Understanding The School Curriculum Close Encounter With The School Curriculum SPARK Your Interest

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Understanding the school Curriculum
Close Encounter with the School Curriculum

SPARK Your Interest

Formal education begins in school. Schools are institutions established to design total learning
activities appropriate for each team in each grade level. Thus schools have recommended curriculum
which is the enhanced K to 12 curriculum. The recommended curriculum was translated into written
curriculum like books, modules, teachers' guides and lesson plans which are the basis of the taught
curriculum. A teacher who implements the curricula needs support materials (support curriculum) to
enhance teaching and learning so that the written and the taught curricula can be assessed (assessed
curriculum) in order to determine if learning took placed (learned curriculum). However, there are so
many activities that happen in schools but are not deliberately planned. This refers to the hidden
A classroom teacher plans, implements and evaluates school learning activities by preparing a
miniscule curriculum called a lesson plan or a learning plan. The teacher then puts life to lesson plan
by using it as a guide in the teaching-learning process where different strategies can be used to
achieve the learning objectives or outcomes. There are many styles of writing a less plan, but the
necessary parts or elements such as (a) Learning Outcomes (b) Subject Matter (c) Teaching --
Learning Strategies, and (d) Evaluation or Assessment should always be included.
All of these elements should be aligned so that at the end of the teaching-learning episode,
learning will be achieved with the classroom teacher is a guide.

TARGET Your Intended Learning Outcome

At the end of this Episode, I must be able to;
 identify the different curricula that prevail in the school setting;
 describe how the teacher manages the school curriculum by planning, implementing lessons
through different strategies and assessment of learning outcomes; and
 analyze if the teacher aligns the objectives to subject matter, to teaching strategies and

REVISIT the Learning Essentials

School Curriculum: What is this about?

From a broad perspective, curriculum is defined as the total learning process and
outcomes as in lifelong learning. However, school in this course limits such definition of total
learning outcomes to confine to a specific learning space called school. Schools are formal
institutions of learning where the two major stakeholders are the learners and the teacher.
Basic education in the Philippines the Department of Education or DepEd and the
recommended curriculum is the K-12 Enhanced Basic Education Curricula of 2013. All basic
education schools offering kindergarten (K) elementary (Grades 1 to 6) and Secondary (Grades 7-10,
Junior High School and Grades 11 to 12, Senior High School) adhere to this national curriculum as a
guide in the implementation of the formal education for K to 12.
What are the salient features of the K to 12 Curriculum? Here are the features. It is a
curriculum that:

1. strengthens the early childhood education with the use of the mother tongue,
2. makes the curriculum relevant to the learners. The use of contextualized lessons and addition
of issues like disaster preparedness, climate change and information and communication
technology (ICT) are included in the curriculum. Thus, in-depth knowledge, skills and
values, attitude through continuity and consistency across every level and subject,
3. builds skills in literacy. With the use of Mother Tongue as the main language in studying and
learning tools from K to Grade 3, learners will become ready for higher level skills,

4. ensures unified and seamless learning. The curriculum is designed in a spiral progression
where the students learn first the basic concepts, while they study the complex ones in the
next grade level. The progression of topics matches with the developmental and cognitive
skills. This process strengthens the mastery and retention,
5. gears up for the future. It is expected that those who finish basic education in Grade 12 will
be ready for college or tech voc careers. Their choice of careers will be defined when they go
to Grade 11 and 12,
6. nurtures a fully developed youth. Beyond the K to 12 graduates the learner will be ready to
embark on different career paths for a lifetime. You will recall that a school curriculum is of
many types for the Kindergarten to Grade 12 in the country.

• The enhanced curriculum K to 12 curriculum is the Recommended Curriculum. It is to

be used nationwide as mandated by Republic Act 10533.
• When the curriculum writers began to write the content and competency standards of the
K to 12 Curriculum it became a Written Curriculum. It reflects the substance of RA
10533 or the Enhanced Basic Education Act of 2013. In the teacher's class it is the lesson
plan. A lesson plan is a written curriculum in miniscule.
• What has been written in a lesson plan has to be implemented. It is putting life to the
written curriculum, which is referred to as the Taught Curriculum. The guidance of the
teacher is very crucial.

• A curriculum that has been planned, and taught needs materials, objects, gadgets,
laboratory and many more that will help the teacher implement the curriculum. This is
referred to as the Supported Curriculum.
• In order to find out if the teacher has succeeded in implementing the lesson plan, an
assessment shall be made. It can be done in the middle or end of the lesson. The
curriculum is now called the Assessed Curriculum.
• The result of the assessment when successful is termed as Learned Curriculum.
Learned curriculum whether small or big indicates accomplishment of learning outcomes.
• However, there are unplanned curriculums in schools. These are not written, nor
deliberately taught but they influence learning. These include peer influence, the media,
school environment, the culture and tradition, natural calamities and many more. This
curriculum is called Hidden Curriculum or Implicit Curriculum.

So what will be the roles and responsibilities of the teacher in the relations with the school
curriculum, specifically in the K to 12 or the enhanced curriculum for basic education?
Teachers then should be multi talented professionals who
• know and understand the curriculum as enumerated above;
• write the curriculum to be taught;
•plan the curriculum to be implemented;
•initiate the curriculum which is being introduced;
•innovate the curriculum to make it current and updated;
• implement the curriculum that has been written and planned; and
• evaluate the written, planned and learned curriculum.


Activity 8.1 Curricula in the School Setting
It’s time to look around. Discover what curriculum is operating in the school setting. Recall the
types of curriculum mentioned earlier. Can you spot where these are found? Lets do a hunting


Resource Teacher: Randy F. Quinton T- II Teachers Signature: ___________

School: AS Bernardo National High School
Grade/Year Level: Grade 12 Subject Area: INTRODUCTION TO THE

Locate where you can find the following curriculum in the school setting. Secure a copy, make
observations of the process and record your information in the matrix below. Describe your
Type of Curriculum Where Found Description
1. Recommended The Ministry of It identifies the skills, concepts,
Curriculum (K to 12 Education, the and content that will be
guidelines) Commission on Higher emphasized throughout the
Education, or any learning process. A suggested
professional organization curriculum, complete with a list of
can recommend and objectives and material sequence
implement a curriculum. that proposes graduation criteria, is
frequently presented to schools as
a policy suggestion.
2. Written Curriculum Lesson plan or syllabus The one written by curriculum
(Teacher’s Lesson Plan) written by teachers. experts with the help of subject
teachers. This kind of written
curriculum needs to be pilot tested
or tried out in sample schools to
determine its effectiveness.
3. Taught Curriculum Implementation of the A taught curriculum is anything
(Teaching Learning Process) written curriculum. that is being taught or done in the
classroom. The taught curriculum
is exhibited when professors give a
lecture, commence group work, or
urge pupils to conduct a laboratory
experiment under their
4. Supported Curriculum Materials which support Should enable each learner to
(Subject textbook) or help in the achieve real and lifelong learning.
implementation of the
written curriculum.

5. Assessed Curriculum To determine the extent of Series of evaluation are being done
(Assessment Process) teaching or tell if the by extent of teaching or if the
students are progressing. student are progressing.

6. Learned Curriculum What students learned Learning outcomes can be used to

(Achieved Learning determine how competent students
Outcomes) should be at the end of a class.
Learning result can be defined by

what students can do or do in their

cognitive, emotional, or
psychomotor domains. The test
results indicate the learning
outcome, which students can
achieve through learning
7. Hidden Curriculum This may be partially in The hidden curriculum refers to
(Media) what is not taught inside a the unexpected or unwanted
school’s formal curriculum that plays an essential
curriculum. role in learning. It is made up of
procedures, norms, and values. See
the three-minute video below for
further information.


Which of the seven types of curriculum in the school setting is easy to find? Why?

Recommended Curriculum (K – 12 Guidelines) recommended by scholars and

professional organizations Basic Education (by DepEd); Higher Education (by CHED);
Vocational Education (by TESDA) Written Curriculum Documents based on recommended
curriculum syllabi, course of study, module, books, instructional guides, lesson plan. Taught
Curriculum Teaching Learning Process Teachers actually deliver day by day Assessed
Curriculum appears as tests and measures performance state tests, standardized tests, district
tests, and teacher-made tests Learned Curriculum Achieved Learning Outcomes bottom-line
curriculum it is the curriculum that students actually learn.

Which is difficult to observer? Why?

Hidden Curriculum (Media) because this is the unintended curriculum it defines what
students learn from the physical environment, the policies, and the procedures of the school
applied to any learning outcomes that are not expressly designed in a lesson plan.

Are these all found in the school setting? How do curricula relate to one another?

Yes. The relationship between curricula to one another is highly connected and they both
serve to enhance each other. For instance, curriculum is the foundation of education and the
curriculum is what makes the education quality stand out. From a basic level to increasingly
complex topics or skills

Draw a diagram to show the relationship of one curriculum to the other.


7 2
Hidden Written
Curriculum Curriculum

6 3
Learned Taught
Curriculum Curriculum

5 4
Assessed Supported
Curriculum Curriculum

Make a reflection on the diagram that you have drawn.

The relationship between the different types of curriculum is highly connected and they
both serve to enhance each other. Curriculum is one of many tools used to give you an education
or a method you use to do the teaching. Some curriculums work better than others, and/or better
for certain students more than others.

Activity 8.2 The Miniscule School Curriculum: The Lesson, A closer Look

Resource Teacher: Randy F. Quinton T- II Teachers Signature: ___________

School: AS Bernardo National High School
Grade/Year Level: Grade 12 Subject Area: INTRODUCTION TO THE

This activity requires a full les observation from Motivation to Assessment.
1. Secure permit to observe one complete lesson in a particular subject, in particular grade/year
2. Keep a close watch on the different components of the miniscule curriculum: the lesson
3. Follow the three major components of a curriculum (Planning. Implementing and Evaluating/
Assessing. Observe and record your observation.

Observe and Record Observation on the Following Aspects Major Curriculum

Major Curriculum Key Guide for Observation (Carefully look for the
Components indicators/behavior of the teacher along the key points. Write your
observation and description in your notebook.)
A. Planning 1. Borrow the teacher's lesson plan for the day. What major parts do
you see? Request a copy for your use.
Answer the following questions:
a. What are the lesson objectives/learning outcomes?
b. What are included in the subject matter?
c. What procedure or method will the teacher use to implement the
d. Will the teacher assess or evaluate the lesson? How will this be

B. Implementing Now it's time to observe how the teacher implemented the prepared
lesson plan Observe closely the procedure.
a. How did the teacher begin the lesson?
b. What procedure or steps were followed?
c. How did the teacher engage the learners?
d. Was the teacher a guide at the side?
e. Were the learners on task?/ Or were they participating in the
class activity?
f. I Was the lesson finished within the class period?

C. Evaluating/Assessing Did learning occur in the lesson taught? Here you make observations
to find evidence of learning.
a. Were the objectives as learned outcomes achieved?
b. How did the teacher assess/evaluate it?
c. What evidence was shown? Get pieces of evidence

Write a paragraph based on the data you gathered using these key questions?

1. How does the teacher whom you observed compare to the ideal characteristics or
competencies of global quality teachers?
In order for all students to excel in today's world, he encourages and fosters student
learning and innovation. He also works with their students to provide new learning opportunities
and uses data and analytics to help students learn and improve their programs. By cultivating
children's potential, he develops them holistically and internationally competitively.

2. Was the lesson implemented as planned? Describe,

Yes. Before it is utilized in his class, the lessons are laid out. It also depicts how the
primary curriculum components in the course interact and relate to each other. Aside from lesson
planning, he uses a lesson outline or activity checklist, which is a list of the things he will do
throughout the session and that he has prepared.

3. Can you describe the disposition of the teacher after the lesson was taught? Happy and
eager? Satisfied and contented? Disappointed and exhausted?
It demonstrates that the teacher is pleased with herself because he knew he delivered the lesson
as planned, with the students actively engaging and participating in class. He also exemplified
professional attitudes and conduct that aid student learning and project a positive image of

4. Can you describe the majority of students' reactions after the lesson was taught?
Confused? Happy and eager? Contented? No reactions at all.
The majority of students are happy and content because their teacher shows a high level of
tolerance and understanding and gives credit or appreciation for all of their responses, even if
they don't always make sense in relation to the question. This motivates and encourages students
to study hard and boosts their self-confidence to work harder.

Based on your observations and tasks in Activity 2 how will you prepare your lesson plan? Make
a short paragraph on the topic.

According to my observations on how to construct a lesson plan, each component of a

lesson plan should build on the previous one and flow effortlessly into the next. There are other
requirements to follow in addition to the essential components of a program. Each one comprises
characteristics such as the type or level of the students, prior knowledge, or concept
brainstorming, all of which help us maintain the flow and teaching style that you may utilize in
your lesson plan. In addition, students must set learning objectives, create learning activities,
schedule the actual class, and assess their success or growth.

Activity 8.3 Constructive Alignment of the Components of a Lesson Plan

Resource Teacher: Randy F. Quinton T- II Teachers Signature: ___________

School: AS Bernardo National High School
Grade/Year Level: Grade 12 Subject Area: INTRODUCTION TO THE

Using the diagram below fill up the component parts of a lesson plan

I. Title of the Lesson: properties of substance and mixtures

II. Subject area: Chemistry
III. Grade Level: 7

Outcomes Teaching Method Assessment

 Explain the  Virtual Discussion  Virtual

importance of
and Laboratory
Consultation( Fac exercises
understanding ebook Messenger,  Quiz: Multiple
Non-Mendelian Google Choice
Classroom, Questions
inheritance Google Meet)  Problem solving

 ndi
 Determine the
example of Non-
 Ac
Answer the following questions based on the diagram.

1. Are the three components constructively aligned? Explain.

Yes, the three elements are constructively aligned, starting with the learning outcomes
and concluding with the procedures to be utilized to achieve the outcomes and the type of
assessment to be done to identify the student's level of learning. The teacher discusses non-
mendelian inheritance in biology class and asks students about their reactions when they hear the
word. Her teaching technique was to get students to think by giving them context clues.
The teacher's instructional approaches yielded the desired results. Despite the fact that it
was online learning, the teacher offered figures and graphics to aid in the learning process. In
general, we believe that this instructional style has yielded the desired result.

3. What component would tell if the outcomes have been achieved?

The learning outcomes have been met when students achieve passing or above average grades
and perform well in the evaluation and assessment section.


What lessons have you learned in developing or writing a lesson plan?


In order to reach your objectives, you must align the three components while planning or
producing a lesson plan, according to what I've learned about making or writing one. Prepare
ahead of time by determining what information, skills, and values you want your students to gain
or achieve, connecting your lesson to the learning competencies, determining the best way to
achieve the desired results, and providing evaluation and assessment anchored with your learning
outcomes to determine where your students' learning level is.

What value will it give to the teacher if the three components are aligned?

The teacher will recognize the importance of success if all three components are in sync. Success
is something that can provide you delight and contentment when you conduct classes and
effectively train the kids.

SHOW Your Learning Artifacts

Learning Artifacts for Activity 1-3

Present an artifact for Activity 1, 2, and 3.
Activity 1 Artifact
1. Present an evidence for each kind of curriculum operating in the school setting. This
can be pictures, documents or others.

Activity 2: Artifact
1. Present a sample curriculum in a form of a Lesson Plan

Activity 3: Artifact
1. Present a matrix to show the constructive alignment of the three components of a lesson

a. Example:
Lesson Title: The Human Person as an Embodied Spirit.
Subject Area: Introduction to the Philosophy of Human Person
Grade Level: 12

Lesson Outcomes Teaching Methods Evaluation

1. Identify the limitation and These steps should be done In a 1/4 sheet of paper,
possibilities for across the week. Spread out identify the following
transcendence of human the activities appropriately so statement if it true or false.

person thru reporting. that students will learn well.

2. Discuss the Always be guided by 1. Transcendence is the
limitation and possibilities for demonstration of learning by ability to surpass limits.
transcendence of human the students which you can 2. Our body is an important
person. infer from formative tool that allows us to go
3. Appreciate the assessment activities. Sustain beyond our physical limits.
limitation and possibilities for learning systematically by 3. As a human person, we
transcendence of human providing students with have a natural tendencies or
person. multiple ways to learn new inclinations.
things, practice their learning, 4. Transcendence is one of
question their learning the important traits that
processes, and draw distinguishes the human
conclusions about what they person from other beings in
learned in relation to their life existence.
experiences and previous 5. Transcendence also means
knowledge. Indicate the time overcoming oneself or being
allotment for each step. in control even if the body
reminds us of certain

EVALUATE Performance Task


Evaluate Your Work Task. Field Study 1: Episode 8: Close Encounter with the School Curriculum
Learning Outcome: Identify identify the different curricula that prevail in the school setting. *Describe
how the teacher manages the school curriculum by planning, implementing lessons through
different strategies and assessment of learning outcomes.*Analyze if the teacher aligns the
objectives to subject matter, to teaching strategies and assessment.

Name of FS Student: ____________ Date Submitted: _________________

Year & Section: Science 4 Course: BSED

Learning Excellent Very Satisfactory Satisfactory Needs

Episode Improvement
Accomplished All observation One (1) to two (2) Three (3) observation Four (4) or more
Observation questions/tasks observation questions/tasks not observation
Sheet completely questions/tasks answered/accomplish questions/tasks not
answered/accomplish completely ed. answered/accomplis
ed. answered/accomplishe hed.
Analysis All questions were All questions were Questions were not Four (4) or more
answered completely, answered completely, answered completely, observation
answers are with answers are clearly answers are not questions were not
depth and are connected on theories, clearly connected to answered, answers
thoroughly grounded grammar and spelling theories; One (1) to not connected to
on theories, grammar are free from error. three (3) grammatical theories, more than
and spelling are free spelling errors. four (4) grammatical
from error. spelling errors.
Reflection Profound and clear; Clear but lacks depth, Not so clear and Unclear and shallow,
supported by what supported by what shallow, somewhat rarely supported by
were observed and were observed and supported by what what were observed
analyzed. analyzed. were observed and and analyzed.
Learning Portfolio is reflected Portfolio is reflected Portfolio is not Portfolio is not
Artifacts on in the context of on in the context of reflected on in the reflected on in the
the learning the learning outcomes; context of the context of the
outcomes; Compete, Compete, well learning outcomes; learning outcomes;
well organized, organized, very Compete, not not compete, not
highly relevant to the relevant to the organized, relevant to organized, not
learning outcome. learning outcome. the learning outcome. relevant.
Submission Submitted before the Submitted on the Submitted a day after Submitted two
deadline deadline the deadline (2) days or more
after the deadline
Over-all Score (Based on


Score 20 19-18 17 16 15 14 13-12 11 10 9-8 7-below
Grade 1.0 1.25 1.5 1.75 2.00 2.25 2.50 2.75 3.00 3.5 5.00
99 96 93 90 87 84 81 78 75 72 71-Below

Signature of FS Teacher above Printed Name Date
LINK Theory to Practice

Choose the correct answer from the options given

1. When we say school curriculum it only refers to the K to 12 curriculum.
A. This statement is true
B. This statement is not true
C. This statement is half true
D. This statement is silly

2. A professional teacher should skills to address the need for a curricularist EXCEPT one.
Which one is NOT?
A. Knower of the curriculum
B. Believer of the curriculum
C Implementer of the curriculum
D. Writer of the curriculum

3. The influence of multimedia, peers, community tradition, and advancement in technology,

though not deliberately taught in the lessons will influence the curriculum. This is referred to as
A. written curriculum
B. recommended curriculum
C. implemented curriculum
D. hidden Curriculum

4. Which two components of the lesson plan (as a miniscule curriculum) should be aligned?
I. Outcomes and Assessment
II. Assessment and Teaching Methods
III. Outcomes and Teaching Methods

A. I only B. II only C. III only D. I, II and III

5. What is the most important why there should be constructive alignment of the components of
the curriculum?
A. For case of correcting by the school principal
B. To assure that each component contributes to the attainment of the learning outcomes
C. As a required template when starting to write a lesson plan
D. As a model of other lesson plans written and published

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