Tłumaczenia Częściowe - Angielski

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1. Aunt Rita IS ALWAYS FORGETTING ABOUT (zawsze zapomina o) my birthday!

so upsetting!
2. My grandpa TAUGHT ME TO RIDE (nauczył mnie jeździć) a bike when I was six.
3. Office workers STOPPED USING (przestali używać) fax machines many years ago.
4. DID YOU REMEMBER TO DO (Czy pamiętałeś żeby odrobić) your homework?
5. How often DOES YOUR SISTER CLIN (twoja siostra sprząta) her room?
6. I HAVE NEVER TRIED (Nigdy nie próbowałem) parachute jumping.
7. Be careful - the roads are wet, so it will be slippery. It HAS BEEN RAINING (pada) for
the last five hours.
8. I can’t go out tonight I STILL HAVEN'T FINISHED WRITING (wciąż nie skończyłem
pisać) my essay.
9. My neighbour HAS BEEN SINGING THAT SONG (śpiewa tę piosenkę) since 6.00
a.m.! I’ve had enough of it!
10. DID YOU HAVE ANY (Czy miałeś jakieś) pets when you were a child?
11. My cousins WERE PLAYING COMPUTER GAMES (grali w gry komputerowe) when
I visited them on Sunday morning.
12. WHERE DID YOU GO (Gdzie pojechaliście) skiing last winter?
13. WHAT DO YOU USUALLY IMAGINE (Co sobie zwykle wyobrażasz) when you are
14. I wasn’t really stressed about yesterday’s geography test because I HAD BEEN
STUDING FOR IT (uczyłem się do niego) beforehand.
15. What HAPPENS AT THE END (dzieje się na końcu) of this TV series?
16. Ann WILL PROBANLY BE ABLE (prawdopodobnie będzie mogła) to help you with
your biology assignment.
17. Christopher WILL HAVE FINISHED (skończy) his workout by 5.00 p.m., so you can
come and visit him anytime after that.
18. Considering how much time Julia spends playing the violin, I feel that, one day, she
is GOING TO BECOME THE BEST (zostanie najlepszą) violinist in the country.
19. Trains to Manchester DON’T RUN OFTEN (nie odjeżdżają często), so you should
hurry if you want to catch the one at 7.00 p.m.
20. You look exhausted, so I think I WILL COOK DINNER TODAY (ugotuję dziś obiad).
21. MOST OF THE RESEARCH (Większość badań) has already been done.
22. NONE OF THE STUDENTS (Żaden z uczniów) has read the set books required for
the course.
23. THERE IS VERY LITTLE (Jest bardzo mało) petrol in the tank. I think we should
stop and fill up.
24. BEFORE MUM GETS/ BY THE TIME MUM COMES (Zanim mama wróci) home I
will have cleaned the house from top to bottom.
25. I don’t need a lot of friends on social media – I believe it’s better to have A FEW
GOOD ONES (kilku dobrych) in real life.
26. We don’t often talk to PEOPLE WHO LIVE DOWNSTAIRS (ludźmi którzy mieszkają
na dole).
27. Is this the song THAT YOU TOLD ME ABOUT (o której mi mówiłaś)?
28. Our teacher doesn’t always give us enough time to write tests, WHICH IS
UNFAIR(co jest niesprawiedliwe), in my opinion.
29. Buckingham Palace, WHERE THE QUEEN LIVES (gdzie mieszka królowa), is a
popular tourist attraction.
30. I will never understand WHY PEOPLE BUY SO MUCH (dlaczego ludzie kupują tak
dużo) food every Saturday.
31. The photographer told EVERYONE NOT TO MOVE (wszystkim, żeby się nie
ruszali), but to relax and smile.
32. Paula said that SHE COULDN'T GO (nie może pojechać) with us on the trip to
33. A man in the street asked me WHAT TIME IT WAS (która jest godzina).
34. I didn’t expect that my sister WOULD FINISH HER ESSAY (skończy esej) on time.
35. The doctor SAID THAT I SHOULD EXERCISE (powiedział, że powinienem ćwiczyć)
at least three times a week.
36. Most of my classmates LIVE FURTHER (mieszkają dalej) from school than I do.
37. It was ONE OF THE MOST BORING (jeden z najnudniejszych) films that I have
ever seen.
38. In my opinion, volleyball IS MUCH MORE EXCITING (jest znacznie bardziej
ekscytująca) than basketball.
39. The history test WASN’T AS DIFFICULT (nie był tak trudny jak) the last one.
40. I feel that I’m becoming STRONGER AND STRONGER (coraz silniejszy) every day.
41. Most teenagers WANT TO BE ACCEPTED (chcą być akceptowane) by their peers.
42. The house at the end of our street WAS SOLD (został sprzedany) a few days ago.
43. HAVE YOU BEEN INFORMED (Czy zostałeś poinformowany) about the latest
changes to our training schedule?
44. IT IS BELIEVED THAT (Uważa się, że) too much coffee may affect your health
45. My parents NEVER MAKE ME STUDY (nigdy nie zmuszają mnie do uczenia się)
more than I want to.
46. I think it’s time we STOPPED FIGHTING EACH OTHER (przestali ze sobą walczyć).
Let’s sit down and talk about the problem.
47. A lot of people wish THEY HAD SPENT MORE TIME (że nie spędzili więcej czasu)
with their children when they were young.
48. If ONLY (gdybyś nie wyszedł na dwór) last night, you wouldn’t have caught a cold.
49. Which car do you think Nathalie would buy if SHE HAD A CHOICE (miała wybór)?
50. IF YOU ONLY WANTED TO (Gdybyś tylko zechciał) listen to me sometimes!
51. Look, Sarah IS TASTING THE SOUP (próbuje zupy) - I hope she doesn’t realise we
have added some garlic to it.
52. My brother HAS ALREADY LEARNED TO PLAY (nauczył się już grać) two songs
since picking up the guitar for the first time.
53. Unfortunately, Marcel WASN’T ABLE (nie był w stanie) to finish the marathon. He is
planning to try again next autumn.
54. Alice and Ed COULDN’T HAVE LEFT (nie mogli wyjść) the house yet – all their bags
are still by the front door.
55. You MUST BE FILLING (musisz czuć się) tired after such a long flight. Why don’t
you rest a bit, and I’ll prepare some tea?
56. I GOT USED TO DOING (przywykłem do robienia) shopping online when I had to
stay in the house for two weeks.
57. When I saw Jackie for the first time, I had the impression that I HAS ALREADY MET
HER BEFORE (spotkałem ją już wcześniej).
58. DID YOUR GRANDPARENTS USE TO (Czy twoi dziadkowie mieli w zwyczaju) go
out on Saturday evenings?
59. Maria WAS WATCHIN FOOTBALL MATCH (oglądała mecz piłki nożnej) when Mark
came back home from the gym.
60. I DIDN’T USED TO (nie byłem) to be so talkative when I was a child.
61. This time tomorrow we WILL BE LYING ON (będziemy leżeć na) the beach.
62. By the end of next year, we WERE HAVE BEEN LIVING (będziemy mieszkać) in
this house for 15 years.
63. What IS SHE LOOKING FOR (ona szuka)? Has she lost something again?
64. Miriam and Harry are coming for dinner at 8.00 p.m. and I'll HAVE FISHED
COOKING BY THEN (do tego czasu skończę gotować).
65. WHO DO YPU TALK TO (Z kim rozmawiasz) when you’re in trouble?
66. My brother COULD COUNT TO TEN (umiał liczyć do 10) in three languages when
he was only four.
67. My parents DINDN’T HAVE TO STUDY (nie musieli się uczyć) so much when they
were my age. Those were the days!
68. WILL I HAVE TO READ (Czy będę musiał przeczytać) this book if I watch the film
69. I’ve got two brothers, and NEITHER OF THEM UNDERSTANDS (żaden z nich nie
rozumie) maths all that well.
70. SOME OF THE INFORMATION WAS (Niektóre informacje zostały) misunderstood
by the students, so the teacher had to go over some of the subject again.
71. The PE teacher ENCOURAGED US TO DO (zachęcił nas do wykonywania) some
exercise at home during the winter break.
72. In the middle of the lesson, Emily ADMITTED SHE HADN’T READ (przyznała, że
nie czytała) any of Shakespeare’s sonnets.
73. The doctor REMINDED ME TO TAKE (przypomniał mi, żebym brał) my medicine
after each meal until the end of the week.
74. My mum said that she WASN’T GOING TO HELP (nie ma zamiaru mi pomóc) me
with any of my schoolwork.
75. My dad asked me HOW I WAS FEELING (jak się czuję) after a whole week of
76. I regret NOT BEING GIVEN A CHANCE (że nie dano mi szansy) to show my
leadership skills in the competition.
77. IT IS SAID THAT (Mówi się, że) Rio de Janeiro is the ideal place to participate in a
78. The final draft of the essay SHOULD BE WRITTEN (powinien być napisany) on
lined paper.
79. The gifts I ordered for Christmas WERE NOT DELIVERED ON TIME (nie zostały
dostarczone na czas), so I’m going to send them back to the shop.
80. This book HAS BEEN TRANSLATED (została przetłumaczona) into more languages
than any other work of literature.
81. The man WHO SHE IS TALKING (z którym ona rozmawia) to, is a world-class
82. My neighbour, WHOSE DOG GOT LOST (której pies zaginął) last weekend, is
offering a reward to anyone who finds it.
83. Last Easter my grandma baked a fantastic apple pie, HALF OF WITCH (z którego
połowę) I ate on the spot.
84. This is the hotel WHERE WE ARE GOING TO STAY (w którym zostaniemy) stay for
the next three days.
85. Many people have a lot of Facebook friends, MANY OF WHOM (z których wielu)
they’ve never met in real life.
86. The best holiday in my life was last year, when we spent A WEEK IN THE ALPS
(tydzień w Alpach).
87. I don’t know what you are cooking, but it SMELLS GOOD (ładnie pachnie).
88. THE MORE TIME YOU SPEND (Im więcej czasu spędzasz) in the gym, the fitter
you become.
89. This is ONE OF THE MOST LUXERIOUS (jedno z najbardziej luksusowych) places
I’ve ever seen!
90. The director’s last film WAS WAY WORSE THAN (był dużo gorszy niż) his previous
91. I’d rather you DIDN’T TALK TO ME (żebyś się do mnie nie odzywał) when I’m trying
to concentrate on my work.
92. If Helen had saved more when she was younger, she WOULD HAVE MORE
MONEY TODAY (miałaby dziś więcej pieniędzy).
93. IF I WAS LESS BUSY (Gdybym był mniej zajęty), I would definitely spend more time
jogging in the forest.
94. Most students in my class wish THEIR TEACHERS WOULD GIVE THEM (żeby ich
nauczyciele dawali im) less homework for the weekend.
95. I WOULD DEFINIETIEY HAVE CALLED YOU (na pewno bym do ciebie zadzwonił)
if I had only known you were ill.
96. Tony NEEDN’T HAVE BROUGHT (niepotrzebnie przyniósł) so much food – we still
have plenty of leftovers from the Sunday roast.
97. You COULD HAVE TOLD ME (mogłeś powiedzieć mi) that you were going out – I
needed some things from the chemist’s.
98. Never BEFFORE HAVE I SEEN (wcześniej nie widziałem) such a beautiful sunrise!
99. Your parents MUST HAVE SPENT A LOT (pewnie wydali wiele) on your new
electric guitar.
100. No SOONER HAD I LEFT (ledwie wyszedłem z domu) than I met some of my old
primary school friends.

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