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Describing Locations, Directions, Level, pathways

and planes.

I- Objectives
At the end of the lesson the students are expected to:
 Identify movements that you can do in a location, directions, level, pathways and
 Appreciate the importance of making responsibility at your actions ;and
 Perform the movements in a location, directions, level, pathway, and planes.

II- Subject matter

Title: Describing locations, directions, level, pathways, and planes.

Materials: Charts, video presentation, laptop.

III- Procedure

Teachers activity Learners activity

a. Preliminary activity
- Opening prayer
- Greetings
- Checking of attendance
- Classroom management
- Review

-Class let’s have a review of your past lesson.

-What is our last topic? Anyone? - It’s about body shapes

-what are the example of body shapes and - For the body shape (straight,
body action? curled, wide and twisted) and
for the body actions(walking,
-Okay Very Good! stretching, sitting)
b. Motivation

-Let’s have a game.

I have here a Maze

(the teacher show the maze)

I need some volunteer to play.

All you have to do is to follow the clue found
in the maze.

At my signal the students will start the game

and they need to finish it in two mins.

Is that clear? Yes sir!

The time start now

Time’s up! The student finished the game.

-Now class, what have you noticed about the Sir! The maze shows arrows, places, and
maze? ways.

-Okay Very Good

- Today we will discuss about what have you
noticed from the maze.

c. Activity

Ok class I will group you into two groups each

group will choose representative. Each
representative will receives a secret word
and act it out to the other members of the
group. The groups who can get the highest
score will be announced as a winner.
Are you ready? Yes teacher

(the secret words)

(students participated)
1. Front
2. Under
3. Behind
4. Over
5. Forward
6. Back ward
7. High
8. Low
9. Curve
10. Zigzag
11. Vertical
12. Horizontal.

Okay group 2 Got 7 correct answer

And group 1 got 5 correct answer

That means group is the winner.

Lets give them 5 claps (students give 5 claps)

d. Analysis

Okay class lets talk about those

secret words .

Are familiar with the map? Yes teacher

(the teacher present the map.) Teacher, the map help us to find direction,
location and places sir
What is the use of the map?

Very good .

It also help us to locate we’re the

pathways, level and plane.

Today we will discuss about

describing directions, location, levels,
pathway and planes.

Your body can move in different

directions, location, level , path and

For children should clearly say what
you want them to do and where you
want them to go to make them more
around physically during activities.

Ex. Forward or backward

Location is mostly used in playing
games and level is used when
creating shapes and movements
where body position are required.

Behind ,infront, under, infront.

Pathways and planes

Understanding pathways and planes
in the floor area helps children
perform accurate movement.

Example of pathways are:

Zigzag, curved, horizontal

Example of planes:

Rotational, horizontal, diagonal


e. Abstraction
Now class if you really understand
our lesson for today, give me some Under and in-front sir
examples of;

Location? Forward and backward sir

Yes very good
Curved and zigzag sir
- How about direction?
Rotational sir
How about pathways?
How about planes?

Very good class.

f. Application.

I have here some photos and all you

have to do is to match according to
its description.




IV- Evaluation

V- Assignment.

Draw a map that shows locations,directions,pathways,planes.

Prepared by:

Jay-ar B.Sarate

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