Sex Education Should Be Mandatory in Schools
Sex Education Should Be Mandatory in Schools
Sex Education Should Be Mandatory in Schools
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Sex Education which is the subject of debate among various experts, which has been
discussed by various experts as to whether Sex Education should be taught in schools.
Nowadays, due to the rapid development of information, there has been an increase in
demand to provide sex education in schools, the youth are usually very eager to learn all the
new things that came to them especially abstract things like Sex. There are many who support
the move, while there are some who are against it. While many believe that school students
are in the right position to offer sex education, there are others who say that school students
are not mature enough to understand the implication of the subject.
There is nothing simple about teaching children about it. In these pre-adolescent times,
pregnancy between teenagers and sexually transmitted diseases (STDs), youngster and
adolescents require much more than a one-time chat about creatures. Prevention of pregnancy
and faith sex should really be current and relevant topics. Therefore, both teachers and
parents need to give their children or students the right concepts of sex before being misled
by indecent magazines and irresponsible media.
Ideally, children will get all the knowledge whatever they need at home from their respective
parents and in order to break this chain, a massive step must be taken to teach children about
sex education and make them aware about the true meaning of sex education. The following
essay is based on the same issue. It is noticed that to prevent heinous crime against women
there has been an increasing demand to impart sex education in schools. So, this essay will
Reproductive health problems such as HIV, unintended pregnancy and unsafe abortions in
adolescents are connected to inadequate knowledge about sexuality and lack of access to
fertility and contraceptives. Sex Education is not only the responsibility of teachers but also it
would be the joint responsibilities of the following:
i. Parents
ii. Teachers
iii. Local authorities and Governments
sex. Holistic sexuality education is defined as “learning about the cognitive, emotional,
social, interactive and physical aspects of sexuality. Sexuality education starts early in
childhood and progresses through adolescence and adulthood. For children and young
people, it aims at supporting and protecting sexual development. It gradually equips and
empowers children and young people with information, skills and positive values to
understand and enjoy their sexuality, have safe and full-filling relationships for their own
and other people’s sexual health and well-being.”1
It teaches that sexuality is a normal part of a living thing and diverse sexual orientations. It
aims to provide children and young people with knowledge, skills, and values that will permit
them to realize their health, well-being and dignity.
2) Abstinence-only-until-marriage-programs:
It is also known as Sexual Risk Avoidance Programs. It teaches that abstinence from sexual
intercourse before marriage will have harmful social, psychological and physical
consequences. It also teaches a set of values which is morally correct for all the students. It
usually fails to discuss topics such as abortion, masturbation and sexual orientation. It
Federal Centre for Health Education, sexuality education,
discusses condoms only in terms of failure rates and limits sexual expression. It generally
includes inaccurate medical information and estimate statistics regarding STDs, HIV. It also
teaches that carrying the baby for adoption is the only solution for pregnant teens.
Let’s take an example, at present time in the United States, the rate of teen birth and abortions
is highest with teenagers as compared to other western countries where a number in million
going through pregnancy every year. According to reports and surveys, there occur many
cases of sexually transmitted diseases. At the same time. Saharan Africa, Thailand,
Malaysia, and Indonesia have also reported the highest number of teen pregnancy in the
world. Developed countries like Japan and South Korea, their teen pregnancy rates are the
lowest rates in the world.
And hence, the question arises- Should Sex Education be implemented in schools?
So, most probably sex education should be implemented in schools as it helps to reduce the
teen pregnancy rates and school is the only appropriate place that can give the information
regarding sex and sexual protection method and it also protects the teenagers and children
which would be considered best for the children rather than social media or any other source.
The following key points are maintained to impart of Sex Education in schools as given
Boys and girls who are both entering adolescences need to learn all aspects of
physical and emotional changes they will undergo as they grow older.
It is the current need to provide sufficient information about the physical and
psychological differences between the sexes that they behave differently at different
It is believed that sex education will be influenced by marriage to increase unwanted
pregnancies during adolescent girls.
Sex education in high schools helps youngsters to be more prepared for life changes
like puberty, menopause etc.
It is observed that girls would not get shocked, panic and afraid at their first
menstruation, once they already had the knowledge about it.
It is also noticed that in more cases parents don’t feel comfortable talking about sex-
related issues with their children. So, it becomes the responsibility of school or
institutions to provide adequate education in this regards in the right direction at the
right time.
Sex Education in school will provide children with the knowledge of understanding
the intentions of ill-minded people and those having covetous eyes and how to stay
away from them.
In this digital world, various adult content is readily available to children as a result
of the internet, pornography is very easy, if children are not taught properly about it,
and they may end up in the wrong circle of friend and spoil their own life.
Sexual safety is a part of science so it has to be taught to both teachers and parents as
It is also noticed that in day-to-day life, children and women are vulnerable to being
violated, especially if they are kept ignorant in sex education.
Sex education also acquaints on sexually transmitted infections to stay healthy.
It is also noticed that in rural India that teen pregnancy cases are increasing
enormously. So, sex education will play a crucial role to prevent it.
Sex Education also helps the children to understand the body structures and skill of
interpersonal relationship among the opposite sex.
As per medical science, the best time to give sex education is when the child
experiences physiological and psychological changes in their body and hormones.
The above changes occurred during the adolescence. So, schooling age is one of the utmost
and suitable stages to teach sex education to mold them to become a useful citizen for both
the society and the nation.
parents of secondary school students believe that Sex Education schools make it convenient
for them to talk to their teens about sex. Also, 92% of adolescents’ report that they want their
parents to talk about both sex and to have comprehensive-in school sex education.
It suggests that a combination of comprehensive sex education and way to birth control
reduces the rate of unexpected pregnancies in adolescents. A meta-analysis that compared
comprehensive sex education programs with abstinence-only programs where it was found
that abstinence-only programs did not reduce the chance of child-bearing, but may have even
increased it.
Many studies show that various educational programs provide accurate information about
condoms and contraception may reduce risky behaviours reported by young people as well as
decrease unwanted pregnancies and STIs. Programs that only teach abstinence have not been
shown to be effective.
Research has also shown that young people adopt impartial attitudes about gender roles due
to delay in sexual initiation and use of condoms. These individuals were also less likely to
engage in violent relationships and had lower rates of STIs, including HIV and inadvertent
pregnancy. By highlighting rights and gender issues, these programs help to reduce and
gender-based violence, promote safe schools, gender equality and advocate young people for
their rights.
Joshua Campbell, Sociology & Education, pg. 113
Recent literature suggests that at this point of time they are likely to experiment and engage
in highly risky behaviours that have the capacity to affect the health quality and survival
probability in both short and long periods of their lifetimes. It covers issues such as early
pregnancy, unsafe abortion, STIs including HIV, and sexual abuse and violence.
adolescents. Although the teen birth rate has fallen to its lowest level since data collection
began, the United States has the highest teen birth rate in the industrialized world.3
3. Infections:
Sexually transmitted infections affect the adolescents due to various reasons like biological
changes, behavioural changes etc. 25 percent of the sexually active population is constituted
by young people aged 15 to 24 but they acquire half of all new STIs, or approximately 10
million cases per year. Though there are many unreported cases of STIs but one in four
sexually active adolescent females has been reported to have an STI. Here has been growth in
the rate of reported cases of chlamydia, gonorrhea and primary and secondary syphilis among
the people aged between 15-24 years. According to a CDC analysis, it was revealed that the
annual number of new STIs is approximately equal among young women and young men.
The NCSL Podcast, State Policies on Sex Education in Schools, 2020
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, The Importance of Prevention, 2019
sexual practices, and how to improve barriers. Hence, comprehensive sex education doesn’t
encourage kids to have sex.
Children and adolescents need the right information from the right sources about sex, sexual
relationships and various other related issues to make the right decision for their present and
future. They need to understand what can happen if there are misconceptions about sex,
which in turn becomes dangerous. After all, it is often said that education is the most
powerful weapon which we can use to change the world. Education provides us with the tool
to improve the quality of life in modern society both economically and sociologically. In this
current and risky world, everyone is adopting new techniques to prevent ignorance and to
generate more awareness.
Not only that, but the provision of FLE also has many benefits for adolescent boys and girls,
including delays in sexual activity, reduction in unplanned and early pregnancies and their
associated complications, fewer unwanted children, reduced risk of sexual abuse, greater
completion of education and later marriages can reduce the unsafe abortion and curb the
spread of sexually transmitted diseases, including HIV.
We must realize the demand and importance of implementation of Sex Education in schools.
Hence, the students who are our future generations will be well prepared to face all the
unexpected obstacles in their future to achieve the nation’s goals.