasi
bhāvayātmani ||259||

That which is free from all distinctions which is ever existent; which is
calm like a wave-less ocean; and eternally unconditioned and undivided-
--That Brahman Thou Art…..meditate on this in your mind.

एकमेव सदिेककारणं कारणान्तरविरास्यकारणम ।्

कायथकारणववलिणं स्वयं ब्रह्म तत्त्वमवस भावयात्मवि ॥२६०॥
ekameva sadanekakāraṇaṁ kāraṇāntaranirāsyakāraṇam|
kāryakāraṇavilakṣaṇaṁ svayaṁ brahma tattvamasi
bhāvayātmani ||260||

That which, even though one Reality, is the cause for the many, the cause
that refutes all other causes, which is distinct from causes and effects and
self-existent --- That Brahman Thou Art … meditate on this in your mind.

विर्तवकल्पकमिल्पमिरं यत्क्षरािरववलिणं िरम ।्

ु विरञ्जिं ब्रह्म तत्त्वमवस भावयात्मवि ॥२६१॥
nirvikalpakamanalpamakṣaraṁ yatkṣarākṣaravilakṣaṇaṁ param|
nityamavyayasukhaṁ nirañjanaṁ brahma tattvamasi
bhāvayātmani ||261||

That which is free from duality; Infinite and Indestructible; distinct from
perishable and imperishable; Supreme and Eternal; permanent and
indivisible Ananda; Untainted --- That Brahman Thou Art…meditate on
this in your mind.

यवद्वभावत सदिेकधा भ्रमान्नामरूिगणवववक्रयात्मिा ।
हेमवत्स्वयमवववक्रयं सदा ब्रह्म तत्त्वमवस भावयात्मवि ॥२६२॥
yadvibhāti sadanekadhā bhramānnāmarūpaguṇavikriyātmanā |
hemavatsvayamavikriyaṁ sadā brahma tattvamasi bhāvayātmani

That Reality which (though one) appears as many due to delusion ---
though Itself always unchanged --- assumes names and forms, qualities
and changes, like gold which remains unchanged through all its
modifications --- That Brahman Thou Art…meditate on this in your mind.

यिकास्त्यििरं िरात्परं प्रत्यगेकरसमात्मलिणम ।्

ु मिन्तमव्ययं ब्रह्म तत्त्वमवस भावयात्मवि ॥२६३॥
yaccakāstyanaparaṁ parātparaṁ pratyagekarasamātmalakṣaṇam|
satyacitsukhamanantamavyayaṁ brahma tattvamasi
bhāvayātmani ||263||

That beyond which there is nothing; which is beyond the beyond; the
inmost Self of all; which is of one essence; which is continuous Existence-
Knowledge-Ananda; Infinite and Immutable --- That Brahman Thou Art
… meditate on this in your mind.


उिंमर्थवमममात्मवि स्वयं भावयेत्प्रवर्तयविंवभर्त धया।
ु ि तत्त्वविगमो भववष्यवत ॥२६४॥
संशयावदरवहतं कराम्बवत्ते
uktamarthamimamātmani svayaṁ
saṁśayādirahitaṁ karāmbuvattena tattvanigamo bhaviṣyati

One must meditate in one‘s mind, through the intellect, on the Truth
conveyed above by means of scriptural reasoning. By these means, one
will realize Truth without any doubts, just like water in the palm of one‘s

ु िम।्
ु ि ं त्यक्त्वा त्यक्त्वा देहािवतथ
ु ि ं त्यक्त्वा स्वाध्यासािियं कुरु॥ २७०॥
lokānuvartanaṁ tyaktvā tyaktvā dehānuvartanam|
śāstrānuvartanaṁ tyaktvā svādhyāsāpanayaṁ kuru|| 270||

Relinquishing the observance of social formalities, giving up all ideas of

trimming up the body, and avoiding too much engrossment with the
Scriptures, do away with the superimposition that has come upon thyself.

स्वात्मन्येव सदा वस्थत्वा मिो िश्यवत योवगिीः।

वासिािां ियश्चातीः स्वाध्यासािियं कुरु॥ २७७॥
svātmanyeva sadā sthitvā mano naśyati yoginaḥ|
vāsanānāṁ kṣayaścātaḥ svādhyāsāpanayaṁ kuru|| 277||

The Yogi’s mind dies, being constantly fixed on his own Self. Thence
follows the cessation of desires. Therefore do away with thy

ु िे िश्यवत।
तमो द्वाभ्ां रजीः सत्त्वात्सत्त्वं शद्ध
तस्मात्सत्त्वमवष्टभ् स्वाध्यासािियं कुरु॥ २७८॥
tamo dvābhyāṁ rajaḥ sattvātsattvaṁ śuddhena naśyati|
tasmātsattvamavaṣṭabhya svādhyāsāpanayaṁ kuru|| 278||

Tamas is destroyed by both Sattva and Rajas, Rajas by Sattva, and Sattva
dies when purified. Therefore do way with thy superimposition through
the help of Sattva.

प्रारिं िष्यवत ु
विवरवत विवश्चत्य विश्चलीः।
ध ैयथमालम्ब्य यत्नेि स्वाध्यासािियं कुरु॥ २७९॥
prārabdhaṁ puṣyati vapuriti niścitya niścalaḥ|
dhairyamālambya yatnena svādhyāsāpanayaṁ kuru|| 279||

Knowing for certain that the Prarabdha work will maintain this body,
remain quiet and do away with thy superimposition carefully and with

थ म।्
िाहं जरवीः िरं ब्रह्मेत्यतद ्व्यावृवत्तिूवक
वासिावेगतीः प्राप्तस्वाध्यासािियं कुरु॥ २८०॥
nāhaṁ jīvaḥ paraṁ brahmetyatadvyāvṛttipūrvakam|
vāsanāvegataḥ prāptasvādhyāsāpanayaṁ kuru|| 280||

"I am not the Jivatma, but the Supreme Brahman" – eliminating thus all
that is not-Self, do away with thy superimposition, which has come
through the momentum of (past) impressions.

ु ा यक्त्या
श्त्य ु स्वािभू
ु त्या ज्ञात्वा सावाथत्म्यमात्मिीः।
क्ववचदाभासतीः प्राप्तस्वाध्यासािियं कुरु॥ २८१॥
śrutyā yuktyā svānubhūtyā jñātvā sārvātmyamātmanaḥ|
kvacidābhāsataḥ prāptasvādhyāsāpanayaṁ kuru|| 281||

Realising thyself as the Self of all by means of Scripture, reasoning and by
thy own realisation, do away thy superimposition, even when a trace of it
seems to appear.

ु ीः।
अिादािववसगाथभ्ामरषन्नावस्त वक्रया मिे
तदेकविष्ठया वित्यं स्वाध्यासािियं कुरु॥ २८२॥
anādānavisargābhyāmīṣannāsti kriyā muneḥ|
tadekaniṣṭhayā nityaṁ svādhyāsāpanayaṁ kuru|| 282||

The sage has no connection with action, since he has no idea of accepting
or giving up. Therefore, through constant engrossment on the Brahman,
do away with thy superimposition.

ब्रह्मण्यात्मत्वदाढ्याथय स्वाध्यासािियं कुरु॥ २८३॥
brahmaṇyātmatvadārḍhyāya svādhyāsāpanayaṁ kuru|| 283||

Through the realisation of the identity of Brahman and the Jiva, resulting
from such great dicta as "Thou art That", do away with thy
superimposition, with a view to strengthening thy identification with

अहंभावस्य देहऽे वस्मवन्नीःशेषववलयाववध।

सावधािेि यिंात्मा स्वाध्यासािियं कुरु॥ २८४॥
ahaṁbhāvasya dehe'sminniḥśeṣavilayāvadhi|
sāvadhānena yuktātmā svādhyāsāpanayaṁ kuru|| 284||

Until the identification with this body is completely rooted out, do away
with thy superimposition with watchfulness and a concentrated mind.

प्रतरवतजीवजगतोीः स्वप्नवद ्भावत यावता।

ताववन्नरन्तरं ववद्वन्स्वाध्यासािियं कुरु॥ २८५॥
pratītirjīvajagatoḥ svapnavadbhāti yāvatā|
tāvannirantaraṁ vidvansvādhyāsāpanayaṁ kuru|| 285||

So long as even a dream-like perception of the universe and Jivas persists,

do away with thy superimposition, O learned man, without the least

विद्राया लोकवाताथयाीः शब्दादेरवि ववस्मृतीःे ।

क्ववचन्नावसरं दत्त्वा वचन्तयात्मािमात्मवि॥ २८६॥
nidrāyā lokavārtāyāḥ śabdāderapi vismṛteḥ|
kvacinnāvasaraṁ dattvā cintayātmānamātmani|| 286||

Without giving the slightest chance to oblivion on account of sleep,

concern in secular matters or the sense-objects, reflect on the Self in thy

घटाकाशं महाकाश इवात्मािं िरात्मवि।

ु ॥ २८८॥
ववलाप्याखण्डभावेि तूष्णर भव सदा मिे
ghaṭākāśaṁ mahākāśa ivātmānaṁ parātmani|
vilāpyākhaṇḍabhāvena tūṣṇī bhava sadā mune|| 288||

Merging the finite Jiavatma in the Supreme Self, like the space enclosed
by a jar in the infinite space, by means of Dhyana on their identity, always
keep quiet, O sage.

79. ब्रह्मज्ञािावलरमाला (brahmajñānāvalīmālā) – by

Adi Shankara

Note: In this work the characteristics of the person who has realized that
He is Brahman are described. The aspirant for Moksha is advised to
meditate on these in order to attain to the same state.

् ण ब्रह्मज्ञािं यतो भवेत ।्
सकृ त श्वणमात्रे
ब्रह्मज्ञािावलरमाला सवेषां मोिवसद्धये ॥ १ ॥
sakṛt śravaṇamātreṇa brahmajñānaṁ yato bhavet|
brahmajñānāvalīmālā sarveṣāṁ mokṣasiddhaye || 1 ||

The work entitled ‘brahmajnAnAvalImAlA, by hearing which just once

knowledge of Brahman is attained, enables all to attain liberation.

ु ििीः
असङगोऽहमसङगोऽहमसङजोऽहं ििीः ु ।
सविदािन्दरुिोऽहमेवाहमव्ययीः ॥ २ ॥
asaṅago'hamasaṅago'hamasaṅajo'haṁ punaḥ punaḥ |
saccidānandarupo'hamevāhamavyayaḥ || 2 ||

Unattached am I, unattached am I, ever free from attachment of any kind;

I am of the nature of Existence-Consciousness-Ananda. I am the very Self,
indestructible and ever unchanging.

ु ववमिंोऽहं
वित्यशद्ध ु विराकारोऽहमव्ययीः ।
भूमािन्दस्वरूिोऽहमहमेवाहमव्ययीः ॥ ३ ॥
nityaśuddhavimukto'haṁ nirākāro'hamavyayaḥ |
bhūmānandasvarūpo'hamahamevāhamavyayaḥ || 3 ||

I am eternal, I am pure (free from the control of mAyA). I am ever

liberated. I am formless, indestructible and changeless. I am of the nature
of infinite Ananda. I am the very Self, indestructible and changeless.

वित्योऽहं विरवध्योऽहं विराकारोऽहमच्यतीः।
िरमािन्दरूिोऽहमहमेवाहमव्ययीः ॥४॥
nityo'haṁ niravadhyo'haṁ nirākāro'hamacyutaḥ|
paramānandarūpo'hamahamevāhamavyayaḥ ||4||

I am eternal, I am free from blemish, I am formless, I am indestructible

and changeless. I am of the nature of supreme Ananda. I am the very Self,
indestructible and changeless.

ु च ैतन्यरूिोहमात्मारामोऽहमेव च ।
अखण्डािन्दरूिोऽहमहमेवाहमव्ययीः ॥ ५ ॥
śuddhacaitanyarūpohamātmārāmo'hameva ca |
akhaṇḍānandarūpo'hamahamevāhamavyayaḥ || 5 ||

I am pure consciousness, I revel in my own Self. I am of the nature of

indivisible (concentrated) Ananda. I am the very Self, indestructible and

प्रत्यक्चै तन्यरूिोऽहं शान्तोऽहं प्रकृ तेीः िरीः ।

शाश्वतािन्दरूिोऽहमहमेवाहमव्ययीः ॥ ६ ॥
pratyakcaitanyarūpo'haṁ śānto'haṁ prakṛteḥ paraḥ |
śāśvatānandarūpo'hamahamevāhamavyayaḥ || 6 ||

I am the indwelling consciousness, I am calm (free from all agitation), I

am beyond prakrti (mAyA), I am of the nature of eternal Ananda, I am
the very Self, indestructible and changeless.

तत्वातरतीः िरात्माऽहं मध्यातरतीः िरीः वशवीः ।

मायातरतीः िरंज्योवतरहमेवाहमव्ययीः ॥ ७ ॥
tatvātītaḥ parātmā'haṁ madhyātītaḥ paraḥ śivaḥ |
māyātītaḥ paraṁjyotirahamevāhamavyayaḥ || 7 ||

I am the supreme Self, beyond all the categories (such as prakRti, mahat,
ahankAra, etc.,), I am the supreme auspicious One, beyond all those in the

middle. I am beyond mAyA. I am the supreme light. I am the very Self,
indestructible and changeless.

ु ।
िािारूिव्यतरतोऽहं वचदाकारोऽहमच्यतीः

वाहमव्ययीः ॥ ८ ॥
nānārūpavyatīto'haṁ cidākāro'hamacyutaḥ |
sukharūpasvarūpo'hamahamevāhamavyayaḥ || 8 ||

I am beyond all the different forms. I am of the nature of pure

consciousness. I am never subject to decline. I am of the nature of Ananda.
I am the very Self, indestructible and changeless.

मायातत्कायथदहे ावद मम िास्त्येव सवथदा ।

स्वप्रकाशैकरूिोऽहमहमेवाहमव्ययीः ॥ ९ ॥
māyātatkāryadehādi mama nāstyeva sarvadā |
svaprakāśaikarūpo'hamahamevāhamavyayaḥ || 9 ||

There is neither mAyA nor its effects such as the body for me. I am of the
same nature and self-luminous. I am the very Self, indestructible and

गणत्रयव्यतरतोऽहं ब्रह्मादरिां च साक्ष्यहम ।्
अिन्तािन्दरूिोऽहमहमेवाहमव्ययीः ॥ १० ॥
guṇatrayavyatīto'haṁ brahmādīnāṁ ca sākṣyaham|
anantānandarūpo'hamahamevāhamavyayaḥ || 10 ||

I am beyond the three gunas—sattva, rajas, and tamas. I am the witness

of even Brahma and others. I am of the nature of infinite Ananda. I am
the very Self, indestructible and changeless.

अन्तयाथवमस्वरूिोऽहं कू टस्थीः सवथगोऽस्म्यहम ।्

िरमात्मस्वरूिोऽहमहमेवाहमव्ययीः॥११ ॥
antaryāmisvarūpo'haṁ kūṭasthaḥ sarvago'smyaham|
paramātmasvarūpo'hamahamevāhamavyayaḥ||11 ||

I am the inner controller, I am immutable, I am all-pervading. I am myself

the supreme Self. I am the very Self, indestructible and changeless.

विष्कलोऽहं विवियोऽहं सवाथत्माऽऽद्यीः सिातिीः।

niṣkalo'haṁ niṣkriyo'haṁ sarvātmā''dyaḥ sanātanaḥ|

I am devoid of parts. I am actionless. I am the self of all. I am the

primordial one. I am the ancient, eternal one. I am the directly intuited
self. I am the very Self, indestructible and changeless.

द्वन्द्वावदसाविरूिोऽहमचलोऽहं सिातिीः ।
dvandvādisākṣirūpo'hamacalo'haṁ sanātanaḥ |

I am the witness of all pairs of opposites. I am immovable. I am eternal. I

am the witness of everything. I am the very Self, indestructible and

प्रज्ञािघि एवाहं ववज्ञािघि एव च ।

अकताथहमभोिंाहमहमेवाहमव्ययीः ॥ १४ ॥
prajñānaghana evāhaṁ vijñānaghana eva ca |
akartāhamabhoktāhamahamevāhamavyayaḥ || 14 ||

I am a mass of awareness and of consciousness. I am not a doer nor an
experiencer. I am the very Self, indestructible and changeless.

विराधारस्वरूिोऽहं सवाथधारोऽहमेव च।
आप्तकामस्वरूिोऽहमहमेवाहमव्ययीः ॥ १५ ॥
nirādhārasvarūpo'haṁ sarvādhāro'hameva ca |
āptakāmasvarūpo'hamahamevāhamavyayaḥ || 15 ||

I am without any support, and I am the support of all. I have no desires to

be fulfilled. I am the very Self, indestructible and changeless.

थु ो देहत्रयववलिणीः ।
अवस्थात्रयसाक्ष्यवस्म चाहमेवाहमव्ययीः ॥ १६ ॥
tāpatrayavinirmukto dehatrayavilakṣaṇaḥ |
avasthātrayasākṣyasmi cāhamevāhamavyayaḥ || 16 ||

I am free from the three kinds of afflictions- those in the body, those from
other beings and those caused by higher powers. I am different from the
gross, subtle and causal bodies. I am the witness of the three states of
waking, dream and deep sleep. I am the very Self, indestructible and

दृगदृश्यौ द्वौ िदार्ो स्तीः िरस्परववलिणौ ।
् दृश्यं मायेवत सवथवदे ान्तवडवण्डमीः॥१७॥
दृग ब्रह्म
dṛgdṛśyau dvau padārtho staḥ parasparavilakṣaṇau |
dṛgbrahma dṛśyaṁ māyeti sarvavedāntaḍiṇḍimaḥ||17||

There are two things which are different from each other. They are the
seer and the seen. The seer is Brahman and the seen is mAyA. This is what
all Vedanta proclaims.

ु ििीः।
अहं सािरवत यो ववद्याद ्ववववच्य ैवं ििीः ु
ु सो ववद्वाविवत वेदान्तवडवण्दमीः॥१८ ॥
स एव मिंीः
ahaṁ sākṣīti yo vidyādvivicyaivaṁ punaḥ punaḥ|
sa eva muktaḥ so vidvāniti vedāntaḍiṇdimaḥ||18 ||

He who realizes after repeated contemplation that he is a mere witness,

he alone is liberated. He is the enlightened one. This is proclaimed by

घटकुड्यावदकं सवं मृवत्तकामात्रमेव च ।

् वमवत वेदान्तवडवण्दमीः ॥ १९ ॥
तद्वद ्ब्रह्म जगत सवथ
ghaṭakuḍyādikaṁ sarvaṁ mṛttikāmātrameva ca |
tadvadbrahma jagatsarvamiti vedāntaḍiṇdimaḥ || 19 ||

The pot, wall, etc., are all nothing but clay. Likewise, the entire universe
is nothing but Brahman. This is proclaimed by Vedanta.

ब्रह्म सत्यं जगविथ्या जरवो ब्रह्म ैव िाऽिरीः।

अिेि वेद्य ं सच्छास्त्रवमवत वेदान्तवडवण्डमीः॥२०॥
brahma satyaṁ jaganmithyā jīvo brahmaiva nāparaḥ|
anena vedyaṁ sacchāstramiti vedāntaḍiṇḍimaḥ||20||

Brahman is real, the universe is mithya (it cannot be categorized as either

real or unreal). The jiva is Brahman itself and not different. This should
be understood as the correct SAstra. This is proclaimed by Vedanta.

अन्तज्योवतबथवहज्योवतीः प्रत्यग्ब्ज्योवतीः िरात्परीः ।

ज्योवतज्योवतीः स्वयंज्योवतरात्मज्योवतीः वशवोऽस्म्यहम ॥ ् २१ ॥
antarjyotirbahirjyotiḥ pratyagjyotiḥ parātparaḥ |
jyotirjyotiḥ svayaṁjyotirātmajyotiḥ śivo'smyaham|| 21 ||
I am the auspicious one, the inner light and the outer light, the indwelling
light, higher than the highest, the light of all lights, self-luminous, the
light that is the Self.

80. ब्रह्मािवचन्तिम ्
(brahmānucintanam) – by Adi
अहमेव िरं ब्रह्म वासदेु वाख्यमव्ययम।्
ु बद्ध एवान्यर्ा भवेत॥् १॥
इवत स्यावन्नवश्चतो मिंो
ahameva paraṁ brahma vāsudevākhyamavyayam|
iti syānniścito mukto baddha evānyathā bhavet|| 1||

I am the Supreme Brahman beyond destruction known as Vasudeva; He

who meditates with this conviction is liberated, not others.

अहमेव िरं ब्रह्म विवश्चतं वचत्त वचन्त्यताम।्

वचद्रूित्वादसञ्गत्वादबाध्यत्वात प्रयत्नतीः॥ २॥
ahameva paraṁ brahma niścitaṁ citta cintyatām|
cidrūpatvādasañgatvādabādhyatvāt prayatnataḥ|| 2||

O mind! Meditate; I am the Supreme Brahman, the form of pure

consciousness; I am without any attachments; I am beyond the
limitations like past, present and future.

अहमेव िरं ब्रह्म ि चाहं ब्रह्मणीः िृर्क।्

इत्येवं समिासरत ब्राह्मणो ब्रह्मवण वस्थतीः॥ ३॥
ahameva paraṁ brahma na cāhaṁ brahmaṇaḥ pṛthak|
ityevaṁ samupāsīta brāhmaṇo brahmaṇi sthitaḥ|| 3||

I am the Supreme Brahman and nothing apart from Brahman. Thinking

firmly like this, a Brahmana should be rooted in Dhyana on Brahman.
सवोिावधववविमिं थु ं च ैतन्यं च विरन्तरम।्
तद्ब्रह्माहवमवत ज्ञात्वा कर्ं वणाथश्मर भवेत॥् ४॥
sarvopādhivinirmuktaṁ caitanyaṁ ca nirantaram|
tadbrahmāhamiti jñātvā kathaṁ varṇāśramī bhavet|| 4||

I am the Supreme Brahman, the eternal consiciousness without all forms;

knowing this how can one belong to any division of Varnashrama.

अहं ब्रह्मावस्म यो वेद स सवं भववत वत्वदम।्

िाभूत्या ईशते देवास्तेषामात्मा भवेवद्ध सीः॥ ५॥
ahaṁ brahmāsmi yo veda sa sarvaṁ bhavati tvidam|
nābhūtyā īśate devāsteṣāmātmā bhaveddhi saḥ|| 5||

One who knows that He is Brahman becomes all. Even the Devas cannot
command him because he becomes the Atman of even the Devas.

अन्यो असावहमन्यो अस्मरत्यिास्ते यो अन्यदेवताम।्
ि स वेद िरो ब्रह्म स देवािां यर्ा िशीःु ॥ ६॥
anyo asāvahamanyo asmītyupāste yo anyadevatām|
na sa veda naro brahma sa devānāṁ yathā paśuḥ|| 6||

If one considers himself as different from Brahman and worships

different Devas then he becomes a slave to Devas like the cattle to men;
he does not realize Brahman.

अहमात्मा ि चान्योऽवस्म ब्रह्म ैवाहं ि शोकभाक।्

सविदािन्दरूिोऽहं वित्यमिंस्वभाववाि ॥् ७॥
ahamātmā na cānyo'smi brahmaivāhaṁ na śokabhāk|
saccidānandarūpo'haṁ nityamuktasvabhāvavān|| 7||

I am Atman alone; not other than that. I am Brahman unaffected by grief;
I am pure Consiciousness and Ananda.

आत्मािं सततं ब्रह्म सम्भाव्य ववहरवन्त ये।

ि तेषां दष्कृ तं वकवञ्चद ् दष्कृ तोत्था ि चािदीः॥८॥
ātmānaṁ satataṁ brahma sambhāvya viharanti ye|
na teṣāṁ duṣkṛtaṁ kiñcid duṣkṛtotthā na cāpadaḥ||8||

For the man who moves in the world with firm conviction that he is
Brahman, nothing is impossible and there is no danger for him.

आत्मािं सततं ब्रह्म सम्भाव्य ववहरेत्सख ु म ।्

िणं ब्रह्माहमस्मरवत यीः कुयाथदात्मवचन्तिम॥९॥
तिहािातकं हवन्त तमीः सूयोदयो यर्ा।

अज्ञािाद्ब्रह्मणो ज्ञातमाकाशं बद्बु दु ोिमम ॥१०॥

आकाशाद्वायरुत्पन्नो वायोस्तेजस्ततीः ियीः।
अद्भ्यश्च िृवर्वर ज्ञाता ततो व्ररवहयवावदकम॥् ११॥
िृवर्व्यप्स ु ियो वह्नौ ववह्नवाथयौ िभस्यसौ।
ु शद्ध
िभोऽप्यव्याकृ ते ति शद्धे ु ोऽस्म्यहं हवरीः॥ १२॥
ātmānaṁ satataṁ brahma sambhāvya viharetsukham |
kṣaṇaṁ brahmāhamasmīti yaḥ kuryādātmacintanam||9||
tanmahāpātakaṁ hanti tamaḥ sūryodayo yathā|
ajñānādbrahmaṇo jñātamākāśaṁ budbudopamam ||10||
ākāśādvāyurutpanno vāyostejastataḥ payaḥ|
adbhyaśca pṛthivī jñātā tato vrīhiyavādikam|| 11||
pṛthivyapsu payo vahnau vahnirvāyau nabhasyasau|
nabho'pyavyākṛte tacca śuddhe śuddho'smyahaṁ hariḥ|| 12||

Consider yourself as Brahman and move in this world joyfully. Even for a
single moment if one meditates thus “I am Brahman” all his paapas will
dissolve like the morning mist before the rising sun.
The ether (Akasha) has risen like a bubble from the Brahman because of
Maya. From ether came the air, from air the fire and from fire the waters.
From waters the earth came and from the earth the grains. The earth
dwells in water, the water in fire, the fire in air, the air in the ether, the
ether in the unmanifest, that is Maya and Maya is Brahman. I am that
Brahman Hari.

ु ववष्णरहं
अहं ववष्णरहं ु ववष्णरहं
ु हवरीः।
कतृभथ ोक्त्रावदकं सवं तदववद्योत्थमेव च॥ १३॥

अच्यतोऽहमिन्तोऽहं गोववन्दोऽहमहंहवरीः।
आिन्दोऽहमशेषोऽहमजोऽहममृतोऽस्म्यहम॥् १४॥
वित्योऽहं विर्तवकल्पोऽहं विराकारोऽहमव्ययीः।
सविदािन्दरूिोऽहं िञ्चकोशावतगोऽस्म्यहम॥१५॥्
अकताथऽहमभोिंाऽहमसङ्गीः िरमेश्वरीः।
सदा मत्सवन्नधािेि चेष्टते सवथवमवियं॥ १६॥
ahaṁ viṣṇurahaṁ viṣṇurahaṁ viṣṇurahaṁ hariḥ|
kartṛbhoktrādikaṁ sarvaṁ tadavidyotthameva ca|| 13||
acyuto'hamananto'haṁ govindo'hamahaṁhariḥ|
ānando'hamaśeṣo'hamajo'hamamṛto'smyaham|| 14||
nityo'haṁ nirvikalpo'haṁ nirākāro'hamavyayaḥ|
saccidānandarūpo'haṁ pañcakośātigo'smyaham||15||
akartā'hamabhoktā'hamasaṅgaḥ parameśvaraḥ|
sadā matsannidhānena ceṣṭate sarvamindriyaṁ|| 16||

I am Vishnu, I am Vishnu, I am Vishnu. I am Hari. The thoughts like I am

the doer, enjoyer are the products of ignorance.

I am unduanting, I am infinite, I am Govinda and Hari. I am Ananda, I am
full, unborn and immortal.
I am eternal, I am changeless, I have no form, I am indestructible, I am
pure consciousness and Ananda. I am beyond the five sheaths.
I am neither the doer, nor the enjoyer, Nor have I any attachment I am
the supreme ruler. All senses function ever only in my presence.

आवदमध्यान्तमिंोऽहं ि बद्धोऽहं कदाचि।
स्वभावविमथलीः शद्ध ु ीः स एवाहं ि संशयीः॥ १७॥

ब्रह्म ैवाहं ि संसारर मिंोऽहवमवत भावयेत।्
अशक्नुवन्भाववयत ं ु वाक्यमेतत्सदाऽभ्सेत॥् १८॥
यदभ्ासेि तद्भावो भवेद्भ्रमरकरटवत।्
अत्रािहाय सन्देहमभ्सेत्कृ तविश्चयीः॥ १९॥
ध्याियोगेि मास ैकाद्ब्रह्महत्यां व्यिोहवत।
संवत्सरं सदाऽभ्ासावत्सद्ध्यष्टकमवाप्नयातु ॥् २०॥
ādimadhyāntamukto'haṁ na baddho'haṁ kadācana|
svabhāvanirmalaḥ śuddhaḥ sa evāhaṁ na saṁśayaḥ|| 17||
brahmaivāhaṁ na saṁsārī mukto'hamiti bhāvayet|
aśaknuvanbhāvayituṁ vākyametatsadā'bhyaset|| 18||
yadabhyāsena tadbhāvo bhavedbhramarakīṭavat|
atrāpahāya sandehamabhyasetkṛtaniścayaḥ|| 19||
dhyānayogena māsaikādbrahmahatyāṁ vyapohati|
saṁvatsaraṁ sadā'bhyāsātsiddhyaṣṭakamavāpnuyāt|| 20||

I have no beginning, middle or end. I am never bound. By nature who ever

is pure and without blemish, I am He; there is no doubt.
Always contemplate “ I am Brahman” I am not a Samsarin, but ever
liberated. If you cannot mentally envison so, then atleast repeat it

As you think so you become. Like the worm becoming a bee. Give up
doubts and practise perfection with determination.
By meditating for one month in this way, one gets rid of the paapa of
Brahmahatya. If one meditates for one year, he will be endowed with
Ashta Siddhis.

ु ो भवेद्यवतीः ।
यावज्जरवं सदाऽभ्ासाज्जरवििं
िाहं देहो ि च प्राणो िेवियावण तर् ैव च॥२१॥

ि मिोऽहं ि बवद्धश्च ि ैव वचत्तमहङ्कृवतीः॥
िाहं िृथ्वर ि सवललं ि च ववह्नस्तर्ाऽविलीः॥२२॥
ि चाकाशो ि शब्दश्च ि च स्पशथस्तर्ा रसीः।
िाहं गन्धो ि रूिं च ि मायाऽहं ि संसवृ तीः॥२३॥
सदा साविस्वरूित्वावच्छव एवावस्म के वलीः।

मय्येव सकलं जातं मवय सवं प्रवतवष्ठतम॥२४॥
yāvajjīvaṁ sadā'bhyāsājjīvanmukto bhavedyatiḥ |
nāhaṁ deho na ca prāṇo nendriyāṇi tathaiva ca||21||
na mano'haṁ na buddhiśca naiva cittamahaṅkṛtiḥ||
nāhaṁ pṛthvī na salilaṁ na ca vahnistathā'nilaḥ||22||
na cākāśo na śabdaśca na ca sparśastathā rasaḥ|
nāhaṁ gandho na rūpaṁ ca na māyā'haṁ na saṁsṛtiḥ||23||
sadā sākṣisvarūpatvācchiva evāsmi kevalaḥ|
mayyeva sakalaṁ jātaṁ mayi sarvaṁ pratiṣṭhitam||24||

By continuous practice throughout one’s lifetime one gets liberated in

this life itself with the knowledge – I am neither body, nor vital force, nor
the senses.
I am neither the mind, the intellect, the memory, nor the ego. I am not the
earth, the water, the fire or the air.
I am not the ether, the sound, the touch, or the taste; I am not the smell
or the form. I am not Maya nor am I subject to transmigration.
As I am the eternal witness, I am verily Shiva. Everything in this world
comes from me; in me all exists.

मवय सवं लयं यावत तद्ब्रह्मास्म्यहमद्वयम।्

सवथज्ञोऽहमिन्तोऽहं सवेशीः सवथशविंमाि॥२५॥ ्
आिन्दीः सत्यबोधोऽहवमवत ब्रह्मािवचन्तिम ु ।्

अयं प्रिञ्चो वमथ्य ैव सत्यं ब्रह्माहमव्ययम॥२६॥

अत्र प्रमाणं वेदान्ता गरवोऽि ु
् २७॥
ब्रह्म ैवाहं ि संसारर ि चाहं ब्रह्मणीः िृर्क।।
िाहं देहो ि मे देहीः के वलोऽहं सिातिीः।
एकमेवावद्वतरयं वै ब्रह्मणो िेह सकचि॥२८॥
mayi sarvaṁ layaṁ yāti tadbrahmāsmyahamadvayam|
sarvajño'hamananto'haṁ sarveśaḥ sarvaśaktimān||25||
ānandaḥ satyabodho'hamiti brahmānucintanam|
ayaṁ prapañco mithyaiva satyaṁ brahmāhamavyayam||26||
atra pramāṇaṁ vedāntā guravo'nubhavastathā|
brahmaivāhaṁ na saṁsārī na cāhaṁ brahmaṇaḥ pṛthak|| 27||
nāhaṁ deho na me dehaḥ kevalo'haṁ sanātanaḥ|
ekamevādvitīyaṁ vai brahmaṇo neha kiṁcana||28||

In me everything dissolves, I am that non-dual Brahman; I am the knower

of all; I am the eternal, all powerful ruler.
I am the supreme reality, Ananda and awareness – thus you should
meditate on Brahman. This world is Mithya. I am the supreme reality who
is imperishable.
For this the scripture is the authority, the perceptor or ones own
experience. I am Brahman, not subject to transmigration. There is no
difference between Brahman and me.

I am not the body, nor the body is mine. I am the only eternal one. The
Brahman is without a second. There is nothing also here or elsewhere.

81. माण्डूक्य कावरका - आगम प्रकरण (māṇḍūkya
kārikā - āgama prakaraṇa) - by Gaudapada

बवहष्प्रज्ञोववभर्तु वश्वोह्यन्तीःप्रज्ञस्ततैजसीः।
दविणाविमखे ु
ु ववश्वोमिस्यन्तस्ततैजसीः।

ववश्वोवहस्थूलभवङ्नत्यंत ैजसीःप्रवववविंभकु ।्
आिन्दभकु ् तर्ाप्राज्ञवस्त्रधाभोगंविबोधत॥३॥

स्थूलंतियथ तेववश्वंप्रवववविंं ततैजसम ।्

वत्रषधामस ु
ु ञ्जािोिवलप्यते
वेदतै दभयंयस्तसभ ु ॥५॥

सवंजियवतप्राणश्चेतोंऽशून्परुु षीःिृर्क॥६॥
ववभूसतप्रसवंत्वन्येमन्यन्तेसवृ ष्टवचन्तकाीः।
स्वप्नमायासरूिेवतसृवष्टरन्य ैर्तवकवल्पता॥७॥
भोगार्ंसवृ ष्टवरत्यन्येक्ररडार्थवमवतचािरे।

देवस्य ैषस्वभावोऽयमाप्तकामस्यकास्पृहा॥९॥

विवृत्तीःे सवथदीःखािामरशािीःप्रभरव्ययीः।

अद्वैतीःसवथभावािांदवे स्तयोववभ ु तीः॥१०॥
कायथकारणबद्धौताववष्येतवे वश्वतैजसौ।

प्राज्ञीःकारणबद्धस्तद्वौतौतयेु िवसध्यतीः॥११॥
िऽऽत्मािंििरांश्च ैविसत्यंिाविचािृतम।्
प्राज्ञीःवकञ्चिसंववे त्ततयंु तत्सवथदृक्सदा॥१२॥
ु भयोीःप्राज्ञत
द्वैतस्याग्रहणंतल्यम ु ु योीः।

बरजविद्रायतीःप्राज्ञीःसाचतयेु िववद्यते॥१३॥

िविद्रांि ैवचस्वप्नंतयेु िश्यवन्तविवश्चताीः॥१४॥
ु िदमश्नतेु ॥१५॥
ववियाथसते योीःिरणेतररयं

अिावदमाययासप्तोयदाजरवीःप्रब ु ।
ु तदा॥१६॥
अजमविद्रमस्वप्नमद्वैतबं ध्यते
ै मद्वैतिं रमार्थतीः॥१७॥
ववकल्पोववविवतेतकवल्पतोयवदके िवचत।्
ै िं ववद्यते॥१८॥


ववश्वस्यात्वववविायामावदसामान्यमत्कटम ।्


मकारभावेप्राज्ञस्यमािसामान्यमत्कटम ।्


वत्रषधामस ु ल्यं
यत्त ु सामान्यंववे त्तविवश्चतीः।

सिूज्यीःसवथभतू ािांवन्द्यश्च ैवमहामविीः॥२२॥

अकारोियतेववश्वमकारश्चावितैजसम ।्

ं िादशोववद्यात्पादामात्रािसंशयीः।

ं िादशोज्ञात्वािवकवञ्चदविवचन्तयेत॥२४॥
ु चते ीःप्रणवोब्रह्मविभथयम।्

प्रणवेवित्ययिंस्यिभयं ्
सवथस्यप्रणवोह्यावदमथध्यमन्तस्तर् ैवच।

एवंवहप्रणवंज्ञात्वाव्यश्नतेु तदिन्तरम॥२७॥


ओकारोवववदतोये िसमवििे ु तरोजिीः॥२९॥

82. दशश्लोकर/विवाथण दशकम ् (daśaślokī)– by Adi

ि भूवमि थ तोयं ि तेजो ि वायीःु
ि खं िेवियं वा ि तेषां समूहीः।

अिेकावन्तकत्वात स ् षु प्त्ये
ु कवसद्दीः
तदेकोऽववशष्टीः वशवीः के वलोऽहम॥् १॥
na bhūmirna toyaṁ na tejo na vāyuḥ
na khaṁ nendriyaṁ vā na teṣāṁ samūhaḥ|
tadeko'vaśiṣṭaḥ śivaḥ kevalo'ham|| 1||

I am not the Earth nor Water, neither Fire nor Air, I am not space. Neither
am I any of the Faculties nor am I their aggregrate. [I am not any of these]
as they are all uncertain. I am proved however in the sole experience of
deep sleep. That One, the Residue, the Auspicious, the Only One, am I.

ि वणाथ ि वणाथश्माचारधमाथ
ि मे धारणाध्याियोगादयोवि।
अिात्माश्याहंममाध्यासहािात ्
तदेकोऽववशष्टीः वशवीः के वलोऽहम॥् २॥
na varṇā na varṇāśramācāradharmā
na me dhāraṇādhyānayogādayopi|
tadeko'vaśiṣṭaḥ śivaḥ kevalo'ham|| 2||

The castes are not for me, nor the observances and duties attached to the
castes and the stages of life. Even the steadying of the mind,
concentration, self-communion and other courses are not for me. For the
mistaken senses of I and MINE which rested on the Non-Self have been
abondoned. That One, the Residue, the Auspicious, the Alone, am I.

ि माता विता वा ि देवा ि लोका

ि वेदा ि यज्ञा ि तरर्थ ब्रवु वन्त।

ु विरस्तावतशून्यात्मकत्वात ्
तदेकोऽववशष्टीः वशवीः के वलोऽहम॥् ३॥
na mātā pitā vā na devā na lokā
na vedā na yajñā na tīrtha bruvanti|
suṣaptau nirastātiśūnyātmakatvāt
tadeko'vaśiṣṭaḥ śivaḥ kevalo'ham|| 3||

There is no mother nor father; no Devas nor regions of experience; no

scriptures nor sacrifical sites; and no sacred place-so say the Sages. For,
in the state of deep sleep, all these are negatived and that state is
completely devoid(of any object of perception) That One, the Residue, the
Auspicious, the Alone, am I.

ि सांख्य ं ि शैवं ि तत्पाञ्चरात्रं

ि ज ैिं ि मरमांसकादेमतथ ं वा।
ु ात्मकत्वात ्
ु त्या ववशद्ध
तदेकोऽववशष्टीः वशवीः के वलोऽहम॥् ४॥
na sāṁkhyaṁ na śaivaṁ na tatpāñcarātraṁ
na jainaṁ na mīmāṁsakādermataṁ vā|
viśiṣṭānubhūtyā viśuddhātmakatvāt
tadeko'vaśiṣṭaḥ śivaḥ kevalo'ham|| 4||

There is no Sankhya nor Saiva, nor that Pancharatra nor Jaina. The
conception of the Mimamsaka and others does not exist. For, through the
direct realisation of what is qualified, the Self is known as of the nature
of the Absolutely Pure. That One, the Residue, the Auspicious, the Alone,
am I.

ि चोध्वथ ि चाधो ि चान्ति थ बाह्यं

ि मध्यं ि वतयँ ि िूवाथऽिरा वदक।्
ववयद ्व्यािकत्वादखण्डैकरूिीः
तदेकोऽववशष्टीः वशवीः के वलोऽहम॥् ५॥
na cordhva na cādho na cāntarna bāhyaṁ
na madhyaṁ na tirya na pūrvā'parā dik|
tadeko'vaśiṣṭaḥ śivaḥ kevalo'ham|| 5||

There is neither above nor below, neither inside nor outside, no middle
nor crosswise, no direction, east or west. For it is all-pervasive like space.
It is partless and homogeneous in its nature. That One, the Residue, the
Auspicious, the Alone, am I.

ु ं ि कृ ष्णं ि रिंं ि िरतं

ि शि
ि कुब्जं ि िरिं ि ह्रस्वं ि दरघथम।्
अरूिं तर्ा ज्योवतराकारकत्वात ्
तदेकोऽववशष्टीः वशवीः के वलोऽहम॥् ६॥
na śuklaṁ na kṛṣṇaṁ na raktaṁ na pītaṁ
na kubjaṁ na pīnaṁ na hrasvaṁ na dīrgham|
arūpaṁ tathā jyotirākārakatvāt
tadeko'vaśiṣṭaḥ śivaḥ kevalo'ham|| 6||

It is neither white nor black, neither red nor yellow, neither dwarfish nor
stout, neither short nor long. As it is of the nature of light, it is shapeless
also. That One, the Residue, the Auspicious, the Alone, am I.

ि शास्ता ि शास्त्रं ि वशष्यो ि वशिा

ि च त्वं ि चाहं ि चायं प्रिञ्चीः।
स्वरूिावबोधो ववकल्पासवहष्णीःु

तदेकोऽववशष्टीः वशवीः के वलोऽहम॥् ७॥
na śāstā na śāstraṁ na śiṣyo na śikṣā
na ca tvaṁ na cāhaṁ na cāyaṁ prapañcaḥ|
svarūpāvabodho vikalpāsahiṣṇuḥ
tadeko'vaśiṣṭaḥ śivaḥ kevalo'ham|| 7||

There is no ruler nor rule, no pupil nor training. There is no YOU nor I.
This universe is not. For the realistion of the true nature of the Self does
not tolerate any distincion. That One, the Residue, the Auspicious, the
Alone, am I.

ि जाग्रि ि् मे स्वप्नको वा सषु वप्तीः

ि ववश्वौ ि वा तैजसीः प्राज्ञको वा।

अववद्यात्मकत्वात त्रयाणं ु
तदेकोऽववशष्टीः वशवीः के वलोऽहम॥् ८॥
na jāgranna me svapnako vā suṣuptiḥ
na viśvau na vā taijasaḥ prājñako vā|
avidyātmakatvāttrayāṇaṁ turīyaḥ
tadeko'vaśiṣṭaḥ śivaḥ kevalo'ham|| 8||

There is no waking state for me nor dream or deep sleep. I am not Visva
(the Self identified with the experiencer of the waking state), nor Taijasa
(identified with dream state), nor Prajna (identified with deep sleep). I
am really the Fourth(Turiya). That One, the Residue, the Auspicious, the
Alone, am I.

अवि व्यािकत्वात वहतत्वप्रयोगात ्
स्वतीः वसद्धभावादिन्याश्यत्वात।्
जगत त् च्छमे
ु ्
तत समस्तं तदन्यत ्

तदेकोऽववशष्टीः वशवीः के वलोऽहम॥् ९॥
api vyāpakatvāthitatvaprayogāt
svataḥ siddhabhāvādananyāśrayatvāt|
jagattucchametatsamastaṁ tadanyat
tadeko'vaśiṣṭaḥ śivaḥ kevalo'ham|| 9||

All this universe which is other than the Self is worthless(having no

existence of its own) for it is well known that the Self is all pervasive,
recognised as the reality and that its existence is self-proven and does not
depend upon anything else. That One, the Residue, the Auspicious, the
Alone, am I.

ि च ैकं तदन्यद ् वद्वतरयं कुतीः

स्यात ि् के वलत्वं ि चाऽके वलत्वम।्
ु ं ि चाशून्यमद्वैतकत्वात ्
ि शन्य
कर्ं सवथवदे ान्तवसद्धं ब्रवरवम॥ १०॥
na caikaṁ tadanyaddvitīyaṁ kutaḥ
syāt na kevalatvaṁ na cā'kevalatvam|
na śunyaṁ na cāśūnyamadvaitakatvāt
kathaṁ sarvavedāntasiddhaṁ bravīmi|| 10||

It is not one, for how can there be a second distinct from it? Aloneness
cannot be attributed to it nor even not-aloneness. It is neither a void nor
a non-void. When it does not admit of a second entity, in what manner
can I speak about it though it is established by all the Upanishads?

83. सवथवदे ान्तवसद्धान्तसारसंग्रहीः

(sarvavedāntasiddhāntasārasaṁgrahaḥ) –by Adi
Shankara (Selected verses)
यत्स्वप्रकाशमवखलात्मकमासषु प्तेु -
रेकात्मिाहमहवमत्यवभावत वित्यम।्
ु ीः समस्तववकृ तेरववकावर बोद्धृ यद्ब्रह्म
तत्त्वमवस के वलबोधमात्रम॥् ७७६॥
rekātmanāhamahamityavabhāti nityam |
buddheḥ samastavikṛteravikāri boddhṛ
yadbrahma tattvamasi kevalabodhamātram || 776||

It is this absolute pure consciousness which illumines things both when

we are awake and when we are dreaming. The Atman makes itself
manifests in every individual as the ego consciousness and remains
unchanged through every modification of the intellect. That absolute
pure consciousness, That thou art.

स्वात्मन्यिस्तमयसंवववद कवल्पतस्य
व्योमावदसवथजगतीः प्रददावत सत्ताम।्
स्फू र्तत स्वकरयमहसा ववतिोवत सािात ्
यद्ब्रह्म तत्त्वमवस के वलबोधमात्रम॥् ७७७॥
svātmanyanastamayasaṁvidi kalpitasya vyomādisarvajagataḥ
pradadāti sattām |
sphūrtiṁ svakīyamahasā vitanoti sākṣāt
yadbrahma tattvamasi kevalabodhamātram || 777||

It is by the lgiht of the Brahman that this whole Universe is made manifest
by direct perception, as the immediate object of knowledge. It is by its all
pervading existence, in the whole universe, including the ether and the
like, that whatever is imagined to be has its being. That pure
consciousness in which all sentient beings have their existence, That thou

सािादवेक्ष्य विजतत्त्वमिारसौख्यम।्

सन्तष्यते िरमहंसकुलैरजस्रम ्
यद्ब्रह्म तत्त्वमवस के वलबोधमात्रम॥् ७७८॥
sākṣādavekṣya nijatattvamapārasaukhyam |
santuṣyate paramahaṁsakulairajasram
yadbrahma tattvamasi kevalabodhamātram || 778||

The absolute Brahman is ever present in the pure hearts of those who are
absorbed in Samadhi. Such persons are none other than the Atman. In all
this wide world there is nothing real other than the Atman and, That thou
art. Why should you be scared of anything?

84. गरताध्याि श्लोकाीः (gītādhyāna ślokāḥ) – by

Madhusudhana Saraswati
ॐ िार्ाथय प्रवतबोवधतां भगवता िारायणेि स्वयं

व्यासेि ग्रवर्तां िराणम ु
वििा मध्ये महाभारतम ।्
अद्वैतामृतवर्तषणीं भगवतरमष्टादशाध्यावयिीं अम्ब

त्वामिसन्दधावम ्
भगवद्गरते भवेद्वेवषणरम ॥१॥
om pārthāya pratibodhitāṁ bhagavatā nārāyaṇena svayaṁ
vyāsena grathitāṁ purāṇamuninā madhye mahābhāratam |
advaitāmṛtavarṣiṇīṁ bhagavatīmaṣṭādaśādhyāyinīṁ
amba tvāmanusandadhāmi bhagavadgīte bhavedveṣiṇīm || 1||

O Mother Bhagavad gītā! I constantly meditate upon You which was

taught to Arjuna by Lord Narayana Himself, which was composed by
Vyāsācārya, the ancient sage, in the middle of Mahabharata, which

consists of eighteen chapters, which showers the ambrosial wisdom of
non-duality, which is divine, and which is the enemy of Samsara.

िमोऽस्त ु ते व्यास ववशालबद्धे

ु फुल्लारववन्दायतित्रिेत्र ।
येि त्वया भारततैलिूणीःथ प्रज्वावलतो ज्ञािमयीः प्रदरिीः ॥२॥
namo'stu te vyāsa viśālabuddhe phullāravindāyatapatranetra |
yena tvayā bhāratatailapūrṇaḥ prajvālito jñānamayaḥ pradīpaḥ ||

O Vyāsācārya, with vast knowledge (and) with eyes as large as the petals
of a full-blown lotus! Prostrations be to you, by which you has been
lighted the lamp of wisdom, filled with the oil of Mahābhārata.

प्रिन्निावरजातायतोत्रवेत्र ैकिाणये ।
ु कृ ष्णाय गरतामृतदहे िमीः ॥३॥
prapannapārijātāyatotravetraikapāṇaye | jñānamudrāya kṛṣṇāya
gītāmṛtaduhe namaḥ || 3||

Prostration to Lord Krsna who is with Jñānamudrā, who is like a wish-

yielding tree for those who surrender unto him, who has a whip in one
hand, and who has milked the nectar of Gītā.

सवोिविषदो गावो दोग्ब्धा गोिालिन्दिीः ।

िार्ो वत्सीः सधरभोिंा ्
दग्ब्ध ं गरतामृत ं महत ॥४॥
sarvopaniṣado gāvo dogdhā gopālanandanaḥ |
pārtho vatsa sudhīrbhoktā dugdhaṁ gitāmṛtam mahat ||4||

All the Upaniṣads are the cows. Krsna is the milker. Arjuna is the calf. The
pure-minded is the enjoyer (of the milk) The supreme nectar of Gītā is the

वसदेु वसतंु देवं कं सचाणूरमदथिम ।्


ु ॥५॥
देवकरिरमािन्दं कृ ष्णं वन्दे जगद ्गरुम
vasudevasutaṁ devaṁ kaṁsacāṇūramardanam |
devakīparamānandaṁ kṛṣṇaṁ vande jagadgurum ||5||

I salute Lord Krishna, the world teacher, the son of VasuDēva, the
destroyer of Kamsa and Chanura, the supreme bliss of Dēvaki.

भरष्मद्रोणतटा जयद्रर्जला गान्धारिरलोत्पला

शल्यग्राहवतर कृ िेण वहिर कणेि वेलाकुला ।
अश्वत्थामववकणथघोरमकरा दयोधिावर्ततिर
सोत्तरणाथ खलु िाण्डवै रणिदर कै वतथकीः के शवीः ॥६॥
bhīṣmadroṇataṭā jayadrathajalā gāndhāranīlotpalā
śalyagrāhavatī kṛpeṇa vahanī karṇena velākulā |
aśvatthāmavikarṇaghoramakarā duryodhanāvartinī
sottīrṇā khalu pāṇḍavai raṇanadī kaivartakaḥ keśavaḥ ||6||

The battle river with Bhisma and Drona as the banks, with Jayadratha as
the waters, wih the kind of Gandhara as the blue lotus, with Salya as the
shark, with Krpa as the current, with Karna as the high waves, with
Asvatthama and Vikarana as terrible crocodiles, and with Duryodhana
as the whirlpool was indeed crossed over by the Pāṇḍavās. Lord Krsna
was the ferryman.

िाराशयथवचीः सरोजममलं गरतार्थगन्धोत्कटं

िािाख्यािकके सरं हवरकर्ासम्बोधिाबोवधतम ।्

लोके सज्जिषट ्िदैरहरहीः िेिरयमािं मदा
भूयाद्भारतिङ्कजं कवलमलप्रध्वंवस िीः श्ेयसे ॥७॥
pārāśaryavacaḥ sarojamamalaṁ gītārthagandhotkaṭaṁ
nānākhyānakakesaraṁ harikathāsambodhanābodhitam |
loke sajjanaṣaṭpadairaharahaḥ pepīyamānaṁ mudā
bhūyādbhāratapaṅkajaṁ kalimalapradhvaṁsi naḥ śreyase ||7||

May the pure lotus of the Mahabhārata which was born in the lake of the
words of Vyāsa, which is rich with the fragrance of the import of the Gītā,
which has many episodes as its filaments, which is expanded through the
narration of Hari’s stories, which is always drunk day after day joyously
by the bees of noble people in the world, and which is the destroyer of the
impurities of Kaliyuga be for our supreme good.

मूकं करोवत वाचालं िङ्गं ु लङ्घयते वगवरम ।्

यत्कृ िा तमहं वन्दे िरमािन्दमाधवम ॥८॥ ्
mūkaṁ karoti vācālaṁ paṅguṁ laṅghayate girim |
yatkṛpā tamahaṁ vande paramānandamādhavam || 8||

I salute Lord Krsna who is the supreme Ananda, and whose grace makes
the dumb eloquent (and) the cripple cross a mountain.

यं ब्रह्मा वरुणेिरुद्रमरुतीः स्तन्ववन्त वदव्य ैीः स्तवैीः
वेदीःै साङ्गिदक्रमोिविषदैगाथयवन्त यं सामगाीः।
ध्यािाववस्थततद्गतेि मिसा िश्यवन्त यं योवगिो
ु रगणा
यस्यान्तं ि ववदीः सरास ु देवाय तस्म ै िमीः॥९॥
yaṁ brahmā varuṇendrarudramarutaḥ stunvanti divyaiḥ stavaiḥ
vedaiḥ sāṅgapadakramopaniṣadairgāyanti yaṁ sāmagāḥ |
dhyānāvasthitatadgatena manasā paśyanti yaṁ yogino
yasyāntaṁ na viduḥ surāsuragaṇā devāya tasmai namaḥ ||9||

Prostrations to Lord (Viṣṇu) whom Brahma, Varuna, Indra, Rudra and

Vayu praise through divine hymns, whom the singers of Samavēdā invoke
through the Vēdās with their limbs, Pada, Krama and Upaniṣads, whom
the wise see with a contemplative mind directed towards Him, and whose
limit (even) Dēvas and Asurās do not know.
85. प्रधाि गरता श्लोकाीः (pradhāna gītā ślokāḥ)

ि जायते वम्रयते वा कदावचि िायं भूत्वा भववता वा ि भूयीः।

अजो वित्यीः शाश्वतोऽयं िराणो ि हन्यते हन्यमािे शरररे॥
na jāyate mriyate vā kadācin
nāyaṁ bhūtvā bhavitā vā na bhūyaḥ |
ajo nityaḥ śāśvato'yaṁ purāṇo
na hanyate hanyamāne śarīre ||
- Bhagavad Gita (2.20)

This (Self) is neither born at any time nor does it die (at any time). It will
neither come to existence (at one time) nor will it disappear again (at
another time). This is unborn, eternal and free from decay as well as
growth. (It) is not affected when he body is affected.

ि ैिं वछन्दवन्त शस्त्रावण ि ैिं दहवत िावकीः।

ि च ैिं िे दयन्त्यािो ि शोषयवत मारुतीः॥
nainaṁ chindanti śastrāṇi nainaṁ dahati pāvakaḥ|
na cainaṁ kledayantyāpo na śoṣayati mārutaḥ|
- Bhagavad Gita (2.23)

Weapons do not cut this. Fire does not burn this. Water does not wet this.
Air also does not dry this.

श्द्धावालभते ज्ञािं तत्परीः संयतेवियीः ।

ज्ञािं लब्ध्वा िरां शावन्तमवचरेणावधगच्छवत ॥
- Bhagavad Gita (4.39)
śraddhāvā labhate jñānaṁ tatparaḥ saṁyatendriyaḥ |
jñānaṁ labdhvā parāṁ śāntimacireṇādhigacchati ||

The person, who is full of faith, is diligent and has subdued the senses,
obtains this Knowledge (Self-Knowledge). Having obtained Knowledge,
one soon attains Supreme Peace.

अज्ञश्चाश्द्दधािश्च संशयात्मा वविश्यवत ।

ु संश्यात्मिीः ॥
िायं लोकोऽवस्त ि िरो ि सखं
- Bhagavad Gita (4.40)
ajñaścāśraddadhānaśca saṁśayātmā vinaśyati |
nāyaṁ loko'sti na paro na sukhaṁ saṁśyātmanaḥ ||

The ignorant, the faithless, the doubting Self goes to destruction; there is
neither this world, nor the other, nor happiness for the doubter.

यो मां िश्यवत सवथत्र सवं च मवय िश्यवत ।

तस्याहं ि प्रणश्यावम स च मे ि प्रणश्यवत ॥
- Bhagavad Gita (6.30)

yo māṁ paśyati sarvatra sarvam ca mayi paśyati |

tasyāhaṁ na praṇaśyāmi sa ca me na praṇaśyati ||

For one who sees Me everywhere and sees everything in Me, I am never
lost, nor is he ever lost to Me.

सवथभतू वस्थतं यो मां भजत्येकत्वमावस्थतीः ।

सवथर्ा वतथमािोऽवि स योगर मवय वतथत े ॥
- Bhagavad Gita (6.31)
sarvabhūtasthitaṁ yo māṁ bhajatyekatvamāsthitaḥ |
sarvathā vartamāno'pi sa yogī mayi vartate ||

That yogi who, being established in unity, adores Me as existing in all

things, he exist in Me-in whatever condition he may be.


प्राप्य िण्यकृ ु
तां लोकािवषत्वा शाश्वतरीः समाीः।
ु रिां श्रमतां गेहे योगभ्रष्टोऽवभजायते॥
prāpya puṇyakṛtāṁ lokānuṣitvā śāśvatīḥ samāḥ |
śucīnāṁ śrīmatāṁ gehe yogabhraṣṭo'bhijāyate ||
- Bhagavad Gita (6.41)
Having attained the worlds of righteous people and having lived (there)
for many years, one who has fallen from Yōga is reborn in the family of
the cultured and prosperous.

अर्वा योवगिामेव कुले भववत धरमताम।्

एतवद्ध दलथभतरं लोके जि यदरदृशम॥्
athavā yogināmeva kule bhavati dhīmatām | etaddhi
durlabhataraṁ loke janma yadīdṛśam ||
- Bhagavad Gita (6.42)
Otherwise, he is born in the family of wise sages themselves. Such a birth
is very rare indeed in the world.
ु योगं लभते िौवथदवे हकम।्
तत्र तं बवद्धसं
यतते च ततो भूयीः संवसद्धौ कुरुिन्दि॥
tatra taṁ buddhisaṁyogaṁ labhate paurvadehikam |
yatate ca tato bhūyaḥ saṁsiddhau kurunandana ||
- Bhagavad Gita (6.43)
O Arjuna there, he attains association with that knowledge which belongs
to the previous body and strives more for liberation.
बलं बलवतां चाहं कामरागवववर्तजतम ।्
धमाथववरुद्धो भूतषे ु कामोऽवस्म भरतषथभ ॥
balaṁ balavatāṁ cāhaṁ kāmarāgavivarjitam |
dharmāviruddho bhūteṣu kāmo'smi bharatarṣabha

- Bhagavadgita (7.11)
Of the strong, I am the strength – devoid of desire and attachment, and
in (all) beings, I am the desire – unopposed to Dharma, O best among
the Bharatas.
चतर्तु वधा भजन्ते मां जिाीः सकृु वतिोऽजिथु ।
ु र्ी ज्ञािर च भरतषथभ॥
आतो वजज्ञासरर्ाथ
caturvidhā bhajante māṁ janāḥ sukṛtino'rjuna |
ārto jijñāsurarthārthī jñānī ca bharatarṣabha ||
- Bhagavadgita (7.16)
O Arjuna, four types of virtuous people surrender to Me – the distressed,
the seeker of wealth, the seeker of knowledge, and the wise.
ु एकभविंर्तववशष्यते।
तेषां ज्ञािर वित्ययिं
वप्रयो वह ज्ञावििोऽत्यर्थमहं स च मम वप्रयीः॥
teṣāṁ jñānī nityayukta ekabhaktirviśiṣyate |
priyo hi jñānino'tyarthamahaṁ sa ca mama priyaḥ ||
- Bhagavadgita (7.17)
Among them the wise who is ever steadfast (and) who has undivided
devotion is superior, for I am very dear to the wise man and he is very
dear to Me.
उदाराीः सवथ एवैत े ज्ञािर त्वात्मैव मे मतम।्

आवस्थतीः स वह यिंात्मा ु
मामेवाित्तमां गवतम॥्
udārāḥ sarva evaite jñānī tvātmaiva me matam |
āsthitaḥ sa hi yuktātmā māmevānuttamāṁ gatim ||
- Bhagavadgita (7.18)
All these (devotees) are certainly noble. However the wise man is myself
--- this is my teaching. Because, with a steadfast mind, he has resorted to
Me alone who amthe highest goal
बहूिां जििामन्ते ज्ञािवािां प्रिद्यते।

वासदेु वीः सवथवमवत स महात्मा सदलथ
ु भीः॥
bahūnāṁ janmanāmante jñānavānmāṁ prapadyate |
vāsudevaḥ sarvamiti sa mahātmā sudurlabhaḥ ||
- Bhagavadgita (7.19)
At the end of many births one comes to Me as a wise man (with the
wisdom) that Vasudeva is everything. Such a noble person is very rare.

ईश्वरीः सवथभतू ािां हृद्देशऽे जिथु वतष्ठवत ।

भ्रामयन्सवथभतू ावि यन्त्रारूढावि मायया ॥
- Bhagavad Gita (18.61)
īśvaraḥ sarvabhūtānāṁ hṛddeśe'rjuna tiṣṭhati |
bhrāmayansarvabhūtāni yantrārūḍhāni māyayā ||

The Supreme Lord abiding as Ishvara in the heart (or the inner psyche)
of all beings, O Arjuna, causes them to act (or work out their Karma) by
His divine energy (of Maya) as if they are (puppets of Karma) mounted
on a machine.

तमेव शरणं गच्छ सवथभावेि भारत ।

तत्प्रसादात्परां शासन्त स्थािं प्राप्स्यवस शाश्वतम ॥
- Bhagavad Gita (18.62)
tameva śaraṇaṁ gaccha sarvabhāvena bhārata | tatprasādātparāṁ
śāntiṁ sthānaṁ prāpsyasi śāśvatam ||

Seek refuge in the Supreme Lord alone, with loving devotion, O Arjuna.
By His grace you shall attain supreme peace and the Eternal Abode.

86. र्गवद्गरता - द्वादशोऽध्यायीः – BG 12 th Chapter

॥ अजिथु उवाच ॥ || arjuna uvāca ||

ु ये भिंास्त्वां ियिासते
एवं सततयिंा थु ।
ये चाप्यिरमव्यिंं तेषां के योगववत्तमाीः ॥१२-१॥
evaṁ satatayuktā ye bhaktāstvāṁ paryupāsate |
ye cāpyakṣaramavyaktaṁ teṣāṁ ke yogavittamāḥ || 12-1||

Arjuna asked – Who are the best Yōgis among them? – the eversteadfast
devotees who meditate upon You as described before and (or) those who
(meditate upon) the imperishable, unmanifest (Brahman) ?
ु ॥ || śrībhagavānuvāca ||
॥ श्रभगवािवाच
ु उिासते ।
मय्यावेश्य मिो ये मां वित्ययिंा

श्द्धया िरयोिेताीः ते मे यिंतमा मताीः ॥१२-२॥
mayyāveśya mano ye māṁ nityayuktā upāsate |
śraddhayā parayopetāḥ te me yuktatamā matāḥ || 12-2||

Lord Krishna said - fixing the mind upon Me with great faith, those ever-
steadfast (devotees) who meditate upon Me are considered to be the best
yōgis by Me.
ये त्विरमविदेश्यमव्यिंं ियिासते ।

ु ॥१२-३॥
सवथत्रगमवचन्त्यञ्च कू टस्थमचलन्ध्रवम

सवन्नयम्येवियग्रामं सवथत्र समबद्धयीः ।

ते प्राप्नववन्त मामेव सवथभतू वहते रताीः ॥१२-४॥
ye tvakṣaramanirdeśyamavyaktaṁ paryupāsate |
sarvatragamacintyañca kūṭasthamacalandhruvam || 12-3||
sanniyamyendriyagrāmaṁ sarvatra samabuddhayaḥ |
te prāpnuvanti māmeva sarvabhūtahite ratāḥ || 12-4||

Having restrained the sense organs, being even-minded towards all, and
being interested in the welfare of all beings, some (devotees) meditate
upon the imperishable (Brahman) which is indefinable, unmanifest, all-
pervading, incomprehensible, immutable, immovable, and eternal. They
attain Me alone.
िे शोऽवधकतरस्तेषामव्यिंासिंचेतसाम ।्
अव्यिंा वह गवतदथीःखं देहववद्भरवाप्यते ॥१२-५॥
kleśo'dhikatarasteṣāmavyaktāsaktacetasām |
avyaktā hi gatirduḥkhaṁ dehavadbhiravāpyate || 12-5||

Difficulties are more for those people whose minds are committed to (the
pursuit of) the unmanifest (Brahman), for the goal of unmanifest
(Brahman) is attained with difficulty by the people of bodily attachment.
ये त ु सवाथवण कमाथवण मवय संन्यस्य मत्परीः।
अिन्येि ैव योगेि मां ध्यायन्त उिासते ॥१२-६॥

तेषामहं समद्धताथ ु सारसागरात ।्

भवावम िवचरात्पार्थ मय्यावेवशतचेतसाम ॥१२-७॥
ye tu sarvāṇi karmāṇi mayi saṁnyasya matparāḥ |
ananyenaiva yogena māṁ dhyāyanta upāsate || 12-6||
teṣāmahaṁ samuddhartā mṛtyusaṁsārasāgarāt |
bhavāmi nacirātpārtha mayyāveśitacetasām || 12-7||

Keeping Me as the primary goal and dedicating all actions unto Me, some
devotees worship, meditating upon Me with undivided attention. For
them, whose minds are set on me, I shall soon become the saviour from
the ocean of samsāra which is beset with death, O Arjuna!
ु विवेशय ।
मय्येव मि आधत्स्व मवय बसद्ध
विववसष्यवस मय्येव अत ऊध्वं ि संशयीः ॥१२-८॥
mayyeva mana ādhatsva mayi buddhiṁ niveśaya |
nivasiṣyasi mayyeva ata ūrdhvaṁ na saṁśayaḥ || 12-8||

Fix the mind on Me alone. Fix the intellect on Me alone. There, after you
will dwell in Me alone. There is no doubt.
अर् वचत्तं समाधात ं ु ि शक्नोवष मवय वस्थरम।्
अभ्ासयोगेि ततो मावमच्छाप्त ं ु धिञ्जय॥१२-९॥
atha cittaṁ samādhātuṁ na śaknoṣi mayi sthiram |
abhyāsayogena tato māmicchāptuṁ dhanañjaya || 12-9||

If you are not able to fix the mind firmly on Me, then seek to attain Me by
means of abyasayōga, O Arjuna!
अभ्ासेऽप्यसमर्ोऽवस मत्कमथिरमो भव।
मदर्थमवि कमाथवण कुवथवन्सवद्धमवाप्स्यवस॥१२-१०॥
abhyāse'pyasamartho'si matkarmaparamo bhava |
madarthamapi karmāṇi kurvansiddhimavāpsyasi || 12-10||

If you are incapable of abhyasa yōga also, be devoted to My works. Even

by doing works for my sake, you will attain liberation.
अर् ैतदप्यशिंोऽवस कतं ु मद्योगमावश्तीः।

सवथकमथफलत्यागं ततीः कुरु यतात्मवाि ॥१२-११॥
athaitadapyaśakto'si kartuṁ madyogamāśritaḥ |
sarvakarmaphalatyāgaṁ tataḥ kuru yatātmavān || 12-11||

If you are not able to do this also, then, taking to My worship, renounce
the results of all actions with self- restraint.
श्ेयो वह ज्ञािमभ्ासाज्ज्ञािाद ्ध्यािं वववशष्यते।
ध्यािात्कमथफलत्यागस्त्यागाच्छावन्तरिन्तरम ॥ ्
śreyo hi jñānamabhyāsājjñānāddhyānaṁ viśiṣyate |
dhyānātkarmaphalatyāgastyāgācchāntiranantaram || 12-12||

Knowledge is indeed superior to Meditation (without knowledge),

Meditation (with knowledge) is superior to mere knowledge.
Renunciation of the results of actions (is superior) to meditation. There is
peace after renunciation.

अद्वेष्टा सवथभतू ािां मैत्रीः करुण एव च ।
ु िमर ॥१२-१३॥
विमथमो विरहङ्कारीः समदीःखसखीः
adveṣṭā sarvabhūtānāṁ maitraḥ karuṇa eva ca |
nirmamo nirahaṅkāraḥ samaduḥkhasukhaḥ kṣamī || 12-13||

(My devotee) is a non-hater of all beings, is friendly, compassionate, free

from ‘mine-notion, free from ‘I’ –notion, same in comfort as well as
discomfort, and forbearance.
ु सततं योगर यतात्मा दृढविश्चयीः।

मय्यर्तितमिोबवद्धयो मद्भिंीः स मे वप्रयीः ॥१२-१४॥
santuṣṭaḥ satataṁ yogī yatātmā dṛḍhaniścayaḥ |
mayyarpitamanobuddhiryo madbhaktaḥ sa me priyaḥ || 12-14||

That devotee of Mine whose mind and intellect are fixed upon Me ( and)
who is ever contented, tranquil, self-restrained (and) with clear
knowledge is dear to Me.
यस्मान्नोवद्वजते लोको लोकान्नोवद्वजते च यीः।
थु ो यीः स च मे वप्रयीः॥१२-१५॥
हषाथमषथभयोद्वेग ैमिं
yasmānnodvijate loko lokānnodvijate ca yaḥ |
harṣāmarṣabhayodvegairmukto yaḥ sa ca me priyaḥ || 12-15||

He by whom the world is not disturbed, who is not disturbed by the world,
and who is free from elation, envy, fear, and anxiety is dear to Me.
अििेिीः शवु चदथि उदासरिो गतव्यर्ीः।
सवाथरम्भिवरत्यागर यो मद्भिंीः स मे वप्रयीः ॥१२-१६॥
anapekṣaḥ śucirdakṣa udāsīno gatavyathaḥ |
sarvārambhaparityāgī yo madbhaktaḥ sa me priyaḥ || 12-16||

That devotee of Mine who is independent, pure, resourceful, efficient,

impartial, undisturbed, and a renouncer of all actions is dear to Me.
यो ि हृष्यवत ि द्वेवष्ट ि शोचवत ि काङ्क्षवत ।
शभु ाशभु िवरत्यागर भविंमान्यीः स मे वप्रयीः ॥
yo na hṛṣyati na dveṣṭi na śocati na kāṅkṣati |
śubhāśubhaparityāgī bhaktimānyaḥ sa me priyaḥ || 12-17||

The devotee who neither rejoices nor grieves, neither desires nor hates,
and gives up good and evil is dear to Me.
समीः शत्रौ च वमत्रे च तर्ा मािािमाियोीः।
ु ष ु समीः सङ्गवववर्तजतीः॥१२-१८॥
samaḥ śatrau ca mitre ca tathā mānāpamānayoḥ |
śītoṣṇasukhaduḥkheṣu samaḥ saṅgavivarjitaḥ || 12-18||

He is the same towards friends and foes, as well as in honour an

dishonour. He is the same in cold and heat as well as comfort and
discomfort and is free from attachment.

तल्यविन्दास्त ु
वतमौिर ु येि के िवचत ।्
अविके तीः वस्थरमवतभथविंमािे वप्रयो िरीः ॥
tulyanindāstutirmaunī santuṣṭo yena kenacit |
aniketaḥ sthiramatirbhaktimānme priyo naraḥ || 12-19||

That devotee, who is the same towards censure and praise, who is a
person of limited speech; who is contented with anything, who is
homeless and who has firm knowledge of the Self is dear to Me.
ये त ु धम्याथमतृ वमदं यर्ोिंं ियिासते
थु ।
श्द्दधािा मत्परमा भिंास्तेऽतरव मे वप्रयाीः ॥१२-२०॥
ye tu dharmyāmṛtamidaṁ yathoktaṁ paryupāsate |
śraddadhānā matparamā bhaktāste'tīva me priyāḥ || 12-20||

Those devotees who keep Me as the primary goal and who faithfully
pursue this Righteous and immortal teaching as mentioned above are
very dear to Me.
ॐ तत्सवदवत श्रमद्भगवद्गरतासूिविषत्स ु ब्रह्मववद्यायां योगशास्त्रे
श्रकृ ष्णाजिथु संवादे भविंयोगो िाम द्वादशोऽध्यायीः॥
om tatsaditi śrīmadbhagavadgītāsūpaniṣatsu brahmavidyāyāṁ
yogaśāstre śrīkṛṣṇārjunasaṁvāde bhaktiyogo nāma
dvādaśo'dhyāyaḥ ||

Thus ends the twelfth chapter named Bhakti Yōga in Srimad-bhagavad

Gītā which is the essence of the Upaniṣhads, which deals with Brahman-
knowledge as well as the preparatory disciplines, and which is in the form
of a dialogue between Lord Krishna and Arjuna.

87. र्गवद्गरता - िञ्चदशोऽध्यायीः – BG 15th Chapter

ु ॥ || śrībhagavānuvāca
॥ श्रभगवािवाच ||

ू मधीःशाखमश्वत्थं प्राहुरव्ययम।्
छन्दांवस यस्य िणाथवि यस्तं वेद स वेदववत॥् १५-१॥
ūrdhvamūlamadhaḥśākhamaśvatthaṁ prāhuravyayam |
chandāṁsi yasya parṇāni yastaṁ veda sa vedavit || 15-1||

The Lord said --- They speak of the eternal peepal-tree (of Samsāra)
whose tap root is above, whose branches are below, and whose leaves are
the Vēdās. He who knows it is the knower of the Vēdās.

अधश्चोध्वं प्रसृतास्तस्य शाखा गणप्रवृ
द्धा ववषयप्रवालाीः।

अधश्च मूलान्यिसन्ततावि ु
कमाथिबन्धरवि ु
मिष्यलोके ॥ १५-२॥
adhaścordhvaṁ prasṛtāstasya
śākhā guṇapravṛddhā viṣayapravālāḥ |
adhaśca mūlānyanusantatāni
karmānubandhīni manuṣyaloke || 15-2||

Its branches, which are nourished by the gūṇas and whose shoots are the
sense-objects, are spread below and above. Further, (its) roots are
stretched below, causing actions in the world of men.

ि रूिमस्येह तर्ोिलभ्ते िान्तो ि चावदि थ च सम्प्रवतष्ठा।

अश्वत्थमेि ं सववरूढमू
लं असङ्गशस्त्रेण दृढेि वछत्त्वा॥ १५-३॥
na rūpamasyeha tathopalabhyate
nānto na cādirna ca sampratiṣṭhā |
aśvatthamenaṁ suvirūḍhamūlaṁ
asaṅgaśastreṇa dṛḍhena chittvā || 15-3||

The form of this (tree) is not perceived here. (It has) no beginning, middle,
or end. One should cut this well-rooted fig tree firmly with the weapon of
ततीः िदं तत्पवरमार्तगतव्यं यवस्मन्गता ि विवतथवन्त भूयीः।
ु प्रिद्ये। यतीः प्रवृवत्तीः प्रसृता िराणर॥
तमेव चाद्यं िरुषं ु १५-४॥
tataḥ padaṁ tatparimārgitavyaṁ
yasmingatā na nivartanti bhūyaḥ |
tameva cādyaṁ puruṣaṁ prapadye |
yataḥ pravṛttiḥ prasṛtā purāṇī || 15-4||

Thereafter, that goal should be sought reaching which they do not return
again (one should pray). “I surrender to that primal Ishwara from whom
the ancient process (of creation) has proceeded”.
विमाथिमोहा वजतसङ्गदोषा अध्यात्मवित्या ववविवृत्तकामाीः।
ु सखदीःखसं
द्वन्द्वैर्तवमिंाीः ु ज्ञ ैीः गच्छन्त्यमूढाीः िदमव्ययं तत॥् १५-
nirmānamohā jitasaṅgadoṣā adhyātmanityā vinivṛttakāmāḥ |

dvandvairvimuktāḥ sukhaduḥkhasaṁjñaiḥ gacchantyamūḍhāḥ
padamavyayaṁ tat || 15-5||

Those who are free from pride and delusion, who have conquered the evil
of attachment, who are free from desires, who are free from the pairs of
opposites known as pleasures and pain, who are ever committed to the
spiritual pursuit, and who are wise attain that imperishable goal.
ि तद्भासयते सूयो ि शशाङ्को ि िावकीः।
यद्गत्वा ि विवतथन्त े तद्धाम िरमं मम॥ १५-६॥
na tadbhāsayate sūryo na śaśāṅko na pāvakaḥ |
yadgatvā na nivartante taddhāma paramaṁ mama || 15-6||

The Sun does not illumine it; neither the moon nor the fire. It is My
supreme abode attaining which they do not return.
ममैवांशो जरवलोके जरवभूतीः सिातिीः।
मिीःषष्ठािरवियावण प्रकृ वतस्थावि कषथवत॥ १५-७॥
mamaivāṁśo jīvaloke jīvabhūtaḥ sanātanaḥ|
manaḥṣaṣṭhānīndriyāṇi prakṛtisthāni karṣati ||15-7||

A part of Myself alone is in the form of the eternal jīva in the world of
beings. He pulls the (five) sense organs, with the mind as the sixth, which
reside in the body.
ु ामतरश्वरीः।
शरररं यदवाप्नोवत यिाप्यत्क्र

गृहरत्वैतावि संयावत वायगथन्धाविवाशयात ॥् १५-८॥
śarīraṁ yadavāpnoti yaccāpyutkrāmatīśvaraḥ |
gṛhītvaitāni saṁyāti vāyurgandhānivāśayāt ||

The Lord (pulls the sense organs) when He leaves the body. When He
acquires another body, He moves with these (organs) just as the wind
(moves with) the fragrance, from one place to (another).
श्ोत्रं चिीःु स्पशथि ं च रसिं िाणमेव च।
ु वते॥ १५-९॥
अवधष्ठाय मिश्चायं ववषयाििसे
śrotraṁ cakṣuḥ sparśanaṁ ca rasanaṁ ghrāṇameva ca |
adhiṣṭhāya manaścāyaṁ viṣayānupasevate || 15-9||

Resorting to the ear, the eye, the skin, the tongue, and the nose as well as
the mind, He experiences the sense-objects.

उत्क्रामन्तं वस्थतं वावि भञ्जािं ु
वा गणावन्वतम।्

ववमूढा िाििश्यवन्त ु
िश्यवन्त ज्ञािचिषीः॥ १०॥
utkrāmantaṁ sthitaṁ vāpi bhuñjānaṁ vā guṇānvitam |
vimūḍhā nānupaśyanti paśyanti jñānacakṣuṣaḥ || 15-10||

The deluded ones do not recognise (Him) who leaves (the body), who
resides in the body), who experiences (objects), (and) who has guṇas.
Those who have the eye of wisdom recognise (Him).
यतन्तो योवगिश्च ैिं िश्यन्त्यात्मन्यववस्थतम।्
यतन्तोऽप्यकृ तात्मािो ि ैिं िश्यन्त्यचेतसीः॥११॥
yatanto yoginaścainaṁ paśyantyātmanyavasthitam |
yatanto'pyakṛtātmāno nainaṁ paśyantyacetasaḥ || 15-11||

Striving, the yogis find Him, present in the body. The impure-minded,
indiscriminate ones do not find him in spite of striving.
यदावदत्यगतं तेजो जगद्भासयतेऽवखलम।्
यििमवस यिाग्नौ तत्तेजो वववद्ध मामकम॥् १५-१२॥
yadādityagataṁ tejo jagadbhāsayate'khilam |
yaccandramasi yaccāgnau tattejo viddhi māmakam ||

The light in the sun which illumines the entire universe, (the light) in the
moon, and (the light) in the fire – understand that light to be Mine.
गामाववश्य च भूतावि धारयाम्यहमोजसा।


िष्णावम चौषधरीः सवाथीः सोमो भूत्वा रसात्मकीः॥१३॥
gāmāviśya ca bhūtāni dhārayāmyahamojasā |
puṣṇāmi cauṣadhīḥ sarvāḥ somo bhūtvā rasātmakaḥ || 15-13||

Having entered the earth, I sustain all beings with energy. Having become
the sappy moon, I nourish all plants.
अहं वैश्वािरो भूत्वा प्रावणिां देहमावश्तीः।
प्राणािािसमायिंीःु िचाम्यन्नं चतर्तु वधम॥् १५-१४॥
ahaṁ vaiśvānaro bhūtvā prāṇināṁ dehamāśritaḥ |
prāṇāpānasamāyuktaḥ pacāmyannaṁ caturvidham || 15-14||

Residing in the body of beings as the digestive fire, and supported by

exhalation and inhalation. I digest the four fold food.
सवथस्य चाहं हृवद सवन्नववष्टो मत्तीः स्मृवतज्ञाथिमिोहिञ्च।
ै सवैरहमेव वेद्यो वेदान्तकृ द्वेदववदेव चाहम॥् १५-१५॥
sarvasya cāhaṁ hṛdi sanniviṣṭo mattaḥ smṛtirjñānamapohanañca
vedaiśca sarvairahameva
vedyo vedāntakṛdvedavideva cāham || 15-15||

I am seated in the heart of all. Memory, Knowledge, and forgetfulness are

from Me. Through all the Vēdas, I alone am to be known. I am the initiator
of the Vēdantic tradition. And (I am) the knower of the Vēdas.
ु लोके िरश्चािर एव च।
द्वाववमौ िरुषौ
िरीः सवाथवण भूतावि कू टस्थोऽिर उच्यते॥ १५-१६॥
dvāvimau puruṣau loke kṣaraścākṣara eva ca |
kṣaraḥ sarvāṇi bhūtāni kūṭastho'kṣara ucyate || 15-16||

The Perishable and the imperishable – these are the two puruṣaḥs in the
world. The perishable is in the form of all beings. The imperishable is said
to be the deceptive (Maya).

उत्तमीः िरुषस्त्वन्यीः ु
यो लोकत्रयमाववश्य वबभत्यथव्यय ईश्वरीः॥ १५-१७॥
uttamaḥ puruṣastvanyaḥ paramātmetyudāhṛtaḥ |
yo lokatrayamāviśya bibhartyavyaya īśvaraḥ || 15-17||

Different (from these) is the Supreme puruṣaḥ, said to be the supreme

Self, which pervades and sustains the three worlds. It is the imperishable
यस्मात्क्षरमतरतोऽहमिरादवि चोत्तमीः।

अतोऽवस्म लोके वेद े च प्रवर्तीः िरुषोत्तमीः॥ १५-१८॥
yasmātkṣaramatīto'hamakṣarādapi cottamaḥ |
ato'smi loke vede ca prathitaḥ puruṣottamaḥ || 15-18||

Since I am beyond Kṣarapuruṣaḥ and beyond Akṣarapuruṣaḥ therefore, I

am well-known in the world and in the Vedas as puruṣottamaḥ.

यो मामेवमसम्मूढो जािावत िरुषोत्तमम।्
स सवथववद्भजवत मां सवथभावेि भारत॥ १५-१९॥
yo māmevamasammūḍho jānāti puruṣottamam|
sa sarvavidbhajati māṁ sarvabhāvena bhārata|

Undeluded, he who thus knows me, the puruṣōttamaḥ, is the knower of

all. He worships Me wholeheartedly, O Arjuna!

इवत गह्यतमं शास्त्रवमदमिंंु मयािघ।

एतद्बदु ्ध्वा बवद्धमान्स्यात्कृ तकृ त्यश्च भारत॥ १५-२०॥
iti guhyatamaṁ śāstramidamuktaṁ mayānagha |
etadbuddhvā buddhimānsyātkṛtakṛtyaśca bhārata || 15-20||

O Arjuna! Thus this most secret teaching has been imparted by Me.
Having known this, one becomes wise and fulfilled, O Arjuna!

ॐ तत्सवदवत श्रमद्भगवद्गरतासूिविषत्स ु ब्रह्मववद्यायां योगशास्त्रे
श्रकृ ष्णाजिथु संवादे िरुषोत्तमयोगो
ु िाम िञ्चदशोऽध्यायीः॥
om tatsaditi śrīmadbhagavadgītāsūpaniṣatsu brahmavidyāyāṁ
yogaśāstre śrīkṛṣṇārjuna saṁvāde puruṣottamayogo nāma
pañcadaśo'dhyāyaḥ ||

Thus ends the fifteenth chapter named puruṣōttama yōgaḥ in Srimad-

bhagavad Gītā which is the essence of the upaniṣads, which deals with
Brahman-knowledge as well as the preparatory disciplines, and which is
in the form of a dialogue between Lord Krishna and Arjuna.

88. एकश्लोकर (ekaślokī) – by Adi Shankara

वकञ्ज्योवतस्तवभािमािहवि मे रात्रौ प्रदरिावदकं
स्यादेवं रववदरिदशथिववधौ सक ज्योवतराख्यावह मे।

चिस्तस्य विमरलिावदसमये सक धरर्तधयो दशथि े
सक तत्राहमतो भवान्परमकं ज्योवतस्तदवस्म प्रभो॥
kiṁ jyotistavabhānumānahani me rātrau pradīpādikaṁ
syādevaṁ ravidīpadarśanavidhau kiṁ jyotirākhyāhi me |
cakṣustasya nimīlanādisamaye kiṁ dhīrdhiyo darśane
kiṁ tatrāhamato bhavānparamakaṁ jyotistadasmi prabho |

(The sloka takes the form of questions by the teacher and answers by a
student. It gives the student a glimpse of the true nature of perceptions
by all creatures enabled by the universal Light.)
“By what light do you see?” Sun in the day and a lamp in the night. Let it
be. “By what light do you see the sun and lamp?” eyes. “When you close
your eyes (as in sleep), what is the light?” my intellect. “What light helps
the intellect to see?” I (Atma, Self). “So, you are the ultimate source of
light (self-luminous universal Self)” Yes, I now understand so, my Lord.

89. िरािूजा (parā pūjā) – by Adi Shankara

अखण्डे सविदािन्दे विर्तवकल्पैकरूविवण।

वस्थतेऽवद्वतरयभावेऽवस्मन्कर्ं िूजा ववधरयते॥१॥
akhaṇḍe saccidānande nirvikalpaikarūpiṇi |
sthite'dvitīyabhāve'sminkathaṁ pūjā vidhīyate ||1||

How do I worship that entity, which is limitless and without borders,

which is full of perennial Ananda, which has a form that is beyond
imagination and which stands alone without a second.

थ ावाहिं कुत्र सवाथधारस्य चासिम ।्

ु स्याचमिं कुतीः ॥२॥
स्वच्छस्य िाद्यमघ्यं च शद्ध
pūrṇasyāvāhanaṁ kutra sarvādhārasya cāsanam |
svacchasya pādyamarghyaṁ ca śuddhasyācamanaṁ kutaḥ ||2||

Where can I invoke the complete and what should be used as a seat for
the One who is the supreme pillar of existence? Where is the way to clean
the feet of the spotless and where is the way to purify the pure.

विमथलस्य कुतीः स्नािं वस्त्रं ववश्वोदरस्य च ।

अगोत्रस्य त्ववणथस्य कुतस्तस्योिवरतकम ॥३॥ ्

nirmalasya kutaḥ snānaṁ vastraṁ viśvodarasya ca |

agotrasya tvavarṇasya kutastasyopavītakam ||3||

How can I offer Him a bath, when He is the purest of the pure, how can I
offer him a dress, when He has the universe in his belly. How can I offer
him sacred thread, when He is without color, creed and caste?

विलेिस्य कुतो गन्धीः िष्पं
ु विवाथसिस्य च ।
विर्तवशेषस्य का भूषा कोऽलङ्कारो विराकृ तेीः ॥४॥
nirlepasya kuto gandhaḥ puṣpaṁ nirvāsanasya ca |
nirviśeṣasya kā bhūṣā ko'laṅkāro nirākṛteḥ ||4||

How can I offer sandal paste, to the one who is beyond touch, how I can I
offer fragrant flowers when He is beyond smell and scent, how can I offer
him ornaments when He is already beyond adjectives, how can I offer him
decoration when He does not have any form?

विरञ्जिस्य सक धूि ैदीि ैवाथ सवथसाविणीः।

विजािन्दैकतृप्तस्य ि ैवेद्य ं सक भवेवदह ॥५॥
nirañjanasya kiṁ dhūpairdīpairvā sarvasākṣiṇaḥ |
nijānandaikatṛptasya naivedyaṁ kiṁ bhavediha ||5||

How can I offer scented smoke to the dispassionate one, how can I offer
him a lighted lamp when He is the witness for everything, how can I offer
Him sacred offering to eat, when He is satisfied in his own Ananda?

ववश्वािन्दवितस्तस्य सक ताम्बूलं प्रकल्प्यते ।
स्वयम्प्रकाशवचद्रूिो योऽसावकाथवदभासकीः ॥६॥
viśvānandapitustasya kiṁ tāmbūlaṁ prakalpyate |
svayamprakāśacidrūpo yo'sāvarkādibhāsakaḥ ||6||
What is the point in offering betel leaf and nut when He is the one who
makes the world happy, who is Self-luminous, who is the Chit Shakti, and
who makes the sun, the moon and others shine.

प्रदविणा ह्यिन्तस्य ह्यद्वयस्य कुतो िवतीः ।

वेदवाक्य ैरवेद्यस्य कुतीः स्तोत्रं ववधरयते ॥७॥
pradakṣiṇā hyanantasya hyadvayasya kuto natiḥ |
vedavākyairavedyasya kutaḥ stotraṁ vidhīyate ||7||

How can I offer him circumambulation when He is all pervasive, one

without the second and without end? How can I praise with words of
Vedas who is beyond the scope of the sentences of the Vedas.

स्वयं प्रकाशमािस्य कुतो िरराजिं ववभोीः ।

अन्तबथवहश्च िूण्स्यथ कर्मद्वासिं ्
भवेत ॥८॥
svayaṁ prakāśamānasya kuto nīrājanaṁ vibhoḥ |
antarbahiśca pūrṇsya kathamudvāsanaṁ bhavet ||8||

How can I show the light of Camphor to Him when he, himself is Self-
luminous. How can I offer him a farewell when He is spread inside and
outside of everywhere?

एवमेव िरा िूजा सवाथवस्थास ु सवथदा ।

ु त ु देवश
एकबद्ध्या े े ववधेया ब्रह्मववत्तमैीः ॥९॥
evameva parā pūjā sarvāvasthāsu sarvadā |
ekabuddhyā tu deveśe vidheyā brahmavittamaiḥ ||9||

Those great masters with the knowledge of Brahman should single

mindedly worship the Lord of the Devas, using this Parapuja always and
in all times.

90. तस्मात जाग्रत जाग्रत (tasmāt jāgrata jāgrata) – by
Adi Sankara
ु ििीः।
जि दीःखं जरा दीःखं जाया दीःखं ििीः ु

अन्तकाले महा दीःखं तस्मात जाग्रत जाग्रत॥
janma duḥkhaṁ jarā duḥkhaṁ jāyā duḥkhaṁ punaḥ punaḥ|
antakāle mahā duḥkhaṁ tasmāt jāgrata jāgrata||

To undergo the birth pangs in the womb of the mother while taking birth,
to undergo the travails of the old age, the fear of death and the greatest
of sorrows at the time of death these are the greatest sufferings in a
human’s life! Therefore remain alert! Be awake!

माता िावस्त विता िावस्त िावस्त बन्धीःु सहोदरीः।

राजा िावस्त प्रजा िावस्त तस्मात जाग्रत जाग्रत॥
mātā nāsti pitā nāsti nāsti bandhuḥ sahodaraḥ|
rājā nāsti prajā nāsti tasmāt jāgrata jāgrata||

There is no mother, no father, no relationships nor any siblings. No king

or children (these relationships are all Mithya). Therefore be alert! Be

आशायां बद्ध्यते लोको कमथणा िवरबद्ध्यते।

आयीःु ियं ि जािावत तस्मात जाग्रत जाग्रत॥
āśāyāṁ baddhyate loko karmaṇā paribaddhyate|
āyuḥ kṣayaṁ na jānāti tasmāt jāgrata jāgrata||

We are bound by expectations, various activities and excess thinking. So

much so that we do not recognize the ebbing away of life. Therefore be
alert! Be awake!

ऐश्वयं स्वप्नसङ्काशं यौविं कुसमोिमम

ु ।्
िवणकं चलमायष्यं ्
ु तस्मात जाग्रत जाग्रत॥
aiśvaryaṁ svapnasaṅkāśaṁ yauvanaṁ kusumopamam |
kṣaṇikaṁ calamāyuṣyaṁ tasmāt jāgrata jāgrata||

All possessions are like what are seen in a dream, youthfulness is only for
a short time , like a flower's lifetime. Life passes away like a moment
therefore be alert! Be awake!
कामक्रोधौ लोभमोहौ देहे वतष्ठवन्त तस्कराीः।

ज्ञािरत्नािहारार्ं तस्मात जाग्रत जाग्रत॥
kāmakrodhau lobhamohau dehe tiṣṭhanti taskarāḥ|
jñānaratnāpahārārthaṁ tasmāt jāgrata jāgrata||

Kama (desires), Krodha (anger), Lobha (greed), Moha (foolishness) are

like thieves in this body who steal the jewel called "Jnana" [Self
Knowledge]. Therefore be alert! Be awake!


91. लमलिंा अष्टोत्तिशिंनामावमलाः (lalitaa


ृ ाग्रमध्यस्थायै िमो िमीः ।
वहमाचलमहावंशिाविायै िमो िमीः ।
शङ्कराधाथङ्गसौन्दयथशरररायै िमो िमीः ।
लसिरकतस्वच्छववग्रहायै िमो िमीः ।
महावतशयसौन्दयथलावण्यायै िमो िमीः ।
शशाङ्कशेखरप्राणवल्लभायै िमो िमीः ।
सदािञ्चदशात्मैक्यस्वरूिायै िमो िमीः ।
वज्रमावणक्यकटकवकररटायै िमो िमीः ।
कस्तूररवतलकोत्र्ामसविवटलायै िमो िमीः ।
भस्मरेखामङ्कतलसिस्तकायै िमो िमीः । १०
ववकचाम्भोरुहदललोचिायै िमो िमीः ।

शरिाम्पेयिष्पाभिावसकायै िमो िमीः ।

लसत्कनकताटङ्कयगलायै िमो िमीः ।
थ सङ्काशकिोलायै िमो िमीः ।
ताम्बूलिूवरतस्मेरवदिायै िमो िमीः ।


सिक्वदावडमरबरजरदिायै िमो िमीः ।
कम्िूु गसमच्छायकन्धरायै िमो िमीः ।

स्थूलमिंाफलोदारस ु
हारायै िमो िमीः ।
वगररशबद्धमाङ्गल्यमङ्गलायै िमो िमीः ।
िद्मिाशाङ्कुशलसत्कराब्जायै िमो िमीः । २०

िद्मकै रवमन्दारसमावलन्य ै िमो िमीः ।
ु कुम्भयग्ब्ु माभसक
सवणथ ु ु चायै िमो िमीः ।
ु हुसंयिंायै
रमणरयचतबाथ ु िमो िमीः ।
किकाङ्गदके यूरभूवषतायै िमो िमीः ।
बृहत्सौवणथसौन्दयमवसिायै िमो िमीः ।
बृहवन्नतम्ववलद्रशनायै िमो िमीः ।
सौभाग्ब्यजातशृङ्गारमध्यमायै िमो िमीः ।
वदव्यभूषणसन्दोहरमञ्जतायै िमो िमीः ।

िावरजातगणावधक्यिदाब्जायै िमो िमीः ।

सिद्मरागसङ्काशचरणायै िमो िमीः । ३०
कामकोवटमहािद्मिरठस्थायै िमो िमीः ।
ु िमो िमीः ।
सचामररमावाणरवरवजतायै िमो िमीः ।
भिंरिणदाविण्यकटािायै िमो िमीः ।

भूतश ु
े ावलङ्गिोद्भूतिलकाङ्ग्य ै िमो िमीः ।
अिङ्गजिकािाङ्गवरिणायै िमो िमीः ।
ब्रह्मोिेन्द्रवशरोरत्नरमञ्जतायै िमो िमीः ।
ु सवे वतायै िमो िमीः ।
लरलाकवल्पतब्रह्माण्डमण्डलायै िमो िमीः ।
ृ ायै िमो िमीः । ४०
एकातित्रसाम्राज्यदावयकायै िमो िमीः ।
सिकावदसमाराध्यिादकायै िमो िमीः ।
देवर्तषसंस्स्स्तूयमािवैभवायै िमो िमीः ।
कलशोद्भवदवाथसीःिूवजतायै िमो िमीः ।
मत्तेभवक्त्रषड्वक्त्रवत्सलायै िमो िमीः ।
चक्रराजमहायन्त्रमध्यवर्ततन्य ै िमो िमीः ।
वचदवग्नकुण्डसम्भूतसदेु हायै िमो िमीः ।

शशाङ्कखण्डसंयिंमकु टायै िमो िमीः ।
मत्तहंसवधून्मन्दगमिायै िमो िमीः ।
वन्दारुजिसन्दोहवमन्दतायै िमो िमीः । ५०
थु जिानन्दफलदायै िमो िमीः ।
िवतव्रताङ्गिाभरष्टफलदायै िमो िमीः ।
अव्याजकरुणािूरिूवरतायै िमो िमीः ।


वितान्तसविदािन्दसंयिंायै िमो िमीः ।

सहस्रसूय थसंयिंप्रकाशायै िमो िमीः ।
रत्नवचन्तामवणगृहमध्यस्थायै िमो िमीः ।

हाविवृवद्धगणावधक्यरवहतायै िमो िमीः ।
महािद्माटवरमध्यविवासायै िमो िमीः ।
जाग्रत्स्वप्नसषु प्तरिां
ु साविभूत्य ै िमो िमीः ।
महािािौघिािािांवविावशन्य ै िमो िमीः । ६०
दष्टभरवतमहाभरवतभञ्जिायै िमो िमीः ।
ु रकायै िमो िमीः ।
समस्तहृदयाम्भोजविलयायै िमो िमीः ।
अिाहतमहािद्मममन्दरायै िमो िमीः ।
सहस्रारसरोजातवावसतायै िमो िमीः ।

ििरावृ ु
वत्तरवहतिरस्थायै िमो िमीः ।
ु िमो िमीः ।

रमाभूवमसताराध्यिदाब्जायै िमो िमीः ।
ु चतश्रमिरणायै िमो िमीः ।
सहस्ररवतसौन्दयथशरररायै िमो िमीः । ७०

भाविामात्रसन्तष्टहृदयायै िमो िमीः ।
सत्यसम्पूणवथ वज्ञािवसवद्धदायै िमो िमीः ।

मिलोचिकृ तोल्लासफलदायै िमो िमीः ।

श्रसधाविमवणद्वरिमध्यगायै िमो िमीः ।
दिाध्वरववविभेदसाधिायै िमो िमीः ।
श्रिार्सोदररभूतशोवभतायै िमो िमीः ।
चन्द्रशेखरभिंार्ततभञ्जिायै िमो िमीः ।
थु च ैतन्यायै िमो िमीः ।
िामिारयणाभरष्टफलदायै िमो िमीः ।
सृवष्टवस्थवतवतरोधािसङ्कल्पायै िमो िमीः । ८०
श्रषोडशािररमन्त्रमध्यगायै िमो िमीः ।
अिाद्यन्तस्वयम्भूतवदव्यमूत्य ै िमो िमीः ।

भिंहंसविंीमख्यववयोगायै िमो िमीः ।

मातृमण्डलसंयिंलवलतायै िमो िमीः ।
भण्डदैत्यमहासत्त्विाशिायै िमो िमीः ।

क्रूरभण्डवशरच्छेदवििणायै िमो िमीः ।
धिाच्यतसु राधरशस
ु ु
खदायै िमो िमीः ।

चण्डमण्डविश ु ावदखण्डिायै िमो िमीः ।
रिंािरिंवजह्वावदवशिणायै िमो िमीः ।

विग्रहायै िमो िमीः । ९०
अभ्रके शमहोत्साहकारणायै िमो िमीः ।


महेशयिंिटितत्परायै िमो िमीः ।

विजभतृमथ खाम्भोजवचन्तिायै िमो िमीः ।
वृषभध्वजववज्ञािभाविायै िमो िमीः ।

जिमृत्यजरारोगभञ्जिायै िमो िमीः ।

ववदेहममिववज्ञािवसवद्धदायै िमो िमीः ।
कामक्रोधावदषड्वगथिाशिायै िमो िमीः ।
राजराजार्तचतिदसरोजायै िमो िमीः ।

सवथवदे ान्तसंवसद्धसतत्वायै िमो िमीः ।
श्रवररभिंववज्ञािमनधािायै िमो िमीः । १००
ु दिायै िमो िमीः ।
सािाच्छ्ररदविणामूर्ततमिोज्ञायै िमो िमीः ।
हयमेधाग्रसम्पूज्यमवहमायै िमो िमीः ।
ु षाढ्यायै िमो िमीः ।

समबाणे ु
िकोदण्डममण्डतायै िमो िमीः ।
वित्ययौविमाङ्गल्यमङ्गलायै िमो िमीः ।

व्य ै िमो िमीः ।
चिंर्तु वशमिंिंत्वैक्यस्वरूपायै िमो िमीः ।
॥ इमिं श्रलवलताष्टोत्तरशतिामाववलीः सम्पूणाथ ॥
rajatācalaśṛṅgāgramadhyasthāyai namo namaḥ |

himācalamahāvaṁśapāvanāyai namo namaḥ |
śaṅkarārdhāṅgasaundaryaśarīrāyai namo namaḥ |
lasanmarakatasvacchavigrahāyai namo namaḥ |
mahātiśayasaundaryalāvaṇyāyai namo namaḥ |
śaśāṅkaśekharaprāṇavallabhāyai namo namaḥ |
sadāpañcadaśātmaikyasvarūpāyai namo namaḥ |
vajramāṇikyakaṭakakirīṭāyai namo namaḥ |
kastūrītilakotbhāsiniṭilāyai namo namaḥ |
bhasmarekhāṅkitalasanmastakāyai namo namaḥ | 10
vikacāmbhoruhadalalocanāyai namo namaḥ |
śaraccāmpeyapuṣpābhanāsikāyai namo namaḥ |
lasatkanakatāṭaṅkayugalāyai namo namaḥ |
maṇidarpaṇasaṅkāśakapolāyai namo namaḥ |
tāmbūlapūritasmeravadanāyai namo namaḥ |
supakvadāḍimībījaradanāyai namo namaḥ |
kambupūgasamacchāyakandharāyai namo namaḥ |
sthūlamuktāphalodārasuhārāyai namo namaḥ |
girīśabaddhamāṅgalyamaṅgalāyai namo namaḥ |
padmapāśāṅkuśalasatkarābjāyai namo namaḥ | 20
padmakairavamandārasumālinyai namo namaḥ |
suvarṇakumbhayugmābhasukucāyai namo namaḥ |
ramaṇīyacaturbāhusaṁyuktāyai namo namaḥ |
kanakāṅgadakeyūrabhūṣitāyai namo namaḥ |
bṛhatsauvarṇasaundaryavasanāyai namo namaḥ |
bṛhannitambaviladraśanāyai namo namaḥ |
saubhāgyajātaśṛṅgāramadhyamāyai namo namaḥ |
divyabhūṣaṇasandoharañjitāyai namo namaḥ |
pārijātaguṇādhikyapadābjāyai namo namaḥ |
supadmarāgasaṅkāśacaraṇāyai namo namaḥ | 30
kāmakoṭimahāpadmapīṭhasthāyai namo namaḥ |
śrīkaṇṭhanetrakumudacandrikāyai namo namaḥ |
sacāmararamāvāṇīvījitāyai namo namaḥ |
bhaktarakṣaṇadākṣiṇyakaṭākṣāyai namo namaḥ |
bhūteśāliṅganodbhūtapulakāṅgyai namo namaḥ |
anaṅgajanakāpāṅgavīkṣaṇāyai namo namaḥ |
brahmopendraśiroratnarañjitāyai namo namaḥ |

śacīmukhyāmaravadhūsevitāyai namo namaḥ |
līlākalpitabrahmāṇḍamaṇḍalāyai namo namaḥ |
amṛtādimahāśaktisaṁvṛtāyai namo namaḥ | 40
ekātapatrasāmrājyadāyikāyai namo namaḥ |
sanakādisamārādhyapādukāyai namo namaḥ |
devarṣisaṁsstūyamānavaibhavāyai namo namaḥ |
kalaśodbhavadurvāsaḥpūjitāyai namo namaḥ |
mattebhavaktraṣaḍvaktravatsalāyai namo namaḥ |
cakrarājamahāyantramadhyavartinyai namo namaḥ |
cidagnikuṇḍasambhūtasudehāyai namo namaḥ |
śaśāṅkakhaṇḍasaṁyuktamakuṭāyai namo namaḥ |
mattahaṁsavadhūnmandagamanāyai namo namaḥ |
vandārujanasandohavanditāyai namo namaḥ | 50
antarmukhajanānandaphaladāyai namo namaḥ |
pativratāṅganābhīṣṭaphaladāyai namo namaḥ |
avyājakaruṇāpūrapūritāyai namo namaḥ |
nitāntasaccidānandasaṁyuktāyai namo namaḥ |
sahasrasūryasaṁyuktaprakāśāyai namo namaḥ |
ratnacintāmaṇigṛhamadhyasthāyai namo namaḥ |
hānivṛddhiguṇādhikyarahitāyai namo namaḥ |
mahāpadmāṭavīmadhyanivāsāyai namo namaḥ |
jāgratsvapnasuṣuptīnāṁsākṣibhūtyai namo namaḥ |
mahāpāpaughapāpānāṁvināśinyai namo namaḥ | 60
duṣṭabhītimahābhītibhañjanāyai namo namaḥ |
samastadevadanujaprerakāyai namo namaḥ |
samastahṛdayāmbhojanilayāyai namo namaḥ |
anāhatamahāpadmamandirāyai namo namaḥ |
sahasrārasarojātavāsitāyai namo namaḥ |
punarāvṛttirahitapurasthāyai namo namaḥ |
vāṇīgāyatrīsāvitrīsannutāyai namo namaḥ |
ramābhūmisutārādhyapadābjāyai namo namaḥ |
lopāmudrārcitaśrīmaccaraṇāyai namo namaḥ |
sahasraratisaundaryaśarīrāyai namo namaḥ | 70
bhāvanāmātrasantuṣṭahṛdayāyai namo namaḥ |
satyasampūrṇavijñānasiddhidāyai namo namaḥ |
trilocanakṛtollāsaphaladāyai namo namaḥ |

śrīsudhābdhimaṇidvīpamadhyagāyai namo namaḥ |
dakṣādhvaravinirbhedasādhanāyai namo namaḥ |
śrīnāthasodarībhūtaśobhitāyai namo namaḥ |
candraśekharabhaktārtibhañjanāyai namo namaḥ |
sarvopādhivinirmuktacaitanyāyai namo namaḥ |
nāmapārayaṇābhīṣṭaphaladāyai namo namaḥ |
sṛṣṭisthititirodhānasaṅkalpāyai namo namaḥ | 80
śrīṣoḍaśākṣarīmantramadhyagāyai namo namaḥ |
anādyantasvayambhūtadivyamūrtyai namo namaḥ |
bhaktahaṁsavatīmukhyaviyogāyai namo namaḥ |
mātṛmaṇḍalasaṁyuktalalitāyai namo namaḥ |
bhaṇḍadaityamahāsattvanāśanāyai namo namaḥ |
krūrabhaṇḍaśiracchedanipuṇāyai namo namaḥ |
dharācyutasurādhīśasukhadāyai namo namaḥ |
caṇḍamuṇḍaniśumbhādikhaṇḍanāyai namo namaḥ |
raktākṣaraktajihvādiśikṣaṇāyai namo namaḥ |
mahiṣāsuradorvīryanigrahāyai namo namaḥ | 90
abhrakeśamahotsāhakāraṇāyai namo namaḥ |
maheśayuktanaṭanatatparāyai namo namaḥ |
nijabhartṛmukhāmbhojacintanāyai namo namaḥ |
vṛṣabhadhvajavijñānabhāvanāyai namo namaḥ |
janmamṛtyujarārogabhañjanāyai namo namaḥ |
videhamuktivijñānasiddhidāyai namo namaḥ |
kāmakrodhādiṣaḍvarganāśanāyai namo namaḥ |
rājarājārcitapadasarojāyai namo namaḥ |
sarvavedāntasaṁsiddhasutatvāyai namo namaḥ |
śrīvīrabhaktavijñānanidhānāyai namo namaḥ | 100
aśeṣaduṣṭadanujasūdanāyai namo namaḥ |
sākṣācchrīdakṣiṇāmūrtimanojñāyai namo namaḥ |
hayamedhāgrasampūjyamahimāyai namo namaḥ |
dakṣaprajāpatisutaveṣāḍhyāyai namo namaḥ |
sumabāṇekṣukodaṇḍamaṇḍitāyai namo namaḥ |
nityayauvanamāṅgalyamaṅgalāyai namo namaḥ |
mahādevasamāyuktamahādevyai namo namaḥ |
caturviṁśatitatvaikyasvarūpāyai namo namaḥ |

.. iti śrīlalitāṣṭottaraśatanāmāvaliḥ sampūrṇā ..


92. लवलता सहस्रिामस्तोत्रम (lalitā
॥ध्यािम॥् ||dhyānam||
वसन्दूरारुण ववग्रहां वत्रियिां मावणक्यमौवल स्फुरत ्
तारा िायक शेखरां वस्मतमखर ु मािरि विोरुहाम।्
िावणभ्ामवलिूण थ रत्न चषकं रिंोत्पलं वबभ्रतीं

सौम्यां रत्न घटस्थ रिंचरणां ध्यायेत िरामवम्बकाम ॥्

ध्यायेत िद्मासिस्थां ववकवसतवदिां िद्मित्रायतािीं
हेमाभां िरतवस्त्रां करकवलतलसद्धेमिद्मां वराङ्गरम।्
ु सतत मभयदां भिंिम्रां भवािीं
सवाथलङ्कार यिंां
ु सवथ सम्पत्प्रदात्ररम॥्
ु तां
श्रववद्यां शान्त मूर्तत सकल सरि
सकुङ्कुम ववलेििामवलकचवम्ब
ु कस्तूवरकां
समन्द हवसतेिणां सशर चाि िाशाङ्कुशाम।्
अशेषजि मोवहिीं अरुण माल्य भूषाम्बरां
ु जिववधौ स्मरे दवम्बकाम॥्
जिाकुसमु भासरां
ु बाणचािाम।्
अरुणां करुणा तरवङ्गतािीं धृत िाशाङ्कुश िष्प
अवणमावदवभ रावृतां मयूख-ै रहवमत्येव ववभावये भवािरम॥्
sindūrāruṇa vigrahāṁ trinayanāṁ māṇikyamauli sphurat
tārā nāyaka śekharāṁ smitamukhī māpīna vakṣoruhām|
pāṇibhyāmalipūrṇa ratna caṣakaṁ raktotpalaṁ bibhratīṁ

saumyāṁ ratna ghaṭastha raktacaraṇāṁ dhyāyet
dhyāyet padmāsanasthāṁ vikasitavadanāṁ padmapatrāyatākṣīṁ
hemābhāṁ pītavastrāṁ karakalitalasaddhemapadmāṁ
sarvālaṅkāra yuktāṁ satata mabhayadāṁ bhaktanamrāṁ
śrīvidyāṁ śānta mūrtiṁ sakala suranutāṁ sarva
sakuṅkuma vilepanāmalikacumbi kastūrikāṁ
samanda hasitekṣaṇāṁ saśara cāpa pāśāṅkuśām|
aśeṣajana mohinīṁ aruṇa mālya bhūṣāmbarāṁ
japākusuma bhāsurāṁ japavidhau smare dambikām||
aruṇāṁ karuṇā taraṅgitākṣīṁ dhṛta pāśāṅkuśa puṣpa
aṇimādibhi rāvṛtāṁ mayūkhai-rahamityeva vibhāvaye
् ||atha stotram ||
॥अर् स्तोत्रम ॥

ॐ श्रमाता श्रमहाराज्ञर श्रमत-ससहासिे
वचदवग्न-कुण्ड-सम्भूता देवकायथ-समद्यता॥
ु १॥
उद्यद्भाि-ु सहस्राभा चतबाथ
ु हु-समवन्वता।
रागस्वरूि-िाशाढ्या क्रोधाकाराङ्कुशोज्ज्ला॥ २॥
मिोरूिेि-ु कोदण्डा िञ्चतिात्र-सायका।
विजारुण-प्रभािूर-मज्जद्ब्रह्माण्ड-मण्डला॥ ३॥
ु -सौगवन्धक-लसत्कचा।
कुरुववन्दमवण-श्ेणर-कित्कोटरर-मवण्डता॥ ४॥


मखचि -कलङ्काभ-मृगिावभ-ववशेषका॥ ५॥

वक्त्रलक्ष्मर-िररवाह-चलिरिाभ-लोचिा॥ ६॥
ु -िासादण्ड-ववरावजता।

ताराकावन्त-वतरस्कावर-िासाभरण-भासरा॥ ७॥
ु -भूत-तििोडुि-मण्डला॥ ८॥
िवववद्रुम-वबम्बश्र-न्यक्कावर-रदिच्छदा॥ ९॥
ु -ववद्याङ्कुराकार-वद्वजिवङ्क्त-द्वयोज्ज्ला।
किूरथ -वरवटकामोद-समाकर्षम-मद्दगन्तरा॥ १०॥
विज-सल्लाि-माधयु -थ ववविभथर्तत्सत-कच्छिर।
मन्दवस्मत-प्रभािूर-मज्जत्कामेश-मािसा॥ ११॥
अिाकवलत-सादृश्य-चबु कश्र
ु -ववरावजता।
कामेश-बद्ध-माङ्गल्य-सूत्र-शोवभत-कन्धरा॥ १२॥

किकाङ्गद-के यूर-कमिरय-भजावन्वता।
ु -फलावन्वता॥ १३॥
रत्नग्र ैवेय-वचन्ताक-लोल-मिंा
िाभ्ालवाल-रोमावल-लता-फल-कुचद्वयर॥ १४॥

ु य-मध्यमा।
स्तिभार-दलिध्य-िट्टबन्ध-ववलत्रया॥ १५॥

ु -वस्त्र-भास्वत-कटरतटर।
रत्न-वकवङ्कवणका-रम्य-रशिा-दाम-भूवषता॥ १६॥
ु ु टाकार-जािद्वय
मावणक्य-मक ु -ववरावजता॥ १७॥

गूढगल्फा कू मथिष्ठृ -जवयष्ण-ु प्रिदावन्वता॥ १८॥
िख-दरवधवत-संछन्न-िमज्जि-तमोगणा। ु
िदद्वय-प्रभाजाल-िराकृ त-सरोरुहा॥ १९॥

मरालर-मन्दगमिा महालावण्य-शेववधीः॥ २०॥
सवाथरुणाऽिवद्याङ्गर सवाथभरण-भूवषता।
वशव-कामेश्वराङ्कस्था वशवा स्वाधरि-वल्लभा॥ २१॥
ु रु-मध्य-शृङ्गस्था श्रमन्नगर-िावयका।
वचन्तामवण-गृहान्तस्था िञ्च-ब्रह्मासि-वस्थता॥ २२॥
महािद्माटवर-संस्था कदम्बवि-वावसिर।

सधासागर-मध्यस्था कामािर कामदावयिर॥ २३॥


भण्डासरु -वधोद्यिं
ु -शविंसेिा-समवन्वता॥ २४॥
सम्पत्करर-समारूढ-वसन्धरु -व्रज-सेववता।
अश्वारूढावधवष्ठताश्व-कोवट-कोवटवभरावृता॥ २५॥
चक्रराज-रर्ारूढ-सवाथयधु -िवरष्कृ ता।
गेयचक्र-रर्ारूढ-मवन्त्रणर-िवरसेववता॥ २६॥
ु ता।
ज्वाला-मावलविकाविप्त-ववह्नप्राकार-मध्यगा॥ २७॥
ु -शविं-ववक्रम-हर्तषता।
भण्डस ैन्य-वधोद्यिं
वित्या-िराक्रमाटोि-विररिण-समत्स ु
ु का॥ २८॥
भण्डित्रु -वधोद्यिं
ु -बाला-ववक्रम-िवन्दता।
मवन्त्रण्यम्बा-ववरवचत-ववषङ्ग-वध-तोवषता॥ २९॥
ु -प्राणहरण-वाराहर-वरयथ-िवन्दता।

कामेश्वर-मखालोक -कवल्पत-श्रगणेश्वरा॥ ३०॥

भण्डासरेु ि-विमिं
थु -शस्त्र-प्रत्यस्त्र-वर्तषणर॥ ३१॥
कराङ्गवु ल-िखोत्पन्न-िारायण-दशाकृ वतीः।

महा-िाशितास्त्रावग्न-विदथग्ब्धासरु -स ैविका॥ ३२॥

कामेश्वरास्त्र-विदथग्ब्ध-सभण्डासरु -शून्यका।
ब्रह्मोिेि-महेिावद-देव-संस्ततु -वैभवा॥ ३३॥

ु -िङ्कजा॥ ३४॥
श्रमद्वाग्भव-कू टैक-स्वरूि-मख
कण्ठाधीः-कवट-ियथन्त-मध्यकू ट-स्वरूविणर।
शविं-कू टैकतािन्न-कट्धोभाग-धावरणर॥ ३५॥
मूल-मन्त्रावत्मका मूलकू टत्रय-कलेवरा।
कुलामृत ैक-रवसका कुलसंकेत-िावलिर॥ ३६॥
कुलाङ्गिा कुलान्तस्था कौवलिर कुलयोवगिर।
अकुला समयान्तस्था समयाचार-तत्परा॥ ३७॥
मूलाधारैक-विलया ब्रह्मग्रवन्थ-ववभेवदिर।

मवण-िूरान्तरुवदता ववष्णग्रवन्थ -ववभेवदिर॥ ३८॥

आज्ञा-चक्रान्तरालस्था रुद्रग्रवन्थ-ववभेवदिर।

सहस्राराम्बजारूढा ु -सारावभवर्तषणर॥ ३९॥
तवडल्लता-समरुवचीः षट्चक्रोिवर-संवस्थता।
महासविंीः कुण्डवलिर वबसतन्त-ु तिरयसर॥ ४०॥
भवािर भाविागम्या भवारण्य-कुठावरका।
भद्रवप्रया भद्रमूर्ततर ्भिं-सौभाग्ब्यदावयिर॥ ४१॥
भविंवप्रया भविंगम्या भविंवश्या भयािहा।
शाम्भवर शारदाराध्या शवाथणर शमथदावयिर॥ ४२॥
शाङ्करर श्रकरर साध्वर शरिि-विभाििा।

शातोदरर शावन्तमतर विराधारा विरञ्जिा॥ ४३॥
विले िा विमथला वित्या विराकारा विराकुला।
थु विष्कला शान्ता विष्कामा विरुिप्लवा ॥४४॥
ु विर्तवकारा विष्प्रिञ्चा विराश्या।
ु ा वित्यबद्धा
वित्यशद्ध ु विरवद्या विरन्तरा॥ ४५॥
विष्कारणा विष्कलङ्का विरुिावधर ्विररश्वरा।
िररागा रागमर्िर विमथदा मदिावशिर॥ ४६॥
विवश्चन्ता विरहङ्कारा विमोहा मोहिावशिर।
विमथमा ममताहन्त्रर विष्पािा िाििावशिर॥ ४७॥
वििोधा क्रोधशमिर विलोभा लोभिावशिर।
विस्संशया संशयघ्नर विभथवा भविावशिर॥ ४८॥
विर्तवकल्पा विराबाधा विभेदा भेदिावशिर।

वििाथशा मृत्यमर्िर विविया विष्पवरग्रहा॥ ४९॥
ु िरलवचकुरा विरिाया विरत्यया।

दलथभा दगथमा दगाथ दीःखहन्त्रर सखप्रदा॥ ५०॥
दष्टदूरा दराचार-शमिर दोषवर्तजता।
सवथज्ञा सािकरुणा समािावधक-वर्तजता॥ ५१॥
सवथशविंमयर सवथ-मङ्गला सद्गवतप्रदा।
सवेश्वरर सवथमयर सवथमन्त्र-स्वरूविणर॥ ५२॥

सवथ-यन्त्रावत्मका सवथ-तन्त्ररूिा मिोििर।
् डवप्रया॥ ५३॥
माहेश्वरर महादेवर महालक्ष्मरर मृ
महारूिा महािूज्या महािातक-िावशिर।
महामाया महासत्त्वा महाशविंर ्महारवतीः॥ ५४॥
महाभोगा महैश्वयाथ महावरयाथ महाबला।
ु ्महावसवद्धर ्महायोगेश्वरेश्वरर॥ ५५॥
महातन्त्रा महामन्त्रा महायन्त्रा महासिा।
महायाग-क्रमाराध्या महाभ ैरव-िूवजता॥ ५६॥
महाकामेश-मवहषर महावत्रिरु -सन्दरर॥
ु ५७॥

चतीःषष्ट्य ु
िचाराढ्या ु
महाचतीःु -षवष्टकोवट-योवगिर-गणसेववता॥ ५८॥

मिववद्या चिववद्या चिमण्डल-मध्यगा।
चारुरूिा चारुहासा चारुचि-कलाधरा॥ ५९॥
चराचर-जगन्नार्ा चक्रराज-विके तिा।
िावथतर िद्मियिा िद्मराग-समप्रभा॥ ६०॥
िञ्च-प्रेतासिासरिा िञ्चब्रह्म-स्वरूविणर।
वचियर िरमािन्दा ववज्ञाि-घिरूविणर॥ ६१॥
ध्याि-ध्यातृ-ध्येयरूिा धमाथधमथ-वववर्तजता।

ववश्वरूिा जागवरणर स्विन्तर तैजसावत्मका॥६२॥
ु प्राज्ञावत्मका तयाथ
सप्ता ु सवाथवस्था-वववर्तजता।
सृवष्टकत्री ब्रह्मरूिा गोप्त्रर गोववन्दरूविणर॥ ६३॥
संहावरणर रुद्ररूिा वतरोधाि-कररश्वरर।

सदावशवाऽिग्रहदा िञ्चकृ त्य-िरायणा॥ ६४॥

भािमण्डल -मध्यस्था भ ैरवर भगमावलिर।

िद्मासिा भगवतर िद्मिाभ-सहोदरर॥ ६५॥

सहस्र-शरषथवदिा सहस्रािर सहस्रिात॥् ६६॥
आब्रह्म-करट-जििर वणाथश्म-ववधावयिर।

विजाज्ञारूि-विगमा िण्याि ु -फलप्रदा॥ ६७॥
श्वु त-सरमन्त-वसन्दूरर-कृ त-िादाब्ज-धूवलका।
सकलागम-सन्दोह-शवु िं-सम्पटु -मौविंका॥ ६८॥

िरुषार्थप्रदा ु श्वरर।
िूणाथ भोवगिर भविे
अवम्बकाऽिावद-विधिा हवरब्रह्मेि-सेववता॥ ६९॥
िारायणर िादरूिा िामरूि-वववर्तजता।
ह्रींकारर ह्ररमतर हृद्या हेयोिादेय-वर्तजता॥ ७०॥
राजराजार्तचता राज्ञर रम्या राजरवलोचिा।
रञ्जिर रमणर रस्या रणवत्कवङ्कवण-मेखला॥ ७१॥

रमा राके न्दुवदिा रवतरूिा रवतवप्रया।
रिाकरर रािसघ्नर रामा रमणलम्पटा॥ ७२॥
काम्या कामकलारूिा कदम्ब-कुसमु -वप्रया।
कल्याणर जगतरकन्दा करुणा-रस-सागरा॥ ७३॥
कलावतर कलालािा कान्ता कादम्बररवप्रया।
वरदा वामियिा वारुणर-मद-ववह्वला॥ ७४॥
ववश्वावधका वेदवेद्या ववन्ध्याचल-विवावसिर।

ववधात्रर वेदजििर ववष्णमाया ववलावसिर॥ ७५॥
े र िेत्र-िेत्रज्ञ-िावलिर।
िेत्रस्वरूिा िेत्रश
थु ा िेत्रिाल-समर्तचता॥ ७६॥
ववजया ववमला वन्द्या वन्दारु-जि-वत्सला।
वाग्ब्वावदिर वामके शर ववह्नमण्डल-वावसिर॥७७॥

भविंमत-कल्पलवतका ु -ववमोवचिर।
संहृताशेष-िाषण्डा सदाचार-प्रवर्ततका॥ ७८॥

तरुणर तािसाराध्या तिमध्या तमोऽिहा॥७९॥
वचवतस्तत्पद-लक्ष्यार्ाथ वचदेकरस-रूविणर।
स्वात्मािन्द-लवरभूत-ब्रह्माद्यािन्द-सन्तवतीः॥ ८०॥

िरा प्रत्यक-मचतररूिा िश्यन्तर िरदेवता।

मध्यमा वैखरररूिा भिं-मािस-हंवसका॥ ८१॥
कामेश्वर-प्राणिाडर कृ तज्ञा कामिूवजता।
शृङ्गार-रस-सम्पूणाथ जया जालन्धर-वस्थता॥ ८२॥
ओड्याणिरठ-विलया वबन्दु-मण्डलवावसिर।
थ -तर्तिता॥ ८३॥
रहोयाग-क्रमाराध्या रहस्तिण
सद्यीःप्रसावदिर ववश्व-साविणर साविवर्तजता।
ु षाड्गण्य
षडङ्गदेवता-यिंा ु -िवरिूवरता॥ ८४॥

वित्यविन्ना विरुिमा विवाथणसखदावयिर।
वित्या-षोडवशका-रूिा श्रकण्ठाधथ-शररवरणर॥ ८५॥
प्रभावतर प्रभारूिा प्रवसद्धा िरमेश्वरर।
मूलप्रकृ वतरव्यिंा व्यिंाव्यिं-स्वरूविणर॥ ८६॥
व्यावििर ववववधाकारा ववद्याववद्या-स्वरूविणर।
ु ु
-कौमदर॥ ८७॥

भिं-हादथ-तमोभेद-भािमद्भाि -ु सन्तवतीः।

वशवदूतर वशवाराध्या वशवमूर्ततीः वशवङ्करर॥ ८८॥

वशववप्रया वशविरा वशष्टेष्टा वशष्टिूवजता।
अप्रमेया स्वप्रकाशा मिोवाचामगोचरा॥ ८९॥
वचच्छविंश चे ् तिारूिा जडशविंर ्जडावत्मका।
गायत्रर व्याहृवतीः सन्ध्या वद्वजबृन्द-विषेववता॥ ९०॥

तत्त्वासिा तत्त्वमयर िञ्च-कोशान्तर-वस्थता।
विस्सरम-मवहमा वित्य-यौविा मदशावलिर॥ ९१॥
मदघूर्तणत-रिंािर मदिाटल-गण्डभूीः।
चन्दि-द्रव-वदग्ब्धाङ्गर चाम्पेय-कुसमु -वप्रया॥ ९२॥
कुशला कोमलाकारा कुरुकुल्ला कुलेश्वरर।
कुलकुण्डालया कौल-मागथ-तत्पर-सेववता॥ ९३॥
कुमार-गणिार्ाम्बा तवष्टीः
ु िवष्टर
ु -मवतर
् ् वतीः।

शावन्तीः स्ववस्तमतर कावन्तर-िवन्दिर ववघ्निावशिर॥९४॥
तेजोवतर वत्रियिा लोलािर-कामरूविणर।
मावलिर हंवसिर माता मलयाचल-वावसिर॥ ९५॥
समु खर
ु िवलिर सभ्रू
ु ीः शोभिा सरिावयका।

कालकण्ठर कावन्तमतर िोवभणर सूक्ष्मरूविणर ॥९६॥
वज्रेश्वरर वामदेवर वयोऽवस्था-वववर्तजता।
वसद्धेश्वरर वसद्धववद्या वसद्धमाता यशवस्विर॥ ९७॥
ववशवु द्धचक्र-विलयाऽऽरिंवणाथ वत्रलोचिा।
खट्वाङ्गावद-प्रहरणा वदि ैक-समवन्वता॥ ९८॥
ु ोक-भयङ्करर।
िायसान्नवप्रया त्वक्स्था िशल
ृ ा डावकिरश्वरर॥ ९९॥
अिाहताब्ज-विलया श्यामाभा वदिद्वया।

दंष्ट्रोज्ज्लाि-मालावद-धरा रुवधरसंवस्थता॥ १००॥
कालरात्र्यावद-शक्त्यौघ-वृता वस्नग्ब्धौदिवप्रया।
महावररेि-वरदा रावकण्यम्बा-स्वरूविणर॥ १०१॥

मवणिूराब्ज-विलया वदित्रय-संयता।
ु ता डामयाथवदवभरावृता॥ १०२॥
ु -प्ररत-मािसा।
रिंवणाथ मांसविष्ठा गडान्न

समस्तभिं-सखदा लावकन्यम्बा-स्वरूविणर॥ १०३॥
ु -गता चतवथु क्त्र-मिोहरा।
शूलाद्यायधु -सम्पन्ना िरतवणाथऽवतगर्तवता॥ १०४॥

मेदोविष्ठा मधप्ररता बवन्धन्यावद-समवन्वता।
दध्यन्नासिं-हृदया कावकिर-रूि-धावरणर॥ १०५॥

मूलाधाराम्बजारूढा िञ्च-वक्त्राऽवस्थ-संवस्थता।
अङ्कुशावद-प्रहरणा वरदावद-विषेववता॥ १०६॥

मद्गौदिासिं -वचत्ता सावकन्यम्बा-स्वरूविणर।

ु वणाथ षडाििा॥ १०७॥

आज्ञा-चक्राब्ज-विलया शि
ु -शविं-समवन्वता।
मज्जासंस्था हंसवतर-मख्य
हवरद्रान्न ैक-रवसका हावकिर-रूि-धावरणर॥ १०८॥
सहस्रदल-िद्मस्था सवथ-वणोि-शोवभता।

सवाथयधधरा ु -संवस्थता सवथतोमखर॥
शि ु १०९॥

सवौदि-प्ररतवचत्ता यावकन्यम्बा-स्वरूविणर।
् धा श्मु िंाः-स्मृवत-िित्तमा
स्वाहा स्वधाऽमवतर-मे ु ॥११०॥

िण्यकरर्त ु
तीः िण्यलभ्ा ु

िलोमजार्तचता बन्ध-मोचिर बन्धरु ालका॥ १११॥
ववमशथरूविणर ववद्या ववयदावद-जगत्प्रसूीः।
ृ -ु विवावरणर॥ ११२॥
सवथव्यावध-प्रशमिर सवथमत्य
अग्रगण्याऽवचन्त्यरूिा कवलकल्मष-िावशिर।
कात्यायिर कालहन्त्रर कमलाि-विषेववता॥ ११३॥
ु दावडमर-कुसमु -प्रभा।

मृगािर मोवहिर मख्या मृडािर वमत्ररूविणर॥ ११४॥
वित्यतृप्ता भिंविवधर ्वियन्त्रर विवखलेश्वरर।
मैत्र्यावद-वासिालभ्ा महाप्रलय-साविणर॥ ११५॥
िरा शविंीः िरा विष्ठा प्रज्ञािघि-रूविणर।
माध्वरिािालसा मत्ता मातृका-वणथ-रूविणर॥ ११६॥
महाकै लास-विलया मृणाल-मृद-दोलथता।
महिरया दयामूर्ततर ्महासाम्राज्य-शावलिर॥ ११७॥
आत्मववद्या महाववद्या श्रववद्या कामसेववता।
श्र-षोडशािरर-ववद्या वत्रकू टा कामकोवटका॥ ११८॥


वशरीःवस्थता चिविभा भालस्थेि-धिष्प्रभा॥ ११९॥
हृदयस्था रववप्रख्या वत्रकोणान्तर-दरविका।
दािायणर दैत्यहन्त्रर दियज्ञ-वविावशिर॥ १२०॥
दरान्दोवलत-दरघाथिर दर-हासोज्ज्लि-म् खर।

ु र्ततर ्गणविवधर
गरुमू ु ु
्गोमाता गहजिभू
ीः॥ १२१॥
े र दण्डिरवतस्था दहराकाश-रूविणर।
ु -राकान्त-वतवर्-मण्डल-िूवजता॥१२२॥
कलावत्मका कलािार्ा काव्यालाि-वविोवदिर।
सचामर-रमा-वाणर-सव्य-दविण-सेववता ॥१२३॥
आवदशविं-िमेयाऽऽत्मा िरमा िाविाकृ वतीः।
अिेककोवट-ब्रह्माण्ड-जििर वदव्यववग्रहा॥ १२४॥
िरङ्कारर के वला गह्याु कै वल्य-िददावयिर।
वत्रिरा ्
ु वत्रजगद्वन्द्या वत्रमूर्ततस वत्रदशे
श्वरर॥ १२५॥
त्र्यिरर वदव्य-गन्धाढ्या वसन्दूर-वतलकावञ्चता।
उमा शैलेितिया गौरर गन्धवथ-सेववता॥ १२६॥
ववश्वगभाथ स्वणथगभाथऽवरदा वागधरश्वरर।
ध्यािगम्याऽिवरच्छेद्या ज्ञािदा ज्ञािववग्रहा॥ १२७॥
सवथवदे ान्त-संवद्य
े ा सत्यािन्द-स्वरूविणर ।
ु चता लरला-कॢप्त-ब्रह्माण्ड-मण्डला॥ १२८॥

अदृश्या दृश्यरवहता ववज्ञात्रर वेद्यवर्तजता।

योवगिर योगदा योग्ब्या योगािन्दा यगन्धरा॥ १२९॥

सवाथधारा सप्रवतष्ठा सदसद्रूि-धावरणर॥ १३०॥
अष्टमूर्तत-िजाज ैत्रर लोकयात्रा-ववधावयिर।
एकावकिर भूमरूिा विद्वैता द्वैतवर्तजता॥ १३१॥
ु वृद्धा ब्रह्मात्मैक्य-स्वरूविणर।
अन्नदा वसदा
बृहतर ब्राह्मणर ब्राह्मर ब्रह्मािन्दा बवलवप्रया॥१३२॥
भाषारूिा बृहत्सेिा भावाभाव-वववर्तजता।

सखाराध्या शभु करर शोभिा सलभा
ु गवतीः॥ १३३॥
राज-राजेश्वरर राज्य-दावयिर राज्य-वल्लभा।
राजत्कृ िा राजिरठ-विवेवशत-विजावश्ता॥ १३४॥
ु -बलेश्वरर।
राज्यलक्ष्मरीः कोशिार्ा चतरङ्ग
साम्राज्य-दावयिर सत्यसन्धा सागरमेखला॥ १३५॥
दरविता दैत्यशमिर सवथलोक-वशङ्करर।
सवाथर्दथ ात्रर साववत्रर सविदािन्द-रूविणर॥ १३६॥
देश-कालािवरवच्छन्ना सवथगा सवथमोवहिर।

सरस्वतर शास्त्रमयर गहाम्बा ु
गह्यरूविणर॥ १३७॥
थु ा सदावशव-िवतव्रता।


सम्प्रदायेश्वरर साध्वर गरुमण्डल -रूविणर॥ १३८॥

कुलोत्तरणाथ भगाराध्या माया मधमु तर महर ।

गणाम्बा गह्यकाराध्या ु
कोमलाङ्गर गरुवप्रया॥१३९॥
स्वतन्त्रा सवथतन्त्रेशर दविणामूर्तत-रूविणर।
सिकावद-समाराध्या वशवज्ञाि-प्रदावयिर॥ १४०॥
वचत्कलाऽऽिन्द-कवलका प्रेमरूिा वप्रयङ्करर।
िामिारायण-प्ररता िवन्दववद्या िटे श्वरर॥ १४१॥

वमथ्या-जगदवधष्ठािा मविंदा ु
लास्यवप्रया लयकरर लज्जा रम्भावदववन्दता॥ १४२॥
ु वष्टीः िािारण्य-दवािला।
दौभाथग्ब्य-तूलवातूला जराध्वान्त-रववप्रभा॥ १४३॥
भाग्ब्यावि-चविका भिं-वचत्तके वक-घिाघिा।
रोगिवथत-दम्भोवलर ्मृत्यदारु
ु -कुठावरका॥ १४४॥
महेश्वरर महाकालर महाग्रासा महाशिा।

अिणाथ चवण्डका चण्डमण्डास रु -विषूवदिर॥ १४५॥
िरािरावत्मका सवथ-लोके शर ववश्वधावरणर।

वत्रवगथदात्रर सभगा ु
त्र्यम्बका वत्रगणावत्मका॥ १४६॥
ु ा जिािष्प
स्वगाथिवगथदा शद्ध ु -विभाकृ वतीः।

ओजोवतर द्यवतधरा यज्ञरूिा वप्रयव्रता॥ १४७॥

दराराध्या दराधषाथ िाटलर-कुसमु -वप्रया।
महतर मेरुविलया मन्दार-कुसमु -वप्रया॥ १४८॥

वरराराध्या ववराड्रूिा ववरजा ववश्वतोमखर।
प्रत्यग्रूिा िराकाशा प्राणदा प्राणरूविणर॥ १४९॥
माताथण्ड-भ ैरवाराध्या मवन्त्रणरन्यस्त-राज्यधूीः।
ु िरािरा॥ १५०॥
वत्रिरेु शर जयत्सेिा विस्त्र ैगण्या
सत्य-ज्ञािािन्द-रूिा सामरस्य-िरायणा।
किर्तदिर कलामाला कामधक ु ् कामरूविणर॥ १५१॥
कलाविवधीः काव्यकला रसज्ञा रसशेववधीः।
ु िरातिा
िष्टा ु ु
िूज्या िष्करा ु िणा॥ १५२॥
िरंज्योवतीः िरंधाम िरमाणीःु िरात्परा।
िाशहस्ता िाशहन्त्रर िरमन्त्र-ववभेवदिर॥ १५३॥

मूताथऽमूताथऽवित्यतृप्ता मविमािस -हं वसका।

सत्यव्रता सत्यरूिा सवाथन्तयाथवमिर सतर॥ १५४॥

ु चता।
ब्रह्माणर ब्रह्मजििर बहुरूिा बधार्त
प्रसववत्रर प्रचण्डाऽऽज्ञा प्रवतष्ठा प्रकटाकृ वतीः॥ १५५॥
प्राणेश्वरर प्राणदात्रर िञ्चाशत्परठ-रूविणर।
ववशृङ्खला वववविंस्था वररमाता ववयत्प्रसूीः॥ १५६॥
ु ु न्दा मविंविलया
मक ु मूलववग्रह-रूविणर।

भावज्ञा भवरोगघ्नर भवचक्र-प्रवर्ततिर॥ १५७॥
छन्दीःसारा शास्त्रसारा मन्त्रसारा तलोदरर।
उदारकरर्तत-रुद्दामवैभवा वणथरूविणर॥ १५८॥
जिमृत्य-ु जरातप्त-जि-ववश्ावन्त-दावयिर।
ु शान्त्यतरत-कलावत्मका॥ १५९॥
सवोिविष-दद-् घष्टा
गम्भररा गगिान्तस्था गर्तवता गािलोलुिा।
कल्पिा-रवहता काष्ठाऽकान्ता कान्ताधथ-ववग्रहा॥
थु ा कामके वल-तरवङ्गता।
कित्किकता-टङ्का लरला-ववग्रह-धावरणर॥ १६१॥
थु ा मग्ब्ु धा विप्र-प्रसावदिर।
अजा ियववविमिं
थु -समाराध्या बवहमख
अन्तमख थु -सदलथ
ु भा॥ १६२॥

त्रयर वत्रवगथविलया वत्रस्था वत्रिरमावलिर।
ु वतीः॥ १६३॥
विरामया विरालम्बा स्वात्मारामा सधासृ


यज्ञवप्रया यज्ञकत्री यजमाि-स्वरूविणर॥ १६४॥

धमाथधारा धिाध्यिा धिधान्य-वववर्तधिर।
ववप्रवप्रया ववप्ररूिा ववश्वभ्रमण-कावरणर॥ १६५॥

ववश्वग्रासा ववद्रुमाभा वैष्णवर ववष्णरूविणर।
अयोविर ्योविविलया कू टस्था कुलरूविणर॥ १६६॥

वररगोष्ठरवप्रया वररा ि ैष्कम्याथ िादरूविणर।
ववज्ञािकलिा कल्या ववदग्ब्धा ब ैन्दवासिा॥ १६७॥
तत्त्वावधका तत्त्वमयर तत्त्वमर्थ-स्वरूविणर।
सामगािवप्रया सौम्या सदावशव-कुटुवम्बिर॥ १६८॥
सव्यािसव्य-मागथस्था सवाथिवद्वविवावरणर।
स्वस्था स्वभावमधरु ा धररा धररसमर्तचता॥ १६९॥
च ैतन्याघ्यथ-समाराध्या च ैतन्य-कुसमवप्रया।

ु तरुणावदत्य-िाटला॥ १७०॥
सदोवदता सदातष्टा

दविणा-दविणाराध्या दरस्मेर-मखाम्ब ु
कौवलिर-के वलाऽिघ्यथ-कै वल्य-िददावयिर॥ १७१॥

स्तोत्रवप्रया स्तवतमतर श्वु त-संस्ततु -वैभवा।
मिवस्विर मािवतर महेशर मङ्गलाकृ वतीः॥ १७२॥
ववश्वमाता जगद्धात्रर ववशालािर ववरावगणर।
प्रगल्भा िरमोदारा िरामोदा मिोमयर॥ १७३॥
व्योमके शर ववमािस्था ववज्रणर वामके श्वरर।
िञ्चयज्ञ-वप्रया िञ्च-प्रेत-मञ्चावधशावयिर॥ १७४॥
े र िञ्च-संख्योिचावरणर।
िञ्चमर िञ्चभूतश

शाश्वतर शाश्वतैश्वयाथ शमथदा शम्भमोवहिर॥ १७५॥
ु धन्या धर्तमणर धमथवर्तधिर।
धरा धरसता


लोकातरता गणातरता सवाथतरता शमावत्मका॥ १७६॥
ु बाला लरलावविोवदिर।

समङ्गलर ु
सखकरर सवेु षाढ्या सवावसिर॥
ु १७७॥

सवावसन्यचथ ु
ि-प्ररताऽऽशोभिा शद्धमािसा।
वबन्दु-तिण ु िूवज
थ -सन्तष्टा ु
थ ा वत्रिरावम्बका॥ १७८॥
ु -समाराध्या वत्रिराश्र
दशमद्रा ु -वशङ्करर।
ु ज्ञािगम्या ज्ञािज्ञेय-स्वरूविणर॥ १७९॥
योविमद्रा ु
ु वत्रखण्डेशर वत्रगणाम्बा वत्रकोणगा।
ु -चावरत्रा वावञ्छतार्थ-प्रदावयिर॥ १८०॥
अभ्ासावतशय-ज्ञाता षडध्वातरत-रूविणर।
ु -शासिा।
आबाल-गोि-वववदता सवाथिल्लङ्घ्य
् रस
श्रचक्रराज-विलया श्रमत-वत्रि ु न्दरर॥
ु १८२॥
श्रवशवा वशव-शक्त्य ैक्य-रूविणर लवलतावम्बका।

एवं श्रलवलता देव्या िाम्ां साहस्रकं जगीः॥

ु उत्तरखण्डे श्र हयग्ररवागस्त्यसंवादे

॥ इवत श्र ब्रह्माण्ड िराणे
श्रलवलता सहस्रिाम स्तोिं सम्पूणमथ ॥ ्

śrīmātā śrīmahārājñī śrīmatsiṃhāsaneśvarī ।

cidagnikuṇḍasambhūtā devakāryasamudyatā ॥ 1॥
udyadbhānusahasrābhā caturbāhusamanvitā ।
rāgasvarūpapāśāḍhyā krodhākārāṅkuśojjvalā ॥ 2॥

manorūpekṣukodaṇḍā pañcatanmātrasāyakā ।
nijāruṇaprabhāpūramajjadbrahmāṇḍamaṇḍalā ॥ 3॥

campakāśokapunnāgasaugandhikalasatkacā ।
kuruvindamaṇiśreṇīkanatkoṭīramaṇḍitā ॥ 4॥

aṣṭamīcandravibhrājadalikasthalaśobhitā ।
mukhacandrakalaṅkābhamṛganābhiviśeṣakā ॥ 5॥

vadanasmaramāṅgalyagṛhatoraṇacillikā ।
vaktralakṣmīparīvāhacalanmīnābhalocanā ॥ 6॥

navacampakapuṣpābhanāsādaṇḍavirājitā ।
tārākāntitiraskārināsābharaṇabhāsurā ॥ 7॥

kadambamañjarīkḷptakarṇapūramanoharā ।
tāṭaṅkayugalībhūtatapanoḍupamaṇḍalā ॥ 8॥

padmarāgaśilādarśaparibhāvikapolabhūḥ ।
navavidrumabimbaśrīnyakkāriradanacchadā ॥ 9॥

śuddhavidyāṅkurākāradvijapaṅktidvayojjvalā ।
karpūravīṭikāmodasamākarṣaddigantarā ॥ 10॥

nijasallāpamādhuryavinirbhartsitakacchapī । nijasaṃlāpa
mandasmitaprabhāpūramajjatkāmeśamānasā ॥ 11॥

anākalitasādṛśya cubukaśrī virājitā
kāmeśabaddhamāṅgalyasūtraśobhitakandharā ॥ 12॥

kanakāṅgadakeyūrakamanīyabhujānvitā ।
ratnagraiveyacintākalolamuktāphalānvitā ॥ 13॥

kāmeśvarapremaratnamaṇipratipaṇastanī ।
nābhyālavālaromālilatāphalakucadvayī ॥ 14॥

lakṣyaromalatādhāratāsamunneyamadhyamā ।
stanabhāradalanmadhyapaṭṭabandhavalitrayā ॥ 15॥

aruṇāruṇakausumbhavastrabhāsvatkaṭītaṭī ।
ratnakiṅkiṇikāramyaraśanādāmabhūṣitā ॥ 16॥

kāmeśajñātasaubhāgyamārdavorudvayānvitā ।
māṇikyamukuṭākārajānudvayavirājitā ॥ 17॥

indragopaparikṣiptasmaratūṇābhajaṅghikā ।
gūḍhagulphā kūrmapṛṣṭhajayiṣṇuprapadānvitā ॥ 18॥

nakhadīdhitisañchannanamajjanatamoguṇā ।
padadvayaprabhājālaparākṛtasaroruhā ॥ 19॥

siñjānamaṇimañjīramaṇḍitaśrīpadāmbujā ।
śiñjāna marālīmandagamanā mahālāvaṇyaśevadhiḥ ॥ 20॥

sarvāruṇā'navadyāṅgī sarvābharaṇabhūṣitā ।
śivakāmeśvarāṅkasthā śivā svādhīnavallabhā ॥ 21॥

sumerumadhyaśṛṅgasthā śrīmannagaranāyikā ।
cintāmaṇigṛhāntasthā pañcabrahmāsanasthitā ॥ 22॥

mahāpadmāṭavīsaṃsthā kadambavanavāsinī ।
sudhāsāgaramadhyasthā kāmākṣī kāmadāyinī ॥ 23॥

devarṣigaṇasaṅghātastūyamānātmavaibhavā ।
bhaṇḍāsuravadhodyuktaśaktisenāsamanvitā ॥ 24॥

sampatkarīsamārūḍhasindhuravrajasevitā ।
aśvārūḍhādhiṣṭhitāśvakoṭikoṭibhirāvṛtā ॥ 25॥

cakrarājarathārūḍhasarvāyudhapariṣkṛtā ।
geyacakrarathārūḍhamantriṇīparisevitā ॥ 26॥

kiricakrarathārūḍhadaṇḍanāthāpuraskṛtā ।
jvālāmālinikākṣiptavahniprākāramadhyagā ॥ 27॥

bhaṇḍasainyavadhodyuktaśaktivikramaharṣitā ।
nityāparākramāṭopanirīkṣaṇasamutsukā ॥ 28॥

bhaṇḍaputravadhodyuktabālāvikramananditā ।
mantriṇyambāviracitaviṣaṅgavadhatoṣitā ॥ 29॥

viśukraprāṇaharaṇavārāhīvīryananditā ।
kāmeśvaramukhālokakalpitaśrīgaṇeśvarā ॥ 30॥

mahāgaṇeśanirbhinnavighnayantrapraharṣitā ।
bhaṇḍāsurendranirmuktaśastrapratyastravarṣiṇī ॥ 31॥

karāṅgulinakhotpannanārāyaṇadaśākṛtiḥ ।
mahāpāśupatāstrāgninirdagdhāsurasainikā ॥ 32॥

kāmeśvarāstranirdagdhasabhaṇḍāsuraśūnyakā ।
brahmopendramahendrādidevasaṃstutavaibhavā ॥ 33॥

haranetrāgnisandagdhakāmasañjīvanauṣadhiḥ ।
śrīmadvāgbhavakūṭaikasvarūpamukhapaṅkajā ॥ 34॥

kaṇṭhādhaḥkaṭiparyantamadhyakūṭasvarūpiṇī ।
śaktikūṭaikatāpannakaṭyadhobhāgadhāriṇī ॥ 35॥

mūlamantrātmikā mūlakūṭatrayakalebarā ।
kulāmṛtaikarasikā kulasaṅketapālinī ॥ 36॥

kulāṅganā kulāntasthā kaulinī kulayoginī ।

akulā samayāntasthā samayācāratatparā ॥ 37॥

mūlādhāraikanilayā brahmagranthivibhedinī ।
maṇipūrāntaruditā viṣṇugranthivibhedinī ॥ 38॥

ājñācakrāntarālasthā rudragranthivibhedinī ।
sahasrārāmbujārūḍhā sudhāsārābhivarṣiṇī ॥ 39॥

taḍillatāsamaruciḥ ṣaṭcakroparisaṃsthitā ।
mahāsaktiḥ kuṇḍalinī bisatantutanīyasī ॥ 40॥

bhavānī bhāvanāgamyā bhavāraṇyakuṭhārikā ।

bhadrapriyā bhadramūrtirbhaktasaubhāgyadāyinī ॥ 41॥

bhaktipriyā bhaktigamyā bhaktivaśyā bhayāpahā ।
śāmbhavī śāradārādhyā śarvāṇī śarmadāyinī ॥ 42॥

śāṅkarī śrīkarī sādhvī śaraccandranibhānanā ।

śātodarī śāntimatī nirādhārā nirañjanā ॥ 43॥

nirlepā nirmalā nityā nirākārā nirākulā ।

nirguṇā niṣkalā śāntā niṣkāmā nirupaplavā ॥ 44॥

nityamuktā nirvikārā niṣprapañcā nirāśrayā ।

nityaśuddhā nityabuddhā niravadyā nirantarā ॥ 45॥

niṣkāraṇā niṣkalaṅkā nirupādhirnirīśvarā ।

nīrāgā rāgamathanī nirmadā madanāśinī ॥ 46॥

niścintā nirahaṅkārā nirmohā mohanāśinī ।

nirmamā mamatāhantrī niṣpāpā pāpanāśinī ॥ 47॥

niṣkrodhā krodhaśamanī nirlobhā lobhanāśinī ।

nissaṃśayā saṃśayaghnī nirbhavā bhavanāśinī ॥ 48॥

nirvikalpā nirābādhā nirbhedā bhedanāśinī ।

nirnāśā mṛtyumathanī niṣkriyā niṣparigrahā ॥ 49॥

nistulā nīlacikurā nirapāyā niratyayā ।

durlabhā durgamā durgā duḥkhahantrī sukhapradā ॥ 50॥

duṣṭadūrā durācāraśamanī doṣavarjitā ।

sarvajñā sāndrakaruṇā samānādhikavarjitā ॥ 51॥

sarvaśaktimayī sarvamaṅgalā sadgatipradā ।
sarveśvarī sarvamayī sarvamantrasvarūpiṇī ॥ 52॥

sarvayantrātmikā sarvatantrarūpā manonmanī ।

māheśvarī mahādevī mahālakṣmīrmṛḍapriyā ॥ 53॥

mahārūpā mahāpūjyā mahāpātakanāśinī ।

mahāmāyā mahāsattvā mahāśaktirmahāratiḥ ॥ 54॥

mahābhogā mahaiśvaryā mahāvīryā mahābalā ।

mahābuddhirmahāsiddhirmahāyogeśvareśvarī ॥ 55॥

mahātantrā mahāmantrā mahāyantrā mahāsanā ।

mahāyāgakramārādhyā mahābhairavapūjitā ॥ 56॥

maheśvaramahākalpamahātāṇḍavasākṣiṇī ।
mahākāmeśamahiṣī mahātripurasundarī ॥ 57॥

catuḥṣaṣṭyupacārāḍhyā catuḥṣaṣṭikalāmayī ।
mahācatuḥṣaṣṭikoṭiyoginīgaṇasevitā ॥ 58॥

manuvidyā candravidyā candramaṇḍalamadhyagā ।

cārurūpā cāruhāsā cārucandrakalādharā ॥ 59॥

carācarajagannāthā cakrarājaniketanā ।
pārvatī padmanayanā padmarāgasamaprabhā ॥ 60॥

pañcapretāsanāsīnā pañcabrahmasvarūpiṇī ।
cinmayī paramānandā vijñānaghanarūpiṇī ॥ 61॥

dhyānadhyātṛdhyeyarūpā dharmādharmavivarjitā ।
viśvarūpā jāgariṇī svapantī taijasātmikā ॥ 62॥

suptā prājñātmikā turyā sarvāvasthāvivarjitā ।

sṛṣṭikartrī brahmarūpā goptrī govindarūpiṇī ॥ 63॥

saṃhāriṇī rudrarūpā tirodhānakarīśvarī ।

sadāśivā'nugrahadā pañcakṛtyaparāyaṇā ॥ 64॥

bhānumaṇḍalamadhyasthā bhairavī bhagamālinī ।

padmāsanā bhagavatī padmanābhasahodarī ॥ 65॥

unmeṣanimiṣotpannavipannabhuvanāvalī ।
sahasraśīrṣavadanā sahasrākṣī sahasrapāt ॥ 66॥

ābrahmakīṭajananī varṇāśramavidhāyinī ।
nijājñārūpanigamā puṇyāpuṇyaphalapradā ॥ 67॥

śrutisīmantasindūrīkṛtapādābjadhūlikā ।
sakalāgamasandohaśuktisampuṭamauktikā ॥ 68॥

puruṣārthapradā pūrṇā bhoginī bhuvaneśvarī ।

ambikā'nādinidhanā haribrahmendrasevitā ॥ 69॥

nārāyaṇī nādarūpā nāmarūpavivarjitā ।

hrīṅkārī hrīmatī hṛdyā heyopādeyavarjitā ॥ 70॥

rājarājārcitā rājñī ramyā rājīvalocanā ।

rañjanī ramaṇī rasyā raṇatkiṅkiṇimekhalā ॥ 71॥

ramā rākenduvadanā ratirūpā ratipriyā ।
rakṣākarī rākṣasaghnī rāmā ramaṇalampaṭā ॥ 72॥

kāmyā kāmakalārūpā kadambakusumapriyā ।

kalyāṇī jagatīkandā karuṇārasasāgarā ॥ 73॥

kalāvatī kalālāpā kāntā kādambarīpriyā ।

varadā vāmanayanā vāruṇīmadavihvalā ॥ 74॥

viśvādhikā vedavedyā vindhyācalanivāsinī ।

vidhātrī vedajananī viṣṇumāyā vilāsinī ॥ 75॥

kṣetrasvarūpā kṣetreśī kṣetrakṣetrajñapālinī ।

kṣayavṛddhivinirmuktā kṣetrapālasamarcitā ॥ 76॥

vijayā vimalā vandyā vandārujanavatsalā ।

vāgvādinī vāmakeśī vahnimaṇḍalavāsinī ॥ 77॥

bhaktimatkalpalatikā paśupāśavimocinī ।
saṃhṛtāśeṣapāṣaṇḍā sadācārapravartikā ॥ 78॥

tāpatrayāgnisantaptasamāhlādanacandrikā ।
taruṇī tāpasārādhyā tanumadhyā tamo'pahā ॥ 79॥

citistatpadalakṣyārthā cidekarasarūpiṇī ।
svātmānandalavībhūtabrahmādyānandasantatiḥ ॥ 80॥

parā pratyakcitīrūpā paśyantī paradevatā ।

madhyamā vaikharīrūpā bhaktamānasahaṃsikā ॥ 81॥

kāmeśvaraprāṇanāḍī kṛtajñā kāmapūjitā ।
śṛṅgārarasasampūrṇā jayā jālandharasthitā ॥ 82॥

oḍyāṇapīṭhanilayā bindumaṇḍalavāsinī ।
rahoyāgakramārādhyā rahastarpaṇatarpitā ॥ 83॥

sadyaḥprasādinī viśvasākṣiṇī sākṣivarjitā ।

ṣaḍaṅgadevatāyuktā ṣāḍguṇyaparipūritā ॥ 84॥

nityaklinnā nirupamā nirvāṇasukhadāyinī ।

nityāṣoḍaśikārūpā śrīkaṇṭhārdhaśarīriṇī ॥ 85॥

prabhāvatī prabhārūpā prasiddhā parameśvarī ।

mūlaprakṛtiravyaktā vyaktāvyaktasvarūpiṇī ॥ 86॥

vyāpinī vividhākārā vidyāvidyā-svarūpiṇī ।

mahākāmeśanayanakumudāhlādakaumudī ॥ 87॥

bhaktahārdatamobhedabhānumadbhānusantatiḥ ।
śivadūtī śivārādhyā śivamūrtiḥ śivaṅkarī ॥ 88॥

śivapriyā śivaparā śiṣṭeṣṭā śiṣṭapūjitā ।

aprameyā svaprakāśā manovācāmagocarā ॥ 89॥

cicchaktiś cetanārūpā jaḍaśaktirjaḍātmikā ।

gāyatrī vyāhṛtiḥ sandhyā dvijabṛndaniṣevitā ॥ 90॥

tattvāsanā tattvamayī pañcakośāntarasthitā ।

niḥsīmamahimā nityayauvanā madaśālinī ॥ 91॥

madaghūrṇitaraktākṣī madapāṭalagaṇḍabhūḥ ।
candanadravadigdhāṅgī cāmpeyakusumapriyā ॥ 92॥

kuśalā komalākārā kurukullā kuleśvarī ।

kulakuṇḍālayā kaulamārgatatparasevitā ॥ 93॥

kumāragaṇanāthāmbā tuṣṭiḥ puṣṭirmatirdhṛtiḥ ।

śāntiḥ svastimatī kāntirnandinī vighnanāśinī ॥ 94॥

tejovatī trinayanā lolākṣīkāmarūpiṇī ।

mālinī haṃsinī mātā malayācalavāsinī ॥ 95॥

sumukhī nalinī subhrūḥ śobhanā suranāyikā ।

kālakaṇṭhī kāntimatī kṣobhiṇī sūkṣmarūpiṇī ॥ 96॥

vajreśvarī vāmadevī vayo'vasthāvivarjitā ।

siddheśvarī siddhavidyā siddhamātā yaśasvinī ॥ 97॥

viśuddhicakranilayā''raktavarṇā trilocanā ।
khaṭvāṅgādipraharaṇā vadanaikasamanvitā ॥ 98॥

pāyasānnapriyā tvaksthā paśulokabhayaṅkarī ।

amṛtādimahāśaktisaṃvṛtā ḍākinīśvarī ॥ 99॥

anāhatābjanilayā śyāmābhā vadanadvayā ।

daṃṣṭrojjvalā'kṣamālādidharā rudhirasaṃsthitā ॥ 100॥

kālarātryādiśaktyaughavṛtā snigdhaudanapriyā ।
mahāvīrendravaradā rākiṇyambāsvarūpiṇī ॥ 101॥

maṇipūrābjanilayā vadanatrayasaṃyutā ।
vajrādikāyudhopetā ḍāmaryādibhirāvṛtā ॥ 102॥

raktavarṇā māṃsaniṣṭhā guḍānnaprītamānasā ।

samastabhaktasukhadā lākinyambāsvarūpiṇī ॥ 103॥

svādhiṣṭhānāmbujagatā caturvaktramanoharā ।
śūlādyāyudhasampannā pītavarṇā'tigarvitā ॥ 104॥

medoniṣṭhā madhuprītā bandhinyādisamanvitā ।

dadhyannāsaktahṛdayā kākinīrūpadhāriṇī ॥ 105॥

mūlādhārāmbujārūḍhā pañcavaktrā'sthisaṃsthitā ।
aṅkuśādipraharaṇā varadādiniṣevitā ॥ 106॥

mudgaudanāsaktacittā sākinyambāsvarūpiṇī ।
ājñācakrābjanilayā śuklavarṇā ṣaḍānanā ॥ 107॥

majjāsaṃsthā haṃsavatīmukhyaśaktisamanvitā ।
haridrānnaikarasikā hākinīrūpadhāriṇī ॥ 108॥

sahasradalapadmasthā sarvavarṇopaśobhitā ।
sarvāyudhadharā śuklasaṃsthitā sarvatomukhī ॥ 109॥

sarvaudanaprītacittā yākinyambāsvarūpiṇī ।
svāhā svadhā'matirmedhā śrutiḥ smṛtiranuttamā ॥ 110॥

puṇyakīrtiḥ puṇyalabhyā puṇyaśravaṇakīrtanā ।

pulomajārcitā bandhamocanī bandhurālakā ॥ 111॥ mocanī
vimarśarūpiṇī vidyā viyadādijagatprasūḥ ।
sarvavyādhipraśamanī sarvamṛtyunivāriṇī ॥ 112॥

agragaṇyā'cintyarūpā kalikalmaṣanāśinī ।
kātyāyanī kālahantrī kamalākṣaniṣevitā ॥ 113॥

tāmbūlapūritamukhī dāḍimīkusumaprabhā ।
mṛgākṣī mohinī mukhyā mṛḍānī mitrarūpiṇī ॥ 114॥

nityatṛptā bhaktanidhirniyantrī nikhileśvarī ।

maitryādivāsanālabhyā mahāpralayasākṣiṇī ॥ 115॥

parā śaktiḥ parā niṣṭhā prajñānaghanarūpiṇī ।

mādhvīpānālasā mattā mātṛkāvarṇarūpiṇī ॥ 116॥

mahākailāsanilayā mṛṇālamṛdudorlatā ।
mahanīyā dayāmūrtirmahāsāmrājyaśālinī ॥ 117॥

ātmavidyā mahāvidyā śrīvidyā kāmasevitā ।

śrīṣoḍaśākṣarīvidyā trikūṭā kāmakoṭikā ॥ 118॥

kaṭākṣakiṅkarībhūtakamalākoṭisevitā ।
śiraḥsthitā candranibhā bhālasthendradhanusḥprabhā ॥ 119॥

hṛdayasthā raviprakhyā trikoṇāntaradīpikā ।

dākṣāyaṇī daityahantrī dakṣayajñavināśinī ॥ 120॥

darāndolitadīrghākṣī darahāsojjvalanmukhī ।

gurumūrtirguṇanidhirgomātā guhajanmabhūḥ ॥ 121॥

deveśī daṇḍanītisthā daharākāśarūpiṇī ।

pratipanmukhyarākāntatithimaṇḍalapūjitā ॥ 122॥

kalātmikā kalānāthā kāvyālāpavinodinī । vimodinī

sacāmararamāvāṇīsavyadakṣiṇasevitā ॥ 123॥

ādiśaktirameyā''tmā paramā pāvanākṛtiḥ ।

anekakoṭibrahmāṇḍajananī divyavigrahā ॥ 124॥

klīṅkārī kevalā guhyā kaivalyapadadāyinī ।

tripurā trijagadvandyā trimūrtistridaśeśvarī ॥ 125॥

tryakṣarī divyagandhāḍhyā sindūratilakāñcitā ।

umā śailendratanayā gaurī gandharvasevitā ॥ 126॥

viśvagarbhā svarṇagarbhā'varadā vāgadhīśvarī ।

dhyānagamyā'paricchedyā jñānadā jñānavigrahā ॥ 127॥

sarvavedāntasaṃvedyā satyānandasvarūpiṇī ।
lopāmudrārcitā līlākḷptabrahmāṇḍamaṇḍalā ॥ 128॥

adṛśyā dṛśyarahitā vijñātrī vedyavarjitā ।

yoginī yogadā yogyā yogānandā yugandharā ॥ 129॥

icchāśaktijñānaśaktikriyāśaktisvarūpiṇī ।
sarvādhārā supratiṣṭhā sadasadrūpadhāriṇī ॥ 130॥

aṣṭamūrtirajājaitrī lokayātrāvidhāyinī । ajājetrī

ekākinī bhūmarūpā nirdvaitā dvaitavarjitā ॥ 131॥

annadā vasudā vṛddhā brahmātmaikyasvarūpiṇī ।

bṛhatī brāhmaṇī brāhmī brahmānandā balipriyā ॥ 132॥

bhāṣārūpā bṛhatsenā bhāvābhāvavivarjitā ।

sukhārādhyā śubhakarī śobhanā sulabhā gatiḥ ॥ 133॥

rājarājeśvarī rājyadāyinī rājyavallabhā ।

rājatkṛpā rājapīṭhaniveśitanijāśritā ॥ 134॥

rājyalakṣmīḥ kośanāthā caturaṅgabaleśvarī ।

sāmrājyadāyinī satyasandhā sāgaramekhalā ॥ 135॥

dīkṣitā daityaśamanī sarvalokavaśaṅkarī ।

sarvārthadātrī sāvitrī saccidānandarūpiṇī ॥ 136॥

deśakālāparicchinnā sarvagā sarvamohinī ।

sarasvatī śāstramayī guhāmbā guhyarūpiṇī ॥ 137॥

sarvopādhivinirmuktā sadāśivapativratā ।
sampradāyeśvarī sādhvī gurumaṇḍalarūpiṇī ॥ 138॥

kulottīrṇā bhagārādhyā māyā madhumatī mahī ।

gaṇāmbā guhyakārādhyā komalāṅgī gurupriyā ॥ 139॥

svatantrā sarvatantreśī dakṣiṇāmūrtirūpiṇī ।

sanakādisamārādhyā śivajñānapradāyinī ॥ 140॥

citkalā''nandakalikā premarūpā priyaṅkarī ।

nāmapārāyaṇaprītā nandividyā naṭeśvarī ॥ 141॥

mithyājagadadhiṣṭhānā muktidā muktirūpiṇī ।

lāsyapriyā layakarī lajjā rambhādivanditā ॥ 142॥

bhavadāvasudhāvṛṣṭiḥ pāpāraṇyadavānalā ।
daurbhāgyatūlavātūlā jarādhvāntaraviprabhā ॥ 143॥

bhāgyābdhicandrikā bhaktacittakekighanāghanā ।
rogaparvatadambholirmṛtyudārukuṭhārikā ॥ 144॥

maheśvarī mahākālī mahāgrāsā mahāśanā ।

aparṇā caṇḍikā caṇḍamuṇḍāsuraniṣūdinī ॥ 145॥

kṣarākṣarātmikā sarvalokeśī viśvadhāriṇī ।

trivargadātrī subhagā tryambakā triguṇātmikā ॥ 146॥

svargāpavargadā śuddhā japāpuṣpanibhākṛtiḥ ।

ojovatī dyutidharā yajñarūpā priyavratā ॥ 147॥

durārādhyā durādharṣā pāṭalīkusumapriyā ।

mahatī merunilayā mandārakusumapriyā ॥ 148॥

vīrārādhyā virāḍrūpā virajā viśvatomukhī ।

pratyagrūpā parākāśā prāṇadā prāṇarūpiṇī ॥ 149॥

mārtāṇḍabhairavārādhyā mantriṇīnyastarājyadhūḥ । mārtaṇḍa

tripureśī jayatsenā nistraiguṇyā parāparā ॥ 150॥

satyajñānānandarūpā sāmarasyaparāyaṇā ।

kapardinī kalāmālā kāmadhuk kāmarūpiṇī ॥ 151॥

kalānidhiḥ kāvyakalā rasajñā rasaśevadhiḥ ।

puṣṭā purātanā pūjyā puṣkarā puṣkarekṣaṇā ॥ 152॥

parañjyotiḥ parandhāma paramāṇuḥ parātparā ।

pāśahastā pāśahantrī paramantravibhedinī ॥ 153॥

mūrtā'mūrtā'nityatṛptā munimānasahaṃsikā ।
satyavratā satyarūpā sarvāntaryāminī satī ॥ 154॥

brahmāṇī brahmajananī bahurūpā budhārcitā ।

prasavitrī pracaṇḍā''jñā pratiṣṭhā prakaṭākṛtiḥ ॥ 155॥

prāṇeśvarī prāṇadātrī pañcāśatpīṭharūpiṇī ।

viśṛṅkhalā viviktasthā vīramātā viyatprasūḥ ॥ 156॥

mukundā muktinilayā mūlavigraharūpiṇī ।

bhāvajñā bhavarogaghnī bhavacakrapravartinī ॥ 157॥

chandaḥsārā śāstrasārā mantrasārā talodarī ।

udārakīrtiruddāmavaibhavā varṇarūpiṇī ॥ 158॥

janmamṛtyujarātaptajanaviśrāntidāyinī ।
sarvopaniṣadudghuṣṭā śāntyatītakalātmikā ॥ 159॥

gambhīrā gaganāntasthā garvitā gānalolupā ।

kalpanārahitā kāṣṭhā'kāntā kāntārdhavigrahā ॥ 160॥

kāryakāraṇanirmuktā kāmakelitaraṅgitā ।

kanatkanakatāṭaṅkā līlāvigrahadhāriṇī ॥ 161॥

ajā kṣayavinirmuktā mugdhā kṣipraprasādinī ।

antarmukhasamārādhyā bahirmukhasudurlabhā ॥ 162॥

trayī trivarganilayā tristhā tripuramālinī ।

nirāmayā nirālambā svātmārāmā sudhāsṛtiḥ ॥ 163॥

saṃsārapaṅkanirmagnasamuddharaṇapaṇḍitā ।
yajñapriyā yajñakartrī yajamānasvarūpiṇī ॥ 164॥

dharmādhārā dhanādhyakṣā dhanadhānyavivardhinī ।

viprapriyā viprarūpā viśvabhramaṇakāriṇī ॥ 165॥

viśvagrāsā vidrumābhā vaiṣṇavī viṣṇurūpiṇī ।

ayoniryoninilayā kūṭasthā kularūpiṇī ॥ 166॥

vīragoṣṭhīpriyā vīrā naiṣkarmyā nādarūpiṇī ।

vijñānakalanā kalyā vidagdhā baindavāsanā ॥ 167॥

tattvādhikā tattvamayī tattvamarthasvarūpiṇī ।

sāmagānapriyā saumyā sadāśivakuṭumbinī ॥ 168॥ somyā
savyāpasavyamārgasthā sarvāpadvinivāriṇī ।
svasthā svabhāvamadhurā dhīrā dhīrasamarcitā ॥ 169॥

caitanyārghyasamārādhyā caitanyakusumapriyā ।
sadoditā sadātuṣṭā taruṇādityapāṭalā ॥ 170॥

dakṣiṇādakṣiṇārādhyā darasmeramukhāmbujā ।
kaulinīkevalā'narghyakaivalyapadadāyinī ॥ 171॥

stotrapriyā stutimatī śrutisaṃstutavaibhavā ।
manasvinī mānavatī maheśī maṅgalākṛtiḥ ॥ 172॥

viśvamātā jagaddhātrī viśālākṣī virāgiṇī ।

pragalbhā paramodārā parāmodā manomayī ॥ 173॥

vyomakeśī vimānasthā vajriṇī vāmakeśvarī ।

pañcayajñapriyā pañcapretamañcādhiśāyinī ॥ 174॥

pañcamī pañcabhūteśī pañcasaṅkhyopacāriṇī ।

śāśvatī śāśvataiśvaryā śarmadā śambhumohinī ॥ 175॥

dharā dharasutā dhanyā dharmiṇī dharmavardhinī ।

lokātītā guṇātītā sarvātītā śamātmikā ॥ 176॥

bandhūkakusumaprakhyā bālā līlāvinodinī ।

sumaṅgalī sukhakarī suveṣāḍhyā suvāsinī ॥ 177॥

suvāsinyarcanaprītā''śobhanā śuddhamānasā ।
bindutarpaṇasantuṣṭā pūrvajā tripurāmbikā ॥ 178॥

daśamudrāsamārādhyā tripurāśrīvaśaṅkarī ।
jñānamudrā jñānagamyā jñānajñeyasvarūpiṇī ॥ 179॥

yonimudrā trikhaṇḍeśī triguṇāmbā trikoṇagā ।

anaghā'dbhutacāritrā vāñchitārthapradāyinī ॥ 180॥

abhyāsātiśayajñātā ṣaḍadhvātītarūpiṇī ।
avyājakaruṇāmūrtirajñānadhvāntadīpikā ॥ 181॥

ābālagopaviditā sarvānullaṅghyaśāsanā ।
śrīcakrarājanilayā śrīmattripurasundarī ॥ 182॥

śrīśivā śivaśaktyaikyarūpiṇī lalitāmbikā ।

evaṃ śrīlalitā devyā nāmnāṃ sāhasrakaṃ jaguḥ ॥

॥ iti śrī brahmāṇḍa purāṇe uttarakhaṇḍe

śrīlalitāsahasranāmastotrakathanaṃ sampūrṇam ॥

93. महालक्ष्म्यष्टकम ् (mahālakṣmyaṣṭakam)

िमस्तेऽस्त ु महामाये श्रिरठे सरिू
ु वजते।
शङ्खचक्रगदाहस्ते महालवक्ष्म िमोऽस्त ु ते॥ १॥

िमस्ते गरुडारूढे कोलासरभयङ्कवर।
सवथिािहरे देवव महालवक्ष्म िमोऽस्त ु ते॥ २॥
सवथज्ञ े सवथवरदे सवथदष्टभयङ्कवर।
सवथदीःखहरे देवव महालवक्ष्म िमोऽस्त ु ते॥ ३॥

वसवद्धबवद्धप्रदे ु विंप्रदावयवि।
देवव भविंम ु
मन्त्रमूत े सदा देवव महालवक्ष्म िमोऽस्त ु ते॥ ४॥
आद्यन्तरवहते देवव आद्यशविंमहेश्ववर।
योगजे योगसम्भूत े महालवक्ष्म िमोऽस्त ु ते॥ ५॥
स्थूलसूक्ष्ममहारौद्रे महाशविं महोदरे।

महािािहरे देवव महालवक्ष्म िमोऽस्त ु ते॥ ६॥
िद्मासिवस्थते देवव िरब्रह्मस्वरूविवण।
िरमेवश जगिाता महालवक्ष्म िमोऽस्त ु ते॥ ७॥
श्वेताम्बरधरे देवव िािालङ्कारभूवषते।
जगवत्स्थते जगिातमथहालवक्ष्म िमोऽस्त ु ते॥ ८॥
महालक्ष्म्यष्टकस्तोत्रं यीः िठे द्भविंमान्नरीः।
सवथवसवद्धमवाप्नोवत राज्यं प्राप्नोवत सवथदा॥
एककाले िठे वन्नत्यं महािािवविाशिम।्
वद्वकालं यीः िठे वन्नत्यं धिधान्यसमवन्वतीः॥

वत्रकालं यीः िठे वन्नत्यं महाशत्रवविाशिम ।्
महालक्ष्मरभथववे न्नत्यं प्रसन्न वरदा शभु ा॥
namaste'stu mahāmāye śrīpīṭhe surapūjite|
śaṅkhacakragadāhaste mahālakṣmi namo'stu te|| 1||

namaste garuḍārūḍhe kolāsurabhayaṅkari|

sarvapāpahare devi mahālakṣmi namo'stu te|| 2||

sarvajñe sarvavarade sarvaduṣṭabhayaṅkari|

sarvaduḥkhahare devi mahālakṣmi namo'stu te|| 3||

siddhibuddhiprade devi bhuktimuktipradāyini|

mantramūrte sadā devi mahālakṣmi namo'stu te|| 4||

ādyantarahite devi ādyaśaktimaheśvari|

yogaje yogasambhūte mahālakṣmi namo'stu te|| 5||

sthūlasūkṣmamahāraudre mahāśakti mahodare|
mahāpāpahare devi mahālakṣmi namo'stu te|| 6||

padmāsanasthite devi parabrahmasvarūpiṇi|

parameśi jaganmātā mahālakṣmi namo'stu te|| 7||

śvetāmbaradhare devi nānālaṅkārabhūṣite|

jagatsthite jaganmātarmahālakṣmi namo'stu te|| 8||

mahālakṣmyaṣṭakastotraṁ yaḥ paṭhedbhaktimānnaraḥ|

sarvasiddhimavāpnoti rājyaṁ prāpnoti sarvadā||

ekakāle paṭhennityaṁ mahāpāpavināśanam|

dvikālaṁ yaḥ paṭhennityaṁ dhanadhānyasamanvitaḥ||

trikālaṁ yaḥ paṭhennityaṁ mahāśatruvināśanam|

mahālakṣmīrbhavennityaṁ prasanna varadā śubhā||

94. लक्ष्म्यष्टोत्तरशतिाम स्तोत्रम ्

(lakṣmyaṣṭottaraśatanāma stotram)
ु - devyuvāca -
देवदेव महादेव वत्रकालज्ञ महेश्वर ।
करुणाकर देवश ु
े भिंािग्रहकारक ॥ १॥

अष्टोत्तरशतं लक्ष्म्याीः श्ोतवमच्छावम तत्त्वतीः ।
devadeva mahādeva trikālajña maheśvara |
karuṇākara deveśa bhaktānugrahakāraka || 1||
aṣṭottaraśataṁ lakṣmyāḥ śrotumicchāmi tattvataḥ |

ईश्वर उवाच - īśvara uvāca

देवव साध ु महाभागे महाभाग्ब्यप्रदायकम ।्
ु सवथिािप्रणाशिम ॥
सवैश्वयथकरं िण्यं ् २॥

सवथदावरद्र्यशमिं श्वणाद्भवु िंमविंदम ।्
ु ह्यतमं
राजवश्यकरं वदव्यं गह्याद्ग ु िरम ॥् ३॥

दलथभ ं सवथदवे ािां चतीःषवष्टकलास्पदम ।्
िद्मादरिां वरान्तािां ववधरिां वित्यदायकम ॥ ् ४॥
समस्तदेवसंसव्य े मवणमाद्यष्टवसवद्धदम ।्
वकमत्र बहुिोिंे ि देवर प्रत्यिदायकम ॥ ् ५॥
तव प्ररत्याद्य वक्ष्यावम समावहतमिाीः शृण ं ु ।
अष्टोत्तरशतस्यास्य महालक्ष्मरस्त ु देवता ॥ ६॥
िींबरजिदवमत्यिंंु शविंस्त ु भविे
ु श्वरर ।
अङ्गन्यासीः करन्यास स इत्यावदीः प्रकरर्तततीः ॥ ७॥
devi sādhu mahābhāge mahābhāgyapradāyakam |
sarvaiśvaryakaraṁ puṇyaṁ sarvapāpapraṇāśanam || 2||
sarvadāridryaśamanaṁ śravaṇādbhuktimuktidam |
rājavaśyakaraṁ divyaṁ guhyādguhyatamaṁ param || 3||
durlabhaṁ sarvadevānāṁ catuḥṣaṣṭikalāspadam |
padmādīnāṁ varāntānāṁ vidhīnāṁ nityadāyakam || 4||
samastadevasaṁsevyamaṇimādyaṣṭasiddhidam |
kimatra bahunoktena devī pratyakṣadāyakam || 5||
tava prītyādya vakṣyāmi samāhitamanāḥ śṛṇuṁ |
aṣṭottaraśatasyāsya mahālakṣmīstu devatā || 6||
klīṁbījapadamityuktaṁ śaktistu bhuvaneśvarī |
aṅganyāsaḥ karanyāsa sa ityādiḥ prakīrtitaḥ || 7||

ध्यािम -् dhyānam
वन्दे िद्मकरां प्रसन्नवदिां सौभाग्ब्यदां भाग्ब्यदां
हस्ताभ्ामभयप्रदां मवणगणैिाथिाववध ैभूवथ षताम ।्
भिंाभरष्टफलप्रदां हवरहरब्रह्मावदवभीः सेववतां
थु ां सदा शविंवभीः ॥ ८॥
िाश्वे िङ्कजशङ्खिद्मविवधवभयिं
सरवसजियिे सरोजहस्ते धवलतरांशक ु गन्धमाल्यशोभे ।

भगववत हवरवल्लभे मिोज्ञे वत्रभविभू ् ९॥
वतकवर प्रसरद मह्यम ॥
प्रकृ सत ववकृ सत ववद्यां सवथभतू वहतप्रदाम ।्
श्द्धां ववभूसत सरसभु िमावम िरमावत्मकाम ॥ ् १०॥
वाचं िद्मालयां िद्मां शसु च स्वाहां स्वधां सधाम
ु ।्
ु ववभावररम ॥
धन्यां वहरण्मयीं लक्ष्मीं वित्यिष्टां ् ११॥
ु वसधावरणरम
अवदसत च वदसत दरप्तां वसधां ु ।्
् १२॥
िमावम कमलां कान्तां कामािीं क्रोधसम्भवाम ॥

अिग्रहिदां ु
बवद्धमिघां हवरवल्लभाम ।्
अशोकाममृतां दरप्तां लोकशोकवविावशिरम ॥ ् १३॥
िमावम धमथविलयां करुणां लोकमातरम ।्

िद्मवप्रयां िद्महस्तां िद्मािीं िद्मसन्दररम ् १४॥

ु िद्मिाभवप्रयां रमाम ।्
िद्मोद्भवां िद्ममखीं
् १५॥
िद्ममालाधरां देवीं िवद्मिीं िद्मगवन्धिरम ॥


िण्यगन्धां ु
सप्रसन्नां ु प्रभाम ।्
िमावम चिवदिां चिां चिसहोदररम ॥ ् १६॥
चतभु जथु ां चिरूिावमवन्दरावमन्दुशरतलाम ।्
ु वशवां वशवकरीं सतरम ॥
आह्लादजििीं िसष्ट ् १७॥
ु दावरद्र्यिावशिरम ।्
ववमलां ववश्वजििीं तसष्ट

प्ररवतिष्कवरणीं ् १८॥
ु माल्याम्बरां वश्यम ॥
शान्तां शि
भास्करीं वबल्वविलयां वरारोहां यशवस्विरम ।्

वसन्धराम ु
दाराङ्गीं ् १९॥
हवरणीं हेममावलिरम ॥
धिधान्यकरीं वससद्ध सदा सौम्यां शभु प्रदाम ।्

िृिवेश्मगतािन्दां वरलक्ष्मीं वसप्रदाम ् २०॥

शभु ां वहरण्यप्राकारां समद्रतियां
ु जयाम ।्

िमावम मङ्गलां देवीं ववष्णविीःस्थलवस्थताम ् २१॥

ु प्रसन्नािीं िारायणसमावश्ताम ।्
् २२॥
दावरद्र्यध्वंवसिीं देवीं सवोिद्रवहावरणरम ॥

िवदगां महाकालीं ब्रह्मववष्णवशवावत्मकाम ।्
् २३॥
ु श्वररम ॥
वत्रकालज्ञािसम्पन्नां िमावम भविे

लक्ष्मीं िररसमद्रराजतियां श्ररङ्गधामेश्वरीं
दासरभूतसमस्तदेवववितां लोकै कदरिाङ्कुराम ।्
श्रमिन्दकटािलिववभवब्रह्मेिगङ्गाधरां त्वां

त्रैलोक्यकुटुवम्बिीं सरवसजां वन्दे मक ् २४॥
ु ु न्दवप्रयाम ॥
माति थमावम कमले कमलायतावि

श्रववष्णहृत्कमलवावसवि ववश्वमातीः ।
िररोदजे कमलकोमलगभथगौवर लवक्ष्म
प्रसरद सततं िमतां शरण्ये ॥ २५॥

वत्रकालं यो जिेवद्वद्वाि षण्मासं वववजतेवियीः ।
दावरद्र्यध्वंसिं कृ त्वा सवथमाप्नोत्ययत्नतीः ॥ २६॥
देवरिामसहस्रेष ु िण्यमष्टोत्तरं
ु शतम ।्
येि वश्यमवाप्नोवत कोवटजिदवरद्रतीः ॥ २७॥
ु शतं धरमाि िठे
भृगवारे ् द्वत्सरमात्रकम ।्
अष्ट ैश्वयथमवाप्नोवत कुबेर इव भूतले ॥ २८॥
दावरद्र्यमोचिं िाम स्तोत्रमम्बािरं शतम ।्
येि वश्यमवाप्नोवत कोवटजिदवरवद्रतीः ॥ २९॥
ु त ु वविलाि
भक्त्वा ु ्
भोगािस्याीः ु
सायज्यमाप्न ु ।्
प्रातीःकाले िठे वन्नत्यं सवथदीःखोिशान्तये ।
् ३०॥
िठं स्त ु वचन्तयेद्दवे ीं सवाथभरणभूवषताम ॥

॥ इवत श्रलक्ष्म्यष्टोत्तरशतिामस्तोत्रं सम्पूण थम ॥
vande padmakarāṁ prasannavadanāṁ saubhāgyadāṁ
hastābhyāmabhayapradāṁ maṇigaṇairnānāvidhairbhūṣitām |

bhaktābhīṣṭaphalapradāṁ hariharabrahmādibhiḥ sevitāṁ
pārśve paṅkajaśaṅkhapadmanidhibhiryuktāṁ sadā śaktibhiḥ ||

sarasijanayane sarojahaste dhavalatarāṁśukagandhamālyaśobhe

bhagavati harivallabhe manojñe tribhuvanabhūtikari prasīda
mahyam || 9||

prakṛtiṁ vikṛtiṁ vidyāṁ sarvabhūtahitapradām |

śraddhāṁ vibhūtiṁ surabhiṁ namāmi paramātmikām || 10||

vācaṁ padmālayāṁ padmāṁ śuciṁ svāhāṁ svadhāṁ sudhām |

dhanyāṁ hiraṇmayīṁ lakṣmīṁ nityapuṣṭāṁ vibhāvarīm || 11||

aditiṁ ca ditiṁ dīptāṁ vasudhāṁ vasudhāriṇīm |

namāmi kamalāṁ kāntāṁ kāmākṣīṁ krodhasambhavām || 12||

anugrahapadāṁ buddhimanaghāṁ harivallabhām |

aśokāmamṛtāṁ dīptāṁ lokaśokavināśinīm || 13||

namāmi dharmanilayāṁ karuṇāṁ lokamātaram |

padmapriyāṁ padmahastāṁ padmākṣīṁ padmasundarīm || 14||

padmodbhavāṁ padmamukhīṁ padmanābhapriyāṁ ramām |

padmamālādharāṁ devīṁ padminīṁ padmagandhinīm || 15||

puṇyagandhāṁ suprasannāṁ prasādābhimukhīṁ prabhām |

namāmi candravadanāṁ candrāṁ candrasahodarīm || 16||

caturbhujāṁ candrarūpāmindirāminduśītalām |
āhlādajananīṁ puṣṭiṁ śivāṁ śivakarīṁ satīm || 17||

vimalāṁ viśvajananīṁ tuṣṭiṁ dāridryanāśinīm |

prītipuṣkariṇīṁ śāntāṁ śuklamālyāmbarāṁ śriyam || 18||

bhāskarīṁ bilvanilayāṁ varārohāṁ yaśasvinīm |
vasundharāmudārāṅgīṁ hariṇīṁ hemamālinīm || 19||

dhanadhānyakarīṁ siddhiṁ sadā saumyāṁ śubhapradām |

nṛpaveśmagatānandāṁ varalakṣmīṁ vasupradām || 20||

śubhāṁ hiraṇyaprākārāṁ samudratanayāṁ jayām |

namāmi maṅgalāṁ devīṁ viṣṇuvakṣaḥsthalasthitām || 21||

viṣṇupatnīṁ prasannākṣīṁ nārāyaṇasamāśritām |

dāridryadhvaṁsinīṁ devīṁ sarvopadravahāriṇīm || 22||

navadurgāṁ mahākālīṁ brahmaviṣṇuśivātmikām |

trikālajñānasampannāṁ namāmi bhuvaneśvarīm || 23||

lakṣmīṁ kṣīrasamudrarājatanayāṁ śrīraṅgadhāmeśvarīṁ

dāsībhūtasamastadevavanitāṁ lokaikadīpāṅkurām |
tvāṁtrailokyakuṭumbinīṁ sarasijāṁ vande mukundapriyām ||

mātarnamāmi kamale kamalāyatākṣi

śrīviṣṇuhṛtkamalavāsini viśvamātaḥ |
kṣīrodaje kamalakomalagarbhagauri lakṣmi
prasīda satataṁ namatāṁ śaraṇye || 25||

trikālaṁ yo japedvidvān ṣaṇmāsaṁ vijitendriyaḥ |

dāridryadhvaṁsanaṁ kṛtvā sarvamāpnotyayatnataḥ || 26||

devīnāmasahasreṣu puṇyamaṣṭottaraṁ śatam |

yena śriyamavāpnoti koṭijanmadaridrataḥ || 27||

bhṛguvāre śataṁ dhīmān paṭhedvatsaramātrakam |

aṣṭaiśvaryamavāpnoti kubera iva bhūtale || 28||

dāridryamocanaṁ nāma stotramambāparaṁ śatam |

yena śriyamavāpnoti koṭijanmadaridritaḥ || 29||

bhuktvā tu vipulān bhogānasyāḥ sāyujyamāpnuyāt |

prātaḥkāle paṭhennityaṁ sarvaduḥkhopaśāntaye |
paṭhaṁstu cintayeddevīṁ sarvābharaṇabhūṣitām || 30||

|| iti śrīlakṣmyaṣṭottaraśatanāmastotraṁ sampūrṇam ||

95. सरस्वत्यष्टोत्तर शतिामस्तोत्रम ्

(sarasvatyaṣṭottara śatanāmastotram)
सरस्वतर महाभद्रा महामाया वरप्रदा ।
श्रप्रदा िद्मविलया िद्मािर िद्मवक्त्रगा ॥ १॥
वशवािजा ु िस्तकधृ
ु ्
त ज्ञािम ु रमा िरा ।
कामरूिा महाववद्या महािातकिावशिर ॥ २॥
ु ।
महाश्या मावलिर च महाभोगा महाभजा
ु वदता ॥ ३॥
महाभागा महोत्साहा वदव्याङ्गा सरवं
महाकालर महािाशा महाकारा महाङ्कुशा ।

सरता च ववमला ववश्वा ववद्यिाला च वैष्णवर ॥ ४॥
चंवद्रका चंद्रवदिा चंद्रलेखाववभूवषता ।
ु देवर वदव्यालंकारभूवषता ॥ ५॥
साववत्रर सरसा
ु तरव्रा महाभद्रा महाबला ।
वाग्ब्दवे र वसधा
भोगदा भारतर भामा गोसवदा गोमतर वशवा ॥ ६॥
जवटला सवध्यवासा च सवध्याचलववरावजता ।
चंवडका वैष्णवर ब्राह्मर ब्रह्मज्ञाि ैकसाधिा ॥ ७॥
ु र्ततस्सभु द्रा सरिू
सौदावमिर सधामू ु वजता ।

सवावसिर ु
सिासा च ववविद्रा िद्मलोचिा ॥ ८॥
ववद्यारूिा ववशालािर ब्रह्मजाया महाफला ।
ु शास्त्ररूविणर ॥ ९॥
त्रयरमूती वत्रकालज्ञा वत्रगणा
ं ु ासरप्रमवर्िर
शभ ु ु च सवाथवत्मका ।
ु चांवबका तर्ा ॥ १०॥
रिंबरजविहंत्रर च चामण्डा

मण्डकाय प्रहरणा धूम्रलोचिमदथिा ।
ु सौम्या सरास
सवथदवे स्तता ु रिमस्कृ
ु ता ॥ ११॥
कालरात्रर कलाधारा रूि सौभाग्ब्यदावयिर ।
वाग्ब्दवे र च वरारोहा वाराहर वावरजासिा ॥ १२॥
वचत्रांबरा वचत्रगंधा वचत्रमाल्यववभूवषता ।
कांता कामप्रदा वंद्या ववद्याधरा सूिवू जता ॥ १३॥
ु चतवथु ग थफलप्रदा ।
श्वेतासिा िरलभजा

चतराििसाम्राज्या रिंमध्या विरंजिा ॥ १४॥

हंसासिा िरलजङ्घा ब्रह्मववष्णवशवावत्मका ।
् १५॥
एवं सरस्वतर देव्या िाम्ामष्टोत्तरशतम ॥
् णमथ ॥
इवत श्र सरस्वत्यष्टोत्तरशतिामस्तोत्रम सम्पू ्
sarasvatī mahābhadrā mahāmāyā varapradā |
śrīpradā padmanilayā padmākṣī padmavaktragā || 1||

śivānujā pustakadhṛt jñānamudrā ramā parā |
kāmarūpā mahāvidyā mahāpātakanāśinī || 2||

mahāśrayā mālinī ca mahābhogā mahābhujā |

mahābhāgā mahotsāhā divyāṅgā suravaṁditā || 3||

mahākālī mahāpāśā mahākārā mahāṅkuśā |

sītā ca vimalā viśvā vidyunmālā ca vaiṣṇavī || 4||

caṁdrikā caṁdravadanā caṁdralekhāvibhūṣitā |

sāvitrī surasā devī divyālaṁkārabhūṣitā || 5||

vāgdevī vasudhā tīvrā mahābhadrā mahābalā |

bhogadā bhāratī bhāmā goviṁdā gomatī śivā || 6||

jaṭilā viṁdhyavāsā ca viṁdhyācalavirājitā |

caṁḍikā vaiṣṇavī brāhmī brahmajñānaikasādhanā || 7||

saudāminī sudhāmūrtissubhadrā surapūjitā |

suvāsinī sunāsā ca vinidrā padmalocanā || 8||

vidyārūpā viśālākṣī brahmajāyā mahāphalā |

trayīmūrtī trikālajñā triguṇā śāstrarūpiṇī || 9||

śuṁbhāsurapramathinī śubhadā ca sarvātmikā |

raktabījanihaṁtrī ca cāmuṇḍā cāṁbikā tathā || 10||

muṇḍakāya praharaṇā dhūmralocanamardanā |

sarvadevastutā saumyā surāsuranamaskṛtā || 11||

kālarātrī kalādhārā rūpa saubhāgyadāyinī |

vāgdevī ca varārohā vārāhī vārijāsanā || 12||

citrāṁbarā citragaṁdhā citramālyavibhūṣitā |

kāṁtā kāmapradā vaṁdyā vidyādharā sūpūjitā || 13||

śvetāsanā nīlabhujā caturvargaphalapradā |
caturānanasāmrājyā raktamadhyā niraṁjanā || 14||

haṁsāsanā nīlajaṅghā brahmaviṣṇuśivātmikā |

evaṁ sarasvatī devyā nāmnāmaṣṭottaraśatam || 15||

iti śrī sarasvatyaṣṭottaraśatanāmastotram sampūrṇam ||

96. ु (देवर माहत्म्यम )्

अिरावजत स्तवतीः
(aparājita stutiḥ)
िमो देव्य ै महादेव्य ै वशवायै सततं िमीः।
िमीः प्रकृ त्य ै भद्रायै वियताीः प्रणताीः स्म ताम॥्
रौद्रायै िमो वित्यायै गौयै धात्र्य ै िमो िमीः।

ज्योत्स्नायै चेन्दुरूविण्यै सखायै सततं िमीः॥
कल्याण्यै प्रणता वृद्ध्य ै वसद्ध्य ै कुमो िमो िमीः।
ि ैरत्य ै भूभतृ ां लक्ष्म्य ै शवाथण्यै ते िमो िमीः॥
दगाथय ै दगथिारायै सारायै सवथकावरण्यै।
ख्यात्य ै तर् ैव कृ ष्णायै धूम्रायै सततं िमीः॥
अवतसौम्यावतरौद्रायै ितास्तस्य ै िमो िमीः।
िमो जगत्प्रवतष्ठायै देव्य ै कृ त्य ै िमो िमीः॥
ु वत शवब्दता।
या देवर सवथभतू षे ु ववष्णमाये
िमस्तस्य ै िमस्तस्य ै िमस्तस्य ै िमो िमीः॥

या देवर सवथभतू षे ु चेतिेत्यवभधरयते।
िमस्तस्य ै िमस्तस्य ै िमस्तस्य ै िमो िमीः॥
या देवर सवथभतू षे ु बवद्धरूिे
ु ण संवस्थता।
िमस्तस्य ै िमस्तस्य ै िमस्तस्य ै िमो िमीः॥
या देवर सवथभतू षे ु विद्रारूिेण संवस्थता।
िमस्तस्य ै िमस्तस्य ै िमस्तस्य ै िमो िमीः॥
या देवर सवथभतू षे ु िधारूिे
ु ण संवस्थता।
िमस्तस्य ै िमस्तस्य ै िमस्तस्य ै िमो िमीः॥
या देवर सवथभतू षे ु छायारूिेण संवस्थता।
िमस्तस्य ै िमस्तस्य ै िमस्तस्य ै िमो िमीः॥
या देवर सवथभतू षे ु शविंरूिेण संवस्थता।
िमस्तस्य ै िमस्तस्य ै िमस्तस्य ै िमो िमीः॥
या देवर सवथभतू षे ु तृष्णारूिेण संवस्थता।
िमस्तस्य ै िमस्तस्य ै िमस्तस्य ै िमो िमीः॥
या देवर सवथभतू षे ु िावन्तरूिेण संवस्थता।
िमस्तस्य ै िमस्तस्य ै िमस्तस्य ै िमो िमीः॥
या देवर सवथभतू षे ु जावतरूिेण संवस्थता।
िमस्तस्य ै िमस्तस्य ै िमस्तस्य ै िमो िमीः॥
या देवर सवथभतू षे ु लज्जारूिेण संवस्थता।

िमस्तस्य ै िमस्तस्य ै िमस्तस्य ै िमो िमीः॥
या देवर सवथभतू षे ु शावन्तरूिेण संवस्थता।
िमस्तस्य ै िमस्तस्य ै िमस्तस्य ै िमो िमीः॥
या देवर सवथभतू षे ु श्द्धारूिेण संवस्थता।
िमस्तस्य ै िमस्तस्य ै िमस्तस्य ै िमो िमीः॥
या देवर सवथभतू षे ु कावन्तरूिेण संवस्थता।
िमस्तस्य ै िमस्तस्य ै िमस्तस्य ै िमो िमीः॥
या देवर सवथभतू षे ु लक्ष्मररूिेण संवस्थता।
िमस्तस्य ै िमस्तस्य ै िमस्तस्य ै िमो िमीः॥
या देवर सवथभतू षे ु वृवत्तरूिेण संवस्थता।
िमस्तस्य ै िमस्तस्य ै िमस्तस्य ै िमो िमीः॥
या देवर सवथभतू षे ु स्मृवतरूिेण संवस्थता।
िमस्तस्य ै िमस्तस्य ै िमस्तस्य ै िमो िमीः॥
या देवर सवथभतू षे ु दयारूिेण संवस्थता।
िमस्तस्य ै िमस्तस्य ै िमस्तस्य ै िमो िमीः॥
या देवर सवथभतू षे ु तवष्टरूिे
ु ण संवस्थता।
िमस्तस्य ै िमस्तस्य ै िमस्तस्य ै िमो िमीः॥
या देवर सवथभतू षे ु मातृरूिेण संवस्थता।
िमस्तस्य ै िमस्तस्य ै िमस्तस्य ै िमो िमीः॥

या देवर सवथभतू षे ु भ्रावन्तरूिेण संवस्थता।
िमस्तस्य ै िमस्तस्य ै िमस्तस्य ै िमो िमीः॥
इवियाणामवधष्ठात्रर भूतािां चावखलेष ु या।
भूतषे ु सततं तस्य ै व्याप्त्य ै देव्य ै िमो िमीः॥
वचवतरूिेण या कृ त्स्नमेतद ् व्याप्य वस्थता जगत।्
िमस्तस्य ै िमस्तस्य ै िमस्तस्य ै िमो िमीः॥
namo devyai mahādevyai śivāyai satataṁ namaḥ|
namaḥ prakṛtyai bhadrāyai niyatāḥ praṇatāḥ sma tām||
raudrāyai namo nityāyai gauryai dhātryai namo namaḥ|
jyotsnāyai cendurūpiṇyai sukhāyai satataṁ namaḥ||
kalyāṇyai praṇatā vṛddhyai siddhyai kurmo namo namaḥ|
nairṛtyai bhūbhṛtāṁ lakṣmyai śarvāṇyai te namo namaḥ||
durgāyai durgapārāyai sārāyai sarvakāriṇyai|
khyātyai tathaiva kṛṣṇāyai dhūmrāyai satataṁ namaḥ||
atisaumyātiraudrāyai natāstasyai namo namaḥ|
namo jagatpratiṣṭhāyai devyai kṛtyai namo namaḥ||
yā devī sarvabhūteṣu viṣṇumāyeti śabditā|
namastasyai namastasyai namastasyai namo namaḥ||
yā devī sarvabhūteṣu cetanetyabhidhīyate|
namastasyai namastasyai namastasyai namo namaḥ||
yā devī sarvabhūteṣu buddhirūpeṇa saṁsthitā|
namastasyai namastasyai namastasyai namo namaḥ||
yā devī sarvabhūteṣu nidrārūpeṇa saṁsthitā|
namastasyai namastasyai namastasyai namo namaḥ||
yā devī sarvabhūteṣu kṣudhārūpeṇa saṁsthitā|
namastasyai namastasyai namastasyai namo namaḥ||
yā devī sarvabhūteṣu chāyārūpeṇa saṁsthitā|
namastasyai namastasyai namastasyai namo namaḥ||
yā devī sarvabhūteṣu śaktirūpeṇa saṁsthitā|
namastasyai namastasyai namastasyai namo namaḥ||
yā devī sarvabhūteṣu tṛṣṇārūpeṇa saṁsthitā|
namastasyai namastasyai namastasyai namo namaḥ||
yā devī sarvabhūteṣu kṣāntirūpeṇa saṁsthitā|
namastasyai namastasyai namastasyai namo namaḥ||
yā devī sarvabhūteṣu jātirūpeṇa saṁsthitā|
namastasyai namastasyai namastasyai namo namaḥ||
yā devī sarvabhūteṣu lajjārūpeṇa saṁsthitā|
namastasyai namastasyai namastasyai namo namaḥ||
yā devī sarvabhūteṣu śāntirūpeṇa saṁsthitā|
namastasyai namastasyai namastasyai namo namaḥ||
yā devī sarvabhūteṣu śraddhārūpeṇa saṁsthitā|
namastasyai namastasyai namastasyai namo namaḥ||
yā devī sarvabhūteṣu kāntirūpeṇa saṁsthitā|
namastasyai namastasyai namastasyai namo namaḥ||
yā devī sarvabhūteṣu lakṣmīrūpeṇa saṁsthitā|
namastasyai namastasyai namastasyai namo namaḥ||
yā devī sarvabhūteṣu vṛttirūpeṇa saṁsthitā|
namastasyai namastasyai namastasyai namo namaḥ||
yā devī sarvabhūteṣu smṛtirūpeṇa saṁsthitā|
namastasyai namastasyai namastasyai namo namaḥ||
yā devī sarvabhūteṣu dayārūpeṇa saṁsthitā|
namastasyai namastasyai namastasyai namo namaḥ||
yā devī sarvabhūteṣu tuṣṭirūpeṇa saṁsthitā|
namastasyai namastasyai namastasyai namo namaḥ||
yā devī sarvabhūteṣu mātṛrūpeṇa saṁsthitā|
namastasyai namastasyai namastasyai namo namaḥ||
yā devī sarvabhūteṣu bhrāntirūpeṇa saṁsthitā|
namastasyai namastasyai namastasyai namo namaḥ||
indriyāṇāmadhiṣṭhātrī bhūtānāṁ cākhileṣu yā|
bhūteṣu satataṁ tasyai vyāptyai devyai namo namaḥ||
citirūpeṇa yā kṛtsnametad vyāpya sthitā jagat|
namastasyai namastasyai namastasyai namo namaḥ||

97. ु दविस्तोत्रम ्

अवय वगवरिंवदवि िंवदतमेवदवि ववश्ववविोवदवि िंदिते

वगवरवर सवध्य वशरोवधविवावसवि ववष्णववलावसवि वजष्णिु ते
ु ।
भगववत हे वशवतकण्ठकुटं ुवबवि भूवर कुटं ुवबवि भूवर कृ ते
ु दवि रम्यकिर्तदवि शैलसतेु ॥१॥
जय जय हे मवहषासरमर्त

सरवरवर्त थु मर्तषवण हषथरते
षवण दधथरधर्तषवण दमख

वत्रभवििोवषवण शंकरतोवषवण वकविषमोवषवण घोषरते ।
दिज ु ते
ु विरोवषवण वदवतसतु रोवषवण दमथद शोवषवण वसन्धस ु
ु दवि रम्यकिर्तदवि शैलसतेु ॥२॥
जय जय हे मवहषासरमर्त
अवय जगदंब मदंब कदंब विवप्रय वावसवि हासरते
वशखवर वशरोमवण तङ्गु वहमालय शृंग विजालय मध्यगते ।
मध ु मधरु े मध ु कै टभ गंवजवि कै टभ भंवजवि रासरते
ु दवि रम्यकिर्तदवि शैलसतेु ॥३॥
जय जय हे मवहषासरमर्त

अवय शतखण्ड ववखवण्डत रुण्ड ववतवण्डत शण्ु ड गजावधिते
वरि ु गज गण्ड ववदारण चण्ड िराक्रम शण्ड
ु मृगावधिते ।
ु दण्ड वििावतत खण्ड वविावतत मण्ड
विज भज ु भटावधिते
ु दवि रम्यकिर्तदवि शैलसतेु ॥४॥
जय जय हे मवहषासरमर्त
अवय रण दमथद शत्र ु वधोवदत दधथर विजथर शविंभृत े

चतरु ववचार धरु रण महावशव दूतकृ त प्रमर्ावधिते ।
दवरत दररह दराशय दमथवत दािवदूत कृ तांतमते
ु दवि रम्यकिर्तदवि शैलसतेु ॥५॥
जय जय हे मवहषासरमर्त
अवय शरणागत वैवर वधूवर वरर वराभय दायकरे
ु मस्तक शूल ववरोवध वशरोवध कृ तामल शूलकरे ।

दवमदवम तामर दंदवभिाद महो मखररकृ त वतग्ब्मकरे
ु दवि रम्यकिर्तदवि शैलसतेु ॥६॥
जय जय हे मवहषासरमर्त
अवय विज हुकृ वत मात्र विराकृ त धूम्र ववलोचि धूम्र शते
समर ववशोवषत शोवणत बरज समदु भव
् शोवणत बरज लते ।
ं ु विशभ
वशव वशव शभ ं ु महाहव तर्तित भूत विशाचरते
ु दवि रम्यकिर्तदवि शैलसतेु ॥७॥
जय जय हे मवहषासरमर्त
ु ु संग रणिणसंग िवरस्फुर दंग िटत्कटके
् शृंग हतावटुके ।
किक विशंग िृषत्क विषंग रसदभट
ु बलविवत रङ्ग घटदबहुरङ्ग
कृ त चतरङ्ग ् ् ुके
ु दवि रम्यकिर्तदवि शैलसतेु ॥८॥
जय जय हे मवहषासरमर्त
ु तत्पर ववश्विते
जय जय जप्य जयेजय शब्द िरस्तवत ु
झण झण वझवञ्जवम सझकृ त िूिरु ससवजत मोवहत भूतिते ।

िवटत िटाधथ िटरिट िायक िावटत िाट् सगािरते
ु दवि रम्यकिर्तदवि शैलसतेु ॥९॥
जय जय हे मवहषासरमर्त


अवय समिीः ु
समिीः ु
समिीः ु
समिीः ु
समिोहर ु
वश्त रजिर रजिर रजिर रजिर रजिरकर वक्त्रवृत े ।

सियि ववभ्रमर भ्रमर भ्रमर भ्रमर भ्रमरावधिते
ु दवि रम्यकिर्तदवि शैलसतेु ॥१०॥
जय जय हे मवहषासरमर्त
सवहत महाहव मल्लम तवल्लक मवल्लत रल्लक मल्लरते
ववरवचत ववल्लक िवल्लक मवल्लक वझवल्लक वभवल्लक वगथ वृत े ।

वसतकृ त िवल्लसम ु वसतारुण तल्लज िल्लव सल्लवलते
ु दवि रम्यकिर्तदवि शैलसतेु ॥११॥
जय जय हे मवहषासरमर्त
अववरल गण्ड गलिद मेदर मत्त मतङ्गज राजिते
ु भूषण भूत कलाविवध रूि ियोविवध राजसते
वत्रभवि ु ।
अवय सदु तरजि लालसमािस मोहि मिर् राजसते

ु दवि रम्यकिर्तदवि शैलसतेु ॥१२॥
जय जय हे मवहषासरमर्त
कमल दलामल कोमल कांवत कलाकवलतामल भाललते
सकल ववलास कलाविलयक्रम के वल चलत्कल हंस कुले ।
अवलकुल सङ्कुल कुवलय मण्डल मौवलवमलदभक
् ु लावल कुले
ु दवि रम्यकिर्तदवि शैलसतेु ॥१३॥
जय जय हे मवहषासरमर्त
ु रव वरवजत कू वजत लवज्जत कोवकल मञ्जमते
कर मरलर ु

वमवलत िवलन्द ु
मिोहर गवञ्जत रंवजतशैल विकुञ्जगते ।
ु भूत महाशबररगण सद्गणु संभतृ के वलतले

ु दवि रम्यकिर्तदवि शैलसतेु ॥१४॥
जय जय हे मवहषासरमर्त
कवटतट िरत दकू ल वववचत्र मयूखवतरस्कृ त चंद्र रुचे
ु रु मौवलमवणस्फुर दंशल
प्रणत सरास ु सन्नख चंद्र रुचे ।
वजत किकाचल मौवलिदोर्तजत विभथर कं ु जर कं ु भकुचे
ु दवि रम्यकिर्तदवि शैलसतेु ॥१५॥
जय जय हे मवहषासरमर्त

वववजत सहस्रकरैक सहस्रकरैक सहस्रकरैकिते

कृ त सरतारक ु ते
सङ्गरतारक सङ्गरतारक सूिस ु ।
ु समावध समािसमावध समावधसमावध सजातरते
सरर् ु
ु दवि रम्यकिर्तदवि शैलसतेु ॥१६॥
जय जय हे मवहषासरमर्त
ु स वशवे
िदकमलं करुणाविलये ववरवस्यवत योऽिवदिं
अवय कमले कमलाविलये कमलाविलयीः स कर्ं ि भवेत ।्

तव िदमेव िरंिदवमत्यिशरलयतो मम सक ि वशवे
ु दवि रम्यकिर्तदवि शैलसतेु ॥१७॥
जय जय हे मवहषासरमर्त
किकलसत्कल वसन्ध ु जलैरि ु वसवञ्चिते ु रङ्गभवंु
ु गण
भजवत स सक ि शचरकुच कं ु भ तटर िवररंभ सखाि
ु भवम
ु ।्
तव चरणं शरणं करवावण ितामरवावण विवावस वशवं
ु दवि रम्यकिर्तदवि शैलसतेु ॥१८॥
जय जय हे मवहषासरमर्त
तव ववमलेन्दुकुलं वदिेन्दुमलं सकलं िि ु कू लयते
वकम ु िरुहूत
ु ु
िररन्दुम ु समु ख
खर ु रवभरसौ ववमखरवक्रयते
ु ।

मम त ु मतं वशविामधिे भवतर कृ िया वकमतु वक्रयते
ु दवि रम्यकिर्तदवि शैलसतेु ॥१९॥
जय जय हे मवहषासरमर्त

अवय मवय दरिदयालुतया कृ ियैव त्वया भववतव्यममे

अवय जगतो जििर कृ ियावस यर्ावस तर्ाऽिवमतावसरते ।
ु कुरुतादरुतािमिाकुरुते
यदवचतमत्र भवत्यरवर
ु दवि रम्यकिर्तदवि शैलसतेु ॥२०॥
जय जय हे मवहषासरमर्त
ayi girinaṁdini naṁditamedini viśvavinodini naṁdanute
girivara viṁdhya śirodhinivāsini viṣṇuvilāsini jiṣṇunute |
bhagavati he śitikaṇṭhakuṭuṁbini bhūri kuṭuṁbini bhūri kṛte
jaya jaya he mahiṣāsuramardini ramyakapardini śailasute ||1||
suravaravarṣiṇi durdharadharṣiṇi durmukhamarṣiṇi harṣarate
tribhuvanapoṣiṇi śaṁkaratoṣiṇi kilbiṣamoṣiṇi ghoṣarate |
danuja niroṣiṇi ditisuta roṣiṇi durmada śoṣiṇi sindhusute
jaya jaya he mahiṣāsuramardini ramyakapardini śailasute ||2||
ayi jagadaṁba madaṁba kadaṁba vanapriya vāsini hāsarate
śikhari śiromaṇi tuṅga himālaya śṛṁga nijālaya madhyagate |
madhu madhure madhu kaiṭabha gaṁjini kaiṭabha bhaṁjini
jaya jaya he mahiṣāsuramardini ramyakapardini śailasute ||3||
ayi śatakhaṇḍa vikhaṇḍita ruṇḍa vituṇḍita śuṇḍa gajādhipate
ripu gaja gaṇḍa vidāraṇa caṇḍa parākrama śuṇḍa mṛgādhipate |
nija bhuja daṇḍa nipātita khaṇḍa vipātita muṇḍa bhaṭādhipate
jaya jaya he mahiṣāsuramardini ramyakapardini śailasute ||4||
ayi raṇa durmada śatru vadhodita durdhara nirjara śaktibhṛte
catura vicāra dhurīṇa mahāśiva dūtakṛta pramathādhipate |
durita durīha durāśaya durmati dānavadūta kṛtāṁtamate
jaya jaya he mahiṣāsuramardini ramyakapardini śailasute ||5||
ayi śaraṇāgata vairi vadhūvara vīra varābhaya dāyakare
tribhuvana mastaka śūla virodhi śirodhi kṛtāmala śūlakare |
dumidumi tāmara duṁdubhināda maho mukharīkṛta tigmakare
jaya jaya he mahiṣāsuramardini ramyakapardini śailasute ||6||
ayi nija hu kṛti mātra nirākṛta dhūmra vilocana dhūmra śate
samara viśoṣita śoṇita bīja samudbhava śoṇita bīja late
śiva śiva śuṁbha niśuṁbha mahāhava tarpita bhūta piśācarate
jaya jaya he mahiṣāsuramardini ramyakapardini śailasute ||7||
dhanuranu saṁga raṇakṣaṇasaṁga parisphura daṁga
kanaka piśaṁga pṛṣatka niṣaṁga rasadbhaṭa śṛṁga hatāvaṭuke
kṛta caturaṅga balakṣiti raṅga ghaṭadbahuraṅga raṭadbaṭuke
jaya jaya he mahiṣāsuramardini ramyakapardini śailasute ||8||
jaya jaya japya jayejaya śabda parastuti tatpara viśvanute
jhaṇa jhaṇa jhiñjimi jhiṁkṛta nūpura siṁjita mohita bhūtapate |
naṭita naṭārdha naṭīnaṭa nāyaka nāṭita nāṭya sugānarate
jaya jaya he mahiṣāsuramardini ramyakapardini śailasute ||9||
ayi sumanaḥ sumanaḥ sumanaḥ sumanaḥ sumanohara kāṁtiyute
śrita rajanī rajanī rajanī rajanī rajanīkara vaktravṛte |
sunayana vibhramara bhramara bhramara bhramara
jaya jaya he mahiṣāsuramardini ramyakapardini śailasute ||10||
sahita mahāhava mallama tallika mallita rallaka mallarate
viracita vallika pallika mallika jhillika bhillika varga vṛte |
sitakṛta pullisamulla sitāruṇa tallaja pallava sallalite
jaya jaya he mahiṣāsuramardini ramyakapardini śailasute ||11||
avirala gaṇḍa galanmada medura matta mataṅgaja rājapate
tribhuvana bhūṣaṇa bhūta kalānidhi rūpa payonidhi rājasute |
ayi suda tījana lālasamānasa mohana manmatha rājasute
jaya jaya he mahiṣāsuramardini ramyakapardini śailasute ||12||
kamala dalāmala komala kāṁti kalākalitāmala bhālalate
sakala vilāsa kalānilayakrama keli calatkala haṁsa kule |
alikula saṅa
kula kuvalaya maṇḍala maulimiladbhakulāli kule
jaya jaya he mahiṣāsuramardini ramyakapardini śailasute ||13||
kara muralī rava vījita kūjita lajjita kokila mañjumate
milita pulinda manohara guñjita raṁjitaśaila nikuñjagate |
nijaguṇa bhūta mahāśabarīgaṇa sadguṇa saṁbhṛta kelitale

jaya jaya he mahiṣāsuramardini ramyakapardini śailasute ||14||
kaṭitaṭa pīta dukūla vicitra mayūkhatiraskṛta caṁdra ruce
praṇata surāsura maulimaṇisphura daṁśula sannakha caṁdra
ruce |
jita kanakācala maulipadorjita nirbhara kuṁjara kuṁbhakuce
jaya jaya he mahiṣāsuramardini ramyakapardini śailasute ||15||
vijita sahasrakaraika sahasrakaraika sahasrakaraikanute
kṛta suratāraka saṅgaratāraka saṅgaratāraka sūnusute |
suratha samādhi samānasamādhi samādhisamādhi sujātarate
jaya jaya he mahiṣāsuramardini ramyakapardini śailasute ||16||
padakamalaṁ karuṇānilaye varivasyati yo'nudinaṁ sa śive
ayi kamale kamalānilaye kamalānilayaḥ sa kathaṁ na bhavet
tava padameva paraṁpadamityanuśīlayato mama kiṁ na śive
jaya jaya he mahiṣāsuramardini ramyakapardini śailasute ||17||
kanakalasatkala sindhu jalairanu siñcinute guṇa raṅgabhuvaṁ
bhajati sa kiṁ na śacīkuca kuṁbha taṭī pariraṁbha
tava caraṇaṁ śaraṇaṁ karavāṇi natāmaravāṇi nivāsi śivaṁ
jaya jaya he mahiṣāsuramardini ramyakapardini śailasute ||18||
tava vimalendukulaṁ vadanendumalaṁ sakalaṁ nanu kūlayate
kimu puruhūta purīndumukhī sumukhībhirasau vimukhīkriyate
mama tu mataṁ śivanāmadhane bhavatī kṛpayā kimuta kriyate
jaya jaya he mahiṣāsuramardini ramyakapardini śailasute ||19||
ayi mayi dīnadayālutayā kṛpayaiva tvayā bhavitavyamume
ayi jagato jananī kṛpayāsi yathāsi tathā'numitāsirate |
yaducitamatra bhavatyurari kurutādurutāpamapākurute
jaya jaya he mahiṣāsuramardini ramyakapardini śailasute ||20||

Note: Mahishasuramardini Stotram is attributed to Adi Sankara by few

scholars. Few others feel that it was composed by Tenali Ramakrishna

98. िवरत्नमाला (navaratnamālā) - by Kalidasa
ु रमिविषदद्यािके
ओङ्कारिञ्जरशक ु वलकलकण्ठरम ।्
् १॥
आगमवववििमयूररमायाथमन्तर्तवभावये गौररम ॥
दयमािदरघथियिां देवशकरूिेणदर्तशताभ्दु याम ।्
वामकुचविवहतवरणां वरदां सङ्गरतमातृकां वन्दे ॥ २॥
श्यामवलमसौकुमायां सौन्दयाथिन्दसम्पदिेषाम ।्
तरुवणमकरुणािूरां मदजलकल्लोललोचिां वन्दे ॥ ३॥
िखमखमु खवरतवरणािादरसास्वादिविवोल्लासम
ु ।्

मखमम्ब मोदयत ु मां मिंाताटङ्कम
ु ग्ब्ु धहवसतं ते ॥ ४॥
सवरगमिधविरतां तां वरणासङ्क्रान्तकान्तहस्तां ताम ।्
् ५॥
शान्तां मृदलस्वान्तां कुचभरतान्तां िमावम वशवकान्ताम ॥
अवटुतटघवटतचूलरतावडततालरिलाशताटङ्काम ।्
वरणावादिवेलाऽकवम्पतवशरसां िमावम मातङ्गरम ॥ ् ६॥
ु ववकचमखाम्भोजमाध
वरणारवािषङ्गं ु रु रभृङ्गम ।्
करुणािूरतरङ्गं कलये मातङ्गकन्यकािाङ्गम ॥ ् ७॥
मवणभङ्गमेचकाङ्गीं मातङ्गीं िौवम वसद्धमातङ्गरम ।्

यौविविसारङ्गीं सङ्गरताम्भोरुहािभवभृ ् ८॥
ङ्गरम ॥
मेचकमासेचिकं वमथ्यादृष्टान्तमध्यभागं ते ।
मातस्वरूिमविशं मङ्गलसङ्गरतसौरभं वन्दे ॥ ९॥
िवरत्नमाल्यमेतद्रवचतं मातङ्गकन्यकाभरणम ।्

ु सीः भवेत्वागरश्वरीः सािात ॥
यीः िठवत भविंयिंीः
oṅkārapañjaraśukīmupaniṣadudyānakelikalakaṇṭhīm |
āgamavipinamayūrīmāryāmantarvibhāvaye gaurīm || 1||
dayamānadīrghanayanāṁ deśikarūpeṇadarśitābhyudayām |
vāmakucanihitavīṇāṁ varadāṁ saṅgītamātṛkāṁ vande || 2||
śyāmalimasaukumāryāṁ saundaryānandasampadunmeṣām |
taruṇimakaruṇāpūrāṁ madajalakallolalocanāṁ vande || 3||
nakhamukhamukharitavīṇānādarasāsvādanavanavollāsam |
mukhamamba modayatu māṁ muktātāṭaṅkamugdhahasitaṁ te
|| 4||
sarigamapadhaniratāṁ tāṁ vīṇāsaṅkrāntakāntahastāṁ tām |
śāntāṁ mṛdulasvāntāṁ kucabharatāntāṁ namāmi śivakāntām ||
avaṭutaṭaghaṭitacūlītāḍitatālīpalāśatāṭaṅkām |
vīṇāvādanavelā'kampitaśirasāṁ namāmi mātaṅgīm || 6||
vīṇāravānuṣaṅgaṁ vikacamukhāmbhojamādhurībhṛṅgam |
karuṇāpūrataraṅgaṁ kalaye mātaṅgakanyakāpāṅgam || 7||
maṇibhaṅgamecakāṅgīṁ mātaṅgīṁ naumi siddhamātaṅgīm |
yauvanavanasāraṅgīṁ saṅgītāmbhoruhānubhavabhṛṅgīm || 8||
mecakamāsecanakaṁ mithyādṛṣṭāntamadhyabhāgaṁ te |
mātasvarūpamaniśaṁ maṅgalasaṅgītasaurabhaṁ vande || 9||
navaratnamālyametadracitaṁ mātaṅgakanyakābharaṇam |
yaḥ paṭhati bhaktiyuktaḥ saḥ bhavetvāgīśvaraḥ sākṣāt ||

99. सौन्दयथलहरर (saundaryalaharī)

ु यवद भववत शिंीः प्रभववत ं ु
वशवीः शक्त्या यिंो
ि चेदवे ं देवो ि खलु कुशलीः स्पवन्दतमवि।

अतस्त्वामाराध्यां हवरहरवववरञ्चावदवभरवि
प्रणन्त ं ु स्तोत ं ु वा कर्मकृ तिण्यीः
ु प्रभववत॥ १॥
तिरयांस ं िांस ं ु तव चरणिङ्के रुहभवं

वववरवञ्चस्सवञ्चन्वि ववरचयवत लोकािववकलम।्
वहत्येि ं शौवरीः कर्मवि सहस्रेण वशरसां
ु ैिं भजवत भवसतोद्धूलिवववधम॥् २॥


जडािां च ैतन्य-स्तबक-मकरन्द-स्रवतझरर।

दवरद्राणां वचन्तामवणगणविका जिजलधौ
ु -ु वराहस्य भववत॥ ३॥
विमग्नािां दंष्ट्रा मरवरि

त्वदन्यीः िावणभ्ामभयवरदो दैवतगणीः

त्वमेका ि ैवावस प्रकवटतवराभरत्यवभिया।
् ं ु दात ं ु फलमवि च वाञ्छासमवधकं
भयात त्रात

शरण्ये लोकािां तव वह चरणावेव वििणौ॥ ४॥

हवरस्त्वामाराध्य प्रणतजिसौभाग्ब्यजििीं
ु िारर भूत्वा िरवरि
िरा ु िोभमियत।्
ु मवि

स्मरोऽवि त्वां ित्वा रवतियिलेह्यिे विषा

मिरिामप्यन्तीः प्रभववत वह मोहाय महताम॥् ५॥

ु रमयर िञ्च वववशखाीः
धिीःु िौष्पं मौवी मधक
वसन्तीः सामन्तो मलयमरुदायोधिरर्ीः।
ु कामवि कृ िाम ्
तर्ाप्येकीः सवं वहमवगवरसते
अिाङ्गात्ते लब्ध्वा जगवदद-मिङ्गो ववजयते॥ ६॥

क्वणत्काञ्चरदामा कवरकलभकुम्भस्तििता
िवरिरणा मध्ये िवरणतशरििवदिा।
धिबाथ ्
ु णाि िाशं सृवणमवि दधािा करतलैीः

िरस्तादास्तां ु
िीः िरमवर्त ु
राहोि ु
रुवषका॥ ७॥

ु ु
ध्य े सरववटविवाटरिवरवृ
सधावसन्धोमथ ते
मवणद्वरिे िरिोिविववत वचन्तामवणगृहे।
वशवाकारे मञ्चे िरमवशवियथङ्कविलयां
भजवन्त त्वां धन्याीः कवतचि वचदािन्दलहररम॥् ८॥

महीं मूलाधारे कमवि मवणिूरे हुतवहं

वस्थतं स्वावधष्ठािे हृवद मरुतमाकाशमिवर।
मिोऽवि भ्रूमध्ये सकलमवि वभत्वा कुलिर्ं
सहस्रारे िद्मे सह रहवस ित्या ववहरसे॥ ९॥

सधाधारासारै ु


प्रिञ्चं वसञ्चन्तर ििरवि रसाम्ायमहसीः।

अवाप्य स्वां भूसम भजगविभमध्य ु
स्वमात्मािं कृ त्वा स्वविवष कुलकुण्डे कुहवरवण॥ १०॥

चतर्तु भीः श्रकण्ठै ीः वशवयववतवभीः

ु िञ्चवभरवि
प्रवभन्नावभीः शम्भोि थववभरवि मूलप्रकृ वतवभीः।

चतश्चत्वासरशद्वस ु
दलकलाश्वत्रवलय -

वत्ररेखावभीः साधं तव शरणकोणाीः िवरणताीः॥ ११॥

त्वदरयं सौन्दयं तवहिवगवरकन्ये ु
तलवयत ंु
कवरिाीः कल्पन्ते कर्मवि वववरवञ्चप्रभृतयीः।

यदालोकौत्सक्यादमरललिा यावन्त मिसा

तिोवभदथष्प्रािामवि वगवरशसायज्यिदवरम ॥् १२॥

िरं वषीयांस ं ियिववरसं िमथस ु जडं

तवािाङ्गालोके िवततमिधाववन्त शतशीः।
गलद्वेणरबन्धाीः कुचकलशववस्रस्तवसचया
हठात त्र् ट्त्काञ्च्यो
ु ु
ववगवलतदकू ला यवतयीः॥ १३॥

वितौ षट्पञ्चाशद ् वद्वसमवधकिञ्चाशददके

हुताशे द्वाषवष्टश्चतरवधकिञ्चाशदविले ।


वदवव वद्वष्षट ्सत्रशििवस च चतष्षवष्टवरवत ये
मयूखास्तेषामप्यिु वर तव िादाम्बजय ु ॥् १४॥
ु गम

ु ां शवशयतजटाजू
शरज्ज्योत्स्नाशद्ध ु टमकुटां

वरत्रासत्राणस्फवटकघवटकािस्तककराम ।्
सकृ न्न त्वा ित्वा कर्वमव सतां संवन्नदधते
ु ररद्रािामधवु रमधरु रणाीः भवणतयीः॥ १५॥ (फवणतयीः)

कवरिाणां चेतीःकमलविबालातिरुसच
भजन्ते ये सन्तीः कवतवचदरुणामेव भवतरम।्
गभररावभवाथवग्भर्तवदधवत सतां रञ्जिममर॥ १६॥

सववत्ररवभवाथचां शवशमवणवशलाभङ्गरुवचवभीः
ववशन्याद्यावभस्त्वां सह जिवि संवचन्तयवत यीः।
स कताथ काव्यािां भववत महतां भवङ्गरुवचवभीः
वचोवभवाथग्ब्दवे रवदिकमलामोदमधरु ीःै ॥ १७॥

तिच्छायावभस्ते तरुणतरवणश्रसरवणवभीः

वदवं सवाथमवीमरुवणमवि मग्नां स्मरवत यीः।

भवन्त्यस्य त्रस्यद्विहवरणशालरिियिाीः
सहोवथश्या वश्याीः कवत कवत ि गरवाथणगवणकाीः॥ १८॥

ु वबन्दुं कृ त्वा कुचयगमधस्तस्य

मखं ु तदधो
हराधं ध्यायेद्यो हरमवहवष ते मिर्कलाम।्
स सद्यीः संिोभं ियवत वविता इत्यवतलघ ु
ु ॥् १९॥
वत्रलोकरमप्याश ु भ्रमयवत रवरन्दुस्तियगाम

वकरन्तरमङ्गेभ्ीः वकरणविकुरम्बामृतरसं
हृवद त्वामाधत्ते वहमकरवशलामूर्ततवमव यीः।
स सिाथणां दिं शमयवत शकुन्तावधि इव

ज्वरप्ल ुष्टाि दृष्ट्या ु
सखयवत ु
सधाधारवसरया॥ २०॥

तवटल्ले खातन्वीं तििशवशवैश्वािरमयीं

विषण्णां षण्णामप्यिु वर कमलािां तव कलाम।्
महािद्माटव्यां मृवदतमलमायेि मिसा
महान्तीः िश्यन्तो दधवत िरमाह्लादलहररम॥् २१॥

भवावि त्वं दासे मवय ववतर दृसष्ट सकरुणा-

वमवत स्तोत ं ु वाञ्छि कर्यवत भवावि त्ववमवत यीः।

तदैव त्वं तस्म ै वदशवस विजसायज्यिदवीं

ु ु न्दब्रह्मेिस्फुटमकुटिररावजतिदाम॥् २२॥

ु प्तिे मिसा
त्वया हृत्वा वामं विरिवरतृ
शररराधं शम्भोरिरमवि शङ्के हृतमभूत।्
यदेतत्त्वद्रूिं सकलमरुणाभं वत्रियिं
कुचाभ्ामािम्रं कुवटलशवशचूडालमकुटम॥् २३॥

जगत्सूत े धाता हवररववत रुद्रीः िियते

वतरस्कुवथन्नते त्स्वमवि विररशवस्तरयवत।

ु ह्णावत च वशव-
सदािूवीःथ सवं तवददमिगृ

स्तवाज्ञामालम्ब्य िणचवलतयोभ्रूलवतकयोीः॥ २४॥

त्रयाणां देवािां वत्रगणजवितािां तव वशवे
भवेत िू् जा िूजा तव चरणयोयाथ ववरवचता।
तर्ा वह त्वत्पादोद्वहिमवणिरठस्य विकटे
ु ु वलतकरोत्तंसमकुटाीः॥ २५॥
वस्थता ह्येत े शश्विक

वववरवञ्चीः िञ्चत्वं व्रजवत हवरराप्नोवत ववरसत

वविाशं करिाशो भजवत धिदो यावत विधिम।्
ववतिर माहेिर ववतवतरवि संमरवलतदृशा

महासंहारेऽवस्मि ववहरवत सवत त्वत्पवतरसौ॥ २६॥


जिो जल्पीः वशल्पं सकलमवि मद्राववरचिा
गवतीः प्रादविण्यक्रमणमशिाद्याहुवतवववधीः।
प्रणामस्संवश ु मवखलमात्मािण
े स्सख थ दृशा
सियाथियाथयस्तव भवत ु यिे ववलवसतम॥् २७॥

सधामप्यास्वाद्य ु
वविद्यन्ते ववश्वे वववधशतमखाद्या वदववषदीः।
करालं यत्क्ष्वेलं कबवलतवतीः कालकलिा
ि शम्भोस्तिूलं तव जिवि ताटङ्कमवहमा॥ २८॥

ु कै टभवभदीः
वकररटं वैवरञ्चं िवरहर िरीः
ु ु टम।्
कठोरे कोटररे स्खलवस जवह जम्भावरमक
प्रणम्रेष्वते षे ु प्रसभमियातस्य
ु भविं

भवस्याभ्त्थािे तव िवरजिोविंर्तवजयते॥ २९॥

स्वदेहोद्भूतावभघृवथ णवभरवणमाद्यावभरवभतो
विषेव्य े वित्ये त्वामहवमवत सदा भावयवत यीः।
वकमाश्चयं तस्य वत्रियिसमृसद्ध तृणयतो
महासंवताथवग्नर्तवरचयवत विराजिवववधम॥् ३०॥


चतष्षष्ट्या ु
तन्त्र ैीः सकलमवतसंधाय भविं

वस्थतस्तत्तवत्सवद्धप्रसविरतन्त्र ैीः िशिवतीः।

ििस्त्ववन्नबथन्धादवखलि ु
स्वतन्त्रं ते तन्त्रं विवततलमवातरतरवददम॥् ३१॥

वशवीः शविंीः कामीः विवतरर् रववीः शरतवकरणीः

स्मरो हंसीः शक्रस्तदि ु च िरामारहरयीः।
अमर हृल्ले खावभवस्तसृवभरवसािेष ु घवटता
भजन्ते वणाथस्त े तव जिवि िामावयवताम॥् ३२॥

स्मरं योसि लक्ष्मीं वत्रतयवमदमादौ तव मिो-

र्तिधायैके वित्ये विरववधमहाभोगरवसकाीः।

भजवन्त त्वां वचन्तामवणगिविबद्धािवलयाीः

वशवाग्नौ जह्वन्तीः ु
तधाराहुवतशतैीः॥ ३३॥

शरररं त्वं शम्भोीः शवशवमवहरविोरुहयगं
तवात्मािं मन्ये भगववत िवात्मािमिघम।्

वस्थतीः संबन्धो वां समरसिरािन्दिरयोीः॥ ३४॥

मिस्त्वं व्योम त्वं मरुदवस मरुत्सारवर्रवस

त्वमािस्त्वं भूवमस्त्ववय िवरणतायां ि वह िरम।्
त्वमेव स्वात्मािं िवरणमवयत ं ु ववश्वविषा

ु भावेि वबभृष॥
वचदािन्दाकारं वशवयववत े ३५॥

तवाज्ञाचक्रस्थं तििशवशकोवटद्यवतधरं
िरं शम्भ ं ु वन्दे िवरवमवलतिाश्वं िरवचता।

यमाराध्यि भक्त्या रववशवशशच ु रिामववषये
विरालोके ऽलोके विवसवत वह भालोकभविे॥ ३६॥

ु ौ ते शद्ध
ववशद्ध ु स्फवटकववशदं व्योमजिकं
वशवं सेव े देवरमवि वशवसमािव्यववसताम।्
ययोीः कान्त्या यान्त्याीः शवशवकरणसारूप्यसरणे-
ववधूतान्तध्वाथन्ता ववलसवत चकोररव जगतर॥ ३७॥

समिरलत ् ववत कमलमकरन्दैकरवसकं
सं ्
भजे हंसद्वन्द्वं वकमवि महतां मािसचरम।्

यदालािादष्टादशगवणतववद्यािवरणवत -

यथदादत्ते दोषाद ् गणमवखलमद्भ्यीः िय इव॥ ३८॥

तव स्वावधष्ठािे हुतवहमवधष्ठाय विरतं

तमरडे संवतं जिवि महतीं तां च समयाम।्


यदालोके लोकाि दहवत महवत क्रोधकवलते

दयाद्राथ या दृवष्टीः वशवशरमिचारं रचयवत॥ ३९॥

तवटत्त्वन्तं शक्त्या वतवमरिवरिवन्थफुरणया

स्फुरन्नािारत्नाभरणिवरणद्धेिधिषम ु ।्
तव श्यामं मेघ ं कमवि मवणिूरक ै शरणं

विषेव े वषथन्तं हरवमवहरतप्तं वत्रभविम ॥् ४०॥

तवाधारे मूले सह समयया लास्यिरया

िवात्मािं मन्ये िवरसमहाताण्डविटम।्

उभाभ्ामेताभ्ामदयवववधम ु
वद्दश्य दयया
सिार्ाभ्ां जज्ञे जिकजििरमज्जगवददम॥् ४१॥

गतैमाथवणक्यत्वं गगिमवणवभीः सािघवटतं

ु करतथयवत यीः।
वकररटं ते हैम ं वहमवगवरसते
स िरडेयच्छायाच्छुरणशबलं चिशकलं
धिीःु शौिासररं वकवमवत ि विबध्नावत वधषणाम॥् ४२॥

धिु ोत ु ध्वान्तं िस्तवलतदवलते

ु न्दरवरविं
घिवस्नग्ब्धश्लक्ष्णं वचकुरविकुरुम्बं तव वशवे।

यदरयं सौरभ्ं सहजमिलि ं ु समिसो


वसन्त्यवस्मि मन्ये वलमर्िवाटरववटवििाम॥् ४३॥

तिोत ु िेम ं िस्तव वदिसौन्दयथलहरर-

िररवाहस्रोतीःसरवणवरव सरमन्तसरवणीः।
वहन्तर वसन्दूरं प्रबलकबररभारवतवमर-
थ रकृ तवमव िवरिाकथ वकरणम॥् ४४॥
वद्वषां बृन्दबै न्द

अरालैीः स्वाभाव्यादवलकलभसश्रवभरलकै ीः
िररतं ते वक्त्रं िवरहसवत िङ्के रुहरुवचम।्

दरस्मेरे यवस्मि दशिरुवचवकञ्जल्करुवचरे

सगन्धौ ु वु लहीः॥ ४५॥
माद्यवन्त स्मरदहिचिमथध

ललाटं लावण्यद्यवतववमलमाभावत तव य-
वद्द्वतरयं तिन्ये मकुटघवटतं चिशकलम।्
ू च वमर्ीः
ववियाथसन्यासादभयमवि संभय
ु िस्यूवतीः िवरणमवत राकावहमकरीः॥ ४६॥

ु सकवचद्भवु िभयभङ्गव्यसविवि
ु भग्ने

त्वदरये िेत्राभ्ां मधकररुवचभ्ां ु ।्
ु न्य े सव्येतरकरगृहरतं रवतितेीः
ु च स्थगयवत विगूढान्तरममे
प्रकोष्ठे मष्टौ ु ॥ ४७॥

अहीः सूत े सव्यं तव ियिमकाथत्मकतया
वत्रयामां वामं ते सृजवत रजिरिायकतया।

तृतरया ते दृवष्टदथरदवलतहेमाम्बजरुवचीः
समाधत्ते संध्यां वदवसविशयोरन्तरचररम॥् ४८॥

ववशाला कल्याणर स्फुटरुवचरयोध्या कुवलयैीः

कृ िाधाराधारा वकमवि मधरु ाभोगववतका।
अवन्तर दृवष्टस्ते बहुिगरववस्तारववजया
ध्रवु ं तत्तन्नामव्यवहरणयोग्ब्या ववजयते॥ ४९॥

कवरिां संदभथस्तबकमकरन्दैकरवसकं

कटािव्यािेिभ्रमरकलभौ कणथयगलम।्

अमञ्चन्तौ दृष्ट्वा तव िवरसास्वादतरला-
वसूयासंसगाथदवलकियिं सकवचदरुणम॥् ५०॥

वशवे शृङ्गाराद्राथ तवदतरजिे कुत्सििरा

सरोषा गङ्गायां वगवरशचवरते ववस्मयवतर।
हरावहभ्ो भरता सरवसरुहसौभाग्ब्यजवयिर
सखरष ु स्मेरा ते मवय जििर दृवष्टीः सकरुणा॥ ५१॥

गते कणाथभ्णं गरुत इव िक्ष्मावण दधतर
ु भेत्तवश्चत्तप्रशमरसववद्रावणफले
िरां ु ।
इमे िेत्र े गोत्राधरिवतकुलोत्तंसकवलके
तवाकणाथकृष्टस्मरशरववलासं कलयतीः॥ ५२॥

ववभिंत्रैवण्यं व्यवतकवरतलरलाञ्जितया
ववभावत त्वन्नेत्रवत्रतयवमदमरशािदवयते।
ु स्रष्टुं देवाि द्र् ु वहणहवररुद्राििरताि
ििीः ु ्

रजीः सत्त्वं वबभ्रत्तम इवत गणािां त्रयवमव॥ ५३॥

िववत्ररकतं ु िीः िशिवतिराधरिहृदये

दयावमत्रैिेत्र ैररुणधवलश्यामरुवचवभीः।
िदीः शोणो गङ्गा तिितियेवत ध्रवु मम ं ु

त्रयाणां तरर्ाथिामिियवस संभदे मिघम॥् ५४॥

ु यावत जगतर
विमेषोिेषाभ्ां प्रलयमदयं
तवेत्याहुीः सन्तो धरवणधरराजन्यतिये।
त्वदिेषाज्जातं जगवददमशेष ं प्रलयतीः
िवरत्रात ं ु शङ्के िवरहृतविमेषास्तव दृशीः॥ ५५॥

ु चवकता
तवािणे कणेजिियिि ैशन्य

विलरयन्ते तोये वियतमविमेषाीः शफवरकाीः।

इयं च श्रबथद्धच्छदिटकवाटं कुवलयम ्
जहावत प्रत्यूष े विवश च ववघटय्य प्रववशवत॥ ५६॥

दृशा द्राघरयस्या दरदवलतिरलोत्पलरुचा

दवरयांस ं दरिं स्निय कृ िया मामवि वशवे।
अिेिायं धन्यो भववत ि च ते हाविवरयता
विे वा हम्ये वा समकरवििातो वहमकरीः॥ ५७॥

अरालं ते िालरयगलमगराजन्यतिये
ि के षामाधत्ते कुसमशरकोदण्डक
ु ु ।्
ु तकम

वतरश्चरिो यत्र श्वणिर्मल्लङ्घ्य ववलस-
न्निाङ्गव्यासङ्गो वदशवत शरसंधािवधषणाम॥् ५८॥


ु ं मन्ये तव मखवमदं
चतश्चक्र ु मिर्रर्म।्
यमारुह्य द्रुह्यत्यवविरर्मके न्दुचरणं
महावररो मारीः प्रमर्ितये सवज्जतवते॥ ५९॥

सरस्वत्याीः सूिंररमृतलहररकौशलहररीः

विबन्त्याीः शवाथवण श्वणचलुकाभ्ामववरलम।्

चमत्कारश्लाघाचवलतवशरसीः कुण्डलगणो
झणत्कारैस्तारैीः प्रवतवचिमाचष्ट इव ते॥ ६०॥

असौ िासावंशस्तवहिवगवरवं
त्वदरयो िेदरयीः फलत ु फलमस्माकमवचतम
ु ।्
थु ाीः वशवशरतरविश्वासगवलतं

समृद्ध्या यत्तासां बवहरवि च मिंामवणधरीः॥ ६१॥

ु दन्तच्छदरुचेीः
प्रकृ त्या रिंायास्तव सदवत
प्रवक्ष्ये सादृश्यं जियत ु फलं ववद्रुमलता।
ि वबम्बं तवद्बम्बप्रवतफलिरागादरुवणतं

तलामध्यारोढंु कर्वमव ववलज्जेत कलया॥ ६२॥

वस्मतज्योत्स्नाजालं तव वदिचिस्य विबतां

चकोराणामासरदवतरसतया चञ्चजवडमा।
अतस्ते शरतांशोरमृतलहररमम्लरुचयीः
विबवन्त स्वच्छन्दं विवश विवश भृशं कावञ्जकवधया॥ ६३॥

अववश्ान्तं ित्यगु णगणकर्ाम्रे

जिािष्पच्छाया तव जिवि वजह्वा जयवत सा।
यदग्रासरिायाीः स्फवटकदृषदच्छच्छववमयर


सरस्वत्या मूर्ततीः िवरणमवत मावणक्यविषा॥ ६४॥

रणे वजत्वा दैत्याििहृतवशरस्त्र ैीः कववचवभर-्

विवृत्त ैश्चण्डांशवत्रिरहरविमाथ ु ैीः।
ववशाखेिोिेिीःै शवशववशदकिूरथ शकला
ववलरयन्ते मातस्तव वदिताम्बूलकबलाीः॥ ६५॥

ु ीः
वविञ्च्या गायन्तर ववववधमिदािं िशिते
त्वयारिे विंं ु चवलतवशरसा साधवु चिे।
तदरयैमाथधयु रै िलविततन्त्ररकलरवां

विजां वरणां वाणर विचलयवत चोलेि विभृतम॥् ६६॥

कराग्रेण स्पृष्ट ं तवहिवगवरणा वत्सलतया

वगररशेिोदस्तं महुरधरिािाकु लतया।
करग्राह्यं शम्भोमख थु मक
ु ु रवृन्त ं वगवरसतेु

कर्ङ्कारं ब्रूमस्तव वचबकमौिम्यरवहतम ॥् ६७॥

भजाश्ले ्
ु षाि वित्यं ु
िरदमवयतीःु कण्टकवतर

तव ग्ररवा धत्ते मखकमलिालवश्यवमयम ।्

स्वतीः श्वेता कालागरुबहुलजम्बालमवलिा
मृणालरलावलत्यम वहवत् यदधो हारलवतका॥ ६८॥


गले रेखावस्तस्रो गवतगमकगरतैकवििणे
ु णसं
वववाहव्यािद्धप्रगणग ु ख्याप्रवतभवीः।

ववराजन्ते िािाववधमधरु रागाकरभवां ु
त्रयाणां ग्रामाणां वस्थवतवियमसरमाि इव ते॥ ६९॥

मृणालरमृद्वरिां तव भजलतािां चतसृणां
चतर्तु भीः सौन्दयं सरवसजभवीः स्तौवत वदि ैीः।

िखेभ्ीः सन्त्रस्यि प्रर्ममर्िादन्धकवरिो -

ु शरषाथणां सममभयहस्तािण
श्चतणां थ वधया॥ ७०॥

िखािामद्द्योतैि थविवलिरागं ववहसतां
ु ।
कराणां ते कासन्त कर्य कर्यामीः कर्ममे
कयावचद्वा साम्यं भजत ु कलया हन्त कमलं
यवद क्ररडल्लक्ष्मरचरणतललािारसछणम॥् ७१॥

समं देवव स्कन्दवद्विवदििरतं स्तियगं ु

ु ।्
ु खम
तवेदं िीः खेदं हरत ु सततं प्रस्नतम
यदालोक्याशङ्काकुवलतहृदयो हासजिकीः
स्वकुम्भौ हेरम्बीः िवरमृशवत हस्तेि झवडवत॥ ७२॥

अमू ते विोजावमृतरसमावणक्यकुतिौ

ि संदहे स्पन्दो िगिवतिताके मिवस िीः।
विबन्तौ तौ यस्मादवववदतवधूसङ्गरवसकौ
कुमारावद्यावि वद्वरदवदिक्रौञ्चदलिौ॥ ७३॥

ु ु म्भप्रकृ वतवभीः
वहत्यम्ब स्तम्बेरमदिजक

समारिां मिंामवणवभरमलां हारलवतकाम।्
कुचाभोगो वबम्बाधररुवचवभरन्तीः शबवलतां

प्रतािव्यावमश्ां िरदमवयतीःु करर्ततवमव ते॥ ७४॥

तव स्तन्यं मन्ये धरवणधरकन्ये हृदयतीः

ियीःिारावारीः िवरवहवत सारस्वतवमव।
दयावत्या दत्तं द्रववडवशशरु ास्वाद्य तव यत ्
कवरिां प्रौढािामजवि कमिरयीः कववयता॥ ७५॥

हरक्रोधज्वालाववलवभरवलरढेि विषा
गभररे ते िाभरसरवस कृ तसङ्गो मिवसजीः।

समत्तस्थौ तस्मादचलतिये धूमलवतका
जिस्तां जािरते तव जिवि रोमाववलवरवत॥ ७६॥

यदेतत कावलन्दरति ु
तरतरङ्गाकृ वत वशवे


कृ शे मध्ये सकवचज्जिवि तव यद्भावत सवधयाम।्
ववमदाथदन्योऽन्यं कुचकलशयोरन्तरगतं
तिूभतू ं व्योम प्रववशवदव िासभ कुहवरणरम॥् ७७॥

ु ु लरोमाववललता-
वस्थरो गङ्गावतथीः स्तिमक
कलावालं कुण्डं कुसमशरते
ु ु

रतेलीलागारं वकमवि तव िावभर्तगवरसते
वबलद्वारं वसद्धेर्तगवरशियिािां ववजयते॥ ७८॥

विसगथिरणस्य स्तितटभरेण िमजषो

िमिूतिे ाथररवतलक शिकै स्त्रट्त इव।

वचरं ते मध्यस्य त्रवटततवटिरतररतरुणा
समावस्थास्थेम्ो भवत ु कुशलं शैलतिये॥ ७९॥

कुचौ सद्यीःवस्वद्यत्तटघवटतकू िाथसवभदरौ

थ े किककलशाभौ कलयता।
कषन्तौ दोमूल
तव त्रात ं ु भङ्गादलवमवत वलग्नं तिभु वा

वत्रधा िद्धं देवव वत्रववल लवलरववल्लवभवरव॥ ८०॥

ु ववस्तारं विवतधरिवतीः िावथवत विजा-

वन्नतम्बादावच्छद्य त्ववय हरणरूिेण विदधे।


अतस्ते ववस्तरणो गरुरयमशे ु
षां वसमतीं
ु ियवत च॥ ८१॥
वितम्बप्राग्भारीः स्थगयवत लघत्वं

कररिाणां शण्ु डाि किककदलरकाण्डिटलर -

मभाभ्ामू ु
रुभ्ामभयमवि विर्तजत्य भवतर।
सवृु त्ताभ्ां ित्यीःु प्रणवतकवठिाभ्ां वगवरसते

ु ववबधकवरक
वववधज्ञ्ये जािभ्ां ु ु म्भद्वयमवस॥ ८२॥

िराजेत ं ु रुद्रं वद्वगणशरगभौ ु
विषङ्गौ जङ्घे ते ववषमवववशखो बाढमकृ त।
ु -
यदग्रे दृश्यन्ते दशशरफलाीः िादयगलर
ु ु टशाणैकविवशताीः॥ ८३॥
िखाग्रच्छद्मािीः सरमक

श्तु रिां मूधाथिो दधवत तव यौ शेखरतया

ममाप्येतौ मातीः वशरवस दयया धेवह चरणौ।

ययोीः िाद्यं िार्ीः िशिवतजटाजू
ययोलाथिालक्ष्मरररुणहवरचूडामवणरुवचीः॥ ८४॥

िमोवाकं ब्रूमो ियिरमणरयाय िदयो-

स्तवास्म ै द्वन्द्वाय स्फुटरुवचरसालिंकवते।
असूयत्यत्यन्तं यदवभहििाय स्पृहयते

िशूिामरशािीः प्रमदविकङ्के वलतरवे॥ ८५॥

मृषा कृ त्वा गोत्रस्खलिमर् वैलक्ष्यिवमतं

ललाटे भताथरं चरणकमले ताडयवत ते।
ु वलतवता
वचरादन्तीःशल्यं दहिकृ तमिू

तलाकोवटक्वाणैीः ु
वकवलवकवलतमरशािवरिणा॥ ८६॥

वहमािरहन्तव्यं वहमवगवरविवास ैकचतरौ
विशायां विद्राणं विवश चरमभागे च ववशदौ।
वरं लक्ष्मरिात्रं वश्यमवतसृजन्तौ समवयिां
सरोजं त्वत्पादौ जिवि जयतवश्चत्रवमह वकम॥् ८७॥

िदं ते करतीिां प्रिदमिदं देवव वविदां

ु ।्
कर्ं िरतं सवद्भीः कवठिकमठरकिरथ तलाम

कर्ं वा बाहुभ्ामियमिकाले ु
यदादाय न्यस्तं दृषवद दयमािेि मिसा॥ ८८॥

िख ैिाथकस्त्ररणां करकमलसंकोचशवशवभ-
स्तरूणां वदव्यािां हसत इव ते चवण्ड चरणौ।
फलावि स्वीःस्थेभ्ीः वकसलयकराग्रेण ददतां
दवरद्रेभ्ो भद्रां वश्यमविशमह्नाय ददतौ॥ ८९॥


ददािे दरिेभ्ीः वश्यमविशमाशािसदृशर -

ममन्दं सौन्दयथप्रकरमकरन्दम वववकरवत।

तवावस्मि मन्दारस्तबकस ु यात ु चरणे
विमज्जिज्जरवीः करणचरणीः षट्चरणताम॥् ९०॥

स्खलन्तस्ते खेलं भविकलहंसा ि जहवत।

अतस्तेषां वशिां सभगमवणमञ्जरररवणत-

च्छलादाचिाणं चरणकमलं चारुचवरते॥ ९१॥

गतास्ते मञ्चत्वं द्रुवहणहवररुद्रेश्वरभृतीः

वशवीः स्वच्छच्छायाघवटतकिटप्रच्छदिटीः।
त्वदरयािां भासां प्रवतफलिरागारुणतया
ु ॥् ९२॥
शरररर शृङ्गारो रस इव दृशां दोवग्ब्ध कुतकम

अराला के शेष ु प्रकृ वतसरला मन्दहवसते

वशररषाभा वचत्ते दृषदिलशोभा कुचतटे ।
भृशं तन्वर मध्ये िृर्रुु रवसजारोहववषये
जग्ात ं ु शम्भोजथयवत करुणा कावचदरुणा॥ ९३॥

कलङ्कीः कस्तूरर रजविकरवबम्बं जलमयं
ै रथ कतकरण्डं विवबवडतम।्
कलावभीः किूरथ म
अतस्त्वद्भोगेि प्रवतवदिवमदं वरिंकुहरं
वववधभूयथ ो भूयो विवबडयवत िूि ं तव कृ ते॥ ९४॥

िराराते ु
रन्तीःिरमवस ततस्त्विरणयोीः

सियाथमयाथदा तरलकरणािामसलभा।
ु वसवद्धमतलां
तर्ा ह्येत े िरताीः शतमखमखाीः ु
तव द्वारोिान्तवस्थवतवभरवणमाद्यावभरमराीः॥ ९५॥

कलत्रं वैधात्रं कवतकवत भजन्ते ि कवयीः

वश्यो देव्याीः को वा ि भववत िवतीः कै रवि धि ैीः।
महादेवं वहत्वा तव सवत सतरिामचरमे
कुचाभ्ामासङ्गीः कुरवकतरोरप्यसलभीः॥
ु ९६॥

वगरामाहुदेवीं द्रुवहणगृवहणरमागमववदो
हरेीः ित्नीं िद्मां हरसहचररमवद्रतियाम।्

तररया कावि त्वं दरवधगमविीःसरममवहमा
महामाया ववश्वं भ्रमयवस िरब्रह्ममवहवष॥ ९७॥

कदा काले मातीः कर्य कवलतालिंकरसं

विबेय ं ववद्यार्ी तव चरणविणेजिजलम।्
प्रकृ त्या मूकािामवि च कववताकारणतया

कदा धत्ते वाणरमखकमलताम्बू लरसताम॥् ९८॥

सरस्वत्या लक्ष्म्या वववधहवरसित्नो ववहरते

रतेीः िावतव्रत्यं वशवर्लयवत रम्येण विषा।

वचरं जरवन्नेव िवितिशिाशव्यवतकरीः

िरािन्दावभख्यम रसयवत रसं त्वद्भजिवाि॥् ९९॥

ु तश्च
सधासू े िोिलजललवैरघ्यथरचिा।
स्वकरयैरम्भोवभीः सवललविवधसौवहत्यकरणं

त्वदरयावभवाथवग्भस्तव जिवि वाचां स्तवतवरयम॥् १००॥

ु ु रतामम्बरमवण-
समािरतीः िद्भ्यां मवणमक
दधावत त्वद्वक्त्रंप्रवतफलिमश्ान्तववकचं
विरातङ्कं चिावन्नजहृदयिङ्के रुहवमव॥ १०१॥

ु ूतस्थूलस्तिभरमरश्चारु
समद्भ ु हवसतं

ु विीः।
कटािे कन्दिीःथ कवतचि कदम्बद्यवत

् ववमला
हरस्य त्वद्भ्रासन्त मिवस जियाम स्म
ु ॥ १०२॥
भवत्या ये भिंाीः िवरणवतरमरषावमयममे

ु िरवतवििणे
विधे वित्यस्मेरे विरववधगणे ु
विराघातज्ञािे वियमिरवचत्त ैकविलये।
वियत्या विमिं ु
थु े विवखलविगमान्तस्तवतिदे

विरातङ्के वित्ये विगमय ममावि स्तवतवममाम ॥् १०३॥
śivaḥ śaktyā yukto yadi bhavati śaktaḥ prabhavituṁ
na cedevaṁ devo na khalu kuśalaḥ spanditumapi|
atastvāmārādhyāṁ hariharaviriñcādibhirapi
praṇantuṁ stotuṁ vā kathamakṛtapuṇyaḥ prabhavati|| 1||

tanīyāṁsaṁ pāṁsuṁ tava caraṇapaṅkeruhabhavaṁ

viriñcissañcinvan viracayati lokānavikalam|
vahatyenaṁ śauriḥ kathamapi sahasreṇa śirasāṁ
harassaṁkṣudyainaṁ bhajati bhasitoddhūlanavidhim|| 2||

avidyānāmanta stimira- mihiradvīpanagarī

jaḍānāṁ caitanya-stabaka-makaranda-srutijharī|
daridrāṇāṁ cintāmaṇiguṇanikā janmajaladhau
nimagnānāṁ daṁṣṭrā muraripu- varāhasya bhavati|| 3||

tvadanyaḥ pāṇibhyāmabhayavarado daivatagaṇaḥ

tvamekā naivāsi prakaṭitavarābhītyabhinayā|
bhayāt trātuṁ dātuṁ phalamapi ca vāñchāsamadhikaṁ
śaraṇye lokānāṁ tava hi caraṇāveva nipuṇau|| 4||

haristvāmārādhya praṇatajanasaubhāgyajananīṁ
purā nārī bhūtvā puraripumapi kṣobhamanayat|
smaro'pi tvāṁ natvā ratinayanalehyena vapuṣā
munīnāmapyantaḥ prabhavati hi mohāya mahatām|| 5||

dhanuḥ pauṣpaṁ maurvī madhukaramayī pañca viśikhāḥ
vasantaḥ sāmanto malayamarudāyodhanarathaḥ|
tathāpyekaḥ sarvaṁ himagirisute kāmapi kṛpām
apāṅgātte labdhvā jagadida manaṅgo vijayate|| 6||

kvaṇatkāñcīdāmā karikalabhakumbhastananatā
parikṣīṇā madhye pariṇataśaraccandravadanā|
dhanurbāṇān pāśaṁ sṛṇimapi dadhānā karatalaiḥ
purastādāstāṁ naḥ puramathiturāhopuruṣikā|| 7||

sudhāsindhormadhye suraviṭapivāṭīparivṛte
maṇidvīpe nīpopavanavati cintāmaṇigṛhe|
śivākāre mañce paramaśivaparyaṅkanilayāṁ
bhajanti tvāṁ dhanyāḥ katicana cidānandalaharīm|| 8||

mahīṁ mūlādhāre kamapi maṇipūre hutavahaṁ

sthitaṁ svādhiṣṭhāne hṛdi marutamākāśamupari|
mano'pi bhrūmadhye sakalamapi bhitvā kulapathaṁ
sahasrāre padme saha rahasi patyā viharase|| 9||

prapañcaṁ siñcantī punarapi rasāmnāyamahasaḥ|
avāpya svāṁ bhūmiṁ bhujaganibhamadhyuṣṭavalayaṁ
svamātmānaṁ kṛtvā svapiṣi kulakuṇḍe kuhariṇi|| 10||

caturbhiḥ śrīkaṇṭhaiḥ śivayuvatibhiḥ pañcabhirapi

prabhinnābhiḥ śambhornavabhirapi mūlaprakṛtibhiḥ|
trirekhābhiḥ sārdhaṁ tava śaraṇakoṇāḥ pariṇatāḥ|| 11||

tvadīyaṁ saundaryaṁ tuhinagirikanye tulayituṁ

kavīndrāḥ kalpante kathamapi viriñciprabhṛtayaḥ|
yadālokautsukyādamaralalanā yānti manasā
tapobhirduṣprāpāmapi giriśasāyujyapadavīm|| 12||

naraṁ varṣīyāṁsaṁ nayanavirasaṁ narmasu jaḍaṁ
tavāpāṅgāloke patitamanudhāvanti śataśaḥ|
galadveṇībandhāḥ kucakalaśavisrastasicayā
haṭhāt truṭyatkāñcyo vigalitadukūlā yuvatayaḥ|| 13||

kṣitau ṣaṭpañcāśad dvisamadhikapañcāśadudake

hutāśe dvāṣaṣṭiścaturadhikapañcāśadanile|
divi dviṣṣaṭtriṁśanmanasi ca catuṣṣaṣṭiriti ye
mayūkhāsteṣāmapyupari tava pādāmbujayugam|| 14||

śarajjyotsnāśuddhāṁ śaśiyutajaṭājūṭamakuṭāṁ
sakṛnna tvā natvā kathamiva satāṁ saṁnnidadhate
madhukṣīradrākṣāmadhurimadhurīṇāḥ bhaṇitayaḥ|| 15||

kavīndrāṇāṁ cetaḥkamalavanabālātaparuciṁ
bhajante ye santaḥ katicidaruṇāmeva bhavatīm|
gabhīrābhirvāgbhirvidadhati satāṁ rañjanamamī|| 16||

savitrībhirvācāṁ śaśimaṇiśilābhaṅgarucibhiḥ
vaśinyādyābhistvāṁ saha janani saṁcintayati yaḥ|
sa kartā kāvyānāṁ bhavati mahatāṁ bhaṅgirucibhiḥ
vacobhirvāgdevīvadanakamalāmodamadhuraiḥ|| 17||

tanucchāyābhiste taruṇataraṇiśrīsaraṇibhiḥ
divaṁ sarvāmurvīmaruṇimani magnāṁ smarati yaḥ|
bhavantyasya trasyadvanahariṇaśālīnanayanāḥ
sahorvaśyā vaśyāḥ kati kati na gīrvāṇagaṇikāḥ|| 18||

mukhaṁ binduṁ kṛtvā kucayugamadhastasya tadadho

harārdhaṁ dhyāyedyo haramahiṣi te manmathakalām|
sa sadyaḥ saṁkṣobhaṁ nayati vanitā ityatilaghu
trilokīmapyāśu bhramayati ravīndustanayugām|| 19||

kirantīmaṅgebhyaḥ kiraṇanikurambāmṛtarasaṁ
hṛdi tvāmādhatte himakaraśilāmūrtimiva yaḥ|
sa sarpāṇāṁ darpaṁ śamayati śakuntādhipa iva
jvarapluṣṭān dṛṣṭyā sukhayati sudhādhārasirayā|| 20||

taṭillekhātanvīṁ tapanaśaśivaiśvānaramayīṁ
niṣaṇṇāṁ ṣaṇṇāmapyupari kamalānāṁ tava kalām|
mahāpadmāṭavyāṁ mṛditamalamāyena manasā
mahāntaḥ paśyanto dadhati paramāhlādalaharīm|| 21||

bhavāni tvaṁ dāse mayi vitara dṛṣṭiṁ sakaruṇā

miti stotuṁ vāñchan kathayati bhavāni tvamiti yaḥ|
tadaiva tvaṁ tasmai diśasi nijasāyujyapadavīṁ
mukundabrahmendrasphuṭamakuṭanīrājitapadām|| 22||

tvayā hṛtvā vāmaṁ vapuraparitṛptena manasā

śarīrārdhaṁ śambhoraparamapi śaṅke hṛtamabhūt|
yadetattvadrūpaṁ sakalamaruṇābhaṁ trinayanaṁ
kucābhyāmānamraṁ kuṭilaśaśicūḍālamakuṭam|| 23||

jagatsūte dhātā hariravati rudraḥ kṣapayate

tiraskurvannetatsvamapi vapurīśastirayati|
sadāpūrvaḥ sarvaṁ tadidamanugṛhṇāti ca śiva
stavājñāmālambya kṣaṇacalitayorbhrūlatikayoḥ|| 24||

trayāṇāṁ devānāṁ triguṇajanitānāṁ tava śive

bhavet pūjā pūjā tava caraṇayoryā viracitā|
tathā hi tvatpādodvahanamaṇipīṭhasya nikaṭe
sthitā hyete śaśvanmukulitakarottaṁsamakuṭāḥ|| 25||

viriñciḥ pañcatvaṁ vrajati harirāpnoti viratiṁ

vināśaṁ kīnāśo bhajati dhanado yāti nidhanam|
vitandrī māhendrī vitatirapi saṁmīlitadṛśā
mahāsaṁhāre'smin viharati sati tvatpatirasau|| 26||

japo jalpaḥ śilpaṁ sakalamapi mudrāviracanā
gatiḥ prādakṣiṇyakramaṇamaśanādyāhutividhiḥ|
saparyāparyāyastava bhavatu yanme vilasitam|| 27||

sudhāmapyāsvādya pratibhayajarāmṛtyuhariṇīṁ
vipadyante viśve vidhiśatamakhādyā diviṣadaḥ|
karālaṁ yatkṣvelaṁ kabalitavataḥ kālakalanā
na śambhostanmūlaṁ tava janani tāṭaṅkamahimā|| 28||

kirīṭaṁ vairiñcaṁ parihara puraḥ kaiṭabhabhidaḥ

kaṭhore koṭīre skhalasi jahi jambhārimukuṭam|
praṇamreṣveteṣu prasabhamupayātasya bhavanaṁ
bhavasyābhyutthāne tava parijanoktirvijayate|| 29||

niṣevye nitye tvāmahamiti sadā bhāvayati yaḥ|
kimāścaryaṁ tasya trinayanasamṛddhiṁ tṛṇayato
mahāsaṁvartāgnirviracayati nirājanavidhim|| 30||

catuṣṣaṣṭyā tantraiḥ sakalamatisaṁdhāya bhuvanaṁ

sthitastattatsiddhiprasavaparatantraiḥ paśupatiḥ|
svatantraṁ te tantraṁ kṣititalamavātītaradidam|| 31||

śivaḥ śaktiḥ kāmaḥ kṣitiratha raviḥ śītakiraṇaḥ

smaro haṁsaḥ śakrastadanu ca parāmāraharayaḥ|
amī hṛllekhābhistisṛbhiravasāneṣu ghaṭitā
bhajante varṇāste tava janani nāmāvayavatām|| 32||

smaraṁ yoniṁ lakṣmīṁ tritayamidamādau tava mano

rnidhāyaike nitye niravadhimahābhogarasikāḥ|
bhajanti tvāṁ cintāmaṇigunanibaddhākṣavalayāḥ
śivāgnau juhvantaḥ surabhighṛtadhārāhutiśataiḥ|| 33||

śarīraṁ tvaṁ śambhoḥ śaśimihiravakṣoruhayugaṁ
tavātmānaṁ manye bhagavati navātmānamanagham|
sthitaḥ saṁbandho vāṁ samarasaparānandaparayoḥ|| 34||

manastvaṁ vyoma tvaṁ marudasi marutsārathirasi

tvamāpastvaṁ bhūmistvayi pariṇatāyāṁ na hi param|
tvameva svātmānaṁ pariṇamayituṁ viśvavapuṣā
cidānandākāraṁ śivayuvati bhāvena bibhṛṣe|| 35||

tavājñācakrasthaṁ tapanaśaśikoṭidyutidharaṁ
paraṁ śambhuṁ vande parimilitapārśvaṁ paracitā|
yamārādhyan bhaktyā raviśaśiśucīnāmaviṣaye
nirāloke'loke nivasati hi bhālokabhavane|| 36||

viśuddhau te śuddhasphaṭikaviśadaṁ vyomajanakaṁ

śivaṁ seve devīmapi śivasamānavyavasitām|
yayoḥ kāntyā yāntyāḥ śaśikiraṇasārūpyasaraṇe
vidhūtāntardhvāntā vilasati cakorīva jagatī|| 37||

samunmīlat saṁvit kamalamakarandaikarasikaṁ

bhaje haṁsadvandvaṁ kimapi mahatāṁ mānasacaram|
ryadādatte doṣād guṇamakhilamadbhyaḥ paya iva|| 38||

tava svādhiṣṭhāne hutavahamadhiṣṭhāya nirataṁ

tamīḍe saṁvartaṁ janani mahatīṁ tāṁ ca samayām|
yadāloke lokān dahati mahati krodhakalite
dayārdrā yā dṛṣṭiḥ śiśiramupacāraṁ racayati|| 39||

taṭittvantaṁ śaktyā timiraparipanthiphuraṇayā

tava śyāmaṁ meghaṁ kamapi maṇipūraikaśaraṇaṁ
niṣeve varṣantaṁ haramihirataptaṁ tribhuvanam|| 40||

tavādhāre mūle saha samayayā lāsyaparayā

navātmānaṁ manye navarasamahātāṇḍavanaṭam|
ubhābhyāmetābhyāmudayavidhimuddiśya dayayā
sanāthābhyāṁ jajñe janakajananīmajjagadidam|| 41||

gatairmāṇikyatvaṁ gaganamaṇibhiḥ sāndraghaṭitaṁ

kirīṭaṁ te haimaṁ himagirisute kīrtayati yaḥ|
sa nīḍeyacchāyācchuraṇaśabalaṁ candraśakalaṁ
dhanuḥ śaunāsīraṁ kimiti na nibadhnāti dhiṣaṇām|| 42||

dhunotu dhvāntaṁ nastulitadalitendīvaravanaṁ

ghanasnigdhaślakṣṇaṁ cikuranikurumbaṁ tava śive|
yadīyaṁ saurabhyaṁ sahajamupalabdhuṁ sumanaso
vasantyasmin manye valamathanavāṭīviṭapinām|| 43||

tanotu kṣemaṁ nastava vadanasaundaryalaharī

parīvāhasrotaḥsaraṇiriva sīmantasaraṇiḥ|
vahantī sindūraṁ prabalakabarībhāratimira
dviṣāṁ bṛndairbandīkṛtamiva navīnārkakiraṇam|| 44||

arālaiḥ svābhāvyādalikalabhasaśrībhiralakaiḥ
parītaṁ te vaktraṁ parihasati paṅkeruharucim|
darasmere yasmin daśanarucikiñjalkarucire
sugandhau mādyanti smaradahanacakṣurmadhulihaḥ|| 45||

lalāṭaṁ lāvaṇyadyutivimalamābhāti tava ya

ddvitīyaṁ tanmanye makuṭaghaṭitaṁ candraśakalam|
viparyāsanyāsādubhayamapi saṁbhūya ca mithaḥ
sudhālepasyūtiḥ pariṇamati rākāhimakaraḥ|| 46||

bhruvau bhugne kiṁcidbhuvanabhayabhaṅgavyasanini

tvadīye netrābhyāṁ madhukararucibhyāṁ dhṛtaguṇam|
dhanurmanye savyetarakaragṛhītaṁ ratipateḥ
prakoṣṭhe muṣṭau ca sthagayati nigūḍhāntaramume|| 47||

ahaḥ sūte savyaṁ tava nayanamarkātmakatayā

triyāmāṁ vāmaṁ te sṛjati rajanīnāyakatayā|

tṛtīyā te dṛṣṭirdaradalitahemāmbujaruciḥ
samādhatte saṁdhyāṁ divasaniśayorantaracarīm|| 48||

viśālā kalyāṇī sphuṭarucirayodhyā kuvalayaiḥ

kṛpādhārādhārā kimapi madhurābhogavatikā|
avantī dṛṣṭiste bahunagaravistāravijayā
dhruvaṁ tattannāmavyavaharaṇayogyā vijayate|| 49||

kavīnāṁ saṁdarbhastabakamakarandaikarasikaṁ
kaṭākṣavyākṣepabhramarakalabhau karṇayugalam|
amuñcantau dṛṣṭvā tava navarasāsvādataralā
vasūyāsaṁsargādalikanayanaṁ kiṁcidaruṇam|| 50||

śive śṛṅgārārdrā taditarajane kutsanaparā

saroṣā gaṅgāyāṁ giriśacarite vismayavatī|
harāhibhyo bhītā sarasiruhasaubhāgyajayinī
sakhīṣu smerā te mayi jananī dṛṣṭiḥ sakaruṇā|| 51||

gate karṇābhyarṇaṁ garuta iva pakṣmāṇi dadhatī

purāṁ bhettuścittapraśamarasavidrāvaṇaphale|
ime netre gotrādharapatikulottaṁsakalike
tavākarṇākṛṣṭasmaraśaravilāsaṁ kalayataḥ|| 52||

vibhaktatraivarṇyaṁ vyatikaritalīlāñjanatayā
vibhāti tvannetratritayamidamīśānadayite|
punaḥ sraṣṭuṁ devān druhiṇaharirudrānuparatān
rajaḥ sattvaṁ bibhrattama iti guṇānāṁ trayamiva|| 53||

pavitrīkartuṁ naḥ paśupatiparādhīnahṛdaye

nadaḥ śoṇo gaṅgā tapanatanayeti dhruvamamuṁ
trayāṇāṁ tīrthānāmupanayasi saṁbhedamanagham|| 54||

nimeṣonmeṣābhyāṁ pralayamudayaṁ yāti jagatī

tavetyāhuḥ santo dharaṇidhararājanyatanaye|
tvadunmeṣājjātaṁ jagadidamaśeṣaṁ pralayataḥ

paritrātuṁ śaṅke parihṛtanimeṣāstava dṛśaḥ|| 55||

tavāparṇe karṇejapanayanapaiśunyacakitā
nilīyante toye niyatamanimeṣāḥ śapharikāḥ|
iyaṁ ca śrīrbaddhacchadapuṭakavāṭaṁ kuvalayam
jahāti pratyūṣe niśi ca vighaṭayya praviśati|| 56||

dṛśā drāghīyasyā daradalitanīlotpalarucā

davīyāṁsaṁ dīnaṁ snapaya kṛpayā māmapi śive|
anenāyaṁ dhanyo bhavati na ca te hāniriyatā
vane vā harmye vā samakaranipāto himakaraḥ|| 57||

arālaṁ te pālīyugalamagarājanyatanaye
na keṣāmādhatte kusumaśarakodaṇḍakutukam|
tiraścīno yatra śravaṇapathamullaṅghya vilasa
nnapāṅgavyāsaṅgo diśati śarasaṁdhānadhiṣaṇām|| 58||

catuścakraṁ manye tava mukhamidaṁ manmatharatham|
yamāruhya druhyatyavanirathamarkenducaraṇaṁ
mahāvīro māraḥ pramathapataye sajjitavate|| 59||

sarasvatyāḥ sūktīramṛtalaharīkauśalaharīḥ
pibantyāḥ śarvāṇi śravaṇaculukābhyāmaviralam|
camatkāraślāghācalitaśirasaḥ kuṇḍalagaṇo
jhaṇatkāraistāraiḥ prativacanamācaṣṭa iva te|| 60||

asau nāsāvaṁśastuhinagirivaṁśadhvajapaṭi
tvadīyo nedīyaḥ phalatu phalamasmākamucitam|
vahannantarmuktāḥ śiśirataraniśvāsagalitaṁ
samṛddhyā yattāsāṁ bahirapi ca muktāmaṇidharaḥ|| 61||

prakṛtyā raktāyāstava sudati dantacchadaruceḥ

pravakṣye sādṛśyaṁ janayatu phalaṁ vidrumalatā|
na bimbaṁ tadbimbapratiphalanarāgādaruṇitaṁ
tulāmadhyāroḍhuṁ kathamiva vilajjeta kalayā|| 62||

smitajyotsnājālaṁ tava vadanacandrasya pibatāṁ
cakorāṇāmāsīdatirasatayā cañcujaḍimā|
ataste śītāṁśoramṛtalaharīmamlarucayaḥ
pibanti svacchandaṁ niśi niśi bhṛśaṁ kāñjikadhiyā|| 63||

aviśrāntaṁ patyurguṇagaṇakathāmreḍanajapā
japāpuṣpacchāyā tava janani jihvā jayati sā|
yadagrāsīnāyāḥ sphaṭikadṛṣadacchacchavimayī
sarasvatyā mūrtiḥ pariṇamati māṇikyavapuṣā|| 64||

raṇe jitvā daityānapahṛtaśirastraiḥ kavacibhir

viśākhendropendraiḥ śaśiviśadakarpūraśakalā
vilīyante mātastava vadanatāmbūlakabalāḥ|| 65||

vipañcyā gāyantī vividhamapadānaṁ paśupateḥ

tvayārabdhe vaktuṁ calitaśirasā sādhuvacane|
nijāṁ vīṇāṁ vāṇī niculayati colena nibhṛtam|| 66||

karāgreṇa spṛṣṭaṁ tuhinagiriṇā vatsalatayā

girīśenodastaṁ muhuradharapānākulatayā|
karagrāhyaṁ śambhormukhamukuravṛntaṁ girisute
kathaṅkāraṁ brūmastava cibukamaupamyarahitam|| 67||

bhujāśleṣān nityaṁ puradamayituḥ kaṇṭakavatī

tava grīvā dhatte mukhakamalanālaśriyamiyam|
svataḥ śvetā kālāgurubahulajambālamalinā
mṛṇālīlālityam vahati yadadho hāralatikā|| 68||

gale rekhāstisro gatigamakagītaikanipuṇe

virājante nānāvidhamadhurarāgākarabhuvāṁ
trayāṇāṁ grāmāṇāṁ sthitiniyamasīmāna iva te|| 69||

mṛṇālīmṛdvīnāṁ tava bhujalatānāṁ catasṛṇāṁ
caturbhiḥ saundaryaṁ sarasijabhavaḥ stauti vadanaiḥ|
nakhebhyaḥ santrasyan prathamamathanādandhakaripo
ścaturṇāṁ śīrṣāṇāṁ samamabhayahastārpaṇadhiyā|| 70||

nakhānāmuddyotairnavanalinarāgaṁ vihasatāṁ
karāṇāṁ te kāntiṁ kathaya kathayāmaḥ kathamume|
kayācidvā sāmyaṁ bhajatu kalayā hanta kamalaṁ
yadi krīḍallakṣmīcaraṇatalalākṣārasachaṇam|| 71||

samaṁ devi skandadvipavadanapītaṁ stanayugaṁ

tavedaṁ naḥ khedaṁ haratu satataṁ prasnutamukham|
yadālokyāśaṅkākulitahṛdayo hāsajanakaḥ
svakumbhau herambaḥ parimṛśati hastena jhaḍiti|| 72||

amū te vakṣojāvamṛtarasamāṇikyakutupau
na saṁdehaspando nagapatipatāke manasi naḥ|
pibantau tau yasmādaviditavadhūsaṅgarasikau
kumārāvadyāpi dviradavadanakrauñcadalanau|| 73||

vahatyamba stamberamadanujakumbhaprakṛtibhiḥ
samārabdhāṁ muktāmaṇibhiramalāṁ hāralatikām|
kucābhogo bimbādhararucibhirantaḥ śabalitāṁ
pratāpavyāmiśrāṁ puradamayituḥ kīrtimiva te|| 74||

tava stanyaṁ manye dharaṇidharakanye hṛdayataḥ

payaḥpārāvāraḥ parivahati sārasvatamiva|
dayāvatyā dattaṁ draviḍaśiśurāsvādya tava yat
kavīnāṁ prauḍhānāmajani kamanīyaḥ kavayitā|| 75||

harakrodhajvālāvalibhiravalīḍhena vapuṣā
gabhīre te nābhīsarasi kṛtasaṅgo manasijaḥ|
samuttasthau tasmādacalatanaye dhūmalatikā
janastāṁ jānīte tava janani romāvaliriti|| 76||

yadetat kālindītanutarataraṅgākṛti śive
kṛśe madhye kiṁcijjanani tava yadbhāti sudhiyām|
vimardādanyo'nyaṁ kucakalaśayorantaragataṁ
tanūbhūtaṁ vyoma praviśadiva nābhiṁ kuhariṇīm|| 77||

sthiro gaṅgāvartaḥ stanamukularomāvalilatā

kalāvālaṁ kuṇḍaṁ kusumaśaratejohutabhujaḥ|
raterlīlāgāraṁ kimapi tava nābhirgirisute
biladvāraṁ siddhergiriśanayanānāṁ vijayate|| 78||

nisargakṣīṇasya stanataṭabhareṇa klamajuṣo

namanmūrternārītilaka śanakaistruṭyata iva|
ciraṁ te madhyasya truṭitataṭinītīrataruṇā
samāvasthāsthemno bhavatu kuśalaṁ śailatanaye|| 79||

kucau sadyaḥsvidyattaṭaghaṭitakūrpāsabhidurau
kaṣantau dormūle kanakakalaśābhau kalayatā|
tava trātuṁ bhaṅgādalamiti valagnaṁ tanubhuvā
tridhā naddhaṁ devi trivali lavalīvallibhiriva|| 80||

gurutvaṁ vistāraṁ kṣitidharapatiḥ pārvati nijā

nnitambādācchidya tvayi haraṇarūpeṇa nidadhe|
ataste vistīrṇo gururayamaśeṣāṁ vasumatīṁ
nitambaprāgbhāraḥ sthagayati laghutvaṁ nayati ca|| 81||

karīndrāṇāṁ śuṇḍān kanakakadalīkāṇḍapaṭalī

mubhābhyāmūrubhyāmubhayamapi nirjitya bhavatī|
suvṛttābhyāṁ patyuḥ praṇatikaṭhinābhyāṁ girisute
vidhijñye jānubhyāṁ vibudhakarikumbhadvayamasi|| 82||

parājetuṁ rudraṁ dviguṇaśaragarbhau girisute

niṣaṅgau jaṅghe te viṣamaviśikho bāḍhamakṛta|
yadagre dṛśyante daśaśaraphalāḥ pādayugalī
nakhāgracchadmānaḥ suramakuṭaśāṇaikaniśitāḥ|| 83||

śrutīnāṁ mūrdhāno dadhati tava yau śekharatayā
mamāpyetau mātaḥ śirasi dayayā dhehi caraṇau|
yayoḥ pādyaṁ pāthaḥ paśupatijaṭājūṭataṭinī
yayorlākṣālakṣmīraruṇaharicūḍāmaṇiruciḥ|| 84||

namovākaṁ brūmo nayanaramaṇīyāya padayo

stavāsmai dvandvāya sphuṭarucirasālaktakavate|
asūyatyatyantaṁ yadabhihananāya spṛhayate
paśūnāmīśānaḥ pramadavanakaṅkelitarave|| 85||

mṛṣā kṛtvā gotraskhalanamatha vailakṣyanamitaṁ

lalāṭe bhartāraṁ caraṇakamale tāḍayati te|
cirādantaḥśalyaṁ dahanakṛtamunmūlitavatā
tulākoṭikvāṇaiḥ kilikilitamīśānaripuṇā|| 86||

himānīhantavyaṁ himagirinivāsaikacaturau
niśāyāṁ nidrāṇaṁ niśi caramabhāge ca viśadau|
varaṁ lakṣmīpātraṁ śriyamatisṛjantau samayināṁ
sarojaṁ tvatpādau janani jayataścitramiha kim|| 87||

padaṁ te kīrtīnāṁ prapadamapadaṁ devi vipadāṁ

kathaṁ nītaṁ sadbhiḥ kaṭhinakamaṭhīkarparatulām|
kathaṁ vā bāhubhyāmupayamanakāle purabhidā
yadādāya nyastaṁ dṛṣadi dayamānena manasā|| 88||

nakhairnākastrīṇāṁ karakamalasaṁkocaśaśibhi
starūṇāṁ divyānāṁ hasata iva te caṇḍi caraṇau|
phalāni svaḥsthebhyaḥ kisalayakarāgreṇa dadatāṁ
daridrebhyo bhadrāṁ śriyamaniśamahnāya dadatau|| 89||

dadāne dīnebhyaḥ śriyamaniśamāśānusadṛśī

mamandaṁ saundaryaprakaramakarandam vikirati|
tavāsmin mandārastabakasubhage yātu caraṇe
nimajjanmajjīvaḥ karaṇacaraṇaḥ ṣaṭcaraṇatām|| 90||

skhalantaste khelaṁ bhavanakalahaṁsā na jahati|
atasteṣāṁ śikṣāṁ subhagamaṇimañjīraraṇita
cchalādācakṣāṇaṁ caraṇakamalaṁ cārucarite|| 91||

gatāste mañcatvaṁ druhiṇaharirudreśvarabhṛtaḥ

śivaḥ svacchacchāyāghaṭitakapaṭapracchadapaṭaḥ|
tvadīyānāṁ bhāsāṁ pratiphalanarāgāruṇatayā
śarīrī śṛṅgāro rasa iva dṛśāṁ dogdhi kutukam|| 92||

arālā keśeṣu prakṛtisaralā mandahasite

śirīṣābhā citte dṛṣadupalaśobhā kucataṭe|
bhṛśaṁ tanvī madhye pṛthururasijārohaviṣaye
jagattrātuṁ śambhorjayati karuṇā kācidaruṇā|| 93||

kalaṅkaḥ kastūrī rajanikarabimbaṁ jalamayaṁ

kalābhiḥ karpūrairmarakatakaraṇḍaṁ nibiḍitam|
atastvadbhogena pratidinamidaṁ riktakuharaṁ
vidhirbhūyo bhūyo nibiḍayati nūnaṁ tava kṛte|| 94||

purārāterantaḥpuramasi tatastvaccaraṇayoḥ
saparyāmaryādā taralakaraṇānāmasulabhā|
tathā hyete nītāḥ śatamakhamukhāḥ siddhimatulāṁ
tava dvāropāntasthitibhiraṇimādyābhiramarāḥ|| 95||

kalatraṁ vaidhātraṁ katikati bhajante na kavayaḥ

śriyo devyāḥ ko vā na bhavati patiḥ kairapi dhanaiḥ|
mahādevaṁ hitvā tava sati satīnāmacarame
kucābhyāmāsaṅgaḥ kuravakatarorapyasulabhaḥ|| 96||

girāmāhurdevīṁ druhiṇagṛhiṇīmāgamavido
hareḥ patnīṁ padmāṁ harasahacarīmadritanayām|
turīyā kāpi tvaṁ duradhigamaniḥsīmamahimā
mahāmāyā viśvaṁ bhramayasi parabrahmamahiṣi|| 97||

kadā kāle mātaḥ kathaya kalitālaktakarasaṁ

pibeyaṁ vidyārthī tava caraṇanirṇejanajalam|
prakṛtyā mūkānāmapi ca kavitākāraṇatayā
kadā dhatte vāṇīmukhakamalatāmbūlarasatām|| 98||

sarasvatyā lakṣmyā vidhiharisapatno viharate

rateḥ pātivratyaṁ śithilayati ramyeṇa vapuṣā|
ciraṁ jīvanneva kṣapitapaśupāśavyatikaraḥ
parānandābhikhyam rasayati rasaṁ tvadbhajanavān|| 99||

svakīyairambhobhiḥ salilanidhisauhityakaraṇaṁ
tvadīyābhirvāgbhistava janani vācāṁ stutiriyam|| 100||

samānītaḥ padbhyāṁ maṇimukuratāmambaramaṇi

dadhāti tvadvaktraṁpratiphalanamaśrāntavikacaṁ
nirātaṅkaṁ candrānnijahṛdayapaṅkeruhamiva|| 101||

samudbhūtasthūlastanabharamuraścāru hasitaṁ
kaṭākṣe kandarpaḥ katicana kadambadyuti vapuḥ|
harasya tvadbhrāntiṁ manasi janayām sma vimalā
bhavatyā ye bhaktāḥ pariṇatiramīṣāmiyamume|| 102||

nidhe nityasmere niravadhiguṇe nītinipuṇe

nirāghātajñāne niyamaparacittaikanilaye|
niyatyā nirmukte nikhilanigamāntastutipade
nirātaṅke nitye nigamaya mamāpi stutimimām|| 103||

100. ्
श्यामला दण्डकम (śyāmalā daṇḍakam)

॥ ध्यािम ॥



मदालसां मञ्जलवावग्ब्वलासाम ।्

मातङ्गकन्यां मिसा स्मरावम ॥ १॥

चतभु ज
थु े चिकलावतंस े
कुचोन्नते कुङ्कुमरागशोणे ।
ु ििाशाङ्क
िण्रे ु ु
हस्ते िमस्ते जगदेकमातीः ॥ २॥

॥ वववियोगीः ॥
माता मरकतश्यामा मातङ्गर मदशावलिर ।

कुयाथत कटािं कल्याणर कदंबविवावसिर ॥ ३॥

ु ॥
॥ स्तवत
ु ।
जय मातङ्गतिये जय िरलोत्पलद्यते
ु वप्रये ॥ ४॥
जय सङ्गरतरवसके जय लरलाशक

॥ दण्डकम ॥

जय जिवि सधासम ु
रूढ ्-

कृ वत्तवासवप्रये सवथलोकवप्रये

ु वत्रके
िरिस्रगाबद्धचूलरसिार्वत्रके सािमत्प ु

शेखररभूतशरतांशरु ख
े ामयूखावलरबद्ध-
ु धिरलालकश्ेवणशृङ्गावरते लोकसंभाववते

कामलरलाधिस्सवन्नभभ्रू ु
हकृ ल्लोचिे
वाक्सधु ासेचिे चारुगोरोचिािङ्कके लरललामावभरामे सरामे
ु रमे

ु ूतसौरभ्-
ु भास्वरे

ताटङ्कभूषाववशेषावन्वते वसद्धसम्माविते

िरलोत्पले श्यामले िूवरताशेषलोकावभवाञ्छाफले श्रफले

विष्यन्दसन्दोहसन्देहकृ न्नावसकामौविंके
सवथववश्वावत्मके सवथवसद्ध्यावत्मके कावलके मग्ब्ु द्धमन्दवस्मतोदारवक्त्र-
स्फुरत िू् गताम्बूलकिूरथ खण्डोत्करे ज्ञािमद्राकरे
ु सवथसम्पत्करे
िद्मभास्वत्करे श्रकरे

ु वतवस्नग्ब्
ु धदन्तावलरविमथलालोलकल्लोलसम्मेलि
स्मेरशोणाधरे चारुवरणाधरे िक्वसबबाधरे

सलवलत िवयौविारंभचिोदयोद्वेललावण्यदग्ब्धाणथवाववभथवत ्

त्कन्थरे सत्कलामवन्दरे मन्थरे

वदव्यरत्नप्रभाबन्धरु च्छन्नहारावदभूषासमद्योतमािािवद्याङ्ग-

शोभे शभु े

रत्नके यूररवश्मच्छटािल्लवप्रोल्लसद्दोल्लतारावजते योवगवभीः

िूवजते ववश्ववदङ्मण्डलव्याप्तमावणक्यतेजस्स्स्फुरत्कङ्कणालं कृते
ववभ्रमालं कृते साधवु भीः िूवजते वासरारंभवेलासमज्जृ
ु म्भ
माणारववन्दप्रवतद्ववन्द्विावणद्वये सन्ततोद्यद्दये अद्वये
ु रिल्लवोद्य

न्नखेन्दुप्रभामण्डले सन्नताखण्डले वचत्प्रभामण्डले प्रोल्लसत्कुण्डले

तारकारावजिरकाशहाराववलस्मेर चारुस्तिाभोगभारािमिध्य-

वल्लरववलच्छेद वरचरसमद्यत्सम ु
वल्लकरभृत्करे वकङ्करश्रकरे

हेमकं ु भोिमोत्तङ्गु विोजभाराविम्रे वत्रलोकाविम्रे

ृ गंभरर िाभरसरस्तररशैवालशङ्काकरश्यामरोमावलरभूषणे
ु भाषणे


ू त्त
िद्मरागोल्लस िेखलामौविंकश्ोवणशोभावजतस्वणथभभ ृ ले

चविकाशरतले ववकवसतिवसकशकाताम्रवदव्यां ु
हस्माग्ब्ग थले वैभवािग्ब्ग थले श्यामले कोमलवस्नग्ब्द्ध
जंघालते चारुलरलागते िम्रवदक्पालसरमवन्तिर
ु ङ्कुराशङ्क
सारंगसंयोगसरखन्नखेन्दूज्ज्ले प्रोज्ज्ले
विमथले प्रह्व देवश
े लक्ष्मरश भूतश
े तोयेश वाणरश करिाश

े यिेश वाय्ववग्नकोटररमावणक्य संहृष्टबालातिोद्दाम--
ु उमे
लािारसारुण्यतारुण्य लक्ष्मरगृवहतावििद्म्मे सिद्मे

सरुवचरिवरत्निरठवस्थते ु
रत्निद्मासिे रत्नवसम्हासिे शङ्खिद्मद्वयोिावश्ते ववश्तु े
तत्र ववघ्नेशदगाथवटुित्रे िालैयतथु े मत्तमातङ्ग
कन्यासमूहावन्वते भ ैरवैरष्टवभवेवष्टते
ु िकाद्यङ्गिामाविते देवव वामावदवभीः शविंवभस्सेववते
ु मातृकामण्डलैमवथ ण्डते
धावत्र लक्ष्म्यावदशक्त्यष्टकै ीः संयते
यिगन्धवथवसद्धाङ्गिा मण्डलैरर्तचते

ृ े िञ्चबाणावत्मके िञ्चबाणेि रत्या च

भ ैरवर संवत
संभाववते प्ररवतभाजा वसन्तेि चािवन्दते भविंभाजं िरं श्ेयसे
कल्पसे योवगिां मािसे द्योतसे छन्दसामोजसा भ्राजसे गरतववद्या
वविोदावत तृष्णिे कृ ष्णेि सम्पूज्यसे भविंमिेतसा वेधसा
स्तूयसे ववश्वहृद्येि वाद्येि ववद्याधरैगीयसे

श्वणहरदविणक्वाणया वरणया वकन्नरैगीयसे

यिगन्धवथवसद्धाङ्गिा मण्डलैरच्यथस े

सवथसौभाग्ब्यवाञ्छावतरवभर ्वधूवभस्सरु ाणां समाराध्यसे

ु लोल्लसद ्-
सवथववद्याववशेषत्मकं चाटुगार्ा समिारणाकण्ठमू

वणथरावजत्रयं कोमलश्यामलोदारििद्वयं तण्डशोभावतदूररभवत ्
ु ं तं शकंु लालयन्तर िवरक्ररडसे

िावणिद्मद्वयेिािमालामवि स्फावटकीं ज्ञािसारात्मकं var


िस्तकञ्चङ्कुशं िाशमावबभ्रतर तेि सवञ्चन्त्यसे तस्य

वक्त्रान्तरात गद्यिद्यावत्मका भारतर विस्सरेत ये् ि वाध्वंसिादा
कृ वतभाथव्यसे तस्य वश्या भववन्तवस्तयीः िूरुषाीः येि वा
ु व्यसे सोवि लक्ष्मरसहस्र ैीः िवरक्ररडते
शातकं बद्यवतभाथ

वकन्न वसद्ध्येद्विीःु श्यामलं कोमलं चिचूडावन्वतं

तावकं ध्यायतीः तस्य लरला सरोवावरधरीः तस्य के लरविं
िन्दिं तस्य भद्रासिं भूतलं तस्य गरदेवता वकङ्कवर
तस्य चाज्ञाकरर श्र स्वयं

सवथतरर्ाथवत्मके सवथ मन्त्रावत्मके

सवथ यन्त्रावत्मके सवथ तन्त्रावत्मके
सवथ चक्रावत्मके सवथ शक्त्यावत्मके
सवथ िरठावत्मके सवथ वेदावत्मके

सवथ ववद्यावत्मके सवथ योगावत्मके
सवथ वणाथवत्मके सवथगरतावत्मके
सवथ िादावत्मके सवथ शब्दावत्मके
सवथ ववश्वावत्मके सवथ वगाथवत्मके
सवथ सवाथवत्मके सवथग े सवथ रूिे
जगिातृके िावह मां िावह मां िावह मां
ु िमो देवव तभ्ं
देवव तभ्ं ु िमो देवव तभ्ं
ु िमो
ु िमीः
देवव तभ्ं

॥ dhyānam ॥

madālasāṃ mañjulavāgvilāsām ।
mātaṅgakanyāṃ manasā smarāmi ॥ 1॥

caturbhuje candrakalāvataṃse
kuconnate kuṅkumarāgaśoṇe ।
haste namaste jagadekamātaḥ ॥ 2॥

॥ viniyogaḥ ॥

mātā marakataśyāmā mātaṅgī madaśālinī ।

kuryāt kaṭākṣaṃ kalyāṇī kadaṃbavanavāsinī ॥ 3॥

॥ stuti ॥

jaya mātaṅgatanaye jaya nīlotpaladyute ।
jaya saṅgītarasike jaya līlāśukapriye ॥ 4॥

॥ daṇḍakam ॥

jaya janani sudhāsamudrāntarudyanmaṇīdvīpasaṃrūḍh -

kṛttivāsapriye sarvalokapriye

nīpasragābaddhacūlīsanāthatrike sānumatputrike

susnigdhanīlālakaśreṇiśṛṅgārite lokasaṃbhāvite
vāksudhāsecane cārugorocanāpaṅkakelīlalāmābhirāme surāme

susvare bhāsvare

tāṭaṅkabhūṣāviśeṣānvite siddhasammānite

nīlotpale śyāmale pūritāśeṣalokābhivāñchāphale śrīphale

sarvaviśvātmike sarvasiddhyātmike kālike
sphurat pūgatāmbūlakarpūrakhaṇḍotkare jñānamudrākare
padmabhāsvatkare śrīkare

smeraśoṇādhare cāruvīṇādhare pakvabiṃbādhare

kambubimbokabhṛtkanthare satkalāmandire manthare

śobhe śubhe

ratnakeyūraraśmicchaṭāpallavaprollasaddollatārājite yogibhiḥ
vibhramālaṃkṛte sādhubhiḥ pūjite
māṇāravindapratidvandvipāṇidvaye santatodyaddaye advaye
nnakhenduprabhāmaṇḍale sannutākhaṇḍale citprabhāmaṇḍale

vallakībhṛtkare kiṅkaraśrīkare

hemakuṃbhopamottuṅga vakṣojabhārāvanamre trilokāvanamre



candrikāśītale vikasitanavakiṃśukātāmradivyāṃśukacchanna
hasmārggale vaibhavānarggale śyāmale komalasnigddha
jaṃghālate cārulīlāgate namradikpālasīmantinī
sāraṃgasaṃyogariṃkhannakhendūjjvale projjvale
nirmale prahva deveśa lakṣmīśa bhūteśa toyeśa vāṇīśa kīnāśa
daityeśa yakṣeśa vāyvagnikoṭīramāṇikya
lākṣārasāruṇyatāruṇya lakṣmīgṛhitāṅghripadmme supadme ume

suruciranavaratnapīṭhasthite susthite
ratnapadmāsane ratnasimhāsane śaṅkhapadmadvayopāśrite
tatra vighneśadurgāvaṭukṣetrapālairyute mattamātaṅga
kanyāsamūhānvite bhairavairaṣṭabhirveṣṭite
mañculāmenakādyaṅganāmānite devi vāmādibhiḥ
dhātri lakṣmyādiśaktyaṣṭakaiḥ saṃyute
yakṣagandharvasiddhāṅganā maṇḍalairarcite

bhairavī saṃvṛte pañcabāṇātmike pañcabāṇena ratyā ca

saṃbhāvite prītibhājā vasantena cānandite bhaktibhājaṃ paraṃ
kalpase yogināṃ mānase dyotase chandasāmojasā bhrājase
vinodāti tṛṣṇena kṛṣṇena sampūjyase bhaktimaccetasā vedhasā
stūyase viśvahṛdyena vādyena vidyādharairgīyase

śravaṇaharadakṣiṇakvāṇayā vīṇayā kinnarairgīyase
yakṣagandharvasiddhāṅganā maṇḍalairarcyase

sarvasaubhāgyavāñchāvatībhir vadhūbhissurāṇāṃ samārādhyase

sarvavidyāviśeṣatmakaṃ cāṭugāthā
varṇarājitrayaṃ komalaśyāmalodārapakṣadvayaṃ
kiṃśukaṃ taṃ śukaṃ lālayantī parikrīḍase

pāṇipadmadvayenākṣamālāmapi sphāṭikīṃ jñānasārātmakaṃ

var mālāguṇa
pustakañcaṅkuśaṃ pāśamābibhratī tena sañcintyase tasya
vaktrāntarāt gadyapadyātmikā bhāratī nissaret yena
kṛtirbhāvyase tasya vaśyā bhavantistiyaḥ pūruṣāḥ yena vā
śātakaṃbadyutirbhāvyase sopi lakṣmīsahasraiḥ parikrīḍate

kinna siddhyedvapuḥ śyāmalaṃ komalaṃ candracūḍānvitaṃ

tāvakaṃ dhyāyataḥ tasya līlā sarovāridhīḥ tasya kelīvanaṃ
nandanaṃ tasya bhadrāsanaṃ bhūtalaṃ tasya gīrdevatā kiṅkari
tasya cājñākarī śrī svayaṃ

sarvatīrthātmike sarva mantrātmike

sarva yantrātmike sarva tantrātmike
sarva cakrātmike sarva śaktyātmike
sarva pīṭhātmike sarva vedātmike
sarva vidyātmike sarva yogātmike
sarva varṇātmike sarvagītātmike
sarva nādātmike sarva śabdātmike
sarva viśvātmike sarva vargātmike
sarva sarvātmike sarvage sarva rūpe
jaganmātṛke pāhi māṃ pāhi māṃ pāhi māṃ
devi tubhyaṃ namo devi tubhyaṃ namo devi tubhyaṃ namo
devi tubhyaṃ namaḥ


101. ववष्णसहस्रिामस्तोत्रम ्
॥िूविथ रवठका॥
थु म।्
ु ांबरधरं ववष्ण ं ु शवशवणं चतभु ज
प्रसन्नवदिं ध्यायेत्सवथववघ्नोिशान्तये॥१॥
यस्य वद्वरदवक्त्राद्याीः िावरषद्याीः िरीः शतम ।्
ववघ्नं विघ्नवन्त सततं ववष्वकसेिं तमाश्ये॥ २॥
िारायणं िमस्कृ त्य िरं च ैव िरोत्तमम।्
देवीं सरस्वतीं व्यासं ततो जयमदररये ु त॥्
व्यासं ववसष्ठिप्तारं शिंे ीः िौत्रमकल्मषम।्
ु तातं तिोविवधम॥् ३॥
िराशरात्मजं वन्दे शक

व्यासाय ववष्णरूिाय व्यासरूिाय ववष्णवे।
िमो वै ब्रह्मविधये वावसष्ठाय िमो िमीः॥ ४॥
ु ाय वित्याय िरमात्मिे।
अववकाराय शद्ध
सदैकरूिरूिाय ववष्णवे सवथवजष्णवे॥ ५॥
यस्य स्मरणमात्रेण जिसंसारबन्धिात।्

ववमच्यते िमस्तस्म ै ववष्णवे प्रभववष्णवे॥ ६॥
ॐ िमो ववष्णवे प्रभववष्णवे।

॥ श्रवैशम्पायि उवाच ॥
ु ा धमाथिशेषण
श्त्व े िाविावि च सवथशीः।

यवधवष्ठरीः ु वाभ्भाषत॥ ७॥
शान्तिवं ििरे

॥ यवधवष्ठर उवाच ॥
वकमेकं दैवतं लोके सक वाप्येकं िरायणम।्

स्तवन्तीः ु िवाीः शभु म॥् ८॥
कं कमचथन्तीः प्राप्नयु माथ
को धमथीः सवथधमाथणां भवतीः िरमो मतीः।
ु ते जन्तजथ
सक जििच्य ु िसंसारबन्धिात॥् ९॥
॥ भरष्म उवाच ॥
जगत्प्रभ ं ु देवदेवमिन्तं िरुषोत्तमम
ु ।्

स्तवन्नामसहस्रे ु
ण िरुषीः सततोवत्थतीः॥ १०॥

तमेव चाचथयवन्नत्यं भक्त्या िरुषमव्ययम।्

श्च यजमािस्तमेव च॥ ११॥
अिावदविधिं ववष्ण ं ु सवथलोकमहेश्वरम।्

लोकाध्यिं स्तववन्नत्यं सवथदीःखावतगो भवेत॥् १२॥
ब्रह्मण्यं सवथधमथज्ञ ं लोकािां करर्ततवधथिम।्
लोकिार्ं महद्भूत ं सवथभतू भवोद्भवम॥् १३॥
एष मे सवथधमाथणां धमोऽवधकतमो मतीः।

यद्भक्त्या िण्डररकािं स्तवैरचेन्नरीः सदा॥ १४॥

िरमं यो महत्तेजीः िरमं यो महत्तिीः।
िरमं यो महद्ब्रह्म िरमं यीः िरायणम॥् १५॥
िववत्राणां िववत्रं यो मङ्गलािां च मङ्गलम।्
दैवतं दैवतािां च भूतािां योऽव्ययीः विता॥ १६॥

यतीः सवाथवण भूतावि भवन्त्यावदयगागमे

ु व यगिये
यसस्मश्च प्रलयं यावन्त ििरे ु ॥ १७॥
तस्य लोकप्रधािस्य जगन्नार्स्य भूिते।
ववष्णोिाथमसहस्रं मे शृण ु िािभयािहम॥् १८॥
यावि िामावि गौणावि ववख्यातावि महात्मिीः।
ऋवषवभीः िवरगरतावि तावि वक्ष्यावम भूतये॥ १९॥

ऋवषिाथम्ां सहस्रस्य वेदव्यासो महामविीः॥
ु र्ा देवो भगवाि दे् वकरसतीः॥
छन्दोऽिष्टु प्त ु २०॥
ू वो बरजं शविंदेववकिन्दिीः।
वत्रसामा हृदयं तस्य शान्त्यर्े वववियोज्यते॥ २१॥
ववष्ण ं ु वजष्ण ं ु महाववष्ण ं ु प्रभववष्ण ं ु महेश्वरम॥्

अिेकरूि दैत्यान्तं िमावम िरुषोत्तमं
॥ २२॥
ॐ अस्य श्रववष्णोर्तदव्यसहस्रिामस्तोत्रमहामन्त्रस्य॥

श्र वेदव्यासो भगवाि ऋवषीः। ्
अिष्टु िु छन्दीः।
श्रमहाववष्णीःु िरमात्मा श्रमन्नारायणो देवता।


ू वो भािवरवत
अमृतांशद्भ बरजम।् देवकरिन्दिीः स्रष्टेवत शविंीः।
उद्भवीः िोभणो देव इवत िरमो मन्त्रीः।
शङ्खभृन्नन्दकर चक्ररवत करलकम।्
शाङ्गथधन्वा गदाधर इत्यस्त्रम।् रर्ाङ्गिावणरिोभ् इवत िेत्रम।्
वत्रसामा सामगीः सामेवत कवचम।् आिन्दं िरब्रह्मेवत योविीः।
ऋतीःु सदशथ
ु िीः काल इवत वदग्ब्बन्धीः॥
श्रववश्वरूि इवत ध्यािम।्

श्रमहाववष्णप्ररत्यर्ं सहस्रिामजिे वववियोगीः॥
॥ अर् ध्यािम ॥ ्
िररोदन्वत्प्रदेश े शवु चमवणववलसत्सैकतेमौविंकािां
मालाकॢप्तासिस्थीः स्फवटकमवणविभ ैमौविंकै मथवण्डताङ्गीः।
ु ैरभ्र ैरदभ्र ैरुिवरववरवचतैमिं
शभ्र थु िरयूष वषैीः

आिन्दर िीः ििरयादवरिवलिगदा थु ु न्दीः॥ १॥

भूीः िादौ यस्य िावभर्तवयदसरविलश्चि सूयौ च िेत्र े
थु मवि दहिो यस्य वास्तेयमविीः।
कणाथवाशाीः वशरो द्यौमख

अन्तीःस्थं यस्य ववश्वं सरिरखगगोभोवगगन्धवथ
ै ैीः
वचत्रं रंरम्यते तं वत्रभवि ु
ु विषंु ववष्णमरशं िमावम॥ २॥
ॐ िमो भगवते वासदेु वाय।

शान्ताकारं भजगशयिं िद्मिाभं सरेु शं

ववश्वाधारं गगिसदृशं मेघवणं शभु ाङ्गम।्
लक्ष्मरकान्तं कमलियिं योवगवभध्याथिगम्यं
वन्दे ववष्ण ं ु भवभयहरं सवथलोकै किार्म॥् ३॥

मेघश्यामं िरतकौशेयवासं श्रवत्साङ्कं कौस्तभोद्भावसताङ्गम ।्
ु ु
त ं िण्डररकायतािं
िण्योिे ववष्ण ं ु वन्दे सवथलोकै किार्म॥् ४॥
िमीः समस्तभूतािामावदभूताय भूभतृ ।े
अिेकरूिरूिाय ववष्णवे प्रभववष्णवे॥ ५॥
सशङ्खचक्रं सवकररटकुण्डलं सिरतवस्त्रं सरसररुहेिणम।्
सहारविीःस्थलशोवभकौस्तभंु िमावम ववष्ण ं ु वशरसा चतभु जम ्
थु ॥६
छायायां िावरजातस्य हेमससहासिोिवर

आसरिमम्बदश्याममायतािमलं कृतम।्
ु हुं श्रवत्सावङ्कत विसं
चिाििं चतबाथ
रुविणर सत्यभामाभ्ां सवहतं कृ ष्णमाश्ये॥ ७॥
॥ हवरीः ॐ॥ ॥ववश्वस्म ै िमीः॥

॥अर् स्तोत्र भागीः॥

ववश्वं ववष्णवथु षट्कारो भूतभव्यभवत्प्रभीः।

भूतकृ द्भूतभृद्भावो भूतात्मा भूतभाविीः॥ १॥

िूतात्मा िरमात्मा च मिंािां िरमा गवतीः।


अव्ययीः िरुषीः सािर िेत्रज्ञोऽिर एव च॥ २॥
ु श्वरीः।
योगो योगववदां िेता प्रधाििरुषे
िारससहविीःु श्रमान्के शवीः िरुषोत्तमीः॥
ु ३॥
ु तथ ावदर्तिवधरव्ययीः।
सवथीः शवथीः वशवीः स्थाणभू

संभवो भाविो भताथ प्रभवीः प्रभररश्वरीः॥ ४॥

स्वयंभीःू शम्भरावदत्यीः ु
िष्करािो महास्विीः।

अिावदविधिो धाता ववधाता धातरुत्तमीः॥ ५॥
अप्रमेयो हृषरके शीः िद्मिाभोऽमरप्रभीः। ु

ववश्वकमाथ मिस्त्वष्टा स्थववष्ठीः स्थववरो ध्रवु ीः॥ ६॥
अग्राह्यीः शाश्वतीः कृ ष्णो लोवहतािीः प्रतदथिीः।
प्रभूतवस्त्रककुिाम िववत्रं मङ्गलं िरम॥् ७॥
ईशािीः प्राणदीः प्राणो ज्येष्ठीः श्ेष्ठीः प्रजािवतीः।
ु दू िीः॥ ८॥
वहरण्यगभो भूगभो माधवो मधस
ईश्वरो ववक्रमर धन्वर मेधावर ववक्रमीः क्रमीः।

अित्तमो दराधषथीः कृ तज्ञीः कृ वतरात्मवाि॥् ९॥
सरेु शीः शरणं शमथ ववश्वरेताीः प्रजाभवीः।
अहीः संवत्सरो व्यालीः प्रत्ययीः सवथदशथिीः॥ १०॥

अजीः सवेश्वरीः वसद्धीः वसवद्धीः सवाथवदरच्यतीः।
वृषाकविरमेयात्मा सवथयोगववविीःसृतीः॥ ११॥

वसवथु समिाीः
ु सत्यीः समात्माऽसवम्मतीः समीः।

अमोघीः िण्डररकािो वृषकमाथ वृषाकृ वतीः॥१२॥
रुद्रो बहुवशरा बभ्रर्तु वश्वयोविीः शवु चश्वाीः।
अमृतीः शाश्वत स्थाणवथु रारोहो महातिाीः॥ १३॥
सवथगीः सवथववद्भािर्तु वष्वक्सेिो जिादथिीः।
वेदो वेदववदव्यङ्गो वेदाङ्गो वेदववत्कववीः॥ १४॥

लोकाध्यिीः सराध्यिो धमाथध्यिीः कृ ताकृ तीः।

चतरात्मा ु हश्चत
चतव्यू थ दंु ष्ट्रश्चतभु जथु ीः॥ १५॥

भ्रावजष्णभोजिं भोिंा सवहष्णजथ ु गदावदजीः।
ु सीः॥
अिघो ववजयो जेता ववश्वयोविीः ििवथ ु १६॥
उिेिो वामिीः प्रांशरु मोघीः शवु चरूर्तजतीः।
अतरिीः संग्रहीः सगो धृतात्मा वियमो यमीः॥१७॥
वेद्यो वैद्यीः सदायोगर वररहा माधवो मधीःु ।
अतरवियो महामायो महोत्साहो महाबलीः॥ १८॥
ु हावरयो महाशविंमथहाद्यवतीः।
महाबवद्धमथ ु
अविदेश्यविीःु श्रमािमेयात्मा महावद्रधृक॥् १९॥
महेष्वासो महरभताथ श्रविवासीः सतां गवतीः।

अविरुद्धीः सरािन्दो गोववन्दो गोववदां िवतीः॥२०॥

मररवचदथमिो हंसीः सिणो ु


वहरण्यिाभीः सतिाीः िद्मिाभीः प्रजािवतीः॥ २१॥

अमृत्यीःु सवथदृसक्सहीः सन्धाता सवन्धमाि वस्थरीः।
अजो दमथष थणीः शास्ता ववश्तु ात्मा सरावरहा॥
ु २२॥
ु रुतमो
गरुग थु धाम सत्यीः सत्यिराक्रमीः।
विवमषोऽविवमषीः स्रग्ब्वर वाचस्पवतरुदारधरीः॥ २३॥
अग्रणरग्राथमणरीः श्रमान्न्यायो िेता समररणीः।
सहस्रमूधाथ ववश्वात्मा सहस्रािीः सहस्रिात॥् २४॥
आवतथिो विवृत्तात्मा संवत
ृ ीः संप्रमदथिीः।
अहीः संवतथको ववह्नरविलो धरणरधरीः॥ २५॥

सप्रसादीः प्रसन्नात्मा ववश्वधृवग्ब्वश्वभवग्ब्ु वभीः।

ु ह्नुिाथरायणो िरीः॥ २६॥
सत्कताथ सत्कृ तीः साधजथ

असंख्यये ोऽप्रमेयात्मा वववशष्टीः वशष्टकृ चछुवचीः।
वसद्धार्थीः वसद्धसंकल्पीः वसवद्धदीः वसवद्धसाधिीः॥ २७॥
वृषाहर वृषभो ववष्णवृु षथ िवाथ वृषोदरीः।
वधथिो वधथमािश्च वववविंीः श्वु तसागरीः॥ २८॥
सभु जो
ु दधथरो वाग्ब्मर महेिो वसदो
ु वसीः।

ि ैकरूिो बृहद्रूिीः वशविववष्टीः प्रकाशिीः॥ २९॥

ओजस्तेजोद्यवतधरीः प्रकाशात्मा प्रताििीः।
ऋद्धीः स्पष्टािरो मन्त्रश्चिांशभु ाथस्करद्यवतीः॥
ु ३०॥

ू वो भािीःु शशवबन्दुीः सरेु श्वरीः।
औषधं जगतीः सेतीःु सत्यधमथिराक्रमीः॥ ३१॥
भूतभव्यभवन्नार्ीः िविीः िाविोऽिलीः।
ु ३२॥
कामहा कामकृ त्कान्तीः कामीः कामप्रदीः प्रभीः॥

यगावदकृ ु
द्यगावतो ि ैकमायो महाशिीः।
अदृश्यो व्यिंरूिश्च सहस्रवजदिन्तवजत॥् ३३॥
इष्टोऽवववशष्टीः वशष्टेष्टीः वशखण्डर िहुषो वृषीः।
क्रोधहा क्रोधकृ त्कताथ ववश्वबाहुमथहरधरीः॥ ३४॥
ु प्रवर्तीः प्राणीः प्राणदो वासवािजीः।
अच्यतीः ु
अिांविवधरवधष्ठािमप्रमत्तीः प्रवतवष्ठतीः॥ ३५॥
स्कन्दीः स्कन्दधरो धयु ो वरदो वायवाहिीः।

वासदेु वो बृहद्भािरावददे
ु ु
वीः िरन्दरीः॥ ३६॥
े रीः।
अशोकस्तारणस्तारीः शूरीः शौवरजथिश्व
अिकूु लीः शतावतथीः िद्मर िद्मविभेिणीः॥ ३७॥
िद्मिाभोऽरववन्दािीः िद्मगभथीः शरररभृत।्
महर्तद्धरद्धो वृद्धात्मा महािो गरुडध्वजीः॥ ३८॥
ु शरभो भरमीः समयज्ञो हववहथवरीः।
सवथलिणलिण्यो लक्ष्मरवान्सवमवतञ्जयीः॥ ३९॥
ु मोदरीः सहीः।
वविरो रोवहतो मागो हेतदाथ

महरधरो महाभागो वेगवािवमताशिीः॥ ४०॥
उद्भवीः, िोभणो देवीः श्रगभथीः िरमेश्वरीः।
करणं कारणं कताथ ववकताथ गहिो गहीः॥ु ४१॥
व्यवसायो व्यवस्थािीः संस्थािीः स्थािदो ध्रवु ीः।
ु िष्टीः
िरर्तद्धीः िरमस्पष्टस्तष्टीः ु शभु ि
े णीः॥ ४२॥
रामो ववरामो ववरजो मागो िेयो ियोऽियीः।

वररीः शकवतमतां श्ेष्ठो धमो धमथववदत्तमीः॥ ४३॥
वैकुण्ठीः िरुषीः
ु प्राणीः प्राणदीः प्रणवीः िृर्ीःु ।
ु व्याप्तो वायरधोिजीः॥
वहरण्यगभथीः शत्रघ्नो ु ४४॥
ऋतीःु सदशथ
ु िीः कालीः िरमेष्ठर िवरग्रहीः।
उग्रीः संवत्सरो दिो ववश्ामो ववश्वदविणीः॥ ४५॥
ववस्तारीः स्थावरस्थाणीःु प्रमाणं बरजमव्ययम।्
अर्ोऽिर्ो महाकोशो महाभोगो महाधिीः॥ ४६॥
अविर्तवण्णीः स्थववष्ठोऽभूधमथ यथ िू ो महामखीः।
िित्रिेवमि थित्रर िमीः, िामीः समरहिीः॥ ४७॥
यज्ञ इज्यो महेज्यश्च क्रतीःु सत्रं सतां गवतीः।

सवथदशी ववमिंात्मा ु
सवथज्ञो ज्ञािमत्तमम ॥् ४८॥

सव्रतीः समु खीः
ु सूक्ष्मीः सघोषीः
ु ु
सखदीः ु ।्
मिोहरो वजतक्रोधो वररबाहुर्तवदारणीः॥ ४९॥

स्वाििीः स्ववशो व्यािर ि ैकात्मा ि ैककमथकृ त।्
वत्सरो वत्सलो वत्सर रत्नगभो धिेश्वरीः॥ ५०॥
ु कृद्धमी सदसत्क्षरमिरम।्
अववज्ञाता सहस्रांशर्तु वधाता कृ तलिणीः॥ ५१॥
गभवस्तिेवमीः सत्त्वस्थीः ससहो भूतमहेश्वरीः।
े ो देवभृद्गरुीः॥
आवददेवो महादेवो देवश ु ५२॥

उत्तरो गोिवतगोप्ता ज्ञािगम्यीः िरातिीः।
शरररभूतभृद्भोिंा किरिो भूवरदविणीः॥ ५३॥

सोमिोऽमृतिीः सोमीः िरुवजत्प ु
ववियो जयीः सत्यसंधो दाशाहथीः सात्त्वतांिवतीः॥ ५४॥
ु ु न्दोऽवमतववक्रमीः।
जरवो वविवयता सािर मक
अम्भोविवधरिन्तात्मा महोदवधशयोऽन्तकीः॥ ५५॥
अजो महाहथीः स्वाभाव्यो वजतावमत्रीः प्रमोदिीः।
आिन्दो िन्दिो िन्दीः सत्यधमाथ वत्रववक्रमीः॥
महर्तषीः कविलाचायथीः कृ तज्ञो मेवदिरिवतीः।
वत्रिदवस्त्रदशाध्यिो महाशृङ्गीः कृ तान्तकृ त॥् ५७॥
महावराहो गोववन्दीः सषेु णीः किकाङ्गदर।
ु गभररो गहिो गप्तश्चक्रगदाधरीः॥
गह्यो ु ५८॥

वेधाीः स्वाङ्गोऽवजतीः कृ ष्णो दृढीः संकषथणोऽच्यतीः।


वरुणो वारुणो वृिीः िष्करािो महामिाीः॥५९॥
भगवान्भगहाऽऽिन्दर विमालर हलायधीः। ु

आवदत्यो ज्योवतरावदत्यीः सवहष्णगथवतसत्तमीः॥ ६०॥

सधन्वा खण्डिरशदु ाथरुणो द्रववणप्रदीः।
वदवीःस्पृक्सवथदृग्ब्व्यासो वाचस्पवतरयोविजीः॥ ६१॥
वत्रसामा सामगीः साम विवाथण ं भेषजं वभषक।्

संन्यासकृ च्छमीः शान्तो विष्ठा शावन्तीः िरायणम॥६२॥
शभु ाङ्गीः शावन्तदीः स्रष्टा कुमदीः
ु कुवलेशयीः।
गोवहतो गोिवतगोप्ता वृषभािो वृषवप्रयीः॥ ६३॥
अविवती विवृत्तात्मा संिप्ते ा िेमकृ वच्छवीः।
श्रवत्सविाीः श्रवासीः श्रिवतीः श्रमतांवरीः॥ ६४॥
श्रदीः श्रशीः श्रविवासीः श्रविवधीः श्रववभाविीः।

श्रधरीः श्रकरीः श्ेयीः श्रमाललोकत्रयाश्यीः॥६५॥
स्विीः स्वङ्गीः शतािन्दो िवन्दज्योवतगथणेश्वरीः।
वववजतात्माऽववधेयात्मा सत्करर्ततवश्छन्नसंशयीः॥६६॥

उदरणथीः सवथतश्चिरिरशीः शाश्वतवस्थरीः।
भूशयो भूषणो भूवतर्तवशोकीः शोकिाशिीः॥ ६७॥
अर्तचष्मािर्तचतीः कुम्भो ववशद्ध
ु ात्मा ववशोधिीः।

अविरुद्धोऽप्रवतरर्ीः प्रद्यम्ोऽवमतववक्रमीः॥ ६८॥

कालिेवमविहा वररीः शौवरीः शूरजिेश्वरीः।
वत्रलोकात्मा वत्रलोके शीः के शवीः के वशहा हवरीः॥ ६९॥
कामदेवीः कामिालीः कामर कान्तीः कृ तागमीः।

अविदेश्यविर्तु वष्णवीरोऽिन्तो धिंजयीः॥ ७०॥
ब्रह्मण्यो ब्रह्मकृ द्ब्रह्मा ब्रह्म ब्रह्मवववधथिीः।
ब्रह्मववद ् ब्राह्मणो ब्रह्मर ब्रह्मज्ञो ब्राह्मणवप्रयीः॥ ७१॥
महाक्रमो महाकमाथ महातेजा महोरगीः।
महाक्रतमथ ु हायज्वा महायज्ञो महाहववीः॥ ७२॥
ु स्तोता रणवप्रयीः।
स्तव्यीः स्तववप्रयीः स्तोत्रं स्तवतीः
ु िण्यकरर्त
िूणीःथ िूरवयता िण्यीः ु तरिामयीः॥ ७३॥
मिोजवस्तरर्थकरो वसरेु ता वसप्रदीः।

ु वासदेु वो वसवथु समिा
वसप्रदो ु हववीः॥ ७४॥

सद्गवतीः सत्कृ वतीः सत्ता सद्भूवतीः सतिरायणीः।
ु िीः॥
शूरसेिो यदश्ेष्ठीः सवन्नवासीः सयाम ु ७५॥
भूतावासो वासदेु वीः सवाथसविलयोऽिलीः।

दिहथ ा दि थदो दृप्तो दधथरोऽर्ािरावजतीः॥ ७६॥
् र्ततरमूर्ततमाि।्
अिेकमूर्ततरव्यिंीः शतमूर्ततीः शताििीः॥ ७७॥

एको ि ैकीः सवीः कीः सक यत्तत्पदमित्तमम ।्

ु ोकिार्ो माधवो भिंवत्सलीः॥ ७८॥
ु वणो हेमाङ्गो वराङ्गश्चन्दिाङ्गदर।
वररहा ववषमीः शून्यो घृताशररचलश्चलीः॥ ७९॥
अमािर मािदो मान्यो लोकस्वामर वत्रलोकधृक।्
ु धा मेधजो धन्यीः सत्यमेधा धराधरीः॥ ८०॥

तेजोवृषो द्यवतधरीः सवथशस्त्रभृतां वरीः।
प्रग्रहो विग्रहो व्यग्रो ि ैकशृङ्गो गदाग्रजीः॥ ८१॥
ु र्तथ तश्चतबाथ
चतमू ु हुश्चतव्यू
ु हथ श्चतगथवतीः।

चतरात्मा चतभाथ ु वश्चतवेु दववदेकिात॥् ८२॥
समावतोऽविवृत्तात्मा दजथयो दरवतक्रमीः।
दलथभो दगथमो दगो दरावासो दरावरहा॥ ८३॥
शभु ाङ्गो लोकसारङ्गीः सतन्त
ु स्तन्त
ु ु िीः।
इिकमाथ महाकमाथ कृ तकमाथ कृ तागमीः॥ ८४॥

उद्भवीः सन्दरीः सन्दो ्
ु रतििाभीः ु
अको वाजसिीः शृङ्गर जयन्तीः सवथववज्जयर॥ ८५॥
ु वबन्दुरिोभ्ीः सवथवागरश्वरेश्वरीः।
महाह्रदो महागतो महाभूतो महाविवधीः॥ ८६॥
ु कुन्दरीः कुन्दीः िजथन्यीः िाविोऽविलीः।
अमृतांशोऽमृतविीःु सवथज्ञीः सवथतोमखीः॥
ु ८७॥


सलभीः ु
सव्रतीः ु
वसद्धीः शत्रवजच्छत्र ु
न्यग्रोधोऽदम्बरोऽश्वत्थश्चाणूरान्ध्रविषूदिीः॥ ८८॥
सहस्रार्तचीः सप्तवजह्वीः सप्तधाीः सप्तवाहिीः।
अमूर्ततरिघोऽवचन्त्यो भयकृ द्भयिाशिीः॥ ८९॥
थु महाि।्
ु वन्नगणो
अणबृु हथ त्कृ शीः स्थूलो गणभृ
ं ो वंशवधथिीः॥ ९०॥
अधृतीः स्वधृतीः स्वास्यीः प्राग्ब्वश
भारभृत्कवर्तो योगर योगरशीः सवथकामदीः।

आश्मीः श्मणीः िामीः सिणो ु
वायवाहिीः॥ ९१॥
ु रो धिवेु दो दण्डो दमवयता दमीः।
अिरावजतीः सवथसहो वियन्ताऽवियमोऽयमीः॥ ९२॥

सत्त्ववाि सावत्त्वकीः सत्यीः सत्यधमथिरायणीः।
अवभप्रायीः वप्रयाहोऽहथीः वप्रयकृ त्प्ररवतवधथिीः॥ ९३॥
ु तभवग्ब्ु वभीः।
ववहायसगवतज्योवतीः सरुवचहुथ ु
रववर्तवरोचिीः सूयीःथ सववता रववलोचिीः॥ ९४॥

अिन्तो हुतभग्भोिंा ु
सखदो ि ैकजोऽग्रजीः।
अविर्तवण्णीः सदामषी लोकावधष्ठािमद्भत
ु ीः॥ ९५॥
सिात्सिातितमीः कविलीः कविरव्ययीः।

स्ववस्तदीः स्ववस्तकृ त्स्ववस्त स्ववस्तभक्स्ववस्तदविणीः॥९६॥
अरौद्रीः कुण्डलर चक्रर ववक्रम्यूर्तजतशासिीः।

शब्दावतगीः शब्दसहीः वशवशरीः शवथररकरीः॥ ९७॥
अक्रूरीः िेशलो दिो दविणीः िवमणांवरीः।

ववद्वत्तमो वरतभयीः िण्यश्वणकरतथिीः॥ ९८॥
ु दीःस्वप्निाशिीः।
उत्तारणो दष्कृ वतहा िण्यो
वररहा रिणीः सन्तो जरविीः ियथववस्थतीः॥ ९९॥
ु यािहीः।
ु गभररात्मा वववदशो व्यावदशो वदशीः॥ १००॥
अिावदभूभथ वथु ो लक्ष्मरीः सवररो
ु रुवचराङ्गदीः।
जििो जिजिावदभीमो भरमिराक्रमीः॥ १०१॥

आधारविलयोऽधाता िष्पहासीः प्रजागरीः।
ऊध्वथगीः सत्पर्ाचारीः प्राणदीः प्रणवीः िणीः॥ १०२॥
प्रमाणं प्राणविलयीः प्राणभृत्प्राणजरविीः।

तत्त्वं तत्त्वववदेकात्मा जिमृत्यजरावतगीः॥ १०३॥
भूभवथु ीःस्वस्तरुस्तारीः सववता प्रवितामहीः।
यज्ञो यज्ञिवतयथज्वा यज्ञाङ्गो यज्ञवाहिीः॥ १०४॥
यज्ञभृद्यज्ञकृ द्यज्ञर यज्ञभग्ब्ु यज्ञसाधिीः।

यज्ञान्तकृ द्यज्ञगह्यमन्नमन्नाद एव च॥ १०५॥
आत्मयोविीः स्वयंजातो वैखािीः सामगायिीः।
देवकरिन्दिीः स्रष्टा वितरशीः िाििाशिीः॥ १०६॥

शङ्खभृन्नन्दकर चक्रर शाङ्गथधन्वा गदाधरीः।

रर्ाङ्गिावणरिोभ्ीः सवथप्रहरणायधीः॥ १०७॥
सवथप्रहरणायधु ॐ िम इवत।
विमालर गदर शाङ्गी शङ्खर चक्रर च िन्दकर।
ु सदेु वोऽवभरित॥
श्रमान्नारायणो ववष्णवाथ ु १०८॥
श्र वासदेु वोऽवभरित ु ॐ िम इवत।

॥भरष्म उवाच॥
इतरदं करतथिरयस्य के शवस्य महात्मिीः।
े प्रकरर्तततम॥् १॥
िाम्ां सहस्रं वदव्यािामशेषण

य इदं शृणयावन्नत्यं यश्चावि िवरकरतथयते ।्
िाशभु ं प्राप्नयासत्कवचत्सोऽम
ु ु ह च मािवीः॥ २॥
वेदान्तगो ब्राह्मणीः स्यात्क्षवत्रयो ववजयर भवेत।्

वैश्यो धिसमृद्धीः स्याच्छूद्रीः सखमवाप्न ्
ु ॥३॥

धमाथर्ी प्राप्नयाद्धमथ ु ।्
मर्ाथर्ी चार्थमाप्नयात

कामािवाप्नयात्कामर ु
प्रजार्ी प्राप्नयात्प्रजाम ्
भविंमान्यीः सदोत्थाय शवु चस्तद्गतमािसीः।
सहस्रं वासदेु वस्य िाम्ामेतत्प्रकरतथयते ॥् ५॥

ु ज्ञावतप्राधान्यमेव च।
यशीः प्राप्नोवत वविलं

अचलां वश्यमाप्नोवत श्ेयीः प्राप्नोत्यित्तमम ् ६॥

ि भयं क्ववचदाप्नोवत वरयं तेजश्च ववन्दवत।

भवत्यरोगो द्यवतमािलरूिग ु
णावन्वतीः॥ ७॥

रोगातो मच्यते ु त बन्धिात।्
रोगाद्बद्धो मच्ये
ु ते भरतस्त ु मच्ये
भयािच्य ु तािन्न आिदीः॥ ८॥
दगाथण्यवततरत्याश ु िरुषीः
ु ु

ण वित्यं भविंसमवन्वतीः॥ ९॥
वासदेु वाश्यो मत्यो वासदेु विरायणीः।
सवथिािववशद्ध ु ात्मा यावत ब्रह्म सिातिम॥् १०॥
ि वासदेु वभिंािामशभु ं ववद्यते क्ववचत।्

जिमृत्यजराव्यावधभयं ि ैवोिजायते॥ ११॥
इमं स्तवमधरयािीः श्द्धाभविंसमवन्वतीः।
ु तात्मसखिावन्तश्रधृ
यज्ये ु वतस्मृवतकरर्ततवभीः॥ १२॥
ि क्रोधो ि च मात्सयं ि लोभो िाशभु ा मवतीः।

भववन्त कृ त िण्यािां ु
भिंािां िरुषोत्तमे
॥ १३॥
द्यौीः सचिाकथ िित्रा खं वदशो भूम थहोदवधीः।
वासदेु वस्य वरयेण ववधृतावि महात्मिीः॥ १४॥
ससरास ु रगन्धवं
ु सयिोरगरािसम ।्

जगद्वशे वतथतदे ं कृ ष्णस्य सचराचरम॥् १५॥
ु सत्त्वं तेजो बलं धृवतीः।
इवियावण मिो बवद्धीः

वासदेु वातमकान्याहुीः िेत्र ं िेत्रज्ञ एव च॥ १६॥
सवाथगमािामाचारीः प्रर्मं िवरकल्पते।
आचारप्रभवो धमो धमथस्य प्रभरच्य ु
ु तीः॥ १७॥
ऋषयीः वितरो देवा महाभूतावि धातवीः।
जङ्गमाजङ्गमं चेदं जगन्नारायणोद्भवम॥् १८॥
योगो ज्ञािं तर्ा सांख्य ं ववद्याीः वशल्पावद कमथ च।
वेदाीः शास्त्रावण ववज्ञािमेतत्सवं जिादथिात॥् १९॥
ु हद्भूत ं िृर्ग्भूतान्यिेकशीः।
एको ववष्णमथ
ु ते् ववश्वभगव्ययीः॥
त्रींल्लोकान्व्याप्य भूतात्मा भङ्क ु २०॥
इमं स्तवं भगवतो ववष्णोव्याथसिे करर्तततम।्

िठे द्य इच्छेत्परुषीः श्ेयीः प्राित् ं ु सखावि
ु च॥ २१॥
ववश्वेश्वरमजं देवं जगतीः प्रभमव्ययम ु ।्

भजवन्त ये िष्करािं ि ते यावन्त िराभवम॥् २२॥
ि ते यावन्त िराभवम ॐ ् िम इवत।
॥अजिथु उवाच॥

िद्मित्रववशालाि िद्मिाभ सरोत्तम।

भिंािामिरिंािां त्राता भव जिादथि॥ २३॥



यो मां िामसहस्रेण स्तोतवमच्छवत िाण्डव।
सोहऽमेकेि श्लोके ि स्ततु एव ि संशयीः॥ २४॥
स्ततु एव ि संशय ॐ िम इवत।
॥व्यास उवाच॥
वासिाद्वासदेु वस्य वावसतं भवित्रयम
ु ।्
सवथभतू विवासोऽवस वासदेु व िमोऽस्त ु ते॥ २५॥
श्र वासदेु व िमोऽस्ततु ॐ िम इवत।

ु ववष्णोिाथमसहस्रकम।्
के िोिायेि लघिा

िठ्यते िवण्डतैर्तित्यं श्ोतवमच्छाम्यहं प्रभो॥ २६॥
॥ईश्वर उवाच॥
श्रराम राम रामेवत रमे रामे मिोरमे।
ु राम िाम वराििे॥ २७॥
सहस्रिाम तत्तल्यं
श्ररामिाम वरािि ॐ िम इवत।
िमोऽस्त्विन्ताय सहस्रमूतयथ े सहस्रिादाविवशरोरुबाहवे।

सहस्रिाम्े िरुषाय ु
शाश्वते सहस्रकोटर यगधावरणे िमीः॥ २८॥

सहस्रकोटर यगधावरणे ॐ िम इवत।

॥सञ्जय उवाच॥
ु रीः।
यत्र योगेश्वरीः कृ ष्णो यत्र िार्ो धिधथ
तत्र श्रर्तवजयो भूवतध्रवथु ा िरवतमथवतमथम॥ २९॥

अिन्यावश्चन्तयन्तो मां ये जिाीः ियिासते।

तेषां वित्यावभयिंािां योगिेम ं वहाम्यहम॥् ३०॥
िवरत्राणाय साधूिां वविाशाय च दष्कृ ताम।्
ु यगे
ं ाििार्ाथय संभवावम यगे
धमथसस्थ ु ॥ ३१॥
आताथीः ववषण्णाीः वशवर्लाश्च भरताीः घोरेष ु च व्यावधष ु वतथमािाीः।

संकरत्यथ िारायणशब्दमात्रं ववमिंदीःखाीः ु
सवखिो ु ३२॥

कायेि वाचा मिसेंवद्रयैवाथ बद्ध्यात्मिा वा प्रकृ वतस्वभावात।्
करोवम यद्यत्सकलं िरस्म ै िारायणायेवत समियथ ावम॥ ३३॥
् ॐ तत सत
ू मथ ॥॥
॥ इवत श्रववष्णोर्तदव्यसहस्रिामस्तोत्रं संिण ् ॥्
 

ॐ आिदामिहताथरं दातारं सवथसिं दाम।्

लोकावभरामं श्ररामं भूयो भूयो िमाम्यहम॥्
आताथिामार्ततहन्तारं भरतािां भरवतिाशिम।्
वद्वषतां कालदण्डं तं रामचिं िमाम्यहम॥्
िमीः कोदण्डहस्ताय सन्धरकृ तशराय च।
खवण्डतावखलदैत्याय रामायऽऽिवन्नवावरणे॥
रामाय रामभद्राय रामचंद्राय वेधसे।

रघिार्ाय िार्ाय सरतायाीः ितये िमीः॥
अग्रतीः िृष्ठतश्च ैव िाश्वथतश्च महाबलौ।
आकणथिूणधथ न्वािौ रिेतां रामलक्ष्मणौ॥

सन्नद्धीः कवचर खड्गर चािबाणधरो यवा।
गच्छिमाग्रतो वित्यं रामीः िात ु सलक्ष्मणीः॥

अच्यतािन्तगोववन्द िामोिारणभेषजात।्
िश्यवन्त सकला रोगास्सत्यं सत्यं वदाम्यहम॥्

सत्यं सत्यं ििस्सत्यमद्धु ृत्य भजम
ु च्यते
ु ।
वेदाच्छास्त्रं िरं िावस्त ि देवं के शवात्परम॥्
शरररे जझथररभूत े व्यावधग्रस्ते कळे वरे।
औषधं जाह्नवरतोयं वैद्यो िारायणो हवरीः॥
ु ििीः।
आलोड्य सवथशास्त्रावण ववचायथ च ििीः ु

इदमेकं सविष्पन्नं ध्येयो िारायणो हवरीः॥
यदिरिदभ्रष्टं मात्राहरिं त ु यद्भवेत ।्
तत्सवथ िम्यतां देव िारायण िमोऽस्त ु ते॥
ववसगथवबन्दुमात्रावण िदिादािरावण च।

न्यूिावि चावतवरिंावि िमस्व िरुषोत्तम॥

śuklāmbaradharaṃ viṣṇuṃ śaśivarṇaṃ caturbhujam ।
prasannavadanaṃ dhyāyet sarvavighnopaśāntaye ॥ 1॥

yasya dviradavaktrādyāḥ pāriṣadyāḥ paraḥ śatam ।

vighnaṃ nighnanti satataṃ viṣvaksenaṃ tamāśraye ॥ 2॥

nārāyaṇaṃ namaskṛtya naraṃ caiva narottamam ।

devīṃ sarasvatīṃ vyāsaṃ tato jayamudīrayet ॥

vyāsaṃ vasiṣṭhanaptāraṃ śakteḥ pautramakalmaṣam ।

parāśarātmajaṃ vande śukatātaṃ taponidhim ॥ 3॥

vyāsāya viṣṇurūpāya vyāsarūpāya viṣṇave ।

namo vai brahmanidhaye vāsiṣṭhāya namo namaḥ ॥ 4॥

avikārāya śuddhāya nityāya paramātmane ।

sadaikarūparūpāya viṣṇave sarvajiṣṇave ॥ 5॥

yasya smaraṇamātreṇa janmasaṃsārabandhanāt ।

vimucyate namastasmai viṣṇave prabhaviṣṇave ॥ 6॥

Om namo viṣṇave prabhaviṣṇave ।

śrīvaiśampāyana uvāca ---
śrutvā dharmānaśeṣeṇa pāvanāni ca sarvaśaḥ ।
yudhiṣṭhiraḥ śāntanavaṃ punarevābhyabhāṣata ॥ 7॥

yudhiṣṭhira uvāca ---

kimekaṃ daivataṃ loke kiṃ vāpyekaṃ parāyaṇam ।
stuvantaḥ kaṃ kamarcantaḥ prāpnuyurmānavāḥ śubham ॥ 8॥

ko dharmaḥ sarvadharmāṇāṃ bhavataḥ paramo mataḥ ।

kiṃ japanmucyate janturjanmasaṃsārabandhanāt ॥ 9॥

bhīṣma uvāca ---
jagatprabhuṃ devadevamanantaṃ puruṣottamam ।
stuvan nāmasahasreṇa puruṣaḥ satatotthitaḥ ॥ 10॥

tameva cārcayannityaṃ bhaktyā puruṣamavyayam ।

dhyāyan stuvan namasyaṃśca yajamānastameva ca ॥ 11॥

anādinidhanaṃ viṣṇuṃ sarvalokamaheśvaram ।

lokādhyakṣaṃ stuvannityaṃ sarvaduḥkhātigo bhavet ॥ 12॥

brahmaṇyaṃ sarvadharmajñaṃ lokānāṃ kīrtivardhanam ।

lokanāthaṃ mahadbhūtaṃ sarvabhūtabhavodbhavam ॥ 13॥

eṣa me sarvadharmāṇāṃ dharmo'dhikatamo mataḥ ।

yadbhaktyā puṇḍarīkākṣaṃ stavairarcennaraḥ sadā ॥ 14॥

paramaṃ yo mahattejaḥ paramaṃ yo mahattapaḥ ।

paramaṃ yo mahadbrahma paramaṃ yaḥ parāyaṇam ॥ 15॥

pavitrāṇāṃ pavitraṃ yo maṅgalānāṃ ca maṅgalam ।

daivataṃ daivatānāṃ ca bhūtānāṃ yo'vyayaḥ pitā ॥ 16॥

yataḥ sarvāṇi bhūtāni bhavantyādiyugāgame ।

yasmiṃśca pralayaṃ yānti punareva yugakṣaye ॥ 17॥

tasya lokapradhānasya jagannāthasya bhūpate ।

viṣṇornāmasahasraṃ me śṛṇu pāpabhayāpaham ॥ 18॥

yāni nāmāni gauṇāni vikhyātāni mahātmanaḥ ।

ṛṣibhiḥ parigītāni tāni vakṣyāmi bhūtaye ॥ 19॥

ṛṣirnāmnāṃ sahasrasya vedavyāso mahāmuniḥ ॥

chando'nuṣṭup tathā devo bhagavān devakīsutaḥ ॥ 20॥

amṛtāṃśūdbhavo bījaṃ śaktirdevakinandanaḥ ।
trisāmā hṛdayaṃ tasya śāntyarthe viniyojyate ॥ 21॥

viṣṇuṃ jiṣṇuṃ mahāviṣṇuṃ prabhaviṣṇuṃ maheśvaram ॥

anekarūpa daityāntaṃ namāmi puruṣottamaṃ ॥ 22 ॥

pūrvanyāsaḥ ।
śrīvedavyāsa uvāca ---
Om asya śrīviṣṇordivyasahasranāmastotramahāmantrasya ।
śrī vedavyāso bhagavān ṛṣiḥ ।
anuṣṭup chandaḥ ।
śrīmahāviṣṇuḥ paramātmā śrīmannārāyaṇo devatā ।
amṛtāṃśūdbhavo bhānuriti bījam ।
devakīnandanaḥ sraṣṭeti śaktiḥ ।
udbhavaḥ kṣobhaṇo deva iti paramo mantraḥ ।
śaṅkhabhṛnnandakī cakrīti kīlakam ।
śārṅgadhanvā gadādhara ityastram ।
rathāṅgapāṇirakṣobhya iti netram ।
trisāmā sāmagaḥ sāmeti kavacam ।
ānandaṃ parabrahmeti yoniḥ ।
ṛtuḥ sudarśanaḥ kāla iti digbandhaḥ ॥

śrīviśvarūpa iti dhyānam ।

śrīmahāviṣṇuprītyarthe sahasranāmastotrapāṭhe viniyogaḥ ॥

atha dhyānam ।
kṣīrodanvatpradeśe śucimaṇivilasatsaikatermauktikānāṃ
sphaṭikamaṇinibhairmauktikairmaṇḍitāṅgaḥ ।
śubhrairabhrairadabhrairupariviracitairmuktapīyūṣa varṣaiḥ
ānandī naḥ punīyādarinalinagadā śaṅkhapāṇirmukundaḥ ॥ 1॥

bhūḥ pādau yasya nābhirviyadasuranilaścandra sūryau ca netre
karṇāvāśāḥ śiro dyaurmukhamapi dahano yasya vāsteyamabdhiḥ

antaḥsthaṃ yasya viśvaṃ
citraṃ raṃramyate taṃ tribhuvana vapuṣaṃ viṣṇumīśaṃ
namāmi ॥ 2॥

Om śāntākāraṃ bhujagaśayanaṃ padmanābhaṃ sureśaṃ

viśvādhāraṃ gaganasadṛśaṃ meghavarṇaṃ śubhāṅgam ।
lakṣmīkāntaṃ kamalanayanaṃ yogibhirdhyānagamyaṃ var
vande viṣṇuṃ bhavabhayaharaṃ sarvalokaikanātham ॥ 3॥

meghaśyāmaṃ pītakauśeyavāsaṃ
śrīvatsāṅkaṃ kaustubhodbhāsitāṅgam ।
puṇyopetaṃ puṇḍarīkāyatākṣaṃ
viṣṇuṃ vande sarvalokaikanātham ॥ 4॥

namaḥ samastabhūtānāmādibhūtāya bhūbhṛte ।

anekarūparūpāya viṣṇave prabhaviṣṇave ॥ 5॥

saśaṅkhacakraṃ sakirīṭakuṇḍalaṃ
sapītavastraṃ sarasīruhekṣaṇam ।
sahāravakṣaḥsthalakaustubhaśriyaṃ var
namāmi viṣṇuṃ śirasā caturbhujam ॥ 6॥

chāyāyāṃ pārijātasya hemasiṃhāsanopari

āsīnamambudaśyāmamāyatākṣamalaṃkṛtam ।
candrānanaṃ caturbāhuṃ śrīvatsāṅkita vakṣasaṃ
rukmiṇī satyabhāmābhyāṃ sahitaṃ kṛṣṇamāśraye ॥ 7॥

hariḥ Om ।
viśvaṃ viṣṇurvaṣaṭkāro bhūtabhavyabhavatprabhuḥ ।
bhūtakṛdbhūtabhṛdbhāvo bhūtātmā bhūtabhāvanaḥ ॥ 1॥

pūtātmā paramātmā ca muktānāṃ paramā gatiḥ ।

avyayaḥ puruṣaḥ sākṣī kṣetrajño'kṣara eva ca ॥ 2॥

yogo yogavidāṃ netā pradhānapuruṣeśvaraḥ ।

nārasiṃhavapuḥ śrīmān keśavaḥ puruṣottamaḥ ॥ 3॥

sarvaḥ śarvaḥ śivaḥ sthāṇurbhūtādirnidhiravyayaḥ ।

sambhavo bhāvano bhartā prabhavaḥ prabhurīśvaraḥ ॥ 4॥

svayambhūḥ śambhurādityaḥ puṣkarākṣo mahāsvanaḥ ।

anādinidhano dhātā vidhātā dhāturuttamaḥ ॥ 5॥

aprameyo hṛṣīkeśaḥ padmanābho'maraprabhuḥ ।

viśvakarmā manustvaṣṭā sthaviṣṭhaḥ sthaviro dhruvaḥ ॥ 6॥

agrāhyaḥ śāśvataḥ kṛṣṇo lohitākṣaḥ pratardanaḥ ।

prabhūtastrikakubdhāma pavitraṃ maṅgalaṃ param ॥ 7॥

īśānaḥ prāṇadaḥ prāṇo jyeṣṭhaḥ śreṣṭhaḥ prajāpatiḥ ।

hiraṇyagarbho bhūgarbho mādhavo madhusūdanaḥ ॥ 8॥

īśvaro vikramī dhanvī medhāvī vikramaḥ kramaḥ ।

anuttamo durādharṣaḥ kṛtajñaḥ kṛtirātmavān ॥ 9॥

sureśaḥ śaraṇaṃ śarma viśvaretāḥ prajābhavaḥ ।

ahaḥ saṃvatsaro vyālaḥ pratyayaḥ sarvadarśanaḥ ॥ 10॥

ajaḥ sarveśvaraḥ siddhaḥ siddhiḥ sarvādiracyutaḥ ।

vṛṣākapirameyātmā sarvayogaviniḥsṛtaḥ ॥ 11॥

vasurvasumanāḥ satyaḥ samātmā'sammitaḥ samaḥ ।

amoghaḥ puṇḍarīkākṣo vṛṣakarmā vṛṣākṛtiḥ ॥ 12॥

rudro bahuśirā babhrurviśvayoniḥ śuciśravāḥ ।

amṛtaḥ śāśvatasthāṇurvarāroho mahātapāḥ ॥ 13॥

sarvagaḥ sarvavidbhānurviṣvakseno janārdanaḥ ।

vedo vedavidavyaṅgo vedāṅgo vedavit kaviḥ ॥ 14॥

lokādhyakṣaḥ surādhyakṣo dharmādhyakṣaḥ kṛtākṛtaḥ ।

caturātmā caturvyūhaścaturdaṃṣṭraścaturbhujaḥ ॥ 15॥

bhrājiṣṇurbhojanaṃ bhoktā sahiṣṇurjagadādijaḥ ।

anagho vijayo jetā viśvayoniḥ punarvasuḥ ॥ 16॥

upendro vāmanaḥ prāṃśuramoghaḥ śucirūrjitaḥ ।

atīndraḥ saṅgrahaḥ sargo dhṛtātmā niyamo yamaḥ ॥ 17॥

vedyo vaidyaḥ sadāyogī vīrahā mādhavo madhuḥ ।

atīndriyo mahāmāyo mahotsāho mahābalaḥ ॥ 18॥

mahābuddhirmahāvīryo mahāśaktirmahādyutiḥ ।
anirdeśyavapuḥ śrīmānameyātmā mahādridhṛk ॥ 19॥

maheṣvāso mahībhartā śrīnivāsaḥ satāṃ gatiḥ ।

aniruddhaḥ surānando govindo govidāṃ patiḥ ॥ 20॥

marīcirdamano haṃsaḥ suparṇo bhujagottamaḥ ।

hiraṇyanābhaḥ sutapāḥ padmanābhaḥ prajāpatiḥ ॥ 21॥

amṛtyuḥ sarvadṛk siṃhaḥ sandhātā sandhimān sthiraḥ ।

ajo durmarṣaṇaḥ śāstā viśrutātmā surārihā ॥ 22॥

gururgurutamo dhāma satyaḥ satyaparākramaḥ ।

nimiṣo'nimiṣaḥ sragvī vācaspatirudāradhīḥ ॥ 23॥
agraṇīrgrāmaṇīḥ śrīmān nyāyo netā samīraṇaḥ ।
sahasramūrdhā viśvātmā sahasrākṣaḥ sahasrapāt ॥ 24॥

āvartano nivṛttātmā saṃvṛtaḥ sampramardanaḥ ।

ahaḥ saṃvartako vahniranilo dharaṇīdharaḥ ॥ 25॥

suprasādaḥ prasannātmā viśvadhṛgviśvabhugvibhuḥ ।

satkartā satkṛtaḥ sādhurjahnurnārāyaṇo naraḥ ॥ 26॥

asaṅkhyeyo'prameyātmā viśiṣṭaḥ śiṣṭakṛcchuciḥ ।

siddhārthaḥ siddhasaṅkalpaḥ siddhidaḥ siddhisādhanaḥ ॥ 27॥

vṛṣāhī vṛṣabho viṣṇurvṛṣaparvā vṛṣodaraḥ ।

vardhano vardhamānaśca viviktaḥ śrutisāgaraḥ ॥ 28॥

subhujo durdharo vāgmī mahendro vasudo vasuḥ ।

naikarūpo bṛhadrūpaḥ śipiviṣṭaḥ prakāśanaḥ ॥ 29॥

ojastejodyutidharaḥ prakāśātmā pratāpanaḥ ।

ṛddhaḥ spaṣṭākṣaro mantraścandrāṃśurbhāskaradyutiḥ ॥ 30॥

amṛtāṃśūdbhavo bhānuḥ śaśabinduḥ sureśvaraḥ ।

auṣadhaṃ jagataḥ setuḥ satyadharmaparākramaḥ ॥ 31॥

bhūtabhavyabhavannāthaḥ pavanaḥ pāvano'nalaḥ ।

kāmahā kāmakṛtkāntaḥ kāmaḥ kāmapradaḥ prabhuḥ ॥ 32॥

yugādikṛdyugāvarto naikamāyo mahāśanaḥ ।

adṛśyo vyaktarūpaśca sahasrajidanantajit ॥ 33॥

iṣṭo'viśiṣṭaḥ śiṣṭeṣṭaḥ śikhaṇḍī nahuṣo vṛṣaḥ ।

krodhahā krodhakṛtkartā viśvabāhurmahīdharaḥ ॥ 34॥

acyutaḥ prathitaḥ prāṇaḥ prāṇado vāsavānujaḥ ।
apāṃnidhiradhiṣṭhānamapramattaḥ pratiṣṭhitaḥ ॥ 35॥

skandaḥ skandadharo dhuryo varado vāyuvāhanaḥ ।

vāsudevo bṛhadbhānurādidevaḥ purandaraḥ ॥ 36॥

aśokastāraṇastāraḥ śūraḥ śaurirjaneśvaraḥ ।

anukūlaḥ śatāvartaḥ padmī padmanibhekṣaṇaḥ ॥ 37॥

padmanābho'ravindākṣaḥ padmagarbhaḥ śarīrabhṛt ।

maharddhirṛddho vṛddhātmā mahākṣo garuḍadhvajaḥ ॥ 38॥

atulaḥ śarabho bhīmaḥ samayajño havirhariḥ ।

sarvalakṣaṇalakṣaṇyo lakṣmīvān samitiñjayaḥ ॥ 39॥

vikṣaro rohito mārgo heturdāmodaraḥ sahaḥ ।

mahīdharo mahābhāgo vegavānamitāśanaḥ ॥ 40॥

udbhavaḥ kṣobhaṇo devaḥ śrīgarbhaḥ parameśvaraḥ ।

karaṇaṃ kāraṇaṃ kartā vikartā gahano guhaḥ ॥ 41॥

vyavasāyo vyavasthānaḥ saṃsthānaḥ sthānado dhruvaḥ ।

pararddhiḥ paramaspaṣṭastuṣṭaḥ puṣṭaḥ śubhekṣaṇaḥ ॥ 42॥

rāmo virāmo virajo mārgo neyo nayo'nayaḥ । or virāmo virato

vīraḥ śaktimatāṃ śreṣṭho dharmo dharmaviduttamaḥ ॥ 43॥

vaikuṇṭhaḥ puruṣaḥ prāṇaḥ prāṇadaḥ praṇavaḥ pṛthuḥ ।

hiraṇyagarbhaḥ śatrughno vyāpto vāyuradhokṣajaḥ ॥ 44॥

ṛtuḥ sudarśanaḥ kālaḥ parameṣṭhī parigrahaḥ ।

ugraḥ saṃvatsaro dakṣo viśrāmo viśvadakṣiṇaḥ ॥ 45॥

vistāraḥ sthāvarasthāṇuḥ pramāṇaṃ bījamavyayam ।

artho'nartho mahākośo mahābhogo mahādhanaḥ ॥ 46॥

anirviṇṇaḥ sthaviṣṭho'bhūrdharmayūpo mahāmakhaḥ ।

nakṣatranemirnakṣatrī kṣamaḥ kṣāmaḥ samīhanaḥ ॥ 47॥

yajña ijyo mahejyaśca kratuḥ satraṃ satāṃ gatiḥ ।

sarvadarśī vimuktātmā sarvajño jñānamuttamam ॥ 48॥

suvrataḥ sumukhaḥ sūkṣmaḥ sughoṣaḥ sukhadaḥ suhṛt ।

manoharo jitakrodho vīrabāhurvidāraṇaḥ ॥ 49॥

svāpanaḥ svavaśo vyāpī naikātmā naikakarmakṛt ।

vatsaro vatsalo vatsī ratnagarbho dhaneśvaraḥ ॥ 50॥

dharmagubdharmakṛddharmī sadasatkṣaramakṣaram ।
avijñātā sahasrāṃśurvidhātā kṛtalakṣaṇaḥ ॥ 51॥

gabhastinemiḥ sattvasthaḥ siṃho bhūtamaheśvaraḥ ।

ādidevo mahādevo deveśo devabhṛdguruḥ ॥ 52॥

uttaro gopatirgoptā jñānagamyaḥ purātanaḥ ।

śarīrabhūtabhṛdbhoktā kapīndro bhūridakṣiṇaḥ ॥ 53॥

somapo'mṛtapaḥ somaḥ purujitpurusattamaḥ ।

vinayo jayaḥ satyasandho dāśārhaḥ sātvatāmpatiḥ ॥ 54॥

jīvo vinayitā sākṣī mukundo'mitavikramaḥ ।

ambhonidhiranantātmā mahodadhiśayo'ntakaḥ ॥ 55॥

ajo mahārhaḥ svābhāvyo jitāmitraḥ pramodanaḥ ।

ānando nandano nandaḥ satyadharmā trivikramaḥ ॥ 56॥

maharṣiḥ kapilācāryaḥ kṛtajño medinīpatiḥ ।

tripadastridaśādhyakṣo mahāśṛṅgaḥ kṛtāntakṛt ॥ 57॥

mahāvarāho govindaḥ suṣeṇaḥ kanakāṅgadī ।
guhyo gabhīro gahano guptaścakragadādharaḥ ॥ 58॥

vedhāḥ svāṅgo'jitaḥ kṛṣṇo dṛḍhaḥ saṅkarṣaṇo'cyutaḥ ।

varuṇo vāruṇo vṛkṣaḥ puṣkarākṣo mahāmanāḥ ॥ 59॥

bhagavān bhagahā''nandī vanamālī halāyudhaḥ ।

ādityo jyotirādityaḥ sahiṣṇurgatisattamaḥ ॥ 60॥

sudhanvā khaṇḍaparaśurdāruṇo draviṇapradaḥ ।

divaspṛk sarvadṛgvyāso vācaspatirayonijaḥ ॥ 61॥

trisāmā sāmagaḥ sāma nirvāṇaṃ bheṣajaṃ bhiṣak ।

saṃnyāsakṛcchamaḥ śānto niṣṭhā śāntiḥ parāyaṇam ॥ 62॥

śubhāṅgaḥ śāntidaḥ sraṣṭā kumudaḥ kuvaleśayaḥ ।

gohito gopatirgoptā vṛṣabhākṣo vṛṣapriyaḥ ॥ 63॥

anivartī nivṛttātmā saṅkṣeptā kṣemakṛcchivaḥ ।

śrīvatsavakṣāḥ śrīvāsaḥ śrīpatiḥ śrīmatāṃvaraḥ ॥ 64॥

śrīdaḥ śrīśaḥ śrīnivāsaḥ śrīnidhiḥ śrīvibhāvanaḥ ।

śrīdharaḥ śrīkaraḥ śreyaḥ śrīmā~llokatrayāśrayaḥ ॥ 65॥

svakṣaḥ svaṅgaḥ śatānando nandirjyotirgaṇeśvaraḥ ।

vijitātmā'vidheyātmā satkīrtiśchinnasaṃśayaḥ ॥ 66॥

udīrṇaḥ sarvataścakṣuranīśaḥ śāśvatasthiraḥ ।

bhūśayo bhūṣaṇo bhūtirviśokaḥ śokanāśanaḥ ॥ 67॥

arciṣmānarcitaḥ kumbho viśuddhātmā viśodhanaḥ ।

aniruddho'pratirathaḥ pradyumno'mitavikramaḥ ॥ 68॥

kālaneminihā vīraḥ śauriḥ śūrajaneśvaraḥ ।
trilokātmā trilokeśaḥ keśavaḥ keśihā hariḥ ॥ 69॥

kāmadevaḥ kāmapālaḥ kāmī kāntaḥ kṛtāgamaḥ ।

anirdeśyavapurviṣṇurvīro'nanto dhanañjayaḥ ॥ 70॥

brahmaṇyo brahmakṛd brahmā brahma brahmavivardhanaḥ ।

brahmavid brāhmaṇo brahmī brahmajño brāhmaṇapriyaḥ ॥ 71॥

mahākramo mahākarmā mahātejā mahoragaḥ ।

mahākraturmahāyajvā mahāyajño mahāhaviḥ ॥ 72॥

stavyaḥ stavapriyaḥ stotraṃ stutiḥ stotā raṇapriyaḥ ।

pūrṇaḥ pūrayitā puṇyaḥ puṇyakīrtiranāmayaḥ ॥ 73॥

manojavastīrthakaro vasuretā vasupradaḥ ।

vasuprado vāsudevo vasurvasumanā haviḥ ॥ 74॥

sadgatiḥ satkṛtiḥ sattā sadbhūtiḥ satparāyaṇaḥ ।

śūraseno yaduśreṣṭhaḥ sannivāsaḥ suyāmunaḥ ॥ 75॥

bhūtāvāso vāsudevaḥ sarvāsunilayo'nalaḥ ।

darpahā darpado dṛpto durdharo'thāparājitaḥ ॥ 76॥

viśvamūrtirmahāmūrtirdīptamūrtiramūrtimān ।
anekamūrtiravyaktaḥ śatamūrtiḥ śatānanaḥ ॥ 77॥

eko naikaḥ savaḥ kaḥ kiṃ yat tatpadamanuttamam ।

lokabandhurlokanātho mādhavo bhaktavatsalaḥ ॥ 78॥

suvarṇavarṇo hemāṅgo varāṅgaścandanāṅgadī ।

vīrahā viṣamaḥ śūnyo ghṛtāśīracalaścalaḥ ॥ 79॥

amānī mānado mānyo lokasvāmī trilokadhṛk ।

sumedhā medhajo dhanyaḥ satyamedhā dharādharaḥ ॥ 80॥

tejovṛṣo dyutidharaḥ sarvaśastrabhṛtāṃ varaḥ ।

pragraho nigraho vyagro naikaśṛṅgo gadāgrajaḥ ॥ 81॥

caturmūrtiścaturbāhuścaturvyūhaścaturgatiḥ ।
caturātmā caturbhāvaścaturvedavidekapāt ॥ 82॥

samāvarto'nivṛttātmā durjayo duratikramaḥ ।

durlabho durgamo durgo durāvāso durārihā ॥ 83॥

śubhāṅgo lokasāraṅgaḥ sutantustantuvardhanaḥ ।

indrakarmā mahākarmā kṛtakarmā kṛtāgamaḥ ॥ 84॥

udbhavaḥ sundaraḥ sundo ratnanābhaḥ sulocanaḥ ।

arko vājasanaḥ śṛṅgī jayantaḥ sarvavijjayī ॥ 85॥

suvarṇabindurakṣobhyaḥ sarvavāgīśvareśvaraḥ ।
mahāhrado mahāgarto mahābhūto mahānidhiḥ ॥ 86॥

kumudaḥ kundaraḥ kundaḥ parjanyaḥ pāvano'nilaḥ ।

amṛtāśo'mṛtavapuḥ sarvajñaḥ sarvatomukhaḥ ॥ 87॥

sulabhaḥ suvrataḥ siddhaḥ śatrujicchatrutāpanaḥ ।

nyagrodho'dumbaro'śvatthaścāṇūrāndhraniṣūdanaḥ ॥ 88॥

sahasrārciḥ saptajihvaḥ saptaidhāḥ saptavāhanaḥ ।

amūrtiranagho'cintyo bhayakṛdbhayanāśanaḥ ॥ 89॥

aṇurbṛhatkṛśaḥ sthūlo guṇabhṛnnirguṇo mahān ।

adhṛtaḥ svadhṛtaḥ svāsyaḥ prāgvaṃśo vaṃśavardhanaḥ ॥ 90॥

bhārabhṛt kathito yogī yogīśaḥ sarvakāmadaḥ ।

āśramaḥ śramaṇaḥ kṣāmaḥ suparṇo vāyuvāhanaḥ ॥ 91॥
dhanurdharo dhanurvedo daṇḍo damayitā damaḥ ।
aparājitaḥ sarvasaho niyantā'niyamo'yamaḥ ॥ 92॥

sattvavān sāttvikaḥ satyaḥ satyadharmaparāyaṇaḥ ।

abhiprāyaḥ priyārho'rhaḥ priyakṛt prītivardhanaḥ ॥ 93॥

vihāyasagatirjyotiḥ surucirhutabhugvibhuḥ ।
ravirvirocanaḥ sūryaḥ savitā ravilocanaḥ ॥ 94॥

ananto hutabhugbhoktā sukhado naikajo'grajaḥ ।

anirviṇṇaḥ sadāmarṣī lokādhiṣṭhānamadbhutaḥ ॥ 95॥

sanātsanātanatamaḥ kapilaḥ kapiravyayaḥ ।

svastidaḥ svastikṛtsvasti svastibhuksvastidakṣiṇaḥ ॥ 96॥

araudraḥ kuṇḍalī cakrī vikramyūrjitaśāsanaḥ ।

śabdātigaḥ śabdasahaḥ śiśiraḥ śarvarīkaraḥ ॥ 97॥

akrūraḥ peśalo dakṣo dakṣiṇaḥ kṣamiṇāṃvaraḥ ।

vidvattamo vītabhayaḥ puṇyaśravaṇakīrtanaḥ ॥ 98॥

uttāraṇo duṣkṛtihā puṇyo duḥsvapnanāśanaḥ ।

vīrahā rakṣaṇaḥ santo jīvanaḥ paryavasthitaḥ ॥ 99॥

anantarūpo'nantaśrīrjitamanyurbhayāpahaḥ ।
caturaśro gabhīrātmā vidiśo vyādiśo diśaḥ ॥ 100॥

anādirbhūrbhuvo lakṣmīḥ suvīro rucirāṅgadaḥ ।

janano janajanmādirbhīmo bhīmaparākramaḥ ॥ 101॥

ādhāranilayo'dhātā puṣpahāsaḥ prajāgaraḥ ।

ūrdhvagaḥ satpathācāraḥ prāṇadaḥ praṇavaḥ paṇaḥ ॥ 102॥

pramāṇaṃ prāṇanilayaḥ prāṇabhṛtprāṇajīvanaḥ ।
tattvaṃ tattvavidekātmā janmamṛtyujarātigaḥ ॥ 103॥

bhūrbhuvaḥsvastarustāraḥ savitā prapitāmahaḥ ।

yajño yajñapatiryajvā yajñāṅgo yajñavāhanaḥ ॥ 104॥

yajñabhṛd yajñakṛd yajñī yajñabhug yajñasādhanaḥ ।

yajñāntakṛd yajñaguhyamannamannāda eva ca ॥ 105॥

ātmayoniḥ svayañjāto vaikhānaḥ sāmagāyanaḥ ।

devakīnandanaḥ sraṣṭā kṣitīśaḥ pāpanāśanaḥ ॥ 106॥

śaṅkhabhṛnnandakī cakrī śārṅgadhanvā gadādharaḥ ।

rathāṅgapāṇirakṣobhyaḥ sarvapraharaṇāyudhaḥ ॥ 107॥

sarvapraharaṇāyudha Om nama iti ।

vanamālī gadī śārṅgī śaṅkhī cakrī ca nandakī ।
śrīmān nārāyaṇo viṣṇurvāsudevo'bhirakṣatu ॥ 108॥

śrī vāsudevo'bhirakṣatu Om nama iti ।

uttaranyāsaḥ ।
bhīṣma uvāca ---
itīdaṃ kīrtanīyasya keśavasya mahātmanaḥ ।
nāmnāṃ sahasraṃ divyānāmaśeṣeṇa prakīrtitam ॥ 1॥

ya idaṃ śṛṇuyānnityaṃ yaścāpi parikīrtayet ।

nāśubhaṃ prāpnuyātkiñcitso'mutreha ca mānavaḥ ॥ 2॥

vedāntago brāhmaṇaḥ syātkṣatriyo vijayī bhavet ।

vaiśyo dhanasamṛddhaḥ syācchūdraḥ sukhamavāpnuyāt ॥ 3॥

dharmārthī prāpnuyāddharmamarthārthī cārthamāpnuyāt ।

kāmānavāpnuyātkāmī prajārthī prāpnuyātprajām ॥ 4॥
bhaktimān yaḥ sadotthāya śucistadgatamānasaḥ ।
sahasraṃ vāsudevasya nāmnāmetatprakīrtayet ॥ 5॥

yaśaḥ prāpnoti vipulaṃ jñātiprādhānyameva ca ।

acalāṃ śriyamāpnoti śreyaḥ prāpnotyanuttamam ॥ 6॥

na bhayaṃ kvacidāpnoti vīryaṃ tejaśca vindati ।

bhavatyarogo dyutimānbalarūpaguṇānvitaḥ ॥ 7॥

rogārto mucyate rogādbaddho mucyeta bandhanāt ।

bhayānmucyeta bhītastu mucyetāpanna āpadaḥ ॥ 8॥

durgāṇyatitaratyāśu puruṣaḥ puruṣottamam ।

stuvannāmasahasreṇa nityaṃ bhaktisamanvitaḥ ॥ 9॥

vāsudevāśrayo martyo vāsudevaparāyaṇaḥ ।

sarvapāpaviśuddhātmā yāti brahma sanātanam ॥ 10॥

na vāsudevabhaktānāmaśubhaṃ vidyate kvacit ।

janmamṛtyujarāvyādhibhayaṃ naivopajāyate ॥ 11॥

imaṃ stavamadhīyānaḥ śraddhābhaktisamanvitaḥ ।

yujyetātmasukhakṣāntiśrīdhṛtismṛtikīrtibhiḥ ॥ 12॥

na krodho na ca mātsaryaṃ na lobho nāśubhā matiḥ ।

bhavanti kṛta puṇyānāṃ bhaktānāṃ puruṣottame ॥ 13॥

dyauḥ sacandrārkanakṣatrā khaṃ diśo bhūrmahodadhiḥ ।

vāsudevasya vīryeṇa vidhṛtāni mahātmanaḥ ॥ 14॥

sasurāsuragandharvaṃ sayakṣoragarākṣasam ।
jagadvaśe vartatedaṃ kṛṣṇasya sacarācaram ॥ 15॥

indriyāṇi mano buddhiḥ sattvaṃ tejo balaṃ dhṛtiḥ ।
vāsudevātmakānyāhuḥ kṣetraṃ kṣetrajña eva ca ॥ 16॥

sarvāgamānāmācāraḥ prathamaṃ parikalpyate । var?? kalpate

ācāraprabhavo dharmo dharmasya prabhuracyutaḥ ॥ 17॥

ṛṣayaḥ pitaro devā mahābhūtāni dhātavaḥ ।

jaṅgamājaṅgamaṃ cedaṃ jagannārāyaṇodbhavam ॥ 18॥

yogo jñānaṃ tathā sāṅkhyaṃ vidyāḥ śilpādi karma ca ।

vedāḥ śāstrāṇi vijñānametatsarvaṃ janārdanāt ॥ 19॥

eko viṣṇurmahadbhūtaṃ pṛthagbhūtānyanekaśaḥ ।

trīṃllokānvyāpya bhūtātmā bhuṅkte viśvabhugavyayaḥ ॥ 20॥

imaṃ stavaṃ bhagavato viṣṇorvyāsena kīrtitam ।

paṭhedya icchetpuruṣaḥ śreyaḥ prāptuṃ sukhāni ca ॥ 21॥

viśveśvaramajaṃ devaṃ jagataḥ prabhumavyayam ।

bhajanti ye puṣkarākṣaṃ na te yānti parābhavam ॥ 22॥

na te yānti parābhavam Om nama iti ।

arjuna uvāca ---
padmapatraviśālākṣa padmanābha surottama ।
bhaktānāmanuraktānāṃ trātā bhava janārdana ॥ 23॥

śrībhagavānuvāca ---
yo māṃ nāmasahasreṇa stotumicchati pāṇḍava ।
soha'mekena ślokena stuta eva na saṃśayaḥ ॥ 24॥

stuta eva na saṃśaya Om nama iti ।

vyāsa uvāca ---
vāsanādvāsudevasya vāsitaṃ bhuvanatrayam ।
sarvabhūtanivāso'si vāsudeva namo'stu te ॥ 25॥

śrī vāsudeva namo'stuta Om nama iti ।
pārvatyuvāca ---
kenopāyena laghunā viṣṇornāmasahasrakam ।
paṭhyate paṇḍitairnityaṃ śrotumicchāmyahaṃ prabho ॥ 26॥

īśvara uvāca ---

śrīrāma rāma rāmeti rame rāme manorame ।
sahasranāma tattulyaṃ rāma nāma varānane ॥ 27॥

śrīrāmanāma varānana Om nama iti ।

brahmovāca ---
namo'stvanantāya sahasramūrtaye
sahasrapādākṣiśirorubāhave ।
sahasranāmne puruṣāya śāśvate
sahasrakoṭiyugadhāriṇe namaḥ ॥ 28॥

sahasrakoṭiyugadhāriṇe Om nama iti ।

Om tatsaditi śrīmahābhārate śatasāhasryāṃ saṃhitāyāṃ

parvaṇi bhīṣmayudhiṣṭhirasaṃvāde
śrīviṣṇordivyasahasranāmastotram ॥

sañjaya uvāca ---

yatra yogeśvaraḥ kṛṣṇo yatra pārtho dhanurdharaḥ ।
tatra śrīrvijayo bhūtirdhruvā nītirmatirmama ॥ 29॥

śrībhagavānuvāca ---
ananyāścintayanto māṃ ye janāḥ paryupāsate ।
teṣāṃ nityābhiyuktānāṃ yogakṣemaṃ vahāmyaham ॥ 30॥

paritrāṇāya sādhūnāṃ vināśāya ca duṣkṛtām ।

dharmasaṃsthāpanārthāya sambhavāmi yuge yuge ॥ 31॥

ārtāḥ viṣaṇṇāḥ śithilāśca bhītāḥ ghoreṣu ca vyādhiṣu vartamānāḥ

saṅkīrtya nārāyaṇaśabdamātraṃ vimuktaduḥkhāḥ sukhino
bhavanti ॥ 32॥

kāyena vācā manasendriyairvā buddhyātmanā vā prakṛteḥ

svabhāvāt । var prakṛtisvabhāvāt ।
karomi yadyat sakalaṃ parasmai nārāyaṇāyeti samarpayāmi ॥

iti śrīviṣṇordivyasahasranāmastotraṃ sampūrṇam ।

Om tat sat ।

mahābhārate anuśāsanaparvaṇi

Additional Concluding Shlokas

Om āpadāmapahartāraṃ dātāraṃ sarvasampadām ।
lokābhirāmaṃ śrīrāmaṃ bhūyo bhūyo namāmyaham ॥

ārtānāmārtihantāraṃ bhītānāṃ bhītināśanam ।

dviṣatāṃ kāladaṇḍaṃ taṃ rāmacandraṃ namāmyaham ॥

namaḥ kodaṇḍahastāya sandhīkṛtaśarāya ca ।

khaṇḍitākhiladaityāya rāmāya''pannivāriṇe ॥

rāmāya rāmabhadrāya rāmacandrāya vedhase ।

raghunāthāya nāthāya sītāyāḥ pataye namaḥ ॥

agrataḥ pṛṣṭhataścaiva pārśvataśca mahābalau ।

ākarṇapūrṇadhanvānau rakṣetāṃ rāmalakṣmaṇau ॥

sannaddhaḥ kavacī khaḍgī cāpabāṇadharo yuvā ।

gacchan mamāgrato nityaṃ rāmaḥ pātu salakṣmaṇaḥ ॥

acyutānantagovinda nāmoccāraṇabheṣajāt ।
naśyanti sakalā rogāssatyaṃ satyaṃ vadāmyaham ॥

satyaṃ satyaṃ punassatyamuddhṛtya bhujamucyate ।

vedācchāstraṃ paraṃ nāsti na devaṃ keśavātparam ॥

śarīre jarjharībhūte vyādhigraste kaḷevare ।

auṣadhaṃ jāhnavītoyaṃ vaidyo nārāyaṇo hariḥ ॥

āloḍya sarvaśāstrāṇi vicārya ca punaḥ punaḥ ।

idamekaṃ suniṣpannaṃ dhyeyo nārāyaṇo hariḥ ॥

yadakṣarapadabhraṣṭaṃ mātrāhīnaṃ tu yadbhavet ।

tatsarvaṃ kṣamyatāṃ deva nārāyaṇa namo'stu te ॥

visargabindumātrāṇi padapādākṣarāṇi ca ।
nyūnāni cātiriktāni kṣamasva puruṣottama ॥

102. भजिावि (bhajanāni)

॥ श्र महािेवरयवा॥ || śrī mahāperiyavā||

करुणारस िूण थ सधािे कामकोवट िरठावधिते।
ु त॥
चरणे शरणं देवह ते चिशेखर गरुमू े
ु वशवाकृ ते।
अियािन्द वचत्शिंे दविणावभमख
ु त॥
रि रि मां तिोविधे चिशेखर गरुमू े
karuṇārasa pūrṇa sudhābdhe kāmakoṭi pīṭhādhipate|
caraṇe śaraṇaṁ dehi te candraśekhara gurumūrte||
akṣayānanda citśakte dakṣiṇābhimukha śivākṛte|
rakṣa rakṣa māṁ taponidhe candraśekhara gurumūrte||

॥ श्र गणेश॥ || śrī gaṇeśa||
गणेश शरणं शरणं गणेश।
वसवद्दवविायक शरणं गणेश।
ु प्रदायक शरणं गणेश॥
गणेश शरणं शरणं गणेश।
िावथवत तिया शरणं गणेश।
ु सोदर शरणं गणेश॥
gaṇeśa śaraṇaṁ śaraṇaṁ gaṇeśa|
siddivināyaka śaraṇaṁ gaṇeśa|
buddhi pradāyaka śaraṇaṁ gaṇeśa||
gaṇeśa śaraṇaṁ śaraṇaṁ gaṇeśa|
pārvati tanayā śaraṇaṁ gaṇeśa|
ṣaṇmukha sodara śaraṇaṁ gaṇeśa||

॥ श्र राम॥ || śrī rāma||

ु मिसे कहो राम राम राम,
प्रेम मवदत
राम राम राम, राम राम राम, श्र राम राम राम ।
िाि कटें दीःख वमटें लेत राम िाम ।
भव समद्रु सखद
ु िाव एक राम िाम (राम राम राम…)॥
ु विधाि वित्य राम िाम ।
िरम शावन्त सख
विराधार को आधार एक राम िाम (राम राम राम…) ॥
िरम गोप्य िरम इष्ट मन्त्र राम िाम ।

सन्त हृदय सदा बसत एक राम िाम (राम राम राम…)॥
महादेव सतत जित वदव्य राम िाम ।
ु करत कहत राम िाम (राम राम राम…)॥
काशर मरत मिं
मात विता बंध ु सखा सब हर राम िाम ।
भिं जिि जरवि धि एक राम िाम (राम राम राम…)॥
prema mudita manase kaho rāma rāma rāmam
rāma rāma rāma rāma rāma rāma śrī rāma rāma rāmam |
pāpa kaṭeṁ duḥkha miṭeṁ leta rāma nāma |
bhava samudra sukhada nāva eka rāma nāma rāma rāma rāmam||
parama śānti sukha nidhāna nitya rāma nāma |
nirādhāra ko ādhāra eka rāma nāma rāma rāma rāma ||
parama gopya parama iṣṭa mantra rāma nāma |
santa hṛdaya sadā basata eka rāma nāma rāma rāma rāmam||
mahādeva satata japata divya rāma nāma |
kāśī marata mukta karata kahata rāma nāma rāma rāma rāmam ||
māta pitā baṁdhu sakhā saba hī rāma nāma |
bhakta janana jīvana dhana eka rāma nāma rāma rāma rāmam ||

॥वशव॥ ||śiva||
भोलािार् उमािते - शम्भो शङ्कर िशूिते।
िवन्दवाहि िागभूषण - चिशेखर जठाधर ।
ु िरमेश ॥
शूलाधार ज्योवतप्रकाश - ववभूवतसन्दर
भोलािार् उमािते - शम्भो शङ्कर िशूिते ।
कै लासवास किकसभेश - गौवरमिोहर ववश्वेश ।
स्मशािवास वचदम्बरेश - िरलकण्ठ महादेव ॥
भोलािार् उमािते - शम्भो शङ्कर िशूिते ।
bholānātha umāpate - śambho śaṅkara paśūpate|
nandivāhana nāgabhūṣaṇa - candraśekhara jaṭhādhara |
śūlādhāra jyotiprakāśa - vibhūtisundara parameśa ||
bholānātha umāpate - śambho śaṅkara paśūpate |
kailāsavāsa kanakasabheśa - gaurimanohara viśveśa |
smaśānavāsa cidambareśa - nīlakaṇṭha mahādeva ||
bholānātha umāpate - śambho śaṅkara paśūpate |

॥श्र कृ ष्ण॥ ||śrī kṛṣṇa||

वचलङ्गै के वट्ट ओवड ओवड वायो
एिे तामर कण्णा आडर आडर वायो ।
वििे विञ्ज ु िादं तेवड तेवड न्यङ्गल ्
ु (वचलङ्गै)
वििे वदव्य िामं िावड िावड वन्न॥
देववक िन्दिा राधा जरविा के शव हरे माधव
िूति मधथि िाि वविाशि के शव हरे माधव
गोकुल बालिे ओवड वायो गोिाल बालिे आवड वायो॥(वचलङ्गै)
कं स ववमधथिा कावलय ितथि के शव हरे माधव
आवश्त वत्सल आित्बान्धव के शव हरे माधव
ओङ्कार िादमे ओवड वायो आिन्द गरतमे आवड वायो॥(वचलङ्गै)
िािव रिक िाि वविशक के शव हरे माधव
अजिथु रिक अज्ञाि िाशक के शव हरे माधव
गरतामृतमे ओवड वायो हृदयािन्दमे आवड वायो॥(वचलङ्गै)
cilaṅgai keṭṭi oḍi oḍi vāyo
enḍe tāmara kaṇṇā āḍī āḍī vāyo |
ninḍe piñju pādaṁ teḍi teḍi nyaṅgal
ninḍe divya nāmaṁ pāḍi pāḍi vannu|| (cilaṅgai)
devaki nandanā rādhā jīvanā keśava hare mādhava
pūtana mardhana pāpa vināśana keśava hare mādhava
gokula bālane oḍi vāyo gopāla bālane āḍi vāyo|| (cilaṅgai)
kaṁsa vimardhanā kāliya nartana keśava hare mādhava
āśrita vatsala āpatbāndhava keśava hare mādhava
oṅkāra nādame oḍi vāyo ānanda gītame āḍi vāyo||(cilaṅgai)
pānḍava rakṣaka pāpa vinaśaka keśava hare mādhava
arjuna rakṣaka ajñāna nāśaka keśava hare mādhava
gītāmṛtame oḍi vāyo hṛdayānandame āḍi vāyo||(cilaṅgai)

103. मङ्गलश्लोकाीः (maṅgalaślokāḥ)

यीः वशवो िामरूिाभ्ां या देवर सवथमङ्गला ।

ं ु ां सवथतो जयमङ्गलम ॥
तयोीः संस्मरणात्पस
yaḥ śivo nāmarūpābhyāṁ yā devī sarvamaṅgalā |
tayoḥ saṁsmaraṇātpuṁsāṁ sarvato jayamaṅgalam ||

Shiva, whose name & form is auspicious, Devi who is all that is auspicious,
by worshipping both of them, people will be glorious everywhere.

मङ्गलं कोसलेिाय महिरयर्गणात्मने ।

चक्रवर्तततिूजाय सावथभौमाय मङ्गलम ॥
maṅgalaṁ kosalendrāya mahanīyaguṇātmane|
cakravartitanūjāya sārvabhaumāya maṅgalam ||

Prostrations to the King of Kosala (Ayodhya), the illustrious man of great

virtues, the son of the Emperor (Dasharatha) and the ruler of the entire

॥जय जय शङ्कर हर हर शङ्कर॥
||jaya jaya śaṅkara hara hara śaṅkara||

Repeated prostrations to the glorious Shankara, please destroy our

papaas and protect us.

104. ्
िमािण स्तोत्रम (kṣamāpaṇa stotram)
रूिं रूिवववर्तजतस्य भवतो ध्यािेि यत्कवल्पतम ्

स्तत्याऽविवथ ु दूररकृ ता यिया।
व्यावित्वञ्च विराकृ तं भगवतो यत्तरर्थयात्रावदिा
िन्तव्यं जगदरश यवद्वकलतादोषत्रयं मत्कृ तम॥्
rūpaṁ rūpavivarjitasya bhavato dhyānena yatkalpitam
stutyā'nirvacanīyatā'khilaguro dūrīkṛtā yanmayā|
vyāpitvañca nirākṛtaṁ bhagavato yattīrthayātrādinā
kṣantavyaṁ jagadīśa yadvikalatādoṣatrayaṁ matkṛtam||

O Lord, in my meditations I have attributed forms to Thee who art

formless. O Thou, Teacher of the world, by singing Thy glory I have
contradicted the truth that Thou art beyond all speech (words). By
describing Thee as specially manifested at places of pilgrimage and the
like, I have denied Thy omnipresence. O Lord of the universe, pray forgive
me for this threefold fault of mutilation committed by me.

॥ हवरि॑ ओ(३)म ॥
् ॥शम॥्


1. Nirguna Brahman (Paramatma) is the ultimate, eternal
reality (Paramaarthika Satya). Jivatma and Paramatma are one
and the same.

2. There are three notions of realities: Paramarthikam

(eternal reality), Pratibhasikam (seemingly real) &
Vyavaharikam (relative reality).

3. Brahman manifests itself as the world through Maya.

4. Ishwara is Saguna Brahman. One Ishwara manifests in

different forms (Vishnu, Shiva, Ambal and many more forms).

5. Under the influence of Maya/Avidya (ignorance and

erroneous knowledge), human being dissociates himself from
the eternal reality and perceives duality (Dwaitam). When man
acquires true knowledge (Atma Jnanam), he will pierce through
Dwaitam and clearly understands that there is Atman alone.

6. Moksha is freedom from bondage of ignorance. Moksha is

possible only through Atma Jnanam (True Knowledge). Moksha
is to be attained here and now during this life-span itself (Jivan


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